Keys Posts 2012, Part 22

This entry is part 35 of 40 in the series 2012A

Nov 7, 2012

The Fall of the Old

Keith: The only difference I have with J.J. is he believes this new age can be salvaged from the best of the old. I believe this present age has crystallized to the point where its destruction will be a blessing in disguise going forward.

JJ There is no difference of opinion that the present system will fall and a new one will be built. The concern I have is how it will happen. If we do nothing and just let things happen then the system will fall and the chances are a great tyranny will surface along with tremendous suffering during and after the fall. This is what I want to avoid.

To avoid this we need to build a bridge between the two systems where a new system based on freedom is being created as the old systems are falling. Then when the fall is complete we can have the foundation of freedom created for the new.

Nov 8, 2012 Winners and Looses

The election is over and we have winners and losers and yes, Barack Obama won reelection, but not all were winners. Let us take a look:

Winners; People who want more free stuff. Losers: Those who have to pay for the free stuff.

Winners (in their illusionary reality): Those who think government can borrow increasing amounts of money forever so they can have free stuff. Losers: Those who realize economic recklessness will bring a day of reckoning.

Winners: Those who want less freedom for others. Losers: Those who want more freedom for all.

Winners: Those who want larger more intrusive government Losers: Those who want smaller and efficient government

Winners: Those who still want to blame Bush for our depressed economy. Losers; Those who have a sense of personal responsibility.

Winners: Those who want the price of fuel to skyrocket so we will be forced to rely on wind and solar. Losers: Those who are struggling to pay for gas for their cars and fuel for their homes.

Winners: Those who want to dismantle the military. Losers: Those who believe we need a strong defense and a missile defense to prevent desolation for the planet.


Nov 9, 2012

The Coming Collapse

Mary Ellen writes:

Exactly how do we go about doing this (the coming collapse)? What should we be doing to build this bridge you refer to?

I am still reeling with disbelief. I haven’t read the Keys comments til today and I was so hoping for something optimistic……..esp. from JJ, but all the comments and thoughts are of doom and gloom. I hope I am NOT alive when this great fall happens. I know it’s happening and has been for some time now but BO’s win just sealed the deal.

JJ First, it is important to not fear the future. I remember way back in the Seventies a lot of people thought a collapse was coming soon. Many thought that the book 1984 did not pick that year by accident but it was the target date for the beast to control the world. Almost all conspiracy watchers at that time thought for sure there would be a collapse before the Eighties were through.

Well, we made it through and on hindsight spending a lot of time worrying would have been a waste of time.

It is true that we have never had a president like Obama and there is a chance of a collapse but this is not a sure thing. Chances are we will weather any hard times ahead and in the meantime life will be much easier if we do not worry about what we cannot change and make the best of life in the present.

I always go by my inner feelings as to whether I should worry about a thing. Right now the only troubling vibes I pick up concerns a couple of my kids. There is not anything I can do in the immediate future to change the world so I am not wasting time being troubled by it.

As I’ve said before the main preparation the lights can make for the distress to come is to create a gathering place that can serve as a place of refuge. Unfortunately, right now we do not have enough willing participants to even start creating such a place. Before that happens many thousand, perhaps millions will need to be exposed to the teachings.


Nov 11, 2012

Who Should Vote?

There’s been some interesting discussion lately about whether certain people should be denied the vote. For instance, should people on welfare be allowed to vote, which vote may result in raising taxes on those who are paying for the welfare?

First, I might mention this discussion is academic for the present because there is not much of a chance that any politician will recommend limiting the vote on anyone. If anything they will try to get more people voting including illegal aliens.

Even so the time will come that we will have opportunities to build more perfect societies so it is always good to discuss these things.

The core principle to consider is this. It is wrong that one who is not paying taxes has the power to dictate in any way how many taxes others should pay. It is the taxpayers themselves who should determine how much they want to give. Anything else leads to thievery.

Let us give a example. There are three homeless guys and a producer with a nice home and lots of cash. Now if the producer decides he wants to give some of his money to help the homeless guys, this is well and good. He will secure treasure in heaven, according to Jesus.

But let us suppose the three homeless dudes force their way into his home and declare that they have just been given the right to vote how much of the producers money and property they can take. First they vote three to one that they can now live in the guy’s house. Next they vote on how much of the producer’s cash they can take. The producer says he’ll give then 10% but the majority of three vote to distribute 80%.

That doesn’t seem very fair does it? But that is what happens in our society when those who do not produce are given power to vote themselves money made by the producers.

On the other hand, the non producers participate in society in many other ways besides making money and other things besides money effect them. There are quite a few factors in society that many non producers should be able to have a say about.

Therefore, here is what I recommend. An elected body should not do the raising of taxes. They can recommend it, but should not be given power to actually raise them. Before taxes can be raised there should first be a referendum voted on by he actual taxpayers. If income taxes are to be raised then only those who will be affected and have to pay more should be allowed to vote on the issue.

On the other hand, a sales tax usually applies to all and in this case all citizens should vote.

If property taxes are to be raised then only property owners should be allowed to vote for they are the ones who will be affected.

If Congress wants a tariff increase that will not cost citizens any cash outlay then Congress can make this type of decision.

If this basic rule is followed then taxes will never be too high. But humans are basically generous in nature and most are willing to pay what is fair.


Nov 14, 2012

Obama Last President?

It looks like a lot of people are predicting Obama will be the last president. Here are a few:


Video #2

Article Link #1

Article Link #2

Lastly, even though Ramtha loves Obama he is predicting he will be the last president. He calls him the fulfillment of the “Black Pope” prophecy. On the other hand, he predicted numerous times Bush would also be the last president so I do not see much earned authority here.


Nov 16, 2012

Dangers of Trust

Here is a great example of what can happen to a people who give too much trust to their leaders and their enemies:

On his return he held up before the Senate a bundle of fresh figs that he had plucked in Carthage three days before, as an ominous symbol of her prosperity and her nearness to Rome; and he predicted that if Carthage were left unchecked, she would soon be rich and strong enough to renew the struggle for the mastery of the Mediterranean. From that day, with characteristic pertinacity, he ended all his speeches in the Senate, on whatever subject, with his dour conviction: Ceterum censeo delendam esse Carthaginem – “Besides, I think that Carthage must be destroyed.” The imperialists in the Senate agreed with him, not so much because they coveted Carthage’s trade, as because they saw in the well-irrigated fields of north Africa a new investment for their money, new latifundia to be tilled by new slaves. They awaited eagerly a pretext for the Third Punic War.

Their cue came from the most extraordinary ruler of his time. Masinissa, King of Numidia, lived ninety years (238-148), begot a son at eighty-six, and by a vigorous regimen kept his health and strength almost to the end. He organized his nomad people into a settled agricultural society and a disciplined state, ruled them ably for sixty years, adorned Cirta, his capital, with lordly architecture, and left as his tomb the great pyramid that still stands near the town of Constantine, in Tunisia. Having won the friendship of Rome, and knowing the political weakness of Carthage, he repeatedly raided and appropriated Carthaginian terrain, took Great Leptis and other cities, and finally controlled all land approaches to the harassed metropolis. Bound by treaty to make no war without Rome’s consent, Carthage sent ambassadors to the Senate to protest against Masinissa’s encroachments. The Senate reminded them that all Phoenicians were interlopers in Africa and had no rights there which any well-armed nation was obliged to respect. When Carthage paid the last of her fifty annual indemnities of 200 talents to Rome, she felt herself released from the treaty signed after Zama. In 151 she declared war against Numidia, and a year later Rome declared war against her. The latter declaration, and the news that the Roman fleet had already sailed for Africa, reached Carthage at the same time. The ancient city, however rich in population and trade, was quite unprepared for a major war. She had a small army, a smaller navy, no mercenaries, no allies. Rome controlled the sea. Utica therefore declared for Rome, and Masinissa blocked all egress from Carthage to the hinterland. An embassy hastened to Rome with authority to meet all demands. The Senate promised that if Carthage would turn over to the Roman consuls in Sicily 300 children of the noblest families as hostages, and would obey whatever orders the consuls would give, the freedom and territorial integrity of Carthage would be preserved. Secretly the Senate bade the consuls carry out the instructions that they had already received. The Carthaginians gave up their children with forebodings and laments; the relatives crowded the shores in a despondent farewell; at the last moment the mothers tried by force to prevent the ships from sailing; and some swam out to sea to catch a last glimpse of their children. The consuls sent the hostages to Rome, crossed to Utica with army and fleet, summoned the Carthaginian ambassadors, and required of Carthage the surrender of her remaining ships, a great quantity of grain, and all her engines and weapons of war. When these conditions had been fulfilled, the consuls further demanded that the population of Carthage should retire to ten miles from the city, which was then to be burned to the ground. The ambassadors argued in vain that the destruction of a city which had surrendered hostages and its arms without striking a blow was a treacherous atrocity unknown to history. They offered their own lives as a vicarious atonement; they flung themselves upon the ground and beat the earth with their heads. The consuls replied that the terms were those of the Senate and could not be changed. When the people of Carthage heard what was demanded of them they lost their sanity. Parents mad with grief tore limb from limb the leaders who had advised surrendering the child hostages; others killed those who had counseled the surrender of arms; some dragged the returning ambassadors through the streets and stoned them; some killed whatever Italians could be found in the city; some stood in the empty arsenals and wept.

From Story of Civilization Vol 3 by Will Durant


Nov 16, 2012

Fartherest Galaxy

This short video is a great way to demonstrate how far the Hubble Telescope takes us.


Nov 17, 2012


I just watched a presentation on BookTV that would make good fodder for discussion. The book was written by Michael J. Sandel titled “What Money Can’t Buy.”

One of his arguments is that it is immoral and unproductive to pay kids to read books. He maintains they should be motivated to read because they love reading not because they are paid. What do you think about this and other points he makes?

You can watch the presentation here:



Nov 19, 2012

Past Lives & Handwriting

Welcome Colin and thank you Larry W for giving him a good summary of information that should be helpful.

Just one correction. Handwriting was the final nail that did indeed convince me of reincarnation but it had nothing to do with Stauffenberg. This was revealed to me later on.

By about the age of 27 my searching lead me to about a 95% sure conclusion that reincarnation was real. I had received a personal revelation on it but, because of conflicts with church doctrine, had a difficult time accepting it and was looking for hard evidence for final verification. Some good circumstantial evidence would be handwriting comparison. The trouble with my handwriting is that it had changed quite a bit throughout my life up to that point so I figured that any sample I found from a past life would not be a close enough match to supply good evidence. Even so, certain ingredients from life to life would be similar, especially the intelligence and thought process, for that is one aspect we do not lose unless there is brain damage or malfunction. This gave me the ability to find prospects for evidence, but not proof.

On the other hand, my first wife was a different case. She had a journal with handwriting in it from the age of twelve. I was amazed at how unchanged her handwriting was from a young age. I therefore found the best prospect for my past life, and after much effort discovered his wife’s handwriting. I figured that if they were the same person the writing would be close but still not a positive I.D.

Then when I laid the two samples side by side I was astounded. Except for the cultural differences of the time periods they were the same. Even a couple idiosyncrasies in the two writings matched. I calculated the odds of two writings matching this close and figured it was astronomical. This was the intellectual evidence I needed to cause me to break out of the Mormon mold and re-examine everything I had ever believed as if I were a child, discovering the world anew.

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