Answer to Bailey Critics Part 7

Answer to Bailey Critics Part 7
Looking for Evil

Distortion Number Eight

The writings of Alice A. Bailey are just plain demonic and evil.

This is kind of a silly and baseless accusation to respond to, but after exploring several Anti-Bailey web sites and seeing something like this surface again and again, I suppose we should include it in our response.

We have already covered some areas which critics charge as being evil and have shown such accusations to have no foundation. Now we shall cover a few others.

Accused Evil Number 1

Alice A. Bailey does not present the exact same idea of Christ and salvation as do the fundamentalist religions.

The truth is that there are many sincere Christian religions who present ideas of Christ and salvation which differ from, the ultra literal religionists. These same people who condemn Alice A. Bailey for being evil for this reason also condemn the Mormons, the Seventh-Day Adventists, the Bahai’s and other minority religions. In addition to this some even condemn the Methodists, Episcopalians and other large religions, not to mention that many see the Catholic Church as the Beast straight out of hell.

Again, I say that it is easy to mindlessly condemn. What is difficult is to present your own version of truth in a manner that will reach the hearts and minds of the children of men.

Perhaps the question that should be asked is this: Did Jesus condemn anyone who had mistaken notions concerning him?

If he would have then all his twelve apostles would have wound up in hell because none of them correctly comprehended what he taught them while he was with them.

There is nowhere in the scriptures where a believer in Christ is condemned for merely having a mistaken belief.

Consider this interesting scripture:

“And John answered and said, Master, we saw one casting out devils in thy name; and we forbad him, because he followeth not with us. And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us.” Luke 9:49-50

This man used the name of Christ, yet did not join with Jesus and his group. Perhaps there were some doctrines he did not agree with. Did Jesus condemn him? No. The key principle that Jesus gave here was that those who are on his side will not oppose him. They may go off on a tangent and error in the teaching of their doctrines, but the major test as to whether a person is truly on the side of Christ is whether they do not oppose and attempt to stop Him.

In other words, this man did not make a first aggression mentally, emotionally or physically toward Jesus and his group – he was not an “accuser of the brethren,” (Rev 12:10) a characteristic of one in league with the true adversary of light.

Accused Evil Number 2

Bailey received her revelations by automatic handwriting from demon spirits.

Those making this accusation have not even taken the time to find the truth which is readily available.

First, she did not use automatic handwriting. She received the information through the science of impression, or mental; telepathy, in a fully conscious state and wrote it down just as you or I would write down a letter. There was no automatic moving of the hand, writing information of which she was not consciously aware.

She did not receive her information from a spirit guide. Djwhal Khul lives in a physical body in Tibet and she sometimes received physical mail from him and met his teacher, the Master Koot Hoomi in the flesh.

Accused Evil Number 3

Blue is a color mentioned frequently by Alice A. Bailey and even all her books are blue. This is because blue is a symbol of evil.

Don’t laugh, a number of sites are including this silly accusation. This is about as silly as saying the note of Middle C is an evil note and we should not play it.

The color blue is a symbol of mental activity. Those with blue in their aura are usually quite intelligent and this is a good thing. All the colors and all the notes in their purity are good and represent true correspondences in their pure state.

Accused Evil Number 4

Bailey teaches that humanity has to take responsibility for their state of affairs and actively work toward world peace and the prevention of a war that could take us back to the stone age.

Unfortunately the accusers see this as evil because they think that we are just supposed to sit back and do nothing and wait for Jesus to show up, destroy the wicked and force peace upon humanity.

Who are the evil ones? Those who shirk responsibility as the laggard in the parable of the talents, or the ones who do all in their power to assist the work of God in manifesting peace in earth, good will toward mankind.

Many other teachings and activities initiated by the Bailey writings are charged with being evil such as:

World Good Will – an organization to promote the idea introduced by the Angels at the birth of Christ. To be against the spreading of goodwill is strange indeed.

Many Bailey students meditate in Triangular relationships for the increase of love and light on the earth. This is really sinister now isn’t it?

Bailey teaches that mankind evolves spiritually, mentally and physically. This is seen as humanistic and evil for some reason.

We could go on here, but the reader should get the general idea from what has been presented.

The accusers see the devil under every rock, whereas the Bailey writings stress seeing the hand of God in every rock, flower and human.

Which direction is the nobler of the two?

Aug 26, 2001

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Answer to Bailey Critics, Part 6

Answer to Bailey Critics, Part 6
Bailey and Race

Distortion Number Seven:

Alice A. Bailey is a racist and hates Jews, Blacks and other minorities. She and Djwhal Khul are seeking to eliminate inferior races and peoples and establish a Master Race as Hitler sought to do.

I had read through every word transmitted to Alice A. Bailey from Djwhal Khul before I came across this criticism and was somewhat surprised to see it. I had to do some serious reflection before I could even figure out why the impartial writings could generate such a criticism, especially since Djwhal Khul himself is a minority by U.S. standards – an oriental.

In addition to deliberate distortion, there are two reasons why the writings have generated this belief.

(1) Alice A. Bailey wrote most of the dialog over 70 years ago at a time when writers were able to call things as they saw them without watering down their teachings to satisfy the politically correct crowd.

(2) Djwhal Khul wrote about not only the positive aspects of almost every subject, person, race and country that he covered, but also made a critical analysis of all these categories. In this day and age a critical analysis of many subjects is not the politically correct thing to do, however accurate they may be. One disadvantage of this age we live in is that we have sacrificed truth for feel-goodism.

It is true that Djwhal Khul spoke of some of the negative aspects of the Jews and their ancient religion, but he also spoke of the positive aspects. No people are all positive or negative, so any critical analysis must involve both sides of an equation.

He said both positive and negative things about the occidental people, about the Asians, about the United States, about England, about Russia, about France, about the past about the present. He even criticized Gandhi, of all people, but when you look at what he said even here his criticism made sense.

No one is infallible, not even a Master, especially when writing of current events and their solutions, but many of the Bailey writings were ahead of her time.

Here are some statements about the Blacks, referred to as Negroes in that time period (1930’s and 40’s).

“They (The United States) are broadly tolerant and yet most intolerant of other nations; they are ready to tell other nations how to handle their problems but as yet evidence no ability to handle their own, as witness the treatment of the American Negroes and the withholding of equal freedom and opportunity from them.”

Problems of Humanity, Page 26

“The cry of the south that the Negro is not educationally fitted to vote is negated by the fact that he can and does vote in the northern states, in many cases as wisely as his white brother, and though his vote can often be purchased by electioneering politicians so also can that of the white voter; the cry that white women must be protected from the animal instincts of the Negroes means nothing, for they need equal protection from the animal instincts of the white man, and this statistics will adequately prove; the cry that paternalism is what the Negro needs and that only the southerner understands how to handle the Negro is disproved by the Negro himself who wants none of it; his repudiation of it demonstrates a sound sense of values and that he knows the distinction between paternalism (which keeps the Negro backward, uneducated and under obligation to the white) and the freedom which he wants to share with all men in the world.”

Problems of Humanity, Pages 112-113

“Unless both races, the black and the white, approach the problem of their relationship with sanity, with long range vision, with patience and without hatred or fear, the cultural history of our planet will be retarded for many years. The hitherto unused and unorganized power of the countless millions of Africa is something that the white race should carefully consider. They can place the Negro peoples as rapidly as possible on an equality of opportunity, of constitutional and human rights, and help them to pass through the stage of adolescence in which they are now to be found to that full and useful maturity in which they will handle their own problems and territory. This process is now going forward and Africa will thus take its place (through its many possible national groups) in the great family of nations and bring into the world arena a race with an amazing contribution to make of spiritual assets, cultural values and creative possibilities.”

The innate endowment of the Negro is very rich in content. He is creative, artistic and capable of the highest mental development when taught and trained-as capable as is the white man; this has been proved again and again by the artists and the scientists who have come out of the Negro race and by the fact of their aspirations and their ambitions. The time has come when the white man must cease to look upon the Negro as a field labourer, a factory hand, a beast of burden, or one only capable of housework or unskilled labour and accord him the respect and the opportunity which is due him.” Problems of Humanity, Pages 110-111

Concerning the Jews, quite a bit positive and negative was written about them in the Bailey books. If anyone wants to give me a real quote from the Bailey material I would be happy to comment on it, but just let me review the general line of thinking that Djwhal Khul has toward race.

(1) He taught that each race had its own unique qualities peculiar to itself, but that all should have equal opportunity under the law.

(2) He taught that all races have appeared through a natural process of evolution, that all races nations and peoples should tolerate each other and learn to co-exist peacefully. He was strongly against the Nazi idea of forced control or any idea of destroying any people because of their race, belief or location. Many critics say otherwise, but they cannot back up their lies with any quotes.

Critics of Alice A. Bailey go out of their way to portray the writings as in harmony with the Nazis, but this is merely a deceptive ploy from a dark mind.

The Bailey writings do speak of the Aryan race, but says it uses “this term in its generic sense and not in its prostituted German connotation.” Rays and Initiations, Page 473

The writings further state that the identification of Aryan in relation to race today deals more with consciousness than physical appearance:

“When I use the word “race” I deal not with man-made or pseudo-scientific differentiations of nations and races or types. I deal with a state of consciousness which is the Aryan or mental consciousness or state of thinking; this finds its exponents and its “race members” in every nation, without any distinction or omissions. This I would have you carefully remember, for there is no new race in process of appearing, from the territorial angle; there is only a general distribution of those persons who have what have been called the sixth root race characteristics. This state of consciousness will find its expression in people as far apart racially as the Japanese and the American or the Negro and the Russian. It posits an ability to function with clarity upon the mental plane, to collate information, rightly to interpret and relate that information, and to create the needed thoughtforms or concepts for those interpretations.” Rays and Initiations, Pages 593-594

If one wants to destroy the good, the beautiful and the true these days you just mindlessly compare it to some Nazi belief and there will be some weak minds that will swallow it without checking out the facts for the Bailey writings consistently identify Hitler and the Nazis as on the side of evil.

(3) He taught that the next race in our coming evolution will have more to do with consciousness than with physical appearance. Humanity as a whole will refine their physical features. We have seen evidence of this just in the last generation for indeed there seems to be more beautiful people of every race emerging in this time period.

Even so, the main step in evolution will be the manifestation of a higher synthetic consciousness which will begin to manifest in the most highly spiritually evolved of each race and people. These spiritual people gathered from amongst all peoples will create the bridge that leads humanity into the kingdom of God.

(4) In the far future another physical race will evolve which will be a race of hermaphrodites. These people will possess spiritual powers far beyond anything we have at present.

The point is that all evolution as taught through Bailey is supposed to proceed naturally, without the use of force, constraint or the loss of individual freedom. Those who seek to use such force are those who are called the “Dark Brothers” in the writings.

Representatives (conscious and unconscious) of this Dark Brotherhood are willing to present themselves as ministers of purity and identify with that which the public perceives to be good and quote from great men and women of the past, the scriptures and yes, even the words of Bailey to forward their purpose to control humanity by force while they alone remain free.

But again, if we follow the basic idea of discovering the teachings of a work by examining that work directly one will see that the Bailey writings have been very fair in the treatment of race, especially when one considers the hostile time period in which they were written.

Here are some parting thoughts on race as given by Djwhal Khul through Alice A. Bailey

“Under the great evolutionary process, men and races differ in mental development, in physical stamina, in creative possibilities, in understanding, in human perceptiveness and in their position upon the ladder of civilization; this, however, is temporary, for the same potentialities exist in all of us without exception, and will eventually display themselves. These distinctions, which have in the past set peoples and races so far apart, are rapidly dying out with the spread of education, with the uniting discoveries of science bringing us all so close together and with the power to think, to read and to plan.” Problems of Humanity, Page 90

“Some of the majorities are sincerely concerned in seeing justice done to the struggling and appealing minorities; others are using them as “talking points” for their own ends or are championing the cause of the small and weak nations, not from any humanitarian reasons but for power politics.” Problems of Humanity, Page 91

“As we face the world picture today, we must see it in its true colours and must realize that if the best possible steps, spiritual and material, were to be taken for the smallest and least important of the minorities, it would create a situation which would completely reverse world politics and usher in an entirely new and more enlightened cultural and civilized age.” Problems of Humanity, Page 93

Aug 25, 2001

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Bailey Critics Part 5

Bailey Critics Part 5
New World Order

Distortion Number Six:

Alice A. Bailey originated the phrase “New World Order.” This New World Order is an evil scheme to enslave the human spirit, to unify the world governments and religion by force under a beastly totalitarian system where individual political and religious freedom will be no more.

Actually, this first statement is roughly correct. Whereas, I am sure that Alice A. Bailey was not the very first to use this term, it is true that she did write about it and popularize it.

In fact, when she talked about the term she mentioned that totalitarian states often used a similar term and that such ideologies which restrict freedom and the human spirit are not to be confused with the coming changes which would indeed create a “New World.”

In order to understand what she meant by a New World Order it would be helpful to examine what she thought was the “Old World Order” which it would replace. To fully understand this we must realize that she introduced the term in early 1940s shortly after Europe entered World War II.

The Old World Order that she wanted to see replaced with new and better governments were the ideologies of the Nazis and Japanese that lead these and many nations in the past to seek world dominion by conquest and force.

The New World Order that she talked about was not something future to us at this time (written 2001 AD), but was a new world that would be created after the defeat of the Axis powers. The New World Order would replace the totalitarian governments of Germany, Japan and Italy with free governments which would join forces with other free nations in order to hold in check the forces of totalitarianism.

This New World Order which was talked about by Bailey is here today. It is not perfect and she states that we will yet evolve to new and better orders, but if you compare the world today to the beginning of World War II in 1940 no one can argue that we do indeed have a new and better world, however flawed. If you were to take an English infantryman from 1940 and transport him to the current year he would jump for joy that Hitler was defeated and that the world is in as good a shape as it is. As he would look upon our communications systems, satellites, television, space travel, the internet, relative peace etc, he would indeed agree that this world in our present is a new World Order – compared to 1940.

Bailey wrote:

“It is necessary, therefore, to speak with directness, to indicate the inherent dangers of the present situation (1940), to present its amazing opportunity to bring about needed changes, and to point out the lines of demarcation between the right and the wrong ways of living, between a vision of the new world order and the retrograde plans of the so-called “new order” with which the totalitarian powers seek to bewilder humanity.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 175


“On all sides the need for a new world order is being recognized. The totalitarian powers are talking of the “new order in Europe”; the idealists and thinkers are unfolding schemes and plans which vision entirely new conditions that will bring the old bad order to an end. There is a constant demand for the Allies to state their peace aims and indicate clearly what adjustments will be made after the war, because a vision of the future world policy will help humanity through the present crisis.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 183

Here she makes clear that the New World Order will materialize after the war.

She makes five statements concerning the New World Order which is never quoted by her enemies:

  1. “In the new world order, the governing body in any nation should be composed of those who work for the greatest good of the greatest number and who at the same time offer opportunity to all, seeing to it that THE INDIVIDUAL IS LEFT FREE. Today the men of vision are achieving recognition, thus making possible a right choice of leaders. It was not possible until this century.”
  2. “The new world order will be founded on an ACTIVE SENSE OF RESPONSIBILITY. The rule will be “all for one and one for all.” This attitude among nations will have to be developed. It is not yet present.”
  3. “The new world order will NOT IMPOSE a uniform type of government, a synthetic religion and a system of standardisation upon the nations. The SOVEREIGN RIGHTS OF EACH NATION WILL BE RECOGNISED AND ITS PECULIAR GENIUS, INDIVIDUAL TRENDS AND RACIAL QUALITIES WILL BE PERMITTED FULL EXPRESSION. In one particular only should there be an attempt to produce unity, and that will be in the field of education.”
  4. “The objective of their work can be summed up thus: the new world order will facilitate the establishing of right human relations, based on justice, on the recognition of inherited rights, on opportunity for all—irrespective of race, colour or creed—on the suppression of crime and selfishness through right education, and on the recognition of divine potentialities in man as well as the recognition of a divine directing Intelligence in Whom man lives, and moves and has his being.”
  5. “The new world order will be confronted with many problems. These problems will not be solved by the imposition of a solution by means of force, as in the Axis world order. They will be solved by right educational processes and by understanding the objectives of the true world order… The democracies, with all their present ineffectiveness, have in them the germ of that which is truly new, for they are the expression of an upward surging towards self-rule and self-mastery by humanity as a whole.”

From Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 191, 192 & 194

(Capitalization added to the original)

The end goal? Bailey says:

“Humanity will then emerge into the light of freedom with a revealed beauty and a spiritual purpose, hitherto unknown.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 531

It is true that if some fringe and extreme movements had their way in implementing their version of a New World Order that we would merely have a return to the Old Bad Order. But Djwhal Khul’s New World Order as revealed through Bailey should not be associated at random with delusionary visions of quirky prophets.

If we let Bailey’s words stand by themselves without distortion, the light and a direction toward maximum freedom becomes obvious.

Aug 24, 2001

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Answer to Bailey Critics, Part 4

Answer to Bailey Critics, Part 4
Teachings on Christ

Almost every time you read something strange that is attributed to Alice A. Bailey there is a 99% chance that she did not say it or the meaning is distorted.

This brings us to Distortion Number Five: Djwhal Khul working through Alice A. Bailey represents the Antichrist, is in league with Satan and opposes the teachings and work of Christ and the Biblical teachings on Him.

Time after time when this idea is presented, Alice A. Bailey is then associated with fringe New Age teachers and movements that serious Bailey students avoid like the plague. Then, instead of quoting from Bailey they will quote from some extremist teacher, far removed from the teachings of Bailey, and attempt to establish guilt by association. As I have been reading through the numerous anti Bailey web sites I am astounded at the number of quotes and teachings attributed to Alice A. Bailey that were never written by her.

There is a principle to follow here. If you want to know what the Book of Mormon really teaches, for instance, then read the Book, not some comments from an anti Mormon. If you want to know the teachings of the Koran then similarly, read that book. If you want to know what Buddha taught then read his words that are passed down.

This is a simple principle, yet many get caught up in believing the words of enemies of a teaching above the words of the actual teacher. This should not be so.

That being said the best way for the reader to understand the belief of Djwhal Khul and Alice A. Bailey toward the Christ is to examine the actual words from published books. The reader should then comprehend that these are words that honor the Christ and are beyond accusations of being antichrist.

All the quotes are from Djwhal Khul as revealed through Alice A. Bailey except the Autobiography and From Bethlehem to Calvary which were written by Alice A. Bailey.


Actual words of Djwhal Khul (real modern day revelation)

‘The Christian Church has laid so much emphasis on Christ’s unique position as the one and only Son of God that great error has crept in and has been fostered for centuries; Christ Himself foresaw the possibility of this error and tried to offset it by pointing out that we are all the ‘Sons of God’ and that ‘greater things than I do shall you do’-a statement which no commentators have ever understood or adequately explained. The occult fact is that there is no being on Earth, from the very lowest form of life to the very highest, who is not moving onward towards a greater and finer expression of divinity, and Christ Himself is no exception to this universal evolutionary law. He is therefore, at this time and because He is preparing to raise the entire human family nearer to God, laying Himself open to certain powerful inflowing energies, absorbing into Himself streams of spiritual force, and undergoing a dynamic stimulation which is entirely new to Him; this constitutes His testing for the exalted initiation which now confronts Him; it constitutes also the sacrifice He is making in order to complete His work on Earth and bring a new salvation to humanity.’ Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 663

‘The Buddha, the perfect initiate, having reached illumination but not yet having developed to perfection all the attributes of divinity; the Christ, the absolutely perfect expression of divinity for this cycle and, therefore, the Teacher alike of angels and of men.’ Destiny of the Nations, Page 38

‘The Founder of the Christian Church – God in the flesh – availed Himself of this period and came to us in the dark of the year and initiated a new era in which light was to be the distinguishing note. This has been true from several angles, even from the purely physical, for today we have a lighted world; everywhere lights are to be seen and the pitch dark nights of olden times are fast disappearing.’ Destiny of the Nations, Page 147

‘The idea of the return of Christ is a most familiar one, and the concept of a returning Son of God in response to human need has its place in the teaching of the majority of the world faiths. Ever since He apparently departed to the sphere where the faithful have put Him, little groups of these people have reasoned themselves into the belief that on such and such a date He will come back, and ever their prophecies and expectancies have been doomed to failure. He has not come. Such people have been laughed at by the crowd and rebuked by the intelligent. Their eyes have not seen Him and there has been no tangible indication of His Presence. Today, I tell you that He will come; that plans for His coming are already set on foot, but I set no date or hour. The time is known only to the two or three, but ‘in such an hour as ye think not, He will come.’ (Matt. XXIV. 44)’ Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 597

‘I would call your attention to the fact that the general concept of a World Saviour (always attached to the office of the Christ, no matter by what name the exalted Son of God may be called in any world cycle) is in reality closely related to the far more important function of World Teacher. People love to be saved, for it ignores their own immediate responsibility, which teaching definitely emphasises. It must be remembered that it is the teaching given by the Christ which saves humanity-not any symbolic death upon a cross. Men must save themselves by their reaction and their response to the teaching given in its purity by the Christ; this is a point which should be forcefully instilled by all of you; it is not man-made interpretations which save a man, but his self-initiated application of his own understanding of the teaching. This must be brought today to the consciousness of as many human beings as the followers of the Christ can reach.

‘Here you have a brief account of the work which I undertook on behalf of the Hierarchy and for the Christ, Whom I most reverently regard as my Master.’ Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 635

‘In the New Testament there is depicted for us the life of a Son of God in full manifestation, wherein, freed from every veil, the soul in its true nature walks the earth. It becomes apparent to us, as we study the life of Christ, what it means to develop the powers of the soul, to attain liberation, and become, in full glory, a God walking on earth.’ The Light of the Soul, Page xiii

‘The question arises whether Christ would be at home in the churches if He walked again among men. The rituals and the ceremonies, the pomp and the vestments, the candles and the gold and silver, the graded order of popes, cardinals, archbishops, canons and ordinary rectors, pastors and clergy would seemingly have small interest to the simple Son of God Who-when on earth-had nowhere to lay His head.’ Problems of Humanity, Page 132

‘Christ guarantees for us the reality of the inner significance and the true spiritual basis of all that is and ever shall be. Out of the relation of light and dark that which is invisible emerges into visibility, and we can see and know. Christ, as the light of the world, revealed that reality. Out of the darkness of time God spoke, and the Fatherhood of Deity was revealed.’ Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 285-286

‘Or again, service can grow out of a fanatical desire to tread in the footsteps of the Christ, that great Son of God Who ‘went about doing good’, leaving an example that we should follow in His footsteps. People, therefore, serve from a sense of obedience, and not from a spontaneous outgoing towards the needy. The essential quality for service is, therefore, lacking, and from the start they fail to do more than make certain gestures.’ Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Page 121

‘This is the esoteric significance of the Biblical words, ‘The blood is the life,’ and also of the words ‘saved by the blood of Christ.’ It is not by the blood of a Christ dying two thousand years ago upon the cross in Palestine that man is saved, but by the livingness of the blood of those in whom the Christ life and consciousness, and the quality of the Christ, is perfectly demonstrating and expressed. Then, when the nature of the indwelling Christ is fully, spontaneously and automatically expressing itself in and through the personality, the three fires of the creative process-the fire of matter, the fire of the soul, and the electric fire of spirit-are blended, and there is then a perfect manifestation on Earth of physical living, of the emotional and mental life, and also of the spiritual life of an incarnated Son of God, a Christ.’ Esoteric Healing, Page 211

Written by Alice A. Bailey:

‘The Spirit of Christ is undying, and as He lives to all eternity, so that which He incarnated to demonstrate must also live. The cell in the womb, the stage of littleness, the development of the child into the man-to all this He submitted Himself, and underwent all the processes which are the destiny of every son of God. Because of this submission and because He ‘learned obedience by the things which he suffered,’2 He could be trusted to reveal God to man, and (may we say it?) the divine in man to God. For the Gospels show us that continuously Christ called forth this recognition from the Father.

‘The great continuity of revelation is our most priceless possession, and into it the religion of Christ must, and does, fit. God has never left Himself without witness, and He never will. The place of Christianity as the fulfilment of the past and as a stepping-stone to the future, is often forgotten, and this perhaps is one of the reasons why people speak of a failing Christianity, and look forward to that spiritual revelation which seems so sorely needed. Unless this continuity is emphasised and the place of the Christian faith in it, revelation may come and pass unrecognised.’ From Bethlehem to Calvary, Pages 5 & 6

‘Must we not all be born again, baptised into the Spirit, and transfigured upon the mountain top of living experience? Does not the crucifixion lie ahead for many of us, leading on to the resurrection and the ascension? And is it not also possible that we have interpreted these words in too narrow a sense, with too sentimental and ordinary an implication, whereas they may indicate to those who are ready a special way and a more rapid following in the footsteps of the Son of God?’ From Bethlehem to Calvary, Page 11

‘Love and sentiment and devotion are often confused with each other. Pure love is an attribute of the soul and is all-inclusive, and it is in pure love that our relation to God and to each other consists. ‘For the love of God is broader than the measure of man’s mind, and the heart of the Eternal is most wonderfully kind’-so runs the old hymn, and thus is expressed that love which is the attribute of Deity and also the hidden attribute of every son of God. Sentiment is emotional and unstable; devotion can be fanatical and cruel; but love blends and fuses, understands and interprets and synthesizes all form and all expressions, all causes and all races, into one flaming heart of love, knowing no separateness, no division and no disharmony. To bring about this divine expression in our daily life takes the utmost that is in us. To be an initiate takes every power of every aspect of one’s nature. It is no easy task. To face the inevitable tests with which one will assuredly be confronted as one treads the path Christ trod, takes courage of the rarer kind. To cooperate sanely and wisely with God’s Plan and to merge one’s will in the divine Will must call into activity not only the deepest love of one’s heart, but the keenest decisions of the mind.’ From Bethlehem to Calvary, Page 24

For the last quote I thought I would give one from Alice A. Bailey herself, taken from her autobiography.

‘I found that the Head of this Hierarchy of spiritual Leaders was the Christ and when this dawned on me, I felt that He had been given back to me in a nearer and more intimate way. I found that He was ‘the Master of all the Masters and the Teacher alike of angels and of men.’ I found that the Masters of the Wisdom were His pupils and disciples, just as people like myself were pupils of some Master. I learnt that when I, in my orthodox days, talked about Christ and His Church I was really speaking of Christ and the planetary Hierarchy. I found that the esoteric presentation of truth in no way belittled Christ. He was, indeed, the Son of God, the First Born in a great family of brothers, as St. Paul has told us, and a guarantee to us of our own divinity.’ Unfinished Autobiography, Pages 130-140

Aug 23, 2001

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Answers to Bailey Critics, Part 3

Answers to Bailey Critics, Part 3
Lucifer Publishing

Distortion Number 4.

Alice A. Bailey’s publishing company, now called Lucis Trust, was originally called Lucifer Publishing Company. This proves she is in league with the devil.

This is the only criticism of Alice A. Bailey that, on the surface, has any validity, but that which appears on the surface is not always as it seems.

Alice A. Bailey was among other things originally a born-again Christian minister and a strong believer in Christ – so why would she choose such a name?

The answer is that she was a serious student of the writings and works of H. P. Blavatsky and she had a magazine she named Lucifer. I believe this inspired Bailey to also use the name.

The next question is why did H. P. Blavatsky use this name?

The answer is this. When H. P. Blavatsky began her work she suffered vicious attacks by the Christian communities. She viewed the churches as corrupt institutions and sometimes made fun of them in their illusions.

Blavatsky then came up with the ultimate idea of tweaking her enemies’ emotions. She named her magazine Lucifer. This sealed her doom in the eyes of her opposition, for surely this was an open admission that she was in league with the devil himself.

But was it?

No, not by any means.


The answer will surprise most Bible readers and it is this:

Lucifer is NOT the name of Satan, any devils or adversaries of love and light.

Who does bear the name then?

According to the Bible it is Christ and the redeemed. Peter also used the name in a positive light.

But aren’t we told that the one who fell was called Lucifer?

Answer: Yes, we are told that, but that was his name BEFORE he fell when he was a bringer of light. Now one of his current titles is the “Prince of Darkness,” a much different title than “Prince of Light” or “Bringer of Light,” which is the meaning of the title Lucifer.

Here are some words from none other than Peter:

“We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts.” II Peter 1:19

The words “day star” is taken from the Greek word for Lucifer which is PHŌSPHOROS.

Now let us literally retranslate:

“We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and Lucifer arise in your hearts.”

If Lucifer refers to the devil himself maybe the Christian world should burn their Bibles.

Another variation of Lucifer is “Morning Star.” Note the actual promise of Jesus to the faithful:

“And I will give him the morning star.” Rev 2:28

Evidently Jesus will give us the power of Lucifer.

Even more shocking Jesus calls himself a Lucifer:

“I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.” Rev 22:16

Let us literally retranslate this:

“I am the root and the offspring of David, and Lucifer.” Rev 22:16

Morning Star is only translated as Lucifer once in most Bibles as follows:

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.” Isaiah 14:12-13

Even here most Bible scholars believe Lucifer refers to the king of Babylon which was addressed by Isaiah. Nevertheless, Isaiah often spoke with dual meaning and this has a definite correspondence to a fallen being.

Lucifer is a Roman word applied to the Hebrew HEYLEL and the GREEK PHOSPHOROS which literally means “One who brings or carries forth light.” It could also be translated as “one who is able to hold light.”

Now let us see what the Mormon scriptures tell us about this name. The name is only used once here:

“And this we saw also, and bear record, that an angel of God who was in authority in the presence of God, who rebelled against the Only Begotten Son whom the Father loved and who was in the bosom of the Father, was thrust down from the presence of God and the Son. And was called Perdition, for the heavens wept over him–he WAS (but not now) Lucifer, a son of the morning. And we beheld, and lo, he is fallen! is fallen, even a son of the morning!” D&C 76:25-27

Notice here that Lucifer was “a” son of the Morning, NOT “the” Son of the Morning.”

Also notice that it says he “was” Lucifer not “is.”

He is fallen and no longer can be called a “Son of the Morning.”

What is a Son of the Morning?

It is a being who was with God at the beginning, or morning, of time, as we know it.

The name, Lucifer, which refers to a Son of the Morning, is not the name of one evil being, but is a reference to pristine and holy ancient beings who were conscious creators before this earth rolled into existence.

Here is another reference from the Bible to the Lucifers:

“Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding. Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it? Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof; When the morning stars (Lucifers) sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” Job38:4-7

Now here is a thought. If the Lucifer that fell lost his status and there is more than one Lucifer (or bringer of light) – that means there would be good ones out there somewhere.

Lucifer also refers to Venus and for good reason. It has been called the bright and morning star for thousands of years. When it is visible it will often be the only star (or planet) visible in the early morning light – this the bringer of the new light of the morning.

Early Mormon doctrine expressed the belief that the first man (the first Adam) came from another planet and that he had already passed through human existence and had overcome all things and became exalted. After he came here he took upon himself mortality to become the father of the race of mankind.

Brigham Young made the statement that Adam was our God, “the only God with whom we have to do.”

This harmonizes well with the writings of Bailey and Blavatsky who also teach that the first man came from another planet. They tell us that the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara, came here from Venus (the morning star) 23 million years ago.

They also teach that he once lived as a mortal man like ourselves in another system eons ago and came here to be a father and God to the human race.

When the ancient of days came here he arrived with a number of morning stars called Kumaras. Here are Alice A. Bailey’s writings about the one who we call the fallen Lucifer:

“In every grouping,-whether in heaven or on earth-there is always evidenced a tendency by some units in the group to revolt, to rebel and to show some form of initiative different to that of the other units in the same grouping. When our solar universe came into being, we are told in the allegorical language of the ancient scriptures, there “was war in Heaven”; “the sun and his seven brothers” did not function with true unanimity; hence (and herein lies a hint) our Earth is not one of the seven sacred planets. There is, as we know, the ancient legend of the lost Pleiade, and there are many such stories.

“Again, in the council chamber of the Most High, there has not always been peace and understanding, but at times, war and disruption; this is made abundantly clear by several of the stories in the Old Testament. Symbolically speaking, some of the sons of God fell from their high estate, led, at one time, by “Lucifer, Son of the Morning”. This “fall of the angels” was a tremendous event in the history of our planet, but was nevertheless only a passing and interesting phenomenon in the history of the solar system, and a trifling incident in the affairs of the seven constellations, of which our solar system is but one. Pause and consider this statement for a moment, and so readjust your sense of values. The standard of happenings varies in importance according to the angle of vision, and what (from the angle of our Earth’s unfoldment in consciousness) may be a factor of prime importance and of determining value may (from the angle of the universe) be of trifling moment.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 394

Because the name Lucifer is now so rigidly associated with evil instead of light few dare use the term openly, but originally Lucifer was a glorious title.

Even though they were technically correct and solidly in the light in the light to use the word, it was indeed not good public relations for H. P. Blavatsky or Alice A. Bailey to use this name, which is so misunderstood by humanity and Bailey was wise to drop its use.

Aug 22, 2001

Copyright by J J Dewey

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