- Prediction Results 2011
- After New Hampshire
- Ron Paul’s 2002 Predictions
- A Call to Repentance
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 1
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 2
- Inelia Benz
- Alternative Universes
- The Problem with Infinite Individual Realities
- Soul Mates
- The Vegetarian Diet
- Animal Destiny
- The True Left
- Principles of Unification
- Gathering of Lights 2012
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 3
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 4
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 5
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 6
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 7
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 8
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 9
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 10
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 11
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 12
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 13
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 14
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 15
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 16
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 17
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 18
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 19
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 20
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 21
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 22
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 23
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 25
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 24
- Avatar of Synthesis
- Keys Posts 2012, Part 25
Feb 14, 2012
A couple days ago Kelly asked about Inelia Benz and this stirred up
quite a lot of discussion so I thought I would make a few comments.
First I had to check out some of her teachings. I watched the video
recommended by Alex and read the transcript of the video recommended by
Her basic message is this. She incarnated to assist in raising the
vibration of the people on this planet so we can effectively transition
into a new age of peace.
I have no problem with this message as this is also one of the reasons I
am here and I’m sure some members of the group feel it is a
reason they are here also.
As long as she keeps this as her main goal and follows it to the highest
she knows then I wish her Godspeed.
Whenever a teacher manifests before the public eye true seekers will
always take a look with a mind open to the possibility that he or she
may be an agent of light or a deceiver of the darkest dye – or someone
in between.
Unless I receive some evidence to the contrary I take Inelia at her word
that she is here to serve and assist humanity.
I am encouraged by the fact that she is a big believer in free will and
expanding it. She presents a teaching that I have given that if we do
not make decisions then someone else will be making them for us.
She presents several teachings to do not sound right to me.
She says there are an infinite number of parallel universes where each
of us live in slightly different realities. For example, in Universe A
there is a famous JJ and in Universe B there is one that is an unknown
homeless guy. Then there’s another universe where I’m
still with my first wife and never met Artie – my current wife – poor
The point to consider here is that creation, especially the creation of
a universe, takes a lot of effort and creators only put a lot of effort
into creation when there is a significant purpose. I don’t see
much purpose being served by the Creators in making infinite numbers
universes with the same people doing just slightly different things. As
it is, this one universe is vast enough to give the Life of God a chance
to experience every possibility through the many trillions of lives in
it. He doesn’t need a billion or so variations of me running
She tells us she is a unique being who has never incarnated into this
universe before. She has no past lives but incarnated directly from the
mind of God.
We always have to take into account that anything is possible but in my
view the most likely truth is she has incarnated here many times but has
reflected so strongly on God that she sees herself as an extension of
Him in a way that others are not.
This teaching is the biggest red flag because even if she truly seeks to
help others this may cause followers to see her as an outside source of
God rather than looking within. This could cause her to become the Beast
to her followers unless she does all in her power to teach them to rely
on the inner God rather than the outer.
She says there are millions of others who are helping to raise the
vibration of the planet but is not clear if there are others like her
with no past lives who came directly from God. If she sees herself as a
totally unique being she could be creating many glamours that will need
to be dealt with as well as illusion.
Overall, she seems a pleasant person who is attempting to serve so I
will not be overly concerned about her unless some good reason were to
She does have a course she sells for $99. Because of this some have
accused her of being in the work for the money but every work does need
t bring in some money.
Here are the ingredients in the course:
1. Unit One – An Introduction – Listen to the Introduction NOW.
Spiritual Ascension Course Sample
2. Unit Two – Setting of Goals
3. Unit Three – Main Goals Exercise
4. Unit Four – Specific Goals Exercise
5. Unit Five – Detoxifying the Physical Body
6. Unit Six – Reconnecting with the Physical Body
7. Unit Seven – Physical Body Reconnection Exercise
8. Unit Eight – Healing the Ego
9. Unit Nine – Identifying and Embracing the Ego
10. Unit Ten – The Mental Body
11. Unit Eleven – Identifying the Mind
12. Unit Twelve – Silencing the Mind Through Breath Meditation
13. Unit Thirteen – The Emotional Body
14. Unit Fourteen – Healing the Emotional Body
15. Unit Fifteen – The Spiritual Body
16. Unit Sixteen – Identifying and Reconnecting with the Spiritual Body
17. Unit Seventeen – Aligning Our Bodies
18. Unit Eighteen – Expansion Of Awareness
19. Unit Nineteen – Expansion Of Awareness into Oneness
20. Bonus Unit
Dealing with Sickness during Ascension Work
If anyone has taken or takes this course in the future I’m sure
the group would be interested in a report.
Feb 15, 2012
Alternate Realities
I’m surprised so many have embraced the idea of infinite realities for each individual. To my reasoning mind it makes no sense whatsoever and can and will explain why it makes no sense.
From the Ancient Wisdom we know there are seven spheres of reality, but in these there is only one physical reality. The astral, mental and formless worlds are not alternative realities but a part of the one reality.
Is it possible that there are other physical realities that co-exist with us in addition to the seven spheres? Yes, this is quite possible. I suspect that there is one which is composed of what we call anti-matter. Quantum theory suggests that there could be as many as 11 alternative universes but there seems to be no way that an infinite number would fit in the equation.
But considering whether there be co-existing universes is a whole different matter than co-existing selves living out totally different lives than we are doing here.
If there is an alternative universe then it would be populated by entities that are different entities than exist here just as another star system would be peopled by different beings than exist here.
Alex asks this question:
“How we can judge and dictate the Creator how many parallel timelines is sufficient for Him to allow a reasonable level of free agency?”
First, I might note that others are judging the Creator has made infinite realities so I am doing no differently than them in judging in the other direction.
Secondly, we are fully capable of judging what the Creator will do because we are created in the “image of God.” If we therefore want to know what God would do we must merely examine what we would do.
To discover the truth through following this principle one need merely ask this question; When we as humans create a thing do we create all possibilities in which that creation can manifest? Do we even have any desire to do this?
The answer to both of these questions is an absolute no.
Let us suppose you are going to paint a picture. First you decide what you are going to paint – let us say you pick a mountain and a stream. Now as you are painting you follow your desires in what you like and do not like until it is finished and like God in the Bible you then declare it is good when finished.
Now that the painting is finished do you have any desire to create millions of other paintings of this scene with slight variations?
Of course not. Such an endeavor would not only be extremely boring but would put the creator in a hell of a bottomless pit.
So, we see the creator (painter) has absolutely no desire to create every possible version of his painting but he does still desire to create. What then does he do? He picks a new challenge and for his next work. He does not create a slightly different view of the same scene but he picks an entirely new scene. He may do some wildlife next or a portrait of his true love – something that will be a challenge and give him the satisfaction of creating something new.
“Behold, I make all things new.” Rev 21:5
We do not like to create the same thing over and over and neither does God.
The different paintings correspond to different lifetimes and different painters correspond to different entities.
Seth was the first teacher I know of who taught about multiple realities for individuals and from his teaching of a few realities others have expanded to infinite realities.
I think Seth was on to a true principle. He didn’t teach infinite realities but noted that there are various turning points in our lives were crucial decisions are made. This wouldn’t have anything to do whether you choose eggs or cereal for breakfast, but decisions that have a strong emotions attached. For instance Bob is strongly attracted to Carol and Alice and after much thought chooses Alice. His life with Alice turns rather sour and he now wishes he would have chosen Carol. He dreams regularly of what life would be like with her.
According to Seth – in another reality he is with Carole.
This corresponds to the teachings of the ancient Wisdom through DK and others for this is how the Devachan plays out in the astral world. Unfulfilled emotional (astral) energy creates a reality in the astral world and after we die we can go there and experience unfulfilled dreams and wishes that were not manifest here in the physical. This is the heaven of the Christian or the Happy Hunting Grounds of the American Indian.
On the other hand, the disciple learns to be the observer in this physical world and not be governed by the astral so he can bypass the devachan and go higher reams closer to the True Reality after death.
Thus we see that the argument that we need to experience infinite versions of each life is just not called for. In this universe there are billions of galaxies with billions of solar systems with many trillions of inhabitants. The life of God has every possible experience available though the vast number of lives invoked and with the devachan and dream world included there is no experienced left undone.
Another point to consider is that there is One Great Life occupying this universe and we are extensions of this oneness. On higher levels we are in tune with each other and see each other as part of a unity rather than separate lives. When life is viewed from this angle then all of us are living many millions of lives at the same time. In a sense Alex, and Keith and Rick and Ruth, the rest are another version of me. It’s possible that some psychics tune into this knowledge and construe it to mean that there are many versions of ourselves in many realities.
Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey
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