Group Synthesis, Part 3

Group Synthesis, Part 3

(3) There are many groups out there covering almost every subject. How do I go about choosing one right for me? Aren’t most of them saying the same thing?

Some have the attitude that there isn’t much difference in the quality of the various spiritual groups. “If you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all” is the mantra of some.

The fact is, just as each individual is different so are groups and just as you would not want to pick a marriage partner at random neither should the seeker just pick the first group that comes along.

DK emphasizes the importance of using discernment in our choices:

The disciple in training for these higher realisations is urged to practice the faculty of discrimination. You have been so urged. The initial and normal interpretation and the immediate effect of the practice is to teach the disciple to distinguish between the pairs of opposites. Yet just as the disciple in his early training discovers that the discriminating process has naught to do with the choice between recognised evil (so-called) and recognised good, but concerns the more subtle pairs of opposites such as right and wrong silences, right and wrong speech, right understanding and right indifference and their opposites, so the man who is reacting to these higher laws discovers that the discrimination to be shown is again still more subtle and is—for the bulk of the aspirants in the world today—still a meaningless objective. Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 175

The point he is making here is that as the seeker advances along the path the correct and incorrect choice becomes more subtle. When we were young that which was right and wrong as taught by our parents was pretty simple and black and white, but as one progresses it takes a greater mental effort to see what the right choice is. This progresses to the point that the average person could not eve understand the subtleties of the choices that confront the advanced disciple.

So when any major choice is set before us we must use the mental faculty of discernment to ascertain what we are getting into and where it will take us.

This particularly applies to groups as some can be quite demanding of time.

To find the right group a seeker must first find where they are. If he is interested in physically attending one then he must find one in his area. Unfortunately, many complain that there is little or nothing available. A seeker is fortunate if he does find one of value within easy driving distance. The website “’ is a good one to help people find like minded groups in their local area. Local publications are also a good source.

We are fortunate to live in an age where distance poses little barrier as through the internet the seeker has many choices for groups and Zoom gives us the opportunity to have meetings almost as real as the in person ones.

Facebook is most likely the greatest resource of groups as it hosts a whopping 10 million of them. Out of ten million there is something for just about everyone.

In addition, many host groups through other services such as Google or on their own web page. If you cannot find what you want on Facebook just Google your favorite subject or author and a little surfing may lead you to like-minded group. A number of authors and teachers offer group services and classes on their web pages.

In searching for a group the seeker must ask himself if he wants to just have a loose association and learn a few things or does he want something that involves some type of group work and closer connections. If he wants something worthy of intense dedication then this will require some searching. The seeker may have to join numerous groups before he finds a good fit.

If, after searching through he millions of groups available he cannot find one that feels right he can easily create one of his own. If he sounds the right note he can draw like minded souls interested in the same material and goals.

You will know you are in the right group when two things occur.

(1) The knowledge presented registers with your soul and helps center your attention on the light.

(2) You feel a soul connection with the majority of the people in the group, especially the leader or leaders.

Of course, some you will sync with more than others but this is normal. No matter which group a disciple joins he will find that he must apply significant effort in overlooking personality imperfections and seeing the Christ within each member.

(4) Should I join just one group or several?

There are many on Facebook who are members of over a hundred groups. Do you think they pay attention to them all? Not likely. Most will only participate in a handful at most.

The seeker must guard against the scattering of energy by being active in so many groups that he cannot positively contribute to any.

The seeker would be wise pick one main group that will be the center of focus and maybe have several others for a casual relationship.

The extent of his outreach will also be determined by the free time available. If he is retired he can enjoy more latitude in mingling with several groups than if his career demands a lot of attention. Some people are so busy making a living they are lucky to free up time for one or two meetings a week. I have been there and certainly understand that problem.

The key point though is to calculate how much free time you can afford, measure it out with wisdom, scatter not your forces and find a point where participation will provide the greatest benefit.

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Group Synthesis, Part 2

Nov 28, 2020
Group Synthesis, Part 2

(2) What is the advantage to me in joining a group?

Even the most hardened isolationist cannot completely detach himself from group influence. After all, we started our lives in the most basic of all groups – a family. Even if you were born to a single mom there was still a group of other family members and friends who assisted her in some way.

Then as a kid you had a group of friends, probably went to a church, an organized group, perhaps joined boy or girl scouts, and also attended school. The various classes you were in were groups as well as your whole school. In addition, you may have been in numerous school groups or played in sports in which many tightly knit groups are formed.

Then your home town itself has a group identity as well as your state and nation.

Various types of groups are necessary for humanity to enjoy the basic benefits of civilization. After all, every group is formed to provide some type of benefit that is not available to the individual on his or her own.

The true spiritual student will also seek out a group for some type of benefit beyond that which can be obtained by the individual. Many have tried the orthodox churches and found them lacking. Some enjoy the social mingling but many complain that the knowledge obtained and shared there is very minimal. You’ll often hear someone say that he can get closer to God going outdoors communing with nature than in church.

So what does the seeker do who is frustrated with regular religion? What often happens is he will come across a friend who will turn him on to some alternative group or reading materials. Others will just find some interesting books on their own or discover something stimulating while surfing the internet. After a time the seeker will gravitate to some type of spiritual philosophy that seems to fit.

As he then absorbs the teachings he is faced with a choice. “Do I continue learning on my own or do I join a group?”

A generation ago it was often difficult to find a group dedicated to a specialized interest, but thanks to technology a seeker can now quickly find a group dedicated to most any subject or popular author. The question these days for seekers is not “Where can I find a group of like interest?”

But “Do I want to join one?”

Of course, whether or not one joins a group will depend on the value seen there. The seeker must therefore ask as to whether any of the groups available are worth joining. One may be thrilled to find a group dedicated to his favorite subject but then disappointed by the quality after joining. If one can find a group of quality like-minded souls that seems right there are a number of possible benefits.

(1) Establishing new friends. It’s always nice to have friends with similar interests.

(2) Like-minded associates can stimulate thinking beyond that which can be obtained with books alone.

(3) Groups provide an opportunity to share as well as receive additional knowledge.

(4) A group may provide avenues of service not available to the isolated individual.

(5) Each group has a shared energy that can be picked up by the individual.

(6) Groups generally figure out creative methods of entertaining themselves which adds value to the quality of the lives of individual members.

Of course the quality of the groups may vary immensely as well as their purpose. Many groups just want to study a subject together while others are actively engaged in some purpose. If the student can find a group that embraces a purpose that speaks to his soul then the opportunity is there not only for obtain personal benefit, but to provide avenues of useful service to others.

DK lists two benefits of a spiritual group:

(1) With those of like degree with whom he is associated in the work. Then their united relation enables them (as a result of their group unity) to be en rapport with levels of consciousness and of activities higher than their own. This is, therefore, a group relation, dependent upon the established inter-relation of group members.

(2) With those to whom he is related karmically; or by his own choice which may not be karmic at all but a newly instituted decision; or by the choice of others opening to him avenues of contacts which he, himself, working alone, would never have made but which are the result of the drawing power of the group soul. Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pages 183-184).

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Group Synthesis, Part 1

Nov 27, 2020
Group Synthesis

There has been some discussion in our group relating to several aspects of group work and purpose so I thought I would expand on a number of issues involved to assist in group syntheses and purpose.

There are a number of questions seekers have as they approach group work on a spiritual level. Here are a few.

(1) Should I join a group or work as an individual?
(2) What is the advantage to me in joining a group?
(3) There are many groups out there on almost every subject. How do I go about choosing one right for me? Aren’t most of them saying the same thing?
(4) Should I join just one group or several?
(5) How are the alternative spiritual groups different from religious or other groups?
(6) What if I join a group and discover flaws? What should I avoid or seek to correct?

Possible concerns:
(A) The cult leader
(B) Unearned authority
(C) The feeling of specialness.
(D) Erroneous teachings
(E) No purpose or a harmful purpose
(F) Too much attention on the personality

(7) How should my group work with other groups as far as goals, activities and teachings go?
(8) What are some of the qualities of the ideal group?

(1) Should I join a group or work as an individual?

Many spiritual students are not joiners or interested in any kind of merging, even marriage. Their reasons vary. Some think that they are complete within themselves and do not need anyone in their lives – outside of casual relationships that are pleasing to the personality. Others are just not joiners and prefer to search out truth as an individual.

Are these people missing out or can more progress be made on staying with the self and seeking within and without?

The answer is: “It depends.” The answer to most esoteric questions is rarely black or white, but depends on a number of items.

Whether or not to join a group can depend on a person’s stage of spiritual evolution as well as a life cycle that he may be experiencing.

We all go through various cycles. In one we may be more extrovert, active and group minded and in another we may feel more introverted, introspective and work in isolation.

Even one who is group minded may withdraw from group activity for a time during an introspective cycle.

Most seekers can tell which cycle they are in by gauging their feelings and asking: “Do I have a natural inclination to reach outward and be involved with others in accomplishing some worthy goal or do I feel like keeping to myself?

The second thing that determines group inclinations is the place upon the path. The further the seeker is upon the path of liberation the more he or she will be inclined to be involved in group work. Also the cycles will affect the advanced student differently than the beginner. The advanced student will have an interest in group work in and out of he various cycles. The difference will be that he will be more involved during the extrovert cycle and even create a group if he cannot find oe to his liking. During the inward cycle he will be more likely to still join a group but in a supporting role rather than lead it.

The beginning student is most likely to join a group during the extrovert cycle but may avoid them all together during the inward cycle.

Somewhere along the path the student must reach a point of enlightenment about the importance of group work in relation to spiritual evolution. Until he reaches this point he is likely to go with the common idea that we are in in need of no one and since the kingdom of God is within then all we need is there and no outreach to other souls is needed.

Yes, it is true that there are certain things the individual must accomplish on his own and often he must travel alone for a time due to some crucial decision. On the other hand, his power to achieve and advance are enhanced in many ways through merging with others. Even uniting with one or two others has great potency as noted by Jesus when he said:

“Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.” Matt 18:19-20

Basically the Master here tells us that reaching union with just one or two others can unleash unlimited power.

If two or three united have such potency then imagine what could happen with a perfect union of 12, 24 or even 144,000?

Achieving a perfect union with one other person is difficult enough. For proof just look at the statistics on the divorce rate and he number of unhappy people involved in marriages that do hold together.

Even so, the ideal is always there and, flashes into our minds now and then from our Higher Selves. Finally, the day comes in the progression of the struggling pilgrim where he catches a glimpse of the power of union and realizes the potential of group work. From that point on his resistance to group endeavor will evaporate and he will continue on the path until the one self merges with the many selves.

The glimpse the seeker has obtained is that of the fifth kingdom, the one higher than humanity which is the fourth. This fifth kingdom is the one wherein dwell the Masters of Wisdom and Compassion and is often referred to as the Kingdom of God.

Outside of the fact that the residents of this kingdom are more evolved than humanity what is the great demarcation that differentiates the two?

The answer is group consciousness.

In the human kingdom consciousness is focused on the individual and its needs, wants and desires. Those who have entered the fifth kingdom have done so by expanding their consciousness beyond the individual to the group. For them, the group is not many, but one and their consciousness tunes in to the body of the group as a whole as if it were one life. Thus their first inclination is always centered around what is good for the whole rather than the individual with the realization that, in the end, that which benefits the whole will also become the highest good for the individuals within it.

So in answer to the question posed we can say this. If the seeker wishes to enter the kingdom of God then, yes, sooner or later you must become involved in group activity. You cannot obtain group consciousness without a group.

To read Part 2, go HERE , Part 3 HEREPart 4 HERE, Part 5 HERE, Part 6 HERE, Part 7 HERE, Part 8 HERE, Part 9 HERE, Part 10 HERE, Part 11 HERE, Part 12 HERE, Part 13 HERE

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A Thankful Heart

A Thankful Heart

Since today is Thanksgiving in the U.S. I thought I would say a few words about this important topic.

One of the reasons thanksgiving is important is that it is a part of a principle, a corollary of giving and receiving or the basic interplay of male/female energy.

There are two types of giving. The first is constructive or edifying giving and the second is destructive or negative giving.

An example of constructive giving would be the helping of a person in need. An example of destructive giving could involve something like giving pain to another.

There is perhaps nothing more pathetic than a person who willingly receives constructive giving with pure intent, yet gives back no appreciation or thanks. You would think this would be a rare occurrence, yet unfortunately its name is legend.

The ability to be thankful is one of the attributes that is supposed to set humans above the animals.

A while back I started feeding nuts to squirrels in my back yard. They seemed happy to receive the nuts, but my reward for feeding them was certainly not thankfulness. Instead, my motivation was to help make their lives a little easier and watching the cute little fellas enjoy themselves. I tried feeding them out of my hand. At first they were afraid but got braver. Finally one came up and bit my hand causing me to drop the nut which he then confiscated. The little ingrate thought he had got away with something by obtaining the nut in this manner.

Now that I have fed them for a year or so, instead of feeling thankful they have a sense of entitlement. If I forget to feed them they come up to my window looking inside with contempt on their faces because I have not fed them yet. Sometimes one will throw his body on the window making a bang to remind me to do my job.

Because thankfulness is the exception and not the rule the true servant must not be motivated by appreciation from those whom he serves. Take a look at the greatest servants in history and you will see that many of them died having little appreciation from those who received and often members of the inner circle attempted to either steal the glory of the work or destroy the teacher or initiate.

When therefore a parent, a teacher, or servant receives appreciation for his labors from those whose consciousness has risen above the littler squirrels his heart indeed is warmed. I would imagine that even the highest of masters, or beings who rub shoulders with the Gods appreciate a thankful heart. Sure they can and will continue to serve and to help but even the Great Ones are enhanced in their sense of being by a simple thank you.

It is interesting that there is one school of thought who believes that the key principle in overcoming death is simple thankfulness. This feat is not that simple, yet one may rest assured that he will not receive the keys of life and death without having a thankful heart.

We live in a cycle where people would rather see themselves as victims seeking to sue at the drop of a hat taking revenge on those who offended them. Many who should be thankful seek to extract a pound of flesh from those who are simply seeking to serve and to help.

We all saw the recent rescue of coal miners in Pennsylvania. They seemed thankful for a short time for all the sacrifice of their brothers who worked might and day to save their lives. Afterwards the rescued miners received a bundle of money from a book and movie deal. Their fellow miners could handle that but what they could not handle was what happened when attorneys told the now wealthy rescued miners how they could make another bundle. If they sued their employer for all he was worth then they could obtain more money still. This temptation was more than they could resist and the last I heard they are proceeding with a lawsuit.

If the suit succeeds then the company will go under and all their fellow miners who rescued them will loose their jobs.

Imagine how these miners feel. They went to great sacrifice to save the trapped miners lives and soon after they are saved the now rich miners turn on their friends and may be responsible for the loss of their jobs.

What could have produced wonderful good will with a little extended appreciation has now caused the threatened miners to totally despise their previous friends.

The true disciple must always look for opportunities to give thanks, to rise above victimhood. Giving thanks is a means to take control of your destiny, to create positive currents that will cause the wind to be at your back making life for yourself and others easier and sweeter.

I feel very grateful myself at this time in my life. I am thankful to my wife for her unwavering support and the sacrifices she makes. I am thankful to all of you in the group for being here, willing to listen and consider the teachings given out. I am especially thankful to all of you who have helped or assisted me, whether your effort was great or small. We are not many, but the quality of this group is certainly a thing to be appreciated.

I don’t want to bore you with a long list but I am thankful beyond words for the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of truth which rests upon me and opens my eyes in a small way allowing me to shed forth some light to open the eyes of others to some important principles.

Thank you for being my friends.


Nov 28, 2002

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Predictions and Planet X

Predictions and Planet X

A reader asks again about planet X. This subject came up June of 2002 when a prediction was going around the internet that it would cause disaster on the earth in March of 2003.

Below are some comments I made in 2002 which are still pertinent today (written Feb 2003).

Comment from 6/4/2002 The excitement around Planet X (called Nibiru) centers around the writings of Zecharia Sitchin. Now the interesting thing is that the prediction of the appearance of Planet X around Spring of 2003 is not made or supported by Sitchin. He thinks the planet will show up someday, but not sure when.

The person making the prophecy is Mark Hazelwood who claims that Planet X is a brown dwarf that will visit is about a year from his announcement.

We do not need soul contact to be assured this will not happen.


Because a brown dwarf is much larger than Jupiter, up to 48 times as large, and is likely to still be emitting light of its own. Anything this large would be visible to the naked eye for about five years before its approach to the earth.

The prediction is that Planet X will arrive in Spring of 2003, less than a year from now (June 2002). At the fastest possible orbiting speed from an elongated orbit this planet would now have to be closer than Jupiter to have a chance of getting here within a year.

If then Planet X were within the obit of Jupiter it would be the brightest object in the night sky, over 20 times brighter than Venus the brightest object in the Sky, next to the moon. If it was a brown dwarf with residual light of its own, it could be a bright as the moon.

Because we look up in the sky and see no such object, then the only conclusion is that there is no brown dwarf within harm’s way for years to come.

Some have seen the discovery of new asteroids as evidence of Planet X, but Planet X has been described as something much larger than an Asteroid. Asteroid 2000WR106 was thought by some to be evidence of Planet X, but this was only about 10% the mass of Pluto and since it is about 4 billion miles from us, it poses no more threat than any other orb in our solar system.

I believe that Emmanuel Velikovsky is much closer to the truth than Sitchin. He shows evidence that planets have shifted out of their orbits and have visited the earth in the past. Such is a correspondent of planetary sex which gives birth to a new life form of some kind on the earth. The creation of the Molecular Relationship (a new life form) has the potential to invoke a planetary visit.

The thing to keep in mind is that such an event just does not happen at random with no purpose other than to destroy. A true planetary visit is part of the creation process in the universe which enhances life while destroying the obstacles to life.

Comment from: 7/25/02 I notice that the dialog around planet X is starting to shift around the internet. Some are beginning to realize and teach that if it is going to be here by March of 2003 then it should be within the orbit of Jupiter and be brighter than Venus in the sky. Others are starting to realize that it is highly unlikely that astronomers would be involved in a conspiracy of silence (about observing Planet X) when most of them are very eager to share any new discover, no matter what it is.

I don’t know if my statement on this was picked up or if others are coming to the same conclusions I did.

It does appear that a number of believers are starting to distance themselves from the prophecy.

There is a greater danger that the current asteroid in discussion could hit us and there is little chance of that. I’m sure it will not be long before they announce that it will miss us by a safe margin.

Reader comment: Here is a quote from D.K. which indicates that the divine aspect of man knows all things:

“The Higher Self on its own plane, is not trammeled by time and space, and (knowing the future as well as that which is past) seeks to bring the desired end nearer and make it more rapidly a fact.” Letters on Occult Meditation, Pg 33

There are two clues to examine to see what is meant by this statement.

First the statement “to bring the desired end nearer and make it more rapidly a fact.”

If a thing seen in the future can materialize “rapidly” or slowly then this tells us that the future, as seen when higher consciousness is contacted, represents various ends or creations that is within the will of God. Obviously, if the time factor is in question then the details subject to free will is not seen.

The second clue is found by examining the predictions of DK and other prophets and Masters. DK made a number of predictions and some of them were right on the mark, such as atomic energy, but others were quite off the mark.

For instance, he taught that after 1975 the esoteric teachings will be given out world wide through the radio. The teachings will be given out but everything is behind schedule. The end was seen, but the details related to time and free will were not seen.

Here is another one: “Volcanic action therefore may be looked for, demonstrating in unexpected localities, as well as within the sphere of the present earthquake and volcanic zones. Serious disturbance may be looked for in California before the end of the century, and in Alaska likewise.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 907

The end of the century has passed and no significant volcano activity happened in either California or Alaska. It probably will happen, but he was off on the time factor.

When he talks about the return of Christ he tells us that the event is a sure thing but clearly tells us that when he comes depends on certain preparations and the choices of humanity.

If we accept the writings of DK we must accept the fact that even the Masters who tune in to omniscience cannot see all the details between certain sure events.

Here is an interesting quote in alignment with what I have been saying:

“The Path leading to omniscience is one of pitfalls and of difficulties. Has it ever struck you what complexities the Great Ones face as They deal with a constantly changing humanity? Principles remain eternally the same. But techniques and methods of presentation alter with each cycle, because the receiving equipment of man steadily alters and improves.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Page 347

As far as Planet X is concerned. I think unusual sun activity has been a concern by the doomsayers since I can remember. I see nothing in the current data that makes me any more concerned than I was last June.

Here’s what I suggest you do.

Quiet yourself down and tune into your soul through meditation or prayer. Then ask if you need be concerned, in the near future, of any threat from outer space.

Next ask if there is anything you need to be concerned about from the madness of certain people and groups on our own planet.

See which one registers the strongest with you.

I think most of us already inwardly know the answer.

Feb 27, 2003

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Effective Fasting

Effective Fasting

Question: Can one add other juices to the fast and veggy juice like in V8? What about tomato juice and grapefruit juice can they be added?

Answer: V8 juices have way too much salt to use during a fast and this type of juice is too heavy.

On my last fast I experimented by using an organic brand of bottled vegetable juice and it created problems so I will not try that again. If you drink any vegetable juice do it just before you break the fast. You can drink some fresh carrot or celery juice just as you are beginning or ending the fast. The best thing besides water is fresh squeezed lemons in purified water with honey and cayenne pepper added to taste. Fresh squeezed orange juice can also be beneficial.

Question: I am very thin as it is; will the fast make me lose too much weight on a 3 day fast?

Answer: You certainly will not gain weight during the fast, but if people are too thin they will often gain a desirable weight after fasting.

Question: I am on a lot of medication you said I should try to get off of. So I won’t be able to take my medications then on a fast?

Answer: Medications will have a more powerful effect during a fast and may be overpowering. You need to get off your medications before you go on a long fast. You will need the assistance of a local health practitioner – a chiropractor or Naturopath. Call several in your area to see if they can give guidance in fasting.

I wouldn’t fast more than one day out of a week until the medications are reduced. If you can get rid of medication then you can go a week without danger if you follow instructions in a fasting book.

Question: Can I take my mineral or vitamins on a fast?

Answer: The less intake you have (outside of water) the better

Question: Is miracle healing possible?

Answer: The spiritual flow that goes through us can heal any disease, but disease is caused by our resistance to the flow. A miracle can happen when we learn the lesson the disease is trying to teach us and the blockage to the life energy is removed.

Question: First of all, we both drink coffee daily. I know that if I just stop cold turkey, I will experience severe headaches from caffeine withdrawal. I’m just not sure how to handle it. When I mentioned it to my husband, he said he plans to continue to drink coffee in the mornings during the fast. I’m not sure, but will this negate the benefits of the fast, as far as cleansing the body?

Answer: I drink coffee and I always do without it during a fast without negative effects, but when my wife first started fasting she felt very weak when she did without it.

If you haven’t fasted for a while you will usually have a headache from residual poisons and drugs, but it will usually go away by the second day.

My suggestion is to try and do without coffee during the fast, but if it feels that you need it drink some, but a reduced amount.

After you have gone on several fasts you should be able to go without coffee during the fast.

Question: Also, we have been exercising and walking for about an hour each morning M-F since the first of the year. Should we continue to exercise through the fast?

Answer: Yes, continue to exercise during the fast unless you feel very weak. Exercise will help to release the poisons.

Question: I also suffer from hypoglycemia, but have done the Master Cleanser fast with the water, lemon juice and cayenne pepper in the past with good results. I was reading in the archives where you suggested adding bee pollen or Spirulina to the fast if you are hypoglycemic. Do you still recommend this?

Answer: Some hypoglycemics can fast and others have to go on a modified fast so the can keep their blood sugar up. You’ll just have to experiment to see what your body tells you as you try different fasting techniques.

Water, lemon juice and cayenne pepper are as good as you can get for fasting ingredients, so if this worked in the past it would be a good idea to keep using them.

Feb 26, 2003

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Decision and Foreknowledge

Decision and Foreknowledge

A reader pointed out that there have been numerous true predictions. That many true predictions can be made is not part of the argument on foreknowledge. A million true predictions can be cited and still not prove the point. And what point is that?

That there is no life in the universe, not even God, who knows every detail that will unfold in the future. The big picture may be seen, but not the details.

If there be even one failed prophesy given from God then my point is proven.

A reader pointed out that the Bible is not translated perfectly, but you would have to say the whole story of Jonah is a fabrication to disprove my point.

I only took one example from the Bible and all the rest are from Mormon scriptures which I assume LDS readers believe. Two of them were said to be Christ himself speaking and making predictions which did not come true.

No one explained why, if God knows everything in the future, that these prophesies did not come true.

I was admonished to let not tainted scriptures be my authority (which they are not) and then the reader turned around and used them on me as if they were infallible. Seems odd.

When debating with another I use what I consider to be their authority.

I might add here that even with several failed predictions that Joseph Smith is still one of the most accurate prophets of all time for he made many fairly stunning ones that did materialize.

The question is – why would one believe that God knows every detail of the future – or even more importantly – why would he want to know? If I do not want to know something I will not find it out and will not know it. Why then would, a superior being want to clutter up his mind with details that would even bore inferior beings such as ourselves?

If God knows everything in the future and can reveal it to a spokesman then why has every spokesman that claims to be for God (of which we have a detailed record) made inaccurate prophesies?

One has accused me of dishonesty in approach, but I have never in my life used dishonesty to save face and do not plan to. Every post I have ever made to this group has been with as much honesty as is in my power to give. Why would any judge me otherwise?

A reader speaks of authority. My only authority is the Holy Spirit and it does indeed witness to me that these principles I teach on foreknowledge is true.

Using the logic of the mind I will present another point.

If God knows everything in detail that will ever happen this means that neither God or humanity have free will. To have free will one must make decisions. To make a decision one must be faced with two paths, or choices. To be faced with such a choice one has to NOT KNOW which path he will take until the decision is made.

God can only make a decision when he encounters a point in the future that he does not know.

Without some uncertainty there is no decision, no free will and hence no life or reason to live or even exist.

Question; How is exploring the question of the foreknowledge of God going to benefit or change one’s life either spiritually or materially?

Some truths and mysteries are more interesting than others. Some find this subject very interesting and some do not, just like any other topic.

The question you ask, however, is one that is often asked inside the orthodox churches and is used as an anchor to keep the flock happy with what they have rather than seeking higher knowledge.

Some I have heard go something like this:

“I don’t need to know what the meaning of this scripture is for it does not effect my salvation.”

“I don’t need to explore reincarnation because I have faith in the plan of God whatever it is.”

“I don’t need technology because the Bible doesn’t endorse it.”

“I don’t need to know what happens after death because I have faith I am going to live with God.”

“Do not delve into the mysteries because they can lead you astray.”

Believers come up with all types of excuses to not explore higher knowledge thinking it will serve no use, but does it.

Joseph Smith made an interesting statement: “A man is saved no faster than he gains knowledge.” And “Man cannot be saved in ignorance.”

True enlightenment consists in seeing one or more of the pictures that make up the Great Plan. Each picture is like a jigsaw puzzle with many pieces. Each truth is a piece. Some pieces do not look important until it is linked up to other pieces and then just one insignificant piece can reveal the whole picture or at least an important part.

The principle behind the knowledge of God is an important truth that will reveal much light when joined with other pieces of knowledge.

I personally have found this knowledge delicious to the taste and a door that has brought in much light to my mind that has increased my power of vision in all areas of seeing.

Every truth, no matter how insignificant or mundane, is an important piece of the great puzzle, just as every soul is an important part of the Life of God.

Comment: I am not saying this knowledge is not relevant. I just don’t know WHY you think it is relevant enough to debate over it, and I am simply asking WHY. This is an interesting exercise to ask a question to this group and see how long it takes to actually get an answer.

Your exact question was “how is knowing this answer (about God’s foreknowledge) going to benefit or change one’s life either spiritually or materially?”

In my last post I attempted to answer this for you. Now you are asking a different question which is:

“I just don’t know WHY you think it is relevant enough to debate over it, and I am simply asking WHY.”

The answer: What makes a subject relevant is if it is interesting to the members of the group. I think many find this an interesting subject. In fact it is probably one of the few interesting topics that is discussed in orthodox religion.

Here is an interesting quote:

“Everybody puts into his words the “content of reality” he is able to grasp on his level, in his circumstances and opportunities to have experiences. All too often people talk at cross purposes, and misunderstandings are inevitable. This appears best when you hear people reporting what others have said. They turn it into something different from what the original speaker meant. When something you have said is reported back to you, you will not recognize it and you may honestly assert that you have not said it. It is another matter that many people do not know what they have said, do not mean what they are saying, and then are indignant when it is reported back to them. It is frequently seen that people say one thing, mean another” Henry Laurency

Question: Hey is this guy talking about the Bible?

This quote is from Henry Laurency and he does not seem to be talking about the Bible. A reader turned me on to him a while back and I have been reading him and using some of his material and quoting him some. He was a student of DK and some say he had contact with the Hierarchy.

He has some good insights, but still a long way to go to match DK.

Feb 23, 2003

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Predestination, Part 2

Predestination, Part 2

Reader Comment: “I’ll turn the challenge around and ask: What scriptures do YOU have that indicate God could NOT find out the future, on a detailed level, should he choose to do so.”

You guys ought to know by now that I am always up to a good challenge.

Let us start with the book of Jonah from the Bible.

“And the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the second time, saying, Arise, go unto Nineveh, that great city, and preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee. So Jonah arose, and went unto Nineveh, according to the word of the LORD. Now Nineveh was an exceeding great city of three days’ journey. And Jonah began to enter into the city a day’s journey, and he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown. Jonah 3:1-4

First it is important to note verse one where God tells Jonah to “preach unto it the preaching that I bid thee.” This is important. Otherwise we could just assume that Jonah was teaching by the seat of his fallible pants.

And what was it that Jonah taught that was given to him from God?

It was this point blank prediction:

“Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown.”

Notice that Jonah offered the people no way out. He did not say repent or be destroyed. Instead he just told them they would be destroyed.

And how did the people respond?

It is written: “So the people of Nineveh believed God, and proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them even to the least of them.” Jonah 3:5

Jonah must have made it clear he was speaking the words of God for the scripture says: “So the people of Nineveh believed God…”

So what was the results of this prediction? The results were that the people repented, touched God’s heart, and he DECIDED to not destroy them.

In deciding this God revealed that even he did not expect Nineveh to repent; otherwise he would have not spoken of a definite destruction with no alternative.

Jonah also did not expect Nineveh to repent for it was indeed an evil place that sacrificed children and strangers to their Gods. He was angry that Nineveh was not destroyed.

Now let us go to the Mormon scriptures:

“A revelation of Jesus Christ unto his servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and six elders, as they united their hearts and lifted their voices on high. Yea, the word of the Lord concerning his church, established in the last days for the restoration of his people, as he has spoken by the mouth of his prophets, and for the gathering of his saints to stand upon Mount Zion, which shall be the city of New Jerusalem. Which city shall be built, beginning at the temple lot, which is appointed by the finger of the Lord, in the western boundaries of the State of Missouri, and dedicated by the hand of Joseph Smith, Jun., and others with whom the Lord was well pleased. Verily this is the word of the Lord, that the city New Jerusalem shall be built by the gathering of the saints, beginning at this place, even the place of the temple, WHICH TEMPLE SHALL BE REARED IN THIS GENERATION.

“For verily THIS GENERATION SHALL NOT ALL PASS AWAY UNTIL AN HOUSE SHALL BE BUILT UNTO THE LORD, AND A CLOUD SHALL REST UPON IT, which cloud shall be even the glory of the Lord, which shall fill the house.” D&C 84:1-5

“Therefore, as I said concerning the sons of Moses–for the sons of Moses and also the sons of Aaron shall offer an acceptable offering and sacrifice in the house of the Lord, WHICH HOUSE SHALL BE BUILT UNTO THE LORD IN THIS GENERATION, UPON THE CONSECRATED SPOT AS I HAVE APPOINTED-“ D&C 84:31

This was clearly stated to be a revelation of Jesus Christ that a temple was to be built in Jackson County Missouri within the generation that was living in 1832. That generation is long gone and no temple stands on the designated spot. Ironically the LDS church does not even own the land where the temple was prophesied to be built.

What does this tell the LDS reader? If indeed the revelation came from Christ then even he does not see all the future correctly because of the free will of man.

If Joseph had followed his last revelation and went west and not gotten killed then the temple could have been built in that generation but because of a mistake, made by his unpredictable free will, the prophesy was not fulfilled.

Here is another prophesy that indicates that God expected him to live and fulfill a different destiny than he did: “The ends of the earth shall inquire after thy name, and fools shall have thee in derision…But for a small moment and thy voice shall be more terrible in the midst of thine enemies than the fierce lion,” D&C 122:1&4

A small moment came and went yet he never became “more terrible in the midst of thine enemies than the fierce lion.”

Here are some more early Mormon predictions made in the 1830’s that were not fulfilled: (Note DHC stands for Documentary History of the Church)

Lyman E. Johnson was promised that “He shall see the Savior come and stand upon the earth with power and great glory.” DHC Vol 2; pg 188

Heber C. Kimball was promised that “He may stand unto the coming of our Lord, and receive a crown in the Kingdom of our God; that he be made acquainted with the day when Christ shall come; that he shall be made perfect in faith; and that the deaf shall hear, the lame shall walk, the blind shall see, and greater things than these shall he do.” DHC Vol. 2; pg. 189.

Orson Hyde was promised “That he may stand upon the earth and bring souls till Christ comes. We know that he loves thee O, Lord and may this Thy servant be able to walk through pestilence and not be harmed; and the powers of darkness have no ascendancy over him; may he have the power to smite the earth with pestilence, to divide the waters, and lead through the Saints; may he go from land to land and from sea to sea, and may he be like one of the three Nephites.” DHC Vol. 2 pg. 190.

David W. Patten was blessed “That he may go to the Nations and isles afar off.” DHC Vol. 2; Pg. 190. Actually, he was shot in Missouri before he could fulfill that blessing. Also None of the above lived to see the Savior come in his glory for that day has not yet arrived and all the original twelve are now in their graves. Orson Hyde was never like one of the three Nephites and he never divided the waters.

William Smith was also blessed that “He shall be preserved and REMAIN on the earth until Christ shall come to take vengeance on the wicked.” DHC Vol. 2; pg. 191.

John F. Boynton was blessed thusly: “Thou shalt stand in that day of calamity when the wicked shall be consumed, and present unto thy father, spotless, the fruits of thy labor. Thou shalt overcome all the evils that are in the world.” DHC Vol. 2; pg. 191.

Parley P. Pratt was promised: “You shall see a NATION born in a day.” DHC Vol. 2; pg. 193. Parley, of course died without seeing any such nation.

What does all this tell us?

If we examine any scripture of any people, any prophesies of any sensitives, inspired men or prophets, we will find that some predictions came true and others did not.

The exact details of the future is difficult to predict because they are impossible to predict.

And why is this?

Because the very principle of decision itself can only exist when uncertainty lies before us. Many of us do not like uncertainty so we prefer to believe in a God that has everything mapped out to the last detail.

I revel in uncertainty because it makes the future exciting, achievement rewarding and life worthwhile.

Uncertainty and the gift of decision gives me incentive to mold my destiny in the direction that the bird of joy takes me.

Feb 20, 2003

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Predestination, Part 1

Predestination, Part 1

A reader takes issue with my comment that God does not know all things and believes that scripture says otherwise.

I would challenge readers to give me even one scripture that tells us that God knows every detail that will happen in the future.

There is none.

Such a belief is founded upon the “tradition of the Fathers.”

Concerning your thoughts that there is no free will… I find that kind of a depressing belief, similar to a belief that there is no afterlife.


I threw out the challenge that there is nothing in the scriptures to indicate that God knows all things that will happen in the future. Of course, many of the higher lives understand the principle of cycles and have some knowledge of the Plan. They can therefore see through the eyes of God and see certain definite events that will unfold, but all the details in between the various stages are not seen nor does anyone even want to see them.

Why would God, a million years ago, even want to know which number it is I am now picking which is between one and a hundred? If for no other reason, God does not know every future event because it would bore him to death to discover all the useless data.

I read through the list of scriptures given and none of them indicate that God knows all future events. A reader points out that Jesus knew that Judas would betray him. That is only one thing, not billions of things. He also points out that God knew us before we were born. All of us have lived many incarnations and all of us knew quite a few things before our current birth, even some future things, but that does not mean we know all things.

In truth many things attributed to God originated from fear. Fear of what?

Fear of offending God.

If the choice is between stating that God knows all things that can ever be or he does not know the believer will play it safe and state that God knows all things. If one errors it’s better to error on the side of praise. This is the way subjects behave around a tyrant. If the choice comes between giving the one with power over life and death a positive attribute or not the subject will always tell the tyrant he is as great and good as possible just to play it safe.

Now lets us examine the subject using the Law of Correspondences. We are made in the image of God. In other words, we are reflections of God. Just as the physical body of God is the universe (“the elements are the tabernacle of God”) even so, is our physical body a universe that we preside over.

As a God over our universe do we know all things happening or that will happen in our body? Are we aware of what every single atom is doing?


Do we want to be?


Could we be if we desired?

Yes. If you wanted to single out one atom and discover it this could be done once the principle is mastered.

The point is that we tune into our body as a whole and use the body as a whole. The smaller parts of the body are taken care of by lesser Intelligences that circulate within it and build and renew form.

Another point.

If it were possible that God were to know everything that will materialize through our decisions, or every decision that we will ever make, then that reduces us to no more than walking computers that are programmed to perform as expected. Why in the world would God give commandments to a computer program when he wrote the program? Why would he be angry that the computer program does not obey when he already knew this would happen? God should be happy at our disobedience if that was foreknown because all is going according to plan.

Why would God even want to continue to exist when there is nothing new to discover or to know?

Many are afraid to consider these thoughts because of the fear of offending God, but in truth the only way to get the attention of the Great Ones is to overcome the fear and question everything – even the orthodox attributes and descriptions of God.

I threw out a challenge to show me in the scriptures any evidence that God knows all things that will happen in the future.

This is an interesting challenge because almost every church of every religion teaches that God knows every possible thing. But if the doctrine is not in their scriptures the question arises – where did this philosophy come from? The answer is obvious. Some well meaning teacher conjured up the idea and it caught on and became a traditional belief – one of those many beliefs believers think is in the scriptures but is not.

A reader says these LDS scriptures contradict me.

D&C 93:24 And truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come; D&C 93:28 He that keepeth his commandments receiveth truth and light, until he is glorified in truth and knoweth all things. D&C 93:26 The Spirit of truth is of God. I (Christ) am the Spirit of truth, and John bore record of me, saying: He received a fulness of truth, yea, even of all truth.

Notice the key scripture here in verse 28 refers to disciples and not God. Exactly what does it mean when it says that a disciple can know all things? Does this mean every little detail that will ever be? Does this mean that he will have an infallible knowledge of the future? Obviously not, for if it did then there should be some example for us and there is none. In fact there has not been one person on the earth who has been able to demonstrate the simple gift of prophesy of detail to the extent of predicting winning lottery numbers. Think of all the good a person could do with the money if one could see future lottery numbers, winning horse races or roulette wheel winning numbers. Or, if he doesn’t want to gamble he could pick winning stocks, make lots of money and give it to the poor or some other good cause.

Even better such a person could warn us of something like 911 or even smaller catastrophes such as the fire that killed a hundred people recently.

I submit that “knowing all things” refers to the principles behind knowledge rather than data itself.

A principle is true yesterday, today and forever, but knowledge (as data) changes by the hour (the temperature for example). The language of the Holy Spirit is composed of principles, not data. To know all things in the language of the spirit is to know all principles.

Reader comment: First, just because you, or I, or God may know for virtual certainty the outcome of an event, does NOT mean the person or persons involved do not have their agency (freedom to choose). Put another way, it does NOT mean they are “reduced to no more than walking computers.”

JJ: Let me rephrase that. “Just because you, or I, or God may correctly guess the outcome of an event, does NOT mean the person or persons involved do not have their agency (freedom to choose).”

If you are predicting an outcome where decision is involved then you are making a guess. There are many future events where the decision has already been made. For instance, there is no decision to be made as to whether or not I will get out of bed in the morning. It is predictable that I will arise because the decision to do so is programmed in me.

On the other hand, if I pick a number between one and 100 I have to make a decision as to which number I am going to pick. The number will be different each time and no one can predict it.

Reader Comment: Many a time have I known exactly the course some of my children would take, in certain situations. That knowledge (however obtained) did not keep them from making their own decisions.

JJ I would guess that in most cases you knew what they would do because their actions were founded on decisions already incorporated into their make-up. But how about something that is not dependent on past tendencies – like picking a number between one and 100? No matter how well you know your kid you will not be able to predict this much better than one time out of a hundred.

The only way a parent could know everything his kid will choose is to have all decisions programmed in him in advance like a computer program. If all decisions are pre-programmed then there could be no free will.

“But” says one. “If God or I did know everything you would do in advance – that would not take away your free will.”

If this were possible then you are correct, but such a knowing is not possible. In fact no one has even come close to demonstrating that it is possible.

Why is the predicting of future decision with 100% accuracy impossible?

Because of the nature of decision itself. In making a decision you have at least two choices before you and even you often do not know what the choice will be. If you already know what the choice will be then there is no decision to be made. A decision is only possible when there is an uncertainty. For instance, I do not have to make a decision about getting up in the morning because there is no uncertainly around the action. On the other hand, I do have to decide some of the things I will do tomorrow because at the present time I do not know all I will do.

If I, living in my own consciousness, do not know if I will decide to go to the movies tomorrow then how will you know? If I do not know which number between one and a hundred I will pick the next time I am called to do so then how will you or God know? If I do not have a clue as to how many steps I will walk tomorrow then how can anyone else know – or for that matter who would want to know? If God even wants to clutter his mind with some of these details he is a strange God indeed – a nerd God perhaps?

As long as we as humans have a sphere of decision making then there are always details that cannot be known in advance because of the principle of uncertainty which underlies all decision.

On the other hand, if you or God make a definite decision as to the materialization of a future creation, which is within your power, then that future thing can be predicted. But even here the details in between which is worked out by decision based on uncertainty is not predicable.

Feb 18, 2003

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Practical Healing II

Practical Healing II

I asked our friend with health problems some questions in order to better assist him.

I asked: Do you feel you suppress?

Yes I suppress a lot. Are you an optimist or pessimist? a little bit of both.

Comment I’ve just received your handwriting sample so I can now comment on these answers a little more intelligently.

Suppression is either a cause or a contributing factor to many health problems. You might be surprised to know that your handwriting shows that you do not have a high degree of suppression and this has little to do with the problem. Actually most people who do suppress are so successful at it that they will not admit it to themselves and only intense reflection can reveal the denied or suppressed emotions. The fact that you readily admit to suppressing is an indication that the problem is not that bad with you.

The question you might ask is why do you think you suppress a lot when your handwriting indicates that you do not?

The answer is that you feel that you have many emotions that are not correctly communicated, expressed or understood. But the reason for these unexpressed feelings is not suppression for you allow yourself to feel them and are willing to express them if the conditions are right or if it seems that someone really cared. What causes the feeling of unexpressed emotions is the great weight you feel upon you as well as a sense of dread. This causes you think and feel things that you are not able to share with many people.

You are in a vicious cycle right now. Your ill health intensifies your emotional downs and your emotional downs effects your health.

When you are feeling well you are talkative and expressive, but I would guess your ill health has affected your personality.

You say you are a combination of a pessimist and optimist, but right now you are a pessimist trying to be optimistic. This is a difficult thing to do.

Now let us look at the other questions: Outside of your health is your life a happy one?

Answer: Sort of.

Question: Do you worry about money?

Answer; Yes

Question: Do you have stressful relationships?

Answer: Not in a relationship at this time.

Comment: The answer “sort of” tells me that there are a number of problems to solve to achieve the happiness you want. Added to this the fact that you worry about money adds significant stress. I would guess that your medical expenses do not help the matter. At least you don’t have a spouse driving you crazy, but friends and family can do a pretty good job in that area sometimes.

There are two things that need to be done.

(1) Do everything on the physical side to improve your condition. Wisely get off your prescriptions drugs with the help of professional advice as I suggested earlier.

One thing you seem to be doing right is taking a product which supplies you with many vitamins and minerals easy to absorb. I have not heard of Body Balance before. It seems to be similar to be a good supplement.

How long have you been taking it and have there been any positive results?

If you still have gallstones I can give you a formula that cured my wife of hers within a week.

Let me emphasize that you look into fasting. Buy a book on the subject and read it as well as my writings.

Another thing I would advise is to take a good calcium supplement in either liquid or powdered form. Most of the calcium from milk is not absorbed.

(2) You need to develop a more cheerful and optimistic spirit.

Say this phrase regularly to yourself for the next month.

“God has raised my vision from the dread of earth to the joy of heaven. I see heaven and feel unspeakable joy.”

If you can indeed raise your downward cast eyes to the soul this will increase the spiritual energy flow through your body and do wonders for your health. This must be accomplished before miraculous healings can occur.

As you suspect, guilt may play a strong factor. You might want to go the archives and type in the word “guilt” and see what I have said about it. The Course in Miracles is a good course to help overcome this problem. One important thing is to find a friend and share with him or her the things that cause the guilt. This will give some temporary help. Guilt is permanently overcome when you release yourself from outward authorities which take the place of the inner God.

Good luck.

Feb 8, 2003,

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