

Our last post ended with the Affirmation of the Disciple which is as follows:

Affirmation of the Disciple

    “I am a point of light within a greater Light.

    I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.

    I am a point of sacrificial Fire, focused within the fiery Will of God.

    And thus I stand.

    “I am a way by which men may achieve.

    I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.

    I am a beam of light, shining upon their way.

    And thus I stand.

    “And standing thus revolve

    And tread this way the ways of men,

    And know the ways of God.

    And thus I stand.”


How can we stand when everything around us is changing and shifting?

What are the reasons the disciple takes a stand? Are there some things upon which he should not stand?

Will any stand last forever? If not how long will his stand last?

A reader gave a great response as follows:

 “Interestingly, there are lots of words in the affirmation which signify motion rather than stagnation. Perhaps this conveys the meaning of what it means for the disciple to stand. Here are some thoughts.

    “‘I am a WAY by which men may achieve.’ A way is a road, and roads are meant for journeys. this certainly signifies motion.

    “‘And standing thus REVOLVE;’

 “This is the most interesting part. In this case, the disciple revolves as he stands. It shows that while we are standing, we revolve (renew) and evolve (incremental change). This is far from stagnation or fixation. It is like the motion of the earth around the sun. The earth stands still relative to us who live and have our being on it. Yet at the same time, it journeys around the sun and revolves on its axis. The motion of the Earth around the sun while standing still to us, creates the seasons, variety and versatility on which our experience and existence depends. This is akin to the line: ‘I am a way by which men may achieve.’

 “We must stand on, and for the principles; while also moving and changing with the currents of time. In this way the disciple can illustrate the variety and versatility of Principle and Purpose.”

Great insight, and worthy of permanent inclusion into the archives. It even brought greater realization to my mind. Even though I had this mantra memorized and the phrase “And standing thus REVOLVE” has been circulating around in my mind for years the contrast between “standing” and “revolve” never occurred to me, even though the principle behind it is taught in The Lost Key of the Buddha.

The mark of the true seeker is to not just let data simply filter through the computer brain but to examine all things, especially inspired words, with conscious effort and mentally ask questions. The reader saw a contrast – standing and activity – and asked what it was about. Obviously, there is not a contradiction here since it was spoken by a Master Mind. How can standing and activity co-exist?

Perhaps one of the best examples of this is given in the diagrams at the end of the Lost Key book. This illustrates the unchanging point of truth standing where all activity moves back and forth on the swing of the pendulum.

On another note, I might add that there is a big difference between standing and stubbornness, even though he who stands will be seen by the deceived as just being stubborn.

The plain stubborn person will stand for his own self-interest beyond the common good. He will stand beyond the point of productivity. He will often stand just to appear strong or just to be standing. He will stand on illusion in place of truth.

The disciple who truly stands in the soul will see something in alignment with purpose and make a decision to manifest that purpose and then stand on that decision until it is realized.

Because he revolves as he proceeds, he will make changes and corrections as he goes, but the stand is the same until results are achieved.

The disciple also stands on truth and principles as revealed through the soul. This is much different than the stubborn person standing on what he calls principle, which may not be a principle at all.

I have attempted to follow the correct standing principle in my own life. Many years ago, I made certain decisions based upon insights through the soul and I have stood upon them ever since. They have not yet manifested so I still stand and will stand and revolve with flexibility until they manifest.

Now let us take a closer look at the “Affirmation of the Disciple.” Each of the three stanzas teaches a different principle.

Stanza One:

    “I am a point of light within a greater Light.

    I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.

    I am a point of sacrificial Fire, focused within the fiery Will of God.

    And thus I stand.”

This is the most obvious. Can you say what the principle is?

Stanza Two:

    “I am a way by which men may achieve.

    I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.

    I am a beam of light, shining upon their way.

    And thus I stand.”

This principle is more subtle. Hint – Note that it assumes strength rather than asking for strength from an outside source.

Stanza Three:

    “And standing thus revolve

    And tread this way the ways of men,

    And know the ways of God.

    And thus I stand.”

This principle is more subtle still. Hint:  Why does he know the ways of God?

If you make people think they are thinking they’ll love you. If you really make them think, they’ll hate you. – Donald Marquis

May 21,2007

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The Three Disciples and More

The Three Disciples and More

Question: Can you shed some additional light on the three disciples who refused to enter pralaya as described in post #1000 in the edited archives?

The three disciples from the story were not Kumaras from Venus but a remnant from a previous earth. They probably saw themselves as Ancient of Days since they are very ancient. On that earth they became Masters, but did not want to go into pralaya and be reborn into a new creation. They wanted to continue with the old creation and keep their knowledge of it.

These are not members of the Dark Brotherhood but are seeking to serve and have a disagreement with their own hierarchy as to what the most effective service will be.

Because they have cut themselves off from their own hierarchical link they have to backtrack eventually and submit to their molecular link.

Jesus obtained a vision of the higher reality that is our destiny and did not cooperate with these three and concentrated on the love aspect instead and linked with the true Ancient of days who did come from Venus.

We are not given details of a Hierarchy associated with the three disciples, but they would have knowledge of the Molecular Order from the previous system and probably have something set up. We know they founded Masonry and this is somewhat hierarchical.

Question: Are these three seeking to serve either the Dark or Light and haven’t quite made up their mind yet?”

The answer is in the story related by DK. They loved their Lord and made their decision thinking it would result in the highest service. They made the mistake of thinking they knew more than their Master who was further along on the Path.

A Dark Brother is motivated by selfishness. These three will not suffer the fate of a Dark Brother because their motive was to serve and they have knowledge of the formless worlds. They thought they had a better way.

All of us can retrieve and use the knowledge of the past, but it is the motive and how it is used that counts. These three were masters of their time who entered into a limbo.

Question: Will the Bible be rewritten after the reappearance of the Christ?

Inspired writings of the future will not be set apart as scripture as that is too authoritarian for the coming age. The writings of light will just be seen for what they are by those who know.

A reader accused me that because of religious prejudice I promote the idea that male gays are closet women.

First let me state that my views on gays have nothing to do with religious prejudices. How could they when most of which I teach is not even found in any religion that I have ever studied?

I thought I made my views clear on this subject, but let me clarify further.

I have never said that gay men are closet women or desire to be women. A person who wants to change sex is a transsexual rather than a gay. This, as you know, is an entirely different situation and I have also written about their situation.

What I have said is that the energy of the two polarities (male and female) that run through us fluctuates from life to life. The degree of pull we have toward the opposite sex will change from life to life (and some within a life). As the energy changes then too will our focus change. As the energy nears the zero point the person will have little sexual attraction toward his opposite sex. This does not mean he wants to be a different sex or that he has low sexual energy, for he or she may have high sexual energy, and if this is the case he may have intense romantic relationships with the person of his choice. Sexual energy is more dependent on the vital body and his focus of attention than the polarity.

In order to obtain mastery, we have to experience all the fluctuations of energy and every situation possible. Do you think you will be gay, hetero, male or female for eternity? We are never happy being one type of form forever. Life in this world demands change. No matter how settled we are in a situation the time will come that most will willingly seek change and if we are not willing, change will be forced upon us.

A reader comments: “I love that phrase, ‘Here I stand!’ I always think of two things when I hear it. Firstly, the disciple standing steady in the light. Secondly, the tarot card where the magician stands with his feet firmly planted in front of a table with his equipment at the ready.”

JJ: I thought I would comment on this because my last post may have sounded like I may not agree with this.

Let me quote the key statement:

“No matter how settled we are in a situation the time will come that most will willingly seek change and if we are not willing, change will be forced upon us.”

This is in harmony with the truism: “the only thing that doesn’t change is change itself.”


How can we stand when everything around us is changing and shifting?

What are the reasons the disciple takes a stand? Are there some things upon which he should not stand?

Will any stand last forever? If not how long will his stand last?

Affirmation of the Disciple

    “I am a point of light within a greater Light.

    I am a strand of loving energy within the stream of love divine.

    I am a point of sacrificial Fire, focused within the fiery Will of God.

    And thus I stand.

    “I am a way by which men may achieve.

    I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.

    I am a beam of light, shining upon their way.

    And thus I stand.

    “And standing thus revolve

    And tread this way the ways of men,

    And know the ways of God.

    And thus I stand.”

Beautiful words.

May 17, 2007

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The Two Churches

The Two Churches

An LDS reader brought up the subject of two churches a while back and behind this thought are several principles at play.

Here is the scripture from the Book of Mormon to which he was referring:

“And he said unto me: Behold there are save two churches only; the one is the church of the Lamb of God, and the other is the church of the devil; wherefore, whoso belongeth not to the church of the Lamb of God belongeth to that great church, which is the mother of abominations; and she is the whore of all the earth.

 “And it came to pass that I looked and beheld the whore of all the earth, and she sat upon many waters; and she had dominion over all the earth, among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and people.

“And it came to pass that I beheld the church of the Lamb of God, and its numbers were few, because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore who sat upon many waters; nevertheless, I beheld that the church of the Lamb, who were the saints of God, were also upon all the face of the earth; and their dominions upon the face of the earth were small, because of the wickedness of the great whore whom I saw.

 “And it came to pass that I beheld that the great mother of abominations did gather together multitudes upon the face of all the earth, among all the nations of the Gentiles, to fight against the Lamb of God.” 1 Nephi 14:10-13

The reader rightfully pointed out that a misuse of this scripture can create exclusiveness and a separative attitude, but there is a positive and negative interpretation of every scripture written on the planet.

Let us look for the true principle involved and see what we can discover.

Questions: Most of us realize that no church or teaching is 100 percent true, but perhaps there is a true church from the vantage point of the soul.

What would be the dividing line that separates those who embrace the true church from those who embrace the false church?

Does the member of the church of the lamb, or Christ even have to go to church?

How can one contemplate the principle here without resorting to an exclusive or superior attitude?

As stated, most of us realize that no church or teaching is 100 percent true, but perhaps there is a true church from the vantage point of the soul. What would be the dividing line that separates those who embrace the true church from those who embrace the false church?

There are many hundreds of denominations of Christian churches and hundreds more belonging to the other major religions. Many claim to be the only true religion, others claim to be the best and still others make few claims of unique truth but just seek to provide spiritual food for their flock.

The first question many would ask if they could talk to God face to face is: “Is there a true church representing you, and, if not, why?”

Others have a laid-back attitude toward the subject of truth and will speak of “your truth” and “my truth” as if one is as good as another.

In other words, we have a situation where the religious world is divided into two extremes. One extreme demands we join their religion and if we do not, we are damned (or at least short-changed) for eternity.

The other extreme says one religion is as good as another and maybe even no religion is fine. It doesn’t really matter what we see as our truth as long as we do not hurt people.

Is either of these extremes correct or is it somewhere in the middle?

Actually, there are flaws, not only in both extremes, but also in the middle, for true religion is not found in stone buildings or a formal belief system whether it be left, right or in the middle.

But before we explore the location of the true church let us examine the illusions of the two extremes just mentioned.

Extreme One:   I am a member of the one and only true church.

A church is an organization with scriptures and doctrines written down in black and white. Once a number of words are written down, they will be seen and interpreted differently even within one religious sect.

For instance, Jesus said: “Ye are gods.”  (John 10:34)

Does this mean we are gods like Jehovah or something else?

If we are gods does this mean we have always been gods or are gods in embryo?

Or was Jesus just messin’ with their minds?

Words written down take shape and all form veils the truth behind the form. The formless truth is only seen through the eyes of the soul. Without this vision there is no true church. All manifested 614175churches are composed of many people who do not see through the eyes of the soul and this tells us that there is no such thing as a one and only true organized religion.

“Okay,” says the believer, “I can accept that some teachings may not be 100 percent true or understood, but I do believe that my church is the only one sanctioned or authorized by God.”

Here is a question for such an individual:   Do you think that God only works through your tiny religion that reaches a small percentage of the people of earth? Not only that but you reach a small percentage of people in time or the history of the planet. Also, all people evolve and change so the unenlightened of today may be the enlightened of tomorrow and that tomorrow may even be after death.

The truth that registers with the soul is this: God’s authority is behind any religion that moves its members forward in progression in their intelligence, freedom and love. A religion can have many errors in doctrine yet accomplish this to a degree.

The other extreme also has its illusions. To say that one view of the truth is as good as another is incorrect. This is like saying that 2+2=5 is as true as 2+2=4. There is a point of truth in every matter. Even if the point is not seen, one view will be closer to the point than another in all cases. Those caught in this extreme must learn the principles of discernment and positive judgment so they can approach the truth whatever and wherever that may be. In doing this they must not lose sight of the truth that no one in the world of form is correct all the time. Even so, the truth can be sensed and the seeker can advance toward it.

So what is meant by the fact that the scriptures make reference to a true or accepted church or group of righteous saints? Who are they and where is the church they belonged to?

The real members of the church of God, Christ, Allah, Buddha, Krishna, etc. are not the stalwart members of any physical organization, but those who have the “Father’s name written in their foreheads.” (Rev 14:1) These are they who look within and have found the God of love and desire to selflessly serve their fellow men and women.

These are they who pass the test given by the Master:

 “When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory: And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats: And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left.

 “Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: “For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

“Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink?  “When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee?

“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matthew 25:31-40

Christ will never ask which church you are a member of, but the true measurement of being worthy of his association is to love and serve all, even the least among us.

There are two things needed in these days: first, for rich man to find out how poor men live, and second for poor men to know how rich men work. – F. Atkinson

May 15, 2007

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Divine Carelessness, Part 2

Divine Carelessness, Part 2

Perhaps the highest aspect of Divine Carelessness is getting together the courage to move forward and be true to yourself even if the whole world tells you that you are offending God and you may descend to the deepest hell for so doing.

That said, one may wonder if there is truly a sin so bad that it is unforgivable – that it would be better for such a person to never have been born.

Many are curious as to what offense could be so grievous and what the actual punishment is.

First let us examine again the words of Jesus on the subject:

 “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.” Matthew 12:31-32

After reading this the question arises as to what is the difference between speaking against the Son of Man and speaking against the Holy Ghost.

The difference is this. The Son of man represents any person in the flesh whether he be great or small, Jesus or “Joe Six Pack.” If you disagree with any other human being and speak against him you may be mistaken and may even create great harm, but the person can eventually see his error and correct it. It is also understandable that a mortal person, even though he may be a genius, will often not be accepted because we realize that all mortals are fallible.

This explains why the authorities of his day had such difficulty in accepting the discoveries of Galileo. They saw him as a fallible man and felt comfortable in speaking against him. History now punishes them by judging them as ignorant but we all understand how people of authority seek to uphold their status.

On the other hand, a truth revealed by the Spirit through the soul is a different matter. When soul contact is established, a witness endows the seeker with a realization that God is indeed in him and this inner source is reliable. Because we came from God, we recognize the signature of God within when it touches us. There is no doubt about it when it happens.

The danger for the seeker then is not to speak against any person, even if it were Jesus himself, but to speak against the God within after this presence is felt, tasted and known.

Why would a person speak against the voice of the soul? The reason is the inner voice will often be at odds with the carnal man who wants to follow low desire. Selfish desire must be overcome before the seeker can safely follow the inner voice. The soul will manifest gradually at first in order to protect the disciple from too strong of contact, which will put him at risk if he again descends to selfishness.

The soul thus releases higher energy gradually as the disciple safely progresses, but then once in a while he who treads the path will take a sharp detour and decide that the path of selfishness is more rewarding than the path of Spirit. When he decides upon the path of selfishness after he has known the inner presence, he then begins to deny the Holy Spirit and treads the way of the unforgivable sin. This is the course of the Left Hand Path that leads to membership in the Dark Brotherhood.

The question arises as to why anyone could not be forgiven. It is not that the person would not be forgiven but that he has placed himself in a place from which it is impossible to return.

DK talks about this and I’ll summarize his thoughts from memory.

First, he tells us that the unpardonable sin is not committed in one giant leap, but over some length of time, often several lifetimes. When a person starts on the path of denial his soul will work with him in every way possible to bring him back to the light, even to the point of bringing him great pain. He says that the dark brother has to proceed through much pain and many warnings to arrive at that state. If a person still has within his breast any desire for unselfish service, he has not committed the unpardonable sin and should not worry about it. When the decision for the Left Hand Path is made the pilgrim knows he is going against the soul and has lost all faith in the soul in directing him toward fulfillment.

When the voice of the soul is first ignored, then denied again and again the entity then builds up a wall between himself and the soul creating a mental construct that exists apart from the soul and mentally incarnates into it. When this is complete soul contact is then impossible for this person. There is no forgiveness for him because it is as if God, the soul and spirit no longer exist for him.

This entity then is upon the path of destruction and eventually all that makes him what he is disintegrates and he becomes as if he had never been born in this system. Then DK tells us that he will have to wait for many eons and eventually he will start his progression over and be given another chance, but will be at least the life of a solar system behind his brothers.

It is interesting how close the words of DK are to Mormon theology given through Brigham Young who said this about those who take this detour.

 “They will be thrown back to their native element from which they originated, to be worked over again.”  Journal of Discourses 2:12

 “When the elements in an organized form do not fill the end of their creation, they are thrown back again, like brother Kimball’s old pottery ware, to be ground up, and made over again.” Journal of Discourses 1:275

“The rebellious will be thrown back into their native element, there to remain myriads of years before their dust will again be revived, before they will be re-organized.” Journal of Discourses 1:118-9

There is risk in moving forward, but we have no other choice. We can only stand still for so long, and then we must move. When we do move, we do have a clear choice between following the highest we know or the path of selfishness. The reward is great for those who are successful just as the pitfalls are enormous for those who take the path of darkness.

May we all have the courage to be divinely careless and move forward always being faithful to the good the beautiful and the true that emanates from the voice of the soul.

Here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes… the ones who see things differently — they’re not fond of rules… You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them, but the only thing you can’t do is ignore them because they change things… they push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do. Steve Jobs (1955 – )

May 14, 2007

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Divine Carelessness, Part 1

Divine Carelessness, Part 1

Question:   Isn’t carelessness, or apparent carelessness, always a bad thing? Shouldn’t we always proceed with calculation – knowing we are taking the direction of our best interests? Can carelessness really be divine in some cases?

DK uses this phrase twice in his voluminous writings and gives little explanation of its meaning. Even so, when I first came across it my mind was quite captivated by such a provocative statement and I reflected upon it periodically. As I reflected, I saw much more meaning that he gave out on the subject, but first let us look at what he did write about it.

Quote Number One: “See to it that during the next nine months you preserve an attitude of spiritual indifference or of divine carelessness and emotional detachment.”  (Alice Bailey “Discipleship in the New Age,” Vol 1, Page 522)

Here he gives a different twist to the meaning that would appear on the surface. This quote indicates that Divine Carelessness in this context is not being reckless, but carefree. And how should the disciple be carefree?

He needs to be detached from overdue influence of his emotional feelings so he is not weighted down with the cares of the world, his loved ones and his own needs. If he is able to detach himself from these emotional cares, he can be careless in that he is free from cares that hinder his progress.

This is one aspect of divine carelessness.

But it was the second aspect that captured my imagination as hinted at in this second quote:

 “Others again are lovely in themselves with a high and sweet vibration but they are weak and full of fear, sorrowful or weighed down with care; they have to be taught the way of strength and of divine carelessness before their service can measure up to demand.”  (Alice Bailey, “Discipleship in the New Age,” Vol 1, Page 371)

This quote indicates a more extended meaning. Two hints at this are given. First, he tells us the seeker who needs this quality is he who is “weak and full of fear, sorrowful or weighed down with care.”

Secondly, he tells us that Divine Carelessness is “the way of strength.”

This brings to my mind much more meaning that a carefree attitude, even though that may be part of it. I see the idea that the disciple must sometimes act in a way that the majority will see as careless. The disciple will at times find himself at a crossroads, and if he takes the path least traveled by, he will forge along a path of peril, but if successful will end up reaping the greater reward.

The parable of Decision in the first Immortal book illustrates this principle. One path led to heaven and the other to hell and none of the four knew which was which. In order to proceed the seeker had to be divinely careless for he was previously taught that hell was a place of eternal misery.

Those who proceeded had to take a chance, but it turned out that the real hell was suffered by the two who played it safe and were weighed down by care.

One of the main reasons the disciple must acquire the quality of Divine Carelessness is to overcome the Beast that has so much power in the major religions and nowhere does it have more power than in the Mormon Church.

As most of you know I was quite active in the church in my younger days. I took it very seriously from the ages of 13-33 — a period of twenty years.

Many who have not been captivated by an authoritarian religion have difficulty in grasping the hold it can have and how difficult it is to break free. Let me explain why the obtaining of freedom from the Beast of authority is particularly difficult in the LDS Church.

There are two major reasons for this.

First the church has a number of teachings that are a step further into the light than had by the typical Christian church. A student of metaphysics may see such as kindergarten, but in relation to the other churches they possess several teachings given by Joseph Smith that are seen as true by the seekers. Some of these are:

[1] We not only live after death, but we lived before birth. We are eternal beings.

[2] There is no burning in hell as taught by standard Christianity. Any state of hell is temporary.

[3] There is a continuity of progression in this universe rather than a stagnate heaven where nothing changes.

[4] Babies are innocent and are not born in sin and the innocent will not be punished for that which they do not understand.

[5] Works are necessary for our progression. Just proclaiming a belief in Jesus doesn’t do much to save you.

 [6] Revelation did not end with the Bible but is available to people of this age just as much as it was in Bible days.

[7] The God who guides us, the Ancient of Days, was once a mortal human like ourselves and there are millions of such beings in the Universe. We can eventually achieve this god-like state.

The second reason that seekers are captivated is the members of the church are told to pray and receive confirmation of the Book of Mormon and other writings and teachings of the church.

Now the interesting thing is that soul contact through prayer can lead to greater captivity before the truth makes him free. Here is why.

The soul only verifies that which is true for it speaks in the language of principles and pure truth. When the seeker therefore prays about doctrines he has studied, the soul will send verification that certain principles are true. For instance, my own soul verified all the seven doctrines above to me.

Here is what this does to the seeker. Once he receives verification that certain principles are true he just assumes the whole package is true which includes a concept that is taught and stressed more than any other in the church which is this:

The prophet is the supreme authority and will never lead the church astray. The worst sin one can commit is to openly rebel against the prophet and the authorities of the church. If you surrender and obey, all will be well, but once you receive the light and then go against the brethren you are in dangerous territory indeed.

The interesting thing about this dangerous territory is this. One of the attractive things about the Mormon theology is that it goes easy on unbelievers and standard sinners. Instead of burning in an eternal hell they are told that eternal punishment is not really eternal, but eternal is one of the names of God so any punishment set up by God is eternal, but the time it will last is limited. Basically, the teaching is that when one learns his lesson the punishment will end and the person will go on with his progression. Then too, the punishment is not to burn in fire but a lot of it comes from dwelling with other unsavory characters in the afterlife.

The good part of this doctrine is that it appeals to reason and mind. After all, why would a loving parent like God throw any of his children into burning painful fire for eternity? That does not make any sense to any thinking person who is a parent himself.

Now what is interesting is that Mormon doctrine goes relatively easy on all sinners except one class. These are those who sin against the Holy Ghost. The seriousness of such a sin has extra credibility because it is mentioned by Jesus in the Bible:

 “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come.”  (Matthew 12:31 & 32)

Now the Mormons define this sin against the Holy Ghost as going against a confirmation of truth one has received from the Spirit as, for instance, happened to Judas when he betrayed Jesus even though he knew he was the Christ.

 “And as they did eat, he said, Verily I say unto you, that one of you shall betray me.

 “And they were exceeding sorrowful, and began every one of them to say unto him, Lord, is it I?

 “And he answered and said, He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. The Son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born.

 “Then Judas, which betrayed him, answered and said, Master, is it I? He said unto him, Thou hast said.” Matthew 26:21-25

Note that this sin was so great that it is better to not be born than to deny the Holy Spirit.

Now here is where it gets interesting. The one seeming example of a sin against the Holy Ghost is when Judas rebels against the divine representative of God on the earth. Even so, it is thought in the church that the worst sin one can commit is to go against the words of the Mormon prophet, the assumed current divine representative on the earth. Many in the church thus see those who are excommunicated for nonconformance as being the modern-day Judases that will experience a similar punishment.

Exactly what is that punishment? The Mormon scriptures give additional details and they are pretty scary.

 “That through him all might be saved whom the Father had put into his power and made by him; Who glorifies the Father, and saves all the works of his hands, except those sons of perdition who deny the Son after the Father has revealed him. Wherefore, he saves all except them–they shall go away into everlasting punishment, which is endless punishment, which is eternal punishment, to reign with the devil and his angels in eternity, where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched, which is their torment—

“And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment, no man knows; Neither was it revealed, neither is, neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof; Nevertheless, I, the Lord, show it by vision unto many, but straightway shut it up again;

 “Wherefore, the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof, they understand not, neither any man except those who are ordained unto this condemnation.” Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) 76:42-48

And who are the ones who will suffer this condemnation so great that it cannot be put into words? It is assumed it will be those who are excommunicated for not endorsing all the teachings and directions of the authorities of the church.

Consequently, when the standard Mormon gets a little curious and begins to give some clues that he is unorthodox in his thinking other members will often make statements to him like the following:

 “You are entering into dangerous territory, brother. Just follow the prophet and forget about these other thoughts.”

 “Stay away from the mysteries. If God wants us to know any of them he will reveal them through the prophet. If you get something and teach it that runs contrary to the teachings of the church you are in great danger my friend.”

 “Stay with the simple things like faith, baptism and repentance. If you delve into more than this you may find yourself in rebellion against God.”

 “Just follow the prophet and you will be safe. He will never lead you astray.”

When I was in the church, I was amazed at how many times I was told not to “delve.”  “Delve” was a major swear word in the church. Nothing was seen as being more sinful than to delve into any deep meaning behind most anything.

It is interesting that this attitude runs completely contrary to many Mormon scriptures. Here is just one of them from the Book of Mormon:

“For he that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round.”  1 Nephi 10:19

The bottom line is that regular members give full preference to the advice of the authorities over the injunctions in their scriptures and are terrified to even entertain the thought that their minds may be in rebellion against the church and the prophet. They think that if they get any revelation at all it will only be to confirm something already agreed upon by the prophet. If they get anything at odds with the church then it probably came from the devil in an attempt to make them cross the lines toward the unpardonable sin.

Consequently, the seekers in the LDS church are in a very difficult situation. If they seek revelation through the spirit and start receiving anything that is not recognized by the authorities as being true, most become frightened that they may be in great danger if they entertain such thoughts.

But here is what really scares the beJesus out of them. If they meet someone like me and I teach them a few things, and if anything I say that seems unorthodox makes any sense to them they become concerned that they may be heading toward the unpardonable sin and totally shut down and never want to see me again.

Other brave souls will entertain a few unorthodox teachings with the idea that as long as they stay in the church and support the prophet all will be well. These people lead a somewhat dual life. They do some exploring, but keep their deep doctrines to themselves and project within the church the image of an orthodox member.

A third category is those who become disenchanted with the authorities, but not authority itself. These become convinced that the true authority from God does not reside with the orthodox Mormon prophet, but some other prophet who heads some splinter group. This leaning on authority gives some courage to break off, but often to no gain, for they exchange one Beast of authority for another. And the new power of the Beast is usually worse than the first.

A fourth category is those who receive definite truths through the soul and are willing to stand up for them for truth’s sake, even if it means being excommunicated. The number of these individuals are few for these are they who have found the “way of strength” mentioned by DK. These are they who have discovered Divine Carelessness.

Now this fourth category is found in all authoritative churches and systems, but in this case, I am speaking from the Mormon perspective since I have gone through this system and the authoritative hold is so intense.

Most who are excommunicated from the church have tried to keep their thoughts secret and were just caught and forced out. Only a few take a risk that is almost sure to get them in trouble. These are they who are divinely careless and who will obtain the greatest spiritual reward, for they acted on true courage.

Why is it that that few fit into this last category? I know the answer from personal experience. After I was excommunicated, I made many attempts to enlighten my Mormon friends and many found what I taught to be of great interest. But then when it came down to taking any action that would reveal their thoughts to the authorities they said something like this to me:

 “If you are right and there is reincarnation and we receive many chances to progress then I am not in grave danger to stay in the church. If I am mistaken, I will be born again and eventually make corrections. On the other hand, if the authorities of the church are right and I embrace your teachings I may become a son of perdition and suffer endless torment with the devil and his angels.

 “If there is even one chance in a thousand that the church is right in this then it is too risky to take the chance of receiving such a terrible judgment from God.”

These people are like Nicodemus who came to Christ “at night” when the authorities could not detect him. He was afraid the authorities would discover his interest and then exclude him from the kingdom of God. He was afraid to be divinely careless and never received a fullness of the spiritual light.

Here is my story in a nutshell pieced together from the archives:

I made the mistake of “searching the scriptures” and discovered some interesting things therein which are not a part of standard doctrine. One of the rather innocent things I discovered at the time is that there is progression from kingdom to kingdom in the spirit realms, not just within the kingdoms as the church teaches.

I wrote a short paper on it, but had a problem in that I had no one to share it with. Then my nephew visited for a time and I told him some of my thoughts and shared my writings with him. He became convinced and was very enthused about it. I told him to be very careful about whom he showed it to or he could get in trouble with the authorities, but he didn’t seem worried about it.

He went to his home ward and began teaching the doctrine in Priesthood class and showed the writing to his Elder’s Quorum President. He felt the doctrine was harmless and no one would object. Shortly thereafter he was ushered into the bishop’s office and within a few days a full blown trial was scheduled with the high council. When he learned that the only witnesses that he could have were members in good standing he thought of me.

He called and asked me to defend him at his trial.

I told him that if I did, I would probably be excommunicated too and may lose my wife and kids.

He said: “You got me into this, now you must help get me out.”

I sighed and told him I would be there.

I went to his trial with my friend Wayne who was an inactive member, but still an Elder. They were not going to let us in to testify, but using every coercion at our disposal we elbowed our way in and gave our testimonies on his behalf, but of course it fell on deaf ears.

Shortly afterwards, the transcript was sent to headquarters.

As I was waiting for a response from Salt Lake I wrote these words:  “At this moment I am still a recognized good stalwart member of the Church. I just got back a few minutes ago from doing my home teaching. My family and I attend all the meetings every week. We have always tried to do whatever was required of us. However, my wife does not support me in this my thinking. She thinks the devil has deceived me. I risk the possibility of losing her and my beautiful children which thing causes my heart to sink as much as anything in this world can affect me, but the Lord has testified to me that the things that I write are true and my knowledge is as the perfect day, even though as a man I am one of the weak things of the world. I suppose the day is not far distant that I shall be called up for trial before my friends who shall be aghast to find out what I have written, but I am prepared and the spirit shall be with me and hearts will be touched.”

Shortly after this a trial was ordered for me. When they discovered through interrogation that I believed several things that were not part of regular church doctrine the council composed of lifelong friends excommunicated me.

The interesting thing is that they had to violate their own rules to throw us out for we, both my nephew and I, were obeying all the rules of the church.

I did not have to expose myself and defend my Nephew, but I embraced divine carelessness, took the risk of divine retribution and moved forward.

To be continued.

Go forward with courage, hope and joy, plus understanding, my brother. Train those who work with you with painstaking care, for much depends upon them. Remember always that you do not work alone. DK, Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pg 173

May 12, 2007

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Cycles and Equality

Cycles and Equality

Thanks for your comments on greater and lesser cycles. An understanding of this principle is one of the keys to accurate prophecy. The truth of this is hinted at in the truism “History repeats itself.”

On the other hand, those who use the black and white approach will never be very accurate for each cycle expands as in a spiral motion and is affected by other cycles. Just as in the Law of Correspondences we have that which is above resembling that which is below, but with a twist, even so is one cycle of history like the preceding, but with a twist and surrounded by different circumstances.

For example, many think the war in Iraq is a repeat of the cycle that produced the War in Vietnam. Protesters think that all they have to do is to oppose it like those in the Sixties did and they will achieve glory and victory over “The Man.”

What they do not realize is this is not a close repeat of the Sixties period. Instead we are closer to repeating the cycle that led to the American Civil War. 2007 is much more like 1857 than 1967. We are headed toward a showdown between the conservatives and liberals and unless we can smooth out some of the lumps we are in danger of another major split, not only in the United States, but worldwide. If we can garner wisdom from our past then much grief can be avoided and we can just fight out the civil war on the astral plane. Hopefully we can avoid the intense conflict on the physical plane.

We are also repeating a much larger cycle going back over 4,000 years. This goes back to the time that the Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt. Even so, the lights of the earth are enslaved on the astral plane. Today, they must part the astral waters of emotion and see their way clear to walk on the dry ground of reason until they rise above the emotional plane. Then all who give them grief will themselves drown in their own emotional conflicts just as the Egyptians were overwhelmed by the Red Sea.

We have just about arrived at the goal of Sixty Principles. I’m sure we could easily go to a hundred and may someday.

Meanwhile the next principle is that of Equality. To be understood it must be examined in the light of the Snowflake Principle. The Snowflake Principle is basically this. Just as there are no two snowflakes that are the same, even so there are differences in all things in the world of form. No two people weigh exactly the same, look exactly the same or have the same personality.

Question: If the Snowflake Principle is true then how can there be a Principle of Equality and what would that be?

The principle of equality deals with spirit and the formless. The Snowflake Principle applies to form.

If we look at the surface of others we will see only differences, but if we focus on their souls we will see equality. This is why carnal man always sees differences and finds much to dislike and fight in others. The spiritual person will look within and see another life like himself, a reflection of God, with all the possibilities that he himself has.

DK made a statement that has caused me much reflection and directs us toward equality. He said that Christ had great power because he looked within each individual and saw perfection, or a son of God like himself. He would then speak to that equal partner and the power to become whole was manifest.

Where others saw the sick in a wretched unequal situation, he saw Sons of God equal to himself.

Perhaps this is why he said “your faith has made you whole.”  He did not say “I have made you whole.”

Next we’ll examine the principle of Divine Carelessness

As I told you earlier this principle is special to me for this was the subject I spoke upon the night my wife and I fell in love.

Question: Isn’t carelessness, or apparent carelessness, always a bad thing? Shouldn’t we always proceed with calculation – knowing we are taking the direction of our best interests? Can carelessness really be divine in some cases?

Equal rights for all, special privileges for none. – Jefferson

May 9, 2007

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Sacred Sites and Predictions

Sacred Sites and Predictions

I just came back from a funeral in the Salt Lake Area. My brother’s son was killed in an auto accident. He evidently had been drinking and fell asleep at the wheel on the freeway and his car turned over and he was thrown from the car into the road and then was struck by another car that really did him in. The car kept on going and the driver has not yet been found.

The only thing good about a funeral such as this is that it brings the family close together. My brother and his son are not part of the religious element of my family but I think his funeral was perhaps the most spiritual event my family has had.

My brother mentioned in his eulogy that he realized how important it was to tell our loved ones how we feel about them because we never know when the last opportunity would be. Then after the service he came up to me and told me he loved me. Now my brother and I have always been close and loved each other, but we have never really said it to each other so I was touched, told him I loved him back, gave him a hug and considered it a special moment.

In my family the males have been more like Clint Eastwood than the touchy-feely type, but there has always been an underlying closeness, loyalty and mutual respect.

My brother is nine years older than me and left home to join the Army at the age of 15. He altered his birth certificate so he could get in at an extra young age. Consequently, I never got to spend much time with him over the years, but the time we have spent has been precious, as he is one of the genuinely nicest people I know.

A reader asks this: “I can’t help but wonder (and have for a while) if and how these (fairly) recent deaths have caused you to reflect, introspect; and what your reflections and/or introspections have revealed to you–not only about yourself, your family and loved ones, but possibility about other topics associated with it, such as death, love, family, friends, et al, for instance.”

JJ: I pretty much accept events as they come. Death is not permanent, but a temporary situation. If a good friend said he was moving to Australia I would be sad over the fact that I would miss him, but I would figure he would be happy wherever he was and that I would see him again.

Even so, we should be no more upset when a loved one dies. We will meet again, but the temporary separation is inconvenient.

When I learned of my nephew’s death, I felt worse for my brother than I did for him because they were pretty close. I was also glad his death was quick and figured things would have been much worse if he had wound up as a paraplegic the rest of his life. That would have really been tough on my nephew Jeff, who was the outdoors type.

Question: Are sacred sites a real thing and what creates them?

There are two things that create a positive energy that is picked up by sensitives that impress them as being a sacred site.

[1] As the human body has many lines of force that circulate through its etheric body so does the earth. Just as many of these lines converge into acupuncture points so do the lines of force upon the earth. The places on the earth where these lines converge are very vitalized and are stimulating for the health and vitality of all who bask in them. Even plants that grow in such areas will flourish.

[2] Sites dedicated by sages, prophets and spiritual groups of the past. Apollonius of Tyana was famous for doing such dedications. The interesting thing is often such a site is dedicated because the sage perceives that it is already a spot where the lines of force already converge. This makes it pretty much a sure thing that the sensitives of the future will recognize it as a sacred site.

A possible third category is a falsely recognized site. This is a site that is wrongly identified and accumulates around it astral emotional energy. This will be honored by those who are not initiates, but are dealing with the glamour of the Beast. The initiate will feel the astral energy and recognize it for what it is, but the devotee will be impressed with a similar reverence as the follower who is impressed by the face of Jesus showing up on a wall or a piece of pie.

I thought I would do an update on some of the predictions I made at the first of the year (2007).

(Note: One of my teachings is that the exact future is impossible to predict because of complexity and free will, but we can come close if we follow trends and cycles. The group decided to experiment with predictions for the year to see how close we could come.)

Here are several of my predictions that seem to be coming true:

I said: The dollar will lose strength against the Euro.

This is a prediction I did not want to come true but it looks like it has.

On April 27, 2007 the news read:

“The dollar dropped to an all-time low against the euro after the U.S. government reported the economy grew at its slowest pace in four years.

 “The dollar also weakened against most other major currencies, with a Federal Reserve index measuring dollar strength near the lowest level in its 36-year history. Hedge funds and other speculative investors increased bets on the euro’s gain to a record for a third straight week…”

Prediction: Look for more weather disasters this year and more damage by fire.

These recent tornadoes are a good start on this and there have been quite a few fires. We’ll see what else develops during the year.

Prediction: Venezuela will become more communistic and controlled by Hugo Chavez. He will continue in his determination to hurt the United States and will secretly cooperate with terrorists.

On May 3, 2007 MSN news ran this story:

“Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez warned he will nationalize the country’s banks and largest steel producer in an apparent bid to strong-arm the businesses to contribute more to local industry.”

He is also attempting to nationalize the oil industry.

Prediction:   Frustrated Democrats who cannot stop Bush will call for all kinds of investigations.

So far this is right on the money.

Prediction: Mitt Romney will get the Republican nomination (2008).

Romney’s star seems to be on the rise. I believe that if he doesn’t get the nomination this time, he will in 2012. He has good Karma on his side because the press unjustly destroyed his Dad, George Romney, when he ran for president in 1968. Consequently, Nixon got the nomination.

Prediction:   Watch for tax increases followed by economic slowdown.

The latest bill that Bush vetoed had the largest tax increase in history. It’s only a matter of time before another comes along and makes its way through.

Then I made accurate Oscar predictions on Best Picture, actor and actress. Concerning Al Gore’s Documentary An Inconvenient Truth, I said this: “Al Gore would win Best Documentary and receive a standing ovation.” That indeed happened.

Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the bastards. Lois McMaster Bujold, “A Civil Campaign,” 1999

May 6, 2007

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Fission, Fusion and Cycles

Fission, Fusion and Cycles

We find these principles at work in the atom. Through fission a Uranium 235 atom is struck by an intruding neutron. This creates more mass than the already heavy atom can handle and it splits in two. This causes the release of an extra neutron and creates two lesser evolved atoms out of one that is near the end of its evolution. The two new atoms are that of Barium 141 and Krypton 92. A small amount of mass is transformed into pure energy and this creates the explosion of the atomic bomb.

These two new atoms decay or involve further by emitting electrons and then turning into more stable isotopes of neodymium and yttrium.

Fusion seems to be just the opposite. With fusion four of the simplest atoms in the universe – hydrogen – unite and fuse together. They form the nucleus of a heavier more evolved atom of helium. Whereas hydrogen had only one proton in its center helium has two protons and two neutrons.

This process also causes a release of energy with seven tenths of one percent of the mass of the whole converting into pure energy. We see this energy on display with a Hydrogen bomb as well as our sun. Power through fusion is the source of the sun’s great energy.

According to the Law of Correspondences these principles would repeat themselves on a higher level, but with changes. In other words, there would be similarities, but differences.

Question:   Where do we see the principles of fission and fusion played out in higher levels than the atoms?

To understand the big picture, we must examine another principle which is:

The Principle of Greater and Lesser Cycles.

A good example of this is found in the warming and cooling of the earth itself.

Some scientists believe that every 11,500 years the earth undergoes a major cooling leading to ice ages of various degrees of severity. Then there is other evidence that this cycle is part of a greater cycle spanning millions of years. Within the 11,500-year cycle is a lesser climate cycle of 1,500 years of global warming which we are now passing through. Within this 1,500-year cycle are lesser cycles lasting several hundred years. In addition, there are smaller cycles. For instance, from 1850 to 1940 we had a warming cycle. Then from 1940-1975 we had a cooling period. During that time alarmed scientists were predicting an ice age. Finally, from 1976 to the present we have had some warming and the alarm has gone the other direction.

The final cycles in climate change are revealed in the seasons and the daily appearance and waning of the sun creating day and night.

Correspondingly we have major and minor fusion and fission events. As I said concerning the Law of Correspondences that the correlations are never exact, but I will add that the correlations fit more closely in the major cycles or repetitions than they do with the minor ones.

Fusion occurs in young atoms and fission occurs in atoms near the end of their evolution. Even so, we experience a major fusion experience first when we enter the kingdom of God and merge with other souls to produce vehicles for greater lives.

Then, far later, when we become solar angels ourselves, we experience fission by nourishing several monads and creating additional human atoms. After the humans evolve through the assistance of the solar angel the spiritual life of the angel escapes just as does the pure energy of the atom leave during fission. The humans left behind then connect with their source and progress as high initiates.

As I said, the next principle is that of Greater and Lesser Cycles. This not only includes cycles of time but repetitions in form.

An understanding of this principle is one of the keys to accurate prophecy. The truth of this is hinted at in the truism “History repeats itself.”

On the other hand, those who use the black and white approach will never be very accurate for each cycle expands as in a spiral motion and is affected by other cycles. Just as in the Law of Correspondences we have that which is above resembling that which is below, but with a twist, even so is one cycle of history like the preceding, but with a twist and surrounded by different circumstances.

For example, many think the war in Iraq is a repeat of the cycle that produced the War in Vietnam. Protesters think that all they have to do is to oppose it like those in the Sixties did and they will achieve glory and victory over “The Man.”

What they do not realize is this is not a close repeat of the Sixties period. Instead, we are closer to repeating the cycle that led to the American Civil War. 2007 is much more like 1857 than 1967. We are headed toward a showdown between the conservatives and liberals and unless we can smooth out some of the lumps we are in danger of another major split, not only in the United States, but worldwide. If we can garner wisdom from our past then much grief can be avoided and we can just fight out the civil war on the astral plane. Hopefully we can avoid the intense conflict on the physical plane.

We are also repeating a much larger cycle going back over 4,000 years. This goes back to the time that the Hebrews were enslaved in Egypt. Even so, the lights of the earth are enslaved on the astral plane. Today, they must part the astral waters of emotion and see their way clear to walk on the dry ground of reason until they rise above the emotional plane. Then all who give them grief will themselves drown in their own emotional conflicts just as the Egyptians were overwhelmed by the Red Sea.

The only way most people recognize their limits is by trespassing on them. Tom Morris

April 30, 2007

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Suppression, Denial & Release

Suppression, Denial & Release

Question: As far as the emotions go what is the difference between suppression and denial? How do they prevent true harmony and peace? How do they feed a grievance? How do we obtain release from them?

To suppress emotions, one has to first have a strong urge to release them and then force himself to contain them so they remain alive deep within the breast.

Question: How does one free himself from suppression without offending people and destroying relationships?

To answer this question we must first distinguish between the duality of suppression and self-control. I point out this duality for a good reason. The fact that there is duality in all things in this world is the reason that right action cannot be packaged in black and white. Duality makes it difficult to say that XYZ equals suppression and ABC always equals self-control.

We do know that self-control is overall a positive and constructive characteristic and suppression is a negative and destroying one. It takes a keen judgment to accurately discern the difference between the two in all cases.

Examples always aid in the understanding.

Self control: Alison innocently burns Ben’s toast for the third time this week. A he looks at the overcooked item he feels an anger building up. He feels like telling her off in a way she will never forget. However, he controls himself and reflects. He remembers that she mentioned she wasn’t feeling good a couple days ago. Maybe she is feeling worse than he thought. Instead of showing anger he controls himself and asks in as nice of a tone as he can muster.

“What’s with the burnt toast, sweetie? Is something distracting you?”

He thus avoids a suppressed grievance by controlling himself and yet communicating the problem.

Suppression: Julie serves Brad burnt toast for the third time this week. Brad feels that she is sending him a subtle message that she has some unresolved issues with him and it hurts his feelings to think about it. What are those issues he wonders? He decides he really doesn’t want to know and says nothing about the toast. He thinks that if he doesn’t rock the boat that whatever the problem is will go away.

The end difference between self-control and suppression is this. If one uses self-control, but doesn’t suppress then he will harbor no grievance or residual hurt feelings. But if he truly suppresses then there will be the after effect of negativity that will reside within to surface again when another offense comes.

The one with judgment will know that self-control is the right path when he can control and redirect his negative feelings without causing any grievance or residual hurt within himself. On the other hand, if he does feel a grievance the question is then what to do.

He has three choices:

[1] Suppress and harbor a grievance – wrong choice.

[2] Lash out in anger and let the person have it. Wrong choice again. This is sometimes a better choice than Number 1, but it is also destructive.

[3] Communicate your feelings to the other person. Use self-control and do not do this with anger but just tell the person how you feel.

Example: “When it looked to me that you burned my toast on purpose I felt hurt and angry. I felt like really letting you have it.”

This communication brings the release that is needed. Now you place the responsibility for the negativity on the other person’s shoulders. If she is innocent, she will understand and harmony will be achieved. On the other hand, if she is not innocent, she may feel guilt and lash out. In this case there is nothing you can do but let this person deal with the negativity. It will be released from you however.

Suppression alone is bad enough, but denial in addition to it complicates the situation to the extreme, making release very difficult.

Pride from the ego is what causes denial. Here is the sequence.

A person, who is usually above average, suffers a negative emotion such as hurt, anger, jealousy, etc. Since he is a big believer in peace and love, he doesn’t want to make waves, suppresses the negativity and pretends that all is well. After the emotion returns several times, he takes assessment of himself and reasons internally this way.

“Wait a minute! I am a spiritual and enlightened person so this negative emotion has no place in me. I will immediately rise above it. It cannot exist in me because that is not who I am.”

After this subtle reasoning he convinces himself that the negative emotion does not dwell in him because he is superior to it.

The truth is that he is not superior to it. All of us are subject to negative feelings in the right circumstances. The way to master the negativity is not to pretend it does not exist (falsehood) but to face the truth of it, work through it and find release.

The master of the situation always finds a way to send the negative emotion into its right place.

Reader Comment: I wonder what role the Lazarus Principle might play in the molecular relationship. Maybe it plays a role in empowering the molecule, Or maybe when we send our united energy and faith to the higher life whose primitive proto-form is the molecule, we are the Martha.

JJ: This is the type of thing you start seeing when you look at the principles involved.

The interplay of male-female energies has a lot to do with making the Molecular Relationship work. Now the Lazarus Principle is a special aspect of that interplay which produces a faith that has great power. When this living faith is manifest by the various receivers to their senders then the Molecule will take upon itself magical properties.

Then he makes another interesting observation:

Just as a woman deeply believing in her man is spiritually empowering beyond what makes any logical sense, so too her disbelieving in her man is like Superman putting on kryptonite underwear.

JJ: Here we have an example of the “opposition in all things” principle. Indeed, our partner of opposing polarity in life can inspire us to great heights or take us down to the greatest depths. We control the situation through our power of choice. It is important to gain the power of discernment and to use the mind as well as the heart in selecting a partner who will add to the relationship year after year.

The day will come for all of us when each seeker will have a partner who stimulates his or her dreams so do not give up. If you are having difficulty now, look upon it as if you are in training at a school. We must go through some strenuous exercises until the day comes that we are strong enough to sail the relationship boat with smoothness.

April 28, 2007

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Suppression, Principles and Causes

Suppression, Principles and Causes

We will first examine this principle by extracting important points that has already been written about suppression in the archives.

“Back to the Basics”

Many are deceived into thinking that the avoidance of conflict is the least harmful path, but this is often not the case. This avoidance of conflict in individual lives often causes a suppression of emotion, and such suppression often results in depletion of energy and life-threatening disease. Sometimes such suppression will result in eventual emotional explosion where the guy walks into a McDonalds and shoots everyone in sight.

“Correct Use of Energy”

Keep in mind that we admonish control of the desire nature and not suppression. Suppression of desire is very dangerous, for a desire suppressed will always surface again with greater strength. When desire is controlled and directed by the mind under direction of the soul, it is not suppressed. Often desire will be less inhibited than ever, for the mind is wise enough to always find an outlet for desire and recognizes that desires should be fulfilled according to law, but they must be directed so their expression is constructive and harmless. To become harmless, the desire nature must be checked periodically by the mind and then redirected in paths of greater fulfillment.

The key to emotional fulfillment is to avoid suppression. Suppression is a form of avoiding communication. This is especially dangerous when the negative emotions are suppressed for this can lead to disease. Just like steam pressure in a tea kettle can cause it to blow its lid, if it has no release valve, so can suppressed emotion cause a person to explode unpredictably. An unpredictable moody person is usually one who suppressed emotion.


A good family environment and support can minimize the effect of negative emotional and character repetitions from past incarnations; however, it is essential that the negative emanations a child displays should be controlled and directed until they are dissipated. They should not be suppressed. The parents must work with their children so they can honestly communicate even their most negative feelings with them. Many of the difficulties children have as they are growing up are caused by suppression. They often feel that they would be evil if they were to express all their feelings, and they think parents would think badly of them for their hidden thoughts. Thus, they create within themselves a great building pressure when they repress to gain parental approval. The time must come when the pressure of suppression becomes too great and the child rebels and explosively releases all the negativity he has been holding in.


A negative physical effect of suppression may result in cancer. The suppression of negative emotion and the lie of pretending that all is well, when all is not well is a much greater threat to health than any pesticides we get in the grocery store. The people who suppress and deny emotion often come as a surprise to their close friends for they are usually known as the cheerful positive one that nothing seems to faze or bother. The cancer people seem to be the “good that die young” as almost all of them are very nice people who just “want to get along” in peace.

There are two major areas where the problem lies. The first is suppression of negative emotion. This negative emotion is what A Course in Miracles calls a “grievance.”  Someone hurts your feelings and you think that it would be petty to respond so you suppress, bottle up the emotion, and hope that it will never see the light of day. The trouble is that emotion is a type of living energy and even when it is bottled up it is still in existence and must manifest in some way on the physical plane.

“Discovering Suppression”

 “What is the solution to suppression and denial? How do we help one who suppresses to express their true feelings? How do we help one who is in denial to admit that they are harboring negativity?”

Most people with the problem of suppression are basically nice people. Casual acquaintances will see them as very balanced emotionally, one who never flies off the handle. But those in close relationship know better.

It is important that we each learn whether we or our associates suppress, and the easiest way to discover it is through handwriting analysis. Suppression is revealed in handwriting through the retracing of strokes, particularly in the letters M and N, but can also be revealed to a lesser degree in other letters.

If you discover through handwriting that you have suppression or denial what should you do?

The most important thing with suppression is to PAY ATTENTION at all times to the emotions you feel within you, no matter how silly, unenlightened or insignificant they seem. When you feel them, acknowledge them and seek a way to release them.

“The Flow of the Soul”

Thus either conscious or unconscious acts that restrict the flow of soul energy cause disease. We have just discussed one of the major causes of soul obstruction and that is suppression and denial of negativity. From my research with handwriting analysis about half the population has this problem to some degree. About twenty percent have suppression to a dangerous degree.

“Emotional Release”

The hurt or anger generated in relationships is our own responsibility in normal circumstances. The only ones that can put us in a situation where suppression is dangerous are those with whom we are close enough to establish a bond of trust.

As a general rule, people outside of this circle do not have power to cause a grievance in the life of an aspiring disciple. The closer you are to another human being the easier it is to negatively affect their emotions. The reason for this is that close relationships create a greater personality life that links the group on an emotional level. (The Molecular Relationship creates a greater life on the soul level.) When two or more people share emotional energies as one life, then there is not only opportunity for great fulfillment but also for hurt, suppression and grievance.


It is of extreme importance for optimum health to discover any suppressed grievances; and to know the difference between general irritations, and hurt that comes from close relationship. I would guess that about a third of the health problems that all of us have are either caused by or aggravated by suppression or denial.

“Seeking the Good”

Those caught in the loop of denial and suppression are usually sincere people who are deceived into thinking that not facing friction and life’s problems head on is for the best at the moment. This lessens the soul energy, but the person usually turns around after enough pain if caused by this error.

“Facing Fears”

I’ve never suggested that anyone “wallow” in fear, but those who have no fear often seem fearless because of illusionary vision, suppression or life in an alternate reality.

A little fear can be a constructive force to wake us to reality. The dismissal and suppression of fear by many in this country today has put the world to sleep concerning the real perils, which we face.

The key here is to not allow ourselves to be paralyzed, but neither should we allow ourselves to suffer the glamour of “being beyond the touch of fear” and end up suppressing it. Suppression and denial merely plant a seed and adds nourishment. One of the most fearful things we can do is to honestly face our fears, acknowledge them and work through them.


Possible account of one dealing with the effects of suppression: You began to discover that you could only ignore or suppress feelings so long and then they began to build up until the energy became so strong that it had to be released. When you did release them you did so with great force that seemed unlike your normal self. This began a period of suppression, followed by overpowering buildup of emotion and finally followed by near violent release of anger or feeling. This initiated a period of about a dozen lives of ill health for you. During two lives of intense suppression, you died of cancer. This is followed by two lives of emotional release, anger and over reaction. In one of these lives, you died of a brain tumor and in another of stomach problems.

“Controlling Grievance with Mind”

Suppression causes all kind of problems, but so does release, if it not done in harmlessness.

One of the troubles is, as we evolve, we tend to think we’re beyond effects of negative emotion. “I’m beyond feeling this.”  We enter a relationship and one person is letting their energies flow out to another person which may not be reciprocated and leaves you feeling possessive and jealous. Then the thought comes to you, “I’m an evolved person. I’m just as evolved as the next person and evolved people don’t feel this. They don’t feel jealousy.” And thus, the problem lingers…

This time, like all times, is a very good one, if we but know what to do with it. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803 – 1882)

April 26, 2007

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