Our Serpent Past

Our Serpent Past

Reader question: “I have a question for you, but I’m almost afraid to ask it, as it could be potentially loaded! I’ll ask it anyway. How does this analogy apply to the difference human races on our planet? You say that the Reptilian races are not as receptive to soul contact as mammalian races. Does that same idea hold true with the different human races? Is one particular race more receptive to soul contact than another?”

There’s no question too loaded for us here.

This does hold true for the races but not in the way you may think.

First it is incorrect thinking to see one race as superior to another. The correct view is to see each race as having a different purpose. As it stands in our current evolution it is possible that any of us could incarnate into any of the human races if the need and karma required it.

The question to ask ourselves is this.

“If I incarnated as white, red, yellow or brown would I be inferior or superior as a member of one of those races?”

The answer is that you would still be you and your degree of intelligence and achievement would be unaltered. You would, however, be able to utilize the attributes peculiar to the race in which you may find yourself.

Consider this. The fourth root race is the Atlantean and these people were somewhat oriental in their physical features. The Aryan is the latest race, the fifth and DK indicates that consciousness more than physical characteristics determines who is in this race meaning that many members of all the physical races are Aryan.

Is it possible that all the enlightened will incarnate as a particular race, such as caucasion, as some think?

Not so fast. Let us take a look at who incarnated as an oriental. None other than our mentor, the Master DK. His oriental leanings show in his writings for he often mentions the advantages of the oriental body for meditation, yoga and other purposes.

DK is mysteriously silent about the black race as far as its origins and purposes. He merely tells us that they have a unique place in our evolution and strongly supported their civil rights as equals during that troublesome time that he wrote 1920-1950. Some teach that the blacks were part of the Atlantean race for in those times not all had an oriental look. There were a variety of races and colors during that period.

Just as each of our bodies is a temporary home, even so is each race temporary and will pass away.

In the past the Hierarchy worked more closely with the separate physical aspects of race in such a way that would be considered racist today, but as we approach the coming Sixth Root Race the keynote becomes synthesis. All the current races will become synthesized into the coming race. DK tells us that the difference in the coming race will not be so much physical as a change in consciousness and that this race of higher consciousness will emerge from all the races. Then with the intermarriage today happening on a scale never seen before we have the beginnings of all races synthesizing into one dominate race with only subtle differences between cultures and nations. These eventual blurring of the differences between race will also diffuse the exclusivity and hatred that occurs with such differences.

The serpent race I mentioned earlier should not be seen as evil but as a step in our early evolution. When it served its purpose it became time for it to go just as when the current races serve their purpose it will be time for the synthetic sixth race to take over.

DK only hints at the serpent race in our past. I may expand on his thoughts when I get the time.

I will just give a couple quotes:

“The reptile kingdom is the most important part of the animal kingdom in certain aspects, if such an apparently contradictory statement can be made. For all animal life can be seen passing through it during the prenatal stage, or returning to it when the form is in advanced decomposition.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 893

“In this solar system he has to mount by the putting his foot upon the serpent of matter. He rises by domination of matter and becomes himself a serpent of wisdom.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 688

“The mystery of Capricorn is hidden in these five and in the Biblical words ‘the sheep and the goats.’ The Christian hints at this when he speaks of the Christ reigning on earth a thousand years during which the serpent is imprisoned. The Christ principle will triumph for the remainder of the manvantara, and the lower material nature and mind will be held in abeyance until the next round, when fresh opportunity will arise for certain groups of the discarded, though the majority will be held over until another system.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 706

“The secret of the reptile kingdom is one of the mysteries of the second round, (A previous earth-JJ) and there is a profound significance connected with the expression “the serpents of wisdom” which is applied to all adepts of the good law. The reptile kingdom has an interesting place in all mythologies, and all ancient forms of truth impartation, and this for no arbitrary reason. It is not possible to enlarge upon the underlying truth which is hidden in the karmic history of our planetary Logos, and is revealed as part of the teaching given to initiates of the second degree.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 893

Note that he gives the hint that the stories of serpents are of “no arbitrary reason,” hinting that there is truth behind the mythology. Very little, except a few hints are given out about our serpent past, but this form had a place in the second through the fourth races. They became extinct during Atlantean times.

In my last post I said that the Gods, the Elohiym, appear in standard human form, and this has been the case in recent human history, but I might add that the higher lives can appear in any form and it is possible that in very ancient times it served a purpose to appear as serpents as indicated by some of the legends.

Because the serpent humanoid is now a symbol of the past, which has served its purpose, there is little need for higher lives to use this form except as a symbol of domination of spirit over matter – the serpent representing matter.

Copyright by J J Dewey

May 13, 2003

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Using Mind

Using Mind

We received quite a few posts on the “Avoidance of Thought” as previously discussed. Looks like many of you have had to deal with the problem. This avoidance on the part of the emotionally polarized is indeed a trial of the patience of the mental person.

Now let us move on to the next attribute.

The emotional person makes up mind then looks for facts to support his mindset.

The mental looks for facts and then makes up mind.

Contemplate this distinction as a seed thought and see how it plays out.

Example: The emotional person, because of religious teachings, may have a mindset that the universe is between 6,000-10,000 years old. He then only looks for facts that will verify this belief. The amazing thing is that he seems to find quite a few.

On the other hand, the mental person begins his search with an open mind realizing that all he has been taught could be wrong. He gathers facts and then draws his conclusion based on the evidence and not upon dogma or preconceived notions.

Upon taking this approach the mental person will normally conclude the earth and universe is billions of years old, a far different conclusion than the emotional person who leans upon dogma.

Because of this do not conclude that all scientists take the mental approach. Some have an emotional attachment to their pet theories. The standard Big Bang is one many cling to with emotional attachment. According to this, the Big Bang happened around 13.5 billion years ago. I found it interesting that when the Hubble Telescope observed galaxies dated around 21 billion years old that many scientists swept this discovery under the rug and did not let it disturb their belief system. (Note: This report was so successfully swept under the rug that you cannot even find it now)

There are emotional and mentally polarized in all avenues of thought. See if you can discover how they manifest this attribute.


Curiously I see the dialog did lead to discussing David Icke and his teachings that evil lizard shape shifters are among us. Is it possible that such a thing could be true?

This leads us to the next attribute.

When an emotional person comes cross something that goes against his belief system or sounds fantastic by his group standards he will immediately write it off as being untrue. He will refuse to listen to any argument to the contrary.

On the other hand, the mental person will always consider the probabilities, and if there is even a slim chance of a thing being true he will be open to the possibility. He will listen to any logical argument to support a fanciful belief.


On the other side of the pendulum, the emotional person will all too readily accept a teaching that fits within his belief system or has the approval of his group. He will often accept that for which there is no evidence to substantiate.


The mental person will never accept carte blanche, but will question and analyze even within his belief system and among his peers.

These lines of approach used by the mental person are confusing for the emotional. On one hand, he considers the mental person gullible when he is open to the far-fetched as worthy of investigation, but then he will condemn him as closed-minded, on the other, when he questions a cherished emotional doctrine.

This brings us to an interesting dividing line between the two groups and the second Key into consideration. When presented with a belief the mental person will use judgment and the result of that judgment will not be predictable to the emotional person.

The emotional person will forfeit judgment and lean on his belief system and his group influence as the main determining factor in what he accepts and believes.

Reader Comment: “I am closed-minded in the sense that if something or someone contradicts something I know to be true then I hold what else they say in doubt.”

Knowing a thing beyond reasonable doubt and believing a thing are two different items.

I know beyond a reasonable doubt that I am sitting here typing on this computer, but I only have a belief that the stock market will go up tomorrow. It is good judgment to use that which we know as guidelines to sifting knowledge. On the other hand, the emotional person will use beliefs as his guidelines for truth, often giving a nebulous belief more weight than a known reality.

That said let us examine Icke’s teaching that shape-shifting lizards are among us. Since I have never seen a shape-shifting lizard among humanity, never seen a picture of one or never met a person who has seen one I have absolutely no evidence that they exist. This does not mean they do not exist, but I have no reason to believe such a thing.

On the other hand, even though this belief is very fantastic, I do not completely rule it out and because of other factors I do have an explanation for the fact that many have claimed to have seen lizard shape-shifters.

Early in the history of our humanity there was a lizard-like race. The talking snake in the Garden of Eden is evidence of this. These entities were spiritual vampires and sought to dominate and eventually destroy the human race. This generated karma for them which destroyed their own race instead and humankind. Some of the darkest of these ancient entities are now too low in vibration to incarnate, but others have moved on and incarnated into the human race. Many of the serpent people are very astute and are in positions of power and authority in the earth.

Now we come to the reason some think they see shape shifters. Every now and then a person who is very sensitive will come across an entity who was a member of the serpent race in a past life and with psychic vision he will see him as he was in the ancient past rather than as he is now. When this happens the person will sometimes believe he has seen a shape-shifter.

The person’s shape did not change. Instead the angle of vision changed.

Question: Have you known emotional people who did not use judgment and were either too quick to believe or disbelieve? Describe. Did you go through a process of learning to use judgment in your life?

The Two Evolutions

A reader responds saying that he has doubts about my teachings on the reptilian race, but he is trying to keep an open mind and keeping it on the shelf.

You are correct to not go along with any teaching, whether it seems to be from God, angels or men, unless it registers inside. You also show a positive example by placing the teaching on the shelf and not dismissing it out of hand.

I think all of us have a number of teachings on the shelf waiting to see how they fit (or not fit) in.

In fact this “on the shelf” idea is a principle which plays out even with the highest of lives. The Ancient of Days himself receives teachings from the Solar Logos that must be put on his shelf before he can assimilate.

Perhaps if I give the principle behind this serpent race teaching it will make more sense.

On most of the planets similar to earth throughout the universe there is a struggle in evolution between two groups of lives. These two groups are the warm blooded mammalian and the generally cold blooded serpent lives.

On each of these planets, including earth, these two groups achieved the beginnings of humanoid form and consciousness. Because they were so different from each other and the consciousness of that point in evolution is centered on survival of the fittest, there always occurs an evolutionary struggle as to which group will represent the humanoid upon the planet.

In early evolutionary times the serpent lives will dominate, but because the mammalian humanoids are more sensitive to soul contact they eventually prevail, except on a handful of planets which are dominated by the Dark Brothers.

As the mammalian humanoids become dominate the reptilian race becomes extinct and the serpent entities who are ready for higher evolution incarnate in the race they once saw as inferior. Most of them adapt and move on, but a handful carry with them the desire to dominate and seek to enslave the human race of today.

The creation of Adam in the image of God has a physical aspect to it. Some ancients saw the mammalian humanoids as being in God’s image because the higher lives they worshipped bore this image. The serpent race cannot achieve the spiritual contact necessary to become as the gods (“as one of us”).

It is interesting that many of those who claim to have seen extraterrestrials depict some aliens as forms which have evolved from the serpent side.

Copyright by J J Dewey

May 5, 2003

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Quieting the Storms

Quieting the Storms

A reader expressed difficulty in see   the truth of these words I posted: “The creation of a molecule is not difficult because of the degree of soul contact necessary. There are many who have such contact. What is the difficult part is the willingness to use the contact they have to insure oneness.”

Anyone who consciously touches the soul, even once, has a strong desire to gather with others who also have soul contact. These individuals are also happy to acknowledge the soul in strangers and casual contacts. The problem of unwillingness manifests when the personality and imperfections (of others) which accompany it come to the attention of the fledgling disciple. Until the disciple passes the third initiation and learns to stay focused on the light of the soul, in season and out of season, he is susceptible to distraction.

Let us say we had a group of people capable of soul contact. Ralph has had some soul contact and desires to join. The group is friendly and the meetings are inspired. There are several times that he touches the soul and shares spiritual love with all the members. He feels like he has gone home and all seems well.

But not for long…

One day Jane asks him about his background and he mentions he grew up in a Jehovah Witness family. Jane then expresses her irritation at the Witnesses who come to her door almost weekly. “Pests” she called them and this was a trigger word that rang in Ralph’s mind.

Now instead of seeing Jane and the rest of the group as Solar Angels he begins to focus on them as imperfect mortals. Ralph wonders if there are others who are as intolerant as Jane. He also wonders if this intolerance is just the tip of the iceberg with Jane.

Sure enough, next week he finds what he is looking for. In the next meeting he notices that Jane is going out of her way to be the teacher’s pet by being extra friendly to the group leader. He concluded that she wasn’t really friendly, but just putting on a show to be the center of attention. Then during the group discussion Jane talks about the Jehovah Witnesses who came to her door again. She tried to enlighten them but they seemed beyond reach. She used words like “closed minded” “zealots” and “beyond reach.”

“How insensitive,” thought Ralph. “She knows my family are Jehovah Witnesses.

During the next few weeks Ralph pats himself on the back for making a Herculean effort to remain in the soul despite numerous other faults exhibited by Jane. He begins to wonder how any true disciple should be expected to put up with such shenanigans as she displays.

Then Ralph begins to privately mention his concerns with Jane to the members of the group. Some seem to see his point and others do not. Ralph begins to divide the group in his mind between Jane supporters and Jane opposers. Within a short time he starts seeing as many faults in the Jane supporters as he did with Jane herself. On top of this, the group leader seems to like and support Jane. How could he overlook her dark side if he was truly in the soul?

Now only a short time passes before all of Ralph’s attention is taken off of the soul and focused on the personality. In this state of mind he concludes that he was wrong about the group. Most of the people are far from being ready for soul contact.

He then stirs up several members who agreed with him and they leave the group and start one of their own.

All this time Ralph had absolutely no doubts about his own soul contact, but, of course, was gravely concerned about that of others.

He forgot the basic injunction of Christ that we must pull the beam out of our own eyes before we can see the sliver of faults in the eyes of our brethren.

This problem occurs to some degree in almost any group of people who have spiritual contact and service.

The solution, of course, is to let those who have the downward cast vision depart to enter again the lower grades of learning.

A reader expresses difficulty in understanding how two or more people having a degree of soul contact would not continue in love and trust.

Ralph and Jane gathered together in soul contact and it was not long before the separated. Many couples meet and experience soul contact approving their union, only to experience a bitter divorce a few years later.

Many spiritual groups have been formed with lots of love, soul contact and good will only to become sharply divided a short time later, sometimes as bitter enemies.

The sad part of all this is that the initial offense is often a harmless comment, not meant to offend.

Every aspiring disciple must go through this fire of temptation from the faults of others that can cause a shift of attention from the soul to the personality.

The same excuse is always voiced, which goes something like this.

“Anyone in his right mind would be driven crazy by the likes of him/her. You can’t expect me to stay in the group and take this type of abuse!”

The question the aspiring disciple needs to ask is not how many faults the other guy has. Instead he must ask himself this.

“Am I headed toward a consciousness where no one, not even the devil himself, can take my attention away from the soul and the ability to see Christ in the hearts of all my brothers and sisters?”

Question: What if a group member is truly obnoxious or harmful?

Answer: He will be dealt with according to the laws of the group. As long as he is still in the group the job of the disciple is to not take offense, to not rise to anger, to not stir others to take sides against the wayward brother, to not judge through the eyes of the lower nature, but to stay focused in the soul irrespective of the storms on the outside.

When Jesus and the apostles were at sea a great storm arose and the disciples feared for their lives. Yet Jesus did not focus his attention on the outer chaos. Instead he maintained an inner peace. From that point of inner peace he spoke the words: “Peace. Be still.”

He spoke and the storms were no more.

The duty of the disciple is to find that inner peace, even in the midst of the horrific personality storms, which do arise. From that point of peace he speaks: “Peace, Be still.”

He speaks and discovers the storm was only in his own aura. The storms of his lower nature are no more and he finds the key to peace is not to quiet another, but his own self.

And in that quiet he finds the soul contact which never fails.

Copyright by J J Dewey

May 2, 2003

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Following the Soul

Following the Soul

I received a letter from a reader who asks several questions that may be of value to share with the group.

The first question is centered around soul contact.

“You’ve stated that your primary focus in this life is to teach others how to achieve soul contact. This must take place so we can have working vessels to create molecules which will precipitate the opening of the window into the God Kingdom…

“This line of thought is delicious to my mind and creates great excitement in my heart. What a fantastic concept this is. My problem is that I have not found practical application to soul contact. I have not experienced soul contact, in fact based upon contemplation of the questions asked by your list members, I do not see any evidence that they are either. I’m not saying this to be negative . I’m stating a concern. I am in this for the long haul. I am going to leap through that damn window and am becoming gravely concerned that I am not producing the elementary function of soul contact.

“Am I not evolved enough? Your soul contact is as easy as breathing. How? If it is as easy and basic as you paint it out to be in your writings – then why can’t I do it? Am I not smart enough?

Before I answer this let us go on to his next question:

“I was jogging around the track feeling guilty or bummed out that I hadn’t meditated or prayed in 2 or 3 days – when all of a sudden I was in my New Jerusalem room. (New members will want to reference the New Jerusalem Meditation) The amazing thing is that my eyes were open and I was still running. All the objects and people in my room stayed in their perimeter orbit around me. Maybe this doesn’t explain it. They held their position in the room and the room moved with me wherever I went. Anyway from this experience I learned that I can meditate or be in the New Jerusalem in different places. This is a good discovery for me. The only problem is that the more I focus on activities in the New Jerusalem, the slower I run.

“So I’m running the other day and blip into the New Jerusalem room and I turn to where John is standing and then his face came very close to mine and his aura forms into a fiery crown on his head and his entire eye sockets turned to a smooth sky blue. What was John telling me? Why doesn’t he just use words instead of riddles in pictures?”

JJ: This is an interesting question coming from a man who is concerned about having soul contact. Many would like to have enough contact to have an experience as you just did.

Let me answer your second question first.

Our Solar Angels operate on several planes to communicate with human entities according to the highest they can perceive. Unfortunately the soul does not speak in English or any other human language. It does, however, speak in the language of principles which are often translated by our minds and other parts of our nature into forms and symbols. Then at times our subconscious will sometimes even translate them into words. These words and symbols will not be infallible because of our own lack of understanding, but they can be very helpful if we contemplate on the transmission.

Your soul brought you to an awareness of the New Jerusalem during your exercise period which is a very unexpected time to have a spiritual experience. The reason for this is to teach you that the kingdom of God is with you always in every situation, whether you are in prison, working, exercising etc. All we have to do is to pay attention. But this is easier said than done.

John’s face comes very close to you. Your soul is telling you that your Solar Angel, or soul contact is closer to you than you realize. You have been worrying about soul contact, but your soul is closer to you than you know.

Next his aura forms into a fiery crown on his head. The aura here is a symbol of the light you have been seeking. The aura gathering into a crown on the head is telling you that you have reached a milestone of achievement in your life. Keep in mind though that there are many more levels to reach, but you are being commended for moving to your next level. The fact that John is the symbol used here shows that you know that many of the teachings I have given out have assisted you.

Next “his entire eye sockets turned to a smooth sky blue.”

Blue is a sign of thought and mind and the eyes, of course, of seeing. This is telling you that your next step is to develop your mind and use the mind to obtain full power over the emotions. You will so this by developing the ability to see things as they are and centering your mind and attention on the light of this knowing.

Now briefly to the first question. There are many degrees of soul contact. All of us, no matter where we are on the path, receive a flow of energy from the soul. However contact is made when the entity and the soul become mutually aware of each other. This is very subtle at first, often called the still small voice. Since the soul does not speak English the voice is not a voice like the spoken word. Even so, our subconscious interplaying with consciousness can translate the impression into words.

After we begin to notice the soul, the contact increases according to how much attention we pay and how diligently we are to following that which we have received.

I believe you have a degree of soul contact, as well as many in the Keys group. You speak, however, of the ideal soul contact, or that which is necessary to produce the group oneness necessary to create a working molecule.

The creation of a molecule is not difficult because of the degree of soul contact necessary. There are many who have such contact. What is the difficult part is the willingness to use the contact they have in group oneness.

And why would many not use the contact they have?

What happens in the course of group activity is subjects or actions come before it that challenges their preconceived notions. When this happens the individual is so sure his notion is correct that he is unwilling to run the notion by his soul. Or worse yet he will pretend to run it by his soul and then receive a distorted answer from his emotional body which agrees with the preconceived notion.

This is a huge setback to his evolution for his attention is then shifted from his soul to the emotional body and soul contact is then lost for a time. The individual will then see himself as an enemy to those who do maintain soul contact.

Thus the attempt to create a human molecule does come with danger for both the individual and the group, but it is a danger that must be faced to achieve the goal.

You will remember that even Jesus had his Judas. He was fortunate that more did not fall. What is not recorded is that most of the apostles shifted in and out of the soul during his ministry, but Judas is the only one to sink completely.

All of us must take the final step of learning to trust our true higher contacts more than we trust our own thoughtforms, traditions, programming and preconceived notions. Very few have achieved this, but when 24 individuals can be discovered and trained to do this a great step forward will be achieved.

Copyright by J J Dewey

May 1, 2003

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Facts, Emotion and Mind

Facts, Emotion and Mind

Since the subtle differences between those who are mentally and emotionally polarized are so difficult for many to comprehends perhaps we need to delve a little deeper.

The use of facts for the two groups sheds some light

The mental person will accept and use facts at face value and make sure he understands them correctly. Any deductions made from them will be logical.

The emotional person will see the facts through his emotional filters causing many deductions from them to be illogical.

For instance a headline may read:

Poll shows 87% of Americans believe economy is in trouble.

The emotional person usually accepts such proclamations with no questions asked, but the mental will wonder: “Exactly what was the question?”

When he does do research he may discover the question was asked much differently than was hinted at in the news article. Perhaps the results were so high because the question was:

“Do you think a significant portion of Americans are having economic problems?”

By wording the question in this way the pollster is assured of high results.

But suppose he asked the question this way:

“Is your personal economic situation in trouble?”

In this case the answer may be much lower, such as 25% instead of the 87%.

Polls are often used to mold public opinion rather than reveal it. Because such a high percentage are emotionally grounded this deception works quite well, but does not usually fool the mentally polarized because they will want to see the questions and analyze them to understand what the opinion really is.

You’ll notice that when the Republican and Democrat parties present their polling results to the public that there is significant difference in the numbers. The Republican poll usually favors their candidate and the Democratic favors theirs. This is because of the way the questions are worded and the selected populace which is polled.

The interesting thing is that they both have internal polls which are much more accurate, which is for their eyes only. Politicians are happy to deceive the public, but they do not want to deceive themselves.

Religion is another area where the facts are distorted. Suppose you open the Bible and read the following scriptures to both an emotionally polarized person and a mentally polarized one. What will be the difference in the way they interpret?

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32

Emotional Person: The truth is as he sees it and he believes he is free. His quest for freedom is thus at a standstill because he does not see the illusion that holds him bound.

Mental Person: I may think I am free, but am I really? Perhaps there is a deeper meaning. I will think about it.

“For by grace ye are saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. Not of works, lest any man boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9

Emotional Person: the preacher spoke well when he said: “If you only have faith that you don’t have do good deeds, or that the deeds don’t count because salvation is measured by faith.”

Mental Person: I wonder exactly what Paul meant here. Perhaps I can get a clue by reading a few more verses. Ahh… the next verse sheds some light:

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus UNTO GOOD WORKS, which God hath before ordained THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM.” Verse 10

So, God created us “unto good words” and desires that we “should walk in them.” Obviously more than faith is expected of me – or perhaps true faith requires works.

“Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” John 3:3

Emotional Person: Only an orthgodox born again Christian can see the kingdom of God.

Mental Person: It appears to me that those who claim to be born again do not see the kingdom of God any more than I do. Perhaps there is more to this scripture than the mere proclaiming of a belief in Jesus. I think I’ll look further into it.

Now let us move on to the next difference between the two.

The emotional person is lazy mentally and always seeks for an excuse to avoid thought.

Mental Person: Just as the emotional person is enthused about delving into the emotional side of life even so the mental is industrious on the mental plane and does not avoid thought, but embraces it.

To illustrate we can examine an emotional response to the current discussion. Because it takes thought and effort to see the difference between the emotional and mental polarization what we need to ask is – what may the emotional person say to avoid thinking about it?

(1) Declare that such thinking is divisive and should be avoided (2) Declare that there is no such thing as polarization, especially for the enlightened, and thus is any further thinking terminated. (3) Declare that looking on the emotional mental side is being caught in the world of duality and he is in a consciousness beyond duality. This declaration releases his from any responsibility of further thought.

These are just a few samples of excuses to avoid thinking. One thing we can say about the emotional people though is that some of them are quite creative and there is no end to the excuses they can conjure up.

Assignment: Tell us of a time that you desired to use thought and explore reason only to have the other person use an excuse to avoid thinking.

Copyright by J J Dewey

April 26, 2003

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Lincoln and Slavery

Lincoln and Slavery

A reader brought up a common Southern criticism of Lincoln saying: “Lincoln’s stated goal was to preserve the union, not to eliminate slavery. In his State of the Union address of 1861 (March 4), he promised not to touch slavery where it existed.

“When Lincoln did have the chance to ‘eliminate slavery’ by edict, where did he eliminate it? According to the Emancipation Proclamation, slavery was only eliminated in federally-held territories. It took a Constitutional amendment to officially free the slaves. This amendment wasn’t ratified until after Lincoln’s death.”

JJ: Please note what I do say, not what I do not say. Examine my wording and you’ll note that I accurately stated that “one of his goals” was to eliminate slavery. I did not say this was his only goal, his prime goal or the stated goal of the war.

However, slavery was the underlying cause of the war for without it the North and the South would not have been divided into two nations.

Lincoln had publicly stated a number of times, even from his youth, that he had a desire to eliminate slavery and would do so if he ever had the opportunity. His most famous stance was made during the Lincoln Douglas debates where he stated that the United States was a house divided and as such cannot stand . It cannot exist half free and half slave. This famous debate brought him to national attention in a significant way for the first time.

The South remembered his views when he became President and this was the main reason they seceded from the union, causing slavery to be a strong underlying cause of the war.

During the war Lincoln made many comments , wrote many letters and had many debates with individuals about slavery and he definitely expressed a strong desire to eliminate the problem.

As far as the Emaciation Proclamation goes. He took this step as far as was possible. He had the wisdom to realize that you can’t make major change in one giant leap so he always did what he could one step at a time.

The next major step was taken in his second bid for the presidency, and keep in mind this was done during the heat of the war. At his urging the Republican platform supported the complete abolition of slavery and the introduction of the thirteenth Amendment.

The platform stated that the President’s Proclamation aimed a “death blow at this gigantic evil,” and that a constitutional amendment was necessary to “terminate and forever prohibit it.”

Lincoln was thus reelected on this platform making slavery a main issue of the continuance of the war during his second term.

While Lincoln was still alive the 13th Amendment was passed by Congress and sent to the States for ratification. Ratification by the states was a sure thing at his death.

Reader: I know that your view is commonly taught in public schools, but it is very simplistic and not entirely correct.

JJ: My view is what is written in the history books. Whatever is historically accurate is my view and this is not taught much in the schools. Many of the current school textbooks only have one paragraph on Lincoln and dedicate most of the learning to politically correct history, giving students a lopsided view.

Much of the current system wants to discredit Lincoln so he is given little or no credit for the elimination of slavery by some. They use one major quote he made as he became extremely weary of war and is thrown in our faces again and again while ignoring all his references to his passion (and most important his actions) to end slavery. Here is the controversial quote from 1862:

“If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that.”

This one statement given at a frustrating time where it looked like he may lose the war is emphasized and all his work to free the slaves is marginalized by revisionists of history. He was basically saying that he would do most anything to avoid defeat resulting in the pro slavery leaders of the South running the country. His tone changed though as a winning began to look more promising.

Both saving the Union and the freeing of the slaves were indeed close to his heart. The general populace were not as energized to fight for their slaves as they were for the Union so he placed the greater emphasis on the Union during his first term. During his s second term the emphasis was openly shifted, but his heart remained the same.

Reader: When slaves escaped from the South to the North, they were called “contraband” by the Yankee solders and were treated as slaves.

JJ: This was due to the law that Lincoln inherited, not something he initiated

Reader: To the southerners, the Civil War was about states’ rights. Slavery was on its way out anyway. Mechanized farm equipment was right around the corner, and a tractor would have been much more efficient than a bunch of slaves.

JJ: I don’t think so. Slaves can operate equipment just like non slaves. I can find no evidence that slavery was on it’s way out. The book, Battle Cry of Freedom by James McPherson presents solid evidence to the contrary – that the South had designs to expand slavery within as well as outside the United States.

Slavery was as strong as ever as an institution when the war began. If not for Lincoln I believe the slaves would not have been freed for some time. I think the civil rights movement of the Sixties could have been over this issue instead of civil rights.

Reader: Here’s another question. If slavery was so evil, why didn’t the North just buy the slaves’ freedom and compensate the southern slaveholders for the loss of their property?

JJ: Two reasons. No president was that concerned about the issue until Lincoln and he had no time to make such a proposal. The South made an attack and the war started right after he became president.

Secondly, the South would not have accepted any reasonable payoff.

Quotes From Lincoln:

”Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it.” The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume III, “Letter To Henry L. Pierce and Others” (April 6, 1859), p. 376.

“I leave you, hoping that the lamp of liberty will burn in your bosoms until there shall no longer be a doubt that all men are created free and equal.” The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln edited by Roy P. Basler, Volume II, “Speech at Chicago, Illinois” (July 10, 1858), p. 502.

“In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free – honorable alike in what we give, and what we preserve. We shall nobly save, or meanly lose, the last best hope of earth. Other means may succeed; this could not fail. The way is plain, peaceful, generous, just – a way which, if followed, the world will forever applaud, and God must forever bless.” Lincoln’s Second Annual Message to Congress, December 1, 1862.

“…that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain; that this nation shall have a new birth of freedom; and that this government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863.

Here is an appropriate ending quote from Lincoln:

“Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.”

DK says this about Lincoln:

“Racial Avatars. These Appearances are evoked by the genius and destiny of a race. The typical man (in quality and consciousness, not necessarily physically) foreshadows the nature of some race. Such a man was Abraham Lincoln, coming forth from the very soul of a people, and introducing and transmitting racial quality—a quality to be worked out later as the race unfolds.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 297-298

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April 21, 2003

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Mental Registration

Mental Registration

In discussing the mental and emotional polarized people it is important to realize that there are two levels of each.

First there is the lower mind which we all use. This consists of our consciousness using the computer brain in which to separate truth from error.

Then there is the higher mind in which only a few are polarized. This uses logic and pure reason to arrive at truth beyond the reach of the mere calculating power of the brain.

Then we have lower and higher emotions. The lower emotions are controlled by the solar plexus and are directed by the desire nature. They are selfish in nature and tend to distort reality. The majority of people are dominated by this part of their feeling nature.

Then there are the higher emotions, or feelings from the heart center which is dominated by the ray of Love-Wisdom.

These feelings are unselfish love tempered by wisdom which is at union with higher mind. These feelings are accurate guides and offer little distortion. Only a minority rely on these higher, for most go with the lower more selfish emotions.

In our discussions here we are dealing with the higher mind vs. the lower emotions which often result in conflict or disagreement.

Assignment: One of the most misused words is “freedom.” What is the difference between how the mental person sees and uses this word compared to the emotional?

Comment: A mentally polarized person would see freedom as a “truth” ie: we hold these truths to be self evident…..as a emotional person would see freedom as a “right” through economic or racial status, by trying to obtain a “right”, or keeping a presently established one.

JJ: This is a good insight. A reader also stated that the mental person sees freedom with the whole in mind and this may be the core difference in how the mental and emotional people see the use of many of their words. The mental person will stay within the boundaries of accepted use established by society and dictionaries and use the words as they apply to the whole.

The emotional person will use what he feels is the definition and uses his words to further the cause of the lower self with little consideration for the whole.

This particularly applies as far as freedom is concerned. It is interesting to read about the arguments of the principle of freedom that took place during the civil war. Lincoln believed his side was fighting for freedom because one of his goals was to eliminate slavery.

But Lincoln was also amazed by the fact that many in the South believed that they needed slaves to remain free for without their slaves their economy would be hurt, giving them less financial and individual freedom from undesirable labor.

Lincoln saw freedom as it applied to the whole, including the blacks and the South saw freedom as it applied to slave owners but not there slaves, or not the whole.

Lincoln made a great statement around this principle: “The Shepherd drives the wolf from the sheep’s throat, for which the sheep thanks the shepherd as a liberator, while the wolf denounces him for the same act as a destroyer of liberty”

Today the emotional person sees freedom in things that benefit him but not the whole. For instance, if higher taxes take away freedom from the many but benefit the few (of which he is a part) them he will be for higher taxes as it brings his group more freedom. The mental person will seek a fair tax system, even if he benefits more from the current unfair system.

I asked the group to name some other misused words.

Comment: People seem to use the word truth in a variety of ways. Some say it is absolute and others relative. Some say they are presenting truth when it is only opinion.

JJ: Good observation. I would add this. The more emotionally polarized the more relative and nebulous is his vision of truth. The more mental the clearer and concise will be his vision and the more articulate he will be in expressing it so it can be understood by the average person.

There are many words that are misused by the emotionally polarized, not the least of which are words around the subject under discussion such as emotion, mind, heart, love etc. Others are God, religion, system, Christ, soul, spirit, authority, intelligence, peace, judgment, duality, karma and many others.

Two mental people can use these words and understand each other, but if you have an mental and emotional or emotional vs emotional there will be problems.

Here is a core difference between the two types:

“The mental person will listen to the actual words you say and attempt to accept them at face value. If there is something he does not understand he will ask clarifying questions.

“The emotional person will often feel (rather than hear) what you are saying, having his emotions triggered by certain red flag words. If you try to clarify it does not change how he feels.


Emotional Person: Do you forgive me for how I treated you yesterday.

Mental Person: You mean when you got angry at me?

Emotional Person: I suppose.

Mental Person: Sure. I forgive you. It was no big deal.

Now the emotional person did not register the forgiveness phrase but the anger phrase and after stewing a few moments may come up with something like:

Emotional Person: “You think I’m still angry, don’t you?”

Mental Person: No not at all.

Emotional Person: You’re still holding what I said against me, aren’t you?

Mental Person: No. I told you that I forgave you.

Still the emotional person will not hear the word forgiveness and move on. Instead, he is focused on the trigger word, which in this case, is anger.


Have you had times in your life that people feel your answers rather than take your words at face value? Describe.

“I have yet to see any problem, however complicated, which, when you looked at it in the right way, did not become still more complicated.” Poul Anderson – author

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April 21, 2003

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Group Synthesis, Part 13

Group Synthesis, Part 13
Group Cooperation

DK told us that “Unselfish people are not rare. Unselfish groups are very rare.”

We could also say this about group cooperation. “Cooperation among individuals is not rare but it is very rare that established groups cooperate with each other.” It may be quite appropriate to compare it to attempting to herd cats.

One must keep in mind that there are two types of group cooperation. There is that which occurs on the subtle levels and then the objective. The subtle or inner levels cannot be measured by any standard means but DK indicates that it is more pervasive than the objective levels for that which materializes in the physical always first manifests in the spiritual realms.

He gives an interesting reason why there is cooperation on the inner planes:

“The basis of the possible success of such an effort (group cooperation) consists in the fact that within each group are always to be found members of the New Group of World Servers. Upon this fact we can count, and we can depend upon the strength of the inner integration, produced by these synthesizing “points of contact.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 727

All members of The New Group of World Servers have a reasonable spirit of cooperation, but not all members of spiritual groups are composed of them. There is always a percentage who focus more on personality issues and self-serving agendas than for the good of the whole.

Fortunately a large number of the The New Group of World Servers is not essential:

“This (inner group connection) becomes always possible where there are three members of the New Group of World Servers found in any one exoteric group; it then becomes “linked by a triple thread of golden light” to the New Group of World Servers, and can in some measure be used.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Pages 196-197

Those servers in each group who see beyond the lower issues must become the norm:

“Only as servers cooperate from the standpoint of an inner subjective linking can a united world be carried forward. … the inner relationships and cooperation Must be established and developed, in spite of the outer divergences of opinion.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 106

Whereas the outer group has resistance to cooperation because of the laggards, this resistance is bypassed by the The New Group of World Server members who telepathically connect with other groups on subtle planes. As these connections grow the pressure on the outer groups toward cooperation will grow until it finally reaches a critical mass and manifests.

This pressure has grown in the past few decades and as we enter the Aquarian Age it becomes only a matter of time before we see outer results. DK sets the standard:

“They will and should become a strong united body in the outer world. The test will then be to hold the inner clarity of vision and the inner subjective relationships and, at the same time, pursue the work in the world with united, intelligent effort and with success.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 660

Even though DK s tresses united goals and work he does not support the idea of all groups merging into one for he says: “A super-organisation which emphasises unity is the last thing to be desired; a multiplicity of living organisms held loosely together by cooperation, constant communication and possessing identity of goal and of purpose is what the world needs today.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 458

The work of the Spiritual Hierarchy sets the example for us. Instead of being one large authoritarian supergroup they are composed of many small groups (ashrams) dedicated to different work according to ray quality but united in support of the One Great Work.

Spiritual groups must do the same:

“The groups are intended to work together eventually just as the various departments of a great organisation work effectively together as a unit. They must function smoothly and intelligently within themselves and also in their inter-relation with each other. This will become possible when the individual members in the groups and the individual groups of disciples lose sight of their own identities in an effort to make this hierarchical work possible.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pages 42-43

The basic plan then is that there be many spiritual groups but that they advance in consciousness so they instead of merely working as isolated units that they will unite on essential goals and activities that will benefit the world as well as themselves.

Here he gives a good first step for the Aquarian Age:

“Because where a group is involved and the members are very intelligent, through their questionings they could make much progress in learning to know and understand each other. Threads of intercourse could be set up which would link them more closely together.” Esoteric Healing, Page 306

Indeed, the sharing of group resources could be of great benefit to the spiritual community but most groups are very protective of their members and assists feeling that sharing may diminish their authority. Nevertheless DK gives this encouragement:

“The many who are working in isolated fashion in the various fields of human endeavour (political, religious, scientific and economic), must be brought into touch with each other, and thus made to realise their essential unity. … First, they must discover each other and be in touch with each other. Thus the sense of weakness and of futility will be offset. This is the first duty and task of the New Group of World Servers. … The men of good will in every country must be discovered, and all who respond to these ideals must be gathered together through mailing lists. Their cooperation must be sought and systematised.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 669

DK emphasized a number of times the importance of groups, not just getting in touch with each other, but actually sharing mailing lists. Going so far as to sharing such lists is almost unheard of among any type of groups. Membership roles are a closely guarded secret by most.

This has somewhat changed though with the internet and the widespread presence of groups there. On Facebook, the largest host of group work, the member lists are easily accessible. Though leaders are still extra protective of their flock many of like interest can now get in touch with each other where in previous generations this was only a dream.

This extra power of group members to cross barriers and communicate has not led to an equal outreach of the groups themselves. This dismantling of barriers between groups is a work that the The New Group of World Servers will have to address in the coming generation.

When barriers are sufficiently weakened and greater interplay is set up then this goal set By DK may be realized:

“A central group, chosen from among them, should synthesise this work and coordinate it, whilst giving the widest latitude to individual servers and workers.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 669

As noted earlier he is against supergroups wielding authoritarian power but does look forward to the day when groups will be cooperative enough that they can come under the umbrella of a coordinate effort to accomplish a greater good that cannot be done by isolated units.

To read Part 1 go HERE , Part 2, HERE , Part 3 HEREPart 4 HERE, Part 5 HERE, Part 6 HERE, Part 7 HERE, Part 8 HERE, Part 9 HERE, Part 10 HERE, Part 11 HERE, Part 12 HERE

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Catching Truth

Catching Truth

I think the group is getting the general idea of the catch phrase as compared to the aphorism.

Here are some catch phrases that have been suggested.

All the way with LBJ. Also Nixon’s The One. Better dead than red. The only good (you name it) is a dead XXX. My country, right or wrong. Damn Yankees. Time is money An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. Give peace a chance. All you need is love. I feel your pain. Death to America! The Great Satan! My way, or the highway. Move it, or lose it. Friendly Fire. Where’s the beef? Honk for peace (Jesus, supporting the team etc.) The Warfare State. The Big Lie.

These phrases are more emotionally based than the earlier bunch. Some of them are still aphorisms, however. Even though aphorisms have a mental appeal they can also be used to reach an emotional level for good or evil.

Perhaps the most significant use of an aphorism to reach the emotions of a people was done by Abraham Lincoln as he was running for a second term amidst great criticism.

When many were clamoring for a “regime change” Abe replied back:

“You don’t change horses in the middle of the stream.”

This had both mental and emotional appeal. Unlike today, almost everyone in that age had crossed a stream on a horse and there were many close calls to catastrophe. The thought of changing horses in the middle of a swift stream indeed brought up a negative picture. This catch phrase/aphorism was so powerful that it possibly changed the course of history.

The funny part is that this catch phrase presented some truth but far from infallible truth for Lincoln himself went against the idea perhaps more than any man in history. Instead of keeping his generals in the midst of the stream of war he changed them again and again until he got a good one, who was Grant. If he had not changed horses (generals) he would have lost the Civil War.

So it is interesting that the use of this catch phrase won him the election and the ignoring of it won him the war.

At least this catch phrase had some truth in it and also had some emotional appeal, but the most deluding ones have little appeal to the mind.

For instance, Bill Clinton probably owed his first election to the catch phrase that we had “the worst economy in 50 years.”

Actually the recession was mild and was passing as he was saying this and was on an upswing that lasted for seven years by the time the election was held. Also the economy was much worse under Carter with interest rates approaching 20% with a cloud of doom hanging over the nation.

Even though there was very little truth in this statement the public swallowed it and history was changed.

Another very deceptive catch phrase in circulation is that in pursuing the toppling of Saddam Hussein that many are calling the United States a “bully nation.” This catch phase has done much to convince the peoples of the world that the U.S. was the bad guy, many thinking it was worse than Saddam Hussein’s government was.

Let us examine the logic behind this accusation by comparing these ingredients to the characters in a movie.

Typical movie plot:

An evil mastermind (Hussein) surfaces and takes over an island (Iraq/Kuwait) and holds the people hostage and makes threats to extend his influence to the extent that he could disrupt the freedom of the whole planet.

All the leaders of the world turn into wimps and negotiate to the extent that it looks like it looks like the mastermind will get everything he asks for and will completely dominate the situation.

The leaders (UN) are convinced they are following the best and safest path and have things under control.

Then a James Bond type character (United States) surfaces who correctly assesses the situation and sees that catastrophe will result if something is not done. He tries to convince the authorities (UN) of the real danger and to get support to topple the Mastermind by any means necessary. The bureaucracy ignores his logic and decides to pursue a course of appeasement.

Then the Bond character discovers that, in addition to the danger posed from the mastermind that numerous members of the bureaucracy (France, Germany Russia, China, Jordan) are secretly selling arms and supplies to the mastermind. He is outraged and realizes that getting support from the bureaucrats is now impossible so he decides to take action himself.

Then with just a one or two sidekicks (Britain and Australia) he tackles the Mastermind. When the bureaucrats find out his plan they do everything in their power to subtly prevent his success. But even though Bond has little support he perseveres and eventually succeeds.

Finally, after his success he receives modest acknowledgement that he did the right thing, but there are some bureaucrats who are yet seething more than ever and will give him a problem another day.

Now when has an audience ever watched such a movie and thought to themselves that the Bond character was the bully? Who do they see as the true bullies? Yes, the mastermind, but often the bureaucrats who get in the way are even more aggravating.

Even so it is a stretch of the imagination to call the United States a bully for liberating an oppressed people.

Another deceptive catch phrase is “tax cuts for the rich.” This statement is currently used blindly by many who oppose any tax cut in any circumstance because it may take away from their power to spend. This statement is used even if every taxpayer gets a cut.

Then the other end of the spectrum uses “tax and spend” in referring to liberals. This is also blindly used at times against any liberal who is not liked.

The bottom line of the point being made is that the catch phrase has temporary appeal to a temporary situation and appeals strongly to the emotions.

Example: “Worst economy in 50 years.”

A true aphorism is timeless and always has meaning such as: “The truth shall make you free.”

The mental person will not allow himself to be swayed by a catch phrase alone. He may consider it but will check out the truth behind it. He will never use one with deceptive intent.

Now we will move on to the next characteristic of the mental/emotional person.

The mental person will use a concise definition of terms in the use of his words in an argument. He will also be consistent in how the word is used in context. He will not attempt to use words deceptively, but to portray reality as he sees it as well his true thoughts.

The emotional person will often have a nebulous feel as to the use of the word and will rarely define concisely unless forced to do so by the course of the argument. He will be inconsistent in the use of key words and will often use them deceptively without being aware he is so doing.

Food for reflection: One of the most misused words is “freedom.” What is the difference between how the mental person sees and uses this word compared to the emotional?

Copyright by J J Dewey

April 19, 2003

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