McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 23

This entry is part 23 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007

White Magic

JJ: I will just touch some of the basics of “The Treatise On White Magic.” This was the first book by Alice A. Bailey that I had read all the way through. It is not the first book that I bought though. I had just returned from a mission from the Mormon Church. I was 21 years old and going to college in Moscow, Idaho. About 30 miles south is a town called Lewiston and I was exploring a used bookstore there. The bookstore owner came up to me because he realized the books I was looking at was in the weird section or whatever. I have always been interested in unusual material from time I was 6.

Anyway he takes this book off the shelf and says, “You would probably be interested in this book.” It was “Letters On Occult Meditation” by Alice A. Bailey. Now for a guy raised in a fundamental religion the word “occult” is normally a turn-off but for some reason it attracted me and I thought, well it does sound interesting so I will look through it.

Then I looked through the list of all the books published by Alice A. Bailey. I saw “A Treatise On Cosmic Fire” and I thought, what in the world is that? A Treatise on White Magic, A Treatise on the Seven Rays, These were fanciful sounding titles and it would be interesting to see what these books are about. So I bought the book on meditation and I took it home sat down, opened up and read about 3 or 4 pages and I thought, whoa! For one thing I got to the part about reincarnation which challenged me for the church taught that reincarnation was the doctrine of the devil. I thought, “Even though this writer believes in reincarnation, this person really sounds like she knows what she is talking about more than any philosophical writing I have ever read.”

For some reason I told myself that I was not ready to read it yet, so I closed it up and put it on the shelf. It stayed there for about three years. Then I was in another bookstore about three years later in Portland and I was browsing through the books and I was kind of at a low point in my life and I looked up and saw The Treatise on White Magic and I thought, “I am going to buy this book.” It was a lot more reading than the book on meditation and I was going to read it all the way through and see what the teachings were all about. I had been thinking about it for three years now and I thought I was ready to read one of the books all they way through at that time.

So I bought that book, went home and forced myself to read it. When I first started reading it, it did not make any sense and I was little bit like Annie and I thought maybe I would learn a little magic from this book thinking of the common understanding of what we think magic is. As you read along you think, well where is the magic?

Audience: Laughter

JJ: But anyway, as I read along I found a couple points that stimulated my interest and agreed with a number of principles that I had learned on my own and by the time I had finished the book I closed it and said I was going to read everything she has ever written because this is the highest knowledge that I have ever read and from that point on I was hooked on the Alice A. Bailey material. My book on White Magic is so worn out that it does not even have a cover on it anymore.

The question we might ask is, what is white magic? If white magic is not what Annie and I were expecting when we first sat down and read it then what is white magic and why is it called magic? The answer is partially revealed in that rule that Annie said was her favorite and is mine also, Rule # 8,

“The Agnisuryans respond to the sound. The waters ebb and flow. Let the magician guard himself from drowning at the point where land and water meet. The midway spot, which is neither dry nor wet, must provide the standing place whereon his feet are set. When water land and air meet there is the place for magic to be wrought.”

Where water land and air meet… visualize this spot in your mind. Now we have a bunch of water out there and then we have land and air. They all meet in a spot that is neither wet nor dry – visualize this in your mind – where is that spot, where magic occurs? It is hard to visualize a place where land water and air meet which is neither wet nor dry. It is not a spot that you can really touch with your finger is it? This is the place where soul contact is made. And where soul contact is made, you bring down the magical powers of the soul and magic does occur and it is not magic as we think of it. You kind of think that when most people first buy a book like this – they are probably thinking of tricks like a common magician might do but the ultimate white magician according the Bailey books and the Master Djwhal Khul who authored them through her was…? Who was the Ultimate magician?

Audience: Christ

JJ: Jesus, yes, Jesus was the Greatest White Magician in our recorded history for he did many magical things. He turned water into wine, walked on water, healed the sick, raised the dead, had a resurrection, He did a lot of interesting magical things. Now none of us are as accomplished as Him but we can still do the magical works of the soul. When we had our healing session some people felt energy come down and enter into them and it produced some results. Some had more results than others because of that point which is neither wet nor dry, where land, air and water meet within them.

Water is symbolic of the soul, land is symbolic of physical reality, and air is symbolic of the mind and also the higher worlds. So where the three worlds meet within us is that point where soul contact can be made and magical things can occur. I have seen magic occur sometimes in my life and then other times I have been somewhat frustrated and when I really wanted the magic to occur it did not occur. There are so many things behind whether or not a miraculous event occurs. For instance in healing, the person’s karma, the person’s belief system, the blockage that is within him, the lessons that he has to learn all kinds of things, but every once in a while you have the magical flow of the soul occur and the energy happens and a genuine miracle will occur. How many here have heard me tell about the miracle of the quarters? I told somebody, was it you?

Audience Female member: Yes

JJ: Do you mind if I tell it again?

Audience female member: Not at all!

JJ: Do you know why I want to tell it again? Because I just found two quarters in my shower not ten minutes ago! Laughter!

Audience: I had a toad jump out from underneath me in the shower on one of the wooden things in there! Then I looked down and there was another one and he jumped at me!

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Provocative Quotes


Provocative Quotes from JJ Dewey

  1. There is nothing too good to be true. Nothing can be withheld by those who persevere.


  1. Life is but a flicker of light between two eternities.


  1. Follow the highest you know in darkness and in light; Soon your next step will be revealed to you.


  1. When the extreme seems normal the one who has balance seems to be the extreme.


  1. The fact that we exist, or that God or anything exists, is the greatest miracle of all, and boggles the mind of the highest initiate.


  1. In the end, love is One, but in its discovery it is many.


  1. None of us want disease and pain, but disease and pain are often caused by what we want.


  1. If a teaching just seems to make no sense do not trust it until it does make sense.


  1. Evil is that which pulls us backward in evolution and good is that which pushes us forward.


  1. The true glory of accomplishment is in initiation, not imitation.


  1. Be still, reach into the silent place, and know who you are.


  1. In the higher realms 1+1=1


  1. Truth is spiritual wherever it is found. There is no such thing as spirituality without truth.


  1. True freedom is not imposing your will on others so you can have what you want. It is creating maximum freedom for all, often at the dismay of those in power.


  1. Light dispels darkness but darkness cannot dispel light. Even so truth, revealed and understood, obliterates that which is false.


  1. Words and other forms of earthly communication veil truth, even if they come from God.


  1. Once the seeker reaches that point where he is totally dedicated to following the highest he knows, then illusion must be dispelled or he will become dangerous.


  1. What good is a nail if it is never used to create something of which it is just a part? What good is the selfish one who never merges in an act of love?


  1. He who listens to the inner voice can find more truth in the National Enquirer than one who is in illusion can find in the Bible.


  1. Every possibility is manifest somewhere and every possible experience that can be lived is being played out somewhere. You as an individual are going through an experience unique to yourself, slightly different from any other life in the Universe.


  1. God needs all Its creations for Itself to be complete for the ALL is God, not the All minus one.


  1. Many of those accepted by the masses as authorities today will be equated by future generations with the flat earth believers of yesterday.


  1. What better way is there to learn than from experience? — To painfully experience the effects of our own causes forces us to stare reality in the face.


  1. The real path forward in spiritual evolution will demand all the talents, intelligence and strength the seeker has to successfully complete the journey. If you are not being challenged then you are doing something wrong.


  1. People can insult me all they want and I will just move forward as if the insult does not exist. Why give your power away to another person? Reacting to a perceived insult as if it diminishes you in any way merely empowers it and diminishes yourself, making you a victim of your own making.


  1. There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who have a sense of humor and those who do not. My true friends are in the first category and those I avoid are in the second.


  1. It may take a thousand facts to create the understanding of one principle, but one principle can reveal a thousand facts.


  1. To say that life is unfair is to say that God is unfair. When all things are considered throughout the life of the soul, all is fair.


  1. If a teacher is right about everything, and you believe and follow the teachings without confirmation from within, you have found nothing.


  1. The principle of freedom is a key that must be understood before one can make a conscious decision for the path of light.


  1. To all politicians. Don’t just make empty promises for the future. Tell us what you have done and are doing and thinking now.


  1. To all politicians. Please tell us the truth, not just what you think we want to hear.


  1. To all politicians. I know you say you are working hard, but please take a break. You are often doing more harm than good.


  1. To all politicians. Please vote according to the will of the people, not the party bosses.


  1. To all politicians. Give yourself and us a break. Support term limits.


  1. To all politicians. We do not want Catholic, Mormon, Protestant, Buddhist or Muslim leaders being given the stage of authority from you or the UN to lecture to us.


  1. Observation

99.9999% of Facebook fans love animals.

Maybe someday we’ll agree on the other stuff.


  1. Understanding and dealing with your weaknesses and limitations is a key to unlimited power.


  1. A stopped clock is right twice a day.

That is twice as reliable as Congress.


  1. There’s the easy way and the hard way, or the way that produces little contrasted with real productivity.


  1. The person who can’t come up with good solutions to every-day simple problems ought to consider that he could be wrong on the big stuff as well.


  1. As below, so above but with a divine and rational twist.


  1. The person in your life who irritates you the most is your greatest teacher.


  1. Don’t trust a person who cannot answer a simple yes or no question.


  1. Ask anyone if they are open minded and they will say yes. Then quote a politician that is not a member of his or her party. You can bet it will be rejected instantly.


  1. If the zealot holds sacred the idea that 2+2=5, then the one who says 2+2=4 is the enemy.


  1. Happiness is found in the quest for good, the beautiful and the true. Peace and rest are yours when they are achieved.


  1. Those preaching religious or political truth generally only see a tiny piece of a jigsaw puzzle when thinking they have the whole picture.


  1. There is a religion of peace. It is found deep in the human heart.


  1. 99% believe they are thinking out of the box while less than 1% do.


  1. Those who believe they are thinking out of the box usually just move to a different spot within the box


  1. When awakened from sleep the dreamer still exists but with greater awareness than before. Then at death we wake again to a greater more real existence.


  1. The greatest evidence for life after death is the fact that you cannot imagine yourself as blinking out of existence for eternity and being as if you never were.


  1. It is a much greater act of love to show understanding than it is to attempt to set another straight.


  1. One act of helpfulness shows more love than a thousand prayers.


  1. True humility is recognizing your true abilities and acting accordingly.


  1. Even the hardened atheist will sense the presence of Divinity when witnessing the birth of his or her own child.


  1. He who takes offense when no offense is intended is the one creating the problem.


  1. Where you witness humor that makes people of all beliefs laugh, there you see light.


  1. Global warming definitely exists. Political hot air, anger and emotional heat are on the rise everywhere.


  1. One of the main differences between the light and dark side is a sense of humor.


  1. “Who do you think you are?” is a mantra from the dark side to discourage the seeker.


  1. It is impossible to feel hate, anger or despair in the midst of laughter from harmless humor.


  1. Truth is my religion, reason is my politics, love is my God, freedom is my sword and light is my path.


  1. True inclusiveness looks far beyond skin color to the hearts of people of all beliefs to find common threads to bring them together without infringing on free will.


  1. Look not for Christ to come in the clouds of heaven, but first seek him in your own heart and reveal him through your deeds. Others will then see the Lord of Love coming amidst the clouds and fog of humanity.


  1. Many of those who preach most strongly against hate totally hate and despise those they label as haters.


  1. Thought is more powerful than action, for thought precedes action.


  1. If we are truly in the image of God then we must seek the answers to suffering from within ourselves.


  1. He who cannot see shades of gray cannot see the full truth.


  1. Any time there are two choices before us one is always better than the other. If we do not make the choice then our lives will be controlled by the choices of others, which is a type of slavery by default.


  1. Some people are like wild animals. You can appreciate them as fellow souls, but need to stay out of their way.


  1. All truth is logical once it is understood.


  1. If you follow a belief system that requires you to accept that which is not logical or reasonable – that is not faith but gullibility.


  1. There is no such thing as hard work for one who works at what he loves.  


  1. It takes as much intelligence to come up with the right questions as it does to recognize the right answers.
  1. When negative emotions are dissipated our physical vehicles will vibrate in much greater harmony with nature and resulting disease will no longer consume us.


  1. Light can only reveal when a shadow is cast. If you are in space and look through millions of miles of the sun’s rays shining through the void, but with no duality of shadow, there is only blackness.


  1. All symbols are neutral until someone interprets them and that interpretation gives them power.


  1. There is no first cause for cause and effect are eternal. There is only a first cause of a cycle of creation.


  1. The false teacher will seek to be fed by the sheep. The true teacher will seek to feed them.


  1. Because of wrong focus, the only way the soul can get our attention is through pain. He who suffers great distress must ask what Higher Intelligence is attempting to teach him.


  1. There is no such thing as giving and getting nothing in return. There is always a return, but not always in kind.
  1. The most common misuse of authority lies in making you think you are not being manipulated when you are totally manipulated.


  1. You are intelligence in matter, which is your body. It is logical then that the body we call Earth correspondingly has great intelligence manifesting through its elements.


  1. Eat too much unnatural processed food and get unnatural manmade problems and disease.


  1. The first cause of this universe was the DECISION of the One Life to reflect Itself without limitation and the first effect was the innumerable reflections, you and me.” 


  1. There is no such thing as infinity. If there were the universe could not be expanding. There is a number to everything.


  1. The greatest gift that one person can give to another is to have that love which is within the soul of one, light the soul of another, like the passing of a candle.


  1. If you hear a report you do not like, do not shoot or attack the messenger, but investigate the message. Your preconceived notions could be wrong.


  1. Who says there is no intelligent design? Billions of intelligent humans over thousands of years have been trying to duplicate the human body, and cannot equal the intelligence in its design, or even a single organ as they eye, or a single cell within the eye, or a single atom within the cell. They cannot even reverse engineer these creations.


  1. Insanity is when you disagree with reality

Justice is when realty bites.

Happiness is when reality is embraced.


  1. If we expect truth to verify all our desires, we develop a mindset that becomes an enemy to truth.


  1. The language of the soul is the communion of true principles


  1. The desire for the truth must be the only desire in the consciousness, as the truth is sought.


  1. Good must co-exist with evil to have meaning, just as light needs the darkness of a shadow to be seen.


  1. All souls divine, not seen by the blind,

Are found by love, leaving no one behind.


  1. Do not be afraid, it is I, grab my hand

A fellow traveler responds, Love takes a stand.


  1. Just talking about love, defining love, proclaiming love, mystifying love, magnifying love, writing of love, romancing love, idealizing love, etc., does not hold a candle to one real act of love.


100. Unquestioned, unproven or unearned authority is always a destroying energy.


 101. Answers to prayers can be very disturbing if one is not thoughtful about what is asked.


102. Follow the highest you know in darkness and in light.


103. When one is filled with love and is receiving love he will never give up his journey on the path.


104. The Ark of the Covenant represents that secret place within you where the Spirit of God, and Christ consciousness is found. Within all human beings is available all knowledge written by the finger of God. 


105. Since we all have the knowledge of God available within us, the only reason we need a teacher is to remind us to ask questions and search for the truth – not to be the truth for us.


106. When love is truly demonstrated, it does not have to be mentioned.


107. All of us know what love is when we feel it and when we feel it we do not need anyone to explain it to us.


108. Every creation and life in the universe is a center from which all things in its periphery must be discovered.


109. Those I meet who think success and achievement are easy are the most unsuccessful people I know.


110. When the world around you seems to fall apart after it seems that you have given your all, what should you do?

Give some more.


111. To unlearn is to learn and before we do we must often undo, else our efforts are in vain.


112. Everything that happens to us individually and collectively occurs because of our decisions or decisions made by others for us.


113. One of the main causes of depression is in the avoiding of difficult decisions that must be faced.


114. Give love and acceptance to all and you will have all the love and acceptance that you can handle.


115. The Will of God extends forever

It reaches to all and never says never.


116. You can dispel hate with love, but you cannot eliminate love through hate.


117. Those who focus on an end of the world apocalypse often create an underlying energy that leads to the end of their personal world in disaster.


118. Each life, or center of consciousness, great or small, is of sublime importance to itself and therefore of great importance to God.


119. No great truth will come without effort. We must seek it in our quiet moments. As we become sensitive to the inner voice we will all discover truth in some odd places.


120. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. Even Jesus was rejected because he was seen as a flawed character.


121. It is true that we all have illusions to unravel and one illusion is often replaced with another illusion that contains less distortion than the old one. None of us knows all truth but all of us know many things that are true. Putting the pieces we call truth together so an accurate picture of reality is formed is the great quest.


122. You cannot prove spiritual reality to the concrete mind, but your inner spiritual self can recognize all truth.


123. The inner voice must be awakened by focused attention.


124. Praise be to the Father-Mother God

Who hears the prayer of the poor and the despised

Yet neglects not the heart of the exalted and the honored

Whose Spirit descends to the tiniest atom

Yet ascends to embrace the universe

Who created time for us

Yet dwells in eternity

This is our Source

To whom all souls return.


125. Only by descending into the darkest depths can the fullness of love and light become known.


126. It is difficult for us to clarify with our consciousness that which lies outside our consciousness.


127. The inner spirit only recognizes that which is true and does not see error. Therefore the soul vibrates positive for us when truth is spoken or presented.


128. Never substitute the master within for a master without.


129. There are certain words stimulating thought that take the ear back to the vibration of spirit that cannot be corrupted. These are called, “Eternal Words.”


130. If we try to solve the equations of the higher realms instead of our basic lessons, we will neither know the mysteries of the higher or be able to live successfully in the lower. What this leads to is the seeker becoming the dreamer within the dream rather than the knower waking from the dream.


131. 5 things we would be better off without

(1) Reality shows

(2) Most politicians

(3) Incessant barking dogs

(4) The politically correct police

(5) The Walking Dead on TV and in real life.

(6) Someone disturbing your dinner shouting Allahu Akbar


132. I cannot alter the will of God, or even the whims of fate, but can adjust my mind and heart to create a positive outcome


133. I decide therefore I am becoming

I act, thus I live

I love and this gives me purpose.


134. You are an authority on yourself more than anyone else. Do not let anyone else define who you are.


135. Creation begins with thought, then contemplation, next a feasible plan, then the plan into words and finally the words into sustained action.


136.  Those who rely upon the outer authority reject the idea of going within or even using their mind to verify that which they have received from without. This causes a blanket of darkness to fall upon the blind follower.


137. True peace comes not through suppressing dissent, but in allowing conflict to be resolved through maximum freewill.


138. One who reveals true principles that register with soul is a much more valuable teacher than one who has memorized the entire Wikipedia.


139. Thought is the language of the gods

Music is the language of the soul

Love is the language of the heart

Reason is the language of the mind

Without these, words are meaningless


140. The higher nature can fulfill the lower but the lower cannot fulfill itself.


141. The most potent control happens when the person does not realize he is being controlled and the strongest prison is that where the prisoner thinks he is free.


142.  We make many course corrections by steering just driving down the block. Even so, must we make many corrections as we drive through life, else we wind up in the ditch.


143. As the seeker transverses the valley of the shadow of death in the blackest pitch, a hand extending love or light is seen with overwhelming joy that could not be experienced in the light of day.


144. Human nature always wants the easy way and just wants to be told the answer by some authority instead of being forced back upon their own souls.


145. Brain activity is not thinking.


146. When a better way is initiated, the dumbest thing to do is not follow.


147. The greatest treasures are hidden in plain sight.


148. The liberation of the human spirit comes through questioning of authority and all the world holds as established truth and sacred. Stare their false gods of illusion in the face and laugh. You will be rewarded with higher knowledge as well as the hatred of the devotees.


149. Being able to give weight to a teacher’s words is important because if that teacher is truly inspired then you also can be inspired by his words.


150. Take those concepts that are embraced by the authorities of the world and look in the opposite direction. There you will find gems of truth.


151. We may look at the problems in the world and feel overwhelmed, but if each helps those within his or her circle of influence the world will be healed.


152. All blessings are made for the pure of heart

Who are willing to share in whole or in part.


153. A work of light is never destroyed by its enemies, but by its friends.


154. Most people find what they are looking for rather than finding the truth.


155. It is not a coincidence that we have many hidden messages within the words commonly in use.


156. True enlightenment is found, not by retreating into the self, but by taking the highest you know and radiating it in the service of others.


157. It is much easier to distort a true teaching than it is to be a true teacher.


158. The key word for harmony is ‘acceptance.’ Accept harmless differences and see the divine at play in each other’s roles. Remember, to accept does not necessarily mean to embrace.


159. He who denies the existence of a truth because it sounds negative strengthens the veil of illusion that already embraces him.


160. If you contemplate the lesser lives within your own body, you can sense their desire to know you, and in a sense you are a god to them and they seek to be one with their god. Their god also should seek to be one with them. This is one of the secrets of perfect health.


161. As a general rule, when you have twelve or more supporters of a plan, and then stress occurs, you are going to see a Judas or Benedict Arnold surface.


162. It is not the learning of true facts that is an indication of spiritual evolution. Instead, it is the power to perceive truth and act upon it.


163. The committed love relationship is the highest form of schooling on the earth.


164. People today are attracted to the safety of the status quo and strong personalities more than ideas.


165. Thoughts are seeds that sprout and grow, so plant well and water with goodwill so your fruit will be desirable.


166. All seekers feel a desire to find their true home, not one that is physical, but spiritual.


167. When one has established firm soul contact it becomes almost impossible to take offense. The offense becomes like the roar of a lion at the zoo and may make one smile.


168. If offense is taken from the words of one who means no harm it is usually because the other party is offended at simple truth.


169. It is impossible for two people experiencing spiritual contact together to not reach agreement, for Truth, Spirit and Soul are One in the Mind of God.


170. When we focus on the material side that has no relation to the inner Spirit, then the vision goes out of focus and the two remain two.


171. True equality can only be achieved through seeing truth together, not partisan emotional conclusions.


172. Truth is found by looking for truth and basking in light, not focusing on error which darkens the mind.


173. You may be an old soul if…

  1. You feel like your real home is somewhere else.
  2. You are always interested in learning new things.
  3. You understand both sides of an argument.
  4. You have great empathy for those who suffer.
  5. You are generous.
  6. You are creative
  7. You have had personal experiences that convince you of existence beyond the material world.
  8. You love discussing philosophy
  9. You draw to yourself intelligent friends.
  10. Free time is of more value to you than free money.
  11. You are slow to criticize, quick to praise.
  12. You live and let live.


174. Give Yourself a Break!

We know we should be generous to others but also you should give gifts regularly to yourself, such as:

  • Time to relax and recharge
  • Time with good friends
  • Good food and drink
  • Something enjoyable or fun.
  • Something that stimulates your mind
  • Something that enlivens your heart.
  • Something that gives you purpose.

A person worn out and tired is of little use to himself or others.


175. Common people may not be so common. Many of us have a good friend that is more interesting and intelligent than anyone rich or famous that we know.

176. It is a big mistake in relationships to hold back emotionally for fear of hurt. This limits the amount of love that can be shared.


177. Total fulfillment and invulnerability cannot come in relationships unless one is willing to share all and become emotionally vulnerable.


178. Average people only embrace truth that agrees with their dogma and hate the rest. An enlightened mind embraces all truth that crosses his path.


179. People either love truth and hate deceit or love deceit and hate truth.

180. Harmony in the Mind, Peace in the Heart, and Strength in Numbers


181. Many animals are more human than some humans and a few of both make the angels smile.


182. True love means you know your companion will be there for you.


183. If you have not yet shouted with the greatest joy as well as cried with the deepest sorrow you are far from finished on the path of life.


184. Some people talk of a benevolent dictatorship. There is no such thing.


185. Quit seeing the worst in what people say and give them the benefit of the doubt.

186. To correctly assess your place on the spiritual path is a great accomplishment. Then you can see the next step to be taken.


187. Five Things to do today:

(1) Learn something new.

(2) Tell someone you love them

(3) Give someone honest praise.

(4) Go beyond expectations of being helpful

(5) Bring a smile on someone’s face.


 188. Five Things to quit

  1. Posting mean-spirited and distorted political attacks on Facebook to half your friends who do not agree with you and do not want to hear them. It’s not so bad posting positive support for your candidate, but stay away from insulting our intelligence. Move to a political forum where you will be welcomed.2. Asking for likes. If your post is good we’ll give you a like without being asked.
  2. Name calling. It makes you look mean spirited and doesn’t help your case.
  3. Quit taking yourself and what people say seriously. No one is out to get you.
  4. Quit paying attention to what the tofu crowd says is politically correct. Say what you think, when you want and how much you want. Let the chips fall where they may. Enjoy the fallout.


189. I know it’s fun to talk about theory and ideas that we can never prove true or false in this physical reality, but the time comes in the lives of all seekers where practical work and progress must be made. Such work must be demonstrated in the eyes of all, believers and non-believers.


190. When one puts attention on seeing that which is true, instead of false, he is taking the inner right-hand path. His attention on that which is true moves him in the direction of this path and pushes him forward to truth after truth, greater light after greater light.

191. The Eternal Now is not simple timelessness as many teach, but an eternal consciousness that is behind time creation and selection.


192. Plant a seed of helpfulness that will grow and light the way to full realization of love. Unless this happens the seeker is in danger of substituting selfish desire for a spiritual love once sensed.


193. You either make decisions that create your life, or someone else does it for you.


194. The Quest

To find the best glass of wine

To find the best cup of coffee

To find the best slice of cheese

To find the best life companion

To find the best of friends

To find the highest truth

To help the greatest number of people

To have the best of times

To maintain a clear conscience

To die with a smile on your face


195. Seeing the Future

The spiritual student looks at true cause and effect and sees future effect as if it were in the present. He thus works to solve future problems with as much energy as current problems. The beginning student only lives in the past and present. He is incapable of seeing the future as part of the eternal now. In his consciousness it is as if the future will never come. This person will be more concerned about losing $5 today then the possible loss of everything he owns several years from now. He will be more concerned about his $10 increase in social security check now than the possible bankruptcy of the entire system 20 years hence. He will be more concerned about a little pleasure now than of a lot of pain down the road.

196. Those who cannot share or enjoy the happiness and achievement of others will neither achieve themselves nor will they find happiness.


197. You can change the name of good and evil, but you will still wind up talking about good and evil, just using a different terminology.


198. Inner spiritual contact is essential to the working disciple, else he may wind up receiving illusionary teachings and leading others down a path from which retracing steps will be required.


199. To be a good student takes as much wisdom as it does to be a good teacher.


200. The reward for your selfless service is sight, and, as you see the path ahead, your heart is filled with joy; for that which you see is not what you imagined, but more than you imagined.

201. Commandments – Modern Version

  1. Don’t take yourself so seriously
  2. Extend friendship to all.
  3. Justify your existence. Just don’t sit there; Do something constructive.
  4. Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.
  5. Don’t be a burden on your parents or friends. Get a job and a place of your own.
  6. Don’t take the names of your friends in vain.
  7. NEVER even hint that any female is overweight.
  8. Realize that free stuff is not free.
  9. Just be nice.
  10. Don’t murder, lie, steal, rape, pillage etc still stands.


202. There is one space yet innumerable stars manifesting in it. Correspondingly, there is one God manifesting many lives, including you and me.


203. Does it mean the world is insane if you do the same thing over and get different results?


204. To accept an outside source as true without running it by one’s own mind and soul is to receive the mark of the beast.


205. No earthly teacher is flawless


206. One of the important teachings of the approaching age will be the restoration of knowledge of the power of female energy, for it is as mysterious as gravity; no form can be held together without it.


207. Wise questions force the mind and heart to reflect on the soul.


208. The exchange of true principles, not just words or data, is the language of the soul.


209. Since you are in the image of God then whatever God can do, you can do. Nothing is impossible.


210. Anything that is true does not defy rational understanding but manifests it. What are called miracles are very rational once they are understood.


211. You can’t become happy by focusing on that which makes you miserable.


212. To solve the problem of duality we must first discern and understand the two opposing sides in all things, whether it be male/female, good/evil, positive/negative, spiritual/material or conservative/liberal.


213. Yes, smell the roses, but also see the roses, feel them, love and appreciate them.


214. Look within. Feel the Christ Center in the core of being speak the words ever so softly: If you do not act who will? And if you do not participate in the role you feel gently pushed towards, perhaps the part will not be taken and the curtain will not raise on the grand play of the ages. Perhaps the responsibility of the future rests upon your shoulders… Perhaps.


215. Truth shatters illusions and belief systems. This is why those who are attached to their own beliefs will hate a true messenger as well as the message.


216. To be born again is to drop all preconceived notions planted by the traditions of men, and see the world anew, as if through the eyes of a child.


217. Knowledge becomes yours when it is applied in the fires of life.


218. When a person looks for evidence of his belief with a desire to find it, he will find what he is looking for. Even if the evidence supports a falsehood the seeker will believe it until he drops his preconceived notions and looks with fresh eyes for undistorted truth no matter where it takes him.


219. When we learn to stay focused in the light while a negative force is pulling us back, with negative people and circumstances trying to distract us, then we finally reach a point where we have earned the right to stay permanently on our next plateau of consciousness.


220. Using feeling alone to find truth is like one hand clapping. Mind and heart are the two necessary hands.


221. How to Find Happiness

  1. Don’t look for it.
  2. Do not expect it.
  3. Do not see it as important.
  4. Make others feel happy with your presence.


222. How to Find Love

  1. Don’t look for it.
  2. Do not expect it.
  3. Do not see it as important.
  4. Offer love and friendship to all.


223. Anyone can be the soul mate of another if both drop all barriers that separate and see the true spiritual being.


224. To laugh at the flaws or weaknesses of another is mean, but to laugh at your own follies is divine and will recharge your energies.


225. Deep Question:

Why are you, you and not someone else?


226. Those overly stressed out because of this election do not know what real stress is.


227. The more you let others do for you what you can do for yourself, the more chaos and seemingly bad luck will enter in.


228. In eons hence, when our purpose in form is fulfilled, we will look back on our history and see that the dualities of good and evil, light and dark were but guides that led us to a glorious peace between the great eternities.


229. A soul caught up in a dark fog of illusion will feel his way forwards rather than seeing the path with true vision. Thus we have some decide by emotion and others through the light of reason.


230. Contrasting the light and the dark is essential to seeing what is the true light and the dark. Without doing this a group may seem united, but that oneness may wind up being in darkness rather than light.


231. You create destiny when you master circumstances so that they will reach the desired end through your sustained will.


232. Focused thought is all powerful and can remove all barriers or manifest any constructive idea.


233. Most people attend to small things in their life of little importance instead of pursuing important decisions with lasting impact. By my Wife – Artie Dewey


234. It is human tendency to choose the easy way and just desire to be told answers by some authority instead of being forced to reflect upon our own souls.


235. An initiate is one who initiates. He or she will desire to do more than repeat the past, but to participate in creating the new and the beautiful.


236. He who seeks freedom at the expense of another is only building prison walls that will enslave him.


237. An increase of freedom brings a temporary increase of both good and evil, but as the people choose truth over error that which is good will surface, be understood and dominate.


238. An accuser and name caller is, more often than not, merely looking in a mirror and describing himself.


239. Understanding how the two sides view freedom and how to make the choice that does not enslave is to take the first great step upon the path of liberation.


240. Thanksgiving Recipe

Use the main ingredient of a thankful heart filled with gratitude. Stuff it with love for all of humanity with side dishes of tolerance, empathy, cooperation, optimism and an open mind.


241. Those who say the path of achievement is effortless are entirely wrong. Standing still is effortless. True progress takes a tremendous struggle – there is no other way.


242. Progress is made in proportion to the amount of freedom allotted to the group or individual. With few exceptions, the restriction of freedom for the one brings restriction of success for the many.


243. Falling in love is the closest thing most mortals have that relates to a direct experience with God.


244. Limits are boundaries set by consciousness. Transcend that state of consciousness and the universe belongs to you.


245. One must have enough empathy to relate to the suffering in the world, but keep enough detachment to avoid madness.


246. God has exploded his intelligence into a Big Bang of a puzzle to amuse Himself and is challenged to the very core in putting all the pieces together in a way that makes sense.


247. The Word is God

The Word = Sound

Sound = Vibration

Vibration is created from wavelengths

That which moved to create the first wavelength is the Great Mystery.


248. If dark forces can control people and take away the logic of their thinking with projected good intentions, then they can also manipulate the individual with selfishness when the opportunity arises.


249. If reality disagrees with your opinion then change your opinion.


250. The seeker must learn to perceive truth through the eyes of the soul, not through the eyes of the outer group where perception is often distorted.


251. Steps to liberation

  1. Pure intent
  2. Correct perception of truth.
  3. Freedom and power to act on that truth.


252. Though it is human to desire the perfect and the strong, the best among us will often stop to help the bird with the broken wing over the one that can easily fly.


253. You know you have lived the good life when:

  1. You have fallen crazy in love at least once.
  2. You have three or more friends you like and trust.
  3. You have work to do that you love.
  4. You have a clear conscience.
  5. You have learned to make good use of your time.
  6. Group think does not control you.
  7. There are ten or more people who are grateful you were born.
  8. You have taken three or more major gambles in life and come out on top on at least one of them.
  9. Most people like you.
  10. You know how to have a good time.
  11. You apply the rules of good physical and mental health.
  12. You consistently seek to learn new things.

254. A smile gives the receiver a glimpse into the soul.

255. Perception gives us data

Mind, organizing data, gives us understanding

Reflection on what is understood yields Truth.

Applying truth through the light of the soul manifests Wisdom.


256. If a light is slowly dimmed to 50% strength and then is instantly turned up to full strength, the person is startled as to the intensity. He had no idea he was missing so much light. Even so, with spiritual light. We are often not aware when we are losing it. The struggle for fullness of light, like freedom, requires eternal vigilance.


257. What good is it if we have light but keep it under a bushel? The bushel is composed of fear, inertia, ego, lack of confidence and dependence on unjust authority. Let us remove the covering and keep this a land of the ever present sun, in season and out of season.


258. When one places focused and consistent attention on the goal or creative effort an invisible magnetic power is generated that pulls together the elements necessary for success that goes beyond the power of individual action.


259. Do not give up your power of independent thought to any group, book, guru, prophet or master.


260. We complain about leaders of both parties yet they reflect the inward reality of our own thoughts. If we elevate our thoughts as a people we will draw to ourselves leadership that will inspire us.


261. He who seeks to know the truth but doesn’t tell the truth will never be the truth, or a light to the world.


262. Telling the truth takes wisdom, for there are many distortions in everyday conversation and media that must be discerned and not passed on.


263. An illustration of the One and the Many is the guitar string. When it is stationary we see only one string, but as soon as you pluck it, there is immediately produced the illusion of three strings. There appears to be three strings until the vibration ends. Then we see one string again. So also it is with God, the One, The Trinity and the Many. We are all linked to the one Sound or Word. The eternal cycle is the One becomes the Many and the Many become the One.


264. THE SONG OF THE 144,000

 We thank you Father

that you have revealed to us

your protective universal light;

That within this light

is complete protection

from all destructive forces;

That the Holy Spirit of Your Presence

permeates us in this light,

and wherever we will the light to descend.


We thank you Father

that you fill us with your

protective fires of Love;

That within this love

is complete protection

from all destructive

thoughts and feelings;

That the consciousness of Christ

is lifted up in us in this love,

and wherever we will

the love to be enflamed.


We thank you Father

that you are in us

and we are in you;

That through us

Your Will is sent forth

on wings of power;

That Your Purpose

is accomplished on earth

as it is in heaven;


That through us

Your Light and Love and Power

is manifest to all

the Sons and Daughters of Mankind.


265. Song of Eternal Life

I thank you Father-Mother-Spirit

For the energy of life which streams

From Universal Source to me

For the life that circulates through each atom and cell

Permeating my entire body and mind

Bringing health and vitality to all my living parts.


I bask in this life

I feel the life

I am the life

The life which knows not corruption

The life which makes all things new

The life which always IS.


I feel the life from my toes to the top of my head

And give thanks for its abundance.

I praise, and love my body and all of its parts

For receiving this Life and Spirit and Source.

I praise body, mind, soul & spirit

For receiving without ceasing.


266. Avatar of Synthesis Invocation

From the center where the Will of God is known,

let Purpose guide the little wills of men.


Let the One Great Life manifest Its Purpose

and send forth Its Avatar.


Let this Master of Purpose come forth

and amplify our wills to synthesize them

with his own, giving us power to serve.


Let the Avatar of Synthesis manifest

to the group of which I am a part.


That we may prepare the earth

for the Lords of Light and Love.


Let Will and Power and Purpose

manifest the Christ on earth.


267. Oneness

I am one with my fellow travelers.

All that I have is theirs.

I am one with Christ and all Divine Beings.

All that they have is mine.


I am one with the Creator of all there is

And from this point burst forth as a Sun

To share light, love and power to serve

With those who have forgotten their Source.


268. As Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha, sat under the Bodhi Tree near starvation, seeking enlightenment, he heard some singing; the words he heard are said to be something like this:


If you tune the strings of a harp too tight,

the sound will not be right.

If the strings are too slack as they play,

a beautiful sound will not be made.

Neither too tight nor too limp shall be the strings,

If the player is to be worthy of kings.

The tension must be tuned by the ear

To fill the soul of all who hear.


When he heard these words, a light turned on in his mind. He realized that the first part of his life, where he dwelt in luxury, was likened unto a string too loose. The second part of his life, where he sought nirvana through starvation and austerity, was as a string too tight.


The vision of the true Middle Way flashed into his mind.

 It is not what you think.


269. If you follow the highest you know there will come a time when you will be visited by a Presence, either visible or invisible. It will come at a time that you least expect it and a time when perhaps you feel the least prepared

spiritually, but it will come.


To dream and wish for the experience will only delay the happening. But if you take the highest you know and go forward in the vineyard of the Master and serve with no end in sight, in season and out of season, in good times and bad. If you serve with love in the dark of night with the same strength as in the light of day, if you continue with loving service through the fiery darts of hate, malice and betrayal and above all if it appears that even your Master and your God seem to completely ignore you as if you do not exist… Through all this you will continue to serve with the highest you know.   You continue even if God himself seems to be your enemy putting every obstacle possible in your path and laughing at you as you stumble and fall. You rise up and continue. The time comes that it will not seem to matter to you any more if friends, God or the Masters approve of you or not. It matters not if you are some great chosen one or are looked upon by the Master as the least and most needy of the brethren. You will now serve for the sake of selfless love alone because the need is out there and you sense the need. When this stage is reached in your being one of the Great Ones will take notice and speak: “Behold, the servant! He has become as one of us. Let us invite him into the circle of higher friendship, brotherhood and service.”


But even here the invitation comes not as you expected. All your expectations are shattered and soon replaced by newer ones and the groping in the dark is replaced by walking the path with vision. The reward for your selfless service is sight and as you see the path ahead your heart is filled with joy for that which you see is not what you imagined, but more than you imagined.


270. Imagination precedes reality, so imagine well.


271. When every day is the spirit of Christmas…

That is the threshold that will create peace on earth.


272. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Therefore, focus on getting ready rather than just thinking one is ready. Find your next step.


273. Even the words of a great book, such as the Bible, can create a prison if they are not interpreted with a loving heart and discerned through eyes in tune with Spirit.


274. A prison of walls and chains is a terrible thing, but worse still is being a prisoner of your own thoughts and beliefs while thinking you are free. Unless the person wakes up there is no escape.


275. He who learns and applies keeps the knowledge. He who does not apply must learn again and again: “Ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth.”


276. You find what you are looking for, whether it be good or evil, the true or the false, freedom or slavery.


277. The Universal Mind craves experience, and as it contemplates in its various energy states, it sees all possibilities. Each possibility is an extension of Itself, created in Its own image and becomes a point in the Universal Life. You are one of these.


278. Thoughts are powerful creators. If you expect good things to happen this year you are ten steps ahead of the guy expecting doom, or who thinks circumstances or the world is against him.


279. The road to perfection is paved with many experiments and mistakes. The ability to move onward after failure is a great virtue.


280. When the seeker says he has found the ultimate feeling, bliss, or God Presence, he knows not that he is only at the beginning of his journey. No matter how high the consciousness, bliss or joy, the seeker adjusts to it and eventually becomes ready for more. When he is ready, the more will come, worlds without end.


281. If you limit yourself to learning exactly according to the mindset of a teacher, you will also inherit his flaws.


282. There are two types of people. Those who are paralyzed by their fears and those who paralyze their fears and move forward as if they did not exist. The choice is always before us.


283. The false authority is he who cannot demonstrate the truth of that which he claims to teach or practice.


284. No one puts energy into an endeavor unless there is something in it for them. Even of Jesus it was written, “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross.” Heb 12:2


285. The only thing that does not change is the principle of change and the prime eternal law that governs this is cause and effect. The principles that govern this are formless and eternal, but even they are involved in the creation of change.


286. Guilt is pain caused by the worship of an artificial outer God or authority. True correction comes from inner vision directed by spiritual love.


287. Do not shoot the messenger or seek to destroy the message. The truth will prevail in the end no matter what you do.


288. Just as gold must pass through the refiner’s fire before it reaches its highest purity and value, even so must the disciple pass through every obstacle that can be thrown in his way on the path of service.


289. Most pain and disease has its root cause in resistance to taking the next harmless step in spiritual progression. Find out what that next step is, and take it; then a quantum of life energy will be released to circulate and heal your entire being.


290. The successful person must not only realize that common mistakes will happen, but must be prepared to handle acts of great stupidity and incompetence.


291. If you want to make your problems seem smaller, make your perspective bigger. (Artie Dewey)


292. An important key to spiritual progression is to make sure that every word you speak is true to the best of your knowledge. You do not have to reveal all you know, but what you do reveal should be true.


293. We often think we are creating cause when we are merely an effect of a greater Cause or Purpose. The quest is to find that Purpose and the spiritual reality wherein it resides.


294. True giving is like putting money in the bank gaining interest. You may withdraw at the right time and give again with greater power.


295. The pure in heart may veer some to the left or the right as they tread the straight and narrow path, yet will stay on the path because they are true to their highest light.


296. The swinging of the pendulum manifests among humanity by their swing to the left and right in their belief systems. As the pendulum swings among us, the masses swing with it, not realizing that they are following the energy much more than they are doing any independent thinking.


297. Many who believe in reincarnation say there is no hell. But what if you were reborn into North Korea? Would you not consider such a life as hell? What if you had to live most of your life as a paraplegic or a starving person in the third world? Indeed there are many hells right here before our eyes. This should give us incentive to live a productive life of service.


298. If a person’s conclusion is based on how he feels then the purest of reason pointing the opposite direction will have no effect.


299. We as individuals must become linked up as part of an eternal chain or vine where each of us reach out and grab another by the hand and take him or her with us.


300. Imagination stirs energy at subtle levels that can distill on to the physical plane if the focus is sustained.


301. Study your life to see where events are leading you so you can correctly anticipate and prepare for your future.


302. Unless one places consistent attention on staying in harmony with his highest inner source there will be spiritual amnesia and every communication will have some deception in it.


303. That which we were, always was

That which we are, will always be.

Even though location changes eternally.


304. Isn’t it interesting that the biggest problems we seem to have today are in finding the best pillow, the best designed shirt or best cooking utensil? Yet we march in the streets complaining at the drop of a hat. It is the best of times, but certainly not worst of times.


305. A broken promise is serious because it is a breaking of the will, your will. You have willed to do a thing and your will was broken by the only person who can break it, yourself.


306. That point at which one feels the most confident and self assured is the point of the greatest danger of retrogression.


307. It is most important that when we make a commitment and we are aware of such commitment, that we do all in our power to be true to our word. If we do this consistently then our vibration moves in harmony with the vibration of Spirit, which is truth, and the door to higher contact opens wide.


308. To heal others you must heal yourself, to inspire others you must elevate your own thoughts, to see the good in others forgive yourself.


309. Worry, fear and inertia are the three great enemies for the seeker. They must be overcome through the focused attention of the will toward the peace of the inner Spirit.


310. The idea that truth is relative is illusion. Only perception of truth is relative, but truth itself is always true. That which is true cannot change to that which is not true.


311. When the seeker learns to be true to his word the Word within will be known, and the Word will be made flesh in him.


312. Many speak when they should be silent and are silent when they should speak. Others speak too often using many words when few would suffice. Quality and timing of speech or of silence are a mark of wisdom.


313. Perfection needs an imperfect world in order to manifest.


314. The undiscovered country lies within our own souls. Seek and find unlimited gifts.


315. When people recognize you have authority they will immediately give you power, but if they see that you have power, but with no authority, many will seek to take the power to themselves.


316. Freedom of action for the lawless and violent few must be restricted by law to insure the greatest possible freedom of speech and action for the many.


317. Too much speech suppresses hearing that which is needed. Too much silence prevents giving out the Words of Life. The master soul balances all polarities.


318. The light in you is the same as the light in Christ. Focus, therefore, on the highest you know and be a light to others causing them to thank God for what they receive.


319. We see through a glass darkly to comprehend the universal laws that must be realized to save us from ourselves. Grant us, oh Lord of Hosts, that our vision be clarified.


320. When we awaken from a dream we have a greater awareness than when in the dream. We are now in the dream world of the soul, and when awakened after death, we will make a similar leap in consciousness.


321. Many truths are hidden in plain sight, the last place many of us are willing to look.


322. There is no such thing as unconscious thought. Thought only springs from consciousness.


323. The tendency of the many is to lean increasingly with age upon that which has been embraced in the past rather than considering the new which may lead to greater light, life and fulfillment.


324. We make our own reality within the limits of our own consciousness. Beyond that limit reality is determined by intelligence far beyond our own.


325. Words draw powerful forces that can destroy, build or protect. Choose them carefully.


326. A true disciple is one who disciplines himself and uses the power of will to focus on the light until truth is revealed.


327. The most harmless path often involves breaking a few eggs. The most loving one will sometimes hurt feelings and the most helpful may draw complaints that you are getting in the way.


328. Be aware of your past, but do not turn around and focus there. Look forward and always move on into the greater light ahead.


329. You have an earthly family and a spiritual one. When you meet a spiritual brother or sister you will feel like you have taken one more step to arriving at your true home.


330. Much can be written about the Divine Will, but it is not understood until it is touched.


331. An expansion of consciousness occurs when the seeker focuses on the good of the group, or the whole, above the separated self.


332. If the seeker wants a true answer to a petition to a Higher Intelligence then he must ask with more in mind than a benefit to his separated self. The answer must provide a benefit to the many, not just the one.


333. Seekers complain of loneliness and the dark night of the soul. Both are illusions. You are never alone and the inner light is ever shining bright to those who look.


334. Consider the messages of life. The vegetable kingdom is happy in feeling the life of God. Animals are happy seeking it and the birds are happy expressing it in their flight. Fulfilled humans possess all these qualities.


335. As the seeker may be painfully struggling through a crisis, his own soul may be experiencing joy in heaven over the foreseen positive outcome.


336. We mercifully forget our dreams shortly after waking. It would drive us crazy to have them circulating through our minds during the day. Similarly, we forget our past lives shortly after birth which allows us to focus in the present.


337. Silence, space and stillness are not what they seem. In silence you can hear, in space there is energy and in stillness there is activation of all creation.


338. As the seeker moves forward on the path of liberation the light ahead becomes brighter and his power to move stronger as he assists those behind him. But if he fails to assist, then the path ahead is darkened and his strength evaporates. He becomes lost while another dedicated to serve takes his place.


339. “Love sets my tone, light is my vision, reason is my guide and higher purpose motivates me,” says the true servant on the Path.


340. Signs of an Old Soul

  1. Does not hear in black and white but correctly interprets between the lines.
  2. Looks at evidence on both sides of a controversial situation
  3. Questions most everything, including settled science, settled politics, settled religions etc.
  4. Makes productive use of time and wastes it not.
  5. Will have a reservoir of original ideas.
  6. Will generally give more than receives.
  7. People seeking help will be drawn to him or her.
  8. This soul will not retaliate in kind no matter how great the insult.
  9. Rather than attack those in error this soul sheds light on the problem.
  10. The old soul puts much more weight on that which is verified from within than expressed by authorities without.
  11. Has a history of correctly perceiving truth rather than illusion.
  12. There is life in his words and love in his actions.


341. Consistency in the dark or the light, in peace or during the storm, while enduring hate or basking in adoration is the quality looked for by those who watch.


342. Most realize that we gain through painful experience, but unappreciated is that we also gain through joyful activities and associations. The problem is the tendency to feel we deserve the pain, but are unworthy of happiness. This illusion must be dispelled. Joyousness is our birthright.


343. When reborn in a future life you will lose all data to your conscious mind, but you will take with you all gained intelligence, wisdom and understanding of principles. Indeed, Solomon spoke wisely: “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7


344. To see you must look, to hear you must listen and to feel you must reach out and touch. Many who complain of no spiritual experiences have not done these things.


345. Some people can be happy in the rain, others miserable in the sunshine – like the old adage says: “People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”


346. You Be May Risking the Dark Side IF:

(1) You are willing to deceive at the drop of a hat to get what you want.

(2) You will enter a state of denying wrongdoing when your controversial acts are brought to light.

(3) You accuse the innocent of wrongdoing

(4) You support taking away the freedom of the many to support a power base for the few.

(5) You are willing to manipulate law, authority and regulation to enforce your ideal of what is righteous.

(6) You support lawlessness and violence to get what you want.

(7) You present yourself as in harmony with those who you want to forcibly change.


347. If one has a false foundational belief then even the finest logic will be flawed and destroy that which is real, or true. To find the real one must build on a foundation of truth.


348. Chances Are You Are Headed for the Straight and Narrow Path IF:

(1) You contemplate the will of God and try to manifest it.

(2) You look beyond obnoxious personality traits to see the Christ within others.

(3) You are motivated by love of others above love of the material self.

(4) You attempt to give more than you receive.

(5) You attempt to be as harmless as a dove and wise as a serpent.

(6) You thirst after light, love and knowledge.

(7) You are an example of goodwill to all.If one has a false foundational belief then even the finest logic will be flawed and destroy that which is real, or true. To find the real one must build on a foundation of truth.


349. Energy follows thought. Thought follows directed intelligence. Intelligence follows light. Light follows our Source to God.


350. It is interesting how happy people look when they are in motion, exercising, dancing or playing. Then when the mind is in creative motion the same thing happens on a higher level. Perhaps we could say that happiness is life in forward motion.


351. The only way to harmonize with the Word, which is pure Truth, is to become the truth ourselves. When all the words we speak are words of truth, and promises which come true, then the barrier between man and God evaporates.


352. Light is something, darkness is no thing; light is manifestation, darkness is unmanifest; light reveals, darkness hides. Eternity is the recycling of these two.


353. Dedicate a space you occupy most often while in thought or reflection. It could be an easy chair, the place where you sit at the computer or even a bare floor. That space can then become holy to you so when you occupy it, your mind will be at peace, as if in a temple of the Most High.


354. When we have the choice to find the truth of a thing then we must find that truth or take a step backwards into darkness.


355. You know you are a reasonable person if:

  1. You do not dismiss facts that disagree with your belief system.
  2. You do not distort reality, as it has actually transpired, to support your belief system.
  3. Your beliefs have evidence or good logic to back them up.
  4. You are willing to consider that many of your beliefs are incorrect.
  5. When someone disagrees with a cherished belief you respond with calm reason making no personal attack.
  6. You seek to understand the other person’s argument when he disagrees with you.
  7. You will not assume something is true because of anecdotal evidence.
  8. You’ve read material on both sides of various issues and beliefs.
  9. When referring to a point of argument you quote it accurately, as it was intended to be understood.
  10. You realize that most people agreeing on something, even within your chosen group, does not make it true.


356. When the seeker fulfills outer responsibilities and creates a rhythm so energy is not wasted there is an inner reflection where focus on the light becomes easier and natural causing a subtle rise in consciousness.


357. Change is coming to your life. It will either come from past causes beyond your control, or decisions that guide you in the Present. Take charge now; make a decision and act upon it.


358. When the power of Attention is one with the Purpose of God all things are possible and the magical power of the soul is manifest.


359. It is important to realize that many are happy with the level of truth they have attained. If someone presents to them a greater light than they are ready for, it will be like a great light in a dark room and a painful experience for them. They will often fight against it.


360. Only the weak who lack reasoning ability and a center of truth demand censorship or restrictions on freedom of speech for others.


361. As the seeker unveils truth after truth he enters a lonely realm, leaving many friends behind who cannot see through his eyes. Then at that moment where he seems alone in the universe a door is open and he is engulfed by a multitude of new friends of celestial presence, invisible to carnal eyes. He never feels alone again.


362. The greatest hell is to have nothing new to create. Hell is creating that which has been over and over until boredom becomes so great that the life force flatlines.


363. Oneness through understanding and free will is divine; whereas oneness forced through authority is a source of great evil.


364. That which is done can be undone, that which is destroyed can be made anew and dreams which have never been, can be.


365. Sooner or later each person’s belief will come in conflict with maximum freedom for all. The choice will be more freedom for the whole, involving some sacrifice, or less freedom and a temporary free lunch at another’s involuntary expense.


366. Two groups may have similar goals and be of similar quality, yet both destroy their effectiveness because of attempts to establish superiority for ego’s sake. So much more could be accomplished if they worked together on points of agreement.


367. Be not discouraged by the difficulty in bringing light to the world. A small seed properly planted and generously nourished can multiply a hundred, a thousand or a million fold in short order. Therefore, plant what you can in good ground, nourish with love and stimulate with light.


368. Beauty, intelligence and spirituality are all judgments of the mind, but without such judgments we would be a savage lot.


369. Many there are who claim to be great ones, or speak for God, but have done nothing more than restate teachings of others while adding no new principles.


370. Emotions are not to be denied or suppressed but communicated with as much honesty and harmlessness as possible, else many physical and emotional problems will occur.


371. When you find the good, the beautiful and the true in others you can then find it in yourself.


372. There are degrees of freedom just as there are degrees of consciousness. He who discovers the inner spiritual world opens the door to a greater realm of choices.


373. Most people can be manipulated by pressing emotional buttons. The few decide for themselves even when unjustly attacked or insulted.


374. When humanity is finally governed by the principle of goodwill to all, we will have arrived at the greatest advance in life since consciousness itself.


375. That which is most feared, and avoided like the plague, is the truth.


376. People of goodwill often feel powerless, as if they are having no effect. This is not the case. A good seed grows and a bad one does not. Plant 1000 bad seeds and one good one, then, after a period of time, the only one that multiplied is the good – a hundred, one million and one billion fold.


377. The fool believes what he wants, ignoring the facts, the ideologue rejects obvious truth, but the true seeker accepts truth as shining gems that light his way to paradise.


378. Blessed are they who make others aware of the unseen sun behind the clouds, of the goodwill in the hearts of the many and that peace on earth is in our future.


379. It is a natural tendency to rest after achieving a difficult goal. An error made by many is to rest for too long. The problem becomes devastating for progress when the rest continues without end.


380. Adjust consciousness to the truth instead of distorting reality to a mindset.


381. Attention must be placed, not on the body, but the life within the body; not on stone temples, but on building living relationships, not on the forms of the world, but the divine intelligence that creates them.


382. Hate and anger as well as love and goodwill are contagious. Let us therefore infect all we contact with the positive emotions and let the negative die through lack of attention.


383. You are in the right place at the right time so focus on the right decision.


384. A great mind will listen to all, great and small, but does not let outward pressure force upon him careless decisions. His prime guidance will be from his own mind, heart and soul, no matter how loud the outer voices may be.


385. The majority seek peace and goodwill, but a minority desiring power bring hate and destruction. It is time for the many who are reasonable to control the few who are not.


386. The wise student (or one who is truly learning) does not see himself as on a lower level than the teacher. Instead, he sees himself as a fellow traveler who is progressing to a higher level.


387. As the seeker progresses, he moves away from outer material controls and subjects himself to inner spiritual ones. The one with no control, high or low, is lost.


388. Three things turn words from fading vibration into words of power. First, they must be spoken with purpose and understanding. Second, the speaker sends them forth riding on the power of his will. Finally, he must perform whatever action is necessary to see them manifested.


389. To give credit to God for all good things is right and good. However, it is a slothful servant who turns over to God things he should be doing himself.


390. People come into our lives because their consciousness shares a certain note with our own.


391. A thousand mile journey begins

Not with the first step

But with the thought, the intent

The first step is inclined

By a journey out of sight

Ten thousand miles of light

In the mind.


392. To see no evil when evil is opening the door, committing violence and shutting down free speech, creates a darkening that will blind the eyes to new vistas of light and love.


393. Every virtue must be applied with good judgment else it will turn into a vice.


394. The beginning of the quest for spiritual liberation did not begin in some ancient past, but right here, right now. It is only in the present where the next step must be taken.


395. Anyone can claim revelation by giving data that could be easily supplied by the imagination. What the false prophet cannot do is enhance true principles and give out consistent words of wisdom.


396. To be unchanging is good if it is referring to reliability, but evil if it implies doing the same thing over and over which leads to eternal boredom and death. Even God says: “I make all things new.” Rev 21:5


397. Through united activity strength is multiplied. Add union of emotional support and power is multiplied again. Even greater multipliers are union through love, understanding and reason. When to these are added union through spiritual vision all things become possible, even if the numbers are small.


398. If productive service to humanity conflicts with a belief, then let the seeker alter that belief, not the service.


399. There are always two paths before us; one is always higher than the other, but sometimes the choice is not clear. Choose well and reflect. If your choice is in error make corrections and choose again.


400. Only make promises you can keep. The key to this is to look at the worst-case scenario and ask yourself: “If this occurs, can I keep my word?”


401. Recognizing failure and correcting it often produces more progress in the life of the soul than attempting to take a giant leap forward into the light.


402. “I love you,” said the soul as it looked upon the soul of the adorable one as well as the despised.


403. There are three types of people on the planet. Those who seek to expand human freedom and work actively toward this. Those who are willing to restrict freedom to advance their beliefs, and, finally, neutral ones who proclaim freedom and peace but refuse to engage in the struggle that is required.


404. A little of something being good doesn’t mean a lot is better.


405. Be inclusive rather than exclusive, unite rather than divide and accept rather than reject whenever wisdom allows.


406. Serving self for the purpose of self is the dark path, but taking care of self to maintain vital strength to serve is the path of light.


407. To diminish freedom of innocent people so that good may come is illusion and the foundation of great evil.


408. We pray for many things of which we are not willing to pay the price. No wonder the heavens seem to be sealed.


409. Truth is distorted by attachments to illusions that must be dispelled before it can be clearly seen.


410. Those who try to be neutral in the face of aggression are not neutral at all but lend power to the aggressor.


411. There is no one else like you, there is no other day like today and never before an opportunity as is now set before you.


412. The soul is the dream of God and we are the dreams of the soul.


413. Each life that manifests here does so in the hope of Becoming that which it has never been, but without the loss of that which has forever been.


414. In the past age great lives have taught the world by sacrifice even to death and Imprisonment. In this age the keynote will be to teach the world through their creative and inspiring lives.


415. Without duality there can be no love. There can be no love unless there is two or more of something. One of the great purposes that God created the universe was so love could become manifest. If God had not created us there would be nothing to love.


416. It is only after we have done all we can do that we can expect Divine help to assist us to the next level.


417. Many disciples in the world are looking for a revelation leading to shutting the door to evil, opening the door to the new age of peace and plenty, while ignoring inspired steps already revealed. The first step on the ladder must be taken before the third or the fourth.


418. A grand key to freedom is self-sufficiency. The more you depend on other people, groups and government the more power you give away. Therefore, take control of your physical needs, your health and your destiny. When you remove yourself from those who can command you against your will, the path to happiness and freedom become open.


419. You learn to do by doing, to think by thinking and to love by loving.


420. Many highly educated people are not as good at getting truth from data available as the average construction worker.


421. The natural and eternal interplay of cause and effect creates light, and light is the foundation of all life, intelligence, gods, angels as well as physical life.


422. Time is a measure of motion. Motion is a quality of form. Form is created by thought. Thought is a manifestation of light and light leads us back to our Source.


423. Idealistic peaceful and loving thoughts will not counter a definite physical aggression against the innocent with intent to diminish freedom. Such force must be met with greater force until the door where evil dwells is shut and sealed.


424. People fear taking risks, but the greatest risk is to fear them too much.


425. When the many say “do not” that is the time to do; when they rush forward is then time to pause and reflect. When they all agree is the time to question.


426. Humanity stumbles along and finds indications of truth here and there but remains largely in the dark. But when it puts those pieces together and begins to see the whole picture the world will be transformed with light.


427. There are no limits to consciousness unless you think there is.


428. There are the many who plan their lives as if present conditions will continue indefinitely, and the few who weigh the influences on the horizon and adjust their lives accordingly.


429. A falsehood is repeated many times to trick the sleeping masses into acceptance. Truth only needs to be spoken once to the soul of one who is awake and listening.


430. Many with good intentions inadvertently support darkness rather than light, slavery instead of freedom and destruction over creation.


431. Seek as if there is infinite knowledge, work as if the world depends on you and love as if there are no limits to what you can give.


432. A true friend is one that will not complain if you wake him up at 3 AM with a problem.


433. It often seems that we as individuals have little power until it is realized how few use the individual power we have. The individual has great power when moving forward with confidence.


434. As a parent you expect your children to obey your commands, largely for their own safety. When they mature you no longer give commands but expect them through their own initiative to overcome life’s obstacles to joyful living – just as our Father/Mother God, does with us.


435. The truth can make you free, but if it is rejected when staring you in the face the bonds of slavery are made strong.


436. Every once in a while you meet someone who vibrates harmoniously with an inner chord in your breast. Make this person a part of your life.


437. One looks at a flower and sees a flower. Another looks and sees unfathomable beauty.

The master of wisdom contemplates and sees a divine creation holding the secrets of the universe.


438. Focused thought in the few is powerful, but in the many it is unstoppable.


439. We live in an age of hypocrisy. The loudest voices for peace are often the most destructive. Many who proclaim love have a seething hatred of those with a different view. Those who clamor for equality often support division and favors. It is time to remind ourselves to practice what we preach.


440. Be still and know that God is in you.

Be silent and hear Her voice.

Be willing and do His will.


441. The degree of happiness attained is largely determined by the depth of oneness shared with other individuals as well as your own soul.


442. Let your light shine from the internal fire and embrace the burning with joy.


443. Without someone to see them; there would be no stars.


444. If a truth, sincerely presented, offends, then the problem is with the receiver, not the messenger.


445. Good dominates where there is freedom, openness, light and truth. Evil will dominate where freedom is suppressed and darkness hides the real. Let us therefore be vessels of undistorted truth.


446. Fulfill the dreams of others and you will fulfill your own.


447. When mediocrity becomes a standard for praise then those great souls who reach for greatness will be trampled under foot.


448. The road to success is paved with stepping stones of failure which have been learning exercises to make us stronger.


449. If that which is desired determines what is accepted or rejected as true then the belief system will be a distorted mixture of truth and error – in other words, a fantasy existence.


450. Truth is best understood when it is seen in the greatest of simplicity, but when applied often multiplies into immense complexity. The seeker therefore must break down the elements of distortion in this world into its simplest parts to discern the real from the unreal.


451. The desire for power, when not tempered by love, can never be quenched.


452. Light and truth bring complete understanding whereas illusion creates gaps in knowledge that cannot be explained.


453. Ask not as if you are poor seeking from the rich, but realize you have the wealth of heaven now and affirm that which is a correct desire.


454. You cannot see unless you look, or hear without listening or feel without touch. The taking in of knowledge, both visible and invisible, requires focused attention.


455. If two disagree one or both is in illusion. If illusion is dispelled they will both see as one.


456. Contrasting shades of darkness can give the illusion of vision to those who refuse to look and see the light within.


457. When you choose a path you choose its destination; therefore look not only at where you are, but where you are going.


458. Many borrow the words of angels yet think the thoughts of devils. Thoughts are more powerful than words – therefore always look to the heart of the sender.


459. Those with a high degree of spiritual focus have amplified power in their words and thoughts. Therefore, speak up for the cause of truth. You are more powerful than you suppose.


460. Truth only needs to be communicated with quiet reasoning. It needs not force or the clamoring of mobs to make its point.


461. There are those who know, those who think they know and those who definitely know not. Choose today the category to which you will belong.


462. Harboring ill feelings toward another is like attacking yourself. Forgiveness is the sensible thing.


463. Common sense beats no sense every time; reason always trumps the thoughtless and truth remains when error is long forgotten.


464. All fear is related to concern about loss. When the seeker reaches the point where the focus is on the eternal invulnerable self he will have mastered fear.


465. Experience is the desire of all life. Even when we are asleep, we dream and when we think we are awake we still dream.


466. Total honesty cannot be achieved unless one’s limitations are known. People often lie at a point of tension when they thought they would not.


467. A thought is never completely hidden. Each thought produces ripples in the stream of universal life and can be assimilated by those who know.


468. A thought is never completely hidden. Each thought produces ripples in the stream of universal life and can be assimilated by those who know.


469. The seeker who makes the most progress takes one doable step at a time. The path is lined with failures that attempted many steps in one, faltered and became discouraged.


470. Your progress toward Spirit is not determined by the data in your head, but by your ability to sort out truth from error and act upon it.


471. Those who love and seek truth find peace while those who attack, deceive and distort create storms engulfing their own lives.


472. There are many things people do not see because they do not look and they do not look because they do not want to see or understand.


473. All beings who have reached the God consciousness identify with the One God and share a oneness of thought. Innumerable beings in the universe share this consciousness which we seek to attain.


474. To find the truth we must be willing to let go of the “familiar spirit” and become open to accepting that which is not familiar.


475. Many dogmas and illusions force us toward belief systems with no appeal to common sense or logic of any kind.


476. The decision between good and evil is not a decision between blissful love and demonic madness. If the choice were that obvious, then all would choose the path of light. Instead, many are deceived in thinking they are doing right when they support harmful acts and loss of freedom toward those who do not support their beliefs.


477. Feelings, both positive and negative, are there for a reason. To allow them harmless expression and release brings peace, health and vitality.


478. The strongest prison bars are created by our own thoughts.


479. You are an idea in the mind of God. It is therefore your responsibility to become a good idea.


480. Thoughts produce ideas, ideas create plans, plans manifest purpose and purpose gives meaning to life.


481.  Heaven or hell is created by the company you keep.


482.  When humanity learns to harmonize their actions with the kingdom of God within, then the wondrous kingdom of God without will manifest.


483. Being in the image of God you have all the powers of godliness lying unrealized within you. If you decree that you are separate from God then it will seem as if God has spoken it. Retract that command and discover your true oneness with All That Is.


484. We are creators in the image of God. This gives both love and fear great power. Choose which one you want to manifest.


485. The truth will make you free, but a good falsehood will make you think.


486. The Hebrew word for God in the Bible is Elohiym which means “Gods,” plural. This is because God is a shared group consciousness, something which we hope to attain.


487. There are things in life over which you have control and others that you do not. Forget about those that you cannot control and concentrate on those that you do.


488. Create a time each day where your mind pays no attention to the troubles of the world, or your personal problems, and see where your inner life takes you.


489. To take offense when no offense is intended is offensive to civility.


490. The difference between success and failure is often measured in inches, not miles. Some of the greatest successes have been achieved by just pressing forward only by a small degree more than the many who failed.


491. Material inertia is always there, pulling us toward inactivity in Spirit. The disciple must use the force of will to counter it. If he ceases this he will crystalize to stagnation in older age.


492. Look for Christ in your neighbor and you will find Him, but seek for the devil in his heart and it will be there too.


493. If, in order to fulfill his own desires, one supports that which will limit the freedom of others, he will be reborn in a situation where that which is important in life is kept from him because he has diminished freedom to pursue.


494. Each life in its own way sees the birth of innocence, the influx of evil, the birth of Christ, the miracles of Christ, the resurrection of Christ and, finally, the end of the world at death.


495. An honest disagreement or question is different than a mean spirited attack and should not be discouraged. Sometimes such questioning will cause a change of direction for the better.


496. Each belief system has its own language and to reach those trapped within it one must discover, adapt and speak their language.


497. The gap in understanding of language from one belief system to another is as great as from one national language to another.


498. The sin of separateness will not be solved by force but by raising the light of truth and understanding above our heads for all to see.


499. Many of those who pray for God to appear and destroy their enemies would find themselves to be the enemy to God if He did just that.

For Provocative Quotes, Part II go HERE

For a montage of quotes arraigned in slideshows go HERE

Browse through the quotes made into graphic images HERE

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The Law of Attraction, Part 1

Sept 3, 2016

The Law of Attraction, Part 1

As I started researching what is written about the Law of Attraction in the Bailey writings I found myself somewhat surprised at the amount of material on the subject. A small book related to this law could be extracted and compiled.

DK referred to this law so much because it is the most important law for us concerning our present state of evolution.

At this time I will give you what I see as the most important quotes on the subject and in the next post we will look at the principles behind the law and how it applies to us.

Law of Attraction Quotes

Intelligence, therefore, is the capacity to think or choose, to select, and to discriminate. It is, in reality, that abstract, inexplicable something which lies back of the great law of attraction and repulsion, one of the basic laws of manifestation. This fundamental faculty of intelligence characterises all atomic matter, and also governs the building up of forms, or the aggregation of atoms.

Consciousness of the Atom, Page 58

the law of attraction and repulsion, whereby matter and spirit are co-ordinated whereby the central life gains experience, expands its consciousness, and, through the use of that particular form attains self-knowledge and self-control. All is carried forward under this basic law.

Consciousness of the Atom, Page 62

just as does the Logos, only on a tiny scale; he controls his little system by the great law of attraction and repulsion, as does the Logos, and he energises it and synthesises his threefold nature into a coherent unit.

Consciousness of the Atom, Page 69

Then we studied the building of forms by means of the great law of attraction, which gathered the atoms together, causing them to cohere and vibrate in unison, and thus producing a form, or an aggregation of atoms.

Consciousness of the Atom, Page 97

In the great body of humanity there are certain areas which vibrate in unison and which attract to themselves souls of a certain quality and keynote; there is a magnetic interplay between countries (territories) and the nations which occupy them. This is not an arbitrary matter but due to magnetic interplay. It is also vibratory interplay, under the great Law of Attraction and Repulsion which has much to do with the intercourse and relationships between nations.

Destiny of Nations, Pages 71-72

They (the Masters) embody and express the love aspect of the divine purpose; They wield, direct and control the Law of Attraction – the motivating energy which swings the Law of Evolution into activity in the three worlds.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol II, Page 211

After the first initiation, he comes under the Law of Attraction which carries and wields the energy of love and though the Law of Economy is then abrogated it preserves an habitual control over the habitual process of the form vehicles which are now used under the Law of Attraction; this law works within the consciousness of man and also within the forms in the service of the Hierarchy. This Law of Attraction is a major soul law.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol II, Page 422

This Law of Love can be seen functioning in the universe as the Law of Attraction, with all that is involved in that term – coherency, integration, position, direction and the rhythmic running of our solar system; it can be seen also in the disposition of God towards humanity, as revealed to us through Christ. This unique function of Christ as the custodian and the revealer of a cosmic principle or energy lies behind all He did; it was the basis and the result of His achieved perfection; it was the incentive and impulsion to His life of service, and it is the principle upon which the kingdom of God is founded.

From Bethlehem to Calvary, Page 90

A gradual grasp of the law of vibration as an aspect of the basic law of building, the law of attraction, is brought about, and the initiate learns consciously to build, to manipulate thought matter for the perfecting of the plans of the Logos, to work in mental essence, and to apply the law on mental levels, and thereby affect the physical plane. Motion originates cosmically on cosmic levels, and in the microcosm the same will be seen. There is an occult hint here that, pondered on, will reveal much. At initiation, at the moment of the application of the Rod, the initiate consciously realises the meaning of the Law of Attraction in form building, and in the synthesis of the three fires. Upon his ability to retain that realisation, and himself to apply the law, will depend his power to progress.

Initiation, Human and Solar, Page 140

When we have attained liberation, then these Paths will stretch before us, and the one that we should tread will become apparent to us. All in this system works under the great law of attraction, and therefore, according to our vibration, according to our colour and tone, will depend, in all probability, our choice.

Initiation, Human and Solar, Pages 185-186

First, let us repeat the truism that the worlds are the effect of sound. First life, then matter; later the attraction of the matter to the life for purposes of its manifestation and expression, and the orderly arrangement of that matter into the necessary forms. Sound formed the allying factor, the propelling impulse, and the attractive medium. Sound, in an occult and deeply metaphysical sense, stands for that which we term “the relation between”, and is the creating intermediary, the linking third factor in the process of manifestation. It is the akasha. On the higher planes it is the agent of the great Entity Who wields the cosmic law of gravitation in its relation to our solar system, whilst on the lower planes it demonstrates as the astral light, the great agent of reflection, that fixes and perpetuates on its vibratory bosom the past, the present and the future, or that which we call Time. In direct relation to the lower vehicle it manifests as electricity, prana and the magnetic fluid. A simplification of the idea may come to you perhaps in the recognition of sound as the agent of the law of attraction and repulsion.

Letters on Occult Meditation, Pages 53-54

It is the law of attraction demonstrating through sound. Like to like and kind to kind, driven thereto by unity of sound, of colour and of rhythm.

Letters on Occult Meditation, Page 57

Again and again would I reiterate the apparently simple truth, that only similarity of vibration will draw a man to the higher group to which he may belong, to the Master Who represents to him the Lord of His Ray, to the World Teacher Who administers to him the mysteries, to the One Initiator Who effects the final liberation, and to the centre within the Heavenly Man in Whose Body he finds a place. It is the working out of the Law of Attraction and Repulsion on all the planes that gathers the life divine out of the mineral kingdom, out of the vegetable and animal kingdoms, that draws the latent Deity from out of the limitations of the human kingdom, and affiliates the man with his divine group. The same law effects his liberation from subtler forms that likewise bind, and blends him back into his animating source, the Lord of the Ray in Whose Body his Monad may be found.

Letters on Occult Meditation, Pages 268-269

Then, experience in meditation having been gained, and by an act of the will, the student can meditate on the subtle subjective nature of God as manifested under the great Law of Attraction, to which the Christian refers when he says “God is Love.” The nature of God, the great “love” or attractive force, is responsible for the “things subtle” which are veiled by the things external.

The Light of the Soul, Pages 98-99

Gravity . . . garima. This concerns weight and mass and deals with the law of gravity which is an aspect of the Law of Attraction.

The Light of the Soul, Page 346

There is next the Fire or Spark of Mind which is the correspondence in man to solar fire. This constitutes the thinking self-conscious unit or the soul. This fire of mind is governed by the Law of Attraction as is its greater correspondence. Later we can enlarge on this. It is this spark of mind in man, manifesting as spiral cyclic activity, which leads to expansion and to his eventual return to the centre of his system, the Monad the origin and goal for the reincarnating Jiva or human being. As in the macrocosm this fire also manifests in a twofold manner.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire – Page 46

the work of the Destroyer and of the Preserver is carried on under the Law of Attraction and Repulsion.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 79

The activity of the second Logos is carried on under the cosmic Law of Attraction. The Law of Economy has for one of its branches a subsidiary Law of marked development called the Law of Repulsion. The cosmic Laws of Attraction and Economy are therefore the raison d’tre (viewed from one angle) of the eternal repulsion that goes on as Spirit seeks ever to liberate itself from form. The matter aspect always follows the line of least resistance, and repulses all tendency to group formation, while Spirit, governed by the Law of Attraction, seeks ever to separate itself from matter by the method of attracting an ever more adequate type of matter in the process of distinguishing the real from the unreal, and passing from one illusion to another until the resources of matter are fully utilised.

Eventually the Indweller of the form feels the urge, or attractive pull, of its Own Self. The reincarnating jiva, for instance, lost in the maze of illusion, begins in course of time to recognise (under the Law of Attraction) the vibration of its own Ego, which stands to it as the Logos of its own system, its deity in the three worlds of experience. Later, when the body egoic itself is seen as illusion, the vibration of the Monad is felt, and the jiva, working under the same law, works its way back through the matter of the two planes of superhuman evolution, till it is merged in its own essence.

These three concepts are governed by the Law of Attraction, or the law governing the interplay or the action and reaction.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 144-145

Under the Law of Attraction, man touches and makes contact with that which is brought to his attention through sound waves of activity. This leads to a condition of mutual repulsion and attraction between the one who apprehends and that which is apprehended.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 198-199

There is an occult hint here that will reveal much if pondered upon. At initiation, at the moment of the application of the Rod, the initiate consciously realises the meaning of the Law of Attraction in form building, and in the synthesis of the three fires. Upon his ability to retain that realisation and himself to apply the law, will depend his power and progress.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 209

The second Aspect, the building, or Vishnu aspect, is governed by the Law of Attraction; the activities of the entities who embody this aspect are directed to the attracting of matter to Spirit, and the gradual approximation of the two poles. It results in cohesion, in the production of congeries of atoms in various formations, and this attraction is brought about by the attractive power of Spirit itself. It shows itself in:

  1. Association,
  2. Form building,
  3. Adaptation of form to vibration,
  4. Relative homogeneity of group unity,
  5. Cyclic spiralling movement.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 215

The Law of Attraction finds expression in the manipulation of matter and its welding into form for the use of Spirit.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 218

Expansion, vibratory stimulation, magnetic interaction, or the law of attraction and repulsion.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 235

The general law, which produces cyclic effect, is the Law of Attraction and Repulsion, of which the subsidiary law is the Law of Periodicity, and of Rebirth. Cyclic evolution is entirely the result of the activity of matter, and of the Will or Spirit. It is produced by the interaction of active matter and moulding Spirit. Every form holds hid a Life. Every life constantly reaches out after the similar life latent in other forms. When Spirit and matter sound the same note evolution will cease. When the note sounded by the form is stronger than that of Spirit, we have attraction between forms. When the note sounded by Spirit is stronger than that of matter and form, we have Spirit repelling form. Here we have the basis for the battlefield of life, and its myriads of intermediate stages, which might be expressed as follows:

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 275

Primarily, nevertheless, it may be posited that the Law of Attraction is the demonstration of the powers of Spirit, whilst the Law of Repulsion governs the form. Spirit attracts Spirit throughout the greater cycle. In lesser cycles, Spirit temporarily attracts matter. The tendency of Spirit is to merge and blend with Spirit. Form repulses form, and thus brings about separation.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 276

We might, therefore, consider time as that process of activity, or that progression in development, wherein the indwelling Consciousness is seeking its opposite, and coming under the Law of Attraction, which leads to atomic, human, planetary, spiritual, solar and cosmic marriage. This idea is comparatively simple in relation to a human being, and can be seen in daily demonstration in his contacts with other men; these contacts are governed, for instance, very largely by his likes and dislikes.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 280

The second law is the Law of Attraction and Repulsion. Fundamentally, the law describes the compelling force of attraction that holds our solar system to the Sirian; that holds our planets revolving around our central unit, the sun; that holds the lesser systems of atomic and molecular matter circulating around a centre in the planet; and that holds the matter of all physical plane bodies, and that of the subtle bodies co-ordinated around their microcosmic centre.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 568

All branches of the law of attraction, demonstrating in this system, show themselves as a force that ingathers, that tends to coherence, that results in adhesion, and leads to absorption. All these terms are needed to give a general idea of the basic quality of this law. …

In manifestation the cosmic Law of Attraction controls all these subsidiary laws, just as the Law of Synthesis governs pralaya and obscuration, and the law of Economy deals with the general working out, along the line of least resistance, of the logoic scheme. During manifestation we have most to do with the Law of Attraction, and it will be found, on study, that each subsidiary law is but a differentiation of that law.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 577

sex is only the physical plane demonstration of the Law of Attraction;

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 585

That energizing the devas of construction, or the form building groups; this comes from the second aspect of Brahma, and is prana, issuing from the physical Sun, and working under the Law of Attraction.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 637

The second correspondence concerns the latent “consciousness of desire,” and works under the Law of Attraction

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 721

We can view pralaya as the work of “abstraction,” and as the method which brings the form under the Destroyer aspect of Spirit, working ever under the Law of Attraction, of which the Law of Synthesis is but a branch

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 734

the Self in the beginning identifies Itself with sensation. Later, when the Self is beginning to identify Itself with Itself, and to recognise the nature of the Not-Self, the Law of Attraction and Repulsion becomes more active, and conscious will and purpose are displayed.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 766-767

By means of the pituitary body, the second element of desire or of the form-building energy, becomes available, and under the law of attraction he can mould, and build in deva substance.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 966

Law of Attraction governs the Soul aspect. The Law of Economy is the law of the negative electron; the Law of Synthesis is the Law of the positive central life; whilst the Law of Attraction governs that which is produced by the relation of these two, and is itself controlled by a greater cosmic law which is the principle of the intelligence of substance. It is the law of Akasha.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1167

  1. a. The Law of Economy demonstrates as an urge,
  2. b. The Law of Attraction as a pull,
  3. c. The Law of Synthesis as a tendency to concentrate at a centre, or to merge.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1182

The Law of Attraction produces certain effects which it might profit us to touch upon here, provided we remember that only a few effects out of many possible are being considered.

  1. Association.
  2. Form Building.
  3. Adaptation of the form to the life

(Quite a bit of material)

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 1185-1189

The Hierarchies are the users of the vehicles, and it is the nature of these lives and the quality of their vibration which under this great Law of Attraction brings to them the needed forms.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1195

We must remember that the hierarchies work under the Law of Attraction; it is the law of the Builders.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1197

The quality that emerges through the process of manifesting, and under the impulse of the divine Life, is love, which functions through the medium of the Law of Attraction, with the aim of producing an ultimate synthesis in consciousness.

Esoteric Psychology, Vol I, Page 193

However, (and this is the fact of supreme importance), all this activity, all this directed unfoldment, all this evolving purpose and livingness, all the events in all the kingdoms of nature, and all the phases of life-conditioning in the human family, plus the kaleidoscope of events, the emergence of characteristics and tendencies, the appearance of forms with their unique colouring, qualities and activities, the syntheses and fusions, the urges, instincts and aspirations, the manifested loves and hates (as expressions of the great law of attraction and repulsion), the producing of civilisations, of the sciences and arts in all their wonder and beauty,all this is but the expression of the will-to-be of certain Beings or Lives.

Esoteric Psychology, Vol II, Page 28

The Law of Attraction breaks up the forms and draws back to primal sources the material of those forms, prior to rebuilding them anew. On the path of evolution the effects of this law are well-known, not only in the destruction of discarded vehicles, but in the breaking up of the forms in which great ideals are embodied….All eventually break under the working of this law.

Esoteric Healing, Page 415

The Law of Attraction governs the process of dying, as it governs all else in manifestation. It is the principle of coherency which, under the balanced integration of the whole body, preserves it intact, stabilises its rhythm and cyclic life processes and relates its varied parts to each other. It is the major coordinating principle within all forms, for it is the primary expression (within the soul) of the first aspect of divinity, the will aspect. This statement may surprise you, accustomed as you are to regard the Law of Attraction as an expression of the second aspect, love-wisdom. This attractive principle is found in all forms, from the tiny form of the atom to that form, the planet Earth, through which our planetary Logos expresses Himself. But if it is the principle of coherency and the cause of integration, it is also the medium through which “restitution” is brought about and by which the human soul is periodically reabsorbed into the overshadowing soul. This aspect of the Law of Attraction has, as yet, received little attention. The reason is that it concerns the highest expression of that Law, and is therefore related to the will aspect of Deity, as also the will aspect of the Monad. Only as the Shamballic force proceeds with its more direct work in the coming cycle, and men begin to discriminate (as they must and will) between self-will and the spiritual will, between determination, intention, plan, purpose, and fixed polarisation, will clarification come. The Law of Attraction has (as all else in manifestation) [Page 434] three phases or aspects, each related to the three divine aspects:

  1. It relates life and form, spirit and matter – the third aspect.
  2. It governs the coherent integrative process which produces forms – the second aspect.
  3. It brings about the imbalance which results in the act of disintegration, thus overcoming form – as far as the human being is concerned – and brings this about in three phases to which we have given the names:

Esoteric Healing, Page 433-434

Under the Law of Attraction the nature of love is revealed, first of all through desire for form life, and then through attraction to the soul and a consequent resolution of the dualities of soul and personality. This brings about a unity whichin due timeserves to reveal a greater potential dualismthat of soul and spirit; this fundamental duality must also be resolved, leaving the essential, universal planetary duality, Spirit-matter, present in time and space.

Rays and Initiations, Page 264

This thought-form has four main characteristics:

  1. It is brought into being through the conscious use of the Law of Attraction.
  2. It is formed of an infinite number of living entities who are attracted by the mind of the divine Creator and thus enter into relation with each other.

Treatise on White Magic, Pages 454-455

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The Real Jesus


Aug 19, 2016

The Real Jesus

Stephane gave a very good rundown giving a great overview, though some of the details are in dispute about the possibility of Jesus being patterned after a previous Jewish teacher such as Yeishu ben Pandeira. The problem is that there is no way to positively prove by historical research any of the theories about Jesus, among which are:

(1) He was a real historical person as presented in the Gospels.

(2) He was a historical person, but greatly embellished by the gospels.

(3) He was a historical person, but inspired by a different person in history than Jesus of the Gospels. Among these are Yeishu ben Pandeira as well as Apollonius.

(4) He was a completely fictional character created to control the masses.

(5) The life of Christ was a fictional allegory written by mystics to use as a teaching vehicle.

Stephane made about as good of a case as possible for the real Jesus being Yeishu ben Pandeira. Perhaps the strongest point for the Theosophically inclined is that HPB indicated that Jesus of the gospels was patterned after Yeishu ben Pandeira.

I tend to not accept a truth merely because she said it. I do give a lot of weight to her words as I believe she had higher contacts as well as being extremely intelligent. Among all those who have come in contact with the masters she had the sharpest mind in my opinion.

Even so, I think her words were far from infallible and few of them represented actual words from masters. I think she did receive a lot of inspiration and some detailed facts, but wrote them all down in her own language, using her own intelligence. Thus I read all she writes in the light of the soul.

On the other hand, Alice A. Bailey, though intelligent, was not as savvy as HPB, but did write the words of the Master DK pretty much word for word as given to her. In fact, I think the greatest proof that she had higher contact is to read a book written by her and then one by DK. The difference is profound.

So do I accept DK’s words without question then?

No. I do not accept anything without running it by my mind and Higher Self. However, DK is an earned authority with me and I give his words, perhaps more weight than any other author. If I come across something that does not seem logical I will then study them from every angle trying to see if I missed something or perhaps there is meaning beyond the obvious.

Thus when HPB suggests that the person of Jesus was inspired by Yeishu ben Pandeira I do not automatically accept it though I do give it weight and study out the possibility. When DK says that the Master Jesus was also Apollonius of Tyanna the red flag of a possible error goes up, but I still give the statement a lot of weight because I have proven to myself other things he said that seemed strange or unbelievable in the past. I therefore look at and consider all possibilities that could conform to the idea that Jesus was Apollonius.

Being able to give weight to a teacher’s words is important because if that teacher is truly inspired then you also can be inspired by his words.

That said I see number of problems with the idea that Yeishu ben Pandeira was the person that some writer used as a pattern from which to create the life of the Jesus of the gospels. Let us look at the pros and cons of the idea.


(1) They were both said to be miracle workers.

(2) Another name for Yeishu (or Yeshu or Yesu) ben Pandeira was Yeishu ha-Notzri. “Some have translated this as Jesus the Nazarine.”

(3) Yeishu had five disciples. Two of them, Mattai and Todah, had names similar to the disciples of Jesus being the Hebrew forms of Matthew and Thaddaeus.

(4) They both upset the Jewish authorities and were put to death on the eve of the Passover.

(5) Early Christians were called Nazarenes, a term in use before the Common Era.


(1) We have very sketchy information on Yeishu ben Pandeira. We know little of his teachings or life.

(2) Yeishu ben Pandeira had five disciples, not twelve, and three of them, Nekai, Netzer and Buni had names one could not associate with the Twelve Apostles.

(3) The Hebrew name for Jesus is generally agreed to be Yeshua, not Yeishu, or Yeshu. Yeshua is of course translated into the English Joshua. It is believed that the Greek word for Jesus, Iesous, was back translated to come up with Yeishu instead of Yeshua. If this is the case then Yeishu ha-Notzri is not the equivalent of Jesus the Nazarine.

(4) If Jesus was patterned after the life of Yeishu ben Pandeira then where did all his teachings and parables come from as well as the story of his ministry? There is little in the life of Yeishu ben Pandeira that could be used for the script of the Gospels.

(5) The main claim to fame for Jesus was the resurrection story. Without this, he would have been lost to history. If the life of Jesus was inspired by Yeishu ben Pandeira then why was there no resurrection story about him also?

This would be like creating a character patterned after George Washington, but making him come back from the dead, something the Washington story does not have in it.

(6) There is quite a bit of evidence that Jesus lived in the beginning of the first century. One of the strongest from non Christian sources is verification from Josephus and Hegesippus that James, the brother of Jesus was a historical person, who was stoned to death in 62 AD. If the brother of Jesus (who is mentioned in the Bible) lived in the first century then Jesus would have lived then also.

For final verification let us look at the actual words of a master (DK) and see what verification we can get about the life of Jesus.

It is true that sometimes DK spoke of obvious symbolism in the life of Jesus, but there can be symbolism behind actual physical events. For instance DK speaks of the baptism as a real event.

“We have an instance of this in the manner the Christ used the body of the initiate Jesus, taking possession of it at the time of the Baptism.”

TCF, Pg 1150

Then he also talks about the symbolism behind baptism.

Here are some other real events indicated by DK in the life of Jesus.

“Behind these words of illusion, glamour and maya, lies TRUTH. This truth is the clear consciousness of Being, of Existence and of essential, initial Reality. That is the reason that Christ stood mute before Pilate who symbolised the human intellect; He knew that no reply could convey meaning to that veiled, inhibited mind.”

Glamour, Pg 240


“I would remind you that the outstanding characteristic of Jesus of Nazareth, throughout the period prior to the crucifixion, was one of complete silence;”

Rays and Initiations, Page 220

Here DK speaks of Jesus before Pilate as if it were a historical fact. Pilate was a true historical person who was the fifth prefect of the Roman province of Judaea from AD 26–36, right around the time given the Gospels for the crucifixion.

Then there are numerous other references where DK indicates that Jesus was crucified as related in the gospels rather than stoned to death and then hung on a tree.

“The exclamation of the Christ, “Father, not my will, but Thine be done,” indicated His monadic and realised “destiny.” The meaning of these words is not as is so oft stated by Christian theologians and thinkers, a statement of acceptance of pain and of an unpleasant future. It is an exclamation evoked by the realisation of monadic awareness and the focussing of the life aspect within the Whole. The soul, in this statement, is renounced, and the monad, as a point of centralisation, is definitely and finally recognised. Students would do well to bear in mind that the Christ never underwent the Crucifixion subsequent to this episode, but that it was the Master Jesus Who was crucified. The Crucifixion lay behind Him in the experience of the Christ. The episode of renunciation was a high point in the life of the World Saviour, but was no part of the experience of the Master Jesus.

Rays and Initiations, Pages 314-315

Here DK acknowledges the Gospel account of the experience in the Garden of Gethsemane as being a real occurrence as well as the crucifixion. It doesn’t sound like he is just speaking in symbols.

Then there is this:

“It is interesting here to note that the Master Jesus, as He hung upon the Cross, experienced (on a much higher turn of the spiral than is possible to the disciple) the acme and the height of this crisis, though in “His case – being attuned to God and to all God’s children – there swept over Him the sum total of the dilemma of the world disciples and all the agony of the astral awareness of this dilemma, voicing itself in the agonising words: “’My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me.’”

Esoteric Psychology, Page 374

“The Master Jesus on the Cross could not respond to any saving process (even had He desired to do so) because the soul body – as is always the case at the fourth initiation – was destroyed; there was nothing to respond to the evocative power of an outside person, interested or loving. As an adept and as one in whom monadic consciousness was firmly established, the powers then available to Jesus could not be used in the saving of His physical body.”

Esoteric Healing, Page 654

“It was the Master Jesus who ‘died’ and entered into the tomb, thus climaxing His long series of incarnations and ending – by destruction – the hold of matter on the spirit;”

Rays and Initiations, Page 355

Here we have verification of the gospel account of his words on the cross as well as his crucifixion.

In addition, DK seems to subscribe to the fact that there was a literal resurrection of Jesus from the dead, something not identified with any other Jewish figure before him.

“This return to an original state is pictured for us in The New Testament under the story of the Prodigal Son, who said “I will arise and go to my Father,” and by the story of the resurrection in which the Master Jesus arose out of the tomb; the chains of death could not hold Him. At that time of His “rising,” a far more important event took place and the Christ passed through the seventh Initiation of Resurrection and returned back to His original state of Being…”

Rays and Initiations, Pg 730

The fact of the resurrection will be demonstrated during the next few centuries, and the Living Christ will walk among men and lead them onward towards the Mount of Ascension.

The Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pg 471

Finally, the parting words to the disciples are verified

“The final words of the Christ to His apostles, gathered together in the upper chamber (in the Hierarchy, symbolically) were, ‘Lo, I am with you all the days, even unto the end of the age,’ or cycle.”

The Reappearance of the Christ, Page 29

There is some symbology in everything, but overall it does indeed sound like DK subscribes to the basic elements and timeframe of the life of Jesus as being largely historically accurate.

In addition it would add depth to the mystery if Jesus was a reincarnation of Yeishu ben Pandeira – which thing is a real possibility.

For the Previous Article on this subject GO HERE

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HPB, Handwriting and the Mahatma Letters, Part 4

HPB, Handwriting

and the Mahatma Letters, Part 4

The question now is, if I am correct that she did write the Mahatma letters in her own hand, what are we supposed to make of Madame Blavatsky? Was she then a complete fraud who should be totally rejected?

I certainly do not write her off, but instead look at her life and works as a whole. There are accounts in her life that testify that she must have had help at times from a supernatural source and her greatest work, The Secret Doctrine testifies to a knowledge beyond normal human understanding.

In addition to this, Djwhal Khul through Alice A. Bailey, acknowledged that she worked under the guidance of the Masters and performed a great work while at the same time realizing her flaw of forging the Mahatma Letters. He said:

The Master K.H., in one of the few (the very few) paragraphs in The Mahatma Letters which are genuine and not simply the work of H.P.B., gave a hint to aspirants of that time when He said that so many of them were so “spiritually selfish.”

Rays and Initiations, Page 342

It is indeed interesting then that DK tells us that only a few paragraphs of all the letters are the genuine words of a Master and the rest are “the work of HPB.”

Here is what I think led up to the fabrication. DK tells us that HPB was Count Alessandro Cagliostro in a past life and during that life did not live up to expectations in the service of the hierarchy, but yielding to glamour did much harm to the cause.

Evidently Cagliostro used some trickery and deception to promote his own agenda instead of the Hierarchy and this flaw carried over in part to her life as HPB. The difference was that she used some deception, not to promote her own will, but something greater than herself. She moved a step forward from the life of Cagliostro, but did not distance herself from all past flaws.

Here is what I think happened. HPB did receive some true contact from the Hierarchy and had a true sense of mission toward fulfilling a part of the Divine Will. As she went about her work she found it was difficult to gain and keep followers and the Hierarchy didn’t seem to be much help. She kept thinking that if they would just materialize a few miracles that it would be much easier to convince people. Unfortunately for her the Masters are not much into supporting glamour so they did not cooperate in the ways she wanted.

She therefore decided to give the work a kick in the pants by producing her own miracles. In her travels she had gained a number of secrets from various magicians and knew how to do a few tricks that would appear quite miraculous. She used her skill to make it seem as if the Mahatma Letters just materialized out of thin air as well as other tricks such as making other objects appear or be found at some strange location.

These seemingly outward miracles did help her convince followers that she was in contact with a higher source, but also had the negative effect of planting the seeds of glamour that affected many of her followers to this day.

You’ll notice that Alice A. Bailey working on behalf of DK did not ask for or produce any type of miracle that would appeal to glamour. She did produce one astounding miracle and that was to write many great words that were beyond her own intelligence to manifest. Thus the life of Alice A. Bailey did not plant seeds of glamor similar to HPB. That doesn’t mean all Alice A. Bailey students are free from glamour, but that she just didn’t feed such glamours.

Similarly, I think the one important miracle in the life of HPB was her connection to the Masters. I believe that most of her writings are in her own words, but she received many impressions and pictures in her mind of various words, quotes and sources for her writings.

I think the hierarchy understood Blavatsky’s flaws, but continued to work with her anyway because there was no one else that could get the job done.

None of the messengers or prophets of the past have been perfect. Look at the lives of David, Solomon, Jonah, Peter, Paul, Mohammed and others. They did great work despite their flaws.

Does this mean that I endorse their flaws?

No. We must all do all in our power to rise above such things for flawed people produce a work that will have seeds of its own destruction built in. Let the servants in this new age not let their own imperfection infect the work but move forward with no deceit in a spirit of harmlessness to promote truth verified by the Divine Self.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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DK’s Students

May 6, 2016

DK’s Students

Kelly writes:

I have a few questions on DK and Annoyances – what exactly happened to this group of “world servers”?

Did they succeed? Was DK going through Alice Bailey in order to criticize constructively his students, or did he do it live in front of them? I’m assuming this was an actual group here on earth and not some ethereal beings. As such – then where is the group at now or their successors?


DK worked with real people like you and me in the flesh in an effort to establish a new type of working living group. He referred to it as a living organism so he seemed to be trying to take it in a molecular direction, but did not work with any type of pairing or molecular numbers, though he did say that 49 ashrams are in the process of materializing on the planet, of which his group was a part of one.

He had a disadvantage in that the group members were from various different places on the planet, but had an advantage that he could tune in to their minds and monitor their progress. As needed he gave individual instructions to the students through Alice A. Bailey and then she sent them on to the various students.

Over a period of 15 years or so he worked with about 50 students. He called the experiment a failure as far as their work in this period is concerned but stated the group has a unity on subtle planes and will eventually be successful in future lives.

Of the original 50 students 16 stayed with him until the effort ended and of that sixteen only six had progressed well enough to be of any value to the hierarchy.

He pointed out that even the masters cannot predict success or failure as far as dealings with humans go because of human freewill in time and space.

So, if a master can labor with all the tools at his disposal and only wind up with six souls that are of any use in group work then I guess I should not feel discouraged. DK found six, I need to find 24 for my mission and have to do it as a normal human being with no particular special abilities.

DK pointed out three main reasons for the failure of his group.

First students were more concerned about developing their own abilities than in service and support of the goals of the group.

Second, they were more concerned with the flaws of other group members rather than looking at their own.

Third, they only gave lip service to his advice and didn’t follow it. If they disagreed with the instructions they claimed that Alice A. Bailey wrote it rather than DK. DK said this never happened.

Finding a group of people who can work together under the direction of the soul is a daunting task indeed, but one that will be accomplished. It is just a matter of time, for one day soul groups on earth will be a common thing.


Has Lucis Trust via their website taken over the “works” in our modern era? Or did DK just call himself on an absent leave until 2025 (ish) like it was said so somewhere in the Bailey books or JJ’s archives.


Alice A. Bailey founded the Lucis trust and the Arcane school completely on her own with no help from DK. It was something she had to do to demonstrate her own powers of initiation. DK did not give her any grade on her work. Lucis Trust does have custody of the books which was fine with DK. The people at Lucis trust seem to be fine people and the Arcane School does good work, but they are very cautions about following the Bailey writings and I have not seen any thinking out of the box come from anyone associated with them.

Unfortunately, most Alice A. Bailey students lean left even though, as I pointed out earlier, most of DK’s writings lean right.

Ruth asks about the advanced souls who got caught under the reign of Hitler:

“Did any of them kill Jews? Did any of them go down the wrong path with Hitler, instead of working against Hitler?”


I am sure that a number of them did things that they wish they could have a voided. Many people are way too judgmental of those caught up in various thoughtforms of history past. They do not realize how powerful they are and that they themselves in past lives did all kinds of things that we in the current time judge as evil. For instance, many of the finest people we see about us today were slave holders in another era.

Many advanced souls cooperated with Hitler to some degree. Some woke up and others did not.

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DK Quotes

This entry is part 36 of 73 in the series 2015

Oct 23, 2015

DK Quotes

Today I thought I would do something different and give you some DK quotes that I like.

Even Christ Himself struggled with the problem of the divine will, and addressed Himself to the Monad at the moment when He first realised the extent and the complexity of His mission as World Saviour. He then cried aloud: “Father, not My will but Thine be done.” Those words marked the relinquishing of the vehicles through which He had been attempting to salvage humanity; it indicated to Him what might at that time have appeared to be an apparent failure and that His mission was not accomplished. For nearly two thousand years He has waited to bring that mission to fruition; it has marked also for Him the entrance into a new cycle of activity; this cycle will culminate during the next three hundred years in success if this Invocation—as used by all of you and by the Hierarchy—proves its effectiveness. He cannot proceed with His assigned mission without reciprocal action by humanity.

Discipleship In the New Age, Vol 2, Page 173

Evil lies in the refusal to leave behind when conquered; it consists in remaining immersed in matter that is dominated and hath no more to teach; it is the clinging to forms that should not hold the evolving spirit, in vibrating to a rhythm too heavy for the point reached; it is the holding on to things behind instead of stretching up to those ahead and before; it is a desecrating of knowledge gained and a prostituting of it to what is realised to be a retrograde and unworthy step; it is choosing to talk in the dark or twilight when just ahead the light can be seen; it is the choosing of a life of ease and no struggle, a going with the tide, when the inner voice points the way along a rocky and difficult path to a goal acknowledged to be desirable; it is acquiescence instead of aspiration, a standing still instead of going forward, a closing of the eyes instead of straining them to see a wide horizon; it is knowing and not using knowledge. The initiate James knew this when wisely he said, “To him that knows to do good and does it not, to him is sin.”

A Learning Experience; Mary Bailey, Pg 60

The curse of many groups has been the whispered word that “Those who know wish….” “The Master says….” “The Great Ones command…” and the group of silly sheep feebly and blindly tumble over themselves to obey. They think thereby, through their misplaced devotion, to contact certain authoritative personages, and to get into heaven by some short cut.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 4

It is useful also to bear in mind that light and matter are synonymous terms, thus echoing the teaching of the East, it becomes apparent that through the interplay of the poles, and through the friction of the pairs of opposites light flashes forth. The goal of evolution is found to be a gradual series of light demonstrations. Veiled and hidden by every form lies light. As evolution proceeds, matter becomes increasingly a better conductor of the light, thus demonstrating the accuracy of the statement of the Christ “I am the Light of the World”.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pgs 9-10

People have sought to adjust the truth to the hour instead of adjusting the hour to the truth.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 137

True service is the spontaneous outflow of a loving heart and an intelligent mind; it is the result of being in the right place and staying there; it is produced by the inevitable inflow of spiritual force and not by strenuous physical plane activity; it is the effect of a man’s being what he truly is, a divine Son of God, and not by the studied effect of his words or deeds. A true server gathers around him those whom it is his duty to serve and aid by the force of his life and his spiritualised personality, and not by his claims or loud speaking.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 188-9

These three—idealism, group service and sacrifice—are characteristics of those personalities who are becoming increasingly sensitive to the soul aspect, the qualities of that soul being knowledge, love and sacrifice.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 396

we must remember that each of us is recognised by the brilliance of his light. This is an occult fact. The finer the grade of matter built into our bodies, the more brilliantly will shine forth the indwelling light. Light is vibration, and through the measurement of vibration is fixed the grading of the scholars. Hence nothing can prevent a man’s progress forward if he but attends to the purification of his vehicles. The light within will shine forth with ever greater clarity, as the refining process goes on, until—when atomic matter predominates—great will be the glory of that inner man. We are all graded, therefore, if it may be so expressed, according to the magnitude of the light, according to the rate of vibration, according to the purity of the tone and the clarity of the colour.

Initiation Human and Solar, Pg 68

Nothing in heaven or hell, on earth or elsewhere can prevent the progress of the man who has awakened to the illusion, who has glimpsed the reality beyond the glamour of the astral plane, and who has heard, even if only once, the clarion call of his own soul.     A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 223

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The Lives of the Seven Chakras

This entry is part 14 of 73 in the series 2015

Contacting Lesser Lives

Have you ever had a conversation or read a book or article and just have something strike you in such a way that produced an a-hah moment? I think we all have had this experience at one time or another.

I had the privilege of creating such a moment for Bryan Smith in a conversation we had some time ago. I made an off the cuff comment about the influence of the lesser lives in our centers and their influence upon us and the comment turned on a light in his head.

He then asked me if I had ever taught this concept in the Keys or at a gathering. I told him that I had often taught that we were composed of many lesser lives, but did not recall teaching it this way.

Well, the other day in an email he reminded me that I should elaborate more on this topic so here goes.

Many esoteric, metaphysical and new age teachings tell us that life is much more pervasive than accepted by orthodoxy. The common teaching is that all things are alive, from atoms to molecules, to cells in our body and clear up to the earth itself, the sun and the entire universe. All the various parts of the human body are more than just parts that make up a life, but are also individual lives in their own right. In other words, an individual cell in your body has its own consciousness and sphere of influence and ring-pass-not, but merely on a different level than our own.

These lesser lives combine to create the greater life which is the body as a whole.

Expanding on this concept produces the foundation of the teaching of the Molecular Relationship. It is known that humans form groups that seem to have a life of their own, but the Molecular Relationship takes this a step further and tells of scientific groupings and linkings to higher lives that can create greater conscious life forms than humanity has seen before.

That is all well and good, but what caught Bryan’s attention was when I told him that all of us can actually feel some of these lesser lives and communicate with them and direct them if we pay attention. In fact controlling these lesser lives is a key that must be understood and mastered on the path to liberation.

“So where are these lesser lives and how do we feel them?” inquires the seeker. “I realize my cells and organs are alive, but I do not recall receiving or giving communication with any of them.”

To this I respond that you have interplay with lesser lives within you all the time and you communicate with them, but you just did not realize what you were doing.

To this the seeker would want to know how this could be. Here is the answer.

There are many lives within us besides our cells, organs and various physical body parts. The most powerful lives are those that compose the seven centers. Just like you are a life composed of lesser lives, even so, are each of your centers a life composed of lesser lives and are a part of the greater life which is you. Because the centers are the highest lives that are a part of you they are also the easiest to contact and communicate with.

And the strange thing is that humans communicate with them all the time and do not realize it.

How so?

Because it seems that the lesser lives are just us, not something alive in their own right.

“So, where can I find one of these lesser lives and communicate with it?” one asks.

It is quite easy. Just wait for the next time someone irritates you and you feel angry as the dickens

When this happens, just still yourself and step aside from your physical existence for a moment and become the observer. See yourself as being outside of your body just watching what is going on. What do you see?

What you see and sense is a powerful life form dwelling in the solar plexus area that wants to take control of the body and direct it toward destructive ends for its own satisfaction.

This life is not you, but is sharing the body with you and tries to convince you that you and it are the same life and you are under its control.

If you step aside and see this angry life as separate as your dog or an associate then it will indeed dawn on you that the source of this anger is a life that is not you. You will realize that it is not technically correct to say, “I am angry.” Instead, it would be more correct to say something like, “Those darned little deva lives in me are having a fit and want me to express the anger they feel.”

It would also be correct to say, “I feel anger.”

The essence which is you is not angry, but because you have incarnated into the body with these lives capable of creating anger and other feelings, you have the ability to feel what they try to communicate.

When you die and return to your soul you leave many of these lesser lives behind and are not so influenced by them. But when incarnated in the physical we do feel what they feel and for many lifetimes we are deceived into thinking that what they tell us to feel is who we are.

It is not who we are. This is the great revelation that leads to liberation.

The first time the seeker steps aside and tunes into these lesser lives expressing anger, jealousy, irritation, romantic love, strong desire or other emotions connected with the solar plexus he or she will come to some very insightful conclusions.

The easiest emotion expressed by a lesser life for the individual to tune into is anger. This is the easiest feeling to see that it has a life of its own. Many feel anger and sense that this is not the real individual. “This does not seem like the real me, it is not who I want to be, but I feel like kicking the door down,” he may think.

When the seeker then realizes that the anger is coming from a separate life then it becomes much easier for him to take control. It is much easier to drive the car where you want to go when the real you is driving instead of someone else.

If you identify with the anger then someone else is driving your life. But if you place the real you in charge then you become the driver.

And what happens when you take charge of the lesser lives wanting to express anger?

You control them. Just tell them to quiet down, be patient and behave themselves.

Here is another secret about these lesser lives. They evolve differently than we do. We evolve by making conscious decisions and taking charge of our lives. The lesser deva lives go backwards and become out of control when they are given total freedom. Unlike us they evolve by being controlled.

Thus by taking charge of your lower emotions and controlling them you are not only furthering your evolution, but also moving the evolution of the lesser lives forward.

Now keep in mind that control is different than suppression or denial. To suppress is to tell the lesser lives they do not count and this denies their right to feel. If you do this they will rebel and attack the whole body and often create disease.

The seeker must recognize the lesser lives and direct them to their right place by good old fashion self control.

All the lesser lives we have covered belong to the solar plexus but there are six other major centers. Any idea what are the characteristics of some of the lives in the other centers and how to communicate with them?


The Lives in the First Two Centers

In the last post we discussed the influence of the lesser lives through the solar plexus center demonstrating as the lower emotions calling for our attention.

So what about the other centers?

Another center that is often of equal or greater force in getting our attention is the sacral center. This is the center governing sexual energy.

These lives are particularly powerful in young people who have not settled in some type of routine of self control and direction. If reasonable self control is not established the main deva life with its lesser components will dominate the person until his vital energy is exhausted.

The lesser lives of this center are quite easy to recognize. The only reason people do not is that they see the sexual energy as being a part of themselves rather than individual lives within the body.

Now think of a time that a very attractive person crossed your path. If you are normal you felt a strong pull, even if you are committed to someone else. Perhaps a part of you felt like grabbing that person and ravishing him or her on the spot, but of course, you controlled yourself.

Perhaps a part of you felt like throwing your current relationship to the wind and starting something fresh and adventurous.

Fortunately, most people do not follow all the desires expressed by those crazy lives in sacral center. Most put them under some form of control, though many yield in moments of weakness, usually to their regret.

When a provocative sexual situation occurs the observer can certainly at that point register that there are lesser lives in the body with a mind of their own and these lives need to be controlled and directed into a harmless outlet. When the person is highly aroused sexually he or she can definitely feel the effect of these lives which is beyond the mere thought process.

The ultimate testimony to the presence of life in the sacral center is the result of its creative activity which is the birth of a new and independent human life – a baby.

The first center in the lower regions is at the base of the spine. This is the initiating center from whence come the flow of energy that vitalizes or feeds the other centers and hence the entire body.

Now the seeker may comment that he can surely feel the influence of lives from the solar plexus and the sacral, but can’t think of any communication that would be coming from the base chakra. What in the world would that be?

The reason the sensing of the life there is not as obvious is that it is not as excitable as the lives tuned in to the emotions and sexual desire. Even so, all of us feel the life presence there every day, but again the reality passes over our heads.

Tuning into the life in the base center is quite simple. Just ask yourself these questions?

How am I feeling today on a physical level? What is my energy level? Do I feel tired or am I alert and ready to tackle my work?

Then after you ask yourself these questions tune into the life that activates and energizes your physical body?

This is the life at the base chakra. If you feel tired all the time then you are doing something to hinder its vitality. If you feel good energy and a sense of physical well being then you are allowing it to express its life force.

When someone asks you, “How are you, today?” you will generally say fine and see this totally in reference to your life. But the real answer you give (speaking physically) concerns the condition of the lives at the base of the spine.

If the seeker will quiet himself down, concentrate and tune in to his life energy he will become aware of this foundation life. Focus on the energy source for your body and whether or not it is adequate in the present. If it is not adequate then ask it what it needs in order to circulate more energy throughout the body.

Now let us focus on the throat and heart centers. What will communication or contact with them reveal?


Questions on Lesser Lives

A reader quotes me as follows:

“What you see and sense is a powerful life form dwelling in the solar plexus area that wants to take control of the body and direct it toward destructive ends for its own satisfaction.”

And then asks:

Why would this powerful life form want to direct out body toward destructive ends for its own satisfaction?


These lives are on a different course than whole human lives. They evolve by being controlled. When intelligently controlled, they can be directed toward constructive ends. When not controlled they merely take the line of least resistance which leads to chaos.


Does it get some type of pleasure from this? And why would it?


Emotionally based lives get pleasure from expressing themselves whether it be constructive or destructive. They do not have much discernment.

Have you ever reacted emotionally and then minutes later asked yourself, “Why did I do or say that?” What happened is you turned your body over to the life of the solar plexus which just wants to express itself, good or bad.


If it did this, then it would have no body?


There is a lot of destructive emotional things said and done that do not involve injuring the body. Normally the feeling nature seeks to preserve the life of the body.


Where did this life form that is so destructive come from?


All lives are composites of lesser lives. The solar plexus has ten petals dominated by ten lesser lives with a more significant one in the center of the lotus.

From the beginning of the universe the intelligence of God worked through lesser lives, gathering them together to create greater lives. All organized lives came from the creative mind of God.


Are these life forms part of the Lunar Lords from the Moon chain?


Many lesser lives here were partially developed in past systems.


So why are we housing a life form that is so destructive? Is that part of our karma, or part of our own lower nature from a past universe?


It has little to do with negative karma. All life, including man goes through a destructive and uncontrolled period until he begins to fulfill the purpose of his creation and creates or encounters some type of control or direction that moves it toward a constructive, joyful end.

When lives of the solar plexus are put under constructive control they then reflect the energies of the soul and add to the joy of being human.


Is this lifeform the Dweller also, or is this life form, like the Dweller wherein it is a collective of all our negative thoughts, since the beginning of time and space?


No. Your dweller is a thoughtform composed of emotional and mental matter apart from the centers. It may use fear and negative emotion connected with the lower centers, but it is distinct from them.


The Lives of the Throat and Heart

Now we move to the throat and heart centers to see what communication or contact with them reveal.

The lives composing the sacral and solar plexus centers are under an impulse to control the personality, but need to be controlled by the indwelling ego for the sake of their own advancement as well as the person incarnated.

As we advance upward to the throat, the heart and the head, the lives are of a higher order. These higher devas respond to the control from the soul rather than the personality.

The throat is at the midway point between the frequencies of heaven and earth so to speak. It helps to understand the throat center to realize that the human kingdom represents the throat center for the planetary life of earth.

The human kingdom is composed of the very spiritual and the very materialistic. A part of this center dwells in soul consciousness, a part touching upon it and a large part is stuck in a very materialistic thinking.

The throat center stimulates creative energies and in the human kingdom we see very inspiring creative endeavors in art, music, architecture and innovations of all kinds. On the positive side many of these help humanity. On the negative side we are also creative developments used for war, destruction and perversion.

Even so, the lives in the throat center can be responsive to personality desire or to the will of the soul. Which one they tune into will be determined by the person in charge. If the pilgrim focuses on lower desire then his creative energies, as well as his speech, will reflect this. If he focuses on the spirit and soul then the creative energies will turn their attention to reflecting the higher life and the manifestation of spiritual things.

To tune into the lives in the throat center pay attention to the various impulses that come to you to speak, to write or to create. If you find yourself speaking something you regret, without thinking, then the lower lives there have taken over and bypassed the control that you should be exercising.

If you are in charge of words that come from your pen or mouth and you feel good about them then the chances are some of the light of the soul has been received by the throat center.

Christ and his Hierarchy, the Brotherhood of Light, represent the heart center of the planet. So just as the life of a master is of a higher order than the life of an average human, even so are the heart energies more in line with soul and spirit than are the lives below the heart. The lives in the heart are thus controlled by the Higher Self and not the lower. To access the real energies of the heart the seeker must seek to make his will harmonize with his Higher Self.

At first this just happens now and then and sometimes by accident. You may make a decision in line with the Higher Self and not even be aware of the unity. But then when you move on a decision in alignment with higher will you will experience sensations from the heart petals responding.

The main life of the heart center is composed of twelve lesser lives called petals. Six represent the wisdom aspect and six tune into spiritual love.

You feel the wisdom lives when you come to a new realization, perceive a new truth that isn’t obvious to the lower personality or have an Ah-ha moment.

You feel the lives reflecting spiritual love when you share soul energy with other humans. This often comes as a result of service. Bringing joy to or helping a young child is one of the easiest ways to stimulate and feel this spiritual love of the soul. A child hasn’t been separated from his soul for very long and thus tends to guide us toward spiritual love with greater ease than many adults.

The spiritual love of her heart feels quite different than the desire love of the solar plexus – which includes most romantic love.

The lower love responds because of what the other person does for us. For instance, most people fall in love because of what the other person offers him or her.

The love from the heart center responds because of what you do for a brother, sister, or child. You feel the lower love when you are served and the higher when you serve with the aim of carrying out the higher will of the soul or spirit.

Most of us have felt the higher love a number of times in our lives. It doesn’t come often enough but it does come to those with a sincere heart.

If you think back to a time when you felt spiritual love or a flash of enlightenment you can sense that you were indeed feeling a life within yourself reflecting spiritual energy under the control of your soul, a master on its own plane.

The end goal is to be one with our Higher Selves so we can be a participant in releasing the higher energies of the throat, the heart and the head.

The final two main centers are the center between the eyebrows and the crown chakra. Contemplate on the lives dwelling there and what contact would be like until I write again.

Only the hands that have let slip all within the three worlds are free to carry the ultimate blessing to struggling humanity.

Treatise on White Magic, Page 265


The Lives in the Head

Now let us look at the two highest centers which are the center between the eyebrows – the ajna, sometimes called the third eye, and the crown center – also called the sahasrara chakra, or the thousand petalled lotus.

The center between the eyebrows consists of two major petals. One petal is rose red and yellow and the other blue and purple. Each of these major petals consists of 48 lesser petals each making a total of 96 petals composing this center. It takes many lifetimes to unfold all of these lives but when they are the powers of heaven are manifest on earth through a human entity.

Just as the physical eyes see and bring in data for the brain to process, even so does the ajna center see, but on a higher level. How much the seeker sees depends on his point of evolution and how many lesser lives of the center are activated and cooperating.

So how much can the disciple see through the ajna center? Seeing is virtually unlimited as a fully opened center is linked to the originating monad. He or she can penetrate into the unseen worlds of form as well as the formless. He can see into the hearts and minds of men and sense the heart and will of God and beings unseen by common man.

As the disciple opens this center he begins to penetrate the realm where ideas are born and principles understood. He realizes he must do more than memorize facts and data, but must understand the how and why of things. This third eye receives principles and reflects them to the heart center which processes them with added wisdom and understanding.

So, what will the seeker feel when he senses the lives of this center? These lives dance and play upon the inner light within the head. Close your eyes and focus in the forehead until you see or sense living light in motion. Feel them transmitting that light to your whole being.

You’ve sensed them before, but you didn’t realize they were lives in their own right laboring to bring heaven down to earth for you. Recognize their labors and the gifts of the spirit will multiply and manifest.

The highest center in the body is the crown at the top of the head. Even though it is called the thousand petalled lotus the actual number is a little short of this. It consists of twelve larger outer petals, white and gold in color, that interplay with the twelve golden petals of the heart center. This is sometimes called the “heart center in the head.” Within the circle of these twelve petals are 960 lesser petals.

This center is linked to the monad and this link is slowly realized by the seeker, after many lifetimes of struggle, when many of the petals are activated.

This center reflects the will of God and assists in manifesting it on the earth. Each of the 960 lesser petals represents some divine purpose manifested in some life, past or future. The twelve major petals represent a greater embrace of Divine Will where the seeker becomes a disciple and performs a correspondence to the Twelve Labors of Hercules in twelve or more lifetimes or cycles.

Have you ever sensed that you have a purpose that you are supposed to fill in this life? All of us have this sense whether we acknowledge it or not. This sense is reflected to you from one or more of the lives in the head center.

Be still for a few minutes and contemplate your purpose and the value of your life. That sense of value and mission is reflected to you by an inner life doing his darndest to get through your thick skull. If you are like the rest of us these dedicated lives have their work cut out for them.

As the disciple advances along the path his sense of higher will increases so he can see beyond the purpose of his own life to Divine Will as it is designed to work out in groups, nations, the human race, the entire planet and more. There is always more.

Now we have covered the seven major centers it would be beneficial for the seeker to practice now and then in quiet moments in sensing the lives from the base of the spine to the top of the head and then synthesize them in the inner consciousness and see them and himself as one greater life working in cooperation.

Give thanks to the lives within and the God they serve as you cheerfully continue on your journey.

If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.

Bishop T. D. Jakes

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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The Left, the Right and DK, Conclusion

This entry is part 11 of 73 in the series 2015


There are other points that could be made illustrating how DK leans more right than left. His teachings are certainly a different flavor than either the current right or left is custom to hearing, but overall are more in harmony with the Right. A good DK student will find in his writings teachings that support:

(1) A belief in God

(2) A belief in an afterlife

(3) Good or evil works will reap a just reward after death

(4) There are angels and spiritual beings in other realms.

(5) He teaches against promiscuity

(6) Christ was a real historical person.

(7) Christ will come again.

(8) He believes in the power of prayer

(9) He stresses rugged individualism and personal responsibility and we are the ones who created whatever situation in which we find ourselves.

(10) He stresses the importance of law and justice in order to insure the preservation as well as the advance of civilization. He tells us that the seventh Ray is coming into power and greater emphasis will be placed on this.

The Right overall are bigger supporters of law and order than the Left. One of many examples of this is border control. We have plenty of laws that the Left helped pass to secure the border but now that it is not politically expedient they do not want to enforce them. The Right tends to support enforcing laws even when they disagree with them. This latter attitude is necessary to insure a secure civilization.

Of course, there are exceptions to every rule and there may be a time and place to break the law for the greater good but the Left does not support many laws that are for the greater good and necessary for a secure state.

If we have bad laws all efforts should be made to change them rather than break them for personal or dogmatic reasons.

About the only way that DK sounds more to the Left than the Right are found in his promotion of the idea of sharing wealth with some socialist sounding teachings.

On the other hand, nowhere des he say that social programs should be forced upon the majority by a minority. He presents a future ideal that both sides can agree with if accomplished through the Principle of Freedom.

And indeed freedom is one of his core teachings as well as one of mine.

Therefore, through the Forces of Light, liberation into freedom will come and it will mean the freedom of all mankind.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 219

Copyright 2015 by J J Dewey

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The Left, the Right and DK, Part 10

This entry is part 10 of 73 in the series 2015

The Left, the Right and DK, Part 10

Good and Evil

Many seekers make the mistake of believing that good and evil are easily identifiable and understood, but this is far from the case. So also is the difference between the left and right hand paths. Many confuse evil with the common word “bad.” Yes it is bad to lie cheat, steal etc, but evil from a higher spiritual standpoint is something different and grasped by only a few. In fact, In David’s’ day understanding was so rare that the psalmist declared, “There is none that doeth good, no not one.” Psalms 14:3

And Isaiah told us that true good was rare because it was distorted and not understood, “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

According to the Genesis story the understanding of good and evil was such a mystery that Adam and Eve did not have a clue as to what it was until they ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Then after they acquired this knowledge the Gods made an amazing statement: “Behold, the MAN IS TO BECOME AS ONE OF US, to know good from evil.” Gen 3:22

So the true knowledge of good and evil gives us humans the power to become as the Gods – notice the plural wording “one of us.”

Since the true knowledge of good and evil is rarely understood and it is a key to the consciousness of God let us attempt to comprehend it. DK gives us some hints. He says, Evil is due to wrong perception and erroneous interpretation of that which is perceived.” A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 630

We tend to think that various ideologies are good or evil but of them DK says, “The platform of the leading ideologies is not necessarily wrong or wicked; it is the imposition by force and by a police state of an ideology, and its use by powerful men or groups for their own benefit, plus the keeping of the people in blind ignorance so that no free choice is theirs—which is fundamentally wicked and evil. Rays and Initiations, Page 744

So limiting freedom and keeping people in ignorance is a prime ingredient of evil.

After identifying evil with involution and disciples with evolution DK says this:

“Evil lies in the refusal to leave behind when conquered; it consists in remaining immersed in matter that is dominated and hath no more to teach; it is the clinging to forms that should not hold the evolving spirit, in vibrating to a rhythm too heavy for the point reached; it is the holding on to things behind instead of stretching up to those ahead and before; it is a desecrating of knowledge gained and a prostituting of it to what is realised to be a retrograde and unworthy step; it is choosing to talk in the dark or twilight when just ahead the light can be seen; it is the choosing of a life of ease and no struggle, a going with the tide, when the inner voice points the way along a rocky and difficult path to a goal acknowledged to be desirable; it is acquiescence instead of aspiration, a standing still instead of going forward, a closing of the eyes instead of straining them to see a wide horizon; it is knowing and not using knowledge.” A Learning Experience; Mary Bailey (quoting unpublished notes from DK), Pages 60-61

Thus they key to understanding good and evil is the realization that evil takes us backward, or toward dense matter and good moves us forward toward Spirit. The power to discern the difference is a key to higher consciousness.

Speaking of good and evil often produces a very strong negative reaction from those on the political left, as well as many new agers and even some Bailey students. Many new agers claim there is no such thing as good and evil and many on the political left simply do not want any of their actions judged or discerned by anyone in those terms.

Many from the left only associate those of the political right with evil, Hitler and Nazism while giving a pass to tyrants, mobs rioters and many forms of depravity and criminal activity as long as they do not interfere with their political power.

While the left often pigeonholes the entire right (which is about half the population) as evil Nazis, the right generally does not retaliate in kind. Few from the right categorize all leftists as evil, but instead merely label them as misled. For most on the right the word evil is reserved for those who support the enslavement of the human spirit or the killing of the innocent.

DK, on the other hand was a definite believer in good and evil. Again, in the Great invocation he utters the prayer, “And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

The teaching of the differences between the Brotherhood of Light and the Dark Brotherhood are at the core of his writings. He did not hesitate to call evil by its name and strongly equated Hitler and the Nazis with evil for they were definitely fighting for the triumph of materialism. After the war he said:

“The leader of the conflict against evil in high places is the Christ, the Head of the Hierarchy. What is the attitude of the Christ at this time?… He knows Himself to be the inner spiritual Commander of the Armies of the Lord. His is the responsibility of awakening the souls of men to their presented opportunity and to the need of bringing to an end this ancient conflict between the Lords of Evil and the Messengers of Light. His has been the problem of teaching humanity that, in order to demonstrate true love and to provide scope and opportunity for a civilisation in which love, brotherhood and right human relations are governing factors, those essential steps must be taken which will accomplish this….

“The sword of discrimination is wielded by the initiates and the disciples of the world, and by its means the distinction between good and evil, with a consequent presentation of free choice between the two, has been laid before humanity, and the lines of demarcation have been made abundantly clear in this world war. Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pages 433-434

By most any definition of the terms good and evil exists in the world. If this is not recognized then how can evil be replaced with good? One cannot defeat an enemy if he does not understand or recognize what the enemy is.

Again, speaking after the war he said, “the forces of evil will now endeavour to utilise the character of humanity as a whole (at its present total point of development) to hinder the Forces of Light, prevent the attainment of world tranquillity and world understanding, and thus delay the day of their own final defeat. This defeat, when accomplished, must include the three worlds of human evolution—mental, emotional and physical. For long these evil forces have used psychology in order to reach the ends they had in view, and have used it with amazing success; they are still using it, and can be depended upon to employ its methods to the uttermost. They use the press and the radio in order to distort human thinking; they present half-truths, impute false motives, rake up past grievances, foretell (with foreboding) imminent difficulties; they foster ancient prejudices and hatreds, and emphasise religious and national differences. In spite of much shouting, demanding and proposed organisation, there is no truly free press anywhere; particularly is it absent in the United States, where parties and publishers dictate newspaper policies. The main reason why there is no really free press is based on two factors: first, the fact that humanity is not yet free from its predetermined reasonings, its basic ignorances of factual history, or of nations and their psychology; humanity is still controlled by racial and national bias and by prejudice. Secondly, the fact that all this is nurtured and kept alive by the forces of evil, working upon the inner side of human affairs and dealing mainly with the psychological angle because it is so exceedingly potent. This they will increasingly do as this planetary war draws to a close; they will seek to offset the work of the Hierarchy, to hamper the activities of the New Group of World Servers and to cloud the issues involved to such a degree that the men of goodwill everywhere will be bewildered and will fail to see the clear outlines of the factual situation or distinguish between what is true and what is false. Forget not, the forces of evil are exceedingly clever. Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 451-452

The political left often criticizes the right for attempting to define good and evil and discerning who is on the side of the freedom of the human spirit. True, there are often flaws in their assessments, but at least they are trying to be on the side of God and Spirit and many would agree with DK on the subject.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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