Laughing at the Face of Death

Laughing at the Face of Death

Here’s an interesting tidbit on my not using Novocain. My regular dentist was an older fellow who seem to have no problem with me not using it, but he retired a couple years ago so I found myself without one. I went as long as I dared without a visit so I called my wife’s dentist to see if he would take me on. It turns out he is very popular and was booked up for months, but he had a young associate that could see me in a few days.

I decided to try him out and it turned out I needed quite a bit of work – a crown and three fillings, a couple were replacements of old ones. When I told him I didn’t use Novocain he acted like he’s never heard of such a request and seemed quite nervous about working on me. He said he was thinking about having me sign something to protect him legally. I assured him that was not necessary.

The first couple fillings I’m sure hurt him more than me. He kept asking me if he was hurting me. I kept assuring him there was no problem. After he voiced concern several times I finally told him not to worry about it, to drill away to do his worst.

I think he’s finally accepted his fate for my last visit was to prepare a wisdom tooth for a crown (worse than a root canal in discomfort) and he didn’t seem quite so nervous. He did express concern that my nervous system may not be functioning correctly since I didn’t show any signs of pain.

I told him my nervous system was fine and that I was aware of the pain, but just ignored it.

Anyway I think I’ve finally got him trained and since he is young I shouldn’t have to break in another dentist for some time to come.

On the lighter side sometimes around the house I will stub my toe or do something that causes a sharp pain and let out a few choice words. When that happens my wife tells me to simmer own and quit being such a wimp.

A reader quoted the following from me:

“Even so, after two years of struggle with, after my first attack (having no one to confer with) I finally discovered the secret to defeating those who were seeking to destroy me. The secret is not to pretend they do not exist, for in this reality they do. The secret is to tune them out and place yourself in a state of mind as if they do not exist.”

In response she asks:

“Why not confer with the Holy Spirit, or Jesus, or the Christ (soul contact)? Can’t we have a walking, talking relationship with these entities? They are there to help, teach, and guide us. So why not develop a relationship there too? Any comments?”

JJ: That’s what caused the problem. For the first time in my life, at the tender age of 16, I was attempting to contact God. Before this time I was unconcerned about spiritual matters and was left completely alone by the dark forces. But as I reached out to a higher power something totally unforeseen reached out to me and was successful for a time in causing a great disturbance in my life.

The solution was not so simple as to seek the Holy Spirit, God or Christ, for such a reaching out was what caused the problem to begin with.

My situation was a little like the two young ladies who were doing a benevolent work in Afghanistan. As soon as they mentioned Christ they were arrested and faced long imprisonment or even death… They prayed many times each day, but no deliverance seemed to be in sight. Even so, they continued seeking help from God and finally after some time in prison enduring many discomforts and danger of death, even from friendly fire, they were delivered. Interestingly their deliverance came in a manner they never expected.

There are many times in life that we experience pain, affliction, financial ruin, criticism, and even physical attacks and a simple seeking God in the moment of distress rarely brings instant deliverance.

Jesus explained that we do not always get what we want when we first asked and taught the principle of persistence in the following parable:

“Suppose you went to a friend’s house at midnight, wanting to borrow three loaves of bread. You would shout up to him, ‘A friend of mine has just arrived for a visit and I’ve nothing to give him to eat.’ He would call down from his bedroom, ‘Please don’t ask me to get up. The door is locked for the night and we are all in bed. I just can’t help you this time.’

“But I’ll tell you this; though he won’t do it as a friend, if you keep knocking long enough, he will get up and give you everything you want; just because of your persistence. And so it is with prayer; keep on asking and you will keep on getting; keep on looking and you will keep on finding; knock and the door will be opened. Everyone who asks, receives; all who seek, find; and the door is opened to everyone who knocks.” Luke 11:6-10

This was my situation. I asked many times for God’s help in delivering me from my first encounter with dark forces, but God refused to simply give me what I asked before I learned the needed lessons.

I applied the principle and continued seeking strength to defeat my adversary and because I applied this principle of continued seeking the answers finally came and I was delivered.

Christ was delivered by the same principle when he was tempted by the adversary when he was weak from a forty day fast.

Take note of how he defeated the enemy. He didn’t do it by saying a prayer or entering into meditation or even invoking the Holy Spirit. It is true he did that in his past, but when the time of testing came another approach was needed.

He defeated the adversary with reason. Note that each time he out reasoned the adversary that the adversary was then powerless and had to try another line of approach.

What is pure reason?

It is light.

Light dispels darkness and gives the disciple power over dark forces.

Just as Christ had to learn to master the dark powers even so must we also learn if we are to become as he is.

If Christ would have stepped in and helped me in my hour of need I wouldn’t have learned some of the valuable principles I now know. These lessons drove me toward greater soul contact which is indeed the Christ principle.

The account in my book of laughing at the Dark Master was based on a true experience and I do not think I would have had the internal fortitude to do it if I had not learned valuable lessons from previous encounters.

I do not use the word “fortitude” lightly as the presence of this being created a wave of negative destructive energy that can only be appreciated by one who has had such an encounter.

A member mentions the term “laughing Buddha,” that there may be some deeper meaning to the term. I had never heard this term before and it is interesting that you bring it up. It is also interesting that in a fragment of the Gospel of Peter that he reports that Jesus was laughing on the cross.

In addition to this I came across this just today from A Course in Miracles:

“Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny, mad idea, at which the Son of God remembered not to laugh. In his forgetting did the thought become a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects. Together, we can laugh them both away, and understand that time cannot intrude upon eternity.”

I never really considered the esoteric principle behind laughter, that perhaps it is a greater source of power than we realize, but it is as definite fact that my laughter certainly diffused a powerful dark lord.

Maybe we ought to call it the “Laugh of Power” for want of a better name. I do know this, however, for the laugher to have such power it must be used from a point of inner peace with no fear involved as a motivating factor.

This reminds me of an incident in my life I have not thought of for years.

Way back in my high school days shortly after I started driving a friend and I were cruising along a two lane highway about 65-70 MPH. As we approached an intersection where we had the right of way there entered from the left and right two vehicles at the same time who apparently never saw us coming.

On the right was entering a standard car and on the left a large Greyhound bus was pulling into the road. As I saw these two vehicles entering the road at the same time from different directions I noted that within about five seconds or so the gap between them would be closed and there would be no option but to plow into both of them.

I had two options in the few seconds I had. (1) Attempt to stop or (2) increase my speed and attempt to go through the space between the vehicles before the gap was closed. I quickly decided there was not time enough to stop. There was a good chance we would be killed if I did that. The only chance we had was to increase our speed and go through the space between the vehicles before it closed.

I immediately put the pedal to the floor and headed toward the space between. As we accelerated to over 90 MPH I noted that my friend seemed to be saying something like a prolonged and very loud OM (I didn’t know what OM was back then).

As we approached the closing gap it didn’t look like we were going to make it, it didn’t look like there was enough room to pass through. We were expecting the worst. But as we entered the tiny gap there was no sound of clashing metal, just a smooth transition through blessed empty space…

The instant we hit the gap that seemed smaller than an eye of a needle my friend started laughing with great gusto.

After we passed through to safety I curiously asked him. “Why are you laughing?” This seemed like a very odd incident to laugh at, I thought.

He continued laughing all the more and said: “I don’t know. I guess I’m just laughing at the face of death.”

Then he continued laughing all the way home with short pauses where he kept repeating the phrase: “I’m laughing at the face of death!”

For a while I wondered if he lost his sanity, but he seemed OK the next day.

Now on hindsight I almost wonder. Did laughing at the face of death help us in cheating death? One never knows.

Jan 15, 2002

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The question:

What do you suppose are the three sub aspects of the Sixth Ray? The answer to this one is not so obvious. Here are my thoughts on it.

The first thing to look for is this. One of the sub rays will always be based on the core principle of the primary ray. For instance the sub rays of the first ray of power is Will-Power-Purpose, Power being one of the sub rays.

This principle gives us a hint as to the direction to seek the sub rays of the Sixth Ray of Idealism.

Idealism would therefore be one of the sub rays.

What are then the other two?

First we look at other words associated with this ray. The two that stand out are “devotion” and “desire.” The word “emotion” also comes to mind, but the word desire covers the emotional principle involved. The emotion associated with the Sixth Ray is basically an emotional desire of attachment.

So how are these three sub aspects related?

(1) The ideal is presented

(2) The vision of the ideal is seen and a desire to manifest the perfection of it grows within.

(3) The Sixth Ray person then through this desire to manifest the ideal, or the perfect, becomes “devoted” to the cause.

Thus we see the interplay of idealism-desire-devotion.

The Christian Church is a prime example of this Ray.

Jesus, a Sixth Ray disciple under the influence of the Christ who is on the Second Ray presented the ideal of the perfect man, the perfect salvation and the perfect church. Followers desired to manifest these ideals and devoted their lives to it.

Unfortunately many Sixth Ray people become over zealous to manifest their ideal and are willing to impose it with force if necessary.

The Sixth Ray was the powerful ray of influence during the Piscean Age. On the positive side it presented the ideal as manifested by the Christ, but on the negative it encouraged the fanaticism of the crusades and the Conquistadors.

The Sixth Ray also sheds light on the number of the Beast, or 666. Let me quote from a previous post:

“Thus we finally arrive at the core meaning of the number of the Beast, the 666. In plain English it stands for the control through the Sixth Ray Solar Plexus Center over the three basic worlds of livingness for mankind. (1) Control over The Physical (first 6) Control over the Emotional (second 6) and control over the Mental by negation (the third 6. All three of these parts of our nature have been controlled in most of us by the Sixth Ray of idealism by the Beast.

“Now go back and read the verse about 666 again: Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number [is] Six hundred threescore [and] six.

“Notice the wording here. “Let him that hath understanding.” In the Greek it literally reads “Let him who has a mind…” In other words, the meaning of the 666 is not obvious, but requires mind and understanding to comprehend it.”

Second Question:

Name three famous people influenced by this ray.

An obvious one is Barbara Streisand with her powerful emotional appeal.

Bill Clinton is also strong on this ray and this accounts for the strong attraction between these two people.

Jimmy Swaggart is a third person very much into Sixth Ray.

Richard Dreyfus is a more positive example of this ray.

Here are some more comments from Djwhal Khul about this Ray:


Special Virtues:

Devotion, single-mindedness, love, tenderness, intuition, loyalty, reverence.

Vices of Ray:

Selfish and jealous love, over-leaning on others, partiality, self-deception, sectarianism, superstition, prejudice, over-rapid conclusions, fiery anger.

Virtues to be acquired:

Strength, self-sacrifice, purity, truth, tolerance, serenity, balance and common sense.

This is called the ray of devotion. The man who is on this ray is full of religious instincts and impulses, and of intense personal feeling; nothing is taken equably. Everything, in his eyes, is either perfect or intolerable; his friends are angels, his enemies are very much the reverse; his view, in both cases, is formed not on the intrinsic merits of either class, but on the way the persons appeal to him, or on the sympathy or lack of sympathy which they shew to his favourite idols, whether these be concrete or abstract, for he is full of devotion, it may be to a person, or it may be to a cause.

He must always have a “personal God,” an incarnation of Deity to adore. The best type of this ray makes the saint, the worst type, the bigot or fanatic, the typical martyr or the typical inquisitor. All religious wars or crusades have originated from sixth ray fanaticism. The man on this ray is often of gentle nature, but he can always flame into fury and fiery wrath. He will lay down his life for the objects of his devotion or reverence, but he will not lift a finger to help those outside of his immediate sympathies. As a soldier, he hates fighting but often when roused in battle fights like one possessed. He is never a great statesman nor a good business man, but he may be a great preacher or orator.

The sixth ray man will be the poet of the emotions (such as Tennyson) and the writer of religious books, either in poetry or prose. He is devoted to beauty and colour and all things lovely, but his productive skill is not great unless under the influence of one of the practically artistic rays, the fourth or seventh. His music will always be of a melodious order, and he will often be the composer of oratories and of sacred music.

The method of healing for this ray would be by faith and prayer.

The way of approaching the Path would be by prayer and meditation, aiming at union with God.

The Seventh Ray is called The Seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order or Magic.

Question: Why do you suppose the word “magic” is associated with this ray?

What are the three sub aspects?

A Subtle Difference

A reader quotes me concerning dark forces:

“The key is to not fear when you feel their vibration. Calm yourself and occupy your mind with other things, no matter how distracting the influence may be. Put your mind in a state as though they did not exist and live your life as if everything is the way you want it to be.”

The reader notes that I criticize the new agers for not accepting that dark forces exist yet I seem to be advising the same thing.

I thought some astute reader would make this observation and figured I would cover this thought in a later post.

There is a subtle, but distinct difference here.

There are two items that I talked about:

(1) That dark forces indeed exist and the causes of them manifesting

(2) How to deal with them once they manifest.

The solution I spoke of in the quote was related to number two, but my criticism of New Agers was for their illusion concerning number one.

As I said when I had my first attack from dark forces I was experiencing no fear and dwelling on dark forces was the last thing on my mind. Yet often times when I have mentioned a struggle with dark forces to my new age friends they tell me this occurs because I dwell on it too much or because of my fears.

This is just not true.

Just like the lazy boyfriend (see previous post) and the deceitful company exist and may present themselves in your life no matter what your fears or belief system, even so the most fearless and innocent of all may encounter great forces of darkness.

In fact the true forces of darkness are not all that likely to attack one who is already full of fear and wrong belief. They are more likely to use such a one as in instrument for their purposes than attack him. Why attack an ally???

On the other hand, dealing with an attack is a totally different matter and this territory is not even covered by those who have the type of new age belief I mentioned.


Because they do not see any type of Dark Brotherhood or dark forces as any part of their reality so they never even look at the solution. They’re a little like the mother in the parable who wanted to ignore the possibility that anything could go wrong – thinking this would protect her against disaster.

Thus my solution to problem number two cannot be the same as the New Agers because they present no solution as they do not even acknowledge that such a problem could exist in reality.

Believe me, if the typical “see-no-evil” new ager experienced what I have out of the blue he would live through a fear that he did not even know was possible to exist and have before him a disturbance more difficult to ignore than the pain of blowing your hand off.

Even so, after two years of struggle with, after my first attack (having no one to confer with) I finally discovered the secret to defeating those who were seeking to destroy me. The secret is not to pretend they do not exist, for in this reality they do. The secret is to tune them out and place yourself in a state of mind as if they do not exist.

You approach a state of “isolated unity” as Djwhal Khul calls it.

One of the main causes of a dark attack is that you are making progress upon the spiritual path and may become in instrument in bringing unwanted light to the kingdom of darkness. But once an attack has taken place the only way the entities can retain a foothold is through your own fears and attention. When the disciple detaches himself from fear and attention on the dark forces, they will dissipate and lose their hold.

It’s a little like detaching yourself from pain. I practice this when I go to the dentist. I don’t rarely use Novocain, gas or hypnosis even when I have a root canal as it is good practice in realizing the recognition of the negative, but not allowing yourself to be affected by it.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Jan 13, 2002

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Handling Dark Forces

Handling Dark Forces

I will start with commenting concerning the illusionary belief that many in the new age glom on to. That is the thought that there is no evil, no Dark Brothers and any problem with dark attacks is either from the imagination or from the fact that too much attention is spent dwelling on devils with pitchforks, demons etc.

This is kind of an irritating attitude to present to someone who has had actual experience with the problem.

While it is true that some problems with what appears to be dark forces are really with disturbances in the emotional body caused by nourished fears, it is also true that there are real problems and real encounters with dark forces which the disciple must face and master.

I had my first encounter with a dark attack with I was a boy of 16 and at the time I was dwelling on nothing negative, had no fears and was nourishing no fears. My mind was focused for the first time in my life on seeking greater knowledge, and this apparently was a threat to the Dark Ones that they wanted to nip in the bud.

I was attacked with a ferociousness beyond anything I have written about and way beyond any result from fear or wrong belief.

In fact I had no idea that such forces even existed until I experienced them. I also had no idea of the tremendous power of the Godlike beings on the side of Light until I experienced them.

The existence of Beings on the Light and Dark sides do not depend on our thoughts for their existence.

Perhaps this parable will help.

The Trusted Boyfriend

Sandra had saved up $5000 which she dedicated to a vacation with her daughter Sue. They were both very much looking forward to the experience which to happen the following summer.

One day Jeb, her out-of-work boyfriend, came to her and said:

“I have just come across the deal of the century that will solve all my financial problems. There’s this new multi level company that has a product that can grow hair back in sixty days. This will sell like hot cakes and the good part is that they have just a handful of charter distributorships that they are releasing to select individuals over the next 30 days. This is a one time deal that will not come again.

“What makes you think this will make money?” asked Sandra.

“Make money!!!” said Jeb. “This will make millions! It grows hair like magic. Here, look at these testimonials they gave me. This is a real ground floor opportunity and the company expects charter distributors to be making $100,000 a month within 90 days. The good part is all I need to get in on this is $5,000.”

“But you don’t have $5,000.” said Sandra.

“That’s why I came to you. I know that you’ve got just that amount saved away for your vacation. Now you don’t plan to use it for over 90 days and by that time I’ll be making $100,000 a month. By then $5,000 will be a drop in the bucket.”

“But what if it doesn’t succeed?” she said. “I promised Sue that vacation and don’t want to disappoint her.”

“No chance. I can give you $10,000 if you want by then and you can take an extra cruise,” said Jeb.

“But what if you just can’t sell the stuff?” she pleaded.

“No problem,” said Jeb. “The company guarantees our investment. In addition to tapes, videos and literature they give me $10,000 worth of the formula. If worst comes to worse they will buy it back from me. When the 90 days has passed and if by some freak of nature I have not made big bucks then I will sell the formula back to the company and give you your money back.”

“And you would promise to do that?”

“Of course.”

The next day Sandra withdrew the $5,000 and gave it to Jeb.

When her daughter Sue found out about it she was gravely concerned. “Mom, I just can’t believe you gave our vacation money to that loser. He’s never been successful at anything he has done. We can just say goodbye to our vacation.”

“Now sweetie, we must not think negative thoughts. The original investment is guaranteed and if we think positive thoughts about Jeb I think he will make it this time.”

“There’s no guarantee with that guy,” said Sue.

During the next month Sandra saw Jeb numerous times and each time he was cheerful and optimistic and assured her all was going well. Then on the second month he didn’t drop by as often.

“He’s avoiding you,” said Sue. “He’s losing our money and doesn’t want to show his face.”

“He’s just busy,” said Sandra. “Now stop this negative thought. If we send only positive thoughts toward Jeb and the company then we will only experience positive results.”

“Nonsense,” said Sue. “You need to reel him in and get the facts about how he is doing and salvage what you can if he is screwing up again.”

“There’s no reason not to trust him,” said Sandra. “He deserves a chance.”

During the next month Jeb only came by when Sandra invited him to dinner or went out of her way to see him.

Sue grew more suspicious but Jeb used the “busy” excuse and Sandra bought it.

At the beginning of the third month Sandra asked him how he was doing.

“Great!” he said.

“How close are you getting to that $100,000.”

“I’m so close I can taste it. The money is so close it’s chilling just thinking about it.”

“Are you making enough yet top pay back the $5,000 or part of it?”

“It’s tied up in product and promotion and I won’t be getting a big commission check for another month. But don’t worry, everything is going as planned. This is such a great company!”

Sue was upset that her Mom did not get more specifics.

During the third month Sandra only saw Jeb twice. After the 90 days she called him to see if she could get her $5,000 back and his phone was out of order. She drove across town to his apartment and knocked on the door. There was no answer. She put her ear to the door and heard the television on so she knocked again.

No answer.

She remembered that he often left the back door unlocked so she entered through there and sure enough found Jeb slinking in his couch in front of the TV drinking a beer.

“Where’s my $5,000?” she demanded.

“It’s gone,” he said looking at the floor.

“What do you mean, gone?”

“The miracle stuff doesn’t work like they say, gives some people rashes and is tough as nails to sell.”

“So, let us return your inventory and get our money back.”


“What do you mean can’t?” screamed Sandra.

“Just can’t.”

She shook him. “Oh yes you can!”

“The fine print – read the fine print.” He pointed to the contract.

“What’s the fine print say?”

It says that other company distributors will be notified when a distributor wants to sell his inventory back and they may buy from a distributor like me who wants to sell inventory.”

“So sell to them!”

“They don’t want to buy. They’re all like me. They want to get rid of their stuff.”

“You knew this in the beginning didn’t you? You knew it wasn’t the company, but you knew you would be depending on other distributors to bail you out, didn’t you?”

Jeb looked at the floor.

“Didn’t you???”


Sandra now knew she was betrayed by one she had trusted all to much and she in turn had betrayed the trust of her daughter.

Points of consideration.

(1) Jeb is the way he is – an unreliable person – no matter how supportive or positive Sandra is. In this case Sandra is an enabler.

(2) The company is the way it is no matter how supportive or positive Sue or Jeb is.

(3) The Dark Brothers exist and work their plans no matter how positive any individual is. Being in denial and thinking positive alone is not enough to solve the problem. But just as Sue could have taken a wiser course and saved her $5,000, even so can we wisely deal with negativity on whatever scale it presents itself to us and minimize the damage.

Most of the dark forces the seeker has to deal with are from the Dweller on the Threshold. For further information on this topic you can do a search in the archives. Then if you become a threat to some plan of the Dark Brotherhood they may attack you personally, if they can.

Whatever the source, the principles of dealing with the problem is similar.

Below are some excepts from advice I sent to a reader who had a similar problem. It helped him and may help you.

Dealing with dark forces is difficult, but here is a key which has helped me and should help you.

The Dark Brotherhood are like vampires and feed off of our energy so the important thing is to not give them any attention.

They use fear to stimulate a flow of our energy in their direction and after this occurs feeding them becomes a viscous circle.

The key is to not fear when you feel their vibration. Calm yourself and occupy your mind with other things, no matter how distracting the influence may be. Put your mind in a state as though they did not exist and live your life as if everything is the way you want it to be.

If you successfully do this their power will die through attrition.

Another thing is to make sure you are purged from guilt. If you feel guilt over anything confess the cause to a priest, a friend or to the person who is the cause and then follow the above instructions.

Once you have taken practical steps for your guilt it should dissipate. If it does not you must take your attention off of it with the realization that God does not condemn you. The dark forces often attempt to give you guilt by pretending to be the voice of God.

Shifting your attention away from guilt, fear, and the negative vibration is something you must do. I know from experience.

One more thing that will help is to say the Song of the 144,000 each day.

Here is a copy:

We thank you Father that you have revealed to us your protective universal light; that within this light is complete protection from all destructive forces; that the Holy Spirit of Your Presence permeates us in this light, and wherever we will the light to descend.

We thank you Father that you fill us with your protective fires of love; that within this love is complete protection from all destructive thoughts and feelings; that the consciousness of Christ is lifted up in us in this love, and wherever we will the love to be enflamed.

We thank you Father that You are in us and we are in You; that through us Your Will is sent forth on wings of power; that Your Purpose is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven; that through us Your Light and Love and Power is manifest to all the Sons and Daughters of Mankind.

If you continue to not fear and act as if the negative does not exist you will find one day you will be free and normal and it will be difficult to pinpoint the moment it happened.

This is not putting yourself in a state of denial. You realize the danger and the existence of these forces, but the key to mastering them is to let them pass through you taking no energy rather than rather than fighting and giving them energy.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Jan 12, 2002

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Enlightened Learning

Enlightened Learning

I was asked for advice from a new reader as to how to approach learning here.

As far as my writings go, overall they will be much easier to understand than the Bailey material. It will generally be helpful though to either start at the beginning of the archives and read some each day, or at least start at the beginning of the discussion of the current subject material and move up to the present. I attempt to guide each subject so a new person can read a few posts and catch up with the current thought.

During these past three years I have attempted to introduce some new concepts and clarify some old ones that will be useful to students in their quest for understanding. Therefore, those who have read all the archives have a fairly clear idea of where I am going with new material, but hopefully those who are new will catch on quickly and feel comfortable posting.

Whenever I introduce a word that is not known to most of the group I attempt to define it clearly, because words not understood can greatly hinder understanding.

On the other hand, reading Djwhal Khul is a different matter. He is writing for the serious student of the Ancient Wisdom and expects his readers to have already done some homework before taking him on.

Somewhere in the 24 books will be a definition of most of his terms, but you can often read hundreds of pages without getting a clear meaning to some of his words and phrases.

Therefore, an essential ingredient to accompany you in reading DK is a good glossary to Theosophical, Buddhic and Hindu terms. You can find this at: LINK

For those of you who are attempting to read the Bailey material let me give you some advice that would have greatly helped me if I had it when I first started studying the books.

Every time you come across a word you do not know make a note of it and look it up in the glossary. Keep a record of these words and their meanings so you can go back and refer to them when needed.

If you do this one simple thing it will not be that long before the Bailey material becomes as easy to read as Stephen King.

As you’re reading the material for the first time there will come regular intervals where you will feel it is all beyond your understanding and that you are wasting your time. Fortunately, he addressed this issue.

He tells us to not worry about the times we are reading his material and do not seem to be absorbing it. He encourages us to move along and continue reading anyway – that we are taking in more than we think and if we continue the day will come when the pieces will fit together and understanding will be realized.

This was certainly the case with me. I had to force my way through my first Bailey book (in the early Seventies) for I had no glossary and no knowledge of Theosophy and knew of no other person on the earth who had even read any of the books. But then after reading two or three of the books I started getting much more comfortable with the writing and they have continued to become clearer to this day.

Actually, reading Isaiah from the Bible may be even more difficult to adjust to than Djwhal Khul’s writings. I had to read him a half dozen times before I could start to make sense of those mysterious words. Then, of course, the Book of Revelation is more difficult still.

Those with an LDS background will relate to a light-hearted problem Mormon students have. In the church beginning students sometimes complain that the regular Christians have it easy. All they have to learn is one book – The Bible. But a good Mormon has to be proficient in four books of scripture – The Bible, the Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price.

Now for a seeker unfettered by Dogma, the Mormon problem seems like a piece of cake. Once the Bailey books are seen to contain great light you have 24 more books to incorporate into your learning, not to mention voluminous Secret Doctrine and dozens of other good books by various enlightened authors. Then there’s the Keys archives to keep you busy.

A true seeker would have it no other way. He would much rather have more material than he could ever learn than not enough.

Unfortunately, there are many in the churches of the world who find themselves in the midst of an illusionary famine. They’ve read their church materials and want more, but there is no more, so they read their materials again – not realizing that many outside materials condemned by their church as darkness is, in truth, light.

For the past couple months we have been working on the Bailey material and the present goal is to help the student understand some of the basic principles taught in the books

DK considered his teaching on the Rays to be one of his main contributions to the revealed teachings of the world and the understanding of the principles behind them is key to understanding many of his writings.

I hope that covering this and other core subjects will be helpful to many in their search.

Djwhal Khul once said something like this: The physician or engineer may spend many years in school learning their trade yet many seekers read a couple books and feel they are ready to be Masters. To become skilled in metaphysics takes even more knowledge than it takes to be a doctor or engineer. We should not expect to master the truths of the world overnight. But a thousand mile journey begins with the first step and if approached with the right attitude each step is an exciting one.

I personally find Blavatsky harder to read than Djwhal Khul. For anyone new into Theosophy and interested in easier reading to get some foundation teachings, here is a good starting place: LINK

Overall, the Theosophical writings are a good guide to knowledge, even though a number of their misconceptions have been corrected by Djwhal Khul.

There are many good Theosophical writings available online free, even so, I would still recommend reading the Bailey books first, but with the help of a glossary.

One thing on which I must commend the Theosophical Society on is that they have come up with a vast assortment of writings which help to clarify the works of their founder and offer additional speculation. Lucis Trust, the Publisher of the Bailey material, has printed or endorsed little except compilations of Bailey writings. There are a number of independent writings expounding on her though.

Djwhal Khul placed emphasis on not following him as a cut and dried authority, yet almost everyone who quotes him are diligent in not injecting any intuitive thoughts of their own.

This we seek to change here. We will do a minimum of tabulation for those type of things are available elsewhere. Instead we seek to lay a foundation for learning and then look at some of the teachings and take them a step further.

For instance, one current class goal is to get students to contemplate the three sub aspects of the Rays, something I have not seen done before.

When we come across an interesting quote, instead of just saying “run this by your soul and see what happens.” we have you go a step further. We say “run it by your soul and find more than is written there and share.”

If Djwhal Khul mentions “a point of tension” we ask what is a point of tension, what is the principle behind it and how can we apply it in our lives?

It is only recently that we have been putting emphasis on the Bailey writings. Overall if you read the archives, you’ll find I have probably quote the Bible more than any other book and much of the material is not presented clearly in any other book.

With your help and sharing of thoughts I hope to see the Keys as a unique place for accessing creative and original thought, an oasis in the midst of blandness.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Jan 10, 2002

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From Ray Five to Six

From Ray Five to Six

We received some interesting comments on the rays of popular figures. Let’s take them into consideration as we examine them.

George W. Bush

Personality Ray 2 sub Ray 1 (meaning he is on the power end of love-wisdom)

(JJ: Ray 2 is a good guess since he stresses that he is a compassionate conservative.

Soul Ray 4 (he is a dichotomy of love/wisdom and power)

(JJ: Another good guess, but for a different reason. This is the Ray of harmony through conflict and notice how conflict has followed him around. There was tremendous conflict in the election contest followed by harmony when the dust settled.

Again tremendous conflict came with the 911 attack and now harmony is being restored to America and Afghanistan. This type of conflict seems to originate from the more subtle planes pointing to the soul ray)

Mind Ray 7 (his theme song is a bringing together of differing factions)

(JJ: This is logical thinking, but I would guess Ray five which brings a balanced logical approach. Note that he approached the war from a mental level even though he shows a lot of emotion on other levels)

Emotional Ray 6 (we have all seen him be quite emotional)

(JJ: I believe you are right)

Monad Ray 1 (which belies his aw shucks demeanor)

(JJ: Yes, he brings down a powerful will energy which has caught his enemies off guard.

Bill Clinton

Personality Ray 6 (his emotions rule him; his devotion seems to be towards


(JJ: Agreed)

Soul Ray 5 (I think this is why he has no conscience)

JJ: I would say Ray One. For one thing Ray Five is rare for the Soul. Generally The soul Ray will be 1, 2 3 or 7 at this time. Ray one gave him the push to run for President and his power to influence and not get removed from office.

Mind Ray 5 (Rhodes Scholar)

(JJ: Possible. Either 5 or 3)

Emotional Ray 6 (the basis of his unending charisma and magnetism)

(JJ: Agreed)

Monad Ray 3 (which cries out for a Ray 1 to be involved with–I’ve always said Hillary is much more dangerous than Bill ever will be)

(JJ: Good guess again. Hillary has stronger Ray One energy than does Bill)

John Lennon

Personality Ray 4 He oozes creativity.

Soul Ray 2 His essence always seemed to be about love and peace.

Mind Ray 3 A truly good musician has to be able to be logical and produce Emotional Ray 6 He was devoted to all that he believed in.

Monad Ray 3 I am sure this is colored by the lifetime I knew him in where he was creating on the physical (making music)

JJ: Good thinking again. I would guess you’re right in four out of five.

Unfortunately, ascertaining the Rays is not an exact science for us mortals. Djwhal Khul didn’t leave us much information how to do it except for common sense and judgment once the Rays are understood.

One thing I want to stress is that none of the Rays influences are good or evil. Whether their influence results in positive or negative depends on how they are used and directed.

Below are some of the characteristics of Ray Five as taught by Djwhal Khul:


Special Virtues:

Strictly accurate statements, justice (without mercy), perseverance, common-sense, uprightness, independence, keen intellect.

Vices of Ray:

Harsh criticism, narrowness, arrogance, unforgiving temper, lack of sympathy and reverence, prejudice.

Virtues to be acquired:

Reverence, devotion, sympathy, love, wide-mindedness.

This is the ray of science and of research. The man on this ray will possess keen intellect, great accuracy in detail, and will make unwearied efforts to trace the smallest fact to its source, and to verify every theory. He will generally be extremely truthful, full of lucid explanation of facts, though sometimes pedantic and wearisome from his insistence on trivial and unnecessary verbal minutiae. He will be orderly, punctual, business-like, disliking to receive favours or flattery.

It is the ray of the great chemist, the practical electrician, the first-rate engineer, the great operating surgeon. As a statesman, the fifth ray man would be narrow in his views, but he would be an excellent head of some special technical department, though a disagreeable person under whom to work. As a soldier, he would turn most readily to artillery and engineering. The artist on this ray is very rare, unless the fourth or seventh be the influencing secondary rays; even then, his colouring will be dull, his sculptures lifeless, and his music (if he composes) will be uninteresting, though technically correct in form. His style in writing or speaking will be clearness itself, but it will lack fire and point, and he will often be long-winded, from his desire to say all that can possibly be said on his subject.

In healing, he is the perfect surgeon, and his best cures will be through surgery and electricity.

For the fifth ray, the method of approaching the Path is by scientific research, pushed to ultimate conclusions, and by the acceptance of the inferences which follow these. Taken from Esoteric Psychology, Pages 207-208

Next we shall move on to the Sixth Ray and soon to the Seventh.

The interesting thing about these two rays is that the Sixth was prominent during the Piscean Age that we are leaving behind and the Seventh Ray is becoming increasingly dominant as we enter the age of Aquarius.

While it is true that Pisces is ruled by Jupiter which is governed by Ray Two, it is also true that the Sixth Ray was in manifestation on the earth during this age.

Ray Two, the Ray of Love-Wisdom was projected by the Christ, but the idealism which caused wars, crusades and overthrows of kingdoms in the name of God owes its influence to Ray six.

Here are several of DK statements about this ray:

Idealism or Devotion, via Mars which rules Aries and is the double ruler of Scorpio. This produces the fanaticism and unreasoning devotion and blind acceptance of conditions, so distinctive of the country at this time. It is virtue misdirected.

I would remind you that the soul ray of Italy is also the sixth ray. You have, therefore, the influence of Mars dominating Italian and Roman history, and it is this Martian tendency which lay at the base of the German Italian axis. It, however, is not today the controlling factor.

This greatly augments the sixth ray personality of the States, thus presenting very real problems in a young people who are apt always to be fanatical and exclusive. Exclusiveness is one of the major weaknesses of the sixth ray type.

It might be of interest here to note that ray six governs the Path of Probation and nourishes the fires of idealism in the aspirant.

Violence. Fanaticism. Willful adherence to an ideal.

Short sighted blindness.

Militarism and a tendency to make trouble with others and with groups.

The power to see no point except one’s own.

Suspicion of people’s motives.

Rapid reaction to glamour and illusion.

Emotional devotion and bewildered idealism.

Vibratory activity between the pairs of opposites.

Intense capacity to be personal and emphasize personalities,

leading to

Directed, inclusive idealism.

Steadiness of perception through the expansion of consciousness.

Reaction to, and sympathy with, the point of view of others.

Willingness to see the work of other people progress along their chosen lines.

The choosing of the middle way.

Peace and not war. The good of the Whole and not the part. See Esoteric Psychology, Pages 208-209

Tokyo is governed by the Sixth Ray.

The personality rays of both Russia and the United States are governed by this ray.

The vegetable kingdom is ruled by this ray as are the oriental races. It rules the solar plexus center.

Question: What do you suppose are the three sub aspects of this ray?

Name three famous people influenced by this ray.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Jan 8, 2002

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Rays of Understanding

Rays of Understanding

Question: What are the three sub aspects of the 5th Ray of Concrete Knowledge?

In the Ancient Wisdom the three prime aspects are usually called Power-Love/Wisdom-Active Intelligence.

But as we pointed out earlier, various organizations call them by different names such as:

Shiva   Vishnu Brahma     Hindu

Father  Son      Holy Ghost      Christian

Kether Chochmah       Binah   Hebrew

Amun-RA Horus  Osiris-Isis  Egyptian

There are hundreds of differing names used, but all convey a similar principle.

So what should we call the three sub aspects of the Fifth Ray? Again, this takes a little thought because I do not believe DK tabulated it anywhere.

He does say, however that the Fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge or Science is “a reflection of the will-to-know.”

I would call this the first sub aspect.

What happens after a desire to know grows inside of you?

You then place attention toward the discovery, discernment and attainment of knowledge.

After you desire to know and place attention on that which you will-to know what then happens?

Eventually you discover concrete useable pieces of knowledge.

The three sub aspects would therefore be:

(1) Will-to-know

(2) Attention

(3) Concrete knowledge

Question: Why do you suppose DK called it “Concrete Knowledge” instead of just “knowledge?”

As we mentioned earlier knowledge is one of the sub aspects of the Third Ray, but to indicate that we are dealing with another aspect, or view of knowledge, we qualify the difference in meaning here by calling it “concrete knowledge.”

Concrete knowledge is that which can be discovered and understood by the concrete mind by using a scientific or investigative approach.

This approach is limited, as spiritual thinkers know, for there are certain types of knowledge that is beyond the grasp of physical science and investigation.

Even so, this concrete knowledge is extremely important to all self conscious lives such as humanity. For instance, without concrete knowledge we would not be having this class on the internet, you would have no phone to talk on and no car to drive.

Concrete practical knowledge makes living on the physical plane bearable and sometimes even enjoyable.


Which member of the original Star Trek had his personality on this Ray?

I expected a simple non questioning answer that this would be Spock, but I see that Susan is attempting to think outside the box:

“Spock was interested in the truth of a matter and facts but I don’t see him as curious, an emotional element nor the ability to discern outside of pure fact. So to me The Doctor personifies this better. The best scientists, despite their cold reputation, always have a side to them that is passionate to know, to understand and to pursue. Their emotions are not directed towards people but towards ideas, hence their “cold” reputations. Einstein was a terrible lover and had many failed relationships. I think a blend between Spock and the Doctor is more true to Ray 5. The Doctor as portrayed had too much emotion towards people to be a true Ray 5 (or perhaps his secondary ray was ray 2:-).”

You’re right Susan that Spock did not seem to have an obvious will-to-know because he did not display much emotion. On the other hand, a not so obvious desire for knowledge must have been there because he had so much of it. He even seemed to know more about earth history than earth people did.

It may be of interest to the group as we dabble in the Rays for me to give you my assessment of the rays governing the Star Trek cast.

Captain Kirk: The personality Ray governs what we see in a person on the surface and I would say that Kirk’s personality Ray is Ray 2 for he has wisdom and is intuitive.

I would also guess his soul ray is Ray 2

But the ray of his monad is on Ray 1. This gives him the amazing power to defeat his enemies even though he is a nice guy.

His mind is on Ray 4. This gives him his very creative thinking ability.

His emotional body is on Ray 6. This gives him a powerful ability to communicate emotionally when the need requires.

Most physical bodies are on Ray Seven.

Spock’s Rays:

Soul – Ray 2

Personality – Ray 5

Mind – Ray 3

Emotions – Ray 4

I give Spock a second ray soul because he gives off the vibration of love and friendship much more than he wants us to believe. His soul seems to be wanting him to discover higher emotion.

I give him a 4th Ray emotional body because he is always struggling with the duality of his emotions.

Bone’s Rays:

Soul – Ray 2 (Always caring and concerned)

Personality – Ray 6 (Very emotional displays)

Mind – Ray 5 (Even though he is emotional he is a good concrete thinker)

Emotions – Ray 6 (The combination of two six ray influences makes him very emotional).

I do not give the ray of the Monad for Spock and Bones for there is not enough information to accurately discern it. As much as they help Kirk overcome the bad guys, they could be Ray One also.

A reader who is not familiar with the Bailey writings expressed frustration in understanding the rays and wants a concrete method to discover them.

Yes, I realize we are jumping the gun a bit. On the other hand, I also realize that there are several AAB students here with some knowledge of the rays who may be willing to jump in.

You don’t need to know the exact date of birth, yet a knowledge of astrology is helpful in discovering your rays. The prominent color in your aura may indicate the ray of your astral body, but that is about it.

The only way to discover your Rays from higher vision is to examine the geometric shapes that are projected on the outer film of the aura and few people can see this and most psychics are unaware of its existence. The Masters can use this and other intuitive methods.

We ordinary folk must at first rely on our common sense and power of discernment.

Find the Rays Exercise

George W. Bush is famous for adding the word “compassionate” to conservatism. This tells us that a certain ray is at play in his makeup. What is the ray and where is it working? On the other hand, he is working hard destroying our enemies at war. What Ray is at work here and where?

Clinton made many people feel that he was “feeling their pain.” Which Ray was at play here and where was it at play?

John Lennon is recognized as one of the most creative minds in history. What Ray was he focussed on and where was it working at – his mind, his soul or his personality?

He was very anti-establishment and anti-war. Which ray influenced this?

Copyright by J J Dewey

Jan 5, 2002

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Harmony Through Conflict

Harmony Through Conflict

The Question:

What are the three sub aspects of the Fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict?

The key words for this Ray are “Harmony” and “Conflict.” To what do these two words correspond?

They correspond to the duality of all existence – positive, negative; male, female; hot, cold; up, down etc.

So what happens when the polar opposites interplay?

Answer: Creation.

Thus the three sub aspects of the Fourth Ray are

(1) Harmony (3) Conflict and at the midway point of interplay we have (2) Creation, or as the Ray is sometimes called “Creativity.”


What is the time of greatest creativity? Was it during a period when everything was going great or did inspiration come in the midst of conflict and struggle followed by a harmonious work?

And how about the greatest creative artists? Were they people of ordinary placid lives or were they individuals who often had great turmoil in their lives? I think we all know the answer.

Some of the greatest works of creativity followed a period of pain, destruction and defeat. But when the creator could not be crushed by the weight of conflict and rose to the occasion the turbulence was followed by harmony and a grander creation than ever before realized.

The Earth itself and the Logos is on Ray three, but humanity itself is governed by Ray Four and has a destiny strongly linked to Ray Five as Djwhal Khul says:

“This harmony is achieved through the use of the energy of the fifth ray of knowledge. Then through gained and applied knowledge, the result is beauty and the power to create.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 347

He also says:

“The ray which governs the sum total of the human kingdom is the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict. It might be symbolically stated that the egoic ray of the Life which informs the human family is this fourth ray, and that the personality ray is the fifth ray of knowledge through discrimination,-the Ray, as it is called, of Concrete Knowledge or Science Harmony through conflict, and the power to achieve knowledge through discriminating choice-these are the two rays or major influences which sweep through humanity as a whole, and drive it forward towards its divine destiny. They are the predisposing factors upon which a man may count and infallibly depend. They are the guarantee of attainment, but also of turmoil and temporary duality. Harmony, expressing itself in beauty and creative power, is gained through battle, through stress and strain. Knowledge, expressing itself eventually through wisdom, is attained only through the agony of successively presented choices. These, submitted to the discriminating intelligence during the process of the life experience, produce at last the sense of true values, the vision of the ideal, and the capacity to distinguish reality behind the intervening glamour.” Psychology, Vol 1, Page 347

Overall the Fourth Ray plays a very important part in our current evolution. One of the reasons for this is the preponderance of this number in relation to us.

Humanity is the Fourth Creative Hierarchy governed by the Fourth Ray living on the Fourth planet from the Sun (counting one that is unseen). We are also living on the fourth globe concerning the earth’s descent into matter. On this fourth globe we are in the fourth round of our evolution.

Ray four also governs Mercury, the orthodox ruler of Virgo and the Moon which is the esoteric ruler.

Virgo is a symbol of the birth of Christ and gives a hint that the destiny of the human race in this current time is to give birth to the Christ consciousness.

Ray Three governs our planetary Logos and the Logos of Saturn which produces a strong link with the two as witnessed by the work of the Saturn Lord through the ancient Jehovah.

Ray Five, strongly linked with Ray Four governs Venus which rules Libra. This brings the overcoming of conflict through the use of the mind with the end result of the balance of harmony.

Djwhal Khul gives some more details on Ray Four:


Ray IV      is the life quality, expressing itself through the grasses and the smaller forms of vegetable life,- those which provide the “green carpet whereon the angels dance” Psychology, Vol 1, Page 239

(However he says the main color is indigo-yellow JJ)

Special Virtues:

Strong affections, sympathy, physical courage, generosity, devotion, quickness of intellect and perception.

Vices of Ray:

Self-centredness, worrying, inaccuracy, lack of moral courage, strong passions, indolence, extravagance.

Virtues to be acquired:

Serenity, confidence, self-control, purity, unselfishness, accuracy, mental and moral balance.

This has been called the “ray of struggle” for on this ray the qualities of rajas (activity) and tamas (inertia) are so strangely equal in proportion that the nature of the fourth ray man is torn with their combat, and the outcome, when satisfactory, is spoken of as the “Birth of Horus,” of the Christ, born from the throes of constant pain and suffering.

Tamas induces love of ease and pleasure, a hatred of causing pain amounting to moral cowardice, indolence, procrastination, a desire to let things be, to rest, and to take no thought of the morrow. Rajas is fiery, impatient, ever urging to action. These contrasting forces in the nature make life one perpetual warfare and unrest for the fourth ray man; the friction and the experience gained thereby may produce very rapid evolution, but the man may as easily become a ne’er-do-well as a hero.

It is the ray of the dashing cavalry leader, reckless of risks to himself or his followers. It is the ray of the man who will lead a forlorn hope, for in moments of excitement the fourth ray man is entirely dominated by rajas; of the wild speculator and gambler, full of enthusiasm and plans, easily overwhelmed by sorrow or failure, but as quickly recovering from all reverses and misfortunes.

It is pre-eminently the ray of colour, of the artist whose colour is always great, though his drawing will often be defective. (Watts was fourth and second rays.) The fourth ray man always loves colour, and can generally produce it. If untrained as an artist, a colour sense is sure to appear in other ways, in choice of dress or decorations.

In music, fourth ray compositions are always full of melody, and the fourth ray man loves a tune. As a writer or poet, his work will often be brilliant and full of picturesque word-painting, but inaccurate, full of exaggerations, and often pessimistic. He will generally talk well and have a sense of humour, but he varies between brilliant conversations and gloomy silences, according to his mood. He is a delightful and difficult person to live with.

In healing, the best fourth ray method is massage and magnetism, used with knowledge.

The method of approaching the Path will be by self-control, thus gaining equilibrium amongst the warring forces of the nature. The lower and extremely dangerous way is by Hatha Yoga. Taken from: Psychology, Vol 1, Page 206-207

The next ray to cover is the Fifth. It is difficult to talk about them one at a time because they are so interlinked, but this type of coverage will give us some basics to our understanding as we later look at the Rays in greater wholeness.

The fifth Ray has the name of “Concrete Knowledge” and governs scientific inquiry.

Why do you suppose DK called it “Concrete Knowledge” instead of just “knowledge” and what do you suppose are its three sub aspects? Which member of the original star Trek had his personality on this Ray?

Copyright by J J Dewey

Jan 4, 2002

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Summary of Rays 1, 2 & 3

Summary of Rays 1, 2 & 3

As we progress along to Ray Four it may be useful to increase our knowledge of the foundation Rays by quoting this useful summary by Djwhal Khul.


Special Virtues:

Strength, courage, steadfastness, truthfulness arising from absolute fearlessness, power of ruling, capacity to grasp great questions in a large-minded way, and of handling men and measures.

Vices of Ray:

Pride, ambition, wilfulness, hardness, arrogance, desire to control others, obstinacy, anger.

Virtues to be acquired:

Tenderness, humility, sympathy, tolerance, patience.

This has been spoken of as the ray of power, and is correctly so called, but if it were power alone, without wisdom and love, a destructive and disintegrating force would result. When however the three characteristics are united, it becomes a creative and governing ray. Those on this ray have strong will power, for either good or evil, for the former when the will is directed by wisdom and made selfless by love. The first ray man will always “come to the front” in his own line. He may be the burglar or the judge who condemns him, but in either case he will be at the head of his profession. He is the born leader in any and every public career, one to trust and lean on, one to defend the weak and put down oppression, fearless of consequences and utterly indifferent to comment. On the other hand, an unmodified first ray can produce a man of unrelenting cruelty and hardness of nature.

The first ray man often has strong feeling and affection, but he does not readily express it; he will love strong contrasts and masses of colour, but will rarely be an artist; he will delight in great orchestral effects and crashing choruses, and if modified by the fourth, sixth or seventh rays, may be a great composer, but not otherwise; and there is a type of this ray which is tone-deaf, and another which is colour-blind to the more delicate colours. Such a man will distinguish red and yellow, but will hopelessly confuse blue, green and violet.

The literary work of a first ray man will be strong and trenchant, but he will care little for style or finish in his writings. Perhaps examples of this type would be Luther, Carlyle, and Walt Whitman. It is said that in attempting the cure of disease the best method for the first ray man would be to draw health and strength from the great fount of universal life by his will power, and then pour it through the patient. This, of course, presupposes knowledge on his part of occult methods.

The characteristic method of approaching the great Quest on this ray would be by sheer force of will. Such a man would, as it were, take the kingdom of heaven “by violence.” We have seen that the born leader belongs to this ray, wholly or in part. It makes the able commander-in-chief, such as Napoleon or Kitchener. Napoleon was first and fourth rays, and Kitchener was first and seventh, the seventh ray giving him his remarkable power of organisation.


Special Virtues:

Calm, strength, patience and endurance, love of truth, faithfulness, intuition, clear intelligence, and serene temper.

Vices of Ray:

Over-absorption in study, coldness, indifference to others, contempt of mental limitations in others.

Virtues to be acquired:

Love, compassion, unselfishness, energy.

This is called the ray of wisdom from its characteristic desire for pure knowledge and for absolute truth-cold and selfish, if without love, and inactive without power. When both power and love are present, then you have the ray of the Buddhas and of all great teachers of humanity,-those who, having attained wisdom for the sake of others, spend themselves in giving it forth. The student on this ray is ever unsatisfied with his highest attainments; no matter how great his knowledge, his mind is still fixed on the unknown, the beyond, and on the heights as yet unscaled.

The second ray man will have tact and foresight; he will make an excellent ambassador, and a first-rate teacher or head of a college; as a man of affairs, he will have clear intelligence and wisdom in dealing with matters which come before him, and he will have the capacity of impressing true views of things on others and of making them see things as he does. He will make a good business man, if modified by the fourth, fifth and seventh rays. The soldier on this ray would plan wisely and foresee possibilities; he would have an intuition as to the best course to pursue, and he would never lead his men into danger through rashness. He might be deficient in rapidity of action and energy. The artist on this ray would always seek to teach through his art, and his pictures would have a meaning. His literary work would always be instructive.

The method of healing, for the second ray man, would be to learn thoroughly the temperament of the patient as well as to be thoroughly conversant with the nature of the disease, so as to use his will power on the case to the best advantage.

The characteristic method of approaching the Path would be by close and earnest study of the teachings till they become so much a part of the man’s consciousness as no longer to be merely intellectual knowledge, but a spiritual rule of living, thus bringing in intuition and true wisdom.

A bad type of the second ray would be bent on acquiring knowledge for himself alone, absolutely indifferent to the human needs of others. The foresight of such a man would degenerate into suspicion, his calmness into coldness and hardness of nature.


Special Virtues:

Wide views on all abstract questions, sincerity of purpose, clear intellect, capacity for concentration on philosophic studies, patience, caution, absence of the tendency to worry himself or others over trifles.

Vices of Ray:

Intellectual pride, coldness, isolation, inaccuracy in details, absent-mindedness, obstinacy, selfishness, overmuch criticism of others.

Virtues to be acquired:

Sympathy, tolerance, devotion, accuracy, energy and common-sense.

This is the ray of the abstract thinker, of the philosopher and the metaphysician, of the man who delights in the higher mathematics but who, unless modified by some practical ray, would hardly be troubled to keep his accounts accurately. His imaginative faculty will be highly developed, i.e., he can by the power of his imagination grasp the essence of a truth; his idealism will often be strong; he is a dreamer and a theorist, and from his wide views and great caution he sees every side of a question equally clearly. This sometimes paralyses his action. He will make a good business man; as a soldier he will work out a problem in tactics at his desk, but is seldom great in the field. As an artist his technique is not fine, but his subjects will be full of thought and interest. He will love music, but unless influenced by the fourth ray he will not produce it. In all walks of life he is full of ideas, but is too impractical to carry them out.

One type of this ray is unconventional to a degree, slovenly, unpunctual and idle, and regardless of appearances. If influenced by the fifth ray as the secondary ray this character is, entirely changed. The third and the fifth rays make the perfectly balanced historian who grasps his subject in a large way and verifies every detail with patient accuracy. Again the third and the fifth rays together make the truly great mathematician who soars into heights of abstract thought and calculation, and who can also bring his results down to practical scientific use. The literary style of the third ray man is too often vague and involved, but if influenced by the first, fourth, fifth or seventh rays, this is changed, and under the fifth he will be a master of the pen.

The curing of disease by the third ray man would be by the use of drugs made of herbs or minerals belonging to the same ray as the patient whom he desires to relieve.

The method of approaching the great Quest, for this ray type, is by deep thinking on philosophic or metaphysical lines till he is led to the realisation of the great Beyond and of the paramount importance of treading the Path that leads thither. Taken from, Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Pages 201-205

Aspects and Centers:

Ray one     Power or Will Head centre.

Ray two    Love-Wisdom Heart centre.

Ray three  Active Intelligence      Throat centre.

Of the colours, red, blue and yellow are primary and irreducible. They are the colours of the major rays.

  1. Will or Power Red
  2. Love-Wisdom Blue
  3. Active Intelligence Yellow

Jan 3, 2002

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The Molecular Relationship Videos

This entry is part 23 of 31 in the series Audios

1. The Molecular Relationship, Class One
An overview of The Molecular Relationship, the next great step in spiritual evolution.

2. The Molecular Relationship, Class Two
Where did God come from and how did creation come to be?

3. The Molecular Relationship, Class Three
Understanding time and the seven planes.

4. Molecular Relationship, Class Four
Why we left the higher world of bliss and take our chances in this world full of pain and suffering. The marriage relationship the beginning of the Molecular Relationship.

5. Molecular Relationship, Class Five
Relationships are the power behind all creation. How to create good ones.

6. Molecular Relationship, Class Six
The number seven, seven rays, seven chakras and many energies.

7. Molecular Relationship, Class Seven
The corresponding seven centers (chakras) in nations, the human kingdom, the seven kingdoms and more.

8. Molecular Relationship, Class Eight
The structure of the Hierarchy and the divisions of the New Group of World Servers.

9. Molecular Relationship, Class Nine
The Seven Centers of Shamballa and The One About Whom Naught Can Be Said

10. Molecular Relationship, Class Ten
Bringing balance into relationships. Seeing ourselves as energy units.

11. Molecular Relationship, Class Eleven
Balancing energy to create stable relationships

12. Molecular Relationship, Class Twelve
More on energy, and the potency of female energy.

13. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirteen
The link be tween sex and knowing God – the higher correspondences of sex.

14. Molecular Relationship, Class Fourteen
The importance of trust and full sharing in a fulfilling relationship

15. Molecular Relationship, Class Fifteen
Examining union physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

16. Molecular Relationship, Class Sixteen
The importance of mastering glamor and illusion to enhance relationships.

17. Molecular Relationship, Class Seventeen
The Sharing of Mind and Spirit in Relationships

18. Molecular Relationship, Class Eighteen
Examining Lucille Cedercrans’ teachings on groups.

19. Molecular Relationship, Class Nineteen
The Mystery of Romantic Energy

20. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty
Communication, The first key of happiness

21. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-One
The Importance of Honest Communication

22. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Two
The Importance of an Open Mind

23. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Three
The Principle of Giving and Receiving

24. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Four
The Seven Needs Essential to Happiness, Part 1

25. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Five
The Seven Needs Essential to Happiness, Part 2
Covering the need for knowledge and the need for emotional fulfillment.

26. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Six
Cycles and the Need for Order

27. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Seven
Trust, a Key to Happiness

28. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Eight
The positive side of negative emotions.

29. Molecular Relationship, Class Twenty-Nine
The foundations of the next great step in evolution

30. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty
Balancing energies to reach the zero point and draw down spiritual power.

31. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty-One
The Human Molecule – the foundation of a new life form

32. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty-Two
Future Spiritual Evolution Explained

33. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty-Three
Leadership in the Molecule

34. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty-Four
New Governing Principles

35. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty-Five
Enlightened Leadership Principles

36. Molecular Relationship, Class Thirty-six
Journey to Soul Contact

37. Molecular Relationship Class Thirty-Seven
Leadership from Pisces to Aquarius

38. Molecular Relationship Class Thirty-Eight
The Middle Way

39. Molecular Relationship Class Thirty-Nine
The Prodigal Son

40. Molecular Relationship Class Forty
The Union of Souls

41. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-One
Relationship with the Soul

42. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Two
The Twelve Principles of Synthesis

43. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Three
The Commitment of the Disciple

44. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Four
The Reappearance of the Christ

45. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Five
End Time Predictions

46. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Six
The Sign of the Son of Man

47. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Seven
The Molecular Business, Part 1

48. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Eight
The Molecular Business, Part 2

49. Molecular Relationship Class Forty-Nine
The Parable of Abundance

50. Molecular Relationship Class Fifty
Molecular Politics – How politics everywhere can be changed to represent the will of the people.


Video Classes on the Treatise on White Magic
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Examining Ray Four

Examining Ray Four

Well here it is January 3, 2002 and still no earthquake as predicted for Jan 1 by the previously discussed wannabe prophet.

There are two keys for being a good prophet.

(1) Make many predictions clouded in obscurity. Since even a stopped clock is right twice a day some predictions will seem to be close. Take the close ones and promote them and ignore the failures.

(2) Take what everyone else is predicting and say the opposite. I have done this quite a few times (including this Jan 1 prediction) and have been right every time.

The reason prophecy is so difficult is that most events are not and can not be mapped out in advance. The only ones that are would be those that involve a decision made by one who has power to make the event happen.

The Ancient of Days makes a handful of prime decisions like this and if one of them were revealed to us we could then depend on the event materializing. But even some of His decisions may not have a fixed time, but be subject to the progress of humanity.

Back in 1978 when I wrote Eternal Lives almost every student of the scriptures was predicting the coming of Christ before the year 2000. You’ll note that I went against the grain and predicted that he would not come among us by this date or even a few years after. This type of knowledge only comes when purpose is involved and rarely concerns mundane events.

I was given no foreknowledge, for example of Sept 11, for there would have been no purpose, for it other than to brag about what a good prophet I was.

Generally a true knowledge of the future will be seen along lines of developing principles and cycles. Rarely will an individual be given dates of specific future events as this could interfere with free will.

The Question: Why are they (Rays of Attribute) under the Third aspect and not the Second or First? This is a difficult question and if you do not know the answer move on to the next.

The Fourth Ray is called the Ray of Harmony Through Conflict.

Meditate of this name “Harmony Through Conflict” and tells us the meaning that comes to you and what the influence of this Ray will be. Is conflict sometimes desirable? How can harmony come out of conflict?

Actually we are on our own on this one for DK has been very silent about it. This is one thing we try to do here is go beyond what has been written and stretch our minds and intuition a bit.

Here is my thinking on the subject.

The Rays of attribute have to do with characteristics which have manifestation and motion that extends down to the physical plane.

Rays one and two are completely non material aspects. On the other hand Ray Three deals with intelligent activity in matter. This intelligent activity is visible to human consciousness on the physical plane and is seen as attributes or characteristics of the visible life of God.

We must keep in mind that in the world of the Monad (spirit) that the rays of attribute (4, 5, 6 & 7) do not even exist. There only the Trinity of Rays exists as we understand them.

Thus we have Ray One (Spirit), Ray Three (Matter) and the interplay, Ray Two (Soul). In this creation the attributes must manifest under Ray Three because they are linked directly to matter. Rays One and Two are formless.

Now Ray One may have its own attributes which manifest in higher worlds, but any knowledge of this has not been revealed. These would be spiritual attributes that we could not presently comprehend for they deal with formlessness.

There is a true harmony and a false harmony. True harmony manifests when all the aspects of a problem are examined in honesty. When this happens a point of friction is seen and revealed. This produces conflict and is unavoidable.


When the conflict is revealed and faced friction does its work and just as a rough rock becomes polished and smooth with friction, even so does harmony manifest through conflict.

So what is false harmony?

This occurs when there is deception. This deception takes two forms:

(1) The person sees the friction but suppresses and ignores it. By pretending the friction does not exist he has an illusionary harmony for a short period, but no peace. Peace cannot come to the soul who knows internally that an enemy lies at the door, an enemy which must be faced.

(2) The person does not see the point of friction or conflict because he fears and because he fears he is afraid to look. He therefore has the harmony and peace of the ostrich with his head in the sand. During this period of false harmony he is in constant fear that he will be struck in the darkness by a hidden enemy.

When anyone speaks of conflict or solution the mislead entity only pushes his head further into the darkness of sand telling himself that the darkness is peace.

The purpose of the Fourth Ray is to force true vision of the battleground before our eyes. While the fourth Ray does its work the battle becomes unavoidable and like the disciple Arjuna he learns that he must fight and win many battles. The victory comes to him who has the door of soul open wide.

Djwhal Khul says it well:

“No glamour, no illusion can long hold the man who has set himself the task of treading the razor-edged Path which leads through the wilderness, through the thick-set forest, through the deep waters of sorrow and distress, through the valley of sacrifice and over the mountains of vision to the gate of Deliverance. He may travel sometimes in the dark (and the illusion of darkness is very real); he may travel sometimes in a light so dazzling and bewildering that he can scarcely see the way ahead; he may know what it is to falter on the Path, and to drop under the fatigue of service and of strife; he may be temporarily sidetracked and wander down the by-paths of ambition, of self-interest and of material enchantment, but the lapse will be but brief. Nothing in heaven or hell, on earth or elsewhere can prevent the progress of the man who has awakened to the illusion, who has glimpsed the reality beyond the glamour of the astral plane, and who has heard, even if only once, the clarion call of his own soul.” A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 223

Indeed, when that clarion call of the soul comes, many battles will loom ahead, but if the disciple fears not, he will proceed and find the peace of God that is only known by he who treads the path of fire.

Copyright by J J Dewey

Jan 3, 2002

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