Illusion in Wisconsin

This entry is part 45 of 50 in the series 2011A

One of the most illusionary comparisons to be supported by many in the media in recent times has been the comparing the protesters in Wisconsin and the walking off the job of Democrat Congresspeople to the protests in the Middle East.

Nothing could be further from the truth. Even Jon Stewart, who is a strong Democrat supporter, agrees with this. He accurately stated that there are major differences between the two groups.

For one thing he noted that in Libya, and Egypt they protested tyrannical dictators whereas the Wisconsin governor is not a dictator but was democratically elected by 52% of the people. Then he cracked a joke that real tyrants always get over 90% of the vote – referring to the fact that if you don’t support them you may disappear and not be seen again.

Then he made fun of the comparison of the Wisconsin protesters to those in the Middle East:

“They’re not the same in any fu***** way, shape, or form. Not at all. Is it the same as people in the Middle East overthrowing years of dictatorship? Or is that just the last story you saw on the news?

“The Egyptian protesters risk being shot, the Wisconsin protesters risk being caught in a drum circle.”

The basic difference is this. In the Middle East they are protesting dictatorship in the hope of creating democracy. In Wisconsin the opposite is true. They already have a democracy and the protesters are supporting not participating in it because they do not like the results of the last election. The Democratic legislators do not like the fact that they cannot get their way so they frustrate democratic vote by walking out. Teachers are walking off their jobs and falsely claiming sick leave by getting doctors to falsify claims they are ill. Then they say they are abandoning the kids for “the sake of the kids.”

The Republicans were faced with a similar dilemma. They loathed the Obama stimulus that took us much further in debt and created mostly government jobs – averaging hundreds of thousands of dollars per job per year.

They hated the Obama health care plan also but they took these both on the chin and to their credit participated in Democracy rather than running away from it or thwarting it. Then they worked hard to win the next election so they could further their own agenda.

This is what the Democrats in Wisconsin should do. Instead of running away, not doing their job while still drawing a paycheck they should do their job and then work to win their next election and legitimately work to further their agenda.

The media doesn’t help the democratic process as many side with those who have illegally walked off their jobs. They cite that teachers in Wisconsin only average about $50,000 a year, but they leave off the costs of their benefits.

Here’s a news story from Milwaukee:
[Milwaukee, Wisconsin] MacIver News Service – For the first time in history, the average annual compensation for a teacher in the Milwaukee Public School system will exceed $100,000.
That staggering figure was revealed last night at a meeting of the MPS School Board.

The average salary for an MPS teacher is $56,500. When fringe benefits are factored in, the annual compensation will be $100,005 in 2011.

The average private sector employee only makes $61.051 and that includes benefits – and they do not get a three month summer paid vacation.

The average public sector employee makes $123,049 per year – over double that of the private sector.

The problem is this. The public sector jobs rarely create any wealth. Wealth has to be created by the private sector and these producers have to pay the servants twice the wage that they themselves receive. This cannot continue forever.

This situation of lopsided benefits for the public sector is one of the reasons unions were not allowed for public servants during most of our history. It was felt they were not needed because as private wages increased the government would have to automatically raise the wages of public servants in order to keep them on the job. Under that system the wages of the public servants slightly trailed the private. This had the advantage of keeping our government trim and reasonable in size.

Even Democratic hero FDR realized the danger. He said:
“… Meticulous attention should be paid to the special relationships and obligations of public servants to the public itself and to the government. All Government employees should realize that the process of collective bargaining, as usually understood, cannot be transplanted into the public service. It has its distinct and insurmountable limitations … The very nature and purposes of Government make it impossible for … officials … to bind the employer … The employer is the whole people, who speak by means of laws enacted by their representatives …

“Particularly, I want to emphasize my conviction that militant tactics have no place in the functions of any organization of government employees. Upon employees in the federal service rests the obligation to serve the whole people … This obligation is paramount … A strike of public employees manifests nothing less than an intent … to prevent or obstruct … Government … Such action, looking toward the paralysis of Government … is unthinkable and intolerable.”

Then after the public unions were made legal in the Sixties the size and cost of government skyrocketed adding to the perilous debt we now face.

Obama called for more civility after the Arizona shootings but the protesters in Wisconsin seemed to have not heard the message. Take a look.

Let us hope the protesters wake up and realize they are living in the USA and not Libya. We already have a Democratic Republic. Let us not lay it aside but make the most of it.

A reader writes:
My wife just came across some truth in the national media, albeit does contain a hint of commentary, it is the closest to non-polarized information available to the masses that we have found to date.

He gives this link

I checked these out and Rachel makes a major misrepresentation here. She talks about the business sector as if it is as solidly Republican as the unions are Democratic and such is far from the case. The unions gave over 98% of their donations to Democrats. The Republicans are often deceptively portrayed as being in bed with business as much as Democrats are unions. Let’s look at the facts.

During the 2008 Campaign Real Estate interests gave $8,871,369 to McCain but $10,422,031 to Obama

Securities and investments gave $8,698,635 to McCain but $14,891,735 to Obama

Financial business gave $5,210,724 to McCain but $6,906,664 to Obama

Commercial Banks gave $2,293,748 to McCain but $3,316.351 to Obama

Business Services gave $5,921,718 to McCain but $16,500,999 to Obama

The big business of TV, Music and movies gave almost zilch to McCain but $9,004,072 to Obama.

Each election varies but the Democrats always get substantial donations from business whereas Republicans get almost nothing from the unions. If unions disappeared tomorrow there would still be a fairly even divide of business donations. It is interesting that in the 2010 elections even Walmart, which is thought to be in the Republican’s pocket gave 49% of their political donations to Democrats.
Figures came from:

The Book of Mormon and DNA

This entry is part 44 of 50 in the series 2011A

Keith gives this quote: “…DNA testing has conclusively proven the book of Mormon is a work of fiction, as there are no traces of Semitic DNA markers in North American Indians. This evidence is so damning that even high level Mormon scholars have left the cult. For an excellent documentary expose I highly recommend: DNA vs. the Book of Mormon…” (

Actually when the original DNA testing revealed an Asian origin of American Indians I was not surprised. Why?

Because the Book of Mormon tells us that within one generation of their arrival their main enemy were darker skinned people they called Lamanites. It was not logical that Lehi’s descendants would have turned dark in one generation so I figured the dark skinned people were descended from people already here in America when they arrived.

Then in the last great battle we are told the light skinned people were completely destroyed. If this is correct then the DNA residue of the lighter skinned Jewish inhabitants would have been pretty much lost to history.

It is interesting that there is significant physical evidence that Hebrew people were in Ancient America. One of the moist interesting is the Los Lunas Inscription where the Ten Commandments were found written on a stone using Hebrew characters. How did they get in Ancient America if there were not some Hebrews here?

Here is a reference:

Here is another reference giving more additional evidence.

Here is an interesting one giving evidence that civilizations as described in the Book of Mormon existed in Ancient America:

Since the first discovery of Asian DNA in American Indians other DNA from Europe of possibly Hebrew have been found. Here is an article on it:

It is also interesting to read the LDS side of the DNA argument:

There have been a few white American Indians discovered from time to time. It would be interesting to see what their DNA revealed.

The full truth behind the Book of Mormon is quite a mystery and I do not believe all is as appears from either side of the issue. Hopefully all will be revealed some time in the near future.

Hell on Earth, Part 13

This entry is part 43 of 50 in the series 2011A


After quoting so much I deem it right to give a little of my own experience. Space prevents my giving in full the three “Patriarchal Blessings” I received so I give extracts as follows:-

“ Salt Lake City, Utah, April, 13th, 1869.

“A blessing given by John Smith, Patriarch, upon the head of William Jarman, son of John and Ann Jarman, born in London, Middlesex, England, April 1st, 1837.

“Brother William, I lay my hands upon thy head in the name of Jesus of Nazereth, to pronounce and seal a blessing upon thee. Therefore be at rest in thy mind and look forward to the future, that you may comprehend the blessings which are in store for the faithful. For thou art of the blood of Joseph and a descendant of Ephraim, and have a great work to perform in thy day. The Lord bath had his eye upon thee for years, and thou art numbered among the One Hundred and forty-four thousand saviours of men * * *

Thou shalt confound the wisdom of the wicked, and set at naught the counsel of the unjust. Thou shalt converse with the noblemen of the earth and they shall wonder at thy wisdom; for thou shalt be filled with the spirit of he Lord above many of thy fellows. * * * Thou shalt also be blessed in thy outgoings and in thy incomings, Spiritually and Temporarily, and also be prospered in the labor of thy hands, and thy name shall be perpetuated upon the earth, and handed down with thy posterity in honorable remembrance, and written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, and Registered in the Chronicles of thy Fathers with thy Brethren. This blessing I seal upon thy head, and I call thee up unto Eternal Life to come forth in the morning of the First Resurrection-Even so Amen. Recorded in Book A. page 903.”

The Patriarch, John Young, Brigham’s brother, gave me a blessing for two dollars, which is dirt cheap. It covers four pages of “ Foolscap “ closely written, in which I am confirmed “An Heir to the Holy Priesthood” as well as being “one of the 144,000 virgins without guile.” I am also a Jew though born of Gentile parents, “Being a literal descendent of Ephraim,” I am to “obtain a fullness of the Holy Priesthood in the own due time of the Lord. Also, “Wives and children and a numerous posterity on the earth, even upon Mount Zion.”

Then comes a sentence which makes me a good catch for Insurance Company or Sick Benefit Society, it says: I seal upon your head the blessings of life and of health and prosperity and say you shall live on the earth till your hair becomes as white as the pure wool.” I am to become “ Saviour upon Mount Zion; and clothed upon with Priestly Garments and have power to officiate in the holy ordinances; be numbered among the great and the good, and receive an inheritance in the New Heavens and New Earth.’, After pronouncing blessings innumerable, this Patriarch winds up with “These blessings I seal upon you according to the holy order committed to the servants of the Lord to bind on earth and bind for heaven, and I do it by the power of the priesthood in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Even so, Amen.”

The Patriarch C. W. Hyde “ blessed “ me real nice, one of his wives wrote it down and gave me a copy. He began with, “William, I place my hands upon thy head and seal upon you a Patriarchal Blessing, for the eye of the Lord has been upon thee from Everlasting to do a great and a mighty work in this Kingdom, and no weapon formed against thee shall prosper for the Lord has given his Angels charge over you that you may live long upon the earth to promote the glory and interest of the Kingdom of God on this Earth and thou shalt stand before Kings and rulers to proclaim this Gospel * * * Thou shalt have power to do any miracle that was ever done * * * Have power to open prisons. * * * Thou art of the house of Ephraim and a right to the fullness of the Priesthood with wives and a great Kingdom upon the Earth * * * you shall stand on the earth at the coming of the Messiah * * * Thou shalt lead many to Zion with the rich treasures to help rear the Temple * “ You shall redeem your father’s household. These blessings I seal upon your head with Eternal lives with your father’s household, forever and ever, Amen. Recorded in Book E. page 792,”

The price of these Patriarchal Blessings is Two Dollars per “ Bless.”

Notwithstanding the great and manifold “blessings,” the Endowment House had so shaken my faith in Mormonism that I cared very little for my “ High and Holy Calling.” I became acquainted with a “ Cockney “ who felt about as I did, we both wished ourselves back in London. One day when calling on my Cockney friend, he introduced me to two of the “ brethren “ who had participated in the Mountain Meadow Massacre. I had heard of the affair as “an Indian Massacre,” and was surprised to find that the Mormons were the principal actors in that fearful tragedy. When I learnt from these men the facts, I felt that to be associated with such a band of murderers would make me equally guilty. How could I uphold such deeds? I could never call these men “my brothers.” I went at once to Brigham Young and demanded to have my name erased from their books, for I could no longer remain a Mormon, and told him the reason. On leaving Brigham he said to me “Oh ta, ta if you are going; You’ve got it bad, I see; your case shall be attended to.”

Up to this time my life was burdensome, but now having asserted my rights and dared to be free, and having left the abominable Church, I felt more easier, I was indeed a converted man. I prepared to battle with the inevitable, for I knew the awful fate that awaits “Apostates.” They do not always kill them. Off times they are declared insane, and confined in a wretched Asylum. I am sorry I have not space to give the abundance of proof I have on this point.

Even since I commenced writing this book, an American Lady has sent me a copy of her new book, entitled “Elder Northfield’s Home, or Sacrificed on the Mormon Altar, a story of the blighted curse of Polygamy.” A New York paper says of it:-” It tells the story of an English girl who, becoming infatuated with a Mormon elder accompanies him to Utah. It will open the eyes of the mothers and fathers of the land to a curse which is darker than the shackles of slavery, more deadly than the plagues of Egypt.” I have read the book with much interest. It tells how the girl was trapped, her life in Utah Slavery, her attempted escape and captured; then placed in a lunatic asylum. It is a thrilling story; those of my readers who can afford one dollar should send to Mrs. Jennie Bartlett, Monson, Mass. U.S.A., the Authoress, for a copy. It beats all the novels in the world, and dearly shows the Mormon Insanity dodge.

I naturally thought that as they knew of my asylum episode I should be pronounced insane, and speedily “die a raving maniac.” Fearing they might place their “ Danites” or “Destroying Angels” on my track, I made a friend of a “Chief Danite,” who lived near me. I bought him. The price was high, but my readers will soon see that it was a good investment, for not long after my interview with Brigham, the Bishop waited on me, and gave me to understand that my blood must be shed to atone for my sins. I preferred to remain in my sins rather than have my throat cut, and told him so. I was not ready to acquiesce as he wished, and he went away “ disgusted “ with me.

A few days after my “ Danite friend” came to me on the Q. T. He said, For God’s sake be careful; never show out after dark; when the chickens go to roost you go too.” I told him that in London we seldom retired so early, I was afraid that going to bed so soon would prevent my sleeping, and make an awful long night of it. He smiled, promised to do me a good turn if he could, and we parted.

I kept a good look out, and so did the Mormon leaders, for one evening having met an old friend in the City, it was dark when I left him to go home. My house was in the suburbs, and I had some distance to go. When I got near home my Danite friend met me, pushed me back hurriedly and whispered, “Go back, your grave is dug in your garden; two men are waiting at your gate, and we have to kill you. Don’t go home to-night; swear you ain’t seen me, or you and I are both dead men.”

Had I gone home the reader’s eyes would not now be resting on these pages. Thousands that wished to inform the world, as I am now doing, are in their graves; as the Mormons say, “Dead men tell no tales.”

The next morning I went to my “Hell upon Earth.” Before going in, I found my NEW DUG GRAVE in the garden. I looked down into my grave, a sight seldom witnessed by mortal eyes. The reader may have looked into the grave of a relative or friend, but into his own, never. I cannot describe my thoughts as I stood there by the side of my grave, which, but for the timely warning would now contain my body. There and then I swore that if spared to escape from that awful Sodom, I would spend the balance of my days in exposing the abominable evils of Mormonism.

“The spirit of the times can be gathered from the following beautiful expressions of President Young, his apostle son Brigham, and General D. H. Wells, then Mayor of the city, in a meeting of 1,500 men. Brigham Young, Jr.,, said That fellow Sherman said the other night coming down the street that he felt rather timid about coming out after dark. I know the reason why he felt timid; he knows that he should be killed. That’s what’s the matter. Any man who violates his covenant should be killed! ‘ President Young assented to this beautiful speech of his apostle by the nodding of his head, and when young Brigham had sat down the old man said: That man is an unprofitable servant that his master has to tell him to do everything. Brethren whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might. Then Gen: D. H. Wells stood on his feet and said: ‘The best thing that we can do for these men is to kill them.” Extract from Salt Lake Tribune.

The usual plan of breaking up the Apostates’ home was resorted to. The doctrine that no woman is saved but through her husband means that if the husband leaves the church the wife must leave him or she also is lost. My wife was, and still is a Mormon fanatic. The Probate Judge and Great High, Priest gave her a bill of divorce and most of my real estate. The second wife then wished to be legally married. This was done as I afterwards found to secure the balance of my property, as she could also get a divorce and property with it when married. Prior to the first wife’s divorce, I had been commanded to put my stock of drapery into the Mormon Co-operative Store, just then started. This I refused to do; I had paid the tenth of it into the church, as tithing. If a man or woman has but 10 shillings on arriving in “Zion,” they must give one to the church, and ever after the tenth of all their earnings. I give one verse from their “ Sacred “ Hymns in the Mountain Warbler, p. 67:-

“ TUNE= King Of the Cannibal Islands.”

“Now, male and female, rich and poor, who wish to keep your standing sure,
That you salvation may secure. Come forward and pay up your tithing.
A tenth that is and nothing less, of all you do or may possess:
In flocks and herds, and their increase; in pigs and poultry, ducks and geese;
A tenth, indeed of all your toil, likewise the products of the soil;
And if you’ve any wine or oil, come forward, and pay up your tithing!”

Then, if to prosper you desire, and wish to keep out of the fire,
Nay, if you to be Saints aspire, come forward and pay up your tithing.

I had “come forward,” paid my tithing, and now they wanted the other nine-tenths. I failed to see the point. The first day I arrived in “Zion,” the Bishop overhauled my fourteen boxes and bales of silks, velvets, linen, broadcloth, &c., and said, “The Church will open a store shortly, you can put these. goods in and receive stock in the concern and a situation when we start. You see Brother Jennings, obtain a situation in his store so as to learn how business is done here.” I got the situation and went to work. This was a trap as you will see. Mormons are so tricky, and suspecting everybody, they fix matters, so that if a man dares assert his rights, or fails to “obey counsel” they have him, as in my case.

I showed Jennings my goods and tried to sell them to him, but he refused to purchase. The Church Store was duly opened, and as stated, I was – “ counseled “ to put my stock into the concern; but I had been through the-Endowment House, and wished to turn my goods into money and “Hook it.” While planning a disposal of my goods, a policeman came with a warrant, arrested me on a charge of stealing these goods from Jennings and Co.. Teasdale and Sadler, the partners of Jennings were there to swear to the goods and seize them. I was dragged off to a dungeon, while Teasdale and Sadler hauled my goods in wagons to their private office.

When brought into the Mormon court for examination, I sent for my – attorney and the proceedings commenced. “ Brothers “ Jennings, Teasdale – and Sadler swore to the goods, “BECAUSE THERE IS OUR PRIVATE MARK UPON THEM.” When I saw the marks I felt overcome. There were the goods. I had purchased in England with their private mark thereon. My attorney reserved his defense and asked for bail. This was put so high it was impossible – for me to obtain it, and I was thrust back into the dungeon, here with a poor wretch who had not changed his linen for seven months.

The Mormon Grand Jury brought in a Bill of Indictment against me consisting of THIRTEEN different counts or charges, covering FORTY-TWO-pages of Legal Cap. Lawyers think of it for a moment! I have the copy of that Indictment now before me, but its length precludes its insertion here.

Any lawyer can see it at my lectures, I hope to have copies printed and placed in the hands of every lawyer in England and America. It’s a legal curiosity which charges me with stealing 15,767 dollars worth of my own goods. It is so framed that if I cleared one charge there were 12 charges more to clear, and if I managed to clear the first 12 charges, the thirteenth was fixed so as to make it impossible for me to clear it. Then I should have at least two years in Jail, and my property confiscated to the Mormon Church.

A few days before the trial, my attorney, who came to see me, was afraid I should be a corpse before the time set for my trial if I remained in that dungeon. He induced the prosecuting attorney to prevail upon the High Priest Judge to lower the bail. This was done, and I was liberated on bail.

To describe my trial which occupied two weeks, is impossible. I secured an extra attorney and did the best I could. We successfully proved that the goods were not marked when taken to the private office of Jennings and Co., that they remained in that office three days and nights, and when first seen after that they were marked. Besides on my way to Utah, when arriving at the Railway Terminus, my boxes were shunted on a plank from the car to the wagons, one of the boxes fell off and was smashed and its contents scattered. Those who gathered the things and helped pack them, swore that I had those very goods 500 miles back, and a month before I reached Salt Lake City.

I cleared 12 charges, but the 13th charged that on the last day their Store was open prior to turning over the concern to the big Church Store, I stole from “ Brothers “ Jennings, Teasdale and Sadler 300 dollars in money These “Brothers” swore to it. Their Cashier and Bookkeeper corroborated and produced the firms’ books to show that on that day when every salesman was equally busy and returned over 300 dollars each to the Cashier, I who had been just as busy all day had only returned five dollars according to their books and oaths; consequently I must have pocketed at least 300 dollars on that particular day.

When the Court adjourned for the night, I went to my attorneys’ office, where I met Mr. Durkee the “ Gentile “ Governor of Utah. After stating the case to him I asked, “Can you do anything for me? “ He replied, “I do not see that I can. I am the Governor of the Territory, but Brigham Young is the Governor of the People. A Gentile Governor in Utah is the biggest farce on Earth.” Mr. Durkee sent for other lawyers, who consulted with my attorneys in reference to the matter.

These gentlemen said “though you have ‘cleared the 12 charges, that 13th is a clincher put there on purpose to secure your conviction and your goods. You cannot go behind their books and I prove them false; look at the vast array of testimony on that point from the three members of the firm, their Bookkeeper and also their Cashier. That is a thing we never attempt to do; its useless and your conviction is sure.”

Governor Durkee wrote out a free Pardon. I was now to become “A Pardoned Convict.” Crushed, weary and heavy laden, I left to go home being still on bail. Pen cannot describe my feelings as I wended my way home in the dark. Suddenly I heard distinctly “Can’t you see?” Thinking it was someone in the garden I was passing. I took but little notice of it. I had not proceeded far when it seemed to be uttered immediately behind me this time–” Can’t you see? “ I turned but saw no one, it was very dark. Thinking someone was near I called out “See what! “ the answer came “the date! the date! 20th of February-The Last Day! “ All at once it came to my I mind that I could remember a few who had dealt with me on that day, for every one who could, made purchases then, as the shops were all to be closed for one week. I thought of a man and his wife who had made extensive purchases that day. I went at once to their house. I asked “Do you remember buying some goods of me in Jennings’ Store the last day it was opened?” “Oh yes,” replied the wife, “I bought that 18 dollar shawl and-”

“Excuse me” I said “Do you remember how much your bill was?”

The husband replied, “Yes, I have the account,” producing which he said” 44 dollars and 50 cents.”

I asked “Do you know if the goods were paid for and how?”

He replied “You gave me this bill,” producing it, “and after I examined and found it correct you sent it with a 50 dollar bill to the Cashier, and five dollars and 50 cents change came back.”

I asked, “Do you know who the Cashier was and the cash-boy who took the money?”

The man and his wife both declared they could swear that the Cashier was N. H. Felt, and the cash-boy his son, and they both saw the boy give the 50 dollar bill to his father and receive from him the change, which the boy brought to me.

I thanked them and said that what they had told me must be sworn to in Court and that subpoenas would be presented them next morning. Here then I had evidence to prove those books wrong or the Cashier a thief. His books returned only five dollars as my total sales for the day, here was one sale of 44 and a half dollars, and the money seen to go into the Cashier’s hands by two witnesses. I then went to others I thought of. The next man and wife could swear tot over 70 dollars they saw the Cashier receive from me in about the same manner, and before the Court opened next morning I had many witnesses who could swear they saw me send to the Cashier that day over 300 dollars.

That “busted up” the 13th charge, and as nothing more remained, against me. I saw Brigham’s private reporter who had been present through the trial, rush out, and shortly return and hand a note to the Judge. When this High Priest Judge delivered his charge to the Jury of Priests, Elders and Teachers, he told them to acquit, and to pay no attention to the opinions he had hitherto expressed. He had considered me guilty and had so stated, but now at the close of the trial he had reason to change his mind. I was acquitted amid the hurrahs of the crowded court.

Though I had 13 witnesses whose testimony unrebutted was now on file and they were ready again to offer the same evidence which must convict that Cashier, yet “Brother Jennings” never brought “Brother Felt” to trial. How’s that? Echo answers in true Yankee style “ How? “ Then answers by asking “Was their books fixed for the occasion? “ and then replies “ They-were; “ the same infernal agency that prompted the marking of my goods, fixed the books also.

This “ Brother “ Jennings is the “Hon.” William Jennings, a member of the Legislature, a commander in the “Navoo Legion of cut throats” and Director of the “Deseret Bank,” run by “Apostles and Priests, by inspiration and revelation,” like the “Kirtland Bank” which “busted.” Yet over the-door of this “Revelation Bank” may be seen in large letters “U. S. (Uncle Sam’s) Repository.” This I fail to understand. When U. S. Grant visited: Salt Lake City, he wined and dined with this “Hon.” Wm. Jennings.

The Mormon Sheriff, R. T. Burton, the chief actor in the Morrisite Massacre, where women were murdered “for Christ’s sake,” seized my goods ere they left the Court, to pay bills I never contracted.

“The Utah Daily Reporter,” August 5th, 1869, says:-” The great larceny case against William Jarman, in the Probate Court, ended Saturday night at twelve o’clock in a verdict of NOT GUILTY.’ This case has excited a great deal of comment throughout the City. It is the greatest case of larceny that has ever been tried in this Territory, involving property to a large amount, and many nice points of law. Mr. Jarman, it appears from the testimony in the case, arrived here last fall, bringing with him an assortment of merchandize and a large amount of money earned by him in England.

“He obtained a clerkship with William Jennings and Co., where he remained six months, when Jennings and Co. sold out to the Co-operative Association; Mr. Jarman became involved in a difficulty with the Church authorities and withdrew from fellowship.

“From this time the hand of persecution followed him with relentless -energy, and finally culminated in a charge of grand larceny, preferred by Jennings and Co. The principal witnesses for the prosecution were Mr. Teasdale and Mr. Sadler, of the firm of Jennings and Co.; but their testimony was exceedingly contradictory, and the defense introduced witnesses to impeach and contradict their testimony. The defense introduced overwhelming testimony to disprove the charge and an acquittal was the result.

From fifty to Sixty witnesses were examined during the trial, which occupied twelve days, and the attorneys for the accused consumed eleven hours in summing up the testimony before the jury. Z. Snow, Esq., appeared for the prosecution’ and R. H. Robertson and H. W. Isaacson, Esqs., for the accused. The result is received with universal satisfaction by the people, who believed the charge unfounded from the beginning.”

One night soon after the trial I was sent for to see a “ Saint “ on urgent “business. It was 10 p.m. when we sat down to talk business. He touched upon all sorts of topics; when I broached business he said, “Don’t hurry! won’t you take something?” and fetching in whisky said, “Do take some, ‘ it’ll do you good! “ I steadfastly declined; had I been a drinker and taken some then, it would have been my death, for stupified with drink, and that drugged, they could quietly put me with the others who tell no tales; but by keeping my brain clear I was always conscious, knew my danger, and kept on the look out. Who can blame me for abstaining from alcoholic drink?

The “ Saint “ kept discoursing upon all sorts of topics quite foreign to that I had come to talk about. I sat till 12 o’clock, then arose, said, “It’s midnight, I’ll see you to-morrow.”

He replied “I go off early, to be gone sometime; we will settle this matter now, sit down.”

I felt forced by an irrepressible power to hurry off. I got into the hall, found the door locked and key gone. I shouted “Open the door! “ He asked “Are you armed” seeing me place my hands to my pistol pockets. I at once presented a pair of -revolvers to his astonished gaze. The door was opened instantly. I got into ‘the middle of the road, and fearing Danites might come up behind me I kept whirling around and presenting my pistols ready to fire, and thus I got home. (The sequel of this follows shortly.)

Hell on Earth, Part 12

This entry is part 42 of 50 in the series 2011A

From “Brigham’s Destroying Angel,” or “ The Confession of Bill Hickman Danite Chief of Utah,” page 205, I extract the following account of the “Aikin Massacre”:-

“ The party consisted of six men: John Aikin, William Aikin, – Buck, a man known as ‘Colonel,’ and two others. They left Sacramento early in May, 1857. On reaching the Humboldt River they found a train of the Mormons from Carson, who were ordered home about that time. With them they completed the journey. John Pendleton, one of that Mormon party, in his testimony on the case says: A better lot of boys I never saw. They were kind, polite, and brave; always ready to do anything needed on the road.

“The train traveled slowly, so the Aikin party left it a hundred miles out and came ahead, and on reaching Kaysville, twenty-five miles north of Salt Lake City, they were all arrested on the charge of being spies for the Government! A few days after Pendleton and party arrived and recognized their horses in the public Corral. On inquiry he was told the men had been arrested as spies, to which he replied, Spies, hell! Why, they’ve come with us all the way.’ The party in charge answered that they did not care, they would keep them.’ The Aikin party had stock, property, and money estimated at 25,000 dollars.

“They were then taken to the city and confined. They were told they should be sent out of the Territory by the Southern-route. Four of them started, leaving Buck and one of the unknown men in the city. The party had for an escort, O. P. Rockwell, John Lot, Miles, and one other. When they reached Nephi, one hundred miles south, Rockwell informed the Bishop Bryant, that his orders were to ‘have the men used up there.’ Bishop Bryant called a council at once, and the following men were selected to assist: f. Bigler (now a Bishop), P. Pitchforth, his first councillor,’ John Kink, and ___ Pickton.

“The selected murderers, at 11 p.m., started from the Tithing House and got ahead of the Aikins, who did not start till daylight. The latter reached the Sevier River, when Rockwell informed them they could find no other camp that day; they halted, when the other party approached and asked to camp with them, for which permission was granted. The weary men removed. their arms and heavy clothing, and were soon lost in sleep-that sleep which for two of them was to have no waking on earth. The party from Nephi attacked the sleeping men with clubs and the kingbolts of the wagons. Two died without a struggle. But John Aikin bounded to his feet, but slightly wounded, and sprang into the brush. A shot from the pistol of John laid him senseless.

‘Colonel’ also reached the brush, receiving a shot in the shoulder from Port Rockwell, and believing the whole party had been attacked by banditti, he made his way back to Nephi. With almost superhuman strength he held out during the twenty-five miles, and the first bright rays of a Utah sun showed the man, who twenty-four hours before had left them handsome and vigorous in the pride of manhood, now ghastly pale and drenched with his own blood, staggering feebly along the streets of Nephi. He reached Bishop Foote’s, and his story elicited a well-feigned horror.

“Meanwhile the murderers had gathered up the other three and thrown them into the river, supposing all to be dead. But John Aikin revived and crawled out on the same side, and hiding in the brush, heard these terrible words, Are the damned Gentiles all dead, Port?

‘All but one-the son of a bitch ran.’

“Supposing himself to be meant, Aikin lay still till the Danites left, then without hat, coat, or boots, on a November night, the ground covered with snow, he set out for Nephi. Who can imagine the feelings of the man? Unlike ‘Colonel’ he knew too well who the murderers were, and believed himself the only survivor. To return to Nephi offered but slight hope, and incredible as it may appear he reached it next day. He sank helpless at the door of the first house he reached, but the words he heard infused new life into him. The woman said to him, ‘Why another of you ones got away from the robbers, and is at Brother Foote’s.” Thank God; it is my brother,’ he said, and started on.

The citizens tell with wonder that he ran the whole distance, his hair clotted with blood, reeling like a drunken man all the way. It was not his brother, but Colonel.’ They fell upon each other’s necks, clasped their blood-spattered arms around each other, and with mingled tears and sobs kissed and embraced as only men can who together have passed through death. A demon might have shed tears at the sight-but not a Mormon Bishop. The fierce tiger can be lured from his prey, the bear may become -civilized, or the hyena be tamed of his lust for human flesh–religious fanaticism alone can triumph over all tenderness, and make man tenfold more the child of hell than the worst passions of mere physical nature. Even while gazing upon this scene, the implacables were deciding upon their death.

“Bishop Bryant came, extracted the balls, dressed the wounds, and advised the men to return, as soon as they were able, to Salt Lake City. A son of Bishop Foote had proved their best friend, and Aikin requested him to take his account in writing of the affair. Aikin began to write it, but was unmanned, and begged young Foote to do it, which he did. That writing, the -dying declaration of Colonel’ and John Aiken, is in existence today.

‘The murderers had returned, and a new plan was concocted. ‘Colonel’ had saved his pistol and Aikin his watch, a gold one, worth at least 250 dollars. When ready to leave they asked the bill, and were informed it was 30 dollars. They promised to send it from the City, and were told that would not do.’ Aikin then said, Here is my watch and my partner’s pistol-take your choice.’ Foote took the pistol. When he handed it to him Aikin said, There, take my best friend. But God knows it will do us no good.’ Then to his partner, with tears streaming from his eyes, Prepare for death, Colonel, we will never get out of this valley alive.’

They had got four miles on the road, when their driver, a Mormon named Wollf, stopped the wagon near an old cabin; informed them he must water his horses; unhitched them, and moved away. Two men then stepped from the cabin, and fired with double-barreled guns; Aiken and ‘Colonel’ were both shot through the head, and fell dead from the wagon. Their bodies were then loaded with stone and put in one of those ‘bottomless springs ‘- so called-common in that part of Utah.

“Meanwhile Rockwell and party had reached the city, taken Buck and the other man, and started southward, plying them with liquor. It is probable that Buck only feigned drunkenness; but the other man was insensible by the time they reached the Point of the Mountain. There it was decided to use them up,’ and they were attacked with slung-shots and billies. The other man was instantly killed. Buck leaped from the wagon, outran his pursuers, their shots missing him, swam the Jordan, and came down it on the ‘ west side. He reached the city and related all that had occurred, which created quite a stir.

Hickman was then sent for to finish the job.’ He shot Buck through the head, buried him in a ditch, went to Brigham Young and told him Buck was taken care of. Young said he was glad of it. Buck was the last one of the Aikin Party.”

Hickman confesses to scores of murders which he committed in the name -of the Lord, but I have no room to give them.

The late Governor of Utah, Stephen S. Harding, wrote a letter to the publisher of Bill Hickman’s Book which appears on page 210, and from which I extract the following account of the “ MORRISITE MASSACRE.”

The substance of the story is as follows:-” Joseph Morris had been a faithful follower of Brigham Young, but concluded to turn prophet on his own account. He caused a schism in the Mormon Church, calling after him several bishops and elders, with the laymen, including five hundred rank and file. With him was one Joseph Banks, well educated. There was no great difference in the doctrines of Morris and Brigham, except in one particular: Morris taught that he was the true prophet, anointed of the Lord,’ and’ Brigham that he himself was God’s Anointed.’ Taking the testimony of parties, it would be hard to settle the theological muddle, for both claimed to have the gift of tongues,’ the power of healing, and laying on of hands,’ of casting out devils,’ and so on.

It was but the old story over again, There is not room in the Roman Empire for two Czars’

(Note: Joseph Morris also taught about reincarnation)

“The Morrisites left the Mormon settlements and ‘gathered in the name-of the Lord’ on the banks of Weber River, some forty miles north of the city. They took all their moveable property with them, including a large amount of grain.

Some men they had sent to a distant mill with grain were arrested and kept prisoners. Fines were assessed against them, their cattle were seized on execution, and others stampeded and driven off. The last cow of many a poor man was taken, on which they largely depended, and the little children, not able to appreciate the faith of their parents, often went crying and supper-less to bed.

“This deliberate cruelty of course created great excitement in the camp of the new prophet. As might have been expected, he stepped over the commands of Jesus, and went back to Moses for guidance; and, in retaliation ordered a raid upon the Mormon stock, and that their owners should be captured and held as hostages. As this, to say the least, seems to have been the punitive way in which such matters were settled, all this would seem food for laughter, if the ending had not been so tragical.

“There was one easy way to settle it: to stop the wrongs continually inflicted upon these poor and deluded people. But the ‘authorities’ had other views. Twelve hundred miles separated Brigham’s kingdom from the last belt of civilization, and he was monarch of all he surveyed.’ It was somewhat necessary for him to follow legal forms, and writs of habeas corpus and warrants were issued by Judge Kinney (Chief Justice), and placed in the hands of (a. Mormon) Sheriff Robert T. Burton. He called on the acting Governor, Secretary Frank Fuller, for an armed posse; his request was granted, and he left the city with five hundred armed men and five pieces of artillery. On the-way he received volunteers to the number of nearly five hundred more.

“They marched to within half a mile of the Morrisite camp, which consisted of a few log houses, and several others made of willows, interlaced like basket-work, and plastered inside-no more fit for a place of defense than if they had been made of cobwebs. The posse took possession of the Morrisite herd, and killed such as they needed for beef, while the boys in charge of it were sent in by Burton with a paper containing a notice to the commander of the besieged, that if he did not surrender unconditionally within half an hour, firing would begin. Burton had placed his cannon in such a position as to rake the camp with a cross-fire.

“Morris had called his people to the Bowery, their place of worship, to decide what they should do. He told them the Lord would reveal their duty and the whole congregation raised a hymn of their own, hundreds of voices mingling with a wild charm, and producing a spirited effect upon the-fanatical mind which can be imagined. Meantime Morris stood with imploring hands and eyes turned heavenward, and Banks stood by, believing the revelation would come in answer to their prayers. Morris encouraged his people, reminding them of the promises, They who wait on the Lord shall, not perish.’ ‘One shall chase a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight.

“But no ‘revelation’ came, and as the last hallelujah died away, the sound of a cannon broke upon the melody, but the shot fell short of the camp. The next instant another cannon was fired, the shot struck the Bowery. Two women fell dead, horribly mangled, and a girl of twelve years had her chin shot away. One of the women who fell had a child in her arms, which, –strange to say, was not injured. Unhappily the poor girl did not die. I saw her years afterwards, the most ghastly human face my eyes ever beheld.

“The Morrisites had not more than ninety able-bodied men, all told, with over three hundred women and children. And now commenced assault and repulse, scouting and counterplotting, which continued all night and the next two days. Some ten persons were killed in the camp, of the new prophet. The third day, the besieged being exhausted, a white flag was raised -as a signal of surrender.

The order was given by Burton for the women and children to separate from the men, which was done, and the latter stacked their arms. Burton rode into camp with one of his officers beside him, and holding his revolver in his hand, he said show him to me.’ Morris was pointed out, when Burton rode up and emptied one chamber of his revolver, the shot taking effect in the prophet’s neck. He sank to the earth mortally wounded. Burton then shouted sneeringly, There’s your prophet-what do you think of him now? ‘ He then turned and discharged a second shot at Joseph Banks, who fell dead. A woman named Bowman ran up and exclaimed, ‘Oh! you cruel murderer! ‘

Burton fired his third shot, and she fell dead. Morris was meanwhile struggling in the agonies of death, when a Danish woman raised him in her arms, crying bitterly. Burton rode up to her and shot her through the heart, and the spirits of the victims mingled in one – company to that bourne ‘where the wicked cease from troubling, and the weary are for ever at rest.’

“The posse at the same time came into camp, and robbed the houses of all valuables – watches, jewelry and money-even tearing off the women’s finger rings.

“The men were marched to the city, and the women taken to different Mormon settlements, after which they roamed about in utter destitution, -scattered and peeled,’ mere Pariahs of the plains, fleeing from the face of their brethren in the Lord,’ and appealing to the Gentile traveler in the name of the merciful Jesus for the pittance of charity.

NOTE: next he gives an account of the Mountain Meadows Massacre from the writings of John D. Lee. This was the slaughter of a 120 immigrants and was even the basis of a recent movie staring John Voigt.

I will not include this story here since it is widely known and accepted as historical truth and accounts of it are readily available. Just Google: “Mountain Meadows Massacre.” Even though Lee claims the massacre was done with Brigham’s knowledge the LDS of today generally believe the deed was performed by a group of rogue Mormons, not endorsed by any General Authority.

Most current day Mormons are completely oblivious to the existence of the Danites in early Utah and some of the cruel acts performed by them and others.

After recounting the Mountain Meadows Massacre John D Lee, the only person prosecuted for the deed, told his story:

“Written in prison at Fort Cameron, Utah Territory. Delivered to Hon. Sumner Howard (United States Attorney) by John D. Lee, on the field of execution (just before the sentence of death was carried into effect), and for warded to Wm. W. Bishop by Hon. Sumner Howard, according to the last request of John D: Lee.

“Death to me has no terror. It is but a struggle, and all is over. I know that I have a reward in heaven, and my conscience does not accuse me. This to me is a great consolation. FAREWELL! JOHN D. LEE”

“On Friday, March 23rd, 1877, the guard having Lee in charge, reached Mountain Meadows, where it had been decided to carry the sentence into execution. Lee pointed out the various places of interest connected with the massacre, and recapitulated the horrors of that event.

“At 10:35, all the arrangements having been completed, Marshal Nelson read the order of the court, and said “Mr. Lee, if you have anything to say before the order of the court is carried into effect, you can do so.”


“I have but little to say this morning. I am on the brink of eternity; I feel resigned to my fate, I have made out a manuscript which is to be published. I am not an infidel. I have not denied God and His mercies. I am a strong believer in those things. Most I regret is parting with my family. (Here he rested two or three seconds). These touch a tender chord within me. (Here his voice faltered) I declare my innocence of doing anything designedly wrong in all this affair. I would have given worlds if I could have averted that calamity.

“Not a particle of mercy have I asked of the court, the world, or officials to spare my life. I do not fear death. I shall never go to a worse place than I am now in. [Lee’s last words admit Utah to be a Hell upon Earth. There’s no place worse than Hell].

“I am a true believer in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I do not believe – everything that is now being taught and practiced by Brigham Young, I do not care who hears it. It is my last word-it is so. I believe he is leading the people astray, downward to destruction.

“Having said this I feel resigned, I ask the Lord my God, if my labors are done, to receive my spirit.”

“Lee ceased speaking at 10:50, A.M. He was then informed that his hour had come and he must prepare for execution. Rev. G. Stokes Methodist Minister, who accompanied Lee as his spiritual adviser, then knelt and prayed. The prisoner listened attentively.

“At the Conclusion of the prayer Lee said to Marshal Nelson, ask one favour-spare my limbs and centre my heart.’ He then shook hands with those around him. The marshal bound a handkerchief over the prisoner’s eyes, but at his request his hands were allowed to remain free. The doomed man then strengthened himself up facing the firing party, as he sat on his’ coffin, clasped his hands over his head, and exclaimed:- 1

Let them shoot the balls through my heart! don’t let them mangle my -body!’ The Marshall assured him that the aim would be true, and then stepped back. As he did so, he gave the orders to the guards: READY AIM! FIRE! A sharp report was heard, and Lee fell back on his coffin{

There was not a cry nor a moan nor a tremor of the body. The spirit’ of John D. Lee had crossed the dark river and was standing before the Judge of the quick and the dead.

“His soul had solved the awful mystery, and the CURSE that hovers over -the Mountain Meadows had marked ‘ONE’ upon its list of Retribution.’ ‘

“A more dreary scene than the present appearance of Mountain Meadows cannot be imagined. The curse of God seems to have fallen upon it scorched and withered the luxuriant grass that covered it 20 years ago, and transformed the fertile valley into an arid and barren plain. Mormons assert, that the ghosts of the murdered emigrants meet nightly at the scene of their slaughter and re-enact in pantomime the horrors of their massacre.”-Lee’s Confession, pp. 384-9.

Sometime after the massacre, a United States officer buried the bones of the victims, erected a monument of loose stones, and placed thereon this inscription:-



I finish this Chapter of Horrors with an extract from The Salt Lake Tribune’ of April 10, 1881:-

“A man ploughing a field between the Apostles Cannons, and Jennings, farms, southwest of the city a few days ago, turned up three skeletons of! human beings, complete, and in a good state of preservation, showing that they had belonged to adults. When discovered they were piled out to one side and left lying there, such developments being too common in the pleasant valleys of Utah to excite much wonder. A gentleman brought a skull to this city and called with it at THE TRIBUNE office.

An examination reveals a distinct fracture across the top of the skull. The discoloration proves that the fracture must have been fatal to the possessor. A similar fracture exists on the left side, a portion of the bone above the eye being broken off and proving that a murderer and not the angel of death cut off the life of this one at least. What the other skulls might have revealed it is impossible to say as they were not seen by our informant. The condition of the one referred to indicates that the burial was made not a great many years 1 ago as the bones present a remarkably smooth surface and the brilliant whiteness of mother of pearl. In the United States these remains would be the subject of an inquest, but in this promised land they are dismembered, dumped in a pile and left to bleach in the sun, which no doubt sees on each day the man or men who did the foul deed walking upon the streets of Zion.

“A gentleman, conversing with THE TRIBUNE, reporter about the find said he it was almost an every day occurrence. There have been not less than five hundred murders committed in this valley aloft (there are scores of valleys in Utah) and its history, if written, would be one of blood. It couldn’t be written properly unless it was written in blood, and it would be too horrible to read and expect thereafter any peace of mind.’“

“When the history of the Mormon Church is faithfully written, it will chronicle such a black and hideous catalogue of crime committed in the name of God, as will forever put to blush the Spanish Inquisition, or the foulest atrocities that the heart of man, possessed of the fiend’s misanthropy and religious fanaticism, has ever conceived. In proof of this, the Mountain Meadows Massacre; the conspiracy against the Morrisites; the murder of the Aikin party; the killing of Yates, and scores of other cold-blooded murders actually ordered by the leaders of the Mormons, incited thereto by their well-sown and undisguised hostility to the human race, stand an eternal monument. It is a fact capable of proof, and generally admitted by the intelligent portion of the Mormon community themselves, that some of the apostles and bishops-the spiritual and temporal heads of the church-are tainted with the crime of murder, fraud, perjury, adultery. assault with intent to kill, and other heinous crimes and misdemeanors; to say nothing of the long list of unaddressed wrongs, oppressions and treachery, not enumerated in the criminal laws, that have been practiced upon their own unsuspecting victims in the church, during the past twenty years, whose cries go up daily to high Heaven against them.”
-Salt Lake Tribune.

Democracy or Tyranny?

This entry is part 41 of 50 in the series 2011A

Blayne asked for my comments on the situation in the Middle East. I have been thinking of posting something on this for some time but have been preoccupied with other things.

On the surface it appears that the situation in Tunisia, Egypt and now Libya is a revolt of freedom loving people seeking true democracy. Others like Glenn Back are warning us that this same situation occurred in Iran when the Shah was overthrown. The world along with the press rejoiced that the way was being paved for true democracy. Instead they were all fooled and Iran was taken over by a religious tyranny that counts the worth of a female as one half that of a man and returned to covering women with veils and stoning to death people for various crimes.

Which is correct? Is the Middle East headed toward greater freedom or a giant religious dictatorship that could spread to Europe?

First, an important ingredient that has influenced the current actions has been mysteriously overlooked by the thinkers of the day as well as the press. I wrote about this in the Keys around eight years ago. Here are some things I said:

Bush was wise to tackle Iraq first because success here can lead to much greater power to seal the door elsewhere. The destruction of one point of the Triangle of evil will be a dramatic blow indeed. The other day when I heard Bush address the nation and state that the goal was to bring freedom to the Iraqi people I felt the mind of Christ through the Oneness Principle and knew that Bush was being contacted and responding to higher will. He is not perfect, of course, in responding to higher impression, but he received the correct message on this.
March 22, 2003

Unless we make some great mistakes in the near future, this war will be seen as a turning point in history and for the disciples of the world it will be seen as a partial closing of “the door where evil dwells” and an opening of the door to the externalization of the Hierarchy.
April 9, 2003

Few people realize the great good that will be accomplished if the Bush Administration is successful in overriding all the enemies of freedom at home and abroad and establishing a free society in Iraq… If Iraq can become a successful democracy then other Mideast nations will follow. One of the best candidates to be first could be Iran. It could turn from being an “Axis of Evil” to a partner in cooperation. There are many citizens and students there watching Iraq, and if it becomes a successful democracy, the demands of the common people for similar freedoms will become overwhelming. July 27, 2003

If Bush succeeds in creating a democracy in the Middle East and the work is not undone by his enemies he will create an effect as powerful as the emancipation of the slaves. We are in danger now because of pressure from do-gooders to turn over power prematurely and run the risk of loosing many of our gains. If, on the other hand, success can be gained and a true democracy established a domino effect will be created that will eventually transform the Middle East and even lead to a resolution of problems facing Israel there.
Jan 26, 2004

The world press has downplayed the movement of Iraq toward democracy because they have always hated Bush and do not want to write anything that makes him look good. The hate is still there. Just the other day Bush had to delay a visit to Europe because of the danger he could be arrested for being a war criminal.

Even so, the youth of the other nations in the Middle East are aware of the increase of freedom in Iraq and this has given them a greater hunger for it themselves.

Iran claims to have democratic elections, but so did Saddam Hussein. There is testimony surfacing that the elections are rigged. Certain citizens are not allowed to vote and the count is thought to be tampered with.

Here is my current thinking on the matter. There has for some time been a great struggle in the Middle East between light and dark with darkness gaining the upper hand. The Brotherhood saw an opportunity to assist and inspired Bush to overthrow Saddam Hussein and set up a democracy in the hopes of creating a domino effect. The success was not sure a sure thing but the hope and plan was that the demand of the people for a greater voice would grow over the years.

This part of the plan has been a reasonable success as the desire to be rid of oppressive leaders has increased along with the desire for democracy.

But now the people are making their power felt the brothers of darkness are not taking this lying down, but trying to take advantage of it. They see the possibility of doing to the whole Middle East, and possibly Europe, what they did earlier to Iran.

The Brotherhood of Light realizes there is great risk involved but it is better the revolutions take place now before Iran and others have the atomic bomb.

In the next few months and possibly years we will see a struggle between light and dark in the Middle East and no one from either side knows exactly how the dust will settle in the end. If we can get one more democracy out of the deal then this will pave the way for more democracies over a period of time. Even if the forces of light succeed, it will take quite a few years for the Middle East to make the transition that is envisioned.

Even though revolutionary forces in Iran have been suppressed they are still alive and a lot of people there are willing to risk their lives for greater freedom.

And do not overlook China either. A lot of the common people there are starting to make waves and eventually there will be major changes in that country.
Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

The Gold Standard, Part 5

This entry is part 40 of 50 in the series 2011A

One of the main reasons gold standard advocates want us to return to gold as a backing for money is its stability.  Gold has always been a stable valuable metal, they say.  Some go so far as to claim that gold has always kept its same value over the ages.  For instance, some claim an ounce of gold bought a new suit of clothes in the days of the Roman Empire, in the 1920s and even today.

Overlooked by them is the variables in the cost of clothes.  As of this writing one can buy a high end suit for the price of an ounce of gold (around $1350) but a consumer can get a nice suit at the Men’s Warehouse for around $200 and less than that in some discount stores.  This means you can get seven suits today for what it cost a Roman to buy one.

On the other hand, a decent suit cost $30 or more in the 1920s, which was equal to one and a half ounces of gold, valued at $20.67 and ounce.1

So instead of gold maintaining the same purchasing power for a suit of clothes over the centuries, in relation to this one item, it lost 50% of its it’s value by 1920 but gained by almost 700% by 2011.

Just as gold varies in value compared to a man’s suit of clothes even so did we illustrate great fluctuations in relations to the other monetary mental – silver.

How about other items? Would the value of gold fluctuate over the decades and centuries compared with wheat, beef, land, diamonds, seasonings and other items?

Yes it would and in many cases the variation of value is quite profound.

But what if we don’t single out the value of one commodity in relation to gold but take an average as is done with the wholesale or consumer price index?

We have illustrated the fact that deflation of value can occur during a depression, but how about inflation?  Can this occur while relying on a gold standard?

It is common knowledge that pumping too much money into the financial system will cause inflation.  Has this happened in the past when large amounts of gold was added to the supply?

Adam Smith points out that the value of gold is not always stable using Spain as an example.

“Gold and silver, however, like every other commodity, vary in their value, are sometimes cheaper and sometimes dearer, sometimes of easier and sometimes of more difficult purchase. The quantity of labor which any particular quantity of them can purchase or command, or the quantity of other goods which it will exchange for, depends always upon the fertility or barrenness of the mines which happen to be known about the time when such exchanges are made. The discovery of the abundant mines of America reduced, in the sixteenth century, the value of gold and silver in Europe to about a third of what it had been before. As it cost less labor to bring those metals from the mine to the market, so when they were brought thither they could purchase or command less labor; and this revolution in their value, though perhaps the greatest, is by no means the only one of which history gives some account. But as a measure of quantity, such as the natural foot, fathom, or handful, which is continually varying in its own quantity, can never be an accurate measure of the quantity of other things; so a commodity which is itself continually varying in its own value can never be an accurate measure of the value of other commodities.”2

Spain thought it had hit a huge bonanza when it began to rob the New World of its gold and silver. It plundered 1,230 tons of gold and 60,440 tons of silver from 1493 to 1690 but all that inflow of precious metal not only led to high inflation but to its undoing as a world power.3

A major problem was that their attention and labor was directed toward plundering as much gold and silver as possible instead of manufacturing at home.  Why produce anything when they could just buy it from other nations with all that gold and silver?

Consequently their true base of power and wealth – productive labor – declined and they fell off the stage as a world power.

The period of the California gold rush was another famous example.  Australia also had its own gold rush about the same time.  From 1851 to 1861 the world’s gold supply increased 161% accompanied by inflation of around 5% per year.4

In the gold rush communities inflation was much worse. It cost an ounce of gold (worth $1350 in today’s money) to just hire someone to wash and iron a dozen shirts.  Good food and supplies were also outrageously inflated.5

Not only did gold discoveries increase money supply and inflation but so did technological advances in mining and processing.  These caused an increase gold supply and inflation.  From 1897 to 1914 the U. S. gold supply increased 7.5% per year and prices rose about 50% during this period.

This led to a tremendous increase in our leveraged money supply.  “From June 1896 to June 1914, total bank deposits rose from $3.43 billion to $14.32 billion, or an increase of 317.5 percent or an annual rise of 17.6 percent…”6

Variations in gold supply has influenced its value since then but the next big change in the purchasing power of gold came not from supply but by presidential decree from FDR in 1934 that instantly changed the value of gold from $20.67 an ounce to $35.

Then when Nixon took us off the gold standard in 1971 it went from the decreed value of $35 to over $500 an ounce in 1980 and then down to $288 an ounce in 1998, then up to $1350 by 2011.7

Conclusion:  Truly it is established by history that, even though gold is one of the more stable commodities, it is susceptible to value fluxuations up and down just like everything else.  Gold and silver have been used for money, not because they are the ideal, but because they are the most practical of metals

Concerning gold, even the hero of the gold standard philosophy, Ludwig von Mises, said:

“But even if the 100 per cent reserve plan were to be adopted on the basis of the unadulterated gold standard, it would not entirely remove the drawbacks inherent in every kind of government interference with banking.”8

“The gold standard is certainly not a perfect or ideal standard. There is no such thing as perfection in human things. But nobody is in a position to tell us how something more satisfactory could be put in place of the gold standard. The purchasing power of gold is not stable. But the very notions of stability and unchangeability of purchasing power are absurd.”9

Friedrich Hayek, another gold standard hero stated:

“The gold standard, even if it were nominally adopted now (1992), would never work because people are not willing to play by the rules of the game.”10

If gold, the most practical of metals for money, is far from an ideal standard then are we doomed to be held hostage to a very fallible money system?  We  will consider this question and explore the alternatives.



2. Adam Smith; Wealth of Nations, Part 1

3. Lost Science of Money By Stephen Zarlenga; Page 102-3

4. A History of Money by Glyn Davies, 1994, Pages 481-482

5. California Gold Rush Cooking; Lisa Golden, 2001 Schroeder, page 18

6. The Case for Gold by Ron Paul and Lewis Lehrman, Pg 120


8. Human Action; Fourth Revised Edition; Fox and Wilkes, 1996, , Ludwig von Mises, Page 440

9. Ibid, page 473

10. Interview with Thomas W. Hazlett from the July 1992 issue of Reason


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Spiritual Work and Money

This entry is part 39 of 50 in the series 2011A

Larry Woods asked a while back about what is right and wrong as to the disciple’s approach to charging money for various types of service.

Jesus himself is responsible for some of the ambiguity on this subject for on one hand he said:

“Freely ye have received, freely give,” Matt 10:7 but then he also said “the labourer is worthy of his hire.” Luke 10:7 & Matt 10:9

Spiritual workers through the ages have interpreted this a number of ways. Those with a paid ministry say that receiving a wage is fine because the laborer is worthy of his hire yet they still assist and preach freely to the poor. They teach for free but work on voluntary donations.

Unpaid ministries say we should teach and perform service yet the workers receive no wage at all except what is necessary for administration.

Still others believe it is fine to have an actual mandatory charge for people should pay for what they receive.

This is one of those dilemmas that will not be solved by looking at black and white detail. Instead the servant must understand the underlying principle governing the material recompense of servants in the world.

When speaking of giving freely and receiving payment Jesus was talking to disciples that he sent out into the world who traveled from place to place and town to town. To understand the scriptures on this one must understand how people in that age related to such travelers.

At that time in history we have to realize that they had no entertainment available as we do now. Also if a person wanted to learn something he couldn’t just order a DVD, check out a book or turn on educational TV.

Some of the large population areas had theaters and gathering centers which provided entertainment but for the general population avenues of entertainment, as we understand it, were sparse.

So instead of watching TV, reading books or attending a Tony Robbins seminar what did the people do to entertain or educate themselves?

This vacuum was filled by traveling teachers and entertainers and many people in that day made a living by traveling from town to town and presenting themselves as living books.

Here’s how it worked. Since most people could not read or have access to the great works, this need was filled by individuals who specialized in memorizing certain books, stories, plays, philosophies or whatever there was a demand to hear. If a certain book was popular an entertainer may memorize the whole story pretty close to word for word. He would then practice his delivery to make the story as interesting as possible and then travel from town to town.

Various communities had a network so word circulated as to new travelers showing up and what their subject was. Because people were hungry for entertainment and not too much was available each new traveler usually was able to gather a pretty good audience, especially if his delivery was good.

Many of the travelers gathered around themselves whoever would listen and then accept donations. Others with a good reputation would only entertain a paid audience. Both groups had the same goal – to make a good living – but approached it from two different angles.

By today’s standards someone standing at the center of a crowd reciting a Tom Clancy novel would not seem like good entertainment, but for that age it was a real treat to hear stories and teachings from afar.

The disciples of Jesus had the advantage of having a unique message and since Jesus was becoming well known it was probably easy for them to gather a crowd wherever they went. Jesus instructed them to not charge a set fee but to freely give as this would bring the largest audience wherever they went. But then he told them “the labourer is worthy of his hire” meaning that it was fine to go along with the custom and accept donations so they would have the funding necessary to continue their work.

In other words, the disciples of Jesus handled fundraising after the manner of the customs of the traveling entertainers of that era.

If Jesus were here today would he handle raising funds the same way?

Probably not because the situation is much different.

The Key to correct thinking on this is not to try and exactly duplicate the past but to ask what is the fairest and best way to proceed.

Here is what I have concluded.

If you have a product or service that you have created by the sweat of your brow you can sell it for whatever the market will bear. There is no negative karma in doing this for you are doing your part in making the machinery of society work. If you provide discounts or give donations to those in need then positive karma will be the result.

If you have spiritual teachings and desire yourself and the participants to get as close to the Spirit as possible then you will want to place as little emphasis as possible on money. Energy follows thought, so if fees involved are as high as the market will bear then thought and energy from the teacher and audience will be diverted to the material side.

It thus helps the teacher to keep thought and energy directed to Spirit and give service freely when possible and charge minimum or reasonable fees when needed.

I know of people who see themselves as spiritual servants who charge $1500 for an hour of their time. Others go the other extreme and insist there never be a charge. These are usually ineffective and never have the money available to do the work.

Most will agree that accepting free will donations applied to the work is normally a harmless approach.

Conclusion: For work in the material world charging what the market will bear is fine. But if the goal is to center consciousness on the spirit then do whatever it takes to keep attention on the spirit by either relying on donations or charging a fee that all can afford.

Take our yearly gathering, for example. We have expenses involved so we charge a reasonable fee. When we become aware that someone is hurting financially we will offer a discount or free admission. No one I know of has ever been turned away because of lack of money.

In about two thirds of the gatherings we have come out almost exactly even and about a third of them we have come about a little ahead. I don’t recall any of them losing money.

Not charging at all can place too much attention on money because of the lack of it and charging too much can do the same. The key is a common sense middle way.
Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

Braco & the Blue Dot

This entry is part 38 of 50 in the series 2011A

It is interesting that we have not heard Braco speak a word yet he has caused a great plethora of words to burst forth here on the Keys.

In reading comments on Braco sites I have noticed two typos misspelling his name – both seem to be done by accident. They were “Draco” and “Bravo.”

Draco the dragon could be associated with the dark side and “Bravo,” representing courage, could be the light. So even with subconscious Freudian slips we have the contrasting light and dark surfacing on the guy.’

A number of you are wishing I would give more specific comments on Braco and some were a little frustrated when I said I hadn’t received anything on him. This is not unusual. There are billions of people that I do not receive anything on and neither do I particularly care to.

However, Braco has aroused our curiosity so I decided to have a talk with my soul. I said, “What gives? You haven’t given me anything on Braco yet?”

The soul responds, “Do your homework and find out a few things for yourself.”

A few days pass and I say, “I’ve done my homework and still the guy is like a non entity. Surely there’s some morsel you can give me?”

The soul gave me a look. It was a Braco type of look that irritated me. I grabbed my soul and threw it against the wall and was close to slapping it around. Then I said, “Look, I’m tired of playing games. Give me something to go on here!”

My soul brushed itself off looking a little impatient with me, “Okay, okay, just relax. If you insist I will give you something. I’ll give you two words and from that you should be able to use your intuition and put everything together.”

“Two words, doesn’t seem like much, but I’ll take it,” I said.

Here it is… Now listen carefully and reflect. The Soul spoke:

“Blue dot.”

“Blue dot?” I questioned. What kind of hint is that?

“Exactly what you need.” The soul grinned with a hint of superiority and was gone.”

Okay, that wasn’t exactly how it happened and I used a little creative license but that gives you the idea that I do not use the orthodox approach to meditation. But it works. I did finally get a hint from my soul – The Blue Dot.

What is the blue dot?

Here’s the story. Back in June 1990 The National Enquirer published an article about a psychic named Judy Hevenly who claimed to be able to energize a blue dot. All someone had to do was to look at the blue dot that had been personally energized by her and make a wish. Her energy would then go through the blue dot and activate the person’s desires. If the individual concentrated enough on this dot (see below) then their dreams of money, health marriage etc would come true.

They published the blue dot with the story and invited readers to make a wish and stare at it and then write in and tell them what happened.

I remember reading this article and then wondering what kind of results they would receive. After a couple weeks the response was published and the National Enquirer editors were quite pleased. Thousands of letters poured in claiming all kinds of miraculous results. Some gained wealth, others love and still others had miraculous healings. Since being published lottery winners claiming the blue dot gave them luck have won over $170 million.

Many thousands believed in the magic of the blue dot and that psychic Judy Hevenly had truly energized it. Many people cut out the blue dot and put it in their purse or wallet and looked at it several times a day.

The response was so positive that Judy could have probably started a church based on the dot except the idea of “Church of the Blue Dot” might be hard to sell as a serious religion. Anyway the Enquirer found the blue dot to be so successful that they have republished it a number of times and even given free blue dots to new subscribers.

Now let us step back, look at this logically and ask a few questions.

Was Judy Hevenly some special being who was so full of psychic power that she could energize millions of blue dots in all the issues of the National Enquirer?

Probably not.

Was the blue dot published in the Enquirer energized any more than a blue dot I could print up on my HP printer?

Probably not.

Yet miracles happened. If the cause was not Judy’s energy or something magical in the dot then what did cause them?

Well, it may have not been Judy’s energy that did the trick but Judy was responsible. Even though she did not have any inner power that was special she did act as a director of energy and directed the scattered thoughts of the many into one location. Since energy follows thought then a lot of energy was stirred up by millions of readers and for some, who were good receivers, miracles did come.

I think the reader can see the connection here with Braco. Braco is the blue dot. The people who sponsor, introduce and support him play the director’s role, as did Judy Hevenly.

There are two reasons why even sensitive people have difficulty picking up anything either positive or negative on Braco.

The first is obvious. He says nothing and this makes it difficult to make any composite judgment on the guy.

The second is not so obvious and it is this. Braco sees himself as a channel of divine energy and just as he feels his words get in the way even so does he feel his thoughts get in the way. Thus when he goes on stage he stares at nothingness. Rarely does he look at any individual unless one happens to draw his attention for some inner or outer reason. Often he does not see the crowd itself but places himself in as complete neutral state as possible. Just like the blue dot, then he becomes a point of focus and the energy created comes from the powers of the inner God in the audience themselves with of course Braco’s added in.

Wherever Jesus healed anyone he never said “I have healed you,” but “YOUR FAITH has made you whole.” Jesus was merely a director of energy to open the door to the souls of the people who were healed so their own powers of godliness could heal them.

Is Braco a Master? I don’t think so. A Master has to demonstrate mastery of “the Word” by showing forth wisdom. Thus they are called Masters of wisdom.

Some think he is a master because of the positive feeling they have during sessions and are drawn back again and again to get an extra dose.

These people are looking for happiness on the outside and will have to keep returning until they find it on the inside. When it is found on the inside then it will just be there all the time and they will not have to depend on any one person to possess it.

Would I be any happier if Jesus moved in with me for a month – would just having him physically present make a difference in my well being?

Not really. In fact I may find that he gets in my way.

On the other hand, if he went beyond just gracing me with his presence and teaching me something would that help?

Yes, it would. This would increase my happiness.

If he went a step further and came up with a project that we could work on together to fulfill divine purpose would that increase my joy?

Yes, that would be a fun thing to do with such a master.

But as far as just having his presence… well I already have that through the Oneness Principle so having his physical body nearby wouldn’t bring that much enhancement.

There must be something about Braco’s peaceful look and the infectious expectation of the audience that brings out peace and positive feelings in people that are already readily available.
Is Braco evil? An evil person does evil things and we have no proof of any wrong doing on his part.

What I pick up is that he is following the highest he knows and sincerely wants to help and heal people.

Does this mean he is without error? No of course not. Most likely some ego may affect him and he is subject to some illusion.

One very positive and unusual sign though is that he built his healing center with his own money and does much of his work for free. When he does charge it is a reasonable $8 which is in the range of all. Of course, when he travels and has to rent facilities he should charge at least enough to cover expenses.

Does this mean we can trust Braco to never deviate from the light?

No. I see no evidence that he has progressed beyond the second initiation and as such is still subject to illusions and if this assessment is correct then he could still be mentally tricked into making wrong decisions and doing quite a bit of harm while thinking he is doing the right thing.

This is why the seeker must – with Braco and every other servant – check and recheck with his soul on a regular basis or in the end he will be disappointed and wind up as the blind following the blind.

Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

Discerning Light and Dark

This entry is part 37 of 50 in the series 2011A

This discussion on Braco causes an interesting question to surface – one of the few that I have not commented on to some degree.

Does it matter whether or not Braco is an angel or demon as long as people are healed with his technique?

Should we just accept the fact that some miracles happen and not even contemplate or question his motive or whether he represents the light or the dark?

Let us present two scenarios

Scenario One:
Braco is as much or more than his supporters believe. He is pure in heart – his main goal is service; he loves his fellow men and women and is a high initiate.

Obviously no one need have any concern about making the most of his healing powers.

Scenario Two:
Braco was on a quest for power and glory and he saw the teacher Ivica Prokic as a way to attain this. If he could learn his secrets then he could dazzle the crowds.

He studies with him for around a year and a half and feels he has progressed beyond his master but cannot demonstrate this because everyone looks toward Prokic and ignores him. He solves this problem by drowning him in the sea and telling everyone that a rogue wave came along and killed him.

This captures the attention of the Dark Brothers who now decide to use him to further their own ends. They create a goal to make him appear to be a messianic figure and when the time comes that he is loved and trusted by millions they will use him to make their move.

Now very few of us would have any problem receiving a healing by Braco number one, but how about Braco number two? If you knew the guy was on the dark side but also knew he could heal you would you accept?
Before I answer this perhaps we should deal with another important question. Can a person who is not in the light even perform a healing or other miracles?

Let us check the scriptures on this.

Acts 8:9 But there was a certain man, called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria, giving out that himself was some great one:
Acts 8:10 To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God.
Acts 8:11 And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries.

So here we see that Simon deceived “all’ from the least to the greatest into thinking he “was some great one.”

Here is another account of Simon:
Dositheus, when he perceived that Simon was depreciating him, fearing lest his reputation among men might be obscured (for he himself was supposed to be the Standing One), moved with rage, when they met as usual at the school, seized a rod, and began to beat Simon; but suddenly the rod seemed to pass through his body, as if it had been smoke. On which Dositheus, being astonished, says to him, ‘Tell me if thou art the Standing One, that I may adore thee.’ And when Simon answered that he was, then Dositheus, perceiving that he himself was not the Standing One, fell down and worshipped him, and gave up his own place as chief to Simon, ordering all the rank of thirty men to obey him; himself taking the inferior place which Simon formerly occupied. Clementine Recognitions, ii. 11

Then after Simon surpassed his teacher, Dositheus, he was said to be able to levitate and even fly.
Then when the apostles visited him he discovered there was one miracle he could not perform and that was the giving of the Holy Spirit. That is one thing the wayward soul cannot manifest.

He can however manifest intense emotional feelings that may be mistaken for the Holy Spirit by those not familiar with it.

In addition Jesus said this:

Matt 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Matt 7:21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
Matt 7:22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
Matt 7:23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

This tells us that workers of darkness can perform “many wonderful works” and yet be out of alignment with the will and purpose of God.

Concerning those who serve the beast we are told:
Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do in the sight of the beast;

Then we have this:
Rev 16:13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
Rev 16:14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

Rev 19:20 And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image.

Thus the scriptures seem to tell us that many who work miracles are not on the side of the light. The only sure sign of a true servant is the manifestation of the Holy Spirit which is revealed to our souls.

Until one has enough soul contact to perceive the Holy Spirit he has to use his best judgment when he meets someone who is acclaimed as a great or chosen one to do miracles.

Now the natural question to arise is this: If these guys mentioned in the scriptures are not in the light then how do they perform miracles? How was Simon able to convince “all” in his community that he was some great one?

Obviously people saw some real miracles and most people when witnessing such a thing automatically think that the person who seems to be performing the miracle is from God.

But, if the false servant is not from God then by what power is the miracle performed?

The answer may surprise some.

All miracles are performed by the power of God.

BUT… that does not mean that the person performing the miracle is approved of God or on the right hand path. Let me explain.

The miracle of life is through the power of God yet this does not mean that all who are alive are servants of God.

All of us are reflections of God and as such have all the powers of God within us and can manifest them if we just understood how to go about it.

The key to understanding miracles is the principle that “energy follows thought” and the more thoughts involved and directed to one purpose the greater the power.

One who works in either the dark or the light can gather a crowd and direct their thoughts and thus channel their energy to create an atmosphere where miracles an take place.

Once the miracle worker has the people’s thoughts directed according to his will miracles can manifest but their manifestation often has nothing to do with the guy performing, but comes from the energy generated by the people themselves.

This is why in our gatherings, during the healing sessions I try and get as many involved as possible because the more thoughts directed as one the greater the power and we have seen miracles as a result. After the gatherings I have had numerous communications of miracles that manifest because of the group healings that were not apparent at the gathering itself including some proxy healings we have done.

So it seems that healing energy is a little like money. It is available to all who are willing to work for it and can be directed toward selfless service or for the support of the ego or even some dark purpose.

Is it important to know whether a healer or miracle worker is on the right or left hand path?

Yes and the reason is this.

The only really free gifts come directly from God with no other human taking credit. There is no such thing as a free gift when given or seen to be given by another human being.

Like Simon who presented himself as a Great One, the healer who is seen as a special being will seek some type of payment. Maybe he just wants to get rich and will charge a lot of money. Maybe he wants power and wants your allegiance and loyalty. Maybe he wants to increase his power and will use your God energy and claim it as his own.

The true servant will be like Jesus and make no claims of specialness.

The Son can do nothing of himself…the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” John 5:19 & 14:10

The god that dwells in us all performs all the miracles that manifest and the true servants take no credit for any power apart from this.

Sharón spoke correctly when she said that the healer in the ego would create an energy link with the one being healed. If such a link is established with one who is not in the light then the individual may wind up rejecting the servants and teachings that are in the light – especially if they seem to not be in alignment with the healer.

My approach when being introduced to a new healer, teacher or servant is not to pronounce them good or evil, dark or light, but to examine their two witnesses – their words and works – in the light of day and then let the group decide for themselves.
Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

Examining Braco

This entry is part 36 of 50 in the series 2011A

It seems that periodically we deal with a situation where one or more members of the group feel strongly about a person, organization or subject. Then when that item is discussed we have to be quite careful or feelings will be hurt.

The last thing I want to do is hurt feelings of friends, especially old friends, but I seem to have a talent for this even when I try and go out of my way to avoid offense.

Here is what seems to happen. Someone has an experience or finds a teaching or organization, or topic that seems to ring correct with their souls and they share this with us. Since it seemed obvious to them that the thing was beneficial they often expect a positive reaction from the Keys members and especially myself.

What usually happens is some members will be very supportive, some see both good and bad and others will voice strong suspicion and concern. Then I will join in and say ABC looks good but XYZ looks questionable or maybe harmful. Now sometimes I may give mostly positive affirmation as with The Morya Federation or Sterling’s quest for free energy and others I may be mostly negative as with the Crème group, but usually myself and some others will critically examine both sides.

When this happens feelings often get hurt. It is not because anyone had an agenda to hurt feelings but generally everyone involved followed the highest they knew and were working at finding the truth of the matter.

Often the truth is not obvious. In one of the Principles of Discovery I stated that if you see everyone going or thinking in one direction one will often find truth by looking in the other direction that goes against the current.

I have a lot of respect for Sterling and Cheri. They are both outstanding individuals and apologize for any bull-in-a-China shop approach I have taken with their feelings but I did not and still do not know the full truth on Braco so I have to analyze him from the highest points of truth that I know.

The fact that miracles happen around him or people see a light around him does not necessarily mean all is well.

The fact that people get positive feelings does not mean all is well. I have seen people say they get positive feelings from God from outright scoundrels. As far as soul feelings go I only trust my own, as should everyone here.

As far as my feelings go Braco is an oddity for me. Usually when a new teacher or Guru comes on the scene I get an immediate impression that turns out to be correct. In Braco’s case I get little impression. It’s as if my soul is telling me to figure this one out on my own.

I haven’t tried to be either positive or negative on Braso but to merely examine him dispassionately

That said let me cover one more point. Ruth asked if supernatural healing could interfere with Karma.

The answer is that nothing can interfere with Karma. It can be delayed, but not interfered with or negated until a full payment is made.

Jesus healed many people. There may have been a few who had their full payment delayed but generally the soul will not allow a permanent healing unless the person has learned his lesson from the disease or can pay off more karma through assisting in raising faith in other people.