- Christmas Message 1998
- Christmas Present
- The Santa God
- Interesting Facts on Christmas
- Christmas Message 2001
- Christmas Message 2002
- Christmas Message 2003
- Christmas Message 2004
- Christmas Speech 2005
- Christmas Message 2006
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- Christmas Message 2008
- Christmas Message 2009
- Twelve Days of Christmas Explained
- Christmas Message 2010
- Christmas Message 2011
- Christmas Message 2012
- Christmas Message 2013
- Christmas Message 2014
- Christmas Message 2015
- Christmas Message 2016
- Christmas Message 2017
- Christmas Message 2018
- Christmas Message 2019
- Christmas Message 2020
- Christmas Message, 2021
- Christmas Message 2022
- Christmas Message 2023
- Christmas Message 2024
The Hands of God
Don had been a believer in God and accepted Jesus as his Son. He had always tried to speak positive of living the good Christian life, which would lead to peace and happiness in this world and the next.
Now, for the first time in his life he doubted everything. He was on the verge of totally rejecting God, Christ, sacrifice, salvation, love – the whole works – anything associated with all that he embraced in the past.
Here it was Christmas eve and he was all alone reflecting on the terrible year it had been. January was a shock because he didn’t get the promotion that he deserved. Then in April when he was expecting a raise he received a cut in salary, In June he had a car accident that laid him in the hospital with the insurance only paying part of the expenses. In September he realized he was hooked on pain killers. In November his wife had an affair and when confronted she asked for a divorce. It didn’t help that she pointed out that she had now found a real man.
Now to top it all off, on this day, Christmas eve, he was fired from his job where he had been a faithful employee for 20 years. Yes, reflecting on this terrible year filled him with unspeakable rage. He felt like cursing God with such language that would make hell itself shutter. He raised his fist, looked to the sky and was about to lash out at God for being so unloving, uncaring and basically one mean SOB for not giving a damn about him. He was thinking that since God couldn’t possibly be this negligent that he must not exist at all.
Just as he was about to utter the most destructive words of his life he hesitated and could not bring himself to curse his Lord. Instead, he fell to the floor crying like a baby with great sorrow speaking these desperate words:
“Oh, Lord my God! Are you really there? Are you the God of love or just a tormentor laughing at my misery? If you love me, then where is it, because I feel nothing.”
Don just lay on the floor sobbing and feeling sorry for himself until it seemed that he fell asleep. In that place of twilight where he was not sure if he was asleep or awake he heard a gentle voice speaking his name. He looked up and to his amazement his Lord stood in front of him. This beautiful being grabbed Don’s hand and said, “Arise,” as he lifted him up. “What can I do for you?” he asked.
“For starters, you an answer some questions. How can God be looked upon as loving or even good when He allows so much suffering? My life over the past year has been a living hell and even though I have prayed regularly God has done nothing for me. I’ve felt completely abandoned.”
“Come let me show you something,” said the Master. He waved his hand in the direction of the wall and suddenly an image appeared. Don looked and saw a child in a hospital bed awaiting surgery to save his life. He was terrified. Then his mother entered the room and caressed him with love only a mother can give while speaking comforting words. The child was then at peace as he entered the operating room.
The physician looked at the child before him and thought that this could be his own in different circumstances and proceeded with all diligence and skill to save him. The child recovered to live a full life.
“Look again,” he said.
This time he saw a soldier in Afghanistan who had just survived a deadly firefight. He was wounded and dying with thoughts of meeting his Lord when villagers who didn’t even speak English came to assist him and saved his life at great peril to their own.
“One more time,” said the Master.
This time Don saw a man at the end of his rope on the edge of a bridge preparing to jump. He was given an insight into his life and Don had to admit that his life was in worse shape than his own. Just as he was about to jump he heard the soft voice of a young lady who approached him.
“Please don’t do this my friend. Life is good and there is much to live for.”
“I have nothing to live for. My life is horrible and no one cares.”
The lady reached out her hand, looked him in the eye and said, “I care. Now take my hand and come with me.”
The words, “I care,” touched the man’s soul and he realized that he could not jump. He took her hand and began life anew.
The Master looked at Don and spoke, what do these three accounts have in common?
Don replied, “They are all examples of the neglect of God. If humans hadn’t come to assist, the three people would have died.”
“Listen and learn the truth,” said the Master. “Humans are in the image of God and as reflections of Him they are his hands and vessels of love upon the earth. It is the responsibility of the Sons and Daughters of God to manifest the love of God on the earth. When the mother lovingly comforted her child, I was there. When the surgeon saved his life I was guiding his hands. When the villagers saved the soldier, I was in their hearts and when the lady stretched out her caring hand, I was stretching mine also.
“The Love of God cannot be comprehended except through caring and kindness from other humans who are instruments in the hands of God.”
“Well, the hands of God didn’t do much for me.”
“They did more than you realize,” said the Master. “Look again.”
Don looked and he saw a review of his life over the past year. He saw that when he was denied the promotion that his friend Jim reached out to him and spent time with him to lift his spirits.
When he didn’t get the promotion he was in a terrible mood and his wife did her best to comfort and assure him. Instead of appreciating it he lashed out and complained about everything. This led her to seek comfort from another man.
When Don had the accident he saw that he was operated on by the hands of a caring physician who saved his life. When he got hooked on painkillers friends and family counseled him. Then when his wife left him his friend Jim was there for him again.
The Master spoke, “The Love of God has been with you through the whole year, but you saw it not, neither did you understand.”
“I see your point,” said Don, “and am ready to change my attitude. The problem is that I am feeling terrible over losing my job, on top of everything else, and there is no one to cheer me up. Are you going to send me one of the helping hands?”
“I will send a helping hand,” said the Master. “Take one more look.”
The image of a young man caught Don’s attention. As he looked closely he realized it was his own son, lying in bed staring at the ceiling with tears in his eyes. Somehow Don understood his feelings. During this whole terrible year his son did his best to comfort his father and sought to spend time with him. Don was always too busy or preoccupied. He had heard that his Dad lost his job and was contemplating visiting him but was afraid Don would be drowning in sorrow and anger and brush him off.
Don saw that his son was thinking of happier times and was wishing he could share some happiness with his Dad again just one more time.
As the image faded Don spoke, “I didn’t realize the void my own child feels because of a lack of love and that this love must come from me. I must be the helping hand that you will send.”
“Correct,” said the Master. “It is now your turn to be the hands, head and heart of God. Go to your son and fill his heart with joy. Heal your son and you will heal yourself and once more you will believe in the reality of the love of God.”
Don went to his son and they embraced, shared old stories and touched each other’s hearts. Both were healed. Don began to take attention off himself and sought to bring comfort to others. As he did this he realized that he was one of the hands of God and the servants of God are continually nourished with the love of God.
Oh, and it wasn’t long before someone who he helped, assisted him in return and gave him a lead that led to a good job which also led to finding a wonderful woman as a companion.
Their happy home has this message stuck on their refrigerator: “We are the hands and the heart of God, seeking to manifest the Love of God.”
Copyright by J J Dewey 2013
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The story brought tears to my eyes. Some people are so busy blaming others for their downfall, They forgrt to say THANK YOU GOD. Even when things are tuff and you feel you have lost it all, get over it. There is so much beauty and reasons to take the negitive and see the positive. There are more worse off than we think. Keep talking to GOD, and having a more positive attitude, HE hears your prayers. He is always there through thr negitave, preparing you for the Posite ride of a lifetime. Keep the faith and pick yourself off the ground and keep on going with a smile on your face and in your heart.
Fabtastic Mr Dewey. ‘Gotta’ get more of you ‘out there’ somehow 🙂