Repetition and Vibration

Repetition and Vibration

Let us apply the Law of Economy to how a Master or a true teacher will use repetition to present ideas or principles.

I said that the masters do not like to repeat themselves in their revelations to humanity.

The idea is that if we already have a book on White Magic as given by DK it would be wasted energy to give out the same information under a new title through another disciple.


The Law of Economy does not mean that repetition will not be used.

Keep in mind that some of DK’s teachings are repeated word for word in his books and the various phrases of the Sermon on the Mount were not original with Jesus but had been given out before through various teachers.


First Part: You have heard me say many times that the Masters do not like to repeat themselves. What does this have to do with the law of economy? Does then the Law of Economy tell us that the repetition of a past revelation is probably not a true revelation from the Hierarchy?

Second Part: When does repetition harmonize with the Law of Economy?

Again we see that we must go to the second key of Judgment to correctly understand how this law applies. There are times when repetition is good and times when it is a waste, or a “vain repetition.” Judgment must be used to determine which is which.

I have said that the Masters do not like to repeat themselves to us. In other words, they use repetition in harmony with the Law of Economy. They will repeat themselves when necessary but when a complete revelation is given out in written form it would be a waste of energy to give it out to a second person saying approximately the same thing. Instead, they would be following the Law of Economy by telling the disciple where to look for that which is already revealed and in book form.

On the other hand, there are many things written in books that a Master Teacher may quote and give further elaboration. In doing this he is repeating an essential teaching, but also giving out something new in relation to it. This fits in with the law of Economy.

The ingredients of the Sermon on the Mount were all given out before Jesus taught them, but his was a new arrangement with a new emphasis. There was no manuscript he could just point to and tell his disciples to read.

DK repeats certain key teachings in his books that he felt were important to emphasize.

On the other hand, repetitions that do not follow the Law of Economy that claim to be inspired or new revelation are usually not inspired and not revelation.

There are many out there who claim to be channeling some master who produce teachings that are already found in Alice A. Bailey and other books. If these repetitions were from a true master he would merely tell the medium to go to a certain book and read it rather than vainly repeat that which has already been given out.

Question: Do we have to understand the Law of Economy before we can master the Law of Love? Why?

Answer:Yes. The law of economy governs the scattering of form and vibration whereas the law of Love governs the attraction of forms that brings all things together.

Before we can understand love which brings things together we must understand what pulls things apart and what governs the forms the separate particles take.

Jesus hinted at the Law of Economy when he said:

“Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.” Matt 6:28-29

It wasn’t until the microscope was invented that we could truly understand the words of Jesus. When we magnify the lilies or other living things we see a world of unimaginable order and glory, all created by Divine Intelligence following the Law of Economy, which creation paves the way for the understanding of the Love of God.

DK makes this interesting statement:

“A man is governed by the Law of Attraction (Love), is evolved through the Law of Economy, and is coming under the Law of Synthesis.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 249

In other words, he tells us that we owe our evolution to the Law of Economy.

Question: What does the Law of Economy have to do with our evolution? How can we quicken our evolution when we understand it?

What does this law have to do with time? Do we have all the time in the world or is it important that we make effective use of it?

Reader Comment: I don’t understand what separation and the line of least resistance has to do with repetition.

JJ: It’s not so much that repetition is a core ingredient of the Law of Economy, but that the Law of Economy governs how when and where repetition is found in the universe.

For instance the Law of Economy has caused the various particles to fall in place in an efficient manner to create the atom. The separation principle causes the electrons to be separate from the nucleus.

Even though we have this separation in the atom we have a lot of repetition which follows the Law of Economy. Each electron circles the nucleus over and over for millions of years following the line of least resistance and the most efficient paths.

Inside the atom the particles spin with great repetition also following the Law of Economy. In addition the atom itself spins and wobbles repetitively.

Efficient repetition is indeed governed by this law.

Let us repeat a quote from DK:

“A man is governed by the Law of Attraction (Love), is evolved through the Law of Economy, and is coming under the Law of Synthesis.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 249

In other words, he tells us that we owe our evolution to the Law of Economy.

Question: What does the Law of Economy have to do with our evolution? How can we quicken our evolution when we understand it?

What does this law have to do with time? Do we have all the time in the world or is it important that we make effective use of it?

The point is that when we evolve we move from one point to another upon the path. And what happens to our movement when we cease moving efficiently?

What happens is that we take a detour that takes us off the path, thus becoming inefficient in our progress and not following the Law of Economy.

For instance, one of the ingredients of swift economical progression is to develop a loving and forgiving nature. But let us say that you meet someone you just cannot stand. On top of this he causes you a financial disaster and you lose almost everything you own. Suddenly a switch goes off inside and you say to hell with the loving nature and you hold a grievance and begin to take a perverse pleasure in hating the guy and would do him harm if you could.

This problem puts a hold on the development of your loving nature as well as many other ingredients of your progression.

You are no longer following the Law of Economy for you are not moving efficiently along the path. You have taken a detour and are lost for a time.

Thus we see that the choices that best move us forward along the path are those that take us from point A to point B with the minimal waste of time strongly linking this law with time. The understanding of this law will be a great aid to us in making the right decisions in life. The best decision is usually that which will move ahead our spiritual progression with the most speed and economy.

The drawback of the belief in reincarnation is that many who superficially understand it think we have all the time in the world and take their time in their progression.

When the Law of Economy is understood this will no longer be the attitude. Each cycle governing our progression only has so much time in it. If we want to move ahead with our friends and fellow students we must practice this Law of Economy and not waste time or else we will be left behind for many ages.

There are four subsidiary laws to the Law of Economy which are:

“(1) The Law of Vibration, dealing with the key note or measure of the matter of each plane. By knowledge of this law the material of any plane in its seven divisions can be controlled.

(2) The Law of Adaptation, is the law governing the rotary movement of any atom on every plane and subplane.

(3) The Law of Repulsion, governs that relationship between atoms, which results in their non-attachment and in their complete freedom from each other; it also keeps them rotating at fixed points from the globe or sphere of opposite polarity.

(4) The Law of Friction, governs the heat aspect of any atom, the radiation of an atom, and the effect of that radiation on any other atom.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 219

We shall first talk about the Law of Vibration. Here are a couple things DK said about it.

“A gradual grasp of the law of vibration as an aspect of the basic law of building, the law of attraction, is brought about, and the initiate learns consciously to build, to manipulate thought matter for the perfecting of the plans of the Logos, to work in mental essence, and to apply the law on mental levels, and thereby affect the physical plane. Motion originates cosmically on cosmic levels, and in the microcosm the same will be seen. There is an occult hint here that, pondered on, will reveal much. At initiation, at the moment of the application of the Rod, the initiate consciously realises the meaning of the Law of Attraction in form building, and in the synthesis of the three fires. Upon his ability to retain that realisation, and himself to apply the law, will depend his power to progress.” Initiation, Human and Solar, Page 140

Question: What does the law of vibration have to do with creation, or form building?

“Later, when the knowledge of occult healing is more familiar, and the laws which govern the subtle bodies are more known, physical plane science will be superseded by the preventive science of the subtler planes, that science which aims at the provision of right conditions and the building of bodies that are both self-protecting and neutral to all attack. It will he found that the comprehension of the law of vibration, and the effect of one vibration upon another vibration holds the key to the establishing of better conditions of living, and of sound bodies on all planes.” Letters on Occult Meditation, Page 242


What does the Law of Vibration have to do with healing and health?

For my birthday I got a humidifier and a de-humidifier…I put them in the same room and let them fight it out. Steven Wright

Oct 26, 2003

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Attention on the True

Attention on the True

I received to resistance to a teaching I presented. Here is the quote:

“Put your attention on finding that which is true rather than that which is in error.

“That which is not true is error, or in the true reality – NOTHING. If one spends his life looking for nothing what will he find?


“Think of your circle of friends and pick one who is critical and always looking for error and red flags. Does he or she have any truth to teach?

“If he does, it will not have been discovered while looking for error.

Objector: For JJ: to state that looking for error is looking for nothing and gives you nothing to teach, fails his own common sense test. Looking for error reveals truth.

JJ: It is not looking for error that reveals truth, but looking for truth as a prime objective while discerning error in the process.

Take a look at those who discovered great truth. Edison was not looking for the wrong combination to create the light bulb, but the true one. He discarded the errors into nothingness as he searched for the right combination.

Objector: One cannot refine ones beliefs unless one looks for the errors within them. If a golfer wants to improve his game he does it by looking for the errors in his stance, swing etc. Not by looking at what is still good in his game.

JJ: BUT the best in any profession concentrates, as their prime objective, on their ideal game and as the game progresses toward the ideal errors are revealed which are then corrected. If one does not have the ideal (truest) game in mind looking for errors alone would drive him crazy and prove frustrating.

It’s the hypochondriac principle. If a person concentrates on what can go wrong and only reads books on disease then he will never feel completely healthy as see sickness with every bubble of gas, itch or discomfort.

Objector: He’ll probably employ a coach to specifically look for the errors that are holding him back.

JJ: But it will be a coach who sees the ideal game for him.

Objector: In mathematics it is often much harder to prove something true than false

JJ: This goes along with what I teach rather than contradicts it.

The principle of putting attention on the truth is more of an attitude. When looking for truth you will perceive much error, but this is not your objective. Your objective is to find truth. You have to look at the whole of the Principles of discovery to understand what I am saying with completeness.

For instance principle 9 states:

“The Process of Elimination. Eliminate those things that are definitely not true and contemplate on that which remains.”

Objector: I have found that finding errors removes illusion, a principle I can now begin to teach.

JJ: This is true and in harmony with all I teach.

Objector: Interestingly and paradoxically on a email list such as this, it is only the perceived errors others make that motivate us to reply, even JJ: himself admitted in his discussion with Howard that he felt no need to comment on their points of agreement.

JJ: Both those who look for error as a prime objective and those who look for truth first will see error and both groups will have much more to comment on when it comes to perceived error.


The answer is quite simple. When you see a simple truth there is often not much to say. For instance, John has made several excellent posts lately and I just read then and think “sounds good to me.”

But if someone states that 2+2=3 my attention will be roused and I’ll question the person and insist he prove his point.

In other words, it’s the nature of the situation and not the nature of the search that causes error to stand out.

On the other hand, I have often come across a truth that is a stepping stone to more truth and have found I could write a book on it. Truth must ultimately prevail over error for true learning to take place.

Revelation of truth does come with understanding. A false one only strengths belief.

Objector: I’d also be interested to know if you’ve ever found that there was something about which you had said that, “you don’t know how you know, just that you know” which it turned out you didn’t know at all?

JJ: I’ve never said this. When I say I know, I know how I know.

Objector: I ask this because often what we find, is that we only make this claim after some logical evidence confirms what we think we already know. We then smile and say, see, I knew I knew that. Which really means, now I know I knew what I thought I knew.

JJ: All of us have certain things we are not sure of that we eventually get confirmation on which leads us to more sure footing. I rarely say that “I know” something as it means nothing in the end. Only a testimony from within has real meaning. Thus I teach with no authority and let those who listen decide for themselves.

Below I am including some of my writings on the principle of discovery under discussion so the group can get a better idea of what I have taught about it.

Principle 17 in the discovery of Truth

“Put your attention on finding that which is true rather than that which is in error.”

Many people seek to prove a thing true by looking for errors and flaws. The idea is that if they find no error then only the truth is left. Why is this approach not reliable? Why is it easier to find truth by looking for truth?

Perhaps we could ask it this way. Is it better to look for red flags or the light that reveals?

A reader says: “You get what you look for — if you concentrate on errors you get exactly that. It’s like the weatherman telling you that it’s a 30% chance of rain — why doesn’t he tell you it’s a 70% chance of sunshine? Your mind can only concentrate on one thing at a time — if it looks for error it will find error and maybe miss the truth.”

To this I ask another question:

By expecting a meal to be taste delicious are you likely to be deceived by a rotten egg that you happen to taste? Of course not. Your attention on what is good does not take away your discernment in sorting out the bad.

On the other hand, if your attention and expectation is on the idea that the meal may taste bad, or perhaps you are suspicious that someone has cooked you rotten meat will this interfere with the pleasure of your dinner?

Yes, it certainly will. We have all met picky eaters that can’t seem to let themselves enjoy a fine meal because of some fear that it has not been prepared or seasoned properly.

Researchers did an experiment with color and food. They cooked some delicious steaks and fed them to group one and they all enjoyed them immensely. But then for group II they cooked the same meal but had them eat under a green light – thus the whole meal had a greenish tint to it.

Even though group two had the same meal the greenish tint caused them to focus on the fact that something may be wrong with it and few were able to enjoy it and some got sick.

Truth is like the steak. Do not focus on the greenish light (or what may be wrong) but on what may be right with it. Only by doing this can one enjoy all the truth and flavor that is in the steak.

Question: Can one put his prime attention on that which is true and yet still use the process of elimination as an aid in discovery?

Answer: A definite yes on this one. As my food analogy illustrated one is not oblivious to bad food when he is expecting a good meal.

When one looks for the good and the true as a primary focus of discovery he will in the process come across a number of items which stand out as obviously false.. When a real falsehood is discovered then the seeker can use this fact as one of the items in his process of elimination.

In looking for truth you may discover that 1+1 = 2 and in the process realize that the guy claiming that 1+1=3 is not correct. Now that you have proven this to yourself you can eliminate consideration of this falsehood unless some new light come to view.

Question: How does the lack of understanding of this principle of looking for truth instead of error cause mainstream religious people to not see any truth in the world of metaphysics?

This is an extremely important principle in the search for the truth. In some ways it may be THE most important of all.


Because, in this world there lies before us at all times two paths. Path one leads to truth and the real world. Path two leads to illusion and deception. Each decision that we make takes us in the direction of one of these paths.

Visualize yourself on a path that divides. The left hand path leads to deception and the right hand leads to truth. Where are you likely to find the most truth? Taking the left hand path and discovering everything that is false, or taking the right hand path and discovering truth after truth. Which path leads to the greater progress?

The answer should be obvious.

When one puts his attention on seeing that which is true he is taking the inner right hand path. His attention on that which is true moves him in the direction of this path and moves him forward on it to truth after truth, greater light after greater light.

When one puts his attention on looking for error this attention on error moves him toward the left hand path, and as be moves along this path he sees error after error and rarely has any observation of new truth to report.

Take me as a teacher as an example. Many have come to this forum with a focus on finding truth and despite my weakness in presentation and limited grasp of higher realities, these individuals have discovered truth after truth for themselves. There have been times that members have found truth in my words that I did not realize was there.

Then there are others who join that just seem to have the feeling that something is wrong somewhere. Some feel I am in this for the money, the ego or just sincere, but deluded. Instead, then of looking for truth in my words, they look for wrong motive, ego or deceit. The problem is that we usually find evidence to prove that of which we have a preconceived notion to believe.

If, therefore, one suspects I am motivated by ego and decides to look for evidence of that conclusion he will find his evidence. The evidence may be a reflection of his own ego, but he will find it nevertheless..

Take the life of Jesus for example. He was an innocent and virtuous man, yet the Jewish leaders immediately suspected that he was in league with the devil since his teachings did not agree with their preconceived notions. Therefore, when they looked upon his words and acts what did they look for? Did they look for truth or error?

Of course, we all know that they looked for error.

And what did they find?

The amazing thing is that even with a holy man such as Jesus these individuals found only error. And thus they saw the face of the devil in the face of Christ.

If looking for error caused them of old to see the face of the devil in the face of Christ, then ought we not learn a lesson from their mistake? For if we ourselves make the same mistake of letting our prime focus be the discovery of error then would we not also see the face of evil in Christ if he were to walk among us again?

Can you think of a worse fate for yourself than to die an enemy to Christ while thinking you were fighting evil?

The interesting thing is that many who make this mistake of looking for evil are fairly decent people sincere in their search for truth. But as they progress along this left hand path the time will come that their mistake becomes obvious and when this time of reckoning does come the pilgrim must then retrace his steps and tread the higher path. If he refuses because of pride, selfishness or ego then he becomes a willing accomplice in treading the path of deception and taking others along with him.

I therefore admonish all true seeker who reads these words to walk the path of light by seeking the light and looking for the light.

Paul spoke on this principle: “Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.” Phil 4:8

Notice that Paul advises: “think on these things.” Yes, my friends, “think on” and see the good, the beautiful and the true and you shall become a magnet for these things and shall draw truth, pure as the driven snow into your life experience and the light that is in you will be great so no darkness or deception can there abide.

Two babies were born on the same day at the same hospital. They lay there and looked at each other. Their families came and took them away. Eighty years later, by a bizarre coincidence, they lay in the same hospital, on their deathbeds, next to each other. One of them looked at the other and said, “So. What did you think?” Steven Wright

Oct 25, 2003

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Economy, the Basic Law

Economy, the Basic Law

I sense that some see the discussion of these laws as rather dry and difficult to understand..

What is interesting though is that the Law of Love is the next in line of the major three laws. DK calls it the Law of Attraction and many are interested in this.

What is interesting, however, is that the understanding of one law enhances the understand of other laws and all the laws seen and understood as a whole reveals the light and love of God in a way that cannot be comprehended with an emotional approach alone.

The question:

What is this first great Law that he calls the Law of Economy and what is the principle behind it?

Here is a concise comment from a reader: “As I was pondering about this Law, the idea about “the path of least resistance” came to my mind. The nature ‘remembers’ the path of least resistance.”

DK gives a wide variety of comments around this law but perhaps his best definition is:

The law which adjusts all that concerns the material and spiritual evolution of the cosmos to the best possible advantage and with the least expenditure of force. It makes perfect each atom of time, and each eternal period, and carries all onward, and upward, and through, with the least possible effort, with the proper adjustment of equilibrium, and with the necessary rate of rhythm.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire (or TCF), Page 568

As we ponder the deeper and full meaning it might be helpful to examine some of the pertinent statements DK made concerning this law. Here are some of the helpful ones to ponder:

“It is the law governing the scattering of the atoms of matter and their dissociation from one another, wide distribution, vibratory rhythm, heterogeneity and quality and their inherent rotary action. This Law of Economy causes matter always to follow the line of least resistance, and is the basis of the separative action of atomic matter. It governs matter, the opposite pole of spirit.” TFC, Page 214

This law governs the Third Aspect.

It governs the internal fires of the system related to fire by friction.

It manipulates matter, “so as to make it fit, or equal to, the demands and needs of the Spirit.” It blends matter and Spirit. It governs rotary action of matter. The activity of matter is the result of the Law of Economy.

“The Law of Repulsion as one of the subsidiary branches of the great Law of Economy, which governs matter.” TCF, Page 154

“Under the Law of Economy man hears. Sound permeates matter and is the basis of its subsequent heterogeneity.” TCF, Page 198

“This Law of Economy has several subsidiary laws which govern its effects on the different grades of matter. As said before, this is the Law swept into action by the sounds as uttered by the Logos.” TCF, Page 216

“The subsidiary laws under the Law of Economy are four in number, dealing with the lower quaternary:

“(1) The Law of Vibration, dealing with the key note or measure of the matter of each plane. By knowledge of this law the material of any plane in its seven divisions can be controlled.

(2) The Law of Adaptation, is the law governing the rotary movement of any atom on every plane and subplane.

(3) The Law of Repulsion, governs that relationship between atoms, which results in their non-attachment and in their complete freedom from each other; it also keeps them rotating at fixed points from the globe or sphere of opposite polarity.

(4) The Law of Friction, governs the heat aspect of any atom, the radiation of an atom, and the effect of that radiation on any other atom.

“Every atom of matter can be studied in four aspects, and is governed by one or other, or all of the four above mentioned laws.” TCF, Page 219

“A man is governed by the Law of Attraction, is evolved through the Law of Economy, and is coming under the Law of Synthesis.” TCF, Page 249

“The Law of Economy is the basic law of one pole, that of the negative aspect; the Law of Synthesis is the basic law of the positive pole, but the Law of Attraction is the law for the fire which is produced by the merging during evolution of the two poles.” TCF, Pages 1166-1167

“The Law of Attraction is the primary law of man. The Law of Economy is a secondary law for man. It governs the matter of his vehicles. The Law of Synthesis is steadily beginning to be felt.” TCF, Page 253

“The process goes on under the Law of Economy, which is the law of substance itself; in the final two cycles this law becomes merged (though not superseded, being still potent) with the Law of Attraction, which is the fundamental law of the divine Self.” TCF, Page 766

“The Law of Economy is the law of the negative electron; the Law of Synthesis is the Law of the positive central life; whilst the Law of Attraction governs that which is produced by the relation of these two, and is itself controlled by a greater cosmic law which is the principle of the intelligence of substance. It is the law of Akasha.” TCF, Page 1167

“It must be borne in mind that these three laws are the expression of the intent or purpose of the three Logoic Aspects. The Law of Economy is the governing principle of Brahma or the Holy Spirit; the Law of Synthesis is the law of the Father’s life; whilst the Son’s life is governed by, and manifests forth divine attraction. Yet these three are the three subsidiary laws of a greater impulse which governs the life of the Unmanifested Logos

“(a) The Law of Economy demonstrates as an urge,

(b) The Law of Attraction as a pull,

(c) The Law of Synthesis as a tendency to concentrate at a centre, or to merge.” TCF, Page 1182

“This governs primarily the instinctual nature of man.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 151

It is “an expression of the Principle of Materialisation.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 242

“The man who aims at providing a point of contact, between conditions of chaos and Those Who work for constructive ends and order, should likewise use that most necessary factor of common-sense in all that he does. This involves always obedience to the law of economy of force, due to discrimination, and a true sense of values. Where these are present, time will be economised, strength will be husbanded, energy will be wisely distributed, excessive zeal will be eliminated, and the Great Ones will be able to depend upon an aspirant’s sagacity and thus find a helper.” A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 323

Then he gives us two statements that guide us to the core principle.

First he speaks of “a waste of energy which is forbidden under the Law of Economy.”

Secondly he says:

“As time progresses and the race reaches a higher point of development, we shall be able to comprehend more, but under the law of economy it would be fruitless effort for the teachers of the race to instruct us on the characteristics needed for the treading of the seven Paths, before we have as yet apprehended or developed those required for traversing the Probationary Path, not to mention the Path of Initiation.” Initiation Human and Solar, Pg 185

You have heard me say many times that the Masters do not like to repeat themselves. What does this have to do with the law of economy?

Does then the Law of Economy tell us that the repetition of a past revelation presented as if it were new is probably not a true revelation from the Hierarchy?

Do we have to understand the Law of Economy before we can master the Law of Love? Why?

Study the above quotes and contemplate them and give us any additional insights that come into your mind.

I installed a skylight in my apartment…The people who live above me are furious! Steven Wright

Oct 23, 2003

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The Law of Sacrifice

The Law of Sacrifice

The Question:

What is destroyed when the destroying aspect of the Law of Sacrifice is wielded? If something is destroyed then why can we say there is no true loss?

What do you suppose the building aspect is?

What is the difference between the building and destroying aspects of the Law of Sacrifice?

We’ve had several good responses on these fairly esoteric questions.

Reader Comment #1: What is destroyed depends upon what the sacrifice entails. I think it would could be your security, comfort, freedom, or even your life that could be destroyed if the circumstance were one in which a person were taking the right steps to protect or to progress for the greater good of the whole. There would be no real loss in the grand deign of all things because the design is one in which that in which when you give, you receive, so following the same philosophy when you sacrifice now you gain later.

Comment #2: Ask Gov. Arnold how he built his muscles. By exercise and weight-lifting, he broke down his muscle tissue, so his body could build bigger and better muscle tissue in order to meet the demands placed upon them.

Comment #3: The lower physical sheaths are destroyed during the second, third and fourth initiations. The gain is a new unobstructed view. One’s ‘ring-pass-not’ is increased. Losing the chains (matter) which bind us to continual re-birth in this earth scheme can never be considered a loss. Unless you are on the dark path.

These are all good comments on the destroying aspect of sacrifice. Stronger muscles are created by breaking down tissue. This is a good example of how this destroying aspect merely removes impediments so something better and stronger can be created.

DK makes the interesting statement that this destroying aspect is at play in the second, third and fourth initiations. But the revealing question is why is it not at play in the first?

The answer is that the first initiation represents the birth of the Christ consciousness, or the “birth of the Christ in the cave of the heart,” as it is sometimes called.

While it is true that there are many sacrifices made over many lifetimes to bring the pilgrim to this point, the actual movement into the Christ consciousness does not require a sacrifice. What it does require is intense seeking on the part of the individual and the end of the search involves the touching of a spiritual energy that is very desirable and seems at the time to be the complete answer to his quest. The seeker thus moves into this initiation with great willingness, which does not require a “giving up” at the time.

Afterwards, some sacrifice is required in order maintained the ground which has been acquired, but overall this first initiation is almost like a reward for many lifetimes of effort.

The second initiation does indeed require sacrifice for the seeker must give up his glamours. As he approaches this he sees himself as an extremely important individual in ways that he is not so important. He must sacrifice this powerful ego and see himself as he really is in relation to his fellow men.

This step down is seen as a great sacrifice, but one that is necessary in order to take a step up.

The third initiation is also difficult but this time the seeker must sacrifice his illusions which have seemed to serve him so well – giving him a stable belief system.

When this sacrifice is made all that he holds dear that supports his beliefs must be released. The sacrifice seems enormous, but the following reward is great. The disciple enters into the Angel of the Presence and gains a new enlightenment that was worth whatever price that was paid.

Finally the disciple goes through the fourth initiation where he must yield up every desire of his heart for a greater good that he may not even understand. It will seem that he has sacrificed all and there is nothing else to give. All seems gone and the only thing he has left is divine faith that ultimate good will be realized.

Then to his joy his faith pays off and that which is lost is discovered to be unreal and that which replaces it is the real. Once the real is found he will never go back to the desire world which held him bound.

Thus do these initiations illustrate the destructive aspect of the Law of Sacrifice. That which seemed good was destroyed and was replaced by something of greater worth.

What then is the building aspect of this law? While it is true that when something is given up (under the destructive aspect) that it is replaced with something better, that replacement is not the building aspect, but the end product of the destructive aspect.

The building aspect is something quite different. Under the destroying aspect we seem to be at the mercy of an unknown God and the sacrifice made involves an exercise of faith that good will prevail.

Under the building aspect the seeker understands the Law of sacrifice and instead of being a pawn in the hand of Higher Powers he uses the law constructively to attain a desired goal. He then exchanges one thing for another to move forward rather than losing all for who knows what.

Under the destroying aspect the disciple does not see or understand the end, but under the building aspect he sees and understands. It’s like getting interest on a loans. He knows why he is doing it.

Those who use the building aspect relate to these words from DK: “Sacrifice must not be regarded as a ‘giving-up,’ but rather as a ‘taking-over.’ It has a mysterious relation to the Law of Karma, but on such high levels that only the advanced initiate can grasp it.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Pages 286-287

The Law of Sacrifice is one of the seven minor laws which governs human evolution.

DK talks about three major laws that we will first discuss before proceeding, which are:

  1. The Law of Economy. This governs primarily the instinctual nature of man.
  2. The Law of Attraction, which governs the soul aspect in man and in all forms of life, from an atom to a solar system.
  3. The Law of Synthesis, which will govern man when he has arrived at the Path of Initiation, but which as yet means but little in his development.

These are somewhat interrelated but we shall discuss them one at a time as much as possible.

Dk says this about the three great laws: As a human being, the disciple was ruled and conditioned by the cosmic Law of Economy, along with its various subsidiary laws which were active and conditioning in the three worlds of human evolution. This law is the basic law of nature and of the natural evolving man. After the first initiation, he comes under the Law of Attraction which carries and wields the energy of love and-though the Law of Economy is then abrogated-it preserves an habitual control over the habitual process of the form vehicles which are now used under the Law of Attraction; this law works within the consciousness of man and also within the forms in the service of the Hierarchy. This Law of Attraction is a major soul law.

Later, after the fourth initiation, the disciple comes increasingly under the Law of Synthesis, which is the major Law of the Spirit in the universe. His capacity then to include rapidly develops and his sense of awareness can (after the sixth Initiation of Decision) begin to range in an extra-planetary fashion. The meaning of all this may be only theoretical, as far as your understanding may be concerned; its significance must be carefully sought and this will not, by any means, prove an easy matter. Revelation will, however, come if you study what is said about these three major laws in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire.


What is this first great Law that he calls the Law of Economy and what is the principle behind it?

My roommate got a pet elephant. Then it got lost. It’s in the apartment; somewhere.

Steven Wright

Oct 21, 2003

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Governing Principles

Governing Principles

Below is some continuing dialog I had with our fundamentalist Mormon friend

Reader: Saying that all will manage themselves is ignoring the various states of being and preparation of the people that will come to Zion.

JJ: Perhaps you received this idea from my statement that the associates of a laggard will take care of handling him. In the Molecular Relationship problems are taken care of as much as possible from the bottom up rather than from the top down. The leader leads by giving correct principles and those under the leader apply the correct principles by governing themselves.

For instance, suppose we have a group of twelve who have a laggard in their midst. It will first of all be the duty of his associates to keep him in order and if he does not do his share of the work he will be voted out of the group and replaced by one who will do his share.

Reader: No, I do not feel God is going to come down and do our work for us. But he will reveal what needs to be done to those (1) are able to receive and (2) have the stewardship over the people involved. God organizes his work. He appoints leaders.

JJ: This is the flaw in all current systems and a double flaw in religious ones governed by this idea: “God appoints leaders and the people are to accept this without question.” That’s why the LDS church is in such good shape spiritually at present, right? God has appointed all of its leaders and they have not lead the people astray. They have maintained all the gifts of the Spirit – Give me a break.

Has anyone seen God come down from his throne and appoint a leader?

Of course not.

Who really appoints leaders in all cases?

It is done by the hand of some human, with frailties, in the flesh.

In our current system, religious or temporal, only a few leaders have the wisdom to appoint flawlessly through the Holy Spirit. Sooner or later every organization that exhibits the flaw that “god is appointing our leaders” develops wayward leaders who step in and within a generation much will be corrupted and anyone who wants to return to the common sense of the past will be looked upon as a heretic.

This is certainly the case with the LDS church.

Actually, in the early church the leaders were not mindlessly appointed and accepted, but were voted on. Back then it was not a unanimous “sustaining vote” as in the church now, but a real vote. They were real elections there were often quite a large number who voted no. Several times, for instance, even revered apostles like Orson Pratt voted against Joseph Smith.

To say that God will tell you what to do or who the leader is going to be is really saying that some person who claims to know the mind of God is telling you this.

To accept this without question will lead any organization to mediocrity, doom or even unjust war.

The true order allows the Holy Spirit to work through the people from the bottom up through the principle of election. The true elect are elected.

“Elect” is from the Greek EKLEKTOS which is usually translated as “elect” or “chosen”, but its root meaning is “to make a choice”. The elect are those who have power to make their own choices without the inerference of an authoritative figure. They are independent of all but the God within and have “chosen” the path that leads to the Holy Spirit. They are as the wise virgins with the oil in their lamps and can stand alone against all odds and do not have to borrow light from others, but always recognize other lights presented.

Reader: God uses priesthood lines of Authority that He first establishes. That is how God has always managed his chosen people…

JJ: But the true priesthood works “without compulsory means.” There is no stronger compulsory means than for some outward authority to tell an acolyte “God says you must do this or suffer his wrath.”

You’ll notice that between 1838-1844 there were only a handful of revelations from Joseph Smith with “thus saith the Lord” therein. Even though he received some of his greatest principles during this period he also became more of a teacher and less of an authority. He began to realize the truth of this principle.

Reader: But man seems to always know better (than God), he wants his kings, he wants his elected officials, he wants the ways of the world, he knows better than God.

JJ: This is always the excuse religious leaders use to control the minds of men. Jim Jones and David Koresh used this same line to control their people.

What is the true order of revelation in this coming age of enlightenment?

There is only one way. That is to teach without compulsory means and allow the Holy Spirit to verify to the hearts of those who receive. This is what I do and it works for those who apply without preconceived notions.

Thus saith the Lord was applicable to ages past to tell people what to do when people needed to be more rigidly controlled, but humanity has made considerable progress and that which was the good in one age becomes the evil in the next. There are exceptions to all things, but overall it is a disaster for the arm of flesh to command in the name of God.

As proof find me someone who is currently doing it with successful results? After all, there are lots of prophets on the earth barking commandments.

No one you say? That’s because the true prophet has not surfaced you say?

Such a true prophet will never surface. God is doing a new thing and the prophet saw this coming when he said these great words:

“I teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves.”

Reader: But man’s results are different than God’s. He lives in a society that is filthy and evil, while at the same time he is proclaiming peace and love to the world.

JJ: “To the pure all things are pure.” When I look at the world I do not see that which is filthy and evil. I see the good people with good hearts trying to do their best to make things work. “Good drives evil from the form of man in time and space.”

Let us light a candle rather than curse the darkness.

Reader: You state, “One of the major problems we have in the United States at present is that we are governed largely by appointed representatives rather than elected ones.” No, the problem is that they are appointed by those that are not led by the Spirit, they have an agenda that is counter to Gods plans. That those that appoint are not seeking righteous individuals who seek the Lord’s direction in what they do.

JJ: Osama Bin Laden thought he was led by the Spirit and appointed according to God’s will. This is a flawed idea for this age and will lead to disaster from this point on, mark my words.

As evidence try and find me one organization where all leaders are appointed wherein the Spirit flows. Of course the orthodox LDS think appointment works in their organization, but what they do not realize is the power of appointment is what has chased the spirit out even though all those in power think they are following the will of God.

Reader: An official being elected only means they are popular in the eyes of the world, not that they are righteous or even good managers. The government of Zion will be a Theocracy.

JJ: Will it? What makes you so sure? Have you ever seen a Zion society work? Were you there in the says of Enoch? Did he truly bark out orders in the name of God or did he teach correct principles and let the people govern themselves through election?

A dictatorship is a dictatorship whether it be called such, or if it called a theocracy. “A rose is a rose by any other name.”

This drive to create a religious dictatorship by many of the deceived who are pure is heart is one of the great triumphs of darkness upon the earth and must be overcome by shining the light of true principles on the subject.

As evidence of this compare a dictatorship like North Korea to our constitutional government. One uses dictatorship and appointment. The other uses election. Which is the more successful? Which one more successfully suppresses the free will of men? Unfortunately the government of the United States is far from perfect as many decisions are made by appointed people rather than those elected.

“But ours will be a benevolent dictatorship where God speaks,” you say.

This is even worse because subjects are less likely to question or rebel if they think they are going against God. Even when the prophet is obviously wrong they still think he is right. Joseph Fielding Smith (LDS President 1970-72) said we would never go to the moon. A prophet cannot be wrong so this statement is erased from all his writings to make it as if it were never spoken.

Reader: You also state, “Of course there will be a decision making body that will deal with this. It will be his immediate co-workers.” It sounds like you are taking this agenda right out of the pages of communism. It didn’t work either.

JJ: Communism is top down leadership. The Molecular Relationship works from the bottom up through the power of election. I do not recall free election to be a core principle governing Communism.

Workers at the bottom of the totem pole have a right to have a say on who they will work with rather than have it dictated to from on high.

The Reader then chastised me for deviating from the orthodox Mormon doctrine of how Zion is to be established.

JJ: Have you ever noticed that sincere people who spend many years studying the scriptures and then make prophesies from them are always wrong?

Why is this?

It is because “the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life.”

Most of these false prophets are sincere, but they make the mistake of looking for literal perfection in the written word.

This same mistake is made by those who pour over the writings about the kingdom of God and Zion and try to construct how it will be from literal interpretations.

The Kingdom of God will not progress along the lines as conjected by the minds of the LDS students of this age.

One thing that is not taken into consideration is the fact that much of the work through Joseph Smith was an experiment wherein many parts of the experiment failed and are now discarded. The only way to find the will of God as it applies to us today is to seek that will without preconceived notions and be as a little child. God will do a “new” thing in this age, but the principles will be in harmony with the scriptures when all is said and done.

Consider, for example, how few were able to predict the manner that Christ would truly come. They were either expecting a conquering hero or one who comes in the glory of God from heaven. There were only a small handful who were expecting a humble man of the people and perhaps none in the old world expected the hero to be crucified.

Even so, when all was said and done the event was in amazing harmony with the prophesies.

As it was then, even so shall it be today.

Reader: Contrary to what you imply I believe that there will be new revelation, I know that it will be associated with Zion. But just because you claim that your work is inspired does not make it so.

JJ: Neither does it mean it is not correct.

Glad to hear that you believe that there will be revelation outside of the current scriptures. The way you worded your last post it left me wondering.

Reader: We read in the scriptures that even Lucifer will teach many truths in order to deceive someone on a single critical principle.

JJ: I do not believe this is in the scriptures. It is a tradition that may or may not be correct.

Reader: You intermingle scripture and your own personal thoughts.

JJ: So do you.

Reader: The truths that are there, carry the people along to believe your other ideas. You then further assert that “Any truth therein is as good as scripture for ‘the highest religion is truth.’“. That in and of itself is true, but the way you are asserting it means that your writings are and should be considered scripture.

JJ: I make no such claim. I do say that if any writing (including my own) is verified by the Holy Spirit then it is as good as scripture. Truth is truth wherever it is found.

Reader: Your writings are not scripture, they did not originate from God’s thoughts but yours.

JJ: Many are my own thoughts and many are from the Holy Spirit within. One has to read and discern. Unfortunately, you have read only a few of my writings so you are not in a position to judge.

Reader: You then state “The Priesthood ‘holdeth the key of the mysteries of the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God.’ D&C 84:19” So how is it that you are now claiming Priesthood authority to build Zion?

JJ: I make no claims. I teach and I do.

Reader: Who laid their hands upon your head? What revelation was received concerning your Priesthood? Did Joseph Smith or someone else appear and give your Priesthood? Or do you say that your Priesthood comes from another Church, one who has lost its way?

JJ: As far as the Priesthood goes I have as much claim to the priesthood as anyone, but I need no priesthood for what I am doing. I speak as Lehi of old who said: “The Holy Ghost giveth authority that I should speak these things.” I Nephi 10:22

Reader: When ‘new revelation’ is claimed, if it not in harmony with that which has already been given, we can be assured that it is not from the same source and the spirit will testify of that.

JJ: Tell me one thing I teach that is not in harmony with the scriptures.

Reader: God does not change.

JJ: His attributes do not change but his methods do as evidenced in the scriptures:

Rev 21:5 And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.

Isa 42:9 Behold, the former things are come to pass, and new things do I declare: before they spring forth I tell you of them.

Isa 43:19 Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.

Isa 65:17 For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

I Nephi 20:6 Thou hast seen and heard all this; and will ye not declare them? And that I have showed thee new things from this time, even hidden things, and thou didst not know them.

The revelation through Jesus was new and different from that of Moses. Notice that Jesus never did say “thus saith the Lord,” even though he received all his words from his Father. He only taught. Joseph evolved into this method.

Reader: To summarize you say “My teachings are not for everyone, but those to whom they are meant will feel a familiar vibration and can receive verification through the Spirit if they seek.” This is a true statement. But there are many spirits, many are not of God. I am certain that they will gladly verify the words that you have written.

JJ: You keep using the same arguments that were used by the enemies of the revelations of Joseph Smith whom you revere. Come up higher my friend and trust that good people in this group such as Susan, Blayne, Larry, John, Diane, Bryan, Dennis and others who may just sense the Holy Spirit with as much or more discernment as yourself.

I doubt if anyone has received verification of all that I have written, but many have received verification of that which is important for them and for that which they are open to receive.

I have taught repeatedly that all should not assume that my writings, or those of any other are true, but to continue to test them with the Spirit.

Most of the members still challenge or question me on the Keys if I teach something that does not ring true to them. This is encouraged.

Reader: In fairness, I asked you many questions, some of which you answered, but many of which you avoided outright, or deferred by saying “read my writings”.

JJ: When answering your question would take days of writing and I already have the answers readily available online then it would be foolish to repeat the work which is already done. I have answered all your questions that are practical. This post is a typical example. I have been going line by line and responding to you. I can’t do much more than that.

I think any reader of our dialog would have to admit that I have been quite forthright. If there is anything I have not answered for you that would not require a lengthy explanation you are welcome to ask. I have gained a reputation on the Keys over the past few years of not avoiding challenging questions.

Reader: Your vision of Zion is just not God’s vision of Zion, hence it will never be Zion.

JJ: Quite judgmental of you.

Tell me who has the true vision? Where are these people prophesied of who “see eye to eye?”

Reader: There may even be fruit, but not pure, good and delightsome. It will be cast out.

JJ: “Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Matt 7:1-2

Today I dialed a wrong number… The other person said, “Hello?” and I said, “Hello, could I speak to Joey?”… They said, “Uh… I don’t think so… he’s only 2 months old.” I said, “I’ll wait.” Steven Wright

Oct 20, 2003

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The Seeds of Life

The Seeds of Life

The question: What does the term “seeds of life”, as used by DK, mean to you and what is your part in nourishing them through sacrifice?

Actually the seeds of life is a deep esoteric statement that can have a multitude of interpretations which can apply.

A reader is right that we have both the seeds of life and death within us that are nourished by our decisions.

Another is also right that we are seeds of life that are nourished by higher lives

But, what type of life are we the seed of? The answer is that each human is a seed that can grow into a Master such as was Christ. In other words, we are a mustard seed that turns into a great plant with branches that reach up to heaven and bears fruit in the kingdom of God.

Recently we have been talking about animals. What about them are the seeds of life? An animal is a seed that grows into a human. The vegetable kingdom has seeds within it that mature into animals and the mineral evolves into the vegetable.

The seeds of life begin with the nucleus of the atom. Within the atom is a life at the center hidden by veils of electrons which imprison the form.

In addition to this there is a universe of life seeds within our own bodies. Someone pointed out that we are as a god over all the living particles within us. Energy follows thought and we indeed nourish all the lesser lives within us that are seeds that will evolve within their own sphere.

It is also interesting that Jesus used this term in the Aquarian Gospel in the story of meeting the woman at the well. It is written:


“While Jesus yet was talking to the woman at the well, the six disciples came from Sychar with the food. 2 And when they saw him talking to a woman of Samaria, and one they thought a courtesan, they were amazed; yet no one asked him why he spoke with her. 3 The woman was so lost in thought and so intent on what the master said, that she forgot her errand to the well; she left her pitcher and ran quickly to the town. 4 She told the people all about the prophet she had met at Jacob’s well; she said, He told me every thing I ever did. 5 And when the people would know more about the man, the woman said, Come out and see. And multitudes went out to Jacob’s well. 6 When Jesus saw them come he said to those who followed him, You need not say, It is four months before the harvest time; 7 Behold, the harvest time is now. Lift up your eyes and look; the fields are golden with the ripened grain. 8 Lo, many sowers have gone forth to sow the seeds of life; the seed has grown; the plants have strengthened in the summer sun; the grain has ripened, and the master calls for men to reap. 9 And you shall go out in the fields and reap what other men have sown; but when the reckoning day shall come the sowers and the reapers all together will rejoice.”

This presents another interesting twist in that the seeds of life are the words of life. And what are the words of life?

They are true principles.

Somewhere in her past the woman at the well had a teacher plant the words, or seeds of life, within her. Even though this event may have happened lifetimes ago, the seeds remained and grew and matured so when she met the Master she was as a living plant which was able to receive the living rays of the sun – or Son of God.

This also illustrates the principle of sacrifice in that the teachers who planted the seeds of life saw little results in their lifetime. All they had was faith that the seeds would grow sometime in the future.

Realizing this may help us in this life. How many of us have had a child, a spouse, a friend with whom we have shared true principles with little or no effect? Take note that it is quite possible that a true seed has been planted and will bear joyful fruit in a future life.

The final part of our questions is: Is there such a thing as sacrifice as the world understands the term? Why or why not?

The answer to this is found in the first part of our discussion wherein we talked about the Principle of Re-Appropriation. That which we have seemed to have given up is re-appropriated to our benefit so we will reap what we have sown (with interest). When we realize there is no such thing as sacrifice then the sting is taken out of the process. When we obtain a realization of the true principle, sacrifice is merely like putting money in the bank.

DK hints at the idea that the Law of Sacrifice has two aspects which are a destroying aspect and a building one.

For instance he says: “It should be remembered that the Law of Sacrifice (in its destroying aspect) is dominant during the second, the third and the fourth initiations.”

Question: What is destroyed when this aspect of the law is wielded? If something is destroyed then why can we say there is no true loss?

What do you suppose the building aspect is?

What is the difference between the building and destroying aspects of the Law of Sacrifice?

I plugged my phone in where the blender used to be. I called someone. They went “Aaaaahhhh…” Steven Wright

Oct 19, 2003

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Animal Consciousness and Dialog

Animal Consciousness and Dialog

I thought I would clarify my views concerning the consciousness of animals.

I have never said that animals do not have consciousness. Indeed I have taught that all things, even apparently inorganic rocks have their own type of consciousness.

I have taught that animals do not have self consciousness such as humans. To put it in DK’s words they have not individualized.

Animals do have consciousness, are keenly aware of many things that are pertinent to their lives, but their consciousness is different from ours as is taught by the story in the Garden of Eden.

The consciousness of Adam and Eve in the garden represents the consciousness of our animal; nature before we became fully human. They were naked in the garden and were not ashamed.

The transfer from animal to human consciousness is represented by the eating of the tree of good and evil. After they ate of it they realized they were naked.

Why did they realize they were naked and seek to cover themselves?

Because they developed human self consciousness. They had individualized so they saw themselves as separate entities from all other creations and thus began to compare how they looked to others. They were “ashamed.”

No animal is ashamed or gets embarrassed because of how they look. They are happy to do their business on the floor in front of a thousand onlookers and think nothing of it. Few humans would do this unless they lost a large bet.

An animal cares not if you think it is fat, slow or stupid. We humans with our self consciousness are concerned about these things and much more.

The purpose of life in the animal kingdom is to master the principle of attention. All their consciousness is geared around the development of refined attention mainly through seeking food and survival.

Self consciousness in humans is geared toward the discovery of consciousness itself as well as that which consciousness takes in. This is why we experiment and explore to discover the universe around and within us.

Zion Discussion

Reader: It is my thought that these new teachings will come through all, not just an enlightened few.

JJ: All are not capable of communing with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit works wherever it can find a response and all those willing and open to receive will receive. There are many receiving now and whatever truth one who is in the Spirit teaches is in harmony with that taught by another in the Spirit. “Truth is true and nothing else is true.” The number of teachers will be according to the free will of those who seek.

Of course there are others who receive from their emotional self, their subconscious, mislead spirits, thoughtforms and strong egos. These will not be in harmony with each other, will not inspire the multitudes, neither will their words be confirmed by the Holy Spirit.

Reader: Interaction across the Internet is so limited. I can not consider that any form of gathering. They are certainly not working together as a group except in a very limited way.

JJ: We presently have an experimental group that does work together online. There are presently limitations, but we have managed to work through quite a few of them in preparation for the greater technology to come. Do you think the internet will always be limited as it is now?


Even today a few have the right equipment and software so they can gather and have real time meetings on line. In the near future this will be available to all and participants will be able to speak in real time, be seen, heard and interact with all who are hooked up to him. This new technology will open the door to new types of gatherings that were undreamed of in the past. (Note: This was a good description of Zoom given in 2003)

Reader: As each person is subject to the laws where he lives, there is no real gathering.

JJ: If you define a gathering as becoming a nation where the people are only subject to their own laws then you are correct. But this also means there is no gathering today except for the individual nations as various units.

Some believe they can live within the country and avoid its laws, but they are only fooling themselves. As soon as they become a group of consequence they will find out whose boss.

In principle a gathering is a gathering whether it be within a nation with outside governing laws or in a place whether they have laws of their own. The difference is the latter is more advantageous.

Joseph Smith initiated a literal gathering, yet the group were still subject to the laws of the United States. Did you not consider that a real gathering?

Reader Quoting JJ: “During this period civil and governing laws will not be laid down, only the essentials necessary to a group organization. Each individual will be subject to the laws where he lives and will be expected to follow them within reason.”

Reader: So who prepares this framework of laws and Constitution, those that have your Vision? Who makes that decision?

JJ: Those who make the decisions by natural law are those who initiate. They who initiate a project are those who decide and those who are exposed to the project decide whether or not the plan suits their philosophy and needs.

I live in Idaho because it suits my needs even though I have had nothing to do with any of the government over me outside of my vote.

Group decisions always reach the level of the lowest common denominator. The best decisions are made by individuals and presented to a group and then modified as the need arises.

You need to read my book The Molecular Relationship to see how the whole process works.

Reader: I know lots of people feel they are inspired, but I would want nothing to do with living their Vision.

JJ: Why not? If someone else has a vision that resonates with the Spirit within me I am personally happy to embrace it. This in no way interferes with any goal or personal vision I may have. Then other visions I may reject.

Reader: Putting several thousand people in a new spot is the most dangerous time. Where is the infrastructure that will support them? If it is a new city, then there is a huge amount of work required and it takes time. How do we feed these thousands of individuals in the meantime?

JJ: Your last question is easy. We buy food and eat it just as we do now. The plan does not require us to be in the middle of a wilderness with no resources.

I have all the details in my mind but it is premature to present them. Right now I am not concerned whether or not anyone thinks I have a good plan for building cities for we have no power to build cities at the moment. At the moment I am only concerned with the first step which is the presentation of additional light to humanity. To have a successful gathering you have to have people available with whom you can see eye to eye in the Spirit. If this first step is not achieved then any gathering will create more enemies than it does friends and eventually self destruct.

When the time comes the second step will be presented. Some who took the first step will just want to stay on the first step and continue to learn new principles. Others will take the next step which requires action. No one is expected to embrace anything unless they see a benefit and inner confirmation. No one will be looked down upon if they want to stay on the first step.

Reader: So this location is part of your vision that has to be taught to this people. What if they see/feel a different location?

JJ: Then they can go to that location and gather to their heart’s content.

Reader: I have met with several Fundamentalists groups, and I have not seen a consensus as to what Zion will be like. So what do you see as their concept of Zion, that you will not be like?

JJ: (1) Their emphasis on the past and the old rather than the new. (2) Their rigid interpretation of the scriptures rather than seeking the spirit of the scriptures through the Holy Spirit as well as the new which is not in the scriptures past. (3) Their strong authoritarian nature.

Reader: The discovery of America? What does that mean? If you are gathering freedom loving people, (and I know a lot of them), then who do you separate those with Your Vision from those that don’t.

JJ: I do not separate. Free people choose the society in which they live. Those who do not share the vision I have will be free to choose another or create one of their own. Why would you think otherwise?

Reader: It would appear that if all the people don’t share your Vision, then this will quickly collapse.

JJ: It would not even begin. Those who do not agree with the plan will not participate. I would hope not anyway.

I do not like the idea of describing that which I will present as merely “my vision”. If it is verified by the Holy Spirit then it belongs to all.

Reader: Again, are you implying that only those that share your Vision of these molecular relationships, etc, will be part of Zion?

JJ: Are you saying that those who see two contrary visions will build the same Zion?

“If you re not one you are not mine” says the scripture.

There are many who see the vision of Zion and those who see it through the Spirit will be in harmony after they commune in person.

Those who see a vision of Zion created through the filters of their ego will not be in harmony with each other.

Reader: So in the meantime, those that are not “equal in earthly things” can they not be part of Zion?

JJ: Without this equality there will not yet be Zion but that doesn’t mean that we do not take steps in that direction and make the best of it.

Those who present the vision do not decide who will follow, but the decision is made by the person to whom it is presented.

Reader: Again it is Your vision, and direction, revelation that is central to the creation of Zion? Without your master plan, then all would be lost?

JJ: You seem to be insinuating that there is something wrong with presenting a plan for the betterment of humanity, as if it is a selfish separative act.

If the vision I have is in harmony with the Spirit then it is not mine but it belongs to all and the Spirit will confirm to all who seek to know with a sincere heart.

All is never lost. If one fails another will pick up the inspiration and move ahead.

Reader: I also believe there are many being led by the spirit. I also believe they have a different Vision and responsibility given to them. I feel that there will be many gathering places throughout the land and even world. Each will have their own vision. But that does not make them Zion. God will take a much more active role in building Zion, then what you have so far described.

JJ: I basically agree except that those who have a vision through the Spirit will be in basic harmony with others who have received and will be willing to work together. Two in the Spirit do not receive a “different vision” but may wind up with a different interpretation of some of the details.

Reader: Even those that don’t have the complete vision, will be blessed to the extent that they choose to be.

JJ: Agreed.

Reader: Just because we think we have found our correct place, does not mean that someone else has not found theirs also, even when their place is much different than ours.

JJ: Agreed again. Then there are those who think they can boss the rest of us around who are in their wrong place.

Reader: I honestly believe that you believe.

JJ: I would expect no less.

Reader: And I respect that in you. There will be many that gather that are looking for light. There will be many candles held up by many servants, drawing a few here, a few there. But the true source of the Light, will overshadow them all.

JJ: Some have and will gather in the light and others out of the light. Just because a group gathers does not mean they are in harmony with the Spirit. Those who do gather in the Spirit will recognize and cooperate with others who have thus gathered and will eventually be under one banner just as happened with the original 13 colonies.

Reader: As I see it, the plan you present so far, is far too nebulous to ever be considered workable.

JJ: It appears nebulous because I have only told you that a plan exists, but have not presented the plan itself. I am working on the first stage as I have seen it. When the complete plan for the second and third stage is presented then you will be able to make an assessment of value.

In the meantime all I ask is that you read my writings and see if the Spirit verifies. If the Spirit verifies stage one then the chances are it will verify stage two.

I saw a small bottle of cologne and asked if it was for sale. She said, “It’s free with purchase.” I asked her if anyone bought anything today. Steven Wright

Oct 18, 2003

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Steps to Zion


Steps to Zion

There has been an increasing interest in the group in the manifestation of the ideal society, which many call Zion, so I thought I would make some additional comments.

My plan is to teach the basic principles of Zion first and fill in the details as needed.

I know some have written up laws, constitutions and other details for the ideal society, but this does little good in the present when we have no society in which to implement these ideas.

Even so, it doesn’t hurt for dreamers to put their ideas into writing as the final product may make use of some of them.

My idea is to take Zion one step at a time. You have to lay the foundation of a building long before you work on the tenth story. I have the vision of the whole building, but the essential thing at the moment is to convey my understanding of the foundation so it can be correctly laid.

Two readers pointed out four essential principles in laying the foundation.

(1) A oneness of spirit, vision and understanding among those who begin the work.

(2) An understanding and acceptance of the Molecular Relationship and its governing principles, especially the principle of self correction which is built into it to make it a living self healing form.

(3) An understanding of the Gathering Principle in relation to the spiritual progress of humanity.

(4) A willingness to accept new teachings that may not conform to a past paradigm, yet can be confirmed by the spirit. “A time to come in the which nothing shall be withheld, whether there be one God or many gods, they shall be manifest.” D&C 121:28.

Before Zion can be built a significant group must be gathered and work together and sifted until a group exists that can see eye to eye not because of an outward authority, but because they have all learned to look through the eyes of the Spirit.

During this period civil and governing laws will not be laid down, only the essentials necessary to a group organization. Each individual will be subject to the laws where he lives and will be expected to follow them within reason.

This stage will be a time of teaching, learning and preparation. Members will be attracted by light and love rather than the details of the laws of Zion.

Then when a critical mass of people is reached who are willing to create a new society a new gathering will commence. This will be the time to have a framework of laws and Constitution ready. Several thousand who are prepared will lead the way and the commencement of the gathering will capture the imagination of the entire world. Many who are not known as particularly religious or spiritual (but good people) will be attracted and join with us. Some fairly dangerous and dark characters will also be attracted, as always happens, but hopefully they can be weeded out.

Where is the gathering place? This will be revealed when the time is right.

This first gathering will not build Zion as Fundamentalists conceive of it, but it will create a much better society than we have today. It will correspond more, on a higher turn of the spiral, to the discovery of America and the gathering of freedom loving people than it will to any rigid religious system.

In the future there will be additional siftings, gatherings and regatherings until “the whole earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord.”

The principles in the Molecular Relationship will be the basis of the government of the new society. They can be applied to civil law, spiritual law as well as business.

A reader mentioned The Molecular Business. This is not a prototype of a Zion society, but it is a stepping stone to get there which will assist individuals in seeing the equality of all people.

She also mentioned Molecular Politics. Again this is not designed to create the perfect political system but to move the one we have to its next level of effectiveness.

To be “equal in earthly things” as commanded in the scriptures is not something that can be achieved with strong authority or speaking in the name of God. This will take some time to perfect without infringing on the free will of humanity.

When the time comes I will write more about “The Economic Order of the New Age,” wherein I will outline several steps towards a Zion economy as well as a plan to revitalize the economic systems of the nations, particularly the United States.

The Spirit of Christ is here not to destroy, but to save, and the spirit will always strive with humanity as long as there is a chance of assisting them.

Think not the world is beyond redemption. The heart of the average hard working person raising his or her family is sound and can be touched if properly approached. God takes no joy in the destruction, pain and sorrow of such people and these “common people” have cried out en mass in their hearts to God and have been heard. His hand is extended to save and many will respond.

Whether you accept it or not I see my current job is to teach and to send a light which can be recognized by those who have the spirit of gathering. Those who recognize the light reflecting off their own souls will gather on the internet and later physically and shall create the Mustard Seed which grows forth into a great plant which shall be seen to be the Kingdom of God manifest on the physical plane.

I do not claim to be alone in this work. There are thousands of servants scattered throughout the planet who are doing their assigned work to prepare humanity for things to come, and many of them are not considered spiritual by the masses. Every true servant has a place in the machinery of God and plays a part which does not compete or infringe upon the work of another. Those who do compete or infringe are out of harmony with the Spirit and need to find their true place.

When we find our place and do the work acknowledged by the Spirit the laborer will be at peace with himself and feel a sense of moving forward, even if all seems still before his eyes.

May we all behold the great design of God and find our correct place within it that we as individuals can be a part of the divine movement manifesting things on earth as they are in heaven.

I went down the street to the 24-hour grocery. When I got there, the guy was locking the front door. I said, “Hey, the sign says you’re open 24 hours.” He said, “Yes, but not in a row.” Steven Wright

Oct 17, 2003

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Schemes, Rounds and More

Schemes, Rounds and More

A reader expressed difficulty in understanding the meaning of schemes, rounds, globes etc used by Alice A. Bailey and Blavatsky.

Students should have a general grasp of the various cycles of time so they can more easily follow along in their studies.

In theosophical writings the earth that we are on is called a “globe.” We are on what is called “globe D,” the densest of seven globes of which it is a part.

The scriptures tell us that this earth was created spiritually before it was created physically. Esoteric writings also tell us this, but instead of one previous spiritual earth there have been three which were Globe A, Globe B and Globe C. Globe C was a more refined matter than the present earth and Globes B and A still more refined respectively. When this earth passes away it will give birth to Globe E which is comparable to Globe C in vibration. The difference will be that humanity will be on the path of return rather than the path of descent, or falling into matter. When we reach Globe G we will have passed through seven globes. These seven globes constitute a “chain.”

To remember this just visualize a chain of seven globes, or earths, linked together like a chain.

Evolution goes much further, however. Instead of there being only one chain of earths there are seven. When one chain passes away another chain of seven begins to materialize. Think reincarnation here. Not only is the earth reincarnated in seven different globes, but each of the chains of globes are also reincarnated into new chains when the previous passes away.

There are a total of seven chains and these 49 globes of seven chains constitute one scheme. A scheme is equal to the life of a solar system.

Ironically just as we are the fourth globe in a chain we are also the fourth chain in a scheme meaning that we are living on the 25th earth-like planet that has materialized on some plane in this solar system.

The coming of Christ marked the midway point in our globe, in our chain and in our scheme. This was indeed a point of tension and magic for planetary lives.

Before this earth scheme and this solar system there was a previous solar system where we (or our solar angels) passed through 49 other globes. This was our first estate.

We shall progress through one more solar system to prefect human (and other) evolution.

Of course these three solar systems are merely a link in a chain in connection with greater evolution still.

It is mind boggling to contemplate the vastness of it all.

The positive globe, chain or scheme in relation to another is the one that gives more than it receives.

DK explains a mystery as to why the earth is positive to Venus even though the Kumaras came from Venus to stimulate our evolution on this globe. He tells us that when the entire chains of Earth and Venus are looked upon as a whole that the earth sends more than it receives from our sister planet.

A reader found this tabulation which raised a question:

– 7 branches = 1 subrace – 7 subraces = 1 root-races – 7 root-races = 1 world period – 7 world period = 1 round – 7 rounds = 1 chain – 7 chains = 1 planetary scheme – 10 planetary schemes = 1 solar system

“I cannot find the place of ‘globe’ in this information. Could somebody provide any information about where does ‘globe’ fit in?”

JJ: I think even some Theosophists and old time Alice A. Bailey students get confused with these terms.

A round is equal to the life of a globe. Technically it is called a globe-round. An entire chain is usually just called a round, but sometimes a globe-round is also referred to as a round, hence the confusion.

Let me expand on a statement I made earlier. I said: “There are a total of seven chains and these 49 globes of seven chains constitute one scheme. A scheme is equal to the life of a solar system.”

One may wonder at the fact that there are 10 schemes in the life of a solar system which seems to indicate that the life of a solar system is ten times longer than the one earth scheme.

That’s not quite the way it works.

At present the are seven schemes in our solar system of which the earth scheme is one. Each one of these seven schemes represents a center in the life of the solar logos. The earth scheme represents the first center – the one at the base of the spine with four petals. Here again the number four surfaces. This gives the cross particular significance as far as the earth is concerned. DK calls the four petals the “Cross of the Holy Spirit” which also makes it the point where spirit and matter meet within our solar system.

Just as all the centers in our body are linked and interdependent, yet all exist simultaneously in the body even so do the seven schemes or centers in our solar system all exist together.

Also just as life begins at the center at the base of the spine for a human and dies when it is extinguished, even so, will the end of the earth scheme signal the end of the solar system.

When the earth scheme ends the six other schemes will also come to an end and the physical sun will disappear also. When this happens three more schemes will appear made of the highest mental matter which will be a synthesis of the previous seven schemes. When these final three schemes have played themselves out then the sun will disappear on higher levels and go into rest or pralaya.

The seven schemes we have now plus the three of higher vibration in the future equal the ten schemes.

This is one reason ten is called the number of perfection. Ten great cycles wraps up the work of the Solar Logos.

If esoteric teachings are accurate this means that the sun is quite a bit older, in relation to the earth, than current science believes.

I went to a restaurant that serves “breakfast at any time”. So I ordered French Toast during the Renaissance. Steven Wright

Oct 15, 2003

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The Principle of Sacrifice

The Principle of Sacrifice

The Question What is the Law of Sacrifice?

Some of you may recall that we noted that “sacrifice” was the key word for the passing age of Pisces. We also observed that the key word for the incoming age of Aquarius is “service.”

Does this then mean that sacrifice is old news and no longer applies to this age? After all, that which is good in one age can become the evil in the next.

No, it does not. All principles are eternal and are always in play.

So why the shift of emphasis away from sacrifice to service?

The principles remain the same, but the way they play out as they act upon forces, cycles and people will vary with the times.

In Pisces the emphasis was on sacrifice so humanity could learn its lessons… BUT – its lessons were twofold.

(1) How sacrifice is to be used to further progress. (2) When sacrifice is an illusion and is wasted.

After twelve more turns of the Zodiac we shall enter Pisces again and learn new lessons. In the meantime humanity has learned a few things to preserve and a few to let go on the journey to understanding the core of the principle.

Finally, after over 2000 years we are finally absorbing the idea that not all that which appears to be sacrifice is beneficial. We are learning not to give of our substance to one who merely claims to be Gods representative. We are learning that some type of “service” or benefit should be returned to us – not in some distant heaven, but right here upon the earth.

Many of the churches are still caught in the Piscean mindset on sacrifice, but every day more and more people are breaking away and refusing to donate or sacrifice unless there is understanding behind it and a good seen on the horizon.

Because humanity is learning this lesson the churches of tomorrow will be much different than the churches in ages past. They will eventually operate more like a club with membership dues which, when paid, certain benefits will be expected. The regular sacrificial donations will diminish every year until this needed change is seen by the churches. Donations will not cease, but there will be a change in emphasis.

That which we want to keep as far as the lessons of sacrifice are concerned centers around the meaning of the true principle.

And what is that?

A reader give a good insight:

“The word, sacrifice, means sacred [sacer] – work [facere, to make or do], so anything which God, the One Mind, or even any of a hierarchy of lesser gods does is a sacrifice (sacred work or doing).”

That which we are leaving behind is the selfish desire element in sacrifice. We desire heaven, God’s approval, or even that of our fellow men so we sacrifice. Now we are coming to realize that sacrifice is indeed a sacred work and such work requites an exercise of the will, focus wherein energy follows thought.

The true principle behind sacrifice is much different than dreamed of in religious philosophy.

Instead of a giving up with no thought of return it is really a payment. To understand we must look at the reason we work, whether it be sacred or non sacred.

We work in order to create or obtain a thing of beauty, a product or a desired goal beneficial to the individual or group.

Sometimes that work is a strenuous effort that we would just as soon not do, but because the end goal is seen we continue. The work is thus the sacrifice, but it is a sacrifice of joy because the end is in view. If there were no desirable end true sacrifice would not be made.

The true principle of sacrifice, however, transcends the individual and must have an end benefit for a group. Thus the person engaging in the sacred work of sacrifice sees a vision of improvement that has effects beyond his personal benefit

True sacrifice has its beginnings in the family unit where the parents work on behalf of their children so they can have a better life than they themselves have had. In the process of this work they will also benefit themselves as well as have joy in the achievements of their children.

Question: What does DK mean when he says sacrifice is followed by the Law of Re-Appropriation?

Let us start with the basic meaning of this word under consideration which is: “Appropriate.”

This word means: “To set apart for specific use.”

Therefore to re appropriate would be to have a thing moved from one location or use to another.

When we commit true sacrifice we see before us the appropriated work and the energy available to accomplish that work. The energy is then obtained and the work progressed through the power of will.

When the work is completed then the work and purpose shifts one link down an eternal chain. When the purpose makes the shift so does the energy and all is “re-appropriated.”

The next part of the question to consider is: What does the term “seeds of life” mean to you and what is your part in nourishing them through sacrifice?

Yesterday I parked my car in a tow-away zone…when I came back the entire area was missing. Steven Wright

Oct 14, 2003

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