Gathering 2004, Part 39

Gathering 2004, Part 39
Final Comments

Below is the last installment from the 2004 Gathering. It may seem hard to believe to those who attended, but the number of words in the teachings is equal to a whole book, and that’s not counting the parts that never got recorded.

Actually, some of the best material did not get recorded and that was the words spoken in the healing circle. It’s awkward to work with a microphone in that circumstance but we are considering going out of our way to get more on record next time.

Account 14: My personal experience at the circle was that, evidently I know that I had a block in my throat chakra, and I felt it be removed. Not all of it I’m sure. I’m sure I still have somewhat of a block but at least it’s more open than it was before. So that was very tingly. It was kind of a painful one that had gone to my sinuses, actually, because it was blocked for so long. It was kind of painful. But then I can feel it in my third eye more, so that was a good thing. And then when Christ gave us the blessing of what is inside of him is also inside of us, it was like a little taste of what was going to happen in the future. Not a really big taste, but enough of a taste to know that I would recognize it again if it were to happen. I kept vacillating between feeling really, really light-so much so that I couldn’t even feel my neighbors holding my hands to feeling really, really heavy. And my feet hurt because I weighed six hundred pounds. Then I’d go back to being light again. So, that was it.

Account 15: I was just going to share some background about myself. This is the beginning of my fifth year returning to the word and scriptures. I was going down, my guess, the wrong path. And I was brought back to the right path. So, I feel like an infant when meeting everybody in this group because some of you have some years and years and years of study of the word, the scriptures. I’ve only been doing it now for five years. Yesterday, thank you all very much, you all gave me a positive shock, and from that period on I walk a lot lighter. It seems as though when I closed my eyes in the past, it was dark. When I closed my eyes everything was just dark. Today, after the meditation, when I close my eyes it’s not dark anymore. So, that’s me.

Account 16: Well, this has been very uplifting to me. During the meditation I felt a great warmth. When I had my eyes closed, I had a vision of bright light. This is kind of all new to me, but I felt a great warmth and energy and peace. This whole seminar has been quite an eye opener and enlightening to me.

Account 17: I have a hard time talking about this. I’m grateful for the experience. I was able to kneel at Christ’s feet and anoint his feet when he was in the center with us. And I’m grateful for that.

Account 18: I was lucky enough to be standing close enough to JJ to be in that white light. I was feeling a few times there just a little overpowered almost to the extent of tipping over as Susan said and I ended up opening up my eyes and pulling myself back together, physically, so that I could stay focused. With my eyes shut it was a beautiful feeling of white light and the peace and the love that I felt circulating from everybody was wonderful. I think we all shared that-the whole seminar, the whole time that we’ve been here. It’s awesome to see all of us-different ages, different countries even, different personalities-and yet we all have this affinity with each other. And that’s just awesome, JJ, that you brought us all together. Thank you.

Account 19: As usual I really enjoyed the gathering and getting to connect with some people that I hadn’t known before. The circle experience was like most of you said. For me it wasn’t extremely intense, but it was just peaceful and warm. Sort of like Assaf and JJ talked about sending out a flame and receiving it back. I could see the whole group with my eyes closed. I consciously could see each face around the circle and feel it return back to me. And that was a really awesome feeling. Thank you.

Account 20: As I think I said, maybe the other day, one of the neat things to gathering is meeting old friends. But the other side of the coin is meeting a bunch of people you have not met before and finding out just how much you like them and just how much light and love and all these sorts of things that they also radiate. I’ve enjoyed it quite a bit.

Account 21: Well, Susan’s been telling me about JJ’s books for years, and I’ve been really afraid to read them. People have given them to me and I just do not open that book, because it’s probably some other weird group, you know, some religion or something. So I think I’ll go home and read it. I do have it. So, I’m really glad I was here, and I love the association with people. I think that’s what all of us are longing for-just getting together; like minds and all of that-is just so nurturing, I guess you could say. Sometimes we get out in the world and we feel like we’re all alone in the way we think and feel. Then we get together as a group and find out that we all love each other, and we know each other. And our spirits connect. So, I really felt like that was what I came for. I made some really good connections with people here. I’m happy that I came. And we had fun. Thank you.

Account 22: I want to thank JJ so much. You’ve answered a lot of questions that I’ve pondered for years. You’ve helped a lot. It was a privilege to be next to you with this first meditation I’ve ever been through. I saw lots of lights go sparking off everywhere. Warmth was there. It was great meeting all of you. We’ll have to get together with you Vegas people. So, don’t leave without the phone number, ok? Thank you.

Account 23: Let’s see. What I saw in the circle…. When I closed my eyes, when it adjusts and you start relaxing and get really peaceful, I felt a lot of heat from the circle being generated. I was almost sweating. When I shut my eyes I started to see this blue ball. I was thinking in my mind, “Is that what they mean by your third eye? Is that the third eye?” So I just watched this blue ball of light, then on the edge of the blue light was real dark-blue lightening bolts. Sort of like the cornea of your eye, you know? And then it got bigger, and bigger, and bigger, and bigger, until all I saw was just blue light that got brighter and brighter until it was almost ultra-violet. And that’s my experience.

Account 24:

Today, during the meditation, I felt a lot of energy coming into me and my body just kind of got really, I guess you could say, goose-bumpily or tingly-that kind of thing. I had a feeling of fullness. I could feel fullness and I could feel light. At one point I was swaying and going with the music. I started singing within my mind this Episcopal prayer that we would sing during evensong (sp?). It’s “Holy Mary Mother of God pray for our sins now in the hour of death. Holy Mary Mother of God, blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.” And I just started repeating this over and over and it was like she appeared before me and I could make this choice – I could allow her spirit within me or not. And so I decided to allow it. Let me tell you I think I’m just nucking futs. Ok? I don’t have any explanation for any of this. I don’t understand it. I’m just simply sharing the experience. Does it mean anything?

Another member: Don’t hold back now. Don’t hold back.

Account 24: I don’t care. I don’t care if it means anything. This is what I experienced and I tend to be an emotional person and highly imaginative. This is my disclaimer. I’m done.

Account 25: During the meditation I felt what I might consider to be a typical or normal rush that you experience-the tinglies and what not. But that’s been kind of a common experience shortly after I came here, talking to individual people, various contacts we had. So that in and of itself wasn’t really unique for me. It’s been going on, is my point. It was just a continuation of my other experiences.

Dan mentioned our conversations briefly, and he needs to understand that I also learn when I talk to a person. It’s a two-way thing, ok?

I’d like to thank Larry for his kindness and understanding. I appreciate your words and your comfort that you offered to me. I enjoyed your kids, too. I really did. I want to just thank you all for participating. I haven’t forgotten my conversation with you either, JJ. It’s still not finished, correct?

JJ: That’s right.

Account 25 (continued): Alright. I want to thank those people that reached out and contacted me. And I want to thank everyone else for just participating and for making it a memorable experience. Thank you.

JJ: Thank you. Give everybody a hand in here.


JJ: Well, I guess all good things come to an end. If there’s a beginning there has to be an end. We had a beginning to this experience, and now we’ll have an end but we’ll carry forward the experience from the invisible endless realms forever. Right? Any of the principles we obtained here we’ll take with us-even take them with us to our next lives until we meet again. I appreciate knowing each one of you. You’ve been a really good group.

Like I said in the meditation I sensed the power of the Avatar from a distance. We aren’t ready for any full injection of the spiritual power of the first ray because it’s so powerful. It would be really overwhelming. I sensed a presence that’s waiting and trusts us just enough to give us recognition that we should move ahead. When we said, “Thank you” to Christ, that felt really nice.

We look on these masters and higher beings like they don’t need a “thank you.” But no matter who they are we should acknowledge thanks to God, to Christ, to all the servants.

I’ll leave with this one statement-the importance of the name of Christ. The name Jesus Christ means “anointed to deliver”. “Anointed to deliver” from what? The power of Christ delivers by reaching a helping hand to those that do not have what we have and pulling them up to where we are. And that’s what Jesus did when he came here. He attempted to grab onto us and pull us up to where he is. To take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ means to do just that. This is what the scriptures say, to take upon yourself the name of Jesus Christ. When you have that name it doesn’t mean what it means in orthodoxy. It means to look and seek out the lost sheep, so to speak, that need a helping hand, grab a hold of them, and pull them up to where you are. And when you do that another who has taken upon himself the name of Jesus Christ will take a hold of you and pull you up to where he is. This is the chain that goes on eternally. There’s an eternal chain from the greatest hierarchy clear down to us. There’s a helping hand extending, pulling the whole chain up. In this vein I would say to the group to remember to take upon yourselves the name of Christ in the same way the great lives have, and seek to deliver those in need. Thank you very much.

Susan: Outstanding. Thank you. Well, I can’t believe that it’s at an end. It’s always sad to say goodbye. But J, our innkeeper here, said that we may not leave until the Rice Krispies are gone. So please take a napkin and help yourself and take some home, would you? And be sure and get your pillows back to the right place, if you would. And drive safely. Hope to see you next year at the next gathering. Bye.

I don’t know who my grandfather was; I’m much more concerned to know what his grandson will be. Abraham Lincoln (1809 – 1865)

First posted Oct 10, 2005

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Testing the Teachers

Testing the Teachers

A reader asks from whence I get my teachings and authority.

First, let me point out one of the main differences between a true and false teacher.

The false teacher will insist that all his teachings are correct and are not to be challenged. If they are then the one doing the challenging or even in a state of non-belief will be excommunicated, ostracized, rejected or something similar. If a follower comes across something that does not sound right, he is expected to adjust his belief system so all the teacher’s words can be accepted as being correct. If for any reason the disciple cannot do this he is, at the least, expected to remain silent on all disagreements and play along as if he swallows the whole ball of wax.

The true teacher does not expect anyone to accept what he says just because he says it or because he alone represents the mind of God. He expects the student to carefully weigh his words using his mind, reason and common sense. Finally, he is expected to run the principles by his own soul. If all registers as correct then it is well and good that he incorporates the teaching as serves him best.

If the student has soul confirmation time and time again on the teachings, then the teacher’s words tend to carry an earned authority so even if the teaching seems odd it may still carry some weight, but even here he waits upon his soul for final confirmation.

If the student finds that a particular teaching of one he respects does not register with his soul then he is not expected to accept it. He is free to either outright reject it or to put it on the shelve and see if it fits in later.

If you talk with my strongest supporters you’ll find that most of them will have several teachings I have given out that they have not quite been able to accept. After all, I have published several million words of teachings on the internet covering a very wide range of topics, some quite controversial, and few will accept every one as gospel.

This is as it should be in the dispensing of teachings of light. No teacher is perfect, but neither is there a perfect student. No teacher will be flawless, but neither will any student be able to flawlessly understand or see all the truths taught by a teacher.

Many have asked me where I get various teachings. It matters not where I get them. If I try and make you think they are from the infallible mind of God, then I set myself up as an authority or a part of the power of the beast.

What matters is you read them, contemplate them and take that which registers with your soul. If something does not so register then you are under no obligation to accept it.

One thing to keep in mind, as far as the Book of Revelations goes, is it has to be interpreted using the Law of Correspondences and it has several levels and layers of meanings. One cannot say that one interpretation is the only one. The main thing to look for is to see if the interpretation fits in with the law of analogy.

If one has a different interpretation than I then I may ask a similar question. Why do you think your interpretation is correct?

In my life I have found no teacher with whom I agree 100%.

Teachings that have assisted me upon my journey have been the scriptures, the teachings of Joseph Smith, A Course in Miracles, Djwahl Khul through Alice A. Bailey and a number of others. I have points of disagreement with them all but this does not negate the fact that I have had many things from these past fallible teachings confirmed by my soul so I see the principle behind them, which principles are eternal words that shall never pass away.

One of the biggest problems a true teacher will have with students is caused by his virtue of allowing the freedom of thought. If the student is black and white in his views and feels that if one thing the teacher gives out is wrong then all is wrong he will eventually fall away from the teacher. Eventually every true student will find a flaw in a true teacher.

The test is always this. Can he look beyond the flaw and see the good, the beautiful and the true and true and not let it pass away from his consciousness?

The flaw seen in the teacher may be one that is projected from the mind of the student or it may be a true flaw. Either way, the truth is true in the other teachings and needs to not be rejected, but embraced.

I was  asked about the place in the scheme of things between Adam, Christ and the Ancient of Days

There have been many Adams. The Christ was the last Adam around 6000 years ago, but the first was the Ancient of Days or the Planetary Logos who incarnated 18 million years ago.

“And the first man of all men have I called Adam, which is many.” Moses 1:34

Response to a reader about infinity:

If the universe is infinite then how could it be expanding? If the universe is bigger today than it was yesterday then it is bigger than infinity today if it was infinite yesterday. How can something be bigger than infinity?

What makes you think everything is already created? There is nothing that gives evidence of this.

Why do you think that God is not expanding nor is capable of growth?

Do you have any reason other than someone told you so?

It is a fact that everything in the universe with form has a specific number of particles. You cannot find anything that has an infinite number of particles. This idea of the infinite cannot proven let alone imagined.

People only believe such because they have been told to believe it.

When you contemplate reality seeing all life as being unlimited makes much more sense. This gives opportunity for eternal progression. Without eternal progression you have eternal boredom and eternal boredom equates to lifelessness and death.

Question: After so many years, this is still confusing. When we pray to the One God or the Father, who is it? The Ancient of Days or the Solar Logos?

JJ: When a cell needs assistance it sends forth a cry for help, or a prayer so to speak. Sometimes the need is sensed by a fellow cell, sometimes by a group of cells, sometimes an organ and sometimes the whole body if the need is felt by a large enough number of cells.

Even so, the body of the one God is the universe. Our prayers ascend up to the one God, but they are heard and answered by the various parts. Sometimes a prayer or need will be sensed by a fellow human (in or out of incarnation), sometimes a group (an organization), sometimes the Solar Angel, sometimes a Master or higher.

When we pray we send our prayers up the pipeline to the consciousness of the one God and if the prayer is one of faith it will be heard and answered by one of the many lives of God in touch with the Oneness Principle.

The greater lives such as the Masters and above spend little time in tuning into or answering any individual prayer, but will tune into group need and seek to respond to that and the various members of the groups respond to individual need. The greater the life the greater the greater in number will be the groups in which he will deal.

To sum it up we can say that you do not pray to any individual entity whether it be Christ, the Solar or Planetary Logos, but to the one God. In doing this your prayer will ascend according to its note and vibration to be picked up by one of the reflections of God who is in tune with the whole.

There art two cardinal sins from which all others spring: Impatience and Laziness. Franz Kafka (1883 – 1924)

June 20, 2005

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