The Source of Intuition

The Source of Intuition

Previous reader quoting me:

I do not know how many times I must ask this question, but let me try again. Would you share with us your definition of truth so we can get a better idea of what you are attempting to communicate? While you are at it give us two examples of truth.

Reader Response:

This is the definition that was offered in my previous email –

“Truth (with a capital T) exists on higher levels of consciousness, which we can access through our feelings and intuitions.”

JJ: I had no idea that this was your definition of truth because it is not a definition.

It is as if I asked you to define an apple and you told me that “Apples grow on trees.”

Giving us a vague idea of where an apple may be found is not telling us what an apple is. Using such a vague definition I could go and find a cherry tree and if I did not know better, I would think that cherries were apples.

It appears that you do not know what you think truth is.

Perhaps you could try again.

We know where you think truth is but not sure about what you think it is once you find it.

Reader: One example of Truth was previously given. The initial word given to describe it was as follows: Truth does not exist within duality, but above it so that it is inclusive of all that is below.

JJ: Again you are giving us the where and not the what. What truth have you discovered beyond duality?

Reader: Another: when we are One and use “I” we will not be referring to our selfs but to Christ.

JJ: We are far from being one for not even you and I are one, so you are presenting a theory here that cannot be proven to be true. In addition, even if what you say is true it is a truth in duality.


The Christ is the second aspect of the Trinity of Father, Son *(Christ) and Holy Spirit.

The idea of Christ can only exist in duality just as the number three can only exist there.

Reader: How about: there is a separation of male/female energies causing a disharmony that extends beyond earth. Our uniting of these energies is about to occur bringing harmony back into creation.

JJ: Again you have to talk of duality to advance something you consider to be true.

The truth of science supports the idea that creation is caused by a slight imbalance of male female energies and I have written of this. There is no evidence that these energies will be united in the near future. In the human kingdom we are seeking to bring them into closer balance, but it will be a long process. If the male/female energies were to be in perfect balance in the universe then all creation would disappear. That will not happen for many billions of years.

Reader: And: before there can be seeding and new growth, the old must die completely.

JJ: This seems to fit the standard definition of truth, but you are stating a truth that only exists in duality. You say that truth exists outside of duality and I would be interested in hearing of such a truth.

Reader: Here, as in all of DK’s writings I have read, he speaks of the intuition being the driving force behind an illumined mind.

JJ: This is true, but he tells us a number of times (and I know also from my own experience) that polarization must be shifted from the emotions to the mind before the intuition is brought into play.

Reader: Intuition comes forth from the heart. Without an awakened heart, we can get stuck in our minds. Then we become vulnerable to unholy influences through thought forms and aeons.

JJ: Intuition comes from the head center more particularly the third eye as noted by H. P. Blavatsky:

“Dangma means a purified soul, one who has become a Jivanmukta, the highest adept, or rather a Mahatma so-called. His “opened eye” is the inner spiritual eye of the seer, and the faculty which manifests through it is not clairvoyance as ordinarily understood, i.e., the power of seeing at a distance, but rather the faculty of spiritual intuition, through which direct and certain knowledge is obtainable. THIS FACULTY IS INTIMATELY CONNECTED WITH THE “THIRD EYE,” which mythological tradition ascribes to certain races of men.”

From the Secret Doctrine

In addition, DK tells us that several centers work together to bring the full power of intuition into play:

“The intuition with its unerring judgment, and psychometry of the higher kind with its power to reveal the past and the future, are the prerogatives of the divine soul. These higher powers come into play when the head and heart centres, as well as the throat centre, are brought into activity as the result of meditation and service. Let the student, however, remember two things:

“That the greater can always include the lesser, but the purely animal psychic does not include the higher.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pg. 9

Conclusion: Before the intuition can come into play, the head, heart and throat centers must be developed, but from the third eye of the mind comes the power to see that which the intuition reveals.

Reader: I did read the archives, JJ, and do not want to spend too much time on this, but there seems to be an illogic to your reasoning. Teleioo (Greek for perfection)in all its forms is used differently in different sentences. Sometimes as a verb, sometimes an adverb or adjective. I am no grammar expert so please bear with me.

JJ: It’s used pretty consistently to mean the finishing of a work. To do a thing without flaw, the Greek AKRIBELA is used. This is the perfection of which you are thinking and it was never applied to Jesus or God.

Reader: But then when Jesus says be ye teleios, there is only the noun mentioned – ye, there is no *something*. This then is a general description referring to a state of being, not just in regards to a particular *something*.

JJ: I see no evidence the scripture is referring to a state of being, even though this could be part of the interpretation.

The point I was making is that perfection as in flawless is not the meaning of TELEIOS or TELEIOO, but is the meaning of AKRBELA which was applied to the Pharisees’ ideas and not God or Jesus.

Reader: But please note that Jesus is not saying that we are to make ourselves teleios, but that we are to be teleios. Can you see the difference? Only Christ can make us teleios (John 17:23). We simply surrender to His work within us, which is the working of Grace.

JJ: TELEIOS in Matt 5:48 is future first person. Obviously, Jesus is talking of a perfection (of a job) that will be completed in the future and not something that will happen now by turning our souls over to Jesus (or one we think represents him).

Here you are letting all the teachings of the Ancient Wisdom go by the wayside and are reverting back to “believe in Jesus and be perfect or saved.”

Finishing the job (Biblical perfection) requires more than turning your free will over to someone else. It requires working at finishing the job.

When the job is finished (perfected) we will be one in the mind and heart of God.

Reader: When we are in our mind, without the heart as our polestar, we can get stuck.

JJ: Why are you preaching this to us? I think everyone here believes we need heart as well as mind.

Reader: Those who are stuck may hold to illogical ideas or opinions because they are unable to find a way around them. But once the heart has been awakened, True Intuition will develop guiding us through the lower mind into the realm of the Divine.

JJ: The heart, the throat and the head all must be developed and used.

Reader: And it can be very quickly. It is here that we taste of Perfection, suddenly finding that the words of Jesus are clear, without need to add to them or to debate their meaning. His teachings then become a testament, a witness, not only to the Path that He has walked, but also to the one that we are on.

JJ: When translated correctly according to the original intent from the Greek available, the scriptures make much more sense than those translations that incorporate the dogma of the translator’s religious mindset.

It is interesting to watch you use your mind to convince us that we are not supposed to use our minds.

“There are two ways to slide easily through life; to believe everything or to doubt everything. Both ways save us from thinking.” Alfred Korzybski (1879 – 1950)

Aug 8, 2004

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Intuition, Truth and Light

Intuition, Truth and Light

A reader keeps trying to convince us that we should be using his definition of the word “intuition,” rather than that espoused in the Ancient Wisdom.

There are many words in the dictionary which have a half dozen different uses and when this is the case the teacher must define his terms and make the students aware of the definition he is using and clearly represent how the word is to be used. Then there are other times that there may not be a current word that clearly represents his thought so he uses the best word available and redefines it for his students. When this is the case it merely becomes a distraction for a student to insist on examining the other definitions.

I have clearly defined the class use of the word “intuition.” If this does not fit in with how you have used the word in your past this is perfectly understandable. When you teach a class then you can use a definition which fits in with your belief system.

The definition I use does harmonize with Djwhal Khul who uses sources sometimes millions of years old, ancient wisdom indeed.

Definition of Intuition for this class (not found in any standard dictionary)

“The reception by the mind, as a result of a point of tension reached through contemplation, of a principle which leads to a “flashing forth” of understanding, which leads to unlimited knowledge.”

Note that the intuition leads to comprehension of a principle which leads to knowledge and not knowledge or facts only.

If a person obtains knowledge outside the normal realm of learning this does not mean he has used the intuition. A child does not use intuition as we have defined it here. A child’s mind is not equipped to do the type of contemplation needed.

As far as the relative verses absolute truth I find it interesting that the Buddha very strongly stressed absolute truth as well as Jesus.

Here are some quotes from the words of Buddha:

Truth is the correct comprehension of things; it is the permanent and everlasting, the real in all existence, the bliss of righteousness.

Free your mind of ignorance and be anxious to learn the truth, especially in the one thing that is needful, lest you fall a prey either to skepticism or to errors. Skepticism will make you indifferent and errors will lead you astray, so that you shall not find the noble path that leads to life


Those who imagine they find truth in untruth, and see untruth in truth, will never arrive at truth, but follow vain desires. They who know truth in truth, and untruth in untruth, arrive at truth, and follow true desires.

Some form their Dharma arbitrarily and fabricate it artificially; they advance complex speculations and imagine that good results are attainable only by the acceptance of their theories; yet the truth is but one; there are not different truths in the world.

The truth, however, is not temporary. The truth is not arbitrary nor a matter of opinion, but can be investigated, and he who earnestly searches for the truth will find it. The truth is hidden to the blind, but he who has the mental eye sees the truth. The truth is Buddha’s essence, and the truth will remain the ultimate standard. Let us, then, revere the truth; let us inquire into the truth and state it, and let us obey the truth.

I particularly like the definition by the Buddha that “Truth is … the real in all existence.”

This is why even a child knows what is true within its ring-pass-not because he knows the real to the extent that he’s aware if he is telling a lie or not. It takes adults to extend the idea of truth to the unreal so no clear definition can be had among them.

I am sitting in this chair typing on this computer at this moment in time and space. That is the real. This is a point of truth and nothing else is true in contradiction to this..

Those who regard

non-essence as essence

and see essence as non-,

don’t get to the essence,

ranging about in wrong resolves.

But those who know

essence as essence,

and non-essence as non-,

get to the essence,

ranging about in right resolves.

The Buddha

Let Your Light Shine

Each of us is a light to the world in some way and as a light to the world we must see ourselves in the symbol of a candle. Where we lack light we share in the light received by another and we are then filled with light. Consider the image of one candle lighting another candle. Unlike sharing as is done in the world there is no loss in the sharing of light. When one candle lights another and the flame is full, both shine with the same brightness. All the light of the first is given to the second and none is lost neither diminished.

One candle can light two, two can light four, four, eight and so on until after a few generations millions of candles can be lit by the one and none suffer any loss through the sharing, but the light of the whole is increased many fold.

If I have done my job here then I should have lit some candles and whether I am here or not there should be lights in your midst burning bright.

The key now is to work together and blend your light. If each of you center on the subject at hand, contemplate it and write your thoughts whether you feel inspired or not, your group blending can create a light which will satisfy the soul and those coming aboard will indeed be comforted by the fact of many lights becoming one light.

The words of Jesus ever come to mind:

“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. Mat 5:14-16

So my friends, what good is it if we have light but keep it under a bushel? The bushel is composed of fear, inertia, ego, lack of confidence and dependence on unjust authority. Let us remove the covering of the light and keep this a land of the ever present sun, in season and out of season.

Dec 29, 2000

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Understanding Intuition

Understanding Intuition

Here are the seed thoughts presented so far.

“As I focus my attention on the light of the soul I see a greater light still.”

“I am the light of the world.”

“I am the dominating good in the hands of God.”

I’ve had several new thoughts come on these statements since we have been discussing them. There is no end to our learning.

What I would like you to do is continue to think about these seed thoughts and whenever you receive something you find interesting post it for us.

Meanwhile, let us look at the last question:

“What is intuition from an esoteric point of view? What is the difference between instinct, emotional impulse, psychic impression, imagination, the still small voice and intuition? Is soul contact essential before the power of intuition comes into play?”

Let me clarify the term, “emotional impulse.”

Many people think they are getting inspiration or intuitive thoughts when they are really getting stored and associated memory filtered through their emotional nature. These emotional impulses are often seen as truth right from the mind of God whereas it is usually twisted reasoning in harmony with what the subject desires to be true.

The Mormon, the Catholic, the Protestant and all other believers generally receive emotional impulses that God supports their doctrine and leaders. Those who burned the lights at the stake during the Middle Ages did so under the emotional impulse that they were right.

The different methods of formulating truth could be placed under two categories and expanded somewhat

PERSONALITY METHODS – Not always reliable.

(1) Instinct

(2) Emotional Impulse

(3) Imagination

(4) Logical deduction – reasoning.

(5) Mindless acceptance of authority or group thought.

(6) Common dreams

(7) Visions of thoughtforms

REVELATORY – Unlimited and reliable

(1) Intuition

(2) Still Small Voice

(3) Contact with the Masters

(a) Direct Contact

(b) Direct Impression

(c) True Vision or Dream Messages

(4) Higher Mind

(5) Identification

(6) Oneness Principle

Let us first of all talk about number one in both categories – instinct and intuition. Instinct is the most reliable impulses that come to those who do not have conscious soul contact, but because it is filtered through emotional impulse, imagination and some reasoning it is often highly distorted by the time the personality applies it.

We could define instinct as reliable computer programs that have been placed by the Creator into our vehicles for the purpose of insuring our survival. These little programs are always correct in their original context and worked well for primitive humanity, but in more complex situations they are often misleading. For instance a calculator which can only add 2+2=4 is always correct, but not always useful. If you need to add 4+4 to equal 8 then you must disregard the former truth. 2+2=4 is still true, but just not useful.

The Intuition.

Whereas instinct impresses important facts upon the mind of the receiver, intuition impresses the principles behind the facts.

He who wields instinct knows.

He who masters intuition knows, and knows that he knows and knows why he knows.

When esoteric writers such as Alice A. Bailey use the word intuition they are really talking about a concept for which there is not an appropriate word in the English language. The typical dictionary definition reads something like this: “A sense of something not evident or deducible; an impression.”

This definition includes what we here are calling the intuition, but also instinct, emotional impulse, and imagination. The ancient wisdom uses this word in a more exact way and is only used in reference to vision that is seen through the eyes of the soul.

The problem with understanding intuition is that a full realization of it requires a degree of soul contact. Therefore, if the principle is explained to one who does not have this contact, this person will not comprehend it. The understanding is beyond his ring-pass-not.

Key thoughts for understanding the intuition are


Point of tension


Flashing forth

One of the problems with teaching the ancient wisdom to a varied audience is that there will only be a few who can relate or understand concepts like the Spiritual Triad, formless worlds, spiritual will vs. regular will and so on.

What we will attempt to do in this class is to make the complex simple, for in reality, when the complex is understood it can often be explained in simple terms.

The general direction here is to present one major leap in consciousness which we call “soul contact.” While it is technically true that there are higher contacts than this it is also true that, for humanity, soul contact opens a door that must be swung ajar before any higher contact can be made. In other words, the door to the soul must be open before any of the other higher doors can come into play. Therefore, in looking at the higher worlds, from a universal angle, all higher contacts come through the soul.

Technically, the soul is represented by that point of invisible interplay between spirit and matter which is neither spirit or matter, neither form nor formless. Physically it is represented by that point where land, water and air meet which is neither wet nor dry, the magical point of the soul, the place where white magic of the Christ consciousness is wrought.

Soul contact is the contact with higher realms made by a disciple through he agency of soul energy. If you want to go to the archives and do a search for soul contact you may find quite a bit more information on it. Nevertheless, this is an important point to cover periodically because soul contact by aspiring disciples is perhaps the most needed asset for servers as we enter the coming age of peace.

Also, when I do repeat myself on a subject like this I attempt to give a little different slant that will perhaps shed new light to seasoned readers.

Understanding soul contact is also amplified by the fact that soul is generically applied to the astral body, the Spiritual Triad, the Monad, the Universal Presence etc. I sometimes myself use the word “soul” when referring to the “Higher Self” or Monad but even this fits because higher parts of ourselves must be contacted through the door of soul or soul contact.

Probably the most misunderstood higher contact made through the soul is the intuition. Part of the reason for this is that there are many counterfeits for this principle. Another reason is that only a few aspiring disciples use intuition and that which has not been experienced will indeed be difficult to understand.

First of all, let us group what the intuition is not. Just as in my book, The Immortal, we learned what we are by eliminating what we are not it will help us to understand the intuition by understanding what it is not.

Intuition is not:


Emotional Impulse


Logical deduction – reasoning.

Psychic reception

Now keep in mind that we are not saying that these tools are not useful for they all can be in their place. What we are saying is that they are not intuition.

Perhaps the most common thing to be mistaken in this group for the intuition is psychic reception. Some psychic impression is accurate and some is not, but even if it is accurate this reception works through different principles than does intuition. Intuition operates through the language of principles and psychic impression operates through the transference of information or data.

The closest the average person comes to approaching the intuition is in use of ideas. We could call intuition a higher idea stimulated by soul contact and a regular idea a “lower idea.”

What is the difference?

A lower idea is formed through the association of differing pieces of data, pictures, pieces of evidence, positions of thinking etc. It is like putting a picture together and having only one piece left. If you look at the whole picture you can guess fairly accurately (with no soul contact involved) what the final piece (or the final picture) will look like,

This is how we get standard ideas. We scramble all the evidence before us and that missing piece gives us an idea to play with.

So what would the intuition or a higher idea be then?

The intuition uses all the faculties of the lower self including lower ideas but takes them further. He who uses intuition will make full use of his mind and find the missing piece to not just picture number one, but also picture number two and three. Whereas the average person will just see pictures and lower ideas the intuitive person asks questions and attempt to figure out how one picture relates to another. Even though there is no physical evidence of a fourth picture he will question as to whether a fourth picture exists, and if it does exist what it will look like. If the three pictures are related the phantom fourth picture will also be related and if it is related then the contemplation of the three pictures may give evidence of what the fourth will look like and the purpose behind all of the pictures.

The intuitive person thus has all three pictures before him in his mind and contemplates on empty space in search of the fourth. As he then empties his mind (and becomes absent-minded) he taps info the world of principles and intuition and suddenly in an unexpected moment, a holy instant, the fourth picture will appear before him. He not only understands this fourth picture, but he sees a greater picture (made from the four) and can understand in a “flash” how the four pictures create a greater fifth picture.

When the intuition works properly the seeker can often write a book on the one holy instant of downloading that came into the physical brain.

In ancient times initiates were often given dangerous tests to force a point of tension to stimulate the intuition of the disciple. Partially because of the complexity of the modern world such tests are not necessary, for in the day to day world of complex situations and living, it is usually possible to create our own points of tension making a trek to a far away pyramid unnecessary.

Seed thoughts for understanding the intuition are


Point of tension


Flashing forth

First contemplate the answer to a question and come up with every possible solution that is available to the lower mind. Now find that question that your mind cannot answer but must be answered.

Second, create a point of tension with the realization that you MUST find the answer. Focus all your attention possible on the desire and will for the answer. The combination of desire, will and pure intention creates a point of tension that opens the door of the soul.

As the door of the soul opens seek to understand the principle that will lead to your answer and that lies behind the answer.

As you pour your attention on the universe of principles and hold it there, the time will come that you will receive a “flashing forth” or a holy instant of revelation and suddenly you will see and understand that which was previously unseen and not understood.

Intuition is ALWAYS accompanied by understanding. He who receives information but does not understand it receives it by some other way.

There are three related methods of revelation through the soul which are:

(1) The intuition

(2) The Still Small Voice.

(3) Contact with higher lives – The Masters on up.

There are three seed (or key) words that go with these:

(1) Revelation – The intuition

(2) Direction – The Still Small Voice.

(3) Instruction – Contact with higher lives.

These are three pertinent words to contemplate as understanding is sought.

August 15, 2000

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McCall Gathering 2007, Part 41

This entry is part 41 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

Mastering the Intuition

Hercules would hold the doe close to his heart for he did not even have to chase him. Now what does this tell us?

Audience: That we are destined to become a part of the intuition.

JJ: Right the disciples pursue the doe over and over again and it gets easier and easier and eventually they develop the intuition to the extent that they can tune into it whenever they want. They can tune into the oneness principle whenever they want and they can have all the knowledge available but until the great struggle is consummated there is great difficulty. They see a little flash here and another little flash there. For instance, I hear a lot of people say they get soul contact and perceive things that are true a little bit here and there but the knowledge is fleeting and the source seems illusive.

Audience: So what connects the link or the anchor? Is that aspiration or focus? How do you create the link as when Hercules shot the doe in the foot?

JJ: Let us go through the symbolism. The arrow symbolizes the mind stretching and searching for truth at a higher level, so, in other words, to shoot the arrow you have to aim with a sure eye. So you are looking for the intuition but it is fleeting time and time again Then, all of a sudden, you spot it at a time when it is just sitting there. You rise to the intuitive level for the first time in many lifetimes. Perhaps you have gotten a glimpse of reality and it is not going away and you are in a state of consciousness which is just there, so you focus with your mind and anchor that position.

We have to create an anchor to keep the higher things with us. The will of God when perceived is fleeting like the intuition. There has to an anchor made with all higher realities and that is symbolized when Hercules shoots the arrow part where it anchors the higher and the lower in his consciousness and then he can go back and reflect on that moment when he had that higher state of consciousness and anchor it in the mind and secure it in consciousness. This allowed Hercules to capture the doe and keep it with him close to his heart.

Audience: So you basically focus and reflect on that bit of intuition that you had and contemplate it until it becomes anchored.

JJ; Right, in the beginning the doe is just fleeting about and you are not even sure you are seeing it because it fleets about so fast and you think, did I see the doe or did I not? I thought I saw and I saw enough to that I think it is there so I am going to pursue it. Eventually you have some experience come to you where heaven and earth is united within you. You use the intuition and you know you are focused upon it and you are sure of it and keep it in your sights and anchor it to the higher and lower self so you can return to that moment and retrieve the intuition of that thing anytime you want.

But there are all kinds of things to learn through the intuitive level and you will earn them and have to re-capture them. When you do it the second time is easier and the third is easier still and then eventually the intuition of the doe comes to you because it becomes your friend. Eventually you do not even have to search for it and it will come to you.

Audience: What is the meaning of putting the doe on the sacred alter?

JJ: this is a good question. It means that the things that you received from the intuition, you return to the alter of God. In other words, you give credit to God and you recognize that God is the source of the things that come through the intuitive mind.

Audience: I was thinking sacrificial.

JJ: No it is not a sacrifice but a dedication to God.

Audience: What is the relationship to the sign of Cancer with intuition?

JJ: That is a good question, Cancer is a water sign and Cancer is represented by the crab that sticks his arms and legs out into the feeling world and then brings them back and he does it very cautiously at first. He senses all these feelings for this is a normal thing for him. Now intuition is a higher octave of feeling.

The orthodox interpretation of Cancer concerns dealing with regular emotion, but here in the labor of Hercules we are talking about the higher level of feeling which is intuition so it is a little bit like the crab who explores the feeling world a little bit at time. It explores then withdraws, explores then withdraws, until it is finally able to feel comfortable with all those feelings out there.

He does the same thing on the higher world but he explores and gets a little taste of the intuition withdraws and then explores a little more until he immerses himself in the intuition and it becomes his friend so to speak.

Those who fought Hercules and tried to stop him were Artemis, which is instinct, and Diana the huntress which represents the intellect. Then there is Apollo the sun god who truly owned the intuition. In other words the intuitive level belongs to God within and that is where it rightfully belongs.  Then there is the false God without that is the source of illusion.

But there are two goddesses that claim it who do not have a right to it. In other words, many people think that instinct and intuition are the same thing and they are not. They are two different things. What is the difference between them?

Audience: Instinct is a built in drive of survival and intuition is a developed higher feeling nature that you have to acquire with hard work, attention and focus.

Audience; From my view it seems like instinct is submerged in details and facts of a situation and its nature is to react and respond to a stimulus whereas intuition is all above it and has that overshadowing kind of effect, it can understand and see.

JJ: Natives in the jungle are very instinctive because they are  in tune with the animal nature so they get a feeling when it is going to rain or they may know that there are certain dangers from an animal in the jungle that guys like us would not have a clue about. Or they may have a feeling as to where and find water or something like that.

Animals are very instinctive; they are instinctive as to when there is danger and this where their instinct helps to save their lives. Instinct is not intuition and because they are both kind of supernatural they are often times lumped together but they are two separate things. Intuition is a much higher octave of instinct in the fact that intuition is a super sensory thing that takes us to the intuitive plane where we bring down ideas, concepts and principles so that it is registered in the brain.

When this happens it does not have a lot to do with instinct, but just like instinct keeps us alive physically the intuitive nature keeps us alive spiritually. Now the other person that claimed it was Diana the huntress who represents intellect. She thought that the intellect, especially the higher intellect was the same as intuition. Because many people look at a problem and solve it through the intellect and they compare this to somebody else who has solved it through the intuition they think they are doing the same thing but they are not.

Solving something through the intellect can take you so far but in the teaching state, the mind slays the real and you get to the point where you reach a dead end with the intellect alone. You can solve a lot of problems with the intellect alone but in a lot of areas especially when we get into the spiritual dimension we reach a dead end and the most popular dead end for the intellect lies with a simple question, “Is there a God?”

You can make an intellectual argument for the existence of God and you can make an intellectual argument for their not being a God. The only way you are going to get a higher grasp of it is through the intuition – not through the intellect because you reach a dead end with it. You get into the intuitive level and when you get that flash of that doe you think that doe belongs to God and “if I follow that doe, I can find God.” This turns out to be true.

Many atheists have broken through the veil of atheism by seeing a glimpse of that doe after they hit that dead end and they think I am going to follow that doe to see if it does lead to God and they find out that it does. They discover God and find out the mystery through the intuition rather than the intellect. Then after they find out they use it again and again and again and they go and pursue the intuition and discover many dimensions of learning that was beyond what the mind alone could do. Every time something is discovered through the intuition seekers also find that it is satisfying to the intellect. It is logical and it makes sense and the person will ask, how come my mind could not figure this out because in hindsight it is really pretty simple. But to discover it they needed the intuition.

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McCall Gathering 2007, Part 40

This entry is part 40 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

The Capture of the Doe

Next is labor four – the sign of Cancer, the capture of the doe or hind. Hercules was told go and capture this doe which is very quick on its feet and runs around in the woods, and it is very fleeting. He says this is a real simple test for you Hercules; all you have to do is go and capture this doe and take it to the sacred alter. Hercules says, well that sounds pretty simple.

There are a couple other problems involved though; there are several other people that claim the doe. Diana the hunter who claimed to have ownership of the doe, Apollo the sun god claimed the rightful ownership and Artemis also claimed ownership as well. So three other gods claimed ownership of the doe and the presiding one says to Hercules that he might have a problem with them but go and find the doe anyway.

Hercules goes to the woods and every time he sees the doe it is very quick and fleeting. It feeds quickly and then jumps into the woods again. So he searches and catches another glimpse of it and pursues it and loses it again. It is just gone, it is really a very fast little thing for it goes through the pastures and it fleets through them very quickly and then it is gone.

On top of this, the other two gods, Artemis and Diana think they own it so they do everything they can to subvert Hercules and they trick him into not finding the doe. And for a long period time he just catches a glimpse here and a glimpse there and he has the hardest time trying to track down this doe – it is not as easy as he thought it was going to be.

Then finally he catches a glimpse of the doe in a pasture and very quietly he pulls his bow and arrow out and he shoots the doe in the foot and that slows it down enough to where he is able to grab it. He grasps it, holds it close to his heart and takes it to the great central alter of the gods. The gods accept the doe and tell him this is good and they will keep it but Hercules wanted to keep it to himself because he had spent so much time searching and tracking the doe. The gods said no, that he had to let it go.

So he left it at the sacred alter and then he came back the next day and found that the doe was not at the alter but fleeting around the woods again. He said boy this is weird what is going on here I took it to the alter and now it fleeting around the woods. I thought they wanted it left at the alter. The great teacher said to him, the doe must be captured again and again and again until it is held close to the heart and you are entirely familiar with it.

Does anyone have any idea what this doe is?

Audience: The soul?

JJ: Close, something discovered through the soul.

Audience: Wisdom?

JJ: No

Audience: Soul contact?

JJ: No

Audience: The mind?

JJ: No

Audience: Intuition?

JJ: Correct, we are all disciples like Hercules and commanded to go and find our intuition and when we first begin to develop it we just see a flash of it like the doe flashing through the woods and we say what was that? And when we first catch a glimpse of it we think that there is something important there but it came and went so fast that we didn’t get it. But you get a sense this is something one must pursue because there is something important in finding the intuition. So he continues to pursue it and he catches another glimpse and another glimpse and another glimpse and he does not get discouraged. He does not quit because the more he catches a glimpse the more the disciple understands that developing intuitive powers is extremely important. So finally he catches a glimpse of the doe in the pasture and he pulls his trusty arrow and he shoots the doe in the foot. Do you have any idea what that would symbolize?

Audience: Attention, focus?

JJ: does anyone remember what the Antahkarana is in the words of the Tibetan?

Audience: The link between the monad and the personality?

JJ: It is the link between the higher and the lower self. He established an anchor with the intuition, an anchor between the material side of life and the intuition. You establish that anchor by striking it in the symbolic foot. He did not strike it in the heart – he did not kill the intuition but it established an anchor or a link and by establishing a link with the intuition he was able to hold it close to the heart as he did when he carried it to the alter of God.

When he took it to the alter of God it seemed like he would then have it forever but it was released and there it was fleeting back in the woods again. This tells us that we have to establish an anchor and then we let it go a little and leave everything in the hands of God and behold all of sudden we pursue another line of endeavor and we find that we have to pursue the intuition all over again with another line of endeavor.

When we pursue the intuition the first time it leads us to the answer of some mystery or question or some principle that we are reflecting upon and then we get a full knowledge of that one thing. Then we have to leave it at the altar but when we want to seek another avenue of learning we find that the intuition is floating about the woods again. We have to rediscover it all over again.

It is interesting the story ends with Hercules staying at this particular place and going in and out of the gate of this particular labor and pursuing the doe over and over again not because he has to but eventually because he enjoys it. After a period of time going in and out of the gate, meaning going in and out of incarnation, he pursues the doe again and again and it says eventually the doe will become a friend to Hercules and later the doe even comes up to him. They become so close together that often times the doe would come up to him and Hercules would hold the doe close to his heart for he did not even have to chase him. Now what does this tell us?

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The Intuitive Principle

Nov 14, 1998

The Intuitive Principle

The great part about the intuitive teaching method is even when you miss you still win. Why? Because your mind in cooperation with your soul is pushed a certain direction and the soul finds truth in all directions that it looks.

I never even thought in advance that my friends here would find anything profound in the actual bus or passengers, but you did and when you searched for meaning in any direction you often sounded as good as the Masters themselves.

Now let us talk just a little about this teaching method called The Intuitive Principle. I said it was a new teaching and some may argue with that. Teachers have been teaching by asking questions for thousands of years. Socrates was perhaps the most famous example. The method also gives hints. Some may argue that this is not new. There are at least a few teachers past who have taught by giving hints.

So how is the Intuitive Principle new?

First we must keep in mind that this teaching method is a PRINCIPLE and not composed of data alone. As such it can only be fully understood through the light of the soul and cannot be explained like a piece of data. The main way to teach this principle is to demonstrate it. This is one of the main purposes of the Immortal series. The last twelve keys called The Keys of Eternal Life are not to be taught in writing but must be taught in the student teacher relationship using the intuitive principle. All keys before that time are just preparation for the final keys.

The Intuitive Principle has four ingredients:

(1) Questions. Questions force the mind and heart to reflect on the soul.

(2) Hints. Hints are like water for a thirsty plant and aid in nourishment and growth.

(3) Teachings: This compares to food for the completion of nourishment.

(4) Higher knowledge centered on a principle. This is the tricky part for any would be imitator for data alone will not work with the Intuitive Principle.

This teaching method using these four ingredients as demonstrated in the book has not been revealed anywhere that I know about.

Let us say I wanted to teach you a piece of data like the number of planets circling around Sirius. Questions, hints and teachings would be a silly way to teach such a thing. The best way to deal with a piece of data like this is to just to come out and clearly state it.

But if I wanted to teach you the principle that creates planets then questions, hints and teachings could lead to an understanding, provided I understood the principle myself.

John briefly explains the principle in the book:

“If I were to just tell you the keys your understanding of them would be quite limited and you would not appreciate the depth of knowledge that lies behind them. Instead, we will use what is called the Intuitive Principle. I will give you pieces of information, or hints, and you contemplate where they are leading you and give me your intuitive feedback. Then I give you more hints until you come to an understanding of the principle. Sometimes that understanding comes gradually and other times it comes instantly in a flash of light.”

The intuitive Principle is the preferred method of teaching among the Masters themselves and has rarely been used on us backward mortals. We always want the easy way and just want to be told the answer by some authority instead of being forced to be thrown back upon our own souls.

In all the inspired scriptures and teachings of the world given out by the Brotherhood of Light there are always hints interspersed here and there with the hope that humanity would someday seek to be taught from within and join the Higher Lives through the oneness principle.

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The Intuition, Part 7

This entry is part 12 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

There is a story is about certain entities when this earth was formed that refused to incarnate because they felt that the material world was too course for them and they received a punishment through karma because they refused to incarnate when incarnation was something that was beneficial for the universe itself. So we have this balance that is difficult and in past ages these rebellious spirits did not seek for the balance. In this cycle, especially the Age of Aquarius, the key note is service and to truly serve our fellow man we have to balance spirit and matter because our fellow man is in matter and since our essence is spirit.

Audience: I myself had to overcome a prejudice because somehow in my head those with abundance are bad, I had this thinking that if you had money then you are a snob and you think that you are better than me I mean I had some really major things to overcome and I think that learning of abundance for me now is truly spiritual so it is material but it is also spiritual and it is a hard lesson to learn.

JJ: That is a good point because a lot of people who are spiritual people are just poor as field mice and they reach a point where they almost think that the rich are just the scum of the earth because they do not see the vision that they see and if they did they would give them all their money. Laughing! And, yes, people do this. When I have been struggling financially I have caught myself in that trap somewhat as well and it is really easy to do if you are struggling financially. The balance is very important to achieve and it is very difficult and this is the reason that we have not progressed more than we have. People often look out among the world today and say, where are the Buddhas, and the Jesuses and the Gandhis today? They do not seem to be around at all. Well they are around but they have not learned to balance spirit and matter. So Gandhi could be out there right now not accomplishing anything if he has already re-incarnated.

Audience; If I understand correctly the whole point of the eastern spiritual philosophy is get away from duality.

JJ: We are never away from duality, Buddha learned his great lesson with duality when he was sitting under the Bodhi tree starving to death on two grains of rice a day and a bunch of singers came by and they were singing this tune about a musical string. Now if a musical string is too tight then it will not play right and if it is too loose than it will not play right either. It has to be tuned just correctly. Now you have to concentrate on duality to be able tune a string. You have to go be able to go from one extreme to the other.

If you ever tuned a guitar string you pluck it and may find it is too tight and then adjust it and it may be too loose. Then you go back and forth until you get it just about right. A lot of Buddhists do teach the idea that there is no duality but they teach this while teaching duality at the same time. So you can’t really escape from duality. If there were no duality then none of us would be here at all because every atom in your body is created by duality of a positive and negative force interplaying. Form is created by the interplaying of the positive and negative forces that are just a little bit out of balance. If the positive and negative forces in the atoms that you possess were in perfect balance then we would all disappear and we would be no more and we are only here because matter is out of balance. There can only be creation when there is not perfect balance.

So what happens when the little atoms create and they put things together? The atoms the molecules and cells is the result. After they are created they are more balanced than the atoms were alone but they still are not perfectly balanced so the atoms join together to balance themselves off a bit more. When they create a molecule they are more balanced still but still not perfect so the molecules join and they create a cell and they are more balanced still but still not perfect. This process goes on and on and on and we are always in search of the perfect balance but the duality is always there.

Now the Eastern religions will often teach there is a place between right and left, up and down, between hot and cold that point exactly in the middle. This is the great void that they teach and we all have to find this great void and then we will be happy.

Audience: Isn’t that Nirvana?

JJ: Buddha did not really teach that was Nirvana but some of the eastern teachers have taught it and they called it the great void. There is always duality in the fact that this world is founded on it and it came even from the formless worlds – the world of greater ideas. This shows us that even the formless worlds, where ideas manifest, that there is even duality there. Everything is in reality, duality exists in reality and the point in between the duality is a reality also to which we go when the universe unfolds itself and then goes back into Pralaya. We go to a place, which DK describes this way, “It is not a place which is not, it is a place which is esoteric.” In other words, when we do finally go back to our source it is not a place which is not, it is a place which is esoteric and esoteric means hidden. In other words, there is something there but we do not know what it is, but it is the source of all things.

Audience: Did we finally figure out how to become more intuitive?

JJ: That is a good question and a good way to wrap this up. The way to get more intuitive is this one rule, you just have to do one thing like Curly said in the movie “City Slicker” you just have to do one thing, “Follow the Highest You Know.” Now you think, well the highest I know is not very good. It may not be very good and you may make many mistakes but when you make a mistake you will see what you did wrong and then you can correct it. Then you can take your next step and eventually if you follow the highest that you know then you will follow your intuition.

There will come a time when you will be tempted not to follow the highest you know. The highest you know will be very difficult to do and so you will be tempted to take the easy road and this is a temptation that besets us all. If there is such a thing as sin then this is the one true sin and that is violating the highest you know. There have been a couple times in my life when I knew what I had to do and it was really hard and I didn’t do it and I really regretted it.

This is like the story in my first book about these guys on the path, they did not know which path to choose but when they made a choice they just went with it and the guys that really suffered were the ones who just could not choose. They were afraid to choose. People that are paralyzed by fear because they can’t choose are the ones that are really in hell on this earth. We must never stand still and we must always pick the next step and if we do not know what it is, then guess. And in that guess make the best guess that you can make and then go with it and then you are going to learn something.

When you have to take another step you are going to be wiser and wiser until eventually you will continue to follow the highest you know and you will develop all your higher abilities. You will develop your higher psychic ability, your intuition. Once you develop your intuition and it is developed then you can draw back on your other abilities that you have had in past lives. If you want to recall your instinct abilities then you can do that, if you want to recall your psychic abilities then you can do that. In recalling your psychic abilities and then blending them with the intuition you can be extremely accurate. There are a handful of psychics that are also intuitive that are accurate but this is very rare.

Audience: If I wanted to recall something that is below the threshold of consciousness, lets say that in a previous life I spoke French and if I wanted to bring that up, other than putting attention on it is that the only way to bring it to surface is by putting attention on it?

JJ: Mozart, when he started playing the piano; he could instantly play it and we hear about prodigies today that can just look at a piano and immediately play it. Obviously they knew it in a past life so it is below the threshold of their consciousness but they bring it back almost instantly. If you have not used the things below the threshold of your consciousness for a while then it may take a little while to get it back but you can get it back fairly quickly if you concentrate on it.

Audience: And also if you tap into your need, your desire then this will bring it up to a conscious level.

JJ: That is a good point because if you just half-heartedly toy around with the idea then you will not accomplish much. If your soul sees that you need to bring back something, it will assist you. But if your soul sees that you are trying to retrieve something and it wants you to move on to something else then you will have obstacles in the path and be frustrated.

Wayne from the audience: My understanding is that in actuality the universe is not based on duality but triplicate, you have the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost and you have the physical, metaphysical and pray-physical anything that you put a duality to has a third aspect.

JJ: Well like the atom you have the protons, electrons and neutrons; the neutrons are neutral, so you have the neutral and then the positive and the negative. I have a lot of discussions with duality people on the Internet and some of them have the idea that all you have to do is reach a certain state of mind and you can go beyond duality. The thing is if you really went beyond duality then you would just disappear and you would not be here anymore.

Audience: So what you are saying is that is an unattainable goal?

JJ: I would not say it is unattainable and you might be able to disappear if you put enough attention on it but I do not know of anyone who has and not even Buddha disappeared.

Audience: But it is a goal to move toward where you learn to overcome your duality.

JJ: Not necessarily because we came from the place that is beyond physical duality and we came here for a reason and if we were to just to give up duality and go back then we would miss what we came here for. Now Buddha reached Nirvana and people think that He reached the ultimate. We have the three worlds, we have the physical, the astral, and the mental then the intuitive and then we have three more worlds above that. He reached the Atmic world, the one just above the intuition and that is what He called Nirvana, well there are two more formless worlds above that.

Audience: So what is the Atmic world if that is the world above intuition?

JJ: The Atmic world is the world where ideas float around and the intuitive world serves as a conduit that bring ideas down into the physical and it is like the pipeline that brings it down and the Atmic is where the pipeline taps in. And the above that you have the Monadic world and then the Divine and the Divine world can be compared to space itself. In space, space is one and there is only one space and that is how oneness exists. Within space there are all kinds of points and each one of these points is a Monad and each one of these Monads develops into a life form.

Audience: The Monad is a group of entities bonded together right?

JJ: No, you are thinking of soul, the soul itself is the binding force that can bond many but each one of us has an individual Monad and this is your personal Father in heaven.

Audience: My Higher Self?

JJ: It is part of your Higher Self. I will end with this point, follow the highest you know and if you do not know what to do then follow the highest you know even if it seems a little bizarre and crazy because at least then you will learn something and then sooner or later you will be making wise choices. You have to start where you are and follow the highest you know even if everybody criticizes you and even if they think you are a mindless person. Make some decision, any decision is better than no decision. The worst thing you can do is to not make a decision and not take any control of your life.

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The Intuition, Part 6

This entry is part 11 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Have you ever had a dream early in the morning just before you wake and you think, boy this is interesting and you think I don’t need to write this down because surely you will remember it and it is very important and then after you get up and have breakfast you think, there was something I was supposed to remember and you can’t remember what it was. Have you ever had that happen before?

Audience: Yes

JJ: This is the way the world of intuition is, especially at first. It is so ephemeral that you will have a concept or an idea enter into your mind from the higher worlds and it will just seem to make so much sense that you think there is no way you could possibly forget it, but then an hour or two later you will forget it.

Audience: I started to keep a pen and journal by my bed so I am ready at a moments notice but then recently I have been getting eternal words and recently I woke up and I wrote down, “If you have a weakness in any area you can strengthen it with another” and if I forget about later than I go back to my journal and there it is written across the top of the page.

JJ: Yes it is interesting that the higher the revelation is the harder it is remember it in your normal state of mind because it is like it is not given to you in your regular brain consciousness so when you shift into your regular brain it will often go. So if you get something you think is important then speak it over and over several times if you do not have a note pad close by to remind yourself so that you get it established in your physical brain or if you have something to write on then write it down or if you travel in the car a lot then get a portable tape recorder and speak into it when something occurs to you.

The more refined the idea that comes from the higher world the harder it is to bring it down but once you do bring it down so it is anchored and anchored is the key word here then it is yours. Once you get it in your physical brain then it is yours and you will never forget it because it is always based on the physical and once you get a principle in your physical brain, you will not forget it. This is one of the things we are talking about on the keys right now.

We got a letter from the a guy in prison that is reading my material and he has presented an idea about implementing some of the principles that I have been teaching on the keys to some national guy that heads a program for all the prisons across the country. They’re thinking about teaching them to the prisoners. So he wrote me and asked me to organize all the principles that I teach into one package and so this is what I have been doing lately on the keys is writing a brief description of different principles.

Principles are best understood by the intuition. For instance energy follows thought is a principle and once you understand that then you can get all kinds of information from it, you can get all kinds of knowledge and apply it hundreds of different ways. Now a piece data is different, a piece of data can be easily registered with the physical brain.

Now lets take something concerning “energy follows thought.” If you pay attention to your school work you will get good grades. That is actually a description of energy following thought but if you memorize that statement it will not take you anywhere and you can’t really use it outside of that one thing, but if you understand the principle “energy follows thought” you do not need to have anybody explain it to you. You pay attention to your schoolwork and get good grades because energy follows your thought, you are directing toward it.

I really learned this energy follows thought principle when I was in real estate. What really brought it home was I had several things telling me what I needed to do but I was too thick headed to get it registered. Every time I started to get ahead in real estate I would take some time off to do some writing and my real estate business or whatever business I was in would fall apart and then I would have to go back and put attention into it all over again. But what really brought it home to me was when I decided I could make a lot of money if I sold mobile home parks because my broker was selling them and he was making a killing. So I worked really hard at it for about 4 or 5 months and then one month I sold three mobile home parks and that was going to make me enough money to live on for a couple of years and I thought this is terrific!

So I decided to stop right there and start working on a book and it is a book that I never finished by the way and it is called “The Shift” it is the story about the shift of the earth’s axis, I got it about a third done and the sales of all three mobile home parks fell through. I not only lost everything but I lost all my clients and I had to immediately go back into business to survive and it was like I was starting from nothing. Everything had just disintegrated – all my customers were all gone and it was amazing how fast this had happened, I was putting no energy into real estate and consequently everything collapsed and I was just like a fresh agent just starting out and it is a good thing my wife had a job or we probably would have starved.

JJ: Now what I realized at that point was why the highest lives that exist on this planet including “The Ancient of Days” are called watchers. The Ancient of Days is called a watcher and why is He called a watcher? Does He spend His time coming down here and doing everything for us? No, but He is watching, He is watching and putting His attention on His goals, what He wants us to do as the human race. Energy follows His thought which is so very much more concentrated than our thought, His thought causes waves of energy to act like magnetic points that draws the material to those points, to cause that to happen which He wants to happen.

Now if I were to have put attention on those three mobile home parks and not quit and not started writing a book but put attention on them until the sales were actually closed and I had the money in my hand then all three probably would have went through with no problems or at least two of them. I never dreamed that all three could have fallen through but it did really bring home the lesson that “energy follows thought,” and when that lesson came to me about how this principle works I have never let that happen again in my life.

When I really want something I put my attention on it and I do not take my attention off until I get what I want. This is a really important lesson. Many of the seekers of the world and the disciples and the people that are really trying to stretch themselves and discover truth and are interested in philosophy and metaphysics are often very unsuccessful at everything and the reason why is because “energy follows thought.” In other words, they are concentrating on their dreams but not on making their dreams a reality.

To make dreams a reality takes nuts and bolts attention on the physical plane. The dreamers, the spiritual people have a really hard time balancing spirit and matter. Jesus states that you cannot serve God and mammon and there is a lot of truth to that but I believe in this age the disciples of the world have to go an extra step and learn to balance God and mammon or spirit and matter. I have seen so many spiritual people have a hard time with the material side of life and in this particular world that we are living in right now it is much different than the old days. In the old days a teacher could just go off with his rice bowl in hand and his robe and people would feed him and that would be about all that he would need. in this day and age if you go around with nothing but a rice bowl they will shun you and run from you. Laughing! Buddha’s only possessions were His rice bowl and His robe and that is all He owned in the world.

A guy cannot get very far today like that with the system we have now so we have to learn to balance spirit and matter and this is very, very tricky to do. This has been the hardest thing to do in my life and I am still learning and learning more completely. I started a lot of businesses time and time again during the course of my life and then when I married Artie I said, well I do not know how much time I have in this life but I just can’t keep on the same cycle I have been on where I do the spiritual work and then my material world collapses and then I have to go back and put it back together and then go back and do the spiritual work and then my material world collapses again. I said I just can’t go through this anymore so we are going to create a business and I am going to put my attention on this business until it gets like an orbit, like when a spaceship is in orbit it just keeps on going and it requires no more energy. It took us a while to get our business in orbit so it could just sustain us and it is funny when it got into orbit then I wrote “The Immortal I” and from the time I wrote this our business has brought in almost the same income every year since then.

I mean it is just in orbit, we are not expanding and we are not getting less it is just in orbit but at least it is paying the bills. This may be the first time I have done this in all my lives because I think that I may have been a dreamer for some time and that it took a lot of energy on my part. Now if I were to do it again I am sure it would be easier because once we learn our lesson than we can do it again in another lifetime a lot easier but it was really hard and I had to really focus for quite a long time to get that into orbit. I owe so much to my wife Artie for helping to keep it in orbit too.

Audience: Did you feel an aversion to the material world? I can accomplish things but I do not like the material world.

When I was concentrating on the spiritual I kind of felt that way but when I am concentrating on the physical I do not feel that way, it is where you put your attention. Now one thing I have found that when I was concentrating on the spiritual I also went on a vegetarian diet and a live foods diet for about a year and boy that was really great concentrating on the spiritual and being on a very refined diet but when I went into business with Artie and realized that I had to put together the physical side or else I am not going to accomplish anything. If I am just going to bang my head against the wall and not accomplish anything then what good is this life? So I started eating more course food, eating meat and drinking a little wine, kind of grounding myself more in the physical and that actually helped quite a bit. Grounding your self in the physical and if we ever get to the point to where the books take off and we can quit our business then I will shift again to the more spiritual mode and maybe quit drinking wine then! Or maybe not because wine is kind of spiritual you know!

I felt impressed by my soul that I had to put more attention on the physical side and this is a quandary that the disciples find themselves. They want to do the spiritual work and many get to the point where they almost disdain the material side but, on the other hand, if we are going to serve our fellow man and lift them up to a higher level then we have to go down there and approach them where they are and then pull them up to a higher level.

This is the meaning behind the name of Jesus Christ. This name means to take another persons hand and deliver them, pull them up to where you are, “Anointed to Deliver” is what the name of Jesus Christ means. We are all anointed to deliver and to deliver you have to be like Moses. Moses left the spiritual Hebrews and went to carnal Egypt and there he enmeshed himself in the ways of the carnal Egyptian so that he could then deliver the Hebrews. There is a lot of meaning behind stories like that and so we got to be a little bit like Moses and we have to descend to our fellow man so that we can rise above all things.


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The Intuition, Part 2

This entry is part 7 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

In our far past we relied on instinct. At one time in our past lives we were tribal people and we learned to develop the instinct. We learned everything that the animals had and we took it with us and used it to the maximum and we developed it fully. Then we decided that we wanted to learn something else and to do this we dropped the instincts below the threshold of our consciousness. So where did it go?

You do not see Garrett over here taming mountain lions or anything like that. He is probably the wrong person to pick on because he is probably pretty close to nature. The thing is this, where did our instinctual powers go? And the answer is that they are still with us. And we can go back and tap into it, just like when you come across a complicated word, you can go back and tap into how to pronounce things and use that skill to sound it out. Now each of us has passed through the instinctive process so each of us has the ability to tap into the instinct as good as any native running around in the jungles, if we decide to tap into it. But the thing is a lot of us are not aware that we have passed through that and are not aware that we can go back in and tap into it.

I remember a while back, and I have not seen it lately, but there used to be these drumming clubs where men discover their manliness. Men get together and drum, apparently the people that do this say that it taps into some basic primal thing in them that they did not realize was there. We can tap into that instinct that is still there and we can still go back and retrieve it. The reason drumming brings it back is because in our past lives as natives in various places we probably did a lot of drumming and the drumming taps us into that memory and brings us back to instincts.

I remember one time I attended this meeting where this gal performed a Native American dance and as I was watching it I went into a dream state and went back into a past life where I was some type of Native myself. I thought, wow that was pretty powerful and she must have tapped into some ancient memory at the time. That was quite fascinating but all of that is below the threshold of our consciousness and we can tap into it whenever we want, but for what we are doing right now we do not need it very much.

We don’t need to rely on instinct very much to survive like some one living in the jungles or close to the earth and hunting everyday or being hunted. Instead, we need to use other resources and because of this we let the instinct pretty much go. It is not always completely gone and we feel a certain amount of instinct in things; like say we touch a hot stove and we react instinctively. Certain instincts are built into us like a computer program that we just continue to use when important. But if we do not use them frequently we just let them go. The important thing to realize is that we can let them go and bring them back whenever we want. All we have to do is pay attention to them and they can come back to us and we can use them as a tool should the need arise.

After the person develops these instincts and lets them go what is the next thing to concentrate on?

We move away from the physical instinct to the emotional self. Now as we move into the emotional realm we start using it with what we call our “gut feelings.” The gut feeling is close to being instinctual but it is kind of the bridge between instinct and psychism and so we get feelings about things and we begin to develop this side of ourselves.

Wayne from the audience: Was the choice of that shirt instinct?

JJ: Laughing, it was random! All my selections are random unless my wife picks them out for me, so you can talk to her.

So the next thing we develop is our psychic abilities and you will notice that a lot of people evolve into this as they break away from the instinct. A good example of people bridging the gap is in Haiti where they practice voodoo. So they have a lot of psychism and instinct there but as I said they are bridging the gap from the instinct to the lower psychic as they are moving from instinct to lower psychism. Next we move from the lower psychic to higher psychism and we spend a long time developing our feelings from being insensitive to the feeling world.

Now the feeling world is upside down from the real world. Have you ever looked at your self in a mirror and it really looks like you but in fact you are really reversed and it is not the way other people see you.

It is kind of funny when you see a picture of you that is not reversed you think that it looks kind of odd but when you look in a mirror you think, well that is the way I look but that is not the way other people are seeing you – your image in the mirror is reversed. The soul projects to the mind and then reflects to the emotional self as in a mirror where all is reversed.

This is why the purpose of the feeling world is not to lead us to truth but to lead us to experience. Haven’t you found that some of your greatest experiences have been when you have done something really crazy that was not logical and you look back on it and think it was a really stupid thing to do but it lead to a really interesting experience and you learned a lot. This is what the feeling world does. It takes everything and reverses it and you get a feeling about reality but you never find reality in the feeling world and this is another reason that as you develop through the feeling world you develop your psychic abilities. This is also the reason most psychics are not really very accurate.

They are interesting and they are fun to listen to and they tap into things but just like looking at yourself in the mirror if you were to describe yourself and say the mole is on the right side when it is really on the other side well that is why the psychic will say a thing is going to happen in 2001 and it will really happen in 2003. They will get a bunch of data and some of it is true. The information is just true enough that it keeps people going to psychics. Even though much is reversed, it is projected into the world or among their friends or their clients and it just rings true enough that you have got to think there is something to this.

But it is never 100% accurate and as a matter of fact whenever a major event happens like 911 you never hear a psychic saying it in advance that it is going to happen. Where they are best at is connecting to the feeling nature. Many psychics are actually quite good at picking up your feelings and describing them to you because regular psychism operates on the feeling nature. Now there is lower and higher psychism and there are different degrees. The lower psychic is actually sometimes the most accurate because he does not have a lot of ego attached to it but as a person progresses and increases his vibration; he also increases the power of ego.

So his ego gets more centralized, so he gets to the point where he begins to think that, “Oh I am a really great psychic and I am a great being because I have these powers.” When they start thinking this way it reverses and contorts their thinking all the more and so they have even more difficulty. But what they can do is they can read other people’s feelings and work with them. A psychic can also often pick up things from the other person’s aura and many psychics that claim to contact the dead are actually just picking up things in the clients aura about that dead person who is not even in the room with them or anything.

Every once in a while there will be a legitimate contact with the dead but most of the time they are tuning into the person they are with and sometimes a real psychic ability occurs where they really pick up something from the person’s memory or feeling nature. Both the psychic and the person will believe it is from the spirit world when in fact they are just picking it up from the person’s memory or the person’s aura.

Like I say there is no black and white on this because there are so many things that come into play. There are times when the veil between the two worlds is thin and people pick up things. Then there are other times when the psychic himself will pick up information from his own thoughtform, and other times he will pick it up from the person he is reading.

So we go through this psychic period and not all of us become like Jeane Dixon, a famous psychic. When you are going through this period you will find that many people you meet do have what they feel are psychic abilities and they are not a professional psychic. They are not out there reading tea leaves or anything like that but a lot of people do have psychic ability.

We go through this process and what we are supposed to perfect when we are going through this type of development is increasing emotional sensitivity and empathy. This is the most important thing to learn from developing our psychic abilities. As we develop them we tune into our emotional nature and other people’s emotional nature and we pick up their sufferings, their joys, their happiness and what brings them distress.

By picking up these sensitivities about other people it makes you more aware, more sensitive and more willing to do unto others, as you would have others do unto you. This is the important lesson from developing this ability because you never get 100% accuracy from what we call astral psychism. But you can get a really high degree of accuracy by developing empathy for your fellow man because as you develop your psychic ability you will develop an empathy for how other people are feeling. When you tune in to how they are feeling it will make you a lot better communicator and will make you a person that is much more sought out because people will feel that you understand them because you know how they feel and so on.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Intuition, Part 1

This entry is part 6 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

The official topic is Spiritual Intuition. Now there are three major steps in a person’s progression toward finding out things that are of a non-physical nature. The first we call instinct, the second we call psychic ability and the third we call Intuition. Some people speak of a fourth and they call it direct knowing or something like that. But everybody that I talked to that claims to be a direct knower has not even developed the intuition, yet let alone psychic abilities. If somebody comes to you and says, yea, I am just a direct knower, then ask them a few questions to see what they know and it is usually not that much.

For one thing the higher up a person gets on the scale the less he brags about what he is and what he can do. They usually just do it if they can do it. Like when Christ was here – He did not go around saying, boy I can do this or I can do that, He just went and did a few things and He did not brag about what he could do and He did not claim that He could do a bunch of stuff that He could not demonstrate.

But what really drew attention toward Him was that everything He did was an actual demonstration of what was inside of Him. A lot of people we see are always talking about how advanced they are and these type of people are often neophytes when it comes to knowing because humility is the sign of the true knower. Like ole Wayne over here he is just a real humble guy and he just knows so much stuff.

Wayne from the audience: I am the most humble guy I know! Chuckling!

Audience: Laughter!

JJ: You just looked humble when I looked at you so I just had to bring that up.

The ego is a big obstacle in the way of spiritual progression because it is a natural inclination of all people to feel important. All of us want to feel important and as a matter of fact if you have ever read the book “How To Win Friends And Influence People” the main thing that you have to do to make everybody like you is to make them feel important, make them feel listened to – it just works wonders with them.

Now another book that I read on this subject had a really interesting piece of advice as to how to really get people engaged. I was about 16 at the time when I started reading these books because I was not as popular as I wanted to be in high school and I thought that there has got to be a way to improve my personality so that people liked me better, especially the girls. So I started reading these books and I came across one piece of advice that really works and it says if you want to impress the other person you are with and engage them in conversation then just let the other guy talk and then say, “then what?”

I told this friend of mine about it and he thought that was an interesting idea. It was Brent McCombs – Wayne remembers him. There I was talking to ole Brent and he kept saying “and then what,” so I told him more stuff and then he would say, “and then what” so I told him more stuff and what I did not realize is that he was trying the idea out on me and I talked about a half hour and then he started laughing and I realized what he was doing.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: He said that he was not listening to a word I said and he was just saying “and then what” to see if it really worked! It is an amazing thing and it illustrates the power of the ego. People like to be the center of attention. We like to do the talking; we like to be the giver. It takes the effort of letting down the ego and let the other person have their say. This brought it home for me when my friend pulled that trick on me and it really worked because I just rambled on for about a half hour and I can’t even remember the starting sentence. All he had to do was look really interested and say, “and then what “ and “well then what?”

It is one of the best pieces of advice I have read on how to make people think you are really a good conversationalists. It really worked and I was thinking that my friend was a pretty good conversationalist, chuckling, and he was only saying two words the whole time. So take that statement and the next time you are with somebody and just get a seed thought going or some conversation going and see how long the person will talk. I can kind of justify myself because I was only 16 at the time and hopefully I have matured a bit since then so people can’t pull that trick on me again.

So to increase our spiritual powers we need to remove that ego obstacle and that is the first step. Now as we progress along our evolution we develop our instinct. What people of the earth are really good with their instinct?

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: Tribal people. You have heard the story of the Indian scout who puts his ear to the ground and hears the horses coming from miles away or that type of thing. Natives can sense things about the earth and some can talk to animals through mental telepathy. You hear all kinds of stories about these guys operating on instinct. Animals are very instinctive. Look at the swallows that return to Capistrano every year and birds that know when to go north and south. Animals, right after they are born, seem to be a lot smarter than a human. They can walk around right away and know how to feed. They have all this programming as to how to survive.

The more primitive peoples are very much in tune with the animal instincts and some people look at animals and more primitive native people and say well they really are more evolved than we are because look what they can do and we can’t. But is that really true? Can the lesser evolved; do something that we can’t? And why can’t we do these things? Why are we not in tune with mother earth the way that the native people are?

What happens when we learn something completely?

Audience: We master it.

JJ: We do something and there is a special phrase for it, does anyone know what it is?

Audience: We forget.

JJ: That is true but what happens is it goes below the threshold of our consciousness.

Audience: Like breathing.

JJ: Yes breathing is below the threshold of consciousness. Your heartbeat is below the threshold of your consciousness and if you tune into your heart like the yogis do you could control your heartbeat and slow it down to maybe ten beats per minute or some crazy stuff like that because of concentration and tuning into it. But you and I, unless we really practice, can’t do that right now. Everything operating in our body is below the threshold of our consciousness.

Many things that we learn are kept in the threshold of our consciousness and then after we learn them they go below the threshold of our consciousness. Let’s take reading for instance, when you first started reading you read, “See Dick run.” You spelled it out, s-e-e D-i-c-k r-u-n. You went through all that process and then when you put the words together and said it, you say, “See Dick run.” You do not sound out all the vowels, consonants and syllables anymore for that drops below the threshold of your consciousness. Knowledge of doing all that is now below the threshold of your consciousness because it is so automatic for it built in. But can you tap into that reading process if you wanted to teach someone else?

If you wanted to teach your children then you could tap into as to how to break down the sounds. What you have done is that you have learned the process so well that you have put it below the threshold of your consciousness so you do not have to worry about all the details. You have to put it below the threshold of your consciousness so it does not take attention. Each of us has one unit of attention and if you have something taking half of that then you only have a half of a unit to concentrate on something new. In nature what happens is this; when we learn something fully then by nature we put that below our consciousness so that can have the full attention to move on to something else. So once you learn the consonants and the pronunciation then you do not have to go through the basic words of see “See Dick run.” You can just look at it and in an instant you know that Dick is running and he is probably running after Jane because she is so attractive.

Audience: We use the same tools to sound out words now.

JJ: Yes if it is new, and if it is new then that is something not below the threshold of consciousness and that is what you are supposed to be doing.

Audience: But when I learned how to read; are you saying that tool goes below the threshold of consciousness?

JJ: No, not the process but the details of what you learn goes below the threshold of your consciousness.

Audience: How to break it into syllables and how to sound it out.

JJ: That is still in your consciousness for that is the process. You do not concern yourself with sounding out, “See Dick run” because that is below the threshold of consciousness. It is built in like a computer program so that when you see the phrase “See Dick run” or something more complicated like “See Wayne go,” or whatever. It just registers almost instantly and you do not have to sound it out. But if you see a really complicated Indian name or something like that then you might stop and figure out how it is pronounced.

Audience: Inaudible

JJ: Or just look at it and think, “See #%@&* run” chuckling. That is what I do. I know I am not going to remember it anyway so why sound it out?


Copyright by J J Dewey

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