The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 22

Day 277


The Seed Thought:

When negative emotions are dissipated our physical vehicles will vibrate in much greater harmony with nature and resulting disease will no longer consume us.

It has dawned upon the consciousness of humanity that a polluted physical environment, such as toxins in air, water and food, are detrimental to our health and well-being. Less realized is the effect of the toxins that invade our emotional thinking and feeling nature. These toxins often do more damage than the physical ones.

For instance, you will often see two family members who breath the same air, eat the same food and drink the same water, but one is healthy and the other is not.

Why is this?

Yes, it is true that there may be some other factors besides those affecting the emotional nature, but negative emotional implants are often a significant factor in the difference.

The problem with clearing the emotional self is that the most destructive negative emotions are often disguised as something positive. The most harmful emotions are grievances unexpressed, or not communicated, that fester in the victim until a disease will manifest. The victim often sees the suppression as a virtue because he is avoiding upsetting the sender of the offense.

Unfortunately, the grievance does not go away when suppressed but acts like boiling water in a teapot. The inward pressure keeps increasing until something gives. The victim either explodes and strongly expresses emotion or continues to hold it in and is sapped of vital energy leading to disease.

While those who suppress are in danger of congestive disease such as cancer, those who over react and strongly express emotion are in danger of inflammatory disease.

The seeker must reach a balance and find ways to express himself so a grievance is not held, yet maintain a degree of self control so he does not overreact,

He who holds his emotions in a state of balance and peace takes a major step toward good health. If he also avoids other pollutants and gets reasonable exercise and sunshine the chances of having good health for life are high.

Seed Thought for the Day:

Light can only reveal when a shadow is cast. If you are in space and look through millions of miles of the sun’s rays shining through the void, but with no duality from shadow, there is only blackness.

Much enlightenment can be found by reflecting on light itself.


Day 278

Revealing Light

The Seed Thought:

Light can only reveal when a shadow is cast. If you are in space and look through millions of miles of the sun’s rays shining through the void, but with no duality from shadow, there is only blackness.

If you look up at the sky you will see many stars, but consider this. The light you see from a star has traveled trillions of miles through space without being seen until it hits your eyes. Between you and the star, the photons making up the light still existed, but did not reveal themselves until they lit on your eyes.

If you look up at the sky again, but between the stars, you will see only blackness. Yet a few miles above the atmosphere in that blackness there is a full spectrum of the sun’s rays with enough light to blind the eyes.

Why then do we see blackness instead of light?

Because light is that which reveals in this world of form and its effects cannot be seen unless form interacts with light. Form has contrast and contrast revealed by light create shadows, which makes our 3-D vision possible.

Now there are various types of shadows. A shadow on the moon which has no atmosphere is completely black having no light at all. A typical shadow on the earth only blocks out part of the light because of light refraction in the atmosphere. One could also say the light spectrum which can manifest any color from white light are shades or shadows of a complete light.

When we consider that light is that which reveals then we realize that light goes beyond the physical. Light is also that which reveals to the mind, or our understanding. Teachings that reveal are called enLIGHTened.

We realize our sense of physical sight is precious indeed. Perhaps we should place even more value on our more spiritual sense that perceives greater light and truth. The result of this higher light follows us after death and the results are more permanent.

The words of Solomon come to mind here:

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7

Today’s Seed Thought:

All symbols are neutral until someone interprets them and that interpretation gives them power.


Day 279


The Seed Thought:

All symbols are neutral until someone interprets them and that interpretation gives them power.

If you were to attend a party and come across someone displaying a swastika on his shirt, what do you suppose the reaction of the guests would be?

They would be horrified and avoid the guy like the plague. If anyone did approach him it would most likely be to ask him to leave.

On the other hand, if you were able to go back in time, before World War II and attend such a function you would be in an era where the swastika was seen as a spiritual symbol, even used by the United States military and embraced in the artwork of American Indians as a positive symbol.

It was also in use representing good fortune by numerous European nations such as Denmark, Ireland, Finland and Poland.

Numerous ancient religions used the symbol, often representing divine activity of some sort. The word “swastika” itself comes from the Sanskrit and denotes “conducive to well being or auspicious”.

It is unfortunate that Hitler was able to take a symbol of positive meaning for millennia and alter its meaning in public consciousness to something repulsive, that may never be seen again in a positive light.

The pentagram is another symbol used for good and evil. Many place the five pointed s tar on top of their Christmas tree having nothing but positive feelings about this while others see the five pointed star, the pentagram as a satanic symbol.

Early Christians used it as a symbol of the five wounds of Christ while now they shun it and fundamentalists associate its use with Satanism.

It is difficult for a company or national movement to create a logo without someone accusing them of being in league with the devil because of some perceived hidden meaning.

Despite the fact that the meaning of symbols can be distorted to mean something good or evil – this does not distract from the fact that they can be intelligently deciphered and used as an extremely effective way of communicating.

For instance the Triangle represents the three aspects of the Trinity and the square represents the foundation of the New Jerusalem that links heaven and earth.

All shapes, like all letters of the alphabet, can be placed together to represent the good or evil in the mind of the one creating the message. The seeker must see the symbols in the context of their use and interpret them with judgment rather than in black and white.

Seed Thought of the Day

There is no first cause for cause and effect are eternal. There is only a first cause of a cycle of creation.

There is a lot of food for thought in this statement.


Day 280

First Cause

The Seed Thought:

There is no first cause, for cause and effect are eternal. There is only a first cause of a cycle of creation.

We have often heard philosophers and spiritual leaders speak of a “First Cause.” But when you think about it this cannot be a real event.

Consider this reasoning: If there was such a thing as a “first cause” then before this event there could have been no such thing as cause and effect. If there were no cause and effect then there would have been nothing in existence, not even God. If indeed God or any life exists then cause must also exist because all life creates cause and God would be no exception.

If cause and effect did not exist then there could be no first cause, for cause cannot come from no cause, and effect cannot exist unless there is first a cause.

There is no such thing as a first cause from an eternal perspective for cause and effect is eternal just as the One Great Life we call God is eternal. Lives, great and small, eternally create cause and effect and the natural law of cause and effect expand and enhance the life experience.

All things that have a beginning, including this temporary universe, had a first cause, and hence an ending effect, but before any first cause of the cycle of a planet, a galaxy or universe, there were previous causes.

Cause and effect is the prime law of the universe used by intelligence to create ends to the various cycles in which the good dominates over the evil.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The false teacher will seek to be fed by the sheep. The true teacher will seek to feed them.

This is a simple statement that seems to point out the obvious, but there is more truth here than meets the eye.



Day 281

Good and Bad Shepherds

The Seed Thought:

The false teacher will seek to be fed by the sheep. The true teacher will seek to feed them.

This problem of teachers, gurus, pastors, or, as the Bible calls them, “shepherds”, feeding themselves above assisting the followers is an ancient one. Here is an instance from Old Testament days:

“Woe be to the shepherds of Israel that do feed themselves! should not the shepherds feed the flocks? Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock. … I am against the shepherds; and I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to cease from feeding the flock; neither shall the shepherds feed themselves any more; for I will deliver my flock from their mouth, that they may not be meat for them.” Ezekiel 34:4&10

Jesus also complained about this to the Jewish authorities:

“But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer.” Matt 23:13

Unfortunately, there is a built in temptation facing all those teachers in authority to feed themselves rather than the flock. After all, it is the tendency of the natural man to think of his own comforts above those others. There is also a tendency to see oneself as superior in intelligence and spirituality over the rank and file and thus more entitled to benefits.

If the teacher follows these natural tendencies (which many do) then he will wind up feeding himself above the flock. To pacify the flock he will promote himself as a great benefactor far beyond that which he deserves.

We have all encountered stories of preachers and gurus who have milked their followers of cash and used millions for their own luxury. Among Christians, Jim and Tammy Bakker were a prime example. Among gurus was the Bhagwan of the Rajneesh sect who boasted of owning 93 Rolls Royces while demanding sacrifice from followers.

Payment for the shepherds goes beyond material possessions. Some value prestige and praise above material possessions and seek to nourish their own ego above all else. Many develop a messiah complex and let their followers know in no uncertain terms that they are right up there with Jesus or Moses in importance.

Fortunately, there are a few teachers who have resisted the natural tendency, made soul contact, and have used the power of spiritual will to negate the natural inclination to inflate ego or pocketbook at the followers expense.

These see themselves as fellow travelers with their students and realize that helping them also helps themselves move forward and thus can sustain the moving forward of the group seeing oneself as being one in a chain linked together.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Because of wrong focus, the only way the soul can get our attention is through pain. He who suffers great distress must ask what Higher Intelligence is attempting to teach him.

Have you suffered great distress before? What did you learn from the experience?


Day 282

Right Focus

The Seed Thought:

Because of wrong focus, the only way the soul can get our attention is through pain. He who suffers great distress must ask what Higher Intelligence is attempting to teach him.

The key phrase in this thought is, “Because of wrong focus.” If our focus is where it should be and our attention is directed to listening to the inner voice then the soul will not have to use extraordinary measures to get our attention.

Unfortunately, it is the nature of us flawed human beings, even seekers of enlightenment, to take the easy path and listen to the outer voices over the inner.

Just imagine the choice the seeker has when his doctor tells him to take a certain drug or treatment that the Higher Self sees as destructive. Which voice is easier to register and speaks louder to his consciousness? If the doctor places great fear of health or even death in his mind then that creates a voice that calls the seeker to attention much more than the soul. To obey the voice of the soul in such a circumstance requires three things:

(1) The seeker must have heard the voice enough times to be aware when it is speaking.

(2) The seeker must have tested the voice in the past so he knows it is reliable.

(3) He must be willing to follow the voice.

If the soul attempts to communicate with the individual and he refuses to tune in and listen then the soul will withdraw and let him learn of his bad decision through the pain which will naturally occur because of his chosen path.

Then there are other times that the pilgrim reaches a point where a certain direction needs to be taken for him to learn his next lesson. The guy just is not paying attention and continues in his old familiar paths. Because this next step is necessary if he is to move forward in his progression the soul will speak as loudly as it can through the inner voice, through dreams and though signs appearing in his life.

Unfortunately, at one time or another, most of us go through a period where we just ignore all these attempts of the soul to communicate. When such a dead end is reached the soul then decides to apply more drastic measures. It may create an accident, a disease or painful personal situation that the seeker just cannot ignore. Even here many an individual does not get the point and continues in his old ways.

If this ignorance continues then the soul will tighten the screws even more until the pain increases to be almost unbearable. Finally the seeker will look up to the skies and exclaim in anguish, “Why, God!!!”

At this point the soul will see an opening and do its best to send a message.

If the seeker listens and responds he can then change direction (repent) and follow a path that will lead him away from the pain to the peace that passes all understanding.

If he continues to ignore the voice he is in danger of increased suffering while blaming God and rejecting all things spiritual and following a dark path.

Thus let the seeker be aware, listen and follow the voice that leads to progress and peaceful pastures.

Seed Thought of the Day:

There is no such thing as giving and getting nothing in return. There is always a return, but not always in kind.

Is it wrong to give with the thought of getting something back?


Day 283

The Karma Bank

The Seed Thought:

There is no such thing as giving and getting nothing in return. There is always a return, but not always in kind.

In the past when I have taught this principle some have replied that we shouldn’t even be thinking about such a thing. They criticize me for even bringing up this principle, as if it is wrong to think about it.

The truth is that it is never wrong to reflect on true principles, even though that truth may be offensive to some. Truth is never offensive when it is understood and placed in its right perspective in relation to the whole.

Should we only give because we will get some material benefit?

Of course not. If all only gave when a physical return is immediate or obvious then no one would give blood, we wouldn’t give to charities and no one would help the homeless and the hungry.

Do we need a selfish motive in order to give?


Do we need a motive?

Of course. We do nothing without first being motivated.

So what is the motive for those who sacrifice time or money to help others?

Basically it is because it is the right thing to do.

And why are we motivated to do the right thing?

Even when we examine this answer we come back to self interest. Here are some answers to that question.

(1) The God of my religion demands generosity and if I do not assist others I may go to hell or at best offend God.

(2) I feel guilty if I do not help others in need. Giving makes me feel better.

(3) Being a big giver increases my status with associates.

(4) Giving makes everything better for everyone including myself.

There is some interest in every decision we make, even if it is merely expressed in the good feeling we receive, vs. a bad feeling if we turn away a plea for help.

So, if we give – is all we can expect back is a good feeling about it?

No. There is a universal law of cause and effect. The good feeling you get from giving is a bonus. In addition to this your giving creates ripples in the waters of karma that builds up momentum and brings back to you benefits in life when you need them. If you give $100 you may not receive back exactly that amount, but someone may stop and help you when your car breaks down and the help will be worth more than $100 in your mind.

It is a scientific fact that a cause must produce effect. It helps the seeker to understand that his good works are like putting money in the bank of karma. If he understands this he can lose himself in giving, not worry about the payback, but realizing that he is laying the foundation of a happy existence for himself and others.

Seed Thought of the Day:

The most common misuse of authority lies in making you think you are not being manipulated when you are totally manipulated.

Have you been, or are you currently being manipulated?


Day 284


The Seed Thought:

The most common misuse of authority lies in making you think you are not being manipulated when you are totally manipulated.

How can one be controlled and manipulated yet be totally oblivious to what is occurring? It happens much more often than you may think.

The mob mentality is the most obvious example. If a mob gathers that starts fires, breaks windows and overturns cars it will gather many people gleefully joining with the bedlam who are otherwise peaceful. On their own they would not consider breaking the window of a struggling business, but when identifying with the mob this suddenly seems like a good idea.

This mob mentality extends on a number of levels to everyday humans and even influences us toward benevolent activity as well a malevolent. For instance, an individual may have no inclination to give to a certain charity, but when he finds out that all his friends are giving to it he decides to join the crowd and also give.

This mob mentality expressing itself through acceptable channels is often called “groupthink.” Overseeing groupthink are always a handful of decision makers at the top who decide that which is acceptable for the group to embrace. This is handled in such a way that the individual believes he is thinking his own thoughts when he is really following implanted instructions. If the implants were something different his thinking would also be different, but to this he is oblivious.

For instance. a member of a church or political party may think he independently embraces all their ideology when he is actually responding to implants that tell him what to think.

This reminds me of a time a friend asked a true blue Mormon what he thought of a concept not covered by standard Mormon doctrine. The guy appeared somewhat confused and finally responded:

“I’m not sure, Let me check with my Bishop to find out what I think.”

Now that is an honesty that you do not get everyday, but this subtle attitude occurs in all groupthink. This is illustrated in amusing interviews circling around where the subject is asked what he thinks of (a politician he likes) statement on a subject. He is then given a quote from the guy he hates, but totally accepts and defends it. This also works in reverse.

Instead of thinking for himself the unwitting subject is just a foot soldier for the acceptable guy, right or wrong.

The seeker must continually check with his thinking process to make sure he arrives at conclusions through his own reasoning rather than an implant from someone else.

Today’s Seed Thought:

You are intelligence in matter, which is your body. It is logical then that the body we call Earth correspondingly has great intelligence manifesting through its elements.

Use the Law of Correspondences discussed earlier to see where it takes you here.


Day 285

Intelligence In Matter

The Seed Thought:

You are intelligence in matter, which is your body. It is logical then that the body we call Earth correspondingly has great intelligence manifesting through its elements.

The most common view of God is that He/She/It is a living Spirit that exists everywhere in the universe. In other words, God is omnipresent. Some type of omnipresence is taught by most any religion that can be found.

The seeker needs to follow this idea of omnipresence to its ultimate conclusion, which is this.

If God is omnipresent then Its life dwells within the form of a galaxy, a sun, a planet, a human, a cell or an atom.

Yet many scientists disagree and tell us that there are just two types of matter – organic and inorganic. The earth is mostly inorganic and the other planets seem to be 100% inorganic so the idea that they an house any type of inherent life is not scientific. They say that matter itself does not have consciousness.

You don’t say.

Are you not in a physical body made of all types of matter?

Do you have consciousness?

Then, are you not an example of consciousness in matter?

Therefore, if consciousness can exist at one place in matter then is there any reason that it cannot exist in other places, like a planet or sun or instance?

Then among organic life forms we see that life operates in different time frames. When photographing plants using time lapsed photography we see that plants move in various directions depending on outside stimuli, similar to a way that a human might, but at a different reckoning of time.

Is it not possible then that the life and consciousness of a planet, or the universe itself, is centered in a different rate of time? For instance, some esoteric thinkers tell us that a heartbeat for earth takes about 25,000 years. If we could do super time-lapse photography for the earth or solar system we may be surprised at the conscious life that would be revealed.

I submit that the life of God is indeed omnipresent and life is everywhere, even in what is called inorganic matter.

Seed Thought of the Day:

Eat too much unnatural processed food and get unnatural manmade problems and disease.

For the next section in this series (Part 23) go HERE.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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