What is Love? Part 5

This entry is part 40 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

A number of the miracles that happened back then were pretty fantastic. For instance shortly after Pentecost the Jews were upset with Peter and so they captured him and had the Romans put him in prison and they must have figured he was a pretty slippery character because they chained his arms and feet in irons and put him behind bars and on top of all this they placed 16 guards to watch him day and night. The guards fell asleep and Peter gets up and the chains fall off of him and he then walks through the wall and finds a place nearby and preaches to them.

Audience: With all this power ushered in why would there be arguments and disagreements and chaos between the twelve apostles?

JJ: For one thing these twelve were trained, Jesus called John the Baptist the greatest prophet that ever lived and I used to wonder why Jesus called him this because we hardly hear anything about John the Baptist – there are only a couple small versus about him. But when you understand the John the Baptist was the one that prepared the disciples and when Jesus showed up he turned them over to him. So John spent a lifetime preparing these twelve disciples to work with Jesus. The common thinking is Jesus was just strolling one day and he says hey come and follow me and they followed him. Why did they follow Jesus so easily? Because John prepared them, he taught them that the Messiah was going to come and when they were called they were to respond.

This is why Jesus called John the Baptist the greatest prophet that ever lived because he actually prepared people to unite their soul energy. It just did not happen easily and even with all that preparation they still had some difficult times and they had arguments and they had a hard time believing what Jesus was teaching them but they also performed amazing miracles. There is also the story where Phillip was teaching a eunuch and then the eunuch turns and Phillip disappears and then he learns that Phillip was in a nearby city 50 or so miles away and he was beside himself how Phillip was able to get there so quickly. So this shows that when these people were united by the soul and connected with a Master, such as the Christ, that they became something more than human.

Audience: Does it work the opposite way too; do the dark brothers work with twelve as well?

JJ: What they do is work with the personality energy and groups – like if you are in a business and there is like 12 people in it then it is not going to produce the spiritual molecule because it does not use pure soul energy and it is not linked to a Master. But if you get a group of people together it does produce an energy where you have a sharing but it does not call down a higher life form. This is what the dark brothers work with quite a bit – they work in group formation but it is only to benefit the guy at the top the guy at the top is only willing to bless everybody below him if it benefits hiself.

They have mastered how to siphon energy out of people. The story of the vampires really applies to the dark brothers because the dark brotherhood understands vampirism – that they can take life energy from other sources. This is why they like to work with fresh blood so to speak because they get fresh people in and siphon off their life force and that is how they work. The brothers of light work by creating new life and the dark brothers work by destroying life and by destroying life they take the energy to them selves.

Audience: Speaking in tongues is being revived and Pentecostal being the one at the Ezekiel conference and they are saying that evidence of the spirit as you are describing here is the existence of prayer language and so you are saying that it is coupled together with an act.

JJ: supernatural manifestations by themselves are not evidence of a molecular relationship of a higher life form.

Audience: Or even spirituality?

JJ: You can get in touch with parts of your self that can speak in tongues and maybe an astral entity can occupy your body and speak in tongues but that is totally different than the molecular relationship.

Audience: People can also fake this.

JJ: Wayne faked it one time and I don’t know if he can do it again.

Wayne begins to speak in tongues in a very funny way.

JJ & Audience: Laughing!

JJ: That sounds good Wayne and hey maybe we can make some money off of this!

Audience: If Jesus had twelve disciples would that not be thirteen in the group?

JJ: Yes.

Audience: So then our molecules would have 12 plus a Master.

JJ: Yes and no.

Audience: Did Jesus have a female?

JJ: What produced the strong authority of the Piscean age was the physical presence of Jesus being the thirteenth and now that we have grown as a human race we need to go beyond the physical authority and find the inner authority so the thirteenth is the invisible Christ, rather than the visible Christ and instead of having the Pope being in the place of the son of Christ, we have no one in the place of the Son of God and we have no physical person in the middle of the circle. In the middle of the circle is the invisible Christ. In this way the true Christ is found within. In that day they needed a physical authority and now we have reached a point where authority has to be outgrown. So in this day the thirteenth will be a Master but it will be the invisible Christ.

We diverted away from love a little but love is really kind of a boring subject in a lot of ways.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: I know our friend Bryan has had a little problem and we would like to have a little healing period for him and for any others that have need. We want to keep our people in good as shape as possible so we will finish off with one of the greatest services by sharing spiritual energy with our friends that we love, respect and want the best for.

Audience: Before you change the subject though you said that were three aspects of love and so far you have said love is an attractive force.

JJ: We were talking about friendship respect and trust, which are kind of sub-aspects. The true major divisions of love are love wisdom and understanding. These are the three main branches of the love aspect of God.

Audience: How do we create a molecule?

JJ: Well that is the main purpose of everything I have ever taught and that is to draw people together and eventually find twelve male female units that are capable of soul contact between each other and totally able to overlook the flaws in the other individual and that is the hard part. Almost everybody has difficulty in overlooking the flaws and almost everybody reaches a point where he says, “Well yes but what about Jim over there. He has something wrong with him so how can we create a molecule with a lazy person like that in the group?”

Overlooking flaws is one of the last things that the disciple has to learn and also one of the most crucial. You can see that even Jesus had a problem with it, James and John, two of the lead disciples were arguing over who was going to be found at the right hand of God and Jesus said to them that it is not his place to decide who is going to be at the right hand of God but just be happy where they were.

Another time they were with Jesus and they were rejected at Jerusalem. They said well, you know Jesus you are a greater prophet than Elijah and he made fire come down and destroy his enemies so lets make fire come down and consume this city. And Jesus said, “Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are. The son of man came not to destroy but to save.”

I thought to myself that is a beautiful statement. Yet what does everybody expect at the last day? They think that the non-Christian is going to be out mowing his lawn and the Christian is doing the same next door and the non-Christian is going to be zapped and burned up right there with his lawnmower in hand and the Christian is going to be next door saying boy I am sure glad I am not going to get zapped like that. And all the wicked are going to burned to a crisp because Jesus said this. Yet Jesus said, when he was with his apostles who wanted to burn a city because they were rejected, he replied, you know not what manner of spirit you are. I did not come to destroy but to save. In other words, these people that think that when Jesus comes that He is just going zap everybody and burn them to a crisp it is they who do not know what manner of spirit they are according to the Master’s own words.

Audience: So is it that I do not become a god but I become one with God?

JJ: Yes and depends on how you define God. If you define God as a super human then you become a god and if you define God as the one life that permeates all things then you become one with that in your consciousness.

Audience: Why did Jesus weep when Lazarus died?

JJ: Because he was his friend.

Audience: So was He really sad then?

JJ: Probably.

Audience: Okay the problem I have with that then is that I was reading this book and it said that if Jesus knew He could restore life. You wouldn’t think he would cry then.

JJ: Well maybe He doubted Himself a little.

Audience: So maybe He did not know He had these abilities.

JJ: No He knew that He had it and here is my belief on that, When He came to Lazarus He didn’t know for sure that He was going to raise him from the dead. He waited three days and some would say well He waited three days so He could really perform a great miracle but maybe He waited three days because He was seeking permission from God for the power to do this. He stands there before Lazarus’s tomb and do you know what He did?

Audience: He asked for Mary’s permission.

JJ: He turned to Martha and said “Believest thou that I can do this?” and she said I know lord that if you command him to be raised then God will give you the power to do it. And then He says Lazarus come forth. In other words, it was a combination of male and female energy and He needed that female energy to be able to raise Lazarus from the dead. He may not have known for sure that there was somebody with the faith of Martha to tap in to and He needed more than just His male energy or faith. He needed to tap in to the female faith of somebody in the group and He picked the person that He thought had the most faith, “Believest thou that I can do this?” And Martha answered, I believe that you have power over life and death and I believe you can do this. He did not wait because maybe the belief would have faded a bit, but He said immediately afterwards, “Lazarus come forth!” And he came out of the grave all wrapped up and looked like a mummy coming out of there.

I do think He cried because He was sad and at that time and maybe He did not know for sure that He could tap in to somebody’s faith but at the right moment Martha showed the faith that could be tapped into to raise Lazarus from the dead.

Audience: For God there is no order of difficulty for miracles but for human beings I believe that there are. The greater the fear is that is attached to something than the greater the difficulty for it to be healed. For instance 40 years ago cancer was a death sentence and now people believe that it is not necessarily a death sentence and that belief alone makes a huge difference in the healing process.

JJ: Yes and I have always wondered about that statement from Course in Miracles because certainly it would take a bit more energy to part the Red Sea than healing a wart or something like that or to raise Lazarus who was dead for more than three days.

Audience: Well Jesus must not have known for sure that He could raise Lazarus because he cried.

JJ: The trouble with people is that they think that Jesus knew everything that was going to happen like me snapping my fingers right now and that He knew I was going to do this at this moment right here, right now 2000 years ago. Nobody knows all the details of the future, not even the highest life.

Audience: We all have free will right, and what if Jesus did not know if Lazarus wanted to come back.

JJ: Yes that is possible too though he most likely tuned into to Lazarus before he raised him up and received his permission to bring him back.
End of class


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A Call to Repentance

This entry is part 4 of 40 in the series 2012A

My Friends:
A reader on freeread thought to best to call me to repentance so I have responded. Here is our dialog.

Here are just a few of my thoughts on the topic.

Do you really think that all the prophets – Old Testament, New Testament, and Modern would make such a continuous, consistent emphasis on Jesus Christ being the Savior of the world if He really only removed the illusion of sin and guilt from His people or even that he helped to raise our consciousness?

That would be a pretty big deal in and of itself – more than any other prophet has done. But he did much more than this. He demonstrated to us that the ideal man was indeed a possibility toward which we can aspire.

There are a lot of people who think they are saved by Jesus who are still wracked by sin and guilt so it would behoove them to move forward and discover the mission of the real Jesus so they can be truly “saved” from their sins.

You also mention that He faced the dweller of all of humanity allowing a connection to be made with the higher lives – I guess that is worthy of something, but most people have no idea what in the world that is.

I wasn’t writing this for most people.

But no, the prophets have placed their entire emphasis on Christ because he actually does cleanse us every whit from our sins as our Savior. He doesn’t remove the consequences of our actions for this would completely frustrate the plan, as you correctly point out, but he can (and does) cleanse us. The two concepts are different.

And that cleansing comes from removing the illusion of guilt caused by being deceived into worshiping the Beast of outside authority that takes the place of God. When the seeker receives the seal of God in his forehead and discovers the inner God, as did Jesus, then he is saved, cleansed – however you want to word it. Both the inner and outer Christ leads us in this direction.

A few years ago, when I studied the subconscious mind and its importance, a google search led me to the following anonymous personal testimony of Christ.


It is a testimony not usually written and shared from those who have experienced this would deem it far too sacred to share. But alas, this individual did. I am glad he did because it helped me to understand the role of Jesus Christ. In my own past, I have really struggled with the role of Christ, the atonement, sin, the Fall, etc. etc. In fact, I believed in similar fashion to you – the atonement was merely symbolic for important principles of love and unity.

I’ve never said the atonement was symbolic. The release of guilt as happened to the guy in the link is a real event created by our solar angels to help us along the path in a way that the seeker can best relate to.

However, after reading and studying this testimony, I now believe that Christ received the keys to our subconscious minds through his atoning sacrifice.

Do you really think that the entity who is Jesus cares about all the jumbled information going through the subconscious minds of the billions of people on this planet? How much do you think about such things? I certainly do not and Jesus has much more important things to place his attention on.

On the other hand, when the seeker ascends in consciousness to the realm of spirit all things are available to him and he can tune into whatever and whoever he wants, or where the Spirit guides him.

If we desire to live with the Father in the kingdom of God, we must have our subconscious minds re-programmed. We create from our subconscious. The fruits of our actions stem from our subconscious.

I disagree. Only consciousness creates. That which does not have consciousness cannot create.

Through the Fall, we simply have corrupted programming and cannot endure the presence of the Father. Jesus Christ is the only one (who I know of) that can cleanse or wipe clean the slate of our corrupted programming.

Guilt is indeed caused by corrupt programming which was originally done by the conscious mind and can be undone by the conscious mind when the full truth is revealed or discovered. “The truth shall set you free.”

So Jesus Christ is not just whistling Dixie when he says that the only way to the Father is through Him.

When the seeker progresses through the principles Christ taught and demonstrated he will eventually find himself linked up with Christ and entering through the same door he does but the truth of Jesus being the way to the Father is different than orthodoxy teaches. Orthodoxy is almost always wrong. You might want to read my book, The Molecular Relationship.

There is no other way or path. If you, JJ, want to live with the Father again, you cannot (no matter how many lifetimes you live) be able to enter into the kingdom of God on your own.

I’ve never said we get to the kingdom on our own. We need assistance from those who have went before us. Christ is “the firstborn among many brethren.” Rom 8:29

You may find yourself in a wonderful kingdom, but the Father will not be there. You cannot make it without the intercessory work of Jesus Christ cleansing your corrupted subconscious programming. Therein is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Fall of Man is real and there is only one who can bridge the gap – through the real cleansing power of Jesus Christ.

You sound like a Baptist minister who quite possibly you view as unsaved.

Instead of repeating orthodox Jesus saves stuff one needs to find the principle that releases one from guilt so he will feel clean. This principle was taught by Jesus and amplified in the Book of Revelation where it is revealed how to escape the mark of the Beast by shifting attention from the God without to the God within. When this shift happens then you are no longer held captive by sin and guilt but can move forward with a clean conscience with intelligent progression.

The new age and enlightened thinking is dangerous because it takes us from this message. I know because I was completely immersed in it and believed in it. When I was in it, I felt a spirit, but it was not a personal spirit.

What in the world is a spirit that is not personal? All entities are personal.

It wasn’t evil; it inspired me and filled me with encouragement and excitement, but it wasn’t personal.

Sounds like it was from your emotional body responding to conscious thought.

The only times when I have felt a personal spirit was when I have, in humility, sought repentance and a relationship with the Savior.

Hopefully we have both felt the same Spirit.

The new age and enlightenment thinking has extremely intelligent ideas, intelligent thinkers, etc. It is truly for those who have difficulty with “orthodox” Christianity, churches, bureaucracy, etc. Within the new age framework one feels freer and gains more knowledge and most importantly fulfills the spiritual side of their lives.

This is a benefit of some new age teachings.

Yet, it effectively removes the role of the Savior out of the picture. It did for me. It has for you too if you are honest about it.

You are lumping all new age (or metaphysical) teachings in one barrel and this is not correct. There are many views among the new age people as there is in regular religion. I have taught the importance of the principle behind the name of Christ which means “anointed to deliver.” Christ delivers us and we deliver others as we take upon ourselves his name.

You include Him in your teachings, but you have never taught that true salvation comes through him – only symbolically, not literally.

I have never taught a symbolic salvation, but a real one that does come through Him and his teachings and guidance to the human race.

You don’t view Him as your Savior. Again, I am not judging as I have been there myself.

You may have been there but not me. The problem you have with me is that I do not use the outdated good time rock and roll salvation train language.

I followed Max Skousen for a few years until he died. He brought Mormons into enlightened thought through the scriptures, effectively discounting the plan of salvation and Christ. Well, I heard that a few months after he died, those who followed him had received dreams wherein Max came to them and told them to disregard his message and simply follow Christ. I didn’t believe this at first, but I do now ever since reading the anonymous testimony mentioned above.

I haven’t read Max Skousen so I can’t comment on him. I do simply follow Christ. What more do you want of me?

Helen P. Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey and many others have channeled amazing, incredible, intelligent information. However, I believe that at the heart of it – Lucifer (bearer of light), who is real, is behind the subtle move away from the Savior. If he can lead us away, no matter how knowledgeable we are, he has won.

Do you really think God is so cruel that his children who are doing their best but get mislead are going to be condemned for eternity? That’s silly. If your child is mislead, but doing his best you will do all in your power to set him straight. Jesus said that God is much better at helping us than we are with our own children so of course he will not give up on us in this world or the next.

You are stuck in the gospel of fear – fear that if you do not follow some orthodox teaching you will lose your salvation. If you have a sincere heart and follow the highest you know God will never give up on you or me.

As Enoch Tan wrote, there are two different types of salvation: Enlightenment through the Universal aspect of God or Salvation through the Personal aspect of God. Ultimately, in this lifetime, we are to pursue the Personal aspect of God through Jesus Christ as we can always gain knowledge about the Universal aspect of God in our eternal progression down the road.

How about doing both. It’s called balance.

This lifetime is for us to sincerely repent, and be born again as new creatures in Christ and form a relationship with Him.

We didn’t come here just to repent, though when we make mistakes we need to make a correction and move toward Spirit.

I would ask you to think about this and consider this in your life. What good is it to have all the knowledge in the world and speak and write of initiates, dwellers, middle principle, Sanat Kumara, Law of Correspondences, keys, the Gathering, illusion, brotherhood of light and of darkness, reincarnation, etc., etc. and “lose your own soul”?

Since when does knowledge cause you to lose your soul? You sound extremely judgmental here. Listen to the words of Joseph Smith who I assume you accept:
“A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge, for if he does not get knowledge, he will be brought into captivity by some evil power in the other world.” TOTPJS Pg 217

Again, I do not condemn these things for they have value, but the value pales in comparison to our true purpose in this life of repenting and finding peace through the Savior. Like Paul said, without charity, we are just tinkling cymbals…with nothing.

I’ve repented and found peace. What more do you want from me? If you have the same peace that I do we will be two happy campers.


Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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What is Love? Part 4

This entry is part 39 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Audience: you are saying that I am not going to become a god but I am going to become one with God?

JJ: I will cover that in just a minute. Now the various lives in the animal merged the lower lives in the animal kingdom like the insects merged to create higher forms and those forms merged to create higher still until we get to the higher animals and we eventually take the in the higher animals into group formation within our own bodies. The American Indians recognized this because when they healed somebody using their methods they would often call forth the animal within the person whether it be a fox, eagle bear or whatever is associated with that person to heal the person. They also use animal’s names in relation to them selves because Indians instinctively recognize that we are created from lower animal lives. We have had a number of lower animal lives blend together and create a structure of which we can incarnate.

But here is the key as an entity you never existed in form until all the elements were put together so that you could use them. Lets pick something that is eternal. I like to use the song, “Yesterday” because everybody knows it. Before Paul McCartney wrote the song Yesterday it existed and it has always existed and there had never been a time that it did not exist but he had to put together the right combination of notes and when the right combination of notes were put together then the song incarnated. After that, other people took it and created various arrangements and this was comparable to various lifetimes of the song. It has gone through hundreds of different versions or lifetimes but it is still the song Yesterday.

No matter who has got a hold of it and changed it around, it still has the essence of the original song Yesterday. There will never be a time that the song Yesterday will be destroyed. It doesn’t matter what you do – you could rip up every copy in existence, every album that the Beatles ever wrote and the song yesterday can still be re-created by providing a vehicle which is composed of the physical notes. We play them and viola – there is the song Yesterday again.

You are a song in the mind of God and you have been waiting since the days of the creation of this universe for the elements to come together as a vehicle for you and these elements started way back with the little tiny atoms and when they graduated the preparation went through the mineral kingdom then the vegetable kingdom and then the animal kingdom and when all the elements were put together correctly then you came down and incarnated.

You as the life force (Monad) were drawn down when you saw a vehicle that could be created for you to manifest here in physical matter.

Audience: You mean that this body is reincarnated over and over again?

JJ: Not your body, you are. Think of the sheet music for the song Yesterday as your physical body, when you play it that is you living upon the earth but when you say destroy the piano or the sheet music the song still exists. If you destroy your physical body and your astral body and everything that we can see that is about you, you still exist. You can just find another body to incarnate in.

Audience: Then what part of me went through the minerals and the animals?

JJ: The Yesterday part of you. Now visualize if you tear up everything there is to do with the song Yesterday. Does sit still exist?

Audience: Yes.

JJ: Can you feel it?

Audience: Yes

JJ: Right it is there but it needs a vehicle in order to express itself in this world. Your essence, you have seven bodies all together and the highest part of you is that essence that has no form and that is the divine part of our selves called the Monad.

The soul energy is that which connects us to the upper triad. It is confusing because the higher worlds are so high that we may as well not even think about it because it is beyond our comprehension right now. We are not as far along as some people would like to think. So just concentrating on the three lower worlds, the physical, emotional and mental and then the soul that takes us to the higher that is about as far as most of us can comprehend. So when we talk about the eternal part of our selves we are going higher up – a few more notches still.

But the best way to visualize is to think of a song. There is no way you can destroy the song Yesterday. Its essence had no beginning and will have no end and can always be recreated when provided a vehicle of expression. You are a song in the mind of God that cannot be destroyed and was never created and will manifest again and again and again when the right combination of form and vehicles are put together and you can jump in. Now with a song like Yesterday you may have a had a measure or two manifest say maybe in the Middle Ages or back in the Roman Empire maybe a piece of it but then Paul McCartney got a hold of the whole thing and put it together and he provided the right vehicle for it. Have you ever heard a song where maybe a measure or two of something that sounds familiar? That is often the case and that is the way you are, there are pieces of you that are like pieces of other people and what makes you unique is that you are the human song and you are not just a measure or two. You are thee whole song.

Audience: Was yesterday part of a bigger song?

JJ: It is part of my collection! Laughing!

Audience: Laughing!

Audience: So JJ is the next step going to get us a little closer to becoming super human?

JJ: First of all we are not the end of evolution and the next step up is what we call the Molecular Relationship in that we take different human units and put them together just like different atoms are put together to create something more advanced and this can be done with humans. So we take different human units and put them together and then link up with God and we will produce a vehicle for an entity that is not me or Artie or James but that has been waiting for billions of years for a vehicle so that it may manifest. It will be like a super Yesterday song of which yesterday is just a piece.

This molecule will be composed of twelve males and twelve female units. A male and female together produces what we call one molecular unit. They don’t necessarily have to be married or have a romantic relationship. They can be either in a close relationship or a working relationship where they blend their energies and they can create something greater than themselves. When the vehicle is put together they will draw this higher entity which will say, “ah somebody has finally put together a vehicle for me.” He will come down and incarnate in that vehicle.

So, these 24 units will produce a vehicle for this super entity to come down and he will have properties unseen since the days of Jesus. He will incarnate into a physical form and you are atoms of that physical form. They have to be blended with soul contact and if the form is interrupted then the form dissipates and the entity will have to return from whence it came.

This is what happened in the days of Jesus. You see Jesus was a great chemist in the fact that He put together the first working molecule. There have probably been others but this is the only one that we have a significant record of. He put this together and He said now go out and see if you can do what I have done. The apostles found out that they could do what Jesus had done but they leaned on Jesus quite a bit until the last supper. We notice that Judas betrayed Christ who then they went out into the garden of Gethsemane. We are told that Jesus suffered nigh unto death, He was almost ready to die and it says that as Jesus was near death an angel came and strengthened Him. Who was this being that came and strengthened Him? It was person of the molecular order, one of the Masters. He was part of the molecular link and was able to strengthen Him.

Now after the crucifixion there were no miracles and the apostles turned back into ordinary men because they lacked one ingredient. Their were 11 units instead of twelve. So they decided to get together and add the twelfth unit. They added the twelfth unit whose name was Mathias and right after they added him to the group it says tongues of fire appeared over the apostles heads and there was a rushing of a mighty wind. The sound of the mighty wind was so intense that it attracted the attention of many people in Jerusalem.

They were having a conference of 16 different nations at that time who spoke 16 different languages so the representatives of these 16 different groups came to see what this sound was and when they approached Peter went out to speak to them and when he did everybody heard him speak in their own language inside their own mind. Now all of a sudden Peter was not a normal human anymore, he was something more than human because they put together the twelfth unit and suddenly the tongues of fire appeared over their heads which was a symbol of this entity coming down and manifesting to the group.

Audience: So was it the physical body that the entity manifested?

JJ: Yes the physical body of the entity was composed of the twenty-four people.

Audience: Do you mean that the 24 people were combined into one person?

JJ: No they are separate just bonded like little atoms and little atoms do not touch each other. Peter was part of his body, James was part of his body, John was part of his body, and these 12 males and 12 females represented the whole body.
Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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What is Love? Part 3

This entry is part 38 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Once the window of the soul is closed how can we open them back up?

Audience female member: Fight and make up. Laughing.

JJ: It is funny after a big fight you will have the most passionate love making and some of the most intense sharing and that is because you got it out of your system, all the things that were bothering you and for a while you are going to start looking for the good again. I shared this with most of you before that when Artie and I reach an impasse what we do is we look into each other’s eyes and say I love you three times. When you do that it just melts negativity away. Sometimes she will come to me and want to do this and sometimes I will go to her but it is funny because sometimes the other person does not want to do it very badly.

Audience: Laughing.

JJ: So I will come to her and say Artie now look at me and say I love you, and she will say it very fast and not with much heart, “I love you.” I’ll say no that does not count because you have to say it like you mean it three times.

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: As a matter of fact Artie has been listening to a tape by Anthony Robbins about getting in state. Like a person comes to him and he talks in a very low and very slow voice saying the he came in because he was depressed and he has low energy and I know you are a person that handles things like this and I want you to help me. And Anthony Robbins goes well, allow me to talk like you for a minute so he tells him in a low and slow voice, yes I think maybe I can help you and he says I am depressed too! I talk like you and I get depressed!

He says now what you need to do is change the way that you talk and you will change the way that you feel. Then he had the guy show a little enthusiasm and he told him how to speak and the guy perked up and by the end of the session the guy was healed. That changed his state. The TMers are really famous for this and I do not know why but those that I have met they all talk like this, (Low and slow voice) Yes I am very much at peace with myself and I have found the inner self and I can share with you what I have and I think, do I really want this!

Audience: Laughing!

JJ: I believe in meditation but not meditating so much that you have forgotten how to be alive. Okay so love is really an attraction of one entity toward another and the interesting thing is whether or not love is eternal because they say that anything that is two or more is not eternal as many philosophers have told us and love only exists in duality.

Audience: How about if they become one.

JJ: Well if it is just one, one cannot love itself and there is nothing to be attracted to. If you are just in that eternal void where is nothing, the no thing then what is there to be attracted to. God had to multiply Himself so He could be attracted to His reflections and His reflections attracted to each other and this is love, love is the attractive force bringing us back to oneness. But when we are at oneness love is no longer there. So is love eternal or not?

Here is what I submit; love is eternal and it is not eternal. Depends on how you look at it. Love is not eternal in the aspect that eventually the two attractive entities will merge and become one and so when they become one they will no longer have there attractive force and without their attractive force there will be no love and there will also be no light because light is caused by polarities also.

On the other hand the dualities are eternal in the fact that duality keeps manifesting again and again so love is eternal in the aspect that it goes to sleep and the awakens and then it goes to sleep and then awakens. It is like creation, the universe will someday fade away and be created again by another black hole but it keeps fading away and disintegrating after billions of years and then it comes back and then it disintegrates and goes back to the source and then it comes back and this process goes on eternally, so because duality keeps manifesting again and again and again and never had a beginning to its manifestation and will never have an end. That means that love is eternal. So love will always exist in one manifestation or another – like night and day – when we go to sleep and then wake up. Everything goes to sleep at some point and then wakes up again and comes back. Creation itself goes to sleep and then it comes back again.

Audience: Bringing that back to humans then, do we love each other eternally?

Audience: If we choose to I would suspect.

JJ: Yes but in different ways; we keep manifesting in different ways and in our different types of manifestations we really learn love all over again but on a higher plane. When the universe recreates again you and I will be there somewhere somehow, maybe even on different systems but wherever we are we will be learning to love in a way that we have not learned here. There is one thing that I believe a lot of the philosophers are wrong on and that is that many of them say that the universe repeats the same pattern again and again forever. I do not believe this, I believe it is like on a spiral that whenever there is a new creation everything is patterned a lot like what happened in history but by an increased vibration and an increased sphere of learning and new elements are entered into it.

In the Bible it says Behold “I do all things new I create a new heaven and a new earth.” When there is a new creation there is a new type of learning. Now most of us here believe in reincarnation and in each life you learn something totally new that you never learned in any other life before. When the universe dissolves and a new universe is created there will be new elements added and new types of vibrations so that when we are incarnated in this new universe we are going to learn things that are not available to us here. Then in the universe after that there will be still newer twists with newer elements added. And because there are an infinite number of points in the universe there will never be an end to our experiences. This is very fascinating to contemplate.

Here is a question that many of the philosophers have pondered over the ages; have we progressed through the various kingdoms, the mineral, the animal, human and God kingdom and so on. What is the story behind this? In the east where they believe in reincarnation many of them believe that we started out as a mineral, then we progressed to a vegetable and then we progressed to a lower animal then a higher animal and then we became human beings. Even in some esoteric writings including Madame Blavatsky intelligent as she is, she said every atom would become a human being. In other words, many metaphysical people believe that we progressed up from an atom up through the mineral kingdom and so on until we became human beings. But when you look at it; it does not make a lot of sense. For one thing have you ever figured up how many atoms are in your own body? There are trillions of atoms just in your own body and if each one them became a human being there would be enough to populate almost half of the galaxy and think of how many atoms there are on this planet, trillions upon trillions upon trillions. So that never did make a lot of sense to me.

When I wrote the molecular relationship it dawned on me on how everything is put together. New is created not by any point evolving into bigger things but by the tiny points uniting with other points and creating something greater than them selves. In other words you have two atoms of hydrogen bonding with one atom of oxygen and this produces water. Now the interesting thing about water is that it is totally different than either hydrogen or oxygen. Hydrogen and oxygen by themselves and if liquefied produce rocket fuel that took men to the moon and rocket fuel is a lot different than water. One is extremely unstable and the other is extremely stable.

When hydrogen and oxygen bond together to produce water the hydrogen atoms maintain their identity and at any time using the right methods the hydrogen can be separated to its original state. So the hydrogen and oxygen can be separate entities again if that is what they so choose or that is the direction that they go. But because water is a much more stable compound they will stay in that condition for millions of years. For want of a better word they enjoy being together and more importantly they benefit the world of form by being together.

So the atom of hydrogen by itself did not become water but two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen joined together to produce H2O or water. The one atom of hydrogen did not evolve into water but the group formation evolved into water. This is the principle behind the lower becoming the higher. When the hydrogen atom joined with other elements to become water it then was like it was water. In other words its consciousness extended throughout the whole molecule so it had the consciousness of water and the hydrogen could then say I am water but I am also hydrogen. This is the way it is with us when we join with God and have a oneness with God. I am still JJ but I am also God. The drop of water joins with a wave and it is still a drop of water but it is also a wave.

Audience: When these people do have these spiritual experiences they tend to think it is a unique thing and it is not and this may be why they think that they are actually God, the Holy Ghost or whatever.

JJ: That is an excellent point. People will have a spiritual experience and it is to their detriment because instead of really examining the experience it will affect their ego to the point that it makes them think they have achieved the ultimate and they think they do not have any farther to go. Now they have to tell everybody else how to do it and yet still they are just infants as far as their progression and but they don’t know this. So that is a really good point. We progress through the elements in this way. There are various parts of us that joined together a long time ago to produce water, carbon, different compounds and then they merged and eventually became living and produced one celled organisms, but that little hydrogen atom participating in the living cell and that little atom of oxygen did not become a living cell but is now part of the living and as part of the living cell it can now say I am the cell.

Now eventually the cells join and they create the vegetable kingdom and the vegetable kingdom is produced not by that little hydrogen atom. But that little hydrogen atom is not a vegetable but participated in group formation to produce the vegetable kingdom so it can share in its consciousness. Now the vegetable that is a part of the vegetable kingdom is a greater organism with a greater consciousness than the little tiny atom has by itself and eventually animals come and eat the vegetable kingdom and the various vegetables are taken in by the animal’s body and become part of it and the hydrogen atom that we originally talked about floats in there also and is therefore becomes a part of the animal and now it says “I am an animal.” So it is participating in group formation so that a higher life form can be created and it identifies with that higher life form.


Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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What is Love? Part 2

This entry is part 37 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

If we want to be a servant of humanity then we put our attention on the service without the idea of proclaiming oneself to be a great servant or person that embodies love.

Titles have always irritated me like many of the religious titles including your holiness, or your lordship or your kingship or whatever. These titles really mean nothing and what means something is what you truly feel about any person that you are having a relationship with. Friendship and love are very closely associated with each other. What is the difference between friendship and love or is there a difference or are they two aspects of something?

Audience – Jason: Friendship is an aspect of love. If you have a true friend then there is definitely a sense of unity and love there.

JJ: Everything is in triplicity so lets say if friendship is an aspect of love then what are the other two aspects?

Audience: Unconditional

Audience: Respect comes to my mind.

Audience: Trust

JJ: Respect is a good possibility and trust is a good possibility as well.

Audience: Compassion, commitment, security.

Wayne: I think you break love down to just the energy of attraction because there are people who love to hate. There are people who love ice cream. You can have a physical attraction and call it love, you can have an emotional attraction, sensual attraction, mental attraction and it is called love and it is kind of a generic term. We have to take from context what we mean when we say the word and if God is without body parts or passions then His love would be something different than an emotional attraction be it mental, spiritual or whatever. You put love into so many categories that we put it into I think we may say what we mean when we love something and not always giving somebody else a clear idea of what we mean by using that word. I love everybody is a generic saying but you certainly do not feel the same about everyone that you know or people that you don’t know.

JJ: Good comments. We have friendship as an aspect of love and respect is another one and trust, there are several triplicities we could get out of love but that is a good one. Now Wayne was touching on the definition of love and the funny thing about love is people talk about love as being something so mysterious that nobody can really say what it is. But the thing is if something exists than you can say what it is. In the beginning was the Word and the Word was God. Now if the Word was God and God can do anything that means that anything can be put into the Word. So if there is such a thing as love than it can be defined. Now what we need to look at is the reason why people say that it cannot be defined and what that reason is. Why do people feel that love cannot be defined. Blaine you look like you have an answer to this question.

Blaine: That is what I get for looking! I think the reason that a lot of people feel it can’t be defined is because it has so many aspects that people are not sure as to exactly what it is and different people define it differently.

JJ: And the people that fall in love with someone that is kind of their opposite cannot really explain why right?

Blaine: Yes and Wayne touched on that, different people define love differently. Some define it as attraction and others as sensual love and we talked about respect and trust and all these different aspects of it. I kind of look at on levels if you are friends with somebody and you may not know them very well but you show a level of love towards your fellow man.

JJ: Some may claim they love you but they are not friendly toward you, is that really love?

Blaine: Then there is the next step up which would be probably be romantic love either that or family or friendship where you have commitments and respect and do things for each other and so on.

Audience – female member: I think the reason it is so indefinable is because it is misused so often and that makes it harder to define.

JJ: Plus when we fall in love often times we end up marrying somebody different that we ever imagined that we would be attracted to and so love becomes very mysterious. Like Artie probably wonders why did she fell in love with me?

Audience: Chuckling!

JJ: Artie will admit that when she was younger that she never imagined that she would fall in love with somebody like me and that was the farthest thing from her mind.

Audience female member: There is also an exchange and appreciation between you two just right there in your little glance to each other showing the love you share without saying anything.

JJ: Okay lets define what love is. It is quite simple; love is an attractive force, a magnetic force that pulls one thing towards another thing. Now people say that all is one and we need to go to the great oneness and when we do we will be dissolved in love but this is not true because if we went back to the absolute oneness there would be no love because it takes two or more to have love. Love can only exist in duality because love is an attractive force of one living entity to another living entity, creation, or a group of entities.

If you love mankind you are attracted to mankind and you have a magnetic pull that pulls you into service to mankind. If you love your country you have a magnetic pull from the ideals of the country that makes you want to serve your country. If you love your spouse or your girlfriend or your boyfriend you have a magnetic pull toward them and there is something about them that causes this magnetic pull.

Now for romantic love – this opens the windows of the soul so love is increased. Now the important thing about romantic love that a lot of people don’t understand is that anybody can fall in love with anybody else. We have barriers between us and what makes love mysterious is that often opposites attract and the reason they attract is because if you were around people like yourself for a while and you saw your own faults reflected in them you may not like them. So you meet someone that is different than you think, wow this is refreshing, and because it is refreshing you begin to let the walls of the soul down and you see something really good in this person even though his qualities are different from those in you.

As you become attracted to this person he or she thinks ah he is attracted to me and then walls begin to come down and when they look at each other they share that energy; they begin to peer into each other’s souls. As soon as the souls of the two people are exposed and they allow the romantic energy to circulate then they will fall in love. So the romantic energy of falling in love is the opening of the windows of the soul that pours the soul energy all the way down to the emotional level, to the chakra that we call the solar plexus and also it can affect the heart chakra.

Now there is a difference between the love energy of the solar plexus and the heart. The solar plexus energy is possessive and it governs the romantic energy. Some people think the lower love is bad but the truth is that nothing that is in us is bad. It is how it is put to use that determines whether it is good or not. So the solar plexus is the source of romantic love that can be very good and useful but can be very possessive. The trouble with people when they fall in love is they let the walls of the soul down and then after some time has passed they will often see each others faults and the windows of the soul will begin to close and when they close they do not see the good anymore, they only see the bad. Maybe one day the person did not brush their teeth good enough or Bryan did not trim his beard enough or maybe Melva does not like Bryan’s shoes, laughing, I like Bryan’s shoes Melva.

Melva: They are very practical. (Bryan had unusual shoes)

JJ: We find what we are looking for, so when the windows of the soul close because we are not looking for good things anymore and we see all these personality things that just grate on us. They grate on us until we either separate or we open the windows of the soul again.


Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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What is Love? Part 1

This entry is part 36 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Seminar given in 2005 by J J Dewey

JJ: I am going to talk about a very popular new age subject today. I don’t know if I have talked about this before but I thought I would talk about LOVE.

Audience female member: Ahhhhh….mmmmm…..

JJ: Isn’t that nice.

Audience female member: Yesss…

JJ: Chuckling. Well it is an interesting subject and for one thing most of you are familiar that we have a keys list where people come on and almost every day I will post something to it and we discuss different subjects. Every month or two some new guy will come on, somewhat of a know it all. These challenging people that come on all have a similar type vibration, Blaine would you say irritating is the right word?

Blaine: Yes!

JJ: They all scold us and they always tell us about love, what do they tell us about love Blaine?

Blaine: Well they always tell us that it is all about love and all there is, is love and all you need is love and they tell us on the keys that we don’t have love!

JJ: Actually we are a very loving group and most of us get along quite well and many of us have been together a long time on this discussion group. So a guy comes on telling us that he understands love and nobody else does and then scolds us. He irritates everybody in the group and because he starts calling people names and telling us we don’t understand love and don’t show love and we do not have a clue what love is. Members get irritated at the guy and then he thinks, see you proved me right, you people are not loving. It would be like me calling Bryan a name, Bryan you are a son of a gun and Bryan responding Oh really! And I would say Bryan you are not being loving!.

Audience: Laughing.

Bryan: What I find very curious is with David’s Outcast and the Sealed Portion groups is people will post and they will make claims and they will say pray about it and if you pray about it then you will know I am telling the truth.

JJ: Another list that Bryan, Blaine and I are on is Sterling’s list (David’s Outcast) and about half the people on that list think they are the new messiah, chosen one, the one might and strong or Christ come again or something. It is interesting to watch these guys and they all say well if you just pray about it then you would know I was the new messiah. There is this new guy who claims to be the Holy Ghost. He says he is a time traveler and at the end of time he is going to be the Holy Ghost and as the Holy Ghost he is going to come back in time and have power over all things but in his present state he is pretty much a normal guy and has no power except for he says he is the Holy Ghost and if we do not do everything he says then we are sinning against the Holy Ghost, which the Bible says is an unpardonable sin. He condemned me as a son of perdition and said I was the first person that he has done this to.

Bryan: You made a comment when he told us to ask about whether he was the Holy Ghost or not and you made a post and said you asked for the members to pray about you being the Holy Ghost and ask the members to mention the Holy Ghost and that just by mentioning it in your prayers that you would receive some sort of vibration from it and that you might mistake this for the truth. Would you explain this?

JJ: Sure he was telling people to just pray and ask if he was the Holy Ghost that they would get the answer and one thing that I said was that if you pray and just mention the Holy Ghost that would put your focus on the third member of the God head and could produce a nice vibration just by saying it. I read this book a while back and this guy taught that if you want a good vibration just say the name of Jesus Christ over and over because that name has been in the consciousness for so long that it puts a strong vibration around that name. I thought well the guy has a point and if people do say the name over and over again it will raise their vibration.

Audience: It is like when you see something nice like puppy dogs playing it gives you a nice warm feeling inside.

Audience: This is classic bait and switch that if you do this it follows that I am who I say I am.

JJ: So these guys come on the Keys about every six weeks like clockwork with the same message that we are just a bunch of spiritual hicks and we do not understand what love is and some of them will say that if you just write them privately then they will explain it, because you know they understand all about love. Then they will castigate people and end their post by giving out lots of love. Others claim to be everybody’s friend.

(Note: These type of individuals have not been showing up on the Keys lately.)

There was an incident when we were holding meetings like way back when I first met Artie and this guy was moved by the spirit and he got up and started barking out orders condemning me to hell claiming that he was God speaking. He was supposedly channeling God using a different voice and he condemned me to hell and said I had screwed up too many lifetimes and he was giving up on me.

It is funny whenever I meet these guys who channel God, the Holy Ghost or say they are the messiah or whatever they always condemn me to hell. I have been condemn to hell so much that it is quite amazing and none of them ever say, you are a righteous man and you are going to be on the right hand of God or something like that. But Wayne has known me a long time and I am not too bad of a guy am I Wayne? Here is a testimony from my old buddy Wayne!

Wayne: He is definitely taking a chance here! I have known Joe for as long as I have known anybody and he is a man without guile and a very kind person. Much kinder than I have ever pretended to be and even as a young kid he was a gentle soul. I have seen him angry but I have never seen him hateful.

JJ: He likes to tell the story of me counting those rockets when we were kids and it is a long story so he passed on it this time. Thanks Wayne I will pay you later!

Wayne: Okay I want to tell the story of you counting the rockets. Joe had ordered a bunch of different rockets out of the back of a magazine and I stopped over one day after school and he had them all spread out on the floor sorted in different piles surrounding him like a miser and his gold. He was wealthy with all these rockets and I was watching him counting them and he went clear through the room and began to count them a second time, well I had pocketed a couple of them from a couple different piles and he started to get a little red in neck and said I was sure that there were twelve of these and then he started to count them again and go around in the circle and as he was doing this I would put a couple of them back. Laughter!

Audience & JJ: Roaring with laughter!

Wayne: And he started to raise his voice and said, I know there were this many there! How could I possibly not see it! He just kept going on and on like this and getting more and more frustrated. Laughing!

Audience & JJ: Still roaring with laughter!

Wayne: I never told him what I had done until years later! That was one of my entertainments as a kid watching Joe go through his theatrics when I pulled a joke on him and I never felt the need to tell him until years afterwards.

JJ: Thanks Wayne! I have really good stories on him and they would definitely make for some good entertainment but we will wait until next time to tell one.

JJ: One thing I have noticed about people who really act like they have a lot of something is that they really do not have it at all. For instance, people that are very rich do not really want to tell people how much money they have but the people that are just quasi rich or just really want to be rich will flash around their diamonds or try to make it look like they have a lot of money or they put all their money into an expensive car to make it appear as though they are wealthy. People are also like this with love, we meet people time and time again that just talk about love all the time on one side of their mouth and on the other side of their mouth they are insulting everybody.

They cause aggravation for everybody, so it is funny how that works. True love must include friendship including your romantic partner also because he or she needs to be a friend as well as lover. Now Wayne and I very good friends but we never go up to each other and mention the word love. When you truly have love and friendship toward a person it does not really need to be expressed as much as shown in your actions. If Wayne needs a favor and if it is humanly possible I will do it and the same thing with him with me and that is way good friends are and that is the way you are with people if you love them.


Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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The Birth of the Christ Within, Part 8

This entry is part 35 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

Audience: There is a belief that the second coming is happening and the amazing part for me is this rapture and left behind thing and is it okay if you get left behind?

JJ: Well there is not going to be any rapture so don’t worry about it. The only rapture that will take place will be raising your physical consciousness up and the only time there might be anything like a rapture is if we got into a major war where humanity might be destroyed. Then the spiritual Hierarchy may take a certain amount of mankind to repopulate the earth, but They would only do that if we were on the verge of destroying all of humanity. If the whole of humanity were on the verge of being destroyed then the Spiritual Hierarchy would take certain steps.

Audience: But if we all do our part and each one of us becomes aware within our selves and raise our consciousness then as a whole consciousness we can move forward.

JJ: Right and that is the plan and chances are it is going to happen like this. We are going to have some hairy experiences over the next generation but we are going to work it out and eventually peace on earth will be established, but it will not be a perfect peace. The nations right now are like the states were 200 years ago, in the early days of our country we had one state always fighting with another state like Pennsylvania was always fighting with Virginia in one way or another just like Israel and Palestine today. So the nations of the world are like the states were a couple hundred years ago and what happened to the states? The states learned to cooperate to the extent that it does not even enter the consciousness of Oregon to go to war with Idaho, does it? It is not something we even worry about.

200 years from now, if we don’t blow our selves up, the various countries will not even think of going to war with each other. We have just about reached that point with Russia and maybe 50 years from now it will not even enter our minds to go to war with Russia if things progress like they are supposed to and 200 hundred years from now the nations will be like states today and cooperate and it will not even enter their minds to go to war with each other. Maybe we will still have a few terrorists to deal with, but as far as the nations go eventually they will be evolved like the U.S.

The United States is like a miniature example of the whole world. In the beginning those 13 states were very war like with each other when they were developing – you had a bunch of Germans in one state and English were in another and they hated each other. That is why creating the constitution where all the states joined together was a pretty miraculous thing. That is why it was so difficult because when these guys got together to put together the constitution they were arguing back and forth and beating each other up and making demands like you would not believe.

A lot of people think that these guys just peaceably put together that document. I remember the story of Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton and Alexander insulted Aaron and they went out and had a duel and Alexander Hamilton was shot dead. They had their words in those days and it was not that easy to reach agreement. Israel and the various Middle East countries will progress one day until they will be like Oregon and Idaho and they will look back on their past and say what was the matter with those guys 200 years ago? They won’t be able to understand why they were at each others backs so much.

You do not hear much about the early states that were always at each others’ backs, and of course we did have a war between the states and before that there was the danger of the individual states going to war with each other. But now such a thing is not even in our consciousness and this is the goal of the Aquarian Age to have this international respect happen for the whole world and then the people will cooperate together and make a better place for everybody to live.

Audience: I have a little bit about the year 2012 and can elaborate on that year and what might be in store for us in that year?

JJ: 2012 will probably be like any other year with its ups and downs. It is the end of the age according to the Mayan calendar and it will be more of a change in consciousness and it will not be the end of the world. The world will continue. I will say just one more thing; there are many things that are unpredictable and many people think that our future is outlined for us but a lot of it is not and we creating our future right now. A monkey wrench can be thrown into the works that can change a lot of different things. There are certain cycles. like the Age of Aquarius, and there are certain energies in play and there are probable events that that are pretty predictable to happen. There are a lot of signs associated with Aquarius, like I said – airplanes, space exploration, the Internet and things like this were going to happen. But a lot of events are predicated on our free will including whether or not we enter peaceably into Aquarius or enter into Aquarius in very bad shape.

It is the hope and plan of the spiritual guides of the race that we can make the transition to Aquarius rather peacefully and keep the gains in civilization that we have accumulated. This is certainly my hope.

Thank you.

End of class.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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Ron Paul’s 2002 Predictions

This entry is part 3 of 40 in the series 2012A

Ruth W writes:
Ron Paul gave these predictions in April 2002. Is he a disciple?

What do you think?

It depends on how one would define disciple. He is definitely an intelligent man who unwaveringly stands by his beliefs. He sees the genius of the U.S. Constitution and many of the flaws in this country that can be corrected by it. He has taken the initiative to formulate ideas to correct many of our problems and then doggedly proceeded to move forward to plant them in the minds of all who will listen.

Right or wrong he is following the highest he knows with great determination and that is the path all must follow to arrive at true discipleship.

That said, let us take an objective look at the predictions you referenced. I watched the video and found it interesting and wondered about the feedback was on it on the web so I Googled it.

I found it interesting that his predictions were highly praised everywhere I looked, though I must say all this praise seemed to come from strong supporters. On the other hand, there seemed to be a famine of commentators making a critical analysis of his speech. It was either Ron Paul is great and like a prophet – or nothing. It almost made me wonder if non believers are afraid to criticize or analyze Ron Paul.

It therefore appears that I may be one of the few to write a critical objective analysis of Paul’s April 26, 2002 predictions. Keep in mind that the time frame he gave for these was 5-10 years and we are now in the tenth year – 2012. Here goes.

Ron Paul:
Our government intervention in the economy and in the private affairs of citizens, and the internal affairs of foreign countries, leads to uncertainty and many unintended consequences.

I’m on board with him here. This is certainly true. In fact any action made at any time, anywhere can lead to unintended consequences.

Ron Paul:
Here are some of the consequences about which we should be concerned.

I predict U.S. taxpayers will pay to rebuild Palestine, both the West Bank and the Gaza, as well as Afghanistan. U.S. taxpayers paid to bomb these areas, so we will be expected to rebuild them.

This was kind of a no-brainer for anytime there is destruction anywhere in the world our tax dollars are sent to help. As the video noted Obama promised $900 Million to rebuild Gaza but can’t find any evidence that the aid materialized. Most of our aid has gone to provide for the necessities of life there.

Of course we spent money rebuilding Afghanistan. We always do this after a conflict ever since World War II.

Ron Paul:
Peace, of sorts, will come to the Middle East, but will be short-lived. There will be big promises of more U.S. money and weapons flowing to Israel and to Arab countries allied with the United States.

There was no peace. Conflict has never ceased there and of course we continued to support Israel and friendly Arab nations just as we always have.

Ron Paul:
U.S. troops and others will be used to monitor the “peace.”

The video gives strange “proof” of this statement. They present an article that states that the United States has helped monitor peace there for 30 years. If true Paul was merely stating what was already in existence to some degree. Actually, I do not recall reading of any monitoring that our actual troops have been doing between Israel and Palestine.

Ron Paul:
In time, an oil boycott will be imposed, with oil prices soaring to historic highs.

No oil boycott so far and it was a no-brainer to predict historic oil prices sometime in the next ten years. I predict we’ll have historic oil prices again within ten years.

Ron Paul:
Current Israeli-United States policies will solidify Arab Muslim nations in their efforts to avenge the humiliation of the Palestinians. That will include those Muslim nations that in the past have fought against each other.

The Muslim nations are no more unified against us than in 2002.

Ron Paul:
Some of our moderate Arab allies will be overthrown by Islamic fundamentalists.

We’ve had the Arab Spring with some overthrows but this seemed to come from the people as a whole rather than fundamentalists. The fundamentalists will surely grab for all the power they can. Time will tell on this.

Ron Paul:
The U.N. will continue to condemn, through resolutions, Israeli-U.S. policies in the Middle East, and they will be ignored.

This is like predicting France will continue to make wine. Of course, this is to be expected.

Ron Paul:
Some European countries will clandestinely support the Muslim countries and their anti-Israel pursuits.

This was already happening when Paul made the prediction.

Ron Paul:
China, ironically assisted by American aid, much more openly will sell to militant Muslims the weapons they want, and will align herself with the Arab nations.

There’s evidence that China has sold weapons to militant Muslims but have used their own money for this – not U.S. aid.

Ron Paul:
The United States, with Tony Blair as head cheerleader, will attack Iraq without proper authority, and a major war, the largest since World War II, will result.

We did attack Iraq as many expected at the time of the prediction but it was not a major war and not the largest since World War II. Vietnam and the Korean war were much larger. In Vietnam we had over 500,000 troops and lost over 50,000 soldiers. We had about 125,000 in Iraq and only lost about 4,400 troops.

Ron Paul:
Major moves will be made by China, India, Russia, and Pakistan in Central Asia to take advantage of the chaos for the purpose of grabbing land, resources, and strategic advantages sought after for years.

Haven’t seen any of these major moves. China has attempted to purchase additional oil and commodities though. Haven’t seen land grabs.

Ron Paul:
The Karzai government will fail, and U.S. military presence will end in Afghanistan.

Not happened yet.

Ron Paul:
An international dollar crisis will dramatically boost interest rates in the United States.

Didn’t happen. Interest rates have been very low over the past 10 years.

Ron Paul:
Price inflation, with a major economic downturn, will decimate U.S. Federal Government finances, with exploding deficits and uncontrolled spending.

We all knew that “exploding deficits and uncontrolled spending” would continue. I’ll bet even Ron Paul is surprised at how much Obama has spent.

We’ve definitely had an economic downturn but inflation has continued about the normal rate. There’s always some inflation.

Ron Paul:
Federal Reserve policy will continue at an expanding rate, with massive credit expansion, which will make the dollar crisis worse. Gold will be seen as an alternative to paper money as it returns to its historic role as money.

Credit is tighter now than when the prediction was made. Gold is seen as a good investment but it is not an alternative to money and has not returned to use as money except maybe for a handful of private transactions.

Ron Paul:
Erosion of civil liberties here at home will continue as our government responds to political fear in dealing with the terrorist threat by making generous use of the powers obtained with the Patriot Act.

I haven’t seen any “generous use of the powers obtained with the Patriot Act” though every time Congress is in session our liberties are at risk.

Ron Paul:
The draft will be reinstated, causing domestic turmoil and resentment.

This definitely didn’t happen.

Ron Paul:
Many American military personnel and civilians will be killed in the coming conflict.

If he’s talking about Iraq the loss of military personnel was very low compared with wars of the past.

Ron Paul:
The leaders of whichever side loses the war will be hauled into and tried before the International Criminal Court for war crimes.

There was no International Criminal Court set up for Iraq war crimes.

Ron Paul:
The United States will not officially lose the war, but neither will we win. Our military and political leaders will not be tried by the International Criminal Court.

We did win the war in a couple weeks. Keeping the peace was the hard part. Our military and political leaders were not tried. No one of substance expected they would be.

Ron Paul:
The Congress and the President will shift radically toward expanding the size and scope of the Federal Government. This will satisfy both the liberals and the conservatives.

All thinkers at the time saw that indeed saw the government was expanding, though the radical part didn’t come in until Obama was president. He was right that this brought satisfaction to liberals but wrong on conservatives. I do not know one conservative who is happy about the overall radical expansion, especially the most radical part of all – Obamacare.

Ron Paul:
Military and police powers will grow, satisfying the conservatives. The welfare state, both domestic and international, will expand, satisfying the liberals. Both sides will endorse military adventurism overseas.

The video references The National Defense Authorization Act which gives the President power to detain U.S. citizens without a trial if they are suspected of terrorism. This fine-tunes legislation (AUMF) that was passed Sept 14, 2011 so this power was already in place.

The national welfare state expanded in the U.S. but it was forced to contract in numerous other nations facing a financial meltdown. We have had a below average amount of military adventurism since the Iraq war began.

Ron Paul:
In due course, the Constitution will continue to be steadily undermined and the American Republic further weakened.

This has been going on for 200 years with a temporary reversals or slowdowns occurring now and then.

Ron Paul:
During the next decade, the American people will become poorer and less free, while they become more dependent on the government for economic security.

Perhaps his most accurate statement so far.

Ron Paul:
The war will prove to be divisive, with emotions and hatred growing between the various factions and special interests that drive our policies in the Middle East.

All wars are divisive, except those which are a life and death struggle for survival and even these are somewhat divisive.

Ron Paul:
Agitation from more class warfare will succeed in dividing us domestically, and believe it or not, I expect lobbyists will thrive more than ever during the dangerous period of chaos.

This was a pretty accurate description of what has happened. He ends his predictions with a successful one.

I do not understand the awe that Ron Paul followers have about his prophetic abilities as the majority of his predictions here were either incorrect or can be argued to be so. I’d say that the average political savvy person could be just as accurate if he were to make predictions for the next ten years.

Although not impressed with his prophetic abilities I do give him credit for raising a warning voice of various real dangers that confronted us in 2002 and still apply to us today. Most people in our Congress just want to get along and do not want to ruffle any feathers but this does not stop Mr. Paul from speaking his mind. We need more representatives who are willing to speak up against government encroachment.


Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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The Birth of the Christ Within, Part 7

This entry is part 34 of 49 in the series JJ Lectures

So what when a person reaches that point he begins in Aries and goes through Taurus and all the signs of the zodiac backwards until his last one, his last labor is in Pisces, and Pisces is the labor of the world savior. He performs twelve great labors in twelve different lifetimes and if he fails in one then he has go back and do it over and it may take more than twelve lifetimes because you are not always successful the first time.

Abraham Lincoln was performing one of the labors of Hercules when he freed the slaves. For instance, with the labor in Aquarius is the king had these stables that were full of dung and nobody could clean them and it had been many, many years since they were cleaned. He promised Hercules that if he could clean the stables that he would give him one tenth of his great flock of cattle. Hercules said okay and Hercules diverted the river and it washed away all the dung and cleansed the stables. Then Hercules went to the king to collect the reward and the king says I am not giving you your reward because that was too easy. Hercules said well it may have been easy but I did it. So the king wanted to take Hercules life and Hercules had to flee.

So this is a little bit like Abraham Lincoln. He performs this great labor and frees the slaves and then he gets killed and he did not get any reward for it that manifested in this particular life.

Audience: Churchill

JJ: Yes Churchill wins the greatest war in history and saves the world and what do they do? They run him right out of office after the war, it is amazing how some of our great heroes get treated.

The Christ that was in Jerusalem and the labor that He performed was that of the world savior and He sacrificed himself for the benefit of humanity. This was in the age of Pisces and we are passing out of the age of Pisces now and moving into the Age of Aquarius. Now this Age of Aquarius that we are entering is different than the sun being in Aquarius in past ages. Does anyone know the time period that we are in a particular sign?

Audience: 2,165.3 years.

JJ: Chuckling, yes the sun takes about 2,160 years to run a through a sign of the zodiac. So what we are doing is passing into the Age of Aquarius and I believe that we passed over into this Age of Aquarius around 1945 when they exploded the atomic bomb because it says in the scriptures the sign of the coming of the son of man will be when the heavens are shaken with power and great glory. The word heaven comes from the Greek word ouranos and the word uranium comes from ouranos. When uranium is shaken, and you shall see the sign of the son of man in uranium revealed with power and great glory. Interesting is it not? How is the sign of the son of man revealed in uranium? It is revealed because how does uranium work?

It works because the atom is split in two and some of the pure spiritual essence or pure energy as Einstein calls it, is released. The atom is the tomb that holds the pure spiritual energy. After Jesus was crucified they put Him in a tomb and the tomb split open and the pure spiritual life energy was released and this corresponds to the atom being split open with the pure spiritual energy is released. The sign of the son of man is the splitting of the atom and this marks the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.

The transfer over from one age to another takes about 300 years. The beginning of Aquarius began to show a couple hundred years before 1945 and to fully settle into it will take a couple hundred years from now. But that was the transition point was when the atomic bomb was exploded because that was the sign of the son of man in Heaven, ouranos or uranium. Interesting; is it not?

Wayne: When was your birthday Joe?

JJ: February 6th, 1945 the same year the atomic bomb went off.

Audience: They were detonated August 6th and August 9th.

JJ: On the Great Seal of the dollar bill it says the new order of the new ages. In other words, the Founding Fathers recognized that they were laying the foundation for a new age. They were Aquarian thinkers because they were some of the first people to feel that Aquarian energy and the Aquarian energy is freedom of the spirit and service to humanity. They sensed this and that is why the founding fathers had to break off from the old ways and begin a new way of doing things.

Now we reach a crescendo of the war between the true good and evil which the war between the Allies and the Axis of evil with Hitler and that was the true Armageddon of our age. This was transition point right when the atomic bomb was created that gave the assurance that the allies would defeat Hitler. That was the sign of the age of the coming of the son of man. Now we are in it but we are actually so close on the cusp that we have a lot of these Piscean energies holding on that are just not letting go.

We will take the good from the keynote of sacrifice from that cycle and keep it but the bad in sacrifice is were we sacrifice to some authority. The authorities take the sacrifice and builds stone buildings out of it and we do not see any good out of it our selves. The true essence of sacrifice, that which is good we take with us and drop that which has not worked.

In the Aquarian Age the keynote will be service, organization, humanity, brotherly love and this will take a while to get into and in the next 200 years we will see a lot that has been hanging on the past 2000 years fade away and will not reappear.

Audience: Is that why we are having stuff like Hurricane Katrina happen?

JJ: No disasters like that happens periodically and you go back a couple years or so during the Bubonic Plague where millions of people were killed you will have things like that happen and there are going to be some earth changes but Katrina is nothing compared to the earth changes that will happen. Most of the earth changes that people think are going to happen next year; a lot of them will not happen for another 100 years. People always think the great calamity is just around the corner and they rarely are but sooner or later some fantastic things will happen.

Two thirds of the global warming is in the ocean and think about this a bit. If you light a match under a tub of water you are going to heat up the atmosphere a little but you are not going to heat up that tub of water. What is heating up the tub of water? What is heating up the oceans is the under water volcanic activity, that is why in some parts of the oceans it is 5 degrees above normal and in other parts it is colder than normal because where it is really warm in the oceans like up north in the Arctic is where some of the glaciers are melting there are under water volcanoes are heating up and melting the ice up there. Now we go to the Antarctica we find that there is more ice forming there than has ever been in recent history but it varies a lot. So this under water volcanic activity repeats itself cyclically and it goes through cycles of 11,000 years and we are due for another ice age in the next 150 years or so because of the great cyclic activity of the under water volcanoes. If the next ice age is as bad as the last one we could have glaciers clear down to Boise and it would global cooling rather than global warming.

Audience; they say 20 feet of volcanic ash right here in Boise like if Jackson Hole goes.

JJ: Oh yes that is another calamity waiting and hopefully it will be hundreds of years in the future and is fairly unpredictable. If the under ground activity at Yellowstone were to let loose there we would all be gone in this part of the country and it is making some scientists nervous but they are watching it close to make sure there is not another calamity there.

Audience: Are you saying that Abraham Lincoln was in an Age of Aquarius?

JJ: He was an Aquarian. I was pointing out that he was doing the work of an Aquarian like in the labor of Hercules, that Lincoln was doing that work and he did kind of sense Aquarian Age energy and picked some of it up. Presently the Aquarian Age energies are getting very powerful. One of the signs is Aquarius is the air sign and we look in the air and the fact that we are doing so many things in the air is a fact that Aquarius is here. Communications, satellites, the Internet, this is all related to the Age of Aquarius and you have not seen anything yet. Just wait until a couple hundred more years from now if we do not destroy our selves first.

We always have our free will and we could always could create a major war that could set us back to the Stone Age. That is always a possibility but the best guesses of the ones who know are that the chances are humanity even though we may have some difficult times will move into the Age of Aquarius and establish peace on earth and goodwill toward men. That is the goal. It will finally happen.

Audience: Will this happen in our lifetime?

Audience: Not under the current administration.

JJ: The crisis during our lifetime between now and the next 25 to 30 years will be a crucial time period and if we can get through this period without having a major set back then the chances are that we will naturally settle into the Age of Aquarius.


Copyright 2011 by J J Dewey

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After New Hampshire

This entry is part 2 of 40 in the series 2012A

Now that the New Hampshire voting is over I thought I would give a rundown on my views of the presidential contenders for the Republican party.

(1) Romney. With two wins it looks like his chances are improving to get the nomination. All may not be smooth sailing however because the other candidates are ganging up on him. Gingrich and Santorum have received substantial contributions lately, Rick Perry still has cash and if Jon Huntsman gets some help from his rich father he could wind up doing some damage. The there’s Ron Paul with lots of cash who goes after anyone he doesn’t like or agree with.

I’ll cover the rest of the candidates and then go back to Romney.

(2) Ron Paul. I agree with many of his libertarian stands as far as they support liberty and financial common sense but many of his views I consider to be anti libertarian, especially his isolationism. I think that if he were president instead of FDR that he wouldn’t have assisted Churchill and Hitler would have conquered England and all Europe. It is doubtful he would have developed the atomic bomb whereas Hitler would have and would have eventually invaded us with him having atomic weapons and us being ill prepared, but standing on some obscure principles of supposed non interference and supposed freedom.

Today we face new Hitlers and Ron Paul wants to just leave them be to establish a new incarnation of Nazism that we fought so hard to defeat in the last century.

Whoever is president should demonstrate the power to use good judgment but the trouble with Paul is he has everything formulated in black and white and doesn’t seem to leave any wiggle room for making judgments out of the box when necessary.

I see his core group of supporters remaining strong and enthused but the 23% in New Hampshire will most likely be near his high point in votes.

(3) Huntsman came in third in New Hampshire. Earlier he said that if he didn’t win in this state that he would drop out of the race. Well, he came in third and he’s more determined than ever to stay in and bring Romney down. Even though Ron Paul beat him for second place by five points Huntsman has the gall to proclaim that he really came in second. Why? Because Ron Paul doesn’t count.

This idiotic statement by itself is enough to turn me off of Huntsman. I’m no fan of Ron Paul but he does indeed count and most take him much more seriously than Huntsman.

I’d vote for Huntsman over Obama but there is something about his demeanor that rubs me the wrong way. He exudes an atmosphere of superiority that I think a lot of people sense and are turned off by. For instance, he seems smug about the fact that he accepts the orthodox view of global warming and sees skeptics as “anti-science.” This is not true at all for the true scientific method has to include a hearty dose of skepticism.

(4) New Gingrich. When I learned he was entering the race I told myself that if he wanted my support he had to do something to redeem himself for appearing with Nancy Pelosi in support of orthodox global warming propaganda.

Instead of changing my mind he has only reinforced the idea that he is capable of making big mistakes that is unbecoming a president.

He started out with an air of superiority himself by claiming to be the only candidate who was going to remain positive to the end. Well, he took an about face on that idea after Romney ads took him out of the picture in Iowa. He has now turned into the most negative candidate I have seen in my life. He seems more determined to destroy Romney than he is to become president. He’s like the general who turns on his own troops in anger while forgetting that he has a real enemy to fight.

On top of this Newt has attacked Romney as a supporter of “predatory capitalism.” Obama and the Wall Street protesters couldn’t have come up with a better attack phrase. When I have heard him attack Romney’s efforts in capitalism the past few days I hear words that could have come from socialist Bernie Sanders.

(5) Santorum. As expected Santorum took a hit in New Hampshire and is unlikely to win much in the future. To his credit he hasn’t joined the chorus in attacking free enterprise. His big drawback is he comes across as too religious and places lopsided attention on social issues. Reagan was a conservative, but he placed over 80% of his attention on the economy and national security. I believe that this is where the majority of Americans want the president to put his attention.

The biggest problem I have with Santorum is his bad judgment and lack of self control. When he was running again Hillary and debating her he left his podium, walked over to hers and challenged her. That really seemed to infringe on her space and was a big item in his defeat.

Several times in the current debates he ran into overtime and then interrupted other candidates, stealing their time talking over them. That really rubbed me the wrong way.

Our president must be more than a pure ideologist but must be composed and have to self-control to use correct speech and timing in dealing with world leaders.

(6) Perry He seems to be a lightweight lacking gravitas similar to Santorum and also spoke out of order during the debates. He clinched my rejection of him when he called Romney’s legitimate business ventures “vulture capitalism.” He appeared to be attempting to out due Newt in the attack capitalism department.

This brings me back to Romney. He may not be the perfect candidate but he is head and shoulders above the rest of the bunch. I think a lot of the criticism of him is misplaced and he seems to have good self control and presence that will be needed in dealing with world leaders.

Agreeing with me is only part of what I look for in a president. If he agrees with me but doesn’t have presence of mind to avoid insulting world leaders and possibly leading to an unnecessary conflict then he is not for me.

Overall I think Romney has the best judgment of the bunch and if elected president I believe he will eventually be compared to Reagan.

Copyright 2012 by J J Dewey

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