Real Life Illusion

Real Life Illusion

 Reader Comment: When people are feverishly trying to prove or disprove something we must ask ourselves if the thing they are trying to disprove threatens them.

Why must you ask this? People have many motives in trying to prove or disprove things. It can range from anywhere to playfulness, to dislike of ignorance, to making positive change, to teaching others, to desire to aggravate, etc. Many who feel threatened are more likely to hide their heads in the sand rather than expose themselves to conflict or ridicule.

Question: Why do you sometimes discuss non spiritual topics like global warming?

One of the most important things that I (and other teachers) have taught is the importance of overcoming illusion. The reason for this is that illusion must be overcome before a person can approach the third initiation and make a major step toward liberation.

Now when I speak generally about overcoming maya, glamour and illusion students of all political thought will cheer me on and accept the teaching as inspired and true.

But listening to principles described in general terms and agreeing with them in general is a much different animal than applying them in real life. When we seek to do this then the student will often say Whoa! This is not the path of learning I ordered. I want spiritual things. Let’s meditate or something.

The realization the student must acquire is that all the ingredients of life are spiritual and must be solved through the spiritual eyes of the soul.

One can only solve illusion by seeing the illusion in his life and around him in the world. If he does not see through such illusion his progression on the path has a great wall in front of it that must be dispelled before he can move forward.

One of the reasons I respect the writings of DK so much is that he identified many of the illusions of his day when other teachers ignored them, or in some cases embraced them. For instance, he identified the Nazi threat when it was young whereas many other spiritual teachers didn’t see it as a problem. On hindsight, how enlightened would he have looked if he had not done this?

Even so I would not look like much of a teacher a hundred years from now if I did not identify a few illusions surrounding us.

If the idea of global warming being an apocalyptic threat is not true then most of the world is buying into a great illusion, just as those in the days of Columbus bought into the illusion that the world was flat, even after Copernicus proved otherwise.

Many of the ingredients that cause global cooling and warming are natural and beyond our control, and there is much disagreement as to how much of our present warming is due to human activity vs natural process. Many governments funded climate scientists blame humans, whereas geologists point out the natural cycles and say we are due for another ice age soon and the extra CO2 in the atmosphere may actually protect us from feezing in the long run.

To become a disciple the student must learn to see through illusion, and many of these illusions that must be seen through are not particularly spiritual in the traditional sense.

I am thus presenting the great illusion that there is scientific proof that humans are mostly responsible for global warming as an example of one of the many illusions that must be seen with eyes of vision, seeking that which is true rather than that which we have been told.

The consensus of the world only sees the most obvious of truths – like there are 24 hours in a day, the universe is big, it’s wrong to steal, etc. But if you take the world’s consensus on anything where the truth is not 100 percent obvious then they will often be wrong.

For instance, here are some of the truths the authorities of the world proclaim which involve illusion and are not true at all.

  1. Food supplements are a waste of money.
  2. Throwing more money at our problems is the most important step in solving our problems.
  3. You only live once.
  4. You shouldn’t question something that is widely accepted.
  5. An authority on a subject can see always truth in his expertise better than those not accepted as authorities.
  6. Resources of prosperity are limited.
  7. Prescription drugs are necessary in most cases where they are prescribed.
  8. Humans are mostly responsible for global warming.

There is often much illusion in the things that are proclaimed by the world to be true. One of the principles of discovery is to take in that which the majority believe and then look in the opposite direction. In this opposite direction will be much truth. Many of the things I have presented over the years have been discovered in this manner.

The reader wants to know what the big deal about dispelling the illusion of global warming is about for “all the people who believe in it are trying to do is get us to spend less money on gasoline and electricity? How is my saving money on my electric bill and gas a problem?”

Ah, but you have just put your finger on one of the illusions involved including the false idea that the cost of electricity and gas will go down.  The motive of many behind the global warming movement is much deeper than mere conservation, or reduction of CO2.

For one thing, those who oppose putting more CO2 in the atmosphere also fight tooth and nail against the two forms of energy that produce no CO2 and are responsible for its greatest reduction. They are hydroelectricity and nuclear power. This tells us that the motive of the movers and shakers is not what they say. If CO2 is creating the emergency that they claim then they would want to keep all the dams and build all the nuclear power plants we can.

Many of those involved are anti-free enterprise (and anti-freedom) and want to destroy our present system and replace it with one of their own. This is why many of them appear to be such hypocrites. Actually, many of them are not hypocrites because they do not believe that which they are trying to shove down our throats because they really have another agenda. If polluting the earth would help their real cause many would be pushing us in that direction.

Reader: I do agree many environmentalists are hypocrites. I live in Massachusetts and I can’t stand the many people trying to stop the Cape Cod Wind Project saying it will hurt their beach view. Also, where does J.J. get his information? I’m not trying to offend, I’m genuinely curious and I’d like to be able to check out these books myself.

I’m not sure what information you are referring to but if it is around global warming, I have referenced most of my data on it. The movie I mentioned on “YouTube” is a good one. Here is the link:

One of the best books I have read giving accurate information on global warming is:

 “Unstoppable Global Warming, Every 1,500 Years,” by S. Fred Singer and Dennis T. Avery

On the Senate floor Wednesday March 21, 2007 Senator Inhofe asked Al Gore: “Are you willing to make a commitment here today by taking this pledge to consume no more energy for use in your residence than the average American household by one year from today?”

Senator Inhofe then presented Vice President Gore with the following “Personal Energy Ethics Pledge:

As a believer,:

 * that human-caused global warming is a moral, ethical, and spiritual issue affecting our survival;

 * that home energy use is a key component of overall energy use;

 * that reducing my fossil fuel-based home energy usage will lead to lower greenhouse gas emissions; and

 * that leaders on moral issues should lead by example;

I pledge to consume no more energy for use in my residence than the average American household by March 21, 2008.”

Gore refused to take the pledge.

Senator Inhofe should have given Gore some slack and asked him to limit himself to five times the average household. I’m sure he would have still refused.

Question: Do you think that we should drill and drill and drill for more oil and line the pockets of oil companies with all the ‘profits’?

If businesses didn’t line their pockets with some profit, then civilization would come to a standstill. As I pointed out earlier big oil isn’t lining their pockets nearly as much as big medical, yet are seen as much bigger profiteers. We can’t expect any business to not have self-interest. One is not much more guilty than another in this age. I certainly try to make a reasonable profit in my business.

Question: Specifically, what ‘restrictive laws’ are you concerned about affecting parts of your life?

Laws that would restrict energy use to the extent that our economy could go into a depression – long gas lines, rationing, jail for rebels, etc. The possibilities are endless.

The reader then says that he believes that money can fix our problems and we need to vote with our dollars.

True, voting with our dollars helps. Change is slow though unless something wakes people up.

I hope to be an agent that will stimulate some change in the near future.

John Edwards, a strong advocate of laws to restrict energy use, owns a 28,000 square foot mansion. When asked what his power bill was, he said ‘a couple hundred a month.’

Yeah, right. He appears to join Al Gore who uses 20 times more energy than average in his home in just one of his locations.

March 22, 2007

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The Great Renunciation

The Great Renunciation

Comment: You’ve written about the Great Renunciation otherwise called the Fourth initiation several times and gave reference to examples from the past. Are there any current examples? It would be helpful to give one even if it was fictionalized.

The trouble with writing a fictional Renunciation is that sometimes fiction cannot portray the overwhelming reality with the same intensity as the soul as it sets the stage (for maybe several lifetimes) for the Renunciation to occur.

The advantage of fiction though is I can write it without making any claims or revealing unnecessary history in my own life.

I have met numerous people who think they have gone though the experience merely because they have gone through a difficult circumstance. That is far from enough. The disciple has to be given a choice to give up all that is most dear to him in this world. If there was no choice to avoid the sacrifice, then the renunciation did not yet occur.

In the Great Renunciation the disciple is required to utterly sacrifice everything he holds dear to the highest part of his emotional self. Sacrificing money, a house, a standard love relationship is not enough. He must be willing to sacrifice the highest ideals the emotional self can fathom.

For Abraham it was not his son, but it was the very promise of God that was at stake.

For Jesus it was his highest ideal of service by creating the kingdom of God on the earth so there could be peace and good will according to the song of the angels. He had to let this, his highest desire, evaporate for something higher.

So what could be asked of Joe in the book that would qualify him for the fourth?

It’s difficult to think of something as encompassing as the soul would dream up, but here is a fictional possibility:

 John approaches Joe and tells him he is to cease work on all his writings and destroy them so not a trace of them remains. He must leave Elizabeth and go to India to a remote village and be a servant for a prince there that is a spoiled brat.

 Joe tells John that this makes no sense and demands an explanation.

 John says that he cannot give one. All he can tell him is that this is what he must do.

 Joe refuses. He tells John that he will not even follow him if it goes again his inner self or soul.

 John then says, “Then you should check with your soul. In three days I will visit you and you will tell me what you soul has said along with your decision.”

 Right after John leaves Joe feels something very disturbing at the core of his being. He knows it is the voice of his soul responding to John’s words and it scares the daylights out of him. “My soul could not possibly go along with such a crazy notion,” he thinks. But as the time passes the intensity of inner communion grows and he has to face the fact that his soul agrees with John’s command. In fact, it more than agrees. He receives a fire that seems to descend from heaven and it is so all powerful that it seems he will burn up. There is no doubt what the Spirit is telling him.

 Still he resists and looks for a way out. Maybe the soul or even God could be wrong he thinks. Then a vision of Philo appears. Philo joyfully tells him that Elizabeth needs his presence to have the strength to stay well. Without him she will get ill again and he will look for an opportunity to destroy her. With Joe out of the way it should be easy.

 Now Joe is really upset. How can he betray his wife to this extent? How could she ever understand or forgive him?

 He prays to God with all the intensity of his being, “Father, let this cup pass.”

 There is no answer.

 He then sinks to a state that he never even imagines existed. If he follows John’s words then all that makes life worthwhile for him will be gone.

 He prays and prays again and there is no answer. By the third day all he has is a memory of his answer, but it seems that God, the soul and all that gives hope is gone. It is as if he were in some outer darkness.

 He senses John will return soon and searches for strength to make the decision. He reflects on the feeling that he has had when he has felt the power of the Spirit and decides he will go with Spirit because he has faith this will somehow lead to a final good. Besides, maybe this is a test like Abraham and the sacrifice will not be required.

 John appears and asks for his decision.

 Joe says he will accept, half way expecting a ram in the thicket to appear, but there is no deliverance. He must destroy his writings and leave the next day to India.

 After years of struggle Joe eventually gains strength and learns a great lesson that will help humanity, but most powerful of all he is now attached to nothing in this world. He is ready to do what is necessary to fulfill higher will.

That’s one possibility in as nutshell. A whole book could be written on something like this.

Out of the night that covers me,

      Black as the pit from pole to pole,

I thank whatever gods may be

      For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance

      I have not winced nor cried aloud.

Under the bludgeonings of chance

      My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears

      Looms but the Horror of the shade,

And yet the menace of the years

      Finds and shall find me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,

      How charged with punishments the scroll,

I am the master of my fate,

      I am the captain of my soul.

Invictus  by William Ernest Henley

March 16, 2007

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Questioning God, Part 2

Questioning God, Part 2

Here are the questions I asked the group to ponder:

Is it possible to receive harmful information or direction when it comes to you through the soul?

If you do receive something that can create more harm than good then should this be an indication to you that you are not receiving through the soul.

Is it possible that the disciple can receive some extremely difficult direction through the soul – that may seem dangerous and contrary to all that he has believed in the past?

Some are concerned (and rightfully so) about those who receive harmful revelations in the name of God or supposed higher intelligence. Unfortunately, there have been many who have created great harm and even killed the innocent, even their own children – all feeling they are directed by God.

Does this mean that we should just play it safe and outright reject all communication that comes to us that is above our ability to understand?

For the person who has not established soul contact this would be a good course, for all harmful acts in the name of God do not involve soul contact. Unfortunately, the religious ones without true contact are the most eager to do anything in the name of God to get their big toes in heaven.

The key to harmlessness is not to resist all higher intelligence but to learn to recognize the soul. Safety lies in following those communications that come through the soul and using your common sense to make all other decisions not directly related to soul communications.

So how can one be sure he is getting something through the soul, and even when sure, how do we know that something crazy will not be commanded that will be harmful?

The answer is two-fold.

First, the seeker must learn to recognize the vibration of the soul.

Secondly, he must test its accuracy over and over like a spiritual scientist. If time and time again the communications are accurate then this gives sure evidence that true soul communion has been achieved.

I have tested communications through my own soul many times. It seemed each time I did that the communications were followed up by something more difficult. But I tested them and they proved to be accurate and beneficial. Then after much testing and gaining faith in the inner voice I received several whoppers that tested every fiber of my being. But even here the soul led me in the most harmless direction and one with great reward.

Overall, I have found my soul communications to have been 100 percent reliable as far as I have been able to test them.

Visualize that ten mile path again. Let us suppose there are several pitfalls that are extremely helpful for the seeker to know. A brother has already traveled the whole thing and is observing you on your journey. He realized two things that may give you a major problem. There is a fork at the four-mile point and a trap at the six-mile point. He gives you a warning to not take the left fork and then another to avoid the trap. If you knew for sure that this brother has traveled the path and loves you, would it not make sense to listen and heed his advice? After all, there is no way you can gain his knowledge through reason and common sense alone.

Even so, if a master or high intelligence speaks to you through the soul you will know the communications are sent through the love of the soul and it is to be trusted above the seeker’s own intelligence.

The tricky part is to establish true soul contact and learn to differentiate between emotional contact with the desire body and that of the soul energy.

Reader comment:  Maybe we should just play it safe and outright reject all communication that comes to us that is above our ability to understand?

This is a good approach to those things  which come through the emotional body or they are very distorted, but not to true instructions from a proven source or Master which may also be given through the soul. One can receive data or instructions from a higher intelligence through the soul and not understand the full meaning at all. Even so a Master or Solar Angel (outside of himself) will contact the disciple through the soul and send the communication to him along with a soul vibration so the disciple can recognize the signature of both the Master and the soul. It is true that even the Master can make mistakes but at least soul contact will verify the Master’s contact and you will know you are dealing with a more advanced (and yet benevolent) intelligence than yourself.

This is much different than following an outside authority because communion of higher intelligence is verified from within through the soul.

What I have counseled against is accepting any outside authority, even angelic, without soul verification but have said that we can even find truth in the National Enquirer if read through the eyes of the soul.

Comment: There have been many religious leaders who think they are receiving from God yet have initiated harmful wars and other acts.

If a person is in a state to receive consistent soul contact, then the chances or turning it into something that it is not, or ugly, is very low, unless he becomes corrupted over a period of time. The disciple who gets instruction via soul contact is usually true to the instructions. If not, his soul will withdraw. And nothing he says from that point on will make much sense.

Every unjust war in history has not been started by one with soul contact.

Hitler did not have soul contact and started World War II. Churchill did have some contact and fought to defend his country and his following the soul turned to something liberating for the world. The same with Lincoln.

Question: Can we question or challenge your teachings here?

I started teaching here in 1998 and for a few years we had a completely unmoderated group. During this time all kinds of people came forward and questioned and challenged me to mental duels.

I figured this was a good thing to deal with even though many in the group grumbled that I spent too much time in dealing with people who seemed to want to argue rather than learn anything. On the other hand, I felt that when most of the challenges and questions were answered then we could have them in the archives so when the questions came up again, we could just refer them to the archives and move on.

Since then, the archives have indeed been useful in answering various questions and challenges leaving me free to give out more teachings.

Then after several years, disruptions and even threats became too obnoxious and distracting so we switched to a moderated group. This caused a large percentage of disruptive people to just stay away, for many such people cannot stand to be moderated in any way.

The moderated group has been more peaceful but this does not mean I am not questioned. You must keep in mind that one can question without being rude. It seems that some think that I am not challenged unless I am insulted or someone lashes out at me emotionally.

Many here have questioned the truth of my statements, usually in a civil and friendly manner. I have no problem at all with this.

Comment: I think some here are afraid to speak their mind as some get upset when questions are asked.

People do not get upset over a respectful challenge, but get upset over rudeness and repetition of that which has already been thoroughly covered.

Also, I do not know why it is so difficult for some to understand that this is not a free-for-all group, but a class and we do not want posts that will take us way off course. For instance, one member keeps submitting posts on political conspiracies. I must have rejected dozens of them because they are off topic.

The average person thinks he isn’t. Father Larry Lorenzoni

March 12, 2007

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Navigating the Path

Navigating the Path

Question: It seems that everyone who claims higher contact gets something different and many either contradict each other or are proven wrong. What can we really trust?

Here’s what creates the problem. One communication through the soul does not contradict another communication through the soul, BUT over 90 percent of what people call soul or higher communications, contacting the Holy Spirit, God, receiving revelations, Jesus, the Spirit etc. are merely contacts made with the emotional self. A thoughtform may be involved, but always there is emotional feeling that makes the person positive he communed with the divine in some way.

An emotional contact disguised as a divine communication brings information that is peculiar to the person’s own thinking and feeling nature which is different than any other person. Thus, an emotional revelation will not be in harmony with either reality or other people’s emotional revelations – unless they are tapping into the same mass thoughtform.

On the other hand, soul contact brings contact with an essence that vibrates at the registration of true principles. The contact of one person will not contradict the contact of another. Neither will contact at one period of time contradict contact at another time in an individual’s life.

There is a principle that helps here. The lower cannot understand the higher, but the higher can understand the lower. The person who makes emotional contact cannot understand or relate to he who has soul contact. He who has soul contact can understand emotional contact as well as soul contact and differentiate between the two.

Visualize the path to liberation as an actual path ten miles long through a diverse landscape. True soul contact begins the journey at the zero point.

Many people without soul contact have been taught about this path and what it will be like. Some concentrate so much on it that they have dreams, visions, strong feelings and imaginings of what will be found upon the path.

The problem for them is that almost all the details they reveal about the path are not only wrong but do not even agree with each other.

On the other hand, those who have actually entered the path and traveled upon it do know what will be found at the various markers of 1, 2, and 3 miles until they get to ten.

Let us say there is a beautiful lake at the three-mile point and the traveler meets two others who claim to have knowledge of the path. The person who has not traveled the path but imagines that he knows will not describe the lake or know anything about it. But if the pilgrim meets a fellow traveler he will indeed know about the lake at the three-mile point and the two can share communion.

Now let us take a traveler who has gone to the seven-mile point who meets another who has gone only to the three-mile point. They both will have knowledge of the path up to the lake and will give the same non-conflicting revelations about it. But the seeker at the three-mile point will have no certain knowledge of what lies between the three and seven mile point.

He who is farther along on the path will understand all that has transpired behind him and his knowledge will encompass all that the second traveler has, plus four extra miles. The second traveler can understand up to the three-mile point, but he cannot completely understand the first traveler’s knowledge until he also arrives at the seven-mile point.

Even though two who are upon the path will not contradict each other their descriptions may differ just as do our descriptions in physical reality differ.

For instance, visualize two seekers arriving at the three-mile point. One looks to the right and concentrates on taking in the beautiful lake. The second sees the lake also but is captivated by the beautiful mountains on the left.

When teaching one may talk about the mountains and the other concentrate on the lake, but both will be aware that both the mountains and the lake were there. There may be a difference in their description, but no contradiction.

 Question: If I start following some inner voice that I labeled “The Spirit of God”, why in the world should I expect to be the exception? Am I so special that my Spirit of God would be the true one?

You will not be the exception. Eventually everyone finds soul contact, but we all find many illusionary paths before finding the right one.

The worst thing we can do is nothing like the two guys paralyzed in the parable of Decision. If we follow the highest we know and move ahead to the best of our ability we will indeed make many mistakes, but the pure in heart will discover their mistakes and correct them. It is only a matter of time before the true seeker enters the path as a knower.

The reader makes the point that he gives me more credibility because I make no claims rather than representing some great master. He likes my core teaching that we are to follow the highest we know.

Seriously, I’m glad you realize the significance of that phrase. It is indeed something we can all do without worrying if we are high or low on the ladder. It matters not that the highest one knows may be different than the highest seen by another. If we follow the highest we know, and correct our mistakes as we go, then the path of liberation lies ahead. Not only this, but all who do this receive an inner peace and stability even though outside forces may be aligned against their progress.

A loud voice cannot compete with a clear voice, even if it’s a whisper. Barry Neil Kaufman

March 11, 2007

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Questioning God, Part 1

Questioning God, Part 1

Question: Wasn’t the Bible story of Abraham being commanded to kill his own son a terrible example? What’s to prevent crazy religious people from claiming to hear the voice of God commanding them to do destructive things?

This is an important subject to bring up – one that I have been meaning to elaborate on for a while.

It is certainly true that there have been many atrocities committed in the name of God or religion. In fact, it seems that whenever you see or hear of a person doing something extremely unreasonable that religion is somehow involved. An exception may be the female astronaut who drove 900 miles in diapers to kill her boyfriend’s new girlfriend but even here a religious element wouldn’t surprise me.

The problems with communications thought to be from God or a higher source is they come from three sources:

[1] The Beast or outer authorities who are accepted as speaking for God.

[2] The inner emotional nature.

[3] Real higher intelligence.

Now if a person rejects the idea that there is such a thing as real contact with higher intelligence then he is wise to just reject all commands inner and outer that do not make sense or seem harmful.


If the person believes there is such a thing as contact with intelligence higher than his own self then it is logical that this higher vision and seeing will go against many of his preconceived notions.

The problem we encounter is that those in categories (1) and (2) above will think they are in contact with higher intelligence either directly or indirectly and may receive destructive intelligence. How is one to tell that he may not be dealing with category three?

For one thing, category one is easy to eliminate. If the seeker is receiving commandments from God through a mortal human and not his inner self then he should not trust any outer advice that does not make sense.

This is easier said than done as all the suicide bombers in the middle east (for example) are recruited by individuals who claim to speak for God and command the unsuspecting souls to go sacrifice themselves and kill the innocent.

Don’t think that they are the only ones who will follow odd commands. Just ask the faithful Mormons what they would do if the Prophet told then to sell all they have tomorrow and immediately move to Missouri and see what they say. A large percentage of the faithful would do it without question.

If they would do this without question then they would do much more – perhaps unthinkable things.

The world is just fortunate that a Mormon prophet has not come along who is deranged. Fortunately, most religious leaders at least conform to the morals of the day. There are exceptions. A notable one was Jim Jones who commanded his people to drink poison Kool Aide. Hundreds did without question.

The question then arises – what about true communication with higher intelligence? How should we handle this?

The first step in dealing with it is to learn to differentiate between something received from the lower self and that of higher benevolent intelligence.

The problem for those who have not yet made higher contact is their highest reception comes from their own emotional nature. If they associate an aspect of their emotional nature with God (as many do) then they have a problem. Any knowledge or commands they may receive could lead them most anywhere and create significant harm.

There is a strange difference between those who receive a command from the emotional nature and those who receive one from benevolent higher intelligence and it is this. Those who receive from their emotional nature will usually follow without question and those who receive from higher intelligence will be very questioning and doubting – at first.

Many would assume the truth would be the other way around, but it is not for this reason.

Those commands from the emotional nature are placed there by the thinking and feeling of the person himself. Because the direction (however odd) comes from himself he is likely to instantly and without question accept it. It usually fits within his belief system even if it is something crazy like drinking poison Kool Aide.

Now the person who receives higher intelligence must do so through the soul whether it comes from his Higher Self or a Master. When he reaches the point where he makes his first solid soul contact, he has already passed beyond the stage where he is deceived by his lower emotions. When making his first soul contact, he realizes the vibration and intelligence behind it is different than an emotional communication. Even though he realizes this he is reluctant to believe the communication is from God or higher intelligence or that it is reliable. He usually rejects it the first several times it is received.

But sometime after the rejection he comes to realize that he made a great error in ignoring the communication – that he would have been much better off if he had followed the advice.

After several times of seeing the higher intelligence was better than his own, he decides to give it a try the next time it comes. Then when it does come, the information is difficult to accept. If he does accept it, he later finds that the guidance saved him much grief and over a period of time he finds that this contact through the soul is the closest thing there is to infallibility. The only thing that can cause problems with it is if his own memory and feeling nature distort that which was received, but if the disciple is true to himself this will be reduced to a minimum.

We will continue this discussion but first let me ask the group:

Is it possible to receive harmful information or direction when it comes to you through the soul?

If you do receive something that can create more harm than good then should this be an indication to you that you are not receiving through the soul.

Is it possible that the disciple can receive some extremely difficult direction through the soul – that may seem dangerous and contrary to all that he has believed in the past?

In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed. – R.W. Emerson

March 8, 2007

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Steps in Progression

Steps in Progression

Question: Are there higher entities than the Hierarchy of the Earth? If so shouldn’t we seek to follow them for maximum progression?

Our progression is not dependent on any one outside entity. I have taught over and over that one must abide by that which is received through the soul – that even if it appears that God himself manifests to you and tells you otherwise – then you must disregard it if it is not in harmony with the inner being. One must only follow another entity, no matter how great, if his teachings reverberate within the highest parts of our own god selves.

For instance: When Lech Walesa challenged the Soviet Empire and led Poland to independence my soul within expressed joy and union with the man and I gave him all my inner support. But then there were other things later he did my soul was fairly neutral on so I put my inner attention elsewhere.

Example two: Our governor here in Idaho wants to trim unnecessary spending. My soul says yes and I support him 100 percent.

Question: Wouldn’t we be following a path of diminished freedom if we are not following the highest lives?

The opposite is true. When people attempt to take a larger step than their consciousness will allow then they are in danger of being deceived by the Dark Brotherhood.

If you climb a 20-step ladder and attempt to climb more than one step at a time you are likely to fall off and hurt yourself. If you try to take five steps at a time you are deceived and a fool. You will accomplish nothing.

The beginner on the path will look at the top step and imagine the great view he will have and want to jump up there in one leap, but will accomplish nothing.

Only by being humble and realizing one is on the first step can the seeker take the first step.

We must expand our ring-pass-not where we are, not where we are not. Freedom for the worm is the discovery of better soil where he can be nourished. He has no concept of what freedom for an advanced human is. The worm knows nothing about nuclear fusion which we are currently working on to bring humanity greater freedom. It would be silly to attempt to communicate such a concept to a worm for it has nothing to do with his next step.

Even so, we are like worms in relation to some of the higher lives. The expansion of their freedom has nothing to do with our next step. It would only be a distraction for them to even attempt to explain it to us.

The only entities that can help us are those that are a step or maybe two above us. If they are more than two steps ahead, then their attention concerning their freedom is on such a different level that it would be beyond our understanding – just as an earthworm cannot understand the internet and the freedom it gives us.

The maximum movement going up a ladder is to always take the next step. It diminishes progress and freedom to attempt more than you can climb and to have an accident and fall off.

The maximum joy is not found on the top step. The joy is in the journey. There is no freedom if you miss the great experiences of taking the steps on the path that take you through the beautiful scenery of life.

Question: How do you differentiate between those on the dark and light side?

That which is darkness interferes with the seeker taking his next step. That which is in harmony with the Brotherhood of Light helps us move forward in taking our next step forward toward greater freedom, light and understanding.

I glean from your previous comments that you have a great desire to skip the hard work and take a giant leap to some ultimate reality where no more progress will be needed. This attitude is common among beginners and hinders them from taking that real first step on the path to discipleship.

May you see where you are and work on your next step rather than attempt to make a giant leap into the abyss. Or, to put it another way… If you are going to eat a Big Mac do not attempt to eat it in one swallow or you could choke to death.

Question: If you are not following the highest entities does this mean you are following the Dark Brothers?

This is completely untrue and misguided. No one is on the dark side when he is attempting to take his next step in progress and filling the measure of his creation. Would we say that a beaver is serving darkness because he does not understand human concepts? Of course not. If he is fulfilling the measure of his creation then he is serving the light is his own way just as a human disciple is. Correspondingly, if a human is taking his next step, he is serving the light in his own measure just as the Solar Logos would be.

If a person is moving forward in his progress then he is not on a dark path. A person takes the dark path when he ignores the path forward and reverts to reestablishing the past as the main standard. I’ve written on this in quite a bit of detail so do not wish to repeat myself too much here.

On the other hand, we sometimes take detours from the path, but still arrive at the destination, but just later than planned. For instance, let’s say I decide to take a trip from Boise to Salt Lake. Then half way there I decide to go off the main route and go to Preston, Idaho where they filmed Napoleon Dynamite. I stay there two days, then backtrack and move onward to Salt Lake. If you really wanted to argue just for argument’s sake you could say that the detour to Preston was a necessary part of the trip because we have to look at the trip as a whole.

Realistically, one would have to concede that the trip was intended to take five hours and the trip to Preston was an unplanned detour that delayed the arrival.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865)

March 3, 2007

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