The Levels of Meditation


The Levels of Meditation

(NOTE: Some of this  discussion concerns the New Jerusalem Meditation which can be found HERE)

Since Glenys and some others have had rewarding experiences with the New Jerusalem Meditation yet others are a little frustrated at their progress I thought I would write a little on meditation itself. First of all let me express the desired end result of this meditation. Many of the members of the group have often expressed a desire to be closer and how wonderful it would be if we could all be physically together, even if for a short period.

If we as a group are successful at this meditation we will be brought together. It may be awkward at first for most of us, but if we persist we will find realistic meetings of group members commonplace on the higher planes. This meditation can remove the barriers of distance that we have on the physical plane.

There are four basic planes that we normal humans can use as a medium for meditation.

The first is the physical. In this world we use the power of meditation through the power of paying Attention. This can be done through paying attention to a physical teacher, speaker or book, to gazing into a crystal ball or flame. As we meditate on the physical plane the mind and heart may be stimulated to bring forth images or ideas that will assist us. If nothing else meditation on the physical level will help focus us on the real that exists here so we do not turn into impractical dreamers.

The second is the emotional or astral and attention is a factor but in addition to this visualization comes into play. Overall females are better than males at visualizing because this is accomplished through female energy. You’ll notice that females are reporting greater success at following this guided meditation because it works in the direction of their natural energy. Now many men are also good at it, but overall the female has the advantage here.

The third plane of meditation is the world of the mind and this is accomplished through imagination. Mind and imagination are polarized in the male energy so us guys have the advantage here. It’s easy for us to imagine things, but it takes effort for us to visualize.

So what is the difference between visualization and imagination one may ask.

Let us say the object we want to bring into focus is an apple. To manifest it in the physical world we put attention on our physical desire for the apple and go and retrieve it from the refrigerator.

To make it manifest in the astral we tune in to our emotional; body and feel or sense the apple before us. If we are so in tune the apple will appear almost as real as one on the physical plane and may even stay suspended before the meditator for a period of time.

To manifest the apple on the plane of the mind the mental faculty of imagination is used. Forms filtered through the imagination may not produce such real or lingering images as does the astral, but the images become as real as necessary to communicate the essence of the meditation on this plane to the physical brain.

Thus, the imagination may flash an image of an apple to the brain that may linger less than a second whereas the power of visualization may cause the apple to linger on for minutes. Then on the physical plane it lasts even longer – until it decays or is eaten.

The apple is made of real substance on all of these planes, but as we go up the planes substance becomes more rarefied and time is compressed. This is why we have more time to see the visualization and much less to examine the thing that flashed into the imagination.

It takes contemplation to absorb all that the imagination brings down. This is why those who do not contemplate that which is imagined are often led astray by imagination.

Even though there are several levels of formless realities we shall lump them into one category here for practical purposes. This fourth level the realm where ideas originate and are transmitted. An idea flashes forth for a shorter instant of time than a thing imagined. An idea has no form, but as it passes down through the mind it takes form by stimulating the imagination. Next it will clothe itself with desire and its form will be seen through visualization. Finally, if the intensity is strong enough, it will manifest in physical reality.

He who meditates in the formless worlds sees nothing and knows nothing while in the meditation. Instead he throws “seed thoughts” into this formless void and goes there through meditation and waits for the seeds to sprout and send their fruit in the form of inspired ideas that filter through ideas to the imagination down through visualized desire and finally into physical reality.

The first formless world requires that we be female or receptive in polarization to tap into it and thus the female has an advantage again. Nevertheless, through the power of attention all the levels of meditation are available to both physical sexes.

Now it is possible that several may be concerned that they are not highly evolved and may feel discouraged if they are unable to have an experience right away such as Glenys had. Please please, do not feel this way. Glenys did have a wonderful experience and I know it inspired many in this group, for what one can do all can do through the power of Decision and Attention. Nevertheless, we all make decisions and place attention in different areas of life so none of us are the best at everything. In addition, some may be very talented with ideas and imagination, but not so talented with visualization just as some are good at music, but not business.

Who is the most evolved – the musician or the businessman. Who can say? It’s a silly question.

If you are not a great visualizer then find out where your power is. Someone suggested making a tape for physical assistance. This is an excellent idea. You can also bypass visualization temporarily and use the imagination at first, but later cloth the imagination with desire to bring it into focus through visualization.

Finally, you can also use the formless worlds by casting a “seed thought” into this reality. This seed thought would be centered around what you want to accomplish in meditation. If done successfully, the essence from this higher world will send you ideas and inspiration that will enable you to fulfill your desire.

Dave asks a good question:

“I have a quick question/concern. Don’t get me wrong here, the idea of seeing myself in the future would be wonderful. I would like to see how things turn out, and how I become. On the other hand, what good does it do for my future self to come and give advice to my present self? Let me try and clarify why I ask this.

“Let’s say my present self decides to go visit a lessor evolved past self in NJ today. Personally, I doubt that anything I say to that past self will change the way things are now. It makes it kind of pointless to go back and discuss anything with my past self, doesn’t it? So why would my future self waste his time speaking to me?”

Let me say just a couple of things about time travel. To travel in time you have to move beyond the physical. This is fortunate; otherwise it would open the possibility for a Nazi to go back and help Hitler win the war.

We cannot change the literal past, but we can change the effects of the past so a certain negative event in the past is changed so it is no longer negative to us.

Calling forth your future self does not change the past because your calling him forth is a part of his history, as well as anything he tells you.

Also keep this in mind. Your far future self has complete oneness with God and lives beyond the normal rules of time and space. This being has abilities beyond that which we can imagine.

Normally he has to be invoked but he can make an appearance in any past time when the entity is open to instruction, but this is the exception.

Fortunately, the Dark Brothers are very limited in using time travel and the Brotherhood of Light basically practice non interference so time is quite a stable quantity.

Our past lives of lower evolution never call out to the future self and only have a dim sense of it at best. A person has to reach a degree of soul contact before there can be communication between the past and the future. When this happens the Will of God is followed and no change in that Will takes place.

There has to be a reasonable and open belief in the possibility of this future self for this meditation to work, but those who accept it and give it a try may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

No, your future self will not give you winning lottery numbers. He doesn’t even know what they are nor does he want to know. He will only come to help you work with your own strengths and achieving power to obtain money through the normal use of law is something we all have to learn one time or another.

Glenys makes an interesting comment:

“On the other hand, I often think of how the Masters used to leave money in a box for Madam Blavatsky.”

An important item to know about Madam Blavatsky is that she was Count Alessandro Cagliostro in the life before she was HPB. In that life she had an important mission that was completely botched and she used her talents to gain money and fame as a charlatan.

Even though she redeemed herself as Madame Blavatsky she still fell to the temptation to assist a bit in signs to the believers such as the money in the box type of thing.

Alice A. Bailey (the next main messenger) to her credit was completely honest in her approach and thus you see that the main witness to her work were the teachings themselves, and this is how it should be.

To just materialize money out of thin air as some claim the Masters do would be a form of stealing for it calls forth labor behind the goods and services it purchases and the value of that labor is not returned. This is contrary to the law of cause and effect. Even the Masters would only use money to take, if they can give something of equal or greater value in return.

I know all of us who love to learn and teach would like to have all of our time free and money to spend for the good of mankind. But just as humanity must earn the right to have higher teachings, so must the teachers earn the right to teach and all teachers of light must work within the law or suffer the effects of karma.

I presently am in a situation where I have to work long hours to keep my business going and pay the bills and I rarely have time to write anything for the group before 2 AM and haven’t had time to read a book for years. I listen to tapes while doing other things for my mental food at present.

My point is that we can’t expect higher powers to do for us what we can do for ourselves and we all have to work within the situation where we find ourselves and make the best of it.

One can never become a Master unless he masters situations through his own intelligence and inner strength.

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Clarifications on Centers Masters & More


Clarifications on Centers Masters & More

Jennifer asks:

I have it on good authority that we have more chakras than the main 7 ones usually referred to, and which you speak of JJ. On earth it is my understanding that most humans have 11 chakras, although some who originate from elsewhere have 13. Also that all humans are not native to the planet (and that is why our waste matter needs to be treated before the earth can readily absorb it). I would appreciate clarification on this.

The teaching of the seven chakras is thousands of years old and the sages of yesterday and today are correct on this. There are only seven major ones in man corresponding to the seven rays and seven notes. There are however, quite a few minor centers and thousands of smaller ones still corresponding to acupuncture points.

There seems to be teachings going around lately about there being 11, 12 13 or more major centers. I have seen a few of these circulating about and those I have seen promoting such teachings are usually waiting for some spaceship to pick them up or expecting the earth to enter the 15th dimension yesterday. They kind of present the idea that only the unenlightened still believe in the seven centers and even the spiritual hierarchy of this planet (the Brotherhood of Light) are deceived. One such writing teaches that the Ancient of Days is being replaced by some great galactic being because he is failing at his job.

One thing I have noticed about these groups with astounding claims is that they make a lot of predictions that have not come true.

Speaking of predictions, didn’t Nostradamus predict that the world would end in July 1999? Looks like we have just one day left so we’d better make the best of it.

I’m willing to take bets that we will all be here the first of August.

The doomsayers will not give up. We’ll see many surface near the end of the year (written July 1999) and when the world is still here January first they will realize that the real millennium doesn’t begin until Jan 1, 2001 and they will predict again and be wrong again.

Over 99% of humans are native to either this planet and/or the Moon. The moon has not always been a dead body. There was a time that it had an atmosphere millions and billions or years ago and was teaming with primitive physical as well as etheric life. A small handful of teachers have come here from other planets to incarnate and serve.

All human life forms throughout the universe have seven major centers just as the atoms and rays in far away galaxies are built on the same principles that are here on this earth.

When this universe, which is built on the number seven, is perfected then (billions of years from now) the universe of eight rays will be created and the inhabitants there will have eight major chakras.

Our Solar Angel which communes with us through the soul has lived on other planets so far in the distant past that it’s native solar system no longer is in existence in physical form. Since animals do not have Solar Angels this could explain why the earth is more accepting of their waste.

I found the prophecy of Nostradamus – Here it is:

“In the year 1999 and seven months

From the sky will come the great terror king.

He will return to life the great Mongol king

Before and after warfare happily rules.

I have an assignment for those of you who like to surf the web. Do a search on Nostradamus and see what kind of current thinking you can find on this prophecy. Who do they think the Mongol king is? I see that Glenys already discovered that it may be associated with the grand cross and the four beasts.

In making light of this prophecy I am not putting Nostradamus in a negative light. He was a great thinker in a similar vein to Isaiah. Just as Isaiah’s writings have been compared to cycles over the years and have shed light on events so have the writings of Nostradamus.

The interesting thing about prophecy is that whenever anyone starts making specific prophecies of specific dates error seems to creep in. The reason is that the future is in a constant state of flux and can only be predicted with 100% accuracy when some great life has made a decision that certain events will take place and even then the time of the fulfillment may be flexible.

For instance Christ predicted that He will return, but the date is not written in stone.

Let’s move on to Suzi’s questions:

“…but I am wondering are they (the Masters) also able to move through time and space instantly to another far off location or do they rely on our physical transportation?”

I have given some information on this in a previous post. Let me quote:

“The Brotherhood of Light, however, is not limited to normal physical travel problems for they travel through space using a spiritual technology. They have the ability to fold and unfold matter which is created on an illusionary principle. When the illusion of physical matter is folded into the higher bodies then they are able to travel through space at many times the speed of light. When they arrive at their destination they are able to unfold their vehicle or rematerialze in the physical.”

Concerning time travel, this is not possible in the physical body, but can be done through conscious projection and identification can be made with a cooperating entity in the past or future.

Suzi then quotes my teachings on the creation of human atoms (Adams) and molecular relationships and asks:

“Now where I get lost is this statement: Next human molecules will establish relationship with polar opposite human molecules and more balance still will be required. Can you elaborate on this part in particular…”

Let me quote again from a previous post – and I’m not complaining about doing this. Some important points are beneficial to repeat.

“It is important that we contemplate the results of the Molecular Relationship. Hydrogen and oxygen are both gases, but when they unite they produce the more advanced product, which is liquid water. Water is totally unlike either hydrogen or the oxygen that is in the air that we breathe. The union of these two elements produces a substance much greater than they were individually. In the same way, humanity, through the Molecular Relationship, can create group lives with greater powers and properties than it has individually, and will be able to share in the consciousness of the whole. Expansion of consciousness is the great objective of existence. This makes human molecular marriage very desirable, for it can create a possible expansion of consciousness which is beyond our present dreams.”

To create the first human molecules of this age we must first get beyond the competitive instincts of the sexes and forget about which is the best or most advantageous sex to be and see the male and female as he two creative polarities that create all manifested form. We must ask ourselves how to use these energies rather than the individual attempting to prove that he or she is associated with the better of the two sexes.

What the male and female energy is and does is what it is and does, and no defense of the sexes is going to change that.

The book I am presenting to you will more fully answer this question in the chapters to come, but suffice it to say that human molecules will be created. The first will consist of twelve males and twelve females. Then when the time comes that there are two human molecules one will gravitate toward the female charge and the other male and these two molecules will establish relationship accordingly and have new dimensions of balance to work out. And this is just the beginning of higher evolution for humanity. Eventually living groups will be created that will correspond to cells, but made of human atoms and molecules.

Each elevated life form we make will have higher more advanced properties that will be a joy and thrill for the participants to discover.

Suzi next asks if the Masters in incarnation are going to find each other and work together.

Not necessarily. When a Master takes incarnation and is successful at regaining enlightenment (some take longer than anticipated) he will have a certain mission to accomplish that will usually be quite distinct from that of any other member of the Hierarchy. He will have contact with the group mind and will not feel isolated or alone. Instead of working with other Masters he will center his work around disciples who have a desire to serve the Plan.

After Christ comes again on the earth there will be physical interplay among the Masters who gather with Him for they are His disciples. Until that time high initiates will not actively seek out Masters unless it fulfills some important purpose.

When one achieves or re-achieves the status of Master in any one life he gains the ability to extend or rejuvenate the physical body. He does not keep this body for eternity but as long a is useful. Later he receives a “better resurrection” (as the Bible calls it) and obtains the power to allow his body to be destroyed and build it again as did the Christ. He can also attain the ability to recreate a physical body from a past life for he carries the memory of all past life vehicles within himself.

Hope this helps Suzi. As John says in the Immortal, it takes an intelligent person to ask an intelligent question.

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The Snowflake Principle


The Snowflake Principle

A reader wanted clarification on this statement I made:

“ The mental person must step down to the feeling world to reach agreement with the emotional person.”

The first possible miscommunication is that this “stepping down” idea may be interpreted to mean that the thinking male must step down a notch to be on the same level as the emotional female and such idea is not the case nor was it intended to be conveyed.

Females have minds and men have emotions and when I refer to the mental person I am referring to mental people of both sexes. Those who are mentally polarized are liberally found among both the sexes.

But wait, you say. Are not men left-brained logical thinkers and females right-brained emotional feelers?

Not so fast. The man may be very left brained, be tuned in to factual sequential brain activity, but be very much centered on the emotional level for decision making and have very little mind development.

Brain activity is not thinking. True thinking from the plane of the mind is only done by about ten per cent of the people and even most of those are only in kindergarten in dealing with this principle.

Before I proceed I want to make one thing very clear. I do not want to add any fire to the battle of the sexes. I think it is silly that such a battle should even be considered, especially from the view that there is reincarnation and that we each spend about half of our time in each sex. If, I being a male, were to consider myself superior, then I would experience disappointment when I incarnate into a female body and visa versa. Such is not the case. Male and female are equal in importance, but different and together these two energies create the entire universe we live in.

That said let me state an important principle. “Where two things exist in the world of dualities these two items will not be exactly alike in every way. If they have intelligence the intelligence of one will be above the other. If they have vibration, the vibration of one of them will be above the other, if they have mass the weight of one will be heavier than the other and if they have shape the width of one will be greater than the other.” In common vernacular this could be called the “no two snowflakes are alike” principle, or the Snowflake Principle for short.

Now let us apply this principle to the three worlds where form building takes place, the physical, emotional (or astral) and the mind (or mental).

Are these there worlds on the same vibration?

I think we will have to admit that they are not. For instance, almost everyone realizes that the unseen worlds are on a “higher” level or vibration than the physical.

Does this make these higher worlds “better?” Not necessarily. Because we are in the physical then it is “best” that we are here, even though it is a lower world. We would miss much learning if we just bypassed this experience.

Are the Masters “better” than us? They do not look at it that way. They merely see themselves as having progressed down a path a little farther than we have and have gathered angles of vision that are not yet available to us.

The next world higher than the physical is the emotional or astral. This world is based largely upon illusionary principles, but nevertheless is a higher vibration than physical.

Higher in vibration than the astral is the plane of the mind which is created from true principles and the higher mind sees through illusion.

It may be surprising to learn that those who have risen above the astral focus, and are centered in the love-wisdom pedals of the heart, dwell on the plane of the mind and not the emotional polarization. The mental plane must be entered to some degree to play the harmonics of the love-wisdom duality.

Most men and women in today’s world are centered on the emotional level and when the disciple does enter into the plane of the mind in his focus he (or she) will definitely have to lower vibration when in confrontations with emotionally polarized people.

The Master Djwhal Khul, in speaking through Alice A. Bailey, writes in his forward of raising “the aspiration and the will-to-serve from the plane of the emotions to that of the mind (the plane whereon the Masters can be found)…”

Many channeled entities are found on the emotional plane, but the Masters are found on the plane of the mind for this place is the doorway to the invisible worlds of the Spirit.

Thus I stand by my teaching that one who dwells on the plane of the mind will have to step down to the emotional plane to deal with those encountered there.

In addition there are entities even above the Masters who dwell in higher planes of feeling that must step down their vibration even in dealing with what we may call a Master of Wisdom.

Hope this helps.

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The Foundation Note


The Foundation Note

John makes the following observation:

“Instead, all chords in music are built from the “root” and continue through the most logical chord tones, then, if desired, reaching what are called the chord extensions. The reason for this is that if a chord is built from the higher to the lower, there is no base/bass note for which to identify the chord desired. In fact, the entire chord, built from the higher to the lower, can become “altered” simply by altering it’s bass note. So if a musical reference were to be applied to this lesson it might be more readily understood if it went in this direction; The higher entity, (or even one of us lowly ones 🙂 when building the desired resonance of their energies, or chord structure, understands completely the basis/bass of the chord. Then with understanding, can apply as many chord tones as desired until the full range of harmony is attained. All of this being done before ever sounding the chord, or from the perspective of relationship, “acting” on the impulse. This seems to be much more congruent to the rest of the lessons on the molecular relationship. That is, that the building of the structure must first be accomplished by an understanding of it’s foundation, as well as the desired direction or resonance that is sought. Thus the intelligent composer builds the whole chord at once, because they have already understood the full resonance of the desired chord, before they ever “pen” it’s structure.”

Thank you John for seeking clarification. My knowledge of musical notation is very elementary, but if I understand you right, in music the lowest note in a chord is the foundation note from which all other notes spring and are dependent for harmony.

It may seem then that the building of a relationship from the top down is not a correspondence.

Actually, it is, but a correspondence in reverse, for correspondences reverse from plane to plane. For example all correspondences in the astral plane are often reversed from the mental plane. This is why a mental person arguing with an emotional person becomes very frustrated.

Whereas the lowest note in a chord is the foundation from which all other notes are placed, even so the spiritual vibration is the source of creation for all the lower worlds. Without the physical the spiritual would still exist, but without the spiritual there could be no physical. Therefore the root of creation is the spiritual just as the root of the creation of a chord is the base note.

In the ideal relationship there are two sequences of evolution before complete harmony is reached. In relationship, attraction does begin with the physical. When we first meet another person we see the body before we see anything else (including non romantic) and some inner opinion is instantly registered. If we are attracted because of the body then more relationship is sought. Next as we talk and interplay with the person we see their personality and sense how he or she feels about things. Finally as you become friends you share deeper thoughts on a mental and finally a spiritual level.

Then after this is accomplished (building from the bottom up in association) the creation of an intimate relationship can begin from the top down as given in my examples.

The reason I can say this is accurate is because it works, just as it works to build a chord from the bottom up.

I received another question off line which may be of interest:

“I’m thinking here of you and Artie and your telling us that Cupid struck and you asked her to marry you soon afterwards.

“Or to put it another way, I assume that consciously going through the steps you’ve described can be missed if you receive clear and unequivocal confirmation from your soul that the person who has just appeared in your life is your soul mate.”

Actually, none of the steps were missed in our relationship. Unfortunately, I have only been able to give you the readers digest version of the details. Here are a few more.

I had known Artie about a year, as a student, before the lightening struck, but we just had a casual relationship up to that time.

The first time I met Artie I was attracted to her physically, but that was not a big deal for I have found many females to be physically attractive. Then when I had my first conversation with her I found her personality and astral side to be very attractive. As she got involved in my classes and I also analyzed her handwriting I discovered that she was also very intelligent. This was another attractive feature.

Finally, when opportunity came to present spiritual teachings I discovered that she had soul contact and was capable of understanding higher principles. This made her a candidate for a companion of high sharing for me, but I did not act upon it on any level because both she and I were involved with someone else at the time. The time I described earlier where we instantly fell in love was just several days after her relationship ended and she was “available.”

As I mentioned earlier the whole relationship progressed to the marriage proposal within a few days. But what I did not tell you was that all hell broke loose and our whole relationship would have been destroyed if the romantic part had not been built from the top down.

Artie’s daughter was happy that she broke off her previous relationship and was looking forward to some time alone with her mom. When I came into the picture so abruptly she came unglued. She called everyone she knew and painted a picture of me that would scare off the bravest of souls. She called her biological dad, Artie’s mom, friends, everyone who might talk Artie out of this madness. Here is basically what she told all who would listen.

“My mom has fallen in love with this freaky weirdo guy who is a dangerous Jim Jones type character. They haven’t even dated yet but he’s hypnotized her into getting married. I think he wants to totally control her life. This guy gives me the creeps. Please help – we’ve got to talk Mom out of making a big mistake.”

This may not be the exact wording, but let me assure you it was that bad or worse for everyone she talked to became extremely alarmed and seemed to think that Artie was getting involved with the devil himself.

Her daughter’s father was very alarmed and decided to do what he could to get his daughter away from Artie, out of harm’s way. Her daughter, her only child, threatened to cooperate and live with her dad in California.

Her mother, who lived in California at the time, was terrified beyond measure and got on a plane the next day to Boise to save her daughter from this monster. Others came forward telling Artie she was out of her mind. The least she could do was to give the relationship some time.

All this went on within a space of about a day and in the midst of all this pressure she was receiving I called her. When I heard her voice I sensed great stress as she related the distress of her daughter and all the pressure she was under from the phone calls she was receiving from her daughter’s contacts.

Then she said something that made my heart sink.

“I think maybe we are going too fast here and it’s creating too many problems. I think we should back off a little here and go slower. Let’s lay low for a while until things calm down, then we can start the relationship going again.”

When she said this I had the feeling that if she gave into this pressure that our relationship would be destroyed and that I would loose her so I said a prayer within myself asking for the help of the Spirit. Next I tried to direct her attention away from her distress and started talking of spiritual things and of the night we fell in love. As I was talking to her I felt the Spirit descend on me and knew it was on her at the same time. Then in the midst of this feeling that I knew we were both experiencing, I made perhaps the wisest move I have made in my life.

I said to her: “What are you feeling at this very moment?”

“Good,” she said

“Would you say you are experiencing the Peace of the Spirit of God?”

After a moment of reflection she admitted, “Yes, I guess I would have to say that.”

“And do you think that Spirit is here because our relationship is supposed to be?”

“Well yes, I feel that may be true, but it wouldn’t hurt to slow down.”

“Be still and ask yourself. Shall we go ahead as planned or shall we slow down or stop? What do you feel inside?”

She signed and replied softly, “All I can say is that I feel a wonderful peace from the Spirit when you talk about going ahead.”

“And what kind of feeling did you have when everyone has told you to slow down or to end the relationship?”

“I felt terrible,” she said.

“So, do you want to go where the terrible feeling takes you or do you want to go where the peace of the Spirit takes you?” I asked.

“I want the peace of the Spirit.”

“So the choice is yours,” I said. “Which do you chose?”

She paused a moment and said: “I want the peace to stay with me.”

“So is this your choice?”


“Let me warn you that you will suffer every possible temptation to take you away from this choice, but I promise you that if you stick with it that no matter what turmoil is going on around you that the peace will stay with you and in the end you will know your decision is correct. But you must now make up your mind with great resolve that no matter what happens, even if your daughter leaves and your mom disowns you, that you will still follow the inner peace.”

To her credit Artie was divinely careless and followed this advice and we got married a couple of weeks later. Her daughter did not leave home but was so upset she did not attend the wedding and it took about a year to make friends with her. It took a couple years for me to smooth over the relationship with both the daughter and mother, but now her daughter respects me more than her biological dad and her mother and I have a good relationship. But most importantly, my wife and I have laid the foundation for a relationship that can continue to unfold spiritually without end and this could not be taking place if I had started the romance from the bottom up; for if I had I would not have had power to call down the Spirit to influence Artie of the correctness of our choice.

Whenever an opportunity for spiritual advancement comes for an individual, couple or group, there will come some type of test to tempt you to hold back. This temptation must always be surmounted in order to move ahead.

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Questions on the Molecular Relationship


Questions on the Molecular Relationship

My friends,

I received some interesting questions that I feel that may also be in the minds of others in the group, so I received their permission to post them here.

First, let me say that it is commendable that group members are putting what their soul says to them above me as a teacher. All souls are one and when we all speak the language of the soul together we will see as one body. But even those who do their best to retain soul contact can question and disagree because of incomplete communications.

I love the Rick’s attitude in his questioning. He is not challenging me or trying to show any superior intelligence, but just shows a sincere desire to find the truth and to serve. What more could a teacher ask for?

Now I’ll quote from his letter:

“… I’m hoping you will provide more information, on the subject. My soul tells me that I can still be complete by being a bride of Christ. It also suggests that it may be possible to link up with one’s “soul mate” without actually being together physically.”

I’m sure your soul is guiding you correctly here. Sometimes when our soul points a direction, we cannot see all the ingredients in the upcoming path. But when that direction is followed we always discover that the soul pushed us gently in the right way.

It is possible to have various types of non physical contact with a potential mate. A soul mate is, however, created rather than some special split off of yourself at creation. From a higher point of view we are all soul mates. When you find a person that you can be one with then you will have a mate that you can communicate with soul to soul, which is a true soul mate.

Let us suppose you met a potential soul mate on the net or some other way. There would come a time that you would want to complete the relationship on a physical level.

Completeness in relationship comes through interplay of all levels. Nevertheless, it is possible to go quite a distance through non physical interplay.

Rick responds, “There is so much here that I wish I could have known about when I was younger. I forwarded a copy to a friend and plan to give copies to my daughters. I have to admit that the information has truly left me in a spin. If creating this “perfect” marriage bond is a prerequisite to getting into heaven, then I fear I have thrown this life away and have little hope of salvaging it, at my age. At 49 years old, 3 times divorced, a single parent and all the other stuff I’ve already told about, I seem to have little hope of ever connecting with Ms. Right.”


All of us go through many lifetimes without finding Mr. or Mrs. Right. Although it is indeed a heavenly experience to find a soul to soul mate there are many spiritual experiences along the path to this union. If you follow the highest you know at all times you will build a heaven for yourself right here on the earth and beyond, even though you have not found the person of your dreams.

All of us have a hope of becoming Masters and overcoming all things, even death, but because we have not arrived there yet should not become a point of discouragement. We must smell the roses along the way and enjoy special moments of progress as we proceed toward the goal.

Rick continues:

“And just how did all my heroes manage to get to such heights without the benefit of a good woman beside them? Was there a Mrs. Moses or a Mrs. Christ? Ben Franklin was a womanizer. Thomas Jefferson slept with the help. Edison had a rocky marriage. Einstein married his cousin, because she was a good cook. If all these great men had such a hard time of it, what chance have I?’


Moses was married twice. His first wife was an Egyptian lady he married and quickly dropped in order to conquer her city when he was in the Pharaoh’s army. Later when he was on his spiritual quest he married Jethro’s daughter Zipporah who was his faithful wife.

Christ had several women in his life who inspired him.

But you are right. There are numerous fairly great men who were womanizers, John Kennedy for one. Nevertheless, all these men who dissipated their energies will eventually have to learn to intelligently direct sexual energies toward union to achieve their full potential.

Lincoln is an interesting study. He had a relationship that was much worse than no relationship. His wife Mary Todd was the worst first lady in history. It is said that the reason he entered politics was so he could be away from his wife for greater periods of time, so perhaps history would be greatly changed if not for his bad marriage.

She had a terrible temper and was always embarrassing him. For example, when he was President and they were having an important dinner for dignitaries she threw a plate of food in his face because he did some small thing that offended her.

She saw herself as co-president and asked to be called Misses President. She was also a spendthrift and always kept the family in debt. She eventually went insane after he was killed and was put in an asylum.

Even though Abe had good reason to get something going on the side he was a faithful husband through all his days. If he lived in this age he would have probably got a divorce, but a divorce in that time would have ruined him politically and he knew it was important to fulfill his destiny as president.

Even though he was a faithful husband he did have several female friends that gave him access to female energy which inspired him.

If I remember right Einstein’s first wife was a mathematician who was a strong motivator for him in coming up with the Theory of Relativity. Some believe that she actually came up with some of the ideas. I believe she drew them out of him.

Rick continues:

“The latest chapter of the molecular relationship is both the best and worst news I’ve read in some time. We’ve just rebounded from one downswing in membership and now I wonder what will happen to us, when even I question if I belong here. I hope we will pause and discuss this, before getting any more, so that we can all have time to digest such a large mouthful. It usually takes a lot to rattle my cage, but this one has left me dazed. Rick”

I’m not sure what all you are referring to here. For those of you who have specific questions I would hope that you ask them.

One thing I want to clarify is that the Molecular Relationship does not require that you have an ideal mate. We will go into more detail in this later on as we explain how it works.

A single person or one with a spiritually disinterested mate will pick a working non romantic partner to create male female units in the soul for the creation of human molecules. In many cases these couples will work together in the soul better than the married ones for they will not be carrying around the baggage from a bad relationship that so many have.

I would suppose that the idea of commitment in sex is disturbing to some. Many have left the old time religions because of the restrictions there. There is a big difference though. The religions say: “do what we say because God says so.”

I am not doing this. Instead I am attempting to teach the true principle governing the ultimate positive use of sex, money and power. These energies should be directed to fulfill Purpose, or be in alignment with Purpose so the higher energies of the soul can become manifest.

No one wants to judge the purity of your sex life. Instead what the teachers look for is your purity as a vessel for the higher spiritual energies. If one is governing his life with soul guidance then there will be endowments and manifestations of the Spirit of God through the soul. That which comes through you and out of you is evidence of your correct use of higher principles.

Glenys also had some questions. She asks:

“If I have to develop more masculine energies to serve in a proactive, ‘sending’ way, then the chances of finding someone to balance me become even more remote. As it is, I’ve always known that one of the reasons I’ve never married is that I haven’t been able to find someone who is my spiritual superior (and I don’t regard myself as a 10 by any means). Is that the price women have to pay for being spiritually aware?”

Answer: I know I’m going to have to give some more clarification on this for the female tends to think she is at a disadvantage in many ways, but she is not. The objective is to deliver teachings. For the male it is easiest just to throw them out to the audience, but on the female side, her energy is to pull out the teachings from the souls of the students. One is not more powerful than the other, but the male has an easier time in his energy as well as the female in hers. The trouble is that the female is often deceived into thinking the male energy is the better way. The female should only use male energies that feel natural to her and not try to force them.

It is not only difficult for the advanced female to find a mate in suitable evolution, but also the male. Notice Rick’s previous comments about his difficulty in finding a companion.

Glenys continues:

“Various other comments relating to the two energies I was interested to read that a woman with strong male energies needs a man with strong female energies to give balance. In my experience, strong women seek a strong male and find men with female energies good friends but bad partners. I find such men boring as they don’t challenge me at all.”


Keep in mind that a strong woman is not necessarily one with a lot of male energies. The strongest of all women are those who successfully use their female energies.

If the female dominates with male energies then her male companion turns female as far as energy is concerned.

On the other hand, she can also dominate with female energy. When she does this the male energy in her mate is amplified. Even so this dominating male will be a willing servant for the female in her energy.

Glenys also asks:

“I was also interested in your comments about teachers choosing a male body. I have had a teaching urge for most of my adult life so wonder why I chose a female body this time round. Does it mean that if I teach and it becomes a focal point of my life that the most I can expect is to communicate others’ teachings like Bailey did with the Tibetan? Does it mean that I will probably never have any original teachings of my own in this lifetime because it would require more ‘sending’ masculine energies? If that’s not right, then why didn’t I choose a male body? I can only assume from what you’ve written that I chose it because the emphasis this time round was to be on learning, receptivity etc.”

Choosing a female body is a sign from your soul that you came here with the intention to learn, especially for the first half of your life. That does not mean that during this period you will not teach but it does indicate that you, in connection with your soul, saw that there were important lessons to learn that required that you be in the receptive female energy.

Now if you learn the needed lessons that you set before yourself before you were born, then in the second half of your life you can be an effective teacher of those lessons as well as applying the female energy to learn new ones.

As for the rest of your questions just remember the first key. You are Decision and you can become whatever it is you decide to Become. Tune into the male and female energies within you and use their forces to best serve the direction you wish to take.

We’ll be talking more about male and female energies as time goes on as the correct understanding of them is a key to the successful creative path.

Susi asks:

“On the subject of male/female energies and the facts being presented as to the separateness of these two energies: I have a question. Many things in nature currently possess both male and female energies I think you wrote that JJ, and eventually all things will go back to possessing both of these energies just like Source (The One God). Do I have this theory correct so far?”


Let me clarify. All things living and existing in the worlds of form not only possess these two energies but are created by their interplay.

After the division of the Purpose energy into male and female and the amplification thereof, all lives have sought to balance these two energies. Form is basically energy slightly out of balance and the fact that we are still in a world that has form tells us that we have not achieved perfect (or relatively perfect) balance.

If you could achieve a balance of the two energies and “be still and know God,” then your body would disappear until you let the energies slip out of balance again.

This is one of the reasons that the Masters can transport their bodies instantly. They do not increase their vibration as many teach. Instead they still their vibration through the balancing of energies and can move through a door or wall as easily as an imaginary point of thought.

Susi continues:

“My main question is that I feel we all as humans posses both of these qualities and ultimately do not need to have a mate if we are able to utilize both of these energies and maintain a balance within ourselves separate from a mate, just as Source (The One God) is able too. Am I way off on this? I have this on a soul level and so far am unable to accept that it is just not possible to obtain this state in the human form.”


It is interesting you received a soul confirmation on this and it would be a good time to say a few words on this subject.

A soul confirmation always points you in the right direction to enhance your spiritual evolution, but it does not reveal to you all the knowledge and principles around the subject you may be contemplating.

Let me give an example:

Jim has been struggling to make something of his life and makes a decision to seek God believing this to be his next step. He has never been active in a church and checks out a few. Something about the Catholic Church stirs his soul and he senses the inner voice telling him to join the church.

Does this mean that the Catholic Church is the ultimate truth?


Does this mean that all the Catholic doctrines and teachings are true?


It is interesting that because of the confirmation of the inner voice Jim may be self-deceived into thinking that the above two items are true, but the real question is what is the true confirmation coming from the soul?

Answer: His soul is leading him into the Catholic Church because this organization has an important lesson to teach him. The church will be a stepping stone for him that may last a year, ten years or a life, but as imperfect as it is, the Church is a necessary step before he can catch a glimpse of his next vision quest.

The soul often gives us an inch of truth and we make it into a mile of truth. It is important that we take these inner messages and narrow them down to the core of what the message is rather than what we want it to be. I’m not picking of Susi here. But merely giving out a general teaching for the benefit of all.

Now getting to Susi’s question.

Yes, we can balance the two energies of male/female within us and establish a peaceful and contented state, but this is just a step in our evolution and far from any ultimate.

When reasonable inner balance is obtained then one can go through life as a single person without a great sense of loss or missing out. Some single people receive guidance from their souls about balancing the energies within so they can free up their attention and focus on the spiritual path for a life or two.

Nevertheless, we do not get out of relationships that easy, for relationship and the establishment of new and greater relationship is an eternal principle.

Balancing the male/female within is merely practice for the greater balance that comes with another person of opposite polarity to yourself.

If you want to learn to fly a plane the first step may be to study all about the art of flying. But you can read every book in existence and still not be prepared to actually fly. There comes a time when you have to step into the plane and physically fly it. In between flying practice you might want to do more studies on the ground and quiz your instructor. But then to master the art you have to fly again.

So it is with male/female relationships. We can seek inner balance of the energies and this is comparable to studying flight when you are on the ground. But then you need to test yourself to see how balanced you really are and that test comes through relationship with your polar opposite. By yourself you may think you have mastered the energies just as one who has studied flight may think he can fly a plane, but when you put your knowledge into practice through real relationship you then discover rough corners within yourself that you never knew existed.

Believe me my wife reveals many rough edges I need to work on that I would have never discovered without her.

I did not mean to imply that anyone is at a disadvantage for being single. You still have interplay with your polar opposite through friendships and family. It is possible that your soul wants you to take a rest from the intense relationship of marriage and better prepare yourself for your next one. And I guarantee that you will have a next one.

Many have been married three or more times and are too frustrated or discouraged to try again, but let me assure you that each of us learns a lot about ourselves from each failed marriage. Sometimes a failed marriage will teach us more than a smooth one.

Let me also assure all: if you are single, you will seek a mate again, if not in this life, the next.

The reason the drive to mate always returns is because it is a necessary relationship to establish to create higher evolution. Go back to the Molecular Relationship book and look at the diagrams of the atoms combining into molecules. This foreshadows the next great step for mankind. Each person will eventually unite with a mate or a non romantic working partner and create a finished atom (ADAM). Then these Adams will unite with other couples and create human molecules with properties more than human. This is our destiny and nothing can prevent it from coming to pass.

When human Adams establish relationship with other male/female couples there will be more balancing to do on a yet higher level. Next human molecules will establish relationship with polar opposite human molecules and more balance still will be required. This evolution continues without limit.

Susi asks one more question:

“Do you believe that some people here on earth currently had already achieved the mastery of both energies and all other prerequisites which enabled them the choice of not reincarnating yet they are here now to help with the current awakening and volunteered to reincarnate?”

“This sounds like you are asking if some of the Masters who have overcome death have chosen to incarnate as regular humans at this time in order to serve.”

Yes. A small number have. But when a master incarnates as a regular human he has to start again from point zero and regain all his ability and knowledge. He will not automatically have the energies balanced within him and he has to pass through all the lower initiations again. Thus it is not only a great sacrifice for a master to do this, but it also is quite a risk. He could get caught up in illusion and it could take several lifetimes to climb out of the mire he has found himself in.

When such a Master, or disciple becoming a Master, does achieve relative balance then death will not even be able to hold him or her.

Now I know that there are many false teachers and new agers out there who believe they are masters come to earth, but if they proclaim themselves as such it is a sure sign that they are far from being a master, but an ordinary human.

An advanced disciple or master incarnate will never reveal his point in evolution publicly. He will never say something like : “Hey! I was Moses in a past life so listen to me.” Such an attempt only gives more power to the beast of authority.

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Christmas Message 2018

This entry is part 23 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages


Dec 25, 2018

Christmas Message

Perhaps the greatest words of hope ever spoken was by the song of the angels to the shepherds heralding the birth of Christ, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14

Since that time there have been many wars, conflicts, untold suffering and persecution among the human race – so much so that many have lost faith that the words of the angels will ever become a reality. This Christmas, as we reflect on the birth of Christ, is a good time to reflect and ask where the peace and goodwill is, for to many it seems to be a time of great unrest and ill will with neighbor against neighbor and brother against brother. All one has to do to test the waters in this generation is to give out a political view. Chances are that such a person will be met, not with goodwill, but with ill will and conflict. Many are afraid to speak their views and remain silent on numerous aspects that are important to them.

So, did the angels speak falsely, or premature in their declaration? Where is the peace and goodwill of which they sang?

Those who doubt the truth of these great words overlook the principle behind the manifestation of all things of truth and beauty. All creation happens first spiritually before materializing on the physical plane, and spiritual progress manifests in the individual before the group, and the group before it comes to universal acceptance.

The full manifestation of peace and goodwill first rested upon one individual, Jesus of Nazareth. As he went forth to fulfill his mission he demonstrated supreme goodwill by healing all those who sincerely sought him. When John the Baptist was in prison facing death and a trial of his faith he sent messengers to Jesus asking if he was the one to fulfill the prophecy or the Messiah. Jesus told them to stay with him a while and then tell John what they saw.

This they did and when they returned to John they told him that they saw Jesus give sight to the blind, caused the lame to walk, lepers were healed, the dead brought back to life and the gospel was preached to the poor. When John heard this his faith was restored and was able to face his death in peace.

John realized that such a powerful demonstration of goodwill, which resulted in peace for himself, was a witness that Christ had indeed been born here upon the earth in the person of Jesus.

Even though Jesus went forth will goodwill he was often met with ill will. To such people, he taught of a response that was highly unusual in his day. He said, “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy. But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you.”

Taking goodwill to this extent was more than many could fathom, but a few took his words to heart and became his disciples. They saw many demonstrations of goodwill through his healings, but then came the time they saw the first real physical portent of peace. They were all on a ship together in the midst of a great storm. Fearing death they sought Jesus and found him peacefully sleep as the storm raged. They woke him and asked for help. He faced the storm and said “Peace, be still.” Because this Prince of Peace had perfect peace within him the winds and the waters obeyed and his words were followed by a perfect calm.

When he was facing death on the cross he told his disciples, “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27

Then after demonstrating power over death he appeared to them saying, “Peace be unto you.” John 20:19

Later, when speaking of this peace from Christ, Paul called it, “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding.” Phil 4:7

Indeed, the peace and goodwill predicted by the angels did start with one man, but that was just the beginning. Since the birth of Christ in Bethlehem there have been many others who have been inspired with the birth of the Christ spirit of peace and goodwill in their own hearts and have been doing all in their power to to transmute the friction among their brothers and sisters into peace.

In times like these many wonder where such people are, but they do exist and their numbers and strength are growing for those who have eyes to see.

All people, even the most troubled with ill will have a center within their hearts that can respond to peace and good will and one of the great lessons of Christmas is that we are all reminded of the Prince of Peace and his great words of goodwill. When listening to a Christmas carol even the most hardened heart is at times softened and feels a sliver of hope for the people of earth.

Let therefore all who see themselves as disciples of the Master focus on the good, the beautiful and the true, and become a point of light, goodwill and peace and stand in the love of God until every soul sees the light and the words of the angels become reality.

Peace, peace, my friends and goodwill to all. It is only a matter of time before peace will prevail on the earth. You and I can shorten that time by being points of light and love here and now.

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Our next quality for the disciple to possess is:

(19) Service before personal growth.

The Question:

Why is this such an important quality? To the disciple approaching the path of service it may seem that personal growth will be sacrificed, but is this the case? What are the personal benefits of unselfish service?

For the beginning seeker personal growth is number one, but as one proceeds upon the path something else comes to the forefront. Service to humanity is seen as much more important than the progression of the tiny self.

The average seeker may think that this is an obvious quality and that the majority of seekers endorse this principle. They may in word, but few are able to carry out this principle in deed.


Because we all have an innate desire to make as much spiritual progress as possible. In fact when one first enters upon the path it is sometimes difficult to think or be concerned with anything else. The aspirant desires to climb and learn and progress with almost an obsession at times. He may be happy to rub shoulders with other seekers and share knowledge to a degree, but to serve others at the expense of his learning and progression is often far from his mind.

The Ancient of Days who is the voice for the Planetary Logos set the example for us.

He is a disciple or the Solar Logos and instead of staying in His aura and making further progress in direct learning He sacrificed himself and came to this little unimportant planet to become a Father to developing humanity and guide them until they enter the Kingdom of God.

The Brotherhood teaches thus:

“He turned His back on the Sun and became a Sun to the lesser lives.”

Alice A. Bailey words it well saying this about the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara.

“Under this Law of Sacrifice, Sanat Kumara (to express the idea in occult terms) “must turn His back upon the Central Spiritual Sun, and with the light of His Countenance irradiate the path of the prisoners of the planet.” He sentences Himself to stay for as long as may be needed, “acting as the Sun and light of the planet until the Day be with us and the night of pralaya descends upon His finished task.” Thus and only thus can the light of the Central Spiritual Sun begin to penetrate the dark places of the Earth; when this happens all “shadows disappear”-an occult reference to the all-embracing radiance of the Monad as it absorbs both its reflection, the soul, and its shadow, the personality.

“The initiate, on his tiny scale, achieves a paralleling expression of the Law of Sacrifice; he eventually turns his back upon the courts of Shamballa and upon the Way of the Higher Evolution as he retains his contact with the Earth and works as a Member of the Hierarchy for the extension of the will-to-good among men, and therefore among all the lesser evolutions.”

While it is true that we do concretize much of our learning through service, there is also substantial sacrifice involved.

Keep in mind here that even though we are leaving the age of sacrifice (Pisces) and going into the age of service (Aquarius) that we do not leave sacrifice behind. Instead, we take with us the usable fulfilling aspects of it. In this age sacrifice will be seen more as a payment for goods that will be received in the near future.

The servant disciple may have to go long periods where he has no direct contact with a teacher who will feed him with higher knowledge. He may have no time to read books, learn new skills, attend interesting classes and seminars. The work he is given to do may take close to 100% of his time for some period.

So why do all the great lives on down to human disciples make great sacrifices to serve?

The answer is that service is not a sacrifice as it is defined by ordinary humanity. Instead it is a form a payment that must be made to insure the next great step in the disciple’s progression.

The principle is this. The progression of aspiring entities goes through cycles of learning/receiving followed by service/teaching. After a person finishes a cycle of learning/receiving served by one greater than himself the time comes for him to follow the example of his teacher and move into a cycle of service/teaching. Even if the disciple is dragging his feet and sluggish about changing his mode he is eventually forced into service.

And what is this force?

It is this. When the cycle of learning/receiving and being served is completed his progression comes to a standstill. He may gain facts and knowledge after the cycle and have the illusion of progression, but he comes to realize that the law is that real progression in usable learning cannot continue until he takes what he has gained in the learning cycle and gives it out freely to others who are seeking as he once did in the past. This law of cycles literally forces the disciple to make a decision that takes him into a period of service.

The cycles of giving and receiving will vary. For the beginner they will be short, but as the disciple evolves he enters long and longer cycles. The Ancient of Days has been on this planet in the service mode for over 23 million years (and took human form 18 million years ago) and is committed to stay until “the last weary pilgrim finds his way home.”

After His work is done He will then turn his face toward the sun or Solar Logos and become a student again and go through another long cycle of learning/receiving.

How do we know which cycle we are in? The average person goes through several such cycles in one lifetime and must tune into his inner self and sense the sending or receiving mode. If he feels a passion to teach that is a clue he is in the sending mode, but if he feels a passion to learn that is an indication he is in the receiving mode. If he seems to be drifting with no such passion he is probably between cycles. In this case he must follow the highest he knows and the correct passion will soon come.

We have one more quality to discuss which is:

(20) The acceptance and understanding of freedom.

Notice that we do not just list this quality as freedom, but “the acceptance and understanding of freedom.”

One may ask: “Doesn’t everyone accept freedom?”

No they do not. Freedom is actually a difficult principle to accept and the lesser lives are happy to give most of theirs away for a bowl of porridge.

Even though this is listed last, it is perhaps the defining principle of discipleship. The basic distinction between the light and dark brotherhoods lies in the execution of the principle of freedom.

One of the problems with these controversial issues is that both sides always think they are promoting the highest and best freedom. The truth is there is much illusion associated with freedom and it always manifests on one side of the argument and often appears on both sides.

Glenys spoke wisely when she said: “The attitude seems to be ‘we believe in freedom for all as long as it is our definition of freedom that we’re talking about.”

Let’s take abortion for instance. The conservatives are against it in the name of freedom for the unborn and the liberals support it in the name of freedom for the born.

If one is unbiased he will see the virtues of both arguments but few seem to be objective here.

We are going to explore this important principle in more detail. Question: If both sides of the fence have their arguments for freedom how does one decide which decision to make or which side to take?

Let us take an example. The State decides to increase taxes of the people without their consent and give the money to retired people.

The results are that the people taxed have less freedom, but the retired people have more freedom.

Since one group of people are being given more freedom is the basic principle of freedom being followed here? If not, why?

Outside or Inside?

Chris makes this comment :

“If a string is plucked at a single point, it produces a fundamental vibration. It does not produce harmonics or overtones unless there is further outside interference to the string.”

God is not the plucking of the string, but is in the string, or wavelength and adjusts the vibration by the power of decision. The infinite number of wavelengths are occupied by intelligence just as our bodies have intelligence in them (us). As the lives within the physical bodies (which are also made of wavelengths) produce harmonics and overtones so do all lives on all levels evolve through the small and great vibrating wavelengths.

The reflections of the One Great Life do all the building in the universe with their developing intelligence. The One God experiences through them and thus savors all experiences within the realm of possibility.

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Divine Carelessness


Divine Carelessness

Question: Contemplate this enigmatic phrase and tell us… Why in the world would this be a quality that is looked for? How do you suppose divine carelessness is different from the standard carelessness we see all about us?

Glenys gave us an interesting twist on this phrase. She seemed to present the idea of letting go of our cares as a means of achieving carelessness. In other words, we should not be too attached to our cares nor let the cares of the world interfere with our ability to serve humanity.

This is indeed a quality needed by the disciple and is most probably a part of the multi level meaning of the phrase.

The meaning I was probing for is a little different, however. I was thinking of careless in the normal sense of reckless abandon.

Why then would a disciple ever be careless? Aren’t the qualities we have been discussing those of one who takes care and is balanced and sensible?

The answer is simple. In normal times the disciple is careful, rather than careless, about doing the right thing. But then there comes a time that a fork in the road is reached and a choice is presented. Like the parable in The Immortal the disciple must choose the path on the right, the one on the left or stand still and delay a decision through fear.

Sometimes the disciple is in a situation where neither decision looks good and both paths seem reckless. In this case he must remember the injunction: “the wrong decision is better than no decision.” The disciple makes his best decision and proceeds with a willingness to make corrections when error is revealed, but will continue on the path unless a higher way is revealed.

To his friends and family the disciple may appear to be taking a careless and reckless action, but to the soul he is making a divine move forward from darkness to greater light.

Divine carelessness can also occur when the disciple is faced with a seemingly good decision along with what seems to be a bad one. He could receive a communication through the soul to go with what appears to be a careless choice. Then again the disciple may be facing no particular choice and receive a spiritual communication to follow a path that seems to make little sense. To onlookers it seems that the person is being careless in his choice.

This last circumstance happened to me in a memorable way. Those of you who read The Immortal will remember that I first took note of my wife-to-be when I was teaching a class on handwriting analysis and looked at a sample of her handwriting and realized that she had the qualities that I had always looked for in a companion. Some time later she attended another class I was teaching. As I was preparing to give the lesson I looked down at the audience and noticed her eyes looking at me in anticipation of what I was going to say. There was something about her look that deeply impressed me. I felt from her eyes that she had great faith that I was going to feed her soul with wonderful knowledge and understanding.

I felt wonderful and terrible at the same time. It was wonderful that there was a person in the audience who expected great things of me, but it was terrible that my lesson material was just ordinary stuff and that I might disappoint her.

I paused a moment in thought and decided to trash my entire lesson and searched my mind for something better to teach. As I contemplated, a phrase came to my mind that I had not given much thought to in the past. The phrase was: “divine carelessness.” Something told me to talk on this subject and that is what I did.

As I taught the words freely came to me and as I delivered them I saw Artie’s (my wife’s real name) eyes widen and felt she was absorbing every word with joy. I felt as if there was no one else in the room but her and me. The discourse I delivered was beyond my normal ability and I found myself learning along with the students as I heard some of the teachings coming from my mouth for the first time.

I have always wished I had a tape recording of that class because it was probably the most spiritual presentation I have ever made and after I finished I knew within myself that all souls were fed and were satisfied.

I won’t give all the details, but after the class I talked with Artie and she said to me a phrase I will always cherish: “You made love to our minds,” she said.

Right around this time lightening struck us both at the same instant and we both fell instantly in love. I asked her if she felt something unusual.

She said she did, but wasn’t sure what this instant-in-love feeling meant.

I told her it meant we were going to be seeing more of each other.

Three days later I carelessly proposed to her even though we had never had had one official date together. She weakly resisted, saying that things were happening too fast, but then said yes.

Some of my friends thought that I was being careless and impulsive but because I was following guidance through my soul I knew I was dong the right thing. Now over ten years later (30 years at the time of this edit) I still know I did the right thing and all my friends and family now agree with me.

Rick mentioned that courage ought to be on this list. He is right, but the disciple will have courage on three levels rather than one and the disciple will have to show courage where the correct decision is not so cut and dry.

Let us suppose you are a fireman and you see that a child needs rescued from a burning building. You know there is a certain amount of risk in rescuing the kid, but you enter the building anyway.

This is physical courage and is very admirable, but many people who are not disciples possess it.

Suppose now you are not a fireman, but a regular guy, and have a phobia of fires and are in the same situation. Now in order to save the child you must not only have physical courage, but emotional courage. The emotional fear can be a much larger obstacle than the physical fear.

Now let us go to a third level of courage. You are a fireman again and discover a child in a burning building, but it would not just be risky as before to save the child, but you would be plunging yourself into certain death and chances are the child would die also.

Many thoughts go through your mind. You are at the scene and know the risks much better than any one will after the fire is out. If you do not rescue the child you sense the child’s parents and possibly some other firefighters will think you are a coward. In addition, you will have to deal with your own feelings of failure.

Then you think of your own children who depend upon you and weigh their loss of a father compared to the glory of dying in a fruitless rescue attempt. You painfully decide not to rescue the child.

Think of it… Sometimes it takes the greatest courage to put yourself in a position where others may call you a coward (or some other negative judgment) because they think you have no courage.

On the other hand, you may be in this situation and it appears that a rescue will be certain death and you may hear the voice of the soul telling you to proceed and that you will be protected and the child saved. In this case you will show great spiritual courage by proceeding as you mentally consider the certain doom.

George Washington showed this second type of courage. I do not remember all the details but my memory of reading a biography of him goes something like this.

Washington and his army appeared to be in a no win confrontation with the British and it appeared that the logical thing to do was retreat. This was a tactic that Washington used many times before to save his men so this was the expected move.

Instead, Washington commanded his men to charge the enemy. After the command was issued every single man found himself frozen still in fear and not one of them proceeded forward into what was a great risk.

Washington saw that his men were paralyzed in fear, but he knew from soul communication that they must make the move so he charged the British all alone. As he charged the British hundreds of bullets were shot at him as he rode right up to the British lines and cruised aside them for a while and then rode back to join his men. As he rejoined his men and they saw that bullets had grazed his clothing, but he was unharmed and they felt ashamed for their lack of courage.

Then Washington spoke again: “Do I have to charge them alone again or will you follow?”

This time every single man followed and they won a great victory.

Now the books on Washington did not make any mention of the Spirit or Soul, but it is obvious that he charged the British because his soul gave him assurance and he had the spiritual guts to follow.

Reflecting on true courage as this really makes one even more disgusted with the gutlessness of present leaders doesn’t it?

Even after Washington became President he actually led a regiment in person to take care of the Whiskey Rebellion. That would be comparable to Clinton leading a battalion in an invasion of Kosovo before the peace agreement with him as a prime target. Hard to imagine isn’t it?

Washington did not just perform one or two acts of courage, but many.

Long before the Revolutionary war during the French and Indian War Washington fought so bravely against the Indians that he was thought by some of them to be a God and was known to the Indians as the great white warrior who could not be killed.

Perhaps Washington’s greatest act of courage was his refusal to become a king when the privilege was offered to him. Few men in that age would have had the courage to say no.

To many Washington was just careless and lucky, but to those who know he was divinely careless. Without his divine carelessness this nation just may not be.

Time to proceed to Quality 19 which is:

Service before personal growth.

For the beginning seeker personal growth is number one, but as one proceeds upon the path something else comes to the forefront. Service to humanity is seen as much more important than the progression of the tiny self.

Why is this such an important quality? To the disciple approaching the path of service it may seem that personal growth will be sacrificed, but is this the case? What are the personal benefits of unselfish service?

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Time on our Side


Time on our Side

We are developing quite a list here of qualities of the disciple. Even so, there are many generic goodly qualities that are not included and a number of inclusions here that many have not considered before. Overall this list is a unique, never before itemized exposition of real discipleship qualities.

At first I thought we may cover around a dozen qualities, but when we hit twelve I realized that there were still others that needed to be included. We will quit at twenty qualities and I admit that we still could come up with other’s of importance, but overall I think we have a list of the most important qualities that would be good for all of us to review now and then.

Finally, here is the list of important qualities, concerning which, more could be added.

(1) Soul contact

(2) Holding the mind steady in the light

(3) Detachment when necessary.

(4) The ability to either send or receive

(5) Reflection – contemplation

(6) Talent.

(7) The power to initiate

(8) The ability to create and sense a point of tension.

(9) Willingness to sacrifice

(10) Discernment

(11) Perseverance

(12) Inclusiveness

(13) Harmlessness

(14) Sensitivity

(15) Trust

(16) Balance

(17) Divine Carelessness

(18) Understanding and making efficient use of time

(19) Service before personal growth.

(20) The acceptance and understanding of freedom

The Question which is centered around quality eighteen is:

Understanding and making efficient use of time

How can we become more efficient in time management?

How can we avoid wasting time?

Is it possible to perform more than one task at a time?

What is the principle behind the Sabbath of rest?

Why do you suppose the efficient use of time is a quality looked for by the Great Lives who guide the race of men/women?

As we approach the Aquarian Age this quality is becoming much more essential than it was in times past. A thousand years ago a dedication to the work was more important than the use of time, for many disciples who were dedicated had lots of free time to do their jobs.

Now times have changed and many dedicated disciples are faced with so many demands that the only way to fill them all is to squeeze use out of time in ways that were never dreamed of by the disciples of Jesus who leisurely sat on hills listening to their Master teach.

It is true that earlier disciples faced perils that thankfully we are not facing in the present, but we face multi use stress that we have to overcome and master.

What good is a dedicated disciple who wants to save the world, but just cannot find the time to perform even simple tasks in the service of humanity???

He may be sharp as a tack, high in consciousness, love all people and dolphins, read tons of books, but if the Brotherhood has to put a stake by him to see if he moves anywhere from day to day then all is in vain.

The working disciple will find that one of the main uses of the principle of sacrifice in this age is in the wise juggling of time. He will find he may have to do the following:

(1) Get less sleep than desired.

(2) Sacrifice personal learning and growth so he can have more time to serve.

(3) Sacrifice time that could be spent in earning money to gain time to serve.

(4) Sacrifice fun loving activities to gain hours to serve.

(5) Sacrifice quality relationship time to gain hours to serve.

This type of sacrifice separates the serious disciples from the wanna-bees. Many there are who feel qualified and want to do a great work, but it has to be on their terms at their leisure. The Brotherhood look for disciples who can be trusted to get a job done even if they face almost impossible odds in finding the time.

In addition to sacrificing to gain time the disciple must find extra hours to serve by efficient time management. We will not spend a lot of time on this subject as many fine books have been written on the subject and all servers of the race should be familiar with the basic principles they espouse.

I will just name a couple that may be useful.

Do not scatter yourself too thin. If you have a dozen items that need accomplished one must focus the needed attention on each of the items in order of importance. Perhaps more time is wasted in scattering energies too thin by flitting from one thing to another, than any other thing.

If you have more to accomplish than you have time here is what the time mangers suggest.

(1) Write down all the tasks you have to accomplish.

(2) Number them in order of importance.

(3) Start with number one and keep your focus on it until it is accomplished and then move to number two.

Many people who have switched from randomness to this simple formula have reported a 100% increase in accomplishment.

In the midst of work there will always be one task that will be a main focus of attention. Often it is possible to get the work down so you are on a type of automatic pilot which allows one to put some attention on other tasks allowing the worker to accomplish multiple things at once.

Several of you posted interesting accounts of how you accomplish this in your lives.

Einstein was also a great example of this. He created the Theory of Relativity in the midst of doing his regular work at the Copyright Office. The funny thing is that after he had financial success and had all his time free to devote to science he was never able to come up with such great innovative thoughts as he did when he had to juggle his activities on several levels to create free time.

Circumstances of making a living forced Einstein to put great focus on his efforts to manifest causing the creation of a point of tension that revealed one of the greatest theories of all time. He seemed a little discouraged later in life that he was never able duplicate such an accomplishment. Had Einstein understood the principle of creating the point of tension he may have accomplished even more than he did.

We must learn to be like the early Einstein. If we have to work at a “regular job” to make money then we must look for opportunities to accomplish certain other activities on the side without neglecting our obligatory work.

If you have to do housework and cooking you can listen to tapes, TV or something educational.

One of my favorite times to make use of my time is while driving. I often listen to audio books and find that most of my attention is free to think about the words as my driving is on automatic pilot. True, I miss a turn now and then, but its worth it.

If you are in some type of situation where you are forced to wait, such as a doctor’s office, Laundromat or union hall, you may have difficulty spotting fellow disciples, but you will see definite signs of non-disciples. They will be the ones just sitting there staring into empty space doing nothing with their time. From my observations I would guess that 70-80% of the general populace do absolutely nothing with this valuable waiting time. Then there may be one out of ten reading People Magazine or the National Enquirer. This is better than nothing. Then there will be another one out of ten either sleeping or doing some necessary work such as tending to kids or writing something. Sleeping in spare time is good if it gives you more time and performance later on.

Finally, maybe one out of ten (usually less) will be using this waiting time to read, study or meditate, anything to make maximum use of time.

One of the purposes of the contorted positions in yoga is to teach the student to be able to focus on the inner meditation while the outer form is crying for attention. This is a real aid in teaching the student to make multiple use of time. When the difficult positions become too easy that is the time to switch to other distracting positions to keep the dual discipline sharp.

Disciples today make life their yoga. Is there a lot of noise in the background trying to distract you? Learn to tune it out, as you would ignore your stretching legs in the lotus position, and focus on the goal.

Do you have three kids vying for your attention? Learn to give them what they need while maintaining your inner peace.

Had a fight with your friend, boss or lover? Learn to direct that anger to a harmless place and proceed with your prime direction.

The disciples in the West today have an even more difficult yoga than do those in the east. The number of distractions of the present age are legion and provide opportunities for discipline as never existed before.

Question: What is the principle behind the Sabbath of rest?

The Bible tells us that God created the world in six periods of time and then sat back in the seventh period and looked upon His work and “saw that it was good.”

The true Sabbath is a period of reflection on work performed to see whether or not the work done is taking you in the right direction. If the work is not “good,” then the worker must change direction or start another work that will be good.

If the disciple just plows ahead without stopping to reflect on his work then sooner or later the work will proceed upon a wrong path and disaster will result.

The religions today teach that on the Sabbath we should just cease from work pretty much do nothing, but notice that is not what the God of the Bible did? Notice that in Genesis Chapter Two that God created the Garden of Eden and the physical bodies of man and woman on the seventh day. God continued to work on in to the seventh day, but during this period also took time to reflect to make sure His work was ‘good.”

Even so, must we take whatever time is necessary to reflect on our labors and make sure they are headed the right direction. This is indeed a holy period of time for without it wholeness (holiness) cannot be manifested.

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Why would balance be so essential to the disciple and why would a balanced nature often bring conflict?

Almost all people, with the exception of high disciples and adepts, swing back and forth like pendulums and only take a passing peek at the true midway point as they swing by it.

It is the nature of almost all people to want to take a particular side, left or right, black or white, born again or new age.

What is the reason for this?

The answer: Because they do not have to think. When a particular side is taken there is always a special set of answers peculiar to that side and when one extreme or the other is embraced then one does not have to make any decisions or do any thinking because everything has been pre-formulated.

Because of this tendency to take a side where formula answers exist the majority of people therefore turn into extremists, but because there are so many on each side of the extreme, the extremes seem normal. Where the extreme seems normal the one who has balance seems to be the extreme.

Here is an example

Many people in all religions believe that only this planet supports life. This belief is maintained even though it is the only one little orb in this universe of billions of galaxies with billions of star systems. All the lights in the sky are just for us to look at and enjoy.

When you think of it this is indeed an extreme view not supported by logical or balanced thought.

Many religions believe that a simple declaration of faith will suddenly make them enamored in the eyes of God and He will prepare a blissful place for then for eternity while more pleasant people who do not make the declaration will suffer untold torture for eternity.

Does this idea seem balanced or extreme when you think about it?

Many religious people believe that the earth and universe is only 6-10,000 years old even though there are mountains of evidence against it including the fact that we have spotted galaxies whose light has taken twelve billion years to reach us.

Metaphysical and new age people laugh at the religious extreme, but how about them? Are they also affected? Let’s take a look.

Many believe they are somehow immortal or al least just about immortal. Why? Merely because they believe it to be so or some alien (Zor) is coming to transform them. The question is why would the aliens pick them over a bunch of ranchers in Grangeville, Idaho? Or why would a mere act of belief make them immortal any more than the born againers belief will cart him off to heaven?

We indeed have extremes on both sides of the belief system?

Many believe every teaching they come across that claims to be channeled, even if one teaching contradicts the other. I have met New Agers who believe some channeled material that teaches reincarnation, for example, and then also believe other material that teaches that it is not true.

Is it extremism to believe that two opposing doctrines are both correct? Verily, yes – unless there is some good explanation that tells us of a misunderstanding.

Many believe that they have escaped the world of duality and live beyond polarity in bliss and oneness. But when you think about it your body, as well as the earth around us, are created out of duality. The duality of a positive nucleus circled by negative electrons in the atoms create all our material forms. If we really escape duality then our bodies, this earth and universe would disappear as A Course in Miracles teaches. If we still see the world around us then we are still in duality.

Isn’t it extreme to believe that we are not affected by duality? Yes again. If you do not believe me stick your hand in boiling water and see if the duality affects you. Ask yourself why you even live in a house or apartment which protects you from the dualities of wind, rain and cold.

Thus we see that there are extremists on both sides. And what happens when a balanced person who looks at both sides, makes an independent logical conclusion and tells them his opinion?

If he tells the religious one that he is not saved any more than any other decent person such a one will often become angry, not because of an attack from an extreme position, but because of balanced view.

What happens when a balanced one tells a New Ager that he has not escaped the polarities or that he is not on his last life or that he is not yet physically immortal? Again the extremist will become angry at a balanced point of view.

Thus we see that balance in the disciple often leads to the path of high resistance and much discipline and perseverance is needed to plow through the strange teachings before a small path of real truth is open to view.

Here are the qualities of the disciple mentioned so far:

(1) Soul contact

(2) Holding the mind steady in the light

(3) Detachment when necessary.

(4) The ability to either send or receive

(5) Reflection – contemplation

(6) Talent.

(7) The power to initiate

(8) The ability to create and sense a point of tension.

(9) Willingness to sacrifice

(10) Discernment

(11) Perseverance

(12) Inclusiveness

(13) Harmlessness

(14) Sensitivity

(15) Trust

(16) Balance

We now come to number 17 which is, “Understanding and making efficient use of time.”


How can we become more efficient in time management?

How can we avoid wasting time?

Is it possible to perform more than one task at a time?

What is the principle behind the Sabbath of rest?

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