The Mandela Effect

Oct 6, 2018

The Mandela Effect

Here are my views on the Mandela Effect. Most of it is caused by imperfect human memory. For instance, tell a person who wears a regular dial watch to close their eyes and describe it. Even though the person may have looked at it 20 times a day for five years he is likely not able to describe it. He cannot tell which numbers are missing or other details. I asked a number of people this when I was a kid and no one got it right.

How often have we recalled events of long ago with old friends and each of us has a different recollection? We had the same experience, but registered it differently.

I believe there is just one physical reality with us as players though there are numerous dimensions and other realities. There are not dozens or even millions of you on duplicate earths.

That said there is the real effect of deja vu and some memories seem so real that many do swear to the Mandela Effect. Is something other worldly at play here?

It could be. Remember the Holodeck from Star Trek? We have something similar to this available to us in the spirit world between lives as well as during sleep when the mind is united with the Higher Self. Before we were born we could use this spiritual technology to project what would happen in our lives if certain decisions were made or if various circumstances manifested. Sometimes we also do this projection during sleep and normally only have the faintest of recollection while awake. On the other hand, there are times that you were playing around with manipulating reality while in the spirit that comes across strongly while awake and this produces deja vu and the Mandela Effect in some cases.

Here is a previous post on the Mandela Effect – LINK


Feb 23, 2019

More on the Mandela Effect

So far have I have not found one Mandela Effect that cannot be attributed to tricks placed on the memory. If you have any proof beyond this possibility I would like to see it.

Concerning the origin of the phrase which began with people remembering that Mandela died in prison when he did not I distinctly remember it the way that it is recorded – that he served his time and was released.

Some are making a big deal of scriptures being changed attributing the changes to the devil, but if that were the case you would think that tricky devil would have changed scriptures that would have directly affected our belief in Jesus.

The most quoted Mandela Effect scripture is Isaiah telling us that instead of the lion and the lamb lying down together it is the wolf and the lamb:

“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid.” Isa 11:6. They leave out the fact that when the entire verse is quoted then lion is in it, and probably the reason for all the pictures of the lion and the lamb, giving the false impression that was the wording of the scripture. Here’s the whole verse:

“The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young LION and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.”

I never paid much attention to the lion and lamb scripture, but there is one cited in the Mandela effect that I did. It was this one:

“Neither do men put new wine into old bottles: else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out, and the bottles perish: but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.” Matt 9:17

Many say they remember the scripture as being “wineskins” and not “bottles.”

I distinctly remember the wording as bottles from Sunday School way back in the 1950s. The teacher read the scripture which used the word “bottles” and explained that in the days of Jesus they didn’t use bottles, but wineskins.

If a person has read any other version besides King James he will have read the translation as the more correct “wineskins” so it is no wonder that many think the King James also used this word.

There is one thing that happens to me that comes closest to making me think the Mandela Effect is real. It seems that every time I make a bet with my wife that she wins because reality seems to have changed. She gets a bang out of my perplexed state.

By the way, I have finished my treatise on the Law of One and would be interested in any comment you may have. The link is at the top of the page at this time.

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Karma & Cause and Effect


Karma & Cause and Effect

Karma is in principle the law of cause and effect. To determine whether or not there is bad karma we must merely look at the causes and effects that we all agree upon as the real thing.

We know that if we cause money to be put in the bank we will have the effect of available money. (good karma) We also agree that if you cause a loan to be made at the bank that you will then owe some money. (bad karma).

To say that there is no bad karma (as do some) is to say that there are no negative effects. Therefore, if there were no such thing as bad (or negative) karma is the same as saying that when you take out a loan from the bank that you will owe no debt. In this case if negative karma is denied long enough you will awaken to reality when you watch the bill collectors haul off your car.

To say there is no bad karma is the same as saying that when you drive over a cliff that only good things will happen.

I think we can all agree that when we create a cause in this life that an effect will follow.

Now perhaps some think that when we die all of our causes die with us and we carry no effects into the next life, but in principle a cause always is followed by an effect and they are carried over into future lives.

On the other hand, it is correct that we should not blame all of our failures on karma. That is like saying, because I owe the bank some money I cannot succeed. You might have to work a little harder to pay off your loan but such a debt is not an excuse for failure.

More thoughts on Karma

It seems like a number of people in this   group have a strong aversion to the terms good and bad or good and evil. It seems strange to me to want to negate or eliminate words from the dictionary, as if that will change anything, or as if that would eliminate negative judgments. A rose is a rose by any name. You can change the name of good and evil and you will still wind up talking about good and evil, but just using different terminology.

For instance, I find it amusing that some who criticize me for using the word “judgment” and “good and evil” wind up judging me as being on the wrong path which is the evil one in their mind. They think that by avoiding the word evil and judgment that the two does not exist for them even though they are talking about it just as much as I am. The only difference is that I am being up front and honest about it.

Even though it is true that good and evil is what we define them to be there are two definitions that should be important to us.

The first definition is that which the Brotherhood of Light has given. I stated this a few days ago, but it was not new with me for it has been stated and restated by the Master DK through Alice A. Bailey.

Good is that direction which takes us forward in evolution and evil is that which takes us backward into what we were in the past.

The second definition to consider is that espoused by general humanity. For the general populace good is that which is desirable and evil is the undesirable. There is a lot of basic agreement as to the desirable and undesirable which allows the general public to talk about this subject with some intelligence. For instance, giving to worthy charities is considered a good thing and robbing your neighbor considered bad.

If we could just have the oneness of either the Masters or the general public on discussing this subject I think we would all be far ahead.

A reader made an interesting comment on Karma. She says basically that Karma, or cause and effect can be stopped in its tracks by not reacting to it.

Let me give my thoughts on this.

On an emotional basis reacting or not reacting to an attack has no effect on karma. If someone is angry at you and kicks your leg and breaks it, you then have a choice to react or not react emotionally. If you feel anger at the guy, this does nothing to his karma, or if you feel no anger, that has no effect either. It does not matter what you feel there was still a cause and an effect. He kicked you (cause) and broke your leg (effect).

Your feelings only have causes within your self. Such feelings have to be translated into some type of action to create new karma. If you kick him back then that is a new cause with a new effect. If you do not kick him back (whether you are angry or not) then you do not negate the past cause with it’s effect (for your leg is still broken). Instead, you have prevented a new one from surfacing.

Concerning the debt of karma Jesus said: “Thou shalt by no means come out thence, till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing.” Matt 5:26

Next the reader tells us that Karma (I assume negative karma) is wiped clean when we forgive ourselves. Forgiveness releases yourself from guilt and grievances but does not negate karma. It can lead to a faster repayment of it, but does not negate cause and effect – for you still have a broken leg. There has not been any negation of cause and effect since the beginning of the universe. Not one example can be cited.

Some may say that a miracle such as Jesus walking on water is an example. Not so. Jesus created a cause in accordance with the law and the effect was the walking on water, which was just as natural of an effect as a boat floating on water.

The reader continues:

“We should remember that in the molecule, with perfect soul connection, in fact union…. what value will judgment have then? Judgment works fine in separation, in union, it is valueless. That’s the same as saying oneness by the way. Judgment was but a toy that put the holy son of God in jail, repeating lifetimes of punishment… and who created it, he did… not God.”

If judgment put the holy Son of God in jail why then did the Holy Son (Jesus) call the Pharisees hypocrites for not using it? The power of judgment will not be laid aside in the molecules. Instead it will be greatly enhanced. In saying this I am not speaking of any type of condemnation, but the true power of judgment as taught by the Christ contains a power of higher vision that allows one to see the path more clearly and to take needed steps in alignment with the Purpose of God.

I know many of you have gotten this anti judgment concept from A Course in Miracles. Students must realize that the Course was speaking of the negative or condemning aspect of judgment, but all things have two aspects, and the positive use of judgment is an essential part of the productive life.

You cannot give up your power of independent thought to any book or Master. One must always think things through himself to discern the good from the evil for in this lies the power to manifest the true reflection of God that lies within you.

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Judgment Revisited


Judgment Revisited

I will first add one interesting comment on this that is new. Contrary to the belief of many, Jesus condemned the religious leaders of his day, not for judging, but for NOT using judgment:

Jesus said:

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye pay tithe of mint and anise and cummin, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, JUDGMENT, mercy, and faith: these ought ye to have done, and not to leave the other undone.” Matt 23:23

Here Jesus actually called the scribes and Pharisees hypocrites for NOT using “judgment with mercy and faith.”

Why did he do this? Because in blindly following the letter of the law they were abdicating their god given power of judgment, mercy and faith. These three attributes are a Trinity and work together to fulfill the Purpose of God.

The scripture that says “judge not” is the most misunderstood writing in the bible.

Let us quote it and see what Jesus was really saying:

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Matt 7:1-5

Here Jesus is NOT telling us that we cannot judge, but is instead warning us of the law of karma if we judge harshly or incorrectly for he says: “with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.”

Therefore if you judge someone with minor faults to have major faults, this harsh judgment will come back to haunt you.

In this scripture He gives the key for righteous judgment: “first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”

In other words, concentrate on eliminating your own faults first and then you will be able to make a correct judgment as to how to help your brother (or sister).

Here is another scripture illustrating even more clearly that Jesus was talking about the law of karma:

“Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:36-38

Here He is simply saying that if we judge rashly, condemning our brother and not forgiving him, we will reap what we have sowed and find condemnation coming back to us.

Jesus gives us a guide in using the power of judgment correctly:

“I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” John 5:30

As we seek to become one with God and follow Him will then the beam clogging our vision will be removed and our judgment will also be just.

Here is an interesting scripture where Jesus actually commands us to judge:

“Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” John 7:24

Judge with clarity, wisdom and love and when you are then judged, as you have judged, all will be well with you, but if you do not judge righteously then the law of karma will bring painful judgments to your door.

Finally Jesus tells his twelve apostles that they shall be judges:

“And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Matt 19:28

When you think of it, it is silly to say we should not judge. As soon as you wake in the morning you make a judgment as to whether to get up or sleep a while longer. When you get in the shower you make a judgment as to when you are clean enough to get out.

When you eat breakfast you make a judgment as to what you will have and how much.

When you drive to work and are a little late you make a judgment as to whether you are going to speed or not.

Finally, you get to work and meet the new guy who was just hired. He wants to be your best friend and now you make a judgment on whether or not you want this type of personality in your life.

Then your boss wants you to dig up some dirt on the boss above him. You judge your boss to be wrong and refuse.

We could go on and on here but hopefully we get the point. Judgments are not wrong. Only bad judgments are wrong.

Every quality and ability has a positive and negative side to it.

When the Bible and A Course in Miracles talks about judgment in a negative light, they are talking about negative, limiting judgments.

Example: The kid tells the parent he is going to get straight A’s next time around and the parent says: “You’ve failed miserably in the past, so you’re going to fail again.”

This is a cruel and limiting judgment.

A positive judgment would be something like this: “I have seen you make progress in the past when you make an effort and I do believe you have it in you to dramatically improve your grades.”

Here the parent made a judgment on the positive possibilities of the child and in this case judgment is a good thing.

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Good and Evil Forever


Good and Evil Forever

Comment from Reader

“The question is not whether we experience good and evil because we do. The question is not whether we should choose good as opposed to evil because those of us who believe in good and evil do.”

JJ: You choose good and evil whether you believe in it or not. If you are going to the grocery store and one road takes you the wrong direction (evil) and the other one the right direction (good) and if you choose the wrong road you will be going on the wrong road whether you believe you are or not. Belief has nothing to do with the world of dualities that we find ourselves in. The reader is a great example of this. He claims to not believe in dualities, yet he is still here among us in the world of dualities arguing on the opposing side of my teachings, illustrating my point that belief has nothing to do with dualities. What is, is – belief or not.

JJ The reader said “The question is rather whether good and evil are seen as separable from each other.”

I don’t think that is the question. I think most people in this group see the polarities and the point between as a divine Trinity working as one purpose.

He continues: “As we believed in separation between good and evil we thought we could eliminate evil by avoidance of evil or by doing good.”

I also doubt that anyone in this group believes this idea. I certainly do not expect to eliminate evil by doing good. Avoid evil, perhaps, but eliminate – no. If there is good there has to be evil, and if there is evil there must be the possibility of good.

Finally he asks: “What then is the purpose of doing good and avoiding evil?”

The answer to this should be pretty obvious to any beginning student of metaphysics or even a Sunday School class.

While it is true (as you pointed out) that choosing evil (such as drug addiction or killing your dog) can lead to the learning of some lesson in the far future) it is also true that the choosing of good (not being addicted and treating your dog warmly) will make the here and now much more pleasant as we pass through it. Since we spend billions of years passing through the here and now it makes a lot of sense to make the present as joyous as possible. We are in the present for a long long time.

I would match my own inner peace as I face the decisions of good and evil straight on against that of any one else who sees themselves as not believing in the dualities. I have met quite a number of people who seem to think in this vein and have seen very little evidence that they have any more peace than the born again Christian that they see as way below them on the scale of seeing reality.

In addition to this obvious answer there is another deeper one. When the overwhelming majority begin to choose the good over the evil that which was evil does seem to begin to disappear, but evil does not disappear. What happens instead is that good and evil are shifted to a higher octave. When this occurs that which was good becomes the evil and the good is replaced by a “new” vision or principle for us to master.

For instance, in past ages the kingdom governments were considered the good and the tribal governments were considered the evil as tribes merged into kingdoms. Then after the kingdoms brought all the progress that the consciousness of humanity could usefully assimilate the new vision of the representative governments began to manifest. When this began to happen the kingdoms and their great authority, which used to be the good, now becomes the evil and the representative systems become the good. Even so, as we move ahead the representative form will become the evil and a more pure participatory government will become the good.

Thus we do not expect to eliminate evil in this reality, but we can eliminate the negative influence of that which distracts from joyousness and by doing so go on to a higher level of becoming and experience.

He continues: “As long as good and evil are held to be opposed to each other they persist indefinitely.”

JJ: The basic principle of duality and good and evil will persist in some form for eternity yet any item that we define as evil will eventually fade away. For instance, in my home town of Boise Idaho there is no tribal living, no natives running around in loin cloths eking out a living eating roots.

Slavery used to be considered good by many, but here in Boise we have no human bondage. We have completely eliminated this evil which used to be the good.

Principles (such as good and evil) are eternal and cannot be eliminated by thought, but they can be directed and channeled toward that which we see as the good, the beautiful and the true.

The reader continues: “No one is forever stuck in the dualistic principle of good and evil.”

I wouldn’t use the word stuck. Instead, I would word it this way. God has provided us with the opportunity to eternally progress from one duality to another with each new duality bringing a greater state of becoming and joyousness than the last. Then too we have a needed rest between such endeavors. This rest is as close as we get to a non existent state where no dualities persist.

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Recognizing Good and Evil


Recognizing Good and Evil

Let us go to the subject of good and evil.

It is interesting that the men who judged good and evil in Israel were called gods, but it only makes sense when we realize that the key to manifesting God is the ability to judge or “know” good and evil. After all, the Gods said: “Behold, the man is become AS ONE OF US, to know good and evil.” Gen 3:22

David was probably referring to the god-judges in Israel when he said: “God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth AMONG THE GODS (ELOHIYM)” Psalms 82:1 The word “mighty” is from EL which is usually translated as “God” singular so the verse should read: “God standeth in the congregation of God and judges among the Gods.”

The Psalms then relates how the men-gods should judge correctly and then says: “Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” Psalms 82:6 Jesus quoted this scripture to the Jews who accused him of making himself to be God and then added: “If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken…” why do you complain because I say I am a Son of God? John 10:35

In this scripture Jesus related two important truths. The Psalm called those who received the word of God – gods. Second, “the scripture cannot be broken.” In other words, it stands exactly as written. In fact he used this scripture to prove his mission to the Jews.

In considering man David said: “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor.” Psalms 8:4-5

Again, in the King James and other versions, the word ELOHIYM is mistranslated. In this case it is incorrectly rendered “angels.” It should read: “For thou hast made him a little lower than the gods.”

The scriptures clearly tell us that man was made a little lower than the gods, but will become as the gods when he learns to discern between good and evil.

It is only logical that Moses should become as Jehovah, or you and I like Jesus for it is written: “The disciple is not above his master: but everyone that is perfect SHALL BE AS HIS MASTER.” Luke 6:40 If Jesus Christ is our master and he is God then we shall be as he is. “The scripture cannot be broken.”

Jesus said: “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.” Rev 3:21

If we overcome and sit down in a throne as Jesus did then it only follows that we will be a god as he is.

In John’s vision those who followed Christ sang: “And (Christ) hast made us to our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.” Rev 5:10

In the scriptures Jehovah is called the “God of gods, and Lord of lords, a mighty, and a great God.” Deut 10:17 & Josh 22:22 In addition Christ is called “the King of kings and Lord of lords.” Rev 19:16 & 17:14

Christ is the King of real kings as we have just quoted (Rev 5:10) and the Lord of real lords. Obviously, Jehovah is a God of real gods. Surely God would not exalt himself in the claim that he is a god of false gods! Yet this is how most Bible believers interpret this scripture, but if one thinks twice about it he will see that such interpretation is an insult to God. From the evidence we have presented here we see that many beside Jehovah are called gods, and “the God of the whole earth,” Jehovah, is a God of these gods who are in the form of men.

Since the key to becoming as one of the Gods is to “know good and evil” or good from evil let us as a group tackle this ancient problem and discern the difference.

First let us define good and evil. Here is a definition I have given in the past:

The basic difference between good and evil is this.

Good is that which takes us forward on the path of Spiritual evolution toward greater freedom, livingness, intelligence, light and love. Evil is that which takes us back into the past to lesser freedom, lesser livingness, lesser intelligence, light and love. Evil is the reverse reflection of good, corresponding to the fact that “evil” is “live” reflected in reverse.

Hitler was evil because he wanted to take us back into an age of the Kingdoms where the right of the king or dictator was more important than the good of the individual and the whole.

Churchill was good because he sought to move us into greater freedom where the individual could work for the good of the whole according to his or her own decisions.

Now let us look at the world we have before us. What are the pulls that we have on us going toward good (or evolutionary) and also evil (or pulling us backwards)?

Let us examine the following categories





Creative Arts/Entertainment



Pick one of these categories and give us the good and evil influences as they are manifesting today.

The differences are often very subtle as pointed out by Isaiah who said that people in his day were calling good, evil and evil, good. They were taking darkness for light and light for darkness. Do you think we are in the same boat today?

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Dark Molecules


Dark Molecules

Another happening that will occur in the foundation of the Molecule will be a witness to the overshadowing or Divine Possession. There was a physical witness to the presence of Christ entering the body of Jesus and that was John the Baptist at the Baptism of Christ (not to be confused with John the Beloved). Even so, there will be a witness (possibly more than one) to the coming of Christ to initiate the great work. This witness may hold the Presence of the great entity who is the Christed One for a moment and then transfer it as the flight of a dove to the initiate or possibly just witness the presence as did John. Without the testimony of this second witness many would have difficulty in believing that the presence of Christ is with us. I do not know who this witness is yet. It could be someone (or a couple) in this group. When the time comes the Spirit will speak to this person and he or she will know what they are supposed to do.

We have some questions about the dark molecule. Let me clarify several things here.

The Dark Brothers do NOT work through the soul and do not have soul contact. They only operate in the worlds of form and the highest they can attain is the plane of the mind. They see the formless worlds as pure fantasy, even though their disciples on the earth may teach the party line of the seven planes and mouth acceptance to the scriptures and inspired writings. Many of their puppets here among us are oblivious to the core beliefs of those masters that they follow.

Because the Dark Brothers cannot contact the formless worlds they do not bring down original thought from the mind of God. Instead they take that which has been retrieved by the Brotherhood of Light and corrupt it for the furtherance of their own ends.

For instance, they took the church and teachings initiated by Jesus and altered them into a beastly illusion that enslaved millions in the world of illusion.

Now that the teachings on the human Molecule are plainly presented for all to read and understand it will only be a matter of time before the Dark Brothers inspire someone to take the concept, alter it somewhat, and compete against the real thing.

The Dark version of any enlightened project is always more attractive in certain ways. For one thing, the line of least resistance is always followed and the way is much easier on the dark path.

Example. Jesus taught about a path that would lead to great reward, but would be difficult and “few would find it.”

The Dark Brothers injected the teaching that all you needed to do to obtain the greatest reward was to just announce that you accept Jesus.

Does this not sound attractive to the one who is spiritually lazy? Just say you accept Jesus and you’re saved whereas those who do not do this are condemned to hell.

The Dark Ones always present an easy path to glory which always ends in no glory and no progress.

A Dark Molecule cannot draw on the energies of the soul and Spirit, but it can combine astral and elemental energies and produce certain types of physical magic, illusion and personality enhancement of its members. They can also tap in to certain ray energies as they are released and manifest, but they use them on a lower octave than does the Brotherhood of Light.

Remember when Moses went before Pharaoh that the Dark Magicians duplicated most of the magic that Moses presented to him. Finally, Moses turned his rod into a serpent, but then so did the Dark Ones. But then to the astonishment of all, the serpent of Moses ate the serpents of the dark magicians signifying that the power of the Spirit will eventually draw the personality power into itself. Then as we become one with Spirit our personal self is merged with the higher. The magical power of the soul is real whereas the magical power of the lower self is temporary and full of illusion, similar to that of a stage magician in the long run.


“And.. most importantly, perhaps, are we going to be able to create our molecule before the Dark Brothers create theirs? Is this the great battle in Revelations the precede the 1000 years of peace – a battle of molecular orders?”

Any battle of Molecular orders will most likely be an internal struggle at first. There may be others who have broken off or plagiarized the teachings. The purpose of these is to distract and confuse (or divide and conquer). Fortunately, in this age, they will not permanently succeed. After the Molecules of Light are definitely established the world as a whole will be alarmed and do what they can to stop the work of light. When this time comes the true power of the Song will come into play.

The Rapture

Concerning the rapture. Modern Christian are completely deceived about it and the type of rapture they are expecting will not happen. What do you suppose Jesus would do with millions of born againers if He had them? They’d be too busy arguing with each other to listen to any higher teachings from the Master.

Paul and many others thought that the day of the Lord’s coming was very near. For instance he said: “WE (Paul and others) which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord…” I Thess 4:15

These early Saints expected Jesus to come and save them from the great persecutions which were forthcoming and because the time was short, and the message of Christ had to be spread abroad before he appeared, the early leaders thought it best that the saints should not marry, but totally dedicate themselves to spreading the word. The injunction to not marry was a temporary one due to the circumstances of the time.

This teaching of the early leaders was not without foundation for Jesus told his disciples: “Verily I say unto you, There be some (more than one) standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his Kingdom.” Matt 16:28

These early saints believed that the 144,000 would be a group of Christians who would be taken by the Lord.

Actually, there is some historical evidence that such a saving event did happen and it was recorded by none other than the respected historian, Josephus. He recorded a second coming of Christ on May 30, 73 AD:

“Besides these, a few days after the feast, on the one and twentieth day of the month -Artemisius, a certain marvelous and incredible phenomenon appeared. I suppose what I am going to tell would seem a fable, were it not related by those who saw it, and were not the sad events that followed it deserving of such signs. Before sunset chariots were seen in the air, and troops of soldiers in their armour running about among the clouds. Moreover, at the feast which is called Pentecost, as the priests were going by night into the inner temple, as was their custom, to perform their sacred ministrations, they said that first they felt a quaking, and heard a great noise, and after that they heard a sound as of a multitude saying, Let us remove hence.” The Jewish War, Book 6, page 106, Chapter 5, section 3.

This sounds like an early UFO sighting, but we also have a “multitude” that was removed. Was this Christ appearing with his hierarchy, or Kingdom, as he promised? After all Paul told the saints: “Ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, and the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels. To the general assembly and the church of the firstborn which are written in heaven…” Heb 12:22-23

Did members of the church on the earth join with the “church of the firstborn” in heaven? Or is it possible that they were merely transported to a different area for safety? Or did they join Christ and his hierarchy for a period of time?

Whatever the case we can see that a fairly literal interpretation was applied to Rev 14:4 in that age. In this age the correspondences still match, but circumstances and consequently the interpretation is somewhat different.


“I have what I will call inner urgings to do certain things because it seems or feels right. Is this a direction from the soul or simply an emotional feeling? What else may we do besides saying the Song and meditating that will enhance our ability to achieve soul contact?”

The beginnings of soul contact does not start with a bang. It starts with the “still small voice,” so still and quiet that you think you are imagining things when you first hear it. It is different than psychic impression which often comes through the astral body. Soul contact comes through the mind and heart (not direct astral emotions) working as one. The oneness of the mind and heart create a channel.

After you pay attention to this contact the ability to recognize and trust it greatly increases, but it always takes a certain amount of faith to follow.

The fire of the Spirit is a higher contact that comes in varying degrees but when this comes it is unmistakable and leaves no doubt in your mind that there was definite contact with the energies of God. This higher contact comes for several purposes. One of the main ones is to give positive assurance that a certain direction is the correct one for you to take. Many will eventually receive this fire to confirm the truth about the Molecular Order and that they are to be a part of it.

Then there will be those who have not yet received soul contact or the fire who will be deceived by lower astral fire. If one has not received the higher fire it is easy to conclude that the lower fire is the higher fire.

When one receives the higher fire he knows that he has received it and knows that he knows. He can also recognize another who has received it and who is currently open to it. He who has received only the astral fire cannot discern the difference between the two. He believes he knows but does not know that he knows.

Many people have their higher contact greatly delayed because of the deception that the astral contact is the ultimate. This keeps them from making the next step because they are not looking for it.

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Overshadowing and the Molecule



Overshadowing and the Molecule

A reader wants me to elaborate on overshadowing in connection to the Molecular Order.

There are two main types of overshadowing. The first is where the Master communes with a disciple or group via the soul and remains mostly in his own body or vehicle of manifestation. When this happens the disciple or group realizes that a spiritual presence is with them and they “enter in to the joy of the Lord,” so to speak.

In the second, as happened with Jesus, the actual presence and consciousness of the Master enters into the body of the disciple. This is also called a “divine possession,” and is done with the full cooperation and free will of the disciple. In this process the Master projects his presence to one particular body. This type of presence of the Master of Masters is such an intense experience that it would be too much of a good thing for most and could cause insanity or death for one who is not ready.

One further step can be taken in this type of overshadowing and in this the disciple can step aside for periods of time so the Master can be the decision maker for the body.

This second type of overshadowing is what is planned for the Molecule and will probably happen before the molecule is actually linked up.

When the Molecule is linked up a connection is made by the presence of the Christ who is already linked and the divine energy of greater livingness flows into all the members. This spiritual experience is different from an overshadowing. There is an overshadowing presence created, but this presence is a new life form that is created by the blending of 24 smaller lives linked through a spiritual umbilical cord channeled by the Christ. In addition to this greater overshadowing greater lives such as the Masters will have a freer communion with molecular disciples similar to the communion in the first type of overshadowing.

So you can see that the mere gathering of 24 does not create a working molecule. It has to be planned and executed with the cooperation of the Spiritual Hierarchy. In addition, the group must be capable of being one through soul contact so the linkage can be completed and maintained.

Until or unless Christ decides to manifest in a body of his own He will be the only linking presence necessary for the Molecular order no matter how large it becomes. You only need one connecting link to establish an unlimited number of molecules. In terms of awareness and communion His presence is extended through all the molecules and He is able to use the various members for His eyes and ears as well as influence through soul contact according to the sensitivity of the Molecular members.

There may also be other overshadowings for other purposes. There are probably several going on right now on the earth and the friends and family of the overshadowed disciple may be oblivious to what is going on.

Advanced disciples and even some Masters who have forgotten who they are will be attracted to the Molecular Order when they learn about it and sense it’s spiritual power. After the Molecular Order gets firmly established, even it’s strongest enemies will have to admit it has attracted some very intelligent and talented people.


“Are they (Molecules) to take command of the population and force their will upon them, (with love) and remove freewill from the planet?”

I would hope that you know me well enough to know that I would have nothing to do with anything that would diminish free will even if an angel of light appeared and delivered such a message to me.

All of the works of light operate in the light and work to enhance free will. If we see that we have a message that we think is helpful to mankind then we would not force such a message even if we could. We merely present it and wait for those who are ready to respond.

The only time the Brothers of Light use force is to meet force used against them. For instance, the Brotherhood supported the Allies use of force against Hitler during World War II.

I was asked to elaborate on the purpose of the Molecule.

What’s the purpose of the Internet?

When it was created and enhanced, those working on it knew it was going to be extremely useful, but had no idea of the tremendous effect on society.

Now they could have waited until after they died to gain power to communicate with as much ease as we do on the net, but why? Users are not waiting to die to use this great service and appreciate those who initiated it.

The same applies to any enhancement of human ability. When the ring-pass-not is increased the human consciousness grows into it and uses the increase of power in ways never dreamed of in the past.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have power to heal as did Peter whose power was so great that the sick were placed in the way of his passing shadow and were healed?

Because the Molecular Order will be connected with the forces of light the powers available will only work for those who seek to serve and to help. The Molecular link will be automatically severed as soon as anyone involved wishes to use higher powers for self or for the control of others.

On the other hand, the Dark Brothers hope to manifest their own version of the molecule. They can develop powers to produce some magical results that will impress those with no soul contact, but the main difference will be in service. Their magic is to impress and to enslave. That of the forces of Light is to empower and to serve.

I was asked to comment atoms and how they combine. Will it be like the atoms of chemistry?

There is an important point to remember here. Many are somewhat deceived by the old axiom “as above so below and as below so above.”

That which is below will indicate that which is above but the correspondences are not exact. I will be writing more on this at a future time as there is an interesting key involved.

Because the correspondences are not exact we can’t just look at that which is below and copy it. Instead we must examine that which is below and pass it by the soul and by the use of intuitive understanding one can discern how the building will proceed in the higher level.

At first we will work on very simple molecules compared to what will be around a million years hence, something we cannot imagine in the present.

Humans in different states of evolution with differing centers in operation correspond to light and heavy atoms. In the beginning we will not be concerned with the atomic weight of various members, (outside of general soul contact) but I am sure that such a measurement will come into play for certain purposes as we progress.

The establishment of the Molecular Order on the earth will produce the largest leap in evolution and intelligence since man first appeared eighteen million years ago.

Disturbance in the Force

Several of you are reporting having physical problems. I have felt a negative energy trying to distract the group. When such energy comes we must learn to let it pass through us as the illusion it is. Do not give it any attention other than to register its existence so you can focus your mind to properly ignore it.

As we progress we will see the wisdom of having the Song of the 144,000 to enhance protection in this age. The main purpose of the Song is to protect from negative psychic energies that will be sent to discourage the workers in the Light. The second major purpose will be to neutralize the authority of the Beast so it will not be able to prevent the workers of light from working on the physical plane.

A third purpose of the Song is to gather the Lights. Saying the Song continually, without altering the words, is a sign that he is capable of blending with the molecular energies

A trickle down benefit will be the individual enhancement of greater personal peace as well as physical vitality. The Song is not a cure-all for personal problems we may have but it will indeed help.

It also does not mean that it will not be a great struggle against great obstacles to manifest the Kingdom of God. It will indeed take a Herculean effort, but the difference in this age is that it is in the plan that the work will be accomplished and not destroyed. The Song is to help insure that the negative forces are sufficiently neutralized to create success.

Fortunately, the personal benefit is great enough to motivate people of goodwill to say it thus creating a group blending and a benefit for the work in totality.

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Cosmic Masters


Cosmic Masters

I received some desire for clarification on this statement:

“No mortal in the flesh has come close to embracing in his consciousness even the lowest part of the cosmic plane which is the cosmic physical.”

It is true that we are part of the cosmic physical, but we are a part of this as a cell in our bodies is a part of us. It is aware of it’s own part, but may be oblivious to the whole.

The student must realize that the seven planes normally discussed in the Ancient Wisdom compose just one of seven planes on a higher level. That first higher plane is called the “Cosmic Physical.”

The seven planes of this Cosmic Physical. Are this physical plane that we see about us, the astral/emotional plane, the mental, the Buddhic, or plane of the intuition, the Atmic, the plane of ideas, the Monadic, plane of intelligence, and the plane of Divine Space that contains them all.

Cosmic consciousness is far above human consciousness and embraces entire planets and solar systems.

The only person on the planet that embraces all planes of the cosmic physical and is aware of the entire physical body of the earth as an omnipresent awareness is the Ancient of Days. Initiates of the sixth degree and above have an understanding of the whole cosmic physical through identification with the supreme Lord, but have not achieved full intelligence on the matter. These high initiates who are above the rank of Master also have limited understanding of the cosmic astral.

The Ancient of Days is a Master of the cosmic physical as regular Masters are Masters of the regular physical. He also has access to the cosmic astral as a disciple of the Solar Logos. The Solar Logos is a Master of the cosmic astral and his consciousness embraces the entire solar system and has full awareness of all lives therein. The Solar Logos is a disciple of a greater being who is so high the Masters call him The One About whom Naught Can Be Said. He is a Master of the Cosmic Mental and his consciousness embraces seven solar systems. Through linking with this great being the Solar Logos is able to function and learn on the cosmic mental. These greater lives progress until we get to the cosmic whole which would be the Logos of the Milky Way Galaxy of which we know nothing – though many new age channelers claim to have regular communication with such a being.

My main point in all this is that most humans only operate in the first two subplanes of the cosmic physical – the physical as we know it, and the astral. The greater intelligencia of the world operate in the lowest three and most initiates operate in only four out of the seven planes – and none of us mortals understand the whole.

DK did say this: “The lowest cosmic plane is the cosmic physical, and it is the only one which the finite mind of man can in any way comprehend.” TCF, Pg 116

We partially comprehend, but there is much yet to understand. Even so duality will still have an existence on these higher planes of form indicating that it will be a long time in the future before it is completely transcended. And who wants to? If you had a choice would you want to be transported to a world way beyond your understanding and miss the fun of exploring and conquering this one?

What if you signed up for Algebra I and someone promoted you to Algebra 6 where you were completely lost? That would be no fun.

If you are watching a movie do you want someone to jerk you out of the theater, tell you how it ends and send you to a seminar on nuclear physics? Of course not. You want to stay and enjoy the movie and savor each minute, if it is a good one.

Molecular Questions

Glenys writes:

“You say, JJ, that the New Jerusalem will manifest in a future age. Can you be more specific as to the timetable? In fact, do you have a time frame for the whole scenario from the first human molecule to the NJ? I would surmise that the first human molecule is imminent, then other molecules will appear and the first master molecule soon after?”

I cannot give you an exact timeline on any of this because so much is subject to our free will. From a higher view these things are already in existence and their manifestation here on earth is sure, but from our view the length of time between events is difficult to measure. We may have to go through a sifting process before we can gather 24 people capable of soul contact all at the same moment so heaven and earth can be linked. It will not be as easy as just finding 24 that want to be in a molecule. We may create several non-working molecules before we get a working one. There will also be those who come forth claiming to speak for God, Christ, or Master Zor, saying we have it all wrong. Some of these will be attempts of the Dark Brothers to prevent the Molecular creation

After the first one is successfully linked then others will be added more quickly and if the first molecule is stable it will have the effect of stabilizing the ones that will follow.

The goal is to have the physical city of New Jerusalem initiated by 2030. There may or may not be 144,000 working atomic units by that time, but there should be over 144,000 fairly enlightened people who are willing to receive.


“Also, can you elaborate on the significance of the molecules of 12 and how their purposes and functions will be different to other numerical groupings? This may help some people work out their direction and life work. Also, will you be involved in other numerical groupings or is your work confined to the 12 structure?”

Within the Molecules of 12 there will be sub molecules of seven and three. The molecules in a higher kingdom correspond to the lower, but always with differences. In each new creation the life of God does something “new” and different and better.

The human molecule of 12 units is the only one that has successfully manifested in the human kingdom so that is what we will concentrate on at first. But as macrocosmic chemists we will experiment and test the results of different combinations. There will be instructions from the Christ when necessary, but we are always expected to do all we can on our own. When we do all we can and can go no further more will be given.

Edison often had dreams that gave him ideas, but he was a great example of forging ahead and making use of his own intelligence. What we are going to do is create a spiritual light bulb, but some of the knowledge we must discover on our own. When this happens we take it into future lives even if there should be a cataclysm.

The Masters gave out too much too fast during Atlantis and the result was disaster. This time they cautiously assist. Sometimes I wish they would assist more, but that my personality speaking.


“I assume that any molecule, including an initiating molecule, can be replaced if it was no longer functional eg death of one of the partners, a change in philosophy etc. Is it more significant if an initiating molecule is changed and would it adversely affect the energy flow from Source into the molecule?

All can be replaced including the initiator, but the initiate must be replaced by one of similar vision and soul contact. How this works is going to be covered soon.


“Once you get to the Cell (144,000) with the Ancient of Days and the Christ standing at the centre, does that mean that these two, in partnership, take over the role of initiating molecule?”

If it is decided that the Christ will appear in the flesh with a body of his own then he will take over the leadership of the Molecular Order. He will be overshadowed by the Ancient of Days.

This (if he comes in the flesh) will happen sometime between the first molecule and the creation of the 144,000. Very few concrete facts are given out on this.

An overshadowing is definitely planned and is not far away so a link is available to unite heaven and earth with the first molecule.

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Fire and Brimstone


Fire and Brimstone

Laura asks:

“I took a round-about way of asking this question, but the question that came to my mind was this – given what I was taught about Christ (that during his three days of death, he visited both heaven AND hell) and JJ’s parable about heaven and hell, does this mean that Christ was in a serious state of inDecision, Reluctance or Guilt after his death?

“I was taught that there is an actual Hell (fire and brimstone and what not) and that Christ went to Hell in order to break out a can of Whoop-Ass and go Medieval all over Satan, but that doesn’t seem to fit this new vision of Heaven and Hell as I see it now, through JJ’s parable.”

The parable (from The Immortal, Book I) was meant to teach a principle and is not to be taken literally. However there are such numerous situations that present themselves to souls after they die that it is possible that some people do have a similar occurrence.

There is illusion that is brought back from near death experiences for those who have not escaped astral consciousness will often play our their dreams, fantasies and hidden thoughts on the other side.

The Buddhists may meet Buddha, the Hindus, Krishna and the Christians Jesus, but instead of meeting the real person they will meet a thoughtform or some actor playing a part for their benefit.

Betty Eadie who wrote the famous book “Embraced by the Light,” came back with several illusions. First the idea that Jesus spends a lot of quality time with each and every good guy who passes over.

Some of the teachings she brought back were illusionary such as the idea that we have only one life and then move on to an eternal location as exists in her standard Mormon theology.

Perhaps the greatest illusion is the idea that all go immediately to heaven, even beings as Hitler. This illusion was also promoted in the book Conversations with God.

Some say that Hitler and other bad guys just volunteered to come down and play the bad guy as an act of service. This flies in the face of what Jesus said about Judas, doesn’t it?

Now it is true that Hitler’s higher self is in a heavenly place but in order for the earthly essence of Hitler or some serial killer to be there, a great change would have to take place or his astral self would have to die (sometimes called the second death) and his essence reunited with his soul.

The truth is this. That person which you are the moment you die will carry over to the other worlds so you will be essentially the same person until reunited with the soul. If you are depressed here you will be depressed there. If you get angry easy here, you will continue to do so there while lingering in the astral/etheric plane.

Many illusions do not need a revelation to dispel. Often a little common sense will do.

Is there a hell on the other side?

To answer this one need only ask: Is there a hell for the living on this earth? The answer is yes. When a person in this place decides that life is so bad he wants to kill himself, do you think that such a one is in hell? Of course, he has a terrible state of mind and that state of mind carries over to the other side and is actually intensified and just as his thoughts produced hell for him here they can continue to produce hell over there until he is absorbed by the light of the soul. Then it will be as if he had awakened from a bad dream

People in a similar state of negative thought often join their thoughts together and produce illusionary realities on the other side that are very undesirable places to visit.

Another thing that produces hell on the other side is the fact that there is a principle which says that “like attracts like.” Very irritating people have a vibration that draws them to others like themselves in the Spirit World. Pleasant minded people have a higher vibration and they gravitate to others like themselves. Thus the irritating people only have other irritating people for company and this produces a hell for them that definitely teaches them a lesson.

If we can learn to forgive others, dispel our negative thoughts and feelings as well as guilt, then we will wind up in a very pleasant place to spend our time between incarnations.

After the Christ left his body on the cross he did descend to those of low vibration and ascended to the highest vibration in the worlds of form and taught and gave hope along the way.

Many misunderstand John’s descriptions of fire and brimstone in the Book of Revelations. Let us examine the Greek here and see what we come up with.

“And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war. His eyes were as a flame of fire (he sees by the spirit), and on his head were many crowns (he overcame all things); and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself (The nature of his mission). And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called the Word of God. And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean (they are undefiled). And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword (truth), that with it he should smite the nations (consummate the order of the New Age): and he shall rule (guide)’.’- – them with a rod of iron (the word of truth and wisdom) and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God. (Crucified the flesh to free the Spirit). And he had on his vesture (a resurrected body the symbol of the triumph over death) and on his thigh (a symbol of his seed, or those who follow the path of Christ) a name written, KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS (One who overcomes all things). And I saw an angel (messenger) standing in the sun (has great enlightenment); and he cried with a loud voice to all the fowls (The lights of the earth) that fly in the midst of heaven (they freely explore spiritual mysteries), Come and gather yourselves together (gather and build the cities of Light) unto the supper of the great God (feast on the joy in the kingdom of God); That ye may eat the flesh (destroy the corruption and outworn ideas) of kings (authoritarian rule), and the flesh of captains (turn swords into plowshares and create peace on earth goodwill to men), and the flesh of mighty men (the rich and powerful will be replaced by the wise and enlightened as those who are most respected), and the flesh of horses (instruments of war will be done away with), and of them that sit on them (those who operate them will not be needed), and the flesh (outworn ideas) of all men, both free (those on the path of enlightenment) and bond (those who are imprisoned with selfish desires), both small and great.

“And I saw the beast (Gog), and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gather together to make war against him that sat on the horse, and against his army. And the beast was taken (subdued), and with him the false prophet (those teaching worn out ideas) that wrought miracles before him (impressed the people with their authority), with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast (blindly following authority or teachings), and them that worship his image (those who try and find God outside of themselves).

“These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.” Rev 19:11-20

This last sentence has an interpretation much different than is supposed. Most believe that the lake of fire and brimstone is “hell” which the wicked will enter after death, but notice that the beast and false prophet were not dead when they enter the lake, but “alive.” If they are alive then the lake of fire must be here among the living.

The word “fire” is from the Greek PUR which can be translated as “fire, fiery, or lightening”. The word indicates a display of light and is a symbol of enlightenment.

“Burn” is from KAIO which means “to set on fire”, or “to consume

‘“Brimstone” is an interesting word. It comes from THEION which is the neuter of THEIOS which in turn comes from THEOS.. THEIOS is interpreted as “Godlike” or “divine”, and THEOS is “God

John is telling us that the beast, and the false prophet are to be cast into a situation where they encounter “fire” (enlightened ones) burning with “brimstone” (the God within).

In this situation the beast and the false prophet will eventually be destroyed and Israelites will appear in their place – all the sons of men will eventually become the Sons of God. Remember that Jesus said: “Even so it is not the will of Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish.” Matt 18:14

Paul also said that God “will have ALL MEN to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” I Tim 2:4

Those who worship the image of the beast do not seem to believe that God has power to fulfill his will and accomplish this great task. They do not realize that even the representatives of the Beast will come to a knowledge of the truth according to the will of God.

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Initiations and Duality


Initiations and Duality

Someone e-mailed me several questions about initiates and initiation so instead of giving the answer to just one I will post it to all of you as I am sure this is a subject of great interest.

Question: I said earlier that an initiate is one who initiates. Therefore, you are an initiate to some degree when you start a business, a rock and roll band, or initiate an invention. How does this type of initiating correspond to the initiations as taught by DK through Alice A. Bailey and Theosophy?

Answer: As taught by the Brotherhood there are five initiations before becoming a Master and then two additional before graduating from this planet. In addition there are two more that will be taken in another solar system making nine in all. Nine is therefore called the number of initiation.

Before one reaches initiation, if he is sincerely seeking the truth, he is called an “aspirant.” Just to give you an idea here, the majority of members of Spiritweb (our hosting service at that time) in general are either just curious or aspirants to the Path. There are a handful of first degree initiates, a few second and maybe two or three above that. From the 50,000 members on this site there are probably about a hundred who think they are almost masters of the fifth degree or above but are strongly deluded. I met a guy a while back who thought he was higher than the Ancient of Days.

We will eventually cover the initiations in detail, but we have a lot of other material to go through first.

If one is not sure if he is an initiate or not it is best to assume he is an aspirant and aspire to have power to serve and initiate. If one sees himself as higher than he is he will miss steps along the way that he will have to retrace in a future life.

Initiating projects of different types does not tell us for sure that you are an initiate of a certain degree. Instead they are like exercises that build your spiritual muscles that will make you strong enough to pass through the portals into the Kingdom of God.

Rick Initiated this list. That is a sign that he is working in the direction of being an initiate, but it does not tell us his status.

Glenys is initiated a Synthesis Group. This is also a sign that she is going in the direction of initiation. Mindy, Anni and others are going the same direction. Lorraine initiated the interviewing program. In addition to this many of you are initiating projects unknown to us. Visible evidence that you are initiating something new is a sign that you are headed in the direction of the initiate. If you begin a work that affects many people this is a sign that you are an accepted initiate, but it is difficult to tell the status of an initiate without soul contact.

Question: Can the seeker pass through more than one initiation in one life?

Answer: Let us say you were a third degree initiate in your last life. That means to get to where you left off in the last life you must pass through three initiations in this one. Sometimes the disciple bungles things and does not even get to the first initiation. Other times he will make it, but because he has gone through the first three before it will not be so difficult this time. However, the next level up, the fourth will be horrendous for him. One usually does not pass through more than one new initiation in one life, but there are no limits set on anyone. Jesus passed through the fourth and began the fifth whereas the Christ within him passed through the sixth and started work on the seventh. Nevertheless Jesus had to show mastery of the first, second and third initiations before moving forward.

Question: What if someone like me gives you an idea and you run with it and initiate a project, are you still initiating?

Answer: Yes, if you are acting on your own INITIATive. Jesus initiated the Christian movement, but Paul who mainly promoted it was also a high initiate because he was so successful and had such an impact. No one had to tell him what to do in every detail, he just saw the need and initiated action.

Hope this Helps

There have been many good questions and comments that I have just not had time to expend upon. One thing I am grateful for is that many of you come forward with good answers and comments that I am sure aid the persons seeking help. I encourage everyone to keep this up.

And as far as opposing viewpoints are concerned, it is true that they sometimes lead to conflict and this does disturb some and sometimes costs us members, but such is life. We must always welcome all opinions. Often the interplay of conflict does bring additional light. All we ask of anyone with an opposing viewpoint is that they be sincere and as clear as possible. Often people think they are disagreeing with me when they are not, which produces illusionary conflict.

Concerning this latest conflict of living in duality vs. living apart from duality I feel that it has not yet been resolved on either side so I will contemplate and may post additional thoughts in the future. I think one of the main things we need on this is clarification as about two thirds of the conflict is from lack of understanding each other.

Some thought I resorted to humor because I did not understand the beyond duality idea and feeling, but I submit that I do understand and that is what made my story so potent.

One thing that concerns me is that those who support the non-duality livingness idea seem to believe that they have achieved some mystical consciousness that is far beyond that which is had by those in the group who disagree with them. The idea conveyed is that if we could just experience this oneness consciousness we would be instantly converted.

This is quite a judgmental thought to be conveyed by those who see themselves as beyond judgment.

Let me submit this. Many people in the group who see themselves as not beyond the dualities have experienced some high spiritual feelings and states. They have experienced what some may think of as a consciousness beyond duality, but just interpreted it from a different point of view than the beyond duality idea. I have had many spiritual experiences myself and I can see how some would think they have achieved the ultimate by feeling them, and possibly thinking they have transcended duality. But for myself, I did not interpret my experiences as beyond duality.

Many spiritual feelings and experiences are difficult to describe in words, but let me say this. In our current plane of existence there are seven planes and three of them have form – that is the physical, the astral and the mental. In Mormon terminology these are called the telestial, the terrestrial and the celestial kingdoms. Then there are four higher ones that are sometimes called the formless worlds. Very few people have reached the higher mental let alone the formless. They are called formless because the ideas behind the form are communicated and used rather than the form itself.

Often times a good high astral feeling is interpreted as being some ultimate beyond duality feeling. So when someone tells me that are living in this high ecstasy that is beyond duality I figure they could be experiencing a number of different things. However, when someone has the New Jerusalem experience in consciousness and feeling there is a knowing when communicated to another who has had the same experience.

Let me tell you why it is impossible in our present state to completely transcend duality. All the seven planes of our existence are subplanes of a higher plane called the cosmic physical which is the lowest of the planes in this higher realm. No mortal in the flesh has come close to mastering even the lowest parts of the cosmic plane and again on the cosmic physical we have a higher correspondence of the same dualities we have here. Since we are a part of this cosmic physical, but cannot transcend it in our present condition then completely escaping duality for us in present state is way way beyond our ring-pass-not.

Nevertheless we can obtain an angle of vision where we sense the dualities working as a unity within the purpose of the One Great Life.

As far as good and evil is concerned, the three groups I previously mentioned look at it in three different ways. Group one sees every possible action as neatly packaged into good and evil with no thinking or discernment required to judge it.

The group twos see nothing as good or evil. They avoid thinking and discernment, just as do the group ones. For the first all is good or evil and for the second nothing is.

I invite all here to come to a higher angle of vision. As with most things neither extreme is correct. The first extreme results in events like the burning of witches and the killing of prophets. Then too if no good or evil is assessed there would be a total break down of society and no structure for civilization could be created.

Even though good and evil are an illusion and are both part of an ultimate good within the plan of God that does not mean we are to ignore them here for if we do it will be at our own peril.

It is true that good and evil is as we define it, but we have defined it just as we have defined the color red. Just because we define the color red as red and we could have called it blue instead, does not mean we have just cause to start calling it blue. No. A thousand times no! If we did that with our whole language communication would be destroyed.

In many ways we have defined good and evil and we as the human race will redefine it periodically as we progress.

In this present time to kick your dog is evil, but to selflessly give or to help animals is good. Is there some reason that we should throw out the window all the progress the race has made in discerning good and evil to the point that a beneficial civilization is created??? I think not.

The Master DK through Alice A. Bailey has given us the definition of good and evil as the Brotherhood views it.

Good is that direction which takes us forward in evolution and evil is that which takes us backward into what we were in the past.

This is why the Masters saw Hitler as an evil – because he wanted to return us to the kingdom type rulership of the past instead of free democracy or republics.

Our decisions on good and evil definitely has an effect that Jesus acknowledged when talking about Judas.

“The Son of man goeth as it is written of him: but woe unto that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! it had been good for that man if he had not been born.” Matt 26:24

In other words, the mistake of Judas was so great that he completely wasted a life or two at least.

Then if he turned completely to the dark side he will wind up wasting billions of years. All the bodies composing this reality will be destroyed and his Creator will take its essence back and send it out again in a future solar system. The time consumed and wasted, the pain endured, the retracing of steps is beyond imagination. Here is how Joseph Smith described it:

“And the end thereof, neither the place thereof, nor their torment, no man knows;

“Neither was it revealed, neither is, neither will be revealed unto man, except to them who are made partakers thereof;

“Nevertheless, I, the Lord, show it by vision unto many, but straightway shut it up again;

“Wherefore, the end, the width, the height, the depth, and the misery thereof, they understand not, neither any man except those who are ordained unto this condemnation.” D&C 76:45-48

Fortunately, few are persistent enough in the direction of utter selfishness to achieve this end, but I will say this. I certainly do not want to choose such a path just so I can say a trillion years from now that I learned a valuable lesson.

That may be true, but as Rick said “man is that he might have joy,” so let us get on with the joy. Let us not even delay the joy a day, a month or a year let alone a trillion years. Let us have a sense and vision of the far away realities, but let common sense rule in this one.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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