Lifting Spirits


Lifting Spirits

I have received several letters in the past from people who are suffering from depression and self loathing and since there may be others out there who can benefit from my comments I thought I would post quotes with comments for all to hear but without mentioning any names.

A reader made this comment:

“I don’t like myself at all, I feel no connection to anyone I know and would find it very easy for me to walk away from anyone and anything if I thought it was necessary…

“It seems that my whole life I’ve been caught in the “Apathy trap” and I can’t seem to figure out exactly how to get out of it. Even when I see where I can improve on myself, I find it very difficult to even try, and in most cases even care. I know I’m more than just flesh and bones, more than what meets the eye, but I find no love within me for me. How am I supposed to love someone else when I can’t even love me? Quite often someone will say, “Well snap out of it”, “You are what you think you are”, “Pray about it, God will help you”, and don’t forget the most advertised pat answer of all time – – “Don’t worry, be happy”. Most of the time when someone tells me one of these, I get almost angry at them and think “They don’t understand, they don’t know what they’re talking about, they are full of it”, etc etc etc.

“I am ONE lonely person who can’t seem to even accept Love when it’s offered to him, nor receive a compliment without cutting it to shreds. I don’t know how to break out of this prison that I’m living in (and I’m sure it’s probably mostly my own creation). Mostly all I ever feel is contempt towards most people for one reason or another. I don’t know, I feel like this e-mail is probably a waste of time too. But yet I’m also crying out from the depths of my soul for relief from this life of HELL I’ve been in as long as I can remember. I’ve never been able to look at a woman without some type of sexual thoughts going through my mind, seeing them mostly (only?) as objects. I have even cut myself off from seeking any types of pleasure (either mind or body) with another person believing that it would only end in disaster anyway, so why try?

“I sometimes feel that there isn’t a person on earth who can reach me and depression is a very old friend of mine. I’ve learned to block out everything so well for so long, I no longer know how to stop doing it. Even though I believe that God loves me no matter what, I can’t seem to Love me or forgive me for past mistakes. I used to be able to get into meditations at one time in my life, but now, I find it hard to even get started. I’m sure you’re probably wondering why I beat myself up so much, and if I’m ever going end this message. So, I guess I’ll end here.”

I responded as follows:
Depression like this is indeed a fierce item to deal with. If any of us would meet this person we would not guess he is depressed for he seems like a likable cheerful person who has as much love as the next guy. The thing is that you never know for sure what people are feeling inside until you look deeply.

Let’s look at what we can do on all levels.

The Physical:

Drugs are often seen as the only hope but long-term use will create more harm than good and can cause much delay in facing the real problem. Nevertheless, if the person is currently on drugs he must be careful about going off of them for a quick withdrawal can also create problems. It is interesting that the shooters at Columbine High were on anti depressant drugs.

The depressed person should always get a blood sugar test and find out if he has consistent low blood sugar. If he does then read several books on diet for low blood sugar and this will often alleviate much depression.

Buy a book on fasting and work yourself up to a week or even ten day fast. If you have not fasted before start with just a day then later try three days and still later a week.

One of the best combinations for fasting is to take a pint of purified water and mix in two fresh squeezed lemons with a dash of cayenne pepper and honey added to taste. Drink as much of this combination during the fast that you desire.

A week to ten days fasting on this will do much to clean out and purify the system. Once the physical body is cleaned out much of the problem with some types of depression will be lifted.

If you find that you have low blood sugar fasting will often be difficult. In this case also take some bee pollen or spirulina during the fast to give you some protein to adjust the blood sugar. If you have not taken bee pollen before you need to first test yourself with a small amount to see if you are allergic to it.

Another thing you can do is to take about twenty minutes of aerobic exercises each day. Exercises like running, swimming etc that really work up a sweat release hormones in your system that bring a greater feeling of cheerfulness and peace of mind.

One of the main solutions on all levels to this problem is the first key. We must realize that we are Decision and make every effort to magnify this power and create what we decide through the power of Attention.

One of the main causes of depression is that we have avoided important decisions in our past. Remember the parable in my book where Dave turned hell into heaven? Who were the really depressed ones in the story? It was the two who did not make a decision who stayed behind and never progressed on the path or took the risk required.

Do not let fear stop you from making a decision and then putting your attention on it. If you find that your attention is focused much of the time on yourself in a negative way you must shift your attention to other avenues. Place it on your work, loved ones, learning, a hobby etc. Every day arrange your life so that you’ll have something to look forward to. This is a little thing, but can be a big help.

It can be as simple as a glass of wine at dinner, a good TV show, a movie or a visit with a friend. These things to look forward to will not happen automatically if you are depressed. You must arrange them and place them in your path and when they are crossed focus all your attention on your enjoyment of the moment.

On the non physical level one of the greatest causes of depression and apathy is guilt. Guilt is a negative force that focuses attention on your imperfection and paralyses your power of decision. It is caused by allowing your attention to be placed on some outside authority who has taken the place of the God within. If God, or the power of God, is seen as existing in some man or influence from without then this entity has power to control you through guilt and thus control you through fear and depression.

You take back your power by turning to the Holy Spirit within and letting this be your only final authority. When this happens the chains that hold you bound come undone and you will enter into the joy of the Lord and in this state depression is impossible.

Going through the workbook of A Course in Miracles can be quite helpful here in releasing guilt. Once you have neutralized the effects of guilt you will have made a great step in releasing yourself from the chains of depression.

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Ticket To Ride



Ticket To Ride

A reader expressed his doubts about himself being ready for any advanced work.

You speak for many here. This is one of the main differences between Jesus and us. If a female sincerely tells a regular guy that she believes he can do all things even to the raising of a Lazarus from the dead we would make fun of her rather than taking it seriously. Jesus took it seriously and spoke the words of faith and with the union of male/female energy caused a man who had been dead over three days to come forth.

I must also confess that sometimes my believing wife tells me to do some crazy things (like heal my computer when it doesn’t work right) and I make light of her so you’re not alone here.

A reader asks:

“Why did the withdrawal of an atom (Judas’) leave Jesus and the whole molecule so vulnerable? Is it the price to pay? Can you relate this to an initiate that cuts his covenant (to soul, wife or brotherhood) and the sorrow that ensues? Hey, it’s better to grow slowly then.”

It wasn’t the withdrawal from the molecule that caused the problem, but the betrayal. If a disciple decides to withdraw from a molecule because he is not ready or desires to join another one then the transition can be made harmless, but the problem with Judas was that his actual act of betrayal when he took those thirty pieces of silver in exchange for his Master’s life shattered the molecule in a way that caused a great and rapid withdrawal of energy. It’s like deep sea diving. If you come up too fast it can be deadly, but if you come up slowly there is time to adjust and all is well. Judas gave his Lord no time to adjust and would have caused His death if the angel had not come and strengthened him.

Scholars have never questioned why the three disciples with Him could not stay awake. Even though they were not affected nearly as much as Jesus they almost fell into a coma until the angel came and assisted the Master. It took a superhuman effort on the part of Jesus to handle the situation as He was facing the cross. He had to face greater pain than the cross so He could go to the cross. There was such stress that He bled from the pores of his body.

“Another question is: why are you attempting to draw from the net simple seekers as us, and doesn’t this molecule need experienced initiates? Are they doing it in the Brotherhood? Finally you might answer the simple question: what are we doing here with you and why. I mean, how does it relate to the whole pattern? I should ask this more precisely. We are not active conscious initiates, like the ones that receive direct guidance from masters. I for one, am clearly an aspirant, and no disciple, a disciple serves and is not self centered.”

This is an awkward question to deal with. If I build the group up too much I could wrongfully affect some egos so they think they are higher than they are and feel they are ready to be saviors of mankind. There is nothing more awkward for a teacher to deal with than one who is a beginner spiritually who believes he is the next great avatar and was a dozen of the most important people in history in his past lives.

The words of Jesus come to mind here:

“And he put forth a parable to those which were bidden, when he marked how they chose out the chief rooms; saying unto them, When thou art bidden of any man to a wedding, sit not down in the highest room; lest a more honourable man than thou be bidden of him; And he that bade thee and him come and say to thee, Give this man place; and thou begin with shame to take the lowest room. But when thou art bidden, go and sit down in the lowest room; that when he that bade thee cometh, he may say unto thee, Friend, go up higher: then shalt thou have worship in the presence of them that sit at meat with thee.

“For whosoever exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.” Luke 14:7-11

If we are not sure of our position it is best to take the “lowest room” for if by chance one is a beginner he shall not be embarrassed when the truth is revealed. On the other hand, if the Master says: “come up higher” the disciple is honored. There would be nothing more embarrassing than to think of oneself as a great avatar only to learn that the first initiation has not yet been taken.

Remember, the true disciple does not publicly reveal his status, and especially does not brag about status. I cannot stress this too often.

Some here underestimate themselves. Perhaps these should hear the voice of the master calling to “come up higher” and aspire to things more noble.

The twelve that Jesus picked for that early molecule were fairly ordinary people by the standards of the day. Some had great accomplishments in past lives but were unaware of their potential until the Christ stimulated them.

In this age the same shall occur. The molecular initiates in this time will feel the same points of tension as did the early disciples and will wonder about their worthiness and readiness. I certainly wonder about mine to do such a job but I forge ahead because I feel I must. There is no telling the repercussions if each of us do not do our jobs whether large or small.

If we wait for some obviously advanced initiates to create molecules we will be waiting through the next millennium. As the old farmer says, we must plow with the horses we have. The molecule is not yet ready to be formed but hopefully soon will be and those who feel a call from their souls to be a part of it must prepare their minds and hearts for the ride of their lives.

I use that phraseology because a while back my wife heard a voice speak to her as she woke up. It said: “You have a ticket to ride.” She had an impression that it was speaking of the great opportunity that she would have in this work and the creation of the molecule and that she was to hold on to the ticket and not lose the opportunity. I guess that applies to all of us.

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Higher and Greater Lives


Higher and Greater Lives

An excerpt from The Molecular Relationship may need some clarification:

“To understand this relationship, the first principle that must be realized is that there is life and consciousness in all forms, whether they be atomic, molecular, human, planetary or solar. Relatively perfect relationship which we call the Molecular Relationship exists in all forms from the cellular level on down. Even though life pervades all forms above the cellular, such lives have not reached Molecular Relationship. The cells within the organic lives such as plants, animals and humans have such relationship, but the greater lives are yet striving to obtain it. The plants yield to animals and the animals yield to human as the final point of attainment for this system. Now humanity goes forward with bodies of mineral, plant and animal components to bring completion to the present Purpose of God.

It is thus our responsibility as a species to take relationship to its next great beginning.”

Some may have a problem with the statement: “ the greater lives are yet striving to obtain it.”

By greater lives I mean composite lives such as nations planets, suns galaxies and so on.

Relative to us humans there are greater lives who do practice it such as Christ and his Masters of wisdom, but they are in human form and are the beginning of its implementation among humans on this little planet.

Among us regular mortal humans who do the grunt work on this earth the relationship has never taken root. This is what I refer to as the next great beginning – that is to establish it among us as a permanent system. This will be a great evolutionary step for this planet. Nevertheless, it will not make us unique for this relationship does exist on other planets, but percentage wise they are very few in number. Overall humanity is young in the universe and we have a lot of Becoming ahead of us.


Moving Stars

A reader quotes me saying:

“Imagine having the power to move the star system of Alpha Centura into our> solar system creating a double star and much easier access to its planets so we can transform its primitive life into a garden of Eden.”

Then he adds: Seems to me, that if you did this, you would throw off the balance of our solar system. As quoted from my friend, “The added radiation from another star in our solar system would fry all life on our planet. “Breakfast, anyone?


I understand that it’s fairly well known and accepted in the scientific community, that changes in space can affect wind patterns on Earth, and cause various other weather patterns to occur. It’s even suggested that the Eclipse on August 11th of this month, helped to cause that moderately destructive tornado that materialized in the heart of Salt Lake City. Tornadoes aren’t supposed to occur in Utah.

I’m not sure we would want another star in our solar system. Beyond the added radiation, it could negatively affect the gravitation pull of our own sun, thus disrupting the normal orbit of our own planet, possibly causing us to hurl out in to space, or be torn apart completely. If none of that happened, then the extra daylight would heat up our planet exponentially (greenhouse effect) and melt the polar ice caps a little faster than I would feel comfortable, thus flooding most of our land.

When the time comes (in the far future) that we can move stars and if we decided to move Alpha Centauri here it would be probably placed a distance away, like beyond the orbit of Pluto. When you look up in the sky you would not see a bright sun, but a very bright star with the luminosity of the moon. Still this would make the system very accessible with future technology. Right now traveling at the speed of light it would take 4.3 years to get to Alpha Centura but with the new location would only take a couple days using future technology.

In this future we will have full control over the weather and effects of radiation and have near complete control over the effects that such a move would create.


Dark Brothers

“How can a person know if they are dealing with someone who is, consciously or unconsciously, affiliated with the dark brothers? I ask because of someone I know who seems to make it a point to keep me off balance. I’m beginning to think that if I never saw this person again, I’d not miss them for a minute (and this is someone with whom I have been good friends for the last nine years). I’m kinda lost here, because I wonder, am I supposed to look for the Christ within this person even if they are “one of them”? Any guidance would be appreciated.”

Behind every person, even a Dark Brother is a soul connected with God. The difference between a Dark Brother and everyone else is that communion with the soul has been completely severed by himself and cannot be reconnected in this system.

Only a small handful have retrogressed to this degree. Even the typical mass murderer has not completely severed the link.

But to see the Christ, or the soul, within a person does not involve seeing what is not. If the person is mean spirited or irritating you do not pretend that he is a nice guy. Instead, you put your attention on the true reality – that behind this person – no matter how apparently evil he is, is the Soul.

Seeing the Christ in an undesirable person causes you to forgive him of all offenses, because you are seeing from soul to soul. This does not mean that on a personality level you have to pretend like he is a nice guy and be his friend. If you are a person with soul contact you should seek friends who also have such contact, but when those of low vibration cross your path recognize that the Christ is within them and is seeking to surface and let them go on their way with no negativity being sent or received by you.

You have probably never met a true Dark Brother, but you have come across many who are manipulated by them. As entities approach closer to the dark side you can recognize them through a “disturbance in the force” when you are around them. It will sometimes feel like they are taking your energy. You can neutralize this effect by taking your attention from them and placing it on the Christ within.

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Conscious Creation


Conscious Creation

Lorraine asks:

“Basically my question (concerning the Molecular Relationship) is about the non-romantic partners. If I chose a non-romantic partner then aren’t I short changing myself. I can’t get the full benefits of a full union on all levels, can I? Just how much energy is shared between those two? And if I do settle for this then a possibility of a full union comes do I leave my non-romantic partner for the new one leaving him alone and unstable? I see the possibility for a lot of connection and some de-connecting that would really hurt. I wonder if this is accurate.”

Your working partner will often be one with whom you do not share romantic energy, even though in some cases the couple may go in that direction. It will be similar to a couple working together in the workplace which is a common occurrence. Many males and females work together as friends and never get interested in a romantic level, but then there are those who do.

This will be a similar correspondence in the working partner relationship. Just as in the workplace you can usually shift to a new partner without hurt romantic feelings even so this can happen in the Molecular Relationship.

There is one main advantage in the Molecular Relationship of the working partner over the workplace and that is you make the choice as to who your partner will be. Therefore, you should have a lot in common.

Also you will not be stuck with your working partner for any long length of time. You are free to change at any time a more suitable replacement is available.

The first molecules must always have twelve male/female units in it. In addition to this, as the numbers expand, there will also be associate members who are linked to the growing molecule. Some of these people will have working partners and some will not. Then when 12 more male/female units become available another molecule will be created.

Looks like we need to clarify several things.

I did not say that we humans on this earth will be the first to begin the Molecular Relationship. This relationship is currently practiced by all the higher lives of Masters and beyond.

This relationship is very ancient, but it will be relatively new to humanity. Even though it has been attempted in past ages it has never been firmly established in the human kingdom on this earth.

The statement that probably threw some off most is that man is the only conscious creator in the universe.

Note that I did not say that he is the only creator in the universe, not did I say that he is the highest or most important life form.

Many lower forms create also. For instance atoms arrange themselves into crystalline order. The seed grows into a flower. The beaver builds a damn. But these are not conscious creations. Ages and ages ago these creative expressions were perfected through conscious creation, but when conscious creation perfects a thing then creation proceeds without the involvement of self consciousness. The atoms arrange themselves through a program they adhere to as does the seed when it grows to the flower. Even so, does the beaver follow a program when he builds the damn. He does not sit back and think to himself: Now let’s see. How do I go about building this dam? If he did then each beaver would build a dam with much more differences from the other beavers than is now the case.

As we move up the evolutionary ladder we find that true conscious creation does proceed from human form and intelligence. When the human builds a dam he consciously decides and plans how to go about it. Then when dam making is perfected he follows the plans developed in the past by other humans, or a program similar to the beaver.

The beaver is limited to plans programmed within him, but the human can go where “no one has gone before” and send a man to the moon and beyond through conscious creation.

Humans constitute the fourth kingdom in nature. The fifth kingdom is loosely called the Kingdom of God and is occupied by Masters of Wisdom, but even these high individuals are in human form when they consciously create in this physical universe.

The Angel Kingdom is on a different path of evolution than is man and progresses through following the will of God without consciously questioning anything. This is why certain deva lives, even though used by the Masters for good, can bring disaster if prematurely contacted by a human. Their marching orders are given to them through sounds, mantras and symbols and thus they can become as a beneficial wind or a destroying hurricane to the ignorant.

All lives pass through the human kingdom at one time or another and consciously create until fullness of joy is achieved. Then we move on and leave normal consciousness behind and identify more fully with the Life principle and BECOME through a principle of Identification rather than Consciousness. Once this is achieved we lose interest in being a direct participator in the construction of physical form and work from a point of initiating and directing ideas that are the basis of conscious creation for us lowly humans.

To verify what I say just take a look through the known universe. Do you see any other conscious creators? If you think you do then what have they created in the world of form?

This concept is an interesting thought, one hinted at by the masters but never fully explained. Man (or those in physical humanoid forms) as the point of conscious attention for God, does bear a great responsibility. Even though humans have been around in the universe for many ages we are just teenagers as a race relative to the life of the universe itself and we shall indeed go where no human, or any other life has gone before.

Isn’t this a much loftier thought than just blindly repeating what others have done? We shall emulate God and “do all things new.” The thrill of newness beats the hell out of repetition in my book any day. By the way, mindless repetition for the human kingdom is hell.

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Fine-tuning Meditation


Fine-tuning Meditation

With visualization (a female power) you can see what is already created out of more refined matter, or images that are presented to your consciousness by a higher part of yourself or some inner teacher.

With imagination (a male power) you create and manipulate more refined matter and mold it according to your desires or the instructions of your Higher Self.

Once a thing is properly created through imagination then it exists independently in higher vibration and can be seen by a person with good powers of visualization. Then too, he who successfully creates with imagination gains greater power to visualize when that which is created has a life of it’s own.

If you cannot visualize all the steps in getting to the New Jerusalem do not let that stop you from concentrating on creating your room. You can backtrack later and get down the rest of the visualization.

It is fine that you put a window in your room and it doesn’t matter where it is. Decorate your room however you like it. When you want to contact your partner you can keep the window there or make it disappear and replace it with a regular wall if you want.

The important thing is that you start creating in your room and that you start with the energy that comes easy for you whether it be visualization or imagination. We will need both these male and female powers to create the intended baby here.

We need imagination to create the form and visualization to hold the form together.

Also keep in mind that some males will have greater powers to visualize and some female will have to start with imagination. Generally, the females will be better at visualization, but because of our life experiences this is not a hard and fast rule. There are exceptions to almost all things in nature.

So Alex and the rest of you – if you have to create and put in details by using your imagination – go ahead. This is the start of a creative process that can construct images that the female power to visualize can see and experience.

The only thing in this visualization that is already in existence is the New Jerusalem you see from the outside and the Master you meet inside. From the starting point of your room you will assist in the creation of a mansion in the Father’s House.

Jesus said: “In my Father’s house there are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2

Not only can the Master prepare a place for us but we can participate in preparing one for ourselves and others. If we are to become Sons and Daughters of God we must also learn to prepare “a place.”

Each time you visualize or imagine the meditation you do not have to take the journey from the beginning. Once you get the essence of your room down you can see yourself instantly transported there as you begin the meditation.

Do some more work on the three walls covered so far and trust me for the moment on the future self. It may sound fantastic, but let me assure you that you have one and certain types of contact are possible.

After making a review of the three walls concentrate on the fourth wall. On the other side are at least twenty-four others doing this same meditation – twelve male and twelve female. Some of these twenty-four may be doing the meditation a little in the future; but nevertheless, you sense at least twenty-four, but more is OK.

As you begin to sense the presence of these people the wall fades away and you walk toward them and join then in an unbroken circle.

I liked Marylin’s comment on her room:

“To draw my room you would need at least 20 square acres.”

Even though this may seem to be far from what many thought was the goal of our rooms this thought illustrates individuality and creativity. There is no right or wrong about what you can have in your room, how big it is or what the shape is.

If you have six walls and I guide you through four walls then you must use your imagination to make things work. Either transform your room temporarily into one with four walls or use four of your six walls. The fact is that this is your room and you are to create it to serve your purpose and desires..

I understand that some of you are not participating at present. That is fine. You may or may not want to join in later. If you have reservations do not force yourself. I would encourage some experimentation as time goes on and curiosity may be aroused.

(To access the New Jerusalem Meditation go HERE)


Evolution After Age 21

I received a question around the teaching that we repeat our past evolution in miniature until the age of 21 and then we painstakingly go on to learn one or two major lessons. Do not many make major advances after the age of 21?

Several of you were wondering around this train of thought. It does seem to many of us that we made a big jump in evolution after the age of 21, perhaps even into older age.

Tracy makes a statement that seems to indicate this is true:

“If it’s not, then just call me Abby (Normal)! I was almost totally uninterested in matters spiritual until around age 28, at which time I practically lived at this bookstore called East/West Books in Menlo Park.”

I also have experienced great changes in my belief system and thought processes after the age of 21, but what we need to understand here is that a change in direction, belief or thought process toward what seems to be the light does not indicate a leap in spiritual evolution.

Gaining much knowledge does not indicate advance in spiritual evolution.

True steps in evolution are often difficult to perceive and often read incorrectly.

For instance, a person may go from an orthodox belief in God to being an atheist and actually make progress upon the path in the process.

All his believing friends will judge him as retrogressing believing they are progressing while the truth may (not always) be just the opposite.

Perhaps the God he is rejecting is a very illusionary one and no God for a period of time is nearer the truth than one who is more like a devil with great authority.

“But aren’t we making a giant step in evolution when we move ahead in the discovery of real truth?”

Answer: It is not the discovery of truth that is an indication to you evolution. Instead it is your power to perceive truth and act upon it.

You may have had the same quality of perception of truth when you were twenty-one as when you are forty, but the only difference between then and now is that you now have a chance to test that perception.

This concept I am teaching is also borne out in my studies of handwriting analysis. From the age that the person learns to write and the age of twenty-one there is always (especially in evolved souls) many changes in the handwriting indicating evolution of the personality, feelings and mind. Then from the age of 21 until death there is very little change of intelligence in the characteristics of the writing.

The person may say: “At the age of 38 I had a life changing experience that caused me to take a much more enlightened path.”

Yet I look at the handwriting and there is virtually no change in intelligence.

Don’t get me wrong, we do grow in intelligence after the age of twenty-one, but this growth is very much slowed compared to advancements before that age. We usually learn no more than one major lesson in each life, even though it may seen that we learn many. Outside of this one major lesson we generally are just relearning and perfecting past lessons.

Let us use the book, The Immortal, as an example here. Many have said it changed their lives. The thing is that this book may not have been available when you were 21 so it couldn’t have touched you at that time, but if it was and a friend told you _ “here read this, it’s a great book!” there’s a good chance you would have perceived as much truth in it then as now.

The forty or fifty year old has more knowledge and experience to draw from than does the 21 year old and this can sometimes give the illusion of greater spiritual evolution, but remember the real key here is your ability to perceive truth.

To give yourself a real test at say 50, in comparison to your evolution at 21, you would have to forget everything you have learned since the age of 21 and then test your perception of truth against your younger self.

We kind of get a chance to make comparisons when we are reborn with no memory. In life B did we progress any faster than we did in life A? That is the real test. As we go out of incarnation and we compare our last two lives we can then see if we have made any real progress.

As for myself, I have probably had as many life changing experiences and periods of enlightenment as most people have, yet I can see that my basic intelligence has grown at a painstakingly slow rate. I can see that if what I know now was presented to me at the age of twenty-one I would have probably accepted it after some soul searching. Even so, I personally had to learn my one major lesson before the teachings I have can be successfully presented. I hope that I have learned it well.

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