Kalispell Gathering 2006, Part 34

This entry is part 19 of 24 in the series Kalispell Gathering 2006

Group Meditation

Starts out with the group singing: “I Am Becoming.”

JJ: Okay, let’s join up male, female as much as possible.

Audience: Aummmmmmm

JJ: Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna, to God and the lamb, forever and ever, and ever, amen, amen and amen, let’s do this in a normal voice first and then louder the second time and even louder the third and then a moment of silence, during the period of silence you contemplate receiving and sometimes you receive and sometimes you will just get fired up. Okay let’s do this.

Audience: Completes this task and after remains in silence while contemplating receiving.

JJ: Did anyone get any impressions that they would like to share?

Audience: I saw something before we started that was funny, I saw some kind of bike in the water that someone was pedaling, there was this big leaf and as the person was pedaling it was a motor or propeller. It was made of something really rustic and was like a paddle boat but more like a bike. Then there was like a cone in the middle and everyone was sending energy to the middle of the cone.

JJ: Maybe this is how we will navigate around the city.

End of session

Audience: Aum, for a couple of minutes.

JJ: Concentrate not only on seeing but also hearing beyond the normal range. Hearing the voice of the spirit spoken by the Master Himself. Here the voice spoken, which says, come up higher, hear this voice and concentrate in a moment of silence.

As this voice registers with you, you feel yourself being lifted up and coming up higher. And above you is a point of light and as you raise yourself up you enter into the point and go through the point. As you go through the point you enter into a great light and on the other side is the city of the New Jerusalem, shining with great light and all the colors of the rainbow represented and shining all around it. There are 12 doors, 12 entranceways guarded by angels and you are gravitating to one of the entranceways. You are standing before one of the doorways and there are two angels, one on each side, the angels feel your vibration and tell you pass through and they smile.

The city is composed of matter where thoughts materialize and de-materialize. When you first enter through it just seems to be filled with a cloud of light and whatever you think begins to form. First of all we all want to meet together and as we think this we see everybody in this room gathering together in a circle again.

We want to see the Master who called us here. He materializes in the center of the circle. And chairs appear before us and we all sit with the Master sitting in a chair in the middle. We have all gathered around Him. He looks at us one by one as if He is reading our minds, our souls and our thoughts. And He says to us, I am going to introduce you to your Solar Angel,  a higher reflection of yourself. It can guide you wherever you want to go and will answer any question that you feel is pertinent to ask.

He raises His right arm and as He raises it a number of angelic beings descend to all members of the group. You look at your Solar Angel and you see a unique entity that seems very familiar to you. When you look at your Solar Angel you feel tremendous love and you understand that your Solar Angel has passed through every possible thing that you are now passing through. He understands every problem that you have, every hope and every dream. He has been through these things and He has overcome. He knows that you can over come. He knows that you have your doubts, your difficulties but He knows that you will overcome because He has been there and He rose above all things, Now look at your Solar angel and ask Him what advice do you have for me? Are you going to be with me; are you going to help me? Are you going to be accessible? Contemplate the next minute or two communing and being one with your Solar Angel.

Now your Solar Angel looks at you and raises His hands up placing one hand on your head and one hand upon your heart center which is between your shoulder blades on your back and you feel a burning within your heart that is stimulating energy circulating within your head. He says to you, “I give unto you the blessings of the most high, the power to overcome is within you and will be with you always and I will be with you always. I am awakened and you are awakening, you are as my child and I am as your parent and I love you with a parent’s love and I will never be far from you. You are never far from any of these beings like myself – we are all connected – we all help and we all assist. When humanity does this same thing then the kingdom of God will be upon the earth as it is in heaven.”

JJ Repeat after me; “Let the will of God manifest on earth as it is in heaven.”

Audience: “Let the will of God manifest on earth as it is in heaven.”

JJ: “Let me ascend in consciousness even as is my solar angel.”

Audience:  “Let me ascend in consciousness even as is my solar angel.”

JJ: “I love my fellow human beings even as my solar angel loves me.”

Audience: “I love my fellow human beings even as my solar angel loves me.”

JJ and audience: Aum…..

JJ: The solar angel opens the door and you look out this door and you see planet earth, He says, behold the people are waiting for what you have to offer them. They are crying out for help and yet they know not what they want. You must discern what they want and need and give it to them. Humanity knows not how to elevate itself and it must learn through trial and error, but you see a little more than the average person out there and you can help. If every child that contacts his solar angel does his part then everyone will be assisted and everyone will ascend in consciousness. Heaven and earth will eventually be one.

JJ & Audience: Aum…

JJ: Concentrate on the union of heaven and earth that which is in heaven manifesting here on the earth in harmony as we sound the three great sounds of the Aum.

JJ & Audience: 1st sound beginning of ideas.

JJ: This symbolizes the beginning of the ideas of God. His original idea is that all creation will enjoy His presence and be as if heaven is everywhere.

JJ & Audience: 2nd sound the power to bring these ideas forth.

JJ & Audience: 3rd sound a consummating sound, finishing the sound of the word.

JJ & Audience: Final sound.

End of meditation

JJ: We will send the microphone around and listen to what you have to say about your experience.

Audience: Female member: I was saying everything you were saying and I saw the door and I was floating, the door was a triangular shape. When I went in there a bright mist and everyone appeared and the chairs were floating and they were half egg shape that we fit perfectly on. I saw my solar angel and of course it was the same one that talked to me and that was it.

Male member: I saw a lot of what you were explaining and at some point my physical body started to react to it, getting hot and sweaty and I had to sit down.

JJ: It probably stimulated your chakras.

Annie: It felt like I was on fire and I often do that, and I just kept standing. When we were holding hands I thought this is really safe and secure and a really good place to be, and it was.

Female member: The message I got was that I am still I am only with a higher consciousness. My solar angel was still – I was only with a higher consciousness and more experience.

Male member (Wayne): I get kept getting ahead of the story line and then you would say something that would make me repaint the thing and that happened a few times and then I followed the story line, I met the guards and one was a greeter and the other an usher and I was instructed to rebuild my body and then try it on like a suit of clothes. Then when the solar angel came, it was a test of the initiation because I looked more like the solar angel than I did in my old body. Then the solar angel was a long way from perfection and I was told that I still had work to do and that when I cleansed myself completely then I would be more representative of my solar angel. It was a pleasant experience.

Female member: When we approached the city the light felt very warm and comforting, peaceful. What struck me most when we went in through this gate was that the city was alive, breathing, pulsating, this so alive. My solar angel told me all the things that you were saying.

Female member: I had an impression when we were first meditating after we did the song that the coming destructive forces would affect the animals as well and there’s got to be a way to help them as well as ourselves. When I was approaching the city I felt two angels and I saw my aunt Helen peeking out from behind the door before coming in and she was very spiritual.

Female member: I had some bodily sensations and when we opened the door and looked at the planet I could see we are a cry baby planet and it is something that felt familiar and I have always been concerned about humanity.

Male member: Somewhere in the meditation the fear that I had felt left me.

Male member: I just keep getting caught between here and there, I am not asleep I am in between. I am aware but that is all.

Female member: When we first started doing the meditations I noticed a lot of pain in my upper hips. It was as though somebody showed me how stand without pain finally. They positioned me correctly and this energy was pulsing, this energy was showing me how to move in my body. The next time we were doing the meditation I heard very clearly that I came in as a woman to learn to receive. And you are the queen and you will learn to receive. It has always been much more natural for me to send even though I am a female and I am here to learn to receive.

Male member: I got the impression to go forth and serve and be humble and there will be no limit to your joy and peace.

Male member Assaf: The main that experience I had was the fire in my chakra. Many years now I have had these problems with what feels like heartburn and burping and things of this nature, their work done on this when we were in the city, like a fire walking on it. That was my experience.

Male member: This was the first time I was really able to experience this and I feel most comfortable with this group than I ever have before with any other group.
Everything worked out right, mostly just a great feeling of peace and joy.

Female member: I did not feel connected at first until I was in the city and the room sitting in the chairs that were form fitting and floating. My solar angel was a new experience and he was a very pleasant fellow. He had a wonderful message of my own thinking, I am not a very emotional person and I felt a spark in my heart chakra and now I know it is there.

Female member: When we came up to the city I saw an old city and it was just so bright and seemed to be almost translucent. Then we came through the doors and I knew that Christ would meet me there and I felt a lot of fear, I wanted to pull away and leave and not stand before Christ, I saw my solar angel and she was before me and said fear not for this is the work that you are supposed to be working on right now in this moment. Do not be afraid of Christ, you are perfect and who you are supposed to be, stand and receive this blessing. When she touched me, I still wanted to run and did not want to look into Christ’s face and feel any judgment from Him. So when she touched me (Deep emotion in her voice) I felt all that go away and only love was left and I knew it was coming from The Christ and this changed me.

You talked yesterday about we need to go through our foundation belief system, see where we went off course and lay a new foundation, become as a child again and begin anew. I was raised in a Pentecostal church and all that goes with this, the old foundation beliefs of the religious mantra. She, my solar angel did not tell me with words but when she touched me she relayed to me that I have to let all of that go, those beliefs are not Christ’s. This was a healing for me and I really, really want to go back there.


Female member: We were all floating over the ocean and the city was up ahead on an island, it was beautiful, translucent with every color of the rainbow, we popped into the courtyard of this building and it was a rectangle building. When you said go through the door I started at door one and the group was already in there, the guards crossed their spears and I could not enter into door one so I went on to the next door, same thing happened, so kept going and I finally got in at door twelve. Everyone was already beginning. I ran to the chair, sat down and there was a fire pit in the middle of our group, Annie was across from me dressed in a long blue dress on with a headband, almost looked as though it was Native American but it was not – more of the Minoan artwork. Annie walked up and had this liquid and threw it on the fire and the fire went up really big and bright lights began to form, then I felt this bright light come down and permeate me and this was happening to all of us and then we floated up like a cross up into the this bright ball of energy. My body began to leave me and as it did lights began to sparkle as it faded away and fell to the ground and that was it.


Copyright 2010 by J J Dewey

Did You Know?

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual & Metaphysical Quotes From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1.  “My only claim is that there is a Holy Spirit in all of us, and that the soul opens a window of contact. When that contact is made, the truth about me, you, my words and your words, can be seen and understood.”

2.  “Contemplation is the highest form of meditation.”

3.  “Did you know the Internet is prophesied of in the Bible?”

4.  “Predeterminism is not supported by experience, observation or the reality in which we live.”

5.  “The Christmas tree also predates Christmas. During the festival of Saturnus the Romans used the evergreen as a decoration in their homes. It was not widely used in connection with Christmas until the middle 1800’s.”

6.  “In the days of the Apostles there was first a symbolic baptism followed by a short period of waiting for the Spirit, just as the parent waits for the spirit to enter the new baby. Then there was a laying on of hands and through a living link to the tree of life, the Spirit flowed stimulating new life from the crown chakra on down. All seven chakras vibrated a little higher according to the consciousness of the seeker and a new life of belonging to the body of Christ was created.”

7.  “There were probably over 144,000 participating in the Harmonic Convergence but there’s more than that number of Mormons participating with good feeling at each general conference and the results are similar with a differing vibration. The coming critical mass I am talking about will initiate change that has not been witnessed in recorded history.”

8.  “To complete the life of a new birth, the spirit from God must enter into the body.”

9.  “We are told [in Isaiah 52:1-8] that in a future age there will be a working class like the ancient Hebrews that sell themselves ‘for nought.’ In other words they will place themselves in the same position as were the ancient slaves, but where the ancient slave was sold on the auction block the new slave will acquiesce to the situation with no fee changing hands at all. Who would be so foolish to yield themselves into slavery for no payment?”

10.  “Dreaming in one form or another is something we will do on and off as long as there is existence.”

11.  “The union of matter and spirit makes soul possible, but Soul itself is the interplay of body and spirit rather than the union, and that interplay is within us all no matter what our degree of evolution. Soul contact happens when we tune unto that interplay. Thus tuning into the interplay opens the door to soul and Spirit. This is the first major step we all make at one time or another.”

12.  “There are powerful Rods of Power held by the Great Lives who govern the Universe.”

13.  “Rods of power exist in etheric matter and not physical as we know it. The real rod of power is too valuable to risk a loss or destruction on the physical plane.”

14.  “How does your name get in the Book Of Life? It gets there because your name is a living name.”

15.  “The teaching on the seven centers is thousands of years old and is accepted by most all who have an interest in metaphysics.”

16.  “In many European countries children believe that Christ brings them gifts instead of Santa Claus.”

17.  “Suppression is a form of avoiding communication.”

18.  “All of the twelve [apostles] that were in the Molecule on the day of Pentecost are in physical bodies on the earth today.”

19.  “The actual entity that incarnated into the body created by the apostles was a different entity than the Holy Spirit.”

20.  “Perdition comes from the Greek APOLEIA, which more literally means “destruction.”  When humans follow blind emotion as an animal follows its master then destruction is always the end result.”

21.  “There exists today approximately 5300 copies of ancient Greek manuscripts which are copies of the gospels.”

22.  “The twelve apostles were not originally followers of Jesus, but of John the Baptist.”

23.  “The most important thing to understand is the conspiracy of darkness is not headquartered in the physical plane.”

24.  “Cigarettes are an example of one of the most powerful forces of maya. If you can quit smoking after having the habit for years the rest of maya should be downhill for you.”

25.  “The United States has left its Christ-like roots of free thought and religion and now is a strong promoter of mindless authority throughout the world.”

26.  “The Bolshevik Revolution that established the Communist regime in Russia was financed right out of the United States by wealthy men who saw a great opportunity in Marx’s philosophy.”

27.  “Entropy is cause playing itself out without the interference of outside intelligence.”

28.  “We are basically reluctant to eat an animal that has enough individuality to cause us to become attached to it.”

29.  “Lack of attention is one of the best protectors from negativity of association.”

30.  “Understanding and wisdom are essential to balance energies that lead to fulfillment.”

31.  “Each life that manifests here does so in the hope of Becoming that which it has never been but without the loss of that which has forever been.”

32.  “The current pronunciation of AMEN is a corruption. Any use of it should begin with the AUM sound.”

33.  “The AMEN originally was an alternative method of saying the sacred word AUM. In fact the original pronunciation of AMEN was AUM-ANE, which meant ‘may the words which have been spoken become manifest, but only to fulfil the purpose of God’.”

34.  “Neither Jesus or Moses mentioned hell in relation to the commandments.”

35.  “The fact that we exist, or that God or anything exists, is the greatest miracle of all, and boggles the mind of the highest initiate.”

36.  “The door will always be open to all who wish to open it.”

37.  “The Aquarian Gospel is not a translation, but a revelation of missing details of the life of Christ.”

38.  “Most psychic abilities make use of soul energy, but do not involve direct contact with the Solar Angel.”

39.  “Kirilian Photography does not photograph the aura but captures an image of the energy radiated from the etheric body.”

40.  “The personality is a synthesis of the mind, the emotions and the physical — the three worlds.”

41.  “The soul is your higher self, but the higher self of the soul is the monad. So when you’ve achieved soul contact, the next contact to achieve is the consciousness of the monad.”

42.  “The early brethren taught that there were prophets before Adam.”

43.  “Many believe that Moses only gathered out those who were known to be of the Hebrew race, but such was not the case. He took with him all those who believed ‘the Lord is God.’ This included a mixture of peoples of varied ancestry, yet they were called Israelites because they looked to the ‘One God’ for strength which was a great step toward depending upon the God within.”

44.  “Humans generate several kinds of radiation.”

45.  “The story of Adam and Eve has been repeated numerous times upon the earth and usually occurs after a great cataclysm.”

46.  “All known and understood structures of a complex order are created through a hierarchical endeavor.”

47.  “Another interesting tidbit which I personally believe is that Mohammed was later reincarnated as George Washington making it interesting that many in the Middle East see the USA as the great Satan when we both owe our foundations to the same man.”

48.  “The word ‘HU’ is included in the ‘AUM.’ This sound alone (‘HU’) centers a person on the astral plane, the plane of greatest illusion. The ‘AUM’ brings balance.”

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In Other Words

Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes

From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  It is not a coincidence that we have many hidden messages within the words we use, more than the enlightened realize.

2  Words just spoken into the air, with no thought, only have the effect of sending forth dissipating sound waves.

3  Words and other forms of earthly communication veil truth, even if they come from God.

4  What matters more than the word you use to describe God is the thought that arises in your mind and the feeling in your heart.

5  Words themselves veil true meanings and to have true communication, one must “read between the lines” or learn to look beyond the literal meanings of words.

6  It is written that energy follows thought – not energy follows words. If all we needed was the right words, we could put our favorite mantras and prayers on a tape recorder and play them over and over.

7  When one is mentally or spiritually polarized, then the thought behind the words has a much greater effect than the words themselves.

8  I take responsibility for my words which are put together in unique fashion as are yours.

9  That which warms my heart is comments that my words have stirred your souls and have caused a chord of recognition to ring within yourself. Tell me that my words have set love aflame within your breast and your spirit has soared as the eagle. If you tell me this then we are equal for your words and love have done this for me.

10  If we had to avoid words that could be construed as negative we could hardly use any words.

11  The interesting thing about an exchange through the written word is that when one person disagrees he cannot start shouting and drown the other voices out. Here where the word is just the word all voices have the same strength. This forces us to look at the reasoning behind the words.

12  Each scripture must be examined in its context as well as in relation to other scriptures and, most of all, with the spirit within through the soul for no written word is infallible.

13  If you open the dictionary you will find that many words have six or more meanings and when you teach you have to define the meaning you are using, if the meaning may not be obvious from the context.

14  Within the human psyche is an inner connection with the science of sound and because of this connection there appear many words in the English and other languages which have meaning which lies beyond the power of coincidence.

15  It is not a coincidence that Atom and Adam sound so much the same. Neither is it a coincidence that wholeness and holiness sound the same. The sacred word of the East AUM and the Christian Amen is another – so are Christ and Krishna as well as Son and Sun. These harmonies and others are worthy of much contemplation.

16  The principle of speech will, in the far future, be used more as a means of creation than communication, as communication by other means will precede speech.

17  I have received a lot of material through the Oneness Principle and when received the understanding is extremely clear. But then when it is placed in words a distortion occurs that can only be corrected by the reader interpreting through that same Oneness Principle.

18  There is no master, no teacher or wise man who is capable of uttering words that cannot be attacked. It is the easiest thing in the world to take any words, even the words of the greatest of us all, and declare them to be wrong by the use of sophistic logic. It is another matter still to look for the truth behind those words and add additional light.

19  Many mantras which are written are merely composed of fancy words which have no power to create change or action.

20  All things which are true can be expressed in words.

21  If a person wanted to, he could take any prayer, affirmation, or song of good intent, and find fault with the wording.

22  I was led to metaphysics, not because of a rebellion, but because of light I received in reading the words of the prophets.

23  Scientists use very exact definitions which allow them to communicate professionally with minimal distortion. Now we, who are becoming spiritual scientists, need to follow this same principle.

24  We have no control over other people’s words, but we do have control over our own.

25  Keep in mind that many of the Biblical Hebrew words differ in meaning from Modern Hebrew so finding the original intent of the writer is not an exact science.

26  There are many words in the dictionary which have a half dozen different uses and when this is the case the teacher must define his terms and make the students aware of the definition he is using and clearly represent how the word is to be used.

27  If someone accuses me of being a fool then the least they can do is to point out what it is that makes me a fool. Otherwise the words are nothing more than innuendo and emotional garbage.

28  When creation descends into form it does so through the power of a word.

29  Those who are triggered [negatively] by certain words need to work on rising above the astral nature.

30  We learn truth through experience, but for each experience there are words to communicate the truth of that experience to a like-minded soul.

31  Do not overlook the scriptures of the world, especially the Bible. Many hidden truths lie in those pages which are often overlooked in the world of metaphysics.

32  Perhaps the greatest earned authority, as far as printed words are concerned, are the words of Jesus.

33  The whole of the book of Isaiah has an overall style peculiar to itself much different than any other book in the Bible.

34  Quantity of words does not wisdom make.

35  Christ told his disciples to be “as wise as serpents” and Moses lifted up a serpent which saved the lives of those who looked upon it, so this word is not always used in a negative light. In esoteric writings the serpent is often used in connection with wisdom.

36  One of the future Keys is the discovery of God in all words.

37  Words can actually create events.

38  Consider words such as Sin, Repent, Salvation, Born Again and others. Rarely do you see a truly intelligent person seriously use them.

39  By using careful wording one can avoid that one time out of twenty that someone you are dependent on screws up forcing you to break a promise.

40  Much can be written about the Divine Will, but it is not understood until it is touched.

41  Words blur perception.

42  The words you speak will have no power unless that word is within you.

43  The word “resurrection” comes from the Greek ANASTASIS which literally means “to stand up again” or “to come to life again.” The word does not imply that the new life will always be an immortal one.

44  The word Amen is a corruption of the sacred word AUM. AUMAN is a much better closing word than Amen. The AUM and OM, the two sacred words from the East have much significance.

45  What my words do lack is solar plexus vibration which turns the heart energies upside down and deceives the whole world.

46  Anything that can be understood in the physical body can be expressed in words.

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