Is God Everywhere?

This entry is part 5 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Five

Is God Everywhere?

Believers have often told us that God is everywhere. Even Jesus told us that God was aware when the tiny sparrow falls to the ground.

On the other hand, many believers talk about God as if he were an exalted human sitting on a throne as described in the Bible. Here are excerpts from the Book of Revelation:

“…a throne was set in heaven, and one sat on the throne …  And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals…. And he came and took the book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne…. And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away…. And there shall be no more curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall be in it; and his servants shall serve him: And they shall see his face.”

This idea of God in human form sitting on a throne ruling all things on one hand, and an invisible spirit which is everywhere on the other, is confusing to many and turns them away from believing in a Creator. Orthodox ideas of God seem contradictory to unbelievers and not conform to logic.

So what is the truth of this matter then?

Jesus gave a hint at the truth when he said this:

“And he that shall swear by heaven, sweareth by the throne of God, and by him that sitteth thereon.” Matt 23:22

So, what is it that composes the throne of God?

It is “heaven,” or, in other words, the universe itself. And where is God? It is written he is sitting on this throne of heaven or the universe.  Now get this. The word “sitting” comes from the Greek KATHEMAI, which can sometimes be translated as sitting but usually conveys the idea of occupying an abode, to dwell or to live in.

Consider this modern translation of the word from Matthew 4:16

“The people living (KATHEMAI) in darkness have seen a great light; on those living (KATHEMAI) in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.” New International Version.

Obviously, the people were not “sitting” in darkness in the land, but they were dwelling or living there.

Even so, when Jesus told the people that God “KATHEMAI in heaven” they mostly likely interpreted that to mean that God dwells or lives in heaven or the universe of all there is.

Here is the clarifying answer:

We know there is intelligence in matter because humans are intelligent and they live in matter. This intelligence which is you is omnipresent in all the cells of your body. If your big toe hurts you know of it because your life occupies all your body.

Even so, the body of God is the entire universe, and since he lives in the universe as a whole, he is aware of his entire body because it is a part of his being.  This makes God aware of a sparrow falling to the earth because even a tiny bird is a part of the life of God and it is aware of itself.

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How Did the Universe Come To Be?

This entry is part 4 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Four

How Did the Universe Come To Be?

Scientists tell us that the universe is expanding.  They have measured the rate of expansion and calculated when the starting point began and what it must have been. These calculations show that the entire universe began about 13.7 billion years ago where everything there is was compressed into an infinitesimally small point, smaller than an atom.  They call this a singularity.

For some unexplainable reason this singularity exploded with unimaginable force, which created atoms and other particles in perfect balance. How that balance occurred they know not. They only know that it happened.

If you think creation by an Intelligent Designer is fantastic consider that this theory has it beat.  Let us pick just one part of the theory, that everything began with a very very small point of compressed matter. To understand how fantastic this is, consider the difficulty in reversing the Big Bang.

First you could take your body and compress it into a particle as big as a grain of sand. Then you could take the 7 billion other people and compress them into 7 billion grains of sand. Then you could take all those pieces of sand, which could create a good portion of a beach and compress all them into a single grain. If you think that is a good trick then look at the work we still have to do.  We have all the people of earth compressed into a grain of sand sitting on planet Earth, which is a pretty huge place.

Now we have to take the entire planet and compress it.  This would take some serious energy expenditure, but let us imagine it could be done. Voila! The earth and humanity are now compressed together into a piece of matter the size of a grain of sand, but the amazing thing is the mass is still there. Lifting that grain of sand would be like Atlas lifting the Earth.

Even though we have now accomplished the impossible we are just getting started. Now we need to compress the planets in our solar system.  We might as well start with Jupiter.  Wow, we are in for some serious compression here for Jupiter is 1330 times the volume of the earth and 318 times as heavy and that’s not counting its many moons.

Let us now compress Jupiter and its moons. Uuugggh.  What a job.  It is now the size of a grain of sand.  Now we move on to Saturn, Neptune and Uranus which are also much larger than Earth.  We do the impossible and compress them.  Finally we move on to Mercury, Venus, Mars, the asteroids, Pluto and the rest of the dwarf planets and compress them.

Now we have that done we tackle the sun, which has more mass than all the planets put together, somewhere around the mass of 1,000,000 Earths. To reduce this to the size of a grain of sand is a real miracle, but somehow we do it.

We still have the other stars to reduce.  Let us start with a big one, the Eta Carinae system.  We have our work cut out for us, for this sun is 250 times the size of our sun and a million times as bright. Imagine, though, we get the job done and it is compressed to the size of a grain of sand.

Hold on, we are just getting started.  There are around 300 billion suns, just in our galaxy and 100 billion known galaxies and who knows how many unknown. Now really strain your imagination and see each of these stars reduced to the size of a grain of sand and gathered together into one place.

What do we have before us?  Amazingly we have more sand than would fit in all the beaches and deserts on the whole of planet Earth. In fact, there would be enough sand for five or more planet Earths.

That is one heck of a lot of sand.

We still have our work cut out for us.  Now we have to take these trillions of grains and compress them to one individual grain. Okay, really stretch your imagination here. There, it is done.  The whole known universe is now reduced to a single grain of sand.

So… have we reproduced the original singularity that Big Bang theory tells us originated the universe?  Not really. Believe it or not, we still have a long way to go. The grain of sand is still much larger than the singularity.

Let’s get to work and compress more, but the mass of the universe is so huge this is getting difficult. Grunt, grunt, there, the grain of sand is reduced to a piece of dust. Is that the right size now?

No. Still a long way to go. The Singularity is smaller than an atom and do you know how many atoms there are in a speck of dust?

About four times as many as there are stars in the entire known universe.


So now imagine these trillions of atoms being compressed into the size of one atom.  How far away are we now from the size of the Singularity? Are we are now getting close?

Some say yes, some say no, but most say it was as small or smaller than an atom.

If you think of what we have done so far is fantastic, now consider this.

Take away the factor of some intelligence like us doing the work and imagine that all by itself this tiny Singularity, for some reason that defies explanation and imagination, just explodes and creates the whole universe with you and me in it.

The amazing thing is that scientists are not using their wild imaginations in visualizing this, but say it really happened.

So which is the wilder thought?

(1) The singularity as small as an atom exploded for no understandable reason and created all there is, or,

(2) Some type of Intelligence made it all happen.

Putting it this way doesn’t make Intelligent Design seem too difficult to believe, does it?

Hopefully, this dialog prepares the reader’s mind to consider something new.  Here it is.

Science is correct that the universe began with a Singularity which was an infinitesimally small point, but the point was smaller and much different than any of them supposed.

The point was not one of unbelievable condensed matter, but a point of pure Intelligence.  The matter that created the universe did not yet exist except in the mind of this Intelligence, for the current matter of the universe is not created from anything that is solid, as evidenced from the fact that regardless of how small we go into matter, solid mass cannot be found. All that can be found for sure are wavelengths.

And of what are the wavelengths composed?  If they are not composed of anything solid then what creates them?

Answer:  Thought.

And what originates the thought?


And where did the Intelligence come from?

The interplay of opposites.

This interplay and Intelligence co-exist and have always been.

Intelligence created matter out of Itself, and thus we have Intelligence within matter all throughout the universe.  This Intelligence moves the evolution of all things forward toward an end unimaginable to us at this time.

“There is no such thing as intelligence in matter,” says the skeptic.

To this we respond: “Are you intelligent?”

He answers, “Yes, of course.”

“Do you exist in matter, of which your body is composed, or are you some phantom?”

He has no intelligent response.

Copyright by J J Dewey 2014

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Where Did God Come From?

This entry is part 3 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Three

Who created God, or Where did God come from?

Believe it or not the Bible tells us where God came from.  Here it is:

“God came from Teman.” Hab 3:3

Actually, I was kind of pulling your leg here for this does not tell us the origin of God but the writer was merely saying that the Presence of God was in Teman as it once was in Mount Sinai

It is interesting that this question is often asked by atheists to illustrate the futility of a belief in God, or a Creator. But then believers often forget to ask an important question in return.  Here is a possible dialog that could be used:

Believer: Where did the universe come from?

Atheist: It started with the Big Bang

Believer: And what originated the Big Bang?

Atheist: An infinitesimally small point that contained everything in the universe we call the Singularity.

Believer: And where did this singularity come from?

Atheist: We don’t know. We suppose it’s just always been there.

Believer: So why do you not have a problem with an eternal Singularity, but discount an eternal Intelligence?

Atheist: Scientific calculations tell us everything started with a Singularity.

Believer: And what made the Singularity explode into the Big Bang?  Could that be God, an intelligence with no beginning?

Atheist: I don’t think so.

Believer: Yet you believe in a Singularity that just exploded out of the blue for no reason into a universe that has intelligence (humans) in matter.  Is it logical that an infinitesimal point with no intelligence created matter that has intelligence within it?

Atheist: That’s where logic leads us.

Believer: So something that is not intelligent created intelligence in matter (humans). It seems a stretch here to call the believers in Higher Intelligence the ones who are not logical.

The bottom line here is that it is the greatest mystery of all that anything even exists, whether it be God, man or a single rock. It is just as difficult for an atheist scientist to explain why a rock exists as it is for a believer to explain why God exists.

So, does this mean we have no answer on the subject?

No.  There is always an answer and here it is:

All things created from form have a beginning and end whether it be a galaxy, a sun, a planet, the human body, a cell or an atom. Intelligence, which is the essence of God and man has no form but merely uses form. That which is formless does not exist in time and is therefore eternal with no beginning and end. Thus the formless intelligence of God has no beginning because it does not exist in time.

The entire universe is the physical body of God and it had a beginning and will have an end, but the Intelligence that created it is not subject to time and is eternal.

Understanding this is perhaps the greatest mystery of all, but it is an undeniable fact that creation and intelligence exists. The fact that anything exists is indeed mind-boggling to contemplate and has led mystics past to exclaim, “How great is the mystery of Godliness!”

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Keys Writings 2013, Part 20

This entry is part 22 of 25 in the series 2013

Sept 8, 2013

Recognizing the Good Obama

Maryellen asks:

I have a question with no answer. Let us say that most of us here on Keys agree that Obama is trying to level the US and does not have our best interest at heart and in the end seeks to destroy our country. Now what if Obama was drowning in a lake. Would it be more harmless to save him or not? In the long term, would more people benefit with him alive or with him out of the picture?


Ruth was right in that Obama has not yet demonstrated himself to be an enemy of Good as was Hitler of whom it was definitely desirable to dispose of. He was elected by the people and we are legally obligated to sustain him even if we do not agree. Besides if something happened to Obama we would hen have Joe Biden as President and that may be an even worse situation.

It is interesting that many presidents have had vice presidents that scare the opposition more than himself. For instance, Bush had Cheney who many Democrats saw as Darth Vader. Sometimes I think they make these picks for the sake of life insurance.

Actually, I have been in a situation, not once but three times, as described by Maryellen. My marriage to my first wife was literally a hell on earth and three times she attempted suicide and three times I saved her. The second two times I was tempted to just do nothing, thinking of how much easier my life would be without her. But then I thought of the possible karma I would accumulate and also the fact that I was told there was a purpose for her being in my life.

Now, on hindsight, I can see I made the right decision. Sometimes the tough times in our lives are where we make the greatest progress.


Sept 12, 2013

The Subconscious

There seems to be some confusion over my teachings on the subconscious mind. Do we have consciousness there or not? Ruth quotes this from my previous writings:

“There is no such thing as a subconscious mind. It’s an oxymoron. If you have a subconscious mind it means it’s below the threshold of your consciousness. If it’s below consciousness, then it’s not consciousness. Consciousness is only something that’s conscious. You don’t have a subconscious mind any more than your computer has a subconscious mind. You have computer programs that run yourself and this is what they call the subconscious. If you tell a psychologist that he’ll think you’re crazy but think about the oxymoron here. If something is below your consciousness how can it really be conscious?”

In making this statement I was clearing up the language by indicating that our subconscious mind deserves a more accurate name. If we have no conscious participation in what is going on within it’s sphere then it is not a part of our consciousness.

Here’s the dictionary definition of “consciousness.”

“An alert cognitive state in which you are aware of yourself and your situation.”

Since we as entities are not aware of what is happening in the subconscious then it is not a part of our awaking consciousness. Consciousness is aware of what is happening.

Does this mean there is no consciousness in our brain, our cells and the atoms of our body? No it doesn’t mean that but it does mean that the consciousness of the many tiny lives that live there are separate from your own waking consciousness. There is some type of consciousness everywhere, even in the computer you are using.

However, the programming that resides there happens not because of the work of the tiny lives there, but because a human intelligence created it. The programming and response you get from your computer makes that aspect seem more conscious than the atoms and molecules that compose it, but it is not. A program is not consciousness, but consciousness uses programming.

There is a lot of programming in your brain and you as a conscious entity puts it to use. In addition to this other conscious lives within you also use the programming.

What is called the subconscious is basically programming that is used by consciousness in various degrees.

Ruth wonders if the Jews came from Saturn. Very doubtful. DK tells us that they came from a previous solar system. During the previous solar system neither the earth, Saturn or the Sun even existed. They were not yet created.

The Jews and the earth in general have a strong link to the Lord of Saturn and it is possible that this link goes back to a previous solar system. There is definitely an untold history in this solar system that has yet to be told.


Sept 13, 2013

The Computer and the Brain

LWK made some interesting statements about the subconscious and I agree with most of them. I think we can fine tune this one a bit. He says:

Actually a computer has an OS (Operating System) and a BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) that operates below the OS. It is a crude analogy to consciousness and sub-consciousness in humans.

If you compare a computer to a human mind then you have higher levels of programming analogous to the conscious part of the mind and lower level programs extending down to the BIOS. Where the human mind is different from a computer, and where the analogy fails, is that a computer has no free will, no power of decision.

I would say the mind is like a computer in many respects. It has higher level programming which we are sometimes conscious of and this is what we call “awareness.” However we have many programs that operate below that level which we are not directly aware of, but on which our awareness totally depends (just as higher levels of programming in a computer depend on lower levels the details of which the higher level is totally uninformed of).


The brain and the mind are two different things. The mind interacting with the brain creates conscious awareness as we know it. A computer has no mind or conscious awareness but is like a brain that can be used by one with consciousness.

Larry tells us hat the computer is made of two basic ingredients. The first is BIOS (Basic Input-Output System) and the second the operating system. Perhaps a third with be the RAM memory which they both use.

All three of these are within the physical brain. One thing we can all agree upon is that the brain does indeed store memory which we use. They say that new memories are encoded in the hippocampus and then eventually transferred to the frontal lobes for long-term storage. Perhaps the hippocampus is like the RAM and the frontal lobes correspond to the hard drive storage.

The rest of the brain is comparable to the BIO and would include the processor and any other components. If we studied the makeup of the brain and how it works we could find correspondences to the various ingredients.

The interesting question is where is the operating system? One might think it corresponds to our consciousness, but it is not conscious, but created through a conscious being writing it and piecing it together into a functioning whole.

So where is our operating system that is created through a conscious endeavor?

Larry steered us on the right track with this statement:

“If you read Ayn Rand she talks of emotions largely being the result of conscious programming. In her model our values program our emotions. How we feel about something depends on what we think.”

And what determines the unfolding of the emotional and thinking self?

It is the unfolding of the seven centers, the chakras.

Primitive man, who accesses just a couple centers, operates on system 1. As the pedals begin to unfold he moves to system 1.1. As a new center or major energy opens he moves to system 2 and so on until he obtains an operating system that functions at relative perfection.

So where is the conscious decision maker in the analogy?

It is the end user. After all, the computers we use are merely extensions of the brain. In a way a computer is a second brain that assists the first with abilities the natural brain does not have – like a flawless memory that can be retrieved.

So where does the programmer fit in? This is comparable to the Higher Self, or the soul. This is conscious intelligence that guides us in moving toward a higher operating system that uses more advanced programming.

Analogies are rarely exact but are quite accurate in principle and contemplating them brings much light.


Sept 14, 2013

Thought and Intelligence

LWK expressed interest in my views on mind so I thought I would elaborate.

The trouble with the word is that is used loosely in various shades of meaning by many. It’s a little like the word “soul” which is used in the place of a half dozen other more precise words.

The first thing to clarify is that the mind is not the physical brain even though many in our society use mind in reference to it and its calculating features. The mind survives the brain at death and existed before birth.

What then is mind?

To understand we must first realize what we as entities are. In learning the First Key of Knowledge we discovered that our essence is that power which makes decisions and we manifest as decision makers.

This essence which is us inhabits seven planes of existence, of which the physical is the lowest. The next up is the astral/emotional composed of astral matter. Our essence, blended with the higher planes, interplaying with the matter of this plane creates the feeling nature.

The next step up is the mental plane. Our essence, blended with the higher planes, interplaying with the matter of his plane creates what we know as mind.

Our essence uses mental matter as a vehicle to create mind and mind uses the brain and physical matter to create consciousness on the physical plane. Mind and brain are both vehicles used by our true self to explore the various worlds in this great universe.

Our intelligence is not brain or mind but uses them both. Our intelligence has the ability to shine a light on things made available to it by mind, emotion and the brain. It then has the ability to discern, judge and make a decision based on its power of discernment.

No two intelligences are the same but all have different degrees of light available to discern true reality and to judge that reality for the sake of decision making.

Intelligence is manifest in the decisions we make and mind, emotion and brain is a vehicle of intelligence.

The brain works with data, the emotion, feeling and the mind reason and understanding.

The manifestation of intelligence on earth is determined by two things. First, the quality of the initiating intelligence, and, secondly, the quality of the vehicles in use.

Think of it this way. On one hand we have Einstein working with an old Windows 386 and an average guy working with the latest PC. Even though Einstein may have inferior equipment he can still produce some very intelligent effects and work that will surpass the average guy. Even so, you cannot tell a person’s intelligence by the quality of his memory or his college degrees. You have to look at his decisions and what he makes of the talents he possesses.


Sept 16, 2013


Here’s a link Mindy sent me of interesting maps. I had fun browsing through them.

40 Maps That Will Help You Make Sense of the World

Sept 19, 2013


Maryellen asks, What if your wife who tried to commit suicide asked you not to save her? Would you have saved her anyway?


She didn’t want to be saved at the time but most suicides are in an unnatural state of mind. I would try to save any suicide by any means necessary who still has a good natural lifeline ahead. Now those who are ill and in great pain is another matter and I think should be allowed to make a decision to stay or to go. This would not be an impulse decision as are most suicides.

Sep 20, 2013

Life From Space?

Scientists `Very, Very Confident’ They’ve Found Extraterrestrial Life – See What It Looks Like


Oct 2, 2013

The Genes and Destiny

Stephen wants to know if inherited genes or do other factors under our control influence diseases?

The answer is that it is both. In most cases the inherited factors of our body and character are influences rather than anything written in stone.  Weaknesses inherited are often the result of past karma.

Those who see illness as caused by inheritance and cannot be overcome are deceived for that which we inherit are merely influences that push or pull us in certain directions.  Let me illustrate.

Jim is a happy go lucky character who is very even tempered and likeable. Then his wife’s water breaks and he has to take her to the hospital to have the baby. On the way he is met by a very time consuming detour because of construction.  Then a few bocks later there was an accident that held up traffic. Finally he gets behind a little old lady who will not let him pass as his wife tells him she thinks the baby is coming now.

Jim gets frustrated and lets out some choice words.  His wife thinks that this does not sound like the Jim that she knows.

Now a person may be a fairly spiritual entity overall but incarnates into a family that is quite coarse and carnal and also has a propensity toward cancer.

Until this person connects with his soul, even though he is a fairly advanced person, it may seem like he is one of the family because of the influences.  Just as Jim was influenced by temporary forces, even so are we from the forces we inherit.

But just as Jim can choose to remain calm even when the little old lady is in the way even so can we neutralize the forces that we inherit if they are undesirable.

Here is a guy who was born in a family where most of them got cancer but he has been healthy all his life and believes he has a cure

Here’s the story of a guy who was diagnosed with a “genetic heart deformity and heart disease. The doctors told him that unless he underwent open-heart surgery, his weak and deformed heart would not be able to pump sufficient blood to an adult body and he would be dead by the age of 20.”

He overcame all this and now is healthy as a horse and makes a living helping others with their health.

People are mistaken when they think we are controlled by our genes. We are controlled by our decisions.  The power of decision makes us what we are.  We become what we decide to become. Making the definite decision is the hard part for most of us.


Oct 13, 2013

Was Jesus A Myth?

An American Biblical scholar, Joseph Atwill, is presenting the idea that Jesus was a purely fictional character invented by the Roman Emperor Titus to trick the Jews into becoming pacifists and turning the other cheek so they could be easier to control.  This is apparently getting a lot of press and an article ca be found on it here:

A reviewer at Amazon made some great points on Atwill’s previous book.  Here is a partial quote:

“Furthermore, it is clear that Atwill fails on the point of ancient social psychology. He supposes that Jesus was invented to attract militaristic, messianic Jews; yet the figure of Jesus is precisely what a dedicated Sicarii would least follow. Indeed, Atwill openly contradicts himself, for he claims he cannot see how Judaism could produce such diametric opposites, yet he argues that Christianity was built to make these opposites attract! He supposes, in other words, that Judaism would not produce such a group; but he hypothesizes that Jews then converted to such a group!

Even more problematic for Atwill is what is said by Roman writers whose works he ignores. Tacitus’ comment in Annals 15.44 places the origins of Christianity, and Roman reaction to it, nearly a decade before Titus’ final victory. Atwill says nothing at all about this critical passage; nor does he mention Pliny’s letter to Trajan asking what to do about Christians. Atwill wishes to posit convenient forgetfulness as the cause of the loss of knowledge about Christian origins; and how credible is it that Hadrian and Pliny “forgot” this, or did not know about it? How credible is it that Domitian (himself a Flavian!) persecuted Christianity and forgot that his own relatives had created it in the first place? Why would some of those relatives actually become Christians? Atwill makes no effort to explain how Christianity spread; he offers a bare paragraph on this saying that “wicked priests” introduced the religion to the masses (Jewish?); but then, “The first people to hear the story of Jesus would most likely have been slaves (Gentiles???) whose patrons simply ordered them to attend services. After a while some began to believe, then many.” [258] End of explanation!”

Here is another good article illustrating some of Atwill’s flawed assumptions:

A good objective book on the subject of Jesus’ existence was written by a non believer named Bart D. Ehrman who decided to check into it through studying the historical record. Even though he doesn’t believe Jesus to be the Messiah he did conclude that the historical record does prove quite conclusively that the gospels were based on a real person.

Here is one quote from his book, “Did Jesus Exist?”

The evidence is abundant and varied. Among the Gospels we have numerous independent accounts that attest to Jesus’ life, at least seven of them from within a hundred years of the traditional date of his death. These accounts did not appear out of thin air, however. They are based on written sources—a good number of them—that date much earlier, plausibly in some cases at least to the 50s of the Common Era. Even these sources were not fabricated purely from the minds of their authors, however. They were based on oral traditions that had been in circulation year after year among the followers of Jesus. These oral traditions were transmitted in various areas—mainly urban areas, we might surmise—throughout the Roman Empire; some of them, however, can be located in Jesus’s homeland, Palestine, where they originally circulated in Aramaic. It appears that some, probably many, of them go back to the 305 CE. We are not, then, dealing merely with Gospels that were produced fifty or sixty years after Jesus’s alleged death as the principal witnesses to his existence. We are talking about a large number of sources, dispersed over a remarkably broad geographical expanse, many of them dating to the years immediately after Jesus’s alleged life, some of them from Palestine itself. On the basis of this evidence alone, it is hard to understand how Jesus could have been “invented.” Invented by whom? Where? When? How then could there be so many independent strands of evidence? Page 171

Perhaps the greatest evidence for the existence of Jesus is something overlooked by all the scholars and that is his actual words quoted in the New Testament. It is difficult to believe that some scheming fraudulent Romans could have written the greatest spiritual teachings and words of all time, quoted more than any other on the planet for spiritual edification. Roman philosophers and historians did write many words but all of them together are not quoted as much as a paragraph from the Jesus of the New Testament. His words are Eternal Words that will not pass away.  The words of the Romans are just words.


Oct 14, 2013

Hands of God

Nathan wrote:


If I were to get a serious illness and had to get surgery, who do I place my faith in and thank when it’s all done? The surgeon or God?


Both. We are in the image of God and as such are extensions of the Deity. The surgeon thus represents the arms and hands of God doing his work.


…in a Near Death Experience book I ran across a guy who toured Shamballa but who was not given it’s name. He described a great room that held two crystals coming up out from the floor. He was told that advanced souls with permission and training could place hands on those crystals “see” and influence anyone or anything on Earth. So this NDE account dovetailed right in when I read JJ’s fiction story a few years later.


Interesting.  For the record I have never read this guy’s work or any other about crystals in Shamballa.


Oct 16, 2013

Question; Have they discovered the God particle?

If anything the existence of the Higgs Boson shows that the foundations of our creation are much too complex to have began with no intelligence involved. And the Higgs is not the ultimate particle but one of many yet to be discovered.


Oct 17, 2013


Say a man found away to cure cancer and he was in the middle of writing a scientific paper that would revolutionize the world but he has a heart attack and dies but before he does he gets the paper published… this will give him good karma only he dead. How will good karma serve him now. It it manifest in his next life.


You don’t get much good Karma for just coming up with ideas.  Karma depends on what you do with the time you have here.

The man who came up with a cancer cure but died will create a lot of good carry over effects because he dedicated his life to an endeavor to help the many.  This will enable him to be born in a  good situation in the next life so he will be able to do much good and possibly retrieve the ideas he had from the past life.  After all, each life is a continuation from the past one just as each day continues after the past day after some sleep.


Stauffenberg did more than think about disposing Hitler, he made a courageous attempt. Perhaps the most important reward he got out of the situation was a realization of the true nature of the Beast and how to dismantle it.


Nov 1, 2013

Obama and Daniel

A guy on a form I visited posted this quote from Daniel Chapter 11.  He thought it applied to Obama.  Some does seem to correspond.

36 “The king will do as he pleases. He will exalt and magnify himself above every god and will say unheard-of things against the God of gods. He will be successful until the time of wrath is completed, for what has been determined must take place. 37 He will show no regard for the gods of his ancestors or for the one desired by women, nor will he regard any god, but will exalt himself above them all. 38 Instead of them, he will honor a god of fortresse ; a god unknown to his ancestors he will honor with gold and silver, with precious stones and costly gifts. 39 He will attack the mightiest fortresses with the help of a foreign god and will greatly honor those who acknowledge him. He will make them rulers over many people and will distribute the land at a price.[d]


40 “At the time of the end the king of the South will engage him in battle, and the king of the North will storm out against him with chariots and cavalry and a great fleet of ships. He will invade many countries and sweep through them like a flood. 41 He will also invade the Beautiful Land. Many countries will fall, but Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon will be delivered from his hand. 42 He will extend his power over many countries; Egypt will not escape. 43 He will gain control of the treasures of gold and silver and all the riches of Egypt, with the Libyans and Cushites[e] in submission. 44 But reports from the east and the north will alarm him, and he will set out in a great rage to destroy and annihilate many. 45 He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at[f] the beautiful holy mountain. Yet he will come to his end, and no one will help him.


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What Is God?

This entry is part 2 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question One

Is There a God?



That was easy, but it gives out nothing new on the subject.  For the good stuff, let us go to the next question.

Question Two:

What is God?

There are a lot of different views on this subject and many of them are subjects of great ridicule from unbelievers. They will often poke fun by saying something like:

You believe in the great Santa Claus (or man) in the sky.

You believe in an angry old man on a throne who just barks out crazy commands as well as the talking snake in the Bible.

Your God must hate us since he lets us all suffer so much with wars, hurricanes and disease.

Actually, the critics would have some justification in their attacks if God were really a being as believed by most.  If He could just snap his fingers and make this world perfect, or speak the word and create world peace and end all suffering, then it does seem strange that He would allow so many innocent ones to suffer while others who are tyrants sleep peacefully at night in their luxurious mansions. It also seems strange that He would command Israel to kill the Canaanites, take their land and then punish gays, witches and rebel children with death.

Yet no matter how odd the actions of God are in the Bible or the sacred books of other religions, people still believe in a Higher Intelligence and see it as benevolent.

Perhaps if we just knew the mystery of this Being everything would just fall in place.

The resolution to this whole conundrum is found in the first chapter of the first book of the Bible which tells us:

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Gen 1:27

Humans are thus in the image of God, or projections, or more precisely reflections of Him. If we therefore want to understand God we must look at ourselves.  If we are reflections in the image of God then this tells us that God is a lot like us.

When we create a thing, whether it be a car, a television or a computer program it is not perfect at first but has many flaws.  But, over time our creations improve until they function almost flawlessly.

The same thing happens with God and his creations. The Universe started out as a disorganized mass and has now evolved into a creation of beauty as revealed by the Hubble Telescope. This earth started out as an inferno, far from perfect, but is now a beautiful planet. Humans have a history of being savages and killing their enemies for sport as many tribes did in Old Testament times, but are now learning to treat each other with respect, though they are still far from perfect.

Higher Intelligence, which we call God, has to work with humans through other humans. When one has a life-saving operation that saves his life, what does the patient say?  He usually says, “Thank God!” But the one who saved his life was a reflection of God, a being who is one of the hands of God on the earth.

God is intelligence in matter and His body is the universe.

“There’s no such thing as intelligence in matter,” says the skeptic.  Well, think again. I’m sure you consider yourself intelligent and you exist in a body composed in matter, do you not?

It is indeed an undeniable fact that intelligence does exist in matter and it is not that big of a leap to consider that larger bodies than humans also have intelligence dwelling in them.

But, contrary to popular belief about God, this Greater Intelligence is merely trying to bring his creations to perfection just as His reflections, or humans, are attempting to do with theirs. There are lots of problems to solve that manifest on the way.

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The Prime Question

This entry is part 1 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Answers to the Mysteries of the Universe


J J Dewey

Introductory Question

The Prime Question

Can I know the truth of things beyond the physical?

Answer:  A definite yes.

If something exists, whether it be visible or invisible, perceptive to the senses or not, it can be discovered and verified.

For instance, humanity was oblivious to the existence of ultra violet and infrared light until recent times. If someone would have described their existence the best minds of the past would have discounted the idea as the ramblings of a frenzied mind.

The fact remains that these two realms of light did exist and a means was found to prove it so.

Even so, there are many true realities that exist beyond the physical.  Like ultra violet, all we need are the tools to verify them.  Science itself has already done this to a degree. Pure energy has an existence beyond anything we might deem as physical and in past ages resided in the area of the metaphysical.  Einstein and the demonstration of his theories through the atomic bomb proved that matter could be converted to a non-physical pure energy. Now all scientists accept the idea of a formless non-physical energy as something that is verifiably true.

It is true, in this age, that hundreds of things have been discovered which were beyond the perception of the senses just a couple generations ago.  Is it not logical that there are yet many discoveries to be made in the unseen worlds?

Such a thing is not only logical but is verifiable.  And how can it be verified?

Through the essence of ourselves, as our makeup is composed of much more than the physical. This is easy to prove as the mind, the emotions, our imagination and our dreams are not a part of physical reality yet few would deny their existence.

Polls show that the majority of people believe in God and in some form and an afterlife. Why is this?  It is largely because most people sense the existence within themselves of something that is connected to realities beyond the physical senses.

Then there are others who do not perceive any sensation beyond the physical.  Why would many perceive sensations beyond the physical while others do not?  The answer is focused attention. We perceive in accordance with the direction of our attention. Just as the blind person places more attention on touch than average and senses more with this sense than the rest of us, even, so the spiritual person places more attention on the inner feelings and senses things there that are overlooked by non believers.

The answers in this book are based on the proposition that there are indeed perceptions available beyond the physical and within our whole nature is access to unlimited knowledge and understanding.  All we have to do is place focused attention on the world within and the door of extraordinary perception can become available.

There lies within each one of us a connection with infinite Intelligence. It is from the vantage point of this connection I write this book, but with no claim to infallibility.  All of us are capable of wrong perception and incorrect interpretation of that which is perceived. Even so, perceive we must if we are to explore new worlds and thus this book is born. Those fellow travelers who also strive to perceive beyond the physical will find much food for thought within these pages.  Enjoy.

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Keys Writings 2013, Part 19

This entry is part 21 of 25 in the series 2013

Aug 4, 2013



So a Dark Brother can be born into a rich or noble family lineage as well?


Hitler was a disciple of the dark brothers and there is no rule about where the dark and light can be born. The good and bad can be found in all groups.


Was Hitler ever one of the Disciples of Jesus? Someone like Judas for example?


Unlikely. DK said he was one of the Lords of Dark face in the days of Atlantis. It is unlikely such a one would either join or be selected by Jesus. It is more likely he would have been one of the priests who wanted him crucified.


Charles XII died in 1718 and was born as Napolean in 1769, 51 years later, so he

didn’t even stay in the astral realm for 100 to 150 years, Napolean died in 1821

and was born as Hitler in 1889, 68 years later.

So does that mean that Hitler could have reincarnated in 1995 or 2015, between

50-70 years later from 1945, or was he defeated enough so he can’t reincarnate

in this age?


Two such time periods mean very little. There is no rule about the time between incarnations. it may be six months or a thousand years depending on the need, the opportunity and he will of the soul. Hopefully Hitler sunk so low into darkness that he will not be able to incarnate for a while, but you never know. He could be out there somewhere. I think I would recognize him if he were to surface. So far I have not seen him.


Aug 5, 2013

More Questions

JJ Quote

This is true on a temporary basis. Even one with a high degree of soul contact does not get all his answers in the short term. But the answer to every question is available to those who seek and do not give up. If the disciple continues on his quest and endures to the end he will one day find, in an unexpected moment, the answer to his question.


Is this also because of the principle of cycles?


Not directly. It is created by a point of tension which can manifest in and out of the various cycles. However, there are cycles where we are more sensitive to the soul.


So…… if you were “asking and seeking” an answer but the soul was too deep in meditation at that time, then one would have to keep asking and asking and asking until the time came when the soul’s cycle was closer to us or our personality/minds.


The soul is always available. The distance between the seeker and the soul is determined more by the seeker than the soul though there are times when the soul pays more attention to us than others.


the lower self or shadow or soul, and our higher selves, Solar Angels, can know Truth because we can perceive it again through recognition because Truth was perceived by the Solar Angels earlier. Yes or No?


Yes, the Solar Angel has passed through all the stages of mortality and has a knowledge of things that we are seeking.


Also I would have to ask that when our brain is also like a Super Computer, then are many or all answers already inbuilt into our super computer, and asking continuously helps release the data?


You are the programmer and your brain is only as accurate as the information it has. In addition the programming for running your body was already built in at birth.


Or does asking and seeking help one to tap into their spiritual intelligence more so than their super computer brain intelligence?


Seeking from higher intelligence eventually puts you in contact with higher intelligence.

The Oneness Principle is created by the merging of all higher intelligence connected to this earth. When you tap into it then the language of principles becomes clear.


Do you still miss the opportunity of being a rocket engineer?


Being a dreamer there are lots of things I could enjoy doing but unfortunately we must limit ourselves to have any degree of success. I have always asked myself what the most productive and useful thing I could be doing for humanity. Since I came to the conclusion you mentioned about the age of 13 I have changed my mind and decided that there was a greater need for spiritual engineering. If the earth gets set straight toward a new age of peace I may decide to come back and concentrate on taking us to the stars.


Aug 9, 2013


If you think our gizmos are complex today take a look at the space shuttle:


Comparing Lives


Did you compare the hand writing of Charles, Napoleon and Hitler?


No, but that would be interesting to check. I gathered my evidence from studying the men in history.


There is a stronger comparison between Hitler and Charles. Napoleon seems a bit different. Napoleon loved the common vices of men. Both Hitler and Charles seem to have little or no interest in them.


Such interests will vary from life to life but the astounding similarity between the three was their tremendous will to prevail. It is rare in history to find individuals with such will power and these three definitely had a strong endowment of it. It’s too bad that such a powerful will was not directed toward the freedom of the individual.


The three have similar tactics on the battlefield – allowing for the differences in technology between the time periods. Napoleons ability to move heavy cannon around the battlefield in quick order is a pre-cursor to Hitler’s blitzkrieg tactics. The pre-occupation among the three with invading Russia is weird. They all loved war more than anything else.


Agreed. It is eerie how similar the three were in their approach. A book giving a great overview of Charles XII is Peter the Great by Robert Massie. When I saw the raw determination Charles had to defeat Peter, I could just see Hitler as the entity playing that role.


Aug 12, 2013

Right or Left Brain


My question. JJ, do you think that this Keysters group attracts predominantly one type of “brain”? Which one?


Metaphysical and new age groups attract mostly females. One thing interesting about our group is that it is a pretty even mix. At the gatherings we have a near equal amount of males and females. A number of people have commented that this is unusual to them as most such groups are predominately female. Then as far as those who actually post on the Keys I would say the males dominate here – not because of their numbers but because they just post more. I think some females do not post because they do not want to engage in anything that could bring conflict.

I would guess that the group as a whole is like me – slightly centered in the Left brain or the male energy, but pretty balanced overall as evidenced by the mixture at the gatherings.

I’ve always considered myself fairly balanced, but slightly polarized in the left brain so I was surprised by the results of my test. The image went both ways for me but most of the time it moved clockwise. Then I read the results of the survey and saw that 70% of the respondents were right brained and 30% left. This is also puzzling when one considers that the Blaze readers are mostly male and fairly analytical left brain types.

Here is my conclusion that makes sense of this to me. The line of least resistance is clockwise and thus even those who are slightly left brain will see the image going in that direction. Of the 70% who saw the image going clockwise probably a good number of them are actually somewhat left brained. After all, one would think that humans are pretty much divided in polarity about 50/50.


If soul contact is like a doorway to higher realms, then what is the lower wrong door?


There is no significant door before soul contact. There are merely choices between one illusion and another and a lot of trial and error that eventually brings the seeker to the door.

After contact has been made, and the seeker goes through the door, he eventually comes to two paths or doors. The Right hand path leads to higher worlds, inclusiveness and livingness, and the Left hand path leads to a rejection of soul contact, extreme selfishness and spiritual death.


Aug 18, 2013

Google Glass

I’ve been reading about Google Glass and find it quite amazing the direction its evolution is headed.

Google Glass is indeed an innovative new product. In the past one would expect this type of leap to come from Apple but with their initiate, Steve Jobs, gone their future is in question. So far they are just coasting along on cruse control. One would think they would be coming out with at least a couple impressive new products from what was on the drawing board while Jobs was still alive.

It is rumored that Apple is working on a watch that will function like Google Glass. It will have the advantage of not being so intrusive toward friends but Google Glass will have the advantage of creating a while new experience that the youth always craves.

We have all heard that Google glass will allow us to surf the net at will. It also comes with a 720p HD video camera that has caused quite a stir. Some locations are already banning Google Glass in their establishments before it is even officially released.

It is also believed that facial recognition software will be available so you can take a picture of that hot chic you find attractive, run her through the Google search, Facebook, Twitter etc until you know more about her than you do your grandmother. Software will be developed so a deep web search will be an automatic thing and present you with a brief synopsis of the person with greater detail available if desired.

On the drawing board is software that can monitor your eye movements and pupil size so Google will be able to determine your interest in any subject. The stated purpose of this is to provide advertisers with feedback on how effective their ads are. They will be able to tell if you looked at the ad, how long you looked at it and how high your interest was.

Something not yet perfected, but in the development stage, is the connection of Google Glass to your actual brain so it can read your thoughts. Scientists have already made some recent breakthroughs in this area so it is only a matter of time before the technology will be miniaturized and added to Google Glass.

The idea presented of course will be that this will be done so Google can better serve its customers. By detecting your thoughts they will be able to serve your needs much better.

On the other hand, consider what would happen if Big brother decided this was the medium of ultimate control and decided that the government should own and regulate it.

They could then monitor as to whether you liked or approved of your leaders, were honest with your taxes or perhaps judge you as a dangerous character.

As I contemplated the future of Google Glass I saw that this fit the physical description of the mark of the beast much better than anything guessed at so far. The most common theory out there at present is that the mark on the right hand would be a computer chip implanted. No one has come up with a good idea as to what the mark in the forehead could be on a physical level.

Google Glass was made to order for fundamentalists to use and I’m sure it will not be long before you hear preachers telling their flock that Google Glass is the mark of the beast in the forehead.

The scriptures says that people will not be able to buy or sell without this mark so the idea will be that you will eventually have to use Google Glass or a chip implant to buy groceries.

The truth is that with or without Google Glass there is a danger of the rise of a national or worldwide dictator and we must always be vigilant for the cause of freedom. If we had a dictator it is a given that he would misuse whatever technology that is available, but a chip or Google device is not the mark of the beast. The true mark is the capture and control of your mind and labor by an unjust or unearned authority. For more of my teachings on this go here:



Aug 19, 2013

Spying on Steroids

John C

Somehow, it was OK when Bush did it, but not when Obama does it. I don’t get it. Governments don’t spy on people just to be spying on it without the intention to USE that information in some way.


I’m curious who you hear saying that spying was all right when Bush did it but not when Obama does it. I haven’t heard anyone saying this.

As for my personal view, yes, if a thing was okay for Bush to do then it would certainly be okay for Obama to do.

So what did Bush do? He set up a data mining operation to search for terrorists and we are told that any actual wire tapping done involved phone calls where at least one party was outside the country who was suspected of potential terrorism.

I have no problem with either Bush or Obama doing this. Bush’s enemies distorted this by calling it a domestic spying operation when the concentration of the program was international calls.

Bush also took a lot of heat in requesting from three or four libraries data on several terrorists suspects’ library books.

I have no problem with either Bush or Obama doing this. I don’t care if they check into all the books I have read. In fact I already have them posted for all to see.

What has caused alarm for many is the new Utah site that has been built during the Obama administration. It will have the capacity to monitor and store every phone call and email in the country and many out of the country. Even some of those who fiercely attacked Bush and diligently supported Obama are taken by surprise on this and are now calling him, “Bush on steroids.”

Do I have a problem with the government using this data center to search for terrorists?

Not at all.

Would I have a problem if they used it to search for tax cheats, drug dealers and child porn?

Yes , I would and I think that 95% of citizens are against using it for this purpose.

Would I have a problem if it was used to get dirt on or destroy political enemies?

Yes. This would be a major problem with me and the possibility becomes ominous when one considers the IRS was used to suppress political enemies since 2010.

The solution is for Congress to take charge of overseeing any data mining program and make sure it is not abused. It’s not enough for the NSA to audit itself. A third party must monitor the monitors.

We are headed toward a society where it will be increasingly difficult to insure our privacies. I talked to a young nephew yesterday and he told me that most kids in his generation don’t care at all about privacy and are completely unconcerned about NSA spying. It may be possible that privacy as we have known it is a disappearing commodity.

I am not as concerned about the spying program as I am a number of other things. Ever since email came on board I figured someone could be reading it or listening to my phone calls anyway.

I am much more concerned about the President’s power to issue executive orders or the Congress’ eager desire to strap us with more unnecessary laws, taxes and regulations.

A light shining in the darkness comes from Mark Levine’s new book, The Liberty Amendments. It is drawing a lot of support. Check it out here:


A group has already taken the ball and started rolling with it. Check them out here:


Aug 20, 2013

Sending Light, Love and Power


Both Glenys and Wayne died from a dis-ease. Wayne was JJ’s best friend and yet JJ could not “save” Wayne’s life or take away Wayne’s sins or stop him from having a heart attack. The same with Glenys. She died of cancer which was behind her nose. JJ didn’t heal that cancer. I bet many of her good friends prayed for her and sent her Love, Light and Power, but the dis-ease still killed her.


Since a good deal of time has passed since Glenys’ death perhaps I can relate more details of my experiences with her.

She had a beloved female friend that was like a soul mate to her who became ill and wanted to know if she could be healed. I contemplated this and unfortunately the answer I received was that she would soon die for she had work to do on the other side and from there would keep a connection with Glenys.

I debated as whether to tell her my answer and decided to go ahead. When I did Glenys was upset and told me that I was wrong because she had received a definite message that her friend would live.

A few weeks later her friend died. Again Glenys was upset and questioned how she could have been wrong and why I was correct. I contemplated again and told her I had the impression that I received this message as a foreshadowing of something to come. That some time in the future I would tell her something important that she would doubt and then I would remind her that I was correct about her friend and that she should give consideration to my words.

About a year or so later Glenys came down with cancer and after a time contacted me for help. She said she couldn’t understand why she had the disease for she ate a great diet and did her best to follow the spiritual path. She then asked me what the cause was so perhaps she could negate it and be cured.

I contemplated again and received an answer but I knew it was an answer she would not like or agree with. I wrote her and told her that I would only give her the answer if she would give me her word that she would not be upset and would keep her mind open and consider it.

She said that would be no problem so I explained to her what I saw as the principle cause and how to neutralize it.

The reply I received back was disappointing. She basically told me I was full of #$%*(` and how dare I say such things to her. Obviously, I did not understand her one little bit.

Then shortly thereafter I received a scathing letter from her boyfriend saying a similar thing but in stronger language. Who did I think I was anyway?

I then wrote back and reminded her of our disagreement concerning her friend. I told her that this was the time that I told her would come where we would have a disagreement and that she should consider my words.

This seemed to upset her even more and I didn’t hear from her again for a while. When I did it was more for exchanging information than a dialog between friends.

Unfortunately, none of her treatments worked and she had a horrific struggle with the disease for about a year before she died.

Now, from the above writing it may sound like I just tune into the Powers-That-Be and get lots of specific answers. Sometimes this happens but often I do not and just have to use my best judgment.

I also tried to save my friend, Wayne’s life. Artie and I both saw that he was heading toward an early death and we tried to guide him toward a healthier lifestyle.

Wayne had a big heart and he had an enlarged heart when he died. He helped many people but when they betrayed him or didn’t appreciate it he felt resentment and this was tough on him. He also felt a great sense of responsibility to help people who couldn’t help themselves and he had a tumor on the back of his neck which I interpreted as a symbol of the burden he felt.

Then he was addicted to diet sodas, one of the worst things you can ingest, and he ate all kinds of donuts and pastries made with white flower and fructose. We told him these were terrible for his system and he agreed but made no changes.

Unfortunately, he died much too young but he was somewhat frustrated with life and almost looked forward to passing over.

Stephen asked about sending love or healing energy to those in need. There is no problem with doing this, especially if you pick up that the person or persons are seeking help. The dangerous ones to send love energy to are those of a low vibration who can do some damage. Someone like a Hitler or a Saddam Hussein will just transmute the love energy to selfish desire energy and use it for dark purposes.


Aug 21, 2013

Helping Others

Ruth says:

In fact, after listening to the audio of the gathering on helping others, JJ seemed specifically adamant that one should not help other people, unless they “ask” for the help first.


There seems to be some confusion on this subject so I will clarify.

The basic idea I was presenting is that it is not a good idea to attempt to help someone who doesn’€™t want your help or is not seeking help. My ex wife was a good example of how this can backfire. She had a half sister who was mentally challenged but was taking care of herself. She had a job as a maid and lived in the motel. My wife decided that with a little help she could improve her life and against my wishes offered to take her in and assist her in improving her condition.

She drove 2000 miles picked her up and brought her to Boise.

The next couple months were a living hell and my wife finally demanded that I get rid of her sister or she was leaving me.

I rented her a room and the sister was an albatross around my neck for the next four years just because my wife was trying to help someone who didn’€™t really want it or appreciate it.

Does this mean that we should never help anyone unless they specifically approach us and ask?

Of course not. I have never advocated such a thing and have always taught that you cannot go by black and white rules for there are exceptions in all things that require the Second Key of Judgment.

If you pass by a car that has run off the road and you suspect there may be injuries it would be crazy to not help because you have not been audibly asked.

If help is needed and obviously wanted by a person and the person cannot help himself then it is a good thing to assist.

People ask for help in different ways. Some may approach another directly and audibly ask for it. BUT there are innumerable others who are seeking help and know not where to find it. Many of these people pray to God regularly asking and still others cry themselves to sleep in need. Even though such people may not have approached you directly they have still been seeking and asking for help. In such cases you are still helping those who have asked for help. You are an extension of God and if they ask God for help and you give it then God answers their prayers.

When to not give help.

(1) When the person does not ask you, God or anyone else for it.

(2) When helping makes you an enabler, making the person dependent on you for the indefinite future.

(3) When the request is not just.


Aug 23, 2013

Strange Experience

Here’s an interesting account by my great great grandfather while he was a missionary in England in the days of Joseph Smith:

“The prospect in London at that time was the darkest it had ever been in since entering the vineyard; but the Lord was with us, and we were not discouraged. On Sunday we met with the Saints three times at Brother Corner’s, read the Book of Mormon, gave instruction, and broke bread unto them. We had a good time, though there were only about half a dozen present. I felt the spirit bear testimony that there would be a work done in London.

“Having retired to rest in good season, I fell asleep and slept until midnight, when I awoke and meditated upon the things of God until 3 o’clock in the morning; and, while forming a determination to warn the people in London and by the assistance and inspiration of God to overcome the power of darkness, a person appeared to me, whom I consider was the prince of darkness. He made war upon me, and attempted to take my life. As he was about to overcome me I prayed to the Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, for help. I then had power over him and he left me, though I was much wounded. Afterwards three persons dressed in white came to me and prayed with me, and I was healed immediately of all my wounds, and delivered of all my troubles.


History of His Life and Labors



Aug 23, 2013

Prophet of Doom

I came across another prophet of doom and thought it would be a good exercise in discernment for the group to examine her and see what conclusions will be reached. Here is the link:


Aug 26, 2013

Energy Follows Thought


While I can see the sense of this, it surprises me that DK is so adamant about the no discussion policy, that he would forbid the healer to continue should they slip up! Any thoughts?


He teaches this because of the principle that “energy follows thought.” After the healing process is finished the healer should shift the attention of those involved to small talk or another subject not connected to the patient or healing. This keeps the healing energy within the wall of focus creating during the healing ceremony. If the group sits around talking about the patient, the disease, etc afterwards then the healing energy becomes dissipated.

This is a very common mistake healers make.


Aug 30, 2013

Categories of Gods

Since there has been discussion of late of the various categories of Gods perhaps I should add my thoughts.

There are only two categories which are as follows.

(1) The One Great Life whose body is the universe itself and all things in it. This life is often merely called The Source, or Universal Intelligence by disciples who seek to understand the mysteries of godliness.

(2) Other lives who have established a degree of oneness with The Source, have freed themselves from some limitations, accumulated significant intelligence and are dedicated to manifesting the Purpose of the One Great Life. To manifest this purpose they become a light to those who dwell in darkness until the light in the sender and receiver is one and all see through the eyes of pure Spirit.

Some call those in category two gods, but others call them Masters and they come in many grades.

Humans seem to be gods to the animal kingdom. Christ and his masters seem to be gods to us. The Ancient of Days seems to be a god to Christ and the Solar Logos seems to be a god to the Ancient of Days and so on up the line.

How far up the Hierarchy goes is difficult to say. Some think it stretches indefinitely, but I do not think so. I believe the hierarchies in the universe are in the process of forming and that the Universal Logos has not yet manifested. The highest life mentioned by DK is the One About Whom Nothing Can Be Said who presides over seven solar systems. I do not think a Galactic Logos has evolved yet.

If there is a third category of Gods it would be the false gods. These are those in the world and out of the world who set themselves up as a beastly authority that seeks to be worshiped and obeyed as if they are God, but in reality they share no oneness with the Source and take seekers away from the true God instead of closer.

Copyright by J J Dewey 2013

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Christmas Message 2013

This entry is part 18 of 28 in the series Christmas Messages

The Hands of God

Don had been a believer in God and accepted Jesus as his Son. He had always tried to speak positive of living the good Christian life, which would lead to peace and happiness in this world and the next.

Now, for the first time in his life he doubted everything. He was on the verge of totally rejecting God, Christ, sacrifice, salvation, love – the whole works – anything associated with all that he embraced in the past.

Here it was Christmas eve and he was all alone reflecting on the terrible year it had been. January was a shock because he didn’t get the promotion that he deserved. Then in April when he was expecting a raise he received a cut in salary, In June he had a car accident that laid him in the hospital with the insurance only paying part of the expenses. In September he realized he was hooked on pain killers. In November his wife had an affair and when confronted she asked for a divorce. It didn’t help that she pointed out that she had now found a real man.

Now to top it all off, on this day, Christmas eve, he was fired from his job where he had been a faithful employee for 20 years. Yes, reflecting on this terrible year filled him with unspeakable rage. He felt like cursing God with such language that would make hell itself shutter. He raised his fist, looked to the sky and was about to lash out at God for being so unloving, uncaring and basically one mean SOB for not giving a damn about him. He was thinking that since God couldn’t possibly be this negligent that he must not exist at all.

Just as he was about to utter the most destructive words of his life he hesitated and could not bring himself to curse his Lord. Instead, he fell to the floor crying like a baby with great sorrow speaking these desperate words:

“Oh, Lord my God! Are you really there? Are you the God of love or just a tormentor laughing at my misery? If you love me, then where is it, because I feel nothing.”

Don just lay on the floor sobbing and feeling sorry for himself until it seemed that he fell asleep. In that place of twilight where he was not sure if he was asleep or awake he heard a gentle voice speaking his name. He looked up and to his amazement his Lord stood in front of him. This beautiful being grabbed Don’s hand and said, “Arise,” as he lifted him up. “What can I do for you?” he asked.

“For starters, you an answer some questions. How can God be looked upon as loving or even good when He allows so much suffering? My life over the past year has been a living hell and even though I have prayed regularly God has done nothing for me. I’ve felt completely abandoned.”

“Come let me show you something,” said the Master. He waved his hand in the direction of the wall and suddenly an image appeared. Don looked and saw a child in a hospital bed awaiting surgery to save his life. He was terrified. Then his mother entered the room and caressed him with love only a mother can give while speaking comforting words. The child was then at peace as he entered the operating room.

The physician looked at the child before him and thought that this could be his own in different circumstances and proceeded with all diligence and skill to save him. The child recovered to live a full life.

“Look again,” he said.

This time he saw a soldier in Afghanistan who had just survived a deadly firefight. He was wounded and dying with thoughts of meeting his Lord when villagers who didn’t even speak English came to assist him and saved his life at great peril to their own.

“One more time,” said the Master.

This time Don saw a man at the end of his rope on the edge of a bridge preparing to jump. He was given an insight into his life and Don had to admit that his life was in worse shape than his own. Just as he was about to jump he heard the soft voice of a young lady who approached him.

“Please don’t do this my friend. Life is good and there is much to live for.”

“I have nothing to live for. My life is horrible and no one cares.”

The lady reached out her hand, looked him in the eye and said, “I care. Now take my hand and come with me.”

The words, “I care,” touched the man’s soul and he realized that he could not jump. He took her hand and began life anew.

The Master looked at Don and spoke, what do these three accounts have in common?

Don replied, “They are all examples of the neglect of God. If humans hadn’t come to assist, the three people would have died.”

“Listen and learn the truth,” said the Master. “Humans are in the image of God and as reflections of Him they are his hands and vessels of love upon the earth. It is the responsibility of the Sons and Daughters of God to manifest the love of God on the earth. When the mother lovingly comforted her child, I was there. When the surgeon saved his life I was guiding his hands. When the villagers saved the soldier, I was in their hearts and when the lady stretched out her caring hand, I was stretching mine also.

“The Love of God cannot be comprehended except through caring and kindness from other humans who are instruments in the hands of God.”

“Well, the hands of God didn’t do much for me.”

“They did more than you realize,” said the Master. “Look again.”

Don looked and he saw a review of his life over the past year. He saw that when he was denied the promotion that his friend Jim reached out to him and spent time with him to lift his spirits.

When he didn’t get the promotion he was in a terrible mood and his wife did her best to comfort and assure him. Instead of appreciating it he lashed out and complained about everything. This led her to seek comfort from another man.

When Don had the accident he saw that he was operated on by the hands of a caring physician who saved his life. When he got hooked on painkillers friends and family counseled him. Then when his wife left him his friend Jim was there for him again.

The Master spoke, “The Love of God has been with you through the whole year, but you saw it not, neither did you understand.”

“I see your point,” said Don, “and am ready to change my attitude. The problem is that I am feeling terrible over losing my job, on top of everything else, and there is no one to cheer me up. Are you going to send me one of the helping hands?”

“I will send a helping hand,” said the Master. “Take one more look.”

The image of a young man caught Don’s attention. As he looked closely he realized it was his own son, lying in bed staring at the ceiling with tears in his eyes. Somehow Don understood his feelings. During this whole terrible year his son did his best to comfort his father and sought to spend time with him. Don was always too busy or preoccupied. He had heard that his Dad lost his job and was contemplating visiting him but was afraid Don would be drowning in sorrow and anger and brush him off.

Don saw that his son was thinking of happier times and was wishing he could share some happiness with his Dad again just one more time.

As the image faded Don spoke, “I didn’t realize the void my own child feels because of a lack of love and that this love must come from me. I must be the helping hand that you will send.”

“Correct,” said the Master. “It is now your turn to be the hands, head and heart of God. Go to your son and fill his heart with joy. Heal your son and you will heal yourself and once more you will believe in the reality of the love of God.”

Don went to his son and they embraced, shared old stories and touched each other’s hearts. Both were healed. Don began to take attention off himself and sought to bring comfort to others. As he did this he realized that he was one of the hands of God and the servants of God are continually nourished with the love of God.

Oh, and it wasn’t long before someone who he helped, assisted him in return and gave him a lead that led to a good job which also led to finding a wonderful woman as a companion.

Their happy home has this message stuck on their refrigerator: “We are the hands and the heart of God, seeking to manifest the Love of God.”


Copyright by J J Dewey 2013

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Keys Writings 2013, Part 18

This entry is part 20 of 25 in the series 2013

July 7, 2013

Theory – Action – Subconscious

Stephen writes:

My son impressed me recently when he came out with a bit of an insight.

Theory – Action – Subconscious

Our thoughts need to be turned into Actions which then rewrites the Subconscious.

Good thoughts lead to right actions leads to a healthy subconscious which leads to more healthy thoughts/actions etc – and so one starts to rise up the spiral.


I think your son is on to a true principle. Many people think the way to reprogram our subconscious is with our thoughts, but an action is much more powerful.

For instance, many have daydreams of being courageous but fall apart when confronted with real danger. It is the person who acts with real courage that sends by far the strongest message to his subconscious of who he is becoming.

that is not to say that thought does not play a part for it starts the process.


July 10, 2013

Atonement Dialog


I see some benefits that this psychic mechanism called guilt can have in many circumstances. For instance, when somebody lies to somebody and realizes he did a mistake, guilt makes him realize that and tell the truth.


The benefits are very minimal and the harm from guilt is very great. The Biblical word for sin is the Greek HAMARTANO which means “to miss the mark.” In other words when the Greeks 2000 years ago shot at a target with an arrow and missed they “sinned” (HAMARTANO) or missed the target.

Now imagine if a target shooter felt guilty when he missed the target. He may throw the bow down and not feel worthy to pick it up and try again for another month.

But when guilt is removed and common sense replaces it he no longer curses himself for missing but tries again immediately. The person who moves forward without guilt progresses much more rapidly than one hampered by it. He may feel bad when a mistake is made but feeling bad for missing a target is much different than the unworthy feeling created by guilt which often immobilizes the individual.


What about forgiveness? Couldn’t forgiveness help us transcend the retribution morality.


Of course. The greatest benefit of forgiveness comes to the one who is the victim. If one harbors a grievance it can do harm to soul and body. On the other hand, forgiveness does not undo the results of the sin or offense.

Let us go back to our example. The offender stole the operation money from the victim and his daughter died just before she would have accepted Christ. Let us suppose the victim forgives the thief. Does it bring his daughter back to life?


The forgiveness is good for his soul and body but both the victim and the offender live the rest of their lives in a world where the effect of the theft remains. The girl remains dead and the father misses her until he dies.

Forgiveness lifts a dark cloud over the soul but the effects of our actions remain.

Jul 10, 2013

A Course in Miracles

Sarah writes:

I know this has discussed before and I tried to search for it. But someone was recently telling me about “the course” and there is a meet up group on Mondays near my house.

Don’t know too much, sure there are kerns of truth etc…but sort of beastly it seems to me…or at least how it was presented to me. Anyways…what’s the consensus on this?

A Course in Miracles (ACIM) does have some good material in it. The most important guides the student toward the removal of grievances. “The truth is true and nothing else is true” is my favorite quote from it.

Even so, any writing, even mine or the Bailey writings, can become a beast of authority if teachers insist his version of the teachings be accepted or no conversation is allowed that seems to contradict or give additional enlightenment. I know many of the ACIM students seem to tap into a particularly beastly mindset that does not allow the consideration of alternative opinions.

Atonement Dialog

Sorin Writes:

If the effects remains, isn’t forgiveness the solution that Christ brought to the world for ending what it appears to be an infinite chain of effects, that can no longer be balanced via the retribution system? We seem to be in a vicious system, as we keep harming each other and create endless karma chains. Shouldn’t we focus more on forgiveness?


Yes, forgiveness ends the cycle of retribution but it does not negate the effects of the offense. In our example the guy’s daughter is still dead no matter how much he forgives. Forgiveness does not negate effects and the girl is not brought back to life.

Through forgiveness, however, he does not propagate additional harm by attacking the thief and creating a new round of retribution.

A lot of people have the mistaken idea that forgiveness neutralizes effects but cause and effect always plays out. There is not one exception in our billions of years of history. Forgiveness itself is a cause that produces an effect.


Where I live religious people are mainly judging and acting, albeit entirely subconsciously more often than not, based on fear. They understand everything through fear, submission and retribution.


Many think this problem applies particularly to religious people but it applies to over 99% of humanity but is hidden from people through their blind spots.

For instance, doctors are controlled by the same beastly fear when they tremble at the thought of endorsing an alternative treatment for cancer, even though it may work better than radiation.

The politician is terrified at going against the mindset of his party.

People are terrified in challenging the IRS.

A journalist is terrified at writing something that goes against the mindset of his fellow workers and editors.

Common people tap into what their group thought tells them is acceptable to believe and they accept without question or critical thinking.

New Age believers have many of the same fear based and illusionary beliefs but merely use a different vocabulary.

For instance, instead of preaching an apocalyptic end they may preach a shift into the 5th dimension that will take the righteous and leave the wicked behind to be destroyed.


July 11, 2013


Ruth asks:

Is there a Principle of Absorption and will you be expanding on it?


Yes, there is such a principle and will probably get to it at some time. Not sure when.


Of the 5,000 Light workers in Germany who were supposed to pick up on the Shamballa energy, did all, any, or many of them work in the German army for

Hitler? Did any of them kill Jews? Did any of them go down the wrong path with Hitler, instead of working against Hitler?


A lot of them worked for Hitler including Stauffenberg until he realized the situation. Some are pound of how the handled a difficult situation and others not so much.


If so, what is their karma in this lifetime if they have reincarnated?


Different for each one. Many learned the lesson to not follow an unjust authority.


Would they be able to pay off any bad karma through service in this lifetime?


Sure. Service is the best and least painful way to pay off karma.


I only ask, because I swear that I was a German man and my family were German too in our past lifetime.


If you sense this there is a good possibility it is true.

JJ, it clearly says here that Jesus died for our sins. It right here in the

Bible. So far you have not proven that Jesus did not die for our sins. It

right here in plan English.

1 Corinthians 15:3

For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ

died for our sins according to the Scriptures,


My last article does not say that Jesus did not die for our sins, but that he did and the point is misunderstood. The Greek meaning of sin is to miss the mark or error and my point was that Jesus died to correct our errors in thinking which in essence is dying for our sins. His example wipes away our errors or sins so long as we accept the correction.


Also, what happens to those who die like my Grandparents who believed

Jesus died for our sins yet were wrong, in the afterlife? I asked you a similar

question like this before.


Those trapped in illusion go among others who are in the same state and live out their illusions in the spirit world until they realize something is wrong with them. At that point teachers come to assist them.

Ruth writes:

On a spiritual level or a higher level, is Justice weighed up in the balance of

Karma when in this type of scenario, Zimmerman shot the younger guy in self

defense, but…… is this because the younger guy had killed Zimmerman in a

previous lifetime, so Cause and Effect caught up with him?


This doesn’t mean that Martin killed Zimmerman in a previous life. It could be just one of those situations that arise through our decisions. But because it is having such a world wide impact it is possible the event was planned out on a soul level to assist humanity in learning a lesson.


Does this now balance out the two karmic lifetime crossovers of these two men,

so that in their next lifetime, they won’t murder each other or anyone else?


The most likely scenario is that Martin killed someone (didn’t have to be Zimmerman) in a past life and incurred some debt and this was payment for it.


July 20, 2013



Or when one kills another person “in self defense”, then what sort of karma or

effect does one accrue personally in how the karma plays out?


If self defense or one’s own death was the only choice then there would be little or no karma.


How do the scales of Karmic Justice carry to fruition the ending of a negative

effect for any particular person?


Lots of ways. More than I have time to explain here, but I have written quite a bit about it in the past.

Concerning the Zimmerman case, I get a strong impression on George’s brother Robert. He is a very advanced soul and I get the impression his Higher Self saw this situation evolving before his birth and he placed himself in the family in an attempt to be a spokesman for truth and justice in this confusing situation for the masses.


July 21, 2013

Feeling vs Mind

John C

The Left/Right Paradigm in America is two illusions chasing one another.


They both have their illusions but both are creators of reality that we must deal with.

John C

If the Right was the side of the Mind, they would be generating thoughts and ideas, not blindly trying to stop the Left at every turn.


And the Left tries to stop the Right at least as much. That’s what they do because they both see reality through different filters.

The fact that they both oppose each other does not indicate whether they are polarized in the mind or emotion.

Real workable ideas comes from the atmic plane and when they filter down they may appeal to either the mentally or emotionally polarized depending on how it suits their purpose or desire.

When I spoke of the polarization of the Right I did not say mind, but the “analytical mind.” 90% of the members of both sides are polarized in the emotional/astral body and very few are able to use the pure reason of the upper mental body.

Also remember the meaning of the word “polarization.” The fact that one is polarized in the emotions or analytical mind does not mean that is his total influence. It only means the influence dominates.

For instance, most females are polarized in their right brain or the emotions, but this does not mean they do not also use their left analytical brain when it suits them.

John W

Case in point: immigration reform.

Few in Congress ever come up with original ideas (which come from the atmic) but when ideas do filter down they may be embraced in some warped manner by either party.

On immigration the Republicans do take the more analytical approach. Most want the border secured before we liberalize immigration. The Democrats feel that they want to pass a bill legalizing the illegals now and all will work out okay without applying thought. The Republicans definitely have the left brain approach here.

The same goes for the application of the law where Republicans want current laws enforced and if they do not work we should replace them.

Democrats pass laws that feel good and then generally are not concerned about enforcing then. This particularly applies to immigration.

We may not like all laws, but without consistent the rule of law a nation will deteriorate into lawlessness and chaos.

John C

If the Right was the side of the Mind, they would be able to present rational ideas, not hysterical religious rhetoric for why marriage equality should not be the law of THIS land.


Both sides promote their ideas with religious fever. What you want to look for in polarization is not whether the person is flawless in his reasoning but whether he presents his case using emotion or reasoning.

As far as gay marriage goes the Left pretty much say they feel it is just and good and that is about it.

The Right analytically breaks things down and makes their case. For instance, they say that if we take this step then the next step could be legalizing polygamy or possibility something more hard to swallow. You may not agree with this but it is presenting a case with reason.

The fact that the Right is polarized in the analytical mind does not mean that they are always right for they have not mastered illusion.

John C

We need both mind and emotion, but Mind must rule over Emotions, as the higher controls the lower, but the Right does not rule the Left.


In our society emotion has ruled over mind for thousands of years. It is desirable that mind rule over emotion and in a few people this does happen. These people face an uphill battle in presenting their case but when they can prove their point beyond emotional doubt then even the astral ones will accept. For example, Edison invented the light bulb using his mind and it was so useful that even the most emotional of people eventually accepted it.

John C

The Course in Miracles says that when Truth is placed in opposition to Falsehood, Truth will always win, hands down.


Truth will eventually win but many will embrace a falsehood as being true even when wisely contrasted. It takes time for truth to become manifest to those in illusion.

John C

The fact that neither side has won shows that neither side represents the complete truth.


As long as there are two sides neither will be declared the winner. Their contrasting viewpoints does help the public in the middle see truth in ways they could not if there were no contrast.

Without contrast we could not see anything revealed by the light of the sun or the light of the soul.


July 22, 2013

Two Different Approaches

I’ve been thinking about the subject of the polarization of the Left and the Right and I thought I would tabulate some of their differences.

I stated that the Right is polarized in the left brain/ analytical mental area and the Left centers more on the right brain/ emotional nature. A lot of people, especially from the Left would disagree with this as many of them consider the Right as being flat earthers who do not even accept science, or what to them appears to be common sense.

Discussing polarization is a much different animal than talking of intelligence. There are some very intelligent people polarized on both sides of the brain. Determining that polarization just tells us the direction their intelligence is focused.

Here is a tabulation illustrating the differences of the two sides. Keep in mind that all is not black and white. Both sides analyze and feel but one will always dominate more than the other.

(1) The Budget

The Right approaches this from the analytical mental angle. They advocate balancing the budget as much as possible for if we overspend too much the whole financial system could collapse as it has done for other nations in history.

The Left approaches this from the emotional side. If they feel a project is benevolent and desirable then they are willing to purchase it with borrowed money without taking the time to analyze what the end result will be if we continue to buy programs with money we do not have.

(2) How the money is spent.

The Right supports spending money on defense and national security. Their analytical minds tell then that even if the is not a great threat in the present history tells us that we can expect something to crop up soon and we must be prepared for it. They only support social programs that are essential and put emphasis on self reliance which appeals to the analytical mind.

The Left seek to defund the military any time that we are not facing an imminent threat. If it feels like we are not threatened in the present then it feels like it will be that way tomorrow. Instead of concentrating on security they seek to spend money on programs that feel good, even though they are not essential.

(3) Authority

The Right does not support strong authority or powerful centralized government that does things for us that we can do for ourselves. It takes analytical thinking to be self-sufficient and this is the direction they pursue.

The Left wants strong authority and a strong central government that prevails over states and restricts individual freedom. This takes the thinking out of much of our decision-making and forces the people toward focusing on emotion.

(4) Career choices

The Right tends to gravitate toward business, especially in the small and intermediate range. They are big on being entrepreneurs and working for themselves if at all possible. To be successful in business requires a lot of analytical thinking.

The Left gravitates toward bureaucratic work, especially in government. These jobs often require little analytical thinking but provide security which appeals to the emotional side.

The Left excels in the entertainment industry and creative arts. Highly charged emotional people do well here and the mental types are seen as backward.

(5) Arguments

Though both sides use facts in their arguments the Right tends to analytically piece various facts together to make a point.

For instance, on global warming the Right will lay out quite a number of facts whereas the Left will make maybe one statement and expect that to settle the argument. The most popular one is, “All scientists agree there is climate change.” By declaring this statement the guy seems to think the argument is settled even though there are a thousand loose ends to clear up.

Then a while back I heard a person on the Left state, “Haven’t you heard of Hurricane Sandy?” He felt that this reminder should be enough to settle the argument for any reasonable person for everybody knows (in his mind) that Sandy is the concrete proof of the dangers of global warming.

(6) The Constitution

The Right definitely approaches this from the analytical side. Many study it carefully analyzing the meaning of every word and every phrase.

The Left tends to read the Constitution much more casually and interpret it the way that feels right rather than how it may literally read.

That’s probably enough to make my point. We could go through all the differences and discover how one side approaches it from a more analytical side and the other from the feeling side.

(7) How they handle things when they do not get their way.

The Right is, of course, disappointed and may complain about unfairness and what is seen as a bad situation, but they regroup and attempt to work within the system to make change.

On the other hand, this is where the Left really shows their emotional polarization. When they do not get their way, instead of regrouping and merely planning a strategy, they will often protest and march in the street. This they do at least ten to one more than the Right. In addition they will often confront those who are at the center of their discontent by going to their homes and even harassing their kids. If they are really upset they will turn violent, break windows, set cars on fire and physically attack police and innocent bystanders. This type of reaction is definitely from the emotions rather than the mind.

Examples of this are several of the most famous trials in recent memory.

The first was O.J. Simpson. Almost all the Right thought he should be judged guilty and most of the Left were sympathetic toward his innocence. When the Right did not get their way there were no marches and no violence. Even OJ himself did not consider his life being in danger and he was seen in public regularly after his trial.

On the other hand, after the Left did not get their way in the trial of the policemen involved in the Rodney King beating the reaction was based on pure unbridled raw emotion. Mobs formed and extreme violence erupted with many innocent people being injured. And it wasn’t just whites that were attacked but many Asians and black businesspeople suffered damages.

Then when the Left didn’t get their way in the Zimmerman trial, again there were protests. The media portrays these as being peaceful and yes, the reaction is not as violent as with the Rodney King case but there as been quite a bit of violence that has not been reported.

Here’s a site that lists 35 incidents:

Unlike the OJ aftermath, Zimmerman is in fear of his life and has received many death threats, some of them from public figures published in the media. In addition, his family has received threats. These threats create a great contrast to the problems OJ faced which were merely of a legal nature created by the rational mind of Fred Goldman.


July 27, 2013


Johann wrote;

You once wrote that we never lost the knowledge of restoring our bodies, how does one do that exactly and why are you not at the body age of 25 JJ?


I do not recall saying that – especially in the way you are interpreting it.

Everyone who is born will age fairly normally until they become a master. Then they can rejuvenate themselves so long as they are fulfilling higher purpose.

I am not yet a master so my aging process is proceeding normally. I am thankful that I have been blessed with good health throughout my life and I take no prescription drugs. That, of course, with a few exceptions, that helps the overall health.

We have all the knowledge of the universe programmed into the atoms of our various bodies but that does not mean that you or I can access and make use of it all with our current limitations. As we remove our limitations the access becomes greater. To recreate a past physical body one would have to be working on the Seventh initiation or higher. To extend life indefinitely one must pass the Fifth. Not all Fifth degree initiates extend their lives as it is sometimes more beneficial to be reborn in a new and more useful body.


July 29, 2013

The Truth is True

I agree with Rick that the group is making good comments on the latest assignment. Perhaps Alex made the most controversial statement in saying;

“Since this principle works so well, is it even possible to find the truth?” Alex: No, it is not possible to find truth. In this environment we are supposed to live in illusion, and any “truth” is only a slightly better model or variance of the illusion, let alone everyone has different truths.

Then after receiving some counterpoints Alex added this:

Let us say that you take the statement “The Sun is bright” as truth. Well, it is not the truth. Sun is not bright. Brightness is only a perception or illusion created in your brain because your eyes happen to be sensitive to certain energy photons.


I would agree with Alex if he had said that it is not possible for us in our present state to find the ultimate truth or the complete truth, but it is indeed possible to find many things that are absolute truths as indicated by the Course in Miracles:

“For if what is not true is true as well as what is true, then part of truth is false. And truth has lost its meaning. Nothing but the truth is true, and what is false is false.”

There are many things that are absolutely true. Millions of truths can be found in mathematics. For instance 2+2=4 and does not equal anything else.

Now let us examine Alex’s statement that he says is not true. “The sun is bright.” He says this is not true because it is only a perception. In other words, the brightness of a thing is relative to the eyes of the beholder, for if our sun was placed side by side with Sirius, which is many times brighter, then the sun would not seem so bright.

Does this make the original statement untrue?

Absolutely not. When someone says the sun is bright they are comparing its brightness to other things not as bright. So in comparison to the moon and stars it is absolutely true that the sun is bright.

To say that you cannot make true measurements within a standards that is accepted by your consciousness is a thing that is not true.

If I say it is 100 degrees Fahrenheit out there and you say that is not true because it is 37.7 degrees Celsius you are just making a contentious and false argument. Both statements are absolutely true within the reference points of accepted measurements here on Planet Earth.

Absolute truth exists within relative measurements. If a thing is bright to me and dim to a visiting alien then it is still true that it is bright to me. I care not how bright it is to the alien.

There is truth within illusion. For instance, you may dream you are being chased by a monster and wake up to your relief and discover the monster is not real. Even so, it is absolutely true that you did dream of a monster and had the experience of being chased by him.

Our whole universe is created out of wavelengths (an absolute truth) so in reality solid matter is an illusion. Even, so it is still true that I am having the experience of sitting in a solid chair. It is absolutely true that the chair is solid to my reference points.

The path to greater truth is to first accept the truths that we see about us. If you dream that you are being chased by a monster it will not make the monster go away if you just think, “I am not being chased by a monster.” Outside of waking up, the best thing you can do is turn and face the monster and fight it. I did that once in a dream and beat the dickens out of it. That was a wonderful experience.

I have already written a lot about the subject of absolute and relative truth. If you want to check it out go here:

Then scroll down and read these post numbers:

258, 260, 261, 262, 263, 268, 269

More later…


Over the years people have learnt a “truth” that Fgrav = k * M1 * M2 / (R^2).

This law of gravity is very helpful particularly in space tavel. This equation

has been proven true by experiment. It serves mankind well. But can this law of

gravity be considered truth? No, because no one, no one scientist knows, WHY the

(celestial) bodies KNOW that they have to be attracted to each other? The real

truth is hidden.

(And if you tell me that you know the answer to that question, for instance

because all the bodies possess some sort of magnetic female energy, etc.,

blah-blah-blah, I would laugh. It would be just another illusion even less

useful than the concise equation above.)


Why do you say that an incomplete knowledge about gravity negates the truth about its law and effects? That’s like saying that because you do not know how a radio works that it cannot be true that my favorite station is 670 on the dial. That’s silly.

If you do not know how gravity works then average people still know many truths about it. Here are some.

1. Gravity pulls us toward the earth.

2. If we jump over a cliff we will hurt ourselves.

3. If we overeat we will wind up weighing more.

4. Gravity keeps our orbit around the sun in place and consistent.

I could go on and on.

Conclusion: You do not need to know all truth about a subject to know some truths about it.

You do not need to know how consciousness originated to know the truth that you are conscious. Let us hope you are, anyway.

I figured you were using an unorthodox definition of truth. Here is what the dictionary says it is:

“The actual facts or information about something, rather than what people think, expect, or make up.”

What you are defining as truth is not even in the dictionary and to be technically correct you should have used something like “ultimate truth’ or “complete truth’ rather than just “truth.” Any fact or accurate piece of data is true.

The use of unorthodox definitions without clarifying how one is using the word is the cause of many disagreements where no real disagreements are to be had.

We had this problem when talking about law a while back. I tried to get everyone to use the dictionary definitions of the words “law’ and “legal” and because all would not accept the same definitions we couldn’t get off page one in the argument.

Well, Alex, you say that you do not go by the dictionary definition of truth and it appears that in your mind truth can never be discovered or known so it is pretty difficult to have a discussion with you about a subject that does not even exist in your mind.

For instance, because my favorite radio station is different than yours means to you that it is not true that I have a favorite radio. That is pretty strange thinking.

As I said, we had a discussion a while back on what was legal and because we could not agree on the meaning of the word the discussion was stopped in its tracks. I had about seven points I wanted to make and we couldn’t even get to point one because the word legal was a moving target. Truth seems to be a moving target in this case.

Like I said I covered these points on truth earlier here:

Then scroll down and read these post numbers:

258, 260, 261, 262, 263, 268, 269


Maybe they ought to add a new logical fallacy to the list. You could call it:

The argument from definition

Basic idea is when a person tries to define a word so that only her conclusion is “logical.” 🙂


Good point. Many do define words in their own way making any other conclusion other than their own valid in their minds.

I always just go by the dictionary definition unless some original new meaning is needed which is rare indeed.


I think it was only one or two men in the group who had a problem with your

legal discussion.

Most of us here probably agreed or did agree with the terms that you were

defining legal as.


I understand but it just takes one in a group to distract from unity. What I was doing at the time was demonstrating how difficult it is to reach unity when one or more people in a group disagree. If we cannot contact the soul as a group we have to at least agree on definitions of the words we are using or there is no hope. People often get hung up on their own slant on definitions instead of using the common one that everyone understands.

As far as truth goes 99% of the people would accept as truth that my favorite station is what I honestly declare it to be. Alex is defining truth to be the ultimate cause behind all things that can never be understood by us. Since it cannot be understood by us then it does not exist to our consciousness. if it does not exist to our consciousness then it does not exist for us. If truth does not exist then it is useless to talk about a subject that is a no thing.


Aug 2, 2013


Here’s another letter I submitted to the editor of my local paper.

Obamacare – A Train Wreck

Obama stated that his healthcare plan would cost us a mere $900 billion over ten years. The most recent estimate of a Senate Budget Committee now places the amount at $2.6 trillion. All but the true believers from the Left knew this was going to happen.

The outrageous cost is just one of the problems. Because it mandates businesses with over 50 employees to provide Obamacare to those working 30 hours or more a week many are now hiring part time workers. Even Obamacare’s call centers are avoiding insurance expenses by hiring part time.

Then to top that, not only Congress, but unions, including the IRS are now trying to get out of the Obamacare exchanges.

Even Senator Max Baucus, one of the architects of Obamacare, says he fears it will be a train wreck.

They say there are 47 million uninsured, but take away the illegals, and those who have healthcare access and we are left with only around 20 million citizens that need help with insurance. Some type of voucher system for them would cost far less than Obamacare and eliminate the need for 16,000 new IRS agents to enforce it. Let’s eliminate the 20,000 pages of legislation and pass a new bill of no more than three pages.


Aug 3, 2013

The Complete Truth


It all boils down to subjectivism and relativity in finding the truth. One paradigm is replaced by another. One truth — by a more true truth.


There is no such thing as a more true truth. If a thing is true then it is true and nothing else is true. If attention is shifted to something else that is true then the first thing is still true.

For instance, if your attention is on 2=2=4 and is shifted to 8+8=16 then 2+2 still equals four and it equals nothing else.


What is more true: to say that a physical body is connected to astral body by a silver cord or by cigarette smoke? Both are not true. It just our way of interpreting something we do not fully know.


The truth has nothing to do with interpretation. Either the astral body is connected to the physical by a silver cord or it is not. Either it is composed of cigarette smoke or it is not. There is no grey area for something that is true. A thing or statement is either true or false. If two statements contradict then both cannot be true. Either one is true and one is false or they are both false.


However there exist complete truths. A complete truth always takes place if you create something and fully master and control it.


I think you are using the wrong word in what you are trying to say. There exists complete knowledge of various principles, ideas, concepts etc. This complete knowledge may be composed of thousands of truths and each truth is a complete piece of data.


For example, Euclid made his geometry based on several axioms. In that system the sum of the angles of a triangle is always 180 degrees. This is an absolute truth. He created it by definition. We accept it if we accept the Euclidian system altogether.


Because a truth is defined within a system does not mean the truth is changeable or relative. If we divided the circle into 180 degrees instead of 360 then the angles of his triangle would be 90 degrees rather than 180 and the truth of his equations would still be the same ratios. Pi is 3.14… in any system.

Similarly, if we write 2+2=4 in Spanish nothing changes. Just because we use different words does not change the equation or the truth.

This is really basic reasoning if you think of it. Sometimes we should stay with what we learned in the third grade.


But when it comes to seeking for the truth in something broader — the quest for truth becomes a quest for refining models in one’s minds.


This does not apply to me. There are plenty of models that make our current reality and as I seek for truth I define the truths I see using the models already available. No need to reinvent the wheel and create new ones. Instead of refining a model I seek to refine my understanding of what is and exp5ess it within the current model.

lwk: Whatever one knows that conforms with what is, is true.

Alex: This is far better definition than JJ gave. It has two very important words: “one knows”.


As Ruth said, the definition I gave was not mine but the dictionary. The one given by lwk is more concise.


If JJ got a more sensitive radio receiver or a receiver with shortwave bands and explored more radiostations, he could have found that there exists another radio station even better than his current favourite 670 KHz.


If I found a thousand stations I like better than my current favorite the truth would not be changed. The truth is this: as of this day, Aug 4, 2013 on planet earth this is my favorite station. Changing my mind tomorrow does not alter the truth of today. You should read my past posts about points of truth in time and space. They are not relative and do not change. It is true that what I like may change, but what I like at a point in time and space does not. I didn’t like peas as a kid and now I do. The truth that I didn’t like peas as a kid will be true for all eternity. That truth or any other truth does not change and you cannot tell me one that does. It is impossible for truth to change. Because our understanding changes does not mean that truth changes. If what we believe to be true changes this does not cause truth to change. The truth is still true.

The fact that circumstances change does not mean the truth changes. It only means circumstances change. In fact it is a truth that change is always occurring in the worlds of form.


I would be more cautious and paraphrase your “The Truth shall set you Free” into:

“Replacing illusions with better illusions is setting you freer and making you feel happier.”


It is true that we all have illusions to unravel and one illusion is often replaced with another illusion that contains more truth than the old one. None of us knows all truth but all of us know many things that are true. Putting the pieces we call truth together so an accurate picture of reality is formed is the great quest.


Copyright by J J Dewey 2013

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