The Decision Process

The Decision Process

2021 Gathering, Part Seven

Whether we’re in the body or out of the body, or whether we’re in the lower spheres or the higher spheres . . . the highest part of ourselves is that which makes decisions and can follow through on those decisions. And those decisions should be unhampered, whether they are right or wrong.

Now if you make a totally wrong decision that hurts other people, then it’s of course correct to try to control that situation, but the person should be able to make his own decisions, especially if the only one who gets hurt is himself. Then the person should always be able to amplify that power.

Because we are decision, it’s important that we always be able to focus on increasing that very power. There’s a scripture that says, “without decision, there is no life.” It’s a very interesting one. And think of it. If you had no power to decide at all, would you even be alive. So the more power you have to decide, the more alive you will be, and the more connected you will be to your source.

Like I say, decision is an interesting thing because as you proceed along the path, decisions get easier, because decisions are hard when there are a lot of unknowns involved and the further you are on the path the more that is known.

Suppose you don’t know if you’re going to be happy being a fireman or policeman, and you have a decision between the two things. You just don’t know which one will make you the happiest. Or if you have the power between marrying Jane or Sally, but you don’t know which one will make you the happiest, there are unknown factors in there. So you have to go by the highest you know. Your decision may not be the best one.

Decisions are difficult when there are unknowns involved. When there are unknowns involved, you have to think about it and then you have to weigh both sides, and then you have to make a decision.

It’s like if you’re in a bad marriage and one person may say, “if I knew you then like I know you now, I’d have never married you.” And this is the way it is with decision. We have a difficult time with decisions when there are a lot of unknowns. As we gain in knowledge, decisions become easier. And the more that is known, the more decisions become easier until we reach a higher level. Then we go to a higher level of decision making and they become hard again for a while.

Djwahl Khul tells us that even Buddha was face with  a difficult decision  after enlightenment. He was supposed to pick a certain path that would take him out of this solar system, but he loved his fellow man so much that he wanted to stay on the earth and continue to assist. According to the esoteric writings, this was a wrong decision that he made. So even he . . . even high entities can make wrong decisions but eventually they correct them.

As long as the decision is made with a pure heart and a willingness to make corrections when errors are shown, then eventually they will be corrected, and you will move on to a higher level.

Okay, any questions around decision and the first key? Yeah.

Darren: So you were saying that his decision to come back or stay on earth was the wrong decision. My question is what made that decision wrong, and generally what makes a decision right or wrong?

JJ: As far as the spiritual path goes, that which creates the most progress for yourself will be the right decision, and sometimes even Masters, because of love of humanity or something similar may make a decision that may delay their spiritual progress, because they want to help other people, or whatever. And this was the case with the Buddha, according to the writings of Alice A. Bailey, revealed by Djwahl Khul He (DK) said it actually delayed his (the Buddha’s) spiritual progress – that he will catch up with it later.

Now, Sanat Kumara who is the God of this planet . . . we are told that he delayed His own progression. He was a disciple of the Solar Logos, and he turned his back on the Sun to become a Sun to lesser lives. And that delayed His progression.

Whether that was a right decision or wrong decision, it’s hard to tell. But within the Solar System He is viewed as somewhat of a rebel, according to the esoteric writings. But He wanted to become a light to lesser lives like us, so He could illuminate us and become our Father, so to speak – so that we can progress along the path. And it says that He is committed to being a light to humanity until the last weary pilgrim finds his way home.

I always liked that phrase. How many feel like you’re a weary pilgrim trying to find your way home? (laughter) So the Ancient of Days is committed to this planet until the last weary pilgrim . . . who’s willing anyway . . . can find his way home.

But the power of Decision is . . . and that goes along with the next key, whether a decision is right or wrong . . . with many decisions it’s really difficult to determine if they’re right or wrong. Maybe within a certain framework it’s wrong, but in a higher frame it may be right. Maybe Buddha within a certain portion of the path it was wrong, but in a higher vision of the path it might have been right.

The most important thing about any decision is to follow the highest you know. And this is one of the most important statements in the first Immortal book, is to follow the highest you know. And if you do, if you have a sincere heart, if you’re honest with yourself, and then make a mistake, if you’re following the highest that you know, you will correct the mistake.

If you’re not following the highest that you know, you let your ego get in control, and you don’t correct it. If you don’t correct it, then you make more mistakes. You keep making mistakes until life becomes so hard that you’re forced, because of the pain and suffering you’re enduring, you’re forced to finally do something. You either take the dark path eventually or go back and make corrections.

Fortunately, only a handful take the dark path to total destruction of all of our lower vehicles. But even then, it’s impossible to destroy our pure spiritual essence. In the Mormon scriptures this is called ‘intelligence’ or ‘light or truth,’ it says. In the esoteric writings, it’s called the monad, which is also a point of light and truth.

The monad is the immortal part of us that is linked with all other lives and the mind of God as a totality. It’s in a pure state, and our monad still exists apart from us in a pure spiritual state. The monad projects the soul body and then the soul projects us. So the monad is still in what you might call heaven or the highest spiritual sphere where all the lives of God are connected and are one.

The monad projected itself down into the worlds of form, but in between that is the kingdom of the soul, and there it created what is called a causal body. And a causal body is a little bit like a duplicate of one of our centers. It’s a great center of energy with four rows of petals. They unfold as we progress through a series of lives.

Then our soul projects itself down into a physical body. And a good portion of the soul consciousness is still there in the soul world. This is our link to God. This is our soul that we are actually connected with, and we return to when we die. Sometimes we return to it immediately, and we call it paradise when you’re reunited with your soul. And other times we have to wander through nether lands for some time before we can come back and reunite with our soul.

The key for us in our evolution is to make that soul contact, so we can be linked with the soul. And if we’re linked with the soul, then we can be linked with the monad, and then we can be linked with the life of God, which is One.

It’s like the ancient scripture says, “the Lord our God is One.” Oneness is the ultimate end for all things.

Any questions on that before we move on?

Rebecca: I’m not sure how to pose the question, but I’m curious . . . how do you tell what decision is the highest light that you’ve been given?

JJ: That’s a good question. There are a lot of variables, and the next key will talk about some of those things, but within your essence, within your being, is a connection to God. And all of us have that connection because all of us are what you might call projections of God. The scripture speaks truly when it says we are “made in the image of God.”

And we’re told basically that God always knows what’s right and can make the right decision, and knows all things about us, and so on. So when truth is spoken, or when you make the right decision, you will feel that connection within. It will just feel right.

Now that doesn’t mean that the decision is perfect. Let’s say you’re faced with two decisions. You’re just beginning on the spiritual path and you’re thinking, “well, I need to join a church. Which church should I join?”

The best for one person may be the Catholics, another the Mormons, maybe for another even the Jehovah’s Witnesses. So, there may be something important, even though the religion may be flawed, there could be important things for you to learn there for your progression.

Take the Amish, for instance. The person feels within his soul that he needs to join with the Amish. So he joins with them . . . and this is a religion that most of us in the room wouldn’t want to join. (laughter) Too controlling and everything.

But maybe there’s a certain lesson of camaraderie or something that he needs to learn from this particular religion. So the fact that it just feels right, in connection with his soul to join this religion, it doesn’t mean that that religion is perfect. But it means that there is something there for him to learn.

So he joins it, and maybe he’s a member for fifteen years, and he learns what he’s supposed to learn. And then he looks outside of it and finds other things, and maybe his soul will say, “okay, it’s time for you to join this New Age group.” So he leaves the Amish. That doesn’t mean that his experience with the Amish was a waste of time. He learned something very important.

Now, a number of people here are LDS and have left the LDS Church, like Curtis. Do you feel there were things that you learned in the Church even though you’ve left it? Are there things that you learned in the church that were kind of important for you?

Curtis: What do you think? (laughter)

Well yeah. I got a lot out of the Mormon Church. I got to go to primary as  a kid – hang out with my friends. Got to go to seminary – learn about God, right and wrong. How every decision is subject to change. Got to go on a mission to France . . . Switzerland, where I baptized a whole bunch of people – my companion and I did with the help of God. And . . . let’s see. I met a wonderful woman. Married her and had two kids, because of the Mormon Church.

And as far as doctrine, I learned a ton of stuff in the Mormon Church. I learned about eternal progression. I learned the doctrines of salvation, beyond what I would’ve learned in any other organized religion. I learned about Joseph Smith. I learned about how to kneel and pray and get answers.

I learned that you can be caught up in an organized religion that has all these thought forms that you have to break out of. And that was the greatest lesson I learned was how to break myself free from the Mormon Church by being excommunicated for teaching little kids about eternal progression and reincarnation. And they liked it. They thought, “this is pretty cool what he’s teaching us. We’re going to go tell our parents.” (laughter) So they did.

Of course, the parents told the Bishop, and the Bishop called me in and had a little chat with me. And six weeks later I was out of the Church.

So I learned that every religion, every belief system has a ceiling. And the key is to break out of that ceiling, so there is no ceiling. There is no box that you’re living in or under. You’re just a free agent and so these are some of the things I learned by being a Mormon.

JJ: That’s great, Curtis.

Shawn: I thought he was going to say they have a ceiling on their agency allowance. (laughter)

Curtis: Yeah, they have that too. (laughter)

I think you’d agree then, that the greatest thing holding you back was when you were constrained, you could only speak about certain things, and then you broke free. Breaking free was the most mind-expanding thing, wouldn’t you say?

Curtis: Oh yeah, yeah. But when I was in there . . . when I was on a mission and a part of it . . . I gave it a hundred percent. I did the best I could with what I knew. And I got a lot of joy out of being in the Church. But when I was confined and oppressed, then I had to break out of that and say, “No. I cannot be that controlled anymore.”

JJ:  Indeed.

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