Boise Gathering 2008, Part 8

This entry is part 8 of 15 in the series Boise Gathering 2008

JJ: A few things about the full moon… DK states that during the exact moment of the full moon it is like a door is opened and this makes it easier for mankind to communicate with the hierarchy. He recommends you begin initial contact in communicating about two days before the full moon and continue to contemplate a few days after but right during the full moon is really the time of meditation to contemplate and receive messages from higher beings.

We are going to go through some various sounds that are connected with the chakras and as we make these sounds I want you to sound them as a group and then feel the vibration in the chakra itself. The first one affects the base chakra at the base of the spine and is called the life chakra because that is the source of life and it is where the life energy flows in every life form from the most primitive to the most enlightened being they have energy going through the base chakra. When you say this sound feel the vibration on the base of the spine.

There is a saying in the east that each man has so many breaths to breathe in a lifetime so the slower you breathe the longer your life is. I heard this when I was young so I thought well I better start breathing slower while I am young and maybe this will help me live longer but who knows because there is no scientific data on it but if you breathe deep you are going to get more oxygen.

(Transcriber: JJ and the audience making the sound and feeling the vibration at the base of the spine.)

The next sound governs the sacral energy, which governs the sexual energy, and the sacral energy is found just below the navel so concentrate on feeling it there.

We can do variations of this by putting emotion into it and when you put emotion into it, it amplifies it. Just like when they put emotion into the sound of the ocean waves and it amplifies its effect. Experiment with the sound until you find where it vibrates the most and when it vibrates the most then you are in the most harmony with that chakra.

The next sound is connected to the solar plexus and this governs the emotional world and the sound connected to the solar plexus is hope. It is interesting that “no” is the most popular word connected with this sound and the solar plexus does kind of block a lot of things because it reverses things. If a person is governed by the emotional self then the emotional self will reverse almost everything that is true. It is like the Bible says, the heart, and what that really means is the emotional self, is the most deceptive of all things. The pure heart energy is not deceptive but it is true that the lower emotions are the most deceptive of all things.

When you are arguing with somebody and you are on an intellectual level and they are on the emotional level then there is no way that they will listen to reason. They are sure they are right and truth and logic means nothing to them and no matter what you tell them they are bound by what they feel because if they feel that way then that is their reality and they just cannot shift to anything on a higher level.

So “no” is an interesting sound connected with the solar plexus chakra. By saying this sound correctly we can amplify it. It is important as we journey through life to understand when this chakra center is vibrating because often times the person will be on the mental plane or the spiritual plane or the spiritual heart and then shift right back down to where they are centered on the solar plexus.

Now the solar plexus is good as long as you recognize that your feelings are coming from there. Then you can guide your feelings and use them appropriately. The lower feelings have a use but if we let them be in charge they will almost always steer us in a wrong direction. So it is important that the disciple understand when he is being governed by his solar plexus. When he finds that he is then he has to stop and check himself and say wait I am being governed by my solar plexus and I need to switch upward and be governed by the higher purpose.

So if you know that the animal in you is not under control and you are really letting it out then it is in charge – that is your solar plexus and you need to bring it back under the control of that which is higher within you. Like when you find yourself cursing instead of saying ouch or darn that hurt. Use that part of you which is higher to say these words instead of saying all the curse words that you really feel like saying.

The audience and JJ are sounding the AUM.

When there is a catastrophe in our life our solar plexus really jumps in to the feeling nature and then registers it, whenever you have that oh no feeling that is your solar plexus and especially if it is accompanied by a feeling.

The next one is the heart chakra and that is the Ahh sound.

The audience and JJ are sounding the AHH using the throat.

There is a difference between the heart and the solar plexus; the solar plexus governs fear, state of happiness and pleasure and normal positive and negative emotions. The heart governs more spiritual love, the type of energy where the person loves not because he wants to possess but because it wants to serve.

Next is the throat chakra and throat says I, I am becoming and it identifies who you are. We will go a little bit higher this time.

(The audience is saying I-I-I in a little bit higher tone.)

The next chakra is the third eye and this is sounded in the A and we will go yet higher still for the pitch, you go a little bit higher as you progress to each chakra.

The last chakra is the top of the head or the crown chakra and is sounded in the E with a high pitch.

(The audience is sounding the E in a nice high pitch.)

Visualize the petals in the top of the head opening and lighting up when you say this sound.

The audience is sounding the E in a high pitch.

Visualize you are in the midst of a fire that does not burn like Moses was on the mount.

All the negativity is going up from the spine on up into this flame and into nothingness and all that is left is the purity of the spirit.

We are going to something a little different, the most beautiful sound in the world to each individual is the sound of what?

Audience: Their own name!

JJ: Boy, you people are sharp! I did not think anyone would get that. There are quite a few sounds within your name and you hear name probably more than any other sound out there so your name is something that what? What is it about your name that is different than other sounds?

It is the fact that all of us like to hear it, don’t we?

Audience: Yes

Yes, we like to hear our name. Now there are certain named sounds that we do not like to hear; for instance the IRS. We do not like it, we do not want to hear it, we do not want to speak it.

Audience: Chuckling

JJ Most of us have an emotional attachment to our name unless you are a macho guy and then you probably are not too emotionally attached to it. I named one of my daughters Ishmaella Elizabeth. I thought Ishmaella was a pretty name but it turned out she didn’t like it. When she went to school everybody started to call her Ishy. She did not like this so she changed her first name to Elizabeth. Artie is a somewhat unusual female name and she was not really excited about using it in the Immortal books so I used Elizabeth, my daughter’s name instead.

Now we need a volunteer for sounding their name – any takers? Okay Val come on up here and we will put you in this chair here. Now Val is a good name because it is easy to say.

Let’s look at Val and think positive thoughts while we just say his name. We are going to concentrate on healing energies. Almost everybody has something wrong with him or her and if you check with most anyone you will find this out.

Yes I have this thyroid thing and a few other things not working right!

Audience: Chuckling!

Anyway all of us are open to a charge of life force, even if we are relatively healthy we want more energy. Does anybody have more energy than they want?

Suzi: I have plenty!

Audience: Chuckling!

JJ: Outside of Suzi all of us need more energy. No matter we could always use a little bit more energy and a little bit less sleep and get up bouncing and ready to go. And if nothing else everybody could use a charge of energy and even though Val looks pretty healthy he would probably be happier if he were even healthier with more vitality. So if we just send vital energy it will help with physical problems and if he is healthy then he will have even more health and vital energy. This is what we are looking for.

So we want to send to the person in the middle the most positive energy we can drum up. First of all just say his name and think positive thoughts for him.

(Audience is saying his name (VAL) energetically, sounding and thinking positive thoughts for him.)

Okay now we break down the letters. Now Val needs to feel the charge that is coming through us saying his name.

Okay now sound the V

Okay now AL.


What do you think of and what is the energy behind your sounds? It sounds like some of the heart energy there.

(Audience continues to sound Val’s name in different ways and different pitches.)

One more time, charging.

Okay he is ready to go! Who is next? Rob has an easy name.

Audience is now sounding Rob’s name with charging energy.

It is a little bit like a cheerleader and every time Rob hears his name he should think they are cheering him on.

Okay now there are three sounds in this, one with each letter.

The audience is sounding out the letters individually with energy.

Okay one more time to charge him up.

Audience complies.

JJ: Okay that should last him for a year!

Joshua is next and the audience repeats the process.

JJ: We have three basic sounds with Joshua. Josh-U-A. The Josh gets the energy going and the U stands for passion so once he gets his motor going watch out he could be a real Romeo. Now josh has a lot of action behind so he should be a quarterback and throw that pass and really impress the girls.

When I first met Josh I thought he was a bit of a mystery and he does not reveal too much of himself.

Josh-who-ahh interesting name action with pleasure and that is quite a name and this was the native name of Jesus so to speak because he was called Joshua in Hebrew. And after all He did have a company of women following Him as it says in the Bible. Do you have a company of women following you Josh?

Josh: Not yet!

JJ: Ah is a building sound, Jesus certainly built the most successful organization even though those who followed Him built it and He still initiated it. So it would show that this name of Joshua has tremendous power of energy and building and creating. Do you see yourself as a creator a creative person?

Josh: Sort of but it is mostly in my own consciousness right now.

JJ: So you have not manifested that yet. Okay Josh-U-A. Lets say this several times.

Audience: Josh-U-A (Saying this several times)

JJ: Emphasize the last syllable.

Audience: Josh-U-A

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Boise Gathering 2008, Part 7

This entry is part 7 of 15 in the series Boise Gathering 2008

JJ: Jesus does not say this in the regular Bible but in the Aquarian Gospel He said the body is like a harpsichord and when it is out of the tune the body will become ill. The master musician is the master tuner who will tune the sounds to harmonize with each other.

There is an interesting story that Jonathan tells in one of his books and that is he mentions that sound is kind of neutral in a way and in a way it is not. It is neutral in the fact that our consciousness can make of a sound what it wants to make of it. We have many sounds that can bother us, for instance the barking of a dog, but it is possible to tune out that sound. Listen to that sound and go with the sound. Many people just can’t sleep with any sound in the background and others can sleep and not be disturbed by anything in the background. Now what is the difference?

The person that is not disturbed lets the sound go through him. He accepts it and lets it pass through. The other person resists the sound and when you resist the sound it will bother you. My mom hated the Beatles and she would say where did you get that crap, it just sounds horrible and it is just a bunch of noise. She was resisting the sound – almost every adult I knew resisted the sound of the Beatles, which of course is hard to believe today because the Beatles did produce beautiful music. The older people all resisted the music of the day and we all accepted it. The difference is acceptance because Elvis, the Beatles and rock and roll was different than what the older generation was used to and they did not like it. Now the same thing can be true with real noise. You can resist it and it will bother you or you can just let it pass through you. I have learned to accept almost every background noise except for dripping water. I have not figured out how to accept this yet.

So when a sound occurs you can accept it or you can reject it. Jonathan talked about an interesting experiment. These guys recorded the sound of a seashore. You have heard this before where they have the sounds of the waves and such. But they recorded this in three different circumstances. The first they just recorded the sounds and did not have anybody there and recorded the sound as is. During the second they had one group of people listening to the waves and thinking very positive thoughts giving as much positive energy to the recording as they could. In the third recording they had the group send out anger and hateful feelings as it was being recorded. The question was, is there a difference in the recordings – because when you listened to them they sound exactly the same.

The result of muscle testing during the first recording showed no change in muscle strength. The second time when they played the recording with the positive thought from the group the muscles seemed to be much stronger than normal. But on the third one, where the people were thinking angry and negative thoughts as it was being recorded, the muscles became very weak.

Jonathan came up with the idea that the intention behind sound produced different effects. When they were enjoying the sound this produced a positive effect and that sound they were listening to became a greater sound. But when they added the negative thoughts and energy it became a negative force. The sound by itself was pleasant. Lets use Angelina Jolie again. If we see her we see the physical beauty of the form but what if she paid attention to you and you happened to fall in love with her? Then you have much more higher view of her and she would probably become even more beautiful to you than the average fan. This is the way it is with sound once you fall love with a sound it becomes greater to you than what it was, the sound becomes amplified.

Jonathan Goldman has an interesting selection of sounds and I am going to play just a few for you. I will play this CD called Frequencies and it is a collection of his best sounds.

The following sound is the sound to meditate on when you are contemplating the first chakra. The first chakra represents the life force.

Samples of Jonathan Goldman CD’s playing.

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Boise Gathering 2008, Part 6

This entry is part 6 of 15 in the series Boise Gathering 2008

JJ: One of the initiates in the sphere of sound is a man called Jonathon Goldman, has anyone ever heard of this guy?

Audience: Yes, he is awesome and you have got to go to his website and read up on him and some of his CD’s will blow you away!

JJ: I have checked out a lot of CD’s on sound and this guy is way above anybody else and I believe he is one of the initiates and disciples working on the planet. When you listen to this you can tell and the interesting thing about the sounds I am going to play you is that he got them through a revelation. Revelation always comes through a point of tension when you put a lot of attention on something and learn everything you can about it and then start putting things together and then all of a sudden you will get a flash – and this is what happened to him.

He studied every aspect of sound and then after he did all the studying and thinking he got this flash that came to him about putting two types of sound together which are tuning forks and vocals. I recommend you check out his CD’s. He has not produced a bad CD and his worst one is better than the next guy up on the tracks. So this is a great one to listen to and I will provide a commentary as we go along. Holy Harmony is the name of this particular CD. You can buy this through Amazon or through a dealer or right off his website.

(The music begins to play and we hear beautiful voices harmonizing with each other and singing along with tuning forks. Words are not sung but we hear just the sound of the voices and the tuning forks.)

JJ: The effect of the two sounds together produces the harmony and he calls it Holy Harmony because it harmonizes your body. Because your body is made of sound according to the revelation that he got they are made to harmonize the body.

Close your eyes and feel your body actually vibrate to this sound and do this for a minute or two.

Light is a higher form of sound and now visualize the lights with these sounds.

Now watch the lights move.

Visualize these lights as living sound and see them wrapping around you like living water. The light is moving around you and gently embracing you revitalizing your body and soul.

Now feel yourself being lifted up to your higher body and you are able to look down on your physical body and see the beautiful lights healing and caressing your body. You see yourself being lifted up and you see others in this group being lifted up with you. You see us forming a circle overhanging over our physical bodies sending down energy to our physical bodies. You turn your consciousness upward and you see the Great Spiritual Sun the source of all light vibrating sending light and life energy through us back to the physical plane.

You have this sense that anything you want to know or have from God will be given you. Because you are willing to perform whatever service you are supposed to perform.

Now you look upward and you see a point of light, the light descends and you become aware that this is the Master of Spirit, this is The Christ descending in our midst, and He descends in the middle of our circle and as He descends we enter back into our bodies and He stands in our midst in the middle of us and looks at each one of us. He looks at you and He says, “Peace be unto you my fellow servant, I have a message for you.” Now listen for that message over the next few minutes.

A period of silence passes.

Did anybody have any interesting experiences or communications? Yes Adam.

Adam: The feeling I always get when I attend these Gathering’s is one of incredible sharing of love and it is an easy place to cast off all the baggage we carry around with us. It just such a wonderful experience and I always feel empowered when I come here. The impression I got was to take this experience home with me and share it with my wife, kids, family and friends and they need to feel this from you and I think that is hard to do sometimes. You come here and you have the great experience and then you go back to the everyday life. So the message was to connect and share with others and realize that many are on different paths.

Rob: I saw a lot of different geometrical patterns along with colors, reds, blues and greens during the meditation. It was kind of like a scene playing out in my mind and how I felt at that moment transcended all these boundaries and I needed a reminder of that. Because in the day-to-day world it is hard to see all your brothers and sisters as souls traveling along the path as you are.

Audience: The experience reminded me of the tuning forks sounding in rhythm to the northern lights.

Larry Woods: First I felt like I was dizzy and then like I was almost lifting out of my body and then I was seeing colors and it was green geometric shapes with a blue back round and then for some reason about half way through my mind kind of rejected all that and I saw darkness and it actually started to give me a headache so I for some reason I was no longer able to flow with it.

JJ: Jonathon Goldman points out that about 20% of people are allergic to penicillin and he says the only reason for this is that some people just do not like the sound of penicillin and they are allergic to it, there body rejects it, so some people will resonate with him and others will have different experiences and just not like him. And basically he says it is that way with everything and he points out that there is no one song that everybody likes. He plays one song like we just played that is very popular and when he gets the audience reaction there is always some that do not like it no matter how much everyone else likes it. He says one man’s cure is another man’s poison so you have to go by what feels right for you and if you feel negative about it then tune it out and do some meditation about it. Overall these sounds are harmless but some people will benefit more than others.

Larry: That was like the book, A Course on Miracles everybody was telling me how good a book it was but for some reason it did not connect with me.

JJ: Maybe in another life things will be different or maybe you are just seeing head and shoulders above what everybody else is seeing so you just never know.

Martha: I saw a very intense bright green and there were waves of this color and I could actually see them and then was a blue kind of coming in and the waves of blue were going in a different way and the waves of these two colors were quite incredible.

JJ: How many here saw colors come in waves?

Audience Member: I did not see strong colors but I did have some words come to my mind. Let your light so shine and a city that is set on a hill cannot be hid, I got the sense that I should share greater light and truth with all that I come in contact with whether it be little things and what ever people can accept.

Audience Member: Maybe it was too late for me because about half through all I got was silence but I did feel the group energy.

Audience: When you said gather together and join hands I saw where we actually did draw together and join hands and the center of light was with us during the meditation and felt the healing energy permeate the group.

Audience: I felt the vibration of the music and it is hard differentiate between the creative mind and what can be a spiritual experience and it is hard to put into words.

JJ: Do you feel it has an effect on your physical body?

Audience: Absolutely and when I added the AUM pitch to it you just cannot deny that feeling and I could see everybody’s spirit and I got the message to shoot from the heart with love, joy and peace.

Audience: It was awesome for me, I saw a lot of geometric shapes and I also saw everybody in the circle of light and when the Christ came down basically I just asked for validation on the path and I also asked specifically that my wife Chris could see and hear her mom and dad because they have passed over so we talked about that she would be able to do that should she choose to open up. And I was able to play with the energy back and forth between my hands.

Audience: I saw the blue and green and I could feel the energy rising up and it just right here in my chest and I could feel the energy flowing through my hands.

Audience: I really enjoyed the two sounds together and I believe that we tune into frequencies and along the way we hear a frequency that opens us up to something higher. It seems like I always carry that same pitch that I heard here and my first visual was standing in air looking into like 3D effect with points of light that were green, light blue and white. I could only think well they were stars and from there I went to our circle and the Christ figure came down and the message was quiet thy self and this had a lot to do with what you were saying regarding baggage and how much we carry around and sometimes because of this we cannot quiet our self and keep our focus long enough to hear the still small voice within. I will take this message that I do need to take the time and meditate and visualize more.

JJ: First of all I will relate the message I got which was, I am getting a little older now, I am 63 and the message I got was if you want to continue and have the power to do everything you want to do, help others to find their power and help others to get healed and you will be healed and revitalized. The key words here are restored and revitalized and this is a good principle for all of us to take into consideration.

It is kind of funny – last night when I was going through some of these sounds trying to figure out what I was going to use. I had the Olympics on a fairly big screen TV and the sound turned all the way down because I was listening to these Goldman sounds and I was looking at the TV watching the gymnasts twirling around doing their thing. These mystical sounds went so good with it reminded me of the movie Chariots of fire and I thought this is really great! They should use these sounds for the Olympics.

JJ: The really interesting thing about sound is that sounds by themselves do very little. They are kind of neutral but not entirely because a pleasant sound has a different stimulus than an unpleasant sound but part of the reason it is pleasant is because of our makeup of who we are. Some people find beauty in one thing and others do not.

But there are certain types of beauty that receive close to universal acceptance. For instance, it is hard to find anyone who does not think Angelina Jolie is not beautiful. Beauty is not entirely in the eye of the beholder, for they have found that if the person is symmetrical – when one side of the face is similar to the other side of the face – people will find this pleasing. The ugly guy will have one side of his face look one way and the other side looks quite a bit different and there a lot of other things factored in like keeping in shape and getting rid of that belly and so on. Scientists are a little perplexed as to how to put beauty in a box so to speak, but being symmetrical is a part of it.

I first became aware of the interchange between sound and form when Artie and I were up in British Colombia and there was a science fair going on so we stopped there and they had all kinds of scientific exhibits. They had one on sound – they had this big plate and they would play different notes and the notes would vibrate this plate with iron filings on it and the plate would vibrate in very interesting and beautiful patterns would appear. This was one of the things that stimulated my interest in sound. As soon as I saw these patterns I began to think about the word, the word vibrated and all these forms began to manifest from this wave.

Just think of how complex it is to make just one sound that manifests this beautiful wave and then to combine the complexities of many vibrations and that makes up us as a human beings. We are a very large number of harmonious vibrations. What produces beauty in the human being are these sounds, these vibrations are sounding and complementing each other and what produces ill health is when these sounds are out of harmony with each other. If you go to a piano and play a chord and if you play the wrong note then you cringe. It is almost like scratching your fingernail on a blackboard; it sounds really bad. When a piano is really out of tune it also sounds really bad.

There are tremendous amount of ways to produce disharmony and there is much more potential in the universe to produce disharmony. For instance, you send a child to a piano and say just go ahead and pound out some notes – the sound will not be harmonious at all. The only time you get a harmonious sound is when you apply intelligence. The little kid does not know what he is doing so he cannot play harmonious notes and any time he plays two or more notes it sounds terrible. So it takes intelligence to produce harmony and the fact that there is harmony within us as human beings tells us that there is intelligence at work behind our creation.

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Boise Gathering 2008, Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 15 in the series Boise Gathering 2008

Hidden Sounds

JJ: We are going to discuss a number of interesting things and the core subject is healing through sound. This is a subject that has not been covered a lot by various teachers until recently and now in recent years people have started to get interested in it. They are realizing that sound is a very potent healer and sound is potent for what reason? And what is everything made of?
Audience: Vibrations

JJ: And sound is what?

Audience: Vibration

JJ: Everything is made of sound and this means that for you to be in good health, good stability and good vitality you need to have the sound which is you, be in harmony with all other sounds and all the sounds which is in you need to be in harmony with all of the sounds which is in you. Now the interesting thing about sound is that there are many sounds that are beyond the normal hearing and there are many sounds that are in the background that we do not pay attention to and we just tune them out. There are many sounds and vibrations in this universe that are beyond anything that we have perceived or conceived or seen or felt in our hearts before. Now the first thing that I am going to have you do is to concentrate on sounds that you hear right now that other people in the room may not be hearing. Please take about a minute or so and concentrate on the highest vibration of sound that you can hear.

Audience is Concentrating on the sounds

JJ: Can you hear yourself breathe? Think of the different things going on that you should be able to hear.

Audience is concentrating on the there breathing and listening to the sounds around them.

JJ: It is funny that when I had the accident when I was thirteen and the rocket that I was making blew up in my hand and it made an extremely loud noise. My Mom was walking in the kitchen close by and fortunately she was not hurt but her hearing was affected for a while because of the explosion. But the funny thing about me is that when I woke up in the hospital after my operation it must have cleaned the wax out of my ears because I could hear better than I ever could before. I could hear my heart beat and as a matter of fact my heartbeat even kept me awake for a while as my hearing was very intense for about a week or so after that explosion and I do not know why. With most like with my mom the explosion damaged her hearing for a period of time and in her older age her hearing was not very good and I do not know if that had anything to do with it or not, but I was laying there in bed and I could hear my heartbeat and it about drove me crazy. Fortunately this subsided and my hearing returned to normal after a while

JJ: Okay, Rob what sounds did you hear?

Rob from the audience: The air conditioner, somebody outside closing the door, people shifting in their seat, chairs creaking, I am not sure but maybe the lights making sounds.

JJ: Lights making sound, pretty good! Anybody hear any sounds that Rob did not hear?

Audience: There seems to be a very high sound almost like a harmonic that be a piece of ductwork where air is rushing through it.

Audience: I call it white noise, there is a noise over and above the air conditioning that you can really tune into and either my ears are not that great or I am hearing something unusual but if I concentrate then I can hear it.

Audience: Ditto on the white noise and I can always hear it no matter what the circumstance.

Audience: I hear almost like a deep drum beat, does anybody else hear that?

Audience: There is a rhythm coming from the AC.

Audience: I heard faint music.

JJ: Did anybody hear them selves breathing? Is there anymore to hear or did we hear everything there is to hear?

Audience: There is probably a lot more to hear.

JJ: Okay what else is to hear?

Audience: The colors of the waves moving through the room.

Audience: There is the sound that is in between sound and I think that if you work on it then you would probably be able to hear that space in between which is a sound beyond what we consider normal sound.

JJ: Okay are there any other sounds for us to hear?

Audience: I think there is a very tiny snick in this room and it may be the sounds that bounce off the walls and it seems that part of what we hear is being cancelled out.

Audience: What is a snick?

Audience: It is like a mini echo and it happens in every room where you have parallel walls.

JJ: There is a principle that says energy follows thought and where you put your attention is where you gain your knowledge and perception and for hearing where do we normally put our attention?

Audience: Do we normally put our attention on our ears?

JJ: Yes but what do we focus our ears on?

Audience: Just out side of our selves?

JJ: Yes but there is a lot outside of ourselves and inside of our selves.

All of us are putting our attention on the physical plane and is there anything else besides the physical plane?

Audience: Yes

JJ: What else?

Audience: The spiritual plane.

JJ: Okay how come nobody heard anything outside the physical plane? I asked you to put your attention on the highest sound you can perceive and everybody in the room heard things on the physical plane. Can we hear things beyond the physical plane?

Audience: Yes

JJ: How do we do that?

Audience: Practice

JJ: Practice by doing what?

Audience: Meditating

Audience: Listening

JJ: Meditating and listening to what?

Audience: Silence

JJ: Okay you hear on the physical plane by listening on the physical plane, correct. So to hear on other planes you do what?

Audience: Listen on that plane.

JJ: Right! You listen on the other planes, now how do we do that?

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: What makes it seemingly difficult is the fact that we are in a physical body and it is a little bit like when you are in a room with a bunch of machinery running and it is extremely noisy and you are trying talk to somebody and the sound is there but it is difficult to hear what the other person is saying with all that noisy machinery going. So you have to do one of two things – either talk louder or listen with great intent so you can hear what the person is saying.

Now the physical plane is a very noisy plane and our ears are not really even that good for listening on the physical plane. If someone in the back of the room speaks with a whisper I can hardly hear them even from here and I can’t hear the person or sounds from two blocks away but on other planes you can hear somebody thousands of miles away. So the ability to hear on the other planes is heightened but because of the noise on this plane we have to tune out the background.

My first wife really got aggravated at me because I would often tune her out and then I would read the Tibetan Books! This got me in big trouble and we eventually divorced, but fortunately I do not tune out Artie, she is impossible to tune out and she makes sure she gets heard.

You have to tune out certain sounds so that you can hear other sounds. Now on this physical plane we have a big problem with a lot of unwanted sounds. Have you ever had a neighbor that has a barking dog? You have a hard time going to sleep don’t you? How do you over come that?

Well one thing you can do is yell at your neighbor and threaten him. The other thing you can do is to tune out the barking dog. Some noises are easier to tune out than others and I have found that I can tune out almost anything and take a nap. I can sleep a few feet away from Artie when she is doing the dishes and clanging away because it is like music to my ears because I am not doing them! Laughter

I am able to tune a lot of things and I can take a nap in almost any circumstance like when the TV is on and I could probably take a nap standing on my head. I did have a tough time when I was much younger but I learned how to take a nap in almost any circumstance due to religious boredom. The church had certain elements in it that bored me so much that it taught me to tune everything out and take a nap so now I can take a nap in almost any circumstance – except for dripping water. If a faucet is dripping – for some reason I have not been able to master that yet, but I can tune out almost any noise except for dripping water and I don’t know maybe, I was tortured by the Chinese in a past life with water torture or something similar.

How do we tune in to sounds beyond the physical and what is there to tune into? Well there is quite a bit above this plane. What is the next level up above the physical plane?

Audience: The etheric level is the next level up.

JJ: Okay you have the etheric levels and then the astral level that is more permanent because the etheric level is intertwined with the physical and does not exist with form without the physical except for short periods of time. Then we have the astral and there are a number of levels in the astral world and we can tune into that by listening with our feelings because the astral world is composed of feelings. So what happens when you hear something on the astral world? How do you hear it?

Audience: The sound registers with your emotions.

JJ: Right you do not hear actual words but you pick up feelings. Have you ever had a sense that someone you are close to was really upset or in danger when there was no physical communication involved? You had a feeling about it and you had a feeling that something is wrong, the feeling that something is wrong is the easiest thing to pick up on the astral level because negative feelings are actually easier to pick up than positive feelings especially feelings of danger and things like that for concerned love ones. How many have felt like that in their life, raise your hands.

Okay about half of you here. When you pick that up what you are picking up is a sound and it is not like a sound on the physical plane such as words – it is entirely different. But it is still sound and it is just as valid of a form of communication as picking up sounds on the physical plane.

Larry you like a pretty sensitive guy. Do you pick up any emotional sounds from anyone in the room?

Larry from the audience: No

JJ: Okay you have not tried yet today have you?

Larry: No

JJ: Okay so lets try Larry, look at Jana over there and tune into her eyes for the eyes are the mirror to the soul as well as the emotions. What are you hearing from your feeling nature from her?

Larry: I have a sense of genuineness and that when she tells you something it is what she is thinking and she is not making false constructs.

JJ: I would say that would be true about her and it feels right to me as I look at her. Looking at her focuses my attention on her and my feelings on her and makes me more capable of picking up things about her. It is all right to look at the other person because that helps to focus the energies and the eyes help to focus the energies so yes I sense sincerity about her as well.

Look at Joshua over there, he looks like somebody needs to wake him up. Laughter. What sounds do you hear coming from him on the emotional level?

Jana from the audience: He looks like a nice guy and happy to be here even though he looks a little tired.

JJ: Okay now look at Lorraine she is just bubbling over with emotional energy.

Jana: She seems like a really nice person too.

JJ: Do you get impressions that are difficult to put into words?

Jana: Yes

JJ: You do get feelings about her right?

Jana: Yes

JJ: Okay all of our feelings are difficult to put into words because feelings are not words so you get emotional impressions about them. Have you ever met somebody and right away you have a wave of negative energy come over you and you think boy I need to stay away from this person. I have met a few people like that in my life and it is usually pretty accurate. Sometimes it is just because a person has just really had a bad day and he is ready to release some negative energy but other times your inner self is communicating to you that you need to stay out of this person’s way.

JJ: What is the next level up from the emotional?

Audience: The mental.

JJ: How do we hear on the mental level?

Audience: Good question and I hope you are going to tell us!

JJ: The highest hearing on the mental level is telepathy and telepathy is very difficult to achieve. The Masters can do it using the power of the mind and pick up and communicate actual words through the power of the mind and that is the highest level there. The Alice A. Bailey books were given by mental telepathy and Alice A. Bailey received the first books by receiving the actual words of the Tibetan. Then when she learned to go higher than the mental level He sent the later books through the power of impression. When she used the power of impression they argued more about how to put the words down because she was a greater participant in forming the actual sentences. So in the beginning the actual sentences were already pretty much composed and sent to her and she kind of doctored them up a little bit but then as she rose to master the science of impression they argued a bit more about how the wording was to be presented because she had more of a say.

The Tibetan would often grumble about Alice A. Bailey and He would say he wish she was more learned in the scientific world because she did not understand science very well and if she did then we could make the books a little more accurate.

On the mental level we can look at people and size them up. You can look at somebody and get feelings about him or her by putting attention on them but you can also look at someone and size them up mentally – if they have a certain type of face like Adam here. He just looks like an athlete doesn’t he and by looking at him you can form a mental conclusion that he just looks like he is into sports. Now what does a person into sports look like and why do we get that impression? There is really no short answer on that and it is just that he reminds us of a lot of people that are into sports and you do like sports don’t you Adam?

Adam: This is the profiling we need at the airport!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: You look at Larry and he looks like a real social guy!

Audience: He looks like a big teddy bear!

JJ: Yes he looks harmless doesn’t he and he has his baritone voice so you mentally conclude that he must be a good singer and this is one of the first things I asked him.

Larry from the Audience: By the way there was one thing I was going to say was that I have the skill to sing and that was one thing I did want to do but that was not my purpose in this life so I have not been allowed to use that.

JJ: I think I would have been quite musical if I had not blown some of my fingers off and that pretty much put an end to that but that freed me up so my attention could put elsewhere without being a rock star and having that distracting me.

Larry: Yes it would be worth seeing JJ with long hair and tie-dye t-shirts rocking out! Laughing!

JJ: Yes that would have been funny wouldn’t it?

Copyright 2011 By J J Dewey

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Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 34

This entry is part 19 of 24 in the series Kalispell Gathering 2006

Group Meditation

Starts out with the group singing: “I Am Becoming.”

JJ: Okay, let’s join up male, female as much as possible.

Audience: Aummmmmmm

JJ: Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, to God and the lamb, forever and ever, and ever, amen, amen and amen, let’s do this in a normal voice first and then louder the second time and even louder the third and then a moment of silence, during the period of silence you contemplate receiving and sometimes you receive and sometimes you will just get fired up. Okay let’s do this.

Audience: Completes this task and after remains in silence while contemplating receiving.

JJ: Did anyone get any impressions that they would like to share?

Audience: I saw something before we started that was funny, I saw some kind of bike in the water that someone was pedaling, there was this big leaf and as the person was pedaling it was a motor or propeller. It was made of something really rustic and was like a paddle boat but more like a bike. Then there was like a cone in the middle and everyone was sending energy to the middle of the cone.

JJ: Maybe this is how we will navigate around the city.

End of session

Audience: Aum, for a couple of minutes.

JJ: Concentrate not only on seeing but also hearing beyond the normal range. Hearing the voice of the spirit spoken by the Master Himself. Here the voice spoken, which says, come up higher, hear this voice and concentrate in a moment of silence.

As this voice registers with you, you feel yourself being lifted up and coming up higher. And above you is a point of light and as you raise yourself up you enter into the point and go through the point. As you go through the point you enter into a great light and on the other side is the city of the New Jerusalem, shining with great light and all the colors of the rainbow represented and shining all around it. There are 12 doors, 12 entranceways guarded by angels and you are gravitating to one of the entranceways. You are standing before one of the doorways and there are two angels, one on each side, the angels feel your vibration and tell you pass through and they smile.

The city is composed of matter where thoughts materialize and de-materialize. When you first enter through it just seems to be filled with a cloud of light and whatever you think begins to form. First of all we all want to meet together and as we think this we see everybody in this room gathering together in a circle again.

We want to see the Master who called us here. He materializes in the center of the circle. And chairs appear before us and we all sit with the Master sitting in a chair in the middle. We have all gathered around Him. He looks at us one by one as if He is reading our minds, our souls and our thoughts. And He says to us, I am going to introduce you to your Solar Angel,  a higher reflection of yourself. It can guide you wherever you want to go and will answer any question that you feel is pertinent to ask.

He raises His right arm and as He raises it a number of angelic beings descend to all members of the group. You look at your Solar Angel and you see a unique entity that seems very familiar to you. When you look at your Solar Angel you feel tremendous love and you understand that your Solar Angel has passed through every possible thing that you are now passing through. He understands every problem that you have, every hope and every dream. He has been through these things and He has overcome. He knows that you can over come. He knows that you have your doubts, your difficulties but He knows that you will overcome because He has been there and He rose above all things, Now look at your Solar angel and ask Him what advice do you have for me? Are you going to be with me; are you going to help me? Are you going to be accessible? Contemplate the next minute or two communing and being one with your Solar Angel.

Now your Solar Angel looks at you and raises His hands up placing one hand on your head and one hand upon your heart center which is between your shoulder blades on your back and you feel a burning within your heart that is stimulating energy circulating within your head. He says to you, “I give unto you the blessings of the most high, the power to overcome is within you and will be with you always and I will be with you always. I am awakened and you are awakening, you are as my child and I am as your parent and I love you with a parent’s love and I will never be far from you. You are never far from any of these beings like myself – we are all connected – we all help and we all assist. When humanity does this same thing then the kingdom of God will be upon the earth as it is in heaven.”

JJ Repeat after me; “Let the will of God manifest on earth as it is in heaven.”

Audience: “Let the will of God manifest on earth as it is in heaven.”

JJ: “Let me ascend in consciousness even as is my solar angel.”

Audience:  “Let me ascend in consciousness even as is my solar angel.”

JJ: “I love my fellow human beings even as my solar angel loves me.”

Audience: “I love my fellow human beings even as my solar angel loves me.”

JJ and audience: Aum…..

JJ: The solar angel opens the door and you look out this door and you see planet earth, He says, behold the people are waiting for what you have to offer them. They are crying out for help and yet they know not what they want. You must discern what they want and need and give it to them. Humanity knows not how to elevate itself and it must learn through trial and error, but you see a little more than the average person out there and you can help. If every child that contacts his solar angel does his part then everyone will be assisted and everyone will ascend in consciousness. Heaven and earth will eventually be one.

JJ & Audience: Aum…

JJ: Concentrate on the union of heaven and earth that which is in heaven manifesting here on the earth in harmony as we sound the three great sounds of the Aum.

JJ & Audience: 1st sound beginning of ideas.

JJ: This symbolizes the beginning of the ideas of God. His original idea is that all creation will enjoy His presence and be as if heaven is everywhere.

JJ & Audience: 2nd sound the power to bring these ideas forth.

JJ & Audience: 3rd sound a consummating sound, finishing the sound of the word.

JJ & Audience: Final sound.

End of meditation

JJ: We will send the microphone around and listen to what you have to say about your experience.

Audience: Female member: I was saying everything you were saying and I saw the door and I was floating, the door was a triangular shape. When I went in there a bright mist and everyone appeared and the chairs were floating and they were half egg shape that we fit perfectly on. I saw my solar angel and of course it was the same one that talked to me and that was it.

Male member: I saw a lot of what you were explaining and at some point my physical body started to react to it, getting hot and sweaty and I had to sit down.

JJ: It probably stimulated your chakras.

Annie: It felt like I was on fire and I often do that, and I just kept standing. When we were holding hands I thought this is really safe and secure and a really good place to be, and it was.

Female member: The message I got was that I am still I am only with a higher consciousness. My solar angel was still – I was only with a higher consciousness and more experience.

Male member (Wayne): I get kept getting ahead of the story line and then you would say something that would make me repaint the thing and that happened a few times and then I followed the story line, I met the guards and one was a greeter and the other an usher and I was instructed to rebuild my body and then try it on like a suit of clothes. Then when the solar angel came, it was a test of the initiation because I looked more like the solar angel than I did in my old body. Then the solar angel was a long way from perfection and I was told that I still had work to do and that when I cleansed myself completely then I would be more representative of my solar angel. It was a pleasant experience.

Female member: When we approached the city the light felt very warm and comforting, peaceful. What struck me most when we went in through this gate was that the city was alive, breathing, pulsating, this so alive. My solar angel told me all the things that you were saying.

Female member: I had an impression when we were first meditating after we did the song that the coming destructive forces would affect the animals as well and there’s got to be a way to help them as well as ourselves. When I was approaching the city I felt two angels and I saw my aunt Helen peeking out from behind the door before coming in and she was very spiritual.

Female member: I had some bodily sensations and when we opened the door and looked at the planet I could see we are a cry baby planet and it is something that felt familiar and I have always been concerned about humanity.

Male member: Somewhere in the meditation the fear that I had felt left me.

Male member: I just keep getting caught between here and there, I am not asleep I am in between. I am aware but that is all.

Female member: When we first started doing the meditations I noticed a lot of pain in my upper hips. It was as though somebody showed me how stand without pain finally. They positioned me correctly and this energy was pulsing, this energy was showing me how to move in my body. The next time we were doing the meditation I heard very clearly that I came in as a woman to learn to receive. And you are the queen and you will learn to receive. It has always been much more natural for me to send even though I am a female and I am here to learn to receive.

Male member: I got the impression to go forth and serve and be humble and there will be no limit to your joy and peace.

Male member Assaf: The main that experience I had was the fire in my chakra. Many years now I have had these problems with what feels like heartburn and burping and things of this nature, their work done on this when we were in the city, like a fire walking on it. That was my experience.

Male member: This was the first time I was really able to experience this and I feel most comfortable with this group than I ever have before with any other group.
Everything worked out right, mostly just a great feeling of peace and joy.

Female member: I did not feel connected at first until I was in the city and the room sitting in the chairs that were form fitting and floating. My solar angel was a new experience and he was a very pleasant fellow. He had a wonderful message of my own thinking, I am not a very emotional person and I felt a spark in my heart chakra and now I know it is there.

Female member: When we came up to the city I saw an old city and it was just so bright and seemed to be almost translucent. Then we came through the doors and I knew that Christ would meet me there and I felt a lot of fear, I wanted to pull away and leave and not stand before Christ, I saw my solar angel and she was before me and said fear not for this is the work that you are supposed to be working on right now in this moment. Do not be afraid of Christ, you are perfect and who you are supposed to be, stand and receive this blessing. When she touched me, I still wanted to run and did not want to look into Christ’s face and feel any judgment from Him. So when she touched me (Deep emotion in her voice) I felt all that go away and only love was left and I knew it was coming from The Christ and this changed me.

You talked yesterday about we need to go through our foundation belief system, see where we went off course and lay a new foundation, become as a child again and begin anew. I was raised in a Pentecostal church and all that goes with this, the old foundation beliefs of the religious mantra. She, my solar angel did not tell me with words but when she touched me she relayed to me that I have to let all of that go, those beliefs are not Christ’s. This was a healing for me and I really, really want to go back there.


Female member: We were all floating over the ocean and the city was up ahead on an island, it was beautiful, translucent with every color of the rainbow, we popped into the courtyard of this building and it was a rectangle building. When you said go through the door I started at door one and the group was already in there, the guards crossed their spears and I could not enter into door one so I went on to the next door, same thing happened, so kept going and I finally got in at door twelve. Everyone was already beginning. I ran to the chair, sat down and there was a fire pit in the middle of our group, Annie was across from me dressed in a long blue dress on with a headband, almost looked as though it was Native American but it was not – more of the Minoan artwork. Annie walked up and had this liquid and threw it on the fire and the fire went up really big and bright lights began to form, then I felt this bright light come down and permeate me and this was happening to all of us and then we floated up like a cross up into the this bright ball of energy. My body began to leave me and as it did lights began to sparkle as it faded away and fell to the ground and that was it.


Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Did You Know?

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1.  “My only claim is that there is a Holy Spirit in all of us, and that the soul opens a window of contact. When that contact is made, the truth about me, you, my words and your words, can be seen and understood.”

2.  “Contemplation is the highest form of meditation.”

3.  “Did you know the Internet is prophesied of in the Bible?”

4.  “Predeterminism is not supported by experience, observation or the reality in which we live.”

5.  “The Christmas tree also predates Christmas. During the festival of Saturnus the Romans used the evergreen as a decoration in their homes. It was not widely used in connection with Christmas until the middle 1800’s.”

6.  “In the days of the Apostles there was first a symbolic baptism followed by a short period of waiting for the Spirit, just as the parent waits for the spirit to enter the new baby. Then there was a laying on of hands and through a living link to the tree of life, the Spirit flowed stimulating new life from the crown chakra on down. All seven chakras vibrated a little higher according to the consciousness of the seeker and a new life of belonging to the body of Christ was created.”

7.  “There were probably over 144,000 participating in the Harmonic Convergence but there’s more than that number of Mormons participating with good feeling at each general conference and the results are similar with a differing vibration. The coming critical mass I am talking about will initiate change that has not been witnessed in recorded history.”

8.  “To complete the life of a new birth, the spirit from God must enter into the body.”

9.  “We are told [in Isaiah 52:1-8] that in a future age there will be a working class like the ancient Hebrews that sell themselves ‘for nought.’ In other words they will place themselves in the same position as were the ancient slaves, but where the ancient slave was sold on the auction block the new slave will acquiesce to the situation with no fee changing hands at all. Who would be so foolish to yield themselves into slavery for no payment?”

10.  “Dreaming in one form or another is something we will do on and off as long as there is existence.”

11.  “The union of matter and spirit makes soul possible, but Soul itself is the interplay of body and spirit rather than the union, and that interplay is within us all no matter what our degree of evolution. Soul contact happens when we tune unto that interplay. Thus tuning into the interplay opens the door to soul and Spirit. This is the first major step we all make at one time or another.”

12.  “There are powerful Rods of Power held by the Great Lives who govern the Universe.”

13.  “Rods of power exist in etheric matter and not physical as we know it. The real rod of power is too valuable to risk a loss or destruction on the physical plane.”

14.  “How does your name get in the Book Of Life? It gets there because your name is a living name.”

15.  “The teaching on the seven centers is thousands of years old and is accepted by most all who have an interest in metaphysics.”

16.  “In many European countries children believe that Christ brings them gifts instead of Santa Claus.”

17.  “Suppression is a form of avoiding communication.”

18.  “All of the twelve [apostles] that were in the Molecule on the day of Pentecost are in physical bodies on the earth today.”

19.  “The actual entity that incarnated into the body created by the apostles was a different entity than the Holy Spirit.”

20.  “Perdition comes from the Greek APOLEIA, which more literally means “destruction.”  When humans follow blind emotion as an animal follows its master then destruction is always the end result.”

21.  “There exists today approximately 5300 copies of ancient Greek manuscripts which are copies of the gospels.”

22.  “The twelve apostles were not originally followers of Jesus, but of John the Baptist.”

23.  “The most important thing to understand is the conspiracy of darkness is not headquartered in the physical plane.”

24.  “Cigarettes are an example of one of the most powerful forces of maya. If you can quit smoking after having the habit for years the rest of maya should be downhill for you.”

25.  “The United States has left its Christ-like roots of free thought and religion and now is a strong promoter of mindless authority throughout the world.”

26.  “The Bolshevik Revolution that established the Communist regime in Russia was financed right out of the United States by wealthy men who saw a great opportunity in Marx’s philosophy.”

27.  “Entropy is cause playing itself out without the interference of outside intelligence.”

28.  “We are basically reluctant to eat an animal that has enough individuality to cause us to become attached to it.”

29.  “Lack of attention is one of the best protectors from negativity of association.”

30.  “Understanding and wisdom are essential to balance energies that lead to fulfillment.”

31.  “Each life that manifests here does so in the hope of Becoming that which it has never been but without the loss of that which has forever been.”

32.  “The current pronunciation of AMEN is a corruption. Any use of it should begin with the AUM sound.”

33.  “The AMEN originally was an alternative method of saying the sacred word AUM. In fact the original pronunciation of AMEN was AUM-ANE, which meant ‘may the words which have been spoken become manifest, but only to fulfil the purpose of God’.”

34.  “Neither Jesus or Moses mentioned hell in relation to the commandments.”

35.  “The fact that we exist, or that God or anything exists, is the greatest miracle of all, and boggles the mind of the highest initiate.”

36.  “The door will always be open to all who wish to open it.”

37.  “The Aquarian Gospel is not a translation, but a revelation of missing details of the life of Christ.”

38.  “Most psychic abilities make use of soul energy, but do not involve direct contact with the Solar Angel.”

39.  “Kirilian Photography does not photograph the aura but captures an image of the energy radiated from the etheric body.”

40.  “The personality is a synthesis of the mind, the emotions and the physical — the three worlds.”

41.  “The soul is your higher self, but the higher self of the soul is the monad. So when you’ve achieved soul contact, the next contact to achieve is the consciousness of the monad.”

42.  “The early brethren taught that there were prophets before Adam.”

43.  “Many believe that Moses only gathered out those who were known to be of the Hebrew race, but such was not the case. He took with him all those who believed ‘the Lord is God.’ This included a mixture of peoples of varied ancestry, yet they were called Israelites because they looked to the ‘One God’ for strength which was a great step toward depending upon the God within.”

44.  “Humans generate several kinds of radiation.”

45.  “The story of Adam and Eve has been repeated numerous times upon the earth and usually occurs after a great cataclysm.”

46.  “All known and understood structures of a complex order are created through a hierarchical endeavor.”

47.  “Another interesting tidbit which I personally believe is that Mohammed was later reincarnated as George Washington making it interesting that many in the Middle East see the USA as the great Satan when we both owe our foundations to the same man.”

48.  “The word ‘HU’ is included in the ‘AUM.’ This sound alone (‘HU’) centers a person on the astral plane, the plane of greatest illusion. The ‘AUM’ brings balance.”

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