Fusion and Identification

Fusion and Identification

We have stretched our minds contemplating the higher spheres and this is well and good. It helps us to grow.

Now let us study two principles mentioned by DK which will help us to move to the more spiritual realms.

These two principles are “fusion” and “identification.”

Contemplate these two words and dig through the writings of DK if you have time and explain the principle behind these two words and how these two principles aid us in moving our consciousness into the spiritual worlds.

You will need to use some intuition here because, as usual, he only talks around the principles without clearly elaborating.

Concerning identification, Jesus said: “ye are gods.”

In the beginning we are told that we are made in the “image of God,” or are reflections of God.

If this is so then we must indeed be careful where we place our attention for where we place our attention is where we will find our identity.

We are told there is a real part of ourselves and also an unreal which DK calls our “not self.”

In this world we have identified with this “not self” to the extent that we believe ourselves to be this self, or the “ego” as defined in the Course in Miracles.

The fact that our Not Self (or our personality self-mind-emotions-body) seems so real only bears witness to the fact that unlimited powers of godliness lie within us and is so potent that it can make a Not Self seem like a Real Self.

Fortunately most of us have not yet fused with the Not Self.

What is the difference between “identification” and “fusion” and what would happen if we fused with the Lower Self?

How do we move away from fusion with the “Not Self” and identify with the soul?

Let us examine “identification.” We all know the basic meaning as used in the common vernacular. My dictionary expresses it well:

“A person’s association with the qualities, characteristics, or views of another person or group.”

Perhaps the most common (and lowest level) identification is that used by a fan of a celebrity of some kind. He loves a rock star, movie star or some member of royalty and projects himself in their situation and position. He identifies so strongly with them that if they are hurt he is hurt; if they have success he feels glee as if it were him experiencing it.

The second word “fusion” is less understood by the general public, for it is also a general scientific term.

The general definition is: “The merging of different elements into a union.”

Scientifically the most common use of the word is the process that generates the energy of the Sun or the hydrogen bomb. Four atoms of hydrogen unite and compress and the inner ingredients merge to the extent that they produce a new element, helium.

This is an even higher process than the Molecular Order where higher molecules are produced from bonding. Instead of merely bonding and creating a higher molecule, through the process of fusion, the particles are merged to produce an entirely different element.

To correspond on a human level we could say that the creation of the twelve apostles by Jesus was a human molecule, but the uniting of Jesus and the Christ in one body was fusion. These two great beings fused and acted as one and became a greater entity (element) yet remained as one entity in consciousness.

“My Father and I are one,” is the keynote of fusion in the human kingdom and can signify not only fusion of a disciple with a Master, but the seeker with his own monad – his personal father in heaven.

Temporary identification with the lower worlds in the whole scheme of things is a positive thing for it gives us a change to gain experience and evolve into higher states of consciousness.

Fusion with the lower worlds is not a good thing for such intense merging with the unreal makes it seem more real than true reality and the entity thus gets stuck there unable to evolve to the higher until the lower is destroyed.

Those who do so fuse are called the Dark Brotherhood and take the dark light of matter as a substitute for the bright light of the soul.

Now that we find ourselves descended into matter we can go by this rule of thumb. Identification and/or fusion with that which is lower than our current consciousness is negative and can pull us backwards in evolution.

Identification and/or fusion with that which is higher is a positive occurrence and moves us forward in evolution.

Here then is our current situation. We have identified with the lower worlds and thus our focus of attention has drawn us here. Now the temptation is to fuse here. This temptation we must resist and seek to move higher by shifting our identification from the world before us to the kingdom of the soul.

How do we do this?

Before we can shift our identification we must make a conscious shift of attention.

This is done in three stages.

(1) First the seeker theoretically learns that there are unseen worlds and is presented with teachings about the kingdom of God and the soul. This draws from him a portion of his attention whether he believes or not.

(2) The seeker contemplates higher teachings and, after a time, he develops a hope that they are true. The soul then draws a larger portion of attention, but not enough to produce identification.

(3) The seeker has experiences that prove to him the reality of the soul and when the reality of the soul becomes certain knowledge he then has a shift of most of his attention to that realm. It is at this time that identification begins to take hold.

After a period of identification the power of focused attention then does its job and the seeker then fuses with his soul. This soul infused personality then works on his next step and focuses on his Monad. He then repeats this procedure until “he and his father are one.”

On a lower level we can use the principles of identification and fusion to our advantage.

Here are real world examples of where they could be used:

Jack is socially awkward and admires Jim for his smooth approach with people. He wishes he could be more like him.

Louise didn’t do well in school and never finished high school. A lot of people seem to think she is not very intelligent. She is fed up with this image and now wants to change and be seen as intelligent by others.

Tony has never had much money and is fed up and wants to change his financial situation to one of abundance.

Contemplate on how one could use identification and fusion on a lower level to accomplish their goals.

July 21, 2003

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Life in Space and Beyond


Life in Space and Beyond

The Question: What is the significance of the circle and the point (monad) within it?

As we proceed up the seven planes I realized that each step up would be more difficult and cause the group to stretch their minds and imaginations. You have made admirable attempts to enter the realm of the intuition and seek to understand that which has never been clearly explained.

The fact that many of you are making this attempt has more value to your own progress than if all the mysteries of the planes were merely explained to you. For when they are explained a certain consciousness must be there to comprehend them.

There was truth and insight in each of your answers but because of the constraints of time I will merely add my insights.

The point represents the monad, the space within the circle represents the Adi, the divine plane. The circle itself represents consciousness within a ring-pass-not.

The circle, the space and the point are all interdependent. The point at the center must manifest before the existence of the circle and the space can be realized.

Now visualize going outside and looking up at the night sky. What do you see?

You see many points of light engulfed by space.

Now visualize yourself being lifted from the earth and traveling away from the sun. Eventually this too becomes a mere point.

See yourself moving further away. Now you see the billions of suns in the Milky Way Galaxy forming a spiral.

See yourself continuing to move away and soon this galaxy containing billions of suns becomes a mere point of light.

Once again move further away and you see clusters of galaxies and finally a universe of galaxies until even this universe of galaxies becomes a mere point surrounded by space having a circle of influence.

Within this point which is the universe is an even greater central point which is the monad of the universe itself, which reflects itself in a number known only to itself.

Again visualize yourself looking up at the sky focusing on a single star. This star has an originating monad which is surrounded by an innumerable company of monads which co-create its entire solar system.

As you look at this star you must realize you are not seeing the monad, but only its reflection upon the physical plane, the lowest of seven.

To find the monad you must look through the veils of existence to the astral, then the mental, then the buddhic, then the atmic and finally to the point that is the emanating center.

The highest two planes exist as the circle and the point and exist as one, but also two, and then three if you count the space.

The key then to understanding is found in merely staring at the night sky.

The star is a symbol of the plane of the monad and the depths of space is the symbol of the divine plane. From the point and the space surrounding it, all things emanate.

Space is not composed of nothing but it is the primeval matter from which all things come. All points originate in space, but it is not space as we know it until the point appears.

  1. P. Blavatsky said that space is an entity. We can go a step further and say that this entity is one life for there is only one space.

Now to add to this mystery we are told that all these seven planes which we have discussed compose one greater plane which is called the Cosmic Physical. Above the Cosmic Physical is the Cosmic Astral, Cosmic Mental etc.

Now the mystery is this.

If all of the seven planes of our existence are only components of one of the seven planes of a greater existence – where are these six greater planes?

Where would one look to find the Cosmic Astral?

A reader makes this observation

“In your book you noted that the New Jerusalem had a pyramid with an all seeing eye on top and was told it represents seven levels of attainment. When one reaches the seventh level then one can move through the conduit of the eye into other realms.

“Now, my guess is that in order to reach the cosmic astral one would have to reach the seventh level of this pyramid and then leave through the ‘Eye of God’, which is a conduit to the ‘Cosmic Astral’ and many other places.”

There’s a lot of truth in this observation, but how to get through the eye is the great mystery.

I’m glad to see the group stretching their minds in an attempt to discover something that even DK did not explain. Whether you are right or wrong is not so important as the fact that you are making an attempt to stretch yourselves.

When the seeker first attempts to discover the unknown he makes many errors, but if he persists he will learn through trial, error and soul contact to drop the illusion and go with the real until he becomes a seer, one who can see through the clouds of illusion.

To understand the cosmic physical and astral we must use the Law of Correspondences and first look at the physical and astral in which we live.

When we look at a solid object what are we really looking at?

The answer is empty space. If the basic building block of “solid” matter, the hydrogen atom, were blown up so the proton in the middle was as large as an orange and this orange resided in England then how far away would be the electron orbiting it?

The electron would be as small as a cherry residing in the United States. Outside of this orange and the cherry moving around it near the speed of light there is nothing in the atom but empty space.

In each atom then we have very tiny points circled by even smaller points. Even though each atom has vast regions of space, the points in motion give the illusion that the atom is a solid ball.

These atoms which are empty space with vibrating points do seem extremely vacuous when seen through scientific eyes, but on a higher level the solar system repeats this proportion making the idea of empty space even more amazing.

Let us suppose the sun was the size of a basketball. How big would the earth be?

Answer: The size of a grain of sand.

How far away from the sun would this tiny sized earth be?

If the basketball sized sun were on one end of a 100 yard football field then the earth would be a grain of sand on the 36 yard line. Those sitting in the bleachers would not even be able to see the earth.

Jupiter, the largest planet would be the size of a ping pong ball two football fields away (200 yards).

The furthermost planet, Pluto, would be the size of a small grain of sand almost a mile away.

So we see the solar system is composed of the Sun and tiny specks which are called planets, but there isn’t much there. It is 99.99…% empty space and the little that seems solid is also 99.99…% empty space.

It doesn’t end there. The amount of space between the stars is also mind boggling. Imagine again our sun being a basketball on one end of the football field and the earth being a grain of sand at the 36 yard line. Where would the nearest sun of Alpha Centura be?

It would be another basketball over 5600 miles away.

You might ask, how can we see even the nearest star if they are so small in proportion?

The answer is because they are so bright. We do not see the actual orbs of the stars when we look at the sky, but their light.

The truth of seemingly empty space could be expanded to looking at the vast space between galaxies and even larger bodies in the universe, but this is enough to make the point that this universe which is called the dense physical is not so dense. The percentage of supposedly empty space indeed boggles the mind.

So when we go outside and look up at the sky we are seeing what the ancient wisdom calls the dense physical. But the interesting thing is this dense physical is not very dense.

The second thing to note is that this dense physical we see represents the visible part of the seven planes which we are discussing.

The total of these seven planes composes the cosmic physical.

So where is the cosmic astral?

To find it we must again look upward at the night sky. The points of light we call stars represent the forms that come out of the six lower planes. The space around them represents the highest plane we call the divine, the Adi.

Space and the dots of matter it contains (and their emanating forces) represent the whole of the cosmic physical plane.

To go beyond the cosmic physical in consciousness we must realize that, from a higher angle of vision, space and the dots of matter within it, as a whole, are solid physical matter from the consciousness of the cosmic astral.

This is a different thought than matter alone being physical.

Let me repeat. From a higher vision that which is physical is not what we call solid matter, or even air, or the hydrogen clouds of space, but space itself with all the little points and circles within it is that which is cosmic physical.

So how do we go beyond the boundaries of space, matter and maybe time itself to obtain an awareness in the higher cosmic planes?

The answer is you cannot do such as thing through mere individual effort. The Molecular Relationship eventually leads us to the principle of identification. Through this process we learn to identify with life which resides outside of the cosmic physical and move up to the cosmic astral.

This is a great mystery and is beyond the comprehension of even the Masters. They receive influence from the cosmic astral but are not polarized there. The only residents of earth that we have been told that has done this are the Ancient of Days, Sanat Kumara – and his associates. He has his focus on the cosmic astral and receives influence from the cosmic mental.

Our Solar Logos has achieved identification with the cosmic mental and receives influence from the cosmic buddhic, but still has higher planes to master.

Are there planes beyond the cosmic planes?

Nothing is written about such planes, for nothing is known about them by any life which effects humanity. But the disciple is always prepared for the expected and unexpected.

July 15, 2003

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The Higher Planes

The Higher Planes

As far as the planes of existence go we have covered the physical, astral, mental and buddhic.

Here is the question on the next sphere:

“Is there a consciousness above the intuitive level? If there is, what is it and how does it differ from the intuition?

You may have to stretch your minds on this one since the intuitive plane is difficult enough to comprehend.”

The buddhic plane is the sphere where divine ideas are received. He who contacts or lives in his consciousness on this plane is able to receive principles and divine ideas and communicate them in physical reality.

Whereas the buddhic plane receives from the next plane up, the atmic, which is the source of the manifestation of the divine ideas. Every idea or creation that can be can take form in physical reality is first created in prototype in this sphere.

He who attains the atmic consciousness becomes a co-creator with God. His consciousness becomes one with the consciousness of God and such a master discerns between the true thoughts of God and the thoughts of the lower ego. As he becomes one with the mind of God he identifies with the thoughts of God, and as he thinks and contemplates he co-creates with God on this high plane. He thus adds his creations to that placed there by the other divine lives. These creations thus hover in this atmic plane until received by the buddhic plane and flittered down to the physical plane.

Both the Christ and the Buddha attained a consciousness on the atmic plane.

The next plane up is the plane of the monad, the sixth. How do you suppose this plane can be described?

The Mystery of the Monad

As we continue on the study of the planes there is a point I wish to stress. In every subject we cover there are a number of materials previously written on them by other authors, not the least of which are the words of DK as given through Alice A. Bailey as well as the scriptures, Blavatsky and others. But the difference here as compared to most other study groups, is that we will always be looking for the principles involved and seek to attain understanding beyond that which has been give out previously. We seek to understand previous thoughts and revelations not as an end result but to lay the foundation for a new step in spiritual attainment.

Consider the higher planes, for example. Whereas much has been written about the lower three (physical-astral-mental) very little has been written about the higher four (buddhic-atmic-monad-divine). Then too that which has been written has been of a very technical nature that gives the reader very little grasp of the principles behind them.

In this and other subjects we will, of course, not give full coverage and understanding, but the hope is that an additional layer of knowledge will be added.

We seek to stay in line with the keynote set by the Masters of Wisdom which is this.

When they teach, the core teaching will not be a mere repetition of that which has already been given out, but it will be new. New in the fact that an old principle receives greater elaboration or a new principle is revealed. They seek not to repeat themselves or that which has been given in the past except to lay the foundation for the new teaching.

“I make all things new” says the Lord. Rev 21:5

It is difficult to visualize the higher “formless worlds” from the sketchy information we have about them. Even after I had read the Alice A. Bailey books several times I had some details in my mind but not the principles or the understanding. It was only after contemplation through the Oneness Principle that further light came.

So what is the principle behind the monad?

First let us cover several important statements made by DK.

First he tells us that just as the personality is a reflection of the soul, even so is the soul a reflection of the monad. In other words, as our soul is our higher self, the monad is the higher self of the soul.

There have been times in my writings that I could have referred to the monad, but used the word “soul” instead. This was for simplicity’s sake. Most have difficulty enough understanding the soul without worrying about the higher self of the soul, the monad.

Even though we have two sources of higher contact one is still accurate in consistently using the soul as a reference because the door to all higher worlds is through the soul. There is no consciousness of any of the higher planes without going through soul energy first.

Here is another major hint DK makes about the monad:

The Point at the Centre. This is the “jewel in the lotus,” to use the ancient oriental appellation; it is the point of life by means of which the Monad anchors itself upon the physical plane, and is the life principle therefore of all the transient vehicles-developed, undeveloped or developing. This point of life contains within itself all possibilities, all potentialities, all experiences and all vibratory activities. It embodies the will-to-be, the quality of magnetic attraction (commonly called love), and the active intelligence which will bring the livingness and the love into full expression. The above statement or definition is one of major importance.” Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Page 169

It is interesting here that he acknowledges that he has made a statement of “major importance.” Indeed he has and talks around the principle of the monad without clearly explaining it.

The key to understanding the monad is to contemplate it in connection with the next plane up, the seventh when counting from the physical. This high plane is called the first ether, the divine, or the Adi.

A hint to enhance our understanding was given in the fact that the monad is called “the point within the circle” or “the jewel in the lotus.”

If the monad is the point within the circle, then what is the circle? If it is the jewel in the lotus, then what does the lotus represent?

That is correct. The circle around the point represents the highest plane in the cosmic physical, the divine.

Why is this and what is the significance of the circle and the point (monad) within it?


Question: Was Edgar Cayce a conscious channeler? No. He went into a deep trance state when receiving information.

Question: How accurate was he? I would guess about 75% overall.

Question: Did Cayce had soul contact?

He probably did to a degree, but to judge him correctly one would have to examine his highest wisdom written while in full consciousness. I do not have any knowledge of Cayce’s past lives and have no desire to pursue it.

Question: If we have free will then can we use the free will to stop another person from hurting us?

Yes, but there is often more than one choice in how an attack is to be handled and the wise will choose the more harmless one. Any action generates some karma. The disciple learns through the soul how to minimize negativity until he becomes harmless and generates no negative karma. Then he learns to avoid or neutralize those who would do him harm.

Question: What gives the right for another to use free will to take another’s free will by hurting them, making them a slave or even killing them if the person being hurt had good karma?

Because we have free will we can make any choice we want within our ring-pass-not including hurting others and taking away free will. Those you hurt will often be suffering the results of past actions, but this does not justify attack.

Jesus said: “for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!” Matt 18:7

In other words, there are many with negative karma who will suffer offenses, but even though the guy is suffering payback the person dishing out the offense is only creating trouble for himself.

Question: Does a Master know everything?

As I said, the data is not that important. The principles behind the data is the important thing. In many respects a Master does not have to know that much by our standards, but he does have access to all principles through the Oneness Principle.

When one learns a principle he has learned it forever and will retrieve it in his future lives when needed.

Question: I have to know how much of relativity is a TRUE teaching? 0% 50% 90% or whatever number it is?

I would say it is 80-90%. By all appearances it would seem Einstein is 100% correct, but I am convinced that some of the appearances are created by illusion which will one day be discovered.

I believe the Twin who takes a space flight a long distance away and then returns will not age exactly as Einstein predicted.

Comment: I thought JJ said communications with deva’s are a closely guarded secret.

I said the secrets of contacting the more powerful ones is guarded. All of us have some type of contact with lesser deva lives on a daily basis.

Here is a post by Glenys about Magellan’s Ships and our Ring-Pass-Not. This brought up an interesting truth about consciousness and perception.

Magellan’s Ships and our Ring-Pass-Not

When I was about 20 studying anthropology at university, a lecturer told a story about Magellan’s trip around the world in 1519. Apparently, Magellan’s fleet of high-sailed ships would sail into the bays of primitive islands and the natives would be extremely fearful upon seeing the great vessels which were far greater than anything they could conceive of building. It would take some time for them to get used to both the ships and strange men but eventually, they would lose their fear and accept what their eyes showed them.

But on one occasion, the fleet pulled into a bay (if fleets can ‘pull in’) and to the surprise of all the explorers, the natives took no notice of them whatsoever. They simply went about their normal activities as it the fleet wasn’t there. It wasn’t until the crew got into smaller boats and came in closer that the natives reacted – and with even greater terror than their neighbors. They ran screaming into the island’s interior and it took weeks and numerous search parties to find them and reassure them that they were safe. But here’s the crux of the story. When the crew finally calmed them and learnt enough of their language to communicate with them they found that these particular people didn’t react to the boats because they couldn’t actually see them! The ships were so far beyond their consciousness that they were literally blind to them.

This true story made a big impression on me and I have spent the rest of my life straining to see what is just beyond my consciousness as I know there is so much yet to see.

In esoteric language, this is referred to as ‘ring pass not’ which is like the outer perimeter of our consciousness, the boundary which we cannot pass unless we extend it.

All that IS is ever present. As we grow in consciousness/awareness and develop our skills of perception we are able to take in more and more of all that Life has to offer. The only difference between us and the natives who saw – or didn’t see – Magellan’s ships is that we know we have nothing to fear and every extension of our vision brings us closer to the source of All so that in time, we shall see Him because we are like Him.

July 10, 2003

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Invocation, Angels and Devas

Invocation, Angels and Devas

A member writes this: “You have been reading my mind I have been wanting to reply to this all day, but time was not cooperating. I have been wanting to write a mantra for the Avatar of Synthesis for>few days now but couldn’t find the wording I liked. I wanted to use the same verse from the Great Invocation to start it. I find it interesting that you did the same. I don’t think mine would have the same impact though.

I really like how you emphasized on increasing our will. Also guiding will with purpose and harmonizing the avatars purpose with our purpose. There is also some goals to achieve. To have the Avatar of Synthesis manifest with in our group (that includes the lurkers too) and another goal at the end, “let purpose manifest Christ on Earth.” That is wonderful. This is truly inspired work. Short easy, with purpose and power nothing less than perfect. Thank You.”

JJ: Thank you for your kind words. You have illustrated the Oneness Principle at work for you were thinking along the same lines even to the point of beginning with the same line. This is not a coincidence.

A reader asks: Could we say that another word for “synthesis” is “gathering”, as in “gathering all things into one”?

JJ: The two meanings are very close. The gathering is a very synthetic work, but full synthesis takes it a step further. After the diverse people are gathered the principle of synthesis harmonizes them into a working whole.

In the beginning of America many people were gathered, but it took the Founding Fathers and the Constitution to synthesize them into one united group.

Comment: I loved the invocation about the Avatar of Synthesis. Looks like each part of the Triad of Light, Love, and Power has its own sub-triad. In this case: Will, Power, and Purpose.

JJ: Actually the Avatar of Synthesis is on Ray One which is the Power Ray. It’s sub aspects are Will Power and Purpose.

To say: “Let Will and Power and Purpose manifest the Christ on earth.” Is to say (among other things)”Let the way be cleared for the Avatar of Synthesis to do his part in finishing preparations for the return of Christ.”

Question: If we died and came back in reincarnation we would not remember any your teachings, or that of anyone else. How will we relearn the teachings? How will we evolve?

JJ: This is why I put emphasis on principles. If one merely memorizes facts and data this will generally be lost when one is reborn. But even here they are not completely lost, but foment below the surface.

But if one learns a principle and understands it then he learns in the language of the soul. Because the soul never sleeps or dies the principle is not lost but can be retrieved at will in any lifetime after it is registered by the seeker.

If one spends his life following a doctrine and studies all his life, but does not reflect on the underlying principles he will gain little except the discipline involved in the study.

But if one reflects and sees the principles behind that which is given then he will have a great advantage in the life to come.

As far as the time between lifetimes goes. In the past many have taught that the average is about 1500 years, but this is a figure passed down from a time that the population is much more sparse than it is today. Today it is much closer to 100 year figure mentioned by a member- though a little longer than that. The average represents a wide rage, however. Some come right back into incarnation but even today many new babes are coming in for the first time in thousands of years.

Question: Could you comment some more on the deva kingdom? Also what is their relationship to birds?

JJ: DK tells us that birds are a bridging kingdom sometimes used by the devas to break away from passive existence. Normally devas live in etheric matter and do not manifest directly in the dense physical but DK does hint they either directly or indirectly use the bird kingdom as part of their evolution toward the human kingdom.

Technically one could say that if a deva does incarnate in the physical body of a bird it is no longer a deva, but because this kingdom is used as a turning point one could call it either way.

Here are some of DK’s comments on the subject:

“The bird kingdom is specifically allied to the deva evolution. It is the bridging kingdom between the purely deva evolution and two other manifestations of life.

“First. Certain groups of devas who desire to pass into the human kingdom, having developed certain faculties, can do so via the bird kingdom, and certain devas who wish to get in communication with human beings can do so via the bird kingdom. This truth is hinted at in the Christian Bible and Christian religious representations by angels or devas being frequently represented as having wings. These cases are not many, as the usual method is for the devas gradually to work themselves towards individualisation through expansive feeling, but in the cases which do occur these devas pass several cycles in the bird kingdom, building in a response to a vibration which will ultimately swing them into the human family. In this way they become accustomed to the use of a gross form without the limitations, and impurities, which the animal kingdom engenders.

“Second. Many devas pass out of the group of passive lives in the effort to become manipulating lives via the bird kingdom, and before becoming fairies, elves, gnomes, or other sprites, pass a certain number of cycles in the bird realm.

“Why the two above events occur will not be apparent to the casual reader, nor will the true connection between the birds and the devas be accurately realised by the occult student unless he applies himself to the consideration of the “bird or swan out of time and space,” and the place that birds play in the mysteries. Herein lies for him the clue. He must remember likewise the fact that every life of every degree, from a god to the most insignificant of the lesser devas, or builders, must at some time or another pass through the human family.

“As H. P. B. has pointed out, 80 birds and serpents are closely connected with wisdom, and therefore with the psychic nature of God, of men, and of devas. The study of mythology should reveal certain stages and relationships which will make this matter clearer.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire Page 894-5

JJ: The angel lives are an entire kingdom or even kingdoms from a higher point of view and have many grades of lives therein. Now the Bible makes the understanding of the angel kingdom difficult because the word for angel there means “messenger” and sometimes refers to mortal humans as well as advanced humans from the other side of the veil.

In addition there are several kingdoms of Angels who have evolved within their sphere independent of the human and those who correspond to human on their level will eventually become human. The angel or deva evolution varies from very simple lives to very powerful ones and in the new age we will learn how to better communicate with them and use their services and they ours.

Question: So what you mean is there are angels yet to become human and some advanced angels who already became human and now in spirit form? And humans can also serve as angels? And even our solar angel the soul was once human in a body?

JJ: This is correct.

Question: Would you elaborate on the solar angels?

JJ: Technically our Solar Angels did not make us, but they nurtured us like our parents. All of us existed before we were born and thus our parents did not create us but provided a vehicle and environment where we could develop. This is similar to what our Solar Angel has done on a wider scale.

Both you, your Solar Angel and all lives beyond have always existed as a reflected point in the fabric of universal mind. When one monad develops it then assists others until all monads within a universe are mature. Then a greater universe will be created.

Question: How does one contact the devas or angels?

JJ: Normally you do not directly contact the angels who have passed through the human kingdom. The more advanced will come to assist you when they see the need or are invoked.

The lower deva angels are contacted through symbols and symbolic language and the methods of contacting the more powerful ones are closely guarded secrets. This is because they can be very dangerous if one does not know how to control them. They do not have self consciousness as we do and can be directed by a good or evil magician – like the power of fire.

Question: If all angels will someday became one with GOD will they all have to live as humans or on other planets as other beings in the physical first?

JJ: Lower deva lives will eventually pass through the human kingdom on this or another planet or creation.

July 5, 2003

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The Sacred Triad

The Sacred Triad

At this time of tension here in the U.S. my mind reflects back to the daring defiance of the Founders in setting forth the Declaration of Independence. When signing the document they pledged a triad of points which were, “their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor.”

Few have considered that this sacrificial triad is indeed the mark of the true initiate and disciple who cooperates with the Brotherhood of Light. Indeed this phrase is much more than a catch phrase and represents true sacrifice to move the plan ahead.

First, they pledged their lives. This was no fanciful statement as they did indeed face at least a fifty/fifty chance that they would have to forfeit them. In addition to this was the risk of prison and torture. All but a couple were married and also placed their families at risk. This is a risk that keeps many otherwise brave individuals from facing danger.

Even though the colonies won the war a large number of the signers did indeed either forfeit their lives, their families or their own freedom and comfort.

Secondly they pledged their “fortunes.” Again this was much more than a meaningless pledge. This group was far from a band of homeless dreamers for all but a couple were very wealthy and could have lived pleasant comfortable lives submitting to the demands of King George.

It is easy to pledge your fortune when you have little or nothing, but far more difficult when one has obtained many possessions through hard work and struggle.

This is exemplified by the wealthy young man who came to Jesus.

“And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.

“He saith unto him, Which?

“Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

“The young man saith unto him, All these things have I kept from my youth up: what lack I yet?

“Jesus said unto him, If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me.

“But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions.

“Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.” Matt 19:16-24

The man was willing to do anything (so he thought) to enter into the kingdom, but Jesus revealed his weakness. Alas, it was a weakness suffered by many for it is a far more difficult to risk your possessions when you have them obtained through honest labor then when you have little or nothing.

DK makes a comment on this scripture: ”Faced by the rich young man who possessed so much, Christ indicated that he needed to prepare himself for a great negation and for a step forward. The true significance of this has never been grasped and lies in the fact that the phrase “rich young man” is in reality a technical term which is frequently applied to an initiate of the third degree, just as the words “little ones” or “little child” apply to an initiate of the first or second degree. This rich young man was rich in his range of awareness, rich in his personality equipment, rich in his aspiration and in his recognition; he was rich as the result of age-long experience and evolutionary development. He is told by the Christ that he must now prepare himself for what is called in Rule V (for Disciples and Initiates) ‘the Triad shining forth’; he must now prepare for the unfoldment of the monadic consciousness and for the fourth initiation.” Rays and Initiations, Page 115-116

The scripture ends with this statement: “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”

The eye of the needle was not a needle as we understand today but an entrance to some of the cities of the day. This eye, or entrance, was too low for a camel to pass through fully loaded so to get through it the rider had to strip the camel of every possession that was upon him and then the camel had to bend to the knee and squeeze through.

In other words, for the rich man to enter into eternal life he had to be like the camel and shed himself of all possessions and bend the knee in humility before God.

But the principle is more than this. The key is not so much to shed oneself of all possessions, but to release attachment to all possessions. There will come a time in the pilgrimage of every disciple that will require him to prove this detachment in physical reality by showing a willingness to give up all that holds him to the earth. After the disciple has demonstrated this in deed he will then use judgment in obtaining and keeping that which is necessary to serve.

The signers did what the rich young man could not do. They showed a willingness to give up their fortunes. This does not mean they were all third degree initiates, but it does show they were on the Path.

The third sacrifice was their “sacred honor.” This was perhaps the most noble sacrifice of the three, but the least appreciated by this generation.

When is the last time you heard a politician, businessperson, or anyone else for that matter, refer to his honor as sacred? In fact we rarely even hear the mention of the word honor today, let alone sacred honor.

A good name and honor was very important to these men and they realized that if they lost the war that their mother country would not only take their lives and their fortunes, but publish far and wide that they had hanged a group of traitors who were the enemy of the king as well as mankind. For generations to come they could be footnotes in the history books represented as men with no honor but scoundrels of the worst kind. Their posterity yet unborn would be ashamed to claim them.

This thought of losing their honor, which they saw as sacred, was indeed troubling to their souls.

There is an interesting story which was presented by Manly P. Hall in his 1944 book “The Secret Destiny of America” supposedly taken from May 1938 Theosophist magazine wherein a mysterious stranger appeared to the signers urging them to place their signatures on the document. After this he mysteriously disappeared. Some believe this was St. Germain. Others think the story is a fabrication. Whatever the case the words are inspiring.


Faced with the death penalty for high treason, courageous men debated long before they picked up the quill pen to sign the parchment that declared the independence of the colonies from the mother country on July 4, 1776. For many hours they had debated in the State House at Philadelphia, with the lower chamber doors locked and a guard posted.

According to Jefferson, it was late in the afternoon before the delegates gathered their courage to the sticking point. The talk was about axes, scaffolds, and the gibbet, when suddenly a strong, bold voice sounded–”Gibbet! They may stretch our necks on all the gibbets in the land; they may turn every rock into a scaffold; every tree into a gallows; every home into a grave, and yet the words of that parchment can never die! They may pour our blood on a thousand scaffolds, and yet from every drop that dies the axe a new champion of freedom will spring into birth! The British King may blot out the stars of God from the sky, but he cannot blot out His words written on that parchment there. The works of God may perish; His words, never!

“The words of this declaration will live in the world long after our bones are dust. To the mechanic in his workshop they will speak hope: to the slave in the mines freedom: but to the coward kings, these words will speak in tones of warning they cannot choose but hear.

“Sign that parchment! Sign, if the next moment the gibbet’s rope is about your neck! Sign, if the next minute this hall rings with the clash of falling axes! Sign, by all of your hopes in life or death, as men, as husbands, as fathers, brothers, sign your names to the parchment, or be accursed forever! Sign, and not only for yourselves, but for all ages, for that parchment will be the textbook of freedom, the bible of the rights of man forever.

“Nay, do not start and whisper with surprise! It is truth, your own hearts witness it: God proclaims it. Look at this strange band of exiles and outcasts, suddenly transformed into a people; a handful of men, weak in arms, but mighty in God-like faith; nay, look at your recent achievements, your Bunker Hill, you Lexington, and then tell me, if you can, that God has not given America to be free!

“It is not give to our poor human intellect to climb to the skies and to pierce the Council of the Almighty One. But methinks I stand among the awful clouds which veils the brightness of Jehovah’s throne.

“Methinks I see the recording Angel come trembling up to the throne and speak his dread message. ‘Father, the old world is baptized in blood. Father, look with one glance of Thine eternal eye, and behold evermore that terrible sight, man trodden beneath the oppressor’s feet, nations lost in blood, murder, and superstition, walking hand in hand over the graves of the victims, and not a single voice of hope to man!’

“He stands there, the Angel, trembling with the record of human guilt, But hark! The voice of God speaks from the awful cloud: ‘Let there be Light again! Tell my people, the poor and oppressed, to go out from the old world, from oppression and blood, and build my alter in the new.’

“As I live, my friends, I believe that to be his voice! Yes, were my soul trembling on the verge of eternity, were this hand freezing in death, were this voice choking in the last struggle, I would still, with the last impulse of that soul, with the last wave of that hand, with the last gasp of that voice, implore you to remember this truth–God has given America to be free!

“Yes, as I sank into the gloomy shadows of the grave, with my last faint whisper I would beg you to sign that parchment for the sake of those millions whose very breath is now hushed in intense expectation as they look up to you for the awful words: ‘You are free.’“

The unknown speaker fell exhausted into his seat. The delegates, carried away by his enthusiasm, rushed forward. John Hancock scarcely had time to pen his bold signature before the quill was grasped by another. It was done.

The delegates turned to express their gratitude to the unknown speaker for his eloquent words. He was not there.

Who was this strange man, who seemed to speak with a divine authority, whose solemn words gave courage to the doubters and sealed the destiny of the new nation?

His name is not recorded; none of those present knew him; or if they did they did, not one acknowledged the acquaintance.

How he had entered into the locked and guarded room is not told, nor is there any record of the manner of his departure.

July 4, 2003

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The Avatar of Synthesis

The Avatar of Synthesis

Question: Is there any special reason for your focus is on the Avatar of Synthesis rather than the entire triangle of which he forms a part?

Actually, this avatar (as well as others) work through several triangles of which they form a part. You mention that the Avatar of Synthesis forms a triangle with Buddha and the Spirit of Peace to aid the Christ. Here is another triangle mentioned by DK: “The Christ is working, therefore, in very close cooperation with the Master Morya, and also with the Manu (one of the three Heads of the Hierarchy), and these three-the Christ, the Manu and the Master Morya-create a triangle of energies into which (and through which) the energy of the Avatar of Synthesis can pour, finding right direction under Their combined efforts.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 663

Another triangle would be the Avatar of Synthesis, the Planetary Logos and the unnamed logos from his originating system.

As far as triangles go, the main entities who work directly with them are the entities involved and the hierarchy above them. For instance, if three disciples form a triangle it is of use to themselves, their teacher and the hierarchy above, but little understood or participated in by friends, family and regular humanity.

DK’s descriptions of the various triangles are useful to us as we use the Law of Correspondences and seek to understand the energies and entities at play in the scheme of things. This gives us some seed understanding in applying various forces and combinations in our own work.

My mentioning of the Avatar of Synthesis at the gathering was in connection with the principle of invocation. I pointed out that the Great Ones can be invoked by the power of focused attention, especially the focused attention of a group. I added that an important entity for whom the group to capture the attention would be this specific avatar.

DK pointed out (while he was working through Alice A. Bailey), that this Avatar was making an approach to the earth and expressed the hope he would work through groups and a specific avatar in incarnation. While he did indicate the Avatar has made an approach he hints at the fact that his real work yet awaits a more complete cooperation of humanity. This seemed to be the situation at the end of his work with Alice A. Bailey.

I personally believe that a final decision was made by the Avatar to assist the Christ and humanity somewhere around 1978 and since then he has been working from the plane of the mind through certain disciples to affect synthetic change upon the earth. The workers sensitive to his vibration are fewer than was hoped.

On the other hand, this means there is a day of opportunity for a group of sincere seekers to invoke his attention. I mentioned at the gathering that if the group would spend the next year seeking to invoke the Avatar of Synthesis then we have a good chance to draw down his presence so the whole of the gathered group can sense his energy and purpose.

Invocation does not infringe on free will any more than calling someone on the phone does. The Avatar has complete free will as to whether he will accept or reject the call. But the fact that an invocation is made greatly increases the chances of obtaining contact for it demonstrates a willingness to cooperate with the Greater Lives. After the Avatar’s attention is gained he will then look at the individuals and the group as to their usefulness in deciding how to respond.

If certain individuals or the group contact the Avatar there will be certain signs and indications of a powerful nature that we will hear about.

Concerning the principle of invocation, I do not see anyone suggesting we throw a rope around some avatar’s neck and drag him into our presence or service. I think we all realize that the Masters have their free will and can respond or not respond to invocation.

That said, the power of invocation is great indeed. Anyone who has had kids and has been talked into taking them to the zoo or buying a toy knows this. A parent can be invoked into responding to a child he loves in many unplanned ways that lead to actions he would have never done without the invocation.

DK points out that during World War II the power of invocation made the difference that won the war. He stated that the invocation of humanity was so intense and the cry for justice was so great that it reached the ears of avatars beyond this solar system who responded by clouding the minds of the German Scientists and enlightening the minds of the Allies.

If humanity is careless an entire cycle of progress can be lost. Again DK pointed out that World War II could have been lost without the influence of invocation. He said that if this happened, the plans of the Hierarchy would have been set back 1000 years.

To invoke the Avatar of Synthesis can make the difference as to whether he works through us or not. We will not force him but we can be like the child getting the attention of the parent and thus receiving a beneficial response for all involved.

Let us focus our attention on the positive goal of calling upon the Avatar of Synthesis, the great being who is here to assist in preparations for the coming of Christ as well as the mission to come.

Here is an invocation that will add power to the plan.

From the center where the Will of God is known, let Purpose guide the little wills of men.

Let the One Great Life manifest his Purpose and send forth his Avatar.

Let this Master of Purpose come forth and amplify our wills to synthesize them with his own, giving us power to serve.

Let the Avatar of Synthesis manifest to the group of which I am a part.

That we may prepare the earth for the Lords of Light and Love.

Let Will and Power and Purpose manifest the Christ on earth.

You will note that the mantra starts with a line from the Great Invocation. This gives us the advantage of starting our invocation with established words of power.

June 28, 2003

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Embracing Light

Embracing Light

The Question: What is the difference between seeing light as separate from ourselves and becoming light and seeing with that light?

First I’ll note that a reader is correct in saying the true light is not separate from ourselves and I did not mean to imply that it is. It is technically true that we do not become light if the light is already a part of ourselves. But to the vision of the lower self it does seem that the true light is a separate thing that we reach out for. In a sense we eventually become one with a light that is already one with us. Yet, since our consciousness is separated from the true light there is indeed a real separation of sorts. What else is there but consciousness and if consciousness sees itself as separate from a thing then this separation seems very real.

Then from the viewpoint of the lower self a goal must be set to become one with the light. After much trial and error we finally discover that “The light we are searching FOR, is the light we are searching WITH.”

The main difference between the true light and the shadow light is the latter is not seen. Only effects of contrast and shadows are seen. When one realizes a oneness with the true light he is no longer dependent upon shadows for vision. Instead he becomes the light of the world and embraces the world with light. In doing so he sees with this embracing light, but in seeing he sees much more than shadow objects. Instead of seeing in the “land of distances,” he sees from the point of unity.

What does he see that is beyond the vision of the normal eyes?

Answer: He sees principles, the language of the soul, the language of light and a kaleidoscope of wonderful ideas begins to precipitate upon him.

Question: Sometimes, when I relax and close my eyes, and get into a certain meditative state, I see things very vividly, but it’s like looking at a black and white photograph. There are only two colors, but the colors and pink and blue. I was wondering if there was any significance to seeing things in only these two colors.

JJ: This would indicate that your consciousness focuses on these two colors and the meaning behind them almost to the exclusion of the other colors. Pink and blue is an odd combination. Pink is the color of romantic or emotionally sensitive love and feeling; whereas blue represents mind, thought, logic etc. You are a thinker who is logical, but place equal attention on your sensitive side. I would say the fact that the other colors are lacking is a message to also place attention on other parts of your nature. I cannot tell you where to start. You must sense it and follow your soul.

The group is stretching is attempting to comprehend what could be above the intuitive plane, but this is a good thing. It is important that all of us realize we have a long way to go.

There is none more pitied by the Gods than the large ego who sees himself as at the end of his evolution when, in reality, he is a mere babe in the woods.

Here are a couple more seed thoughts to ponder in understanding the atmic plane.

Contemplate this plane from the principle of the Law of Correspondences.

The Intuitional plane is a higher correspondent of the emotional plane. This means the Atmic is a higher octave of the mental which in turn is a higher wave of the physical/etheric.

Consider that creation is closely linked to the mental and the physical planes. How then would the atmic be linked to creation in even a higher principle than is the mental plane?

The group did stretch their minds on this question. Now to make us stretch a bit more let me give some additional seed thoughts about this plane, which even DK says he has difficulty putting the concept of it into words.

All form originates on this plane and is reflected to the mind, which is in turn reflected in physical reality. Think about a consciousness that originates ideas, which later appear as new form in physical reality. How would you describe it such a consciousness?

Intuition brings down these ideas, but atmic consciousness originates them.

Atmic consciousness is governed by spiritual will whereas buddhic consciousness is governed by love/wisdom.

DK uses what he admits are inadequate words describing this consciousness. They are “realization,” “magnetized consciousness,” and “identification.”

What do these three statements tell you about this higher consciousness and what do they have in common?

Atmic consciousness is the highest point of the Spiritual Triad. Perhaps some industrious member can give us some of DK’s teachings on this.

Soul Energy

There seems to be some confusion over what soul contact is after I made the statement that soul energy is projected down to all living forms in this material world.

The confusion occurs because DK talks about a lower aspect of soul energy which exists in all matter and builds all forms. Soul energy is also reflected down into the lower self and is the channel through which it is vitalized. From this viewpoint, of all of us being touched by this aspect of soul energy one could say that all have soul contact.

However, this is not what DK refers to when he talks specifically of the term “soul contact.” When he teaches of this he is talking of consciously opening the door of soul and obtaining the sensitivity to contact the solar angel. This is not something that all do, but only those who sincerely aspire to the spiritual path.

Great Balls of Fire

We had an odd experience on the way home from the gathering. On Tuesday evening after leaving Nauvoo we arrived in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. We noticed gathering storms so we turned on the radio and heard something like this.

“A tornado has just completely destroyed the town of Manchester and several other nearby towns are experiencing 70 mile an hour winds, thunderstorms, hail the size of golf balls and torrents of rain. Warning! A storm is approaching Sioux Falls within fifteen minutes that may develop into a tornado. This is a life or death situation. FIND SHELTER NOW!!! I have seen nothing like this since I have lived here. This storm is coming from several directions at once and it is difficult to predict what will happen.”

After hearing this we were quite perplexed. Artie wanted to find a motel room for shelter, but I told her that a motel may not be much protection from a tornado. I suggested that we follow our original plan and head west toward Rapid City and get ahead of the storm. She was nervous about this but we headed out anyway hoping to outrun the storm. We kept listening to the radio as we entered the highway heading west.

The announcer then said his station was going on emergency power and then named several towns in the direction we were headed that also had storm warnings. He said storms seemed to be developing from numerous locations. Then he kept repeating “find shelter now! This is a life or death situation!”

We were then faced with a decision to head into the storm going west or go back to Sioux Falls and face a possible tornado. I had the feeling to forge ahead and go west, but Artie insisted we go back to Sioux Falls and find some shelter. I reluctantly turned around and headed back to the city. After taking an exit we seemed to wind up in some industrial area that took us about twenty minutes to get out of. Shortly after this the announcer said that the tornado danger for the city would be about another hour. We finally decided the best thing to do was park the car off road under a concrete overpass and wait it out.

As we waited we watched the sky light up again and again with spectacular lightening from the thunderstorm. The radio gave reports of flooding in parts of the city, but fortunately no tornado materialized.

After the worst seemed to be over I insisted that we again head west and we took off a second time. On the way out of town we encountered two large semis blown off the road as well as some cars. For about the next three hours we drove through wind and rain and thunderstorms. Every few minutes lightening would light up the whole sky. This continued to be the case for the next two hundred miles. I had never seen a thunderstorm last so long and cover such a distance. It almost seemed as if fire from the sky was following us wherever we went. It made me think to myself that maybe we did too good of a job in calling down the spiritual fire, that it was manifesting on a physical level.

Anyway about four in the morning we finally pulled into Rapid City and spent a peaceful time the next day seeing Mount Rushmore. Thank goodness the rest of the journey home was quite normal.

June 17, 2003

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Slaying the Real

Slaying the Real

We’ve gotten several questions to catch up on. First: The path to the intuition is forged on the plane of the mind. It is said that the main obstacle that prevents the mind from finding intuition is that the mind “slays the real.” Question: What is the meaning of this phrase and how is this obstacle overcome?

Someone indicated that perhaps the phrase “the mind slays the real” is not exactly literal. This is perhaps true as the real cannot be slain. The mind can, however, disregard the real and prevent, for a time, its coming into the consciousness of the seeker.

The destiny of the mind is to receive the real by reflecting the light of the soul to our lower nature, but until it is forced by decision to receive this light, it will guide the entity on the path of illusion, as if the real does not exist.

It thus may be more literally correct to say that the mind ignores, distorts or denies the real. Even so, to the observer the process does have the appearance of the truth being slain.

The most common example of the mind slaying the real is found in the entity who is going through the stage of atheism. The subject’s mind has looked far and wide for God and has not found him. Since he cannot see or demonstrate the existence of God he rejects Him/Her/It.

Now keep in mind that most atheists are fairly advanced entities going through a discovery stage and final development of the mind before developing the intuition. This means that many atheists are further along the Path than a large number of believers, especially believers who do not have highly developed minds.

The mind of the atheist therefore “slays” the reality of God or higher intelligence. He can thus remain comfortable for a series of lives with this denial (as well as others) until mind is forced to admit to itself that it does not have all the answers. He will go through numerous occurrences where intense pain is the result, and without God in the equation logic does not seem to provide a satisfactory explanation. As he evolves he encounters more and more dead ends until he begins to be so frustrated he looks to the heavens and shouts one of the following:

“There must be more to life than this!”

“There must be an answer to this!”

“There must be a way!”

“I’ve got to know!”

As he shouts out his frustration his soul listens and responds.

“The wait of the ages has come to an end,” says the soul. “It is time for communion.”

The soul then sends down higher principles and revelation to the seeker that previously have not been available to him.

Slowly at first, he notices, and finally the higher knowledge is so clear that the entity has to admit to himself that there is some higher power up or out there somewhere. He therefore brings back into his mind the belief in God, but this time it is real to him for the knowledge of higher intelligence is now absolute fact to his mind.

There are many more examples of the mind slaying the real. We have named only one. Others are:

The reality of life after death

The reality of invisible worlds and beings

The reality of telepathy

The reality of the Masters

The reality that life is in all things.

The reality of life on other worlds etc.

True Color

The Question: Why do we see the sun as yellow when it is really blue?

Readers have taken two lines of approach in the answer here.

The first idea is that the yellow we see as the color of the sun only represents the outer shell and the inner part of the sun is blue.

The second idea is that in this world we see many things as upside down from the true reality. Therefore, the colors we see are not the real colors but opposing colors on the opposite end of the spectrum.

These are both intelligent guesses and since DK did not explain why we do not see the correct color of the Sun, there may indeed be truth in these two conclusions.

Now let me add my thoughts.

First, let me clarify the correct color as mentioned by DK. In some places he says the sun is blue and others indigo. One may wonder if he is consistent here until you discover a clarification where he more fully describes the color as a dark blue, which may also be called indigo.

The Key to understanding here is that our Sun is a part of a greater body of seven solar systems. Each of these seven Suns represents one of the seven Rays. Our sun vibrates to the Second Ray of Love Wisdom and the color of this ray is indigo, or dark blue. DK tells us that the “Solar Logos is spoken of as the Blue Logos (literally indigo), so the colour of the perfected man, and of the auric envelope through which he manifests, will be predominantly blue.” Letters on Occult Meditation, Page 207

To see the true color of the sun one would have to look through the eyes of the Logos who is over the seven solar systems seeing with all the seven solar rays merged and blended.

To understand why our color vision is distorted one could put on dark blue sunglasses and look at the surrounding world. Every color now looks much differently than it does without sunglasses.

This is what happens to the inhabitants of this solar system because it is built upon Ray Two of dark blue/indigo. We thus see through a glass darkly (as someone noted). As the disciple becomes one with the soul and the spirit/monad the dark glass begins to clarify and color becomes brighter and more true.

As it is, we see again the shadow principle affecting us. The indigo color of the founding ray acts like blue sunglasses and shades out (shadows) the true color of the sun. Thus the shadow principle causes us to see the sun as yellow rather than blue. We are so immersed in blue/indigo that we do not see it, except as a lighter reflection in our blue sky.

Commander Lock: Not everyone believes what you do Morpheus.

Morpheus: My beliefs do not require them to. Matrix Reloaded

June 14, 2003

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Light and Shadows

Light and Shadows

Question: According to science, it’s reflected light that allows us to see the physical universe, not the fact they cast shadows. We don’t see objects, only light that’s reflected off of them. Would you expand on why you think “our seeing is based on the shadows cast as a result of light (spirit) shining on matter (darkness).”?

First let me quote some words from DK: “The spiritual life is full of paradoxes…. There are many paradoxes in what I am here giving you, and apparently some contradictions where orthodox occultism is concerned, but that is ever the case as the teaching expands in content and the earlier all- inclusive facts are seen to be minor aspects of still greater facts.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 759 & Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Page 66

In addition he also says: “Understanding is the secret behind all power to achieve identification with any form of divine expression; understanding is one of the prime factors in producing revelation, and this is one of the paradoxes of occultism. In the world of human thought, understanding follows the prescribed routine, it follows the presented fact. In the life of the spirit, understanding is a necessary predisposing cause of revelation. I would ask you to ponder on this, bracing yourself for revelation, through a deep understanding of the initiator in yourself.” Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 2, Page 14

Perhaps a key statement here is “In the world of human thought, understanding follows the prescribed routine, it follows the presented fact.”

As we seek to understand higher spiritual truth we will often find that the standard nomenclature of orthodox science or philosophy does not quite do the job in conveying the necessary thoughts to bring the student to the next level of understanding. Thus is the teacher often forced to use words and phrases in teaching which may be disputed by the standard intelligentsia. If the student considers the teaching he is then faced with a spiritual paradox, as mentioned by DK.

This brings us to an important point of our last question concerning the meaning of the “mind slaying the real.” If the student receives an inspired teaching and sees a paradox two paths then lie before him.

(1) If he takes the first path he will rely totally on mind and orthodox learning and reject the teaching. If the teaching is true then we have a case of the mind slaying the real for the truth (the real) is rejected by mind.

(2) If he takes the second path he will not let an apparent paradox control his mind and shift control to the soul which will consider that a greater truth may lie hidden in the perceived paradox. In fact, the soul will consider that there may be no paradox at all, but only the illusion of paradox.

Of course, not every paradoxical teaching is true (in fact most are not), but to continue the search even after a paradox is discovered is one of the keys to prevent the mind slaying the real and moving on to the world of intuition where the language is one of principles rather than data.

The statement you question is: “Here in the physical plane we do not see light, but our seeing is based on the shadows cast as a result of light (spirit) shining on matter (darkness).

Why does this seem to not be true? You say: “According to science, it’s reflected light that allows us to see the physical universe, not the fact they cast shadows. We don’t see objects, only light that’s reflected off of them.”

Actually, I am talking about a principle here that does not contradict what you say.

It is true that our eyes see reflected light, but what happens in the process of this reflection? What is it we actually see? We see some type of form and every type of form casts some type of shadow which shadow gives us power to differentiate the forms.

What is a shadow?

My dictionary says it is “The rough image cast by an object blocking rays of illumination.”

To understand, let us place ourselves in a situation where there is no image blocking light rays. We did mention one and that would be an entity floating in space attempting to see light rays passing to the left. He cannot see the light because there is no image to cast a shadow.

Now let us imagine another situation. You are suspended in the middle of a lighted orange sphere. In every direction you look you see a perfectly smooth surface of uniform orange. Technically you have an image before you, but because you are in it and all color is uniform there seems to be no image and no shadow.

If what I say is correct how can you see orange since there is no shadow?

The answer is that there is a shadow.

Where is it?

Answer: In your mind.

In your mind is a memory of other colors besides orange. You are able to see and recognize orange because you remember red, blue, yellow, etc. and contrast colors in your mind with the orange you see. The contrasting of one color with another in your mind casts a mental shadow that allows you to see orange.

Now let us suppose you lose all memory of all colors you have seen in the past and only see uniform orange before you in every direction you look.

What do you now see?

Now you see nothing because your mind has nothing by which to cast the shadow of differentiation. It is as if there is no orange or any other color.

Even so, do we dwell in a universal light and do not see it because we do not have the spiritual differentiation to understand it.

On this note DK tells us that the true color of our sun is not yellow, but blue.

Why do you think we see the sun as yellow when it is really blue?

Concerning light, I do not see how anything I have written disagrees with any scientific discovery. As far as I can ascertain it is in harmony with known science. Now much of what I write gives a different view or aspect than theory and data presented by science, but this does not mean there is a contradiction.

Yes, light is thought to be made of photons in vibration, or some type of wave/particle combination. They are still not sure exactly what the photon is.

It is an unusual particle in that it has energy, but no mass. The question is, can it really be a particle when it has no mass?

To understand let us look in our world for a correspondence. Where do we find moving energy with no mass?

To duplicate this merely throw a stone into a body of water. When this is done a wave is created which moves through a medium (water).

The wave moving through the water has energy, but no mass, yet still has an effect upon mass.

Even so a photon merely represents the concentrated energy of a wave. It seems to be a particle, but is not a particle. It seems to act like a particle because it represents a point of concentrated energy.

Now a wave that we see or hear in physical reality moves through a medium such as water or air, but science tells us that the photon moves through the nothingness of space to reach the earth. This is one reason scientists are so eager to call light a particle (photon) because they can visualize a particle moving through empty space, but it is almost impossible to explain a wave moving through nothing.

Esoteric science has an explanation for this dilemma. It tells us that the early scientists were right in that space is made of a primordial substance through which a wave can be transmitted. The fact that science has not discovered this substance does not mean it does not exist.

The fact that photons in wave-like motion stimulate our vision only supports the principle of shadows. The apparently white light from the sun is made of seven main colors all created by differing wavelengths. If one or more of these colors are shaded out (shadow principle) then the light is no longer white but some other color and differentiation occurs and we have physical vision.

In order to have normal vision the cones within our eyes receive red, green and blue photons and send these colors to the brain. The retina which contains rods and cones is lined with pitch black pigment called melanin similar to the inside of a camera and the image is eventually reflected to the brain similar to the reception of an image by a computer chip in a digital camera.

Now it is easy to see why shadows aid with normal seeing. If you look around the room you are in you will see shadows everywhere which bring contrast which allows you to see form. Similarly, the very type you are now looking at is a shadow on the computer screen or paper.

“I can understand the shadows I see cast by my physical computer,” you say, “but the words on the screen are not normal shadows.”

True, but they are shadows nonetheless. Remember a shadow is “The rough image cast by an object blocking rays of illumination.” Now look at the letter (X) in front of you now. How is it produced? It is created by creating contrast – the shadowing out of light to create black type and thus make seeing possible.

The same principle applies to colors other than black. All vision of form is caused by differentiation caused by our cones contrasting one color against another. Shadows are created by a contrast of various intensities of light.

What are colors?

Colors are various intensities of light. Blue, for instance has a higher vibration, or intensity, than red, thus making red a shadow light when contrasted with blue.

How then do we incorporate the shadow principle when we look directly at the sun or some other light? Where is the contrasting shadow here when we clearly see the sun?

Even in this case the rays of the sun are still broken down by the eyes into red green and blue. Then these three colors are shaded against one another by the brain and rearranged into brilliant light that seems to be one light, but is really seen by our eyes as three lights.

A color-blind person (because of defective cones) is only able to see two of the three colors and interpret them and this distorts his vision of all colors. If he were to only see one color then his cones would only send shades of blackness to the brain. The cones would be useless because there would be a distorted shadow effect. The bottom line is that all form and all light is created by the simple wavelength.

In one way of looking at it one could say that the bottom of the wavelength is a shadow of the upper wave and the second and third waves of a sequence are shadows of the first.

A shadow is a visible contrast that represents an initiating power or thought, but is not the image itself. The wavelength is not real, but represents that which is real and is thus the beginning of the shadow principle.

In the physical world we this see the effects of light caused by the contrasting of one wave against another, but we do not see the light itself.

To actually see light we must become the light.

Question: What is the difference between seeing light as separate from ourselves and becoming light and seeing with that light?

“I am the light of the world.” Jesus

June 11, 2003

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Seeing Light

Seeing Light

Interesting conversation by the group on the differing attitudes in the various parts of the country.

I have done a lot of traveling as a salesman and have worked in almost every city and village in the West in towns and cities over 1000 people except for parts of California. I have visited the East and the Midwest just enough to get a flavor of the various peoples.

There is indeed a difference from place to place and state to state. I was particularly impressed by Texas. Even though the state is very large the people are uniform in their friendliness. It seems that the moment you drive across the border from New Mexico that the people’s atmosphere changes dramatically, as if one has entered another life form.

If you Texans ever get a chance to visit Wyoming, you’ll find that the people are a lot like you, but not quite so outgoing.

Another state that impressed me was New York, particularly New York City. I had heard all kinds of negative stories about it and was much more impressed by the people than I thought I would be. In my last single year at the age of 25 I visited the city and just about fell in love. The female I met was an opera singer and introduced me to a wide circle of her friends. They were not outgoing and friendly like the Texas people, but they were all interesting and very intelligent. They seemed to be very sharp thinkers.

Utah is the most frustrating state to sell in. If the average Mormon there is going to spend over $100 he will generally pray about it and have you come back the next day. The funny thing is that God did not tell anyone to buy from me even once. One product I sold there were children’s books. I figured the Mormon God must not like children’s stories because he always told the people not to buy them.

The difference in the states is significant enough, but the differences in various countries is much greater still.

This is a subject that could take a lot of our attention and it would be interesting, but let us move on with the current subject.

The assignment: Give one or more characteristics that apply to the intuitional self, but do not apply to the emotional or mental selves.

The group gave lot of good comments even though many did not specifically address the question.

A characteristic mentioned by several of you was light. The flashing forth of light is particularly significant.

The emotional self feels that which the light reveals while the mental self sees that which the light reveals and compares one revealing with another. But the intuition sees the actual light and within that light is the mind of God in the midst of creation.

DK makes gives an interesting short mantra:

“The light is one and in that light shall we see light. This is the light that turns the darkness into day.”

Question: What is the meaning of this statement? How do you see light?

Allow me to give an additional seed thought that may expand your thinking on this subject.

(1) Here in the physical plane we do not see light, but our seeing is based on the shadows cast as a result of light (spirit) shining on matter (darkness).

(2) If you were drifting in outer space you would be surrounded by the light from the sun, yet you would not see the light as blue sky as you do on earth. Instead, if you look at the sky you would only see the blackness of space and the stars in the background. When you look at space you see no light from the sun even though you are surrounded by light.

If then you are in this darkness wherein is shining a great light (that the darkness does not comprehend) how is the light to be used to see light? What is the light that is seen in the light? Is there a difference between seeing light and seeing that which the light reveals?

Light as we understand it is vibration which is composed of many wavelengths. This light is only realized when shadows are cast. The shadows make us realize that light is there shining from some source.

If we were drifting in space where there are no shadows we would see only the blackness of space, even though we were saturated with the rays of the sun. We could, however, look toward the source of the light. If we were to do so we would see a brilliant shining orb. But if we look to the left and to the right wherein a multitude of rays of light are traveling we see no light. We only see the light of the orb when its rays strike our physical body and again cast a shadow. Even here, as we stare at the sun, we are still only seeing light by registering shadows.

We are looking in the wrong place for light. The mantra says “the light is one.” Yet when we see light on earth or in space we are only seeing many shadows, the effect of many vibrations. We need the light powered by friction to see in the land of distances.

Where is the one light?

The One is the source of vibration, the originating point linked to all other points.

As you look at the sun you see a physical but brilliant orb giving fire and light by friction. Now visualize that sun and extend your vision to its very heart, its point of most intense fire, the point that originates the fire and light for the whole solar system. This point is called the “Heart of the Sun,” the point that links spirit and matter, the soul of all things.

Now see yourself plunging into the sun descending into the heart and diving into this point. You pass through this point and you come out on the other side and discover an entirely different universe. You are in the midst of the Central Spiritual Sun wherein there is no darkness and all things within the solar system (and more) are available to your vision.

There are no shadows, but only light. In that originating point (the Heart of the Sun), you see and become light (the Central Spiritual Sun).

You now make a great discovery. That which was seen as light before is the true darkness and the blackness of space which was thought to be void of light is where the true light is seen. Space encompasses all things and the central spiritual sun reveals the light and life of space that brings all things to our understanding. Space is one, light is one and we are one, but there are many points. Each must penetrate his central point to discover the one light that exists in darkness, yet turns the darkness into day.

The intuitive thus discovers the true light that pulls his thought toward unity rather than separateness.

The path to the intuition is forged on the plane of the mind. It is said that the main obstacle that prevents the mind from finding intuition is that the mind “slays the real.”

Question: What is the meaning of this phrase and how is this obstacle overcome?

“I’ve been waiting for you,” said The Keymaker, The Matrix Reloaded

June 6, 2003

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