Anwar al-Awlaki Discussion

This entry is part 15 of 34 in the series 2011C

Blayne: Looks like we have some full circle from freedom to despotism

Secret panel can put Americans on “kill list’

Read another article HERE

Personally, I don’t think “American citizenship” should be a bullet-proof shield that a terrorist should be able to hide behind. I think the key factor is that good judgment be exercised in any such decisions. Members of the US military take an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States against “all enemies, foreign and domestic”, and I think an overseas American-turned-terrorist falls within that… ah… scope.

I don’t know any behind-the-scene specifics about al Awlaki so I can’t reliably say whether targeting him was good judgment or poor judgment. But note that since taking office, formerly anti-war Obama has authorized precisely the kind of military action that he was previsously quite critical of. His critics of course call it hypocricy, but I disagree. I think Obama simply now has much more information about the threats we face than he did back when he was a senator, to the point where he is now taking actions that would normally be against to his nature.

Dan Yeah, any “citizen” that incites/instigates terrorist plots against his own people/country, can pretty much expect to no longer be considered a citizen of that country (unless he’s a complete idiot 🙂

Murder is murder, foreign or domestic 🙂 if he was a good (bad) ‘target’ if a foreignor, citizenship doesn’t really change that assessment. A rabid dog will kill you, doesn’t matter that yesterday he was your favorite housepet.

Blayne’s Dialog:
Sh Personally, I don’t think “American citizenship” should be a bullet-proof shield that a terrorist should be able to hide behind.

Blayne Its not but it requires a fair trial and a guilty conviction to execute an American citizen.

Sh I think the key factor is that good judgment be exercised in any such decisions.

Blayne The thing your missing is there is no accountability as to whether there is good judgment here without a fair trial. This is America the president has no authority to order the death of an American citizen without a fair trial.

SH Members of the US military take an oath to protect the Constitution of the United States against “all enemies, foreign and domestic”, and I think an overseas American-turned-terrorist falls within that… ah… scope.

Blayne If the man is on the battlefield taking up arms against the military that is one thing, but to order an assassination of a citizen without trial present the evidence is un-American and anti freedom. If he is a terrorist prove it in a trial. This sets a very bad precedent. There is no accountability here. This is no better then Hitler and Stalin ordering the execution of thier citizens without trial it goes against everything America is based on.

(Duke Correction: This statement obviously was not very well thought out; Hitler perpetrated the holocaust during wartime.)

SH I don’t know any behind-the-scene specifics about al Awlaki so I can’t reliably say whether targeting him was good judgment or poor judgment.

Blayne That is the whole point of having a trial. We don’t know and every citizen is entitled to a fair trial so the evidence can be assesed as to his guilt. Just assuming he has information justifying the killing without any verification or accountability simply makes him a dictator pure and simple.

Sh But note that since taking office, formerly anti-war Obama has authorized precisely the kind of military action that he was previsously quite critical of. His critics of course call it hypocricy, but I disagree. I think Obama simply now has much more information about the threats we face than he did back when he was a senator, to the point where he is now taking actions that would normally be against to his nature.

Blayne That is why we have checks and balances to find out. He has bypassed the checks and balances put in place to assure he is acting appropriately. He has illegally taken us into Libya without congressional approval and is now murdering citizens without trial by secret decree with no accountability. This is a serious threat to our freedoms! Congress is also culpable too as they did nothing about it. Its amazing that anyone would consider justifying any of this to any degree.

Duke’s Response:
Blayne: …it requires a fair trial and a guilty conviction to execute an American citizen.

SH: Under normal circumstances, yes. The present circumstances are not normal. The late Anwar al-Awlaki and his group are at war with the United States. How do you propose to apprehend him so that he can be given a fair trail? And if it is not possible to apprehend him, what’s the next best thing a president can do, assuming the threat is real, and assuming his duty is to protect the citizens of the United Stages?

I’m not a lawyer, but what if there is a law on the books that says, once a person has joined a terrorist group dedicated to killing Americans, he no longer enjoys the rights of US citizenship. Would that make a difference to you?

Blayne: The thing your missing is there is no accountability as to whether there is good judgment here without a fair trial. This is America the president has no authority to order the death of an American citizen without a fair trial.

SH: Neither of us are privy to classified information so neither of us can judge whether the circumstances warranted the drone strike or not. So it goes back to whether we trust our elected officials. Would it have made a difference to you if the strike had been authorized by George W. Bush instead of Barack Hussein Obama?

Blayne: If the man is on the battlefield taking up arms against the military that is one thing, but to order an assassination of a citizen without trial present the evidence is un-American and anti freedom. If he is a terrorist prove it in a trial. This sets a very bad precedent. There is no accountability here. This is no better then Hitler and Stalin ordering the execution of thier citizens without trial it goes against everything America is based on.

SH: No better than Hitler and Stalin? Let’s take a look at that:

1) The strike to kill an overseas American terrorist at war with the United States was authorized by a democratically elected president.

2) This particular president happens to be generally anti-war; he is certainly not a mass murderer of the same class as Hitler and Stalin. He has neither a history nor a policy of genocide.

3) Obama authorized the killing of one outlaw terrorist citizen, not millions of innocents, and did so to protect the citizens of his country, rather than to oppress them.

4) Obama can be openly challenged and criticized, and the other two branches of our government can bring action against him, including impeachment. Or we can simply vote him out. Not so with Hitler and Stalin.

5) This is wartime, we don’t have the luxury of due process of law for all citizens who join with the enemy and are bent on our destruction. Neither did Lincoln in his day. Hitler and Stalin primarily conducted their genocides during peacetime.

6) Obama did not try to hide or cover up the strike after the fact.

Blayne, I really think you’re going over to the emotional side a bit too far in saying this is “no better than Hitler and Stalin”.

Blayne: That is the whole point of having a trial. We don’t know and every citizen is entitled to a fair trial so the evidence can be assesed as to his guilt. Just assuming he has information justifying the killing without any verification or accountability simply makes him a dictator pure and simple.

SH: In this case, waiting until the bad guy can be apprehended and brought to trial is impractical and irresponsible if the threat is credible. And Obama is not a dictator; I can argue that in more detail if you really think he is. It is unreasonable to expect any President to reveal classified information in order to verify wartime decisions with the American public. How successful do you think the Normandy landings would have been if there had been public debate about them in advance?

That is why we have checks and balances to find out. He has bypassed the checks and balances put in place to assure he is acting appropriately. He has illegally taken us into Libya without congressional approval and is now murdering citizens without trial by secret decree with no accountability. This is a serious threat to our freedoms! Congress is also culpable too as they did nothing about it. Its amazing that anyone would consider justifying any of this to any degree.

SH: Obama can be impeached, suit can be brought against him, people can take to the streets and demonstrate if they’re outraged. None of these things could happen if Obama was a Hitler or Stalin or dictator, as you have stated.

In my opinion Obama is doing the right thing to promote the spread of democracy in the Libya, even if he did not get congressional approval in advance. There is a very good chance the Republicans would have voted against him just because of party politics. Perhaps Obama felt that it was more important to do the right thing than to follow the right procedure. Democracy in the Islamic world may well be this planet’s best hope for avoiding a nuclear terrorist attack, and for eventual peace between the nations.

You accuse Obama of “murdering citizens”, and I believe that he “killed a US-born terrorist”. Remember, arresting the bad guy and bringing him to trial simply was not a reasonable option in this case.

Let me ask you this: Would you be happier if al Awlaki was able to carry out his plans, with his US citizenship granting him the immunity necessary for him to do so?

Larry W Re:
Secret panel can put Americans on “kill list’

I agree with SH on this one. Once Awlaki joined himself with a group who take up arms against American soldiers, his citizenship is toast. If he gets killed in a fire fight with those enemies with whom he joined that’s ok with me. If he had been arrested in America, then we could investigate respecting normal protections. But he got killed out on a battlefield. Our soldiers cannot be expected to sort out such matters in the field.

I might take this opportunity to comment on one other related item too. The terrorist prisoners from Guantanamo. For those taken on the field of battle, they should not have any right to the protection of civilian courts but must face only military jurisdiction. For those apprehended in non-battlefield situations, they might possible qualify for civilian court jurisdiction. The one-size-fits-all solution applied to them which granted them all the protections of American citizens disturbs me. By the way. Military courts under the UCMJ and under International requirements are quite respectful, in many way even more respectful than civilian courts. But military courts recognize status as combatants and the obligations of combatants. For example, combatants are not allowed to hide by blending in with the civilian population. This form of using innocent human shields is a war crime. The Guantanamo detainees who committed acts of war should have all faced International law of war.

The idea I had in mind, but the right words really didn’t come to me at the time, is that Hitler and Stalin largely conducted their genocides on people they were able to take into custody and could have put on trial if they so chose. In the al Awlaki case, as I’ve said before, taking him into custody was not a reasonable option.

Where is the proof convicting this man of all the accusations? Why are you just taking some secret panel or the presidents word for it?

> I’m not a lawyer, but what if there is a law on the books that says, once a person has joined a terrorist group dedicated to killing Americans, he no longer enjoys the rights of US citizenship. Would that make a difference to you? >

If there were such a law it would violate the constitution. But of course this is a hypothetical and does not apply. Show me the law that allows the President to target and assassinate anyone much less an American citizen? Again where is the proof the man is what he is accused of? There is no accountability. Apparently you think it is ok for some secret panel or the president to kill an American citizen with no accountability.

> Blayne: The thing your missing is there is no accountability as to whether there is good judgment here without a fair trial. This is America the president has no authority to order the death of an American citizen without a fair trial. > > SH: Neither of us are privy to classified information so neither of us can judge whether the circumstances warranted the drone strike or not. So it goes back to whether we trust our elected officials. Would it have made a difference to you if the strike had been authorized by George W. Bush instead of Barack Hussein Obama? >

Again where is the accountability? Where is the authority for the president to target and assassinate American citizens? There is none. And no I am not a partisan So it does not matter. GWB has done plenty of illegal things as president he has never been held accountable for. of course this set the precedent for Obama. However it shows me you are partisan. If it was GWB I doubt you would be defending this at all.

> Blayne: If the man is on the battlefield taking up arms against the military that is one thing, but to order an assassination of a citizen without trial present the evidence is un-American and anti freedom. If he is a terrorist prove it in a trial. This sets a very bad precedent. There is no accountability here. This is no better then Hitler and Stalin ordering the execution of thier citizens without trial it goes against everything America is based on. > > SH: No better than Hitler and Stalin? Let’s take a look at that: > > 1) The strike to kill an overseas American terrorist at war with the United States was authorized by a democratically elected president. >

Again where is the authority for the president to authorize the targeted assassination of an American citizen with no proof and no trial?

> 2) This particular president happens to be generally anti-war; he is certainly not a mass murderer of the same class as Hitler and Stalin. He has neither a history nor a policy of genocide. >

I never said he was in the same class as Hitler or Stalin as far as Genocide is concerned however as for being anti-war he has expanded both wars and started another illegal war that pretty much shoots any notion that he is anti war.. The fact remains Secret panels authorizing assassinations of citizens without trial is no different then what Hitler and Stalin did in that regard. Just because he has not massacred millions of his own citizens does not make this act any less dictatorial or pernicious.

> 3) Obama authorized the killing of one outlaw terrorist citizen, not millions of innocents, and did so to protect the citizens of his country, rather than to oppress them. >

Again prove this guy was an outlaw terrorist. And show the authority of the president to authorize assassinations without trial? Just taking thier word for it sets a very bad precedent.

> 4) Obama can be openly challenged and criticized, and the other two branches of our government can bring action against him, including impeachment. Or we can simply vote him out. Not so with Hitler and Stalin. >

He has been by some congressmen for this action and others however the majority refuse to act. Just because congress does not do thier job does not make his actions oklegit. Congress has been failing to do thier job for decades and that is why he can get away with this stuff.

> 5) This is wartime, we don’t have the luxury of due process of law for all citizens who join with the enemy and are bent on our destruction. Neither did Lincoln in his day. Hitler and Stalin primarily conducted their genocides during peacetime. >

Really when was war declared? This guy was not caught on the battlefield taking up arms as an enemy combatant and killed. He was declared a threat in secret and assassinated period. That is unlawful and against everything America stands for.

> 6) Obama did not try to hide or cover up the strike after the fact. >

Yeah because he knows he can get away with it because congress fails to do thier duty and the majority of citizens don’t understand the principles of freedom.

> Blayne, I really think you’re going over to the emotional side a bit too far in saying this is “no better than Hitler and Stalin”. >

Let me get this straight. You are willing to accept some secret decree that this guys is guilty without any evidence no trial and no accountability. I ask where is the evidence and the trail proving this guy is what they claim and convicting him, and where is the authority to assassinate an Americana citizen without trial and I am the one being emotional… Sorry but I have to chuckle on that one…

> Blayne: That is the whole point of having a trial. We don’t know and every citizen is entitled to a fair trial so the evidence can be assesed as to his guilt. Just assuming he has information justifying the killing without any verification or accountability simply makes him a dictator pure and simple. > > SH: In this case, waiting until the bad guy can be apprehended and brought to trial is impractical and irresponsible if the threat is credible. And Obama is not a dictator; I can argue that in more detail if you really think he is. It is unreasonable to expect any President to reveal classified information in order to verify wartime decisions with the American public. How successful do you think the Normandy landings would have been if there had been public debate about them in advance? >

Like I said this guys was not caught taking up arms on the battlefield he was targeted and specifically assassinated based on thier word and nothing else. The fact that people cannot see the danger in such a precedent is very troubling.

> Blayne: That is why we have checks and balances to find out. He has bypassed the checks and balances put in place to assure he is acting appropriately. He has illegally taken us into Libya without congressional approval and is now murdering citizens without trial by secret decree with no accountability. This is a serious threat to our freedoms! Congress is also culpable too as they did nothing about it. Its amazing that anyone would consider justifying any of this to any degree. > > SH: Obama can be impeached, suit can be brought against him, people can take to the streets and demonstrate if they’re outraged. None of these things could happen if Obama was a Hitler or Stalin or dictator, as you have stated. >

Of course they can happen even to dictator, Just Ask the Former Egyptian dictator and Libyan dictator. Just because our society has not reached the level of Hitlers or Stalins does not justify any dictatorial act like ordering assassinations of American Citizens and is all the more reason to be vigilant when we see such acts so that we never reach that point of a Hitler or Stalin.

> In my opinion Obama is doing the right thing to promote the spread of democracy in the Libya, even if he did not get congressional approval in advance. There is a very good chance the Republicans would have voted against him just because of party politics. Perhaps Obama felt that it was more important to do the right thing than to follow the right procedure. Democracy in the Islamic world may well be this planet’s best hope for avoiding a nuclear terrorist attack, and for eventual peace between the nations. >

Pakistan is has Nukes and they are ruled by a dictator why haven’t we attacked them? Same with North Korea. The myth of the nuclear terrorist attack still prevails. First of all there are no nukes small enough for terrorists to smuggle into the country. The infamous suitcase nukes require aggressive maintenances if they even exist and lost thier viability decades ago again “if” they exist.

Your opinion that the president did the right thing is based on emotion period for you have no idea if anything said is true you are simply blindly trusting him and trying to justify the complete lack of evidence and accountability on his decision.

The American system was specifically set up so as not allow blind trust in a leaders but with checks and balances to hold leaders accountable. If the majority of people accept this sort of lack of accountability and precedent what will they accept next? This is what leads to totalitarianism eventually.

> You accuse Obama of “murdering citizens”, and I believe that he “killed a US-born terrorist”. Remember, arresting the bad guy and bringing him to trial simply was not a reasonable option in this case. >

So why do we have courts? Why not just allow the police to take criminals straight to jail or execute them since they must be guilty of an officer says so? After all do you not trust the police?

Where is the evidence arresting this man and bringing him to trial is not reasonable option? You have nothing but an emotional albeit irrational belief here.

> Let me ask you this: Would you be happier if al Awlaki was able to carry out his plans, with his US citizenship granting him the immunity necessary for him to do so? >

You are making a false argument. First of all you have no evidence of any plan. Second Citizenship does not grant any citizen immunity from committing any crime. There is ample punishment for many crimes however citizens must be tried and convicted of accused crimes first. The fact that people are so willing to set this aside so easily is very troubling.

Again it boils down to evidence accountability and authority. No evidence was ever presented of this mans crimes. There is no accountability of this secret panel and the president has no authority to order the assassination of an American citizen much less anyone else.

John walker was an American citizen caught on the battlefield taking up arms and even admitted he was fighting with the Taliban and the courts ruled he was entitled to a fair trial as a citizen. He ended up taking a plea deal. Jose Padilla was another American citizen who was being held as an enemy combatant and was granted a trial by the courts. The courts have so far consistently ruled American citizens have the right to a fair trial despite the military commissions act. So it looks like the Administration will now just bypass the courts and kill whomever the want on thier word alone…Sigh!

Blayne: Except this guy was not on a battlefield taking up arms.He was specifically targeted and assassinated for allegedly being an Al-Qaeda leader etc. He wasn’t even declared an enemy combatant as far as I can tell. So where is the evidence he was any of these things and where is the authority for the President to order assassinations? Again evidence accountability and authority are all lacking setting a very bad precedent here.

Blayne, you’re insisting on things that are simply not practical under the circumstances (publicized proof before taking action, capture & trial instead of drone strike). I don’t have the time to go through a point-by-point again, and I’m fairly confident you wouldn’t agree with me anyway.

If you believe the killing of an alleged terrorist who was a US citizen is such a terrible crime, what are you doing about it?

One quick comment: On America we are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty as judged by a jury or our peers. For a corpus delecti there must be a crime, ie harm or violation of right AND damage. “Our” “government” has just proved it is an evil gang of thugs and murderers.

Quoting Duke: Blayne, you’re insisting on things that are simply not practical under the circumstances (publicized proof before taking action, capture & trial instead of drone strike).

Nonsense they do not have to publicize anything first, if he is a suspected terrorist they can arrest him and bring thier evidence to trial pure and simple. There is nothing impractical about that. Drone strike executions should not be replacing trial by jury.

This man was not caught on a battlefield taking up arms against the US. We were simply “told” he was a terrorist and targeted for execution. This sort of thing is unprecedented in American history and is the act of a dictator pure and simple. This is not supposed to happen in America.

> > If you believe the killing of an alleged terrorist who was a US citizen is such a terrible crime, what are you doing about it? > > sh

So you are saying you believe it is ok to kill someone on allegations alone with no proof? As for what am I doing about it? I am trying to educate people who should know better that as Americans we are not supposed to be killing our own citizens much less anyone else without a fair trial as they are innocent until proven guilty.

Duke Response:
Quoting Blayne: Nonsense they do not have to publicize anything first, if he is a suspected terrorist they can arrest him and bring thier evidence to trial pure and simple. There is nothing impractical about that. Drone strike executions should not be replacing trial by jury

It simply is not practical to insert a sufficient force at the right time and place to arrest him if he’s in a foreign country and has a network protecting him.

Quoting Blayne: This man was not caught on a battlefield taking up arms against the US. We were simply “told” he was a terrorist and targeted for execution. This sort of thing is unprecedented in American history and is the act of a dictator pure and simple. This is not supposed to happen in America.

Deadly enemies of the US shouldn’t be off limits because of their citizenship. Capture wasn’t feasible, so that only leaves one option if he’s bad enough that he should be stopped before he can orchestrate a deadly attack on the US.

Quoting Blayne: So you are saying you believe it is ok to kill someone on allegations alone with no proof? As for what am I doing about it? I am trying to educate people who should know better that as Americans we are not supposed to be killing our own citizens much less anyone else without a fair trial as they are innocent until proven guilty.

No proof has been provided to you, but that does not mean there is no proof, nor does it mean there isn’t strong evidence even if it fell short of absolute proof.

Sometimes it’s stupid to wait until you have irrefutable proof, or to not act to prevent an attack before it happens. And sometimes the only options available are likely to piss off people who think guilt cannot be ascribed under any circumstances without proof in a court of law.

Elizabeth Joyce:

Did anybody see the movie “the Day Of The Jackel” or “The Spy Who Came In From The Cold?”

This event is not unprecedented – it just got the “gossip” of publicity.

Blayne: Yes Elizabeth that is what I meant. This is a first in American history where a president announces publicly an assassination of an American without any due process and acts like it is perfectly normal.

Blayne: Quoting Duke: It simply is not practical to insert a sufficient force at the right time and place to arrest him if he’s in a foreign country and has a network protecting him. >

So wait him out what is the rush?

> > > > This man was not caught on a battlefield taking up arms against the US. We were simply “told” he was a terrorist and targeted for execution. This sort of thing is unprecedented in American history and is the act of a dictator pure and simple. This is not supposed to happen in America. > > Deadly enemies of the US shouldn’t be off limits because of their citizenship. Capture wasn’t feasible, so that only leaves one option if he’s bad enough that he should be stopped before he can orchestrate a deadly attack on the US. >

And who do you know he is a deadly enemy? You do not seem to realize you are advocating the execution of an American citizen without trial without evidence on the presidents word alone. What part of that being wrong on every level do you not understand?

> > So you are saying you believe it is ok to kill someone on allegations alone with no proof? As for what am I doing about it? I am trying to educate people who should know better that as Americans we are not supposed to be killing our own citizens much less anyone else without a fair trial as they are innocent until proven guilty. > > No proof has been provided to you, but that does not mean there is no proof, nor does it mean there isn’t strong evidence even if it fell short of absolute proof. >

No proof has been provided to anyone period! That is why our tradition of jurisprudence provides for no citizen being punished UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. What part of INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY do you not understand?

You are advocating that the president has authority to murder people on his word alone. Where does he get such authority? it certianly is not written into any document lawfully defining his authority. Apparently you have no sense of Justice in accepting such unlawful executions. Once again it boils down to Authority accountability and evidence.

> Sometimes it’s stupid to wait until you have irrefutable proof, or to not act to prevent an attack before it happens. And sometimes the only options available are likely to piss off people who think guilt cannot be ascribed under any circumstances without proof in a court of law. >

Proof? There is not even any evidence much less proof. I guess some people will never understand until it happens to them or thier loved ones. So are you talking about the proof that Iraq had WMD’s? Or how about the proof that Bin Laden was the master mind of 9/11 and the supposed Hijackers were all Saudi Arabian yet we attacked Afghanistan? If you do not see the need for proof here in the wake of the governments track record of lying and or lack of proof I don’t know what to tell you.

The only time a court is not necassary is when someone is taking up arms on the battlefield. This man was not he was simply labelled a terrorist with a plot and summarily executed with no evidence even presented. Your whole argument is based on pure assumption this man was a threat and not only do you not have any proof you do not have a single shred of evidence and no way of verifying the presidents word precisely because he has bypassed over 200 years of American jurisprudence designed to give American citizens as fair a trial as possible.

That fact that any American would accept this is just amazing and sad…

Elizabeth Joyce:
Back in the time when the Secret Service was truly secret.

It has been common and unfortunately necessary at times to kill those who are a danger to nations, society, as well as themselves. In a sense, sadly, it has been “normal” in the spy arena , but never publicized.

LWK > This is a first in American history where > a president announces publicly an assassination > of an American without any due process and acts > like it is perfectly normal.

In WWII there were some American citizens of German descent who went to Germany and fought against America. We killed them just like any other enemy without any particular attention to some “due process” an American citizen is supposed to have.

Maybe I am missing something important, but I personally don’t see any reasoning that says that an American who goes and publicly becomes an enemry of the United States and participates in violent acts against the United States has any rights as an American citizen anymore. I doubt the Founders intended any such thing.

I am no supporter of this President, but I had no problem with the killing of this guy, American citizen or not. If an American goes to war against America then I say he is fair game and kill him if you can. No trial, no due process, no rights. Not as far as I am concerned.

George Washington executed problem soldiers for much less than this guy we executed. His biographies reveal some actions and discipline that would raise eyebrows today. Here is one account:

During the winter of 1780-1781, George Washington’s troops at Valley Forge, Morristown and Pompton had suffered bitter cold, hunger and inadequate clothing. Also, the soldiers had not received their back pay. The success of the Pennsylvania troops at Morristown who had mutinied in order to bring attention to their condition, encouraged the New Jersey troops at Federal Hill in Pompton to take action to help resolve their grievances. Hoping to demand justice from an apathetic Congress, they mutinied on January 20, 1781.

When George Washington learned of the rebellion, he ordered General Howe to quell it. Sergeants David Gilmore and John Tuttle were executed by a firing squad of 12 mutineers at dawn on January 27, 1781 for their part in the weeklong rebellion. George Grant was given a last minute reprieve from the same fate.

Blayne: > In WWII there were some American citizens of German descent who went to Germany and fought against America. We killed them just like any other enemy without any particular attention to some “due process” an American citizen is supposed to have. > People keep bringing this up and it does not apply. This guy has not gone to war. He is accused of being a terrorist that’s it. he was not taking up arms on a battlefield, he was not killed in a strike on some enemy strong hold and just happened to be there he was specifically targeted for assassination based on an unsubstantiated accusation period.

> Maybe I am missing something important, but I personally don’t see any reasoning that says that an American who goes and publicly becomes an enemry of the United States and participates in violent acts against the United States has any rights as an American citizen anymore. I doubt the Founders intended any such thing. >

Surprisingly you are missing something very important. THERE IS NO EVIDENCE. He has participated in no violent acts that we know of. His only crime worthy of death apparantly has been to be ACCUSED of being a terrorist and summarily killed on that alone.

> I am no supporter of this President, but I had no problem with the killing of this guy, American citizen or not. If an American goes to war against America then I say he is fair game and kill him if you can. No trial, no due process, no rights. Not as far as I am concerned. > So I guess its ok for the president to designate anyone he wants as a terrorist and then execute them without trial no accountability authority or evidence… Amazing… Sigh!

Let me get this straight do you think this justifies executing citizens on the presidents word he is a terrorist threat with no accountability authority or evidence?

What happened to innocent until proven guilty?

This has nothing to do with the situation we are talking about. There was no constitution then and this was military justice against open rebellion during wartime. Even today soldiers sign a contract allowing military justice including execution during war time in some circumstances etc.

Also today they arrest soldiers who do this and try them instead of executing them without trial when technically in some circumstances they could. Like that soldier ho lobbed a grenade into a ten in Kuwait during the first gulf war.

Why this would be brought up at all to try and justify unlawful execution of an American citizen is beyond me.

This guy is not a soldier no evidence has been presented he has taken up arms against the US. His only supposed crime is he is ACCUSED of being a terrorist and killed on accusation alone with no evidence being presented to any lawful court of justice.

Larry W
I have not read any news report on this. But if what you say is true, then they had no right to execute him. If, on the other hand, he was supporting a known gang of terrorists and got killed while they raided the terrorist gang, then I’m ok with that, the guy chose the wrong friends. So I don’t know about this particular situation. But I totally agree with your logic here, Blayne, based upon the facts as you present them. But I also totally agree with Larry K’s logic here too, based upon the facts as he presents them. I know that you would have no problem if that guy got shot while standing with terrorists in a fire fight. So we are all totally together on principles. It’s the facts that are fuzzy.

Blayne: Exactly Larry! That is the point we have no way of knowing there is no accountability here. I have no problem with defending our selves in the manners you mentioned. What concerns me is as far as I can tell this guy was specifically targeted for execution unless I missed something. IOW the drone strike was ordered specifically to take him out based on accusations alone.

Some are leaping to the conclusion the guy is guilty WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE. They seem content on one mans word and throwing out the principle of justice that men are innocent until proven guilty.

How does anyone know if this was justified? We have no way of knowing since this has bypassed every principle of justice and is just plain un-American.

This would be the same as a police officer killing a guy and saying he new the guy was going to murder his neighbor and some saying oh ok the guy was going to murder his neighbor so the killing was ok. No accountability period!

Duke:wrote: > This guy is not a soldier no evidence has been presented he has taken up arms against the US. His only supposed crime is he is ACCUSED of being a terrorist and killed on accusation alone with no evidence being presented to any lawful court of justice.

It seems that judicial procedure and following the letter of the law carries a great deal of weight for you.

The letter of the law has not caught up with the present situation. Laws sometimes fail to anticipate situations that arise, particularly if they are largely without precedent. In such circumstances, we have three fall-backs: Judgement, checks and balances, and democracy.

We hope that our leadership (the president and his advisors) exercises good judgment when there is no rule-book written in advance that covers the situation, like the case of being at war with a nationless organization capable of inflicting disproportionately high casualties on the US thanks to technology.

We have a legislative branch and a judicial branch that can take steps to oppose the actions of the president.

We are a democracy, so we can vote, demonstrate in the streets, write letters, blog, criticize, whatever. Sufficient public outcry will have an effect.

The nature of fighting the world’s premier terrorist network, often operating from countries in which we have little or no presence, precludes such niceties as sending the cops to arrest suspects. The need to maintain operational secrecy means that “proof” is not going to be given to the satisfaction of critics and conspiracy theorists. The enemy’s footsoldiers (the ones who pull the triggers or detonate the suicide bombs) may well be lower-value targets than their leadership. And, time is of the essence if one or more plots are under development or in motion.

At some point it comes down to whether we trust our elected civilian leadership and the intelligence community that is its source of inside information. I do not believe the president and the intelligence community are infallible, but I also believe they know far more than you or I, and that they are trying to do the right thing in carrying out their duty to protect the US. Personally, I’m glad they are not hamstrung by an allegiance to the letter of the law which would allow an American-born terrorist leader to operate with immunity as long as he’s in a country where we can’t send the cops to his house.

Blayne: > It seems that judicial procedure and following the letter of the law carries a great deal of weight for you.

What carries a great deal of weight with me is the principle of freedom and justice that a man is innocent until proven guilty.

Here is the facts

The man has not taken up arms. There is no evidence presented he is plotting. There is no evidence presented there is any immediate threat. There are only accusations with no accountability and an execution based on accusations alone.

Based on the known facts there was no justification to murder him immediately as there was no threat. This would be like a cop shooting your family member and then saying he knew the person was plotting to murder your neighbor. And you saying oh ok I trust your word that killing him was justified….

And seriously do you believe murdering this guy stopped any threat? Like others could not carry out what ever the plot was? Now days you’d think there was a terrorist behind every rock but all the government good guys have stopped every plot. That is ridiculous if terrorists wanted to put us into the stone age it would be a simple matter to take out our power grids with just a few small teams.

The terrorist bogeymen have been the excuse to trample our rights for a decade now and now the president is ordering hits on American citizens with drone strikes on nothing but accusations… Sigh it is amazing we are even having this conversation…

> > The letter of the law has not caught up with the present situation. Laws sometimes fail to anticipate situations that arise, particularly if they are largely without precedent. In such circumstances, we have three fall-backs: Judgement, checks and balances, and democracy. >

You are incorrect this situation has ignored the principle of justice that one is innocent until proven guilty. You have to keep inventing a false scenario to try and justify your emotional belief that this was right. There are no circumstances in this situation that required this action as I have illustrated several times now in my responses. None of the circumstances you describe to try to justify this have occurred in this case.

> We hope that our leadership (the president and his advisors) exercises good judgment when there is no rule-book written in advance that covers the situation, like the case of being at war with a nationless organization capable of inflicting disproportionately high casualties on the US thanks to technology. >

Again you create a false argument based on illusion. There is a rule book for this situation it was ignored. The situation you describe and try to assign to this situation is an illusion. We do not need to hope the leadership has good judgement we have a system of checks and balances that if followed tell us one way or another. When those are ignored and bypassed then we are just flying blind. Putting blind trust in any leader is putting trust in the beast.

> We have a legislative branch and a judicial branch that can take steps to oppose the actions of the president. >

If they do not then they are in collusion with these unlawful actions

> We are a democracy, so we can vote, demonstrate in the streets, write letters, blog, criticize, whatever. Sufficient public outcry will have an effect. >

We are not a democracy we are an oligarchy. Voting has not changed anything significant but made things steadily worse. But the public has to actually make the outcry. However of they do not understand the principles of freedom and justice then they just allow themselves to become slave and thier rights trampled.

> The nature of fighting the world’s premier terrorist network, often operating from countries in which we have little or no presence, precludes such niceties as sending the cops to arrest suspects. The need to maintain operational secrecy means that “proof” is not going to be given to the satisfaction of critics and conspiracy theorists. The enemy’s footsoldiers (the ones who pull the triggers or detonate the suicide bombs) may well be lower-value targets than their leadership. And, time is of the essence if one or more plots are under development or in motion. >

Another false argument, you have not addressed a thing I have said. You just keep repeating the same things over and over that I have already put to bed that do not apply to this situation

> At some point it comes down to whether we trust our elected civilian leadership and the intelligence community that is its source of inside information. I do not believe the president and the intelligence community are infallible, but I also believe they know far more than you or I, and that they are trying to do the right thing in carrying out their duty to protect the US. Personally, I’m glad they are not hamstrung by an allegiance to the letter of the law which would allow an American-born terrorist leader to operate with immunity as long as he’s in a country where we can’t send the cops to his house. > > sh

That’s the problem you “believe” blindly because there is no way to verify that belief as they have ignored the principles of freedom and justice and the checks and balances in our system to ensure they are heeded as much as possible. You have further gone to great lengths to create illusionary scenarios to justify your blind belief. Such blind trust is indeed very troubling.

Blayne: Let me get this straight do you think this justifies executing citizens on the presidents word he is a terrorist threat with no accountability authority or evidence?

JJ No. That’s not what I said. I posted that example from George Washington’s execution without trial to illustrate that much worse has been done by our heroes. The men Washington executed appears to have been less of a threat than Anwar al-Awlaki is to us.

I agree with you that the law needs to be followed. It does look liked he could be tried for treason as he apparently is advocating a violent overthrow of the United States openly on his web site. Treason has carried the death penalty in the past.

If this guy is a threat that needs taken out then Obama should work within the law to accomplish this. If there is no way to bring him in then perhaps he could be tried in absentia or have his citizenship revoked and treated accordingly.

So, do you agree with George Washington’s executions I cited? If not then what should he have done?

Blayne; Glad to hear it. George Washingtons situation was completely different. There was no constitution and these guys were mutinying.and had a military unit at thier disposal and openly were opposing thier contract as soldiers. I do not necessarily agree with How Washington handled it but he may have had no other choice with a military unit threatening physical revolt. Still if they were able to be captured they should not have been executed without trial.

Duke: hawkiye@…> wrote: >… you have not addressed a thing I have said. You just keep repeating the same things over and over that I have already put to bed that do not apply to this situation

Well that’s not the way I see it, but I’d rather not argue about arguing.

Obviously I don’t have much hope of changing your mind, nor you of changing mine.

I don’t see much point in continuing. Do you?

Dan; I encourage everyone to re-read the the original article Blayne posted thoroughly (and as objectively as possible :-), there seem to be a lot of misconceptions, assumptions and outright LEAPS being made that simply are NOT supported by any information in the original article itself.

LWK hawkiye@…> wrote:

> THERE IS NO EVIDENCE. He has participated in no > violent acts that we know of.

However there is a abundant evidence that he was part of the hierarchy at Al Qaida. He may have not been the one actually planting the bombs, or whatever, but he was in the hierarchy directing and motivating individuals to kill Americans. Let’s say an American went to Germany in WWII and became a part of their upper echelon directing the violent acts of the Germany military. Would he be a legitimate target? Of course he would. It doesn’t matter whether he personally pulled the trigger or just helped those who did.

Like I said,I don’t think the U.S. government violated any real principles or the constitution in killing this guy. As an American citizen you don’t have a right to be part of and supporting and motivating an organization that is killing Americans without being subject to violent retribution, without a trial and without any “due process.”

The only “due process” he deserved was the one he got.

Blayne: Really??? Where pray tell is all this abundant evidence? As far as I can tell there is nothing more then accusations and the president has appointed himself judge jury and executioner and you approve.

As long as you refuse to face the facts of course thier is no point in continuing to plow the same barren ground. The facts are; nothing you have brought up to justify this action applies to this case. There is no evidence no accountability and no authority to justify the killing without a trial. You can create all the false scenarios you like and that does not change these simple facts.

An attempt at explaining the likely situation (when we do not have all the facts) is not “creating a false scenario”. You dismiss with a broad wave of the hand without showing what was false in the scenario. That sort of emotional jump is dominating the discussion. But this becomes a secondary argument, that is, arguing about having an argument. So it is non-productive.

Larry Woods

At this point, I don’t trust them as far as I can throw them. As far as I can tell they (all elected officials and their bureaucrats) have sold us out at every turn to Special Interests. Down through the years they turned control of our money supply over to private bankers who proved over and over that they abuse us and enrich themselves at our expense. They’ve sold all public works on sweetheart deals to their cronies. They over taxed us and over regulated us to the point that my small building business was literally sending half of all that came in the front door off to government at various levels. Their taxes and regulations and the accounting and work to keep up with it made it impossible for me to keep my business. The economy they wrecked blew me out of business. Remember George McGovern? He went bankrupt after he retired from the Senate and tried to run a bed and breakfast business with his wife. He blamed his failure on over regulation and on over taxation. Would that he could have learned those lessons before he left office! And he wanted to be our President! They “bailed out” their millionaire cronies but they let me fail. They repeatedly create relationships with other governments and then turn their backs on them which has caused no end of ill will against America. Recently they shoved socialism down our throats in their health care bill that they didn’t even read despite the fact that all the polls showed 60 to 65 percent of Americans did not want it. They created an FDA that works toward anything that makes money for Special Interests and pays lots of taxes but does not allow good medicine. Result, hundreds of thousands of dead cancer victims who are really FDA victims. We have means to cure almost all of them but the FDA won’t allow it. [If you need the cure info, just let me know. Also, most any of the Keysters here can give you that info. As John told JJ in The Immortal series, there are at least four cures out there.]

I could go on and on here, Duke. What makes you think they “are trying to do the right thing”? Also as you said, their intelligence is unreliable plus they deceive us about what they think they know anyway. Actually I believe their intelligence is skewed in many ways.

I can prove by simple logic that they lie. Watch this. If you had power to connect the personal paycheck of Senators and Congressmen to a balanced budget, THE VERY NEXT BUDGET PASSED WOULD BE BALANCED. Do you believe it? You should. They claim it’s impossible and messy and whatever. But the minute their paycheck gets attached to it YOU KNOW they would conquer the problem real quick. You know this is absolute truth. Yet they continually explain they are doing everything in their power to balance the budget. So why was it anyone trusts them to do the right thing?

They are pathological liars. They are in bed with Special Interests for the purpose of taking from us and giving to the Special Interests. They are Democrats, they are Republicans. They have sold us out. They will continue until we learn how to hold them accountable.

They will continue until We the People learn how to hold them accountable. Meanwhile, I do not trust them to make decisions about killing people without due process. Nor do I trust any of their other decisions. But we are stuck with them for now. Despite all this mess, we are far better off than we were just a few hundred years ago.

In the meantime, I seek ways to actually change things for the better, to get them to answer to the majority more often. I think JJ’s book will open some meaningful dialog on this. I also think my MACH1 political plan will help. I’m reading up just now about product branding and Social networking and other ways to get MACH1 before the public so we can start garnering wins for the majority similar to the famous Real Estate tax law brought to California by the people who were sick and tired of funding their state on the backs of little old ladies who had to sell their homes just at a time when they faced their last few years on planet Earth. If the state needs money, they can find it somewhere else! I think they called that Proposition 13. It is a good law. Basically in California, you pay the same tax every year that you own the house. It never changes. It gets locked in when you first buy your house. So explosive growth does not bump out retired folks and other good folks by forcing them to sell their homes. A good law.

A similar majority win was the license tab fees in Washington state which I already discussed here before. I want MACH1 to provide the game plan so many people can pick up the ball around America and make touch-downs for the majority. I want to empower the majority and simultaneously point out the politicians who blatantly go against majority will. WE FINALLY HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE!

Ultimately, after we get good momentum, we go after Read the Damn Bill. Posting every bill for 30 days on the Internet before they are allowed to vote on it will fulfill Obama’s broken promise about a transparent government. But the Special Interest politicians will fight it with everything they’ve got. It will be the hardest won political battle since the Revolutionary War. But it will change the political landscape like a continent wide 9.0 earthquake.

Anyway, Duke, I know your principles are sound. But the facts in this case are hidden so we just do not know if Obama made a responsible decision or not. The fact that the facts remain hidden gives us a pretty strong clue. I could go into much detail about how the states and the federal government are hiding much. About how they bypass due process more and more. One obscure but very telling point is that they no longer require politicians to carry a real bond. The state bonds elected officials now so they don’t have to put up with all those messy restrictions. One more layer of due process out the window. They are going backwards eroding the protections we put in place to protect ourselves from them. Long ago they took away any responsibility they once carried. If their decisions screw you over it turns out it was their mistake, you have no recourse. This is true with judges and with every other layer of government. Another example, they almost never bother any more getting actual warrants for search or seizure. They just get “certificate of warrant” which need not be signed by an elected judge. In effect, they no longer need to show probable cause. Then they can confiscate your stuff under Ill-gotten-gains laws and never return them and they don’t even have to charge you with a crime. This includes properties, autos, airplanes, whatever. There are a million stories circulating on the net with tons of witnesses and victims.

When I was young my heart swelled with pride when I saw a cop or a fireman. Now I see symbols of those who abused my niece because she simply asked for a warrant before she let them in. I see those who abused my brother by throwing hundreds of dollars of vitamins in a sink full of water so they would spoil because a neighbor thought they might have seen a marijuana plant in the window. This was at a time when marijuana was equivalent to a speeding ticket in Washington state. They also totally destroyed lots of stuff like cutting up his mattresses and throwing everything on the floors. For those of you who thought the Gestapo was defeated in WWII, you’re wrong. I like Jefferson’s approach to all of this. Our job is not to empower our government more, but to bind their hands from mischief. I could go on for hours like this but what’s the point? Just stating the problem over and over won’t help. But MACH1 and Read the Damn Bill can help and JJ’s insights can help. So that is where I put my thoughts and energies now. Using the platform that my music brings, The Brotherhood of Light Muse, I support these political measures so at least my energy does not just go away with the wind.

I don’t believe our leadership is all evil, nor all good. Few people and organizations are entirely one or the other, so that leaves open the possibility that their motives are good in this case.

If you google “Al Awlaki”, you’ll see that he apparently was a very competent bad guy, considered largely responsible for the Yemen branch of Al Qaeda becoming its most active branch and generating several recent attacks on the US. But there is no “proof” in a form that would satisfy a determined skeptic.

On the contrary I have addressed each of your scenarios in detail several times now and have brushed nothing aside. You admit there is no evidence and then claim your pure speculation is not false…

It is not emotional and it is not secondary. It is primary that all the things in place to avoid killing and punishing people without any evidence or a chance to defend themselves have been ignored.

Your acceptance of it based on your own speculation is what is an emotional attachment. I am looking at the known facts you are purely speculating. yet I am being emotional?

Will you deny that you have no way of knowing what happened? Will you deny that no one outside of the President and a few of his henchmen know what happened? Will you deny that we have things in pace to avoid such things and they were completely ignored? etc etc.

Will you deny you are completely speculating on why this was justified? When there is no evidence how is your speculation anything but a false scenario? Enlighten me?

Good post larry!

Duke I am not praising Larry’s post here because it agrees with me so I can get one up on you. I am praising it because it is truth.

You have fallen for a trick the government has been using for decades to justify their subversion of the principles of freedom.

The demonize someone then kill them. Like the Waco incident. They Said Koresh was a child molester and had illegal weapons. Then they laid siege to them and attacked but claimed they were shot at first etc. It came out later no illegal weapons were found and there is no evidence he was a child molester. Also evidence was shown that the government fired first. People knew it was BS but then they made it look like they were defending themselves etc Their are thousands of cases like this that did not get the notoriety of Waco.

Here they just did the deed and demonized the man after the fact and even admit they targeted him for assassination. this is a significant step further away from the principles of freedom and justice. At least with Koresh they tried to act like they were defending themselves. Now they just order a hit and claim he was a terrorist.

Even if this guy really was a terrorist we cannot allow this sort of thing to continue. Can you not see the potential for abuse here? And with the governments proven track record of lying cover ups and false flag operations this is is particularly troubling.

hawkiye@…> wrote: > > > On the contrary I have addressed each of your scenarios in detail several times now and have brushed nothing aside. You admit there is no evidence and then claim your pure speculation is not false…

You have not addressed the impracticality of capturing an Al Qaeda leader in Yemen. You have not addressed the possible time-critical aspect of stopping him. You have not addressed the issue of enemy leadershp being a higher-value target than footsoldiers. You have not addressed the need for operational secrecy in counter-terrorist operations. You have not addressed the fact that your position would probably have Al Awlaki operating at will indefinitely, safe behind his American citizenship.

> It is not emotional and it is not secondary. It is primary that all the things in place to avoid killing and punishing people without any evidence or a chance to defend themselves have been ignored.

Round and round we go. I’m all for following the law and proper procedure, but this is a highly unusual situation. Apparently it has only come up once in the ten years since 9/11.

> Your acceptance of it based on your own speculation is what is an emotional attachment. I am looking at the known facts you are purely speculating.yet I am being emotional?

I am focusing on the specific realities of the situation, instead of at the emotional outrage at the attack on a treasonous American citizen (who obviously spits on his citizenship), not to mention the emotional disdain you’ve hinted at that someone could actually see things different from you.

> Will you deny that you have no way of knowing what happened? Will you deny that no one outside of the President and a few of his henchmen know what happened?

Thank you for acknowledging that neither of us know what happened. That makes your speculation no better than mine.

> Will you deny that we have things in pace to avoid such things and they were completely ignored? etc etc.

This situation is different from your ideal scenario where the bad guy can be arrested and brought to trial, and time is not an issue.

> Will you deny you are completely speculating on why this was justified? When there is no evidence how is your speculation anything but a false scenario? Enlighten me?

Will you deny you are completely speculating on why this was not justified? When there is no evidence how is your speculation anytyhing but a false scenario? Enlighten me?

So if I put a up website that made you look like a terrorist and the government killed you based on that it is k with you? After all there is no proof that would satisfy a determined sceptic? Nothing like blind faith…

Come on Duke you know better then that…

If you really think Al Awlaki’s association with Al Qaeda is a ficticious long-term elaborate internet hoax, then there is a very large disconnect between your perception and mine.

I’m starting to think that if the government told you the evidence they had against Al Awlaki, you would have already made up your mind to reject it in advance.

I have addressed it several times. But one more time for you. Your speculation and assumption there is a real threat is not grounds to kill an American Citizens. Therefore there is no expediency in capturing this guy. You are basing this scenario on speculation with no evidence to support it what so ever so it is not a valid argument. Also as I have said do you really believe that even if this guy was who THEY CLAIMED he was that killing him somehow removed the threat and others would not continue to carry it out?

> > It is not emotional and it is not secondary. It is primary that all the things in place to avoid killing and punishing people without any evidence or a chance to defend themselves have been ignored. > > Round and round we go. I’m all for following the law and proper procedure, but this is a highly unusual situation. Apparently it has only come up once in the ten years since 9/11. >

You do not believe in following the law you are trying to justify circumventing it. No its not unusual again you are basing your conclusions on assumptions with no evidence ever presented anywhere period. So your argument is not valid. Every time we go around on this you continue to speak as if it is a forgone conclusion that his guy is what he is accused of. It is not that is the point of trial.

In America we do not kill people based on assumption speculation and accusations. Your continued dodging of this fact speaks to your emotional attachment to the issue. I don’t care what your beliefs are about our leaders. I and every other America should not have to depend on yours or anyone’s “belief” for our safety from our own government. We should be able to depend on a fair hearing of all the evidence and a fair chance to defend ourselves. That has slowly been eroded away and this is a huge spike in the coffin of such fairness freedom and justice.

> > Your acceptance of it based on your own speculation is what is an emotional attachment. I am looking at the known facts you are purely speculating.yet I am being emotional? > > I am focusing on the specific realities of the situation, instead of at the emotional outrage at the attack on a treasonous American citizen (who obviously spits on his citizenship), not to mention the emotional disdain you’ve hinted at that someone could actually see things different from you. > No you are not focusing on any reality of the situation. You are not sticking to know facts. You have projected your own huge assumptions into the situation creating a false scenario and then used it to try and justify you emotional belief. >

You keep bringing up that you think I am being emotional yet I am the one sticking to known facts while you speculate and project your feelings into the situation. You need to take a good hard look in the mirror my friend.

I have nothing against you personally my friend. We have met and I think you are a good guy. My astonishment is that any American could not see the danger in allowing the president to order a hit on an American citizen based on unsubstantiated accusations.

> > Will you deny that you have no way of knowing what happened? Will you deny that no one outside of the President and a few of his henchmen know what happened? > > Thank you for acknowledging that neither of us know what happened. That makes your speculation no better than mine. >

What is it I am speculating on? I have stuck to the known facts name something I have speculated on

> > Will you deny that we have things in pace to avoid such things and they were completely ignored? etc etc. >

> This situation is different from your ideal scenario where the bad guy can be arrested and brought to trial, and time is not an issue. >

You keep saying this but there is no evidene much less proof to support it. The situation is only different in your fantasy scenarios. Therefore there is no evidence there is any time factor. You whole argument is based on a fantasy Duke period and is defeated right there.

> > Will you deny you are completely speculating on why this was justified? When there is no evidence how is your speculation anything but a false scenario? Enlighten me? > > Will you deny you are completely speculating on why this was not justified? When there is no evidence how is your speculation anytyhing but a false scenario? Enlighten me? >

Absolutely I will deny it. It is not speculation to say someone should not be killed without a fair trial and the evidence presented etc. it is a fact! Also there is no need to disprove something that has not been established as fact in the first place by any reasonable means of establishing a fact. That is the whole point of innocent until proven guilty. You can’t prove a negative it is up to the accuser to prove guilt not the accused to prove innocence.

That would be like me saying you are guilty of theft now prove you are not. You would say I you don’t need to prove I am not because you have not proven I stole something.

Oh there is no doubt there is a huge disconnect between you and me on this one. I never said I think the government did a fictitious web site. I was just making a point on the need to verify evidence. If you think because something is on the internet it must be true then I have some everglades land in Florida I’s like to make you a deal one… 😉

> I’m starting to think that if the government told you the evidence they had against Al Awlaki, you would have already made up your mind to reject it in advance. >

Why would you think that? Seems you are projecting your emotions on to me now…

My whole point has been that before we allow the government to order hits on Americans willy nilly the evidence needs to be presented FIRST accordance with law. If we just take the governments word for it that everything was on the up and up then we are nothing but slaves to dictatorial powers.

Quoting Blayne ” Will you deny you are completely speculating on why this was justified? When there is no evidence how is your speculation anything but a false scenario? Enlighten me?”

Quoting Duke “Will you deny you are completely speculating on why this was not justified? When there is no evidence how is your speculation anything but a false scenario? Enlighten me?”

Blayne I thought this deserved more attention. Duke claims I am speculating why this killing was NOT justified.

Fact: this man is “accused” of being a terrorist and plotting against the US.

Fact: No evidence is presented in any lawful manner to support the accusation.

Fact: The president has no authority to Kill Americans on Accusation alone nor does any other American government officer or otherwise.

Fact: The man was not killed on a battlefield taking up arms against the US.

Fact: He was not killed as collateral damage on a strike on some enemy enclave.

So Duke my question is how are these facts speculation?

Speculation: He is a terrorist and or Al Qaeda leader

Speculation: Time was of the essence or he would harm Americans

Speculation: He was guilty and deserved it.

Hopefully that clarifies what is fact and what is Speculation.

If nothing else, I think we’ve proven that there’s no point in my repeating myself yet again. Someone has to get off the merry-go-round at some point. You may have the last ride my friend.

I had a look at this man’s photo.

For what it’s worth, from viewing this above picture and this man’s eyes I feel that he is a very sad man and that he is also a very scared man. His aura or face is a lot softer than say a terrorist like Osama Bin Laden. I get the feeling he was forced into doing what he had to do in his life, and that if not for his Father and connections, then he would have taken an entirely different path in his life than the one he had to have and live. (But of course, I could be way off base here.)

I think that he knew he was going to die, either by the Americans or the Terrorists and that is why he had such sadness in his heart because his choice to live was going to be an early death either way?

Perhaps the 7 year old boy within him loved America, but then when he moved back home, he grew up in that institutionalized mind set of hating Americans?

It seems that quite a few people who develop into or are terrorists are sent to America so that they become seen as Americans and learn as much as they can about Americans or have dual citizenship. If you want to get at your enemy or beat your enemy then you have to dress up like your enemy and learn as much about their lifestyle etc as possible.

Here is an interesting thing:

“Al-Awlaki was called an Islamic fundamentalist, and accused of encouraging terrorism.[41][49][53][54] He developed animosity towards the U.S. and became a proponent of Takfiri and Jihadi thinking, while retaining Islamism, according to one research paper.[55] While imprisoned in Yemen, al-Awlaki became influenced by the works of Sayyid Qutb, an originator of the contemporary “anti-Western Jihadist movement”.[56] He would read 150–200 pages a day of Qutb’s works.

He described himself as “so immersed with the author I would feel Sayyid was with me in my cell speaking to me directly”.[56]

He may have been possessed by Sayyid Qutb? Which would account for this statement made about him on Wiki:

“Douglas Murray, executive director of the Centre for Social Cohesion, a right-wing think tank that studies British radicalization, says his followers “will routinely describe Awlaki as a vital and highly respected scholar, [while he] is actually an al-Qaida-affiliate nut case”.[11]”

It would definitely influence his mind set by studying so intensely the Qutb’s works.

So he might have like two different personalities. He could have swung between the two extremes of the pendulum between his love for God and his incorporated beliefs and hatred for Americans which was influenced by Sayyid.

Blayne, I believe you like Ron Paul from what I remember reading from your past posts?

Do you feel that your thinking could have been influenced by Ron Paul’s accusations at all in this matter?

“Paul, a Texas congressman known for libertarian views, says the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki on Yemeni soil amounts to an “assassination.” Paul warned the American people not to casually accept such violence against U.S. citizens, even those with strong ties to terrorism.”

The Bastard was a GOD DAMN TERRORIST, he deserved what he got.

Thanks for bolstering my point Robert. All you that have disagreed with me now realize you are in agreement with good ole Robert here so take that… LOL!


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Knowing the Truth, Part 3

This entry is part 15 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

JJ: The beast represents an outward authority which takes the place of God and this is very precarious. We have these outward authorities everywhere and not just in religion. A doctor can become an outward authority. A person goes and sees a doctor and they will believe them no matter what and often follow the doctor’s advice to their own peril. It is interesting in Israel a while back they had a strike of the doctors and the death rate went down 25%

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: So the doctors are the greatest authority in health and when they are not around the death rate goes down 25%. The average life span of the doctor is said to be about 55 years and the average life span of the average person is 76 so the doctors life span is about 20 years less than the rest of us.

And who are the ones teaching us to be healthy mentally? The psychologists.

Audience: We have two here in the audience. Laughing!

JJ: In this case I had better be right. But I have heard that they have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession, is that right?

Audience: There is probably some truth to that.

JJ: Every time I go to my dentist I always compliment him and I say you are one authority that whenever I go to you I am better off when I leave. I get the filling in my teeth or the crown and I am better off and I say congratulations. I go an attorney and I am always worse off.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: You go to a doctor and you still have the cold. You go to hospital and you catch some germ that you did not have. So every place you go where there is an authority set up you often become worse off. You go to a minister he teaches you about the God without and he does not tell you to go within and find the answer. Almost every authority that exists are the last ones that you really want to go to. Now there are exceptions, there are doctors, psychologists, ministers that are really good, like Mother Theresa was really good example of what a minister should be. But when the authorities of the world tell people, “follow me and do not think for yourself” and take away your thought and power of action then they set themselves up as the Beast and they become and unearned authority.

An earned authority is really a teacher who teaches you how to recognize what they are telling you is true. If you go to a doctor that what represents what a doctor really should be – instead of giving you a prescription, they will sit down and explain what is wrong and explain what needs to be done to get well and you can understand why a certain direction needs to be taken. But you go to an authority that represents the Beast and they will say do this, don’t ask questions just do it. You are left with having to accept what the authority is telling you without getting verification within and when your life is at stake, as it often is, you should be able to find out the reasons why you are expected to do what you are doing.

So the greatest authority is where?

Audience: Within.

JJ: Within ourselves; so when we come across somebody that is questionable claiming to be a guru or the second coming or whatever you need to see how it registers within. Now the strange part is that I have been to presentations that are really outrageous and the group mind thinks that everything is really great. It is amazing how this happens. One of the things that is the trickiest and deceptive is what is called a thought form. Does anybody know what a thought form is?

Audience: A group mentality.

JJ: Right, have any of you ever read the Napoleon Hills books? He talks about a mastermind created by getting together like-minded people, six people or so. He talks about drawing from the intelligence of the whole group that one person in the group seems to have the intelligence of everybody in the group. He talks about this as a principle that will bring prosperity because of the intelligence of the group mind. The group mind can be used either positively or negatively.

When I was in the Mormon Church I found that no matter where you go in the world that the Church was exactly the same. And they thought that was evidence that they were completely united under God. But I found the same thing to be true with all the tight knit religions. Any Jehovah witness church is exactly the same everywhere you go and certain types of new age religions are exactly the same every where you go. So is the fact that they are all similar indicative they are all inspired or does it tell us something else? Does it tell us something about a thought form, a group mind? There is a conformity because of the group energy.

The lowest type of group mind is of course a mob and it is amazing what a mob will do. When a mob gets together it can do an outrageous thing and everybody will be cheering. We’ve see cases where someone is standing on top of a building and group begins to watch and someone yells out jump and then everybody joins in and says jump. Even people that would normally not do that participate, and then afterwards they think, “why did I do that – I would not have done that on my own.”

Hitler was so powerful because he understood how to use the group mind as a means of control. He had studied it quite thoroughly. The reason these different groups are the same everywhere is that when you are a member of a group you are pouring forth group energy and this group energy produces a thought form. This thought form accumulates energy and intelligence within it so when you go to the group meeting you draw from this thought form which is created in the astral world that has a real existence.

As a matter of fact, it is so real that when you die you can actually go to a Mormon heaven or a Seventh Day Adventist heaven and they have different places there that are created by the power of the group mind. If their consciousness is not high enough to see beyond this they will be trapped there for a period of time after death thinking they are in their final destination and they are just in a thought form.

The thought form controls them in this world and the next. The power of the group mind is something that they tune into and this is why in the various groups the sameness is so powerful. This is why I am careful with the group that I have on the Internet that I have taught for a number of years. I try to recognize the certain power of the group energy no matter what you do and have always put a lot of emphasis on checking out everything I say. I tell them that everything I teach could be 100% wrong so check with your soul.

Now the soul has a language of its own. We have a language, which is composed of individual words, but the soul does speak in words. The soul speaks in what I call the language of principles. What is the difference between a piece of data and a principle? We as individuals speak with individual pieces of data but the soul speaks in the language of principles.

Audience: Principles are eternal.

JJ: Right, let me give one difference between a principle and a piece of data, 1+1=2 that is a piece of data, but suppose I were to teach you the principle of addition. If I teach the fact of 1+1=2 that is one piece of data and once you memorize it you only know one thing but once you learn the principle of addition how many different additions can you come up with? Millions of them right? You can have millions of pieces of data derived from one principle and this is the language of the soul – the language of principles.

This is why the soul can communicate so much to you instantly because when you have a principle dawn on your consciousness then you can figure out all the data. The temperature in this room on this day – lets say it is 68 degrees and I tell that. This is all you know, but if you understand the principle of registering temperature of expansion or contraction from mercury or whatever element you are using then you can put together a contraption for measuring the temperature. So from now until the end of time you can figure out what the temperature is. You do not have to memorize the temperature from now until the end of time because you now have the principle of how to register the temperature. You can find it out using this principle anytime you wish.

Do you remember the movie “The Matrix? They gave a principle in that movie, “If there is a beginning there has to be an end.” A few teachers have taught principle over the centuries. If there is an end then there has to be a beginning and if there is a beginning there has to be an end and if there is no beginning then there will be no end and if there is no end then there will be no beginning. By using this principle you can find out many things that dispel many religious and philosophical teachings that are out there. For instance the Christian world says they are going to live forever with God. So if you are going to live forever with God then what does that tell you about your past?

If you are going to live with God forever in the future then that means that you have been with God forever already. Now Mormonism teaches that we are going to be gods forever if we overcome all things. But f we are going to be gods forever then what does that tell you about our past? We have already been gods forever. So if one is true then the other has to be true. Once you understand the principle behind things then you can figure out the data. This is the main point I want to put across.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Search for Unity

This entry is part 14 of 34 in the series 2011C

Blayne basically ponders this thought:
There are about 7 billion people in the world yet after all this time there just doesn’t seem to be 24 people on the planet who have enough soul contact to create the unity to forge even one molecule. He has received a taste of what spiritual unity feels like and it seems frustrating that there does not seem to be people available for the consistent unity required of a working molecule. Is there any hope for this generation or is the day of spiritual power yet a hundred years or more in the future?

I share your frustration. I first received the revelation on the Molecular Relationship around 1979 and have been searching for the first 24 ever since. Like you, when I found good prospects for unity, a dark force seemed to enter the picture and hamper progress.

Even with all the difficulties I am convinced that there is enough good people out there to not form one molecule, but many of them. One of the problems is this. Some of the most advanced souls out there have very strong belief systems and when others in a group veer off from that, unity becomes difficult, if not impossible. It may be quite possible that a number of those in the first molecule may not be that advanced in learning and thus not have their minds cluttered up with too much data to prevent unity.

Of course, it would be most desirable to have all 24 be advanced souls who can tune into the soul at the drop of a hat to solve the differences that arise, but this is the type of disciple that is sadly rare in this present world.

Let me give you an example concerning one of our most cherished and beloved members who passed away a few years ago. I’m talking about Glenys.

Glenys was very enthused about the teachings and the prospects of being in a molecule, or creating one. Everyone on the group admired her and many felt that if there was anyone that was prepared to join a molecule then it was her. In addition she was a devoted student of the Alice A. Bailey writings and other metaphysical works.

She not only posted regularly but wrote me privately quite often. In one of her letters she informed me that her best friend had taken ill and was in danger of dying. She felt that she would be devastated if she lost her and told me that after much meditation she was sure she would recover and asked me to tune into her and see what I would receive – hoping I could add some energy to her recovery.

I did my best to comply and was somewhat surprised to receive a message through my soul that her friend’s time had come – that she had work to do on the other side. I get messages like this now and then but often I get nothing one way or another so don’t expect me to produce physic impressions on demand. I have found though that when I do get a message that there is some greater purpose than the mere information involved.

I debated over whether to tell Glenys and then decided to do so. I told her that I had received a message that her friend would be taken and the best thing to do was to make her passing as pleasant as possible and prepare herself for the loss in the physical. I then told her that her friend would still be close to her spiritually if she tuned in to her.

She was then somewhat upset with me and insisted my message was wrong for she had received a message that it was her friend’s destiny to live.

Unfortunately, a few weeks later her friend died. I did my best to console her and in midst of the exchange of private emails I received the reason I had been told of her friend’s impending death. I then explained it to her. I told her that the reason I had been given such a jolting revelation was to get her attention and establish me as an earned authority in her independent mind. This was necessary because the time would come in the not too distant future that she would doubt me again. I told her that when this time comes that I would remind her that she was wrong about her friend and should have considered my words. I told her the next time we have a similar disagreement it will be important that she consider what I say and verify it through the soul.

I had no idea what conflict was coming that this set the stage for, but I knew something was on its way.

I did not have to wait for long as a short time later Glenys developed cancer, starting in her sinus area. This time I didn’t get any impression as to whether she would live or die but did my best to offer her encouragement. All the Keys members were very concerned for her and sent her their prayers but she slowly got worse.

Then, one day she sent me an email asking for my opinion as to the root cause of her cancer and what she could do.

I contemplated the answer and received an impression and sensed that the answer was not something she wanted to hear. I wrote her back and told her I was reluctant to give her my answer for she may not like it.

She basically told me she was a big girl and could handle anything I would dish out.

I wrote her again and told her I would only give her my answer if she would assure me she would look at it dispassionately and not take offense.

She assured me that would be no problem.

I then wrote her back and explained as honestly and clearly as I could that the core problem that caused her cancer was a martyr complex that caused negative suppressed feelings to take root and express themselves as cancer. If she wanted to be cured she had to search herself with all honesty and find the cause of the martyr feeling, face it and remove it. I told her this would be difficult because denial is usually involved and she probably does not see this in herself. It would take all her strength in keeping her mind steady in the light to accomplish this.

I anticipated this answer would be difficult for her to take but not the intensity. She responded with extreme outrage. I can’t remember the exact words but the message was something like this:

How dare you accuse me of having a martyr complex! I am about a million miles away from this and everyone who knows me is aware of this except you. Where you got such an idea is a mystery indeed. And I do not suppress emotion – I let people know exactly what I feel.

She went on and on and I got the impression that she wanted an apology from me if our friendship were to continue.

After several heated exchanges I then wrote her back and reminded her about the reason I received the correct impression about her friend. I reviewed with her about my prediction that something would occur where it would be important to trust me as an earned authority. I then told her this was the time.

Unfortunately this reminder had no positive effect. Next I received a very angry letter from her boyfriend. He told me that I had made Glenys extremely upset and this was a very heartless thing for me to do to someone as ill as she was. I was just making her worse and should cease even contacting her.

His tone was so angry that I was glad he lived in New Zealand – too far for physical contact.

We didn’t communicate much after that though she did keep me updated until the end which came a few months later.

I write this not to diminish Glenys who we all loved but in an attempt to derive some good out of the awkward situation. She was indeed an evolved soul, yet with all her aspirations, knowledge and keen mind she could not harmonize with me through the soul.

And why was that?

Not because she couldn’t, but because she would not consider that she may have been wrong. This created a blockage that would not allow her mind to verify my words through the soul, even though the Powers-That-Be provided a witness in preparation for her test.

Blayne writes:
Here is one of the problems as I see it. There is a fine line between seeing one as an earned authority and blind trust. Myself for instance I do not have reliable enough soul that I trust enough to be able to see eye to eye on all things. So I am wary of falling into a blind trust over something just for the sake of unity which is not real unity anyway and will not last. Therefore I require a certain amount of facts and evidence etc. and things to make sense and if that does not satisfy me I will not change my stance. Now this is where a real strong soul impression could make a difference. So it really seems to boil down to reliable soul contact being the issue.

You have very accurately described the problem the disciple has as he develops his mind and reasoning powers. We just talked about the problem that Glenys had which involved keeping the emotional body at peace, but the mental makeup also presents a tremendous challenge. It was accurately described by DK when he stated the “the mind is the slayer of the real.”

Let is first talk about the problems with the emotional self of the disciple as he treads the path toward unity. To illustrate the problem let us suppose we are observing two students who are strong seekers but still strongly influenced by their emotional bodies. These we will call students A and B.

These two find two different teachers. The first teacher is very deceptive, manipulative and many of his teachings are full of illusion. However, within these teachings are morsels of truth that cause some sincere students to gravitate to him.

The second teacher is an initiate with reliable soul contact. Of course, no one is perfect but his teachings are inspired, have true principles and touch the soul. His teachings basically lead students in the right direction.

We will call these two Teachers A and B.

Student A is captivated by Teacher A. Because his teachings seem harmonious to his emotional body he doesn’t use the mind to question or discern the flaws. Student A finds others like himself in the group and they unite in support and are willing to do anything asked of them without questioning.

There is great unity in the group. They raise money, begin projects, sing songs and seem happy as they press forward. The group grows but because of many flaws in the foundation teachings very little is accomplished that will further any type of constructive progress.

Then one day Teacher A criticizes Student A in a way that feels wrong to him. He tries to shrug it off but then the next time he hears him teach he finds himself questioning and analyzing the words much more than before. It isn’t long before he sees gaping holes in the teachings. He openly questions the truth of the teacher’s words and the teacher now lashes out and condemns him.

Now the student’s feelings are really hurt and he finds fault with most everything the teacher says – many things that he previously though were true and wonderful. He leaves the group and becomes an outspoken critic of the teacher he once adored.

Student B is at a similar stage of spiritual evolution as Student A but he has the good fortune to become involved with a true teacher – Teacher B. His journey with the true teacher is very similar to Student A’s with the deceptive one. He becomes enthused, supportive and willing to do most anything asked of him. He finds himself sharing unity with others like himself but is disturbed by some of the mental types who demand proof, reasoning and logic. Teacher A didn’t allow dissent so he didn’t have this questioning to deal with. These mental ones want all the pieces to fit together before they accept the teacher and support him 100%. This student often finds he is in conflict with a couple of these doubting Thomases.

Then one day this student has a heated argument with a mental type and the teacher seems to side with him. Now student B is offended and from that point on looks at the teachings that come forth with a jaundice eye. Suddenly it appears that the teacher has lost his light and is now fallen like Lucifer of old.

He now questions everything the teacher says. This teacher though does not lash out but patiently tries to explain things to him and attempts to nudge him back toward the soul where he can verify the truth of things.

What Student B hears though is a criticism that he is not good enough the way he is. He becomes very upset and quits the group. He also becomes an outspoken critic of his group and teacher.

It is interesting that these two students had two very different teachers, but the end result of the two was very similar. Student B has an apparent advantage of having some true principles planted in him. This will be an advantage if he is true to them. On the other hand, it will be a great disadvantage if he is not but continues to rebel against the light because he holds on to negative feelings and does not let them go.

Our next illustration involves the more left-brain seekers or the mental types.

We have the same teachers, A & B, but instead of two students we’ll use just one, Student C. He relies mostly on mind but has had some soul contact.

Student C is invited by an emotionally polarized friend to come to a class taught by Teacher A who mixes much illusion with some truth, but presents himself with great emotional vigor which gives the illusion that he knows what he is talking about.

After a couple hours in the teacher’s class this student is somewhat perplexed as to why his friend is so enamored with this guy. He said a couple of things that made some sense, but several others that he was sure were incorrect. He mentions these flaws to his friend and was surprised that they completely went over his head even though they should have been obvious. Instead, his friend defended his teacher by claiming that the real truth cannot be proven in black and white and the teacher has insights not available to the rest of us. Basically, he was telling Student C to have faith in the teacher or to recognize the unearned authority of the Beast.

He went back a second time at the insistence of his friend and this time he was more impressed. The teacher taught around an illusion for the whole class period, but it was an illusion held on to dearly by Student C. Because the student had an error in his belief system through an unresolved illusion the teacher seemed to make sense this time and he attended regularly for a while. He aggravated the teacher though when he questioned him openly on some flawed details on various subjects. Finally, the teacher couldn’t take it any more and lashed out and belittled the student in front of the whole class.

The student had the mental composure to not react in kind but to merely defend himself with logic and then left the class no longer to return. His controlled reaction made the teacher look small in some eyes, but most held the student at fault for the conflict rather than the teacher.

Student C did not hold a grievance nor become an enemy to Teacher A but did not hold back giving a frank opinion when his name came up in conversation.

This student was then invited by another friend to attend a class given by Teacher B who has a high degree of soul contact and accuracy.

During the class everything the teacher spoke of made sense to the student and the members of the class also seemed intelligent as well as friendly. He thought he had found his long sought for place that seemed like home.

As the classes continued Student C felt that he could just not accept everything without question so he let his critical filters remain open. Most teachings made sense but there were others he was not sure about and several errors he thought he spotted. After his last experience he was a little reluctant to challenge the teacher, but finally he thought he must.

He openly challenged the teacher in class and was impressed that the teacher did not lash out or avoid answering the question. Instead, he calmly answered questions and defended his point of view with good reasoning and data. Some of the answers caused the student to reconsider his opinion, but others did not alter his view.

Even though this student did not agree with everything being taught he figured he had found the best game in town and decided to continue attending. After all, he was learning some new things and there’s probably no one on earth who agrees with him on everything.

Then one day a real conflict emerged. The teacher gave a class centered on Student C’s illusion. This was the illusion that Teacher A had embraced and was about the only thing the student liked about his teachings.

Teacher B saw through the illusion and taught the truth as seen through the eyes of the soul.

Because this was a cherished illusion held by the student an immediate red flag went up. He was a logical person, but on this subject his reasoning began with the assumption that his illusion was correct. He had not examined his illusion closely enough and with enough dispassion to resolve it.

This seemingly illogical teaching affected his emotions quite strongly and it took a lot of self-control on his part to maintain his normal composure. He immediately challenged the teacher in no uncertain terms and the teacher responded with as clear reasoning as he could present.

Over the next couple classes the two went back and forth numerous times with neither one convincing the other. The reaction of the students in the class was interesting. A few held on to the same illusion as Student C agreed with him and were also sure the teacher had gone astray on this point, except for one with some reservations.

The rest of the class was divided into two categories. Part of them were somewhat familiar with the illusion-based subject, but had not put enough attention on it to have strong opinions or to have embraced the illusion. Some had been mildly disposed to the illusion and some against but it was not a dogma with them – they were not entrapped by the illusion. The other part of the group had paid little attention to this subject and hadn’t given it much thought in life. They did not have enough information planted in their brain about the subject to have been trapped by the illusion.

After hearing the dialog between their teacher and Student C every single person that had not embraced the illusion sided with the teacher and could find no flaw in his reasoning, nor could they find any conflict with their own soul contact.

On the other hand, those who embraced the illusion had great difficulty in even registering the possibility they could be wrong. Even though they had respect for the teacher they could not even consider that he could have been right on this subject. They believed that their conclusions harmonized with their souls so it never occurred to them to check anew, as if they were a little child, starting fresh. Their opinion registered strongly with their emotional bodies but they would not concede they had never received soul confirmation on the subject.

And one more thing added to the confusion of those caught by the illusion. To understand the subject around the illusion one had to comprehend a number of different principles. These students correctly saw a couple of the principles involved and had received some soul contact concerning them. This caused them to be completely sure they were correct on the whole matter and refused to openly consult with their souls on the whole of the matter as taught by the teacher.

After the class exhausted all the points of the debate the two groups were beside themselves. Those caught in the illusion filtered their reasoning through the illusion and couldn’t for the life of them see why they could not convince even one person who had not believed as they did. Similarly, the other members could not understand why Student C and his few dissenters could not see what appeared to them to be the obvious truth.

The end result was that Student C became very discouraged with the teacher and began to wonder how many other errors he made that he may have overlooked. He absolutely could not wholeheartedly support any group goal that embraced the teacher’s views on this subject.

He thus had a powerful debate within himself as to whether to stay or to leave the group. After much thought he decided to stay for despite this problem, this was still the highest light he could find with which to associate.

Two others who thought as himself though took different routes. The first left the group in disgust and sought to fellowship with others who embraced the illusion.

The other one was approaching the Third Initiation and, after some time, had an epiphany. He reflected on the teacher’s words and examined his own core long held beliefs for flaws. After much soul reflection his mind, in harmony with spirit, instantly saw a greater picture and the illusion dissolved just as does the midst with the morning sun. That which was not seen before was now seen. Now the greatest mystery in his mind was why it had been so difficult for him to see it.

This student went on to be the greatest defender of the true principles as taught by the teacher as well as others that he saw for himself that was taught him by no man.

These examples paint a picture that illustrate to us the difficulty in creating a united group without violating free will. Let us list a few of the areas that cause separateness and prevent unity.

Unity problems arising from the emotional body.

(1) Any criticism or correction real or imagined can cause the aspirant to withdraw support or become negative.

(2) A feeling by the seeker that other members of the group are not doing their share.

(3) Any type of irritation toward the teacher or members of the group.

(4) Impatience because of apparent imperfection in the group.

(5) Any glamour held by the seeker can produce separateness, especially one that causes him to see himself as more spiritually evolved than he is. A feeling of superiority is a great hindrance to unity.

Unity Problems centered on the mind.

(1) The big problem originating from the mind is illusion. If the seeker sees a thing as true that is not true then he will oppose the real truth on the subject when it is presented. Because the soul always takes the side of real truth he will have much difficulty in uniting with a group that seems to be in error when it is not.

(2) The mind slays the real. If he relies too much on the mind and too little on soul contact he will find flaws in many small details causing him to reject the big picture and miss many points of truth.

(3) Unless he learns patience he can get irritated with the emotional types and want to distance himself from them.

(4) He can also become impatient with members and the group as a whole.

(5) He may have a fear that merging or supporting the group may cause him to lose his identity or intellectual discernment. He may be overly concerned about giving in to the Beast. This is a legitimate concern, but must be tempered with judgment and he must find the right time to trust.

(6) If either the mental or emotional types have their ideas rejected by the teacher or the group they are likely to feel separated and rejected unless they have soul contact.

The ideal group, or molecule would be one where all members have soul contact and can resolve any difference by looking trough the eyes of the soul together and seeing the same thing. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find even two people who can do this.

When one sees the difficulty he can understand why Jesus called John the Baptist the greatest prophet of them all. He prepared a group that had enough soul contact to create a working molecule.

The Twelve and the Twenty-Four were not perfectly soul infused and they sometimes drifted off the mark but they were sensitive enough to realize when they needed to come back to the center and see the Christ within each member of the group and drink of the same spiritual cup together.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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A Principle: Like Attracts Like

This entry is part 13 of 34 in the series 2011C

There has been a lot of discussion over the past couple days about the possibility of the Dark Brothers dwelling in the same space and the Brotherhood of Light.

When a question like this arises the wise thing to do is to look at the principle that governs such things. When the principle is understood then the seeker will be enabled to put together the outer truth with great accuracy… As Long – as he uses the principle of judgment.

What then is the principle that determines who gathers with who? Here it is:

“Like attracts like.”

Here are some examples:

People of similar interests gather together as well as;

Those of similar vibration,

Those who have similar ray combinations.

Those of similar intelligence.

Those of similar religious interests.

Those of similar political interests.

Those who have similar values etc.

Sometimes on this earth it may seem this rule does not apply. Some apparent contradictions occur in families where individuals sometimes feel they do not belong because everyone is so different than themselves. This situation also exists as we start school. Many look back on early schooldays and feel like they did not fit in.

It is true that on this planet in the dense physical we are often thrown together with others who are not like us.

But.. . does this situation last forever?


The person who feels out of place in his family will gravitate to friends and associates in life who are more like himself. He may attend family reunions but will spend his quality time with those who understand and appreciate him.

The one who feels out of place with his schoolmates as a whole will seek out the few who are most like himself and then attend a college that offers schooling more geared to his interests.

On this earth like is often scattered with unlike but in the higher spheres this is not the case. A lower astral person cannot even ascend to the higher astral or mental spheres for the higher vibration would be painful for him. Those in the higher spheres can descend but only stay for short periods of time for it is uncomfortable for them to stay there and much nicer to associate with those of similar vibration.

The main difference to Gods will being carried out “on earth as it is in heaven” is found in this principle. Like must gather with like to create heaven. When like is mixed with that which is much different or of a lower vibration then you have hell.

It is interesting that the scriptures indicate that this earth is hell. It is hell because like must endure unlike. Those who have the pure love of Christ must endure the presence of those who hate them merely because they give out the vibration representing true love.

If heaven is then created by like merging, or associating with like then it would make no sense to allow the Dark Brothers to inhabit Shamballa. If such were to occur then it would no longer be a place of peace, or of love, or of union…

The goal of the lights is not any union. If that were the case then the Nazis were good because they created one of the strongest unions in our history and if Hitler had won the war we would have had a forced union of all the good and bad on the entire planet. That would made the earth a living hell.

Instead union with like through free will creates heaven and the higher the vibration of those involved the greater the joy.

Are there lessons to be learned from this earth where like is thrown together with unlike?

Yes. There are many. This earth needs to be viewed as a schoolroom and the opportunities many.

The main lesson to be learned from those not like us is to look upon the individual’s soul and see its present perfection linked with the future perfection of the person. When an athlete perfects his craft he has to go through painful exercise to increase his joy of achievement to come. Even so, by exercising our will and seeing the Christ in those who repulse our personality we exercise the power of the God within. This gives us the strength to merge with those who are closest to being like us.

Even those who are close to our vibration have enough differences to create major problems in union if we focus on the personality. If we learn the prime lesson of this sphere and see the Christ within others during difficult times then the door is open to the kingdom of God. When we therefore leave this sphere and go on to the higher we will have joy in the presence of exalted beings and our rest shall be glorious.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Knowing the Truth, Part 2

This entry is part 14 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

This brings up an interesting point that many of the religious leaders today teach and that is that we are living at the end times which they say is the most wicked time in the history of man. But it is not nearly as wicked as people think. After World War II we didn’t pour molten lead down the throats or cut out the tongues of the captured Nazis as happened a few hundred years ago in war. A casual study of history tells us that we have become much more civil over the years.

About 20 years ago here in Idaho they made a big deal about the farmers killing the jack rabbits that were threatening their crops. I remember thinking of how sensitive we have become. When I was younger nobody would ever think twice about killing a jackrabbit but now everybody is really worried about these jackrabbits that were destroying crops. We are much more sensitive than we have ever been in the history of humanity. Humanity is actually evolving instead of devolving so if someone tells you that we live in the end of times and people are more wicked than they have ever been before – that is not true. Instead, we are actually making progress. True, we could make more progress and we do have a ways to go but we have made progress.

Audience: Why is that these people are trying to convince us that it is an evil time?

JJ: It gets their congregation to listen to them and they can convince people that since we are wrapping up and we are reaching the end of the world that God is going to step in and burn all the wicked to ash and Jesus is going to appear in the clouds and wipe out all the evil guys and they are going to be taken to heaven.

Audience: The media does tend to focus on all the wicked things that happen every day with over 6 billion people in the world there is bound to be a few bad apples.

JJ: Today is nothing like it was even 200 years ago or nothing like it was in the days of the cowboys. They would just shoot somebody or string him up if a mob demanded it and that was it. There was no more talk about it. We live in a situation now where the laws have stabilized the world to a degree but now we have bigger threats like atomic bombs, biological weapons and other weapons of mass destruction posing a threat like we have never seen before.

Now getting back to the two guys on the internet that I mentioned – they are only two out of the many unusual teachers I have met in my life. The question that might arise in people’s minds is how do you tell if a person is in the light or not, or if you see a teaching how do you tell if it is right or not? Or if you meet a person that makes an unusual claim how do you know the truth behind that person or teaching?

How do we know what is true and should we even take anything seriously? People have been talking about the sealed plates for around 175 years now no one has come up with any claim to finding them that drew much attention. Now within the past 5 years there have been five different versions of the sealed plates showing up. There is a statement that we covered on our discussion group a while back, “the counterfeit guarantees the real,” and that was in relation to the coming of Christ. The writer points out that there are many counterfeit Christ’s appearing in our age and this is an affirmation that the Christ will eventually materialize.

So maybe some type of inspired historical writings will come forth. If they do I think it would just not be like Biblical stuff but would include the history of Atlantis. That would be very interesting to have a true history of Atlantis and Lemuria, wouldn’t it? At present we don’t have anything verifiable. We have had several things that have been channeled and some may be accurate and some may not be but it would be interesting if a record were discovered to give the true history of Atlantis. There are a lot of interesting things that happened back then that have been lost to history.

They had a lot of technology but the problem with Atlantis is the Masters gave too much help to the people of that age. It is like the story of the cocoon where if you help the butterfly escape from the cocoon it will die and if you don’t help it then it will thrive and be a strong butterfly. So by helping the butterfly you destroy it but by letting it gain its own strength through the struggle it becomes strong and lives. The same thing with a chicken hatching from an egg – if you break the egg and try to help it you will lucky if the little chicken will live because it needs that struggle of breaking out of the egg to gain that strength.

The Masters on their plane are not perfect just as we are not perfect, they have their sphere and we have ours and one of the mistakes they made during the days of Atlantis is they helped too much. They walked among the people and they taught them in their temples and they assisted too much so humanity did not develop their own abilities enough and they were given too much assistance and thus the dark brotherhood overcame the brotherhood of light in Atlantis and it had to be destroyed. It was destroyed over a long period of time not quickly as a lot of people think.

So in this time period that we are in now the higher lives that oversee the earth do not interfere unless it is absolutely necessary. In other words, the Masters have learned the lesson of the caterpillar and the butterfly. We are like the caterpillar and they want us to everything possible on our own and they will only step in after we have done every possible thing that we can do. This is much different than the age of Atlantis where they stepped in and assisted much more than they do today and this is very interesting to contemplate.

Audience: Sometimes I hear things in my head that you did not say, when you were talking about the sealed portion I noticed that, was it accidentally that you juxtaposed your comment about wouldn’t it be interesting if a recorded history was discovered of Atlantis, is there a reason that you talked about the sealed plates and the history of Atlantis next to each other, were you consciously suggesting that there might be a story line for the sealed portion?

JJ: Yes it is quite possible. According to the Book of Mormon the sealed portion contains a recorded history of the world from the beginning to the end and if it truly does contain a history of the world it would have to contain the history of Atlantis.

Audience: And King Arthur?

JJ: King Arthur happened after the sealed portion was written. However I believe what it would contain is not specific events about the future from the time that the sealed portion was written but it would contain information on the cycles of the future. There are certain things that can be seen in the future and certain things that cannot be seen. There are certain cycles that we know will begin and end with certain things happening. Tomorrow morning at a certain time we know that the sun will come up and why do we know that? Why do we know that the sun will come up and we can predict the exact minute it will come up?

Audience: Because it is a mathematical certainty.

JJ: Right is it a proven mathematical cycle and it has been this way for millions of years and will continue to be this way until something knocks the earth out of its orbit or something. But it is very predictable cycle that the sun will rise. The moon will be in the same phase it is now in how many days?

Audience: 28 days.

JJ: 28 days, right, a pretty predictable cycle. So 28 days from now you have to be very careful around your wife.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: So the moon will be in the same phase it is today 28 days from now. There are certain cycles that happen, so that we can see into the future and predict exactly about some things. There is a cycle that is related to a day, a month, a year, the moon going around the earth, the sun cycling around the galaxy, the galaxy circulating around its portion of the universe. There is a cycle for the atom itself – how long it takes to circulate, how long it takes for the internal parts of the atom to circulate around itself. There is a cycle for all these things and all these things are very predictable.

There are also cycles in events that the Masters can look at and predict certain things. These are distilled down to Astrology, the Astrological cycles of Pisces, Aquarius and so on and I believe the end of Pisces occurred when the first atomic bomb went off near the end of World War II. We are actually in the age of Aquarius now but each one of these ages lasts not 2000 years but several centuries over 2000 years. The age of Pisces actually started before Christ came and they were into the age Pisces a bit when He did come. Astrologers say an age lasts approximately 2160 years.

We are entering a new cycle and certain things about the new cycle are pretty much predictable but then within cycles there are things that are not predictable by any life in existence, not even by an Angel, a Master or by God Himself, No one in the universe could predict that I would snap my fingers just now because it is not part of any cycle and it has nothing to do with anything. So no one predicted that and no one even wants to predict such a thing. They say God knows everything but can you imagine God sitting up on some throne and saying well in a million years from now JJ is going to snap his fingers at this meeting. Why would He even want to clutter His mind up with such small details?

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: The answer is that the Greater Lives do not clutter their minds up with these type of details but the Greater Lives look at the cycles and they know that at the beginning of a cycle they that a certain type of creation is going to take place and at the end of a cycle the certain creation is going to end. The creation may or may not be exactly what is desired and if it is not what was desired then it would be destroyed and it will start all over. It is a little bit like creating a piece of art. Leonardo Da Vinci, when he painted the “Mona Lisa” had in his mind what he wanted it to look like and he probably had a gal there that looked like the Mona Lisa and he envisioned what he wanted it look like when the work was completed.

As he was painting along he knew the end cycle was the finished painting of a beautiful Mona Lisa sitting before him. The beginning was just looking at the Mona Lisa visualizing the end. So we have a cycle and the end of the cycle was known to Leonardo Da Vinci. He knew the beginning and the end but he did not everything in the middle. As he began to paint he thought, that color is not quite right so he kept working on the color, and he thought the smile was not quite right so he kept working on the smile because he knew how he envisioned it and he had it in his mind and so he kept working on it so that people would look at it and say, is she smiling or is she not smiling and that is what he wanted people to wonder about.

To get that look he had to made a lot of mistakes until he got it right and when that moment came that he got it right then it was the end of the cycle. But between the beginning and the end of the cycle he had no idea how many brush strokes he would make and he had no idea how many mistakes he would make and have to correct himself and start over again. Maybe some dog was chasing some cat and knocked over the painting and he had to start over and maybe he was going to paint her with a great big grin on her face and after the dog knocked it over he changed his mind. So you never know but we assume the standard story is true, that he envisioned how it would look and the cycle had a beginning and an end and he finally got where he wanted.

The point I am trying to make is that between the beginning and the end of cycles no one knows nor do they want to know all the little details and to think that God knows every little thing like how many times am I going to snap my fingers tonight. There are certain thing s that you don’t need to know and you don’t want to know but the higher the lives are the more their consciousness gets down to the essence of things and the essence of now until the end of time is covered with certain types of cycles and these cycles can be seen and they can be known.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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Djwhal Khul Predictions

This entry is part 12 of 34 in the series 2011C

LWK asked about DK predictions. He made quite a few. Some have been successful and some have missed the mark. Many still pertain to the future so we’ll have to wait and see on them.

Ruth quoted some of my words from the archives on a couple that seemingly did not come true.

“He taught that after 1975 the esoteric teachings will be given out world wide through the radio. The teachings will be given out but everything is behind schedule. The end was seen, but the details related to time and free will were not seen.”

“Here is another one: ‘Volcanic action therefore may be looked for, demonstrating in unexpected localities, as well as within the sphere of the present earthquake and volcanic zones. Serious disturbance may be looked for in California before the end of the century, and in Alaska likewise.’”
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 907 (Published 1925)

California does seem to be overdue for a major earth changing calamity but it didn’t happen by the end of the century. On the other hand, Alaska did have a major earthquake on March 27, 1964 – a whopping 9.2 the second largest in over 100 years – more potent than the recent one in Japan.

He predicted “A shift in the Earth’s polarity, due to the pull of a great cosmic centre. This powerfully affects the Earth’s orientation and is responsible for the present earthquakes, and for the volcanic eruptions and the many earthquakes during the past one hundred and fifty years.
Esoteric Astrology Page 410

Scientists are now telling us the earth is experiencing a shift in the polarity of its magnetic field. This could be what he was referring to.

He predicted that the return of Jews to Israel to establish a homeland would bring tremendous conflict to the area and the world. He said we’d be a lot better off if the Jews just assimilated with mankind.

When the U.N. was formed he said that it was a mistake to allow totalitarian regimes in it and would hamper its effectiveness.

In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 907 (Published 1925) he predicted the discovery of atomic energy and then after the first atomic bomb went off he stated that this was a source of power that will eventually liberate humanity.

He was one of the few teachers who correctly identified Hitler early on as an antichrist figure. Other teachers, such as Helena Roerich, praised him in the beginning.

In 1942 he said that the forces of light were prevailing with the war and a win for the Allies was definitely going to happen. Before that he said the war was in question.

In 1925 DK wrote:
“The Master Jesus will take a physical vehicle, and with certain of His chelas effect a re-spiritualisation of the Catholic churches, breaking down the barrier separating the Episcopal and Greek churches from the Roman. This may be looked for, should plans progress as hoped, about the year 1980.”
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 759

“From the chair of the Pope of Rome, the Master Jesus will attempt to swing that great branch of the religious beliefs of the world again into a position of spiritual power and away from its present authoritative and temporary political potency.”
Destiny of the Nations, Page 61

I believe this prophecy was attempted to be fulfilled by Pope John Paul I who was Pope for a mere 33 days and was killed in Sept 1978 by those who fought his reforms.

The fact that He was in office 33 days which corresponds to the 33 years in the life of Jesus of Nazareth is far from the only correspondence.
His given name was Albino Luciani which means “white light.”

After John Paul I was killed he was replaced by Karol Joseph Wojtyla who became John Paul II. Ironically this replacement pope was born during a solar eclipse.

This is symbolic of his reign during an eclipse of a true son of God through the death of Luciani.
Albino Luciani means “white light” but the new Pope’s name of Karol Joseph Wojtyla means “man who adds increase to war.”

The book, “In God’s Name,” written by David A. Yallop makes a convincing case that John Paul I was poisoned.

DK predicted the Great Invocation would be greatly used around the world. He seemed to think it would be in greater use than it is now but it is certainly widely used.

I’ll make a similar prediction for The Song of the 144,000. Its use will grow significantly and within 50 years most spiritual seekers will have heard of it or used it. Many outside metaphysics in regular churches will begin using it.

DK made many interesting predictions that still pertain to our future. One I am looking forward to will be a device which will be created by materialist scientists which will alter the world. It will be able to communicate with the dead.

I think that the next time I read the Alice A. Bailey books through I’ll tabulate the predictions as there are quite a few more. These are just some that I recall.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Understanding Illusion

This entry is part 11 of 34 in the series 2011C

Larry Woods asked me a question that has not been covered before so I thought I would give the answer to the group.

In the past I have taught that a third degree initiate is one who has overcome illusion. This is an accomplishment a disciple must achieve if he is to be trusted by the Hierarchy. Before he or she overcome illusion one can be deceived sufficiently to do a lot of damage to the spiritual work – not because of evil intentions but because the seeker can be tricked by circumstances and emotion to going off course.

With this in mind Larry was perplexed that some who he considered to be third degree initiates seemed to be in error, especially concerning prediction they made.

First of all let me clarify that no one is perfect, not even a fifth degree master or higher. Even DK made a number of predictions that did not come true on schedule. On the positive side, he made some impressive ones that did. I do not know of anyone who has been more than about 50% accurate when making specific predictions of the future.

So, what then sets a third degree initiate apart from the crowd if he can still make mistakes? What does it mean that he has mastered illusion? And if he has mastered illusion then why can he not predict the future with 100% accuracy?

To understand the answer we must comprehend what illusion is, what it does and how the disciple behaves when he has transcended it.

Illusion in the seeker is caused by two things. The first is a wrong belief or dogma implanted into his belief system that he has not examined in the light of day and weeded out. This can be apply to various areas of inclination.

Religion. He may have had a wrong religious belief implanted into his mind when he was young. For instance, he may believe that Jesus was perfect (as we define the word today). Everyone says this and he has just accepted it and never examined such a belief with pure reason.

He may believe we are born in sin and thus sees humanity as a virus not able to do anything that is good in the world.

Politics. He may see freedom only as it affects him and not the whole. He may thus endorse policy that brings him more freedom but enslaves the masses.

Science. He may accept scientific consensus and theories that are popular without questioning them and thus not see error when there is error to be seen.

Education. He may rely too strongly on being taught by others and thus absorb their illusions. The disciple has no problem learning from others but he always does a lot of self-education and questions all that he has been taught.

The list could go on but this should make the point.

The second thing that causes illusion is a flaw in his thinking or reasoning process. This flaw is usually there, not because he is not smart but is caused by a hidden emotional attachment that causes his focus to be blurred. As a result he concludes that 2+2=5 rather than 4.

A good example of this type of illusion is illustrated in the recent discussion over the Comet Elenin. When it was way beyond the orbit of Jupiter many were declaring that it was a red dwarf star that was going to cause great destruction.

Now the logical mind can conclude that there is always the possibility that some type of destruction could occur when it reaches a certain alignment but the chances of it ever being a red dwarf star is about as close to zero as one could get.

Illusion got the best of these believers for several reasons.

A tremendous number of people in the new age and religious world believed this so many were subject to group think or the thoughtform generated.

Secondly many have an emotional attachment to the belief in Planet X and are expecting it return soon and will not use a discerning mind when someone falsely identifies it.

When the disciple has mastered illusion he will use all resources at his disposal to find the truth. 2+2 must equal four. And if he does not have enough information to know the truth for sure he will surely reject or strongly question reasoning that tells us it equals five.

For instance, when the seeker was told that Elenin was a brown dwarf when it was beyond the orbit of Jupiter what would he do if not subject to illusion?

First of all, he would do some research and find out what a brown dwarf is. When he finds this out he could add 2+2 and figure that Elenin could not possibly be one because it would have been as bright as the moon in the sky and at that time one needed a powerful telescope to see it as a tiny dot.

The third degree initiate does not let distortion, bull headed flawed beliefs, dogma, group think, or trusted authorities convince him that two plus two equals anything other than four.

Even though the third degree initiate has transcended illusion he is far from infallible and may only be average in predicting the future. He will be able to spot illogical predictions, however.

If he has bad information that he has no way of verifying then he can indeed be mislead. For instance, if he asks for directions to the grocery store and someone tells him to go left when it is really on the right then he will spend some time going the wrong direction.

If the weatherman tells him it is 70 degrees when it is really 80 the he is likely to think it is warmer than it is.

The initiate uses the Second Key of Judgment and will not concern himself with being right with inconsequential details, but on an important issue he will leave no stone unturned and not let astral thinking get in the way of getting to the truth – as far as possible.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Knowing the Truth, Part 1

This entry is part 13 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

(Text from Class given in 2005)
I have been thinking about what to talk about and I have been meeting some strange characters lately, particularly on the Internet. Bryan you met the Holy Ghost guy didn’t you?

Bryan: Yes I sure did! Chuckling!

JJ: It is funny that most of them that we meet that are very odd are ex-Mormons, chuckling. They must have excommunicated him for a reason. I will tell you about two that I met on the Internet. Now in our discussion group, the Keys of Knowledge, we usually filter them out. Sometimes really strange people join and give me a bad time for a month or so and then when they see we have a fairly logical group and they are not getting any following they usually just leave and that is kind of nice. The Keys are much like the group here, logical with common sense, except for Wayne of course. Laughter.

We filter them out on the Keys list. At first we did not do this but as we grew we found that moderating worked well for weeding out the weird. We went I think three or four years with no moderation at all and we kept it this way as long as we could until a couple of strange characters came on and even a couple that threatened us physically. Then we decided it was time to moderate. Moderating our discussion group on the Internet helped a lot because people that came on board just to create a problem found they had to stay on subject just to get their post on.

You have to use judgment in whatever you do and that is the second key of the Buddha – to use common sense in judgment. There is a time and place and a purpose for everything under heaven as Solomon said. The older I get the more I see that is true. You never say never because eventually you reach a circumstance where there is an exception to every rule that you can imagine. There is time to get together, to separate, a time to love… and it is probably good that this true because this sends us through the range of emotions in our lifetimes. Imagine what your life would be like if you never had a negative emotion in your life. What do you think Mark – don’t you think life would be kind of sterile if you never had a negative emotion in your life?

Mark: For sure but it would be nice to try for a change!

Audience: Laughter!

JJ: It would be nice to go a day without one wouldn’t it Mark? It might be a good for us all, to go one day with no negative emotion. I don’t have much negative emotions do I dear?

Artie: No dear.

JJ: Except for when I stub my toe late at night. Whenever I stub my toe and complain Artie always says, man you go to the dentist and don’t use Novocain but when you stub your toe you are like a little kid.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: Anyway, I will tell you about two strange characters I met on the web, the first one thinks he is every important character in the Bible is pretty much him and he thinks he is the Holy Spirit and He thinks the Holy Spirit is a bigger deal than being God or Jesus. He claims to be time traveler and at the very end of time he perfects himself as the Holy Spirit and he travels back and forth through time as the Holy Spirit. Then he becomes other entities too, like the angel Gabriel and he appeared to Mary and had sex with Mary and produced the body of Jesus so he claims to be the father of Jesus and he claims to be Michael the archangel and a whole bunch of people in our history especially Biblical ones.

Bryan: Boy you would laugh if you read some of the stuff this guy writes and these people actually believe they are who they say they are.

JJ: I said to Bryan that you need to come to this list and since you are an ex-Mormon you would find this guy kind of interesting so Bryan hopped right on. So anyway I was pretty gentle with the guy and I asked him a several questions and it was about the second or third question I asked him that he condemned me not to hell, but in Mormonism the worst state you can go into is to become a son of perdition and that is where you reign with the devil and his angels where the torment is so great that even the prophets can’t even write about it. So anyway he condemned me to be a son of perdition within about two or three days of me asking him a couple questions, challenging the fact that he may be who he says he is.

So we continued back and forth and then a few days later I felt this really negative energy from him like he had this séance of some type and condemned me to eternal darkness or something. The farther I went with him the more angry he got and he said I was the first one that he had ever condemned to be a son of perdition. I guess I am to be congratulated!

Anyway John Crane made a post to the Keys about this guy who claimed to have translated the seal plates of the book of Mormon. When Joseph Smith brought forth the book of Mormon he said he translated one third of it and two thirds of the plates are sealed because humanity was not ready for what was written on them and the rest will come forth at a later date. Well something must be going in the ethers because in the last five or six years there have been five or six versions of the sealed plates that have come forward but there is this new guy that is particular interesting because he claims to have the gold plates in his possession and the stones of Urim and Thummim. He has a picture of a translation stone on the Internet and it looks like he bought it at local rock shop. He is also going to make a news conference on April 6th.

So anyway I thought this guy sounds kind of interesting so I joined his list and asked him a simple question and I said Joseph Smith had eleven witnesses that witnessed to the book of Mormon that they actually saw the plates and it says in the scriptures that all things shall be established by the mouth of two or three witnesses. I then asked him where are his witnesses that have seen the plates? He wrote back and said several people have seen the plates and they just have not signed anything and he wanted to protect them and keep them out of the limelight.

So I said yes but the scripture says that everything will be established by the mouth of two or three witnesses so he writes me back a scripture that says, God will establish His purposes with as many witnesses that seemeth Him good. He said that it seemeth God good that there is just one witness this time, which was him.

Audience: Chuckling!

JJ: I said yes but look at this scripture, that scripture you quoted in connection with this other one is speaking about the generation of Joseph Smith and this is a different generation. He established as many witnesses that seemed good to Him then and several times I gave him several references where it says that all things will be established in the mouths of two or three witnesses and as a matter of fact the Pharisees and Sadducees even came to Jesus and said all things will be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses and where are your witnesses. It is a principle that has been around a long time.

So then he began to ignore me so then I asked a couple of other questions and I said in your sealed plates it says the celestial kingdom is in Mercury and so I showed him some satellite photograph of Mercury where we sent the mariner over there and took pictures and it looks worse than the moon and it is hot enough there that lead will flow like water and I said this does not look like heaven to me! So around this time he makes a post and he condemns me to be a son of perdition!

Audience: Wow JJ you are very popular with these guys!

JJ: I found this to be very common though that I have been condemned so many times. In a class I was teaching that Artie attended this guy claimed to be channeling God and he condemned me to hell. You should have heard this guy, (In a deep Darth Vader voice) “You have been given one last chance Joseph and if you don’t stop you are going to be extinguished forever!” This guy just got up in one of our meetings and was all of a sudden channeling the big God himself! This seems to follow me around I get condemned everywhere I go including the Mormon Church itself. They condemned me to hell and excommunicated me and after they excommunicated me one of the brethren came to me and said “It is too bad it is not legal to put people to death because if it was I think that is what should happen to you.” Laughing!

And they started out calling themselves the court of love! It is interesting that in the Middle Ages when they were putting people to death who challenged anything, it could be something really small like a person made some comment about the king, religious leader, pope or anything – you could be burned at the stake for this. But to burn a heretic at the stake in those days they had a name for it and do you know what that name was? It was a Spanish term, “auto da fé” that meant, “act of faith.” It was an act of faith in god to burn a heretic. Do you know why they burned them at the stake?

Audience: Guessing?

JJ: They burned them at the stake because the scripture commands against the shedding of blood, so they could not shed their blood so instead they burned them at the stake. This why they burned everybody during the Middle Ages. It was also an act of faith and if you really had guts to do this it was considered that you were acting faithful. Thank God the Founding Fathers came along and established the Constitution. We have a little more freedom today and the law protects people a little more, not as much as people would like perhaps, but it is heaven compared to what it was a couple hundred years ago.

It is amazing how things have changed too; I was reading in a history book not too long ago that when one army conquered another they did terrible things to the leaders of the opposition. They would pour molten lead down their throat, cut off their ears, cut out their tongues and more. If you were the leader of army back in the old days and you lost you were in for a heap of trouble. You probably fought with everything you had to win. I mean Abu Grab was bad but back in those days if you lost the battle you could be certain of a horrible death unless the leader wanted you for some purpose. Then you live for a little while until you had served your usefulness.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Intuition, Part 7

This entry is part 12 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

There is a story is about certain entities when this earth was formed that refused to incarnate because they felt that the material world was too course for them and they received a punishment through karma because they refused to incarnate when incarnation was something that was beneficial for the universe itself. So we have this balance that is difficult and in past ages these rebellious spirits did not seek for the balance. In this cycle, especially the Age of Aquarius, the key note is service and to truly serve our fellow man we have to balance spirit and matter because our fellow man is in matter and since our essence is spirit.

Audience: I myself had to overcome a prejudice because somehow in my head those with abundance are bad, I had this thinking that if you had money then you are a snob and you think that you are better than me I mean I had some really major things to overcome and I think that learning of abundance for me now is truly spiritual so it is material but it is also spiritual and it is a hard lesson to learn.

JJ: That is a good point because a lot of people who are spiritual people are just poor as field mice and they reach a point where they almost think that the rich are just the scum of the earth because they do not see the vision that they see and if they did they would give them all their money. Laughing! And, yes, people do this. When I have been struggling financially I have caught myself in that trap somewhat as well and it is really easy to do if you are struggling financially. The balance is very important to achieve and it is very difficult and this is the reason that we have not progressed more than we have. People often look out among the world today and say, where are the Buddhas, and the Jesuses and the Gandhis today? They do not seem to be around at all. Well they are around but they have not learned to balance spirit and matter. So Gandhi could be out there right now not accomplishing anything if he has already re-incarnated.

Audience; If I understand correctly the whole point of the eastern spiritual philosophy is get away from duality.

JJ: We are never away from duality, Buddha learned his great lesson with duality when he was sitting under the Bodhi tree starving to death on two grains of rice a day and a bunch of singers came by and they were singing this tune about a musical string. Now if a musical string is too tight then it will not play right and if it is too loose than it will not play right either. It has to be tuned just correctly. Now you have to concentrate on duality to be able tune a string. You have to go be able to go from one extreme to the other.

If you ever tuned a guitar string you pluck it and may find it is too tight and then adjust it and it may be too loose. Then you go back and forth until you get it just about right. A lot of Buddhists do teach the idea that there is no duality but they teach this while teaching duality at the same time. So you can’t really escape from duality. If there were no duality then none of us would be here at all because every atom in your body is created by duality of a positive and negative force interplaying. Form is created by the interplaying of the positive and negative forces that are just a little bit out of balance. If the positive and negative forces in the atoms that you possess were in perfect balance then we would all disappear and we would be no more and we are only here because matter is out of balance. There can only be creation when there is not perfect balance.

So what happens when the little atoms create and they put things together? The atoms the molecules and cells is the result. After they are created they are more balanced than the atoms were alone but they still are not perfectly balanced so the atoms join together to balance themselves off a bit more. When they create a molecule they are more balanced still but still not perfect so the molecules join and they create a cell and they are more balanced still but still not perfect. This process goes on and on and on and we are always in search of the perfect balance but the duality is always there.

Now the Eastern religions will often teach there is a place between right and left, up and down, between hot and cold that point exactly in the middle. This is the great void that they teach and we all have to find this great void and then we will be happy.

Audience: Isn’t that Nirvana?

JJ: Buddha did not really teach that was Nirvana but some of the eastern teachers have taught it and they called it the great void. There is always duality in the fact that this world is founded on it and it came even from the formless worlds – the world of greater ideas. This shows us that even the formless worlds, where ideas manifest, that there is even duality there. Everything is in reality, duality exists in reality and the point in between the duality is a reality also to which we go when the universe unfolds itself and then goes back into Pralaya. We go to a place, which DK describes this way, “It is not a place which is not, it is a place which is esoteric.” In other words, when we do finally go back to our source it is not a place which is not, it is a place which is esoteric and esoteric means hidden. In other words, there is something there but we do not know what it is, but it is the source of all things.

Audience: Did we finally figure out how to become more intuitive?

JJ: That is a good question and a good way to wrap this up. The way to get more intuitive is this one rule, you just have to do one thing like Curly said in the movie “City Slicker” you just have to do one thing, “Follow the Highest You Know.” Now you think, well the highest I know is not very good. It may not be very good and you may make many mistakes but when you make a mistake you will see what you did wrong and then you can correct it. Then you can take your next step and eventually if you follow the highest that you know then you will follow your intuition.

There will come a time when you will be tempted not to follow the highest you know. The highest you know will be very difficult to do and so you will be tempted to take the easy road and this is a temptation that besets us all. If there is such a thing as sin then this is the one true sin and that is violating the highest you know. There have been a couple times in my life when I knew what I had to do and it was really hard and I didn’t do it and I really regretted it.

This is like the story in my first book about these guys on the path, they did not know which path to choose but when they made a choice they just went with it and the guys that really suffered were the ones who just could not choose. They were afraid to choose. People that are paralyzed by fear because they can’t choose are the ones that are really in hell on this earth. We must never stand still and we must always pick the next step and if we do not know what it is, then guess. And in that guess make the best guess that you can make and then go with it and then you are going to learn something.

When you have to take another step you are going to be wiser and wiser until eventually you will continue to follow the highest you know and you will develop all your higher abilities. You will develop your higher psychic ability, your intuition. Once you develop your intuition and it is developed then you can draw back on your other abilities that you have had in past lives. If you want to recall your instinct abilities then you can do that, if you want to recall your psychic abilities then you can do that. In recalling your psychic abilities and then blending them with the intuition you can be extremely accurate. There are a handful of psychics that are also intuitive that are accurate but this is very rare.

Audience: If I wanted to recall something that is below the threshold of consciousness, lets say that in a previous life I spoke French and if I wanted to bring that up, other than putting attention on it is that the only way to bring it to surface is by putting attention on it?

JJ: Mozart, when he started playing the piano; he could instantly play it and we hear about prodigies today that can just look at a piano and immediately play it. Obviously they knew it in a past life so it is below the threshold of their consciousness but they bring it back almost instantly. If you have not used the things below the threshold of your consciousness for a while then it may take a little while to get it back but you can get it back fairly quickly if you concentrate on it.

Audience: And also if you tap into your need, your desire then this will bring it up to a conscious level.

JJ: That is a good point because if you just half-heartedly toy around with the idea then you will not accomplish much. If your soul sees that you need to bring back something, it will assist you. But if your soul sees that you are trying to retrieve something and it wants you to move on to something else then you will have obstacles in the path and be frustrated.

Wayne from the audience: My understanding is that in actuality the universe is not based on duality but triplicate, you have the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost and you have the physical, metaphysical and pray-physical anything that you put a duality to has a third aspect.

JJ: Well like the atom you have the protons, electrons and neutrons; the neutrons are neutral, so you have the neutral and then the positive and the negative. I have a lot of discussions with duality people on the Internet and some of them have the idea that all you have to do is reach a certain state of mind and you can go beyond duality. The thing is if you really went beyond duality then you would just disappear and you would not be here anymore.

Audience: So what you are saying is that is an unattainable goal?

JJ: I would not say it is unattainable and you might be able to disappear if you put enough attention on it but I do not know of anyone who has and not even Buddha disappeared.

Audience: But it is a goal to move toward where you learn to overcome your duality.

JJ: Not necessarily because we came from the place that is beyond physical duality and we came here for a reason and if we were to just to give up duality and go back then we would miss what we came here for. Now Buddha reached Nirvana and people think that He reached the ultimate. We have the three worlds, we have the physical, the astral, and the mental then the intuitive and then we have three more worlds above that. He reached the Atmic world, the one just above the intuition and that is what He called Nirvana, well there are two more formless worlds above that.

Audience: So what is the Atmic world if that is the world above intuition?

JJ: The Atmic world is the world where ideas float around and the intuitive world serves as a conduit that bring ideas down into the physical and it is like the pipeline that brings it down and the Atmic is where the pipeline taps in. And the above that you have the Monadic world and then the Divine and the Divine world can be compared to space itself. In space, space is one and there is only one space and that is how oneness exists. Within space there are all kinds of points and each one of these points is a Monad and each one of these Monads develops into a life form.

Audience: The Monad is a group of entities bonded together right?

JJ: No, you are thinking of soul, the soul itself is the binding force that can bond many but each one of us has an individual Monad and this is your personal Father in heaven.

Audience: My Higher Self?

JJ: It is part of your Higher Self. I will end with this point, follow the highest you know and if you do not know what to do then follow the highest you know even if it seems a little bizarre and crazy because at least then you will learn something and then sooner or later you will be making wise choices. You have to start where you are and follow the highest you know even if everybody criticizes you and even if they think you are a mindless person. Make some decision, any decision is better than no decision. The worst thing you can do is to not make a decision and not take any control of your life.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Intuition, Part 6

This entry is part 11 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Have you ever had a dream early in the morning just before you wake and you think, boy this is interesting and you think I don’t need to write this down because surely you will remember it and it is very important and then after you get up and have breakfast you think, there was something I was supposed to remember and you can’t remember what it was. Have you ever had that happen before?

Audience: Yes

JJ: This is the way the world of intuition is, especially at first. It is so ephemeral that you will have a concept or an idea enter into your mind from the higher worlds and it will just seem to make so much sense that you think there is no way you could possibly forget it, but then an hour or two later you will forget it.

Audience: I started to keep a pen and journal by my bed so I am ready at a moments notice but then recently I have been getting eternal words and recently I woke up and I wrote down, “If you have a weakness in any area you can strengthen it with another” and if I forget about later than I go back to my journal and there it is written across the top of the page.

JJ: Yes it is interesting that the higher the revelation is the harder it is remember it in your normal state of mind because it is like it is not given to you in your regular brain consciousness so when you shift into your regular brain it will often go. So if you get something you think is important then speak it over and over several times if you do not have a note pad close by to remind yourself so that you get it established in your physical brain or if you have something to write on then write it down or if you travel in the car a lot then get a portable tape recorder and speak into it when something occurs to you.

The more refined the idea that comes from the higher world the harder it is to bring it down but once you do bring it down so it is anchored and anchored is the key word here then it is yours. Once you get it in your physical brain then it is yours and you will never forget it because it is always based on the physical and once you get a principle in your physical brain, you will not forget it. This is one of the things we are talking about on the keys right now.

We got a letter from the a guy in prison that is reading my material and he has presented an idea about implementing some of the principles that I have been teaching on the keys to some national guy that heads a program for all the prisons across the country. They’re thinking about teaching them to the prisoners. So he wrote me and asked me to organize all the principles that I teach into one package and so this is what I have been doing lately on the keys is writing a brief description of different principles.

Principles are best understood by the intuition. For instance energy follows thought is a principle and once you understand that then you can get all kinds of information from it, you can get all kinds of knowledge and apply it hundreds of different ways. Now a piece data is different, a piece of data can be easily registered with the physical brain.

Now lets take something concerning “energy follows thought.” If you pay attention to your school work you will get good grades. That is actually a description of energy following thought but if you memorize that statement it will not take you anywhere and you can’t really use it outside of that one thing, but if you understand the principle “energy follows thought” you do not need to have anybody explain it to you. You pay attention to your schoolwork and get good grades because energy follows your thought, you are directing toward it.

I really learned this energy follows thought principle when I was in real estate. What really brought it home was I had several things telling me what I needed to do but I was too thick headed to get it registered. Every time I started to get ahead in real estate I would take some time off to do some writing and my real estate business or whatever business I was in would fall apart and then I would have to go back and put attention into it all over again. But what really brought it home to me was when I decided I could make a lot of money if I sold mobile home parks because my broker was selling them and he was making a killing. So I worked really hard at it for about 4 or 5 months and then one month I sold three mobile home parks and that was going to make me enough money to live on for a couple of years and I thought this is terrific!

So I decided to stop right there and start working on a book and it is a book that I never finished by the way and it is called “The Shift” it is the story about the shift of the earth’s axis, I got it about a third done and the sales of all three mobile home parks fell through. I not only lost everything but I lost all my clients and I had to immediately go back into business to survive and it was like I was starting from nothing. Everything had just disintegrated – all my customers were all gone and it was amazing how fast this had happened, I was putting no energy into real estate and consequently everything collapsed and I was just like a fresh agent just starting out and it is a good thing my wife had a job or we probably would have starved.

JJ: Now what I realized at that point was why the highest lives that exist on this planet including “The Ancient of Days” are called watchers. The Ancient of Days is called a watcher and why is He called a watcher? Does He spend His time coming down here and doing everything for us? No, but He is watching, He is watching and putting His attention on His goals, what He wants us to do as the human race. Energy follows His thought which is so very much more concentrated than our thought, His thought causes waves of energy to act like magnetic points that draws the material to those points, to cause that to happen which He wants to happen.

Now if I were to have put attention on those three mobile home parks and not quit and not started writing a book but put attention on them until the sales were actually closed and I had the money in my hand then all three probably would have went through with no problems or at least two of them. I never dreamed that all three could have fallen through but it did really bring home the lesson that “energy follows thought,” and when that lesson came to me about how this principle works I have never let that happen again in my life.

When I really want something I put my attention on it and I do not take my attention off until I get what I want. This is a really important lesson. Many of the seekers of the world and the disciples and the people that are really trying to stretch themselves and discover truth and are interested in philosophy and metaphysics are often very unsuccessful at everything and the reason why is because “energy follows thought.” In other words, they are concentrating on their dreams but not on making their dreams a reality.

To make dreams a reality takes nuts and bolts attention on the physical plane. The dreamers, the spiritual people have a really hard time balancing spirit and matter. Jesus states that you cannot serve God and mammon and there is a lot of truth to that but I believe in this age the disciples of the world have to go an extra step and learn to balance God and mammon or spirit and matter. I have seen so many spiritual people have a hard time with the material side of life and in this particular world that we are living in right now it is much different than the old days. In the old days a teacher could just go off with his rice bowl in hand and his robe and people would feed him and that would be about all that he would need. in this day and age if you go around with nothing but a rice bowl they will shun you and run from you. Laughing! Buddha’s only possessions were His rice bowl and His robe and that is all He owned in the world.

A guy cannot get very far today like that with the system we have now so we have to learn to balance spirit and matter and this is very, very tricky to do. This has been the hardest thing to do in my life and I am still learning and learning more completely. I started a lot of businesses time and time again during the course of my life and then when I married Artie I said, well I do not know how much time I have in this life but I just can’t keep on the same cycle I have been on where I do the spiritual work and then my material world collapses and then I have to go back and put it back together and then go back and do the spiritual work and then my material world collapses again. I said I just can’t go through this anymore so we are going to create a business and I am going to put my attention on this business until it gets like an orbit, like when a spaceship is in orbit it just keeps on going and it requires no more energy. It took us a while to get our business in orbit so it could just sustain us and it is funny when it got into orbit then I wrote “The Immortal I” and from the time I wrote this our business has brought in almost the same income every year since then.

I mean it is just in orbit, we are not expanding and we are not getting less it is just in orbit but at least it is paying the bills. This may be the first time I have done this in all my lives because I think that I may have been a dreamer for some time and that it took a lot of energy on my part. Now if I were to do it again I am sure it would be easier because once we learn our lesson than we can do it again in another lifetime a lot easier but it was really hard and I had to really focus for quite a long time to get that into orbit. I owe so much to my wife Artie for helping to keep it in orbit too.

Audience: Did you feel an aversion to the material world? I can accomplish things but I do not like the material world.

When I was concentrating on the spiritual I kind of felt that way but when I am concentrating on the physical I do not feel that way, it is where you put your attention. Now one thing I have found that when I was concentrating on the spiritual I also went on a vegetarian diet and a live foods diet for about a year and boy that was really great concentrating on the spiritual and being on a very refined diet but when I went into business with Artie and realized that I had to put together the physical side or else I am not going to accomplish anything. If I am just going to bang my head against the wall and not accomplish anything then what good is this life? So I started eating more course food, eating meat and drinking a little wine, kind of grounding myself more in the physical and that actually helped quite a bit. Grounding your self in the physical and if we ever get to the point to where the books take off and we can quit our business then I will shift again to the more spiritual mode and maybe quit drinking wine then! Or maybe not because wine is kind of spiritual you know!

I felt impressed by my soul that I had to put more attention on the physical side and this is a quandary that the disciples find themselves. They want to do the spiritual work and many get to the point where they almost disdain the material side but, on the other hand, if we are going to serve our fellow man and lift them up to a higher level then we have to go down there and approach them where they are and then pull them up to a higher level.

This is the meaning behind the name of Jesus Christ. This name means to take another persons hand and deliver them, pull them up to where you are, “Anointed to Deliver” is what the name of Jesus Christ means. We are all anointed to deliver and to deliver you have to be like Moses. Moses left the spiritual Hebrews and went to carnal Egypt and there he enmeshed himself in the ways of the carnal Egyptian so that he could then deliver the Hebrews. There is a lot of meaning behind stories like that and so we got to be a little bit like Moses and we have to descend to our fellow man so that we can rise above all things.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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