Braco Comments

This entry is part 35 of 50 in the series 2011A

After quite a lively exchange on Braco I guess I’ll weigh in with a few comments.

First, I’ll answer my own questions.

(1) Are real miracles produced?

There are some participants who have no healing and feel nothing. Others feel a good feeling but are not healed. Still others receive partial or temporary healing. Then there are some who receive healing that will last for a year or more. One could say this latter category has received a true miracle as we normally define the term.

(2) Are the miracles created because Braco has special powers or something else? (3) What is the something else???

People can heal because of specialized knowledge more than the fact that they are special beings. There are, however, personal attributes that help. If the healer is healthy and has a strong vital energy, this can help. One would think that being a spiritual person would help, but when dealing with the masses a carnal person or one motivated by power or illusion can perform short term healings as well as the spiritual person. The main advantage held by the spiritual person is he can heal other people who are spiritually evolved. A wrongly motivated healer cannot do much for someone of a higher vibration than himself.

An initiate should not seek spiritual healing from a non initiate.

Okay – so wouldn’t one have to call Braco special since he does get some miraculous results?

Not necessarily for you hear similar testimony around many other healers.

Those who attended the last gathering may recall the teaching I gave out about ceremony. I said that this was one of the secrets of healing and that if we used our imagination we could create a new ceremony that could be given to the public and produce miraculous results.

Well Braco has come up with a new ceremony that works.

Why does it work?

Because it produces a point of tension in some. A good ceremony will guide the people’s thoughts toward a point of tension. Remember that energy follows thought and if a large group have their thoughts properly directed then miraculous things can happen.

Several things must happen before a healer can have success with a group.

First he must establish a reputation of one who can heal. Braco gained this gradually after he became a disciple of Ivica Prokic. He studied under him and worked with him for a couple years and then took his place when he died. At his death many began to look upon him to heal as did Ivica.

Braco then experimented with additional techniques and gained a reputation as a healer with special powers.

Secondly, the healer must create high expectation.

Once the healer gets a reputation expectation is not hard to accomplish and is where the ceremony and staging comes in.

The staging is set by the warm up people and the audience itself. Those on stage testify to the miraculous healing powers that will be witnessed and many believers are in the audience rubbing shoulders with neutral and negative people often turning them positive before the healer makes an appearance.

This rising of the expectation is a huge step in approaching the point of tension necessary to draw forth healing powers.

Even Jesus realized this and discovered that reputation and ceremony did not work when expectation was low. When he went home no one expected any results from him and nothing happened. Even the great Master could not heal in his hometown where he was seen as nothing special.

These preliminary proceedings are the first part of the ceremony, but the final most profound part occurs when the healer himself appears to fulfill expectations.

This is where Braco has come up with a very powerful ceremony, one that can only work where the healer has a positive reputation and has created high expectation. As Howard Stern says – most people would be laughed off the stage for trying to do the gazing thing, but this guy pulls it off.

Yes, the audience becomes convinced that this unconventional method works and this makes it all the more potent for believers.

He looks at the people in silence and the silence causes them to see his soul and reflect his soul energies back to themselves and if a point of tension is reached then some healing occurs.

The group has been debating as to whether Braco is on the dark or light side or maybe in between.

Let us take a look at the guy. He looks almost like the stereotype of Jesus with his long hair and sweet face. He looks harmless and benevolent. This look he has is good for the ceremony he uses. Clint Eastwood could never get away with this type of work, nor could a lot of others with regular looking appearances.

If I had to pick a guy from the Keys that could create a similar look I’d have to pick Dan. There is a warm and fuzzy aspect to Dan that could pull something like this off and garner trust. (I mean that in a good way, Dan)

Unfortunately, you can’t always tell by looks for, as Jesus said, there are wolves in sheep’s clothing.

The main thing to examine to find the truth of any spiritual messenger are their words and their works. These are the two witnessesq.

Unfortunately, there are no words, so this part of the witness seems to be missing. The lady closest to him in the United States who wrote the only English book about him did say this:

“It is no coincidence that after the November election and Barack Obama’s entry into office, the way was cleared for Braco’s first visit to America. Everyone is now facing the opportunity to open in perspective and action to more balanced possibilities as our ill begotten economic, social, educational and political structures are challenged and crumble. Braco represents a new level of healing reality to consider in the very left-brain West with a greater underlying potential in each of us.”
Angelika Whitecliff

So is Braco going to replace our “ill begotten” constitutional system with something else? And what would that be?

That’s a little unsettling to contemplate.

He does have works so we can look at them.

He desires to heal people are works tirelessly at it. That by itself is a good sign. Yes, there may be glamour involved but that’s for him and his followers to work out.

He either works for free or charges $8 to cover expenses. This tells us that making large sums of money is not his goal at this time. Even if he may at times make a profit $8 is a reasonable fee. That’s a real bargain compared to anything a doctor may charge in attempting to heal you.

He apparently sells miscellaneous items for a profit. Nothing wrong there with doing some free marketing. What he does with the profits is his business.

His work gives a lot of people more purpose and makes them feel better. Nothing wrong with that, in fact that is commendable.

There is one problem I see coming from his works and that is he is receiving the adoration of a messiah figure from many. Instead of looking on the inward God many seem to feel that they cannot receive the spiritual high without him as they can with him. In other words, they are focusing attention on the god without rather than the God within.

I’m reminded of the guy in the Braco film that had the toothache and the pain went away when he gazed at Braco. Did it go away for good? I don’t know, but I know I had a toothache a few days back that went on for a couple days and I was quite upset because I cannot afford to lose another major tooth. I had a good talk with my soul reminding it that it’s important that I not lose the tooth.

Well, the good old inner voice responded and said, “put some colloidal silver on the tooth.” I immediately did this and the pain went away in 15 minutes and has never came back. Hopefully I can keep the tooth and I didn’t need an outside person to help me to manifest that healing.

Yes, sometimes we do need outside help but this should never overshadow the power of a person’s own soul.

One thing that bothered me were the number of people who think they have to be in Braco’s presence to get a spiritual high. I’m inclined to think that this high they are getting is from an astral energy, for receiving the higher spiritual energies does not depend on another human being.

But there’s nothing wrong with getting a good emotional high as long as one realizes there is much more available.

Then there is an important thing that Jesus did that Braco is not doing. He duplicated himself. He told his followers, “Greater things than I have dome shall you do.” He then taught his disciples and soon they were doing great works just as their master did.

I do not see Braco training others to do what he does and the problem is amplified by the fact that many think he is special way beyond what they could achieve themselves.

I surfed through dozens of sites studying Braco and was amazed that I could not find one negative comment. Finally I did find one guy who did not see Braco as a god incarnate – none other than Howard Stern. As usual there is nothing sacred for this guy. Take a listen. It’s entertaining.
Howard Stern Comments

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

Braco, The Healer

This entry is part 34 of 50 in the series 2011A

Braco Discussion

Cheri writes:

I wanted to let you all know about an amazing healer, Braco. He’s from Croatia, and I first found out about him in Jan. 2010 in Hawaii, on his first trip to the US. He does gazing sessions, which is basically just standing in front of the audience and gazing, with music in the background. He doesn’t speak or touch anyone. The gazing’s last about 10 min. I’ve never felt such energy come from anyone before. It’s an amazing experience and left me speechless. He says that he has learned to pull down powerful energy from God and project it out to up 1000 people at a time. He doesn’t claim to be a healer but 1,000’s of people do (including myself). I had scoliosis (12 % curve) and my back was really painful everyday. After some gazing’s I noticed I had zero back pain! I also felt on an extreme spiritual high for about one month after! I’ve been craving feeling that again and now we all have the opportunity because he’s doing an online gazing tomorrow, Feb. 11. Sign up here .html

You can look up video’s about him on the same website or youtube. Sterling and I are even in a couple of them!


I saw an interesting piece on this guy on TV the other day and people swear that looking at his gaze produces miracles. As I think of it this would be a good discussion point for the group. Google this guy and go to Cheri’s link and then answer this:

(1) Are real miracles produced? (2) Are the miracles created because Braco has special powers or something else? (3) What is the something else???

Matthew Responds

I saw an interesting piece on this guy on TV the other day and people swear that looking at his gaze produces miracles. As I think of it this would be a good discussion point for the group. Google this guy and go to Cheri’s link and then answer this:

(1) Are real miracles produced? (2) Are the miracles created because Braco has special powers or something else? (3) What is the something else???

Larry W

My first impression about this gazing healer says placebo. I’ll let you know if I get anything else. Oh, speaking of JJ’s anything else question, placebo defines the mechanism.

Rush Limbaugh did a similar thing about 15 years ago on his show. First he read an article about some Russian who passed out orgasms to his audience by blowing a kiss to them. After musing about this a few minutes Rush decided to do the same. He said, after all, he had a deserving audience. He then proceeded to ask if everyone was ready and then gave a very emotional kiss, smacking his lips and blowing into the mic. Then he asked how was that. Women spent the next hour calling in thanking Rush for their orgasm and hoping their husbands would not find out.

I believe preachers used the placebo effect since day one. Sometimes they even “seed” their congregation to get the ball rolling. For example, my Uncle, Norman Peterson (one of my mother’s brothers), could throw his hip out of joint and then return it at any time. I have no idea HOW he did this but it was a freak of his body. Back when he was a cynical young man, a preacher hired him to do this and then to throw it back into place when the preacher healed him. He later repented from communism and from deceiving congregations when he joined the Mormon Church. He went on to be a member of a Stake Presidency. He also converted a couple hundred people into the Church as a local (live at home) missionary. He was a true believer and it was infectious. We called him Norman the Mormon. Norman was a good man and continued to ask hard questions on into his old age. He even asked questions normally forbidden in the Church. Just a few months before he died I talked with him about the Oahspe book. I like Norman a lot. I would not be surprised to find that his life experiences prepared him well to learn of the BOL in his very next life.

I wonder if placebo orgasms are as good…


(1) Yes Miracles are real

(2) Braco doesn’t claim to be a healer. He says he’s learned how to tap into powerful energy that he’s able to project out to others. He is also able to use everyone’s energy in the room and amplify it.

(3) It’s the energy that heals people not Braco.

I would just invite you to experience the gazing’s before making judgments. Honestly I thought it sounded a little weird but went in with an open mind. After experiencing a gazing most people can’t claim that nothing is going on. It’s very powerful stuff. I have seen auras a few times in my life but it has never been so easy as when I was able to see Braco’s aura. It was pure white and gold and went out from his body about 10 feet sometimes more. Another interesting thing was during all the gazing’s I went to Braco’s face would morph into one face after another. I’ve never had that happen to me and I still don’t know what that means. Afterwards I found out that it’s not uncommon for people to see his face morphing. Also I felt an incredible vibration and buzzing inside my body. Almost to the point I couldn’t take it.

Something from Braco’s website: Braco has never wished your worship or mine, nor has never claimed to be higher than, better than, purer than, worthier of this energy. He has shared that he is merely awakening or encouraging us, somehow, to fire up our own pilot lights – to blast the furnace of joy and share the Energy is there anyone who wishes it, for the enjoying, nurturing, and empowering.


I think I looked this guy up quite a while ago.

> > (1) Are real miracles produced?

Miracles can happen every day.

> (2) Are the miracles created because Braco has special powers or something else?

Mind over Matter. What you think you create. Belief.

> (3) What is the something else???

Mass Hypnosis. Mass Faith. Mass Thought form.

These types of “healings” happen in some Churches also. When someone believes something enough and puts all their attention or focus on that point, then they can manifest that belief in their own body etc.

If Braco was a great healer and could heal everyone and anyone, then logically he would put all the medical profession out of business and all the drug companies would be able to close down, and people could just see him and get healed and the World would be a happier place. Hey?

Braco would also need to know the “Word” that Jesus used to heal people via the devic kingdom’s response to that word or symbol. Jesus also told the Disciples that same healing word. To know that Word to heal en masse, then that would place Braco as a Master.

What else did Jesus always say, when He healed people? “By your true faith ye are healed.”

Personally, I feel that if Braco was like Jesus and could heal by simply staring out into the crowd, then unless he was Jesus, he would most probably use this power to his advantage to generate millions of dollars for himself, because people do like to make money off of their special talents and gifts sometimes. Plus if he was like Jesus or any of the other Masters then he would use this power to probably gain enough money and support to help those who live in poverty etc.

One must also remember that these types of talents are Atlantean in their nature, practice and abilities within the lower psychic realms and that the Dark Side know a lot about magic also at the lower levels on Earth, because the Dark Lucifer once was a Light Lucifer.

If Braco heals en masse, then how does that work within the law of Karma? Many people do not get healed because of negative karma that they have incurred and the pain is a needed lesson, so if Braco heals all these people, then all these people must have had permission from their souls and the Lords of Karma to be healed.

Plus I do not remember reading anywhere that the Masters will appear and just heal hundreds of people whenever they want, but I have read that many people will be attracted to false prophets because of their “abilities” to be Christ like in their appearances and words etc.

So to properly judge Braco, one would have to take into consideration his words and works etc, but considering he does not speak and only sends out vibrational energy shows me that he could be using a type of hypnosis.

However, I will have another look at the guy again.


The energy coming from Braco is so powerful that people bring photos of their loved ones and hold them up during the gazing’s. Some pretty amazing healings have happened to the people in these photos. People are being healed and cured (right after the gazing’s) and they didn’t even know who Braco was. They had no idea that their loved one had a photo of them held up during a gazing. How can it be the placebo effect when they didn’t even know about it?

Ruth Quoting Cheri

(2) Braco doesn’t claim to be a healer. He says he’s learned how to tap into powerful energy that he’s able to project out to others. He is also able to use everyone’s energy in the room and amplify it.


Then there is your answer Cheri. If Braco is using everyones energy in the room to amplify that energy, then the effect will be a mass thought form and belief in them all being healed.

People wonder why it is the female who believes etc in this type of thing. Probably because the female is closest to the “matter” or “form” energy, because female energy “receives” and male energy “sends”.

Now if Braco was a woman “sending” to all these “receiving” females, would the effects be the same?

If we are here with JJ learning to gain soul contact and soul infusion so we can become white magicians and work with “form” in a positive Light, then the question to ask is how come Braco can just seemingly tap into some energy? For him to heal that miraculously he would need to tap into the Soul and then know how to use the sacred “Word”.

One must be careful when judging people who are like this, because if it is emotionally based, then it is not soul based and the Masters work via Soul and in a Molecular Relationship and would appeal to both the Heart and the Mind or just the Mind.

People follow blindly because they are not using their mind to logically answer the hard questions. People just want to either believe via their emotional responses, or not believe, and then there are the people who weigh up both sides of the equation rather than just follow animal instinct or their emotions.


Could it be hypnosis? Looking at anything including the eyes can put one in a trance. Some forms of healing’s are real such as reiki which I know 20 styles of. Can anyone give me a direct link to his glaze healing as I gone to his website and also search him on youtube only to find nothing but documentaries on him.


(1) Are real miracles produced? (2) Are the miracles created because Braco has special powers or something else? (3) What is the something else???

Depends on your definition of “real miracles”. If I can devote/believe myself into developing stigmata, I think that’s pretty miraculous. I would guess that many people have had the experience of being helped and as/if his fame continues to grow, many more are likely to be.

I think charisma or the ability to engender great belief/faith by your simple presence (or gaze) probably is a very special power.

Belief is very powerful as a focuser of thought and therefore energy.

If people feel helped I don’t much care. At best they feel better and at worst, unless he starts inciting violence/wrong-doing, their wallets are a little lighter and they end up a little wiser.

Ruth to Cheri

So do you believe that Braco is a Master?


I absolutely believe that Braco is a Master. The energy I felt coming from him felt like my soul remembering.


Thanks for sharing Cheri I had not heard of this guy before and will check him out.

Id also like to remind folks that Christ also said if they are not against is they are for us.

I would reserve judgement on this guy till we can feel his energy and run it by our own soul.

If it is a thought-form so what, If it is helping folks, healing them and helping them feel more spiritual and focus on that then great. We are certainly in need of some mass healings in many areas.

Everything is a vibration or frequency perhaps he has just tuned into a higher vibration and in so doing can help others tune into it. A good sign so far is he is not making any claims and not asking for any devotion etc.

There are new energies coming into the earth to stimulate us to progress into the new age perhaps we ought to keep an open mind and seek the inner voice.


Braco takes no money from the ticket sales. It’s used for the building rentals and production cost’s. He won’t even take donations. He’s from a wealthy family and he’s the only child. He’s not looking for people to worship him. He’s just sharing a gift he has.

They don’t have videos of gazing sessions on the web. I know they sell DVD’s on his website that has some gazing on it. Sterling did film about half of a session in HI when he didn’t know we weren’t suppose to. Maybe I can get him to post it here.


There are several videos about him on youtube and I say you and Sterling in one:

I went to the site and definitely feel a peaceful energy and stimulation of the heart and throat chakra. I like that he is not saying anything and just being a conduit to stimulate energy on others.

After thousands of years and billions of written words humanity still doesn’t get it, so perhaps he is on to something 😉

I’d definitely go see him if I had the chance to really examine his energy.

I wouldn’t care he took some of the money to pay expenses etc. people need to make a living.


Many people are receiving and seem to be helped by this gazing so if it helps them then that is a good thing. I see no harm in this at this point. However I do not believe he is a master for I believe a true Master would be teaching in a much different way than just gazing and then walking off a stage without a word. All in all it seems harmless and of course it always helps to come from a wealthy family and to be a young handsome man looking the part of a spiritual being as most perceive a spiritual being to look.


Here’s the video I posted. I was asked to remove it because it is not professional enough.

I’ve made it available temporarily for you so you can see it

I’ll change it back to private in about a week.

I’ve been reading “21 Days with Braco” lately, and have found it very uplifting.

He doesn’t do this for money. The only charge is to cover venue expenses.

he doesn’t have any “teachings” to follow. It’s just the gift of his gaze that draws thousands of people to come to each appearance.

I had no idea what the “gazing session” was about that was listed on the conference schedule. It sounded kind of hokey to me. But after breakfast on the first day, as Cheri and I were walking around, we saw Braco and the crowd, with the music playing, and my soul was immediately attracted to what was going on there. I wanted to go down and join in the group. He has amazing energy, and the crowd adds to it, with there respect and quiet reverence for the healing / transformational power present.

Here’s the article about why Cheri and I were there:\ or_Earth_Transformation_Conference


My definition of a miracle is a natural phenomena that we don’t have an explanation for yet.

I studied Braco at length last February through his websites, reading a book about him, tuning into him, and watching some youtubes as well as listening to Cheri’s experience. Meanwhile, I started studying Matrix Energetics about 3 months ago. The basis of that study is Physics. It is a well known fact that matter acts as a particle in one instance (something solid) and in the next can have properties like radio waves. It is called the observer effect. It is also known that at the quantum level time and space don’t exist. Matrix Energetics shows a possibility: if the observer “decides” to look at waves rather than particles and interact at the quantum level, differences may occur at the particle level. Energetics doesn’t claim to know or do or be anything other than a possibility.

I believe what the Matrix website states about itself is also true of Braco:

begin quote: There is nothing physical – Instant change is possible

We teach from the premise that we are spirit living in a physical body; that we can access a reality that is no longer limiting and instantaneous change at the speed of light is possible – We introduce time travel and other techniques. These techniques enable us to access the lattice of information in new ways to affect change. The process of conceptualizing an energetic interaction as needing manipulation of a muscle or bone, repeated therapy or the running of energy, etc. limits transformation’s speed, intensity, potential and depth of expression. Seeing change as something which entails a mechanical process slows down the observer’s reality. Something that potentially can be instantaneous slows to a process that conforms to your previous therapeutic expectations.

Matrix Energetics creates a state by which transformation can materialize. The more you trust, the greater your wave, the greater your experience of transformation — just remember though that the description of energy and matter as composed of waves describes and allows you through the power of focused intent to enter into a non-consensus reality in which the product of your imagined outcome can encode and imprint on consciousness in such a way that physical observable changes become the product. You’re creating an altered state, a different reality, which you energize and give life to with your active imagination. And it can all happen now.

end quote

I studied Cognitive Psychology in college and had I stayed in that field I was considering studying the placebo effect as I considered it the most important thing to occur in human psychology. If the mind can do miracles why not learn to repeat THAT without all the other stuff? So to say that something is the placebo effect as a way to discount it is shortsighted in my opinion. The exciting thing is that the mind is capable of so much!!

I believe Richard Bartlett and Braco are showing the rest of us what we are all capable of doing and are only considered miracles because we don’t fully understand how the quantum field works.

I will tell you a miracle I was involved in in January. A vet has a degenerative disease and had to have one leg removed just above the knee. He was due to have the other one amputated after a year of no pulse in his foot. A group of us did various Matrix Energetics therapies on him over a period of 2-3 weeks. He said he did not believe in woo woo stuff but it couldn’t hurt anything. He had his last therapy with a friend Emily before his doctor appt. It was the final appt before being admitted to the hospital the following day for the amputation. Emily asked if he noticed any differences. He said it was easier to stand up and sit down and then off he went to the doc. They found a pulse in his foot, and deep vein action. FIVE doctors came in and looked at him trying to figure out how his leg started regenerating. It started to feel warm to the touch instead of cold. They cancelled the operation. Was he deluded, did the placebo effect occur or was it a miracle? Who the heck cares. He has his leg.

I can vouch for Cheri’s back problems and the fact that she worked hard this year physically at Safe Haven with little to no back pain. She would not have been able to do anything close to that kind of physical labor before.

The proof is in the pudding. I am seeing people’s lives changing for the better. I believe that the more we play in the quantum field the better we will get at regenerating and healing. Braco is giving freely of himself to better the world. He is foregoing family time. He used to speak to crowds about what he was doing but it started to create controversy and hero worship so he quit talking. I have felt some very real energies during Matrix Energetics sessions. I have been there and watched as very interesting things emotionally and physically occurred. There is much to learn about the capacity of our minds. What a wonderful experiment we could have by watching to see if such an experience can be had through media rather than just in person in this Braco gazing.

Larry W

Ruth said, “If Braco is using everyone’s energy in the room to amplify that energy, then the effect will be a mass thought form and belief in them all being healed.”

Larry Woods asks,

We discuss the idea of group thoughtform here quite often. We ascribe great power to it (this in itself constitutes a group thoughtform among us). So if group thoughtforms are so powerful and if they get even more power when more people subscribe to it, then I say we are in trouble. For example, traditional Christians believe God will wipe out the wicked in order to begin the Millennium. They do not merely believe this passively but they pour a lot of emotional energy, hope, prayer, teaching time, and exultation into this thoughtform strengthening it all the more. They believe it so deep, it is a foregone conclusion to them. So will these traditionalist thoughts reach out and touch someone? Will they wind up psychically murdering 90% or more of earth inhabitants with their thoughts? This is certainly powerfully injected with emotion, persistent over many years, and consistent among a very wide group of people. So does this create an unstoppable force demanding fulfillment? And, if it does, then what about the Moslem thoughtform that says they will dominate the planet eventually pushing all others off or forcing them to conform to Islamic rules of worship and accept the leadership of their great Imam whom they believe will be reborn to lead all people of earth and to vanquish those who do not accept his inevitable leadership? I point out that this other thoughtform is backed by a great many more souls than the traditional Christian one. Who wins?

I could go on giving other examples of hardened thoughtforms supported by vast numbers of people who throw strong astral energy into it in the form of religious fervor but these samples suffice for my point. But I suppose I should also touch base on another category of thoughtforms widely held and crystallized. For example, science embodies many thoughtforms. One that is shared by traditional science as well as politics is the idea of licensure. The dominating thoughtform in our world right now, on this subject, is that all practice of medicine, or any other profession for that matter, must come under the strict control and permission of the state and cannot be trusted to individuals making their own decisions whenever their lives touch professional services in any way. This domineering thoughtform places all our formal services totally under the control of governing administrators, judges, and legislators. We face the whole idea of practicing without a license any time we step out of bounds and attempt to heal someone. The government strictly forbids us to get our hands on medicines without going through a licensed doctor. The same goes for engineering, accounting, atonement, and all other so-called professional services. This thoughtform defines a huge portion of all we think of as government.

Why place the population under the requirement of licenses? Are we not free to do as we please as long as we do it without coercion? Well, the benefit they get from forcing you to sign a license contract is this: All law in America must derive from self evident truth and not from arbitrary rules or requirements. We strictly required this in our contract which formed our state called, The Declaration of Independence. In that document we stated several requirements for government. Then we stated that if the state fails to deliver on these requirements we will kill them. Then we showed evidence that King George of England had failed to support our minimum standard and thus we justified killing him (his representatives). Our purpose, at the beginning of the Declaration of Independence, was to let the world know WHY we were killing King George.

Though we required that all law in America derive from self evident truth, today all America is totally controlled by a vast network of interacting and totally arbitrary rules called licenses. You see, there exists only two types of law,

1) Commercial law or contract law

2) Natural law or criminal law.

The first is totally arbitrary based upon arbitrary agreements made between two or more parties. These agreements include all manner of arbitrary arrangements such as, “this contract only valid on Wednesdays”. We see such arbitrary restrictions throughout contract law. These arbitrary requirement need not stem from self evident truth at all but only answer to totally arbitrary agreements. Many people complain, for example, that the language within their insurance policies makes them almost meaningless because the restrictions end up discounting nearly all of life so they basically NEVER pay off. We all deal with the arbitrariness and narrowness of commercial contracts in many different context in our lives, including licenses, which are commercial contracts. Many people do not realize that when they sign a license, such as a marriage license, driver license, social security card, or any other license, they are signing a commercial contract and thus placing all their actions within this field of action under the arbitrary control of the state, from which they would have naturally been free, except within the workings of criminal law or natural law based upon self evident truth. So, you see, licenses allows the state to get totally arbitrary despite our requirement which we stipulated in our founding contract to create the state. So now you see why the state can act so very arbitrary in matters such as family law (marriage licenses are commercial contracts which bring sex, children, and all possessions and actions within the marriage contract as arbitrarily defined by state legislatures under total state control which are not required to conform to “self-evident” eternal words), business law (business licenses are commercial contracts), medicine (a vast series of commercial contracts in the form of licenses for practice and further complicated by a myriad of private contracts – ALL arbitrary and bearing not requirement of self evident truth), and in every other field of human endeavor. In fact, I cannot think of even one area of action or of interaction which is not totally covered by license in America. The overall effect of this licensure blanket, sometimes called the “social contract”, is that ALL you do is now subject to totally arbitrary rules and requirements from government – through the cover of license, they absconded your natural rights!!

Conversely, natural law or criminal law totally depends upon self evident truth and cannot be arbitrary in any way. But before you start thinking at least your rights are safe in criminal court (as opposed to a commercial court), let me burst your bubble. The criminal courts are now completely run through license these days. Even murder trials nowadays ultimately come under jurisdiction and practice of commercial law. I won’t go into a whole bunch of technical and detailed examples but I will provide a few broad brush strokes to make my case.

First, judges nowadays overturn the verdicts of juries. In real criminal law they could not do this. I know you’ve seen reports of this from time to time. Second, juries are not allowed to decide upon the law but only the facts. In a lawful jury proceeding, as opposed to commercial jury (“lawful” refers to Constitutional requirements while “legal” refers to commercial law requirements), the jurists decide the law and the facts because they are the sovereign. But, instead, juries these days are cut off from exercising their rightful power by judges who narrowly confine their duties and who narrowly control their exposure to the facts.

Third (could be counted as part of the second point), judges presume to limit the information allowed to be shown to a jury. Obviously if they recognized the sovereignty of the jurists (juries came into existence based upon the theory that kings can only be judged by a jury of their peers – truly free people being kings and queens within their own households) they could not presume to limit their information. Then the judge carefully constructs a very narrow principle of law or tradition which he allows the jury to address in considering the case. Obviously, if the judge decides what information you are allowed to consider and also which very narrow principle or tradition you are allowed to use when judging those limited facts, then the judge is prescribing your conclusions. And then, if you disagree with the judge, he overturns your decision anyway. The original Constitution of America requires (not an Amendment but original language) that the verdict of a jury cannot be overturned. We did this based upon the successful model of the Magna Charta. The purpose of this provision was to made sure the state did not take back control of law from the people. The purpose of juries in the first place was to place ultimate control of law in the hands of the common people and to wrench it away from the king or state. Jefferson said, referring to the original intended power of juries and not to today’s watered-down and impotent juries, that the jury system was the greatest protection against the tyranny of government ever conceived by the mind of man. But now we’ve lost this greatest protection. I could go into how this came about but that is beyond my current purpose.

This licensure thoughtform, so ardently endorsed and supported by the state and by all their loyal adherents, controls and defines all our civic relationships today. This powerful thoughtform controls and strait jackets people all over the world too, not just in America. Remember when DK said one aspect of increased maturity was to upgrade the nature of evil? Quite a seed thought. Well, the evil of totalitarian arbitrary state control did not die, it merely grew way more sophisticated. Now we enjoy the appearance of freedom while being actually wholly subjugated. By “appearance of freedom” what I mean to say is that we do not operate as truly free people who only answer to self evident truth (eternal words) in any aspect of our lives any more. We, instead, are totally subjugated to the arbitrary requirements the state decides through their licensure procedures.

Wow, that was quite a digression into the ideas about licenses; back to the original discussion. Discussing this with my brother, Stu, he pointed out that the seemingly powerful thoughtforms of traditional Christianity and of Islam, although held by large groups and supported by ardent prayer and hope etc., suffer a fatal flaw which largely negates the mystical power of the thoughtform mechanism: they are based upon fear. Stu makes as good point. Perhaps fear, so real and so powerful here on the physical plane, does not motivate much on progressively higher planes. So this dynamic short circuits much of the power from these seemingly powerful thoughtforms. They succeed, but their success is temporary. This idea, in turn, implies that thoughtforms based upon truth (self evident eternal words), faith (JS said true faith can only be exercised upon true principles and cannot exist based upon error regardless of how much energy people throw at it), and love (higher Christ love) wield far more power and ring out loud not only in our physical world but also in the astral and mental realms and above, thus packing far more potent influence. One aspect of this is that the higher thoughtform of true freedom can only be entertained by more highly matured people, which already exponentially multiplies their power in the law of attraction.

I am already convinced that JJ, with eyes wide open, laid groundwork for many important thoughtforms of teaching, organization, and spiritual help using all the principles of the law of attraction. I believe he also incorporates and uses the male/female principles of creation in energizing these advanced thoughtforms. I believe part of the gathering of lights, which he has begun, purposes to teach us how to get on board and how to add our personal power of attraction to his. I believe the birthing process of this thoughtform of ultimate freedom will grow and grow as more and more people come to understand it and to energize it with their truth, belief, hope, and service. I believe Sanat, himself, supports this work as portrayed in JJ’s “fiction” series, The Immortal.

The power of fiction, especially fantasy and science fiction, is that it removes the reader to a new place of thought where they can open to wholly different ASSUMPTIONS. By this mechanism, fiction writers get many people to consider new ideas or old ideas from a new perspective in ways which people could not endure except in the “fiction” setting. And JJ is a very good fiction writer. I think music and art does this too – which is why I keep trying to write songs that glorify these ideas. I am very pleased to get on board as we fuel the Gathering thoughtform with enthusiasm, prayer, hope, work, concept explorations, right understanding of history, an attitude of accepting correction, friendships, and all the power we can muster using the purest of motives which we can attain on every existential plane.

Your brother, Larry Woods

PS on another subject, Cheri, forgive me for using such a coarse analogy about Rush Limbaugh. And let me say that, although I believe Braco’s power ultimately stems from the placebo effect, that does not necessarily mean it is bad. The placebo effect stimulates and opens us to healing powers within our own selves which can reach all the way up to our higher selves and, therefore, potentially taps all the power available to even the highest Master to heal. [Maybe I will eat those words someday when facing some great healing miracle done by a Master but do I believe that right now.]

Blayne said

, “I wouldn’t care he took some of the money to pay expenses etc. people need to make a living.”

Larry W

This has been a sticking point for me. In the Mormon Church, where I got much of my spiritual training, we would lay on hands and attempt to heal through faith. No Mormon would ever dream of charging for this service, even though I, and probably every Mormon, can point to instances where these healings brought real power and resulted in real healings. I still have total faith in this process and will gladly send healing power to any of you at any time without price.

However, as a carpenter, I also use power granted to me by God through may study, practice, and service. I charge for that service so I can, as Blayne mentioned, earn a living. What is the difference between these two? If I devoted full time to giving out healing blessing, which involves usually a personal visit and laying on of hands and pronouncing of a blessing etc. (includes time and effort and gas for car and more), then how would I afford gas and food and rent and etc? Why is it ok to charge money for carpentry but not for healing or for any other “spiritual” service? Is this an arbitrary and unrealistic standard? Is it perfectly ok for people to charge money for “readings” and “healings” and other such spiritual service? Somehow it still strikes me as wrong to charge for it but examining all the possibilities, perhaps that is merely my former religious commitment raring up in my thoughts.

This guy, Braco, charges for his sessions. I do not know how much it costs to see him but if you got healed by attending a $50 meeting, that sure beats paying a doctor bill! I have asked this before but never got a clear cut opinion out of any of you. What do you think? Can you provide new food for thought to help me reconcile this conundrum? Was it JJ who said charging money for spiritual service provides a powerful clue they are not connected to the BOL? Why do I feel like I instinctively distrust anyone who charges money for spiritual service?


Braco doesn’t charge anything. There are people who volunteer to put on events and they pay for the events. Braco shows up for free.

Larry W Let me talk about faith healing and other matters of spiritual power since we examine that in this thread. When I became a Mormon (forgive me for continually going back to that context but it defines 39.5 years of my thinking about spiritual stuff so it forms my earlier frame of reference and eventually it grew into my spiritual thinking of today) I studied the Book of Mormon. At first it seemed like a drag to read this heavy 500+ page book. But my belief and acceptance in JS drew me forward. I found that you could never plum its depths by merely reading it once. Just as I found with other books that recorded the distilled wisdom of the wisest men from many generations, there was a lot of depth that you probably miss the first time through and there was much you would discover the 20th time through. As I read I found many ideas to stir my thinking. Many of those things I did not understand. I still seek answers to many of those ideas and questions today.

For example, I questioned the idea of baptism. The Book of Mormon discusses baptism in many places. But I wondered why God would require such a thing and if it was a requirement on other worlds too. The Mormons, of course, believe it is just as much a natural law as gravity – but I questioned that. As I kept an open mind and searched for the ultimate answer to this question, I explored many related ideas. One idea is that baptism provides a psychological touch-stone, much like a signature on a contract, signifying acceptance of an authority relationship and of a rule set. This was and is sufficient reason to implement such a practice. But I still could not determine if it was an eternal law among all of God’s children at all times and in all places like gravity or like the principle of the lever. So far, it seems to me to be a tradition of the BOL. Yes, I believe the BOL can adopt traditions.

To get at my point here, let me explore one more conundrum I faced as a Mormon. Priesthood. What is Priesthood? Is it power? Is it administrative organization? Is it eternal? What is it? I finally concluded that the Priesthood as practiced by the Mormon Church is an investiture of power conveyed by the acceptance of those over whom it wields organizational power. In other words, it derives its power from the consent of the governed, just as any organizational power does. But does it also enjoy special support from God or from the BOL or from any lesser group? Well, it enjoys power as a thoughtform among Mormons. That coalesces some spiritual power right there. But does it also enjoy support from a higher group? I concluded, after nearly 40 years of researching, practicing, and pondering, that it does not.

But what about the very real healings which I witnessed and occasionally participated in? Well, such healings also occur among Baptists, Buddhists, and any others who, through their prayers, give permission to God and also among all who serve God whether in or out of any organization to help them and others to heal. I believe this permission then opens the door for a host of spirit beings to help you heal. They (non-mortals) cannot help you if you do not ask because they labor under a strict requirement not to interfere with free agency. Hence the famous axiom, “You receive not because you ask not.” I believe that any mortal can give permission for any other mortal to receive spiritual assistance from spiritual beings in the form of various devas and from other inhabitants of spiritual realms – some of which are more familiar to our conscious minds like our departed loved ones. I believe, on the other hand, that a purely spiritual being is restricted from giving such permission for mortals because of God’s unerring commitment to free agency. I believe that some of our mortal prayers, of a more general nature, can be also get use by these spirit workers to heal or to otherwise help someone who, for example, is unconscious or who is too hard headed so they do not pray for themselves. So our generalized prayers for the good of mankind do not languish unutilized and also accrue to an important service creating a reservoir of permission (good will); harder to use (being less specific it carries less power) but available if needed. I believe permission constitutes one of the strongest aspects of prayer. And, as you see here, I believe our heartfelt prayers for the good of mankind do not get lost in the eternal scheme of things.

So for Mormon Priesthood, I concluded that they heal and provide other spiritual help by the same means as any other group by applying the principles of faith and of permission. All other power enjoyed by Mormon Priesthood holders derives from and only pertains to their followers, just as any other organized religion or group. I was able to recognize, after 40 years of diligent study and practice, no other source of power within that Priesthood. I can say this even though I experienced communication with spiritual beings from time to time and witnessed and participated in various miracles from time to time. None of them were exclusive and all of those experiences could and do occur among other religions and even, occasionally, among the non-religious. Therefore there is nothing exclusive to any one group. God loves us all and answers the prayer of faith from ANY of His/Her children by mobilizing His/Her resources which includes all beings of good will on the other side of the mortal veil.

Which also implies the problem of spiritual ill-will. Some people dabble in ill-will and permissions pertaining to formalizing ill-will. We call this a curse rather than a blessing. These can be real and some of us suffer ill effects from this. We can counteract this quite simply by giving permission to God to heal us and to protect us from such curses. I believe some people can curse others even when they do not intend to do so, though there are idiots out there who intentionally do this. Have you cursed anyone? Knowingly or unknowingly? An unintentional curse comes about like this example: Someone gets mad at someone else and they then entertain thoughts of retribution and of punishment etc. For example, when I was younger, I often found myself imagining my supposed enemies coming to harm, driving over a cliff or getting injured or sick or me clobbering them with a fist in the face. Then I would feel emotionally satisfied that they have this coming and the universe will see to it. My physical body liked these visualizations and, I believe, they were largely testosterone driven. Probably such feelings and musings served primitive man quite well enabling him to role play the destruction of his enemies. This constitutes a thought form energized by powerful emotion. This evokes, therefore, the law of attraction. It’s a good thing I was not born already spiritually well endowed or many people would have driven over cliffs. I eventually caught on to this mind trap that keeps us thinking and feeling negative and I began to purposefully shunt my thoughts and feelings and visualizations to those of goodwill. My Dad provided a great example in this. He would correct me whenever I expressed hope that so and so would crash and burn. His example and training, though he remained non-religious all his life, greatly benefitted me in so very many ways. Thanks, Dad! Bottom line about curses, the surest way to deal with it is to enlist help from more powerful beings on the other side of the veil through prayer. I would say this (defense and help against curses) is one of the primary functions where you can expect good help from your assigned (you agreed to this assignment before you were born) spiritual support “team”, as Sharón calls them or guardian angels as some others call them.

At any rate the workings of faith and managing cause and effect through spiritual means seems to be a right that belongs to all sons and daughters of God and does not seem confined to any one group.

If Braco inspires more faith and healing and good will, then more power to him.

Your brother, Larry Woods

PS, I am happy to hear, Susan, that Broco apparently does not do this for money. I still would like someone to take a stab at answering my previous question about charging money for spiritual service.

Ruth quoting me:

“One of the goals of the New Jerusalem meditation is to create a healing center that can reach those on the list who are beyond our physical contact. This is far from perfected, yet in our infant state we can still send some healing energy by using the meditation given out so far.”


I have some more questions; If Braco is a Master, then why isn’t he working in co-ordination with JJ (who also works for the Christ), as well, and incorporating his healing skills and helping JJ and all of us here and all the Israelites around the World? Or why hasn’t JJ got Braco to appear at his gatherings so he can heal all the people at the gathering and all the others around the World? I could sure use some healing energy after being in constant daily pain for nearly 30 years.

Why do we have to wait for the New Jerusalem meditation to work, if healing can be done by Braco and is so easy to obtain? Is there lower healing and then higher healing?

How does this type of mass healing fit in with Karma?

Wouldn’t the Masters co-ordinate their plans with each other first within the Hierarchy before they reappear on Earth to work?

I would imagine that parents around the World would want to take their kids that had the worst disabilities along to Braco’s healing sessions to be healed? Have any of these types of healings been documented about kid’s walking again who have been in wheelchairs or those kids with cancer? Surely if he could heal these types of dis-eases then he would be on national television and people all over the World would be flocking to his healing sessions.

I am not trying to sound cynical, but this type of mass healing opens up a huge amount of questions within me which would need logical answers because if Braco has that type of energy and ability to heal, and heal anyone who comes to his healing session, and those who do not attend, then how does this all fit in with the Laws of Karma which are natural laws. Or is his healing restricted to only particular humans and not others?

Jesus could heal those that believed in him, but he also talked about what he was doing or why it took place etc.

I believe that soul recognition can be automatic, but still should be backed up with logic and common sense, because there is the inner small voice of the soul, and the higher mind connection and then there is a lower solar plexus and heart feeling that can feel like soul contact.

If you put Braco next to Chris Nemelka, the two kind of look the same, long blonde hair and an appealing, charming face. Would all the Masters appear like this? If so, then why bother gaining soul contact if they all just look the same in appearance and we could recognize them all just by their long, blonde hair and charming, appealing faces.

I just watched this video, and to be honest I didn’t feel anything from Braco, and all the people looked like they were under an emotional spell and one guy was amazed and said he saw him shape shift. That didn’t appeal to me because the dark side can shape shift and why would the Masters want to shape shift because they would show their true self, not change appearances all the time?

Maybe I am just not “spiritual” enough to recognize a master?

Does JJ shape shift in his appearance when he holds a healing session?

Here is a photo of Chris:

It is an important point to remember here guys, that the Dark Brotherhood can influence the lower mind and emotional body of humanity and can do healings on par with the Light Brotherhood through the use of influencing the elemental life forms and Devas, because the Lucifer that fell had all the ancient knowledge that the Light Lucifers had. Jesus told us to be wary of false prophets and the Dark side can look just as seemingly “Light” in their appearances when they want to lure humanity with their magic.

I looked at his Symbol and it is very intense, but it doesn’t feel good to me and it really affects right eye, so either he is way too high up for me or he is influenced by something that does not appeal to me.

Although I try to keep an open mind, I do not “feel” what Cheri feels about him.

JJ Quote

“Point 3. Natural Law, which was not created by God but by cause and effect, which creates the very life of God, does not negate free will but allows for the maximum free will possible. Free will, will always choose the good the beautiful and the true in the end.


Intelligence created the same hydrogen atoms at one end of the universe as the other for the foundation of matter. This is because intelligence everywhere discovered that this is the foundation that must exist if a universe such as ours is to be. This happened because of freewill, not because it does not exist.”

This is something I wanted to ask for a long time.

If atoms and matter is the foundation of the universe, relatively perfected in a previous solar system and/or universe or in other words a different incarnation of this system and/or universe, then how was matter perfected in the first place?

What I mean is that you want to build a good car but you have a problem, you do not have any tools to build the car with and the tools are made of matter and you do not have any tools to make the tools that make the car. No matter how far we go back in the progression of the universes this fundamental problem remains.

Matter must have had a beginning and if so how did it come into existence?


Looks like this guy has turned out to create some interest here.

You’ve given some good response to my questions. Now let us take it a step further.

Take a look at these videos

Now put all preconceptions aside and answer as if this is the first time you’ve seen Braco.

Do your best to tune into his soul and tell me what you pick up from his vibration. Contemplate such things as

His motive? Does he have any purpose other than healing? Is he sincere? What is his vibration like? Is he special or did he just hit on a unique healing technique or both? What kind of energies does he work with – astral, heart, mental…? Tell us any other impressions you received?

Did you notice that when people thought he was looking at them that he was not really looking at them? What was he really looking at?


DK says there are many disciples all over the world more so then any time in in history. Each will have thier area. JJ’s main mission is to give out teachings. It is interesting the Braco does not give out teachings don’t you think? I am not saying he is connected to the BOL or not, but maybe he is just following the highest he knows.

Why not give him the benefit of the doubt?

Here is a possibility to consider; in my experience I have been sharing JJ’s teachings for about 12 years and very few people have become interested as a result. JJ’s teachings appeal to people on a more mental level then most. But the masses seem to not care they want a quick fix if they are seeking spiritual things at all. A lot of people are hurting now and in their heart have been hoping for some sort of relief of many things going on. Perhaps Someone like Braco is sent to them to give them some comfort and hope that God has not forgotten them and to help prepare them for higher things.

> Why do we have to wait for the New Jerusalem meditation to work, if healing can be done by Braco and is so easy to obtain? Is there lower healing and then higher healing? >

Does it matter if it works? Even temporarily?

> How does this type of mass healing fit in with Karma? >

Why worry about it isn’t that the Lords of karmas job?

> Wouldn’t the Masters co-ordinate their plans with each other first within the Hierarchy before they reappear on Earth to work? >

How do you know they didn’t? DK and JJ say to run it by the soul so disciples can recognize each other. But that doesn’t mean they all will know each others mission etc.

I think that was the purpose of JJs questions also. So perhaps it is best to keep an open mind instead of trying to fit him into a preconceived box of our own making

> I would imagine that parents around the World would want to take their kids that had the worst disabilities along to Braco’s healing sessions to be healed? Have any of these types of healings been documented about kid’s walking again who have been in wheelchairs or those kids with cancer? Surely if he could heal these types of dis-eases then he would be on national television and people all over the World would be flocking to his healing sessions. >

Sounds like he is moving in that direction supposedly 200,000 a year see him and he is now trying to do it with electronic media to reach more. Some of the stories I heard on some of the youtubes were pretty miraculous. And Of course we have Cheri telling us right here how she was healed of a pretty debilitating condition she has had all her life. Also perhaps karma is at work as I am sure there are some who were not healed too.

One of the things about healing is that you have to be willing to accept it also. Also some of the seekers who have much pain and suffering in this life may be paying off karma so they can be free to serve in the next life.

> I am not trying to sound cynical, but this type of mass healing opens up a huge amount of questions within me which would need logical answers because if Braco has that type of energy and ability to heal, and heal anyone who comes to his healing session, and those who do not attend, then how does this all fit in with the Laws of Karma which are natural laws. Or is his healing restricted to only particular humans and not others? >

I haven’t heard any claims yet that everyone who attends is healed so I would assume there may be some that are not. I am sure as he gets more popular some will come forward to say they were not.

> Jesus could heal those that believed in him, but he also talked about what he was doing or why it took place etc. >

They said he used to speak at first but that it caused a lot of controversy so he stopped. I actually like that part. What a new concept. Guy comes along does not give out any teachings just stimulates energy in folks and they do what they will with it and many are healed, genius! LOL!

> I believe that soul recognition can be automatic, but still should be backed up with logic and common sense, because there is the inner small voice of the soul, and the higher mind connection and then there is a lower solar plexus and heart feeling that can feel like soul contact. > > If you put Braco next to Chris Nemelka, the two kind of look the same, long blonde hair and an appealing, charming face. Would all the Masters appear like this? If so, then why bother gaining soul contact if they all just look the same in appearance and we could recognize them all just by their long, blonde hair and charming, appealing faces. >

Your connecting him to nemelka seems to suggest you have already decided about him.

> I just watched this video, and to be honest I didn’t feel anything from Braco, and all the people looked like they were under an emotional spell and one guy was amazed and said he saw him shape shift. That didn’t appeal to me because the dark side can shape shift and why would the Masters want to shape shift because they would show their true self, not change appearances all the time? >

Well you have to be open to the possibility first, it sounds to me like he doesn’t fit your preconceived idea and so you are looking for excuses to dismiss him. Don’t take that the wrong way that is just how it appears to me looking in from the outside. I am sure there is more going on then just the appearance, so just my observation take it for what it’s worth.

> Maybe I am just not “spiritual” enough to recognize a master? >

I often wonder if I am or not myself.

> Does JJ shape shift in his appearance when he holds a healing session? >

That was just some guys opinion. People like to sensationalise things. I prefer to judge for myself.

> > It is an important point to remember here guys, that the Dark Brotherhood can influence the lower mind and emotional body of humanity and can do healings on par with the Light Brotherhood through the use of influencing the elemental life forms and Devas, because the Lucifer that fell had all the ancient knowledge that the Light Lucifers had. Jesus told us to be wary of false prophets and the Dark side can look just as seemingly “Light” in their appearances when they want to lure humanity with their magic. >

Which s why we need to seek the inner voice. In JJs first book he dreamed about being in a room with evil spirits and there was a door and he fled the room and there was a being all peaceful in there claiming to be John and the evil ones did not follow. But he realized the peace he felt was not the inner peace that surpasses all understanding therefore new it was a ruse to deceive him. I don’t think the dark brotherhood can emulate the light as well as the BOL. They can fool someone who has never heard the inner voice but not one who has if they listen to it.

> > Although I try to keep an open mind, I do not “feel” what Cheri feels about him. >

Well you haven’t had the chance to experience his energy yet like Cheri has so perhaps it is best to reserve judgement till then? I have not made any firm decisions on him myself either but so far I see no harm in what he is doing and would love to experience his energy so I can discern for myself.

Even if one decided he is a master then what? He doesn’t give out teachings and asks for no devotions. I find that a rather refreshing approach. Sure he could be setting people up for something down the road but until some actual evidence shows up to that effect he seems to actually be helping a lot of folks focus thier energies for healing and seeking.

As Christ said those that are for us are not against us…

My 3 cents


Do your best to tune into his soul and tell me what you pick up from his vibration. Contemplate such things as > > His motive?

He says he is not a healer, so what is his motive then? It says at his website that:

“He has dedicated his life to awaken all those positive and beautiful feelings and energies, which we all carry in ourselves and to help ill, sad and hopeless people….”

> Does he have any purpose other than healing?

Probably….doesn’t every one have a purpose or rather a desire motivated by self?

> Is he sincere?

Yes….he is sincere in what he is doing.

> What is his vibration like?

I am trying to put away my preconceptions, but he just reminds me of Chris N for some reason.

Oh, here is the reason apart from his face and hair:

“Braco did not realize that he was borne to be the one to carry on with Ivica´s work until the people of the community came to tell him again and again that they felt this power in him, and that he should try to help them.”

Hmmmm, I heard something similar to this from Chris Nemelka proclaiming that he was the chosen one to help humans.

> Is he special or did he just hit on a unique healing technique or both?

He has been trained.

> What kind of energies does he work with – astral, heart, mental…?

Astral and heart.

> Tell us any other impressions you received?

1st video:

He stands with his hands closed and to the sides of his body.

The people seemed affected by him astrally/emotionally.

I have a feeling that these people that they interviewed probably belong to the Agape Church, as they appeared to be Churchie influenced.

Many Churchie people always seem to me to have a big smile on their faces and look like they just won a million bucks.

> > Did you notice that when people thought he was looking at them that he was not really looking at them? What was he really looking at? >

Probably nothing or their solar plexus chakra.

I did not feel comfortable looking at this video and had to stop it midway. He is too intense, but not in a nice way. One of his eyes is pulled inwards towards his nose (I think the left eye). If this is a Master, then I have no soul contact it seems. He may be overshadowed or possessed by Ivica Prokic, his original teacher, and in two photos in the first video he seemed to look nearly Indian in his appearance or aura. He probably is being overshadowed by Ivica:

I believe that one would have to study Ivica in more detail to understand Braco, and that is what I shall do.

Ruth quoting Blayne

DK says there are many disciples all over the world more so then any time in in history. Each will have thier area. JJ’s main mission is to give out teachings. It is interesting the Braco does not give out teachings don’t you think? I am not saying he is connected to the BOL or not, but maybe he is just following the highest he knows. > > Why not give him the benefit of the doubt?

Ruth I had looked into this Draco man a few years ago and I still feel the same way about him now that I did then.

> > Does it matter if it works? Even temporarily?

Yes it does matter to me, and according to the quote from the Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary I gave in my post.

This is how people become attracted to that which is from the not self.

Either the Theosophical Glossary is lying or Braco is a false prophet or he really is a Master etc.

> > > How does this type of mass healing fit in with Karma? > > > > Why worry about it isn’t that the Lords of karmas job?

Because when one learns the Truth, one also learns what to look for within the lower bodies and what illusions can stand out.

I do not accept anything without doing research into it and going via my higher self.

> > How do you know they didn’t? DK and JJ say to run it by the soul so disciples can recognize each other. But that doesn’t mean they all will know each others mission etc.

Disciples do not always recognize each other, however, the plan is the same plan regardless of what mission those Disciples are on and the plan has a blueprint or signature vibration to it.

> > > > Sounds like he is moving in that direction supposedly 200,000 a year see him and he is now trying to do it with electronic media to reach more. Some of the stories I heard on some of the youtubes were pretty miraculous. And Of course we have Cheri telling us right here how she was healed of a pretty debilitating condition she has had all her life. Also perhaps karma is at work as I am sure there are some >who were not healed too.

Well according to the Glossary, it is rather dangerous and does not help to have these types of healings done, and one will have to get that same karma back in the next lifetime.

> > > Your connecting him to nemelka seems to suggest you have already decided about him.

I am quite open to changing my mind about him, however, one must put all the pieces together to see how they fit. Why would Masters come back looking similar in appearance. Does this mean that Jesus and the Christ will look like Braco. This is where one must be really careful about what one taps into, such as that thought form, because it can be a trap and a wrong turn on the path.

> > > > > Well you have to be open to the possibility first, it sounds to me like he doesn’t fit your preconceived idea and so you are looking for excuses to dismiss him. Don’t take that the wrong way that is just how it appears to me looking in from the outside. I am sure there is more going on then just the appearance, so just my observation take it for >what it’s worth.

I have no pre conceived idea about what any Master would look like. I go on their vibration and words and works. The Two Witnesses. As Draco has no words and only works, then he has one witness, not two.

It seems that you have little faith in my judgement also. However, if I was wrong, I would be the first to accept that and look at other possibilities.

> > Which s why we need to seek the inner voice.

I know all about seeking the inner voice Blayne 🙂

> > > > > Although I try to keep an open mind, I do not “feel” what Cheri feels about him. > > > > Well you haven’t had the chance to experience his energy yet like Cheri has so perhaps it is best to reserve judgement till then? I have not made any firm decisions on him myself either but so far I see no harm in what he is doing and would love to experience his energy so I can discern for myself.

I don’t want to experience his energy. I saw him on You Tube. I wasn’t impressed.

Matthew I keep coming back to the fact that there is nothing being taught here. All of his gazing is based in the emotional/astral which is associated with the Piscean age which is now passing as we move into the Aquarian age, the age of the mental. His vibration is low and centered in the emotional astral. It is possible that this could be an experiment to see how many can still be gathered and influenced by the astral/emotional energies of the past. This information would benefit the powers that be because there are many who are still attached to the astral/emotional as we see in the videos. Whether or not he does not take money for these gazing’s is real not an issue for me but I have read there is still a charge for this so the money must go somewhere, the question is where and into whose pocket.It is interesting that he is not really looking at anybody but just seems to gazing just above the crowd. One last comment is that it would be interesting to see him go to say, ST. Judes hospital in Memphis and gaze at the terminally ill children and see what effect if any he would have on them. ST Judes is a non-profit hospital and works only by donations of free will.


Children and pregnant women in the third trimester aren’t allowed in gazing sessions. They say the energy is just too much. But people can take pictures of their kids or pregnant partner to hold up during the gazing. I have heard of child healings in some of the youtube videos I’ve watched. Also a paraplegic (adult) got up out of his wheelchair and walked out of a gazing. People have also had brain and other caner’s cured after gazing’s.


I have a feeling that these people that they interviewed probably belong to the Agape Church, as they appeared to be Churchie influenced.

Many Churchie people always seem to me to have a big smile on their faces and look like they just won a million bucks.


We’ll yes you do feel like you’ve won a million bucks after a gazing! It’s an incredibly peaceful, full of love feeling. Actually in the link JJ posted that video was filmed the first time he came to Hawaii (at The Earth Transformation conference). I talked to a lot of the people on that video (in fact I’m in that video). They are most defiantly not churchies! Most were extremely new age. A fun group of people!

Another short story of my experience with Braco:

After the conference was over the speakers and their wives or husbands were invited to go on a swimming with dolphins tour. We got into three boat’s and went out to find some dolphins in the ocean. The dolphins can choose to come around you or not. We pulled up to a spot right when Braco and the people on his boat were starting to get into their boat from the water. All of the people from his boat were gushing that they were just swimming with 60+ dolphins swimming and circling all around them. The captain of their boat was telling us he’s NEVER seen that before (he’s been doing it for 20+ years). You’re lucky if you get to see 20 dolphins at one time. It’s my opinion that the dolphins were drawn to Braco’s energy.


I sense Braco’s motive is to be of service and make a difference.

Healing is a sidelight, I believe the real purpose is to open people to “source.”

I feel like his vibration is one of love and wisdom, very second ray.

I think Braco is gifted and is likely a third degree initiate at least.

I have felt total heart energy with an overlay of mental. I have also felt some very definite Buddhic energy while contemplating or tuning into him.

You can watch live streaming television of him from 11-6 on the hour today (Pacific Time).

It seems he gazes just above people tuning into their crown chakra.

I will repeat this Matthew but it has been said twice before. I find it interesting that people are ignoring this as I think it is fairly significant: Braco takes no money. All monies go to paying for the event and to the person hosting the event. They are not allowed to charge more than $8 per session. That amount was set by Braco so it would be affordable for most anyone.


I keep coming back to the fact that there is nothing being taught here.


Who say’s the only way to learn is through words? I think he’s trying to connect us to the source, universe, God, and each other. To raise people’s vibrations and to show us that we can learn to tap into and project this intense energy too. I’ve talked to more than one person who says it takes them hours and hours of meditation to get to the place Braco takes them in seconds.


I think Braco is gifted and is likely a third degree initiate at least.

Johann A third degree initiate changes how things are thought about, felt about and done. When this guy dies what do we have? Prayer falls in two categories for me or with in the same prayer, phases, an active one and inactive one. For example, “God’s angels sitting over my bed” (A bedtime prayer) is an inactive one geared for one purpose and that is setting the energy or directing it towards the higher peace. In this guys case the inactive portion is the word healing and the angel is him. In both of these cases the angel(s) are something of the outside of one’s self and it would not work other wise for to love to manifest there has to be two of something at least. People do not want him to speak any words and therefor the active part is up to them and it gives them an empowering feeling as well. So he is changing how things are thought and felt about but not how things are done. I do not think that any special energy is coming from him, there are other factors as openness of the people and the combined group thought form or energy. There is a danger, that this “power” is exclusive to him and thus there is a possibility that it would trip him up at a later stage.

Maximum Freewill

This entry is part 33 of 50 in the series 2011A

If anyone can bring up a provocative question, it is you Rob.  And as far as the answers go I am very impressed by the intelligence illustrated in the responding posts. We indeed have some quality people here.

Okay, let’s look at your question.

“Your post only seems to reinforce the idea that we don’t have a free will.

“When it comes to spiritual progression, the only choice we have is how fast or slow we will traverse The Path. But we are FORCED to traverse it. Sure, we can stand still, become a dark brother, be recycled, waste untold billions of years of opportunity, but ultimately we are put back to square one where the only choice is to progress. Kind of like that childrens’ game Snakes & Ladders.

“God also setup the parameters of this universe, using pain & pleasure to bumper us along. When we step off the path we experence increasing pain, and increasing pleasure when progress along the path. This is indistinguishable from cohercion.

“The truth is supposed to bring with it joy. But the idea that God forces us to do something, even in the tiniest measure, leaves me feeling flat, nevermind it being completely at odds with how you teach God & the White Brotherhood are supposed to operate.

“How does one reconcile the concept of free will with what sounds like coerced progression?”


First let me clarify that there is no absolute free will in any organized system.  Let us look at the creations of humanity who are reflections of God.

Throughout history and around the world we have created various civilizations and always within the framework of laws that have manifest freewill has been restricted in a number of areas.

Every civilization had attempted to restrict the individual’s freewill do harm to others and forbid such things as murder, rape, kidnapping and theft.  The goal is not absolute free will but maximum free will.  To achieve this we must limit the power of obnoxious people to do harm to others and take away their free will.

If anarchy is attempted to achieve absolute freewill then mobs of harmful people will take away the freewill of the whole.

Point 1.  The goal is not absolute freewill, but the maximum freewill possible within any desired organization.

I believe you are in error in thinking that God just conjured up all the laws of the universe and then created or put everything together.  Instead, He figured out the basic idea of what He wanted to create and certain natural laws began to manifest during creation.

The key to understanding is to realize that natural law is different from civil law.

Civil law can tell us the speed limit is 35 MPH, but does that mean that we cannot go 40 MPH?  No.  We can go 50 MPH if we decide.

On the other hand, we have a naturally occurring law of gravity where objects fall at an acceleration of 32.2 feet per second.  Can we jump off a cliff and just decide to change this to 2 feet per second so we will not get hurt?

No.  We cannot violate this law as we can with the civil speeding law – instead we must work with the law.

Man’s law tells us we cannot steal another person’s goods, but people violate this all the time.

On the other hand, when you turn on a flashlight the light speeds forth at 186,000 miles per second (relative to you) and there is nothing you can do to change that speed as it goes through space.

Unlike the laws that man makes that can be violated, natural law is set and we just have to work with it.

The foundation of natural law is the Law of Cause and Effect, which cannot be altered.  Intelligence can direct cause but the interplay of cause producing effect just is and always will be. God did not create cause and effect but it just is and is the engine that powers the life of God as well as our lives.  Without cause and effect there would be no God and no us.  We are all co-eternal and interdependent.  When the power of decision is applied to cause and effect then life as we know it manifests.

Point 2  Natural Law just is and is not created but is an aspect of cause and effect.  All intelligence must work with natural law.

As intelligences from God on down find themselves in this universe governed by natural law we find ourselves forced to confront the decision to work with the laws manifest and make the best of the situation and progress toward greater freedom and joyousness or to go backward toward chaos and non existence.  I find it odd that you feel free will is infringed upon by the fact that all people eventually chose the path that brings the greatest fulfillment.

What is the alternative?

It would be to force us in the opposite direction toward non existence.

To not force us will result always in all lives eventually choosing the path of greatest fulfillment..  The choice of this path is the result of free will, not taking it away.

Let us suppose our government discovered a mountain of gold and had all the money it needed and then told us, “You do not have to pay taxes this year if you do not want to.”

If no one paid their taxes does this mean their free will is violated because they all chose the same thing?

It is a natural law that all lives everywhere will eventually make choices that further their sense of joy and fulfillment.

Instead of taking away free will this law can only operate through free will.  Without free will we will go toward death and disintegration.

Point 3.  Natural Law, which was not created by God but by cause and effect, which creates the very life of God, does not negate free will but allows for the maximum free will possible. Free will, will always choose the good the beautiful and the true in the end.

Intelligence created the same hydrogen atoms at one end of the universe as the other for the foundation of matter.  This is because intelligence everywhere discovered that this is the foundation that must exist if a universe such as ours is to be.  This happened because of freewill, not because it does not exist.
Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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More on the White Horse

This entry is part 32 of 50 in the series 2011A

You have been revisiting Mormon history a lot lately and now the White Horse Prophecy (WHP), are you trying to tell us something?

We all hope the next gathering will be a success and benefit to mankind and one way to help this to happen is to learn from the mistakes of the past. I have always realized there were mistakes made in Mormonism from the beginning, but until recently I did not understand the depth of the error in Utah while polygamy was practiced.

The rule there was a lot like the Taliban is today rather than anything related to the true Zion.

The study of what happened when some of the best people of that age had their chance at a gathering of lights is a textbook of what not to do the next time the opportunity presents itself.

The best of Jarman’s book is yet to come and two other good reads which are available free on the internet are the autobiographies of Bill Hickman and John D. Lee. These seemed to be two sincere men caught up in a destructive thoughtform that must be avoided in the next cycle.

Blayne writes:
“the Chinese already control the long beach port. And they are making use of these free trade zones (FTZ), they have one in Pocatello and up north and are trying to get one here in Boise. They are also planning them in all 50 states. Interestingly they are saying the land they give them remains US land but anything manufactured there is considered an import. Local police cannot come in the zone without being invited and Customs will only randomly check what goes in and out.

They get all kinds of perks and no taxes low duties etc. but government can’t give Americans anything similar to jump start the economy. There is a bunch of information at this site and a good audio that goes into it in detail here: ”

Eye opening comments on the Chinese Blayne. Thanks. You also said:

“The White Horse Prophecy does not say anything about Islam being destroyed only about freedom being needed. I doubt Islam will be destroyed but will become more benign like Christianity as far as the extreme practices like jihad and treatment of women and death penalty etc.”

I think this is a very accurate statement. Islam will not be destroyed, but the people will evolve it into a more benign form. My guess is this will take about a hundred years but if we can work through the next 30-50 years with them without destroying our way of life then this benign evolution can take place and the world will be much better off for it.

Blayne writes:
Thanks for the response JJ. So why the WHP then, it does not seem to fit with just history lessons we want to avoid in a future gathering? Am I missing something?

I didn’t write about the White Horse Prophesy to connect it to the Hell on Earth series but mainly in response to a Nemelka post where he claimed it was false and Joseph Smith hated the Constitution.

There are connections to be made, however. Joseph envision the church as a positive force for freedom and support of the Constitution and while they had civil power they turned into a tyranny.

Now the church rejects the WHP and frowns on patriot movements. Any elders that work with saving the constitution will probably be acting on their own without the endorsement of the church.

Maybe the elders he was referring to will be Elders that were with him in that life that have been reborn for such a destiny.

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

The White Horse Prophecy

This entry is part 31 of 50 in the series 2011A

Constitution Hanging by a Thread

During these times of international stress, threats of revolution and internal threats to our country and the Constitution itself an increasing number of people are quoting from The White Horse Prophecy said to be given by Joseph Smith in May of 1843. Among other things he said:

“You will see the Constitution of the United States almost destroyed; it will hang by a thread, and that thread as fine as the finest silk fiber.”

At this point the Prophet’s countenance became sad; because as he said, “I love the Constitution;

“It was made by the inspiration of God,

“And it will be preserved and saved by the efforts of the White Horse (LDS Elders – or gathered lights) and the Red Horse (American Indians) who will combine in its defense.

…”There is a land beyond the Rocky Mountains that will be invaded by the heathen Chinese, unless great care and protection are given.

This was recorded by Edwin Rushton in a notarized statement with the following testimony:

“The words of the Prophet made a strong impression upon me. I have never forgotten them. On an occasion about two weeks later, after I first heard him speak these words, I was at a meeting where he preached a sermon, which he said would be the greatest of his life. On that occasion he reiterated the matter which I have now written, so that the subject became firmly rooted in my memory, and I know them to be true. Now, therefore, I testify that these are the inspired words spoken by the Prophet, Joseph Smith, as he stood looking up into heaven. His countenance became white and transparent; he looked as if he had as much of the Heavenly influence as he could bear and stay with the saints. His voice was powerful and his words cut like a two-edged sword.”
THE WHITE HORSE PROPHECY by Ogden Kraut, Page 25

The strange thing about this prediction is that even though it seems to have an eerie probability of coming to pass that the authorities in the church have distanced themselves from the prediction many calling it spurious. Not only that but many who quote from it are blacklisted and find their membership is in danger.

It is strange indeed that the apparent heroes of the prophesy fight against quoting that very prophesy. Perhaps the White Horse was more of a symbol of the Gathering of Lights than the church itself.

Here is a quote from the famous church Apostle Bruce R. McConkie:
“From time to time, accounts of various supposed visions, revelations, and prophecies are spread forth by and among the Latter-day Saints, who should know better than to believe or spread such false information. One of these false and deceptive documents that has cropped up again and again for over a century is the so-called White Horse Prophecy. This supposed prophecy purports to be a long and detailed account by the Prophet Joseph Smith concerning the wars, turmoils, and difficulties which should exist in the last days.”

It is interesting that there is so much resistance to the “hanging by a thread quote because there are many quote available attributed to early church leaders who actually knew Joseph Smith. It appears that Joseph may have given this statement out on numerous occasions. Here are a few examples:

CONSTITUTION TO HANG BY A THREAD. The statement has been made that the Prophet said the time would come when this Constitution would hang as by a thread, and this is true. There has been some confusion, however, as to just what he said following this. I think that Elder Orson Hyde has given us a correct interpretation wherein he says that the Prophet said the Constitution would be in danger. Said Orson Hyde: “I believe he said something like this—that the time would come when the Constitution and the country would be in danger of an overthrow; and said he: ‘If the Constitution be saved at all, it will be by the elders of this Church.’ I believe this is about the language, as nearly as I can recollect it.” Now I tell you it is time the people of the United States were waking up with the understanding that if they don’t save the Constitution from the dangers that threaten it, we will have a change of government.
Joseph Fielding Smith Jr., Doctrines of Salvation, Vol. 3, p. 326

An occasional theme among Latter-day Saints during times of political crisis has been the prediction attributed to Joseph Smith that the U.S. Constitution would one day hang by a thread and that the elders of the Church would at some critical juncture be instrumental in saving it. The source of this statement is thought to be an unpublished address titled, “A Few Items from a Discourse Delivered by Joseph Smith, July 19, 1840,” filed in the Joseph Smith Papers in the LDS Church Archives. Written neatly on 8”x12” paper, the document is obviously a copy since it shows none of the usual characteristics of an original report. The paper appears to be of post-Nauvoo vintage, and the handwriting does not correspond to that of any of Joseph Smith’s known clerks. Nor is there reference in the Prophet’s History to his having delivered a discourse on 19 July 1840. Furthermore, at two points in the text, there appears to be a serious problem of continuity, suggesting copyist’s errors or some other flaw in the manuscript. Consequently, in the absence of an original text, and without information about its origin and authorship, the reliability of this document has remained somewhat tenuous.
The Historians Corner, BYU Studies, Vol. 19, No. 3, p. 390

Even this nation will be on the verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the Constitution is on the brink of ruin this people will be the staff upon which the nation shall lean and they shall bear the Constitution away from the very verge of destruction.
Joseph Smith Papers, LDS Church Historical Archives, Box 1, March 10, 1844

How long will it be before the words of the Prophet Joseph will be fulfilled? He said if the Constitution of the United States were saved at all it must be done by this people. It will not be many years before these words come to pass.
Brigham Young, JD 12:204, April 8, 1868, Latter Day Prophets Speaks. Pg. 230

When the Constitution of the United States hangs, as it were, upon a single thread, they will have to call for the “Mormon” elders to save it from utter destruction; and they will step forth and do it.
Brigham Young, JD 2:182, February 18, 1855, Latter Day Prophets Speaks. Pg. 230

When the people shall have torn to shreds the Constitution of the United States, the elders of Israel will be found holding it up to the nations of the earth and proclaiming liberty and equal rights to all men and extending the hand of fellowship to the oppressed of all nations. This is part of the program and as long as we do what is right and fear God He will help us and stand by us under all circumstances.
John Taylor, JD 21:8, August 31, 1879

Will the Constitution be destroyed? No: it will be held inviolate by this people; and, as Joseph Smith said, “The time will come when the destiny of the nation will hang upon a single thread. At that critical juncture, this people will step forth and save it from the threatened destruction.” It will be so.
Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, p. 15, Brigham Young, July 4, 1854

The History of the Church account is an amalgamation of the reports in the Joseph Smith Diary and the Nauvoo Neighbor. The report by Levi Richards is here published for the first time. A reminiscent account of this discourse by James Burgess contains the essential details found in the other three accounts published here, and adds that the “Constitution and Government would hang by a brittle thread.” / In the month of May 1843. Several miles east of Nauvoo. The Nauvoo Legion was on parade and review. At the close of which Joseph Smith made some remarks upon our condition as a people and upon our future prospects contrasting our present condition with our past trials and persecutions by the hands of our enemies. Also upon the constitution and government of the United States stating that the time would come when the Constitution and Government would hang by a brittle thread and would be ready to fall into other hands but this people the Latter day Saints will step forth and save it. / General Scott and part of his staff on the American Army was present on the occasion. I James Burgess was present and testify to the above
(James Burgess Notebook, Church Archives). (Ehat & Cook, Words of Joseph Smith, 6 May 1843 Note, p. 279)

If tradition can be relied upon, Joseph Smith prophesied that the Elders of Israel would save this Nation in the hour of its extremest peril. At a time when anarchy would threaten the life of the Government, and the Constitution be hanging as by a thread, the maligned and misunderstood “Mormons”—always patriotic, and necessarily so from the very genius of their religion—would stand firm upon Freedom’s rocky ramparts, and as champions of law and order, liberty and justice, call to their aid in the same grand cause kindred [p.61] spirits from every part of the nation and from every corner of the world.
Joseph Smith Papers, LDS Church Historical Archives, Box 1, March 10, 1844 Also: D. Michael Stewart, “I Have a Question,” Ensign, June 1976, 64-65

Eliza R. Snow said, “I heard the prophet say, The time will come when the government of these United States will be so nearly overthrown through its corruption, that the Constitution will hang as it were by a single hair, and the Latter-day Saints-the Elders of Israel-will step forward to its rescue and save it.
In a Pioneer Day celebration in Ogden in 1871 – Journal History, MSF 143 #28, July 24, 1871

Jedediah M. Grant, during the dark days of threatened invasion of Utah by a federal army, referred to the Prophet’s utterance as he addressed a Mormon Battalion gathering in Salt Lake City, February 6, 1855. “What did the Prophet Joseph say? When the Constitution shall be tottering we shall be the people to save it from the hand of the foe.”
Deseret News Weekly, January 19, 1870

After reading a chapter in Ezekiel, the parable of the 12 olive trees in D&C 101:44-62, and referring to the Redemption of Zion, he said: We shall build the Zion of the Lord in peace until the servants of that Lord shall begin to lay the foundation of a great and high watch Tower and then shall they begin to say within themselves what need hath my Lord of this tower seeing this is a time of peace &c—Then the Enemy shall come as a thief in the night and scatter the servants abroad when the seed of these 12 Olive trees are scattered abroad they will wake up the Nations of the whole Earth Even this Nation will be on the very verge of crumbling to pieces and tumbling to the ground and when the constitution is upon the brink of ruin this people will be the Staff upon which the Nation shall lean and they shall bear away the constitution away from the very verge of destruction—Then shall the Lord say go tell all my servants who are the strength of mine house my young men and middle aged &c come to the Land of my vineyard and fight the battle of the Lord—Then the Kings & Queens shall come then the rulers of the Earth shall come then shall ail saints come yea the Foreign saints shall come to fight for the Land of my vineyard for in this thing shall be their safety and they will have no power to choose but will come as a man fleeth from a sudden destruction—But before this the time shall be these who are now my friends shall become my enemies and shall seek to take my life and are there are those now before me who will more furiously pursue me and the more diligently seek to my life and be more blood thirsty upon my track than ever were the Missouri Mobbers You say among yourselves as did them of old time it is I & is it I But I know these things by the visions of the Almighty.
Smith, Joseph. “Howard and Martha Coray Notebook, 19 July 1840″. The Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph. Comp. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Orem, Utah: Grandin Book, 1991. 415-418

In the month of May 1843. Several miles east of Nauvoo. The Nauvoo Legion was on parade and review. At the close of which Joseph Smith made some remarks upon our condition as a people and upon our future prospects contrasting our present condition with our past trials and persecutions by the hands of our enemies. Also upon the constitution and government of the United States stating that the time would come when the Constitution and Government would hang by a brittle thread and would be ready to fall into other hands but this people the Latter day Saints will step forth and save it. / General Scott and part of his staff on the American Army was present on the occasion. / I James Burgess was present and testify to the above (James Burgess Notebook, Church Archives).
Smith, Joseph. “Howard and Martha Coray Notebook, 1 July 1840″. The Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph. Comp. Andrew F. Ehat and Lyndon W. Cook. Orem, Utah: Grandin Book, 1991.Page 279

And here is the entire White Horse Prophecy:

1. On or about the sixth day of May, 1843, a grand review of the Nauvoo Legion was held in Nauvoo. The Prophet Joseph complimented them for their good discipline and evolutions performed. The weather being hot, he called for a glass of water.

2. With the glass of water in his hand, he said, “I will drink you a toast to the overthrow of the mobocrats,” which he did in language as follows: “Here’s wishing they were in the middle of the sea, in a stone canoe with iron paddles, and a shark swallow the canoe, and the Devil swallow the shark, and him locked up in the northwest corner of Hell, the key lost and a blind man hunting for it.”

3. The next morning a man who had heard the Prophet give the toast here referred to, visited the mansion of the Prophet, and so abused him with bad language, that he was ordered out by the Prophet.

4. It was while the two were out, that my attention was attracted to them, and hearing the man speaking in a loud tone of voice, I went toward them, the man finally leaving. There were then present the Prophet Joseph Smith, Theodore Turley and myself. The Prophet began talking to us of the mobbings and drivings, the persecutions we as a people had endured. “But,” said he, “We will have worse things to see; our persecutors will have all the mobbings they want. Don’t wish them any harm, for when you see their sufferings, you will shed tears for them.”

5. While this conversation was going on, we stood by his south wicker gate in a triangle. Turning to me, he said, “I want to tell you something. In the future I will speak in parables like unto John, the Revelator.” (Little did I then think the prophet of the Lord would so soon be slain in cold blood.)

6. Continuing, he said, “You will go to the Rocky Mountains, and you will see a great and mighty people established, which I will call the White Horse of Peace and Safety.”

7. When the Prophet said, “You will see,” I asked him where he would be at that time.” He answered, “I shall never go there.”

8. “Your enemies will continue to follow you with persecutions, and they will make obnoxious laws against you in Congress to destroy the White Horse.

9. “But you will have a friend or two to defend you and throw out the worst part of the laws, so they will not hurt much.

10. “You must continue to petition Congress all the time, but they will treat you like strangers and aliens, and they will not give you your rights but will govern you with strangers and commissioners;

11. “You will see the Constitution of the United States almost destroyed; it will hang by a thread, and that thread as fine as the finest silk fiber.”

12. At this point the Prophet’s countenance became sad; because as he said, “I love the Constitution;

13. “It was made by the inspiration of God,

14. “And it will be preserved and saved by the efforts of the White Horse and the Red Horse who will combine in its defense.

15. “The White Horse will raise an ensign on the tops of the mountains of peace and safety where all nations may flee unto for safety.

16. “The White Horse will find the mountains full of minerals, and they will become very rich. You will find silver piled up in the streets. (At this time, it must be remembered that it was not known that the precious metals existed either in the Rocky Mountains or in California.) You will see gold shoveled up like sand.

17. “Gold will be but of little value even in a mercantile capacity, for the people of the world will have something else to do in seeking for salvation.

[21] 18.”The time will come when the banks in every nation will fail, and only two places will be safe where the people can deposit their gold and treasure. These places will be with the White Horse and England’s vaults.

19. “A terrible revolution will take place in the land of America, such as has never been seen before, for the land will be literally left without a supreme government, and every species of wickedness will run rampant; it will be so terrible that father will be against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother. The most terrible scenes of murder and bloodshed and rapine that have ever been looked upon will take place.

20. “Peace will be taken from the earth, and there will be no peace only in the Rocky Mountains. This will cause hundreds and thousands of the honest in heart of the world to gather there, not because they would be saints, but for safety, and because they would not take up the sword against their neighbors.

21. “You will be so numerous that you will be in danger of famine, but not for the want of seed time and harvest, but that so many will have to be fed. Many will come with bundles under their arms to escape the calamities, and there will be no escape, only by fleeing to Zion.

22. “Those that come to you will try and keep the laws and be one with you, for they will see your unity and the greatness of your organizations.

23. “The Turkish Empire or the Crescent will be one of the first powers that will be disrupted as a power, for freedom must be given for the Gospel to be preached in the Holy Land.

24.”The Lord took of the best blood of the nations, and planted them on the small island now called England, or Great Britain, and gave them great powers in the nations for a thousand years, and this power will continue with them, that they may keep the balance of power, that they may keep Russia from usurping power over all the world.

25. “England and France are now bitter enemies, but they will be allied together in order to keep Russia from conquering the world.

26. “The two Popes, Greek and Catholic, will come together and be united. The Protestant religions do not know how much they are indebted to Henry VIII for throwing off the Pope’s bull and establishing the Protestant faith. He was the only monarch that could do so at the time, and he did it because the nation was at his back to sustain him.

27. One of the peculiar features in England is the established red coat, a uniform making so remarkable a mark to shoot at, and yet they have conquered wherever they have gone. The reason for this will be known by them some day. The Lion and the Unicorn of England is the ensign of Israel. The wisdom and statesmanship of England comes from there being so much of the blood of Israel in the nation.

28. “While the terrible revolution of which mention has been made is going on, England will be neutral until it becomes so inhuman that she will interfere to stop the shedding of blood. England and France will then unite together and come with intention to make peace, not to subdue the nation. They will find the nation so broken up and so many claiming government, still there will be no [23] responsible government. Then it will appear to the other nations or powers as though England had taken possession of the country.

29. “The Black Horse will flee to the invaders and will join with them, for they will have fear of becoming slaves again, knowing England does not believe in slavery, fleeing to them, they believed would make them safe. Armed with British bayonets, the doings of the Black Horse will be terrible.”

30. So the Prophet said he could not bear to look longer upon the scene as shown him in vision, that he asked the Lord to close the scene.

31. Continuing, he said: “During this time, the great White Horse will have gathered strength, sending out elders to get the honest in heart of the United States to stand by the Constitution of the United States, as it was given by inspiration of the Lord.

32. “In these days, God will set up a kingdom, never to be thrown down, for other kingdoms to come unto, and these kingdoms that will not let the Gospel be preached will be humbled until they will.

33. “England, Germany, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Holland, and Belgium have a considerable amount of the blood of Israel among their people, which must be gathered. These nations will submit to the Kingdom of God. England will do it as a whole, in comparison as she threw off the Catholic power. The nobility know the Gospel is true, but it has not enough pomp and grandeur and influence for them to embrace it. They are proud and will not acknowledge the Kingdom of God, or come unto it until they see the power which it will have.

34. “Peace and safety in the Rocky Mountains will be protected by a cord and band of the White Horse and the Red Horse.

35. “The coming of the Ten Tribes of Israel, the coming of the Messiah among His people, will be so natural that only those who see Him will know He has come, but He will come and give His law unto Zion and minister unto His people. This will not be His coming in the clouds of heaven to take vengeance on the world.

36. The Temple in Jackson County will be built in this generation. The saints will think there will not be time to build it, but with all the great help you will receive, you can put up a great temple quickly. You will have gold, silver, and precious stones, for these things only will be used for beautifying the temple, all the skilled mechanics you want, and the Ten Tribes of Israel to help you build it. When you see this land bounded with iron, you may look toward Jackson County.”

37. At this point he made a pause, and looking up as though the vision was still in view, he said, “There is a land beyond the Rocky Mountains that will be invaded by the heathen Chinese, unless great care and protection are given. Speaking of the heathen, where there is no law there is no condemnation; this will apply to them.

38. “Power will be given the White Horse to rebuke nations afar off and they will obey, not that they will be one with the White Horse, but when the law goes forth, they will obey, for the law will go forth from Zion.

39. “The last great struggle Zion will have to contend with will be when the whole of America will be made the Zion of God.

40. “Those opposing will be called Gog and Magog The nations of the world led by the Russian Czar and their power, will be great, but all opposition will be overcome, and this land will be then the Zion of our God.” * * * * *

The Gold Standard, Part 4

This entry is part 30 of 50 in the series 2011A

Einstein’s Greatest Error

“But,” says the gold standard advocate, “you can’t have indefinite expansion. After any period of inflation, expansion and prosperity we have to pay the piper and a period of contraction must take hold. This is the big advantage of the gold standard. Even though, it is painful it causes necessary cycles of contraction.”

But why should a period of contraction even be necessary? Does such an idea correspond to nature? Well, let us look at our universe. It has not only been constantly expanding since its creation over 14 billion years ago, but at the present time the rate of expansion is increasing! Some scientists predicted an expanding universe, but not one expected to find that it is increasing its speed of expansion.

Einstein’s original calculations predicted an expanding universe but this idea went against his belief system so he altered his equations to get the answer he wanted. Later when Edwin Hubble’s observations proved the universe was indeed expanding Einstein admitted that his rejection of an expanding universe was the biggest mistake of his life.

And what caused Einstein’s greatest error?

It was not his logic for his original math and reason told him the universe would be expanding. The cause of his error was his belief system got in the way and prevented him from looking at the math without filters.

Are economists making the same mistake? Many of them are telling us that we can only expand for so long and then we must have a depression or recession. Is their belief that all good things must end interfering with the wonderful truth that we can increase and economically expand indefinitely just as the universe itself is doing?

“But how can the economy expand indefinitely? If we overspend then a correction has to come,” says the skeptic.

The problem is that solid economic expansion does not involve wild overspending as many seem to think. What is overlooked is there are two types of economic expansion. Let us illustrate.

Example One: The Smith Family has been working hard and has been struggling to make ends meet. They’ve wanted to get a new car as well as vacation in Europe but the money to do so never seems to show up. Finally, they decided they deserved some of the better things in life and took out a substantial loan against the equity in their house. This loan was like a windfall and they began spending liberally.

In the eyes of their friends it appeared that the Smiths were experiencing an economic boom.

Then the time came the money ran out and the Smith’s expenditures were more than their income. Instead of taking belt-tightening measures they decided they didn’t want to give up their new lifestyle and borrowed to the max on every credit card they had.

For the next two years their friends thought the Smiths were having a continuing economic boom.

Finally the day of reckoning came and the Smith’s couldn’t borrow enough to pay their bills. At that time their economic world collapsed and they lost everything.

Yes, the Smith’s had to pay the piper for their apparent economic boom, but do all expansions have to end this way?


Example Two:

The Jones family started out in the same situation. They also wanted some of the nicer things in life. They realized they could take out an extra mortgage on their home but decided against it because if this was all they did they would have difficulty in paying it back. They also didn’t like the idea of their hard earned money going into interest payments that merely financed luxuries.

Mr. Jones tells the family, “If we want some luxuries and do not want to suffer the burden of loans we cannot pay back then the only solution is to increase our income. Any suggestions?”

Mrs. Jones spoke up. “I have one. I will go back to work and this will give us the money we need to pay back the loan we are going to take out.”

“But we didn’t want to take out a loan for luxuries,” he said.

“I’m not talking about a loan for luxuries, but for seed money to start that internet business you’ve been thinking of for years. The money from my job can pay back the loan so even if your business fails miserably we will be no worse off financially than we are now. On the other hand, if you succeed then we can not only pay back the loan but we can buy a lot of things we have dreamed of for years.”

The family thought this was a good idea and moved forward with the plan. After two years the business proved a success, they paid back the loan and both Mr. and Mrs. Jones quit their day jobs to work their new business full time.

“Shall we buy some of those luxuries now?” asked Mrs. Smith.

“We could,” said her husband but I have some new ideas for the business that could pay off big time. If we take our extra money and invest in expansion there is a good chance that in a couple more years that we can buy any luxury we want.”

Mrs. Jones was reluctant but agreed and the family continued focusing on expanding and two years later the business and money supply grew just as anticipated.

At that time the Jones took some of their extra money and bought a few things they had wanted over the years. But most important they learned the rules of true expansion and only put money at risk that they could afford to lose.

They continued to apply these lessons and expanded their business, income and savings until they retired. Then they turned their business over to their kids who continued to apply the same common sense approach and the business continued to expand.

Now some may wonder why I am giving simplistic stories illustrating the obvious.

First, I might note that the truth behind these stories must be far from obvious.


Because our best and brightest that we hire (elect) and send to Congress seem oblivious to the common sense of the Jones family and, instead, act like the inept Smiths.

Secondly, many who are considered the best and brightest in the economic world believe we are eternally doomed to the fate of the Smith family. They tell us that any continued expansion of the money supply is like borrowing money on a credit card and must be followed by either collapse or deflation.

They overlook the fact that there are two ways to increase the money supply.

The first is to copy the Smiths and borrow the money with no sensible way to pay it back. Unfortunately this insane path is supported by the most intelligent people we can manage to vote into office.

Overlooked is the fact that there is a second way. If we increase our money supply using common sense principles, as did the Jones, then the economy never needs to contract but the money supply and economic growth can continue indefinitely just as happened in the story of the Jones and illustrated in the expansion of the universe itself.

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The Gold Standard, Part 3

This entry is part 29 of 50 in the series 2011A

The Problem of Deflation

There are a number of arguments made for returning to a gold standard. One of them is that the economy will be more stable. Unfortunately, as we have just illustrated, this has not been historically the case.

It is true that one can find other reasons than problems with gold and silver for many of the crises during the metallic years, but one can do the same thing concerning fiat money since 1933 or 1972 when we were taken off the gold standard.

The fact is that we have had monetary problems with or without the gold/silver standard including the Great Depression during the standard and the Great Recession starting 2008 without it. It is a sad fact that there is a factor involved much more dangerous than what is the basis for our money and that is the human frailties of those who control or have access to the nation’s wealth. We not only need a sound money system but something needs put in place that will limit the damage our fearless leaders can do to it.

So, two things need to be in place if we are to have a consistently good economy. First a sound money system and secondly sound management over the money.

That said; let us continue examining the pros and cons of possible foundations of our money supply, the first half of any monetary solution.

Those who support the gold standard make a number of additional arguments in its favor. Right up there with the belief that it makes for a more stable economy is that it puts overspending in check and thus limits inflation.

Now it is true that if we had a pure gold standard (which we have never had) where each dollar spent was backed up 100% with gold and fully redeemable in gold then deficit spending would be very difficult but not impossible. They would most likely create some I.O.U. or promissory note system that would evolve into fiat money like we have today. Then as soon as there was a major crisis what’s left of the gold standard would be thrown out the window as it has been so many times in the past.

Before we had the graduated income tax the gold standard helped to reign in spending but now that it is in place our leaders have the power of unlimited taxation. If a gold standard limited the government’s ability to create inflationary dollars then they would just seek to tax us more and after they drained the last possible dollar from all taxpayers, rich and poor, they would find a way to negate the discipline of the gold standard so they could borrow and spend even more.

All governments are like addicts. They are addicted to spending and will do anything to get their fix. This tells us that a logical money system only supplies us with part of the solution. The other part has to come from the citizens. They must control their employees – our government representatives. This means that any monetary system by itself is not a magic bullet. Even so, the basis of money is the foundation of our economy and all possible solutions must be examined.

We must create the best possible foundation for money and the people must make sure the contractors creating the rest of the building remain honest and do the job we hired them to accomplish.

While it is true that the economies of the nations of the world have had their problems on and off the gold standard it is true that historically a gold or gold-silver standard does hold inflation in check better than pure fiat money. Some gold standard advocates go so far as to insist that and ounce of gold has always been worth the same amount over the centuries – which is an ounce of gold.

This is not logical thinking and is like saying an ounce of silver is worth the same now as it always has been just because it’s an ounce of silver, or a gallon of oil equals a gallon of oil. If gold and silver are always worth the same amount then their ratio of value should be fairly stable. Since there is 17.5 times more silver in the earth’s crust than gold in 1792 the Congress originally set the ratio value at 15:1, very close to the natural ratio. This ratio was problematic so they raised it to 16:1 in 1834. Since going off the artificial bimetallic standard the ratio has fluctuated from about 12:1 to 100:1.

Some of the fluctuations have occurred over a fairly short period of time. For instance, in 1980 the ratio was 17:1 and then in 1991 jut leaped to 100:1. Around the 2008 meltdown it was 80:1 and by 2011 it hovered around 50:1.

So, if a metallic money is always has the same intrinsic value then why the huge fluctuations in ratio? There’s no reason to believe that an ounce of gold always has the same value any more than an ounce of silver.

The fact is that even though gold and silver have held a high basic value over the centuries their value has fluctuated quite a lot. Whereas the fluctuation of fiat money is almost always toward inflation the precious metals go both ways. Sometimes their value is inflated and other times they suffer deflation. This is proclaimed to be a good thing, but is it?

A drastically overlooked fact by gold standard advocates is that, while too much inflation is admittedly a problem, any equal amount of deflation is much worse.

Let us take the deflation and inflation of the housing market before and after 2008. Before the housing meltdown it often took only a year or two for a home to increase in value 20%. Was there a big crises when this happened? No. Were homeowners complaining? Not really. Instead, they were bragging about their increased assets.

Was there a problem for anyone? There was some problem for buyers but because the interest rate was low, and they felt their purchase was a good investment, few were complaining.

Then as we approached the meltdown of 2008 home prices began to fall. Depending on the area of the country it did not take long before a corresponding 20% drop in prices was witnessed.

Was the problem of a 20% deflation equal in severity to a 20% inflation?

Not by a long shot.

Whereas most people saw the last 20% inflation as a minor annoyance the deflation of our real estate has caused untold grief and stimulated an economic collapse that has diminished all areas of our financial lives.

The same goes for inflation and deflation of money in general. A measured inflation decreases the purchasing power of our money, but because wages also go up most people deal with it as a minor inconvenience.

On the other hand, even a small amount of deflation can spell disaster for people in a number of ways not seen with normal inflation. Here are some.

(1) Those with high mortgages will see the amount they owe become more than the value of their house. This gives them incentive to not pay the loan and let the property go to foreclosure.

(2) Overall deflation is particularly hard on those who are in debt of any kind and have to use loans to finance their business. Agriculture always suffers with deflation. The price of commodities sinks whereas debt rises.

(3) In times of deflation money supply is tight, financing is difficult, investment is down, unemployment is high and overall life is miserable for those affected.

The most famous period of extended deflation was The Great Depression. Between 1929-1933 the money supply decreased by about 33% followed by the money income falling by a whopping 53%. In addition the velocity of money fell by about a third – this is the number of times existing money changes hands.

The wholesale price index decreased by 32%, the consumer price index dropped 23% and farmers received 52% less for their products. In addition, the value of global imports and exports decreased by almost 60%.

Then to top it all off unemployment went from 3.2% in 1929 to 25.2% in 1933.

You get the picture. The greatest contraction corresponded to the greatest depression.

Data taken from:
Monetary Central Planning and the State, Part 11: The Great Depression and the Crisis of Government Intervention by Richard M. Ebeling, November 1997. online book at:

A Monetary History of the United States, 1867-1960; Milton Friedman & Anna Jacobson Schwartz, Pages 301-302

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Hell on Earth, Part 11

This entry is part 28 of 50 in the series 2011A

From page 302, The Rocky Mountain Saints

I was at a Sunday meeting in Provo, when the news of the San Pete castration was referred to by the presiding bishop-Blackburn. Some men in Provo had rebelled against authority, and Blackburn shouted in his Sunday meeting-a mixed congregation of all ages and both sexes I want the people of Provo to understand that the boys in Provo can use the knife as well as the boys in San Pete. Boys, get your knives ready, there is work for you! We must not be behind San Pete in good works.’

“This man, Blackburn, was continued in office at least a year after this, and was afterwards taken from his bishopric and sent on a mission to England.

“Many young women were forced to break off engagements with young men whom they loved, to gratify a bishop’s preference, a missionary’s feelings or a great elder’s desires.”

– From Apostle Kimball’s Sermon:-

“ I would not be afraid to promise a man who is 60 years of age, if he -will take the counsel of Brother Brigham and his brethren, he will renew his age. I have noticed that a man who has but one wife, and is inclined to that doctrine, soon begins to wither and dry up, while a man who goes into plurality looks fresh, young and sprightly. Why is this? Because God loves that man, and because he honors his work and word. Some of you may not believe this; but I not only believe it, but I also know it. For a man of God to be confined to one woman is small business, for it is as much as we can do to keep under the burdens we have to carry, and do not know what we should do if we only had one woman apiece.”

From a “Sermon” delivered by Dr. Clinton, Justice of the Peace. Speaking of some men and women that he was not exactly pleased with and after using language unfit for publication, the Doctor said:-

“ They ought to be shot with a double-barreled shot gun. That is my doctrine; take a double-barrelled shot gun and follow them, and when you catch them, shoot them to pieces. I am the Justice of the Peace, I an the-Coroner of the County, but I will never ‘find’ you, I will guarantee that.”

Bishop E. Wooley followed the J. P., and said:- “I would do as the Doctor says, KILL THEM * * * Tear down their houses. THERE IS NO HELP FOR THEM * * * we will do as the Doctor said, and have a clean record.” Salt Lake Daily Review, extra.

One of the “Apostles was to be privileged with the honour of pulling the nose of little Vic.! ‘ (Queen Victoria).” Rocky Mountain Saints, p. 206.

27 years ago the American Government sent an Army to Utah to whip the Mormons into obedience of law and order. But the Mormons were victorious. There was a “high old time” in Utah. The Priest Journalist on page 372 Rocky Mountain Saints says:-” It was the gayest time ever known in Utah, dancing and theatrical amusements everywhere, while the songs of the Mormon camps, adapted to the popular negro melodies were heard in all their assemblies. The Sunday worship was enlivened with the jovial chorus of Dudah.’ After partaking of the Lord’s supper the following was sung,

‘There’s seven hundred wagons on the way, Du dah!

And their cattle are numerous, so they say, Du dah! du dah day!

Now, to let them perish would be a sin, Du dah!

So we’ll take all they’ve got for bringing them in, Du dah! Du dah day!

CHORUS.-Then let us be on hand, by Brigham Young to stand,

And if our enemies do appear, we’ll sweep them off the land.. ‘Old Sam has sent, I understand, Du dah!

A Missouri ass to rule our land, Du dah! Du dah day!

But if he comes, we’ll have some fun, Du Dab!

To see him and his juries run, Du dah! Du dah day.

CHORUS.-Then let us be on hand, &c.

Old Squaw-killer Harney is on the way, Du dab!

The Mormon people for to slay, Du dab! Du dab day

Now if he comes the truth tell, Du dah!

Our boys will drive him down to hell, Du dab! Du dah day!”

CHORUS.-Then let us be on hand, &c.

“It is too lengthy to give entire-about 16 verses.-From such lyrical effusions as these, sung during divine worship’ in the Tabernacle, the elevated tone of the sermons can be imagined.”

“During this Mormon War,’ the Saints,’ who were ‘spoiling for a fight,’ burned two provision trains, one of 31 and the other of 23 wagons, and drove off their animals, causing great want in the Army. The American officer in command, having no use for 80 of the teamsters after the wagons were burnt, discharged them. They concluded to go to California. In passing through Salt Lake City, a Mormon armed guard was furnished to see-them safe through. The following is a copy of the “ orders “ in regard to these teamsters:-Life in Utah, p. 194.

SALT LAKE CITY, April 9th, 1858.

“The (Mormon) officer in command of escort is hereby ordered to see that every man is well prepared with ammunition and have it ready at the-time you see those teamsters a hundred miles from the settlements. President Young advises that they should be all killed. Every precaution should betaken, and see that not one escapes. Secrecy is required.

“By order of General Daniel. H. Wells.

“JAMES FERGUSON, Assistant Adjutant General.”

Brigham had a Revelation how to emigrate the “Saints,” in which the-Saints were shown how to haul their baggage and food over the plains and ‘mountains in hand carts. This went forth with the stamp of Divinity. “God had revealed it; “ this was the “Divine Plan” of emigration. Think of it, Ladies, fancy pulling a cart with 200 lbs. of baggage over mountains and dales, 1,500 miles. On they trudge pulling the carts. When in the midst of the Rocky Mountains, tremendous snow storms came on. In the heavy snow its hard to pull the carts.

The Revelation promised fine weather. Now their faith fails them; weary and hungry their souls faint within them. Their food, scant at best, nearly gone; they wade rivers and no dry clothing, no rest. What a Divine Plan! Several leading Mormons camped with them one night, made them kill their last calf and ate hearty of their scant provisions; ‘in the morning these kind Mormon gentlemen drove their carriages through the river and waited on the opposite bank to see the women drag their carts through, then bade them good morning and sped on their way, leaving these poor dupes to get to Zion as best they could, finally reduced to starvation, and in the heavy drifting snow 250 souls perished. The reader can get full particulars of this horrid affair in The Rocky Mountain Saints, or at my lectures, where they will also see the pictures of the incidents related in my book besides several others, which space precludes my giving here.

The following is from Mrs. Smith’s “Fifteen Years among the Mormons,” pp. 309:-

“The widow of Hartley, 22 years old, is the most heart broken human being I ever saw. Dressed n deep black, the unrelieved picture of woe she presented, excited our curiosity and sympathy. Accompanied by my sister, went to her, and after some delay and the assurance, that although we were Mormons, we were yet women, she told us her brief story, without a tear; yet with an expression of hopeless sorrow which I shall never forget. Oh! Mormonism is too hard-too cruel upon women. Will it be permitted for ever?

“It was not until I had suggested to her, that perhaps I had also a woe to unburden, as the result of my Mormon life, which might have some comparison to her own, that she commenced by saying:-

“ You may have suffered; and if you have been a Mormon wife, you must have known sorrow. But the cruelty of my own fate, I am sure, is without a parallel, even in this land of. cruelty.

“I married Jesse Hartly, knowing he was a Gentile,’ but that made no difference with me, although I was a Mormon, because he was a noble man, and sought only the right. By being my husband, he was brought into closer contact with the members of the Church, and was thus soon enabled to learn many things about the Heads of the Church, that he did not approve, and of which I was ignorant, although I had been brought up among the Saints; and which, if known among the Gentiles’ would have greatly damaged us. I do not understand all he discovered, or all he did; but they found he had written against the Church, and the Prophet required as an atonement for his sins that he should lay down his life.

That he should be sacrificed in the Endowment House, where human sacrifices are made. They kill those there who have committed sins too great to be atoned for in any other way. The Prophet says, if they submit to this he can save them; otherwise they are lost. Oh! that is horrible. But my husband refused to be sacrificed, and so set out alone for the United States. I told him when he left me, and left his child, that he would be killed, and so he was. William Hickman and another Danite, shot him in the canyons. My child soon followed after its father, and I hope to die also for why should I live? Here the murderers of my husband curse the earth, and roll in affluence unpunished.

“She had finished her sad story, and we were choking down our sobs of pity in silence, when she rose saying, I trust you will excuse me,’ and went away, still wearing the same stony expression of agony, as when we first saw her. But this is but one case among a thousand others, that have never seen the light, and never will, until the dark history of the Danites,’ or Destroying Angels,’ is unveiled.”

In a work by Mrs. A. G. Paddock, “The Fate of Madame La Tour,’ page 296, is the following:-

“ During 1870 and 1871 the juries empanelled by the United States. Marshall were composed altogether of Gentiles and seceders from the Mormon Church.

“During these years one hundred and twenty nine persons were indicted for the commission of murders, unspeakable mutilations, and other atrocious crimes.

These Juries not having been empannelled according to the laws of Utah – everyone of these indictments were set aside and the accused all set free.

“More polygamous marriages were contracted during 1880 than during any year since the settlement of the Territory.”-]bid, p. 324.

“An Englishwoman, who a few years ago abandoned her husband and children for the purpose of gathering with the Saints to Zion, has been divorced and re-married five times since she came to Utah. Another, after being divorced from five husbands, is now living in Polygamy with the sixth. A district judge reports the case of a Saintess, living near the place in which he holds court, who has been divorced fourteen times.-Ibid, p. 342.

I now extract from “The Prophets, or Mormonism Unveiled,” by a lady who had a fearful experience in Zion. It is published by Wm. White Smith,. 195, Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, U. S. On page 255, she says:-” This modern pandemonium, in which vice unchecked ran riot, would have rivaled Hades in its motley crew. It was a safe retreat for the forger and bogus. coiner, house thief, and murderer. I should not dare to chronicle it had not others done so, as well as the passing papers of the day, and they have never been disproved.”

This lady tells a fearful tale of a wife who killed the other wife of her husband. The story is too long to give entire, but from it I glean as follows:-

“A wife, who refused to consent to the plural marriage, cautioned her husband not to trifle with her feelings: that if the unnatural knot was tied death should speedily sever it. Notwithstanding this, one evening at suppertime, the husband returned from the Endowment House with his new bride; the wife sternly commanded the intruder to leave the house at once, or submit to the consequence. This was all she said. The husband escorted his bride to her room and bade her prepare for supper.

The bride, of course, must obey her husband and not his wife; and having arrayed herself gorgeously for the occasion, the husband conducted her to the table to partake of the evening repast with the family. The wife, always a woman of few words, seated herself at the table also, and remained silent. But still waters run deep,’ and away down in the depths of that woman’s heart were feelings unutterable. And while the husband and bride were exchanging loving glances and affectionate words, the wife and mother was deciding in her mind how best to end this fearful torture.

A serious mental struggle ensued; finally the predominating thoughts were, ‘Why should I make my children motherless? How can, I destroy myself and leave my dear children to the care of this hated intruder? No, never! I cannot; I will not. But to live on in this state is impossible; to be constantly worried in mind over this will either dethrone reason or hurry me to a premature grave. This must not, shall not happen.’

The idea now uppermost in her mind was slay the rival,’ and thus put an end to all this vexation. This decided the matter. ‘Death shall end what folly and crime began.’ The supper ended, the husband and his bride retire. The husband partly turned and said, ‘Good night! ‘ to his wife. Imagine the feelings of that wife as she witnessed the disgusting and revolting scene. Her husband who swore at the marriage altar in England ‘to forsake all others,’ had now forsaken her to revel in the unlawful embraces of another; and in her own house and before her very eyes, this wrong was being perpetrated.

This was more than human nature could endure. She had already decided, now she felt an irresistible force urging her on to slay the guilty pair. But she reasoned, is he not the father of my children. She gave a deep sigh, then softly the words escaped her lips, with all his faults I love him still.’ Then she hesitated for a moment, and concluded to spare him, but she would teach him that night that two wives could not live in that house. She thought of the dagger her husband had given her to protect herself in his absence. Now she would protect herself from this intruder in his presence with that very weapon. Grasping the dagger she silently approached the door of the bride-chamber and listened. Then peeping through the key hole she saw in that bright moonlight what she should never have seen.

“Her brain reeled, and sinking to the floor, she remained a long time in a dreamy, half-conscious state. The moon’s bright beams had ascended still higher, and every object stood revealed in silvery light when she once more peeped into that room, and now they slept, and the sight of the peaceful slumber of her rival, reposing on that breast which should have been all her own, again aroused the demon in her heart; she tried the door: it was locked. She thought of the window, which was on the ground floor, and having no fastening, she could easily reach it from the garden. Proceeding thither she raised the sash, quietly crept in, bent over her rival, marked the smooth, beautiful brow, the finely chiseled features, and full voluptuous form, and contrasted them with her own faded beauty, once as lovely as that before her, but now with the roseate hues faded-faded in his service, and now trampled upon as valueless.

She gloated over the sleeping victim, then the steel glittered once in the air, descended, and was raised reeking with the victim’s life’s blood! Again it descended, when the temporarily insane wife leaped through the window, fled to her room and caressed her sleeping babes!

The terrible sequence of this horrible affair is too lengthy to give here, for I could go back to that bride chamber and detail the death of the bride who expired accusing her husband; how she was quietly buried in the garden with her mother who had silently yielded up her troubled soul on her murdered child’s bosom. It was indeed a blessing for that broken hearted and widowed mother to die, within a few hours after her only child had ceased to live. And when afterward the husband found out the truth of the matter-it was as he had supposed-and now that the affair was hushed up, the husband and wife passed on in their career as if nothing had occurred, although her’s was not the first blood that cried aloud to heaven for vengeance on betrayed and murdered innocence.”

I could enumerate cases of this kind, and of others who have committed suicide. While I write this, scores of instances crowd into my mind. But I have made a mistake in contracting for a book of 200 pages. I should have had at least 800 pages more.

“A married woman, Mrs. L–, young, beautiful, and hitherto of unblemished reputation, fell a victim to the arts of the Prophet, and was to him as his plural wife. Her husband, a Gentile, knew nothing of it, and within a few months after he died; as it happened, many men died whose presence was not desired by the saints.”-Madam La Tour, pp. 331.

In the same work chap. 18, Mrs. Paddock tells of two women brutally murdered, and adds:-” Julia H-, plural wife of a man who fills important offices in this city, was allowed the alternative of death by poison; but in the two cases named in this chapter, they were sacrificed with attendant barbarities which could not be paralleled outside the darkest abode of paganism.”

I now quote from a petition from the women of Utah. “To the Senate and Representatives of the United States in Congress assembled.”

“During all the years that their will has been law in Utah, no man’s life no woman’s honor has been safe, if either stood in the way of the despotic rulers of this people. Never in this world will the history of their dark and bloody deeds be fully written, for the victim and witnesses of many a tragedy are hidden in the grave.

“We adjure you in the name of the mothers who bore you, of the wives you love, of the sisters whose honor is dear to you, not to turn a deaf ear to the cry of those who ask protection from the tyranny of a system that, throughout its whole existence, has sought only to crush and degrade womanhood. Thousands of women in the Territory of Utah are today in a condition of abject slavery. Many of them would proclaim their wrongs to the world if they dared.”

This petition is signed by 474 of the women of Utah. Mrs. Paddock in her book says;-” Many women to whom the memorial was presented said Every word in it is true, and we want to sign it, but we dare not.”-Page 337. “Fate of Madam La Tour.”

Did Congress Listen to this appeal? Yes! It “went in at one ear aid out at the other,” and though shortly afterward it did seem that justice in Utah was at last possible, Brigham Young was imprisoned by Judge McKean for the alarming space of 24 hours. Yet almost immediately afterward President Grant deposed the incorruptible Judge, whose only fault was the faithful and fearless performance of duty. Perhaps U. S. Grant will let me know why he did so, and I shall be pleased to insert his reason for so doing in future editions. At present I, and all those acquainted with the circumstances, are at a loss to understand why Judge McKean was removed from office.

From the Rocky Mountain Saints, page 462:-” In the controversy between Rigdon and the Twelve Apostles, at Smith’s death, for the ruling supremacy of the Church, one Parrish said, he would follow the Twelve if they led him to hell.’ Ten years later his zeal cooled, and he resolved to leave Utah.

“On the evening of the departure of the Parrish family, Potter and Durfee, two Danites, professed to aid them in leaving without observation while in reality they were leading them to the place where they were to be killed. In the dark, Potter, who decoyed the elder Parrish, was accidentally shot and killed; old man Parrish was stabbed to death; his eldest son fell dead upon the road, and the younger son, though severely wounded, escaped ‘ and got back to town.” [The Bishop, in command of this affair, still lives in Utah, the husband of numerous wives, six of whom are sisters; none of these guilty wretches were punished.]

“A month after the Parrish murders, Henry Jones and his mother were both killed. The mother was killed in the house, and the son, who tried to escape was pursued and killed. They are to come forth in the first resurrection, for they paid the atoning penalty, and are, therefore, entitled to the honours of the immortalized Saints.-/bid, p. 469.

“A young man named Skeen was suspected of a disposition to apostatize. Thereupon he was arrested on a trumped up charge by Sheriff Ricks, who was also a Mormon High Priest. After Skeen lay down to sleep Ricks said to the guard, named Chambers, Whatever you see to night, your business is to keep still.’ When the sleeper’s breathing showed his slumber to be sound, Ricks placed his gun to the young man’s breast and fired. The victim sprang up, ran to the door, fell, and in a few minutes expired. It was given out that he was killed in attempting to escape, but the testimony of Chambers, who saw the affair, was corroborated by several other men who swore that the gun had been held so close to Skeen’s breast as to set his clothing on fire. Yet a Mormon jury pronounced Ricks, Not Guilty,’ and his fellow-saints escorted him home with a band of music, flags flying, &c. I saw the procession and everybody understood the meaning.” Fate of Madam La Tour, p. 347.

[I also “saw and understood.” I have myself talked with Skeen’s mother, and with Chambers about the affair. The burnt clothing shows that if young Skeen was “attempting to escape,” he was running toward and not from the Sheriff who shot him. This is but one of the many cases where men have been so arrested and foully murdered.]

The murder of Yates, extracted from Bill Hickman’s Book, p. 524 Yates had a fine gold watch and 900 dollars in gold. Joseph A Young, a son of Brigham’s, said his father wanted that man Yates killed. Col. Jones, Hosea Stout, and another, whose name I do not recollect, came to my camp fire and asked if Yates was asleep. I told them he was, upon which his brains were knocked out with an axe, a grave three feet deep was dug, the body put in and the dirt well packed on it, after which our camp fire was moved on to the grave.

We were off before day light, and arrived at Salt Lake that day. My comrade and I went to Brigham’s office. He asked what had become of Yates? I told him. He said that was right and a good thing. I pulled out the sack containing the money; the money was counted and we left.”

From The Rocky Mountain Saints, p. 736, I extract from the speech of Governor J. B. Weller, of Utah, on the murder of Dr. Robinson:-” Dr. Robinson, aged 31 years, was an amiable, quiet Christian, universally loved and respected. Six months ago he married a young lady of one of your most estimable families. An armed force of the police, sent by the City authorities, destroyed his building and ejected him from his premises. Afterward, between 11 and 12 p.m. a man goes to the doctor’s house, wakes him up, tells him that a brother of his (Jones) had broken his leg. The doctor hastily dressed and proceeds with this man upon what he regarded a mission of mercy. About 175 steps from his dwelling he was struck over the head with a sharp instrument, and then shot through the brain.”

“ Apostle “ Snow, in a sermon distinguished by its profanity and brutal ferocity, which was not reported and can only be stated from memory:-” He plainly told the audience that whoever should be the executioner of divine justice and slay the apostate, their wives and children, would receive a bright crown of glory, and, what is more to be lamented, it was approvingly responded to by the audience. It was a sphere of murder, plain, palpable, frightful and sickening. The picture can never be effaced from the mind-a preacher in the pulpit ferociously enjoining the murder of men, women, and children for a difference of opinion, and thousands of faces intently gazing upon him with fanatical approbation. The regions of the damned could scarcely present a scene more truly diabolical.-Secretary Ferris, p. 332, Utah and the Mormons.

Utah is a rich mineral country, and many Gentiles came to “ Zion “ to open the mines and get rich. Apostle Woodruff preached for their benefit the following:-” Men that come here to seek for our gold and silver find that it is now too hot for them. The day has now come that they cannot bear the burning heat of Zion, and I am glad of it.” Journal of Discourses, vol. 6, 13- 141.

Brigham talked a little plainer and said, “If any miserable scoundrels come here, cut their throats,” and all the people said Amen! ‘ Ibid, p. 253.

Hell on Earth, Part 10

This entry is part 27 of 50 in the series 2011A

(Here Mr. Jarman introduces he Danites and attributes their creation to Joseph Smith.  Joseph’s involvement with them is not so cut and dried as arguments have been made for and against it.  Students of Mormon history can understand why such an organization sprang up which was to protect the Saints after great persecution began in Missouri.

Shortly after its creation Joseph publicly condemned the organization and Dr. Avard as its unauthorized founder.

Some think that the Danites eventually saw Joseph as a traitor and were responsible for his death.  The fact that one of the mob tried to cut his head off with a bowie knife gives evidence to this charge)


In this chapter I shall also let others tell the tale. I commence with sermons by Brigham Young and his “Apostles.” I quote from Brigham’s sermon “Love thy neighbour as thyself.”

“When will we love our neighbours as ourselves? In the first place, Jesus saith that no man hateth his own flesh. It is admitted by all that every person loves himself. Now if we do rightly love ourselves we want to be saved and enjoy eternity and see no more sorrow nor death. This is the desire of every person who believes in God. Now take a person in this congregation who knows and understands the principles of eternal life, and suppose that he is overtaken in a gross fault, that he has committed a sin that he knows will deprive him of that exaltation which he desires, and that he cannot attain to it without the shedding of his blood, and also knows that by having his blood shed he will atone for that sin and be saved and exalted with the gods, is there a man or woman in this house but would say Shed my blood that I may be saved and exalted with the gods? ‘

“All mankind love themselves; and let those principles be known by an individual, and he would be glad to have his blood shed. This would be loving ourselves even unto an eternal exaltation. Will you love your brothers others likewise when they have a sin that cannot be atoned for without the shedding of their blood? Will you love that man or woman well enough to shed their blood? THAT IS WHAT JESUS CHRIST MEANT. He never told man or woman to love their enemies in their wickedness, never. He never meant any such thing; His language is left as it is for those to read who have the spirit to discern between truth and error; it was so left for those who can discern the things of God.

“I could refer you to plenty of instances where men have been righteously slain in order to atone for their sins. I have seen scores and hundreds of people for whom there would have been a chance if their lives had been taken and their blood spilled on the ground as a smoking incense to the Almighty, but who are now angels to the devil.

“I have known a great many men who have left this Church, for whom there is no chance whatever for exaltation, but if their blood had been spilled it would have been better for them.

“This is loving our neighbour as ourselves; if he needs help, HELP HIM; if he wants salvation and it is necessary to spill his blood on the earth in order that he may be saved, SPILL IT.

“Any of you who understand the principles of eternity, if you have sinned a sin requiring the shedding of blood, should not be satisfied or rest until your blood should be spilled, that you may gain that salvation you desire. THAT IS THE WAY TO LOVE MANKIND. Now brethren and sisters, will you live your religion? How many hundreds of times have I asked that question? Will the Latter-day Saints live their religion? “

Discourse in the Tabernacle, published in the “Journal of Discourses,” Vol. IV., pp. 219, 220.

“ Apostle “ Grant, in his sermon upon the penalty for breaking the covenants of the Church, says:-

“Then what ought this meek people who keep the commandments of God do unto them? ‘Why,’ says one they ought TO PRAY TO THE LORD TO KILL THEM.’ I want to know if you would wish the Lord TO COME DOWN AND DO ALL YOUR DIRTY WORK? Many of the Latter-day Saints will pray, and petition, and supplicate the Lord to do a thousand things they themselves would be ashamed to do.

“When a man prays for a thing, he ought to be willing to perform it himself.

“The Lord God commanded them not to pity the person whom they killed, but to execute the law of God upon persons worthy of death. This should be done by the entire congregation, showing no pity.

“ What! do you believe that people would do right, and keep the law of God, by actually putting to death the transgressors? Putting to death the transgressors would exhibit the law of God, no matter by whom it was done. That is my opinion.

“You talk of the doings of different governments. What mode do they adopt to punish traitors? Do traitors forfeit their lives? Examine the doings of earthly governments on this point, and you will find the same practice universal. But people will look into books of theology, and argue that the people of God have a right to try people for fellowship, but they have no right to try them on property or life. That makes the devil laugh, saying: I have got them on a hook now; they can cut them off, and I will put eight or ten spirits worse than they are into their tabernacles, and send them back to mob them.”

“If men turn traitors to God and His servants, their blood will surely be shed.”-” Apostle” Kimball.

Brigham assured the Saints that these throat-cutting, blood-spilling doctrines were meritorious, glorious, and soul-saving. He says:-

“ There are sins that men commit for which they cannot receive forgiveness in this world, or in that which is to come; and if they had their eyes open to their true condition, they would be perfectly willing to have their blood spilt upon the ground, that the smoke thereof might ascend to heaven as an offering for their sins, and the smoking incense would atone for their sins; whereas, if such is not the case, they will stick to them and remain upon them in the spirit-world.

“I do know that there are sins committed of such a nature that if the people did understand the doctrine of salvation, they would tremble because of their situation. And, furthermore, I know that there are transgressors who, if they knew themselves, and the only condition upon which they can obtain forgiveness, would beg of their brethren to shed their blood, that the smoke thereof might ascend to God as an offering to appease the wrath that is kindled against them, and that the law might have its course. I will say, further: I have had men come to me and offer their lives to atone for their sins.

“I know, when you hear my brethren telling about cutting people off from the earth, that you consider it is strong doctrine; but it is to save them, not to destroy them.

“As it was in ancient days, so it is in our day; and though the principles are taught publicly from this stand, still the people do not understand them; yet the law is precisely the same. There are sins that can be atoned for by an offering upon an altar as in ancient days; and there are sins that the blood of a lamb, of a calf, or of turtle doves cannot remit, but THEY MUST BE ATONED FOR BY THE BLOOD OF THE MAN. That is the reason why men talk to you as they do from this stand; they understand the doctrine, and throw out a few words about it. You have been taught that doctrine, but you do not understand it.” The reader will see here how aprapos is the following lines from, Hudibras:-

“The only difference is, that then they slaughtered only beasts, now men.”


“From “ Apostle “ Grant’s Sermon:-” There are men and women here who must have their blood shed or they cannot be saved. I advise you to go to the President immediately, and ask him to appoint a committee to attend to your case; and then let a place be selected, and let that committee shed your blood to atone for your sins.

“What disposition ought the people to make of covenant-breakers? Why, says one, forgive them. Very good, What did the Apostle say? He says they are worthy of death. I am inclined to believe his decision was a just one.

“Have not the people of God a right to carry out that part of the law as well as any other portion of it? It is their right to baptize a sinner to save him, it is also their right to kill a sinner to save him, when he commits those crimes that can only be atoned for by shedding his blood. We would not kill a man, of course, unless we killed him to save him. Do you think it would be any sin to kill me if I were to break my covenants? Let every man preach for himself, I am preaching my own faith today. Do you believe you would kill me if I broke the covenants of God and you had the spirit of God? Yes, and the more spirit of God I had the more I should strive to save your soul by spilling your blood when you had committed sin that could not be remitted by baptism. But, says one, will not Uncle Sam play the devil with you? Uncle Sam is a part of us and we are Uncle Sam, and it is us and Uncle Sam together. We have a right to worship God according to the dictates of our own conscience and have a right to carry out our religion, and there is nothing in the Constitution and laws of the United States to the contrary.”

“We have been trying long enough with this people, and I go in for letting the sword of the Almighty to be unsheathed, not only in word, but in deed.” [Please remember this man was an “Apostle,” Mayor of Salt Lake City, and speaker to the “Lords House of Parliament.”]

From the “ Prophet “ Brigham’s Sermon:-” Justice will be laid to the line, and righteousness to the plummet; we shall take the old broadsword, and ask, Are you for God?’ and if you are not heartily on the Lord’s side, you will be hewn down.”

“But now I say, in the name of the Lord, that if this people will faithfully live their religion, their sins will be forgiven them without taking life.

“Keep your tongues still, lest sudden destruction come upon you. I say rather than that the apostates should flourish here, I will unsheathe my bowie-knife, and conquer or die. [Great commotion in the congregation, and a simultaneous burst of feeling, assenting to the declaration.] Now you nasty apostates, clear out, or judgment will be laid to the line, and righteousness to the plummet.’ [Voices generally, Go it, go it!] If you say it is all right, raise your hands. [All hands up.] Let us call upon the Lord to assist us in this and every other good work.’

The foregoing are literal quotations from the Deseret News, “Journal of Discourses,” vol. i., p. 82, and vol. iii. p. 226.

The “Hand Book on Mormonism,” page 49, after quoting about the same as I have here, says:-

“ The few selections taken from the so-called sermons of Brigham and others-many more can be produced-cause a shudder of horror to all who read them. But we know that the discourses, as delivered on the stand, were much more cruel, wicked, and blood thirsty than they appear in the printed works; it was blood-curdling to hear them. The Mormon shorthand reporters, when transcribing the ‘ Sermons ‘ for the printer, left out many blasphemous and bloody expressions, unfit for the public eye.”

Among the Senate documents we find General Clark’s dispatch to Governor Boggs, which says:-

“ There is no crime, from treason down to petty larceny, but these people have been guilty of. They have committed treason, murder, arson, burglary, robbery, larceny, and perjury. They have societies formed under the most binding covenants and most horrid oaths to circumvent the laws, and put them at defiance; and to plunder and burn and murder, and divide the spoils for the use of the Church.’

In “The Rocky Mountain Saints” is the affidavit of T. B. Marsh, an ex-Mormon, from which I extract the following:-

“They have among them a company, called the Danites, who have taken an oath to support the heads of the Church in all things that they say or do, whether right or wrong.

“The plan of the Prophet is to take the United States, and ultimately the whole world. The Prophet inculcates the notion, and it is believed by every true Mormon, that Smith’s prophecies are superior to the laws of the land. I have heard the Prophet say that he would yet tread down his enemies, and walk over their dead bodies; that if he was not let alone he would be a second Mohammed to this generation, and that he would make it one gore of blood from the Rocky Mountains to the Atlantic Ocean; that like Mohammed, whose motto in treating for peace was the Alcoran or the Sword,’ so should it be eventually with us, Joseph Smith or the Sword.”

To successfully carry out their plans they organized an Army. John D. Lee in his confession says:-

“All the males over eighteen years of age were organized into a military body, and called The Host of Israel.’ The first rank was a captain with ten men under him; next was a captain of fifty, that is he had five companies of ten; next, the captain of a hundred, or of ten captains and companies of ten. The entire membership of the Mormon Church was then organized in the same way. This was the first organization of the military force of the Church. It was so organized as revealed through the Lord’s Prophet. God commanded Joseph Smith to place the Host of Israel in a situation for defense against the enemies of God and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

“Another organization was formed called the Danites.’ The members of this order were placed under the most sacred obligations that language could invent. They were sworn to stand by and sustain each other. Sustain, protect, defend, and obey the leaders of the Church, under any and all circumstances unto death; and to disobey the orders of the leaders of the Church, or divulge the name of a Danite to an outsider, or to make public any of the secrets of the order of Danites, was to be punished with death. And I can say of a truth, many have paid the penalty for failing to keep their covenants. They had signs and tokens for use and protection. When the sign was given it must be responded to and obeyed, even at the risk or certainty of death. The Danite that would refuse to respect the token, and comply with all its requirements, was stamped with dishonor, infamy, shame, disgrace, and his fate for cowardice and treachery was death.

This sign or token of distress is made by placing the right hand on the right side of the face, with the points of the fingers upwards, shoving the hand upwards until the ear is snug up between the thumb and forefinger.

The “High Priest” Journalist in his Rocky Mountain Saints, says:-

“ Dr. Avard organized the brethren into companies of tens and fifties, appointed Captains over each company, gave signs and ‘grips’ by which they should know each other by day or by night, binding themselves by the most sacred oaths to preserve in secrecy their works of darkness,” Then follows

Dr. Avard’s address to the Danite Captains:-

“ My brethren, as you have been chosen to be our leading men, our captains to rule over this Kingdom of Jesus Christ, who have been organized after the ancient order, I have called upon you here today to teach you and instruct you in the things that pertain to your duty, and to show you what your-privileges are. Take your respective companies and go out and take to your–self spoils of the ungodly Gentiles? For it is written, ‘The riches of the Gentiles shall be consecrated to my people, the house of Israel;’ and thus -waste away the Gentiles by robbing and plundering them of their property; and in this way we will build up the kingdom of God, and roll forth the little stone that Daniel saw cut out of the mountain without hands until it shall fill the whole earth.

For this is the very way that God destines to build up his Kingdom in the last days. If any of us should be recognized, who can harm ‘us? For we will stand by each other and defend one another in all things. If our enemies swear against us, we can swear also. As the Lord’ liveth I would swear a lie to clear any of you; and if this would not do, I would put them or him under the sand as Moses did the Egyptian, and in this way we -will consecrate much unto ‘the Lord,’ and build up his Kingdom; and who can stand against us? And if any of us transgress we will deal with him amongst ourselves. And if any of this Danite Society reveals any of these -things, I will put him where the dogs cannot bite him.”

In Burton’s “City of the Saints” I find the following:-

“ The Danite band,” Destroying Angels ‘-Gentiles say Devils Sons of Dan, or Danites,’ were organized for the purpose of dealing as avengers of blood with Gentiles; in fact, they formed a kind of Death Society,’ Desperadoes, Thugs, Hashshashiyun in plain English, assassins in the name of the Lord.”

Elder Hyde, in his work on Mormonism says:-

“ A Death Society’ was organized and led by Captain ‘Fearnaught’ alias Apostle’ Patten. Mich. iv. 13 furnished the first name; Arise and -thresh, O daughter of Zion; for I will make thy horn iron and thy hoofs brass; and thou shalt beat in pieces many people; and I will consecrate their gain unto the Lord.’ This accurately described their intentions, and they called themselves the Daughters of Zion.’ Some ridiculed these bearded and bloody Daughters,’ and the name did not sit easily. Destroying Angels came next; the Big fan of the thresher that should thoroughly purge the floor.’ Genesis xlix. 17 furnished the name finally assumed. Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path that biteth the horse’s heels so that his rider shall fall backward.’ The Sons of Dan,’ or Danites was adopted, and many times they have been adders in the path, and many a man has fallen .backward and been seen no more.”

Brigham Young in one of his Sermons said:-

“ If men come here and do not behave themselves, they will not only find the Danites, whom they talk so much about, biting the horse’s heels, but the scoundrels will find something biting their heels. In my plain remarks I merely call things by their own name.” Deseret News, vol. 7., p. 143.

I trust enough is given to show the organization of this terrible band of cut-throats, and the kind of” Sermons” preached in “Zion.” Now for some of their bloody work. Though I could fill this book with the most horrid tales which have been related to me, I prefer to use other testimony. I cannot however, refrain from mentioning a case of a neighbour of mine who is still a Bishop in the Mormon Church. He had two sons which grew “weak in the faith.” They were both murdered by “ Danites,” and thrown over the garden wall with the remark to their mother who stood just inside:- “ There learn how to train up your children properly.”

The following extracts are from the Confessions of John D. Lee:-

“ The Bishop notified Anderson that he must die by having his throat cut, so that the running of his blood would atone for his sins. Anderson being a firm believer in the doctrines and teachings of the Mormon Church, made no objections, but asked for half a day to prepare for death. His request was granted. His wife was ordered to prepare a suit of clean clothing in which to have her husband buried and was informed that he was to be-killed for his sins, she being directed to tell those who enquired after her husband that he had gone to California.

“The Bishop, James Hasletn, Daniel McFarland and John M. Higbee dug a grave in a field near the city, and that night about 12 o’clock, went to Anderson’s house and ordered him to make ready to obey the Council. Anderson got up, dressed himself, bid his family good-bye, and without a word of remonstrance accompanied those that he believed were carrying out the will of the Almighty God.’ They went to the place where the grave was prepared. Anderson knelt upon the side of the grave and prayed. The Bishop and his company then cut Anderson’s throat from ear to ear and held him so that his blood ran into the grave.

“As soon as he was dead they dressed him in his clean clothes, threw him into the grave and buried him. They then carried his bloody clothing back and gave them to his wife to wash, when she was again instructed to say that her husband was in California. She obeyed their orders. The killing of Anderson was considered a religious duty and a just act. It was justified by all the people, for they were bound by the same covenants, and the least word of objection to thus treating the man who had broken his covenant would have brought the same fate upon the person who was so foolish as to raise his voice against any act committed by order of the Church authorities.” Page 283, Lee’s Confession, Published by Bryan, Brand and Co., St. Louis, U.S.A W. H. Stelle and Co., New York.

“A quiet and orderly young man, a Gentile, was notified to let the girls alone. No Gentile was allowed to keep company with or visit any Mormon girl; but he still kept going to see some of them. The authorities decided to have the young man killed, so they called two of Bishop Dames’ Destroying Angels, Carter and Gould, and told them to take that cursed young Gentile over the rim of the basin.’ That was a term used when they killed a person.

“The destroying angels made some excuse to induce the young man to go with them on an excursion, and when they got close to Shirts’ Mill, they killed him, and left his body in the bushes.

“The Indians found the body, and reported the facts to me. I was not at home that night, but Carter and Gould went to my house and staid there all night. They told Rachel (one of Lee’s wives) they had been on a mission to-take a young man, a Gentile, over the rim of the basin, and Carter showed her his sword, which was all bloody, and said he used that to help the Gentile-over the edge. Rachel knew what they meant when they spoke of sending him over the rim of the basin.’ It was a common thing to see parties going out with suspected Gentiles, to send them over the rim,’ and the Gentiles were always killed.

“It was a common thing for small bands of people on their way from California to pass through by way of Cedar City on their journey. Many of these people were killed simply because they were Gentiles. The killing of Gentiles was considered a means of Grace and virtuous deed.

“Three men came to Cedar City one evening; they were poor, and much worn by their long journey. They were on their way to California. The Authorities ordered the brethren to devise a plan to put them out of the way, decently and in order. That the will of God, as made known through Bishops. Haightand Klingensmith, might be done, these helpless men were coaxed to-go to the distillery and take a drink. They went in company with J. M.. Higbee, John Weston, James Haslem and Wm. C. Stewart, and I think another man, but if so, I have forgotten his name. The party drank considerable and when the emigrants got under the influence of the whisky, the brethren knocked the brains out of two of the men with the king-bolt of a wagon. The third man was very powerful and muscular; he fought valiantly for his life, but was overcome and killed. They were buried near the city.

“ This deed was sustained by all the people there. The parties who did the killing were pointed out as true valiant men, zealous defenders of the faith and as fine examples for the young men to pattern after.”

“John Weston took an Irishman, that had been stopping with him as his guest several days, on a hunt and when he got him in the forest, he cut the throat of the Irishman and left the body unburied. Weston received orders to kill the man because Bishop Haight considered him a spy.

“Bishop Klingensmith laid in ambush to kill Robert Keyes, because Keyes refused to give false testimony when requested to do so by the Bishop. When Keyes came within a few feet of the hiding place of the Bishop, this Holy man raised his gun and took deliberate aim at Keyes heart.”

“The authorities at Salt Lake City decided that Lieut. Tobin must be killed. Tobin had joined the Church there, and married ‘a daughter of -General Rich, one of the twelve Apostles. I think his wife was taken from him by order of the Church. He made several efforts to get out of the Territory. Finally he left Salt Lake intending to go to California, to escape the persecutions that were being forced upon him by the Church authorities. The Destroying Angels’ were put on his trail, with orders to kill him without fail before they returned. Two desperate fanatics, Joel White and John Willis, were the ‘Angels’ selected, who knew nothing but to obey orders. These vile tools of the Church leaders were keeping their oaths of obedience to the Priesthood, and were as willing to shed blood at the command of the Prophet or any of the Apostles, as ever Inquisitor was to apply the rack to an offending heretic in the days of the Inquisition. In fact Mormonism is Jesuitism ‘refined and perfected.”

“White and Wilas found Lieut. Tobin while he was sleeping, and going right up to him as he lay upon the ground, wrapt in his blanket, they shot him several times’ they concluded to shoot him once more to make certain that he would not escape, so they put a pistol right up against his eye, and fired. The ‘Angels’ returned to Salt Lake City and reported that their orders were obeyed.”

“It was the usual course to send an ‘Angel’ after all who were charged or suspected of having violated their covenants. When a Danite or Destroying Angel was placed on a man’s track, that man died, certain, unless some providential act saved him.”

“William Laney, while on a mission to Tennessee, was saved by a family named Aden from a mob who threatened him with death because he was a Mormon preacher. When Fancher’s train (The Emigrants killed at Mountain Meadows by the Mormons) reached Parowan, Laney met young Aden, and recognized him as the son of the man who had saved his life. Aden said he was hungry, that he and his comrades had been unable to purchase supplies from the Mormons since they left Salt Lake City, and that there seemed to be a conspiracy formed against that train by which the Mormons had agreed to starve the emigrants. Laney took young Aden to his house, gave him his supper, and let him sleep there that night. A few nights after that the Destroying Angels were ordered by Bishop Dame to kill Laney to save him from his sins, he having violated his endowment oath and furnished food to a man who had been declared an outlaw by the Mormon Church.

The Angels’ were commanded by Carter, a son-in-law of the Bishop. The Angels called Laney out of the house, saying the Bishop wished to see him. As Laney passed through the gate into the street, he was struck across the back of the head with a large club. His skull was fractured and for many months Laney lay at the point of death, and his mind still shows the effect of the injury, for his brain has never quite settled since. I have frequently talked with Laney about the matter, he knows that he will yet be killed if he makes public the facts. Punishment by death was the penalty for refusing to obey the orders of the Priesthood.

“The sinful member was to be slain for the remission of his sins, it being taught by the leaders and believed by the people that the right thing to do with a sinner, was to take the life of the offending party, and thus save his never dying soul. This was called Blood Atonement.’“

“The Mormons nearly all believe in blood atonement. It was taught by the leaders and believed by the people that the Priesthood were inspired and could not give a wrong order. That the authority that ordered a murder committed, was the only responsible party, that the man who did the killing was. only an instrument of the party commanding-just as much of an instrument as the knife that was used to cut the throat of the victim. This being the belief of all good Mormons, it is easily understood why the orders of the Priesthood were so blindly obeyed by the people. The Church authorities used the laws of the land, the laws of the Church, and Danite Angels’ to enforce their orders, and rid the country of those who were distasteful to the leaders. And I say as a fact that there was no escape for any one that the leaders of the Church selected as a victim.” From Lee’s Confession, pp. 272 to 283.

“In Utah it has been the Custom with the Priesthood to make eunuchs of such men as were obnoxious to their leaders. This was done for a double purpose: first, it gave a perfect revenge, and next, it left the poor victim a living example to others of the dangers of disobeying counsel, and not living as ordered by the Priesthood.

“It was the favorite revenge of old, worn-out Priests, who wanted young women sealed to them, and found that the girl preferred some handsome young man. The old Priests generally got the girls, and many a young man was UNSEXED for refusing to give up his sweetheart at the request of an old, and failing, but still sensual Apostle or member of the Priesthood.

“As an illustration I will refer to an instance that many a good Saint knows to be true, (including the Author of this Book.)

“Warren Snow was Bishop of the Church at Manti, San Pete County, Utah. He had several wives, but there was a fair, buxom young woman in the town that Snow wanted for a wife. He made love to her with all his powers, went to parties where she was, visited her at her home, and proposed to make her his wife. She thanked him for the honor offered, but told him she was then engaged to a young man, a member of the Church, and consequently could not marry the old priest. This was no sufficient reason to Snow. He told her it was the will of God that she should marry him, and she must do so; that, in fact, a promise made to the young man was not binding, when she was informed that it was contrary to the wishes of the authorities.

“The girl continued obstinate. The ‘teachers’ of the town visited her-and advised her to many Bishop Snow. Her parents, under the orders of the Counselors of the Bishop, also insisted that their daughter must marry the old man. She still refused. Then the authorities called on the young-man and directed him to give up the young woman. This he steadfastly refused to do. He remained true to his intended, and said he would die before he would surrender his intended wife to the embraces of another.

“It was then determined that the rebellious young man must be forced by harsh treatment to respect the advice and orders of the Priesthood. His fate was left to Bishop Snow for his decision. He decided that the young man should be mutilated; Snow saying, ‘When that is done, he will not be liable to want the girl badly, and she will listen to reason when she knows that her lover is no longer a man.

“It was then decided to call a meeting of the people who live true to counsel, which was to be held in the school-house in Manti, at which place the young man should be present, and dealt with according to Snow’s will..

The meeting was called. The young man was there, and was again requested ordered and threatened, to get him to surrender the young woman to Snow, but true to his plighted troth, he refused to consent to give up the girl. The lights were then put out. An attack was made on the young man. He was severely beaten, and then tied with his back down on a bench, when Bishop Snow took a bowie-knife, and performed the operation in a most brutal manner, and than took the portion severed from his victim and hung it up in the school-house on a nail, so that it could be seen by all who visited the house afterwards.

“The party then left the young man weltering in his blood, and in a lifeless condition. During the night he succeeded in releasing himself from his confinement, and dragged himself to some haystacks, where he lay until the next day, when he was discovered by his friends. The young man regained his health, but has been an idiot or quiet lunatic ever since, and is well known by hundreds of both Mormons and Gentiles in Utah.

“After this outrage old Bishop Snow took occasion to get up a meeting at the school-house, so as to get the people of Manti, and the young woman that he wanted to marry, to attend the meeting. When all had assembled, the old man talked to the people about their duty to the Church, and their duty to obey counsel, and the dangers of refusal, and then publicly called attention to the mangled parts of the young man, that had been severed from his person and stated that the deed had been done to teach the people that the counsel of the Priesthood must be obeyed. To make a long story short, I will say, the young woman was soon after forced into being sealed to Bishop Snow.

“This is only one instance of many that I might give to show the danger of refusing to obey counsel in Utah.” Lee’s Confesston, p. 285-6.

Hell on Earth, Part 9

This entry is part 26 of 50 in the series 2011A

“A man, by the name of Eldridge, was living with much apparent ‘happiness with his wife at Nauvoo, at the time of the great break up there. Emma Smith, the prophet’s widow, had seen enough of Mormonism, and, having secured some property out of the general wreck, resolved to remain in the States. When the Saints were on the point of removing, Emma Smith advised Mrs. Eldridge not to follow her husband to the valley of Great Salt Lake; told her he would certainly go into the plurality order, and then she would be treated with neglect; that was the case with them all. Mrs. E. replied that her husband had promised her that he would never go into it; that they were attached to each other; and that she had the utmost confidence in him. They went on together to Salt Lake, and, in 1851, the predictions of Mrs. Smith were verified.

Brigham Young, for some reason or other, desired to involve Eldridge in the meshes of spiritual wife-ism, and repeatedly importuned him on the subject. Eldridge told him he was living very happily with his wife, and that to bring another into the family would almost kill her. Young replied that, if his wife was opposed to the order of the Church, the ‘quicker she was damned the better.’ He also stated, among other things, that he was about to go off on an exploring tour in the Territory with a party (naming some of them); that he and the rest intended each to take along a new wife; that he (Eldridge) had better -do so too, and they would have ‘a nice time of it.’

Eldridge finally yielded, and so worked upon his wife as to compel her to give her consent to his being sealed to a miserable drab selected for this occasion. From this period he became a perfect brute in the treatment of his wife; turned her from the best room in the house to make room for his concubine; and she, thoroughly crushed and despairing, realizes that her once peaceful and happy home has been changed into a domestic hell. This is a fair history of the fate of the first wife.”

(Eldridge has wives “scattered all over the blooming shop” and is “a perfect brute.” Once when selling pictures I called at the house of one of his female “sleeping partners.” Another woman, also illegitimately related to Eldridge, was there, and as these slaves never have any money, they offered some eggs to pay for a picture called “The Resurrection of Christ.” While they were collecting the eggs Eldridge came in and raved out, “I’ll kick you and your bastard Christ pictures out of here if you ain’t off at once.” As I left I heard his female “white slaves” “catching it,” and thought what a pity they cannot also leave. Eldridge is principal director in Uncle Sam’s Bank, and runs the “Lord’s Store” in Salt Lake City, and holds the “Melchizedek Priesthood.”]

“In Utah it is an easy matter to obtain a divorce; all the legal wife has to-do is to swear that she cannot live in the conjugal relation in peace and union, and a decree nil:- is pronounced by the Mormon Judge. The second wife’s marriage being illegal is the more easily dissolved. She can he separated without legal proceedings. The Priesthood can dissolve whatever bonds exists in her case.

“Their theology teaches the legitimacy of marriage between brother and sister and between parties of near relationship, in order that a pure family may be raised up.’ Instances of a Saint marrying or being sealed’ to a mother and to her daughters at the same time, are of frequent occurrence. Contracts are made with missionaries to find a wife or wives for parties here -on condition of paying the expenses of the passage to this Territory. Young and innocent girls are thus purchased by old gray-headed polygamists and dragged into life as slavish in its character as was that system which always will be a foul blot upon our nation’s history.

It may well be repeated, and the declaration made emphatic, that polygamy means the enslavement and prostitution of woman; a venomous defiance of the authority of the United States Government, and the propagation of a horde of banditti in this Territory whose deeds will strike terror to every heart. The massacre at Mountain Meadows, the robber bands of Nauvoo, the outlawry of young Mormondom of today, away from the centers of civilization, are but the natural fruits of this terrible system, and only a forecast of the years to come, when those masses of ignorant, vicious, polygamous-bred ‘hoodlums’ of mixed parentage shall be thrown out like driftwood upon the sea of active life.

“80 per cent, of the plural marriages were necessiated by previous immorality. And yet notwithstanding this convenient cloak of wrong-doing, I have been informed by jurists who have resided in the Territory a long time, and who are well posted in the legal facts connected with this thing, that there is a fearful amount of illegitimacy. And I could name a small village where no ungodly Outsider is found to corrupt the morals of the young Saints, and yet there were over a dozen illegitimate births in one year among a population of 400 people. I have also been informed by persons whose truthfulness of statement cannot be impeached, and whose honesty of purpose cannot be doubted, that there is a fearful state of morals throughout the Territory, especially among the youth connected with polygamous families. That the young Saints are practically carrying out the theory of the Church on this subject without troubling themselves about the ecclesiastical ceremonies of the Endowment House.”-Ibid, pp. 22.

“A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE.-Geo. C. Bates, well known in Salt Lake City, writes to the Denver Tribune that he was a resident of Utah for six years, three years of that time as United States Attorney, and three years as attorney for the Mormon Church. While acting in the latter capacity he was called south on church business, and gives the following account of his trip:-

“ In January, 1873, I happened to visit the southern parts of the Territory on business for the church, and, stopping to change horses and dine, I saw around one table five polygamic wives of one old bishop, and in and around the ranch some thirty-six large boys and girls of all ages, from ten to sixteen and twenty years, and then and there learned that these young Mormons all slept in one large single room overhead in the winter, like so many pigs, and in the hot weather in summer they all hurdled together in the straw in the stable, living in promiscuous concubinage, and that several of the girls were bearing children to their brothers and cousins and uncles, as so many cows or ewes would do, and that this was a matter of daily happening, and was not discouraged, but was winked at, by the church, as a natural consequence of their religious teachings that every woman’s future happiness was enhanced_ by the number of children she bore, no matter who might be their fathers.”-


I now quote from Anti-Polygamy Standard, VOL 2, No. 3, as follows:-

“ Old Jim Butler, over 60 years of age, was sealed to his step-child, x little girl fifteen years old, at the Endowment House, Feb. 14th, 1876 (The Great Centennial Year of American Independence and Progress). Brigham performed the ceremony very much against the wishes of the child, who was compelled to comply with the bestial request upon pain of being turned into I the streets destitute and homeless together with her mother. Both the mother and daughter, the pretended wives of this old heathen, live together with the old man in a little dirt hovel of one room.

“Old man Lareless, now seventy years of age, is using every means in his power to have his own grandchild, a girl sixteen years old, sealed to him.’

MORMON SLAVES. (From Salt Lake Tribune.)

“A horrible story is told by a correspondent of the Eureka Leader of what he saw at Ogden, a railroad town in Utah, where a number of Sweedish immigrants were waiting to take the train to Brigham City: I was looking on with great curiosity, when I discovered a tow-headed, buxom girl weeping bitterly. Two or three old women were scolding at her and a withered old Mormon stood with his arm around her. He finally coaxed her off to his wagon, she screaming and crying that she would not marry him, and he never letting go of her until he sat her down upon the wagon tongue. A girl was following them. I halted her and asked her what was the trouble. She said that this girl was pledged to the old man and that he paid her ‘passage out, and now she did not want to marry him, because he already had a wife and seven children. I asked if she would be forced to do so. The girl replied: Of course she will. They have pledged her to him.’ Poor thing! the last that I saw of her she was struggling to get away from him, and the withered old fellow was holding on with both arms around her. It was sickening to think of such doings in a civilized land. Dark as that girls mind was, she had some grains of virtue and some delicate instincts. The despair pictured on her face showed that.”

Any old brute that wants to import a fresh young female slave, gives the missionary the money to pay the passage out of a “nice young girl” This Missionary comes into the factory towns of England and other places, procures the girls, pays the passage, ships them off, and sends the bill of lading to the old lechers, who await their arrival in Utah.

Besides this, they have a Grand Lottery scheme called “The Perpetual Emigration Fund,” “All prizes and no blanks.” There are millions of money in this fund, which is used to import girls who cannot pay their fare to Utah. So soon as a man has paid in sufficient for one fare, he is entitled to draw “One Fair damsel.” Two fares-Two fairs, and so on and so _forth. While the Missionary is here ostensibly to “Preach the Gospel” but in reality to nab girls for Utah’s Harems. Now let the press of England re-publish the story and give my addition so that the girls may be cautioned.]

“A cargo commonly called emigrants, arrived in this city and were duly located in the stockyard at the Tithing office. Yesterday they branched off in all directions to view the beauties and attractions of Zion, and early in the morning a gentleman of the city had occasion to go into a saloon to get a glass of beer on his road home, and found the saloon literally packed with these new emigrants, both male and female who were punishing beer in a way entirely beyond the ability of the average Zionite. They were enjoying themselves hugely, and well they may while they have a little spare change, for when the priests get through fleecing them, they can look back on the little event with the satisfaction of knowing that all their hard earnings didn’t go into the hands of the Latter-day robbers.

“In one of the Mormon settlements of Utah, the Father of a girl 14 years of age has sold her to a polygamous bishop who has a harem of three concubines. And this is America in the Nineteenth Century.

[Elder Pitkin isa “Melchizedek Priest,” who prostituted his own daughter when she was but eight years old. I will spare the reader details. The child at the age of thirteen became a mother as the result of this incest. I could relate many similar cases which came under my own observation. I prefer, however, to quote other testimony, so incredible will these things appear to the uninitiated.] I continue to extract from the Salt Lake Tribune:-

“A girl, fifteen years of age, named Elizabeth Natrass, was brought before Judge Pyper charged with drunkenness and profanity. Her story to the Judge was simply horrible, and the language disgusting. She stated that some time ago her father had seduced her, and since then she had turned herself loose in all that was bad.” * * * *

“The Mormon Church Organ reports a case of a woman kicking in West Jordan, in which the kicker, in the shape of a man, was fined ten dollars. The Church paper praises the man and abuses the woman, thus illustrating how dearly the Latter-day frauds love the women.”

“Susie Vance, one of Brigham’s female Battle-axes, and by divine right to be some old polygamist’s queen in the celestial world, but now unfortunately-a soiled dove, was arrested last night for being drunk, and was lodged in jail Her usual place of abode is at the Palace de Lunatic, where, let us hope her royal highness will return.”

I leave this part to say a few words about the “Drunken Devils.”

The Mormons claim to be a sober people, but what are the facts? “The Resources of Utah,” published at Salt Lake City in 1873, says:-” There are five breweries in Salt Lake City. Shortly after this another very large brewery was built, and is now doing a tremendous business; while whiskey distillers. are profusely abundant, and large quantities are imported from the States. One of” Zion’s” Whiskey Firms, advertises in five languages occupying six columns-”

The Saints gathered from All Nations” take to whiskey. But “John Bull Saints” like their beer as well, hence we find advertized in the Mormon papers that “Brother Margetts “ makes “ENGLISH ALE A. SPECIALTY,” though he also deals in “Wines and Liquors.” We are informed that at another “Saloon,” “Choice Wines,” Pure Liquors, ENGLISH ALE AND PORTER, Ice, Cold Beer, Superior Cigars, and 1,000 Fancy Drinks” can be had. Polygamists in trouble are told that another dealer has “snug apartments, shady and cool, where the thirsty can take a cold lunch, and quaff the flowing bowl in PEACE AND QUIETUDE “-quite a consideration for “ Henpecked Saints.”

The Editor adds:-” Mr. S. is doing quite a snug business, and is therefore correspondingly ‘apy.’ “ He is not the only one doing “a snug business” in that line. The fact is the troubles of polygamy drive both men and women to drink. I have known “Saints and Saintesses “ sell their children’s bread for drink, and thousands have told me they must have drink to drown their sorrows; but in this chapter I give, as far as possible, the words. of others. Secretary Ferris on page 47, “Utah and the Mormons,” says:- “ The gross sensualities originating in Polygamy, coupled with parental neglect of offspring, occasion great mortality among children. To these may be added intemperance in drinking, very generally diffused, and which finds its gratification in a miserable article of whiskey and beer, manufactured in great quantities.”


I now quote from Salt Lake Tribune, June 3, 1881:-

“Don’t we Mormons have to suffer,” said an old drunken Saintess, yesterday evening, when Dr. McKenzie picked her up out of the gutter and placed her in an express wagon and sent her home. She was one of five-women belonging to the harem of an old polyg. on the East Bench of Zion.

“It is quite evident that some of the brethren have been pulling the wool over the eyes of Dr. McKenzie in regard to the temperate habits of the-Mormons. By walking up Main street the Doctor will observe a sign “ Holiness to the Lord, Zion’s Co-operative Mercantile Institution, Wholesale. Dealers and Rectifiers of Liquor.” This institution under the all-seeing eye sells more whiskey than any house in Utah, and it all goes into the stomachs of the Saints. He can extend his walk to several saloons in Zion where Elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in good standing deal out villainous whiskey to God’s elect. Of course this is all done for Christ’s sake.

“Some old hen writing in the (Mormon) Procuress winds her horn thus

“ The ‘Gentile’ women of Utah have prepared a memorial to Congress, -against the Mormon custom of plural marriage. But after all, what a sham morality is this cry against plurality of wives. In Utah, until the advent of the ‘ Gentile ‘ population, there were no liquor saloons, no gambling hells, no houses of prostitution, no paupers and few criminals.

“It is a little difficult to fix the exact date when the Gentile population came to Utah, but before they came Brigham Young and the priesthood manufactured a most villainous brand of whiskey known as Valley Tan, and dispensed it to the Saints at high figures; before the Gentile population came here-as early as 1857-whole trains of emigrants were murdered, and every leading elder kept a private house of ill-fame. Brigham Young and the priests. he has left here still owe a portion of the United States internal revenue tax on the crooked whiskey they made and sold to the people; only one of the murderers who took part in the wholesale human butcheries of early days has been punished, while some of the others are hid up in the mountains to escape -justice, and the private houses of prostitution have multiplied ten fold, so that the inmates thereof, according to Emeline B. Wells, the editor of the paper we quote from, now number 50,000”

“Whereas these polygamous delegates charge that dram-selling, dram drinking, prostitution and kindred vices were unknown in Utah previous to the advent of the Gentiles; and…

“Resolved, That it is a matter of public notoriety, that Brigham Young owned a large distillery, which not only supplied the Utah Saints but many-outside the Territory with whiskey; that Zion’s Co-operative Mercantile. Institution deals largely in all manner of intoxicating drinks; that it is a well known historical fact that at a large meeting of the priesthood, presided over by Brigham Young himself, nearly every man present confessed himself guilty of adultery, outside of his polygamous relations and that the Mormon, preachers themselves publicly lament the great number of illegitimate births in, purely Mormon settlements!’ Extract from THE ANTI-POLYGAMY MEMORIAL.

“ Allread, that one-armed soldier now languishing in a Mormon jail at Manti, bears testimony to the truth of that resolution passed at the Rep. convention in Salt Lake. Allread was a saloon keeper who sold better whiskey than the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and therefore gobbled, the ducats of the boys. This was too much for the Lord’s anointed scoundrels.. and they cast him into prison. Such reports, you know, dear brethren, hurt business and you must not rile the saintly devils.”

“Apostle Rich called to account our peculiar people for collecting at saloons and drinking with the ungodly outsiders; and then, when drunk, these Mormons sit down and yell, even singing those songs of Zion which are sung here in this sacred edifice. He had seen on the State road a dozen: or so Mormon farmers too drunk to drive their horses, and in danger of getting hurt where not their horses so gentle. Nor was this all. Even our sisters drink. He happened to be in the Police Court one day when five Mormon women were brought up for drunkenness.”

“ EDS. TRIBUNE: Ask him how that difficulty ended which was brought about by that five gallon keg of whiskey that J. T. Barker brought from Evanston. Thomas, son of Apostle Rich, and others, after drinking and fighting all night, settled the matter in the morning of the 2d with a horse race in which Thomas Rich broke his neck and died instantly. It was the most disgraceful scene I ever witnessed. ONE WHO WAS PRESENT.”

I have seen Whiskey, Rum, and Brandy flowing in the gutters of Salt Lake City, and the ” Siants ” dipping the ” Spirits ‘ with buckets, and even Cling the washtubs so that very soon the satiated sinners became in reality ” Spiritual ” Saints.

“As early as 1869 there was 37 distilleries in Utah run by Mormons.”- Hand Book on Mormonism, pp. 76