McCall Gathering 2000, Part 12

McCall Gathering 2000, Part 12

Barriers to the soul

JJ: Let’s continue the question on removing the barriers to the soul. In simple language we have the soul and we have the barriers to the soul in the way. As we’ve been singing and healing and doing the Hosanna Shout did you notice that those seem to remove some of the barriers? How did you feel as we did those? Do you know why?


We let down our inhibitions?

JJ: Not so much inhibitions as barriers. What produces a barrier?

Audience: Judgment? Fear? Personality?

JJ: Judgment in the negative sense.

Audience: Guilt? Our beliefs? Programming?

JJ: Beliefs. Programming is a good one. What else?

Audience: Our deceptions?

JJ: That could go under judgment.

Audience: Wrong focus of attention?

JJ: Okay. That’s a good one. Wrong focus of attention. The main thing we have done differently that’s brought us a little closer to the spiritual center is that we shifted our focus of attention. We’re still the same group of people but we focused our attention higher. We began with our attention focused our surroundings but we then moved our focus onto the spirit. We came here with all our attention on the material but what we’re trying to do is to bring our attention to be focused in the center of spirit. When we do this we remove the barriers or at least temporarily take them down. We may go back to putting our focus on our daily problems afterwards, but focusing attention is a good one.

Programming. Programming is what creates illusion. There are three things or layers of interference between us and the spirit. One is maya which is the pull of matter, which is the pull of the personality using desire energy to pull the focus away from spirit into matter. Not that all of these energies aren’t good. All energies are neither good nor evil. It depends on how they are used but when we let the actual pull from matter control us then this is the power of maya. It pulls us away from spirit into matter and we must overcome that pull. This is what the ancients said when they said to develop control to overcome the pull of desire to overcome maya.

For instance, the Ten Commandments were given through the spiritual hierarchy for this purpose of helping us to control this pull of matter over spirit. As mankind progresses we’ll have other things to overcome. Basically the first step is to control physical body instead of allowing it to control you. You control your lower passions instead of your lower passions controlling you. You also get control over the physical body though following a reasonable diet so you have good health. You exercise and take good care of your body so you control the body instead of it controlling you. All this is part of controlling the pull of matter over spirit. By reversing that pull it takes you through this first rung that you have to go through as you approach the spirit. Actually almost any of us can reach the spiritual center to a degree. By focus we can take a group like this and if you’re willing, the group can be taken over these rungs into the center for a period of time.

An example is when Christ was on the earth and people were healed. These were ordinary people but for a moment when Christ looked upon them and saw perfection within them for this one moment these two rungs disappeared and they went into this spiritual center. Their bodies were healed then later these rungs came right back again.

It surprised the person being healed as these three rings of maya, glamour and illusion disappeared and for an instant while he communed with God within his person. Then the person realizes that what was being manifested wasn’t through something out there but it was himself and what lies within him.

So as it was being manifested these three layers of illusion can be overlooked and there can be miracles. But in normal circumstances, even if you create a miracle, it’s temporary and you go back to the former state of consciousness. The first step in discipleship is to get control of our physical world so you control your physical body and physical world. The basic passions are controlled then the first layer between you and the soul disappears. What’s the second barrier?

Audience: Emotions? Glamours?

JJ: The second barrier is the emotions and it’s called the astral. The astral world is similar to the physical world but we can’t see it with our physical eyes but we have an astral body that’s incorporated within our physical. It’s responsible for the auras that you see. The astral body or the astral world is a reflection so you look in it and see a reflection of yourself. You don’t quite see your real self because it’s reversed. When you contact the astral world, the astral impressions are seen totally reversed or upside down. So you’re not really seeing the real truth but the reflection is close enough to the real truth that we’re tricked. Because we are tricked we aren’t really capable of being at the spiritual center when we are seeing things upside down. What is the biggest hurdle in overcoming the astral world? Who is the king of the astral world?

Audience: Ego.

JJ: Ego. He’s the god of this world, so to speak. He is the god of the astral world. He replaces the god within. He’s close enough to being a real god that he tricks us into thinking that he is God. The ego wants to be magnified. The ego tries to be one with us. This produces a second layer which is called glamour. The ego feeds on the energy of glamour. Do you know what a glamour is?

Audience: Thinking you’re someone really special?


Yeah, that’s kind of gist of it. The person feeds on a specialness. It’s self importance. The person with glamours, when he receives praise, he shines and reflects it in such a way that you really can’t see humility. There’s nothing wrong with a compliment or accepting it graciously but the person with glamour is a little different. When he receives praise, he reflects it in such a way that you think, “I’m never going to praise him again.” Have you ever known anyone like that?

There are many different glamours. You overcome one then there’s another layer still. There are even glamours associated with people upon the path. Some people on the path may think they are near the end of the path but because of glamour where they think they are is far ahead of reality. Maybe he’s reached a point where he discovers a little bit of light and because of glamour he thinks he’s much further along. This is a problem with many people as they’re approaching the path or approaching discipleship. They’re at a beginning point, but they think they are at the ending point of the Path.

There is also the opposite glamour where the person downgrades his point in evolution. “I’m just nobody. I’m way back at the beginning yet.” This is a glamour too. It’s kind of a reverse glamour. As you get rid of all your glamours the question to ask yourself is, “Where am I really? I don’t care if I’m higher or lower. I just want to know where I really am.” This is the person with no glamour. He sincerely wants to know that about himself. It doesn’t matter if he’s high or low, he just wants to know where he is because when you know where you are, then you can take your next step on the ladder. If you don’t know where you are on the ladder, taking your next step can difficult

Audience: So my question is how do I know? If I don’t know where I am, how will I know where the ladder is? How do I find it? It’s not like a goal to get to.

JJ: That’s a good question. You want to know where you are but you don’t quite know so what do you do? You listen to the spirit within yourself. Your soul knows where you are. It knows what your next step is. If you listen, you’ll get an idea of what the next step is that you’re supposed to work on. Even if you don’t know consciously where you are, your inner self will know and you will have a feeling on what the next step is supposed to be. And when you’re taking the next step it will feel really right. If you’re taking the wrong step you’ll feel uneasy about it like something is wrong. If you’re around the wrong person you’ll feel uneasy about it. If you’re in the wrong job, you’ll feel uneasy about it. If you’re taking the next step and it feels right you’ll say, “Yes this is it! I’m supposed to be here. I’m supposed to be right here at this point in time. This feels good. I’m supposed to be on the Keys.” Has anyone experienced that? Let’s hope so. I think everyone who is here is supposed to be here.

So, these glamours interfere with seeing ourselves correctly. They interfere with our reality of seeing our place upon the path. One of my favorite quotes from the Tibetan reads, “True humility consists of seeing our place upon the path and acting accordingly.” We always need to look at our place upon the path with humility. That’s important. It’s not true humility to put yourself down or act like you’re the head honcho of the universe but to find where we are and act accordingly. If you don’t know where you are it’s best to figure ou are a little lower instead of a little ahead. That way it won’t be embarrassing when you find out where you really are.

This astral world is important to understand. The ego feeds off this glamour and this feeling of self-importance is indeed a hindrance that we want to avoid. Glamour can affect a group such as this if we think, “We’re really special. We’re the best. We’ve got an important purpose.” When we think that way it’s feeding our glamour. The best way to look at it is, “I’ve taken what I can, I’ll give what I can, I serve the best I’m able.” That’s about the best anyone can do. When we approach discipleship with the glamour of being an important disciple, this feeds the glamour and keeps us from entering this spiritual center.

Audience: Is this layer the hardest? It sounds pretty hard to get past it.

JJ: It’s probably one of the most problematic. All three of them are actually quite difficult. In the first initiation you pass through the first barrier. The masters have a set of initiations and as people begin to overcome certain things then it gets the attention of the brotherhood. They actually tune in into the disciples who are undergoing these steps through the three illusions. The second one is very difficult because dealing with the emotional body is so tricky because everything is upside down.

Audience: Is it possible to work on more than one thing at a time? Could you be working on a glamour problem while you’re still working on the physical areas?


Yes, you can be working on all three. You’ll pass through the first one first though. But when this is overcome you might be 40% through the astral part and maybe 20% through the illusion part. The disciple will be struggling with all three to some degree. The three temptations of Christ are symbolic of these three. In the first one, maya tempted Him to turn the stones into bread. This is symbolic of the attraction of matter. In the second one He was told to throw Himself off of the temple. By throwing Himself off the top of the tower He would be able to demonstrate that He was the Son of God because He could fall a great distance and not get hurt. That was to appeal to His ego and prove who He was. An ego trip. He had to let the ego go completely in order to know who He was. Miracles followed Him even though He didn’t directly ask for them or receive them for himself they did come. Then the third one was where he was promised the world. This was illusion. The illusion was that all the kingdoms of the world wouldn’t amount to anything if the kingdoms of the spirit and soul were not obtained. Illusion was the third temptation.

First posted Aug 24, 2004. The Gathering took place June, 2000.

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McCall Gathering 2000, Part 11

McCall Gathering 2000, Part 11

Radiant and Magnetic Healing

JJ: What happens when the soul energy comes in the body? Soul energy controls the form. When the soul energy is weak, the form tends to destabilize, it falls apart. When the soul energy is strong, the energy that holds the body together is strong. The job of the healer consists in releasing the soul so life can flow throughout the entire body and hold it together and create vitality. What we are going to seek to do is to release the soul. One soul can stimulate another to a great degree. There are two methods of healing. One is called magnetic healing and the other is healing by radiation. With magnetic healing you actually touch the physical body. With radiation you don’t touch the physical body. The laying on of hands is magnetic healing. We’re going to try both of them.

One person gets up and sits on a chair in the center of the group.

JJ: We’re going to start with her with magnetic healing. Everybody step forward. We put our left arm around each other and right hand on her real lightly. We’ll sound the OM and visualize the door opening to the soul.

Audience & JJ:


JJ: Everyone say: “We see the perfect Son of God rise up in you.”

JJ:Talking to the person in the center: Now, you say, “I feel the perfect presence of God rising up in me.”




JJ: Let’s say these words, “All imperfection is replaced by perfection.” This is repeated by everyone.

Everyone repeat, “All discomfort is dissipating now.”

While your mind is open, visualize the discomfort lifting up now.”




JJ: Everyone repeat, “I believe the healing power of Christ is manifesting now.”

Talking to the person in the center. You say, “I feel the healing power of Christ rising up in me now.”


Everyone repeat: “The healing power of soul and spirit is manifesting in your body from your head to your toes.”

Talking to the person in the center. Repeat, “I accept the healing gifts the spirit has to offer.”

Person in center repeats three times.



We’ll OM one more time visualizing all the discomfort lifting out of this person.




Who wants to be next? This time we’re going to try healing by radiation.

This time we’ll do the same things only we won’t touch. Visualize light coming from your pineal area. You have two streams of light going through your hand and going to the centers that need the energy. You can send it to a specific center if there seems to be a center that needs it.

Visualize this Light coming from the center of your forehead and the beam of light going through your hand.



JJ: Talking to the person in the center, “We send you the perfect healing energy in the presence of God.” Everyone repeats and OM’s.

Everyone: Repeats the above and OM’s.

Talking to the person in the center, now you say, “I receive with gladness all the gifts of the spirit.”




Two more OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMM’s a little louder each time and the person in the center is asked to repeat: “I receive with gladness all the gifts of the spirit.”



Person in center repeats:

I receive with gladness all the gifts of the spirit.



Audience: I felt some physical sensations, tingling in my hands.

JJ: It’s the culmination of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing. Where water, land and air meet, then you bring in spirit. The magician stands on the point that is neither wet nor dry. This opens the door to the soul. The soul is just a point. It is the point where spirit and matter meet. The soul energy is the doorway that brings the spirit energy down. Nobody has much conscious resistance against being healed. We have our own inner resistance. That’s why we emphasize for the people to accept.

People have a lot of problems where they feel they don’t deserve to be healed, unconsciously. They may not mentally express it but they feel it. They adjust to negative circumstances so much that if that negative circumstance isn’t there, they feel a gap. That’s why it’s important to accept the healing energy. If you can accept it with no resistance because the healing energy cannot do its job if there is resistance.

One of my favorite scriptures is where Christ went to visit his old hometown after he began his mission. The word had circled back that He was supposed to be some kind of miracle worker. They had a local meeting at the Synagogue and they had some scrolls from Isaiah and anyone in the audience could come forward and read a verse out of the scrolls, give an interpretation and sit back down. Jesus got up and read a verse which was a prophecy of the Messiah who would come and open the doors of healing so the blind could see. He laid it back down and said, “This day, in your eyes, is this scripture now fulfilled.” In other words he was telling them that the time of the manifestation of the Messiah is now here right in front of your eyes.

The audience began to get very disturbed because of this interpretation of the scripture. Jesus said, “In the days of Elijah, there were many widows.” There was a great famine in the days of Elijah. Elijah visited one particular widow and she had a little bit of wheat in the bottom of the barrel and as long as Elijah stayed with her there was always this little bit of wheat in the bottom of the barrel. Jesus says to them, “There were many widows in the days of Elijah and only one widow was visited by Elijah.” Then he gave other examples.

Jesus said, “There was an Israelite prophet who cured this leper. There were many Israelite lepers and they weren’t cured and here comes this one non Israelite with faith and he was cured.” I think Jesus gave three examples from the scriptures of miracles. Then Jesus said, “Just as these people weren’t visited by miracles, you won’t be visited by miracles because you have no faith.”

The whole audience rushed him and grabbed him and hauled him out of the synagogue and dragged him to the edge of a cliff, they were so angry with him. All the scriptures say about it is that Jesus got free but they don’t tell how he did it. The people who knew him, had no faith in him but the strangers had tremendous faith. The local people had barriers. The strangers didn’t look at His personality. They only looked at His words and what He presented in the now.

That’s what has to happen. The future and the past are like land and water. The past and present and future all meet at one point to where you only see the one thing then the magic can be wrought, like a miracle. When you let the past and future enter in when dealing with people where miracles are supposed to occur, it creates barriers to the soul. The same thing with relationships. You fall in love at first and after awhile you see the past in that person. You see everything about them you don’t like. You have to eliminate that to see the person and see them in the now.

Audience: Inaudible question regarding using colors in healing.

JJ: Colors are good but unless you know which colors are needed and you have extrasensory perception as to which is accurate, the safest colors are white, gold and violet. Unless you know what colored lights are needed to recharge that other person, it’s best to play it safe with white, gold and violet. Gold is a safe color to use. Violet is the light most people need. Most of us don’t have enough of it.

JJ: Any other questions.


JJ: We must just want to soak up the healing energies here. Well, let’s talk about barriers because someone brought up the barriers.

JJ: What did you feel about barriers when we manifested the healing?

Audience: You could hear a barrier in the voice of the person being healed.

JJ: That’s why I had them repeat it. It didn’t sound like they were accepting it one-hundred percent. We have to accept our healing energy in a group. Some are more resistant. Healing energy is contagious and that’s a good thing.

Audience: My mother taught me that I couldn’t pray for myself. I had to ask for other people, I couldn’t ask for myself. My mother told me I was too ugly and too uncoordinated and it is something I have work at to open myself up and let myself heal and have something for myself.

JJ: Sometimes it is easier to be giving than in a receiving position. Many people sacrifice themselves in service but don’t take care of themselves. Equality means we are as equal to receive. Most disease is caused by feelings that we are not as good as the next guy and also a lot of disease is caused by a desire to control others. You’ve heard about the mother who gets ill because the daughter isn’t paying enough attention to her. The mother gets ill and it forces the daughter to pay attention to her. This happens, too. We bring on a lot of our own problems. The healing energy can overcome a lot of the resistance.

Comments about the healing session posted to the Keys by Margaret, June 23, 2000

Saturday morning Lorraine taught us a new game: “Do You Love Your Neighbor?” – a modification of “Fruit Basket Upset” where the person in the center tries to get a chair in the surrounding circle. After she instructed us in the rules, we did a couple practice tries. Then we started the game for real. On the Very First Round of the game, Larry and I were dashing for the sole remaining empty chair in the circle. The winner of this dash would get the chair and the loser would be in the center. In my typical “give it all you’ve got” fashion, I threw myself at the chair, which decided, at that very moment in time, to begin skittering backwards, probably terrified at this body that was hurtling itself toward it. (Actually, the chairs were rather light weight and I must have been touching it lightly…)

So instead of landing in the chair in the usual rump first position, I managed to hit the front edge of the seat with the back of my head – with enough force to break off the leg of the chair! (Yes, yes, I heard plenty later about being so hard-headed!) – which sent both the chair and I crashing to the ground. Larry had, wisely, pulled back slightly, evidently not needing to be a part of my catastrophe energy!

And here’s where the real part of the story begins. Even as I lay there in pain on the floor and JJ and a couple others rush to my aid, I feel the hush in the room and the energy begins to build as the group focuses their caring on my predicament. The force of the bang to my head really rattled my whole nervous system and I was very quivery on the inside with tears streaming down my face – not from the pain as much as from the shock to my head. Phoebe dashed to her cabin and brought me some “Rescue Remedy” which immediately settled my nervous system back down. I sat out the rest of the game ’cause I felt pretty ‘out of it’.

We then resumed our morning session with JJ, had lunch, free-time (while others hiked, I slept for 2 hrs.- the whap on the head had definitely taking its toll on my system) and then resumed our afternoon session around 3:30pm with a Healing Circle. By this time I had developed a headache, a nice little lump on my head, a sore neck and shoulders, and definitely felt my energies were rather muted.

JJ put me in the circle first and everyone squished in close for a hands-on healing. WOW! What an experience.

I was immediately aware of the increased energy present in the circle and in my body and aura. I felt very open to whatever might happen with no particular expectations, however knowing that full healing was very possible. So I decided to just be open to Whatever and observe what was happening in my body. The first thing I was aware of was the release of (lots of) tension in my upper neck at the base of my skull. (Here I might note that I fell down the stairs when I was 9 yrs. old and broke my 2nd vertebra. This old injury has played a constant part of my life with a weak neck, easily susceptible to strain and injury. From this blow to my head I could have fully expected a major mal-alignment of my cervical vertebrae.)

There was a very warm, glowing, pleasant feeling all around the injury site and neighboring neck areas. I had no sooner silently noted to myself that I still had the headache although it wasn’t as bad, when JJ said to the group, “Just a little bit more…” Then the headache gradually faded until it was no more. Shortly after that JJ led the group to end my healing. I was left with only a little residual stiffness and tightness at the base of my neck- which I had brought to camp with me.

22 people focused on being spiritual conduits is truly a powerful force and I am living testimony that that was certainly the case! An injury that could have truly dogged me for the rest of the week-end and beyond, became a no-thing! People kept asking me later how I was doing and I truly meant it when I said, “Fine, Great!.”

Because of my injury years ago I see a chiropractor on a fairly regular basis and was scheduled to see him on Tuesday after returning from the Gathering. I was very curious as to what he would say when he felt my neck. And indeed he confirmed what I already felt when he said ‘your neck is in better shape than I’ve seen it in a *long* time!’ [translation: ever; I’ve been seeing him for about 8 yrs. now]

So that’s my story.

First posted Aug 23, 2004. The Gathering took place June, 2000.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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McCall Gathering 2000, Part 10



McCall Gathering 2000, Part 10

The Midway Point

JJ: We’re going to have the healing session now. Before I do that, though, I’m going to present to you a mystery. Whoever solves it first gets a free back pack.

The Eighth rule of White Magic goes like this: “The Agnisuryans respond to the sound. The waters ebb and flow. Let the magician guard himself from drowning at the point where land and water meet. The midway spot which is neither dry nor wet must provide the standing place whereon his feet are set. When water, land and air meet there is the place for magic to be wrought.”

There is a magical point where land, water and air meet which is neither wet nor dry, must provide the standing place for the white magician to be. This has several correspondences. One correspondence is in physical reality, one is in the astral world, one is in the mental and one is in the spiritual. All the profound statements issued by the great teachers and Masters have several levels of interpretation. What we are going to look for is the physical level. Where in the physical world is the place where the land, water and air meet which is neither wet nor dry that provides a place where magic occurs?

Audience: The horizon?

JJ: Sometimes the horizon is just land, too. The seashore is that way; land, air and water meet there. There is a little thing you might have learned in high school science that was the place where land, water and air met. We’re going to show you this, where magic happens, something that seems to be against all laws.

Audience: Dew? Sunrise? You have land, air water.

JJ: Then where’s the magic?

Audience: Change of temperature? Is there magic in dew?

JJ: Yeah, there’s quite a bit of magic there. What’s magical about it?

Audience: It’s life. Dew gives life to everything. The magic is what draws the water out of the air? The magic is that it changes?

JJ: Where is the point where land, air and water meet?

Audience: Point zero? You want a physical location on the earth?

JJ: Yes.

Audience: The nucleus of an atom?

JJ: That’s even smaller than a water molecule.

Audience: What about the dirt, the earth?

JJ: I’m going to give you additional hints as the night goes on and in the latter part of the evening I’m going to show you where land, water and air meet.

Audience: A flame?

JJ: A flame is not wet. The closest thing I can give you where land, air and water meet is at the seashore. The water is coming in, the land is here and the air is up there and the point where they meet is “there” (pointing to drawing on the blackboard.) There doesn’t seem to be anything magical, yet there is magic that can occur there at this point. We’re going to show you something magical that can occur at that point.

Audience: What about snow?

JJ: Snow is frozen water. I’m talking about regular liquid water. We’re going to demonstrate where it meets on an actual physical plane.

Audience: The physical, emotional and mental?

JJ: Water is the astral symbol for the emotional. The place where water, land and air meet is in the body and that is the door to the soul and when the door opens the magic occurs. This is where the white magician fits in. The white magician must avoid drowning in the spot where land, water and air meet. What do you suppose that means?

Audience: Don’t be overcome by emotions?

JJ: Yes. One of the finest examples I come up with is Joseph Smith. He was given a revelation to go to the Rocky Mountains to save his life and then as he was in the process of leaving he got this letter from his wife that said, “All your friends are calling you a coward for leaving. They want you to come back and face the music with the state, even though you may get killed.” He read that letter and he told his brother, “If we go back, we’ll be butchered.

His brother responded, “We need to go back. Everybody will think we are cowards if we don’t go back.” He gave in and went back and he was killed. In other words, he was drowned at the point where land, water and air met. He was flooded by the emotions. The emotional response flooded him to the degree that he didn’t do what he was told to do. He was told to go west and to save his life and he didn’t do that. He was drowned by the emotional response created when everyone wanted him to stay. He’d been in court about 50 times and he’d been exonerated each time and the followers thought the same thing would happen this time. He knew it wouldn’t happen. Yet, he let the emotional response of everybody around him, especially his brother, who said, “I’m going back even if you’re not going back.” How would that make the poor guy look? If his brother went back he thought he would look like a coward for following his inner voice.

Jesus was faced with similar condition. He told his disciples, “I will be crucified and put to death by the Jews.” Peter said, “Far be this from happening to you Lord. I will prevent this from happening to you, Lord.” Jesus said, “Get behind me Satan.” He called Peter Satan. “You’re trying to prevent me from doing what I came here to do.” Peter gave him the temptation of drowning at the place where land, air and water met. Because of the love the Master had for his disciples, the Master was tempted to not go, even though his mission was difficult. Jesus did go ahead and finish the job despite the emotions of his disciples who didn’t want him to go ahead and do it. He followed the inner voice.

The windows to the soul open only where the land and waters meet, if the magician avoids being drowned by the waters. Where does it say the standing point is supposed to be?

Audience: In the middle?

JJ: At the point which is neither wet nor dry, where the land, waters and air meet. Air is the symbol of the mind. People are teaching the illusionary concept that we are supposed to be mind-less. This is bandied about many New-Agers. No, we are supposed to be mind-ful. The mind, the emotions, the physical body all have their roles to play. We shouldn’t be like Spock and do away with the emotions. We shouldn’t be like robots and think and not act. We have to be like Captain Kirk and use the mind and emotions.

We have to use everything to be the complete person. Where land, the physical; mind and the feeling all come into play, the door to the soul is where they all touch. And when the door to the soul opens, then the energy of the spirit can come in. This has to happen to produce healing.

Let me quote excerpts from the rules of healing:

“Perfection calls imperfection to the surface. Good drives evil from the form of man in time and space… The art of the healer consists in releasing the form so the energy can flow through the aggregate of organisms which constitute a particular form.” Esoteric Healing, Pages 5 & 295

The energy of the soul has to be released so it can pour down. Good drives evil from the form of man in time and space.

What happens is perfection brings imperfection to the surface. The Tibetan said this is the principle that Jesus used in his healing services. He looked at a person and he saw the soul. He saw the Son of God in that person. Because he saw perfection and brought imperfection to the surface, then the good drives evil from the form of man in time and space. That’s the principle behind which The Christ performed his healing. He saw the perfection in the person. No matter how much imperfection is in the personality, he did not look on that, he looked on the soul. By looking on the soul, the Son of God manifests in that person. What did he say after each healing?

Audience: Go and sin no more.

JJ: Did he take credit for it? No. He said, “Your faith has made you whole.”

In other words, the Son of God in Him came forward in the one to be healed and that perfection arose because Jesus saw it. This often happens in romantic relationships. When you fall in love you are the most perfect person to each other that ever walked the earth. You feel like you could walk on water. Everybody here has probably fallen in love once or twice. You know how it feels to have somebody look at you as a wonderful person. It’s a wonderful feeling. When the soul comes forth within you, you start to feel wonderful all right. This may happen to individuals only once or twice in a lifetime. As the person becomes the disciple, he manifests this on a regular basis. He sees the Son of God in everyone.

As a disciple begins to evolve he sees the perfection in everybody around him. My first marriage was quite a difficult one. I got a lot of practice in awkward circumstances. When I had a lot of friction with my first wife, I would practice seeing the Son of God in her. It was a really good learning experience for me to do that. Of course, I am married to the perfect woman now, so it’s real easy.

What we’re going to do next is call forth the soul and energize. Instead of just picking on people who need help, we’re going to do it to everybody. Margaret fell and hit her head so hopefully this will energize her.

First posted Aug 4, 2004. The Gathering took place June, 2000.

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