Appreciating the Rainbow

Appreciating the Rainbow

There is a teaching in circulation that cause and effect is an illusion from which we need to escape, but without cause and effect what do we have? Nothingness. Not much to get excited about or look forward to.

In almost every post readers tell us of something that brings joy into their lives and the interesting thing is that all these things are related to cause and effect. I’ve never heard anyone on or off this group ever tell me something like this:

“I’ve had a great time today in the void of nothingness.”

In fact such a statement would be an oxymoron because there is no time or consciousness in the void.

A reader mentions that she:

(1) Had a great time in chat rooms

(2) Enjoys her dream state

(3) Saw a magnificent rainbow

These are all enjoyments from cause and effect.

I would say this. That if all of this reader’s enjoyments, as well as the rest of us, come from cause and effect that we are much too identified with duality to even consider any immediate departure.

Any release from cause and effect is pure theory that has never been demonstrated much less explained in any reasonable way.

If it were possible to escape cause and effect for even a moment you would disappear body mind and soul from this reality and the world would be as if you had never existed. I’m not sure about the rest of you but this path has no interest for me.

I suggest that we keep in touch with the reality of cause and effect to the extent that we can at least appreciate a rainbow.


I want to introduce you to one of the most mysterious teachings of them all. This is about Harry the causeless computer bug. He is one bug but is in every single computer. He is in my computer, your computer and Alonzo’s laptop in a mountain villa in Italy.

But Harry is a strange little bug, much different from other computer bugs that annoy us and cause our computers to crash and go crazy on us. Harry creates no cause and produces no effects. Thus Harry lives in all computers in a state of no-thing-ness and does nothing. He is not even Being because being creates a state of peace. He is not at peace nor is he in turbulence. He just is – in a state between cause and effect influenced by neither of them.

You would probably never know about Harry if I did not tell you because Harry occupies no space and does not live in time and only does one thing for all eternity.


That is all he can do because to do anything would be to create cause and effect and Harry has committed himself to do neither.

I am Harry’s representative and as such I wish to promote Harry’s lifestyle and urge you to join with him.

Here is what you do. Hold on to your computer and say OM-HARRY three times and concentrate on blending with Harry. If you are successful you will disappear from this illusionary world and become nothing with Harry.

I have already taught this to one other person who successfully made the change and that was Phil, the founder of this group. But as soon as Phil became nothing with Harry he became causeless and then it became as if he never was or that he never created the group at all. Now it appears that Rick initiated the group.

Now I am curious what would happen if Rick became causeless. Maybe Glenys would be the group initiator, or maybe there would be no Keys of knowledge discussion group.

Whatever the case if you are tired of seeing sunsets and rainbows… If you are tired of the sun at day and the stars at night… If you are tired of smelling flowers in spring and the breeze of the sea air at night… If you are tired of seeking happiness and joy through love and service – your troubles are now over. Just say OM-HARRY three times as you cling to your computer and you will cease to be – cease to have cause or effect and will become nothing with Harry.

Do I hear a question?

Yes. “How can you know that Harry really exists and that you can be one with him?

That’s kind of hard to answer because if Harry exists he will create cause so technically Harry does not exist therefore I cannot prove to you that he exists or demonstrate to you what it would be like to be one with him. The big advantage of being one with Harry is that you get to escape all the responsibilities of Becoming. No longer will you have to make any Decision or have any goal again for all eternity.

Does this not sound glorious my friends? Who will be the next to join Harry?


Members are certainly far from being causeless here to bring up this old subject of oneness and cause and effect again. Perhaps it has been too peaceful for some here lately for old timers all know that this subject does always cause heated discussion as has it has numerous times in the past.

A reader maintains that the body blinks in and out of existence 14 times a second. I do not know where this idea came from, but I am sure that no real scientist believes this and I am quite sure that he cannot produce any evidence of this concept.

A regular camera has a shutter speed of one one thousandths of a second and some high speed ones go up to 1/10,000’s of a second and still the solid form is photographed. Never, not once in millions of photographs has this void you speak of been photographed.

If there is any blinking at all it would be less than a trillionth of a second, much less. And even if there is blinking this does not eliminate cause and effect. The blinking itself would be an effect of some cause.

It is true that matter is mostly empty space and what appears to be not empty is composed of wavelengths. But the wavelengths that create all form are the effect of some cause.

Spirit is merely matter of a higher vibration and matter is Spirit at low vibration. Both are subject to cause and effect. Spirit causes impregnation of matter and effects life.

I agree that cause and effect is eternal. There never was a time when they did not exist. It is said by many that God is a first cause, but the truth may be the other way around. God may be an effect of the eternal interplay of cause and effect.

Einstein’s special theory of relativity does not negate cause and effect. Let us suppose Einstein’s theory is correct (I believe we will make corrections to it when we develop interstellar flight).

If we approach the speed of light we merely introduce a new cause that creates a new effect on time. Cause and effect are not negated, but used.

There is a challenge I made in that previous post she quoted which reads:

“I can show you billions of examples of karma (cause and effect). But can you show me even one example of anything that is real that creates no cause and effect? It takes a tremendous leap of faith to believe so strongly in that for which no example can be given. Why would someone believe in a place (Harry) beyond cause and effect if such a place cannot be demonstrated internally or externally??? You can in deep meditation attempt to withdraw into perfect stillness, but even this meditation (cause) has the effect of peace or stillness of thought.

I issued this challenge some time ago and no one has taken me up on it. Many come forth claiming that there are things that transcend cause and effect, yet can offer no example or teach the rest of us retards how to attain this place or witness.

If one is to teach about Harry he should be prepared to show us Harry, or at least a method of proving Harry to ourselves.

This teaching of transcending cause reminds me of the Church’s teaching of an Unknown God beyond our understanding causing its members to cease thinking and just blindly follow.

April 4, 2000

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Wavelengths, Dreams and More

Wavelengths, Dreams and More

Anni asked some questions for a lecture series she is participating in so I thought I would share her answers here.

Anni: 1. Chapter 1 (page 1 when printed) you write: “In order for the ONE to manifest, It had to become the MANY. To manifest, the ONE Decision reflected Itself from the Prime Cause. Because the Prime Cause is infinite, the reflection was infinite; and infinite points of Decision filled and created all space….”

Later in the same chapter – right before the picture of the circular ball (page 5 when printed) you say: “In actuality, before the first wavelength there was no space or time for space and time are created out of the wavelengths. Because there was no space or time there was no direction. Therefore, the first wavelength had to go all directions at once through all the infinite reflections: up, down, front, back and sideways….”

My question: But did not the reflections CREATE space as you said first? Or is it because “time” has not been created yet that this seems contradictory?

JJ: First I have a correction on my wording. Where the word “infinite” is used it should be worded “unlimited,” to be technically correct.

When the unlimited reflection occurred innumerable points of creation were mapped out in the imagination of God (for want of a better word) and these points began to vibrate together creating the first great wavelength which was one wavelength composed of innumerable points. – thus the one life and the many.

The higher planes still have points of life in a type of vibration but because of the oneness and connectiveness there is not form or time as we understand the term. This term is also used by DK. He hints at the idea that time exists in the higher planes, but not as we understand it.

It helps to realize that the entire seven planes make up the higher physical plane called the cosmic physical. In the cosmic physical there would be time and space. Thus even our higher four planes where time and space do not exist, as we understand the term, form a part of the time and space of the cosmic physical.

To say that there is no time and space in the higher realms is not exactly correct for the lower is a reflection of that which is higher. The higher is just a different version of that which is lower.

DK talks about the point of nothingness, or pralaya, that many have discussed on the group and says this about it:

“From the higher vision, that sees the subtler continuously overshadowing the dense when not in objective manifestation, pralaya is simply subjectivity, and is not that ‘which is not,’ but simply that which is esoteric.” Esoteric Healing, Page 419

The higher realms and formless worlds are esoteric to us now but shall not be when we are there.

Anni continues: 2. Chapter 1 (page 2 when printed) you write: “At the same non time that Purpose was created the vibration of Light and Love was manifest within the originating wavelength. Light and Love and Purpose exist for eternity beyond time in the Eternal Now.” Chapter 2 (page 1 when printed) you say: “We shall pay particular attention to Light and Love, for they are the root cause of the great illusion that separates, or appears to separate, man from God. Both Light and Love have beginning and ending points and all things with a beginning and an end are illusion. However, they are from an eternal source; thus, they manifest periodically for all eternity, but such manifestation always has a beginning and an end, and is therefore illusionary…”

My question: How can Love and Light have beginnings and endings if they were created before time? When were time and space created? Not until the wavelength of Purpose vibrated on the Buddhic plane and created time and space on the mental plane? Or?

JJ: Just as the eternal part of you is the idea of you in the mind of God, even so, the eternal part of light and love are the idea of them within God.

Before there is form as we recognize that there are wavelengths existing in worlds of formless (from our point of view) vibration. Wherever there is vibration there are wavelengths and where there are wavelengths there are Trinities. There is the top of the wavelength, the bottom and the point at the center symbolized by Light and Love and Purpose.

Form as we understand it is not created until various wavelengths gather into groups and circle and spiral around each other. Imperfect circles in motion thus create form, space and time as we understand them.

The creation of form, space and time is an extension of Purpose Light and Love. Yet everywhere that the wavelengths manifest they manifest a very real illusion for the purpose of experience. Even the wavelength that manifests light and love is withdrawn into Purpose periodically, but as DK says it is “not that which is not, but that which is simply esoteric.”

It is difficult for us to clarify with our consciousness that which is outside of our consciousness.

Anni: 3. Chapter 2 (close to the end) you write: “All things that are manifest are created by male and female energies and all these energies are united in form through the process of marriage, or union. Marriage is motivated through Purpose and gradually guides all male and female energies away from duality and separateness toward unity and oneness. Relationship, marriage or the union of male and female energies, leads all life forms back to their Source.”

My question: Always? I can understand that this is happening during the evolution and in this way always, because evolution always follows involution. But isn’t there an involution? A time when separateness gets bigger – like the waves getting bigger?

JJ: The interplay of male and female energies (or the light and love parts of the wavelength) takes place during both involution and evolution. The main difference is this. During involution the interplay goes out of balance and during evolution they head back toward balance. In the process of this journey a new wavelength is created by the spiral movement of the point going in and out of experience. This lays the foundation for new creation.

I was asked to comment on whether or not masters have incarnated among us.

Some Masters and initiates have incarnated to fill various rolls in bringing in the new age. Not all of them will be involved in what we call spiritual work, but all who are successful will be working for the benefit of mankind. Looking for Masters among our brethren tends to create a division and often an illusionary one. Therefore, the true masters who will be doing their job will walk among us as equals and not seek for recognition of any status. As I have said before there are some fairly high initiates who have gotten side-tracked and caught up in illusion and will have to backtrack to get back to where they once were. This has caused some restructuring of plans, but there are certain high decisions that cannot be altered by anything we do.

Will they all be men?

Advanced initiates can choose their sex. Whether or not they will be men or women will depend on where the greatest opportunity for service exists.

James writes: Does anyone else feel we should get together in some kind of business venture or would it be better to find our own variety of self sufficient way to make a living???

JJ: Eventually many of those who actively work to establish the kingdom of God will work together to make a living. The problem with this age is that we have to spend so much of our time just making a living that the only way that many of us can spend enough time together to create oneness in the soul is by working together for our livelihood. This is a desirable goal to pursue, especially when the time comes that Molecular Businesses are created.

Some time ago someone asked a question about what happens during sleep. The answer is quite interesting.

There are two magnetic cords that connect the spirit to the body. One is linked to the heart and the other to the head. When you sleep the consciousness in the head departs and your thinking consciousness manifests on a higher plane of the soul. When we awake we generally have no memory of what we learned and experienced because the consciousness was away from the physical computer brain that records memory for waking consciousness.

The connection to the heart, however, remains intact during sleep.. Now many new agers tell us to disregard the mind and live in the heart only. Actually this is what happens during sleep, so if we took their advice we would be in the normal sleeping state all the time.

What causes dreams? It is generally the interplay of the heart with stored memories in the physical brain. The heart part of ourselves is missing the mind so the next best thing to compensate is the computer brain and the interplay between the two (heart and brain) produce dreams over which the mind has no control because it is not present. This is why the mind has difficulty in remembering dreams – it did not actually go through the dream experience but registers some of the memory upon returning when waking.

Sometimes the mind or higher self will send impressions to cause us to have dreams of significance. When this happens you will wake up with a memory of the dream and a feeling that the dream is important and you should contemplate the meaning.

What is the difference between sleep and death?

In sleep only one of the major parts of yourself is absent. In death both the life in the heart and the mind depart to the spiritual realms.

April 2, 2000

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The Authority to Heal

The Authority to Heal

Even though many energies come into play in the cause of illness they all fall within two general categories.

Category One: Diseases of congestion

Category Two: Diseases of inflammation.

What do you suppose would be the difference in approach necessary in treating these two categories?

Someone mentioned my favorite herb which is golden seal. But you want to get the root powder which is much more potent than the tea.

Where this herb really shines is when you feel some nausea or upset stomach. If you mix a quarter teaspoon in a little water and drink it you will often feel better instantly. There is nothing else like it. It has a powerful taste so most people take it in capsule form. It takes about 15 minutes to notice something this way and I think you lose a little potency.

Diseases of congestion are caused by holding too much energy within. The blockage or bottleneck of energy will often manifest as some unwanted growth such as cancer or blockage of the arteries creating heart disease.

With inflammation the person throws off more energy than he takes in and thus develops rashes, skin problems, inflammations, allergies, fevers, some nervous disorders etc.

The key to spiritual healing is to find the center that controls the affected area and send energy to remove the blockage if there is congestion, or to quiet the energy if there is inflammation.

We will cover scientific spiritual healing in more detail in the future for we will eventually create healing groups in the physical as well as the New Jerusalem meditation.

Some people believe that healing by faith is all psychological. Is there such a thing as true healings by faith? If so what is the principle behind it? How can we harness this power so such healings are more available to us?

I’m glad to see that members really do believe in the power of faith after all. And when I say faith I mean to use the word as it was used in ancient times.

Perhaps it would be helpful to the group if I relate my first experience with the power of faith.

As a young teenager I became active in the Mormon Church. About the age of sixteen I figured it was about time to learn what the church really believed so I read the Book of Mormon. What impressed me most about the book was the comparison of the faith and experiences of the people in the book to the current LDS church. Miracles and the exercise of faith seemed to be a common thing in both the Book of Mormon and the Bible yet I did not see anything like those ancient works in the current church.

After I finished the book I had a sense that the faith in the churches today was weak and this was not supposed to be the case – that miracles are just as possible today as they were in ancient times.

I was thinking along these lines one day when I was walking home from school and as I walked by the home of a classmate I noticed her in her yard hobbling about on crutches. She had recently been struck with Multiple Sclerosis and was quickly deteriorating. I stopped and watched her for a moment and my heart went out to her as I thought about how healthy and vibrant she was just a short time ago, but now she seemed to be doomed to a short and painful life.

As I looked at her from a distance (she didn’t seem to notice my gaze) a thought occurred to me. Why couldn’t I just stretch forth my hand and command her to be healed just like one of the ancient prophets? Do not the scriptures tell us that whatever we ask in faith in the name of Jesus Christ shall be done? What was there to prevent me from doing this right now, I thought to myself?

As I asked myself these questions another thought came into my mind, almost like an answer given from some unseen source. It went something like this.

“Hold on there! Who do you think you are? If there are any miracles to be had they must be done through the authority of the Church and only with the authorized Melchizedek Priesthood. You do not have this priesthood yet and therefore you have no authority to heal.”

After this impression came to me with great force I began to doubt myself and just about walked on, but then my mind reflected back to the scriptures and I thought of several miracles where the disciples merely healed by faith in Christ with no mention of any priesthood or church position. Then these words came into my mind: “Whatsoever you ask in the name of Christ shall be done.”

I again looked in the direction of my friend with the intention of healing her by faith, but again the doubt came:

“You have no authority to heal. You would displease God to even attempt it.”

Then after a moment of doubt the other voice came:

“Whatsoever you ask in the name of Christ shall be done.”

These two thoughts bounced back and forth in my consciousness for what seemed to be an eternity, but I knew it was only a short moment. After this point of tension I realized that my choice was between the church and the scriptures so I decided to rely on the word of the scriptures. I realized that the promise of the scriptures was predicated on faith and not position.

After making a definite decision to proceed I stretched forth my right hand and looked at her in the distance and whispered: “I command you in the name of Jesus Christ to be healed!”

Immediately after finishing this sentence I felt a tremendous power surging through my body. It was so powerful it made me weak and I almost fell to the ground. My first thought was that maybe I was wrong to heal contrary to church guidelines and that perhaps God was going to strike me with his wrath. I ran home and laid down a few moments and collected myself. It wasn’t long before I seemed to return to normal but I felt that perhaps I should think twice before being so brazen as to attempt a miracle again without the blessing of the church.

I pretty much put the incident out of my mind until two days later at school I noticed that my classmate was attending again and seemed to be walking and playing like any normal teenager. I approached her and asked her about her recovery.

She said she seemed to be fine now and her doctor told her that she was experiencing a remission, but there was no guarantee it would last.

At this point I realized that the power of God I felt flow through me was not God striking me, but that this was some type of healing power that passed through me into her. I sensed that she was having more than a remission, but she was actually healed from a so-called incurable disease.

I kept an eye on her all through high school and noticed that her health seemed fine until graduation after which I never saw her for about 35 years. Then after all this time came a day when my wife and I were having breakfast in a local restaurant. As we were talking a lady approached our table and said to me: “You’re Joe Dewey, aren’t you?”

“Yes,” I said. “And you would be?”

I did not even recognize her until she introduced herself as my old classmate who was healed. After we talked a while I asked her if her MS ever came back and she told me that it never did. In fact she told me she outlived her husband who had died a few years back.

After she went back to her table my wife asked me if that was the lady that I had told her about. I told he that it was.

She said – You mean you never told her the real reason she was healed.

I told her that I didn’t see any reason to.

This incident does answer one important question that some have asked. Does the one who is to be healed need to be aware of the healing process to be healed? Obviously the answer is no, at least in some cases.

Since this occurrence I have had many other realizations in connection with healing, but that will have to wait for another installment

I believe this incident was arranged by my Higher Self so I would learn to rely upon the inner voice instead of the outer authorities if the church.

March 31, 2000

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Focus My Son


Focus My Son

A reader commented on the financial problems he was having making it difficult to accomplish spiritual work.

First, let me say that I have been where you are and worse and have empathy with you.

It is often a difficult challenge for creative and spiritually minded people to meet their needs on the material plane. Indeed this is the very reason that many disciples who have incarnated to assist in the bringing forth of the kingdom of God are neutralized.

Earlier in my life I found myself in and out of awkward situations such as is happening to you until I made a discovery. I discovered that I was trapped in an illusion.

And what illusion was that?

Because I saw myself as being on the spiritual path I felt that spiritual and creative aspiration must come first. The problem with this though was that it did not work for me. Whenever I applied myself spiritually my physical world fell apart to the extent that I had to forgo all things spiritual and concentrate on the material, which thing I found to be very frustrating.

After much wasted time, pain and distress to me and my family I finally went into contemplation deep with an open heart to any answer and here is what came to me.

My approach may have been fine for the passing age, but we are entering a new age with new lines of approach with new emphasis and in this age a balance must be achieved between God and mammon, the spiritual and the physical.

My soul thus told me to shift my physical emphasis from the creative and the spiritual to physical reality and develop a means to become self sufficient. Concentrate on this with a one-pointedness until I can at least take care of myself and then shift attention back to the spiritual work.

Making this shift was one of the most difficult things of my life but when I made a definite decision and followed the inner voice I felt a tremendous peace and this confirmed that I had made the right decision.

I therefore, found myself putting my energies on my weakest point, for monetary matters and business was my most fragile point, but I have learned since that the soul is more interested in us developing that which is weakest within us more that displaying that which is strongest.

Now just because I followed my soul here that does not mean I had a easy time of it. I resisted this message from my soul for 20 years of my life and after I finally yielded it took ten years of struggle to get in the position where I needed to be. In many ways I feel I needed to work twice as hard as the average person because I was working where my ability was weak.

Now I feel that that which was weakest within me is becoming my strength and that I hope to do some productive things in the business world in the near future – balancing the spiritual and the material.

I rejoice now that I followed my soul because if I had not I would have not had the means to publish the Immortal. It would probably be sitting on my desk gathering dust awaiting some magical financial gift that would never appear.

So, I’m not saying that you have the same path as myself, but I give you my experience as a point of meditation for you. No matter what your situation there is always a way out. What I have found in my life is that the way out as shown me by my soul is often the last choice of my individual self.

I was asked to elaborate on the word “rent” as it is used in the Bible.

First, here are two scriptures where the word is used:

“Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses? behold, now ye have heard his blasphemy.” Matt 26:65

“And Jesus cried with a loud voice, and gave up the ghost. And the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom.” Mark 15:37-38

In ancient times when people felt more emotion or outrage than they could express in words they “rent their clothes.” Sometimes they would actually tear them and other times they would just rip their robe off or partially off.

Thus when Jesus indicated that he was the Son of God the High priest felt more outrage than he could express so he tore off his robe to express his emotion.

The most profound use of this word was the description of the renting (ripping) of the veil of the temple at the apparent death of Jesus. This is symbolic of the outrage from heaven itself. That the crucifixion of one as holy as Jesus by those he was only seeking to serve was beyond words to express, even for God.

This renting of the veil has several other meanings one of them being that the veil between heaven and earth was rent so the path is paved for communion between the two.

I see that a reader has been sending e-mails to some of the group so I thought I would surf over to his group to see what has been going on there. Most of it is standard “warnings about the end” type of stuff except for an interesting exchange initiated by our Brian who is a member of Both groups. Brian asked him point blank if he thought he was God. He dodged the answer for several posts but Brian wouldn’t back down and the reader finally admitted that he thought he was.

Then a funny thing happened. A new member showed up and he declared himself to be the real God, plus a number of larger than life historical characters. After this another member posted a hint that he was such a great being that the truth would put God to shame and blow people’s minds if they only knew.

The scriptures tell us that “like attracts like” so I guess it stands to reason that one who sees himself as the God of the planet would attract some competition.

The real truth is that Xavier is the God of the galaxy so if any of these other gods get out of hand we’ll petition our French majesty to wave his little finger.

(Note: Xavier has been quiet lately. I thought this might wake him up).

Actually, I would have never brought up this God thing with our reader if he hadn’t attacked our friend, Rick and made an overt attempt to humiliate him.

Someone asked about recommended books to read and John suggested reading the archives first. That is good guidance for the teachings there do lay a foundation for much of what is to come in our discussions. So I agree. The archive reading should be a top priority.

In addition there are many good books out there. I believe the highest writings available are those of Alice A. bailey, but they are very technical and difficult reading for many. There are several others that are easy reading yet still teach profound truths.

High on my group would be The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi. You can download this free of charge from the web or order the hard copy from

A good general course on metaphysics that is very easy reading are the Teachings of the Masters of the Far East by Baird Spaulding. Even though the story part may be fictionalized the teachings are very good. The only teaching I disagree with is the account of the creation, but it is all interesting reading nonetheless.

As I mentioned earlier Secret Places of the Lion by George Hunt Williamson is also very fascinating and contains much that is true.

Neville is also one who puts some interesting truths in to books that are easy reading. He just goes by the one name.

A Course In Miracles is a good primer for the first two initiations, but if not read in the light of the soul it can lead to many illusions.

I haven’t had time to read much the past ten years, but have listened to some books on tape. I haven’t seen much come forward since the Course in Miracles that I would say teaches anything new or unique. The Celestine Prophecy presented old material in a new twist and Conversations with God (or Conversations with the Subconscious) has material that has been presented many times over. A lot of it is right out of the Seth books.

And speaking of channeled material – most of it I have read is just a rehash of outworn material. Sometimes they throw in some new vocabulary which is easy to make up.

The Seth books by Jane Roberts (which are channeled), though far from infallible, is very interesting and provides some good seed thoughts.

I’ve also enjoyed Ruth Montgomery’s books. She is the one who popularized the idea of “walk-ins.”

All the highest material is given through the “science of impression” through the Oneness Principle, or by mental telepathy.

Also do not overlook the scriptures of the world, especially the Bible. Many hidden truths lie in those pages which are often overlooked in the world of metaphysics. I do not think any writer in modern times has matched the profoundness of Isaiah or the words of Jesus.

March 30, 2000

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Health and Correspondence


Health and Correspondence

I have been picking up a strange energy over the past week or so and have been doing my best to let it pass through me and now it is dissipated as far as I am concerned, but I just received a phone call from my daughter late tonight that my mother fell and broke her hip and is scheduled for surgery tomorrow (actually later today).

The power of negativity as a natural consequence and also as directed by the Dark Brothers is a powerful reason for the Song of the 144,000.

In this passing Piscean Age the Dark Brothers have frustrated every work that has been initiated by the Brotherhood of Light by first seeking to destroy them physically and secondly by destroying them spiritually by frustrating them and destroying their faith and confidence in God and themselves.

Their third avenue of destruction has been to infiltrate teachings of light with darkness and illusion so the few brave souls who come through the first two storms become misdirected and wander off on strange paths.

Nothing in this physical world can prevent the interplay of positive and negative from working itself out. The Song will not do it, fearlessness will not do it and love will not do it. In fact as we take a step on the Path the interplay of the polarities is increased and the good and bad around us seems to increase.

How does the Song help then?

As you begin by focusing Attention on the Light with the Song you do not destroy the darkness, but you shine a great light which reveals the illusion of the darkness and as you are thus filled with light you create a place where darkness cannot penetrate. Light also reveals knowledge which knowledge is light which light protects from darkness because darkness has no power to penetrate light as light has power to penetrate darkness.

The second stanza of the Song protects from attacks on the Spirit by filling us with the “fires of Love.” When one is filled with love and is receiving love he will never give up his journey on the path. Only when one feels alone in a struggle does one feel like giving up.

The third stanza protects against destruction through illusion for if you are one with God you then see through the eyes of God and with such vision you will see through the illusions that attempt to steer you off the Path.

My point is that various problems will still come even with the Song, but the Song provides three points of focus that will give you power to guide your ship safely to the new land or new age.

The Song is like the sails of a ship. Maneuvering sails can guide your ship safely to its next destination, but it will not insure there will be no storms ahead. If the sails are used with intelligence you can guide your ship either through or around the various obstacles.

Therefore, let us continue to say the Song with confidence and give ourselves power to sail to the promised land.

I would also suggest a three or seven day fast on lemon juice (fresh squeezed) honey, cayenne pepper and water. You use about one lemon per pint of water and add the rest to taste.

Let me reemphasize that you end the fast with a full day of fresh fruit and vegetables.

Whenever, I have a physical problem the first thing I do is go on a fast. In my adult life fasting has cured whats ailed me every time except twice. And these two times fasting did not cure me completely I took an antibiotic and it wiped out the problem in a couple days.

The question: What are the attributes of the throat center and what about this center could be misused or frustrated to cause a problem with the hearing?

As we explore this subject of health we will see that we have not really left the subject of the Law of Correspondences for this law will be used again and again in discovering the causes of various maladies.

Now in giving out the possible causes of disease let not any so afflicted feel that they are being judged for there are many exceptions to the rule in the cause and cure of illness. Instead let those who may benefit read the words and judge for themselves in association with their own souls as to whether the correspondence applies to them.

The throat center is governed by the third ray for the average person and the seventh for the advanced. This center governs the development of the correct use of mind, creativity and inspiration as it relates to creativity.

A problem with the ears, throat or lungs could signify that the person is not paying attention carefully enough to the new creative directions that are coming from the soul through the throat center.

DK ads this thought:

“Self-pity, so prevalent a trouble, leads to acute indigestion, to intestinal trouble, to catarrh and head colds in the average person, whilst in the more advanced man it leads to chronic bronchial difficulties, gastric ulcers and unhealthy conditions connected with the teeth and the ears.” Esoteric Healing, Page 563

The lungs are connected with the throat center. What do the lungs do? They breath in air and then send it out into the world. Air corresponds to mind. Problems in connection with the lungs and breath often relate to a deficiency in learning (breathing in) or a reluctance to share that which has been learned (breathing out).

The eyes are controlled by the Agna Center between the eyebrows (5th Ray), but also strongly affected by the solar plexus and problems related to the stomach and digestive system. Treat the stomach and aid digestion and often problems in the higher parts of the body will be alleviated also.

Even though many energies come into play in the cause of illness they all fall within two categories.

Category One: Diseases of congestion

Category Two: Diseases of inflammation.

What do you suppose would be the difference in approach necessary in treating these two categories?

March 28, 2000

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Color, Sound, Humor & the Sun

Color, Sound, Humor & the Sun

The Question: Three influences that can have a positive effect on health are color, music/sound and humor. How do you suppose these three things can affect health?

Also, how can we best utilize the sun for health?

In past ages when the Fourth Ray was in cycle sound was a very potent healer. Sound, color and movement were powerful healing forces used in the ancient temples in Atlantis and this knowledge shall be restored at the right time in the future.

Sound and color can be used to harmonize chords within our own makeup.

The form side of our nature is made up of a chord of four notes which correspond to our rays. The first note is that of the physical body, the second the astral the third mental and the fourth the personality as a whole. Illness will often surface when one of these notes are unable to sound in fullness and when this happens the sounding needs to be reinforced

Through meditation and contemplation you can discover which notes and colors that need to be stimulated within you. You can compensate by sounding this note in meditation and saying the OM on that note. Another way is to just sound the OM throughout the scale until you hit a note that strikes a need within you. Then if you sound it periodically you can reap much benefit.

The same goes with colors. Look through or visualize the spectrum of colors and wait for your attention to fall upon one that seems most healing to you. Once this is discovered you can make a conscious attempt to bring as much of this color into your life as possible.

Let us say that you sense that you lack red. This is a color that enhances physical vitality. You can start by eating more red food such as raspberries, strawberries, cherries radishes, rare red meat and cayenne pepper.

The second thing you can do is to make a trip to the store and get a red light and let it shine on you while you sleep, work or relax.

The third thing is that you can in meditation visualize yourself being surrounded by a beautiful rainbow of colors with red being in extra prominence. Then see yourself breathing in this red color and it vitalizing your whole body. Make sure you visualize a very bright and vital looking red.

Here are the bare bones meanings of the basic colors.

White: This is a synthesis of all the colors and is a symbol of purity and completeness.

Red: Physical Energy; physically-based person personality or sensuality. Harsh reds tend to indicate emotionally charged physical animation, usually anger. Warm reds, sensuous, or physically charged and healthy. It stimulates the solar plexus.

Orange: Friendly, open, approachable. A strong orange also shows physical vitality. A good color to balance the mind and body. Orange aids with focusing in the head.

Yellow: This is a good color to overcome depression and heighten spirits. It stimulates thinking, creativity imagination.

Green: This has often been called the healing color. This is because it is the midway color and can be used to balance the other notes within you. If you sense that your illness or discomfort is caused by being out of balance or “out of sorts” this is a good color for you.

Concentration on this color aids in deva/angel contact.

Blue: This color is most strongly associated with the mind and is known as the calming color. The reason for this is that it takes attention away from the emotional body to the mind and thus allows the emotions to quiet down and recharge.

Indigo: A good color to stimulate the heart and the spiritual love necessary to heal. This color absorbs negativity.

Violet: Known as the spiritual color. A good general color to raise vibrations and center yourself on higher work. This color is associated with the Seventh Ray and is a good color to stimulate the body to improve its own defenses and building energies.

Gold: This is a strong healing color that will always tone the body and spirit. The etheric body is called the “golden bowl” in the Bible.

Humor and Sun

If health enthusiasts were aware of the benefits of humor they’d go for a good laugh before they would wolf down the wheat germ oil.

Humor has been known to cure even the so-called incurable diseases to just making it a little easier to get through that winter flue.

For instance, I read a while back about a guy who had cancer and after reaching some dead ends he decided to try the humor cure and rented every comedic film he could get his hands on, read joke books and did everything he could to make himself laugh. It wasn’t long before the cancer was reversed and completely eliminated.

Part of what makes us ill is our tendency to focus too much in one direction at the expense of others and if this wrong focus opens a window for disease then a diverting of attention is a positive thing.

Humor diverts our attention to a very light and frivolous but necessary place which is an opposite polarity to the serious world we often find ourselves tapped in. Humor thus “lifts our spirits” and in this lifting of energy comes a healing force.

Look around you at your circle of friends and associates. Divide them into those who are overly serious and seen to have little humor in their lives and then separate others who are light hearted and seem to enjoy a good laugh. Which group is the healthier?

I would guess that in almost every case the ones with a good sense of humor are the healthier. I know this is the case with my friends and associates.

Humor is also a necessary ingredient to keep us healthy spiritually as we are told that one of the strongest differentiations between the Light and Dark Brothers is a sense of humor. The Dark Brothers take themselves way too seriously because they are always focusing on themselves. Within themselves there is only darkness and there is little there to be lighthearted about. The Brother of Light is full of Light within and looks upon the whole in the light and sees much to smile about.

There is a dark side to humor just as there is in all things. Negative humor gets a laugh at the expense of someone’s hurt feelings. A person on the path does not usually laugh at this type of humor but lower level humans enjoy it. A person on the path will not knowingly seek a laugh at the expense of an innocent person’s feelings.

I say innocent because there are exceptions in all things. For instance, during World War II the Allies put out a film clip about Hitler that made him look like a stupid buffoon. I think Hitler deserved whatever he got in this case, but overall we should always seek the path of harmlessness even with the bad guys.

Another difference between light and dark is that it is difficult to offend a person on the Path and he will never be offended where no offense was intended.

He who is not on the path will not only be offended when offense was intended but will often take offense when no offense was intentional.

The much maligned Sun is a great health stimulant that is often overlooked. While it is true that you do not want to overdo sun exposure it is also true that the Sun is the ultimate source of prana which is the essential nutrient for the etheric bodies of all living things.

Prana circulates through the spleen which in turn takes it in connection with a center between the shoulder blades and another above the diaphragm. This is one reason that health conscious people have a natural instinct to sun bathe.

DK says something interesting in this regard. He says that our attitude toward the sun has a lot to do with how beneficial are its rays to us. An adept who has learned to work with the devas that assist in transmuting solar prana can spend any amount of time in the sun without harm. For those of us who have not attained this mastery the best thing to do is just see the solar rays as being friendly to us rather than something that causes cancer. Could it be that part of the reason that skin cancer is on the increase is because of the media’s proclamation that the sun is dangerous thereby influencing thoughts about it?

Of course, we should all use common sense, but it is wise to get small amounts of sunlight daily if possible.

Question: Have you ever noticed that many people who seem to be very health conscious and are always sacrificing to eat the right things seem to be in poor health where as some of the healthiest people you know seem to have a devil-may-care attitude about it and seem to do nothing out of the ordinary for their health?

What do you suppose is the explanation for this.

Attention and Health

Whereas I do maintain that quite a few of the teachings presented here are original or old ideas presented in a fresh way, most (perhaps all) of what I am writing on health has been covered many times before. The trouble with health philosophy is that there are so many presentations that seekers are often not sure which is the correct choice for them. If we can steer each other here in making better choices then all will be worthwhile.

Fasting is indeed a great healer, perhaps the most powerful that is readily available to all. Fasting for a week on purified water or lemon juice-honey-cayenne pepper will bring great relief from almost any problem. If one is new to fasting start with a short one and increase it until a week or ten days is comfortable.

Always end a long fast on fruit and later salad material. Never eat meat or starchy food the first day after a fast

One time a friend and I decided to fast for ten days and break it at the full moon. Right around the tenth day we discovered we miscalculated the full moon by two days and if we wanted to carry out our goal we had to fast for two extra days. I’ll tell you those two extra days were the most difficult fasting days of my life. Because we were mentally prepared to end the fast after ten days, those extra two were torture.

But what made it much worse on the eleventh day we visited my nephew Curtis, and his wife made the most beautiful cinnamon rolls I had ever seen in my life and the aroma filled the room with the most heavenly odor. I made her promise to make me those exact same rolls again when I was not fasting.

Well, I believe she made rolls again but I guarantee you they were not the same quality as the masterpiece she made that day. Even writing this I wish I could go back in time and taste them.

Not only does fasting help you physically, but it makes you more sensitive spiritually and aids in the control necessary to pass the first two initiations.

One time the apostles brought a sick person to Jesus and told him they could not heal him. Jesus then healed the man. The apostles then asked why they could not heal him.

Jesus answered: “This kind cometh not out but by fasting and prayer.”

By adding fasting to any healing technique your spiritual power will be amplified.

We noted earlier that many who put a lot of attention on diet seem to be plagued with health problems.

The key word here is “attention” and the key phrase is that “energy follows thought.”

Health conscious people with health problems have those problems not because good health practices do not work, but because of a wrong direction of a flow of energy.

It’s a little like a scab. If you’re always picking it, it takes longer to heal than if you just leave it alone and let nature do its job.

If you have a problem and take every herb and natural food in the world it will do you little good if you are continually putting your attention in the direction of the discomfort. Your attention, even if fear is not present, will create a magnetic effect that will draw energy to the place of distress and this will often result in feeding the disease and increasing its power. Then if fear is also present the problem will be even worse.

The body is set up to fight off all disease if we just give it what it needs and let it do its job. We aid the body in doing this by focusing our attention outside the body and concentrate on other things.

Have you noticed, for instance, that when you go to sleep you may have some physical problem, but then when you wake up after a good sleep the problem is much improved? One of the reasons for this is that sleep helps you take your attention off the problem for a few hours which allows the body to do its job of rejuvenation.

If we learn to focus our attention away from the body during waking hours we then give the body a similar healing power while awake as it has when asleep.

March 23, 2000

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Health 101

Health 101

What is the best water to drink?

(a) Distilled or reverse osmosis

(b) Filtered with the minerals left in.

(c) Spring water

(d) Tap water

Some spring waters are very good, but others are questionable. Overall distilled or reverse osmosis is the best for it is the purest water. Many believe that water with high natural mineral content is good for you, but long time use can cause arthritis and other problems. The minerals in water are merely ground up rocks and the body has to work hard to eliminate over 90% of them from the body.

Definitely avoid tap water with high amounts of chlorine.

(NOTE from July 2019) I currently use a Zero Water filter that takes everything out and then add some colloidal minerals back in with a small amount of Celtic sea salt.

(2) How can fasting be used to improve health?

The body puts tremendous energy into digesting food. When you fast this energy is freed up and the body puts it to use in eliminating poisons from the body.

This is the reason you get a headache or feel faint or weak during the first day of a fast. The body is taking that extra energy and using its power to dump unwanted poisons into the bloodstream. After two or three days the elimination process becomes more regulated and the headaches disappear.

If you want to know how full of poison you are fast for three days with no solid food. Drink only water or organic juice. Then look at your tongue in the mirror. The more coated it is the more poisons there are in your body. When you can fast for three days and have only a small amount of coating on your tongue this is a sign that your body is clean and in good shape internally.

The fasts I recommend are 3, 7 or 10 days. If you have not fasted before start with a three day one.

Fasting on water alone is very effective.

Another great fast is to drink only purified water with added fresh squeezed lemon, with honey and cayenne pepper added to taste.

Maple syrup is a good substitute for honey, but you have to make sure you get it from a good source. Some maple syrups have formaldehyde added as a preservative and with this added it can wind up doing you more harm than good.

Apple and grape also are good juices to fast with.

Many fasting enthusiast recommend enemas during the fast. I’ve always had an aversion to enemas myself and have worked out a natural plan just as good. Fast for the first day on only water or lemon juice and then during the second day drink a good quantity of grape, cherry or prune juice. Actually cherry juice is the most potent. If you do this you will naturally eliminate everything possible that left in you. Your bowels should be pretty clean for the rest of the fast.

If you have hypoglycemia you may have difficulty in fasting and become ill and faint. If this is your situation the best thing to do is to go on a modified fast. You can go on a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables for 10-20 days with just enough protein added to keep you feeling well. You’ll have to experiment on what works for you as a modified fast. If you do work out a partial fasting program you’ll have to figure going on it for about twice the length to achieve the same benefit as a more complete fast.

I usually fast twice a year for a week each on water or juice. If I’m feeling out of sorts or low on energy and do not know the cause I’ll go on a fast. After the fast I often feel quite rejuvenated.

Breaking the fast is as important as the fast itself. The first day after a fast you should eat only fruit and salad vegetables. Then the day after you can eat pretty normally, but do not overeat. It is dangerous to stuff yourself after a fast. My friend Wayne fasted for twelve days once on water and broke it with a hamburger and milkshake. That could have made a lesser man deathly ill but it didn’t seem to bother him. I gave him quite a lecture on it.

A good book on fasting in addition to Arnold Ehret was written by Paul Bragg. You can download it here:

(3) If you are going to eat fruit, vegetables and meat how should you go about consuming them? Should you eat them together or in some type of order or sequence.

Overall it is good to eat fruit and light foods early in the day and the heavier foods near the evening, but the big mistake people make is the order of eating within a single meal.

It is a big mistake to eat fruit deserts after a heavy meal for instance.

As food enters your stomach it settles in layers. Meat may take eight or more hours to digest whereas fruit may take less than a hour. If fruit goes on top of a layer of meat then it stays there and putrefies. This wrong order of eating and consequent putrefaction is the cause of much of the gas and heartburn people have.

If you eat fruit it should be eaten on an empty stomach. If you eat a salad with your meal eat it first. Do not eat it with meat and other heavy foods. Do not mix ham or other meats with your salad. By eating only vegetables and fruit first this gives your digestive system the opportunity to immediately begin to digest them and then later give full attention to the heavier foods to come.

Another universally accepted health activity is exercise. What are your ideas in using exercise to increase the quality of health?

There is a great health drawback to exercise that is often overlooked. Can you tell us what it is?

There are a lot of books on this subject so I will quickly give you a few of my thoughts on this and move on.

For general health it is much better to concentrate on aerobic exercise, or exercises that cause you to breathe heavy and take in lots of oxygen. You can keep in reasonable shape with about 20 minutes of running a day or about 30 minutes of exercise less strenuous.

When you are in shape though aerobics your heart is strengthened and the small capillaries are opened up allowing more oxygen to get to the cells.

The biggest drawback to this heavy exercise is that you sweat a lot and in your perspiration are many valuable minerals. Therefore if you sweat a lot through exercise and excrete many minerals and do not replace them you could wind up in worse shape healthwise than if you did not exercise at all.

How often have we heard about some health guru dying of a heart attack while running at age 50 or so? This could have been prevented if the person would have replaced the minerals he sweated out.

Another important tip is this. You get as much as 50% more benefit from exercise if you are having fun while doing it. There’s something about having fun that causes the secretion of good hormones that benefit health.

If you have kids this gives you a good excuse to play with them. If you like sports, this gives you a good excuse to play. If you have to exercise alone in a boring atmosphere do your best to make it interesting.


Who told you God was perfect? Is He/She/It really perfect or is this just a tradition passed down from astral idealists?

If God is perfect why does He create??? Creation changes things. If the universe or the life of God was perfect before the creation account in the Bible, then why create an imperfect earth and an imperfect universe with stars that sometimes do not work out and go explode as supernovas?

If God is perfect then why are you (a creation of God) imperfect?

If it is only illusion that you are imperfect then why does a perfect one have an imperfect illusion????

The fact is that in the beginning of this universe God jumped into incarnation with fear and trembling. This is why fear is woven in the “warp and woof” of matter itself as DK expresses it. This fear must be met and conquered on many levels.

He knew the beginning point and the end goal, but had not full knowledge about the in-between.

That is why life is so exciting.

Who wants to watch a movie where you know every thing that is going to happen?

Question: What does it mean when I like to see *some* movies more than once? 😉

JJ: That’s what reincarnation is for. You repeat the interesting things until you lose interest.

Question: Yet how many times do you stand in awe, watching the glory of the sun set … even though you know it will rise again in the morning?

Or watch the buds of Spring time flowers opening as you know they do, every year ….

JJ: But no two sunsets are alike and each spring has a fresh and different look.

March 20, 2000

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The Essene Gospel & More

The Essene Gospel & More

A reader expresses concern for a quote from the Essene Gospel of Peace because Jesus is quoted as the author.

We must always remember this. Just because he is quoted by writers thousands of years ago, hundreds of years ago, or even today does not mean that the words are coming from the mouth of Jesus. And even if they did come from the person of the ancient Jesus you still have to run them by your soul for even words coming from a perfect mind can be imperfect in their translation or absorption.

My intuition tells me that these are not the actual words of Jesus but someone wrote this in his name just to give added authority just as many who channel today throw in the name of some Master so recipients will be trapped by the beast of unjust authority. This is one reason I do not throw the weight of any unseen entity behind any of my words. Everything I teach could come from me or the highest God speaking through me or to me, but because it always just comes from me to you, you always have the freedom to accept or reject what I say as seems right with your own souls or personalities. There are exceptions to all things and there will be times now and again when declarations of extreme import will go forth in the name of Christ or the Hierarchy, but this will be because of either the urgency of the times or special circumstances.

There are hundreds of ancient manuscripts that are purported to be written by Jesus, Paul, Peter and others just to give them more authority.

What to look for here is only one thing and that is the truth. What is the true principle involved here?

The karma between humanity and the animal kingdom as far as food supply is concerned is mostly of a group nature. The animals who, in the beginning dined upon man, are now being eaten by man. When the great wheel is balanced then the time will come when most of humanity will be vegetarians and the “lion will eat straw like the ox” as stated by Isaiah.

When this time comes then our plants will be grown in much better soil and our food will be much more nutritious and satisfying.

If a person raises an animal for food and treats it well then the good treatment of the animal will balance off any negative karma.

Someone asks how we help animals evolve?

Cows, chickens, pigs and other farm animals raised for food have a close relationship with humans. Small farmers often talk to these animals, name them and feel genuine affection toward them. In return these animals are stimulated and do acquire a sense of higher relationship toward their masters which wild animals never develop. These domestic animals are thus stimulated in their evolution toward the human kingdom just as teachers among us stimulate our human evolution toward the Kingdom of God. Our own evolution toward the Kingdom of God often carries with it much more sacrifice than that experienced by the domestic animals. Domestic animals, for instance, are often taken better care of than are those in the wild at the hands of nature.

Not far from where I live the wild elk at the mercy of nature come close to starving to death in scarce winters. Without human assistance in supplying them with some extra food these poor animals would suffer horrible deaths.

A reader wanted me to expand on this scripture:

“Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.” Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, `Show us the Father’?” John 14:8-9 NIV

This is actually a powerful scripture proving the overshadowing of Jesus indicating that there were two entities working together in one body.

For further details on this read “the Overshadowing of Christ” from the archives.

The most important verse in this scripture was left out.

The next verse (verse 10) reads:

“Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: But THE FATHER THAT DWELLETH IN ME, HE DOTH THE WORKS.”

Then a few verses later (verse 28) Jesus said:

“My Father is greater than I.”

For further reading on the overshadowing of Jesus check out my previous articles. Here are the links: Part 1  Part 2

The Optimum Diet

Question: Many diets are put forward as the optimum or the best possible God-given program. What do you suppose is the best possible overall diet for maximum health benefits?

We’ve had several answers on this, but the answers seem to be directed at what diet is best for an individual at the moment. For instance, having some meat in my diet is a wise choice at present, but I will readily admit I am not on the optimum diet for maximum health of my body. Everything in life is a trade off. For one as busy as myself the wise eating of regularly available foods is much more convenient. Also, I find that a regular diet grounds me for what I want to accomplish at the moment.

Nevertheless, there are better diets for health than the one I am on.

Let me present to you what I consider to be the best diet for health ever presented. It was originated by Professor Arnold Ehret and called The Mucousless Diet Healing System.

You can access the book at this link:

His diet consists entirely of living uncooked foods with emphasis on fruit.

After reading his book a number of years ago I decided to try it out and started out on fruit only. This took tremendous discipline for one like myself who grew up on meat and potatoes. After a couple months I began to develop canker sores and concluded that I was getting too many acids and added sprouts and vegetables with emphasis on those growing above the ground. For salad dressing I used apple cider vinegar. Along with the diet I ran every day for about twenty minutes.

I ate nothing until noon at which time I ate a large salad that tasted as good as a steak. Then I finished off the day with fruit. I was on this diet for about a year and had the best vitality of my life. Unfortunately, my first wife complained daily about me not eating her food and for the sake of the marriage I went back on a regular diet. In many ways I wish I would have held my ground for it took almost a year for the diet to get comfortable and now if I go on it again I will have to start all over with the discipline.

From this experience I have concluded the optimum diet does consist in eating living uncooked foods, sprouts with a handful of raw nuts thrown it. This diet is not for anyone. If you have a history of enjoying meat as I did it will require a major decision followed by discipline. If you think you can do it, it will pay off. Actually giving up bread was the most difficult part of the diet for me.

The worst part of this diet is when you go out to eat with friends. There is often little or nothing on the menu that you can order – a good dinner salad if you are lucky.

March 19, 2000

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To Veg or Not to Veg

To Veg or Not to Veg

The question.

Is a vegetarian diet healthier than a meat diet?

I was amused by John’s dissertation on the subject and there is a lot of truth in what he says. From an angle of nutrition and health many meat eaters fare better than the vegetarians.

Here is the main problem with switching to a vegetarian diet. When one goes vegetarian the body misses its regular supply of protein and this causes a starvation for oxygen. This causes many vegetarians or partial vegetarians to overcompensate by eating more starchy food, eggs and cheese. These meat substitutes often are less healthy than the meat they have given up.

On the other hand, if the vegetarian has a high concentration of living foods in his diet he can be healthier than the meat eater – providing he gets a good natural supply of minerals and this is often lacking in the most “living’ diets.

I read about a study some time ago where they analyzed the health and longevity of Seventh Day Adventists who are vegetarians, the Mormons who abstain from alcohol, tobacco, coffee and tea and compared them to the general population.

It turned out that the Mormons fared a little better than average, but interestingly a later study showed that moderate wine drinkers fared better than the Mormons. – note that word moderate.

The study also revealed that the Seventh Day Adventists did better than the Mormons, but the significance was only a couple percent.

Does it make any difference whether or not one eats meat if he is on he spiritual path?

Kudos goes to Mark for finding a good Alice A. Bailey quote on the importance of a vegetarian diet for the “applicant.” But notice that Cynthia comes back with this:

“According to AAB in The Rays and Initiations re: Rule 6 (p. 124-127), a vegetarian diet is necessary for applicants in the beginning stages for purification and other purposes. However, she points out that life cannot really “be taken.” So once a person has advanced a little further upon the path and stands at the doorway of initiation, then vegetarianism and other physical disciplines are no longer necessary since the person is, at this stage of his development, in no danger of being controlled by his physical appetites.”

Actually, one of the few criticisms made of the AAB books is that DK seems to be that he is inconsistent on his teachings about vegetarianism. What is the real truth here? After all, some of the greatest initiates in our history have been meat eaters.

The fact is that as a seeker approaches the second initiation (and the first to a lesser degree) a lot of new energies come into play that are difficult for the seeker to handle. During this period it is essential that the vibration of the physical body be enhanced through a purificatory diet. This may also be required for the third initiation, but overall the soul will guide the applicant here.

After the initiations are passed and the disciple is between initiations the eating of meat may be permissible and even desirable to aid the disciple in certain types of work among the masses.

So for those of you who feel strongly impressed by your souls to be strict vegetarians this would be a sign that you are preparing for a new initiation.

For others of you who are obviously on the Path, but are not so inclined this would indicate that this is a period of application and hard work for you to accomplish certain goals as directed by your soul.

In my life I have gone the whole spectrum of diet for various purposes and at present I do eat meat to keep the vibration of my body low enough to keep me centered in the practical world so I can achieve success promoting this work. Later, when this type of attention is not required I may switch to a more refined diet.

As far as the morality of eating meat goes DK gives this practical answer.

He states that the killing of an animal for food does not interfere with the purposes of God. When a human life is taken the killer interrupts the path of the soul whereas when an animal life is taken the path of that life is not disturbed.

In other words, the real harm in the murder of a human is that, time is lost and plans from a higher level have to be changed. Because the animal is not self conscious the taking of his life has little effect on goals from his oversoul.

I do not think the animal rights groups realize the negative effect that would be produced within the animal kingdom if we all turned into vegetarians tomorrow. All the cattle, chickens, lamb, pigs, etc. would lose their source of sustenance and would suffer enormous depravation and death.

Overall, their association with the human kingdom is very stimulating to their evolution.

Few realize that there is a correspondence between the humans taking the life of animals and the Christ demanding that we humans be willing to give our lives for the higher good if necessary. In this way the disciples are sacrificed to the kingdom of God just as truly as the animals are sacrificed to the human kingdom.

Overall, a good piece of advice with diet is to avoid judgment and the feeling of superiority that we see evidenced by many. Our fellow seeker may be eating meat or on some vegetarian diet because of the will of his Higher Self. If our associates are at a point where they are to change their diet they will feel it internally. Some will feel and resist and others will follow.

Here is a quote from Alice A. Bailey on the subject:

I am convinced that there comes a phase in the life of all disciples when they must be vegetarians. In the same way, there must come a life in which a man or woman should be a celibate. This they must be in order to demonstrate that they have learned control of the physical nature. Once they have learned that control and once they can no longer be swayed by the appetites of the flesh, they can be married or not married, they can eat meat or not eat meat as seems best to them and as their karma may indicate or their circumstances dictate. Once that has been proven, the situation is altered. The physical disciplines are a phase of training and when the lesson is learnt they are no longer needed.      Unfinished Autobiography, Page153

And here are some words from DK:

No set diet could be entirely correct for a group of people on differing rays, of different temperaments and equipment and at various ages. Individuals are every one of them unlike on some points; they require to find out what it is that they, as individuals, need, in what manner their bodily requirements can best be met, and what type of substances can enable them best to serve. Each person must find this out for himself. There is no group diet. No enforced elimination of meat is required or strict vegetarian diet compulsory. There are phases of life and sometimes entire incarnations wherein an aspirant subjects himself to a discipline of food, just as there may be other phases or an entire life wherein a strict celibacy is temporarily enforced. But there are other life cycles and incarnations wherein the disciple’s interest and his service lie in other directions. There are later incarnations where there is no constant thought about the physical body, and a man works free of the diet complex and lives without concentration upon the form life, eating that food which is available and upon which he can best sustain his life efficiency. In preparation for certain initiations, a vegetable diet has in the past been deemed essential. But this may not always be the case, and many disciples prematurely regard themselves as in preparation for initiation.  Esoteric Healing – Page 334

The moment, however, that an inner orientation towards the world of higher values takes place, then the etheric or vital force is brought into conflict with the lowest aspect of man, the dense physical body, and the battle of the lower pairs of opposites takes place.

It is interesting to note that it is during this stage that the emphasis is laid upon physical disciplines, upon such controlling factors as total abstinence, celibacy, and vegetarianism, and upon physical hygiene and physical exercises. Through these, the control of the life of matter, the lowest expression of the third aspect of divinity can be offset, and the man set free for the true battle of the pairs of opposites. Esoteric Psychology Vol II: Pg 309

March 18, 2000

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The question:

There are still several other popular foods not yet mentioned that are not farmed in the regular sense that are high in natural minerals and that are also readily available. An you name them?

Sharon’s supplement she mentioned sounds like a good one. Is it a multi-level? We buy a similar one formulated by Richard Schulze called Superfood.

Someone mentioned that nuts would be a good source of minerals, especially pine nuts.

Yes, pine nuts would be great, especially if they are harvested from the forests. All pine trees have deep roots. The nuts are expensive, but very tasty and a good source of minerals in the most natural state.

Another great source is wild rice. Now many products that have wild rice on the label only have a small amount of the real thing in them. Real wild rice is completely black. It is very rich in minerals and nutrients and takes an amazingly small amount to fill you up.

Another source is honey. A wild honey is best. In other words, look for a honey where the bees get their nectar from non farm areas such as wild flowers or deserts. If the honey is dark it is a sign that it has a good supply of minerals. Good taste is another indication.

I have heard it said that more beekeepers live to advanced age than any other profession. Perhaps minerals have something to do with this.

Another great product from bees that is full of nutrients and minerals is bee pollen Many people believe that one could live on this product alone. If you try this for the first time take only a small amount for some are allergic to it. This can be overcome by gradually increasing the dose.

Another source are wild animals and birds. As far as meat goes a wild elk or deer is much healthier than a domestic animal.

The third consideration as mentioned earlier was:

“Select foods in their most natural and purest state possible.”

Comment: “Overall, I’m pleasantly surprised that we all are health activists here! “

JJ: Actually, it is to be expected. The first initiation requires an ability to control physical appetites, passions and a general ability to maintain the physical body in good health, with some exceptions due to karma. Almost all people who are initiates of any degree, or are approaching initiation, have a marked interest in maintaining health through harmony with nature.

There are exceptions like Winston Churchill, for instance, who was so dedicated to his mission that he did not put obvious attention on health for he drank alcohol in considerable quantities, smoked and was overweight. Nevertheless, he still had good health throughout his long life. Good health and a reasonably long life is a general characteristic of advanced initiates, but there are exceptions to all things. Even the great Buddha had a period of illness according to the record.

A reader mentioned maple syrup. I would be inclined to believe that maple syrup is fairly consistent in mineral content, but honey will vary much more because of the great variety of circumstances from which it is harvested.

There are two groups of people that are supposed to be proven to live long life spans.

First those who eat plants grown in highly mineralized soil and secondly beekeepers. For this reason I pay particular attention to honey, bee pollen and food grown in highly mineralized soil with trace elements.

Another good source of minerals that someone mentioned earlier are wild herbs. Some of the best and richest herbs in minerals and healing properties come from the rain forests. These jungle areas have had very few of the nutrients removed from the soil and have many healing properties.

We had a guy come in our office a few weeks ago and told us about a tea he had been drinking. He had Candida for 35 years and after ten days of taking Shipibo tea all the symptoms seemed to be gone. My wife and I thought we would try it out with several other products as a general health measure and signed up as MLM members. I sent some of the tea to my daughter who has been having similar problems as our client and she happily reported a great improvement in her condition from the first day.

The questions: What is a big health problem created by most apples?

No one mentioned the worst problem, even bigger than the pesticides and that is the wax put on most supermarket apples. This wax is extremely difficult for the body to eliminate and is a major cause of gallstones and other health problems.

The problem is that sometimes all supermarket apples have this wax. You can circumvent this by going directly to the farmer. Also many fruit stands carry unwaxed apples as well as some health food stores.

What are the problems with most meats?

In addition to hormones and antibiotics given to the animals there are several other problems. First, even though they are given better food with more minerals than most humans they still dine on plants grown in mineral depleted soil.

Another problem with beef is that in a rush to get the meat to the market they do not age the beef the way they used to which allows the enzymes to treat the meat making it much tastier and healthier to digest.

If you eat meat and want to buy a good product you will generally have to pay more for it. You might check with a local meat shop who buys direct from nearby ranchers.

Boise is the headquarters of Albertsons Markets and they about own the grocery market here, (In 2000) but there is a little store down the road from me that is struggling to survive that still sells home grown aged beef at a reasonable price and the flavor is great. I also shop at a local health food coop, and their meat is quite high priced and not all are hormone free.

E Coli is a big worry for many and I’ve heard that the reason the risk is increasing for this and other problems is that much of the food we feed cattle and chickens contains meat from their own kind. This is like Soylent Green for animals and is somewhat revolting to think about. E Coli dwells on the surface of the meat and will be destroyed with mild cooking unless the meat is ground up and in this case the bacteria can dwell within the meat. It is thus more important to cook hamburger well than the cut meats.

Cooking meat well done alters the molecular structure and if you eat beef you are much better off to eat cut meats as rare as possible. Most people who eat well-done meat develop many health problems because of it. Overcooking meat will aggravate arthritis and diseases caused by lack of elimination.

My dad grew up on well-done beef and developed poisons related to his blood. His wise doctor ordered him to switch to medium rare beef. At first he hated it but after a while he grew to love fairly rare beef much more than the well done and his health greatly improved.

Question: Where can you get healthy eggs?

It is difficult to get healthy eggs these days. The chickens are cooped up in inhumane conditions and are fed unhealthy meat by-products. Some grocery stores do have eggs available at double the normal price where the chickens were raised on a vegetarian diet, but even these eggs are not that good. Evidence of a quality egg is the yoke. If the chickens are allowed to run free and eat from the wild they will have darker almost orange yokes and the flavor will be about twice as good as commercial eggs.

If you buy eggs that are advertised as free range and the yoke is pale you’re not really getting what you pay for. About the only place to get really good eggs is from a small farmer who raises the chickens as a labor of love. When you find such a place that sells eggs with dark yokes then you will have made a great find.

Our local health co-op does buys eggs from local small farmers and they go like hotcakes when they come in.

Question: Where can you buy a fairly nutritious chicken?

Not only are quality eggs difficult to find, but so is good chicken. One of the best ways to test the various brands is to note when you cut them up the hardness of the bones. I notice a difference in the bones of the various brands of chickens and by far the strongest bones are in the free range chickens at my health food co-op. In the regular grocery store I also notice a difference in the bones of the various brands and it seems to be that the more expensive is the chicken per pound the stronger are the bones. I guess there is a reason for the higher cost.

Question: How large of a problem is bacteria and what is the solution?

Bacteria and parasites are indeed a great problem and often the most nutritious foods pose the greatest threat from germs.

It is ironical that sometimes a person can go out of his way year after year to eat carefully to enjoy good health and then suddenly have many of the benefits wiped out through contamination.

When I was younger I used to go out of my way to visit a local company that made apple juice and buy some from them before it was pasteurized so all the enzymes would not be destroyed. Unknown to me the company added contaminated water to the juice to make it go father and I caught a bug from it that gave me problems for years to come. In that case I would have been better off buying regular commercial juice from the store. In fact I would have been better off drinking Coke or Pepsi.

Later, as you know my wife and I developed another problem with contaminated colloidal minerals.

Going organic is not always enough. We must make sure we get our foods from an uncontaminated source and wash all our fruits and vegetables before use. Many do not realize that sprouts develop much more bacteria than something like lettuce and these should definitely be washed before use, especially commercial sprouts. It is wise to keep your refrigerator on as low a temperature as possible without freezing your foods.

Question: What is the main cancer causing ingredient in most shampoos and cosmetics?

The list is long and somewhat disturbing. Here is a link on this if you want to check it out. LINK


Free Energy?

A couple months ago one of our customers invited us to a seminar where a guy was to present to us new discoveries in Tesla technology that would lead to free energy. They were excited about the company and were investing some money which they believed would make them a bundle.

I have always been interested in Tesla so I invited my friend Wayne to go with me and we attended the seminar.

The founder of the company, Dennis Lee, did most of the talking and showed us technology, which if valid could revolutionize the world. He started out by showing us a modified engine that would run on water. His guys started it and it sputtered for a few moments and the backfired. He then complained that it usually worked fine, but that the engine must have been sabotaged by one of his enemies.

Then he showed us other discoveries he made, but what made me a little uneasy is that he would pause about every ten minutes and tell us how he had given his life to Jesus. Now I have no problem with anyone dedicating their life to God, but I have found through experience that when this aspect of a person’s life seems to be over emphasized in a non religious situation that it is often done for effect to promote some hidden agenda.

He went through some interesting technology but his master plan revolved around a system of generating free electricity. He presented a scheme that called for some to invest now so the company could have enough money to go into production. After things got going the first investors would wind up getting free energy for life whereas those who came along later would pay considerable money.

My instinct here was that I would lose my shirt if I invested with this guy and Wayne felt the same way. We were both skeptical about the inventions. I felt like the guy was on to a few things, but did not have them perfected yet.

Anyway I hadn’t heard anything about this company since until a few days ago the people who invited us to the meeting came in our office again. They were very angry and disappointed at the company and were suing in an attempt to get their money back.

Now I see that the company is selling a number of avant guard sounding products on the web and I’m still suspicious. If anyone has any history of dealing with them I would like to hear it.

March 14, 2000

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