The Last Life, Part 2

This entry is part 19 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Perhaps another question would be, is there such a thing as a last life?power and he will have

Audience: I don’t think so; I think that even if you go through the initiations and reach the Christ initiation, which is what, the fifth initiation?

JJ: Yes to be a Master you have to go through five initiations, but the Christ was working on his seventh.

Audience: So even if you were to reach the fifth initiation you could still have another life so I don’t think you could ever be done.

JJ: Okay there is an interesting scripture that talks about the concept that we will have eternal lives on eternal worlds, worlds without end. In the true reality there is no last life but there is a last life to a particular field of endeavor and activity. Now we are under going a human evolution, to learn everything we need to learn going through our human in our sate. It takes many lifetimes and eventually we will reach a life where we will be like Christ and we will have all the mastery that Christ had and we will reach a point where we will say to ourselves well it looks like there is not too much more for me learn by coming back again except for maybe make a second coming somehow.

Now the second coming of the Christ could mean just being born as babe again and this is entirely possible but something that is not revealed and He does not want this revealed, why? Because when He comes He wants people to recognize Him because of what is inside of Him and not because it is proclaimed, “I am Christ obey me, bow before Zog!” You know the guy in superman movie.

That is the way everybody thinks that Jesus is going to be when He comes, destroy all the those wicked son of guns and then everybody will say, just tell me what to do, I will do whatever you say now lord. And then he starts bossing everybody around saying things like, “We are going to change this, we are going to get rid of President Bush and we are going to install a cabinet of zealous born again members and we are going to do this and that.” That is not the way it is going to be at all. If you want to know what it is going to be like the second time then look and see what He was like when He was here the first time. Did He boss anybody around the first time?

Even when He knew Judas was going to betray Him did He do anything to stop him? No He did not do a thing and just let Judas go ahead and betray Him. Did He try to unseat Caesar? No, did He interfere with anyone’s free will? No, the only thing that made Him cantankerous was one thing and does anybody remember what that one thing that He criticized was?

Audience: The profit for moneymakers in the temple.

JJ: But why did He criticize these guys?

Audience: They were making the profit and not doing…

JJ: It is one word and begins with the letter H.

Audience: Hypocrisy?

JJ: Hypocrisy, hypocrisy was the one thing that really irritated Him and He could not stand hypocrites. They brought a woman that committed adultery before Him and they said that they caught her in the act and we know she is guilty and the law says that she must be stoned – and what did He say? Did He say well she is pretty wicked all right and if you caught her in the act then that pretty much proves it. No He said let him who is without sin cast the first stone. And everybody’s own conscience condemn them so nobody could throw that first stone because everybody felt like they had done things within the boundaries of sin.

But when He had come across the religious leaders of His time His patience wore thin and as you know He cleaned the temple out with a whip and being as perfect as He is, we have the image of Jesus as being so mild and meek but He was normal so to speak. If you read the scriptures you get the image of a very kind loving person except when He was confronted with Hypocrisy and then he spoke very decisively about it and completely honest even at the risk of His life because a couple of times they tried to stone him.

He was completely fearless, which is another thing that if a person is on his last life he will have a certain amount of supernatural power and he will have fear under control. He will speak the truth, and this is one of the key ingredients in overcoming all things is the Truth. Not only finding the truth but being the truth so that everything that you teach, everything that you do and say and every time that you give your word it is true and if you can do that it will move you farther along to overcoming all things to being a master than anything else.

Suppose you meet a Master and the Master tells you, they have an important mission for you and want you to go down to Albertson’s and run around the store naked and draw attention to yourself and then they are going to bring an angel down and overshadow you with light and everybody is going to see a new vision. Then, after you obey this the Master says he was just joking and was just screwing with you.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: But, in our minds, if we were to meet God, a Master or a Great Being we just assume what they tell us is true. Why do we assume that?

Audience: Because we give them authority.

JJ: That is part of it but we give them the authority because instinctively within ourselves we know that when a person manifests his god self there is truth in it and we instinctively know that within us. That is why if we were to meet such a being and we felt that divine presence we would have a high amount of trust in what that person would have to say. But many people that feel this way, on the other hand, think that I can deceive here and there myself and it is no big deal and nobody got hurt. Now why does he think that he can be on his last life and deceive when others who preceded him can come to him and he can reply on them 100%? It does not work that way.

We have to follow in the steps of the Great Ones so that what we say can be relied upon. When we reach a point where what we say can be relied upon as truth, truth as we know it to be, then that is a giant step in attaining our last life in this cycle. There are many ideas about how many lives that we have. If we went back clear to our beginning we would find that we went through thousands of lives but in this particular round that we are in right now I believe we go through approximately one thousand lives before we achieve liberation and the reason I believe that is because within our selves we have petals in each one of our chakras and these petals unfold as we master certain types of energies.

In the base of the spine there are four petals, in the solar plexus there are ten petals and in the heart center there are twelve petals and then in the center between the eyebrows for instance there are two major petals and in each one of these major petals there are forty eight on each side making ninety six small ones all together. The ninety six petals in the center between the eyebrows and then below the third eye you have forty eight and that makes a 144 petals in that area of the head. Then at the crown chakra you have approximately one thousand. So you have one thousand times the 144 equals the magic number of the 144,000.

Now in this round of existence I believe that each petal on the crown chakra stands for a lesson learned in one lifetime and in each lifetime we unfold a new lesson and learn a new characteristic a new ability a new piece of wisdom a new realization – something new that we learned and we cause one of the petals at the crown chakra to unfold in each lifetime until the last and then all of them are unfolded.

Now lets take our heart chakra, for instance, when it unfolds we have twelve petals. Six petals are connected with wisdom and six petals are connected with compassion and love. So we have these two groups of petals and when a person begins to understand the Christ love then one of the love petals begins to unfold and when it unfolds you have a new energy come and you may see love in an entirely new light, and an entirely new way of looking at it that you have never thought of before. Then when one of the wisdom unfolds all of a sudden you get more common sense than you have had before and common sense would be related to one of the wisdom petals, and then light and understanding is related to another one of the wisdom petals.

It takes about a thousand lifetimes for all these petals to unfold. Now the person goes through a lot of trial and error for hundreds and hundreds lifetimes and does not seem to make a lot of progress. The curve goes about like this, it is almost straight for one hundred lifetimes, two hundred lifetimes, three hundred lifetimes and then about between seven and eight hundred lifetimes you begin to start making some real progress and then as you are approaching the thousand number in your lifetimes you begin to realize that there are two flows. You have always heard the statement, especially in the new age community, just relax and go with the flow, but there are two flows. There is one that goes toward matter and there another flow that moves toward spirit and you do not pick up the second flow, the spiritual flow, until you near the end of your evolution – until you become a seeker and you hunger and thirst for truth (a disciple).

When you are hungering and thirsting after for truth then you pick up the second flow and you have to go with that and then you complete what is called the “The Labors of Hercules”. In the Labors of Hercules what happens is you pick up the second flow and you reverse the direction of your incarnations around the zodiac. We incarnate through the various signs of the zodiac clockwise as we begin our evolution until we reach near the end and when we reach near the end and perform the Labors of Hercules we go with our spiritual flow and it reverses our flow through the zodiac. We incarnate backwards at this point and incarnating backwards and going against the material flow each lifetime will be a tremendous struggle.

For instance I believe Abraham Lincoln performed one of the Labors of Hercules under Aquarius. He was born in Aquarius and in Aquarius Hercules had to clean the Augean stables and the king promised him a portion of his kingdom (10% of his cattle) if he would clean these out. Hercules cleaned the stables out and then when the king refused to pay him Hercules demanded he keep his promise. The king thought the only way to get rid of him was to kill him so Hercules had to flee for his life. So he did all this work and got no reward. Abraham Lincoln was a great example of that, he did all this work in freeing the slaves and his only reward was people wanting him dead.

Abraham Lincoln performed the quintessential Labor of Hercules in Aquarius. He performed a superhuman effort and cleaned up the slave mess so to speak and received no reward for it while he had lived. Of course he took his reward with him but he did not get much reward while he was alive.

He had a really bad wife too. Historians judge her to be the worst first lady in history. They were at a party one time, a big function with dignitaries and Abraham Lincoln said something a little bit off to his wife and she took a pie and threw it right in his face. She was just a terrible person to get along with. She wanted to be called Mrs. President and she really was into the glory of the office. It is amazing that with the distraction of having his wife being so cantankerous that he was able to be so patient with everyone else as well as fight one of the two greatest wars in our history. Djwhal Khul called him a racial avatar, placing him in similar category as a prophet of ancient times.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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The Last Life, Part 1

This entry is part 18 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

JJ: The class today is on the subject; “Is this your last life?” How many people have you talked to in the new age community that say, oh yea I am on my last life? Have you heard people say that before?

Audience: Yes

JJ: Yes you hear quite a few people say this but who do you think set the example of what a last life is supposed to be?

Audience: Jesus

JJ: Right and has anyone you ever met been able to say walk on water for instance? That might be one of the powers that one might accumulate if you were on your last life, right? Or say, He raised Lazarus from the dead and this was very interesting. Lazarus was a good friend and the Jews had this belief that nobody could be dead for more than three days and come back to life because, just like today, people have near death experiences and die for a short period of time and then return. Well their belief was that people can die for a short period of time and return but it was absolutely impossible for someone to be dead for three days and then come back.

Well Jesus received a communication that His friend Lazarus died and he piddled around three days and everyone said, “Well, how come He is piddling around like this because His good friend died and you would think that He would go to him right away and bring him back to life.” But no. Jesus just hum hawed around for three days. Of course He did this on purpose because He wanted to demonstrate that God could defy the Jewish belief that no one could be brought back to life after three days. So finally after about three and half days had passed and He goes to where Lazarus had died and there were a bunch of mourners around and Mary and Martha greeted Him. They said, “It is too bad you could not have been here earlier because three days have passed and now nobody can bring him back to life.”

Then Jesus turned to Martha and asked her, “Do you believe that I can raise him from the dead? When He asked that question Martha began to think and she says, “if you say you can do this than I will believe it.” Now Lazarus was wrapped in all these burial clothes and put in this tomb and he looked like a mummy in there all wrapped up in these white rags. When He spoke to Martha and she believed that Jesus could do anything that He said He could do Jesus then confidently reached forth His hand and said the words “Lazarus come forth!” It says that he spoke this very loud and when He said the words, all of sudden Lazarus comes forth walking out of the tomb looking like a mummy and you can imagine the shock and surprise of the people there mourning this guy’s death and all of a sudden Lazarus starts to stir and comes walking out of this tomb with all these rags wrapped around him. They then unwound him and as we know he came back to life.

This upset the Jewish leaders more that anything else. When the Jewish leaders heard of this they said if we do not do something about this guy then all the world is going to follow Him, after all, He raised somebody from the dead that was gone for three and half days and broke the three day barrier. This is when the Jewish leaders got really serious about doing something about Jesus.

Even after all his great works that may not have been Jesus’ last life because He said He would come again. So He is going to come again in yet another life still and there are all kinds of interpretations about this and one of those is that He is going to appear one day in the sky. James here is going to be outside mowing his lawn and his neighbor is going to be out mowing his lawn as well, now James is a really nice guy so Jesus is going to save him but all of a sudden James looks up in the sky and there is a blaze of glory up there and descending is this guy in a white robe flanked by angels and it lights up the sky in the entire east and all of a sudden his neighbor out there mowing the lawn catches on fire and burns to a crisp just like the scripture says, (Laughing), and James looks down the street and two thirds of his neighbors houses are on fire because they are non-believers and James says well I guess I do not have to worry about those guys anymore. Now James goes in his house and sees his kid and he is okay because he is a really good kid and he is playing with a neighbor’s kid and he is kind of a rebellious kid and he catches on fire! And he is burning to stubble right in front of James and they have to put a blanket over him to keep their house from burning down!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: So if you by the orthodox scenario it is kind of funny when you really think about it, is it not? People do not question why they believe what they believe or what it would really be like if things transpired the way they expect. Now others are expecting rapture. There will be this airplane flying and all of a sudden a third of the people on the plane disappear and if the pilot disappears then everybody is going to disappear!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: So hopefully the pilot is not a born again Christian that gets the raptured!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: Or you would be driving down the road and the guy in front of you gets rapture and the driverless car causes a terrible car accident.

JJ: So when you think about that, seriously is that really something that might happen?

Audience: I hope not.

JJ: Laughing, for one thing it is not even Biblical and it is amazing that people who read the Bible get such odd stuff out of it. There are people who say that if you have enough faith then you can be bitten by a serpent and it will have no adverse effect on you. There are several cults down in the south that cultivate these snakes and then dance around with them and every once in awhile one gets bit and dies but that does not deter them and they say well he must not have had enough faith, others got bit and nothing happened because they had faith. So it is amazing what people cultivate from their beliefs. Now the Mormons have an interesting belief. They are told to store food because the day will come when there will be a major calamity from God and so we will grow our own food. Everyone must have a year’s supply of food and they have been preaching this for over a hundred years now and so far they have not needed it yet unless they are out of a job and then they need it. But do any of them look into the future and think about what would really happen if there were no food and they had a year’s supply of food, what would happen in real life?

Word would begin to circulate that the Mormons had stored food for each one of them for a year and people would go and knock on the Mormons door and the Mormon would say no I just have enough food for me and they would say like heck you do and they bust in and take their food and pretty soon there are gangs hunting down the Mormons for their food. So the Mormons are in worse shape than the rest of the people because they have a big bull’s eye on them having a year’s supply of food. So the Mormons would be in really bad shape if this happened because only one out of twenty Mormons really has a year’s supply of food because it is one of those things that is preached a lot in the church but hardly anybody does. A really good Mormon may have a month’s supply of food or something like that but not very many of them have an actual year’s supply. So because this word gets around that they have a years supply if a gang did come knocking on their door and find they only had a months supply or none at all then the gang would probably torture them because they would figure they were lying. So it is interesting that if you take various religious beliefs and really project the event really happening and then asks the question; is God really behind this plan or idea?

Now the Jehovah Witness’s had an interesting one. The guy who started the group did a lot of study in the Bible and concluded that Jesus was supposed to come in 1892 and everybody was all prepared and ready to become one of the 144,000 and everything. The year came and no Jesus showed up so the guy went back and studied the Bible and then came back and said I made a mistake in my calculations here and he said it is supposed to be 1904 or something like that, so everybody got prepared again and the new date came and went and still nothing happened. So he goes, mmmm…. something is weird here and I will have go back to the drawing board here. So he went back and studied like crazy and this time he came up with the date 1914. Well they all waited and waited and World War l started and there wars and rumors of war and there was few earthquakes around and they thought, well it is bound to happen this time for the stage is all set.

1914 came and went and still Jesus did Jesus did not show up. Everybody was really down for a while. The guy’s name was Charles T. Russell and he got a bright idea after this third failure so he called the group together and says, I have gone back to the Bible and I have checked and rechecked and it is 1914 and I got the date right this time but what we did not realize is that Jesus did come and he came invisibly. And the Jehovah Witnesses believe that to this day! Jesus came in 1914 but He came invisibly!

Audience: Laughter.

JJ: So anyway, do they take a step back and look at it on a logical basis? No, they have a big contorted explanation of how He came invisibly and why they think that is true. I have listened to it several times and I still don’t understand it and I am pretty good at understanding these types of things but I can’t get a handle on why someone would believe it even after they have explained it to me several times. I mean the guy got it wrong three times so he could not set another date. He had to get creative to keep his flock.

Audience: Laughing!

Audience: Of course being prepared does not really work when you have a flood like a Tsunami or something like Katrina and it would not really matter if you had a years supply of food or not.

JJ: Oh yes, a years supply of food would have been washed away.

Wayne: Or if a kid catches your house on fire it would burn up your supply of food or give a really nice barbecue!

JJ: We have some really great examples in history of people approaching their last life, from Jesus to Buddha to Krishna to even more recent heroes like Abraham Lincoln, George Washington and Winston Churchill. These were great men and the people that I have met that claim that they are on their last life I would not even put them in the same category. So the question is how many lives do we live before we reach our last life?

Audience: As many as it takes.

JJ: Perhaps another question would be, is there such a thing as a last life?

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Knowing the Truth, Part 5

This entry is part 17 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

JJ: Coming up with a new principle is different, if you want to come up with a new word for something it is easy to do and anybody in this room could do that. Say we wanted to create a new word for the soul we could come up with some fanciful sounding word for it but coming up with a new principle is a different matter.

Audience: Creating a new principle.

JJ: You don’t create a new principle; what you do is you discover the new principle. Let’s take the formula for the square feet in a circle which is Pi times the radius squared. It is the principle that arrives at that and we did not always know about it but civilization eventually discovered pi and when we discovered it and the principle of using pi to find the square feet of a circle we could do it from then on. Now that principle has always been around but it was not discovered and there are many principles that have yet to be discovered. We will remain in this sphere until we come back and master all principles but we are just scratching the surface. There are many left to go.

I will just name a couple principles. One is the principle of cycles. History has cycles that repeat themselves. We have a conservative cycle a liberal cycle and we have summer and winter and these are all governed by principles. The principle of Astrology, which is really the principle of relationships, is where one entity has a relationship with another entity. With astrology we have smaller entities, which are us, influenced by greater life forms like the stars and the planets themselves. This circulates around the principle of relationship.

Another principle lies in beginnings and endings The law of correspondences is an important one, as above so below. There is a twist on this one because as above is not exactly like the below but it corresponds with differences. Why are there differences? Because as God creates He always creates differently – the same principle but with differences. That is why the scientists used to look at the atoms like a small solar system and they used to theorize that it was like a small sun and planets but then when they investigated further and found out more about the atom they found out an atom is different from a solar system. They are finding out that the truth is, “as above so below but with differences.”

So it corresponds but with differences, and why? It is actually given in the scriptures in, “Behold I do all things new, I create a new heaven and a new earth, I do all things new.” When you think about it that contradicts the teachings of all religions that God never changes. But what does the voice of God say Himself right in the Bible, “I do everything new, I do a new thing on the earth and who shall know it?” So when God created the microcosmic world of the atoms, molecules and cells and then moved on and made the planets, He thinks why should I make the same thing over and over again? I am going to do it with a twist this time and do it a little bit differently.

Man himself is the creative force in the universe; just like within us we have the creative force of the soul. We human beings are the soul of the universe. We are the soul of the universe and we have within us that energy which is the essence of soul, which is the doorway to the higher spiritual kingdoms. It is the doorway in the universe between spirit and matter itself and we will eventually give form to the entire universe, which is fascinating to think about.

So the law of correspondences is a good one. The law of economy is another good one, which means the line of least resistance is followed until some intelligent force steps in and changes that line of least resistance. There are lots of principles and laws that are always followed and the more of these that we discover the more we will be able to figure out what is true and what is not. We find these things and register them within.

I will end with this teaching concerning another principle. We have heard this one extreme that everything is within to go within and find the truth. On the other hand, the religions of the world say God is out there on a throne somewhere and go to God out there to find the truth. The fact is that we need both within and without to find the truth. You go without to be stimulated and when you are stimulated you go within to verify what was true and what was not true and what works and what does not work. So it is interesting that neither extreme works but both of them must work together to find the truth. You have heard stories about evil parents locking their kid in the room until they are 20 years old and feeding them through door and stuff like that and then the authorities break in and finally save the kid. Let’s say they locked him away when he was eight and now he is 20, has everybody heard stories like this?

Audience: Yes.

JJ: When they talk to the kid how old do you think the kid thinks he is?

Audience: Eight.

JJ: Right if they put him in the room and isolated him he still thinks he is eight. When they take away the outer stimulation the growth ceases. So we don’t want to go completely within as evidenced by that child going completely within and the growth ceased So we want stimulated without and then we go to verify within and we grow from this process.

Audience: What is that principle called, the stimulation principle?

JJ: I never put a name to it, perhaps the wholeness principle or something like that.

Audience: At Some point in time we would like you to teach about the invisible Christ is more powerful than the visible Christ.

JJ: There is a principle there and when you start meditating and contemplating on principles then they start to come tom you. There are two types of people in the world. Those that understand principles and have a degree of independence, and those that want to be told exactly what to do in black and white. Those that understand principles become their own masters but those that do not have to have everything spelled out for them by an outer authority.

Bryan: When you were talking about earlier about the astral and the Mormons and Seventh Day Adventists had created these thought forms when you go to the next world, are those thought forms created here in this world taken with us to the next?

JJ: Yes.

Bryan: So can we help to liberate them by changing the physical thought form here so that it would change the thought form in the astral world and free them from this?

JJ: Yes it would and another interesting thing is that we not only have this group thought form but for every great teacher there is a thought form for him. There are several thought forms of Jesus roaming around. Have you ever talked with someone who said they woke up in the middle of the night and say they saw Jesus at their bedside or whatever? What they usually see is a thought form of Jesus. Jesus has more thought forms than any other person in history so depending on which religion you are in you will be in touch with a thought form of Jesus.

When somebody says they talked to Jesus and you ask what did Jesus say, they just repeat what he has already said like, spread the love, love thy neighbor, things that Jesus has already said because that thought form is fed with the current knowledge about Jesus and all the knowledge that comes out is what is already circulating about Him. The person will not give out any new principles but will just give out all of the old stuff. There is a thought form going around about Joseph Smith too and a lot of people see this thought form and think they have encountered him. The same with Mohammed and Buddha. Also a lot of people claim they have talked with DK as well.

Audience: DK said he had a few thought forms going around.

JJ: If I get enough material out there and people buy lots of my books they will be seeing me in their bedroom someday and it might scare them to death too!

Audience: Roaring with laughter!

JJ: I would like to say that it has been very nice to meet everybody and welcome to the new faces and I look forward to seeing you all in the future. Be well my friends, we will talk again.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Knowing the Truth, Part 4

This entry is part 16 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Now I was asked a question about aliens and hybrids, we see all these shows about aliens and so I will give you my thoughts on aliens and if you want to believe it or not believe that is fine. Almost all the encounters with aliens are illusionary. You will notice that in most of the encounters that they are woken up at night and have you ever noticed that when you are between awake and asleep that is when you often see and hear things. I am not saying that what you are hearing or seeing is not real but it is usually not in the physical plane. Another thing about many of the space ships that people see is they are zipping along and then stop on a dime or often they say the ship will turn at a right angle. These claims seem to break the laws of physical reality – so one wonders how this could happen.

There are UFO sightings that have a natural explanation such as seeing the planet Venus or a hot air balloon or something like that. There are some that they have not be able to explain and a lot of the ones that they have not been able to explain are the ones that do these fantastic maneuvers that is pretty much impossible in our physical reality. This is because what they are seeing are ships made of etheric matter and etheric matter is capable of performance that we can’t do here on the physical plane.

Audience: According to DK and some of your teachings as well we can develop our vision to see these etheric vehicles and doesn’t this indicate an evolutionary step in the etheric?

JJ: Yes many of the people that do see these things in the etheric matter are sensitive people and are often people that have psychic abilities and a lot of these guys are not only UFO buffs but also will admit they have psychic abilities. If you come across something in the etheric or astral planes it is because your vision has crossed over into a higher plane. I don’t know if I ever shown you guys but it is really easy to see etheric matter, I will put my forehead right here and everybody stare at me for about a minute. Then I will tell you what to do. (A few seconds pass) I am going to pull away now but keep staring where I was at. Do you see it?

Audience: Yes.

JJ: Okay just about everybody saw it and it is like looking at a light and then closing your eyes and still seeing the light.

Audience: I have seen that all the time and I just thought it was a function of my normal vision.

JJ: Well it is your normal vision and you see a bit more than just your normal seeing in the fact that the etheric light burns a little stronger and you will also notice that when you see this you will see different shades that are not in the physical plane. Often times in the throat area you will see a little dark area when you have a cold and that is not visible on the physical plane. It is because of the etheric light that you are able to see that. You get someone that is really vibrant and in good physical shape and their light will be a lot brighter. Somebody that just got out of the hospital or is in bad physical shape – their light will not be as bright.

Now if it was just the physical light that was causing this then it would be the same with both people because physically they look the same but the brightness of the light you see will vary with each individual and that is because there is an etheric light. Place the end of your thumbs together and put them up against the light and then pull them apart slowly until they are about a quarter inch apart and look at the empty space between your thumbs and as you look at the empty space between your thumbs look at the right and left and you will see your etheric body it is extended about a millimeter from the skin and kind of a bluish hue. It is best to do this on a white background because you can see it more clearly. Go home and do this on a white background and you will be able to see your etheric image and like I say it is kind of bluish hue usually. For somebody that is not very healthy it will extend just a small space away from their skin and for somebody that is very healthy it will be a couple millimeters away.

Audience: Why is it important that we develop our vision to see the etheric vehicle?

JJ: It is not that important. Laughing! It is just the fact that we are getting a little more sensitive in seeing a little more. What is much more important is developing the intuition where you can pick up things that are true, pick up principles and pick up what is correct and what is not and pick up who represents the outward god and the God within.

Now going back to aliens I believe that the only ones that have developed the power to travel in the physical with interplanetary flight is the Brotherhood of Light and the dark brothers are not capable of interstellar flight. This is why the star systems are so far away. The nearest star system to us is 4 ½ light years away and is probably not even inhabited but most of the ones where there is a strong possibility of life like ours are 20 or so light years away and that is long, long ways. Light travels at 186,000 miles per second and if you were to shine a flashlight in that direction it would take 20 years for the light to reach them. That is a very long period of time. The only way to go faster than the speed of light is to fold up the physical body and incorporate it into the higher vehicles. Then, when the brotherhood in doing such traveling and reaches a destination they unfold again into the physical.

The dark brotherhood is incapable of doing this. They can travel in the etheric and they can contact people in the etheric body but they cannot travel from one star system to another and then materialize in the physical. The brotherhood of light can and I believe the only time that they come here is at end of one age and the beginning of another like after the destruction of Atlantis I think we had visitors and there is a scripture that talks about Adam which is many and I believe that we have had many Adams and each Adam is a new beginning after there has been great destruction on the earth – and that this has happened many times.

As a matter of fact Jesus was called the second Adam in the Bible. He was called this because He was the beginning of a new spiritual life. The first Adam, the physical Adam, was the beginning of a new type of physical life. And so we have the various changes that occur and when these changes occur I believe we are visited by beings from other star systems, often without the use of space ships. They just come in their spiritual bodies. They are capable of visiting other planes and capable of exchanging bodies. For instance, if you are an advanced being you can be contacted and you can go visit his planet in his body and he goes and visits the earth in yours.

My best estimate that over 99% of UFO contacts are not physical contacts. There is a handful I read about that make me wonder the possibilities but I think most of them have a lot of illusion in the accounts. I also believe that there are people on other planets. I believe that physical people on physical planets like the earth are few in number in the universe – that our universe is quite young and this planet is like a seed planet and one of our purposes is to develop interstellar flight and populate other planets. We will seed sections of our galaxy starting with our solar system. We just had a probe that went to Titan, the largest moon of Saturn and the only known natural satellite to have a dense atmosphere – the only body other that the earth for which clear evidence of stable bodies of surface liquid have been found. It is interesting that it still has an atmosphere and if it was warmer it may be able to harbor life like the earth. We will eventually do some interesting things like remove a moon like Titan from around its orbit around Saturn and move it closer to the sun and eventually populate it. We will be like gods creating a garden of Eden so to speak. This is possibly how the earth was started by other beings similar to us and maybe the earth was in a different orbit far back in our past. As a matter of fact ancient Biblical times has a year being 360 days rather than 365 days and if that were really true then that would mean the earth was in a different orbit way back in Biblical times which is very interesting.

What you want to look for in any new inspired teaching is this; is there any new principle being taught or any new elaboration on an old principle that sheds more light that was not there before. All kinds of people often ask me what I think of this book or that book and what I will often say is that I read it and I did not find any new principle or I read it and there are some new principles and I think it is good. They will often be disappointed if I am not impressed and tell me how good it was. I tell them yes but there are not any new principles or teachings there and they say well yes but it is so good. I say, I will tell you the reason you thought it was good, it is because this particular writer developed a new fancy vocabulary and he uses all these fanciful words but if you substitute an ordinary word that means what the author is really saying and then you read it you will find no new principle there. He is just saying the same thing over with a fancy vocabulary. Many of the writers think that if they create a new vocabulary with fanciful sounding words that they are actually bringing forth new knowledge.

Instead of the Christ principal if I were to use say “the force” then it does not change anything does it? That is one thing Star Wars did was they used the word “force” that captured the imagination of kids and it did not really teach anything new but it captured their imagination with a new word that everybody liked. Sometimes a new word is helpful like that where it does stimulate the imagination and make them examine something a little closer and in that way Star Wars was helpful. But we all have the force within us and it is called by many different names from the Holy Ghost to the Christ Principle to the solar energies – lots of things that may be the force that he was talking about. At least the Star Wars trilogy had a purpose with using a word like that and that was to create an interesting story. What many writers do when they use fanciful words is they use them to take us farther into illusion and make us think that they have more to offer than they really have. They are just giving an old philosophy a new coat so to speak and it is really the same old philosophy.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Knowing the Truth, Part 3

This entry is part 15 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

JJ: The beast represents an outward authority which takes the place of God and this is very precarious. We have these outward authorities everywhere and not just in religion. A doctor can become an outward authority. A person goes and sees a doctor and they will believe them no matter what and often follow the doctor’s advice to their own peril. It is interesting in Israel a while back they had a strike of the doctors and the death rate went down 25%

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: So the doctors are the greatest authority in health and when they are not around the death rate goes down 25%. The average life span of the doctor is said to be about 55 years and the average life span of the average person is 76 so the doctors life span is about 20 years less than the rest of us.

And who are the ones teaching us to be healthy mentally? The psychologists.

Audience: We have two here in the audience. Laughing!

JJ: In this case I had better be right. But I have heard that they have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession, is that right?

Audience: There is probably some truth to that.

JJ: Every time I go to my dentist I always compliment him and I say you are one authority that whenever I go to you I am better off when I leave. I get the filling in my teeth or the crown and I am better off and I say congratulations. I go an attorney and I am always worse off.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: You go to a doctor and you still have the cold. You go to hospital and you catch some germ that you did not have. So every place you go where there is an authority set up you often become worse off. You go to a minister he teaches you about the God without and he does not tell you to go within and find the answer. Almost every authority that exists are the last ones that you really want to go to. Now there are exceptions, there are doctors, psychologists, ministers that are really good, like Mother Theresa was really good example of what a minister should be. But when the authorities of the world tell people, “follow me and do not think for yourself” and take away your thought and power of action then they set themselves up as the Beast and they become and unearned authority.

An earned authority is really a teacher who teaches you how to recognize what they are telling you is true. If you go to a doctor that what represents what a doctor really should be – instead of giving you a prescription, they will sit down and explain what is wrong and explain what needs to be done to get well and you can understand why a certain direction needs to be taken. But you go to an authority that represents the Beast and they will say do this, don’t ask questions just do it. You are left with having to accept what the authority is telling you without getting verification within and when your life is at stake, as it often is, you should be able to find out the reasons why you are expected to do what you are doing.

So the greatest authority is where?

Audience: Within.

JJ: Within ourselves; so when we come across somebody that is questionable claiming to be a guru or the second coming or whatever you need to see how it registers within. Now the strange part is that I have been to presentations that are really outrageous and the group mind thinks that everything is really great. It is amazing how this happens. One of the things that is the trickiest and deceptive is what is called a thought form. Does anybody know what a thought form is?

Audience: A group mentality.

JJ: Right, have any of you ever read the Napoleon Hills books? He talks about a mastermind created by getting together like-minded people, six people or so. He talks about drawing from the intelligence of the whole group that one person in the group seems to have the intelligence of everybody in the group. He talks about this as a principle that will bring prosperity because of the intelligence of the group mind. The group mind can be used either positively or negatively.

When I was in the Mormon Church I found that no matter where you go in the world that the Church was exactly the same. And they thought that was evidence that they were completely united under God. But I found the same thing to be true with all the tight knit religions. Any Jehovah witness church is exactly the same everywhere you go and certain types of new age religions are exactly the same every where you go. So is the fact that they are all similar indicative they are all inspired or does it tell us something else? Does it tell us something about a thought form, a group mind? There is a conformity because of the group energy.

The lowest type of group mind is of course a mob and it is amazing what a mob will do. When a mob gets together it can do an outrageous thing and everybody will be cheering. We’ve see cases where someone is standing on top of a building and group begins to watch and someone yells out jump and then everybody joins in and says jump. Even people that would normally not do that participate, and then afterwards they think, “why did I do that – I would not have done that on my own.”

Hitler was so powerful because he understood how to use the group mind as a means of control. He had studied it quite thoroughly. The reason these different groups are the same everywhere is that when you are a member of a group you are pouring forth group energy and this group energy produces a thought form. This thought form accumulates energy and intelligence within it so when you go to the group meeting you draw from this thought form which is created in the astral world that has a real existence.

As a matter of fact, it is so real that when you die you can actually go to a Mormon heaven or a Seventh Day Adventist heaven and they have different places there that are created by the power of the group mind. If their consciousness is not high enough to see beyond this they will be trapped there for a period of time after death thinking they are in their final destination and they are just in a thought form.

The thought form controls them in this world and the next. The power of the group mind is something that they tune into and this is why in the various groups the sameness is so powerful. This is why I am careful with the group that I have on the Internet that I have taught for a number of years. I try to recognize the certain power of the group energy no matter what you do and have always put a lot of emphasis on checking out everything I say. I tell them that everything I teach could be 100% wrong so check with your soul.

Now the soul has a language of its own. We have a language, which is composed of individual words, but the soul does speak in words. The soul speaks in what I call the language of principles. What is the difference between a piece of data and a principle? We as individuals speak with individual pieces of data but the soul speaks in the language of principles.

Audience: Principles are eternal.

JJ: Right, let me give one difference between a principle and a piece of data, 1+1=2 that is a piece of data, but suppose I were to teach you the principle of addition. If I teach the fact of 1+1=2 that is one piece of data and once you memorize it you only know one thing but once you learn the principle of addition how many different additions can you come up with? Millions of them right? You can have millions of pieces of data derived from one principle and this is the language of the soul – the language of principles.

This is why the soul can communicate so much to you instantly because when you have a principle dawn on your consciousness then you can figure out all the data. The temperature in this room on this day – lets say it is 68 degrees and I tell that. This is all you know, but if you understand the principle of registering temperature of expansion or contraction from mercury or whatever element you are using then you can put together a contraption for measuring the temperature. So from now until the end of time you can figure out what the temperature is. You do not have to memorize the temperature from now until the end of time because you now have the principle of how to register the temperature. You can find it out using this principle anytime you wish.

Do you remember the movie “The Matrix? They gave a principle in that movie, “If there is a beginning there has to be an end.” A few teachers have taught principle over the centuries. If there is an end then there has to be a beginning and if there is a beginning there has to be an end and if there is no beginning then there will be no end and if there is no end then there will be no beginning. By using this principle you can find out many things that dispel many religious and philosophical teachings that are out there. For instance the Christian world says they are going to live forever with God. So if you are going to live forever with God then what does that tell you about your past?

If you are going to live with God forever in the future then that means that you have been with God forever already. Now Mormonism teaches that we are going to be gods forever if we overcome all things. But f we are going to be gods forever then what does that tell you about our past? We have already been gods forever. So if one is true then the other has to be true. Once you understand the principle behind things then you can figure out the data. This is the main point I want to put across.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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Knowing the Truth, Part 2

This entry is part 14 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

This brings up an interesting point that many of the religious leaders today teach and that is that we are living at the end times which they say is the most wicked time in the history of man. But it is not nearly as wicked as people think. After World War II we didn’t pour molten lead down the throats or cut out the tongues of the captured Nazis as happened a few hundred years ago in war. A casual study of history tells us that we have become much more civil over the years.

About 20 years ago here in Idaho they made a big deal about the farmers killing the jack rabbits that were threatening their crops. I remember thinking of how sensitive we have become. When I was younger nobody would ever think twice about killing a jackrabbit but now everybody is really worried about these jackrabbits that were destroying crops. We are much more sensitive than we have ever been in the history of humanity. Humanity is actually evolving instead of devolving so if someone tells you that we live in the end of times and people are more wicked than they have ever been before – that is not true. Instead, we are actually making progress. True, we could make more progress and we do have a ways to go but we have made progress.

Audience: Why is that these people are trying to convince us that it is an evil time?

JJ: It gets their congregation to listen to them and they can convince people that since we are wrapping up and we are reaching the end of the world that God is going to step in and burn all the wicked to ash and Jesus is going to appear in the clouds and wipe out all the evil guys and they are going to be taken to heaven.

Audience: The media does tend to focus on all the wicked things that happen every day with over 6 billion people in the world there is bound to be a few bad apples.

JJ: Today is nothing like it was even 200 years ago or nothing like it was in the days of the cowboys. They would just shoot somebody or string him up if a mob demanded it and that was it. There was no more talk about it. We live in a situation now where the laws have stabilized the world to a degree but now we have bigger threats like atomic bombs, biological weapons and other weapons of mass destruction posing a threat like we have never seen before.

Now getting back to the two guys on the internet that I mentioned – they are only two out of the many unusual teachers I have met in my life. The question that might arise in people’s minds is how do you tell if a person is in the light or not, or if you see a teaching how do you tell if it is right or not? Or if you meet a person that makes an unusual claim how do you know the truth behind that person or teaching?

How do we know what is true and should we even take anything seriously? People have been talking about the sealed plates for around 175 years now no one has come up with any claim to finding them that drew much attention. Now within the past 5 years there have been five different versions of the sealed plates showing up. There is a statement that we covered on our discussion group a while back, “the counterfeit guarantees the real,” and that was in relation to the coming of Christ. The writer points out that there are many counterfeit Christ’s appearing in our age and this is an affirmation that the Christ will eventually materialize.

So maybe some type of inspired historical writings will come forth. If they do I think it would just not be like Biblical stuff but would include the history of Atlantis. That would be very interesting to have a true history of Atlantis and Lemuria, wouldn’t it? At present we don’t have anything verifiable. We have had several things that have been channeled and some may be accurate and some may not be but it would be interesting if a record were discovered to give the true history of Atlantis. There are a lot of interesting things that happened back then that have been lost to history.

They had a lot of technology but the problem with Atlantis is the Masters gave too much help to the people of that age. It is like the story of the cocoon where if you help the butterfly escape from the cocoon it will die and if you don’t help it then it will thrive and be a strong butterfly. So by helping the butterfly you destroy it but by letting it gain its own strength through the struggle it becomes strong and lives. The same thing with a chicken hatching from an egg – if you break the egg and try to help it you will lucky if the little chicken will live because it needs that struggle of breaking out of the egg to gain that strength.

The Masters on their plane are not perfect just as we are not perfect, they have their sphere and we have ours and one of the mistakes they made during the days of Atlantis is they helped too much. They walked among the people and they taught them in their temples and they assisted too much so humanity did not develop their own abilities enough and they were given too much assistance and thus the dark brotherhood overcame the brotherhood of light in Atlantis and it had to be destroyed. It was destroyed over a long period of time not quickly as a lot of people think.

So in this time period that we are in now the higher lives that oversee the earth do not interfere unless it is absolutely necessary. In other words, the Masters have learned the lesson of the caterpillar and the butterfly. We are like the caterpillar and they want us to everything possible on our own and they will only step in after we have done every possible thing that we can do. This is much different than the age of Atlantis where they stepped in and assisted much more than they do today and this is very interesting to contemplate.

Audience: Sometimes I hear things in my head that you did not say, when you were talking about the sealed portion I noticed that, was it accidentally that you juxtaposed your comment about wouldn’t it be interesting if a recorded history was discovered of Atlantis, is there a reason that you talked about the sealed plates and the history of Atlantis next to each other, were you consciously suggesting that there might be a story line for the sealed portion?

JJ: Yes it is quite possible. According to the Book of Mormon the sealed portion contains a recorded history of the world from the beginning to the end and if it truly does contain a history of the world it would have to contain the history of Atlantis.

Audience: And King Arthur?

JJ: King Arthur happened after the sealed portion was written. However I believe what it would contain is not specific events about the future from the time that the sealed portion was written but it would contain information on the cycles of the future. There are certain things that can be seen in the future and certain things that cannot be seen. There are certain cycles that we know will begin and end with certain things happening. Tomorrow morning at a certain time we know that the sun will come up and why do we know that? Why do we know that the sun will come up and we can predict the exact minute it will come up?

Audience: Because it is a mathematical certainty.

JJ: Right is it a proven mathematical cycle and it has been this way for millions of years and will continue to be this way until something knocks the earth out of its orbit or something. But it is very predictable cycle that the sun will rise. The moon will be in the same phase it is now in how many days?

Audience: 28 days.

JJ: 28 days, right, a pretty predictable cycle. So 28 days from now you have to be very careful around your wife.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: So the moon will be in the same phase it is today 28 days from now. There are certain cycles that happen, so that we can see into the future and predict exactly about some things. There is a cycle that is related to a day, a month, a year, the moon going around the earth, the sun cycling around the galaxy, the galaxy circulating around its portion of the universe. There is a cycle for the atom itself – how long it takes to circulate, how long it takes for the internal parts of the atom to circulate around itself. There is a cycle for all these things and all these things are very predictable.

There are also cycles in events that the Masters can look at and predict certain things. These are distilled down to Astrology, the Astrological cycles of Pisces, Aquarius and so on and I believe the end of Pisces occurred when the first atomic bomb went off near the end of World War II. We are actually in the age of Aquarius now but each one of these ages lasts not 2000 years but several centuries over 2000 years. The age of Pisces actually started before Christ came and they were into the age Pisces a bit when He did come. Astrologers say an age lasts approximately 2160 years.

We are entering a new cycle and certain things about the new cycle are pretty much predictable but then within cycles there are things that are not predictable by any life in existence, not even by an Angel, a Master or by God Himself, No one in the universe could predict that I would snap my fingers just now because it is not part of any cycle and it has nothing to do with anything. So no one predicted that and no one even wants to predict such a thing. They say God knows everything but can you imagine God sitting up on some throne and saying well in a million years from now JJ is going to snap his fingers at this meeting. Why would He even want to clutter His mind up with such small details?

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: The answer is that the Greater Lives do not clutter their minds up with these type of details but the Greater Lives look at the cycles and they know that at the beginning of a cycle they that a certain type of creation is going to take place and at the end of a cycle the certain creation is going to end. The creation may or may not be exactly what is desired and if it is not what was desired then it would be destroyed and it will start all over. It is a little bit like creating a piece of art. Leonardo Da Vinci, when he painted the “Mona Lisa” had in his mind what he wanted it to look like and he probably had a gal there that looked like the Mona Lisa and he envisioned what he wanted it look like when the work was completed.

As he was painting along he knew the end cycle was the finished painting of a beautiful Mona Lisa sitting before him. The beginning was just looking at the Mona Lisa visualizing the end. So we have a cycle and the end of the cycle was known to Leonardo Da Vinci. He knew the beginning and the end but he did not everything in the middle. As he began to paint he thought, that color is not quite right so he kept working on the color, and he thought the smile was not quite right so he kept working on the smile because he knew how he envisioned it and he had it in his mind and so he kept working on it so that people would look at it and say, is she smiling or is she not smiling and that is what he wanted people to wonder about.

To get that look he had to made a lot of mistakes until he got it right and when that moment came that he got it right then it was the end of the cycle. But between the beginning and the end of the cycle he had no idea how many brush strokes he would make and he had no idea how many mistakes he would make and have to correct himself and start over again. Maybe some dog was chasing some cat and knocked over the painting and he had to start over and maybe he was going to paint her with a great big grin on her face and after the dog knocked it over he changed his mind. So you never know but we assume the standard story is true, that he envisioned how it would look and the cycle had a beginning and an end and he finally got where he wanted.

The point I am trying to make is that between the beginning and the end of cycles no one knows nor do they want to know all the little details and to think that God knows every little thing like how many times am I going to snap my fingers tonight. There are certain thing s that you don’t need to know and you don’t want to know but the higher the lives are the more their consciousness gets down to the essence of things and the essence of now until the end of time is covered with certain types of cycles and these cycles can be seen and they can be known.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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Knowing the Truth, Part 1

This entry is part 13 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

(Text from Class given in 2005)
I have been thinking about what to talk about and I have been meeting some strange characters lately, particularly on the Internet. Bryan you met the Holy Ghost guy didn’t you?

Bryan: Yes I sure did! Chuckling!

JJ: It is funny that most of them that we meet that are very odd are ex-Mormons, chuckling. They must have excommunicated him for a reason. I will tell you about two that I met on the Internet. Now in our discussion group, the Keys of Knowledge, we usually filter them out. Sometimes really strange people join and give me a bad time for a month or so and then when they see we have a fairly logical group and they are not getting any following they usually just leave and that is kind of nice. The Keys are much like the group here, logical with common sense, except for Wayne of course. Laughter.

We filter them out on the Keys list. At first we did not do this but as we grew we found that moderating worked well for weeding out the weird. We went I think three or four years with no moderation at all and we kept it this way as long as we could until a couple of strange characters came on and even a couple that threatened us physically. Then we decided it was time to moderate. Moderating our discussion group on the Internet helped a lot because people that came on board just to create a problem found they had to stay on subject just to get their post on.

You have to use judgment in whatever you do and that is the second key of the Buddha – to use common sense in judgment. There is a time and place and a purpose for everything under heaven as Solomon said. The older I get the more I see that is true. You never say never because eventually you reach a circumstance where there is an exception to every rule that you can imagine. There is time to get together, to separate, a time to love… and it is probably good that this true because this sends us through the range of emotions in our lifetimes. Imagine what your life would be like if you never had a negative emotion in your life. What do you think Mark – don’t you think life would be kind of sterile if you never had a negative emotion in your life?

Mark: For sure but it would be nice to try for a change!

Audience: Laughter!

JJ: It would be nice to go a day without one wouldn’t it Mark? It might be a good for us all, to go one day with no negative emotion. I don’t have much negative emotions do I dear?

Artie: No dear.

JJ: Except for when I stub my toe late at night. Whenever I stub my toe and complain Artie always says, man you go to the dentist and don’t use Novocain but when you stub your toe you are like a little kid.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: Anyway, I will tell you about two strange characters I met on the web, the first one thinks he is every important character in the Bible is pretty much him and he thinks he is the Holy Spirit and He thinks the Holy Spirit is a bigger deal than being God or Jesus. He claims to be time traveler and at the very end of time he perfects himself as the Holy Spirit and he travels back and forth through time as the Holy Spirit. Then he becomes other entities too, like the angel Gabriel and he appeared to Mary and had sex with Mary and produced the body of Jesus so he claims to be the father of Jesus and he claims to be Michael the archangel and a whole bunch of people in our history especially Biblical ones.

Bryan: Boy you would laugh if you read some of the stuff this guy writes and these people actually believe they are who they say they are.

JJ: I said to Bryan that you need to come to this list and since you are an ex-Mormon you would find this guy kind of interesting so Bryan hopped right on. So anyway I was pretty gentle with the guy and I asked him a several questions and it was about the second or third question I asked him that he condemned me not to hell, but in Mormonism the worst state you can go into is to become a son of perdition and that is where you reign with the devil and his angels where the torment is so great that even the prophets can’t even write about it. So anyway he condemned me to be a son of perdition within about two or three days of me asking him a couple questions, challenging the fact that he may be who he says he is.

So we continued back and forth and then a few days later I felt this really negative energy from him like he had this séance of some type and condemned me to eternal darkness or something. The farther I went with him the more angry he got and he said I was the first one that he had ever condemned to be a son of perdition. I guess I am to be congratulated!

Anyway John Crane made a post to the Keys about this guy who claimed to have translated the seal plates of the book of Mormon. When Joseph Smith brought forth the book of Mormon he said he translated one third of it and two thirds of the plates are sealed because humanity was not ready for what was written on them and the rest will come forth at a later date. Well something must be going in the ethers because in the last five or six years there have been five or six versions of the sealed plates that have come forward but there is this new guy that is particular interesting because he claims to have the gold plates in his possession and the stones of Urim and Thummim. He has a picture of a translation stone on the Internet and it looks like he bought it at local rock shop. He is also going to make a news conference on April 6th.

So anyway I thought this guy sounds kind of interesting so I joined his list and asked him a simple question and I said Joseph Smith had eleven witnesses that witnessed to the book of Mormon that they actually saw the plates and it says in the scriptures that all things shall be established by the mouth of two or three witnesses. I then asked him where are his witnesses that have seen the plates? He wrote back and said several people have seen the plates and they just have not signed anything and he wanted to protect them and keep them out of the limelight.

So I said yes but the scripture says that everything will be established by the mouth of two or three witnesses so he writes me back a scripture that says, God will establish His purposes with as many witnesses that seemeth Him good. He said that it seemeth God good that there is just one witness this time, which was him.

Audience: Chuckling!

JJ: I said yes but look at this scripture, that scripture you quoted in connection with this other one is speaking about the generation of Joseph Smith and this is a different generation. He established as many witnesses that seemed good to Him then and several times I gave him several references where it says that all things will be established in the mouths of two or three witnesses and as a matter of fact the Pharisees and Sadducees even came to Jesus and said all things will be established in the mouth of two or three witnesses and where are your witnesses. It is a principle that has been around a long time.

So then he began to ignore me so then I asked a couple of other questions and I said in your sealed plates it says the celestial kingdom is in Mercury and so I showed him some satellite photograph of Mercury where we sent the mariner over there and took pictures and it looks worse than the moon and it is hot enough there that lead will flow like water and I said this does not look like heaven to me! So around this time he makes a post and he condemns me to be a son of perdition!

Audience: Wow JJ you are very popular with these guys!

JJ: I found this to be very common though that I have been condemned so many times. In a class I was teaching that Artie attended this guy claimed to be channeling God and he condemned me to hell. You should have heard this guy, (In a deep Darth Vader voice) “You have been given one last chance Joseph and if you don’t stop you are going to be extinguished forever!” This guy just got up in one of our meetings and was all of a sudden channeling the big God himself! This seems to follow me around I get condemned everywhere I go including the Mormon Church itself. They condemned me to hell and excommunicated me and after they excommunicated me one of the brethren came to me and said “It is too bad it is not legal to put people to death because if it was I think that is what should happen to you.” Laughing!

And they started out calling themselves the court of love! It is interesting that in the Middle Ages when they were putting people to death who challenged anything, it could be something really small like a person made some comment about the king, religious leader, pope or anything – you could be burned at the stake for this. But to burn a heretic at the stake in those days they had a name for it and do you know what that name was? It was a Spanish term, “auto da fé” that meant, “act of faith.” It was an act of faith in god to burn a heretic. Do you know why they burned them at the stake?

Audience: Guessing?

JJ: They burned them at the stake because the scripture commands against the shedding of blood, so they could not shed their blood so instead they burned them at the stake. This why they burned everybody during the Middle Ages. It was also an act of faith and if you really had guts to do this it was considered that you were acting faithful. Thank God the Founding Fathers came along and established the Constitution. We have a little more freedom today and the law protects people a little more, not as much as people would like perhaps, but it is heaven compared to what it was a couple hundred years ago.

It is amazing how things have changed too; I was reading in a history book not too long ago that when one army conquered another they did terrible things to the leaders of the opposition. They would pour molten lead down their throat, cut off their ears, cut out their tongues and more. If you were the leader of army back in the old days and you lost you were in for a heap of trouble. You probably fought with everything you had to win. I mean Abu Grab was bad but back in those days if you lost the battle you could be certain of a horrible death unless the leader wanted you for some purpose. Then you live for a little while until you had served your usefulness.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Intuition, Part 7

This entry is part 12 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

There is a story is about certain entities when this earth was formed that refused to incarnate because they felt that the material world was too course for them and they received a punishment through karma because they refused to incarnate when incarnation was something that was beneficial for the universe itself. So we have this balance that is difficult and in past ages these rebellious spirits did not seek for the balance. In this cycle, especially the Age of Aquarius, the key note is service and to truly serve our fellow man we have to balance spirit and matter because our fellow man is in matter and since our essence is spirit.

Audience: I myself had to overcome a prejudice because somehow in my head those with abundance are bad, I had this thinking that if you had money then you are a snob and you think that you are better than me I mean I had some really major things to overcome and I think that learning of abundance for me now is truly spiritual so it is material but it is also spiritual and it is a hard lesson to learn.

JJ: That is a good point because a lot of people who are spiritual people are just poor as field mice and they reach a point where they almost think that the rich are just the scum of the earth because they do not see the vision that they see and if they did they would give them all their money. Laughing! And, yes, people do this. When I have been struggling financially I have caught myself in that trap somewhat as well and it is really easy to do if you are struggling financially. The balance is very important to achieve and it is very difficult and this is the reason that we have not progressed more than we have. People often look out among the world today and say, where are the Buddhas, and the Jesuses and the Gandhis today? They do not seem to be around at all. Well they are around but they have not learned to balance spirit and matter. So Gandhi could be out there right now not accomplishing anything if he has already re-incarnated.

Audience; If I understand correctly the whole point of the eastern spiritual philosophy is get away from duality.

JJ: We are never away from duality, Buddha learned his great lesson with duality when he was sitting under the Bodhi tree starving to death on two grains of rice a day and a bunch of singers came by and they were singing this tune about a musical string. Now if a musical string is too tight then it will not play right and if it is too loose than it will not play right either. It has to be tuned just correctly. Now you have to concentrate on duality to be able tune a string. You have to go be able to go from one extreme to the other.

If you ever tuned a guitar string you pluck it and may find it is too tight and then adjust it and it may be too loose. Then you go back and forth until you get it just about right. A lot of Buddhists do teach the idea that there is no duality but they teach this while teaching duality at the same time. So you can’t really escape from duality. If there were no duality then none of us would be here at all because every atom in your body is created by duality of a positive and negative force interplaying. Form is created by the interplaying of the positive and negative forces that are just a little bit out of balance. If the positive and negative forces in the atoms that you possess were in perfect balance then we would all disappear and we would be no more and we are only here because matter is out of balance. There can only be creation when there is not perfect balance.

So what happens when the little atoms create and they put things together? The atoms the molecules and cells is the result. After they are created they are more balanced than the atoms were alone but they still are not perfectly balanced so the atoms join together to balance themselves off a bit more. When they create a molecule they are more balanced still but still not perfect so the molecules join and they create a cell and they are more balanced still but still not perfect. This process goes on and on and on and we are always in search of the perfect balance but the duality is always there.

Now the Eastern religions will often teach there is a place between right and left, up and down, between hot and cold that point exactly in the middle. This is the great void that they teach and we all have to find this great void and then we will be happy.

Audience: Isn’t that Nirvana?

JJ: Buddha did not really teach that was Nirvana but some of the eastern teachers have taught it and they called it the great void. There is always duality in the fact that this world is founded on it and it came even from the formless worlds – the world of greater ideas. This shows us that even the formless worlds, where ideas manifest, that there is even duality there. Everything is in reality, duality exists in reality and the point in between the duality is a reality also to which we go when the universe unfolds itself and then goes back into Pralaya. We go to a place, which DK describes this way, “It is not a place which is not, it is a place which is esoteric.” In other words, when we do finally go back to our source it is not a place which is not, it is a place which is esoteric and esoteric means hidden. In other words, there is something there but we do not know what it is, but it is the source of all things.

Audience: Did we finally figure out how to become more intuitive?

JJ: That is a good question and a good way to wrap this up. The way to get more intuitive is this one rule, you just have to do one thing like Curly said in the movie “City Slicker” you just have to do one thing, “Follow the Highest You Know.” Now you think, well the highest I know is not very good. It may not be very good and you may make many mistakes but when you make a mistake you will see what you did wrong and then you can correct it. Then you can take your next step and eventually if you follow the highest that you know then you will follow your intuition.

There will come a time when you will be tempted not to follow the highest you know. The highest you know will be very difficult to do and so you will be tempted to take the easy road and this is a temptation that besets us all. If there is such a thing as sin then this is the one true sin and that is violating the highest you know. There have been a couple times in my life when I knew what I had to do and it was really hard and I didn’t do it and I really regretted it.

This is like the story in my first book about these guys on the path, they did not know which path to choose but when they made a choice they just went with it and the guys that really suffered were the ones who just could not choose. They were afraid to choose. People that are paralyzed by fear because they can’t choose are the ones that are really in hell on this earth. We must never stand still and we must always pick the next step and if we do not know what it is, then guess. And in that guess make the best guess that you can make and then go with it and then you are going to learn something.

When you have to take another step you are going to be wiser and wiser until eventually you will continue to follow the highest you know and you will develop all your higher abilities. You will develop your higher psychic ability, your intuition. Once you develop your intuition and it is developed then you can draw back on your other abilities that you have had in past lives. If you want to recall your instinct abilities then you can do that, if you want to recall your psychic abilities then you can do that. In recalling your psychic abilities and then blending them with the intuition you can be extremely accurate. There are a handful of psychics that are also intuitive that are accurate but this is very rare.

Audience: If I wanted to recall something that is below the threshold of consciousness, lets say that in a previous life I spoke French and if I wanted to bring that up, other than putting attention on it is that the only way to bring it to surface is by putting attention on it?

JJ: Mozart, when he started playing the piano; he could instantly play it and we hear about prodigies today that can just look at a piano and immediately play it. Obviously they knew it in a past life so it is below the threshold of their consciousness but they bring it back almost instantly. If you have not used the things below the threshold of your consciousness for a while then it may take a little while to get it back but you can get it back fairly quickly if you concentrate on it.

Audience: And also if you tap into your need, your desire then this will bring it up to a conscious level.

JJ: That is a good point because if you just half-heartedly toy around with the idea then you will not accomplish much. If your soul sees that you need to bring back something, it will assist you. But if your soul sees that you are trying to retrieve something and it wants you to move on to something else then you will have obstacles in the path and be frustrated.

Wayne from the audience: My understanding is that in actuality the universe is not based on duality but triplicate, you have the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost and you have the physical, metaphysical and pray-physical anything that you put a duality to has a third aspect.

JJ: Well like the atom you have the protons, electrons and neutrons; the neutrons are neutral, so you have the neutral and then the positive and the negative. I have a lot of discussions with duality people on the Internet and some of them have the idea that all you have to do is reach a certain state of mind and you can go beyond duality. The thing is if you really went beyond duality then you would just disappear and you would not be here anymore.

Audience: So what you are saying is that is an unattainable goal?

JJ: I would not say it is unattainable and you might be able to disappear if you put enough attention on it but I do not know of anyone who has and not even Buddha disappeared.

Audience: But it is a goal to move toward where you learn to overcome your duality.

JJ: Not necessarily because we came from the place that is beyond physical duality and we came here for a reason and if we were to just to give up duality and go back then we would miss what we came here for. Now Buddha reached Nirvana and people think that He reached the ultimate. We have the three worlds, we have the physical, the astral, and the mental then the intuitive and then we have three more worlds above that. He reached the Atmic world, the one just above the intuition and that is what He called Nirvana, well there are two more formless worlds above that.

Audience: So what is the Atmic world if that is the world above intuition?

JJ: The Atmic world is the world where ideas float around and the intuitive world serves as a conduit that bring ideas down into the physical and it is like the pipeline that brings it down and the Atmic is where the pipeline taps in. And the above that you have the Monadic world and then the Divine and the Divine world can be compared to space itself. In space, space is one and there is only one space and that is how oneness exists. Within space there are all kinds of points and each one of these points is a Monad and each one of these Monads develops into a life form.

Audience: The Monad is a group of entities bonded together right?

JJ: No, you are thinking of soul, the soul itself is the binding force that can bond many but each one of us has an individual Monad and this is your personal Father in heaven.

Audience: My Higher Self?

JJ: It is part of your Higher Self. I will end with this point, follow the highest you know and if you do not know what to do then follow the highest you know even if it seems a little bizarre and crazy because at least then you will learn something and then sooner or later you will be making wise choices. You have to start where you are and follow the highest you know even if everybody criticizes you and even if they think you are a mindless person. Make some decision, any decision is better than no decision. The worst thing you can do is to not make a decision and not take any control of your life.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Intuition, Part 6

This entry is part 11 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Have you ever had a dream early in the morning just before you wake and you think, boy this is interesting and you think I don’t need to write this down because surely you will remember it and it is very important and then after you get up and have breakfast you think, there was something I was supposed to remember and you can’t remember what it was. Have you ever had that happen before?

Audience: Yes

JJ: This is the way the world of intuition is, especially at first. It is so ephemeral that you will have a concept or an idea enter into your mind from the higher worlds and it will just seem to make so much sense that you think there is no way you could possibly forget it, but then an hour or two later you will forget it.

Audience: I started to keep a pen and journal by my bed so I am ready at a moments notice but then recently I have been getting eternal words and recently I woke up and I wrote down, “If you have a weakness in any area you can strengthen it with another” and if I forget about later than I go back to my journal and there it is written across the top of the page.

JJ: Yes it is interesting that the higher the revelation is the harder it is remember it in your normal state of mind because it is like it is not given to you in your regular brain consciousness so when you shift into your regular brain it will often go. So if you get something you think is important then speak it over and over several times if you do not have a note pad close by to remind yourself so that you get it established in your physical brain or if you have something to write on then write it down or if you travel in the car a lot then get a portable tape recorder and speak into it when something occurs to you.

The more refined the idea that comes from the higher world the harder it is to bring it down but once you do bring it down so it is anchored and anchored is the key word here then it is yours. Once you get it in your physical brain then it is yours and you will never forget it because it is always based on the physical and once you get a principle in your physical brain, you will not forget it. This is one of the things we are talking about on the keys right now.

We got a letter from the a guy in prison that is reading my material and he has presented an idea about implementing some of the principles that I have been teaching on the keys to some national guy that heads a program for all the prisons across the country. They’re thinking about teaching them to the prisoners. So he wrote me and asked me to organize all the principles that I teach into one package and so this is what I have been doing lately on the keys is writing a brief description of different principles.

Principles are best understood by the intuition. For instance energy follows thought is a principle and once you understand that then you can get all kinds of information from it, you can get all kinds of knowledge and apply it hundreds of different ways. Now a piece data is different, a piece of data can be easily registered with the physical brain.

Now lets take something concerning “energy follows thought.” If you pay attention to your school work you will get good grades. That is actually a description of energy following thought but if you memorize that statement it will not take you anywhere and you can’t really use it outside of that one thing, but if you understand the principle “energy follows thought” you do not need to have anybody explain it to you. You pay attention to your schoolwork and get good grades because energy follows your thought, you are directing toward it.

I really learned this energy follows thought principle when I was in real estate. What really brought it home was I had several things telling me what I needed to do but I was too thick headed to get it registered. Every time I started to get ahead in real estate I would take some time off to do some writing and my real estate business or whatever business I was in would fall apart and then I would have to go back and put attention into it all over again. But what really brought it home to me was when I decided I could make a lot of money if I sold mobile home parks because my broker was selling them and he was making a killing. So I worked really hard at it for about 4 or 5 months and then one month I sold three mobile home parks and that was going to make me enough money to live on for a couple of years and I thought this is terrific!

So I decided to stop right there and start working on a book and it is a book that I never finished by the way and it is called “The Shift” it is the story about the shift of the earth’s axis, I got it about a third done and the sales of all three mobile home parks fell through. I not only lost everything but I lost all my clients and I had to immediately go back into business to survive and it was like I was starting from nothing. Everything had just disintegrated – all my customers were all gone and it was amazing how fast this had happened, I was putting no energy into real estate and consequently everything collapsed and I was just like a fresh agent just starting out and it is a good thing my wife had a job or we probably would have starved.

JJ: Now what I realized at that point was why the highest lives that exist on this planet including “The Ancient of Days” are called watchers. The Ancient of Days is called a watcher and why is He called a watcher? Does He spend His time coming down here and doing everything for us? No, but He is watching, He is watching and putting His attention on His goals, what He wants us to do as the human race. Energy follows His thought which is so very much more concentrated than our thought, His thought causes waves of energy to act like magnetic points that draws the material to those points, to cause that to happen which He wants to happen.

Now if I were to have put attention on those three mobile home parks and not quit and not started writing a book but put attention on them until the sales were actually closed and I had the money in my hand then all three probably would have went through with no problems or at least two of them. I never dreamed that all three could have fallen through but it did really bring home the lesson that “energy follows thought,” and when that lesson came to me about how this principle works I have never let that happen again in my life.

When I really want something I put my attention on it and I do not take my attention off until I get what I want. This is a really important lesson. Many of the seekers of the world and the disciples and the people that are really trying to stretch themselves and discover truth and are interested in philosophy and metaphysics are often very unsuccessful at everything and the reason why is because “energy follows thought.” In other words, they are concentrating on their dreams but not on making their dreams a reality.

To make dreams a reality takes nuts and bolts attention on the physical plane. The dreamers, the spiritual people have a really hard time balancing spirit and matter. Jesus states that you cannot serve God and mammon and there is a lot of truth to that but I believe in this age the disciples of the world have to go an extra step and learn to balance God and mammon or spirit and matter. I have seen so many spiritual people have a hard time with the material side of life and in this particular world that we are living in right now it is much different than the old days. In the old days a teacher could just go off with his rice bowl in hand and his robe and people would feed him and that would be about all that he would need. in this day and age if you go around with nothing but a rice bowl they will shun you and run from you. Laughing! Buddha’s only possessions were His rice bowl and His robe and that is all He owned in the world.

A guy cannot get very far today like that with the system we have now so we have to learn to balance spirit and matter and this is very, very tricky to do. This has been the hardest thing to do in my life and I am still learning and learning more completely. I started a lot of businesses time and time again during the course of my life and then when I married Artie I said, well I do not know how much time I have in this life but I just can’t keep on the same cycle I have been on where I do the spiritual work and then my material world collapses and then I have to go back and put it back together and then go back and do the spiritual work and then my material world collapses again. I said I just can’t go through this anymore so we are going to create a business and I am going to put my attention on this business until it gets like an orbit, like when a spaceship is in orbit it just keeps on going and it requires no more energy. It took us a while to get our business in orbit so it could just sustain us and it is funny when it got into orbit then I wrote “The Immortal I” and from the time I wrote this our business has brought in almost the same income every year since then.

I mean it is just in orbit, we are not expanding and we are not getting less it is just in orbit but at least it is paying the bills. This may be the first time I have done this in all my lives because I think that I may have been a dreamer for some time and that it took a lot of energy on my part. Now if I were to do it again I am sure it would be easier because once we learn our lesson than we can do it again in another lifetime a lot easier but it was really hard and I had to really focus for quite a long time to get that into orbit. I owe so much to my wife Artie for helping to keep it in orbit too.

Audience: Did you feel an aversion to the material world? I can accomplish things but I do not like the material world.

When I was concentrating on the spiritual I kind of felt that way but when I am concentrating on the physical I do not feel that way, it is where you put your attention. Now one thing I have found that when I was concentrating on the spiritual I also went on a vegetarian diet and a live foods diet for about a year and boy that was really great concentrating on the spiritual and being on a very refined diet but when I went into business with Artie and realized that I had to put together the physical side or else I am not going to accomplish anything. If I am just going to bang my head against the wall and not accomplish anything then what good is this life? So I started eating more course food, eating meat and drinking a little wine, kind of grounding myself more in the physical and that actually helped quite a bit. Grounding your self in the physical and if we ever get to the point to where the books take off and we can quit our business then I will shift again to the more spiritual mode and maybe quit drinking wine then! Or maybe not because wine is kind of spiritual you know!

I felt impressed by my soul that I had to put more attention on the physical side and this is a quandary that the disciples find themselves. They want to do the spiritual work and many get to the point where they almost disdain the material side but, on the other hand, if we are going to serve our fellow man and lift them up to a higher level then we have to go down there and approach them where they are and then pull them up to a higher level.

This is the meaning behind the name of Jesus Christ. This name means to take another persons hand and deliver them, pull them up to where you are, “Anointed to Deliver” is what the name of Jesus Christ means. We are all anointed to deliver and to deliver you have to be like Moses. Moses left the spiritual Hebrews and went to carnal Egypt and there he enmeshed himself in the ways of the carnal Egyptian so that he could then deliver the Hebrews. There is a lot of meaning behind stories like that and so we got to be a little bit like Moses and we have to descend to our fellow man so that we can rise above all things.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Intuition, Part 5

This entry is part 10 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

So we develop our minds, our reasoning, our philosophy, and we are pretty proud of ourselves and then we continue to progress. As mind is developed, most people go through a period where they are atheist for a few lifetimes because as they leave their emotional feeling and instinctive natures behind, they only believe what they can see for a period of time and they cannot see God, so many of them become atheists. The religious people think these atheists are really bad people but a lot of the atheists are fairly progressed people. How many here have talked to many atheists before?

Audience: I have and most of them seem extraordinarily intelligent.

JJ: Yes they are pretty intelligent and that is because they are just learning to use their use mind. But what happens to all of us is we take our mind as far as we can go and we hit a dead end and we can’t get the answer that we want. Now first of all when we begin to develop the mind we get answers that the other people can’t see. They realize that burning forever in hell is silly, and then they are proud of themselves for figuring that out and they think, “I am a lot more intelligent than this stupid born again person over here.” So they go through that period where they are very proud of what they discover until they discover everything they can with their mind and then they reach a dead end.

What is existence all about anyway, I am born and then I die and that is it, but that does not make sense either. What is the answer? And so they begin asking questions that their mind can’t answer. They do not have enough information and they think well if I just had more information I could maybe put it all together and figure out what everything is about. So they hit this dead end and we reach this point and this is where an ancient esoteric statement comes in, “The mind is the slayer of the real.” In other words, there are higher beings and there is a God but the person slays these truths, slays the fact there are other worlds besides the physical because he can’t see them, he slays the fact that there are higher beings, that there are angels, that there is a world of spirits, that there are several layers of existence that he cannot see. He slays all these things with the mind because he can’t see them and prove them concretely. After he slays everything that is real with his mind he has nothing and his life is empty and in this emptiness he begins to ask why and he begins to crave more information and this craving gets stronger and stronger and stronger until finally something happens. He breaks through into the world of intuition.

Okay so the guy reaches the end of his rope and something triggers deeper thought, like he may have a child that becomes ill and is near death or some tragedy happens in his life or divorce – something will trigger it. Then he realizes, you know I think I am pretty smart and I have not figured out anything, I don’t even know why I am here, I don’t know what my life is about, I don’t know why my kid is sick or why my wife left me or why this anvil dropped on my foot – I don’t know anything I thought I knew. He struggles with this and because of the trigger or a crisis he thinks there has to be more than just life and death, there has to be more to it.

So what he does is he sends a signal to his internal soul and he focuses his attention within himself. This is a message to his higher self saying, hey I want something from you.

So as he does this it may last a period of time, it may take years and he may be going through a period of struggle, he may kill himself and come back and be in the same situation. It may last a few lifetimes or it may be very intense over a short period of time but he keeps sending out these signals. Then one day he may not be even thinking about the mysteries of life, suddenly, for the first time, he will hear what is called the “still small voice.” It is really not something like psychism where he gets a psychic message or something like this, it is not instinct but it is the still small voice from the soul and it is different from what he has ever heard before in any past life.

It will be so still and so small he will think he is imagining it. First he will put it out of his mind but then after a period of time passes something will dawn on him. “That thing I imagined, that message that I felt really means something now that some time has passed. I can see that it was 100% truth. If that happens again I will pay more attention.” Sure enough, because he did give it some weight, he goes forward and he hears it again and he says I am probably imagining it again so he does not really trust it yet.

So time passes again and he hears it again and he says, boy that message that came to me was 100% reliable. He begins to pay attention to it and as he does this he realizes it is accurate and when he realizes that it is accurate then his whole life turns around. He is thinking, “I am receiving these impressions and it has to come from some source and my sub-consciousness could not do this. This means that there must be a God after all and there must something higher up there and I am having access to something higher that I have never had before and it is extremely reliable and extremely enlightening.

As he begins to pay attention to it the still small voice doesn’t really get louder but his hearing gets better. His hearing gets tuned in so that the voice is yet small and still but his attunement becomes better and better until he begins to breakthrough and understand the world of intuition. Now the world of intuition speaks in the language of principles. If you get a piece of data that is not intuitive knowledge. If you get a feeling that say someone is going to have a car accident or something like that, that is psychism. But once you get the intuition it comes in the language of principles and the best way to express it is in an idea.

Have you ever been thinking on something and all of a sudden you get an idea? That is like a reflection of the lower intuitive and as a matter of fact some ideas are intuitive and others are brain conjecture. An idea turns on a light and an idea is the closest thing that an average person can relate to that relates to what the intuition is. You cannot always put an idea into one sentence and it may take a book to explain. Once you see an idea in your mind you see more than can be written in words. You might see where the idea can take you; you might see where the idea came from; you might see all the variations of the idea.

Everything that is in the physical here originated in the higher worlds as an idea, the earth was an idea. You as a being right here are an idea in the mind of God, an eternal idea created outside of time and space and because you existed outside of time and space in the mind of God it means that you are eternal because you were not created in time and so time will never make you fade away from existence.

Intuitive knowledge is different than brain activity, different from psychism, different from mental conjecture. It is contacting the soul. Now, it is important to understand this: We have the physical world and we have the spiritual world and we have the interplay. Spirit and matter when they meet create soul. You are a physical being and a spiritual being and within are spirit and matter interplaying. That interplay is where soul is. One of the best expressions is, “That part where water, land and air meet which is neither wet nor dry” Now I want you to visualize that place, the place where water, air and land meet and it is neither wet nor dry. That is the soul. It is neither spirit nor matter but the interplay of the two and that is soul energy.

The soul energy is the doorway to the intuition and to all the higher worlds. What the person does when he makes this breakthrough is he looks within and he looks on the physical and the spiritual and then he looks right between the two and he sees the door to the higher worlds, which is the soul. This is an actual doorway, a doorway that has no time and space. Visualize that place on the seashore, the water is coming in, you have the dry sand and they meet and the place is neither wet nor dry. This is the place where magic is wrought.

The kingdom of the soul is within and it is neither spirit nor matter and that is where the magic occurs. The first magic that will occur will be pulling down ideas and intuitions from the higher worlds. This is an important step for the disciple to take and all disciples must take this step.

It takes quite a bit of time to become what is called soul infused. Because when we first start contacting the higher worlds we think it is our imagination. Psychics are different. When they begin to have some psychic activity boy they put a lot of faith in it and a lot of it is unjustified faith because they still have a lot of error going on. But then after going through the period of developing the mind and then you have the mind slay the real and you don’t believe anything but the physical then it is very hard to work yourself back into a state of believing. Now you are heading back to being a big believer in the mystical and these people you condemned as an atheist are seen as allies.

As you are working into this again you have a hard time believing this is real because it almost seems to good to be true. Here you were in a state of mind where you thought that only what you see is true and now you are finding out that there is all kinds of invisible things that are going on that are true and you are seeing this with a greater reality than you have ever seen it before, but it just seems too good to be true. Remember this quote from book I? There is nothing too good to be true. In other words anything that is good can be true and not everything that seems good is true.

There is nothing too good to be true. Anything that we can see that is good we make true if we want it badly enough. It is difficult for the person once he has developed the intuition to accept it. Have any of you been through that where you have had a new idea, truth or revelation come to you and it is hard to believe?

Yolanda from the audience: Yes I have had that happen and most of the time my problem is not having the confidence in myself.

JJ: Yes and this is a big problem. When the intuition begins to break through and expand it is largely due to placing confidence in what you receive. In my own personal life I have had a hard time having confidence in what I have received a number of times until I found out later that it was a 100% true and that I should have followed it and I had bad repercussions because I didn’t follow it. This is what we need to do – to test ourselves a little and there is nothing wrong with testing ourselves, making sure we are on the right track. Once we find that we are on the track of intuition the difference between intuition and everything else is that intuition is 100% reliable.

The only thing that is unreliable about this is that you may bring some idea or concept down from the higher worlds and distort it through your personality and ego. But at the point when you receive it, it is pure but then as we implement it we tend to get spiritual amnesia.


Copyright by J J Dewey

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