The Immortal on Youtube


The Revelation of the Keys of Knowledge

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The Immortal is the story of an average truth seeker who stumbles across a fascinating teacher, only to discover that the man is John, the Beloved, the Revelator, an Apostle of Jesus, perhaps the most mysterious man in history, comes alive in this book. Legend has it that John never died and still roams the earth as a teacher. John finds JJ Dewey, the main character, to teach him the Twelve Keys of Knowledge to prepare the world for the new age of peace. The first question addressed in Book I is WHO OR WHAT AM I? The student gives all the standard answers…and they are all wrong. The lead character then realizes he is under the tutorage of no ordinary teacher and must apply himself in a quest for knowledge.

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Calculating 666

Calculating 666

A reader gives a thought provoking thought:

He asks how many know what “Joseph Smith” transliterated into

Hebrew characters equals?

Yod 10 J

Vav 6 O

Samech 60 Se

Pey 70 Ph

Samech 60 S

Mem 40 M

Yod 10 I

Tav 400 Th



I don’t know if anyone else noticed but the numbers presented here add up to 656 – not 666. It always pays to check out everything for your self – you never know what you might discover.

Actually the reader must have made a typo for the letter pey equals 80 and not 70 which does make the result 666.


Joseph in the Hebrew is spelled with the letters Yod, Vav, Samech and Fey instead of Pey. This changes the total to 586.

To find Joseph’s real number in the Hebrew we must take into account that he always signed his name as Joseph Smith Jr. Yod and Resh for JR in the Hebrew ads a value of 210 to the 586 totaling 796.

Now if we really want to find the Antichrist perhaps we should check out the big guy himself.

6+6+6=18 and 1+8=9. Thus 9 is the key multiplier of the beast.

If we take the values of the letters of the name of Jesus and multiply them by 9 here is what we get.

J = 90

E = 45

S = 171

U = 189

S = 171

——- Total


Jesus is called the Christ or the Messiah which has the same meaning in Hebrew. Here again we get:

M == 117

E == 45

S == 171

S == 171

I == 81

A == 9

H == 72

Total Again: 666!!

Thus Jesus the Messiah is double 666. Maybe we’d better burn our Bibles.

Moving ahead to present time let us see where the beast will manifest:

The real name of Bill Gates is William Henry Gates III. Nowadays he is known as Bill Gates (III), where “III” means the order of third (3rd). By converting the letters of his name to the ASCII-values (which are used in computers) you will get the following:

B I L L G A T E S 3

66 + 73 + 76 + 76 + 71 + 65 + 84 + 69 + 83 + 3 = 666

The Pope bears the title Vicarius Filii Dei. These words were not invented by the Reformers, or bigots, but were used several hundred years before the Protestant Reformation. In Roman Numerals, the letters of this title which have assigned value add to 666. For VICARIUS: V = 5, I = 1, C = 100, I + 1, U (or V) = 5; for FILII: I = 1, L = 50, I = 1, I = 1; for DEI: D = 500, I = 1; totaling 666.

Clinton also is suspected of being the beast. (written in May, 2000) Here is a web site dedicated to his exposure:

Then yet another web site seems to seriously think that David Hasselhoff is the beast. This is located at:

The World Wide Web is abbreviated as WWW and VAV for W in the Hebrew has the value of 6. Thus WWW= 666.

There used to be a site where you could put in most any name and it would use some system and convert it to 666. That doesn’t seem to exist any more, but here is one that will tell you your number based on standard numerology.

Many there are who look for signs outside of themselves rather than relying on the Spirit within. This principle cannot be emphasized enough so I will quote a few paragraphs from my book to remind us of the teaching.

“Well,” I stumbled again, clearing my throat, “if I am one with God, then I must be God with a big G.” It sounds weird to say that, but that’s my answer.”

“Are you confident in that answer?”

“Sort of.”

“What makes you sort of confident?”

“I’ve had several coincidences pointing me in that direction. I figured they must have happened for a reason.”

“So you had some signs leading you toward the answer?” John smiled.

“I guess you could say that,” I replied.

“Have you read what the Master said about signs?”

“I think he said several things, didn’t he?”

John got out his old Bible again and turned to Matthew chapter sixteen. “Read verse four,” he said, pushing the book toward me.

I carefully held the old book and read: “A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign…”

I just about dropped the book. “I remember reading this scripture, but I never thought about it in the context that is now entering my head. I thought the answer may be that I am God because of signs, but Jesus said the wicked seek signs.”

“You were not actively seeking a sign,” John assured me, “but several appeared to you and you thought they meant something.”

“So are you telling me they didn’t mean anything?” I asked, somewhat disappointed.

“It is true that there is a reason or a cause behind each happening,” John replied, “but when people see coincidences they often read much more into them than should be. Suppose you roll dice hundreds of times. Sooner or later you will roll seven three times in a row. Does that have any deep meaning or did it happen just because you rolled the dice many times and the law of averages tells us you will eventually roll three sevens?”

“So, you’re saying that coincidences just happen now and then?”

“Generally, that is the case, but then every once in a while coincidences are contrived by a higher power. But what usually happens when a coincidence happens to a superstitious person, much more will be read into it than is based in reality.”

“So the fact that both Wayne, Lance and that Dark Brother mentioned man and gods was just coincidence and means nothing?”

“Not entirely,” John replied. “You, Wayne, and Lance have been friends for many years and as such tune into each other’s frequency and share many of the same thoughts. This greatly increases the chances that you will all come up with similar conclusions on various ideas. What happened with you three was not nearly as much of a coincidence as you thought. You were looking for an answer and you were happy that something finally seemed to jump out at you. It was no coincidence, however, that the Dark Brother jumped on this. It served his purpose.”

“So, what about the answer, then,” I asked. “Is it right or wrong?”

“Let’s regress just a moment,” John said, putting his fingers together. “Why do you suppose Jesus said a wicked and adulterous generation seeks for a sign? Now in reality wicked means mislead. So how is one misdirected who seeks for a sign?”

“I’ve never thought of looking for a sign in a negative light. Most people see signs as a positive thing.” John was silent, evidently waiting for a concise answer. I continued, “OK, let me see. If we use a sign to guide our lives then we are using something outside of ourselves. Perhaps we are supposed to look within.”

John smiled. “There is hope for you yet. I think your light is increasing. Now what is adulterous about seeking a sign for guidance?”

“That’s a tough one. I don’t see a lot of relation there.”

“There is a lot of correspondence here, said John. “Answer me this: What is adultery?”

“It’s where a person betrays his marriage partner and has a sexual relationship with someone else” I replied.

“And who is your spiritual marriage partner supposed to be?”

“You mean someone other than my physical wife?”


“Could it be God?”

“You are correct. This is taught throughout the scriptures. The Israelites are called the Bride of Jehovah throughout the Old Testament and the Church is called the Bride of Christ in the New. Both Israel and the Church are symbols of those who have the light of the Spirit of God within them. So how does a bride of Christ or God commit adultery?”

“Perhaps by leaving God and leaning on or uniting with someone else, or another God.”

“Very close,” said John. “The brother of light senses the Spirit of God within himself and has made a commitment to follow it and be one with it, similar to a marriage relationship. If he actively seeks a sign outside of himself for his main source of guidance, this causes a shift of attention away from the Spirit. So his God becomes a false God outside of himself and the inner God is ignored and betrayed. He has committed adultery against his only true source of guidance, which places a black wall between his personality self and the God within.”

“Fascinating,” I said, feeling like Spock again. “So the New Agers, who are always teaching about the God within – yet at the same time are always seeking coincidences and signs – are really teaching one thing and doing another?”

“They are not alone,” John smiled. “On the other side of the spectrum, the very religious also seek for signs rather than an answer from God through prayer as they claim to teach.”

(End of excerpt)

May 30, 2000

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Looking for Principles

Looking for Principles

It’s always a good test to ask someone who considers himself a super being to present us with a new principle or even an expansion of a revealed one. So far not a single person I have met who has claimed to be a great one has been able to reveal even one. There’s always lots of imaginative data and often fanciful new words which any creative mind can produce, but never a principle.

Buddha taught the principle of the Middle Way, Christ taught and demonstrated the principle of Love and sacrifice as it had never been revealed before, Joseph Smith revived the principle of revelation which the masses thought no longer in existence, Djwhal Khul through Alice A. Bailey taught many principles prominent among them is his expansion of the Law of Correspondences.

Any claim I may have for your attention is not based on any proclamation that I am a great being past or present. If you or I speak the truth it matters not who or what we are for truth is true irrespective of status in the minds of men.

If the lowest of humanity teaches that 2+2=4 it is just as true as if the Christ Himself were to proclaim it. This is why we have stressed the principle of soul contact so much because if one has such contact then the 2+2=4 as a truth is what has meaning and strikes a chord, not the fact that it was uttered by a greater or a lessor teacher.

It doesn’t matter to me if a man claims to be Peter, God, or a turkey who has become Joe-Blow. Even if I believed his claim I would still look at his words and sense whether or not the Holy Spirit lives in those words.

The actual words of Jesus, as recorded in the Bible, for instance, has withstood the test of time because they do indeed stir the soul and strike the chords of the Spirit within.

If you ever want to give me a meaningful compliment do not seek to equate me with a great one in the past, or even see me as any more than you are in the present. That which warms my heart are comments that my words have stirred your souls and have caused a chord of recognition to ring within yourself. Tell me that my words have set love aflame within your breast and your spirit has soared as the eagle.

If you tell me this then we are equal for your words and love have done this for me.

Let me pick on one of our members who often underestimates himself – our friend Rob. He recently expressed doubts to me about his ability to reach soul contact, but I submit to you that he demonstrates more contact than any guru that you could name that is floating around the internet.

Take a look at his post giving a different scenario that he thinks may occur if a militant vegetarian took over the country. The only mistake he made is that he thinks he is disagreeing with me. No Rob, I do not disagree with you at all. You used the Law of Correspondences and correlated the known with the unknown – a known war on drugs to a unknown war on meat.

You correlated your analogy with the system as it is today, but I used an example of a dictator with absolute power and in presenting two points of view I think we both worked together to present the reality that the principle of freedom is not widely understood in the world today – and even if it is understood by some, it is not trusted.

The fact that Rob was able to wisely use a principle (the Law of Correspondences) to illustrate another principle (freedom) shows indeed a degree of soul contact. He needs to trust that inner sense (that comes from the soul) and pay attention to it. Then it will not be long before the still small voice becomes an inner flame that cannot be ignored.

The greatest fire is created by the tiniest most imperceptible spark.

Even so soul contact begins as such a “small voice” that you think it is your imagination. But each time you trust in it the flame is fanned and grows until the light therefrom is bright and the heat is sure and your faith is replaced by knowledge.

I will speak more about the principle of freedom later, but until then I will leave you with more questions to consider.

Answer yes or no and explain…

Is the principle of freedom in play if

(1) The majority benefit and have more freedom?

(2) The minorities benefit and have more freedom?

(3) If you or your family benefit and have more freedom?

(4) If every man woman and child gets a thousand dollar check in the mail from the government?

(5) If there were no government?

A reader states:

“Sometimes during the normal course of my day it’s as though a thought is injected into my stream of thinking. I’d describe it more as an impression rather than a voice.”

The still small voice is more of an impression than a voice as we normally understand it.

The question that may now arise is:

Everyone gets impressions and various thoughts coming into their mind. Obviously they cannot all be from soul contact. How do we tell the difference then between an impression from our lower selves and the voice of the soul?

There is a distinct difference. At first that difference is difficult to sense, but when the realization comes that this inner voice is different from your own thoughts and feelings and you begin to pay attention to it you gain a sense of its origin. As you pay attention the communications become more frequent and your inner hearing becomes more acute and reliable. Then comes the realization that you are receiving higher impressions from God, the Spirit, the Higher Self – definitely a higher intelligence than you are on your own.

How long, you ask, before you are sure of the voice? That is up to you.

Here is what you can do to speed he process.

(1) Ask and ye shall receive.

Keep asking and then paying attention to impressions coming within throughout the day. In a quiet moment when you are not expecting anything the answer may come.

(2) Give thanks and glory to God for all that you do receive.

(3) Seek higher knowledge and sensitivity so you can have greater power to assist others upon the path. Share that which you do receive.

(4) Stay humble. Resist the temptation to feed the ego and realize that without the voice of the soul you have no real spiritual knowledge.

I see that we have been discussing greed, especially in relation to capitalism.

What is greed? He who has abundance is not necessarily greedy. A poor starving person can be greedy. He who is greedy is one who wants more than he has earned or that is rightfully his. Thus a poor person who wants that which he is not willing to earn is as greedy as the millionaire who deceives his customers into paying more than a just price for goods. The communist who expects a full day’s pay for a half days work is as greedy as the capitalist who uses substandard materials in his building or manufacturing.

On the other hand, many poor and rich people only want that which they rightly earn and are thus not greedy.

To call a rich person or a capitalist greedy because he does not give away all his wealth is a travesty of the word.

It may be a wonderful thing for a rich person to give away his wealth, but if he doesn’t does not mean he is greedy. The real truth could be the reverse. If a poor person expects a rich person to give to him that which he is not willing to earn then he deserves the label of greed, not he who is rich.

Unfortunately, there are many lazy people out there who watch others who are motivated to earn money or to improve their lives and call them greedy. But a desire to achieve abundance is not inherently evil and often has nothing to do with greed. In fact Jesus said:

“I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” John 10:10

Our divine heritage is to have not only spiritual abundance, but material also – though the spiritual will be seen as having more value.

As the new age does come in more solidly those who do have abundance will not only share, but lend a helping hand to others less fortunate until all shall have their needs taken care of.

May 28, 2000

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The Distortion of Good

The Distortion of Good

We have had some thought provoking posts on freedom illustrating flaws on the left and the right. It sounds like many of you identify with the Libertarian Party. Their philosophy does indeed support the true principle of freedom much more than the two mainstream parties (in the US) and many by their talk seem to believe its principles, but by their walk often betray them.

The trouble with the Libertarian Party is that their principles are too big of a leap for the average freedom lover and that is one reason they often get less than 1% of the vote.

What we are looking for is the principle that should govern freedom for an enlightened people.

The basic problem in seeing the principle was worded well by Lawrence:

“Imagine a line extending off in two directions. Label one side “Left” and the other side “Right”. On the “Left” side we have the people who want to use force to implement their view of fairness, e.g., universal healthcare, economic equity, etc. On the “Right” side we have very similar people who want to use force to ensure morality, e.g., ban abortions, flag burning, and instill family values and democracy, at the point of an assault rifle if necessary.”

Both sides see certain ideals that they consider “right” and “good” and then unfortunately are willing to restrict freedom in others to achieve that goal.

Djwhal Khul made an interesting statement about disease that applies to our social ills.

“Disease, both physical and psychological, has its roots in the good, the beautiful and the true. It is but a distorted refection of divine possibilities. The thwarted soul, seeking full expression of some divine characteristic or inner spiritual reality, produces within the substance of its sheaths a point of friction. Upon this point the eyes of the personality are focussed, and this leads to disease.”

This Fourth Law of Healing not only applied to disease of the physical body, but also to the problems of humanity as a whole.

Let us take a system that did cause pain and suffering to its people such as communism in the Soviet Union before its collapse. Most of us would agree that this was not a very desirable system. Even so, it had its roots in “the good, the beautiful and the true.” And what was that? Its two main ideas were equality and sharing. Is there anything wrong with these two principles? No. Not at all. In fact they are two ideals that the Brotherhood of Light are attempting to steer humanity toward.

If equality and sharing are two great ideals why then was the USSR seen as the “evil empire” and the source of so much pain and suffering imposed upon its own people? They presented the ideal of equality and sharing, yet there was little equality or a sense of true sharing there. The evil capitalists actually shared more value in wealth and the poor among them were in good shape compared to some average Russians.

What then was the root cause of their failure?

The answer is quite simple.

Instead of teaching men to do good and allowing good works to spring forth through free will Communism attempted to implement the “good” by the use of force. This is a negative principle believed in by the Dark Brothers which could be stated thus: “Restrict freedom of others (the decision makers excluded) to whatever degree necessary to create the desired end.”

Even Hitler had many ideals he and others considered good such as family values, sexual purity, a powerful government to prevent injustice, higher education made available to all and of course the evolution of Germans into supermen.

Now let me make an all important point here. The problem with Germany was NOT the belief it had in any of its ideals. Instead the problem was that they took action to impose their value of “good” on others through the use of force.

In an atmosphere of freedom that which is truly good and usable will manifest as a plant growing from a seed, but in an atmosphere of restriction even the most wonderful of all seeds cannot sprout and grow, but will suffocate and die.

Thus the philosophy that has come out of Nazism or Communism poses very little threat in an atmosphere of freedom. It is in the imposition by force of an idea of good that negates the growth of the good and nourishes the exact opposite of the desired end.

Let us suppose that you were an idealistic vegetarian and became supreme dictator of the United States. Now you have all this power you think you finally have a chance to “make a difference” and seek to make people do the right thing. You issue a decree that meat eating is against the law and anyone who kills an animal gets life in prison. You also outlaw all hunting and fishing. There. That ought to do it. Now everyone will live the good life as you do and will live happily ever after. Right?

Not quite. Overnight the value of beef cattle goes down to close to zero and ranchers have no means or desire to take care of them. Within a month millions of cattle are starving to death, breaking out of their fenced areas, and getting hit by cars.

Pigs become an even greater nuisance. At least we can get milk from cows but now pigs have nothing to offer and within 90 days the entire species is threatened.

To solve the problem you start up government subsidy programs to take care of neglected farm animals. This puts a great strain on the economy and soon you see that you are very close to economic collapse.

This problem is amplified by great numbers of the most productive citizens leaving the US to live in other countries where they have the freedom to eat meat. To solve this problem you close the doors to those wanting to leave. Even so, many risk their lives to escape to foreign countries.

You are outraged by this and demand that Europe and England return the fugitives so they can be shot as traitors. They refuse so you go to war for three “good” reasons.

(1) To retrieve and punish the traitors.

(2) To “convert” Europe and England to the vegetarian way of life. The slogan your armies are indoctrinated with is “free Europe!”

(3) War will take everyone’s mind off the bad economy and when the war is won you can tax the defeated nations and thus insure continued prosperity for your country.

After the war begins, France in desperation detonates a nuclear device in Washington hoping to kill you and end the madness. Fortunately for you, you were visiting friends in Hollywood and yet live to promote your cause. You now launch a full scale nuclear attack and destroy half the population in Europe. All the other nations of the world no longer are neutral but combine together as one force to fight against you and defeat you. The saying abroad is that you make Hitler look like Mother Teresa.

This just angers you and increases your determination to prevail.

As the war that may end all life on the planet rages on one thought goes through your mind. You cry as you think this thought because the world so misunderstands you.

“Can’t these people see that I just want to help them and save the animals at the same time? Why don’t they see the love that I have to offer? When I win this war (and I don’t even believe in war) I will make things right and a great era a peace and brotherhood will manifest. Then they will understand that I only mean to do good.”

The trouble is that millions of animals that you hoped to save are dying painful deaths through radiation poisoning even as you think these good thoughts.

Fortunately for the world there are no idealists who have supreme power over a major nation. This may seem like an unrealistic parable to you, but let me assure you that there are many idealists that would indeed unleash great misery on human kind if they had the power to restrict freedom.

I once attended a dinner where the founders of a well known environmentalist group were the speakers. I was horrified at some of their beliefs and even more so at the approval they received from the audience.

They advocated the attainment of political power so they would be able to force people out of their homes in major cities and turn them back to their pristine condition so the wild animals could multiply as they did before Columbus.

I wondered when I heard people clapping for them if they realized that Boise was on their group and that if those they were cheering had power that the audience themselves would become homeless and starving.

If we truly want to see the Aquarian Age evolve along positive lines the people will need to exercise common sense in an atmosphere of freedom.

May 27, 2000

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Resurrection of Life

Resurrection of Life

I am amazed that I was criticized for encouraging all to help and assist others who may be suffering from a dark attack. Perhaps I was misunderstood. Let me give you a couple examples from real life situations.

First, I related an incident in an earlier post of how one morning I woke with a taste of aspirin in my mouth and had the impression that a certain person was suffering because of a negative cloud of energy. To make a long story short I was able to communicate the revelation with her and save her from committing suicide.

One of numerous incidents I have not told you before involves my first wife shortly after we were married. I began receiving strong impressions that she was being hit with a negative attack, but there was no way I could prove it to her or anyone else. Because of this feeling my awareness was on constant alert and I was paying attention to her vibrations.

One morning I said goodbye and started off to work as usual. As I was about to get in the car the negative energy greatly increased and I felt something was wrong even though there was no physical evidence of such.

I stopped in my tracks and ran back into the house and she was nowhere to be seen. I shouted her name and there was no answer. I went to the bedroom door and found it locked and shouted her name again.

She told me to go away.

I asked her if she was OK.

She said she was fine and told me to go to work.

I told her to open the door.

She refused.

At that point the spirit within told me to act so I kicked in the door and there she was throwing pills in her mouth. I immediately tackled her and held her nose and made her spit the pills out.

These are extreme examples but I have had many lesser experiences and often I have been able to offer assistance because of an awareness of a dark attack that was trying to get to me through my friends or loved ones.

To suggest that in the mist of negativity that one should be timid about making a judgment and perhaps thereby allow much suffering or even death is an amazing thing to behold.

I have enjoyed your thoughts and posts on the resurrection. The treating of the body of Jesus 100 pounds of myrrh and that being contrary to Jewish tradition is an interesting note that had not occurred to me before, but it makes sense and is in harmony with what I have taught so far.

Even though Jesus was gravely injured through the crucifixion – something that would have killed all but a Master, by the power of will in connection with his molecular link he was able to keep the silver cord connected to his body so technically he did not die.

I believe that all the apostles thought he was dead, but it is quite possible that there were several initiates who were aware that the life was not completely gone and that they brought in the herbs to help preserve his body in anticipation of his return.

During the three days he was out of his body and did visit the worlds beyond as some believe.

Then he did return to his body and with the assistance of other Masters his body was healed.

This experience of renewal of the body does not have to take place after a crucifixion, but can occur through a raising of the in the midst of normal circumstances.

Now I am going to give you a quote from the writings of Djwhal Khul through Alice A. Bailey. Readers might want to pay particular attention to this for these are perhaps the most profound words that have ever been allowed to appear in print. Perhaps someday we may cover the meaning in detail, but in the meantime here is veiled the principle that overcomes even death.

“When communion is established, words are forthwith used, and mantric law assumes its rightful place, provided that the One communicates the words and the three remain in silence.

“When response is recognized as emanating from the three, the One, in silence, listens. The roles are changed. A three-fold word issues from out the triple form. A turning round is caused. The eyes no longer look upon the world of form; they turn within, focus the light, and see, revealed, an inner world of being. With this the Manas stills itself, for eyes and mind are one.

“The heart no longer beats in tune with low desire, nor wastes its love upon the things that group and hide the Real. It beats with rhythm new; it pours its love upon the Real, and Maya fades away. Kama and heart are close allied; love and desire form one wholeone seen at night, the other in the light of day….

. . . . . . .

“When fire and love and mind submit themselves, sounding the three-fold word, there comes response.

“The One enunciates a word which drowns the triple sound. God speaks. A quivering and a shaking in the form responds. The new stands forth, a man remade; the form rebuilt; the house prepared. The fires unite, and great the light that shines: the three merge with the One and through the blaze a four-fold fire is seen.” Treatise on White Magic Pages 75-76

For a full explanation of DK’s  text go to this LINK

Someone asked which body we will be resurrected in and what is meant about not losing even one hair of our head.

Answer: Each time you die you take with you a permanent atom composed of etheric matter which retains a full memory, or computer program, of your physical body in that life. Within your make up is a full memory and data of all that you have ever been over your long history of incarnations.

The Bible correctly tells us that there are two resurrections. The first is a resurrection of KRISIS, or correction (mistranslated as damnation) – which is reincarnation. The second is called the resurrection of life where there is a mastery over physical death.

The body you will have in the resurrection of Life will be that body you are in at the time that death is overcome. Even so, you still carry the programming of all bodies past and they can be recreated if necessary.

So what is meant about not losing a hair of our heads? This obviously does not mean we will keep every hair we have ever had. Each time we shampoo we lose many hairs. Then too every 14 years all the elements in our bodies are replaced with new elements. What is meant by this is that the programming and knowledge to recreate any part of our bodies with perfection will never be lost, but that a perfect restoration of hair and other parts of our bodies will eventually be subject to our wills.

May 24, 2000

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Applying Principles

Applying Principles

Many of the principles of discovery we have discussed are useful in examining any new teaching presented to us.

This one is particularly pertinent at this time:

“Truth is in harmony with spiritual principles; therefore we discover that which is true through the application of those principles.”

You will remember that I have stressed the difference many times between principles and data. Data can be easily made up by anyone with a good imagination or obtained by any trance channeler, but principles can only be discovered and taught through the soul for principles are the language by which the soul communicates.

This principle alone would keep me from plunging with belief into a new member’s teachings for he has only given us data and data is easy to fabricate by anyone with an imagination. He who believes because of data alone, merely because it sounds fanciful, will continue to tread the path of glamour and illusion.

Nevertheless, let us be open minded no matter how far removed a new member may be from some of the teachings we have presented here and give him a chance to prove himself.

Prove himself? That’s blasphemous, some may say in the new age community – many of whom never look at evidence.

On the other hand, the scriptures tell us to “prove all tings.” That is indeed good advice and one that is encouraged by the Masters of Wisdom.

I’ll ask our new member a few questions and maybe we can throw enough light on his views and sources to aid us in making an intelligent judgment.

(1) What is the name of the group of which you are a member and who is the main person that you rely on for revelation and teaching? How many current members are there? For instance, who revealed the data about the 24 cosmic angels, that Peter is Lucifer, that the Earth will rejoin the Cosmos in the fifth dimension, there is no free will, that Yahweh has been recalled back to the Cosmos along with the Archangels, that one entity can incarnate in 15 places at one time etc?

(2) Does your group receive data from the other worlds through trance channeling, sometimes called direct voice? If not, how is the information received?

(3) Do you teach of a way to discover whether or not your teachings are true?

(4) Have you or any of your group come up with a new principle that is not readily taught in metaphysical books? (If you do not know what I mean by “principle” you can search the archives for the word and that should bring clarity.)

(5) You say that you met Mary, the mother of Jesus. Is this a regular person living a current life who you believe to be Mary? If this is so, why do you believe this?

(6) For what purpose do you proclaim yourself as the apostle Andrew?

(7) You say that the disciples are now all cosmic angels and that you are a disciple (Andrew). This would make you a cosmic angel. As a cosmic angel how are you different from me, Glenys, Claire or anyone else partaking of regular mortality?

(8) If you do not believe in absolute truth then I take it that you are not absolutely sure of the teachings you present including the possibility you were the apostle Andrew? Is this assumption correct?

(9) Do you have a date for the second coming of Christ or do you think he is already here?

(10) Perhaps you would like to relate to us a couple predictions your group has made.

Lifting Negativity

I received a personal e-mail asking for elaboration on a comment in my post on dark attacks;

JJ Quote: “When he then discovers the person(s) who is affected the disciple must then work with him or her with the utmost of patience, love and communication to neutralize any negative effects. How that neutralization is to take place is varied and cannot be covered in full here.”

Where can I find more information on the above paragraph?

You can’t find it anywhere that I know of, but I will make a few comments that may help.

One of the most difficult lessons for the disciple to learn is to accept his own limitation, especially as it relates to the free will and abilities of others. If we see a needed step in our own lives all we have to do is to decide to take it, but if a needed step is seen in the path of another we are limited by the person’s willingness to act.

Even so, there are some things you can do. If the associate is truly being manipulated by the Dark Brothers he will often be operating outside of his normal perimeters of common sense and your words just might awaken him back to his normal thinking state. This is especially true in extreme cases where the person may be depressed or suicidal.

If the person is being influenced by a negative outside force it is sometimes helpful to tell him your thoughts on the matter. Other times this may enflame so you must use judgment.

As a member said, love is a powerful ameliorative force here. A person under the influence of negative force will be much more argumentative than usual and sometimes even hateful. You must let this negativity go through you as if it dos not exist and show love in return. Sometimes love will enflame a person under influence to an even greater state of negativity, but if you keep it up you will wear the dark energy down and light and love will replace hate and darkness.

To become the greatest possible help to others who are under negative influence it is important to develop your sensitivity to the feelings (and sometimes thoughts) of those within your aura of concern. As you put your attention on the inner voice your power to register will increase and eventually you will become aware of when someone close to you is in distress. When this sensitivity is arrived at you will often be told by the inner voice what your plan of action should be. If you follow when you are told you may be amazed at the positive change that will result.

The important point to absorb is to do what we can and accept whatever follows with self acceptance in the realization that you can help others at times, but not always control their destiny.

May 23, 2000

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The First Shall Be Last

The First Shall Be Last

Is it essential that all the great ones from the past be gathered to make the current work successful. Is it essential that you were someone of significance in a past life? This parable of Jesus gives some answers:

“For the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which went out early in the morning to hire labourers into his vineyard. And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard.

“And he went out about the third hour, and saw others standing idle in the marketplace, And said unto them; Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you. And they went their way. Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise.

“And about the eleventh hour he went out, and found others standing idle, and saith unto them, Why stand ye here all the day idle? They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. He saith unto them, Go ye also into the vineyard; and whatsoever is right, that shall ye receive.

“So when even was come, the lord of the vineyard saith unto his steward, Call the labourers, and give them their hire, beginning from the last unto the first. And when they came that were hired about the eleventh hour, they received every man a penny.

“But when the first came, they supposed that they should have received more; and they likewise received every man a penny. And when they had received it, they murmured against the goodman of the house, Saying, These last have wrought but one hour, and thou hast made them equal unto us, which have borne the burden and heat of the day.

“But he answered one of them, and said, Friend, I do thee no wrong: didst not thou agree with me for a penny? Take that thine is, and go thy way: I will give unto this last, even as unto thee.

“Is it not lawful for me to do what I will with mine own? Is thine eye evil, because I am good? So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen.” Matt 20:1-16

Many of those who were people of significance in the past are born into the current cycle with a major handicap. They will often come with an internal sense of superiority that makes them of little use until they relearn the necessary humility and other lessons necessary for success.

Let us take, for example, a person who may have been born into royalty in a past life. All those around him are subject to his every whim and he is engrained with a sense that he deserves his power and respect. He is then born in a future life with a sense that “the world owes him a living” and does not have the wherewithal to earn his own way. He may wind up being a homeless bum until he learns the needed lessons.

This principle also works with the workers of light to a degree. One may be a student of a great master in one life and obtain a false sense that he is more spiritually deserving than the next guy. If this seed of illusion grows then in a future life he may wind up being a dreamer in illusion who is of no use to the Great Ones. Thus he was first and became the last.

Even so it is now. We are in the twelfth hour of the labors in the vineyard and many new workers are being hired and coming forth to serve. In many ways their labors now for this one hour are considered as valuable as that of the older laborers over thousands of years. Why? Because many of the older laborers are expecting to be the new gurus who will be served and respected. Consequently, they are of little use in the present. The new workers will wind up performing a service of equal value to the combined value of the seasoned ones.

So, my friends, do not concern your self with whether or not you were a great one in the past. Such a status may actually be a handicap to you. Only concern yourself with becoming a great servant in the present. The present is where the point of power lies.

Is it possible to neutralize the handicap of past success in the present life?

Yes, but only if one “becomes as a little child” and is willing to let all attachments go and learn “all things new.”

May 22, 2000

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Neutralizing the Negative

Neutralizing the Negative

I received this e-mail and thought that the group may benefit from my answer. This person writes:

“Is depression an attack from the dark brotherhood? If so I am being attacked, even though I know I can over come it and how I can overcome it… is there a way to ensure that depression doesn’t return??”

Djwhal Khul talked about this in words so well-written that I cannot improve upon them. Here is what he said:

“Danger from the Dark Brothers.

“I think I gave you earlier practically all that I can as yet impart anent the Brothers of Darkness, as they are sometimes termed. I only want at this point to lay emphasis upon the fact that no danger need be feared by the average student from this source. It is only as discipleship is approached and a man stands out ahead of his fellows as an instrument of the White Brotherhood that he attracts the attention of those who seek to withstand. When through application to meditation, and power and activity in service, a man has developed his vehicles to a point of real achievement, then his vibrations set in motion matters of a specific kind, and he learns to work with that matter, to manipulate the fluids, and to control the builders. In so doing he encroaches on the domain of those who work with the forces of involution and thus he may bring attack upon himself. This attack may be directed against any of his three vehicles and may be of different kinds. Let me briefly point out some of the methods employed against a disciple which are the ones which alone concern the student of these letters:

“{A} Definite attack on the physical body. All kinds of means are employed to hinder the usefulness of the disciple through disease or the crippling of his physical body. Not all accidents are the result of karma, for the disciple has usually surmounted a good deal of that type of karma and is thus comparatively free from that source of hindrance in active work.

“{B} Glamour is another method used, or the casting over the disciple of a cloud of emotional or mental matter which suffices to hide the real, and to temporarily obscure that which is true. The study of the cases wherein glamour has been employed is exceedingly revealing and demonstrates how hard it is for even an advanced disciple always to discriminate between the real and the false, the true and the untrue. Glamour may be either on the emotional or mental levels but is usually on the former. One form employed is to cast over the disciple the shadows of the thought of weakness or discouragement or criticism to which he may at intervals give way. Thus cast, they loom in undue proportion and the unwary disciple, not realizing that he is but seeing the gigantic outlines of his own momentary and passing thoughts, gives way to discouragement, aye even to despair, and becomes of little use to the Great Ones. Another form is to throw into his mental aura suggestions and ideas purporting to come from his own Master but which are but subtle suggestions that hinder and help not. It takes a wise disciple always to discriminate between the voice of his real Teacher and the false whispers of the masquerading one, and even high initiates have been temporarily misled.

“Many and subtle are the means used to deceive and thereby curtail the effective output of the worker in the field of the world. Wisely therefore have all aspirants been enjoined to study and work at the development of viveka (ability to discern the real from the unreal) or that discrimination which safeguards from deception. If this quality is laboriously built in and cultivated in all events, big and little, in the daily life, the risks of being led astray will be nullified.

“{C} A third method frequently employed is to envelop the disciple in a thick cloud of darkness, to surround him with an impenetrable night and fog through which he stumbles and often falls. It may take the form of a black cloud of emotional matter, of some dark emotion that seems to imperil all stable vibration and plunges the bewildered student into a blackness of despair; he feels that all is departing from him; he is a prey to varied and dismal emotions; he deems himself forsaken of all; he considers that all past effort has been futile and that naught remains but to die. At such times he needs much the gift of viveka, and to earnestly weigh up and calmly reason out the matter. He should at these times remind himself that the darkness hides naught from the God within, and that the stable centre of consciousness remains there, untouched by aught that may betide. He should persevere until the end, the end of what? The end of the enveloping cloud, the point where it merges itself into sunlight; he should pass through its length and out into the daylight, realizing that nothing can at any time reach to and hurt the inner consciousness. God is within, no matter what transpires without. We are so apt to look out at environing circumstances, whether physical, astral or mental, and to forget that the inmost centre of the heart hides our points of contact with the Universal Logos.”

JJ: Of course, not all depression is caused by the Dark Brothers, but it is true that when one begins the path of true service that depression will be a weapon that they will use to discourage fledging disciples.

It is also important to not cultivate the “devil under every rock” syndrome. Many beginning aspirants who are not producing enough results to attract the attention of the dark ones will tend to blame every problem they have on the dark entities. Such persons will often escape from their own responsibilities for achievement by a “devil made me do it” attitude.

Nevertheless, the day will come in the lives of all servers where they become effective enough to attract attention of the great ones on the left and the right. When this time comes the disciple must learn to neutralize the dark forces and the obstacles in the path.

From my own experience with both forces I sense that there is a divine purpose in allowing the Dark Brothers to wreck havoc on us as we attempt to serve.

Just as gold must pass through the refiner’s fire before it reaches its highest purity and value, even so must the disciple pass through every obstacle that can be thrown in his way on the path of service.

The beginner sees service as an act of sacrifice on his part, as if he is doing a favor for God and the Masters of Wisdom. But then after lifetimes of struggle he begins to realize that true service is a prize and a privilege to obtain. When the Dark Powers are neutralized and he finally can serve without impediment, then his attitude takes a 180 degree shift. Service is no longer a gift he is giving to the world through sacrifice, but a joy and a sublime gift that God has given to him as well as others with whom he associates. Each step and increase in power to service is a gift from God, but to receive the gift one has to develop a capacity to retain the gift. If one does not have the capacity to retain the gift the gift is held in reserve until the power to correctly use it is retained.

The Dark Ones unwittingly help the servants obtain the discipline and steadiness of mind necessary to obtain the status of a working disciple.

In the meantime, dealing with depression which is either self-caused or sent from the Dark Brothers is a real item for the worker in the light to deal with.

If the depression is not because of an attack and yet the person is fairly evolved the cause is usually a resistance of some kind. What kind of resistance? A resistance to the impressions sent from the soul or a resistance to hearing the words of the soul itself.

Why would one resist hearing the words of the soul? Because of fear. Fear of what? Fear that the soul will direct you in paths that you are not prepared to take.

Solution: The seeker must become as a little child in this matter and be open to all things and have a willingness to learn any new truth, even if it diametrically opposes that which he has held dear for many years. Then when the truths of the Holy Spirit do distil upon his consciousness, he must not resist, but follow. If he does not follow, depression is likely to result for he will not be able to completely set aside the feelings from his innermost being that he is not living up to the highest of which he is capable.

In the case of receiving and handling a negative charge from the Dark Brothers the solution is somewhat different. An extremely important part of the solution is to learn the difference between negativity caused from our own making and negativity that is sent to us to neutralize us. There is a definite difference in the sensation of the two. The only way to consistently recognize negativity imposed from outside is to learn to not identify with your own emotion.

In my book, The Immortal, we were taught that we are not our bodies, or our emotions and we are not even our minds. These are all vehicles for our use. Just as a car we drive is not us, but a vehicle for our use, even so it is with our feelings. Depression is thus possible because we identify too strongly with our vehicles, in particular our emotional selves.

When the wise disciple fully understands that he is not his feelings he can use the positive ones for his enjoyment, but detach himself from the negative ones. As he then passes through the negative he then realizes that the experience is like being in a secure ship passing through a storm and that the storm will soon end. In the meantime, he can retreat into his secure warm dry cabin and sip on a glass of wine until the storm passes. After the dark storm passes (and it always does) the pilgrim can then go out on the deck and enjoy the sun and fresh tropical breeze.

He thus learns to enjoy the good and neutralize the bad.

As the servant becomes adept at neutralizing dark forces so they have no negative effect upon him personally another problem develops. When the Dark Brothers see that that attacks on the disciple are ineffective they will then attempt to get to him by attacking either his loved ones or other workers in the light with whom he is associated. They do this by channeling the negative energy either directly at the designated persons or sending it to the disciple and reflecting it off his aura into other people who are in his consciousness.

It’s a little like the plot of a bad movie where the bad guy threatens the life of the hero if he does not do what they say. The hero then says “Do what you want to me, but I won’t cooperate.” The bad guy then grabs a loved one and says “Do what I say or the girl gets it.” In the movies this always gets to the hero and he disarms and cooperates until an opportunity to escape presents itself.

This is not an exact correspondence for the disciple must never disarm or cooperate. What then is the solution? When such an attack comes the disciple must learn to recognize it for what it is and tune into the vibratory signatures of loved ones or fellow workers. He will either recognize who are the target(s) of the attack with higher psychism or through clues that will present themselves.

When he then discovers the person(s) who is affected the disciple must then work with him or her with the utmost of patience, love and communication to neutralize any negative effects. How that neutralization is to take place is varied and cannot be covered in full here. It may vary from saving a life to a mere communication or prayers to drive the force back into its rightful place.

There is a piece of good news here and it is that the Dark Brothers cannot attack consistently with power, but must build up negativity through their own meditation and send it forth when the correct window is open. Generally (but not always) this involves intervals of from three to six months.

They will often time their attacks to present themselves shortly after the servant has received an endowment of positive force from the Brotherhood of Light. The time of the attack is very consistently three days after the endowment. Such an attack is geared to discourage the disciple from following the revelation or inspiration received. But the wise servant will ignore the negative and follow the positive even as he sails through the fiercest of storms.

Part of the purpose of the Song of the 144,000 is to assist all workers in the light in neutralizing these negative attacks when they come as well as preparing a conduit to channel protective energy to others in the circle of service.

May 20, 2000

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Poetry in Motion

Poetry in Motion

Since we are passing around poetry I thought I would post a couple I have written that seems close to the subject at hand. Hope I’m not too mushy for you.



By J J Dewey

I sought to build a temple

Of the Living God

Where He could come and dwell

And rest His Iron Rod.

So the glory of God would shine around

And all would see the day

Love and Light would abound

Like the Sun would point the way.

I took the brick and motor fine

And a form I made.

All was there but Love Divine

And thus it cast a shade.

Then in the doorways it was clear

The Love of God did cry

You cannot alone build a temple dear

Only a form that one would buy.

To build a Temple Beautiful

And make a living thing

Find one you think is wonderful

And to her my Spirit bring

I appoint to you – a sign

You two shall be as one.

And share in love the truth divine

Until the living temple be done.

I found a one my Lord did love

Who sought Him as did I

The Spirit descended from above

The union made me cry.

A thousand lives

Is what our oneness shows

A love to make the building divine

A temple beautiful to know.

We sought to build somewhere

The temple – A living thing.

And found the breath of life was there

The Spirit we did bring.

For first we loved as few dared dream

A temple made with no hands.

Before we made the building seen

By the eye of men.

God did smile on the temple seen

Filled with Light and Love and Will-to-be

And revealed to me the mystery of the Trinity

The temple must be build by three.

You and I and the God of Love

Must be the cornerstone

And in oneness build the temple above

Before life can be seen in stone.



We have both yearned for oneness over many lifetimes.

I can feel it.

You have called out for your other half many times over thousands of years.

I have heard it.

I have put forth the thought that I need someone like you to complete me and give me strength to do what I know I must do.

I have spoken it.

Poetic thoughts of you over a dozen lifetimes fill my mind.

I have written them.

The soft melodies of the universe filters through your soul into mine.

I have sang them.

The powers and Gods that be have blessed our Union.

I accept it.

The time is come to be one in everlasting Love.

Let US do it.



You are my wife, lover and partner

And for that I will always be grateful

But you are more than that.

You are my best friend.

You are always there for me

When I need you.

You are there to lift my spirits

When no one else is there.

You listen

And sometimes you are the only one

You inspire me

When there seems to be no inspiration left.

You love me

When perhaps no one else would

You accept me

For what I am.

It may take the rest of my life

Or longer

To repay

The gifts you have given me.

But the repayment is not a burden

It is a joy.



Light is Truth

Truth is the Word

The Word is a seed

I am a sower of seeds.

For thousands of years have I sown.

Most of them fell by the way side and were ignored.

Others fell on stony ground

And died and the wind of ridicule blew them away

Because they had no root.

Again I sowed among thorns

And the cares of the world choked

The Life from the sprouted seeds.

I have searched and searched for good ground

But it seems so illusive.

What seems to look so good

Seems to produce the highest weeds

That hide the sunlight and take the nourishment

From the soil that was to feed the seed.

But finally I found you.

Who made sure the seed was not cast by the way side.

You made sure the seed was not planted in stony ground

Nor did you let it fall among thorns.

Neither did you deceive me with soil that appeared good

But hidden within were seeds of many weeds.

You, the choicest of Nurturers

Have given me virgin soil

With no stones, thorns, or deceptive seeds

You allowed my word to be planted deep within

And kept it moist and aerated

And spoke kind words of belief and faith

And hope for the struggling life to break soil.

My Word in the struggling life

Will not disappoint you

But will spring forth a plant in a day

Whose flowers will follow the Sun in its tracks

Whose fruit will be the Love of God

And Union of Souls unto you.

Your soul and mine.

May 18, 2000

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In our group there are some who take the Bible quite seriously and others who take it with a grain of salt. Both sides will note that whenever possible I will quote from it to either establish truth or to illustrate that certain teachings are confirmed there. For those of you who see me as wasting time here I would encourage tolerance and an open mind. While it is true that many teachings and laws in the Bible were for a people of an age long past there is also much wisdom expressed in its verses. The highlight of the Bible is of course the words of Jesus.

The fact that the words of the Bible are a strong authority in the minds of many can be used for good or evil. Many use it as a means of control, but then there is an opportunity to open minds to greater vision if it can be shown that a hidden teaching lies therein.

In my view one of the most misused teachings of he Bible concerns divorce. In the days of Moses a man could divorce a woman on a whim and Jesus saw this as an injustice and attempted to shift Israel in the other direction. But because people like to take one extreme position or another they went the other way and many were caught in loveless marriages from which there seemed to be no escape.

Several questioned my interpretation of the scripture I quoted on divorce so I thought I would clarify further here. I would be happy to take any questions if further clarification is needed.

One of the problems is that many lump the words fornication and adultery as meaning the same thing, but such is not the case. Two entirely different words are used with two different meanings in the original language. Some churches realize this and define adultery as being sex by a married person with someone besides the spouse. They define fornication as sex between two unmarried people. They are on the right track in making a distinction between the two words, but have missed the principle behind them.

For the most ancient and accurate definition we must look to the Hebrew:

Fornication is translated from the Hebrew ZÂNÂH and the Greek PORNEIA. In connection with sex ZÂNÂH implies some type of prostitution – either playing the roll of a prostitute or using a prostitute. On the other hand, more often than not it is used in the Bible to imply an act that has nothing to do with sex. Strong’s Concordance defines it as “committing idolatry.”

Time and time again in the scriptures when the heart of the people of Israel or Jerusalem left the true God and worshipped idols they were said to be committing fornication.

Adultery comes from NÂ’APH and we all know the common meaning here. In addition to referring to sexual betrayal it is also used to label one who has drifted away from God or the true teachings from God.

How does idolatry correspond to prostitution?

A prostitute receives sex for money with no exchange of the love energy. The prostitute only gives him tenderness when she receives something in return. Without the exchange of love there is only physical effects and satisfaction.

On the other hand, when one finds a faithful and loving wife sex is exchanged with no money involved. Both receive fulfillment through love that goes beyond physical satisfaction. Faithful companions give to each other even when there is no money or physical benefit in sight.

Idolatry is very similar to prostitution in that the idol commands your physical attention and some type of payment or sacrifice. The idol gives not of true love, but only the illusion of fulfillment. When the relationship is over the person walks away from the idol empty-handed.

On the other hand, if one sees the invisible God as the partner in a marriage relationship he will dedicate his life to such a being and receive the true benefit of love in return. Like the faithful spouse God does not demand physical payment for fleeting pleasure, but instead commands your heart and loyalty in return for love that never dies.

Here is a scripture that tells us that the city of Tyre has committed fornication because she is playing the roll of a prostitute.

“Take an harp, go about the city, thou harlot that hast been forgotten; make sweet melody, sing many songs, that thou mayest be remembered.

And it shall come to pass after the end of seventy years, that the LORD will visit Tyre, and she shall turn to her hire, and shall commit fornication with all the kingdoms of the world upon the face of the earth.” Isa 23:16-17

Here is another one telling us that Jerusalem is committing a similar error:

“But thou (Jerusalem) didst trust in thine own beauty, and playedst the harlot because of thy renown, and pouredst out thy fornications (ZÂNÂH) on every one that passed by; his it was. And of thy garments thou didst take, and deckedst thy high places with divers colours, and playedst the harlot thereupon: the like things shall not come, neither shall it be so. Thou hast also taken thy fair jewels of my gold and of my silver, which I had given thee, and madest to thyself images of men, and didst commit whoredom (ZÂNÂH – fornicaton) with them.” Ezek 16:15-17

Here we are told as plain as word can be that Jerusalem committed fornication through idolatry and not sex.

The scriptures also use adultery in symbolic ways not involving sex:

“And I said after she had done all these things, Turn thou unto me. But she returned not. And her treacherous sister Judah saw it. And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce… And it came to pass through the lightness of her whoredom, that she defiled the land, and committed adultery with stones and with stocks.” Jer 3:7-9

Here Judah betrayed God and this non sexual betrayal was called adultery. Because of this God said that he was giving her a bill of divorcement.

Here is a scripture where both the words are used implying that there are two different meanings.

“But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness,” Gal 5:18-19

Here is a scripture that clearly tells us that fornication has a meaning that differs from adultery.

“Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.” I Cor 7:2

Paul tells us that marriage will help us avoid fornication. On the other hand, one cannot commit adultery unless he is married.

Many times in the scriptures the word fornication is used in connection with idols or sacrifices made thereto. Here are some examples:

“But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication.” Rev 2:14

“Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.” Rev 2:20

Notice in these two examples that fornication is linked strongly to idolatry and also to false teachings. This indicates that a form of fornication is to have a true teacher or teaching and embrace a false one that may sound good and easy, but is as illusionary as an idol.

Note that Jesus himself tells us that adultery is not always a physical act:

“Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Matt 5:27-28

He also said that fornication comes from the heart:

“For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:” Matt 15:19

If therefore one can commit adultery and fornication within the heart and can carry out this error in ways that do not involve sex would this not also mean that the scriptures would also sanctify divorce in cases that do not involve sex, but instead the condition of the heart?

With this in mind let us again examine the scripture in question:

“But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.” Matt. 5:32

A justifiable cause of divorce is therefore fornication. If one thus takes his heart away from his spouse and puts it on an idol (idolized person) in place of the spouse he has therefore committed fornication.

This makes a lot of sense when you think of it. Who wants to stay married to someone who does not have his or her heart dedicated to you? Such a marriage is indeed lifeless and if the hearts cannot be joined again in unity divorce can actually be a beneficial option. It only makes sense that the couple should do everything within their power to join again the hearts as one before considering this final solution.

I believe the core meaning was left out of the above scripture. Let me quote it again with additional light in parenthesis.

“But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, (her love and heart is not with you) causeth her to commit adultery: (If her heart is with you and you leave her she violates her heart if she joins with another) and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced (her heart belongs to the previous spouse) committeth adultery (you are having sex with one whose heart belongs to another).” Matt. 5:32

Speaking of heart, does this interpretation not settle better with your heart than the demand that two people not joined in the heart being forced to stay together?

May 16, 2000

Copyright by J J Dewey

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