The Time of the Gathering

The Time of the Gathering

Someone asked about how the current turbulent times may affect the gathering and the creation of human molecules.

A gathering takes place when the old ways and systems reach a point of stagnation, but a small percentage of the people are looking beyond the old ways toward the new, the beautiful and the good.

The world is approaching the time of the next gathering because most of the governments of the world are drifting toward stagnation and making the same mistakes.

Most of these mistakes are built around the idea of seeking the highest good or ideal.

Unfortunately evil is the corruption of a divine ideal.

And how is the divine ideal corrupted by the nations today?

Answer: By forcing people to do good.

Greed is seen as evil and those in authority feel that people misuse their money.

Therefore, the authorities seek to take all moneys from the people, not essential to their survival, and spend that money in better more unselfish ways than the average person.

Differences in people and groups are seen as evil and equality good; therefore, they seek to strip people of their individuality and force people to be equal.

Hateful, or wrong speech, is seen as unloving; therefore, they seek to force people to speak only approved words.

Equality, right use of money and respectful speech are great virtues when accomplished through free will, but become a great evil when attempted by force.

To enforce theses three virtues the governments of the world create laws without number first to take money by force from those assumed to be greedy and give it to the less fortunate, not forgetting to reward themselves in the process.

Secondly they pass an untold number of laws and decrees to force equality.

Finally, they pass more laws to govern speech and where a law is not possible they seek to use many subtle pressures to prevent the speaking of offending words.

As the nations continue to drift toward higher taxation, forced equality and restrictions on speech the time of the gathering draws near.

This decay among the nations will continue until true freedom gains a foothold in the hearts of a critical mass of people. When this occurs the clarion call will go forth and a gathering place appointed and a new nation or some type of independent group will be born.

As far as the creation of molecules go this can begin when even a small group are ready for a shared soul contact and able to gather in one physical location. The beginning of human molecules will begin shortly before the general gathering.

March 18, 2003

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Group Synthesis, Part 6

Group Synthesis, Part 6

(C) The feeling of specialness.

We are skipping (B) Unearned Authority in this treatise for I have already written extensively on this subject. Rather than repeat myself, I will direct the reader to my book “Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact.” Unearned authority is covered in sections 103-132 and can be accessed free at this link:

Many students who are concerned with dangers related to the ego feel too many groups create a feeling a specialness for their members.

While it is true that anything that inflates the ego should be neutralized some groups do have a unique purpose and mission that is sometimes misinterpreted as specialness that enhances the ego.

Instead of calling these groups special I would suggest that “unique” is a more appropriate word.

First, let us examine specialness in the negative context as it relates to groups. What are the ingredients that would cause the power of the ego of the members to be amplified?

The first and prime ingredient is the tone set by the leader or leaders. Egos are definitely stroked if the leader is a messiah figure – that is one who presents himself as a very special person. Such a leader may claim he is the reincarnation of Buddha, Jesus Krishna or other historical figures. He may claim that the manifestation of the new age   or some type of salvation rests entirely on following his instructions.

If a leader presents such an aura of specialness the followers will not be far behind. They will feel special because they have a great leader and other groups do not. They are going to save the world and other groups will not. Or perhaps they think that they have the one true teaching and other groups lag far behind.

In most cases this feeling of specialness is caused by illusion. Such groups often have an average leader at best, are not doing anything to save the world and have doctrines that are below average in the percentage of truth.

Among common illusions found in many special groups are specific prophecies giving dates for the end times, some type of calamity or significant event. The group feels special because they are in on the inside information and others are not.

Time and time again these predictions fail. Unfortunately, a new false prediction takes its place and most members hang on still feeling special to be in on the new date.

The second main cause of specialness lies at the feet of the individual group members. In this case the leadership and teachings may be sound but one or more members may feel they are special for a number of reasons. Among them are:

(1) They have a “chosen” feeling because of the quality of the group.

(2) They think of themselves as more evolved than others and deserve some recognition.

(3) They think they know more than the leader or teacher and should take their place.

To these DK gives some good a dvice:

If you can indeed feel, think and function as one complete unit – several personalities and one soul – it will then be relatively easy to extend the concept to a broader inclusiveness, to broaden your horizon and thus become inclusive in a much wider sense.

The using of the mind to this end involves an aptitude to learn the distinction between analysis and criticism. This is a hard and well-nigh impossible thing for many to learn. Traces of illumination of this subject will show themselves if the group persists in all earnestness. The members have to learn to respond, as a group, to the same spiritual, mental and human ideas, and thus swing – as a “telepathic unit” – into one united train of thought. They have, as a group, to be preoccupied with the same things which are indicated by the soul of the group, and not by one person in the group, as is apt to be the case. They have to learn, as a group, to hold the mind steady in the light – the group mind, and not their individual minds. Esoteric Healing, Pages 354-355

Then a problem for constructive groups sometimes occurs when members try too hard to see all individuals and groups as having a sameness about them. They see a sameness in all groups, “one is no better than another,” they say. “We shouldn’t see ourselves as special.”

What has to be taken into consideration is this. Each individual and group is different from all others and some groups have a unique purpose. Again we use the word unique here for the word “special” tends to appeal to the ego.

Some groups have a unique and distinct purpose different from all others, and others not so much.

For instance, there are many groups dedicated to meditation who have a similar approach. They perform a good service but are not special or unique. That is fine. They do not need to be.

On the other hand. There are numerous groups that do have a unique purpose different from any other exoteric group. Here are some possibilities.

(1) A group is interested in studying and understanding the teachings of a certain author, around who there is no group formed

They form one and thus have a unique situation.

(2) A group sets a goal to promote a certain part of the Hierarchical plan that no one else is attempting.

(3) A group has established unique ceremonies not used by anyone else.

(4) A group is inspired by the Hierarchy to perform a unique labor.

One thing to keep in mind is that the Hierarchy rarely duplicates its efforts as they follow the Law of Economy. They try to not have one group they work with overlap and duplicate the efforts of another.

For instance, DK established a unique group that some would call special. At the time it was the only exoteric group like it that was endorsed by the Hierarchy.

DK however went out of his way to not stroke the egos of the members and make them feel special, but did comment that the group was a one of a kind experiment.

The biggest complaint did not center around specialness but if some did not agree with the instructions the members sometimes accused Alice A. Bailey of making up the instructions instead of getting them from a Master.

Here D K gave his group some good advice:

seek not to link groups with your group, but recognise your group and all other similar groups as parts of a worldwide spiritual movement which (when it reaches momentum) results in unity for all. A super-organisation which emphasises unity is the last thing to be desired; a multiplicity of living organisms held loosely together by cooperation, constant communication and possessing identity of goal and of purpose is what the world needs today…. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 458

He doesn’t want to see groups merge together into a super group but many different and unique parts are needed to create a vital whole. Just as in the one body the liver has a much different role than the heart but both contribute to the one life in the body, even so, can we have many groups with unique functions yet recognizing their oneness in the living body here on planet earth.

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Group Synthesis, Part 5

Dec 4, 2020
Group Synthesis, Part 5

(6) What if I join and group and discover flaws? What should I avoid or seek to correct?

(A) The Cult Leader

A group membership can offer great benefits if it is basically on the right track. The individual can find new quality friendships among like-minded people. He or she can share activities and discuss topics with other members that may be considered heresy to family and other associates.

A positive spiritual group will allow the seeker to tune into the group mind and sense spiritual contact hitherto untouched.

A good group can stimulate an increase of light, knowledge and love of humanity.

The problem is that many groups are far from perfect and some maybe doing more harm than good or even lead to destructive activity.

The rare cults that lead to mass suicide , such as Jonestown where they drank the poison Kool-Aid, are prime examples. Some negative groups have gotten such bad press that they cause many to look with undue suspicion on the various alternative spiritual groups that have formed. The seeker needs to realize that we cannot stereotype all spiritual groups because of a couple bad apples. Nevertheless one can’t just jump into group membership with no thought of what he is getting into. The individual must check it out to the best of his ability.

But even after researching a group the seeker may encounter problems after joining. The question then becomes – “What shall I do now?”

The most common problem with alternative spiritual groups is found in the leader or leaders. Generally there will be one individual who is seen as the main leader of the group.

If he is a strong leader with a unified group he may be accused of being a cult leader.

This accusation is sometimes justified and sometimes not.

There are two types of leaders of a unified group.

The first has a unified group because he or she is an effective teacher. He allows members to think for themselves, ask questions, read outside material, question authority and come and go as he or she pleases.

Because they are fairly unified, this type of leader is sometimes falsely accused of being a cult leader and the members seen as blindly following sheep. This may be an unjust accusation if free thinking is allowed and the group is only unified because they all understand the principles that are espoused.

The second type of leader of a unified group is the true authoritarian cult leader. This person has a unified group, not because of effective teaching and free flow of ideas, but because of tight authoritarian control. Those who are independent thinkers and ask the wrong questions are not welcome and drummed out of the group eventually just leaving the cult leader with a group of sheep that he can easily control and get to do his bidding – almost as if they wee under a hypnotic spell. This type of leader is easy to recognize because the true seeker will come to realize that his authority is not to be questioned, and if you do, the leader along with the sheep will turn a cold shoulder to you and in some cases attack and drive you out as an intruder.

What shall the seeker then do if he finds himself in a group controlled by such an authoritarian person?

The answer should be obvious. He or she should gracefully exit the group as soon as possible and seek out a more positive group.

Before leaving though it is a good idea to tune into the other members to see if there is anyone else ready to move on. Breaking away from strong authoritarian leadership happens at a certain stage on the path to liberation and if the seeker senses that another is on the threshold then, with a little encouragement, this person may take a bold step into greater freedom and light.

Generally in such a group most of the followers are locked in as if controlled by a hypnotic spell and immovable. It helps to realize that this is one of the things the eternal pilgrim must go through in his journey to liberation. Usually there is nothing you can do for them but wait until they are so crushed by authoritarian control that they break the chains that bind them and move on.

An excerpt from the third Labor of Hercules – The Gathering of the Golden Apples of the Hesperides – would be appropriate to review here:

Happy and confident, Hercules went on, sure of himself and with new courage for the search. Now to the west he turned himself and, turning thus, he met disaster. He entered without thought upon the third great test and failure met him and for long delayed his steps.

For there he met Busiris, the great arch-deceiver, son of the waters, of close kin to Poseidon. His is the work to bring delusion to the sons of men through words of seeming wisdom. He claims to know the truth and with quickness they believe. He speaks fair words saying:

“I am the teacher. To me is given knowledge of the truth and sacrifice for me. Accept the way of life through me. I know, but no-one else. My truth is right. All other truth is wrong and false. Hark to my words; stay with me and be saved.”

And Hercules obeyed, and daily weakened on the early way (third test) seeking no further for the sacred tree. His strength was sapped. He loved, adored Busiris, and accepted all he said. Weaker from day to day he grew, until there came a day when his loved teacher bound him to an altar and kept him bound throughout a year.

Suddenly one day, when struggling to be free, and slowly seeing Busiris for what he was, words spoken long ago by Nereus came to his mind:

“Truth lies within yourself. There is a higher power and strength and wisdom in yourself. Turn inwards and there evoke the strength which is, the power which is the heritage of all the sons of men who are the sons of God.”

Silent lie lay a prisoner on the altar, bound to its corners four for one whole year. Then, with the strength which is the strength of all the sons of God, he broke his bonds, seized the false teacher (who had seemed so wise) and bound him to the altar in his place. He spoke no word, but left him there to learn. From The Labours of Hercules by Alice A. Bailey

All of us meet our Busiris as we journey to our true spiritual home. Only when the seeker realizes that he has sold himself into slavery will he then fight to free himself.

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Group Synthesis, Part 4

Dec 3, 2020
Group Synthesis, Part 4

(5) How are the alternative spiritual groups different from religious or other groups?

Many new age and alternative spiritual groups take pride in the idea that they are not like the religious groups and churches. Some see the orthodox religious ones as rather primitive compared to their more enlightened approach.

True there are some who indeed have a more enlightened approach but the truly enlightened do not take pride in being better than others and refrain as much as possible from negative judgments.

On the other hand, many of those who see themselves as enlightened yet judge harshly are not as different from the churches as they suppose.

Some have a message very similar in vibration to the churches but just preach their doctrine by using a fancy vocabulary.

Here are a few correspondences.

Many of the Christian churches teach members to believe in Jesus and be saved.

Many alternative spiritual groups have a guru that must be accepted to achieve their version of salvation.

The churches all teach some version of salvation

Many New Age groups also teach a salvation of sorts. The main difference is they will call it something else – like deliverance from the wheel of rebirth or some high station in the afterlife or some type of deliverance on the planet.

Many religions teach of an end of the world apocalypse with those of the right beliefs being saved and living in a paradise.

Similarly, many alternative spiritual groups teach of some type of apocalyptic future where there will be great earth changes with those in their group being saved. Others see deliverance from war or destruction by aliens or just a shift into another dimension for the righteous. Like the churches many new agers see those of their belief system being saved.

Many of the churches put pressure on members to donate and spend it in questionable ways. The same happens with some alternative groups though many charge exorbitant fees as well as seek donations.

Many seekers complain that the churches’ teachings are shallow and repetitive.

Correspondingly, even though new agers may have a different bible, or reading materials many wind up focusing on superficial material not much in advance of the churches.

The churches often govern by strong use of authority which is not supposed to be questioned by members.

Many alternative groups do the same thing.

It comes down to this for the true seekers. If one is going to leave the churches for greener pastures he or she must make sure they are actually taking a step forward rather than engaging in a new version of the same thing.

So what should the seeker look for when seeking a group that will truly be a step above most of the churches?

The most important thing is freedom of thought and expression. Even if the group supplies all kinds of interesting teachings, if they frown on you asking questions or looking at other teachings they will have placed a stumbling block in your path just as the churches did. The seeker must always be free to explore and ask questions and in the end be governed, not by some outward authority who takes the place of God, but the inward authority which is indeed linked to God.

When the seeker feels confident that his freedom will not be infringed he must look at the quality of the teachings being offered. He needs to plow through enough of the teachings to see how they register with his soul. Do the teachings or practices make sense and will they offer some type of benefit for the individual and the group?

One of the last things a seeker wants to happen is to get caught up in a group that takes its members more toward illusion than truth or darkness rather than light. If one does get caught up in such a group it is often difficult to get out. When the seeker does see the light perhaps he has friends, family and loved ones that must be left behind to leave. Groups with a cult like control are famous for their grip on members, some even threatening those who dare leave and harassing them if they do.

There is not so much danger of this sort on most internet groups as people come and go all the time, but a group with physical meetings or especially one where members live together must be examined with a particularly discriminating eye.

Whatever group, internet or otherwise, a person joins one does not want to waste time, so the seeker should have some common sense criteria before investing any personal resources.

Steps that may aid the seeker in his choices of groups, teachers and teachings are the Principles of Discovery. These are 24 principles to aid the seeker in the discovery of truth covered in my book “The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact.”

They are presently freely accessible online.

Here is the LINK

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The Talking Fish

The Talking Fish

Here is a news story written in 2003 which is a fun one to revisit.

Word is made flesh as God reveals himself… as a fish

An obscure Jewish sect in New York has been gripped in awe by what it believes to be a mystical visitation by a 20lb carp that was heard shouting in Hebrew, in what many Jews worldwide are hailing as a modern miracle.

Many of the 7,000-member Skver sect of Hasidim in New Square, 30 miles north of Manhattan, believe God has revealed himself in fish form.

According to two fish-cutters at the New Square Fish Market, the carp was about to be slaughtered and made into gefilte fish for Sabbath dinner when it suddenly began shouting apocalyptic warnings in Hebrew.

Many believe the carp was channelling the troubled soul of a revered community elder who recently died; others say it was God. The only witnesses to the mystical show were Zalmen Rosen, a 57-year-old Hasid with 11 children, and his co-worker, Luis Nivelo. They say that on 28 January at 4pm they were about to club the carp on the head when it began yelling.

Nivelo, a Gentile who does not understand Hebrew, was so shocked at the sight of a fish talking in any language that he fell over. He ran into the front of the store screaming: ‘It’s the Devil! The Devil is here!’ Then the shop owner heard it shouting warnings and commands too.

‘It said “Tzaruch shemirah” and “Hasof bah”,’ he told the New York Times, ‘which essentially means that everyone needs to account for themselves because the end is near.’

The animated carp commanded Rosen to pray and study the Torah. Rosen tried to kill the fish but injured himself. It was finally butchered by Nivelo and sold.

However, word spread far and wide and Nivelo complains he has been plagued by phone calls from as far away as London and Israel. The story has since been amplified by repetition and some now believe the fish’s outburst was a warning about the dangers of the impending war in Iraq.

Some say they fear the born-again President Bush believes he is preparing the world for the Second Coming of Christ, and war in Iraq is just the opening salvo in the battle of Armageddon.

Local resident Abraham Spitz said: ‘Two men do not dream the same dream. It is very rare that God reminds people he exists in this modern world. But when he does, you cannot ignore it.’

Others in New Square discount the apocalyptic reading altogether and suggest the notion of a talking fish is as fictional as Tony Soprano’s talking-fish dream in an episode of The Sopranos .

Stand-up comedians have already incorporated the carp into their comedy routines at weddings. One gefilte company has considered changing it’s slogan to: ‘Our fish speaks for itself.’

Still, the shouting carp corresponds with the belief of some Hasidic sects that righteous people can be reincarnated as fish. They say that Nivelo may have been selected because he is not Jewish, but a weary Nivelo told the New York Times : ‘I wish I never said anything about it. I’m getting so many calls every day, I’ve stopped answering. Israel, London, Miami, Brooklyn. They all want to hear about the talking fish.’

A devout Christian, he still thinks the carp was the Devil. ‘I don’t believe any of this Jewish stuff. But I heard that fish talk.’

He’s grown tired of the whole thing. ‘It’s just a big headache for me,’ he added. ‘I pull my phone out of the wall at night. I don’t sleep and I’ve lost weight.’

Edward Helmore New York Sunday March 16, 2003 The Observer

March 16, 2003

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Preparations For Christ

Preparations For Christ

A reader quotes this statement that I made:

“On the other hand, when he does appear, he will have to pick a certain day, and what if, by accident, some religious group happened to pick at or around that day for their prophecy. Would the Christ decide to take up his abode with them and no one else because they chose the lucky day? Most likely, Christ would find them so unwilling to learn and unenlightened. He would ignore them, if at all possible…..”

Question: would the Christ really IGNORE anyone on Earth, as long as their heart was in the right place?

What makes you think that he will be so much different this time around than he was the last time he was here? When he was here last time he had to be selective with whom he spent time. Most of it was spent with his personal molecule (the twelve apostles and the women who were with them.) He spent much time with this small group because they had been prepared by John the Baptist for higher teachings. He explained to them that the masses were not ready for the mysteries which he revealed to them.

Then when he began his mission in Israel the Bible tells us that during this three year period he was directed to concentrate on the Jews. He, of course, could not teach everyone, but the Jews provided him all the challenge he could handle as well as providing for fulfillment of the prophesies. .

Even among the Jews he was selective. He did not seek out the regular religious people or authorities to teach, but went to the common people who were not particularly religious, many of them considered irreligious.

The key here is that he dedicated as much time as possible to helping and teaching those who had faith in God, but would not reject him because of preconceived notions.

There were many who were waiting for the Messiah (including those who crucified him) but rejected him because Jesus did not fit into their belief system.

Now fast forward to his coming appearance.

Let us look at those who predict his exact coming, sell all they have and go up on a mountain thinking they will be chosen by him while the rest of the world will be destroyed. These people are like many of the religious fanatics who rejected him 2000 years ago. He had no desire to spend time with them then and will have little impetus to this time round either.

He will have a message that will go out to the world through the media and his words and face will be available for all who wish to listen and learn but it will take some time and effort before he makes a lot of headway.

As far as those with whom he personally spends time this will be of a similar nature to the last time, with one change. Instead of being limited to one Molecule of 12 units there will be a number ready to learn at his feet.

As far as his contact with the masses go he will be a little like Abraham Lincoln in the fact he will have greater respect among the common people with common sense than the high and mighty. Even so, he will have contact with the rulers of the earth when the time is right.

Question; When Jesus came the first time to Earth centuries ago, were the people prepared for Him and was there a gathering of “Lights”, or was that the test run, and this time we had better get it right or else!

This is answered in chapter Nine of my book The Gathering of Lights. You might want to read the whole chapter. Here is a partial quote:

Few are aware that Christ in his day made an attempt to literally commence a literal gathering of Israel. However, little is written of this attempt because of his lack of success. As he was teaching Jesus said: “He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scatereth.” Luke 11:23

Near the end of his life Jesus exclaimed: “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, HOW OFTEN WOULD I HAVE GATHERED THY CHILDREN TOGETHER, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.” Matt 23:37-38

The word “Gathered” here comes from the Greek EPISUNAGO which literally means “to collect in one location” and is usually translated as “gathered together” in the King James. A more correct rendering of the above scripture would be: “How often I would have gathered into one place thy children, even as a hen gathers into one place her chickens under her wings.”

Even though the people did not respond in his day Jesus prophesied of success in a day to come: “And he shall send his angels (From the Greek AGGELOS which means “messenger”) with the sound of a trumpet, (Great power of speech), and they shall gather together (gather into one place) his elect (Israel) from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.” Matt 24:31.

Question: If only a small percentage of people have gained enough of the truth and light for Him to return, will that be enough to prevent utter destruction of this planet? If not, then what happens to the “lights” already here when that utter destruction comes?

No matter what happens there will only be a small number ready for his light when he comes. For his coming to be successful the door to evil (mentioned in the Great Invocation) must be sealed so this small number can effectively assist him. In addition, the servants working in preparation must receive spiritual protection through the Song of the 144,000 until this door is sealed.

The chances are largely in our favor that the Coming of Christ will be successful and that a desolating destruction can be avoided – at least for some time.

The choice before us is a smooth transition into the New Age or a bumpy one. A bumpy one would involve a few atomic bombs going off by negative forces to wake humanity up to take action to make weapons of mass destruction illegal worldwide with swift destruction meted out on anyone who seeks to develop them.

Right now (witten march 2003) we are at a crossroads in sealing the door of evil that DK speaks of. The biggest link between Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein is not in their current physical interrelationship, but in their interlinking relationship to the Dark Brothers on the subtle planes. They both seek world domination at any price and are willing to destroy the world (if they get the opportunity) to carry out their desires.

A third link in this trinity of darkness is Kim Jong-il, supreme leader of North Korea. He is dangerous because of his current power and his desperate dependence on other nations for his people to even eat.

Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein will not give up seeking world domination until they are incapacitated or dead. Continued inspections will not stop Saddam but just provide a continued source of irritation to him, making him more eager to strike back.

If Bush is successful in taking out Saddam Hussein then the path to sealing to door to evil will be in sight and the coming of Christ will be much nearer than otherwise would be the case.

How long could his coming be delayed if this opportunity is not taken? It could be several years or several decades.

Now some may say that Christ would have nothing to do with any war and in this they are in illusion. Note this scripture:

“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him (Christ) was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge AND MAKE WAR.” Rev 19:11

Also note this one: “The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name.” Exodus15:3

When the time is right the Masters will support a war. DK tells us that Christ worked through Winston Churchill and FDR to assist the Allies in defeating Hitler in World War II.

If I were to tell you he is working through Bush to put an end to Saddam Hussein and other points of darkness many would not believe. Some would not believe because they think all war is bad. Others would not believe because Bush does not conform to their political belief system. Others would not believe because they think Bush is the great threat rather than Saddam Hussein.

On this point I would advise all to become as a child and drop all belief systems and seek an answer through the soul with no preconceived notions.

There are a number of illusions about War. The biggest illusion is that it can always be avoided. Take the current peace activists, for instance, Even though they claim to be anti war they are fighting a war to end war.

What war is that?

First let us look at the definition of war: “A concerted effort or campaign to combat or put an end to something considered injurious.”

The current peace activists consider Bush going an injurious direction and are definitely making war against him and everyone who supports him.

They are definitely involved in an emotional war against a physical war. If they are successful the cost will be a greater future physical war.

Note the name of the Fourth Ray – the Ray of Harmony through Conflict. Another name for this Ray is Peace through War, but it was not called such for us because many have a warped definition of what peace is. Peace is not the sleep of death. Nor is it the absence of struggle. Nor is it forced silence. Nor is it lack of freedom to move or to speak.

True peace involves harmony.

True peace on earth will come when there is harmony between the differing nations, groups and peoples. Just because a tyrant has no rebellion in his kingdom does not mean that he has achieved peace. Underneath there is tremendous disharmony as the people yearn for freedom.

Harmony, which is an ingredient of true peace, can only be achieved in an atmosphere of true freedom.

If we say we have peace on the earth when there are tyrants persecuting and suppressing their people – where there are no free elections, where one cannot stand on a street corner and disagree with the leader of the country, then the people are in the sleep of death and have no chance for harmonic peace.

Conditions do not have to be perfect, but the major seeds of tyranny must be overthrown so the door to evil can be sealed tightly enough to make the appearance of the Master productive enough to warrant his presence.

He will not come until his work with humanity has a good chance to bear the desired fruit.

March 6, 2003

Copyright By J J Dewey

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