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Dead Ends

This entry is part 22 of 34 in the series 2010B

A reader asks this question:
If you have come to a complete wall on what to do next, is it a good idea to fast, prayer and meditate on your next step?

This is a problem all of us have had from time to time. Even super human lives reach an impasse now and then and do not know which direction to take is the better.

One can understand why this would happen to the average person, but why would it happen to even the masters and beyond?

The answer is simple. All of us, high and low, are learning and we learn best by experience. Our next step in learning has many unknowns in it. You do not learn if you already know all there is in a certain area. The fact that we are ever learning tells us that all of us are attempting to discover the unknown and make it known.

This creates a problem for all us all now and then, but it is a good problem. If we didn’t have this problem then it would mean there is no more learning and if there were no more learning there would be no purpose and without learning and purpose there would be no creation and without creation all life would dissolve and we would all be as if we never were.

So, what do the masters do when they reach an apparent dead end and are not sure of their next step?

They do the same thing that we have to do. They stand still for a period of time and think about it. They do however, ask themselves a question that is often overlooked by average humanity which is this.

They assess all the things they should have accomplished with what they know and ask themselves if there is any more work that needs done before they take their next step. If the answer is yes then they understand that there may be a few things they yet need to do before a next step is possible.

So, when the disciple has done all that is possible to prepare for the next step and the next step is still unclear, then what?

For inspiration on this go back to the Parable of Decision in the first Immortal book. There we see an example of the wrong thing to do. The two who could not make a decision suffered the most. The other two who took the two paths were both far ahead of those who stood still in fear.

If one does not know what to do then he must use the first Key and Decide – decide something even if there is a good chance the decision is wrong. If the decision is a bad one the error in it will reveal itself as you move forward. Then you can see more clearly and make a good decision that was impossible earlier.

It is imperative then that we make a decision and then force ourselves to act upon it. Always try and incorporate the principle of harmlessness into that decision.

Another reader writes:
I have read extensively on soul contact yet have never experienced it. I feel hollow and am struggling. I remember your writings on life cycles and how if one does not find his purpose by age fifty, a self-destruct mechanism activates and ends the life. Part of me wants to let that mechanism activate and another part of me wants to cross the finish line victorious. I feel paraplegic in my attempts to see the purpose of this incarnation. I am obviously doing something wrong but not sure what.

You are referring to the age of crystallization and that is 54-56 years. They do not self-destruct, however, but just take it easy on the learning curve for the rest of their lives. About 90% of humanity gets caught in this trap.

Many people are under the illusion that God has some complete plan for them and they must discover it. They often wait in vain. Why?

Because most of us have to develop our own plan. Every once in a while a disciple will receive a revelation on what do to next but most of the time it is up to us and the sky is the limit. We can do whatever we want.

So ask yourself. What type of work do I enjoy. Then learn some more things around that which you enjoy and apply them or teach them. This will give you purpose.

Also ask yourself – what new thing can I learn that would be fulfilling? Then set about to learn that thing.

In the process of all this look back upon your life and ask yourself if there was any message from your inner self that you ignored and have not acted upon. If there was and you know it then retrieve that guidance and act upon it. This act can restore purpose very quickly.

Facing the Storm

This entry is part 23 of 34 in the series 2010B

I’ll try to catch up on a few questions.

I was asked if a premature birth or something that interrupts the timeline such as a caesarian or induced labor prevents the astrology chart from being accurate.

A premature birth creates little interference, as the entity designated for the body is usually aware that the birth will be premature for some time before the event.  In many cases a premature birth is related to his karma.

A caesarian birth or induced labor does alter the birth time and thus the chart, but not always the rising sign.  Each rising sign repeats every 24 hours and if a certain rising sign is desired as an imprint then circumstances will often change the day of birth, but not the time of day that the person may be born.

Now let us suppose that the entity is born a week earlier than would have been naturally he case.  There will be quite a few things in his chart that will be different, but also quite a few things that will be the same.  The differences will not create a different destiny but different influences.  For instance, maybe the alternate energies will influence him to be more introverted than he otherwise would be.

If his rising sign is changed through induced labor then the new sign will still indicate a lesson to be learned but his main destiny will be somewhat hidden, but will still be subtly there in other parts of his chart.

At the time of birth whether it be natural or induced we receive an imprint of astrological energies that influence us for a lifetime.  Note, I say influence ad not control.

Larry woods writes:
…But if you could give me/us, something hopeful to fuel our thought engine with peace, I/we would certainly welcome that perspective. How Jesus managed to reassure them I do not know. How JJ will reassure us I do not know; but I hope he succeeds and I hope we raise our thoughts high enough to receive peace.

Perhaps it would be wise to look at the example of the Master and see how he handled two different stormy situations.

The first was given in my last post.  There was a storm at sea that was so precarious that the disciples thought the ship was going to overturn and sink.  They were afraid for their lives.  In their terror they turned to their one hope – Jesus.  Jesus was a man of miracles – maybe he could do something.

But where was Jesus???

They looked all over the ship and finally they found him.  To their amazement he was sleeping.  How in the world could any human being sleep in the midst of such turbulence they wondered with great curiosity.

They shook him and woke him up and pleaded with him to save them.  To their surprise, Jesus seemed completely unconcerned with the danger from the storm and chastised them for their lack of faith.

Now the question that no one I know of has asked in the last 2000 years is this.  Why was Jesus sleeping?

The question becomes more poignant when you consider that they were on a small boat that was being tossed to and fro. There is no way that Jesus was not aware that he was in he midst of a great storm, yet he chose to sleep even as his reclined body was tossed back and forth.

Why would he sleep in such a situation?

The are two parts to this answer.

First, he was tired and not being pestered by people wanting to be healed.  This was a chance to get some rest.

Secondly, he was in touch with his spiritual center and even though danger seemed obvious, he knew that they would be protected. He knew the storm would not destroy them.

Because he knew this he saw no reason to stay awake and pace back and forth with worry.  Instead he slept as sound as a baby until the disciples forced him to awake. Thanks to their lack of faith and no inner contact to receive assurance Jesus didn’t receive his needed rest.

Then there was a second stormy situation that Jesus handled much differently.  This was in the Garden of Gethsemane where he knew he was betrayed and Roman soldiers were coming to arrest him.  Again his life seemed to be in danger.

Did he lay down to sleep again?

No.  This time it was the disciples who slept.  Jesus tried to wake them but instead of coming to his aid they just fell back to sleep.

Jesus was very concerned about the situation and pleaded with his Father to remove him from it.

The answer was no and he was so overcome an angel had to appear to him to strengthen him.

Now, what is the difference in the two stormy situations?  The answer is key, and it is this.

In the first one Jesus knew through his inner guidance that, even tough things looked bad, he was in no danger and might as well get some rest.

In the second situation the storm again looked dangerous, but this time his he inwardly perceived that the danger was real and there was no way to escape it.  Because of this he was truly concerned.  His faith could not alter divine will.

We as disciples are in a situation corresponding to the first storm, which was at sea.  We look at the weakness of the dollar, the economy, the maddening direction our leaders are taking us and it appears that we will be swallowed up in this sea of distress.

But will we?

Have we as disciples tuned out the storm and sought guidance from within as Jesus did just before he took a peaceful nap in the midst of turbulence?

We must seek the answer within and when we get it peace will be ours in the midst of the storm to come, for we will know we will make it through.

That said, I am about ready to retire to a peaceful sleep.
Copyright 2010 By J J Dewey

Christmas Message 2010

This entry is part 15 of 28 in the series Christmas Messages

Calming the Storm

The Son of Man, which is the Son of God, the teacher of angels, men and Masters looked out upon the world on Christmas day and assessed the needs of the race of humanity.

They have always been fearful, he thought, but this year their hearts do vibrate with this emotion more than before. They are like my disciples of old, when in a storm at sea, they did wake me with fear in their hearts pleading with me to do something.

I arose and reminded them that faith, love and peace must occupy their hearts – not fear. Like draws like and fear draws that which is frightening.  Peace and love within draws that which is peaceful and loving without.

“I then spoke to the hearts of the disciples, “Where is your faith?  Let it come forth and be born anew. Let peace come forth within…  Be still, cast away fear and feel the peace of God.”

“I then looked out upon the storm without and spoke the words, ‘Peace…  Be still.’

The disciples did not realize they were a part of the miracle for first peace had to rest upon their hearts before it could calm the seas.

What was the greater work, to bring peace to the human heart or to the sea? Verily, I say it was a greater miracle to calm the human heart than the sea in its wrath.  It took all my focus to calm the men who were with me and by comparison calming the seas was an after thought.

As I look upon the hearts of the sons and daughters of God I see fear and turbulence of spirit as if they were also in the midst of a great storm.  Many send their thoughts to me, “Save us Lord, else we perish.”

Their fear brings forth fearful things so if the children of men want a peaceful and prosperous future they must first set their hearts in tune with the peaceful Spirit of God and sense the fullness rather than the lack.

If they can do this one thing then the terrible things they fear will be as if they never were or will be.

Therefore, call upon God in my name and ask for the peace that passes all understanding.  Ask in faith believing and I will come into you and share your joy. Together we will dwell in peaceful pastures beyond the touch of all things that humanity fears.

One by one humanity will drop their fears and join with me and when the desired number is reached I will go forth with them and create the world anew – a world in tune with the love of God.

Let peace first settle in the hearts within
Then as sure as the day follows the night,
Peace on earth good will to men
Will be everywhere in sight.

Rebel Lightbringers

This entry is part 24 of 34 in the series 2010B

Concerning the search feature for Freeread…

It works fine on the recent archives but the older ones are in a database and presently not accessible for searching.  I’ll see if I can find a search program that will work.  I’ll update you soon on this.

One of the problems in understanding Lucifer and the fall of angels lies with the meaning and application of the word itself.

Lucifer means “Lightbringer” and is also translated as “Day Star’ and Morning Star in the Bible.  All the bringers of light and truth in the universe are Lucifers, but not all of them rebeled or fell, and became adversaries or Satans.

In every level of intelligent existence there is some level of disagreement among the lightbringers. This “fall” from the divine council chambers not only happened on earth, but also in the chambers of the Solar Logos and higher.  Our Ancient of Days is somewhat of a rebel and this is one reason the earth is not yet a sacred planet.  He is taking us on a non standard route of progression and has provided humanity with extra stimulus causing us to evolve more quickly than we otherwise would have.  If this route had not been taken the average human would be like a native in a jungle.

There was risk in this move in that we could wind up destroying ourselves with knowledge gained too quickly.  There is also the possibility of a great payoff.  Our Logos took a risk that others shied away from and thus he was out of sync with his own higher council chamber.

Even so, the intent of his end game was in harmony with his higher ups.

From this angle of vision our Logos and all of humanity are fallen angels.  In other words, we have fallen off the trail and are attempting to find a shortcut to the end of the path.

Then within the Council Chamber of our own Logos we have a group of very high Kumaras which have all lived on other planets and mastered the physical plane.  In this group our Logos has his own rebels to deal with.  The problem there has filtered down to us as a fight between the left and right in the political spectrum. Where is the right balance in law and freedom?  How much freedom can humanity be entrusted with?  Was allowing them the freedom to obtain the atomic bomb a major mistake or a necessary evil?

Finally among humanity we have our own fallen Lucifers.  A dark brother can only evolve out of the lightbringers of humanity.  It is only when the third initiation is approached and the pilgrim is a light to his fellow men that the dark path can be chosen.

We thus have “fallen” lightbringers among the gods and even humanity itself.  The higher rebels are not evil as we understand the term but have advanced beyond what we see as evil.  The rebel lightbringers that came from humanity are very evil, however, and seek to take away the free will of humanity.  The problem on the higher levels is not so black and white but a matter of judgment and the degree of assistance that humanity should be given as well as the constraints and limitations that should be applied.

Thus when the various teachers past threw out words like “devil,” Satan, Lucifer etc they were loosely referring to forces that resist the good, the beautiful and the true and did not understand what was behind the apparent evil.

Twelve Days of Christmas Explained

This entry is part 14 of 28 in the series Christmas Messages

Most people just see this as a cute song, but few realize there is deeper meaning involved.

What in the world do leaping lords, French hens, swimming swans, and especially the partridge who won’t come out of the pear tree have to do with Christmas?

From 1558 until 1829, Roman Catholics in England were not permitted to practice their faith openly. Someone during that era wrote this carol as a catechism song for young Catholics. It has two levels of meaning: the surface meaning plus a hidden meaning known only to members of their church. Each element in the carol has a code word for a religious reality which the children could remember.

The partridge in a pear tree was Jesus Christ.

Two turtle doves were the Old and New Testaments.

Three French hens stood for faith, hope and love.

The four calling birds were the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke & John.

The five golden rings recalled the Torah or Law, the first five books of the Old Testament.

The six geese a-laying stood for the six days of creation.

Seven swans a-swimming represented the sevenfold gifts of the Holy Spirit: Prophesy, Serving, Teaching, Exhortation, Contribution, Leadership, and Mercy.

The eight maids a-milking were the eight beatitudes.

Nine ladies dancing were the nine fruits of the Holy Spirit: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control.

The ten lords a-leaping were the ten commandments.

The eleven pipers piping stood for the eleven faithful disciples.

The twelve drummers drumming symbolized the twelve points of belief in the Apostles’ Creed.

Christmas Message 1998

This entry is part 1 of 28 in the series Christmas Messages


As I was in the middle of an article to post the Spirit rested upon me and said:

“Write the words of inspiration. There are those who need to be lifted up in spirit, who need words of hope.”

“What words shall I write?” I asked.

“You know the words, the thoughts, the hope, they are resting in your heart even now. There are those who want and need to hear them.”

I paused and searched within my heart, and my soul was immediately flooded to overflowing with emotion. The intensity was so great I had to pause a moment and then returned and drank again from the great fountain. As I replenished myself the first great phrase came forth.

“He upon who the nations wait is waiting Himself for the time to manifest to the pure in heart and to the world. All who hear the Voice of the Spirit can shorten the wait by trusting in the Voice which is speaking within them.”

I absorbed these words as a thirsty plant does living water and heard the Voice speak again:

“Find the words of Hope. Hope is missing from the souls of many as if there were a famine in the hearts of the children of men.”

I obeyed and searched my heart again and in a place with dim lights, competing noises and little nourishment I found the Word. It was in a place passed over from ages hence. I lifted up the Word and embraced it and it did cause my heart to burn and words, great words, did I hear:

“I, even I, am the Hope of the world. There is none, not even one, who has had hope in Me who has done so in vain. My heart is wide as eternity and carries the hope of the child in all of you. You have looked for, and yearned for and hoped for a better world, a world of true brotherhood, of peace on earth good will toward men. When you sought One to come to deliver such a world, that hope you had was sent forth on ‘wings of power’ and circulates always in eternity. My friends, listen to my voice for I am aware of each time in your life that this hope has surfaced and promise you that the day will come when you shall see me face to face and the time of hope shall be exchanged for a time of fullness of joy.

“To all who hear these words I say nourish that hope which is in you and give it to others as the passing of a candle. You know not the power you have in kindling the hope of the downtrodden. You know not how much the souls of men yearn to have Hope burn within them again. Look upon the world…”

I immediately felt my spirit being lifted up and saw the world by feeling the world. The world as an entity had its eyes downward and was pulled upon by a dark and powerful gravity that seemed to have taken the world’s attention away from the bright and shining light that was hovering upward, if the world would only look and see.

Again the voice spoke to me:

“Tell the world to look upward and listen!”

I put my attention on the world and spoke the words it wanted to hear:

“Look up and see the Hope of the world.”

The world obeyed, but slowly, and finally looked upward. As it turned it saw a great light that released it from the gravity that held it bound. Then words were spoken and hope was born anew.

“I am coming even as I promised I would to fulfil my words to you, the world, because I love the world. I am coming even now in the hearts of men and women everywhere and in a short time my feet will walk among the paths of men, my hands will heal their wounds and I will sit at their tables and the Light and Love and Power of my Father-Mother God will rest upon them.

“Let not your hearts be troubled about how or when I shall manifest, but only let your eye be single on the faith that it shall occur. Join your minds to the Eternal Now and be as if I am here at this moment and it shall be. My First and Second Coming is now One and I am with you now. Take a moment (or more) of silence and feel My Love and hear My voice speak within you.

“Be ever aware that I live and am BECOMING in you.”

Personal note from JJ:

Please take this moment (or moments) of silence seriously. You may just feel the Master…. the best Christmas gift possible.

Posted 1998-12-24 07:37:00
Next: Christmas Present

Copyright © 1998 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved

Christmas Present

This entry is part 2 of 28 in the series Christmas Messages

Lincoln & Christmas 1864

Here’s a nice Christmas story to add to the Christmas Spirit.

On Christmas Day 1864, attractively attired Laura Jones made a desperate call on the President of the United States. She absolutely had to get in to see Abraham Lincoln!

A holiday peacefulness had settled over the White House, even though America was still caught in the throes of the Civil War. As dusk settled over the White House, Lincoln finished signing a stack of papers. He laid down his pen and sighed.

“What else is there to sign, Mr. Secretary?” Lincoln asked Gideon Welles. “Are we finally through for the day?”

“Mr. President, there is one special request from a 23-year old girl who has been trapped here in Washington since the war began,” Welles responded. “She desires to have a pass so she might travel safely to Richmond in order to have a Christmas wedding to her sweetheart, Jamie Joe Ballinger — a Confederate soldier.”

There was a long pause. Then Lincoln had his butler, Billy Slade, go tell the girl to come in. Lincoln spoke briefly with the forlorn Laura Jones, and her sincerity seemed to make a deep impression on the President.

After silently listening to Laura’s story, Lincoln nodded his head, and with a few stokes of his pen, proceeded to write some words on a card. He handed the travel pass to Miss Jones and wished her a Merry Christmas.

Laura Jones could not speak. Her eyes brimmed with tears of happiness. She was so grateful that she fell to her knees before the President.

“Get up!” Ordered Lincoln in a soft fatherly tone. “Do not kneel to me, but thank God and go!”

“Good-bye, Mr. Lincoln,” she said. “I shall probably never again see you until we meet in Heaven.”

President Lincoln was deeply moved. “I am afraid with all my trouble I shall never get to the resting place you speak of, but if I do, I’m sure I will find you there. That you wish me to get there is, I believe, the best wish you could possibly make for me. Good-bye, Miss Jones.”

Helping Laura Jones, a 23 year-old girl in love with an enemy soldier, was one of the nicest Christmas presents Lincoln ever gave. And it was his last. Less than four months later he was shot dead at Ford’s Theater.
Posted 1998-12-13 05:45:00

Next: The Santa God

The Santa God

This entry is part 3 of 28 in the series Christmas Messages

A reader was offended with my following statement:

“This simplistic view works well as a teaching mechanism for the spiritual infants of the world who see God as an amplified Santa Claus, but there comes a time that the seeker realizes that the Santa Claus God is an illusion and wants a more logical reason behind the true disciplines and gifts of the Father/Mother/It God.”

Even though I gave this in answer to one of your questions I did not mean to direct it at you, but I was trying to teach the general principle as it applies to all. I was not assuming that you saw God as an amplified Santa Claus.

It is interesting though to apply the law of correspondences to the idea of Santa Claus. Children are taught the illusionary belief that there is a real physical Santa Claus who brings gifts to all the “good” children of the world, but if you are “bad” then Santa Claus will have nothing for you. You may stand out among your friends as a bad kid because you received few or no gifts.

You go through several cycles of dealing with this illusion until you individualize enough to wake up and smell the coffee. You begin asking questions. “Dad, there are millions of kids in the world. How does Santa Claus visit them all?”

Dad gives an answer, but you are not satisfied with it.

“Mom, how does Santa Claus get into our house through such a small chimney?”

Mom gives an answer that shuts you up for a time, but still you wonder.

“Dad, why does my friend Jimmy get a lot better stuff than me when he got caught stealing from the grocery store and cheating in school? I’ve been a good kid and I get cheap stuff.”

Dad gives an answer but now you’re really getting uneasy. You’re not satisfied with it.

“Mom, we saw three Santa Clauses today while shopping. Which one is the real one?”

“They’re just helpers of the real Santa,” says Mom.

“Well, I want to see the real one.”

“He’s up at the North Pole making toys.”

“How does he make millions of toys?”

“He has lots of elves that help him.”

“But the last Santa I talked to said he was the real one.”

“Maybe you just got lucky then,” smiled Mom.

You then look back at mom smiling and wonder. Are you being told the truth here or is there some type of scam going on? You decide to find out the truth once and for all. On Christmas Eve you sneak out of bed and hide in a closet with the door cracked open so you can see the Christmas tree and the chimney. You are going to catch Santa when he shows up and ask him some questions and get some straight answers.

You wait and wait and nothing seems to happen, but then finally you see some movement, but it is not Santa coming through a chimney. Instead it is Mom and Dad with presents in hand placing them under the tree.

You sit back and slap yourself on the side of the head. “I should have known,” you think. “It all makes sense now. Mom and Dad are Santa Clause!

Why didn’t I realize the truth after all the signs I saw? Why wasn’t I able to put it all together?”

The interesting thing is that even though you discovered that you were in an illusion, you also found that the gifts of Christmas were not illusion. The gifts were real, but they materialized through a different process than you previously believed. You have now discovered a cause and effect that makes sense and this knowledge is actually more satisfying to your growing consciousness.

Now what is the correspondence here? As young souls, Santa Claus corresponds to God and we ask similar questions about Him. To our Reverend, Father, Pastor, Mom, Dad, or friends we ask:

“If God is all powerful and loving then why does He allow so much suffering?”

“How is God aware of me and billions of others all at the same time?”

“How does God find time to pay attention to me and billions of others at the same time?”

“Why do I only see God’s helpers? I want to see the real God.”

“Why do I have so many problems when I am a good guy and Jim lives in luxury when he is an SOB?”

“Why do I have to go to church when it is so boring and I don’t learn anything?”

“How can God be everywhere all at the same time, yet be sitting on a throne in heaven?”

Finally, after a period of questioning you withdraw to your closet and open the door to your inner world and you see that the reality of the God you have been told about is no more real than Santa Claus. There is a source of all your gifts, but it is not as you supposed. In many ways it is better than you supposed because it is real.
Posted 1999-6-5 23:43:00

Next: Interesting Facts on Christmas

Copyright 1999 by J.J. Dewey, All Rights Reserved

Interesting Facts on Christmas

This entry is part 4 of 28 in the series Christmas Messages

Here are some lesser known facts about Christmas that I think you might enjoy:

1. Jesus was probably born in either the spring or fall and not December 25th.
2. December 25th was a holiday centuries before the birth of Christ. On this day the Romans celebrated the Mirthraic feast of the Sun-god. Also from December 17-23 they held a great festival honoring Saturnus, the god of agriculture.
3. Early Christians were reluctant to celebrate the birth of Christ until the Church at Rome declared it as a day of celebration around 320 A.D.
4. The first known Christmas Carol (Jesus Light of All Nations) was written in 368 A.D. by St. Hilary of Poitiers.
5. The Christmas tree also predates Christmas. During the festival of Saturnus the Romans used the evergreen as a decoration in their homes. It was not widely used in connection with Christmas until the middle 1800’s.
6. The Custom of lighting Christmas trees began in the United States.
7. The Romans used the mistletoe as a symbol of peace. If enemies met under it they were to discard their arms and declare a truce. This ancient custom led to kissing under the mistletoe.
8. Holly became a Christmas decoration because legend has it that the crown of thorns of the head of Christ was holly.
9. The use of candles began in Ireland during religious persecution. Suppressed Christians put lighted candles in their windows on Christmas Eve as a sign of allegiance to Christ.
10. In many European countries children believe that Christ brings them gifts instead of Santa Claus.

11. The first Christmas cards in the United States were introduced by a printer named Louis Prang in 1875 about thirty years after they started in England.
12. In Italy Children set out their shoes for a female Santa Claus.

Happiness consists in accepting and adapting to the things you cannot presently change yet proceeding with a firm belief that you can eventually change all things for your good and acting accordingly.
Posted 1998-12-12 20:46:00

Next: Christmas Message 2001