Freedom and Ray Three

This entry is part 03 of 5 in the series Rays

Jan 28, 2017

Freedom and Ray Three

I started a series a while back discussing Trump and the rays which covered the first two. As we move on to Ray Three I think I will concentrate more on dealing with the political and esoteric Left and Right.

Each one of the Rays manifests as a duality. Here are the first two as they manifest in the political world.

(1) Will-Power-Purpose manifests as Intent

The duality = unselfish intent vs selfish intent.

(2) Love-Wisdom manifests as love of Truth.

The duality = focus on truth vs lies and distortions to reach goals.

We will now move to Ray Three

(3) Active intelligence responsible for the manifestation of beauty and form manifests as freedom.

Why is freedom the key word in politics?

Because all the variety of forms that we have cannot manifest in fullness without the maximum possible freedom.

And keep in mind form covers more than the physical seen with the eye. The U.S. Constitution is one of the great forms. Apple Computer is another as well as groups like the Red Cross.

Third Ray freedom dually manifests as focus on self-control by inner authority and initiative vs control by strong outer authority.

Strong inner authority enhances freedom to produce form but powerful control by outer authority inhibits it.

When discussing political principles I prefer to Left and Right rather than Democrat and Republican as both parties incorporate elements of the true Left and Right that leads to the Right or Left hand path. Left and Right also includes all the fringe political parties and groups.

I have already written a lot about the Principle of Freedom. Here is a link to a two part article making some essential points.

And here is one on the Principle of Freedom

I write a lot about this principle because it represents the battleground between the light and dark forces of the world. The Brotherhood of Light seeks to expand individual and group freedom whereas the dark side thinks that individuals are too inept to be trusted with freedom and must be controlled. The Right places maximum trust in the individual and the Left great distrust.

The Left wants a plethora of laws, regulations, controls, supervision, bureaucracy and strong central government whereas the Right seeks a minimum amount of these with decentralized government.

We all recognize that a certain amount of control, authority, laws and regulations are needed. It is an act of wisdom to see how much is too much or not enough.

The cornerstone to the masters approach to freedom is what DK called “occult obedience.” This plays out not through an authority such as a master giving commands and the disciple obeying. Instead the teacher assists the disciple in raising his consciousness so he can see the plan with the same vision as the master. When they both see the plan through the same eyes then the obedience will be to the plan, not to a person.

Here are some comments from DK on this principle:

Two questions always arise the moment the stage of discipleship is discussed: the problem of occult obedience and the nature of the vision. I would like to deal with these right at the beginning of any help which I may be able to give you. What is this occult obedience which a Master is supposed to exact? `Today, the Masters are dealing with the highly mental type of disciple who believes in the freedom of the human will and consciousness and who resents the imposition of any so-called authority. The intellectual man will not accept any infringement of his freedom, and in this he is basically right. He objects to having to obey. This is today axiomatic. Out of this fundamental question, lesser ones arise which I would like to cite. Has the disciple to obey the slightest hint which the Master may give? Must every request and suggestion be accepted? Must all that a Master says be accepted as true and infallibly correct? Is the disciple wrong when he refuses (if he does) to recognise the Master’s point of view and the statements He may make? Will the fact of Accepted Discipleship limit his freedom of opinion or choice, coerce his judgment and make him simply a replica in thought of the Master’s thought? These are questions of importance.

`The obedience required is obedience to the Plan. It is not obedience to the Master, no matter what many old-style occult schools may say. The obedience which is asked of you is based on your growing recognition of the Plan for humanity, as it emerges in your consciousness through the processes of meditation and through definite service, based upon a growing love of your fellowmen.

`The obedience demanded is that of the personality to the soul as soul knowledge, soul light and soul control become increasingly potent in the mind and brain reactions of the disciple. This whole problem of occult obedience would not arise at all if the rapport between soul and personality or between the disciple and the Master was complete and soundly established. The entire question is based upon the blindness and lack of knowledge of the disciple. `As the rapport becomes more firmly established, no fundamental divergences of opinion can appear; the aims of the soul and the personality blend and fuse; the objectives before the disciple and the Master become identical, and the group life conditions the service rendered by both of them. It is, therefore, the limitations of the disciple which prompt the question and his fear that too much may be asked of him by the Master and his soul. Is this not true, my brother? It is the holding on to your personality interpretations, wishes and ideas which leads you to draw back from the word obedience. It is your liking for yourself and for your own point of view which—literally and factually—makes you afraid of a too prompt acquiescence in the known suggestions of the Masters. I would have you remember that suggestion is all that a Master ever makes to a disciple, even though He may make positive statements about human affairs. These statements may be entirely correct; the neophyte, however, is usually too blind or prejudiced by his own individual point of view to accept them. Obedience can only be rendered when there is a developed understanding and an inclusive vision; if that is lacking, the passing of time will adjust the matter.

Discipleship in the New Age, Vol 1, Pages 686-687

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Discernment 101

Discernment 101

The Problem of Accuracy

Seekers of truth are often very concerned about all the voices out there from which to choose. There are all kinds of spiritual and religious institutions, teachers, prophets, visionaries that sound good, yet often contradict each other.

If one says that 2+2=4 and another says 2+2=5 then one or both of them has to be incorrect. They cannot both be right.

Yet many are in the situation of examining numerous different voices and being captivated by a number of them. After all, if Sally says that Jesus showed her in a vision that doom and tribulation are just around the corner should we not pay attention? If she is right, then indeed, we need to stockpile food and prepare for the evil day.

I’ve made it a hobby over the past 50 years to read the various predictions that are out there from the tabloids to serious religious visionaries as there never seems to be a pause in the prophesies of doom. Some great tribulation is always just a few months away.

So far, in the passing of five decades, not one of them has come close to being true. This brings up a logical question: Since such prophesies have had a failure rate of 100% then how much attention should we pay to new ones that surface?

Logically, the answer should be – not much.

Another interesting thing is that during this 50 year time period we have had a number of calamities and significant events that should have been included in any prophecy of our future. Some of these are the falling of the Soviet empire and the Berlin Wall, the financial crashes of 1987 and 2008, the 9/11 disaster, Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, the Syrian refugee problem among others.

Even though I have always scanned all the predictions available not once did I come across one that accurately predicted such events in advance. The religious, spiritual visionaries were no more accurate than were the casual psychics.

The funny thing is after a major event occurs you have people coming out of the woodwork claiming they have accurately predicted them. These are generally people I have never heard of before, but the funny thing is the several times I checked out their original words I found that the actual claimed perdition was very nebulous and not specific at all.

For instance, some claimed to have predicted the 9/11 disaster when all they said was we were in danger of a nebulous terrorist attack – and sometimes they have been saying such things for decades.

As they say a stopped clock is right twice a day. Catastrophes and significant events happen from time to time so if some visionary is predicting doom over a period of 10 years or so he is likely to see a major catastrophe happen during one of them and then claim he was a true prophet. Ignored is the fact that most of the details of the prophecy didn’t happen.

If someone wants to develop a reputation of being a true prophet, all he has to do is take the predictions that are out there and say the opposite. In my case, I have had a number of readers ask me about some pretty outlandish predictions and so far I have been right every time that I said they would not happen. Several times my answers have angered readers who seemed to want doomsday to come.

Does this mean that there is no such thing as a true vision or revelation?

Of course not, but this much can be assessed. There is a lot of illusion in circulation out there and the true visionaries are few and far between.

There are not only a plethora of prophets out there with different versions of the future but there are also many teachers, books and gurus, all with different versions of reality and salvation.

The big question facing the seeker is why there are so many contradictory revelations and how is he or she to tell what is true and what is not? That is the question.



The first question we want to consider when contemplating this is why there are so many differing visions and revelations out there. Two people will claim to see Jesus or some revered entity yet be told two contradictory things. Two people will have a near death experience and also give contradictory stories. Two people will claim a revelation on the same topic, yet when you read them it appears that they came from two different sources.

The easy answer is to merely blame every revelation with which you do not agree on the devil. This requires no thought or discernment and often just shows a bias as the accuser is often just as likely to be in league with dark forces as the accused.

The truth is that we do not need some tricky devil running around deceiving everyone. We have plenty of ability to do this on our own. In most cases all a cunning devil has to do it just sit back and watch us fool ourselves.

Alma from The Book of Mormon tells us that it is God that set up circumstances that allows us to be deceived. He, of course, does not deceive us, but if we are bent on doing so he will allow us to go full steam ahead.

“I know that he granteth unto men according to their desire, whether it be unto death or unto life; yea, I know that he allotteth unto men, yea, decreeth unto them decrees which are unalterable, according to their wills, whether they be unto salvation or unto destruction. Yea, and I know that good and evil have come before all men; he that knoweth not good from evil is blameless; but he that knoweth good and evil, to him it is given according to his desires, whether he desireth good or evil, life or death, joy or remorse of conscience.” Alma 29:4-5

Here the prophet clearly says that God (no devil necessary) grants to us according to our desires and wills and it matters not whether those desires lead to good or evil – he will grant them.

Why do you suppose he does this?

Most likely so we can learn. If one has his heart set on a wrong course sometimes the only way he can change direction under the law of free will is to follow that path until it becomes obvious that his desire was wrong, and then backtrack and find the right path.

Thus we can have five different people with five different concepts of Jesus in their minds, all with a desire to communicate with him. If the desire is strong enough all five will have some type of vision or encounter, but if all of them have different self deceptions about him then all five will have a different experience and they will contradict each other.

So, if they are not seeing the real Jesus then what are they seeing?

What most of them see is an image created by the power of their own thoughts and desires. Since they desire their own version of Jesus that is exactly what God grants them, except it is done through natural law using the energy of thought and desire. In many teachings these are called thoughtforms.

Here is how a thoughtform is created. A person or group will set their hearts and wills upon an image, teaching or idea that is pleasing or satisfying to the emotional nature. It matters not weather the thinking is correct or not. What matters is the intensity of the thought and desire. Over a period of time the emotional and thought energy pours into this thoughtform until it is vitalized and becomes as if it were a living thing. It becomes like a sophisticated virtual reality computer that is an extension of yourself, or a group. After a sufficient energy is poured into the thoughtform it becomes activated and ready to serve you according to your desires, right or wrong. This point is called the “point of tension.”

When the point of tension is reached the person can then receive a vision or revelation of Jesus. Unfortunately, it will not be the real Jesus, but an illusion.

This illusion is not restricted to revered entities but also revelations in general. If a seeker is concerned about the future and has in his memory banks many prophesies of doom from the scriptures and other teachers that he accepts without question then these items will be programed into the thoughtform that he will contact through prayer or contemplation. When the revelation is then received it will contain a mixture of data that represents a combination of that which has already been floating around in his mind. This will wind up being a combination of true and false ideas according to that which is already incorporated into his belief system.

The revelation may supply a few pieces of unverifiable information that that seems new, but nothing that is a true revelation. All the information will be of no higher quality than that which the guy could make up using his own imagination. If he receives a thoughtform generated revelation on what will happen in the coming decade then the result will be comparable to what he would produce if a teacher gave him a writing assignment to do this. Either way, the results will be that most of it will turn out to be incorrect and the really significant things will be missed.

There are many other things that are the result of desire created thoughtforms. One of them is the Stigmata, where the wounds of Christ seem to magically appear in the body of a saint. In these cases wounds appear in the heads, hands and feet, sometimes even accompanied by blood.

This occurs in a dedicated believer who spends many hours in prayer and devotion focusing on the passion of Christ. When enough emotional energy has been gathered and the point of tension occurs then the wounds will appear. This is a result of natural causes and has nothing to do with God sending a sign.

Then we hear stories of statues of Christ appearing to cry. Again, this is the result of accumulated emotional energy. When the group accumulation is strong enough individuals, or even groups will see tears in their own minds. If the intensity is strong enough actual physical tears may materialize.

We carry our thoughtforms with us for a time even after death. In near death experiences some truth is usually related but often an encounter with Jesus, God or others is really an encounter with a thoughtform and, consequently, some of the information retrieved may be distorted.

Another powerful way in which thoughtforms manifest is within strongly knit groups. Religious groups in this category include (but not limited to) the LDS, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses and Scientology.

In groups such as these faithful members tap into a thoughtform which has programming for all major beliefs, protocol and standards of acceptable behavior. Thus a Mormon Sunday School teacher knows that which is acceptable doctrine to discuss even if there is no written approval or disapproval on the subject. He knows where the line is even though the line has not been defined. The computer type program in the thoughtform has calculated the line in a similar fashion that Google uses algorithms to calculate trends in individuals as well as the masses.

These group thoughtforms account for the reason that a congregation in one of these groups is so similar to the others. This similarity is often used as a faith promoting platform. A member will figure that the various groups are so similar, even when separated by thousands of miles, because the Spirit of God permeates them.

What is not realized is that all groups with strong central authority exhibit this same effect for the strong authority causes a strong concentration of emotional energy creating a strong thoughtform – thus creating homogeneity.

It is interesting to be exposed to a strong thoughtform as an outsider, especially with the realization of how they work.

For instance, if you are a Mormon and attend a Jehovah Witness meeting you will get an entirely different feel than in an LDS church. Then, after settling in for a while you will pick up what is acceptable and what is not. In a class will instinctively know which questions would be frowned upon and which ones would be appreciated. If you are sensitive to this different thoughtform you will seem to pick up a lot of things through the air about this different religion and its people.

This same thing may happen with politics at a party. There may be a group of six people discussing a political view as you join them. You are amazed that they all seem to think the same and no one questions anything. You sense that if you inject an opposing view that something invisible will be shattered.

The thoughtform here is not generated by the six people, but these six have linked their minds to a thoughtform held by the millions who hold their point of view and is projecting the idea that outside thoughts are not allowed. If you do present an opposing thought then the link to the thoughtform held by the six will be temporarily disrupted and they will become quite irritable.

After considering this the question may arise in the mind of the seeker as to whether all revelation, inspiration, thinking and beliefs come from thoughtforms of some kind.

The answer is no.

The general public, as a whole, vaguely recognizes the power of thoughtforms and casually refers to them as “the box.”

Thinking within the confines of the thoughtforms is referred to as thinking within the box. Those who go beyond the thoughtform, or bypass it, are said to be “thinking outside the box.”

The question now before us is how do we obtain freedom from the box, or thoughtforms, and discover the real truth?

To be continued.


A Critical Look

Let us say that Alice comes to us with a vision of Jesus or revelation of some kind. What should we do to find out whether or not it is true?

The first thing to do is ask some questions. You cannot evaluate the truth of her revelation without getting the data on it. Before we use any inner guidance to discern truth we must use our own minds as far as they will take us. It is only after we have done all we can do on our own that the Spirit will give us more.

So let us say that she says she saw Jesus and feels kind of special because of it as if she now has at least one foot in heaven. One needs to ask her for details. To this some will say the experience was too sacred and personal to elaborate on.

If this is the case Alice should not have said anything about the experience to begin with for she has to know it would just stimulate curiosity along with questions.

So, let us not let Alice off the hook. The first thing most would want to know is what did he look like?

Alice cooperates and says that Jesus appeared in a white robe and her description pretty much matches the common pictures of him.

A description that does not deviate from the common image of him indicates that she saw a thoughtform. Since we have no actual proof as to what he did look like it is possible he did look something like the common image so this is merely an indication, but not proof of a thoughtform.

We need to explore further. What did Jesus tell her?

She then tells us that Jesus told her about the importance of love and kindness and that the world has deviated from his teachings and Alice needs to spread love wherever she goes.

Many people who have claimed to see Jesus relate a message in harmony with the basic Bible message.

This is another indication of a thoughtform. Any revelation that gives the seeker that which is already available in his memory banks is most likely from a thoughtform and not the real thing.

Next let us move on to Jim. Jim says Jesus appeared to him and gave him some new information.

This gets our attention. If an advanced being like Jesus were to take the time to visit someone he would do more than repeat what is already universally known. He would reveal something new.

So, now we ask Jim what it is that he received.

Jim says that Jesus told him that we will have a nuclear war with Russia by the end of the year. We must prepare as well as warn everyone.

The trouble with this is that predictions of doom have been made for thousands of years and almost all of them have been wrong. Thus if we look at this prediction statistically the chances are slim that it is a true revelation, though there is always some chance that we could have a nuclear war.

Now we come to Bob. He says he received marvelous teachings as a revelation from God.

Okay, let us check this out and ask him what he received.

He gives us a couple hundred pages of revelation and we read it through. The writings make some interesting points, but contain nothing new as all the material is available in a number of books already published.

This raises a question. Why would God go out of his way to give this guy a revelation of teachings that are already available at Amazon or Barnes and Noble?

Again, it is most likely this guy tapped into a thoughtform of his own making.

Next we come across Jeb. Jeb is the most interesting so far as he is teaching many new things not found in any book. He says that God revealed to him many missing gaps from history from the first man to missing events in the life of Jesus and even what happened to the Ark of the Covenant.

This is interesting and we study it out as well as take a closer look at Jeb. We find that Jeb is pretty smart, studied a lot of history and has a good imagination. It is possible Jeb received a true revelation but the chances are that he tapped into a thoughtform rather than receiving a true revelation. It is also possible that he just made the whole thing up and is presenting it as a revelation in order to draw attention to himself.

That said, what kind of visionary could we meet that would qualify as a likely source of true inspiration or revelation?


Recognizing True Messengers

Many people think that a true messenger will be able to predict the future with exactness but this is asking too much for no one can. Some events planed by Divine Will can be predicted because they are planned, but even these have to be revealed to someone and will not include a lot of details, as the details are always subject to free will.

Consider this. Any messenger, teacher or prophet of whom we have a reasonable record has not been able to make predictions with more than about 50% accuracy. Most of them are around 10% or less.

Jesus is credited with being accurate though some question several of his prophesies. But keep in mind that the predictions we have were approved by the church centuries after his crucifixion and they were not about to let anything get into the gospels that would show any flaw. This also applies to Old Testament prophets.

Now Nostradamus has been given high marks, but his quatrains are so esoteric that one can interpret many of them in dozen different ways. After a big event happened students will always declare that Nostradamus predicted it. The funny thing though, if it was so obvious, they should have been able to see the prediction before the event and inform us about it. Over the past 50 years I have seen many predictions from students of Nostradamus and none of them have come true, but then after an event they find it there.

The same things applies to the Bible Code. They seem to be able to find any significant past event by using a computer screening process that produces the code, but the process just does not seem to work in predicting the real future. I have read a quite a few Bible Code predictions since it became popular and so far their success rate is very dismal.

Then, we have lots of people making predictions based on the Book of Revelation, Daniel or other parts of the Bible. So far I haven’t come across a single one who has made a correct one.

In recent history where we have a fairly accurate record only a couple of which I am aware have scored higher than 50% in accuracy. These are Joseph Smith and Djwhal Khul in the Alice A. Bailey writings and they both had a number of failed predictions. Edgar Cayce had around 40% accuracy which was still much better than most.

Overlooked is this truth. Because of free will the future is malleable and many details are impossible to accurately predict. Only significant events incorporated into the Divine Plan can be known for sure, but the details in manifesting such things will never be known with completeness in advance.

Therefore when you see any visionary predicting lots of details of coming events you can know with certainly that this person is either tapping into a thoughtform or making things up using their creative imagination.

Lately, there have been several LDS visionaries giving out predictions of doom followed by struggle and the building of Zion.

A sweet lady named Julie Rowe had a near death experience and was met a guide who showed her lots of visions of the future. It is interesting that it was quite similar to other visions, such as the previously published book by John Pontius called Visions of Glory. Were they both tapping into the same divine source or the same thoughtform?

Well, Julie predicted the great calamities would be underway by the end of 2016 and that Obama would remain in power for a third term so the infallibility of her source took a big hit when these did not occur.

The question is when have you ever seen a prediction giving lots of details that came true? I’ve never found one. Have you?

The reason for this is us humans have free will and are only predictable to a degree. After the line of predictability is crossed then most anything can happen.

If Jim is a big Seahawks fan we can safely predict he will be watching the game and cheering for his team. On the other hand, if the referee calls a winning touchdown for the other team when Jim saw with his own eyes that it was not legal then Jim may go a bit crazy and do something out of the range of predictability.

When a true warning voice comes along the messenger usually doesn’t give many details. Winston Churchill was such an example. He realized the danger that Hitler posed and spent seven lonely years trying to warn the world, but no one listened until the threat was in their face.

The bottom line is this. If someone comes along giving detailed predictions of the future that will require you to act for physical or financial safety the chances are that they will be no more correct than the last person who made such predictions. Only give such things weight that appeal to your highest reason or if you get some strong confirmation from within.

As far as future calamities go a good rule of thumb is to expect the best and be prepared for the worst.

So, how do we recognize a true message then? There are a number of ingredients in a true message, Among them are.

(1) The core message will not contain provable falsehoods and be in harmony with known and proven truth.

(2) The message will contain something new that isn’t readily available in books or through others on the Internet. Many false teachers are merely plagiarists.

(3) The message will speak to the highest part of yourself. It will enlighten your mind, gladden your heart and give you hope.

(4) If one follows the teachings in the message he will be a better person.

(5) The message will be in harmony with the best of past writings of wisdom and the scriptures. I say the best because there are many wrong headed interpretations of scriptures and other works.

(6) A true messenger will either shed new light on revealed principles or give out new ones.

Anyone with a good imagination can give out lots of predictions or data that cannot be proven. For instance, if a teacher tells us there are alien bases under the ocean there is no way to prove that such a thing is right or wrong. But a principle cannot be faked for it enlightens the mind so knowledge pours in.

For instance, Joseph Smith taught the principle that if a thing has a beginning then it will have an end and if it has no beginning then it will have no end.

A principle such as this registers with the soul and by its use one can discover much knowledge.

(7) Though the giver of the message may be controversial he will live a harmless life dedicated to service. He will not make claims of greatness about himself nor will he seek to feed the ego of followers by emphasizing their specialness.

Concerning true messengers, Jesus was the great example to look toward. Instead of merely proclaiming himself great he demonstrated greatness as well as giving us great words, “words which will not pass away.” He was loving, harmless and dedicated to a life of service, freely giving of himself.

We cannot expect a true messenger to be exactly like Jesus, but he will do his best to set a similar example.


Escaping the Thoughtform

The seeker may say something like this. “I can see that if God grants to us according to our desires that we can be controlled by those desires through created thoughtforms. The question I now have is how can one bypass such desire related thoughtforms and go right to the Source of truth?”

This is an important question for even a sincere prayer can access a thoughtform and bring a distorted answer.

A seeker’s seeming answer from God through prayer, meditation or reflection comes from three sources. The first is a thoughtform created from accumulated energy of mass thought and feeling.

The second is his own emotional self which will often distort truth according to his desires.

The third is that he will access a real source of truth through the Holy Spirit.

The problem here is that accessing a thoughtform or the higher part of our emotional selves can produce a warm feeling that is mistaken by many to be verification from God that they have received an answer.   A great example of this occurred when I was on a mission in England for the LDS church way back in the 1960s. The mission had a problem with missionaries falling in love with local English girls. They were praying about the situation and receiving what they thought were warm feelings from the Holy Ghost telling them they were supposed to marry the girls after their mission. This proved to be a great distraction from their work.

At a mission conference our mission president was clearly exasperated with this situation and this was the only time I ever heard a church leader cuss at the pulpit. He said:

“We have a plague of elders falling in love with the local girls and to justify themselves they come to me and say they prayed about them and the Spirit gave them a warm feeling that they were supposed to marry.”

He paused a few seconds and then out of the blue hammered the pulpit so hard with his fist that it shook the room and said:

“I don’t give a damn about your warm feeling!!! You came to England to be missionaries, not find wives. Now get out there and do the work! After you are home for a few weeks the girls here will be out of your minds and you’ll find someone else.”

The mission president was correct. Most of the elders were deceived by their warm feelings and did lose interest in returning to England to marry an English lass after they returned home.

Now the problem for our LDS friends is that they are taught that a true answer from God is accompanied by a warn feeling or “burning in the bosom.” While it is true that a revelation of truth is often accompanied by a spiritual fire that is indeed warm, it is also true that anything that stimulates the higher feeling nature also creates warmth. Falling in love certainly creates a warmth within and this warmth is easily mistaken by many as confirmation from God.

Such warmth from love is not confirmation, but is merely the result of the blending of high emotional energy.

The basic problem is this. If a seeker has not made the breakthrough and felt the true spiritual fire then he will generally assume that his highest emotional feelings represent an answer from God. These feelings can be so deceptive that they can even captivate someone who has at one time made a breakthrough and touched the spiritual fire. One can tend to get spiritual amnesia from such an event and after a period of time assume that high emotional feeling is from God.

To make the breakthrough to contact the true Spirit and mind of God one must learn to recognize a thoughtform when he sees it.

All of us pick up thoughtforms, but few are aware they are doing so and being controlled by them. Those who are aware have achieved a much greater degree of freedom than those who are not, illustrating the truth of the words of Jesus, “The truth shall make you free.” Without a true knowledge of thoughtforms and how the emotions deceive, the seeker is not free.

It is particularly difficult for the seeker to recognize his own thoughtform so to start with it is best to look at those that captivate others.

In politics in the United States there is a thoughtform for both the Democrat and Republican parties. Then within these parties are thoughtforms dominating various trends of thinking. Every time there is a major protest march there is a thoughtform controlling the group.

Taking all this into consideration contemplate some people who have an obnoxious political belief different than your own. Can you see that arguing with one is very similar to arguing with any in that particular mindset? It can seem like anyone of the same political belief went to the same school to learn how to respond. It is as if they are hypnotized, because they are indeed controlled by a thoughtform and no amount of reasoning will release them from the control.

Now the problem is that you may be controlled just as much as the other guy, but the flow of your thinking seems so natural that you seem free, when you may not be at all.

Next attend a church different than your own and tune in to what is considered right and wrong, acceptable or not.

The next time you attend a party and see a group of a half dozen or so having a good time and seem to all be on the same page join in with them. You may discover they are all thinking alike and seem to all be units in a greater group life. You may sense that you are not to break their train of thought or you will not be welcome. To be accepted you have to tune into the same thing they are.

Practice seeing the thoughtforms that control others and soon you will be able to sense the thoughtforms that control you and how they are influencing you.

Once the seeker learns to recognize thoughtforms he can take reliable steps toward higher contact.


Penetrating the Barriers

The reason people are captivated by thoughtforms is they do not think for themselves and must let the thought form do the thinking for them.

To neutralize or control the effect of a thoughtform the seeker must understand how it works and why.

It works a little like a hypnotic suggestion. When a subject is in a deep trance the hypnotist can give him a suggestion and on awakening the subject will be controlled by it without recalling that the suggestion was ever given. For instance, he can tell the subject that when he scratches his head that he will crow like a roster, but not remember the suggestion to do so.

Then the hypnotist can draw laughs from the audience when he brings the guy out of the trance and is carrying on a normal conversation, but then scratches his head. When the subject crows like a rooster the audience will roar with laughter.

But here is the interesting point. If the subject is asked why he crowed like a rooster out of the blue he will think that he did it of his own free will and give an explanation such as, “I just thought it would be a funny thing to do on the spur of the moment.”

Now a thoughtform contains a number of commands, similar in effect to a hypnotist’s post hypnotic suggestions. And similar to the crowing subject when a certain trigger is made the person will respond and think he is doing so out of his own free will.

It is important to realize that thoughtforms are by themselves are neither good nor bad. It is how they are used that determines this.

You do not want someone to hypnotize you to do something crazy but many go to a hypnotist to help them lose weight or break a bad habit. In this case the person understands what is going an and uses it to his advantage.

Similarly, we can use various thoughtforms to our advantage if learn to recognize them and even create them for ourselves.

If one seeks real truth and higher knowledge the first thing he must do is honestly examine himself and discover the thoughtforms that influence him. If he is under the influence of one that controls the area of truth he is seeking then he can pray or meditate all he wants and the answers he gets will be that which is filtered through the thoughtform in harmony with his own desires.

If he is a member of a close knit religion the thoughtform will make sure any answer to a prayer is in harmony with church authorities and any error made by such authorities will be a part of the answer.

If the seeker is a member of a church or part of a strong belief system overall he has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages is that some of the teachings in the belief system will be true and lead him on the right path, but others will not be true and will require him to detach himself from the thoughtform to find the real truth. This is one of the reasons Jesus told us that we must be born again, or become as a little child to enter the kingdom of heaven. Part of being born again is to release yourself from all past influences and look at the world anew. When this is done the thoughtforms will be penetrated and the seeker can expose himself to pure truth and reason that will vibrate in harmony with the Spirit within.

This is easier said than done as most believers will think they are already free and controlled by nothing but God and their own free will.

For those who want to take their next step and discover new realms of truth here are some steps that can be taken.

(1) Socrates said that “an unexamined life is not worth living.” The seeker must examine himself inside and out as well as each of his beliefs and ask if they are really his own or just planted in him from some outside source. Does he incorporate a belief system as a package or does he analyze them piece by piece to see if each of them is true?

(2) Read materials from those who believe much differently than yourself. Try to see things from their point of view. Sometimes you will find truths that will awaken you to the thoughtform that is in control.

(3) Have discussions with those who think differently than yourself for the same reason. You must remain civil or any thoughtform will just be given more control.

(4) Since God grants to us according to our desires then desire the truth no matter where it leads, even if it runs contrary to all that you have been taught.

(5) Realize that, in the end, all truth is logical and will be in harmony with pure reason.

(6) “Seek and you will find.” We have all heard this scripture but few actually follow it. The person must seek with all his strength and really want to know additional truth.

(7) Learn to recognize the difference between the true voice of the Spirit within as distinguished from thoughtforms, high emotion, and voices without. The Spirit within recognizes all truth, but it is a still small voice that can easily be overshadowed by the louder voices without.

(8) Plant ideas and possible truths as seeds within your mind and heart and contemplate the truth of them. Sustained attention will cause the truth to manifest as well as bring new truths to your attention.

(9) Praying for additional truth is fine when the seeker neutralizes the influence of thoughtforms. If he has not the prayer could bring him a distorted answer. If the seeker prays with barriers removed it may take a while to get an answer. Accompanied to the prayer must be the constant thinking about the truth desired. Finally when the point of tension is reached the seeker will receive his answer. It may not be what he expected.

As the seeker learns to listen to the inner voice he will become more sensitive. Each time he accepts what it reveals then the sensitivity is increased until he has unlimited knowledge available and his soul is satisfied.

May we all tread the strait and narrow path that leads us beyond the reach of the distorted influences of the world to an inner world wherein lies the source of unlimited truth.

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Flat Earth Story


Jim Bob grew up in the early Fifties in a religion that took the Bible literally. Even so he accepted the standard view of a round earth until he came across a new preacher named Clem. Clem told him that if he really believed the Bible he has to believe in a flat earth. To prove his point Clem showed Jim Bob a number of scriptures that seemed to indicate the earth was the center of the universe, was flat, sat on pillars, had four corners and surrounded by a great dome over which resided great waters. The sun and the moon were really the same size and much smaller than we are told, and just circle above us in the dome. The stars and the planets were just lights in the dome set there by God.

This all seemed hard to believe for Jim Bob, but he knew the Bible was the literal Word of God so he checked out the scriptures and sure enough Clem was right. From that point on Jim Bob had no doubt the earth was flat – after all, that was what the Bible said and God is not a liar.

Then in 1957 the Soviets claimed to have sent a satellite into earth orbit. This concerned Jim Bob so he asked Clem about it. “If the earth is flat how can the satellite be circling around the earth?”

Clem responds, “It’s a trick, my friend. You know those Russians lie about everything.”

“You must be right,” replied Jim Bob.

Then on Jan 31, 1958 the Newspaper headline read that the United States had sent a satellite into orbit. Again Jim Bob approached Clem. “How is this possible, for this is from our own government, the good guys?”

“It’s all a game,” says Clem. “If the Soviets say that are in orbit we have to say the same thing or lose face. Who are you going to believe, the corrupt news media or the Bible?”

“Thanks for setting me straight,” said Jim Bob.

Jim Bob was a little discombobulated in April 1961 when he saw on television that the Russians claimed to have actually sent a man into orbit and then more discomforted still when the United States claimed to have sent John Glenn in orbit also the following year.

“What’s going on here?” asked Jim Bob to Clem.

“Just more of the same, “ he said. You just watch. There is no end to the extent they will go too deceive us into thinking that the Word of God is not valid.”

“I have to admit that the devil and his angels are pretty tricky,” Jim Bob admitted.

Then it wasn’t long after that that the United States and Russia sent probes to Mars, Venus and then later to other planets.

“What’s the explanation for this?” asked Jim Bob.

“Same ole, same ole,” said Clem. “Like I said there is no end they will not go to trick us. These guys are Satan’s angels right here on the earth working to deceive us.”

Then came the real big events. The United States Apollo mission sent Apollos 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, and 17 to the moon and brought the men back again. Jim Bob watched all the events on TV.

Jim Bob approached Clem, “My boy is asking questions about these moon missions and is doubting the word of God about a flat earth. What shall I tell him?”

“Teach him that God is smarter than all of NASA who are agents of the devil himself. Here is a booklet proving the moon mission is fake.”

“Are all six of them fake. Why not fake just one and why did they go to all the trouble to fake six for them?”

“That’s just who they are,” said Clem. “The more deception the better. Remember what I told you. There is nothing they will not do to help the devil in deceiving us.”

Jim Bob took Clem’s words to heart and earnestly taught his son Jim Bob Jr. to believe in a flat earth, NASA deception and a very literal Bible.

Jim Bob Jr. followed in the footsteps of his father and continued fighting the good fight. He lived to see the internet and Facebook develop and defended the truth of the flat earth as he saw it as well as attacking all who made the supposed false claims of space flight. After he died Jim Bob III and Jim Bob IV continued the effort.

To their dismay they had more difficult conspiracies to confound. The Chinese eventually went to the moon and built a settlement there and there were thousands of pictures on the internet of a round earth taken from the moon as well and the people who were supposedly on the moon, Jim Bob IV of course knew though they were all fake.

Eventually NASA, private enterprise and several nations went to Mars, the moons Jupiter and explored the upper atmosphere of Venus. Jim Bob Jr. knew they were all fake, but he was having a more difficult time convincing people as more testimonies were made of extra planetary human exploration.

Finally a sad day came for Jim Bob IV. His son Jim Bob V just came home for a visit and was all excited. He said this to his dad.

“Dad, I just received a great bonus from my work. I have two tickets for a cruise rocket that will take us into orbit several times and then when we reach escape velocity we’ll be off to the moon. We’ll land at the spaceport there and relax a day in the low gravity and then return. You’ve got to come with me.”

Jim Bob IV couldn’t believe how Satan had gotten hold of his kid. “Son, how could you participate in the works of the devil? How could you be so deceived.”

“Well, there’s one way to prove it,” he said. “Come with me aboard the spaceship and see for yourself.”

“If you board that spaceship, my son, your brain will be radiated with frequencies from NASA that will make you see and believe whatever it is they want. “I’m not going to have my brain altered and I’m ashamed of you for even thinking about going along with Satan and his kingdom of followers..”

“Sorry Dad, I don’t buy your flat earth belief any more. There is just too much evidence to the contrary. I have many friends who ave taken space cruises and their brains are just fine.

Jim Bob IV’s head was about to explode, “You are no longer a son of mine! You now belong to the devil. Get out and don’t come back until you get your mind right.”

Jim Bob V sadly left, but on the bright side he had a great cruise and realized it was only a matter of time before the flat earth’s had to give in to reality.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Gods of the Bible, Part 10

This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series Gods


QUESTION: What is salvation?

ANSWER: Assurance that you will go to Heaven.

QUESTION: Why do you want to go to Heaven?

ANSWER: To be with God and Jesus.

QUESTION: Why do you want to be with God and Jesus?

ANSWER: So I will be happy.

QUESTION: What makes you think you will be happy with them?

ANSWER: I just know I will be.

QUESTION: Will you be happier in Heaven with God than you are now?


QUESTIONS: But you believe that God is everywhere. Therefore, you are in the presence of God now. How will you be more in the presence of God in Heaven than you are now? Is God concentrated in one spot as some believe?

ANSWER: No. You’re twisting things again.

COMMENT: Again we come to a contradiction in traditional Christian belief. This person believes he will be happier in God’s presence in the next world than he can be in God’s presence right now. He forgets that God’s presence is with us always. Happiness isn’t given to us when we step across some line into God’s presence into Heaven. God’s presence is with us always and we are already in heaven or hell, depending upon how we respond to that presence.

Why is it that many Christians believe in obtaining a nebulous happiness or damnation in some far away Heaven or Hell, when the Scriptures plainly tell us that God, or the source of Heaven, is in us already?

Why do they believe in a God who is everywhere or omnipresent, and then in a second breath say there are many places where God is not?

Why do they believe that God is perfect, but almost everything He makes is imperfect?

Why do they believe in an unchangeable God when the Bible tells us that God has periodically changed his mind?

Why do they believe in an all powerful God, but that his hands are tied in fulfilling His will in bringing all to salvation?

Why do they believe in an all knowing God who would knowingly create damned souls?

Why do they believe the Bible is perfect, and then not believe what it says?

We hope that Christians and others will re-examine their beliefs when apparent contradictions such as these arise. Contradictions such as these mean that there is a flaw in the belief system and the person should search and find what it is and correct it so he can know the truth and the truth will set him free.


QUESTION: Are you born again?


QUESTION: The Bible says: “We know that whomsoever is born of God sinneth not; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.” I John 5:18. According to this Scripture, if you are really born again you do not sin. Can you honestly say that since the day that you were born again you have not committed even one sin?

ANSWER: (Some will answer yes that they have not sinned; but most will say no, that they have sinned since their born again experience.)

QUESTION: (If the answer is “yes”:) I find it rather hard to believe that you and the millions of others who claim to be born again never sin. How do you explain the fact that some born again Christians wind up in jail?

QUESTION: (If the answer is “No”:) If you indeed have sinned, then according to the Bible you are not born again. How do you explain this?


QUESTION: Is the Trinity (The Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost) three Gods or one God?

ANSWER: Essentially one God. They are three in one and one in three.

QUESTION: Do you have any idea what that means?

ANSWER: It is a great mystery. No one can explain it.

QUESTION: But the Bible says: “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” John 17:3. Therefore, if you do not know and understand God, you cannot have eternal life. Are you going to seek eternal life by knowing God, or are you going to continue to call Him an unknowable mystery and forfeit life eternal?

ANSWER: We are supposed to know His presence, not understand Him.

QUESTION: But Paul spoke of a time when “I shall know even as also I am known.” I Cor. 12:12. Therefore, we are supposed to know God as He knows us. If you do not know or understand God, then how can you claim He is three in one and one in three any more than the people in the middle ages could claim that the world was flat?

ANSWER: I just have faith..

QUESTION: But the Bible says true faith is “the evidence of things not seen”. Heb.11:1. Where is your evidence that God is three in one and one in three, and where is your evidence that God is a mystery that you cannot understand? Can you even find evidence of it in the Bible?

ANSWER: The Bible says that Jesus was in the Father and the Father in the Son.

QUESTION: But Jesus said in speaking of true believers: “And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; THAT THEY MAY BE ONE, EVEN AS WE ARE ONE.” John 17:22. If we are to be one in the same way as the Godhead is one, how then is God a mystery any more than man is one?

ANSWER: (He has no answer. Checkmate!)

QUESTION: Was and is Jesus God?


QUESTION: Were all three Gods in Jesus’ body, or just God the Son?

ANSWER; All the Trinity was in him. Paul said: “For in him dwelleth the fulness of the Godhead bodily.” Col. 2:9.

QUESTION: But in speaking to ordinary disciples, Paul said “That ye might be filled with the fulness of God.” Eph 3:19. So do the disciples have the Trinity in them the same as Jesus did?

ANSWER: No. Man can have the Spirit of God dwell in him, but Jesus was God.

QUESTION: The Bible does say that Jesus was a Son of God, but where does it say that he was or is God?

ANSWER: We know the Word was Jesus and the Bible says “The Word was God.” John 1:1.

QUESTION: It is true that the King James version makes the word sound like Jesus because it calls the Word a “he”, but in the Greek it can also be translated as “it”. When we read “it” instead of “he” when talking about the Word in the first chapter of John, we can see that it is not talking about a person, but an aspect of deity, or an energy. Furthermore, when Jesus was here in the flesh he said: “God is a Spirit.” John 4:24. If Jesus was God in the flesh, then why did he tell them to worship “a Spirit”. Why didn’t he say: “worship me”?

ANSWER: I’m not sure.

QUESTION: It is written: “No man hath seen God at any time.” John 1:18 & I John 4:12. How could Jesus be God, when thousands of people saw him?

ANSWER: In a way we do not understand, God was in Jesus.

QUESTION: So was Jesus God, or was God merely in Jesus?

ANSWER: God was in Jesus and Jesus was also God.

QUESTION: Then, when people saw Jesus they saw God?

ANSWER: In a way.

QUESTION; Either they saw God or they didn’t. What is the answer, yes, or no?

ANSWER: Yes, of course.

QUESTION: But the scriptures say that “no man hath seen God.” Do you then believe than man has seen or has not seen God?

ANSWER: Well, no man has seen all of God.

QUESTION: It doesn’t say that no man has seen all of God. It just says that no man hath seen God. Furthermore, “God is a Spirit;” therefore if Jesus was God he would have had to have been a spirit wouldn’t he?

ANSWER: But the Spirit of God was in Jesus.

QUESTION: Good, we have finally established a very important point. Jesus the man was not God, but had the Spirit of God within him. John “saw the Spirit descending from Heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him.” John 1:32. Jesus also said over and over “The Father is in me.” Thus if the people in Jesus’ day were to have seen God, they would have to have seen that invisible Spirit that was in Jesus wouldn’t they?

ANSWER: I suppose.

QUESTION: This is further verified by Paul who speaks of God “dwelling in the light which no man can approach unto; whom no man hath seen, nor can see.” I Tim. 6:16.   Here the Scriptures solidly verify that when the thousands of people saw Jesus, they did not see God. Would you agree then that God was IN Jesus, but not actually seen by men and that Jesus showed forth the works of God?
ANSWER : Yes, I suppose I have to if I believe the Bible.

QUESTION: Now the Scriptures also tell us that this Spirit of the one God fills Heaven, Earth, and Hell. (Jer 24:23; Psalms 139:8) Paul said that: “In Him we live, and move, and have our being”. Acts 17:28. We are also told that “it is the same God that worketh all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to EVERY MAN”, and that the Spirit divides Itself to EVERY MAN severally as He will.” I Cor. 3:16.

In addition, Paul said: Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the SPIRIT OF GOD DWELLETH IN YOU.” I Cor. 3:16. We are thus plainly told in the Scriptures that men and women are temples and God dwells in all of us. Is there any difference between the way that God dwells in us and the way He dwelled in Jesus?

ANSWER: God was actually in Jesus; it’s just His influence the rest of us feel.

QUESTION: Where does it say that in the Bible?

ANSWER: I’m not sure.

QUESTION: That is because it is not there anywhere. It does say very clearly that God “fills” all things and “The Spirit of God dwelleth IN YOU.” Would you agree then that the same Spirit of God dwells in us as dwelled in Jesus?

ANSWER: I suppose.

QUESTION: Thus we conclude that God was in Jesus, but was not seen by the people. On the other hand, God is also in the rest of us. Was God in Jesus in any different way than He is in the rest of us?

ANSWER: Yes. Jesus had God’s actual presence—his fullness.

QUESTION: So did God stop filling Heaven and Earth to come dwell in Jesus?


QUESTION: Did everyone else have less of God in them when Jesus was here?

ANSWER: I don’t suppose.

QUESTION: Then obviously Jesus did not have all of God with him, for God was still spread all over the Universe. The Bible does say that he had a fullness of God, but it says the same thing about the rest of us. (Eph 3:19; John 1:16) It is obvious that you cannot tell me how God was in Jesus in any different way than He is in the rest of us. How about it?

ANSWER: (He is unable to utter a logical statement.)

COMMENT: Concerning Jesus, it is written that “God was manifest in the flesh”. I Tim 3:18. He also said: “The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, HE DOETH THE WORKS”. John 14:10. Jesus did not do the works by his own power but by the Father or Spirit of God within him, just as we have to do if we perform a work of God. Thus, Jesus manifested God in the flesh by doing the works of the Spirit. Concerning man, we are told (and I quote again:) “But the manifestation of the Spirit (God) is given to EVERY MAN.” I Cor 12:7 Paul hoped “that the life of Jesus might be made manifest in our body”. II Cor   4:10. He also said: “Let this mind be in you WHICH WAS ALSO IN CHRIST JESUS: who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God” Phil 2:7.

From these scriptures we see that Jesus did indeed manifest God. Jesus was not God of himself, but God (The Father) was in him and performed the works, and thus God did work on the Earth through Jesus. But this same Spirit is in “every man” and if we are faithful to It and contact It and manifest It as Jesus did, then we can be as he was and do even “Greater works” John 14:12.

Jesus was not intended to be some unique being that will never appear again, but was to be the “firstborn among MANY brethren”. Rom 8:29. We are to be “heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ” Rom 8:17.

Where is the evidence that he is any different than we should be? There is none in the Bible. It can only be found in false tradition passed down largely from the Dark Ages, when men believed in goblins and feared a hell of fire and brimstone and devils with pitchforks that would stab them for eternity. Those people were so simple in their thinking that they never thought to ask how a body could be burned or stabbed forever and still look like a body. It’s time that man passed out of dark age blind believing in whatever tradition says and at least get back to the perception disciples had in the days of Jesus. Then maybe mankind could be prepared for him to appear again among us.


QUESTION: Is Jesus God?

ANSWER: Yes, of course.

QUESTION: Jesus said: “I can of my own self do nothing…” (John 5:30) “I do nothing of myself; but as my Father taught me, I speak these things.” (John 8:28) “The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works.” (John 14:10). Who was it here that had no power to do anything by himself?

ANSWER: Jesus.

QUESTION; Now, you said Jesus was God; therefore do you realize that you are saying that God has no power to do anything by Himself?

ANSWER: You’re twisting things.

QUESTION: If it wasn’t the God who is Jesus that had no power to do anything, who was it?

ANSWER: No comment.


QUESTION: Is God good?

ANSWER: Of course.

QUESTION: When a man called Jesus good, he answered: “Why callest thou me good? There is none good but one, that is God.” Matt 19:17. If Jesus is God, why did he refuse to be called good?

ANSWER: (He is confused)

ARE MORMONS (Jehovah Witnesses and other Minority religions) SAVED?

QUESTION: Are Mormons saved?

ANSWER: Not unless they accept Jesus.

QUESTION: Most of the Mormons I know say they accept Jesus as their savior and as the Son of God. Are they therefore saved?

ANSWER: They do not accept the true Jesus of the Bible.

QUESTION: Do you mean to say that if they accept the Mormon idea of Jesus they will not be saved?

ANSWER: I’m afraid they won’t. They have to accept the true Jesus.

QUESTION: I suppose the true Jesus is your version of Jesus.

ANSWER: No, the Biblical Jesus.

QUESTION: The last I heard the Mormons, Seventh Day Adventists, Jehovah Witnesses and other minority religions believe they teach the Biblical Jesus. Have you ever seen in any of their literature a statement saying they reject the Biblical Jesus?


QUESTION: Do you admit then that these religions do their best to teach and accept what they believe to be the Biblical Jesus?

ANSWER: Yes, they do, but they are deceived.

QUESTION: On the other hand, they think you are deceived. It seems to boil down to the fact that their interpretation of Jesus is different from yours. Do these other religions have to have the same interpretation of Jesus as you do before they can be saved?

ANSWER: They have to believe in the Biblical Jesus.

QUESTION: That’s not what I asked. They already believe and accept the Jesus of the Bible to the best of their ability. Do they have to have the same interpretation of Jesus that you do to be saved?

ANSWER: I interpret the Bible the way it reads. They must accept the Jesus that is in there.

QUESTION: It is obvious that you do not think others will be saved unless they accept your interpretation of Jesus. Do you therefore think that if a person has a mistaken notion of Jesus, but still accepts him, that is not good enough to obtain salvation?

ANSWER: If he has a wrong idea, or is deceived about who Jesus is, he must come to the truth or he cannot be saved.

QUESTION: Are you aware that the disciples in the days of Jesus had mistaken ideas about him?

ANSWER: Yes, but they later came to the truth.

QUESTION: Are they now saved?


QUESTION: Did Jesus anywhere condemn anyone to damnation because they had false ideas about him?


QUESTION: Then why do you condemn to Hell those who sincerely believe in Jesus, but in your eyes have false ideas about him?

ANSWER: But they must accept the true Jesus.

QUESTION: But the Bible says: “”If thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” Rom 10:9. Neither this Scripture nor any other that I know of specifies that you have to have an exactly correct interpretation of Jesus to be saved. Most Mormons and other sincere Christians that I know have confessed that Jesus is Lord and believe that God raised him from the dead. So, why will they not be saved?

ANSWER: Well, maybe they will be.


QUESTION: Is Jesus our brother?

ANSWER: Yes. Jesus is called ‘the firstborn among many brethren.” Rom 8:29.

QUESTION: Is Jesus God?


QUESTION: Then why do we not call God brother, instead of Father?

ANSWER: You’re confusing me.


QUESTION: Are you born again?


QUESTION: The Bible says: “We know that whosoever is born of God SINNETH NOT; but he that is begotten of God keepeth himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not.” I John 5:18. According to this Scripture, if you are really born again, you do not sin. Can you honestly say that since the day that you were born again you have not committed even one sin?

ANSWER: I know I’m born again so I must not have.

QUESTION: But the Bible also says: “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us…we make Him (God) a liar, and His word is not in us.” I John 1:8&10. Then according to the Bible, you do not have the truth. How do you explain that?

ANSWER: I had sin before I was born again, but I have not sinned since that time.

QUESTION: You mean that you and all the other millions of born again Christians have not committed even one sin since being born again?


QUESTION: Now, think a moment. Doesn’t that sound ridiculous?


QUESTION: How do you explain the fact that thousands of born again Christians have actually been sinning and a number of them are even in jail?

ANSWER: Then they are not really born again.

QUESTION: But you are?


QUESTION: Let me shake your hand. I want you to know I feel privileged to be in the presence of one of the elite sinless ones. What would you rather be called—Jesus or God?

ANSWER: (He becomes irritable).

Our Father God

QUESTION: Why is God called our Father?

ANSWER: Because He created us.

QUESTION: You mean you do not look upon Him as the literal Father of our spirits as the Mormons do?

ANSWER: If you mean to ask me if God had sex with his wives to create our spirits…I certainly do not believe that.

QUESTION: So you definitely believe that God is our Father because He created us?


QUESTION: Spiritually, then, does that make all of us brothers and sisters?


QUESTION: Is this also why we are called the children of God, or His sons and daughters?


QUESTION: Did God create evil?

ANSWER: No. The Devil does.

QUESTION: Apparently, you are wrong here. God speaks in the Bible and says:: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” Isa 45:7. Do you believe that God is speaking the truth here when He says that He creates evil?

ANSWER: Yes, I suppose so.

QUESTION: He says He creates both light and darkness, so would we be correct in also calling God the Father of both good and evil?

ANSWER: I guess you could say that.

QUESTION: Did God create the Devil?

ANSWER: I suppose.

QUESTION: Could we then call God the Father of the Devil?

ANSWER: Certainly not.

QUESTION: Why not?

ANSWER: God is good. Satan is evil. He will never be like God.

QUESTION: Are you saying then that because men are his sons they will be like God?

ANSWER: Certainly not.

QUESTION: Then if God created Satan, why would He not be called his Father?

ANSWER: Because Satan is not like God.

QUESTION: But you say that men are not, and never will be like God either, yet you call God our Father. So why is He not the Devil’s Father?

ANSWER: I’m not sure.

QUESTION: The Bible further tells us that he was an angel and perfect at one time: “Thou art the annointed Cherub (Or angel) that covereth…thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.” Eze28:14-15. Now when an angel appeared to John he told him he was one of his brethren (Rev 19:10). Finally, we are told: “Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them.” Job 1:6.

Because Satan was perfect when he was created indicates that he was a son of God. Also, he was presenting himself before the Lord with others who were definitely called sons of God. It sounds more and more like God was the original Father and Satan was the son doesn’t it?

ANSWER: I’m not sure

QUESTION: If God is the Father of both us and the Devil, then the Devil is our brother, isn’t he?

ANSWER: He may be your brother.

QUESTION: You are avoiding the answer. You seem happy to call Jesus our brother even though you think he is not a man but God. Why are you so reluctant to call the Devil (however fallen he may be) a brother also?

ANSWER: I can’t accept it.

QUESTION: If we are right then in concluding that both Jesus and the Devil are our brothers, then Jesus and Lucifer are also brothers are they not?

ANSWER: (He doesn’t want to comment).

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The Gods of the Bible, Part 9

This entry is part 09 of 10 in the series Gods


Peter in talking to believers says to: “sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear” I Peter 3:15

This chapter is written for believers of various faiths in the hope that they will be stirred out of complacency and examine the reason they believe what they do believe as Peter advises. If an examination reveals that a belief is either unreasonable or unscriptural then such a belief should be reexamined in the light of truth. The author believes that many believers currently accept many religious ideas that are not logical, or Biblical, just as Paul prophesied: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, AND SHALL BE TURNED UNTO FABLES.” II Tim 4:3-4

The people in this age are not much different from those in the days of Jesus of whom he said: “By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand, and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive: For this people’s heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them.” Matt 13:14-15.

Paul also tells us that we should have “sound minds” (II Tim 1:7) so let us logically examine some illogical and unsound beliefs that may border on being called fables and see if we are really open as Jesus said we should be.

We shall go through a series of questions and answers The questions are designed to make the believer think. The answers are those given by typical believers. Hopefully, these thought-provoking questions will cause the reader to re-examine his beliefs in the light of reason, Biblical truth, and the Holy Spirit.

Ask these questions to your orthodox friends. It will drive them crazy.


QUESTION: What is God?

ANSWER: He is a Spirit.

QUESTION: Where can I find him?

ANSWER: He is everywhere

QUESTION: Is God then in the Devil?


QUESTION: Then, may I take it that the Devil occupies a space where God is not present?

ANSWER: Yes, God could not dwell in such an evil being.

QUESTION: Then you do not really believe in a God who is omnipresent, or is everywhere?

ANSWER: He surrounds everything and His influence is everywhere.

QUESTION: You mean he influences the Devil and surrounds him, but the spot the Devil occupies is a place where God is not?

ANSWER: I guess so.

QUESTION: Now the God of the Bible says: “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” Jer. 23:24. David said: “If I ascend up to heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.” Psalms 139:8 Now we are told that God fills heaven, earth, and hell, but the place the Devil occupies He does not fill. Is that correct?

ANSWER: I can’t see how God could be in the Devil.

QUESTION: But if God is not in the Devil, then He is not really omnipresent is He?

At this point the believer usually closes his mind and desires to shut off communication. He does not to follow reason to its inevitable end. Nevertheless, let us continue.

QUESTION: God said: “I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things.” Isa 45:7. Do you accept from this Scripture that God created evil?

ANSWER: I guess, if the Bible says it.

QUESTION: Then did God create the Devil?

ANSWER: I suppose so.

QUESTION: Is God’s Spirit then present in all of his creations or just part of them?

ANSWER: God certainly is not in the Devil.

QUESTION: The Bible tells us that there are many devils (Luke 8:30) Is God in any of them?


QUESTION: How about wicked men like Nero or Hitler? Is God in them?


QUESTION: Then you believe there are many places where God is not?

ANSWER: I told you His influence is everywhere.

QUESTION: Then do you believe like the Mormons, in a God Who dwells in one spot, but has an influence everywhere?

ANSWER: No, of course not.

QUESTIONER: But you just said that God is a Spirit that is everywhere. On the other hand, you retracted and said He is not in places of evil. I can then only conclude that you do not believe in an omnipresent God.

Here the believer becomes confused and is unable to utter a logical statement. If he is open-minded he may ask: How can God be in the Devil or evil persons?

The answer is quite simple. Jesus was with the men who crucified him, but they ignored him and continued to be evil. Similarly, God’s Spirit is everywhere, just as the Bible teaches—even in devils, but evil entities ignore God’s Spirit and may even fight against it. That does not mean that God is not there.


QUESTION: Is God eternal?


QUESTION: Was there a beginning to creation?


QUESTION: Then before there was any creation there was only God. Is this true?


QUESTION: Then there was a time when there was nothing at all?

ANSWER: Yes. Nothing but God.

QUESTION: Then God had to make everything out of one of two things: nothing or Himself. Which was it?

ANSWER: Nothing.

QUESTION: Does it say anywhere in the Bible that God created everything out of nothing?

ANSWER: Not specifically.

QUESTION: Then you don’t really know if God made everything out of nothing or Himself do you?

ANSWER: I guess I can’t prove it.

QUESTION: Is God Something or nothing?

ANSWER: Something.

QUESTION: Then before there was any creation something did exist and that was God. Is that correct?


QUESTION: So if God made the worlds out of anything it had to be Himself, right?

ANSWER: I suppose.

QUESTION: This seems logical, since no one has ever demonstrated the creation of something from nothing. After all, do you know how something can be made from nothing?

ANSWER: It’s done by the Will of God.

QUESTION: But even the Will of God is something, and if we are created from His Will, then we are still created out of God. After all, the Scripture does say that God fills heaven and earth. If God created heaven and earth out of Himself, then He would be everywhere and fill all things, wouldn’t he?


QUESTION: But if God created the Universe out of some nothing that was separate from Himself, when did he fill this creation? Was it as the creation was being formed or after it was formed?

ANSWER: I’m not sure.

QUESTION: If God is everywhere, then the smallest particle of matter has to have God in it. If God is in all things, then God has to be all things. Can you think of a logical reason why this is not true?

ANSWER: (He will not be able to think of one.)


QUESTION: Is God perfect?


QUESTION: Then you believe that God does not make mistakes?

ANSWER: Yes. He doesn’t make mistakes.

QUESTION: Did God create you?


QUESTION: Are you perfect?


QUESTION: But if God created imperfect beings such as ourselves then God would have to be imperfect, wouldn’t he?

ANSWER: No,. God is perfect and created us perfect, but He has given us our freewill and, using this freewill, we make imperfections.

QUESTION: But who created your freewill?


QUESTION: So we come back to the same conclusion.   God created you and your free will in an imperfect state. How can you believe that God is perfect?

ANSWER: You are twisting things. (This is the answer a person gives when he doesn’t want to face truth or admit that he has been wrong.)

QUESTION: Did God create the earth, the minerals, plants and animals?


QUESTION: I notice that animals are also not perfect. Some get sick, others are dangerous and bite people. Did God make them imperfect?

ANSWER: I’m not sure.

QUESTION: How about plants and minerals? Very few crystals are nearly perfect and many plants are misshapen and off color. If God is perfect and He created everything, then why is everything not perfect?

ANSWER: It’s because of man’s original sin that all this imperfection came into the world.

QUESTION: But, apparently imperfection was already in the world, for the imperfect serpent was here when man arrived. Was man responsible for the creation of the imperfect serpent?


QUESTION: So one must conclude that man is not responsible for all the imperfection in the world. Is this right?

ANSWER: I guess.

QUESTION: So who is responsible for imperfect creations?

ANSWER: The Devil. God makes things perfect, but man and the Devil corrupt them.

QUESTION: So when were you created perfect by God?

ANSWER: When I was born.

QUESTION: Are you saying then that all babies are perfect when they are born?

ANSWER: Well, I know that some are born without limbs and with defects. I must have been perfect when I was conceived.

QUESTION: But you were not created when you were conceived, and we know that nature aborts many conceptions, so even they are not perfect. If God is perfect and you are created at birth by Him, then why are not all babies perfect?

ANSWER: You are twisting things.

QUESTION: Do you really believe that God is perfect or is that just what you have been programmed to think?

ANSWER: You’ve got me confused. What’s your answer?

COMMENT: The word used in reference to the perfection of God and Jesus was TELEIOO which implies the finishing of a job, assignment or mission. Thus the Bible references of the perfection of Jesus and his Father imply that when they accept a mission they are able to successfully complete it.

The word that implies perfection as we use it today in relation top God was the Greek word AKRIBELA. This is the perfection which implies never making a mistake. The interesting thing is this word was never used in reference to Jesus, or even God for that matter. BUT it was used in reference to the belief system of those who crucified the Christ. They saw Jesus as far from flawless and therefore it would be blasphemous to assume that he was the son of God.

The scripture which reads: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matt 5:48 is better translated as: “Therefore finish (or complete) the work you are given to do even as your Father in Heaven completes His.”

No creator, not even God manifests flawlessness at the beginning of his work, but when the end is approached then the creation is perfected.


QUESTION: Is the Bible the infallible word of God without error?


QUESTION: Which version is the perfect version?

ANSWER: They all say essentially the same thing.

QUESTION: Obviously, you have not studied different translations, for they often have great differences in meaning. For instance, in speaking of the Word of God, the King James reads: “All things were made by Him; and without Him was not anything made that was made.” John 1:3.

The Concordant version reads: “All came into being through IT, and apart from IT not even one thing came into being which has come into being.”

One version makes it sound as if the Word was Jesus the man. The other version makes it sound as if the Word is a power or an aspect of deity, rather than a man. Do you believe that both of these versions are perfect?

ANSWER: Obviously, the King James version is correct there.

QUESTION: Then is the King James the perfect version?

ANSWER: Actually, the original Greek and Hebrew are perfect. Some versions may distort the Word of God somewhat, but the King James is very close.

QUESTION:   How about the word “perfect” being mistranslated as we mentioned?

ANSWER: I’m not so sure you are correct.

QUESTION: Let us pick another example. Fob instance, the scripture reads:

“What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the end of the world?” Matt 24:3

There are two mistranslations here “coming” comes from the Greek PAROUSIA which more correctly is translated as “presence”.   This word is used by Paul to demonstrate this: “Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence (PAROUSIA) only, but now much more in my absence.” Phil 2:12 Thus we see that PAROUSIA means the opposite of “absence

Thje second word that is mistranslated is “world.” This comes from the Greek word Aion and means an age. A correct translation of this verse would read” “What will be the sign of your presence at the end of the age?”

All Greek and Hebrew scholars accept the fact that the King James or any other version has some translation that are not accurate. Do you disagree with them?

ANSWER: I do not think that God would allow us to have a flawed Bible.

QUESTION But which version is the one with no flaws?

COMMENT: Obviously, no translation is perfect, for they all disagree with each other in numerous ways. We cannot even say that the earliest Greek and Hebrew manuscripts are without flaw, for we have no copies of the originals, and many things could have been added to or taken away from them.


QUESTION: Is God unchangeable?

ANSWER: The Scripture says: “I am the Lord, I change not.” Mal. 3:6. With Him there “is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.” James 1:17

QUESTION: The Scripture also says: “God is not a man, that He should lie; neither the son of man, that He should repent.” Num 23:19. This statement repeats in Samuel which says that God “will not lie nor repent: for He is not a man that He should repent. I Sam 15:29. But in this same chapter, God said: “It repenteth me that I have set up Saul to be king…And the Lord repented that He had made Saul king over Israel.” I Sam. 15:ll&35. We are also told that Moses got God to repent (Ex 32:12-14) and He repented that He made man (Gen, 6;6) and He repented of thinking to destroy Nineveh (Jonah 3:10). How do you explain this contradiction in the Bible and this Bible teaching that God does change?

ANSWER: I’m sure that if we went back to the Hebrew here we would see that there is no contradiction.

QUESTION: But the Hebrew word telling us that God does not repent is the same as that telling us that He does. How do you explain that?

ANSWER: You’re taking Scriptures out of context. (This is a synonym to “You’re twisting things.” It’s a way of saying: “I don’t want to face the truth.”)

QUESTION: Put them in context then. How do you explain it?

ANSWER: (He wants to change the subject.)

COMMENT: There is no way of denying that this is an obvious contradiction or mistake in the Bible. We have no way of knowing how it got there. It could have been corrupted by an early Jewish scribe, or it could have been human error on the part of the original writers.   Another alternative is that God does change. After all, He fills the Universe and the Universe is in a constant state of change. Is it wrong to consider all alternatives when looking for the truth? Is it wrong to have our minds open as Jesus commanded? Do we want to believe only preconceived notions of God, or do we want to remain open to learning more about Him?



QUESTION: Is God all powerful?


QUESTION: Is anything impossible with God?

ANSWER: The Scriptures say no. Nothing is impossible.

QUESTION: Does this mean that God is able, without exception, to carry out His will?

ANSWER: Yes. Of course.

QUESTION: Will all men be saved, or just some of them?

ANSWER: Just those who accept the Lord.

QUESTION: Then there are some that will be in an unsaved condition for all eternity?


QUESTION: But the Scriptures say that God “will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.” I Tim 2:4. God is called “The Saviour of ALL men.” I Tim 4:10. God is “NOT WILLING   that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance.” II Peter 3:9. Here we are told that it is the will of God that “all” men should be saved. Do you believe that God is powerful enough to fulfill His will in this matter?

ANSWER: God has offered salvation to all men, but we all have our freedom of choice. If men do not choose salvation there is nothing that can be done for them.

QUESTION: Do you mean that God is unable to fulfill His will because of man’s freedom of choice?

ANSWER: He can do anything he wants to, but He has given us a plan and if we do not choose salvation, then we will not be saved.

QUESTION: But the Scriptures say that God does want all men to be saved. Let me quote again. God “will have ALL MEN TO BE SAVED.” I Tim 2:4. Is God unable to fulfill his will because of the free agency of man?

ANSWER: But it is His will that if we do not obey Him we will not be saved.

QUESTION: Where does it say that?

ANSWER: In the Bible.

QUESTION: Where in the Bible?

ANSWER: I’m not sure. I know it is in there.

QUESTION: No, it is not in there. But it does say that it is the will of God that all men be saved. Now do you believe that God is able to accomplish His will in this matter? Please answer yes or no.

ANSWER: You are twisting things again. (Obviously,   he doesn’t want to face the truth concerning his beliefs.)

COMMENT: This person believes that God is all powerful in word, but not in deed. On one hand, he thinks God can fulfill His will, but when we read the will of God from the Scriptures, he thinks God’s hands are tied. If God is truly all powerful and it is His will that all men be saved, then in the end all people will be saved. It is as simple as that.   The Scriptures tell us that God’s plan of salvation continues after death. (I Cor 15:19).


QUESTION: Is God all-knowing?


QUESTION: Does God know before a person is born if he will be saved or damned?


QUESTION: Then why does God create people that He knows are going to be damned? Wouldn’t it be better for Him to have just not made the damned to avoid all that suffering?

ANSWER: We have to come here to prove to ourselves that we can be saved.

QUESTION: Do the damned have to prove to themselves that they can be damned?

ANSWER: I guess so. I never thought of it.

QUESTION: If you were a creator, would you make something that wouldn’t work just so you could say to it: “I made you and I knew even before I made you that you wouldn’t work, but I just wanted to prove to you that you wouldn’t work. Now because you don’t work you are damned for all eternity.” That sounds ridiculous doesn’t it?

ANSWER: I’m sure God has his reasons we are not aware of.

QUESTION: But we are going by what you claim to be aware of and that is God is all knowing and that He knew who would be damned for eternity. Is there any rhyme or reason why He would create a soul He knew was going to be damned?

ANSWER: So we can appreciate being saved.

QUESTION: You mean you have to make sure there are others burning in Hell before you can enjoy Heaven?

ANSWER: It is God’s plan.

QUESTION: If you knew your mother, father and children were burning in Hell for eternity while you were in Heaven, then would this make Heaven more enjoyable for you?  

ANSWER: No. Of course not.

QUESTION: Then how does God’s creation of souls that He knew will be damned add to your enjoyment of Heaven?

ANSWER:   I guess it wouldn’t really.

QUESTION: So why did God create souls He knew would be damned?

ANSWER: You’ve got me confused. You tell me.

COMMENT: The Scriptures tell us that it is God’s will that “All” be saved. As you can see, it would be ridiculous for a Creator to make souls He knew would be damned. What joy would a father have in a son that he knew from the beginning would be a failure? Why would God purposefully produce sorrow for Himself? God loves all His sons and daughters and is going to work with them all until they succeed in salvation just as you would with your children. After all, it is written: “Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent? If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?” Matt 7:9-11. Sooner or later, all men will want salvation. Why do Christians believe that when many ask for the fish of salvation that God will say: “It is too late, my son. Here, have the serpent of damnation.” Jesus tried to correct this misconception, but who has heard him?

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Flat Earth Conversation

Jan 4, 2017
Flat Earth Conversation

In a rather amazing development the flat earth theory is making a comeback. Many who take the Bible literally support it and because you find what you are looking for they also claim real science is on their side. I had my first real encounter with flat earth supporters yesterday on a rebel Mormon site and thought that some of my comments are worth recording. Below is mostly my side of the dialog. Reading this will give the reader a general idea of what to expect when encountering such an unusual belief in this day and age. The dialog got so intense and lengthy that the moderator pulled the plug on the conversation.

I entered the conversation when the Flat Earthers were telling us that the earth is flat because the Bible mentions the “face of the earth” and says the stars do not move.

JJ: “Face of the earth” is symbolic just like the “four corners” which is still used by even some scientists today. The stars are not fixed as their movement has been measured. Using convoluted logic one can explain anything, even something crazy like the internet really does not exist.

I then challenged him to post a scripture or two that really indicates a flat earth

JJ: Still waiting for a couple scriptures – or how about even one at a time? I’ve listen to about 40 minutes so far of the Bible video you gave us and the guy has given about 5 minutes of information. Hope he can get around to saying something good as I hate to waste time.

I’ve already watched flat earth videos which are not convincing. Just give us a couple scriptures proving a flat earth.

So, do you think we are being lied to that there is a space station full of astronauts that can actually see the earth is round with a day and night side as they circle around it?

(Apparently the Flat Earthers do).

JJ: This is what the guy in Flat Earthers video thinks the earth and firmament plus the four corners looks like.

And here is another version:

JJ: Here is an actual picture of the earth from the moon.


Here are lots of pictures of the earth from space. Doesn’t look flat to me. (Great video)

In response to the accusation that NASA has a conspiracy to hide the flat earth I said, We’ve had private companies fly up to the space station. And Russia, China, Japan and the EU have lots of space pictures and probes.

Next they say that the pictures of the earth from space here false because they show no stars. To this I said, The earth reflects too much light for the cameras to capture the stars. This is why you cannot see stars in the daytime. Now the Hubble telescope captures billions of stars because the cameras are adjusted to capture their light.

I wonder where this picture of a round Saturn being circled by round moons fits into the flat earth idea.

Next the Flat Earthers claimed that all the NASA pictures are fake. I said, You’re just being silly here. Faking millions of original pictures and fooling thousands of NASA employees and private contractors would be impossible. If it is all fake then why do not other nations in space question NASA???

The Saturn pictures taken by Cassini are a joint effort between NASA and the European Space Agency. I guess the whole world is in on the conspiracy for some really crazy purpose that accomplishes nothing.

It is no secret that NASA uses some composite pictures for the sake of clarity. Everyone knows that who pays attention and NASA usually tells us what it is doing. They also give us illustrations when needed. That doesn’t mean the earth is flat. And where are those scriptures we asked for?

(The Flat Earth people believe the earth sets upon pillars. as symbolically portrayed in the Bible. To this I said:) I’m familiar with your version of all you say and it has nothing to do with a flat earth. Tell us where the pillars are so we can take a look and take pictures. Still waiting for your scriptural proof.

He finally posted dozens of scriptures, but with no explanation of why they prove a flat earth. To this I said, I don’t want some shot gun blast of scriptures that prove nothing about a flat earth. Pick one at a time and we’ll discuss it. When you make your pick give us your reasoning as to why it is supposed to say the earth is flat.

If the scripture is true then it is true as a unit or grouped in with others. Just throwing dozens of scriptures at me that prove nothing of a flat earth, except in your mind and is completely meaningless. The only way to do it is use one (or maybe two if linked) and examine them for what they say. If you can’t do that then you have no argument. No one has time to counter pages and pages of scriptures. I do not want to write you a book.
He finally posts Job37:18 which reads: “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?”

So how does that prove the earth is flat?

JJ: Here is a picture of a Russian in space. Are they part of the conspiracy? Notice the round earth in the background.

Russia and China who aren’t that friendly, want to help us fool the world? That us just silly.
Every time you say something that is not logical you blame it on a one world conspiracy. If that is your single reply to everything reasoning does not count for much. Imagine Jesus saying to the religious leaders that they were wrong because they were controlled by a conspiracy. Instead he reasoned with them, often point by point. He who is right will be he who makes sense.

If you are right then there are thousands of people in on the conspiracy and all of them are keeping quiet. In real life if three or more people are in on a secret it is not a secret for long. Keeping thousands quiet would be impossible. When the Chinese go to the Moon will you say that is fake also? How about when private enterprise goes to Mars?

Thousands would have to know. There would be no way to hide such a vast conspiracy from those actually working on the programs and doing the math.

Photoshopping is one thing but the creation of thousands of beautiful and original images is another and would be impossible feat for a bunch of deceivers. Here is just one galaxy never imagined until a photo was taken.

To the accusation that all of NASA’s videos and pictures are made in a studio I said, You have no proof that billions are going to a movie studio or that all the Hubble images are imaginary creations and you can show me no collection anywhere with even 1% of creations like the Hubble generated. With thousands of employees that would have to know the truth you would think that one would come forward and expose them.

Common sense is pretty strong proof.
You need to show us some evidence that the earth rests upon literal physical pillars. If they physically exists then we should be able to see them from space. Mr Smith may be a pillar of society, but he is not a pillar in the house building sense.

Elon Musk of Tesla sent a rocket to the International space station. Is private enterprise part of the conspiracy?

I’ll bet that if China or even a private company goes to the moon and finds an old lunar module and takes pictures of earth that match Apollo the Flat Earthers would still not believe.

Okay, let me repeat this scripture you gave me then:
Job 37:18 Reads: “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?”

So how does that prove the earth is flat?

One of the main accusations against the Holy Writ is:

“The Bible teaches the earth is flat, covered by a solid dome called the firmament.”

And why do skeptics think this?

They quote this scripture from the King James version:

“And he shall … gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.” Isaiah 11:12

From this they assume the Bible teaches the earth is a flat piece of ground with four sharp corners at each end.

The first point to make is that this phrase is still in use today by people who know the earth is round. It is used as a figure of speech and not intended to state the earth has four actual corners.

On top of this the word “corners” is a mistranslation from the Hebrew KANAPH. This is more accurately translated as “extremity, farthest reaches or border.” In this context the prophet was merely saying that Judah will be gathered from the farthest places they have been scattered from all directions. Nothing about the shape of the earth is indicated here.

Flat Earthers say the Bible teaches the earth is covered by a great solid dome which it calls the firmament and the stars are tiny lights in it.

Many ancient peoples thought the earth was flat and was encircled by a dome. Some ancient books that didn’t make it into the Bible indicate the writers had some odd beliefs like these but the Bible itself does not.

Obviously the firmament mentioned in the Bible was not a solid dome. We are told that God created the birds that “fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.” (Gen 1:20) Obviously the birds do not fly in a solid dome, but the atmosphere which is part of the firmament.

The dome idea is reinforced by this scripture from the King James:

“It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in.” Isa 40:22

They say “the circle of the earth” is the dome but to many it sounds like a description of the rounded shape of the earth. Job reinforces this:

“He drew a circular horizon on the face of the waters, at the boundary of light and darkness.” Job 26:10 New king James.

Sounds to me like the ancient prophets saw the circular form of the earth on the horizon of the waters and were commenting on it.

Flat Earthers note that the Bible says God created the Moon as a “lesser light.” They say that God didn’t seem to know that the moon doesn’t have a light of its own but reflects it from the sun.

This is a weak argument. Even today most people talk about the light of the moon, but that doesn’t mean they are saying it creates its own light.
The Flat Earther emphasized the idea of taking the Bible literally. To this I said, The context usually reveals whether something is literal or not.
For instance, Job is not speaking literally here:
“how long shall the words of thy mouth be like a strong wind?” Job 8:2

Words are not literally a strong wind.

The Flat Earther insisted that Job 37:18 proved a flat earth – that the sky is circled by a hard dome. This was my response:
Commentary on Job 37:18 which reads: “Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?”

“Spread out” comes from the Hebrew RAQA which indicates a separation by strong passionate force. It is usually translated a “beat” or “stamp.”

Sky there comes from the Hebrew SHACHAQ which literally means “a cloud of dust.” and is usually translated as “cloud.” The King James translates it as “sky” here because this seemed to make more sense than clouds.

That “which is strong” here may be referring to storm clouds which fits in with the last words which read, “as a molten looking glass?”

Molten comes from YATSAQ which means to “pour, or “flow.” This can indicate something cast and hardened , or something flowing. The Looking Glass comes from RĔ’IY which means “mirror or looking glass.

A few chapters earlier YATSAQ is translated as follows:
Hast thou marked the old way which wicked men have trodden? Which were cut down out of time, whose foundation was overflown (YATSAQ) with a flood: Job 22:15-16

Young’s Literal Translation renders it as follows:
“Thou hast made an expanse with Him For the clouds — strong as a hard mirror!”

Another possibility would be:

“Hast thou with him beat through the powerful storm clouds with the strength of a hard mirror?

Well, we know that neither the clouds or the sky are solid for birds, airplanes and rockets fly through both of them. The verse seems to be emphasizing God’s power to control the weather, part the storm clouds, or the skies. There is no mention of some hard dome at the top of the sky or above the clouds.
The Flat Earther said,
Septuagint 1851 original translation reads as follows:
Wilt thou establish with him foundations for the ancient heavens? They are strong as molten mirror.

That is a bad translation as the word “foundations” is not found in the Hebrew. Here is how the Septuagint is more accurately translated today: “Wilt thou establish with him for the ancient strong as a molten mirror.”

Next you bring up this s scripture:
Genesis1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
Genesis1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
Genesis1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Since reality disagrees with your interpretation of this scripture it has to mean that you wrongly interpret it. We have sent spacecraft billions of miles into space and not found any huge layer of water out there, nor have we spotted anything with our telescopes and instruments which are fully capable of detecting water in space.

So…, what does this scripture mean? What are the waters above the firmament?

First we are clearly told that “God called the firmament Heaven.” and that birds fly in this firmament. (Gen 1:20).

And where are there waters in or above the firmament? It is called rain. Rain comes from the clouds which are waters in and above the firmament we live in and waters below the firmament are the oceans, lakes and rivers.

Space itself is often referred to as water – the “waters of space” is a common term, if one wants to pursue another explanation. The ancients though did not understand what the vacuum of space was.

I do not see any evidence from your Enoch passage that sheds any light. He says the earth has foundations and a cornerstone but every creation has this, even your physical body. Not all foundations of form are exactly like the foundation of a house.

In any attempt at interpretation you need to eliminate the obvious.

For instance, one could interpret that there was grass growing in the light before the sun was created on the fourth day and we know that there can be no physical grass growing without the sun.
I think all of us have seen NASA satellites circling the earth a number of times. It is silly to knee jerk reject what you see with your own eyes. I’ve also seen a number of planets through telescopes.
JJ: Here’s a comment made on a science site:
Anyone can test the flat earth theory…. The distance you can see across a body of water is dependent on viewing height. Viewing distance ends because of the curvature of the planet. In theory if we lived on a flat Earth unobstructed viewing distance with the naked eye or with the use of telescopes, binoculars, etc.. would virtually not end; Here are some calculations where the first number represents eyeball height and the second number represents the number of miles you can see across a body of water; 5 feet (eyeball height) – 2.65 miles (viewing distance), 6 feet 2.9 miles, 10 feet 3.74 miles, 50 feet 8.37 miles, 100 feet 11.83 miles, 250 feet 18.71 miles, 500 feet 26.46 miles, 1000 feet 37.42 miles, etc… Questions; Have you ever been in a boat far into a lake or ocean and looked in all directions only to see the horizon? Have you ever stood on the shoreline of a great lake or ocean and looked into the distance only to see the horizon? If the Earth was flat and you were standing on one of the top floors of the US Bank Center Building which is about ~600 feet high in Milwaukee Wisconsin < quarter mile from shoreline wouldn’t you have the ability to see across the entire width of Lake Michigan ~100 miles away? According to the above model you should only be able to see about ~ 22 miles. Hundreds of people work in that particular building not to mention the millions of others who occupy other buildings similarly positioned near large bodies of water across the entire planet. Enjoying the view on a regular basis is commonplace in tall structures especially with water nearby, doesn’t it seem logical that someone would have noticed some discrepancies by now if the planet were indeed flat? Wouldn’t pilots across the globe or any of the millions of people who travel in airplanes on a daily basis have already mentioned that their viewing distance is greater than the above model? Is it possible that the majority of the billions of people on this planet just haven’t noticed that something is amiss? I suppose anything is possible but the bottom line is this — Anyone can test the flat earth theory by themselves simply by observing the distance they can see across a large body of water (I’m sure there are other tests that are even easier that do not require water, but this method seems simple and cannot be flawed by shape-able or irregular land discrepancies). I live in Illinois and on my next visit to Lake Michigan I will be sure to bring my binoculars and video camera. I will pay close attention to the maximum viewing distance and promise to report back any findings that contradict the above viewing distance calculations…

The Flat Earther claimed that the evenness of the light around the moon followed by great contrast proved the flat earth theory. To this I said, The abrupt change on the moon from light to darkness occurs because the moon has no atmosphere. The same thing happens on the planet Mercury and all the asteroids with no atmosphere.

The idea is presented that temperatures are cooler in moonlight because the moon does not reflect the light of the sun, but creates its own cold light. For some reason this is supposed to prove the earth is flat.
Even if this were true (which it is not) it would not prove the earth is flat.

If the moon were a generator of light, like the sun, then it would be lighted through all of its surface. The fact that only half of it is lighted and we see the phases of the moon proves that it reflects light and does not generate its own. The sun which does generate its own light has no phases and is lighted throughout all its surface. This would be the case with the moon if it generated its own light.

That said, infrared “laser” thermometers do register a colder temperature in moonlight than in the shade. The moon being a reflector of sunlight reflects light with negligible infrared. On top of this objects exposed to the night sky will radiate their heat into it. Objects exposed to less of the sky (such as under a tree) can “see” less of the sky and will radiate less heat to the sky. Similarly shaded locations are often warmer the same way the earth is warmer with a night cloud cover.

These anomalies in temperature certainly do not prove either a flat earth or that the moon generates her own light (A key component of the Flat Earth Theory).

If our moon generated its own light then all the other planets and their moons would also and we can observe through telescopes that they reflect the light of the sun, which light directly diminishes according to the distance from the sun.

The Flat Earther said, “I have the Septuagint book right here in front of me. Here is a photo. You can’t just take words out to fit your paradigm. The word foundation(s) is mentioned over 300 times in the Bible.”

It may be mentioned 300 times isn the entire Bible but we are talking about Job 37:18 and the word “foundation” is not in the original Hebrew and modern scholars recognize this and give a better rendition. No one said there was not a word for foundation – it is just not in this verse from Job and was a mistake of the old translator to put it in there.

Then you make the outrageous statement that I am calling God a liar because the word foundation was not in the Hebrew of Job 37:18. Strange accusation indeed.

Flat Earther, “Also God opened the heavens and water poured in, also another indicator that there is water above us.”

Yeah, and such water is called rain. Happens today.

He quotes:
Job 22:14 (ASV) Thick clouds are a covering to him, so that he seeth not; And he walketh on the vault of heaven. ( saying that he is literally walking on heaven shielding himself from us: a veil)

If you take this literally then we should be a be able to see God when we fly through the clouds. The word “vault” there comes from the Hebrew for circle which is also used here:

“It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers” Isa 40:22

If we take this literally then the place where God sits would be a height in which the average person would appear to be the size of a grasshopper. That would be around 1000 feet, definitely less than the height a typical airliner flies. Therefore we should easily be able to discover this place where God is walking, but alas we have not.

Why? Because it is speaking symbolically just as it does about the four corners of the earth. But if you take the four corners or pillars literally also then please show me where they are.

Flat Earther, “And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
Who created the deep? Who created the water?”

The actual creation of the heavens and the earth are described in verse one. That which follows is a mere reorganization.

The words “without form” are translated from the Hebrew TOHUW which literally means “to lie waste” or implies a “desolation”, or “destruction”.

This sheds an entirely different light on the subject and as evidence that there was a time lapse between verses one and two we read that: “He (God) created it (the earth) NOT in VAIN (“Vain” comes from the same Hebrew word TOHUW) but formed it to be inhabited.” Isaiah 45:18. Since the earth was not created in a state of TOHUW or destruction, but was formed to receive inhabitants then the period of destruction described in verse two had to take place after a significant time lapse.

The word “void” comes from the Hebrew BOHUW which means “To be empty, a wasteland, sterile, or an indistinguishable ruin.”

There is only one other place in the Bible where these two words are used together. It is used describing the destruction of Babylon, but mistranslated: “The smoke thereof shall go up for ever: from generation to generation it shall lie waste; non shall pass through it for ever and ever, but the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it; and the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it; and shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion (TOHUW, desolation) and the stones of emptiness” (BOHUW, a wasteland). Isaiah 34:10-11.

These two words were the most fitting that Isaiah could find in describing the desolate wasteland of Babylon after its destruction. These words were equally fitting for describing a time after which the earth suffered great destruction. Instead of “the earth was without form and void . . .” it should read “The earth became a desolate wasteland . . .”

In this state the earth had the deep and the waters which were of course part of God’s creation. No mystery there.

Flat Earther, “Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; (how can he see the whole ball from a mountain top? He could if it was all a flat plane.) IF the mountain was high enough and atmospheric conditions allowed.”

By the power of the spirit one can see much more than what is in front of one’s physical eyes. For example:

MOS 1:27 And it came to pass, as the voice was still speaking, Moses cast his eyes and beheld the earth, yea, even all of it; and there was not a particle of it which he did not behold, discerning it by the spirit of God.
MOS 1:28 And he beheld also the inhabitants thereof, and there was not a soul which he beheld not; and he discerned them by the Spirit of God; and their numbers were great, even numberless as the sand upon the sea shore.
MOS 1:29 And he beheld many lands; and each land was called earth, and there were inhabitants on the face thereof.

Moses saw every particle of the earth and all its inhabitants at one time as well as many other earths like this one. Thus Jesus seeing the kingdoms of the world at one glance was not that big of a deal.

The other scriptures you relate do not support a flat earth so there is not much more for me to refute.

That was the essence of my part of the conversation. Hope it is helpful or at least entertaining.

Copyright 2017 by J J Dewey

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Provocative Quotes


Provocative Quotes from JJ Dewey

  1. There is nothing too good to be true. Nothing can be withheld by those who persevere.


  1. Life is but a flicker of light between two eternities.


  1. Follow the highest you know in darkness and in light; Soon your next step will be revealed to you.


  1. When the extreme seems normal the one who has balance seems to be the extreme.


  1. The fact that we exist, or that God or anything exists, is the greatest miracle of all, and boggles the mind of the highest initiate.


  1. In the end, love is One, but in its discovery it is many.


  1. None of us want disease and pain, but disease and pain are often caused by what we want.


  1. If a teaching just seems to make no sense do not trust it until it does make sense.


  1. Evil is that which pulls us backward in evolution and good is that which pushes us forward.


  1. The true glory of accomplishment is in initiation, not imitation.


  1. Be still, reach into the silent place, and know who you are.


  1. In the higher realms 1+1=1


  1. Truth is spiritual wherever it is found. There is no such thing as spirituality without truth.


  1. True freedom is not imposing your will on others so you can have what you want. It is creating maximum freedom for all, often at the dismay of those in power.


  1. Light dispels darkness but darkness cannot dispel light. Even so truth, revealed and understood, obliterates that which is false.


  1. Words and other forms of earthly communication veil truth, even if they come from God.


  1. Once the seeker reaches that point where he is totally dedicated to following the highest he knows, then illusion must be dispelled or he will become dangerous.


  1. What good is a nail if it is never used to create something of which it is just a part? What good is the selfish one who never merges in an act of love?


  1. He who listens to the inner voice can find more truth in the National Enquirer than one who is in illusion can find in the Bible.


  1. Every possibility is manifest somewhere and every possible experience that can be lived is being played out somewhere. You as an individual are going through an experience unique to yourself, slightly different from any other life in the Universe.


  1. God needs all Its creations for Itself to be complete for the ALL is God, not the All minus one.


  1. Many of those accepted by the masses as authorities today will be equated by future generations with the flat earth believers of yesterday.


  1. What better way is there to learn than from experience? — To painfully experience the effects of our own causes forces us to stare reality in the face.


  1. The real path forward in spiritual evolution will demand all the talents, intelligence and strength the seeker has to successfully complete the journey. If you are not being challenged then you are doing something wrong.


  1. People can insult me all they want and I will just move forward as if the insult does not exist. Why give your power away to another person? Reacting to a perceived insult as if it diminishes you in any way merely empowers it and diminishes yourself, making you a victim of your own making.


  1. There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who have a sense of humor and those who do not. My true friends are in the first category and those I avoid are in the second.


  1. It may take a thousand facts to create the understanding of one principle, but one principle can reveal a thousand facts.


  1. To say that life is unfair is to say that God is unfair. When all things are considered throughout the life of the soul, all is fair.


  1. If a teacher is right about everything, and you believe and follow the teachings without confirmation from within, you have found nothing.


  1. The principle of freedom is a key that must be understood before one can make a conscious decision for the path of light.


  1. To all politicians. Don’t just make empty promises for the future. Tell us what you have done and are doing and thinking now.


  1. To all politicians. Please tell us the truth, not just what you think we want to hear.


  1. To all politicians. I know you say you are working hard, but please take a break. You are often doing more harm than good.


  1. To all politicians. Please vote according to the will of the people, not the party bosses.


  1. To all politicians. Give yourself and us a break. Support term limits.


  1. To all politicians. We do not want Catholic, Mormon, Protestant, Buddhist or Muslim leaders being given the stage of authority from you or the UN to lecture to us.


  1. Observation

99.9999% of Facebook fans love animals.

Maybe someday we’ll agree on the other stuff.


  1. Understanding and dealing with your weaknesses and limitations is a key to unlimited power.


  1. A stopped clock is right twice a day.

That is twice as reliable as Congress.


  1. There’s the easy way and the hard way, or the way that produces little contrasted with real productivity.


  1. The person who can’t come up with good solutions to every-day simple problems ought to consider that he could be wrong on the big stuff as well.


  1. As below, so above but with a divine and rational twist.


  1. The person in your life who irritates you the most is your greatest teacher.


  1. Don’t trust a person who cannot answer a simple yes or no question.


  1. Ask anyone if they are open minded and they will say yes. Then quote a politician that is not a member of his or her party. You can bet it will be rejected instantly.


  1. If the zealot holds sacred the idea that 2+2=5, then the one who says 2+2=4 is the enemy.


  1. Happiness is found in the quest for good, the beautiful and the true. Peace and rest are yours when they are achieved.


  1. Those preaching religious or political truth generally only see a tiny piece of a jigsaw puzzle when thinking they have the whole picture.


  1. There is a religion of peace. It is found deep in the human heart.


  1. 99% believe they are thinking out of the box while less than 1% do.


  1. Those who believe they are thinking out of the box usually just move to a different spot within the box


  1. When awakened from sleep the dreamer still exists but with greater awareness than before. Then at death we wake again to a greater more real existence.


  1. The greatest evidence for life after death is the fact that you cannot imagine yourself as blinking out of existence for eternity and being as if you never were.


  1. It is a much greater act of love to show understanding than it is to attempt to set another straight.


  1. One act of helpfulness shows more love than a thousand prayers.


  1. True humility is recognizing your true abilities and acting accordingly.


  1. Even the hardened atheist will sense the presence of Divinity when witnessing the birth of his or her own child.


  1. He who takes offense when no offense is intended is the one creating the problem.


  1. Where you witness humor that makes people of all beliefs laugh, there you see light.


  1. Global warming definitely exists. Political hot air, anger and emotional heat are on the rise everywhere.


  1. One of the main differences between the light and dark side is a sense of humor.


  1. “Who do you think you are?” is a mantra from the dark side to discourage the seeker.


  1. It is impossible to feel hate, anger or despair in the midst of laughter from harmless humor.


  1. Truth is my religion, reason is my politics, love is my God, freedom is my sword and light is my path.


  1. True inclusiveness looks far beyond skin color to the hearts of people of all beliefs to find common threads to bring them together without infringing on free will.


  1. Look not for Christ to come in the clouds of heaven, but first seek him in your own heart and reveal him through your deeds. Others will then see the Lord of Love coming amidst the clouds and fog of humanity.


  1. Many of those who preach most strongly against hate totally hate and despise those they label as haters.


  1. Thought is more powerful than action, for thought precedes action.


  1. If we are truly in the image of God then we must seek the answers to suffering from within ourselves.


  1. He who cannot see shades of gray cannot see the full truth.


  1. Any time there are two choices before us one is always better than the other. If we do not make the choice then our lives will be controlled by the choices of others, which is a type of slavery by default.


  1. Some people are like wild animals. You can appreciate them as fellow souls, but need to stay out of their way.


  1. All truth is logical once it is understood.


  1. If you follow a belief system that requires you to accept that which is not logical or reasonable – that is not faith but gullibility.


  1. There is no such thing as hard work for one who works at what he loves.  


  1. It takes as much intelligence to come up with the right questions as it does to recognize the right answers.
  1. When negative emotions are dissipated our physical vehicles will vibrate in much greater harmony with nature and resulting disease will no longer consume us.


  1. Light can only reveal when a shadow is cast. If you are in space and look through millions of miles of the sun’s rays shining through the void, but with no duality of shadow, there is only blackness.


  1. All symbols are neutral until someone interprets them and that interpretation gives them power.


  1. There is no first cause for cause and effect are eternal. There is only a first cause of a cycle of creation.


  1. The false teacher will seek to be fed by the sheep. The true teacher will seek to feed them.


  1. Because of wrong focus, the only way the soul can get our attention is through pain. He who suffers great distress must ask what Higher Intelligence is attempting to teach him.


  1. There is no such thing as giving and getting nothing in return. There is always a return, but not always in kind.
  1. The most common misuse of authority lies in making you think you are not being manipulated when you are totally manipulated.


  1. You are intelligence in matter, which is your body. It is logical then that the body we call Earth correspondingly has great intelligence manifesting through its elements.


  1. Eat too much unnatural processed food and get unnatural manmade problems and disease.


  1. The first cause of this universe was the DECISION of the One Life to reflect Itself without limitation and the first effect was the innumerable reflections, you and me.” 


  1. There is no such thing as infinity. If there were the universe could not be expanding. There is a number to everything.


  1. The greatest gift that one person can give to another is to have that love which is within the soul of one, light the soul of another, like the passing of a candle.


  1. If you hear a report you do not like, do not shoot or attack the messenger, but investigate the message. Your preconceived notions could be wrong.


  1. Who says there is no intelligent design? Billions of intelligent humans over thousands of years have been trying to duplicate the human body, and cannot equal the intelligence in its design, or even a single organ as they eye, or a single cell within the eye, or a single atom within the cell. They cannot even reverse engineer these creations.


  1. Insanity is when you disagree with reality

Justice is when realty bites.

Happiness is when reality is embraced.


  1. If we expect truth to verify all our desires, we develop a mindset that becomes an enemy to truth.


  1. The language of the soul is the communion of true principles


  1. The desire for the truth must be the only desire in the consciousness, as the truth is sought.


  1. Good must co-exist with evil to have meaning, just as light needs the darkness of a shadow to be seen.


  1. All souls divine, not seen by the blind,

Are found by love, leaving no one behind.


  1. Do not be afraid, it is I, grab my hand

A fellow traveler responds, Love takes a stand.


  1. Just talking about love, defining love, proclaiming love, mystifying love, magnifying love, writing of love, romancing love, idealizing love, etc., does not hold a candle to one real act of love.


100. Unquestioned, unproven or unearned authority is always a destroying energy.


 101. Answers to prayers can be very disturbing if one is not thoughtful about what is asked.


102. Follow the highest you know in darkness and in light.


103. When one is filled with love and is receiving love he will never give up his journey on the path.


104. The Ark of the Covenant represents that secret place within you where the Spirit of God, and Christ consciousness is found. Within all human beings is available all knowledge written by the finger of God. 


105. Since we all have the knowledge of God available within us, the only reason we need a teacher is to remind us to ask questions and search for the truth – not to be the truth for us.


106. When love is truly demonstrated, it does not have to be mentioned.


107. All of us know what love is when we feel it and when we feel it we do not need anyone to explain it to us.


108. Every creation and life in the universe is a center from which all things in its periphery must be discovered.


109. Those I meet who think success and achievement are easy are the most unsuccessful people I know.


110. When the world around you seems to fall apart after it seems that you have given your all, what should you do?

Give some more.


111. To unlearn is to learn and before we do we must often undo, else our efforts are in vain.


112. Everything that happens to us individually and collectively occurs because of our decisions or decisions made by others for us.


113. One of the main causes of depression is in the avoiding of difficult decisions that must be faced.


114. Give love and acceptance to all and you will have all the love and acceptance that you can handle.


115. The Will of God extends forever

It reaches to all and never says never.


116. You can dispel hate with love, but you cannot eliminate love through hate.


117. Those who focus on an end of the world apocalypse often create an underlying energy that leads to the end of their personal world in disaster.


118. Each life, or center of consciousness, great or small, is of sublime importance to itself and therefore of great importance to God.


119. No great truth will come without effort. We must seek it in our quiet moments. As we become sensitive to the inner voice we will all discover truth in some odd places.


120. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. Even Jesus was rejected because he was seen as a flawed character.


121. It is true that we all have illusions to unravel and one illusion is often replaced with another illusion that contains less distortion than the old one. None of us knows all truth but all of us know many things that are true. Putting the pieces we call truth together so an accurate picture of reality is formed is the great quest.


122. You cannot prove spiritual reality to the concrete mind, but your inner spiritual self can recognize all truth.


123. The inner voice must be awakened by focused attention.


124. Praise be to the Father-Mother God

Who hears the prayer of the poor and the despised

Yet neglects not the heart of the exalted and the honored

Whose Spirit descends to the tiniest atom

Yet ascends to embrace the universe

Who created time for us

Yet dwells in eternity

This is our Source

To whom all souls return.


125. Only by descending into the darkest depths can the fullness of love and light become known.


126. It is difficult for us to clarify with our consciousness that which lies outside our consciousness.


127. The inner spirit only recognizes that which is true and does not see error. Therefore the soul vibrates positive for us when truth is spoken or presented.


128. Never substitute the master within for a master without.


129. There are certain words stimulating thought that take the ear back to the vibration of spirit that cannot be corrupted. These are called, “Eternal Words.”


130. If we try to solve the equations of the higher realms instead of our basic lessons, we will neither know the mysteries of the higher or be able to live successfully in the lower. What this leads to is the seeker becoming the dreamer within the dream rather than the knower waking from the dream.


131. 5 things we would be better off without

(1) Reality shows

(2) Most politicians

(3) Incessant barking dogs

(4) The politically correct police

(5) The Walking Dead on TV and in real life.

(6) Someone disturbing your dinner shouting Allahu Akbar


132. I cannot alter the will of God, or even the whims of fate, but can adjust my mind and heart to create a positive outcome


133. I decide therefore I am becoming

I act, thus I live

I love and this gives me purpose.


134. You are an authority on yourself more than anyone else. Do not let anyone else define who you are.


135. Creation begins with thought, then contemplation, next a feasible plan, then the plan into words and finally the words into sustained action.


136.  Those who rely upon the outer authority reject the idea of going within or even using their mind to verify that which they have received from without. This causes a blanket of darkness to fall upon the blind follower.


137. True peace comes not through suppressing dissent, but in allowing conflict to be resolved through maximum freewill.


138. One who reveals true principles that register with soul is a much more valuable teacher than one who has memorized the entire Wikipedia.


139. Thought is the language of the gods

Music is the language of the soul

Love is the language of the heart

Reason is the language of the mind

Without these, words are meaningless


140. The higher nature can fulfill the lower but the lower cannot fulfill itself.


141. The most potent control happens when the person does not realize he is being controlled and the strongest prison is that where the prisoner thinks he is free.


142.  We make many course corrections by steering just driving down the block. Even so, must we make many corrections as we drive through life, else we wind up in the ditch.


143. As the seeker transverses the valley of the shadow of death in the blackest pitch, a hand extending love or light is seen with overwhelming joy that could not be experienced in the light of day.


144. Human nature always wants the easy way and just wants to be told the answer by some authority instead of being forced back upon their own souls.


145. Brain activity is not thinking.


146. When a better way is initiated, the dumbest thing to do is not follow.


147. The greatest treasures are hidden in plain sight.


148. The liberation of the human spirit comes through questioning of authority and all the world holds as established truth and sacred. Stare their false gods of illusion in the face and laugh. You will be rewarded with higher knowledge as well as the hatred of the devotees.


149. Being able to give weight to a teacher’s words is important because if that teacher is truly inspired then you also can be inspired by his words.


150. Take those concepts that are embraced by the authorities of the world and look in the opposite direction. There you will find gems of truth.


151. We may look at the problems in the world and feel overwhelmed, but if each helps those within his or her circle of influence the world will be healed.


152. All blessings are made for the pure of heart

Who are willing to share in whole or in part.


153. A work of light is never destroyed by its enemies, but by its friends.


154. Most people find what they are looking for rather than finding the truth.


155. It is not a coincidence that we have many hidden messages within the words commonly in use.


156. True enlightenment is found, not by retreating into the self, but by taking the highest you know and radiating it in the service of others.


157. It is much easier to distort a true teaching than it is to be a true teacher.


158. The key word for harmony is ‘acceptance.’ Accept harmless differences and see the divine at play in each other’s roles. Remember, to accept does not necessarily mean to embrace.


159. He who denies the existence of a truth because it sounds negative strengthens the veil of illusion that already embraces him.


160. If you contemplate the lesser lives within your own body, you can sense their desire to know you, and in a sense you are a god to them and they seek to be one with their god. Their god also should seek to be one with them. This is one of the secrets of perfect health.


161. As a general rule, when you have twelve or more supporters of a plan, and then stress occurs, you are going to see a Judas or Benedict Arnold surface.


162. It is not the learning of true facts that is an indication of spiritual evolution. Instead, it is the power to perceive truth and act upon it.


163. The committed love relationship is the highest form of schooling on the earth.


164. People today are attracted to the safety of the status quo and strong personalities more than ideas.


165. Thoughts are seeds that sprout and grow, so plant well and water with goodwill so your fruit will be desirable.


166. All seekers feel a desire to find their true home, not one that is physical, but spiritual.


167. When one has established firm soul contact it becomes almost impossible to take offense. The offense becomes like the roar of a lion at the zoo and may make one smile.


168. If offense is taken from the words of one who means no harm it is usually because the other party is offended at simple truth.


169. It is impossible for two people experiencing spiritual contact together to not reach agreement, for Truth, Spirit and Soul are One in the Mind of God.


170. When we focus on the material side that has no relation to the inner Spirit, then the vision goes out of focus and the two remain two.


171. True equality can only be achieved through seeing truth together, not partisan emotional conclusions.


172. Truth is found by looking for truth and basking in light, not focusing on error which darkens the mind.


173. You may be an old soul if…

  1. You feel like your real home is somewhere else.
  2. You are always interested in learning new things.
  3. You understand both sides of an argument.
  4. You have great empathy for those who suffer.
  5. You are generous.
  6. You are creative
  7. You have had personal experiences that convince you of existence beyond the material world.
  8. You love discussing philosophy
  9. You draw to yourself intelligent friends.
  10. Free time is of more value to you than free money.
  11. You are slow to criticize, quick to praise.
  12. You live and let live.


174. Give Yourself a Break!

We know we should be generous to others but also you should give gifts regularly to yourself, such as:

  • Time to relax and recharge
  • Time with good friends
  • Good food and drink
  • Something enjoyable or fun.
  • Something that stimulates your mind
  • Something that enlivens your heart.
  • Something that gives you purpose.

A person worn out and tired is of little use to himself or others.


175. Common people may not be so common. Many of us have a good friend that is more interesting and intelligent than anyone rich or famous that we know.

176. It is a big mistake in relationships to hold back emotionally for fear of hurt. This limits the amount of love that can be shared.


177. Total fulfillment and invulnerability cannot come in relationships unless one is willing to share all and become emotionally vulnerable.


178. Average people only embrace truth that agrees with their dogma and hate the rest. An enlightened mind embraces all truth that crosses his path.


179. People either love truth and hate deceit or love deceit and hate truth.

180. Harmony in the Mind, Peace in the Heart, and Strength in Numbers


181. Many animals are more human than some humans and a few of both make the angels smile.


182. True love means you know your companion will be there for you.


183. If you have not yet shouted with the greatest joy as well as cried with the deepest sorrow you are far from finished on the path of life.


184. Some people talk of a benevolent dictatorship. There is no such thing.


185. Quit seeing the worst in what people say and give them the benefit of the doubt.

186. To correctly assess your place on the spiritual path is a great accomplishment. Then you can see the next step to be taken.


187. Five Things to do today:

(1) Learn something new.

(2) Tell someone you love them

(3) Give someone honest praise.

(4) Go beyond expectations of being helpful

(5) Bring a smile on someone’s face.


 188. Five Things to quit

  1. Posting mean-spirited and distorted political attacks on Facebook to half your friends who do not agree with you and do not want to hear them. It’s not so bad posting positive support for your candidate, but stay away from insulting our intelligence. Move to a political forum where you will be welcomed.2. Asking for likes. If your post is good we’ll give you a like without being asked.
  2. Name calling. It makes you look mean spirited and doesn’t help your case.
  3. Quit taking yourself and what people say seriously. No one is out to get you.
  4. Quit paying attention to what the tofu crowd says is politically correct. Say what you think, when you want and how much you want. Let the chips fall where they may. Enjoy the fallout.


189. I know it’s fun to talk about theory and ideas that we can never prove true or false in this physical reality, but the time comes in the lives of all seekers where practical work and progress must be made. Such work must be demonstrated in the eyes of all, believers and non-believers.


190. When one puts attention on seeing that which is true, instead of false, he is taking the inner right-hand path. His attention on that which is true moves him in the direction of this path and pushes him forward to truth after truth, greater light after greater light.

191. The Eternal Now is not simple timelessness as many teach, but an eternal consciousness that is behind time creation and selection.


192. Plant a seed of helpfulness that will grow and light the way to full realization of love. Unless this happens the seeker is in danger of substituting selfish desire for a spiritual love once sensed.


193. You either make decisions that create your life, or someone else does it for you.


194. The Quest

To find the best glass of wine

To find the best cup of coffee

To find the best slice of cheese

To find the best life companion

To find the best of friends

To find the highest truth

To help the greatest number of people

To have the best of times

To maintain a clear conscience

To die with a smile on your face


195. Seeing the Future

The spiritual student looks at true cause and effect and sees future effect as if it were in the present. He thus works to solve future problems with as much energy as current problems. The beginning student only lives in the past and present. He is incapable of seeing the future as part of the eternal now. In his consciousness it is as if the future will never come. This person will be more concerned about losing $5 today then the possible loss of everything he owns several years from now. He will be more concerned about his $10 increase in social security check now than the possible bankruptcy of the entire system 20 years hence. He will be more concerned about a little pleasure now than of a lot of pain down the road.

196. Those who cannot share or enjoy the happiness and achievement of others will neither achieve themselves nor will they find happiness.


197. You can change the name of good and evil, but you will still wind up talking about good and evil, just using a different terminology.


198. Inner spiritual contact is essential to the working disciple, else he may wind up receiving illusionary teachings and leading others down a path from which retracing steps will be required.


199. To be a good student takes as much wisdom as it does to be a good teacher.


200. The reward for your selfless service is sight, and, as you see the path ahead, your heart is filled with joy; for that which you see is not what you imagined, but more than you imagined.

201. Commandments – Modern Version

  1. Don’t take yourself so seriously
  2. Extend friendship to all.
  3. Justify your existence. Just don’t sit there; Do something constructive.
  4. Lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.
  5. Don’t be a burden on your parents or friends. Get a job and a place of your own.
  6. Don’t take the names of your friends in vain.
  7. NEVER even hint that any female is overweight.
  8. Realize that free stuff is not free.
  9. Just be nice.
  10. Don’t murder, lie, steal, rape, pillage etc still stands.


202. There is one space yet innumerable stars manifesting in it. Correspondingly, there is one God manifesting many lives, including you and me.


203. Does it mean the world is insane if you do the same thing over and get different results?


204. To accept an outside source as true without running it by one’s own mind and soul is to receive the mark of the beast.


205. No earthly teacher is flawless


206. One of the important teachings of the approaching age will be the restoration of knowledge of the power of female energy, for it is as mysterious as gravity; no form can be held together without it.


207. Wise questions force the mind and heart to reflect on the soul.


208. The exchange of true principles, not just words or data, is the language of the soul.


209. Since you are in the image of God then whatever God can do, you can do. Nothing is impossible.


210. Anything that is true does not defy rational understanding but manifests it. What are called miracles are very rational once they are understood.


211. You can’t become happy by focusing on that which makes you miserable.


212. To solve the problem of duality we must first discern and understand the two opposing sides in all things, whether it be male/female, good/evil, positive/negative, spiritual/material or conservative/liberal.


213. Yes, smell the roses, but also see the roses, feel them, love and appreciate them.


214. Look within. Feel the Christ Center in the core of being speak the words ever so softly: If you do not act who will? And if you do not participate in the role you feel gently pushed towards, perhaps the part will not be taken and the curtain will not raise on the grand play of the ages. Perhaps the responsibility of the future rests upon your shoulders… Perhaps.


215. Truth shatters illusions and belief systems. This is why those who are attached to their own beliefs will hate a true messenger as well as the message.


216. To be born again is to drop all preconceived notions planted by the traditions of men, and see the world anew, as if through the eyes of a child.


217. Knowledge becomes yours when it is applied in the fires of life.


218. When a person looks for evidence of his belief with a desire to find it, he will find what he is looking for. Even if the evidence supports a falsehood the seeker will believe it until he drops his preconceived notions and looks with fresh eyes for undistorted truth no matter where it takes him.


219. When we learn to stay focused in the light while a negative force is pulling us back, with negative people and circumstances trying to distract us, then we finally reach a point where we have earned the right to stay permanently on our next plateau of consciousness.


220. Using feeling alone to find truth is like one hand clapping. Mind and heart are the two necessary hands.


221. How to Find Happiness

  1. Don’t look for it.
  2. Do not expect it.
  3. Do not see it as important.
  4. Make others feel happy with your presence.


222. How to Find Love

  1. Don’t look for it.
  2. Do not expect it.
  3. Do not see it as important.
  4. Offer love and friendship to all.


223. Anyone can be the soul mate of another if both drop all barriers that separate and see the true spiritual being.


224. To laugh at the flaws or weaknesses of another is mean, but to laugh at your own follies is divine and will recharge your energies.


225. Deep Question:

Why are you, you and not someone else?


226. Those overly stressed out because of this election do not know what real stress is.


227. The more you let others do for you what you can do for yourself, the more chaos and seemingly bad luck will enter in.


228. In eons hence, when our purpose in form is fulfilled, we will look back on our history and see that the dualities of good and evil, light and dark were but guides that led us to a glorious peace between the great eternities.


229. A soul caught up in a dark fog of illusion will feel his way forwards rather than seeing the path with true vision. Thus we have some decide by emotion and others through the light of reason.


230. Contrasting the light and the dark is essential to seeing what is the true light and the dark. Without doing this a group may seem united, but that oneness may wind up being in darkness rather than light.


231. You create destiny when you master circumstances so that they will reach the desired end through your sustained will.


232. Focused thought is all powerful and can remove all barriers or manifest any constructive idea.


233. Most people attend to small things in their life of little importance instead of pursuing important decisions with lasting impact. By my Wife – Artie Dewey


234. It is human tendency to choose the easy way and just desire to be told answers by some authority instead of being forced to reflect upon our own souls.


235. An initiate is one who initiates. He or she will desire to do more than repeat the past, but to participate in creating the new and the beautiful.


236. He who seeks freedom at the expense of another is only building prison walls that will enslave him.


237. An increase of freedom brings a temporary increase of both good and evil, but as the people choose truth over error that which is good will surface, be understood and dominate.


238. An accuser and name caller is, more often than not, merely looking in a mirror and describing himself.


239. Understanding how the two sides view freedom and how to make the choice that does not enslave is to take the first great step upon the path of liberation.


240. Thanksgiving Recipe

Use the main ingredient of a thankful heart filled with gratitude. Stuff it with love for all of humanity with side dishes of tolerance, empathy, cooperation, optimism and an open mind.


241. Those who say the path of achievement is effortless are entirely wrong. Standing still is effortless. True progress takes a tremendous struggle – there is no other way.


242. Progress is made in proportion to the amount of freedom allotted to the group or individual. With few exceptions, the restriction of freedom for the one brings restriction of success for the many.


243. Falling in love is the closest thing most mortals have that relates to a direct experience with God.


244. Limits are boundaries set by consciousness. Transcend that state of consciousness and the universe belongs to you.


245. One must have enough empathy to relate to the suffering in the world, but keep enough detachment to avoid madness.


246. God has exploded his intelligence into a Big Bang of a puzzle to amuse Himself and is challenged to the very core in putting all the pieces together in a way that makes sense.


247. The Word is God

The Word = Sound

Sound = Vibration

Vibration is created from wavelengths

That which moved to create the first wavelength is the Great Mystery.


248. If dark forces can control people and take away the logic of their thinking with projected good intentions, then they can also manipulate the individual with selfishness when the opportunity arises.


249. If reality disagrees with your opinion then change your opinion.


250. The seeker must learn to perceive truth through the eyes of the soul, not through the eyes of the outer group where perception is often distorted.


251. Steps to liberation

  1. Pure intent
  2. Correct perception of truth.
  3. Freedom and power to act on that truth.


252. Though it is human to desire the perfect and the strong, the best among us will often stop to help the bird with the broken wing over the one that can easily fly.


253. You know you have lived the good life when:

  1. You have fallen crazy in love at least once.
  2. You have three or more friends you like and trust.
  3. You have work to do that you love.
  4. You have a clear conscience.
  5. You have learned to make good use of your time.
  6. Group think does not control you.
  7. There are ten or more people who are grateful you were born.
  8. You have taken three or more major gambles in life and come out on top on at least one of them.
  9. Most people like you.
  10. You know how to have a good time.
  11. You apply the rules of good physical and mental health.
  12. You consistently seek to learn new things.

254. A smile gives the receiver a glimpse into the soul.

255. Perception gives us data

Mind, organizing data, gives us understanding

Reflection on what is understood yields Truth.

Applying truth through the light of the soul manifests Wisdom.


256. If a light is slowly dimmed to 50% strength and then is instantly turned up to full strength, the person is startled as to the intensity. He had no idea he was missing so much light. Even so, with spiritual light. We are often not aware when we are losing it. The struggle for fullness of light, like freedom, requires eternal vigilance.


257. What good is it if we have light but keep it under a bushel? The bushel is composed of fear, inertia, ego, lack of confidence and dependence on unjust authority. Let us remove the covering and keep this a land of the ever present sun, in season and out of season.


258. When one places focused and consistent attention on the goal or creative effort an invisible magnetic power is generated that pulls together the elements necessary for success that goes beyond the power of individual action.


259. Do not give up your power of independent thought to any group, book, guru, prophet or master.


260. We complain about leaders of both parties yet they reflect the inward reality of our own thoughts. If we elevate our thoughts as a people we will draw to ourselves leadership that will inspire us.


261. He who seeks to know the truth but doesn’t tell the truth will never be the truth, or a light to the world.


262. Telling the truth takes wisdom, for there are many distortions in everyday conversation and media that must be discerned and not passed on.


263. An illustration of the One and the Many is the guitar string. When it is stationary we see only one string, but as soon as you pluck it, there is immediately produced the illusion of three strings. There appears to be three strings until the vibration ends. Then we see one string again. So also it is with God, the One, The Trinity and the Many. We are all linked to the one Sound or Word. The eternal cycle is the One becomes the Many and the Many become the One.


264. THE SONG OF THE 144,000

 We thank you Father

that you have revealed to us

your protective universal light;

That within this light

is complete protection

from all destructive forces;

That the Holy Spirit of Your Presence

permeates us in this light,

and wherever we will the light to descend.


We thank you Father

that you fill us with your

protective fires of Love;

That within this love

is complete protection

from all destructive

thoughts and feelings;

That the consciousness of Christ

is lifted up in us in this love,

and wherever we will

the love to be enflamed.


We thank you Father

that you are in us

and we are in you;

That through us

Your Will is sent forth

on wings of power;

That Your Purpose

is accomplished on earth

as it is in heaven;


That through us

Your Light and Love and Power

is manifest to all

the Sons and Daughters of Mankind.


265. Song of Eternal Life

I thank you Father-Mother-Spirit

For the energy of life which streams

From Universal Source to me

For the life that circulates through each atom and cell

Permeating my entire body and mind

Bringing health and vitality to all my living parts.


I bask in this life

I feel the life

I am the life

The life which knows not corruption

The life which makes all things new

The life which always IS.


I feel the life from my toes to the top of my head

And give thanks for its abundance.

I praise, and love my body and all of its parts

For receiving this Life and Spirit and Source.

I praise body, mind, soul & spirit

For receiving without ceasing.


266. Avatar of Synthesis Invocation

From the center where the Will of God is known,

let Purpose guide the little wills of men.


Let the One Great Life manifest Its Purpose

and send forth Its Avatar.


Let this Master of Purpose come forth

and amplify our wills to synthesize them

with his own, giving us power to serve.


Let the Avatar of Synthesis manifest

to the group of which I am a part.


That we may prepare the earth

for the Lords of Light and Love.


Let Will and Power and Purpose

manifest the Christ on earth.


267. Oneness

I am one with my fellow travelers.

All that I have is theirs.

I am one with Christ and all Divine Beings.

All that they have is mine.


I am one with the Creator of all there is

And from this point burst forth as a Sun

To share light, love and power to serve

With those who have forgotten their Source.


268. As Siddhartha Gautama, who became the Buddha, sat under the Bodhi Tree near starvation, seeking enlightenment, he heard some singing; the words he heard are said to be something like this:


If you tune the strings of a harp too tight,

the sound will not be right.

If the strings are too slack as they play,

a beautiful sound will not be made.

Neither too tight nor too limp shall be the strings,

If the player is to be worthy of kings.

The tension must be tuned by the ear

To fill the soul of all who hear.


When he heard these words, a light turned on in his mind. He realized that the first part of his life, where he dwelt in luxury, was likened unto a string too loose. The second part of his life, where he sought nirvana through starvation and austerity, was as a string too tight.


The vision of the true Middle Way flashed into his mind.

 It is not what you think.


269. If you follow the highest you know there will come a time when you will be visited by a Presence, either visible or invisible. It will come at a time that you least expect it and a time when perhaps you feel the least prepared

spiritually, but it will come.


To dream and wish for the experience will only delay the happening. But if you take the highest you know and go forward in the vineyard of the Master and serve with no end in sight, in season and out of season, in good times and bad. If you serve with love in the dark of night with the same strength as in the light of day, if you continue with loving service through the fiery darts of hate, malice and betrayal and above all if it appears that even your Master and your God seem to completely ignore you as if you do not exist… Through all this you will continue to serve with the highest you know.   You continue even if God himself seems to be your enemy putting every obstacle possible in your path and laughing at you as you stumble and fall. You rise up and continue. The time comes that it will not seem to matter to you any more if friends, God or the Masters approve of you or not. It matters not if you are some great chosen one or are looked upon by the Master as the least and most needy of the brethren. You will now serve for the sake of selfless love alone because the need is out there and you sense the need. When this stage is reached in your being one of the Great Ones will take notice and speak: “Behold, the servant! He has become as one of us. Let us invite him into the circle of higher friendship, brotherhood and service.”


But even here the invitation comes not as you expected. All your expectations are shattered and soon replaced by newer ones and the groping in the dark is replaced by walking the path with vision. The reward for your selfless service is sight and as you see the path ahead your heart is filled with joy for that which you see is not what you imagined, but more than you imagined.


270. Imagination precedes reality, so imagine well.


271. When every day is the spirit of Christmas…

That is the threshold that will create peace on earth.


272. When the student is ready the teacher will appear. Therefore, focus on getting ready rather than just thinking one is ready. Find your next step.


273. Even the words of a great book, such as the Bible, can create a prison if they are not interpreted with a loving heart and discerned through eyes in tune with Spirit.


274. A prison of walls and chains is a terrible thing, but worse still is being a prisoner of your own thoughts and beliefs while thinking you are free. Unless the person wakes up there is no escape.


275. He who learns and applies keeps the knowledge. He who does not apply must learn again and again: “Ever learning and never coming to a knowledge of the truth.”


276. You find what you are looking for, whether it be good or evil, the true or the false, freedom or slavery.


277. The Universal Mind craves experience, and as it contemplates in its various energy states, it sees all possibilities. Each possibility is an extension of Itself, created in Its own image and becomes a point in the Universal Life. You are one of these.


278. Thoughts are powerful creators. If you expect good things to happen this year you are ten steps ahead of the guy expecting doom, or who thinks circumstances or the world is against him.


279. The road to perfection is paved with many experiments and mistakes. The ability to move onward after failure is a great virtue.


280. When the seeker says he has found the ultimate feeling, bliss, or God Presence, he knows not that he is only at the beginning of his journey. No matter how high the consciousness, bliss or joy, the seeker adjusts to it and eventually becomes ready for more. When he is ready, the more will come, worlds without end.


281. If you limit yourself to learning exactly according to the mindset of a teacher, you will also inherit his flaws.


282. There are two types of people. Those who are paralyzed by their fears and those who paralyze their fears and move forward as if they did not exist. The choice is always before us.


283. The false authority is he who cannot demonstrate the truth of that which he claims to teach or practice.


284. No one puts energy into an endeavor unless there is something in it for them. Even of Jesus it was written, “who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross.” Heb 12:2


285. The only thing that does not change is the principle of change and the prime eternal law that governs this is cause and effect. The principles that govern this are formless and eternal, but even they are involved in the creation of change.


286. Guilt is pain caused by the worship of an artificial outer God or authority. True correction comes from inner vision directed by spiritual love.


287. Do not shoot the messenger or seek to destroy the message. The truth will prevail in the end no matter what you do.


288. Just as gold must pass through the refiner’s fire before it reaches its highest purity and value, even so must the disciple pass through every obstacle that can be thrown in his way on the path of service.


289. Most pain and disease has its root cause in resistance to taking the next harmless step in spiritual progression. Find out what that next step is, and take it; then a quantum of life energy will be released to circulate and heal your entire being.


290. The successful person must not only realize that common mistakes will happen, but must be prepared to handle acts of great stupidity and incompetence.


291. If you want to make your problems seem smaller, make your perspective bigger. (Artie Dewey)


292. An important key to spiritual progression is to make sure that every word you speak is true to the best of your knowledge. You do not have to reveal all you know, but what you do reveal should be true.


293. We often think we are creating cause when we are merely an effect of a greater Cause or Purpose. The quest is to find that Purpose and the spiritual reality wherein it resides.


294. True giving is like putting money in the bank gaining interest. You may withdraw at the right time and give again with greater power.


295. The pure in heart may veer some to the left or the right as they tread the straight and narrow path, yet will stay on the path because they are true to their highest light.


296. The swinging of the pendulum manifests among humanity by their swing to the left and right in their belief systems. As the pendulum swings among us, the masses swing with it, not realizing that they are following the energy much more than they are doing any independent thinking.


297. Many who believe in reincarnation say there is no hell. But what if you were reborn into North Korea? Would you not consider such a life as hell? What if you had to live most of your life as a paraplegic or a starving person in the third world? Indeed there are many hells right here before our eyes. This should give us incentive to live a productive life of service.


298. If a person’s conclusion is based on how he feels then the purest of reason pointing the opposite direction will have no effect.


299. We as individuals must become linked up as part of an eternal chain or vine where each of us reach out and grab another by the hand and take him or her with us.


300. Imagination stirs energy at subtle levels that can distill on to the physical plane if the focus is sustained.


301. Study your life to see where events are leading you so you can correctly anticipate and prepare for your future.


302. Unless one places consistent attention on staying in harmony with his highest inner source there will be spiritual amnesia and every communication will have some deception in it.


303. That which we were, always was

That which we are, will always be.

Even though location changes eternally.


304. Isn’t it interesting that the biggest problems we seem to have today are in finding the best pillow, the best designed shirt or best cooking utensil? Yet we march in the streets complaining at the drop of a hat. It is the best of times, but certainly not worst of times.


305. A broken promise is serious because it is a breaking of the will, your will. You have willed to do a thing and your will was broken by the only person who can break it, yourself.


306. That point at which one feels the most confident and self assured is the point of the greatest danger of retrogression.


307. It is most important that when we make a commitment and we are aware of such commitment, that we do all in our power to be true to our word. If we do this consistently then our vibration moves in harmony with the vibration of Spirit, which is truth, and the door to higher contact opens wide.


308. To heal others you must heal yourself, to inspire others you must elevate your own thoughts, to see the good in others forgive yourself.


309. Worry, fear and inertia are the three great enemies for the seeker. They must be overcome through the focused attention of the will toward the peace of the inner Spirit.


310. The idea that truth is relative is illusion. Only perception of truth is relative, but truth itself is always true. That which is true cannot change to that which is not true.


311. When the seeker learns to be true to his word the Word within will be known, and the Word will be made flesh in him.


312. Many speak when they should be silent and are silent when they should speak. Others speak too often using many words when few would suffice. Quality and timing of speech or of silence are a mark of wisdom.


313. Perfection needs an imperfect world in order to manifest.


314. The undiscovered country lies within our own souls. Seek and find unlimited gifts.


315. When people recognize you have authority they will immediately give you power, but if they see that you have power, but with no authority, many will seek to take the power to themselves.


316. Freedom of action for the lawless and violent few must be restricted by law to insure the greatest possible freedom of speech and action for the many.


317. Too much speech suppresses hearing that which is needed. Too much silence prevents giving out the Words of Life. The master soul balances all polarities.


318. The light in you is the same as the light in Christ. Focus, therefore, on the highest you know and be a light to others causing them to thank God for what they receive.


319. We see through a glass darkly to comprehend the universal laws that must be realized to save us from ourselves. Grant us, oh Lord of Hosts, that our vision be clarified.


320. When we awaken from a dream we have a greater awareness than when in the dream. We are now in the dream world of the soul, and when awakened after death, we will make a similar leap in consciousness.


321. Many truths are hidden in plain sight, the last place many of us are willing to look.


322. There is no such thing as unconscious thought. Thought only springs from consciousness.


323. The tendency of the many is to lean increasingly with age upon that which has been embraced in the past rather than considering the new which may lead to greater light, life and fulfillment.


324. We make our own reality within the limits of our own consciousness. Beyond that limit reality is determined by intelligence far beyond our own.


325. Words draw powerful forces that can destroy, build or protect. Choose them carefully.


326. A true disciple is one who disciplines himself and uses the power of will to focus on the light until truth is revealed.


327. The most harmless path often involves breaking a few eggs. The most loving one will sometimes hurt feelings and the most helpful may draw complaints that you are getting in the way.


328. Be aware of your past, but do not turn around and focus there. Look forward and always move on into the greater light ahead.


329. You have an earthly family and a spiritual one. When you meet a spiritual brother or sister you will feel like you have taken one more step to arriving at your true home.


330. Much can be written about the Divine Will, but it is not understood until it is touched.


331. An expansion of consciousness occurs when the seeker focuses on the good of the group, or the whole, above the separated self.


332. If the seeker wants a true answer to a petition to a Higher Intelligence then he must ask with more in mind than a benefit to his separated self. The answer must provide a benefit to the many, not just the one.


333. Seekers complain of loneliness and the dark night of the soul. Both are illusions. You are never alone and the inner light is ever shining bright to those who look.


334. Consider the messages of life. The vegetable kingdom is happy in feeling the life of God. Animals are happy seeking it and the birds are happy expressing it in their flight. Fulfilled humans possess all these qualities.


335. As the seeker may be painfully struggling through a crisis, his own soul may be experiencing joy in heaven over the foreseen positive outcome.


336. We mercifully forget our dreams shortly after waking. It would drive us crazy to have them circulating through our minds during the day. Similarly, we forget our past lives shortly after birth which allows us to focus in the present.


337. Silence, space and stillness are not what they seem. In silence you can hear, in space there is energy and in stillness there is activation of all creation.


338. As the seeker moves forward on the path of liberation the light ahead becomes brighter and his power to move stronger as he assists those behind him. But if he fails to assist, then the path ahead is darkened and his strength evaporates. He becomes lost while another dedicated to serve takes his place.


339. “Love sets my tone, light is my vision, reason is my guide and higher purpose motivates me,” says the true servant on the Path.


340. Signs of an Old Soul

  1. Does not hear in black and white but correctly interprets between the lines.
  2. Looks at evidence on both sides of a controversial situation
  3. Questions most everything, including settled science, settled politics, settled religions etc.
  4. Makes productive use of time and wastes it not.
  5. Will have a reservoir of original ideas.
  6. Will generally give more than receives.
  7. People seeking help will be drawn to him or her.
  8. This soul will not retaliate in kind no matter how great the insult.
  9. Rather than attack those in error this soul sheds light on the problem.
  10. The old soul puts much more weight on that which is verified from within than expressed by authorities without.
  11. Has a history of correctly perceiving truth rather than illusion.
  12. There is life in his words and love in his actions.


341. Consistency in the dark or the light, in peace or during the storm, while enduring hate or basking in adoration is the quality looked for by those who watch.


342. Most realize that we gain through painful experience, but unappreciated is that we also gain through joyful activities and associations. The problem is the tendency to feel we deserve the pain, but are unworthy of happiness. This illusion must be dispelled. Joyousness is our birthright.


343. When reborn in a future life you will lose all data to your conscious mind, but you will take with you all gained intelligence, wisdom and understanding of principles. Indeed, Solomon spoke wisely: “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7


344. To see you must look, to hear you must listen and to feel you must reach out and touch. Many who complain of no spiritual experiences have not done these things.


345. Some people can be happy in the rain, others miserable in the sunshine – like the old adage says: “People are about as happy as they make up their minds to be.”


346. You Be May Risking the Dark Side IF:

(1) You are willing to deceive at the drop of a hat to get what you want.

(2) You will enter a state of denying wrongdoing when your controversial acts are brought to light.

(3) You accuse the innocent of wrongdoing

(4) You support taking away the freedom of the many to support a power base for the few.

(5) You are willing to manipulate law, authority and regulation to enforce your ideal of what is righteous.

(6) You support lawlessness and violence to get what you want.

(7) You present yourself as in harmony with those who you want to forcibly change.


347. If one has a false foundational belief then even the finest logic will be flawed and destroy that which is real, or true. To find the real one must build on a foundation of truth.


348. Chances Are You Are Headed for the Straight and Narrow Path IF:

(1) You contemplate the will of God and try to manifest it.

(2) You look beyond obnoxious personality traits to see the Christ within others.

(3) You are motivated by love of others above love of the material self.

(4) You attempt to give more than you receive.

(5) You attempt to be as harmless as a dove and wise as a serpent.

(6) You thirst after light, love and knowledge.

(7) You are an example of goodwill to all.If one has a false foundational belief then even the finest logic will be flawed and destroy that which is real, or true. To find the real one must build on a foundation of truth.


349. Energy follows thought. Thought follows directed intelligence. Intelligence follows light. Light follows our Source to God.


350. It is interesting how happy people look when they are in motion, exercising, dancing or playing. Then when the mind is in creative motion the same thing happens on a higher level. Perhaps we could say that happiness is life in forward motion.


351. The only way to harmonize with the Word, which is pure Truth, is to become the truth ourselves. When all the words we speak are words of truth, and promises which come true, then the barrier between man and God evaporates.


352. Light is something, darkness is no thing; light is manifestation, darkness is unmanifest; light reveals, darkness hides. Eternity is the recycling of these two.


353. Dedicate a space you occupy most often while in thought or reflection. It could be an easy chair, the place where you sit at the computer or even a bare floor. That space can then become holy to you so when you occupy it, your mind will be at peace, as if in a temple of the Most High.


354. When we have the choice to find the truth of a thing then we must find that truth or take a step backwards into darkness.


355. You know you are a reasonable person if:

  1. You do not dismiss facts that disagree with your belief system.
  2. You do not distort reality, as it has actually transpired, to support your belief system.
  3. Your beliefs have evidence or good logic to back them up.
  4. You are willing to consider that many of your beliefs are incorrect.
  5. When someone disagrees with a cherished belief you respond with calm reason making no personal attack.
  6. You seek to understand the other person’s argument when he disagrees with you.
  7. You will not assume something is true because of anecdotal evidence.
  8. You’ve read material on both sides of various issues and beliefs.
  9. When referring to a point of argument you quote it accurately, as it was intended to be understood.
  10. You realize that most people agreeing on something, even within your chosen group, does not make it true.


356. When the seeker fulfills outer responsibilities and creates a rhythm so energy is not wasted there is an inner reflection where focus on the light becomes easier and natural causing a subtle rise in consciousness.


357. Change is coming to your life. It will either come from past causes beyond your control, or decisions that guide you in the Present. Take charge now; make a decision and act upon it.


358. When the power of Attention is one with the Purpose of God all things are possible and the magical power of the soul is manifest.


359. It is important to realize that many are happy with the level of truth they have attained. If someone presents to them a greater light than they are ready for, it will be like a great light in a dark room and a painful experience for them. They will often fight against it.


360. Only the weak who lack reasoning ability and a center of truth demand censorship or restrictions on freedom of speech for others.


361. As the seeker unveils truth after truth he enters a lonely realm, leaving many friends behind who cannot see through his eyes. Then at that moment where he seems alone in the universe a door is open and he is engulfed by a multitude of new friends of celestial presence, invisible to carnal eyes. He never feels alone again.


362. The greatest hell is to have nothing new to create. Hell is creating that which has been over and over until boredom becomes so great that the life force flatlines.


363. Oneness through understanding and free will is divine; whereas oneness forced through authority is a source of great evil.


364. That which is done can be undone, that which is destroyed can be made anew and dreams which have never been, can be.


365. Sooner or later each person’s belief will come in conflict with maximum freedom for all. The choice will be more freedom for the whole, involving some sacrifice, or less freedom and a temporary free lunch at another’s involuntary expense.


366. Two groups may have similar goals and be of similar quality, yet both destroy their effectiveness because of attempts to establish superiority for ego’s sake. So much more could be accomplished if they worked together on points of agreement.


367. Be not discouraged by the difficulty in bringing light to the world. A small seed properly planted and generously nourished can multiply a hundred, a thousand or a million fold in short order. Therefore, plant what you can in good ground, nourish with love and stimulate with light.


368. Beauty, intelligence and spirituality are all judgments of the mind, but without such judgments we would be a savage lot.


369. Many there are who claim to be great ones, or speak for God, but have done nothing more than restate teachings of others while adding no new principles.


370. Emotions are not to be denied or suppressed but communicated with as much honesty and harmlessness as possible, else many physical and emotional problems will occur.


371. When you find the good, the beautiful and the true in others you can then find it in yourself.


372. There are degrees of freedom just as there are degrees of consciousness. He who discovers the inner spiritual world opens the door to a greater realm of choices.


373. Most people can be manipulated by pressing emotional buttons. The few decide for themselves even when unjustly attacked or insulted.


374. When humanity is finally governed by the principle of goodwill to all, we will have arrived at the greatest advance in life since consciousness itself.


375. That which is most feared, and avoided like the plague, is the truth.


376. People of goodwill often feel powerless, as if they are having no effect. This is not the case. A good seed grows and a bad one does not. Plant 1000 bad seeds and one good one, then, after a period of time, the only one that multiplied is the good – a hundred, one million and one billion fold.


377. The fool believes what he wants, ignoring the facts, the ideologue rejects obvious truth, but the true seeker accepts truth as shining gems that light his way to paradise.


378. Blessed are they who make others aware of the unseen sun behind the clouds, of the goodwill in the hearts of the many and that peace on earth is in our future.


379. It is a natural tendency to rest after achieving a difficult goal. An error made by many is to rest for too long. The problem becomes devastating for progress when the rest continues without end.


380. Adjust consciousness to the truth instead of distorting reality to a mindset.


381. Attention must be placed, not on the body, but the life within the body; not on stone temples, but on building living relationships, not on the forms of the world, but the divine intelligence that creates them.


382. Hate and anger as well as love and goodwill are contagious. Let us therefore infect all we contact with the positive emotions and let the negative die through lack of attention.


383. You are in the right place at the right time so focus on the right decision.


384. A great mind will listen to all, great and small, but does not let outward pressure force upon him careless decisions. His prime guidance will be from his own mind, heart and soul, no matter how loud the outer voices may be.


385. The majority seek peace and goodwill, but a minority desiring power bring hate and destruction. It is time for the many who are reasonable to control the few who are not.


386. The wise student (or one who is truly learning) does not see himself as on a lower level than the teacher. Instead, he sees himself as a fellow traveler who is progressing to a higher level.


387. As the seeker progresses, he moves away from outer material controls and subjects himself to inner spiritual ones. The one with no control, high or low, is lost.


388. Three things turn words from fading vibration into words of power. First, they must be spoken with purpose and understanding. Second, the speaker sends them forth riding on the power of his will. Finally, he must perform whatever action is necessary to see them manifested.


389. To give credit to God for all good things is right and good. However, it is a slothful servant who turns over to God things he should be doing himself.


390. People come into our lives because their consciousness shares a certain note with our own.


391. A thousand mile journey begins

Not with the first step

But with the thought, the intent

The first step is inclined

By a journey out of sight

Ten thousand miles of light

In the mind.


392. To see no evil when evil is opening the door, committing violence and shutting down free speech, creates a darkening that will blind the eyes to new vistas of light and love.


393. Every virtue must be applied with good judgment else it will turn into a vice.


394. The beginning of the quest for spiritual liberation did not begin in some ancient past, but right here, right now. It is only in the present where the next step must be taken.


395. Anyone can claim revelation by giving data that could be easily supplied by the imagination. What the false prophet cannot do is enhance true principles and give out consistent words of wisdom.


396. To be unchanging is good if it is referring to reliability, but evil if it implies doing the same thing over and over which leads to eternal boredom and death. Even God says: “I make all things new.” Rev 21:5


397. Through united activity strength is multiplied. Add union of emotional support and power is multiplied again. Even greater multipliers are union through love, understanding and reason. When to these are added union through spiritual vision all things become possible, even if the numbers are small.


398. If productive service to humanity conflicts with a belief, then let the seeker alter that belief, not the service.


399. There are always two paths before us; one is always higher than the other, but sometimes the choice is not clear. Choose well and reflect. If your choice is in error make corrections and choose again.


400. Only make promises you can keep. The key to this is to look at the worst-case scenario and ask yourself: “If this occurs, can I keep my word?”


401. Recognizing failure and correcting it often produces more progress in the life of the soul than attempting to take a giant leap forward into the light.


402. “I love you,” said the soul as it looked upon the soul of the adorable one as well as the despised.


403. There are three types of people on the planet. Those who seek to expand human freedom and work actively toward this. Those who are willing to restrict freedom to advance their beliefs, and, finally, neutral ones who proclaim freedom and peace but refuse to engage in the struggle that is required.


404. A little of something being good doesn’t mean a lot is better.


405. Be inclusive rather than exclusive, unite rather than divide and accept rather than reject whenever wisdom allows.


406. Serving self for the purpose of self is the dark path, but taking care of self to maintain vital strength to serve is the path of light.


407. To diminish freedom of innocent people so that good may come is illusion and the foundation of great evil.


408. We pray for many things of which we are not willing to pay the price. No wonder the heavens seem to be sealed.


409. Truth is distorted by attachments to illusions that must be dispelled before it can be clearly seen.


410. Those who try to be neutral in the face of aggression are not neutral at all but lend power to the aggressor.


411. There is no one else like you, there is no other day like today and never before an opportunity as is now set before you.


412. The soul is the dream of God and we are the dreams of the soul.


413. Each life that manifests here does so in the hope of Becoming that which it has never been, but without the loss of that which has forever been.


414. In the past age great lives have taught the world by sacrifice even to death and Imprisonment. In this age the keynote will be to teach the world through their creative and inspiring lives.


415. Without duality there can be no love. There can be no love unless there is two or more of something. One of the great purposes that God created the universe was so love could become manifest. If God had not created us there would be nothing to love.


416. It is only after we have done all we can do that we can expect Divine help to assist us to the next level.


417. Many disciples in the world are looking for a revelation leading to shutting the door to evil, opening the door to the new age of peace and plenty, while ignoring inspired steps already revealed. The first step on the ladder must be taken before the third or the fourth.


418. A grand key to freedom is self-sufficiency. The more you depend on other people, groups and government the more power you give away. Therefore, take control of your physical needs, your health and your destiny. When you remove yourself from those who can command you against your will, the path to happiness and freedom become open.


419. You learn to do by doing, to think by thinking and to love by loving.


420. Many highly educated people are not as good at getting truth from data available as the average construction worker.


421. The natural and eternal interplay of cause and effect creates light, and light is the foundation of all life, intelligence, gods, angels as well as physical life.


422. Time is a measure of motion. Motion is a quality of form. Form is created by thought. Thought is a manifestation of light and light leads us back to our Source.


423. Idealistic peaceful and loving thoughts will not counter a definite physical aggression against the innocent with intent to diminish freedom. Such force must be met with greater force until the door where evil dwells is shut and sealed.


424. People fear taking risks, but the greatest risk is to fear them too much.


425. When the many say “do not” that is the time to do; when they rush forward is then time to pause and reflect. When they all agree is the time to question.


426. Humanity stumbles along and finds indications of truth here and there but remains largely in the dark. But when it puts those pieces together and begins to see the whole picture the world will be transformed with light.


427. There are no limits to consciousness unless you think there is.


428. There are the many who plan their lives as if present conditions will continue indefinitely, and the few who weigh the influences on the horizon and adjust their lives accordingly.


429. A falsehood is repeated many times to trick the sleeping masses into acceptance. Truth only needs to be spoken once to the soul of one who is awake and listening.


430. Many with good intentions inadvertently support darkness rather than light, slavery instead of freedom and destruction over creation.


431. Seek as if there is infinite knowledge, work as if the world depends on you and love as if there are no limits to what you can give.


432. A true friend is one that will not complain if you wake him up at 3 AM with a problem.


433. It often seems that we as individuals have little power until it is realized how few use the individual power we have. The individual has great power when moving forward with confidence.


434. As a parent you expect your children to obey your commands, largely for their own safety. When they mature you no longer give commands but expect them through their own initiative to overcome life’s obstacles to joyful living – just as our Father/Mother God, does with us.


435. The truth can make you free, but if it is rejected when staring you in the face the bonds of slavery are made strong.


436. Every once in a while you meet someone who vibrates harmoniously with an inner chord in your breast. Make this person a part of your life.


437. One looks at a flower and sees a flower. Another looks and sees unfathomable beauty.

The master of wisdom contemplates and sees a divine creation holding the secrets of the universe.


438. Focused thought in the few is powerful, but in the many it is unstoppable.


439. We live in an age of hypocrisy. The loudest voices for peace are often the most destructive. Many who proclaim love have a seething hatred of those with a different view. Those who clamor for equality often support division and favors. It is time to remind ourselves to practice what we preach.


440. Be still and know that God is in you.

Be silent and hear Her voice.

Be willing and do His will.


441. The degree of happiness attained is largely determined by the depth of oneness shared with other individuals as well as your own soul.


442. Let your light shine from the internal fire and embrace the burning with joy.


443. Without someone to see them; there would be no stars.


444. If a truth, sincerely presented, offends, then the problem is with the receiver, not the messenger.


445. Good dominates where there is freedom, openness, light and truth. Evil will dominate where freedom is suppressed and darkness hides the real. Let us therefore be vessels of undistorted truth.


446. Fulfill the dreams of others and you will fulfill your own.


447. When mediocrity becomes a standard for praise then those great souls who reach for greatness will be trampled under foot.


448. The road to success is paved with stepping stones of failure which have been learning exercises to make us stronger.


449. If that which is desired determines what is accepted or rejected as true then the belief system will be a distorted mixture of truth and error – in other words, a fantasy existence.


450. Truth is best understood when it is seen in the greatest of simplicity, but when applied often multiplies into immense complexity. The seeker therefore must break down the elements of distortion in this world into its simplest parts to discern the real from the unreal.


451. The desire for power, when not tempered by love, can never be quenched.


452. Light and truth bring complete understanding whereas illusion creates gaps in knowledge that cannot be explained.


453. Ask not as if you are poor seeking from the rich, but realize you have the wealth of heaven now and affirm that which is a correct desire.


454. You cannot see unless you look, or hear without listening or feel without touch. The taking in of knowledge, both visible and invisible, requires focused attention.


455. If two disagree one or both is in illusion. If illusion is dispelled they will both see as one.


456. Contrasting shades of darkness can give the illusion of vision to those who refuse to look and see the light within.


457. When you choose a path you choose its destination; therefore look not only at where you are, but where you are going.


458. Many borrow the words of angels yet think the thoughts of devils. Thoughts are more powerful than words – therefore always look to the heart of the sender.


459. Those with a high degree of spiritual focus have amplified power in their words and thoughts. Therefore, speak up for the cause of truth. You are more powerful than you suppose.


460. Truth only needs to be communicated with quiet reasoning. It needs not force or the clamoring of mobs to make its point.


461. There are those who know, those who think they know and those who definitely know not. Choose today the category to which you will belong.


462. Harboring ill feelings toward another is like attacking yourself. Forgiveness is the sensible thing.


463. Common sense beats no sense every time; reason always trumps the thoughtless and truth remains when error is long forgotten.


464. All fear is related to concern about loss. When the seeker reaches the point where the focus is on the eternal invulnerable self he will have mastered fear.


465. Experience is the desire of all life. Even when we are asleep, we dream and when we think we are awake we still dream.


466. Total honesty cannot be achieved unless one’s limitations are known. People often lie at a point of tension when they thought they would not.


467. A thought is never completely hidden. Each thought produces ripples in the stream of universal life and can be assimilated by those who know.


468. A thought is never completely hidden. Each thought produces ripples in the stream of universal life and can be assimilated by those who know.


469. The seeker who makes the most progress takes one doable step at a time. The path is lined with failures that attempted many steps in one, faltered and became discouraged.


470. Your progress toward Spirit is not determined by the data in your head, but by your ability to sort out truth from error and act upon it.


471. Those who love and seek truth find peace while those who attack, deceive and distort create storms engulfing their own lives.


472. There are many things people do not see because they do not look and they do not look because they do not want to see or understand.


473. All beings who have reached the God consciousness identify with the One God and share a oneness of thought. Innumerable beings in the universe share this consciousness which we seek to attain.


474. To find the truth we must be willing to let go of the “familiar spirit” and become open to accepting that which is not familiar.


475. Many dogmas and illusions force us toward belief systems with no appeal to common sense or logic of any kind.


476. The decision between good and evil is not a decision between blissful love and demonic madness. If the choice were that obvious, then all would choose the path of light. Instead, many are deceived in thinking they are doing right when they support harmful acts and loss of freedom toward those who do not support their beliefs.


477. Feelings, both positive and negative, are there for a reason. To allow them harmless expression and release brings peace, health and vitality.


478. The strongest prison bars are created by our own thoughts.


479. You are an idea in the mind of God. It is therefore your responsibility to become a good idea.


480. Thoughts produce ideas, ideas create plans, plans manifest purpose and purpose gives meaning to life.


481.  Heaven or hell is created by the company you keep.


482.  When humanity learns to harmonize their actions with the kingdom of God within, then the wondrous kingdom of God without will manifest.


483. Being in the image of God you have all the powers of godliness lying unrealized within you. If you decree that you are separate from God then it will seem as if God has spoken it. Retract that command and discover your true oneness with All That Is.


484. We are creators in the image of God. This gives both love and fear great power. Choose which one you want to manifest.


485. The truth will make you free, but a good falsehood will make you think.


486. The Hebrew word for God in the Bible is Elohiym which means “Gods,” plural. This is because God is a shared group consciousness, something which we hope to attain.


487. There are things in life over which you have control and others that you do not. Forget about those that you cannot control and concentrate on those that you do.


488. Create a time each day where your mind pays no attention to the troubles of the world, or your personal problems, and see where your inner life takes you.


489. To take offense when no offense is intended is offensive to civility.


490. The difference between success and failure is often measured in inches, not miles. Some of the greatest successes have been achieved by just pressing forward only by a small degree more than the many who failed.


491. Material inertia is always there, pulling us toward inactivity in Spirit. The disciple must use the force of will to counter it. If he ceases this he will crystalize to stagnation in older age.


492. Look for Christ in your neighbor and you will find Him, but seek for the devil in his heart and it will be there too.


493. If, in order to fulfill his own desires, one supports that which will limit the freedom of others, he will be reborn in a situation where that which is important in life is kept from him because he has diminished freedom to pursue.


494. Each life in its own way sees the birth of innocence, the influx of evil, the birth of Christ, the miracles of Christ, the resurrection of Christ and, finally, the end of the world at death.


495. An honest disagreement or question is different than a mean spirited attack and should not be discouraged. Sometimes such questioning will cause a change of direction for the better.


496. Each belief system has its own language and to reach those trapped within it one must discover, adapt and speak their language.


497. The gap in understanding of language from one belief system to another is as great as from one national language to another.


498. The sin of separateness will not be solved by force but by raising the light of truth and understanding above our heads for all to see.


499. Many of those who pray for God to appear and destroy their enemies would find themselves to be the enemy to God if He did just that.

For Provocative Quotes, Part II go HERE

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The Gods of the Bible, Part 8

This entry is part 08 of 10 in the series Gods

The Gods of the Bible, Part 8


We have clearly illustrated point by point the fact that all mankind have an opportunity to qualify to manifest God just as much as Jesus did. This does not mean that we are as great as Jesus is, or that our mission in life is equal to his, but that we have an equal opportunity with him to share the powers of God, and perhaps to even manifest “greater things” than he did as he promised. We do not have any intention of subtracting from the glory that was demonstrated in the life of the Christ for the real truth only glorifies.

Just because Moses, Abraham, and the judges in Israel were called gods – that does not mean they were equal to Jesus in their works and in bringing salvation to man. Jesus indeed did a work and service for man that has no equal in history.

Columbus showed the way to the New World, but after him millions crossed the ocean just as well as he did. Edison made the first light bulb, but after this millions of others were made. Nevertheless, the glory of being the pioneer and discoverer went only to Columbus and Edison. Jesus was the greatest pioneer in the fact that he was the first to completely overcome death. To him went the honor of making the greatest discovery in history. On the other hand, all of mankind will sooner or later overcome death through the power of the Father in the same way as did the Christ. Because Jesus was the first to show us the possibilities of man he has obtained a place of spiritual distinction without equal. He has paved the way for men and women to be joint heirs with him even “heirs of God.” Rom 8:17

Jesus was the first to fully enter the kingdom of God and show forth the powers of God. We will soon join him. The human kingdom is occupied by humans, the animal kingdom by animals, but the Kingdom of God is occupied by those who manifest God and are one with him.

We have covered the ten major points that establish Christ as God in the minds of humanity and have shown that man is equal with Jesus in the claim of Godhood in each of these areas. Some will bring up a number of minor points. We will now cover several of these.

QUESTION: Jesus had the power to forgive sins. Isn’t that something Jesus had as God that man will never have?

ANSWER: Not at all. The Bible tells us that men besides Jesus can have the power to forgive sins just as he did: “Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: AS MY FATHER HATH SENT ME, EVEN SO SEND I YOU. And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and saith unto them, Receive ye the Holy Ghost: Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them; and whose soever sins ye retain, they are retained.” John 20:21-23

Notice the wording of this scripture. In the same way that Jesus was sent by his Father the apostles were also sent to forgive sins through the power of the Holy Ghost. The disciples had this power of God just as Jesus did.

QUESTION: Didn’t Jesus die for the sins of the world and become our redeemer? Doesn’t that make him a God far and above anything that we can ever be?

ANSWER: Jesus said: “The Son can do NOTHING of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.” John 5:19

If we read this literally it can only mean that the works that Jesus did were a copy of the things he had seen the Father do in some remote past. An entity who occupied the office of the Father to Jesus must have given himself for the sins of another world in another place and time.

Jesus tells us that we will follow him just as he has done with the Father: “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.” Rev 3:21

The orthodox Christian thinks that we will overcome (or achieve salvation) merely by letting Jesus in our hearts (whatever that is). This is not the way Jesus overcame and thus it will not be the way we will overcome. Jesus “learned obedience by the things which he suffered” and we must do the same and manifest the works of God just as he did.

We have pointed out that many men have been called saviors, but each savior has had a different mission. Jesus’ mission was to redeem us from the guilt we always incur when we try and obey numerous black and white laws to perfection. He saved us from the guilt of sin by putting emphasis on baptism for “the remission of sins”; thus releasing us from guilt. He did this by being baptized himself “to fulfill all righteousness” and then commanding his disciples to baptize believers in all nations.

The teaching that Jesus suffered for our sins has been greatly distorted. Many Christians seem to like to entertain the idea that Jesus endured the pain of every sin that every Christian has repented of all lumped together in one big pain at the cross.

This is nonsense and also impossible.

The pain that comes from sin is guilt. To feel guilty one has to believe he has gone contrary to the will of God. Jesus was always in harmony with the will of God so how could he feel any guilt, or pain in this connection???

Therefore, Jesus could not have suffered for our sins in the way the fundamentalist believes, or he would have had to have felt guilty. Furthermore, who in their right mind would want to heap on the head of a good man like Jesus the combined pain of millions, perhaps billions, of persons? I would just as soon suffer for my own mistakes as to let an innocent man pay for them. It is cruel to think otherwise. Those who nailed the Christ to the cross probably liked the thought of him suffering in place of others, but anyone with any sensitivity would abhor it.

How then did Jesus suffer for our sins? The answer is quite simple. In order to institute the ordinance of baptism and the church he had to teach his gospel of peace to those who resisted him and eventually killed him. His death and suffering was the price he had to pay in order to get his teachings of the forgiveness of sins established on the earth. In this way he suffered for our sins, but he did not feel the pain of our individual sins and guilt for he knew no guilt.

Other saviors will arise in the future that will deliver us from other things besides the guilt of sin. Jesus was called “a saviour” (Luke 2:11) by the angel instead of “the savior” because he was one of numerous world saviors that are foreordained to come to the earth. We do not overlook the fact that his mission was the greatest of any in history and that he is the Master of all true disciples. Nevertheless, he wants us to be like him and to manifest God as much or more than he did.

Because the mission of Jesus was different from you or I does not mean that he is to be God any more than you or I can be. Each person, or member of the kingdom of God has a different mission and will manifest the Spirit of God within him in different ways and in different degrees.

QUESTION: Wasn’t Jesus called the “Only Begotten of God?” Doesn’t that make him a God or Son of God in a way that we can never be?

At first glance it would seem that way for “only begotten” comes from the Greek MONOGENES and literally means “only born” or “only begotten.” We tend to easily forget that the scriptures call Christ not one man, but a body, with not one member, but many (ICor 12:11-14). Thus we also become the only begotten Son of God when we partake of the One Spirit and join the body of Christ.

On the other hand, in the days of Jesus the Greek MONOGENES was not always used literally just as many modern English words are not. The word “square” is an example. It ordinarily means a shape, but can also be interpreted as an honest transaction or a weird person.

Among the Greeks in the New Testament days an only begotten son (or MONOGENES) was one that occupied a special place in the father’s heart, or a son with unique characteristics and talents.   Thus, a father may have twelve sons and may call a son who is neither his only son nor his firstborn his only begotten. By this Greek usage then Joseph who was sold into Egypt could have been Jacob’s “only begotten,” even though he was only one of twelve sons.

We have already shown that there are numerous sons of God so there is no way that Jesus could have been the only begotten Son of God, unless his physical conception was unique to himself alone and we do not have enough information from the scriptures to make a judgement.

We thus conclude this section having proven step by step that man qualifies with Jesus to be an “heir of God.” Let what has been written stand as a challenge to the faith of all men. Not to destroy, but to fulfill and build and lead the way toward the kingdom of the God which is within.


Orthodox Christianity seems to be unwilling to even attempt to understand the metaphysical concept of God. The Gurus, prophets, and masters past and present who have taught that man is becoming God, man is God, man is manifesting God, God is in man, Christ is in man, or even that man is to be in control of his destiny have been greatly criticized by black and white Fundamentalist believers.

They seem to think that any such teaching strikes at the heart of the authority of God, that we somehow take the Father of Lights off his throne and make him one of the guys. They seem to get the impression that anyone who believes the God-Man concept wants to make himself a God over the universe and have all others bow down and worship him.

Such distorted conclusions is responsible for much of the fear and separateness the religious people have toward the pioneers of the New Age. They seem to want to believe that we are out to become authoritative Gods and rulers over them so they will have a visible devil to fight.

Such is not the case at all. For one thing the New Age concept of God does not present him as an authority figure, but follows the Biblical view that he is an omnipresent life that permeates all things and his breath is the very life that sustains us.

Remember the wave idea we presented earlier?   We are like drops of water participating in the wave of life that is God and when we unite with all life we become the wave which is God. All Christian thought teaches the omnipresence of God, that He is everywhere, even in us. Therefore when we look within ourselves we find God. The Bible actually commands us to be one with this life within. Therefore why does Orthodox Christian thought condemn the peaceable people of the New Age for looking within, finding God, uniting or being One with him as commanded.

The scriptures command us to have the mind of Christ and Christ “thought it not robbery to be equal with God.”   Therefore, why are we condemned for following the Bible in seeking to be “one” or “equal” with God?

The People of the New Age are the one’s obeying all the injunctions thundered from the pulpits of the world. Orthodox Christians are afraid to abide by the precepts of their own teachings. If they were not they would recognize that God is in man and that the Bible recognizes men as Gods, not once, but over and over.

It will be impossible for Orthodox thought to refute any of the concepts taught here, even from the scriptures they adore for they are verified by them as well as common sense, and the Spirit of God that is within.

The word “God” is generally translated from the Hebrew word ELOHIYM which is the plural form of ELOWAHH.   In fact the plural form for ELOWAHH (ELOHIYM) is used consistently through the first half of the Old Testament. The singular ELOWAHH is not used until II Chronicles 32:15. Therefore, throughout the first half of the Old Testament this word (if literally translated) is more correctly rendered in the plural: Gods.

ELOHIYM is thought to be derived from the Hebrew EL or AL which literally means “strong, powerful, or mighty.” EL is sometimes translated as God (when the text seems to be referring to Deity) and other times rendered literally as ‘strong, powerful, or mighty”, or other similar words. Other scholars think that ELOHIYM is derived from the same source as the Moslem God ALLAH which means “to covenant.” Either derivation is a fitting possibility. God is certainly mighty and strong and he is also a God of covenants.

The first verse in the Bible reads: “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” Gen 1:1

The word “God” here as in most cases comes from the plural ELOHIYM.   Paradoxically it is used with a singular verb so the first verse more literally reads: “In the beginning the Gods creates the heaven and the earth.”

The translators here were faced with a dilemma because the literal translation produces incorrect grammar. If we translate ELOHIYM as “Gods” then it should read” “Gods create…” instead of “Gods creates…” Translators, on the other hand, felt that they couldn’t render the word “God” in the plural so they changed “Gods” to “God.” The verbs in the Hebrew are written in the present tense. Translators usually change the verb to the tense that seems to fit the text. Therefore “creates” was changed to “created.”

The one all important question that translators and Bible scholars have not asked and seem unwilling to investigate is: What is the reason for this apparently bad grammar? Is it possible that Moses knew what he was doing when he wrote the first sentence?


If we examine a key word RESHIYTH which has been translated as “In the beginning” we can come up with a translation which is grammatically correct. RESHIYTH comes from ROSH (as we mentioned earlier) which means “the head.” RESHIYTH itself was translated as “chief” in Amos 6:1&6 If we use this meaning for RESHIYTH we can translate the first verse literally yet still have correct grammar: “The head of the Gods creates the heaven and the earth.”

Here “head” becomes the singular subject so it would keep a singular verb. Normally a plural word will take a plural verb. Nevertheless, there are words in the English that imply more than one, but take a singular verb. Among these are: council, government, body, administration, and others. These words imply that there are numerous entities working together as one. God could be a word like this as we shall see.

The scriptures plainly manifest that it was a mistake to imply that ELOHIYM is a God who is a single entity instead of Gods many for the ELOHIYM said: “Let US make man in OUR image, after OUR likeness…” Gen 1:26

“And the Lord God said, behold, the man is to become as one of US, to know good and evil.” Gen 3:22

Isaiah said: “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for US…” Isa 6:8

In Ecclesiates 12:1 in the King James and most other Bibles the word “creator” is singular. This shows a definite bias for in the Hebrew it reads: “Remember now thy CREATORS in the days of thy youth.”

How can one deny that there are many entities that share the name of God and yet still claim to believe the Bible? One wonders.

We have shown that the English word “God” is not a very accurate word to use for a translation of the ELOHIYM. Even “Gods” does not portray the precise meaning. The most correct description was given by Paul when talking about Christ. If Christ and the ELOHIYM are one as the Christian world believes then a description of Christ is a description of God.

Paul said: “Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it is THE SAME GOD which worketh all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to EVERY MAN to profit withal… (Then Paul names the gifts of the Spirit)…But all these worketh that ONE and selfsame Spirit, DIVIDING to EVERY man severally as he will. FOR AS THE BODY IS ONE, AND HATH MANY MEMBERS, and all the members of that one body (ELOHIYM), BEING MANY, ARE ONE BODY; SO ALSO IS CHRIST (ELOHIYM). For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, bond or free; and have been all made to drink into ONE SPIRIT. For the body (God or Christ) is not one member, but MANY…And if they were all one member, where were (is) the body?…Now ye are the body of Christ (Gods or ELOHIYM), and members in particular.” I Cor 12:4-7, 11-14, 19, & 27.

Jesus was not all the Christ there is for the Christ “is not one member, but MANY.” He was, however, called “the head of the body.” Col 1:18 There are many others of us who are Christed (or annointed) to do the works of God as his arms, legs, hands, and other parts of the body of God for there is only “that ONE and selfsame Spirit DIVIDING to every man…”

If we piece together this information with other Biblical statements about God we get an interesting picture. Jesus clearly said: “God is a Spirit.”   John 4:24 God is quoted as saying: “Do I not fill heaven and earth?” Jer 23:24 We are even told that he is in hell. (Psalms 139:8). On the other hand, when Moses was speaking with Jehovah it is written: “And the Lord spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend.” Ex 33:11 Abraham ate dinner with God, Jacob wrestled with him and defeated him, and Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and the judges in Israel were called Gods.

What does it all men?

The answer is quite simple. God is one universal Spirit that fills all things and this One Spirit has divided (or multiplied depending on perspective) itself to “every man.” When men and women are sensitive to this One Spirit and manifest it they then enter into the Kingdom of God and are called “Gods” or members of the ELOHIYM. In other words, they are members of the body of Christ as Jesus was: “And without controversy great is the mystery of Godliness: God was manifested in the flesh, justified in the Spirit.” I Tim 3:16

If Jesus “manifested” the God that was in him why can’t we? After all, the “word” or Christ which is called an “it” in the Greek “was the true Light, which lighteth EVERY MAN that cometh into the world.” John 1:9 If we manifest that true light of God then we join the body of Christ or the ELOHIYM and technically can be called Gods in the same reference as people in the Bible have been.

When man becomes a God he is not God in the sense that Orthodox Christianity defines the term for they have gone astray of the Biblical presentation. They see New Age people wanting to be Gods according to an orthodox religious definition of him and such is not the case. No wonder they are somewhat alarmed at this idea for their God is a strong authority that is eager to zap everyone who opposes him.

Jesus set the correct example of the use of the powers of God. A certain city refused entrance to Jesus and his disciples, especially James and John were somewhat irritated and said to their Master: “Lord, wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven, and consume them, even as Elias did? But he turned, and rebuked them, and said, Ye know not what manner of Spirit ye are of. For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them. And they went to another village.” Luke 9:54-56

Many Christians do not realize what manner of Spirit they are for in their prayers many of them are praying for the day of fire when (as they think) the peace loving people who seek the God within will be destroyed. If they really want to follow Jesus they should seek to save rather than destroy those with differing beliefs.

On the other hand, everyone with a New Age consciousness is not perfect and a lot of them would like to see fundamentalists believers destroyed by earth changes or whatever means necessary. We must all remember: The Christ comes not to destroy, but to save.

Viewing God as one universal Spirit that has divided (or multiplied) itself into a body of “many members” throughout the universe explains many of the contradictory scriptures on God. The word “God” is used in a dual manner. By the first way of looking at it there is only one universal God that is omnipresent. In definition two, any being in the universe who is one with God and manifests the will of the One Universal Spirit is also God because we are seeing the One Great Life in action.

As we go through the Bible we can see that either God One or God Two will always be applicable. When God says he fills heaven and earth we are hearing God One. When he says that he is a Spirit which no man has ever seen we again have God One. On the other hand, when Abraham ate with God, Jacob wrestled with him and Moses spoke to him face to face we are seeing a reference to God Two. God Two is a very advanced man who has manifested God. Moses, Jesus and the judges in Israel also represented God Two. God One is God the unseen. God Two is God the seen.

Viewing God as a body with many members harmonizes the apparently contradictory scriptures and synthesizes God One and God Two into One God. His Spirit is one life that fills the universe and thus as a body he is one and there is no other beside him, but his body of manifestation has many members and these members are definitely more than one. As members of the body of God they do not fill heaven and earth, and have not created everything there is. Nevertheless, “He that is joined unto the Lord IS ONE SPIRIT.” I Cor 6:17 So in a sense then we can fill heaven and earth because all those who join with God (all the millions of them) “is ONE Spirit” and this One Spirit fills heaven and earth.

Joseph Smith said it very well: “The elements are the tabernacle of God; yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even temples.” D&C 93:35

This concept is really quite simple to explain by looking at the functioning of our own bodies. The hand does not fill the whole body, but occupies a small volume of it, yet it partakes of the life force and blood supply which does fill the body. There is a constant circulation of this Spirit through the hand and the partaking of nourishment from the blood by the hand causes action that affects the well-being of the entire body.

The mouth is another member and may speak and use the personal pronoun “I,” but it is not referring to itself alone, but the body as a whole which includes not only the mouth, but also the head and extends even to the hands and feet.

In the same way men, both mortal and immortal, have referred to themselves as God but they have occupied only a small part of the body of God. Nonetheless, they have partaken of and manifested that “ONE SPIRIT” that circulates through the entire body of God and fills all things. Thus they have access to all knowledge and all power and can say with Jesus: “All power is given unto me in heaven and on earth.” Matt 28:18

The arm is a small portion of the body, but if the body decides it needs to lift a heavy object then all the power and force of the body cooperates with it. If we say with Jesus: “Not my will but Thine be done” we then join in the body of God and all the power of God in heaven and earth is behind us in carrying out the will of God, or the body of which we are a member.

We can thus sum up the concept of God as follows: The Spirit in man is one Spirit, but divides itself into many members and billions of cells and none of them could have life without the One Spirit in man. God is also One Spirit whose body is the universe and has divided itself into billions of members who share his consciousness.

The drop of water in the wave idea, as mentioned earlier, is another good way of looking at the whole concept of God.

In the Hebrew God uses four basic titles in referring to himself. The most popular is ELOHIYM. This is simply translated as God in most Bibles, but, as we have said, it actually refers to one great universal Spirit whose body is the universe, or to any member of that body who is manifesting that One Spirit. A member of the ELOHIYM many use the pronoun “we” or “us” in referring to himself and other members. For example: “The man is become as one of US…” Gen 3:22 When referring to the ELOHIYM as a whole and speaking on its behalf the speaker may say: “I

The second title for God is EL or AL. This Hebrew word sometimes refers to a member of the ELOHIYM, sometimes to a strong mortal man and sometimes used as an adjective translated as “mighty” or “strong.” It is fitting to call a member of the ELOHIYM “EL” because all of them are mighty and strong in fulfilling the will of God. When a pronoun is used with EL it is always the singular “I” for it is referring to an individual member of the ELOHIYM.

The word ELOHIYM is thought to be derived from the two words. The first is EL which means “mighty” or “strong.” Some scholars believe the second half comes from ALLAH which is not a Hebrew word which means “to covenant.”   Thus a possible meaning for this word could be “strong covenant.” This is a good possibility since the God of the Old Testament was a God of covenants.

A third common title for God is SHADDAY ELOHIYM which is usually translated as “Almighty God” or “God Almighty.” In the mentioning of this name God indicates that he is indeed a “becoming” or evolving God, as we mentioned earlier, for as the consciousness of men evolves so does the name of God: “And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them.” Ex 6:3

The translation of SHADDAY into Almighty is not that accurate. Translators have rendered it such because it is the most complementary translation that scholarship could allow and most believers are prone to complement God whenever possible. The word more literally means “Devastator” or “Destroyer.” The meaning “Almighty” is only implied in the fact that SHADDAY tells us that the ELOHIYM has complete power to destroy all that stands in their way. After all God did destroy the world with a flood, Sodom and Gomorrah, the Pharaoh and his armies, and the Canaanites. The destruction that comes from God always paves the way for the spiritual progress of mankind.

The fourth and last common Hebrew title for God is YeHOVAH. This is often used alone, but frequently used with ELOHIYM. YeHOVAH is translated either as Jehovah or as Lord.   When it is translated as Lord in the Old Testament capital letters are always used. When Lower case letter are used as in Lord then the translation was derived from another Hebrew word. When Jehovah is used with ELOHIYM then it is translated as Lord God.

When Moses asked the name of God he was told: “I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, the Lord God (YeHAVAH ELOHIYM) of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever (Hebrew: ‘as far as you can see ahead’), and this is my memorial unto all generations.” Ex 3:14-15

Before this age God revealed himself as SHADDAY ELOHIYM, but now he said he wanted to be called YeHOVAH ELOHIYM. In declaring this name change he used the root meaning of Jehovah for Jehovah is derived from HAYAH which was here translated as “I AM.” In other words, he revealed to Moses the essence of his being which is “I AM THAT I AM” which is (as previously mentioned) more correctly rendered “I AM BECOMING THAT WHICH I DECIDE TO BECOME.”

We could add a fifth name here which was presented in the New Testament which we have also proven to be the name of God the Father and that is Christ.   This name means “anointed.” Jesus was the chief representative of the Christ and the name of Jesus Christ means “anointed to deliver.”

We can see that the true nature of God is HAVAH which is “becoming” or “evolving.” We can thus trace the evolution of God in the consciousness of man by his names.

The oldest form of God is probably EL which means “mighty” or “strong.” Then we have ELOHIYM which means “strong covenant.”   Next we have SHADDAY ELOHIYM which could mean “Mighty Destroyer.”   Then God tells us he is Jehovah which is “eternal” or “self existent.” He often calls himself Jehovah Elohiym which implies the meaning: “a member of the body of God who is becoming what he wants to become.”   Finally we have Jesus Christ who is “anointed to deliver.”

They key thought behind all of this is that the name of God is always connected with that which is the highest reality in the mind of man.   Because of this, God is not through giving us new names for in the New Age he will be known by yet another name (See Rev 3:12) and his disciples will also have a new name (See Isa 62:2)

The religions of the world are very mistaken in thinking that God is perfect and when God makes a creation that it will and must remain in its original state of perfection (at least in the worlds of form). God is “I AM BECOMING” or evolving and even his name changes periodically. The only name he can give us that will always be true is that “I am becoming that which I decide to become.” Our best choice is to move along with that decision for he must evolve through his creations, entities such as you and I.

We are told that God “fills heaven and earth” and that “in him we live and move and have our being,” but have we ever stopped to consider that all things that are filled with the Spirit of God are in a state of “becoming”, evolution, or change? The whole universe is in a state of becoming what it is becoming, as well as man, and even the tiny atoms. Everything, even God is in a state of flux for without change and new experience life would not be worth living, even for God.

Has anyone ever stopped to consider why God created all there is? If he has no need for change and is perfect the way the religions teach then why did he create a universe for himself to embody which changes daily???

Men say that God has no needs because he is perfect. Where do they get that idea? Certainly not from the Bible. Why did God create us if he does not need us? If he does need us then why does he need us?

“God created us to worship him,” says the believer. But common sense tells us the answer has to be much deeper than that. The believer thinks that God is higher than man as man is higher than the slugs. What man is there among us who would like to spend all eternity being surrounded and praised by millions of slugs? Similarly, God has to be more intelligent than the man who wants to be praised by slugs. Surely he wants more out of man and other creatures than a praise to sooth his ego.

If God fills the universe then we are like cells in his body. What do we want from the cells in our body? Do we want them to praise us fearfully because we create, feed, and nourish them? No! We want our cells to become healthy and happy and cooperate with us in the vitality of the whole body so we can become who and what we want to become. Without the cooperation of the cells we have no power of “becoming.” The power of becoming is the power of God and the One Universal Spirit, the God that fills all things needs us to achieve salvation so we can add to the quality of his life just as healthy cells add to the quality of a human being’s life. Thus the purpose of God, man, and all life forms are one: To follow the process of becoming so the God who fills all things can become and experience all there is. Thus he knows all things there is to know and there is nothing new for him to know unless he “becomes” and creates “all things new” (Rev 21:5). Then God and his creations have new circumstances, new forms, and new worlds to conquer.

God said: “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the days of old. Behold, I will do a NEW thing; now it shall spring forth…” Isa 43:18-19

God continually makes “new covenants” and says: “I create NEW heavens and a NEW earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come to mind.” Isa 65:17 He creates the city of the New Jerusalem and commands us to sing a “new song.”

Men say that God knows everything there is and has no new challenges facing him, that he has everything all figured out. They think that all he wants us for is to teach us a lesson so we will always praise him and he probably doesn’t even need that. But put yourself in the position of the God that man has created. If you were in a situation where there was nothing new to learn or experience what would there be left for you to live for? Nothing. If a life form were to ever reach that state it would undoubtedly self destruct. In fact the main motive for suicide is that the person has nothing new to look forward to and a suicide can often be prevented by giving the person even a small thing to look forward to.

Alas. The Religious world worships a God who has no reason to live.


On the contrary, God tells us that he continually makes “ALL THINGS NEW!” When new things are made that creates new experiences to enjoy and both men and God are that they might have joy. When there are new experiences on the horizon then there is new knowledge to be gained and life is in a state of becoming, or evolving, and is then worth living. This state of rejuvenation through newness is necessary for all life, even God.

Each man and woman live through a life experience that is unique to themselves. Because man is “the temple of God” (I Cor 3:16) and his Spirit dwells in us, then God shares our life experience. It is our duty then to experience our full potential of livingness for this only enhances the “becoming” of God. He is indeed the beginning and the end of all things. Keep in mind that the end is always different, or changed, from the beginning. Thus when God calls himself the beginning and the end he is restating his affirmation to Moses that he is “becoming” or that he is in a constant state of change. We could say that God is change. Without change there would be no God and no life. There would indeed be nothing.

The scriptures that speak of the unchangeableness of God deal with God’s covenants and promises toward man. It is merely a way of stating that we can depend on God to deal with man by creating “becoming” or change the way he said he would. God can be depended upon to fulfill his will, but that will ALWAYS involves change. The underlying purpose of God is to “make all things NEW.” Rev 21:5

Let us go with the flow and discover the kingdom of God within wherein we feel the Spirit of the One Great Life gently speak to us: “Go forth and explore, experience, teach, and then serve by pulling your brethren up to where you are. And when you are done do it again, but this time in a new time and place and circumstance, and in so doing let your soul feel a greater joy than it has ever felt before.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Examining Blavatsky’s Supernatural Abilities

Dec 30, 2016
Examining Blavatsky’s Supernatural Abilities

The following is based on a dialog I had with a Blavatsky skeptic.

Concerning HPB I agree part way with your criticisms, but remain open to all. For instance, I think she was an amateur magician and did use some trickery at times, but then there were some instances where she did appear to use supernormal abilities. Here is just one from the book “Madam Blavatsky Revisited”:

“No teetotaler at this time, H.P.B. daily joined her Russian compatriots for drinks. One day she mischievously broke the glass of “Mr. N” as he tried to take a sip of wine. Others at the table immediately suspected Madame of this prank, but her victim sputtered:

“You do not mean to infer that it is you who broke my wine glass … It (was) simply an accident … The glass (was) very thin; it was perhaps cracked, and I squeezed it too strongly.”

“He then challenged her to duplicate the feat. She accepted. H.P.B’s fellow Russian emigres would recognize her an authentic magician if she succeeded. Failure would make her the laughingstock of the consulate. Mr. N. explained what happened next.

“I half-filled the tumbler with wine and prepared to drink it. But no sooner had (it) touched my lips than I felt it shatter between my fingers, and my hand bled, wounded by a broken piece (of glass.)”

This is difficult to explain with trickery. For instance, she had no way of knowing the guy would ask for a repetition of the event and do they even make a wine glass to this day that would explode when touching the lips?

To this the skeptic replied that HPB worked closely with John Keely who was a very famous specialist in Vibratory Physics and had technology that could shatter granite or quartz. He thought maybe she was using some device he conjured up.

I replied as follows: I have five biographies of HPB and Keely is not mentioned once. She referenced him a couple times in her writings, but can’t find any evidence of a close relationship. Keely suffers from the same fate as HPB in that his miraculous quartz to dust machine is accused of being fraudulent since no one could duplicate it. Blavatsky said it was because of his own occult powers that he was able to accomplish the feats he did and successfully predicted he would not have commercial success because others could not duplicate his demonstrations.

Here is another interesting account giving evidence of some of HPB’s supernatural claims. In this case she produced many quotes from books that she did not have available and the claim is that she was able to see them in her mind as projected to her from the Masters.

“HPB always wrote the editorial [for Lucifer] herself, and also many other articles under more than one nom de plume, and she had a fancy for very often heading it with some quotation, and it used to be one of my troubles that she very seldom gave any reference for these, so that I had much work, and even visits to the British Museum Reading Room, in order to verify and check them, even when I did manage, with much entreaty, and after being most heartily “cussed,” to extract some reference from her.
“One day she handed me as usual the copy of her contribution, a story for the next issue, headed with a couple of four-line stanzas. I went and plagued her for a reference and would not be satisfied without one. She took the MS and when I came back for it, I found she had just written the name “Alfred Tennyson” under the verses. Seeing this, I was at a loss, for I knew my Tennyson pretty well and was certain that I had never read these lines in any poem of his, nor were they at all in his style. I hunted up my Tennyson, could not find them, consulted every one I could get at—also in vain. Then back I went to HPB and told her all this and said that I was sure these lines could not be Tennyson’s, and I dared not print them with his name attached, unless I could give an exact reference. HPB just damned me and told me to get out and go to Hell. It happened that the Lucifer copy must go to the printers that same day. So I just told her that I should strike out Tennyson’s name when I went, unless she gave me a reference before I started. Just on starting I went to her again, and she handed me a scrap of paper on which were written the words: The Gem—1831. “Well, HPB,” I said, “this is worse than ever, for I am dead certain that Tennyson has never written any poem called “The Gem.” All HPB said was just, “Get out and be off.” So I went to the British Museum Reading Room and consulted the folk there; but they could give me no help, and they one and all agreed that the verses could not be, and were not, Tennyson’s. As a last resort, I asked to see Mr. Richard Garnett, the famous Head of the Reading Room in those days, and was taken to him. I explained to him the situation and he also agreed in feeling sure the verses were not Tennyson’s. But after thinking quite a while, he asked me if I had consulted the Catalogue of Periodical Publications. I said no, and asked where that came in. “Well,” said Mr. Garnett, “I have a dim recollection that there was once a brief-lived magazine called the Gem. It might be worth your looking it up.” I did so, and in the volume for the year given in HPB’s note, I found a poem of a few stanzas signed “Alfred Tennyson” and containing the two stanzas quoted by HPB verbatim as she had written them down. And anyone can now read them in the second volume of Lucifer*: but I have never found them even in the supposedly most complete and perfect edition of Tennyson’s works.”

To this he said that HPB and Olcott and others admitted that these stunts were frauds.

I pressed him for a reference but he did not supply anything specific to my question. I replied:

I wouldn’t call an occurrence in private with a single assistant a stunt. HPB probably had no idea the incident would wind up in a book. Yes, it is possible that she or someone else could have retrieved obscure quotes, but she had so many more quotes than she had reference materials that it gives some credibility to her claimed telepathic communication.

It is also possible that we did not go to the moon, but highly improbable.

Here is one more example of what would seem to be supernatural a abilities:
“‘Belle’ Olcott Mitchell became one of H.P.B.’s best friends in America. Because she liked jewelry, Madame performed several phenomena involving rings, earrings, and brooches. Once she gave Belle a plain gold band and closed her fingers over it. When she opened her hand again, the ring contained three small diamonds. One day H.P.B. told Belle to open a drawer. The contents looked like Solomon’s treasure. Belle fondled and admired gold lockets, unset gemstones, rings, bracelets, and pendants. After she returned these articles, H.P.B. closed the drawer and instructed her to open it again. When she did so it was empty. Around February, 1878 Belle spied what looked like a pearl necklace in Madame’s bedroom. H.P.B. gave her this item, but warned her not to let anyone else wear it. Forgetting this admonition a few weeks later, Belle let her baby son play with the necklace, while she went downstairs to attend a seance. During that session, an Indian’s astral double warned her to check on the child. She ran upstairs and found the necklace hot and half-melted around her little boy’s neck.”
From Madame Blavatsky Revisited

The drawer changing could be a magician’s trick, but the melting necklace because of neglecting the warning does seem strange indeed.

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The Gods of the Bible, Part 7

This entry is part 07 of 10 in the series Gods

The Gods of the Bible, Part 7


Some may shout blasphemy, but other men in the Bible are called Gods more specifically than was Jesus. In fact, nowhere in the Bible is the statement written: “Jesus is God.” It does tell us quite clearly that he was a Son of God and that he was Christ, but it is not specified that he is a God or God.

It does say that he “thought it not robbery to equal with God.” Phil 2:6. He is also called an “heir of God.” Then when he stated that he and his Father were one the Jews accused him of making himself God and tried to stone him. But all of these things attributed to Jesus are also mentioned of man in the Bible.

We are told that “the Word was God”, but, as previously pointed out, the Greek indicates the Word is an “it” rather than “he.” It is true that “the Word was made flesh” in Jesus because he manifested the Spirit of God within him, but it (the Word) is also made flesh in others who manifested God: “And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.” John 1:16

One of the most notable persons in the scriptures to manifest Godliness was Jacob, a prototype for all men. The name comes from the Hebrew YAAQOB which means “heel catcher, supplanter, or one who restrains.” This represents the carnal man who supplants and restrains God who is within all of us.

As Jacob was awaiting the arrival of his brother Esau the scripture records: “And Jacob was left alone; and there wrestled A MAN with him until the breaking of the day. And when he saw that he prevailed not against him, he touched the hollow of his thigh; and the hollow of Jacob’s thigh was out of joint, as he wrestled with him. And he said, Let me go, for the day breaketh. And he (Jacob) said, I will not let thee go, except thou bless me. And he said unto him, What is thy name? And he said, Jacob. And he said, Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou power with God and with men, and hast prevailed. And Jacob asked him and said, Tell me, I pray thee, thy name. And he said, Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name? And he blessed him there. And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel (means “the face of God”): for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved.” Gen 32:24-30.

Here Jacob stated that he wrestled “a man” and prevailed against him. Concerning this person a few verses later he said: “I have seen God face to face.” This is a clear instance of the Bible calling a man “God.” How can one deny it and claim to read the black and white print of the scriptures?

Jacob’s name change to Israel is interesting to examine. The first part of the word is derived from the prime root SARAH which literally means “to prevail” or “to have power.”   The second half of the word is EL, the first part of the word ELOHIYM. ELOHIYM is the most popular Hebrew word that is translated as “God.” This is the word used when the Bible says: “In the beginning God (ELOHIYM) created the heaven and the earth.” It is also the word used by Jacob when he says: I have seen God face to face.” EL is the second most popular word for God in the Hebrew. Most scholars believe that ELOHIYM is derived from it.

The word Israel then literally means “to have power or to prevail as God.” Even the context of the scripture tells us that this meaning is correct: The messenger visiting Jacob (God) said: “Thy name shall be called no more Jacob, but Israel: for as a prince hast thou POWER WITH GOD AND WITH MEN, AND HAST PREVAILED.” Gen 32:28

Hosea repeats this. Concerning Jacob he said: “He had power with God.” Hosea 12:3 The word “power” is again from SARAH so this scripture is literally translated: “He prevailed with God.”

A true Israelite, then, is one who leaves behind the carnal Jacob and follows the invisible Spirit of God within until he manifests God and prevails as God even to the extent that he would wrestle and obtain a blessing from one who may appear to him as God. In reality then an Israelite is a man who has become equal with God and thus prevails with the Gods.

The only way that one can prevail among men is to become human. Correspondingly, the only way one can prevail among the Gods is to be a God. How can less than a God prevail against a God? Obviously, Jacob was one of those mentioned in the scriptures when it states: “YE ARE GODS.” Psalms 82:6 & John 10:34

There are others in the scriptures who are specifically called Gods or potential Gods and have had power, or prevailed, among them. The first was Adam.

We are clearly told in the scriptures that Adam “was the Son of God.” Luke 3:38 This is as bold of a declaration of sonship as was ever attributed to Jesus.

After Adam and Eve partook of the forbidden fruit one of the Gods said: “Behold, the man is to become AS ONE OF US, to know good and evil.” Gen 3:22

As we explained earlier this ability gained by men to discern the difference between good and evil is the key to the manifestation of the power of God in man on the earth. After humans tasted good and evil the Masters, or Gods, realized that there would soon appear among the race of men those who would be one with the Father of Lights and would soon gain entrance into the Kingdom of the Gods, or the Kingdom of God.

Another who was called God and prevailed as God was Abraham. The children of Heth were so impressed with him that they called him a “mighty prince” according to the King James and many other Bibles. (See Gen 23:6) This, however, is a mistranslation. “Prince” comes from the Hebrew NASIY which literally means “exalted one” and “mighty” comes from ELOHIYM, the common word for God. A more correct translation would then tell us that Abraham was “a God who is exalted” or “exalted God.”

It is only fitting that Abraham be called a God for he mingled with Gods as men do with each other. He also questioned the action of the man-God called Jehovah. The story is told in Genesis:

“And the Lord (Jehovah) appeared unto him (Abraham) in the plains of Mamre: and he sat in the tent door in the heat of the day; and he lift up his eyes and looked, and lo, THREE MEN STOOD BY HIM: and when he saw them, he ran to meet them from the tent door, and bowed himself toward the ground.” Gen 18:1-2

The word “Lord” here comes from the Hebrew YeHOVAH which is literally translated into the English “Jehovah.”   In the King James version where “LORD” is all capital letters the original Hebrew is always YeHOVAH.

Thus we see that the man-God Jehovah appeared with two other men (who were later called angels in Gen 19:1) and conversed with Abraham. The fact that Abraham “bowed himself toward the ground” and petitioned Jehovah shows us that they both acknowledged his godhood for the scripture tells us that a mere angel does not allow himself to be worshipped. (See Revelations 19:10 where the angel does not allow John to bow down to him.)

When Jehovah and his two angels visited Abraham he had Sarah prepare them a feast “and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat.” Gen 18:8 Jehovah-God and his two angels were man-like enough to eat some bread, butter, milk, and cakes.

After dinner Jehovah and his angels told Sarah that she would have a child even though she was very old. The two angels then departed to Sodom “And the LORD (Jehovah) said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do?” Verse 17

Jehovah then told Abraham that he was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham was somewhat shocked and tried to talk him out of it. He was especially concerned since his nephew Lot lived in Sodom. He asked Jehovah if he would destroy Sodom if fifty righteous people could be found there. Jehovah agreed that he would not. Then Abraham talked God into reducing the number to forty-five, then forty, thirty, twenty, and finally ten. Some fundamentalists believe that Abraham was dealing with a mere angel here but the scripture says that during the whole conversation “Abraham stood yet before the LORD (Jehovah).” Verse 22

After the conversation we are told that “the LORD (Jehovah) went his way” and shortly thereafter the “two angels” arrived in Sodom. Gen 18:33;19:1

Adam and Eve were also visited by the man-God Jehovah: “And they heard the voice of the LORD (Jehovah) God WALKING in the garden in the cool of the day.” Gen 3:8

In another instance it is written: “And the LORD (Jehovah) spake unto Moses face to face, AS A MAN speaketh unto his friend.” Ex 33:11

Is it not obvious that Jehovah is a man who is also a God (at least from the Biblical point of view)? The scriptures clearly tell us that he walks, talks, eats, makes judgements that can be influenced by others, and is often called a man in the scriptures. This is only fitting since man is called “the temple of God” with the Spirit of God in him. I Cor 3:16 Jehovah is obviously a man who has manifested the “One Spirit” of God.

Moses is one of the best examples of a man who has prevailed as God and was also called a god. To Moses Jehovah said: “And he (Aaron) shall be thy spokesman unto the people: and he shall be even he shall be to thee instead of a mouth, and thou shalt be to him instead of God.” Ex 4:16

Most translators of the Bible are hesitant to word this verse correctly for it sounds strange to them. The words “instead of” are not in the Hebrew. In the original language it literally reads: “Thou (Moses) shalt be to him a God.” Some versions such as the Revised Standard and New English now word this correctly.

Jehovah also said to Moses: “I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thy prophet.” Ex 7:1

We see that Jehovah clearly calls Moses a god (ELOHIYM) to Aaron and Pharaoh. It would also be accurate to say that he was a god to all the children of Israel.

Moses was a true Israelite in the fact that he did prevail and have power with the God Jehovah. He is the only person in the Bible who actually called Jehovah to repentance.

When Jehovah found out that the children of Israel were making a golden calf and giving it the credit for delivering them out of Egypt he was very angry and said unto Moses: “Now therefore let me alone, that my wrath may wax hot against them, and that I may consume them: and I will make of thee a great nation.” Ex 32:10

Jehovah had promised that the descendents of Israel would become a great nation. Now they had betrayed him he decided he wanted to destroy them all but Moses and fulfill his promise through him. This gave Moses some leverage in petitioning for his people for if Moses did not cooperate and Jehovah destroyed all of Israel but him then there would be no one to fulfill his promise through. Since Jehovah must fulfill his promises then he would need Moses.

Moses thought it would be ridiculous for Jehovah to destroy all of the people he had put so much effort into delivering and told God that the Egyptians would make fun of him for taking the Israelites into the middle of the wilderness just to destroy them. Then he told Jehovah: “Turn from thy fierce wrath, and repent of this evil against thy people.” Then Moses reminded Jehovah of the promises he had to fulfill through them. Later he even laid his own soul on the line: “Yet now, if thou wilt, forgive their sin-; and if not, BLOT ME, I pray thee, OUT OF THE BOOK WHICH THOU HAST WRITTEN.” Ex 32:32

Jehovah listened to Moses as one equal would listen to another and considered his words and CHANGED HIS MIND. The scripture says: “And the LORD REPENTED of the evil which he thought to do unto his people. Ex 32:14

Jehovah then came up with an alternative plan that would satisfy Moses and at the same time fulfill his purpose.

Just as Jacob wrestled with a God at Peniel and prevailed so did Moses mentally wrestle with Jehovah on Mount Sinai and prevailed against him to the extent that he “repented.” Jehovah commanded Moses to “let me alone”, but Moses ignored him and argued for his people, yet it was not accounted a sin because Moses was manifesting the same Spirit of the One God as was Jehovah and because they both listened to that One Spirit they reached agreement. Jehovah was always in command and gave the orders, but it was accounted righteousness for Moses to question blind obedience to a decree that did not make sense to him.

Not only was Moses called a god, but the men appointed to judge the people were called gods also. Translators have tried to cover this up by mistranslating the word ELOHIYM: “Then his master shall bring him unto the judges…” Ex 21:6 The word “judges” comes from ELOHIYM which should be rendered “gods.”

This mistranslation as any good concordance will reveal occurs three times in the next chapter: “If the thief be not found, then the master of the house shall be brought unto the judges (ELOHIYM – gods), to see whether he have put his hand unto his neighbor’s goods. For all manner of trespass, whether it be of ox for ass, for sheep, for rainment, or for any manner of lost thing, which another challengeth to be his, the cause of both parties shall come before the judges (gods); and the judges (gods) shall condemn, he shall pay double unto his neighbor.” Ex 22:8-9

ELOHIYM is translated correctly in the King James in verse 28: “Thou shalt not revile the gods, nor curse the ruler of the people.”

It is interesting that the men who judged good and evil in Israel were called gods, but it only makes sense when we realize that the key to godhood is the ability to judge or “know” good and evil. After all the gods said: “Behold, the man is become AS ONE OF US, to know good and evil.” Gen 3:22

David was probably referring to the god-judges in Israel when he said: “God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth AMONG THE GODS (ELOHIYM)” Psalms 82:1 The word “mighty” is from EL which is usually translated as “God” singular so the verse should read: “God standeth in the congregation of God and judges among the gods.”

The Psalms then relates how the men-gods should judge correctly and then says: “Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” Psalms 82:6 Jesus quoted this scripture to the Jews who accused him of making himself to be God and then added: “If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken…” why do you complain because I say I am a Son of God? John 10:35

In this scripture Jesus related two important truths. The Psalm called those who received the word of God – gods. Second, “the scripture cannot be broken.” In other words, it stands exactly as written. In fact he used this scripture to prove his mission to the Jews.

In considering man David said: “What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him? For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honor.” Psalms 8:4-5

Again, in the King James and other versions, the word ELOHIYM is mistranslated. In this case it is incorrectly rendered “angels.” It should read: “For thou hast made him a little lower than the gods.”

The scriptures clearly tell us that man was made a little lower than the gods, but will become as the gods when he learns to discern between good and evil.

It is only logical that Moses should become as Jehovah, or you and I like Jesus for it is written: “The disciple is not above his master: but everyone that is perfect SHALL BE AS HIS MASTER.” Luke 6:40 If Jesus Christ is our master and he is God then we shall be as he is. “The scripture cannot be broken.”

Jesus said: “To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.” Rev 3:21

If we overcome and sit down in a throne as Jesus did then it only follows that we will be a god as he is.

In John’s vision those who followed Christ sang: “And (Christ) hast made us to our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth.” Rev 5:10

In the scriptures Jehovah is called the “God of gods, and Lord of lords, a mighty, and a great God.” Deut 10:17 & Josh 22:22 In addition Christ is called “the King of kings and Lord of lords.” Rev 19:16 & 17:14

Christ is the King of real kings as we have just quoted (Rev 5:10) and the Lord of real lords. Obviously, Jehovah is a God of real gods. Surely God would not exalt himself in the claim that he is a god of false gods! This is how most Bible believers interpret this scripture, but if one thinks twice about it he will see that such interpretation is an insult to God. From the evidence we have presented here we see that many beside Jehovah are called gods, and “the God of the whole earth,” is a God of these gods who are in the form of men.

We thus reach an irrefutable Biblical conclusion that many men besides Jesus have been called gods and the promise of godhood is available to all. This is not a godhood where one person will be raised up to be worshipped by all. This is the false God concept of Antichrist. Instead it is a godhood where ordinary mortals, as you and I, realize our oneness with the one God and join in consciousness with that oneness. When an individual becomes one with God he then joins Jesus and other saviors as a part which has merged with the whole.



What process did Jesus use to overcome death and how will man overcome it? Will ordinary men and women use a different method of putting on immortality than Jesus did? How many will be raised from the dead – all or just a few?

Peter wrote that God “is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that ALL should come to repentance.” II Peter 3:9

It is also written: “For with God nothing shall be impossible.” Luke 1:37

It is amazing how many people claim to believe the Bible but continue to think that there are many things that are impossible with God. The only things that may be impossible to Him are those that are contrary to His will. If God is omnipotent then surely he has power to fulfill his own will.

And what is that will???

Peter said that his will is that none should perish “but that ALL should come to repentance.”

Why do Fundamentalists believe in the omnipotence of God yet do not believe that he can fulfill his will in this matter? They see God as sitting there in heaven shedding tear after tear because his will is being broken. On the contrary, if God is omnipotent then his will is never broken and in the end none shall perish.

The scriptures verify that in reference to the scripture in Peter the will of God will be fulfilled: “And that EVERY tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (Master), to the glory of God, the Father.” Phil 2:11

As an alternative interpretation of this it is important to realize the meaning of the name of Jesus Christ which is “anointed to deliver.” He who seeks to deliver his fellow men and women from darkness into light has also taken upon himself the name of Christ and Christ is his master.

But, says one, how can God save all men when many die in such an evil state? The scripture says: “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.” I Cor 15:29

Then the scripture continues: “For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall ALL be made alive.” I Cor 15:22

And again, a few verses later in the same chapter Paul writes: “For this corruptible MUST put on incorruption, and this mortal MUST put on immortality.” I Cor 15:53

Finally, again in the fifteenth chapter, he tells us that Christ “must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” I Cor 15:25-26

What are we to conclude from this? Christ must reign until death no longer has a claim on any man and this enemy “death” is completely destroyed. Then the will of God shall be fulfilled and all men will be saved. After all, God “will have ALL MEN TO BE SAVED, and to come to a knowledge of the truth.” I Tim 2:4

The scriptures verify this. The time will come when the last enemy “death” will be destroyed and all men will join the body of Christ and be saved.

When Jesus overcame death how did he do it?

He accomplished that miracle with the same power that he did all the others. He said: “The Son can do NOTHING OF HIMSELF, but what he seeth the Father do… For as the Father hath life in himself; so hath he given to the Son to have life in himself…I can of mine own self DO NOTHING: as I hear, I judge: and my judgement is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” John 5:19, 26, 30.

There is the secret. Jesus was a man like us in the fact that without the help of God, his Father, he could do NOTHING more than you or I. With his Father’s help he could do any mighty miracle including the overcoming of death.

The apostles of Jesus acknowledged again and again that it was the power of the Father, and not the power of the man Jesus that raised him from the dead. Peter said: “The God of our Fathers raised up Jesus, whom ye slew and hanged on a tree.” Acts 5:30

Paul said that we must “believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead.” Rom 4:24

There are many other scriptures like this that attribute the power of the resurrection of Christ to God the Father. What is interesting is that the resurrection of ordinary men and women is attributed to this same power that Jesus relied on: “But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, HE THAT RAISED UP CHRIST FROM THE DEAD SHALL ALSO QUICKEN YOUR MORTAL BODIES by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.” Rom 8:11

“And God hath both raised up the Lord, and will also raise up us by his own power. Know ye not that your bodies are members of Christ?… But he that is joined unto the Lord is ONE SPIRIT.” I Cor 6:14-15, 17

There is “One Spirit” and when we become one with it as Jesus did we can overcome death by the same power of the “One” God that he did.

In explaining Christ Paul said: “But all these (the spiritual gifts) worketh that one and selfsame Spirit, DIVIDING to every man severally as he will. For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: SO ALSO IS CHRIST (and God). For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body…” I Cor 12:11-13

This body of Christ also corresponds to the vine and branches Jesus talked about. The One Spirit would be the fluid that flows through the vine to the branches: “Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me. I am the vine and ye are the branches.” John 15:4-5

These analogies help us to understand the principle of the resurrection. In the correspondence to the body of Christ Jesus is called “the head.” Col 1:18 If the head is raised and remains alive then all the others who are members of that body must also rise. If the vine is alive then the branches that are connected with it must be alive as well. Thus we are told in the scriptures that all will rise for all have the Spirit of God within them “But every man in his own order.” I Cor 15:23

Just as Columbus was the first to discover the New World, Jesus was the first to discover the principle of the resurrection and join himself as one with the Spirit of God. But just as Columbus was not the last to sail to the Americas neither will Jesus be the last to rise from the dead, but “he is the head of the body, the church: WHO IS THE BEGINNING, the firstborn from the dead.” Col 1:18

Thus we conclude that man will show forth the powers of Godliness through no different a process than Jesus did. By the power of the Father man will raise from the dead and overcome the limitations of mortality. Jesus, of course, has a place of honor as being our head, or the first to rise, but because he was first does not mean that he is a God in a way we cannot be. Correspondingly, Adam was the first human, but we can be we can be human ever bit as much as he was. First does not mean exclusive.

Jesus verified this principle: “He that overcometh will I grant to sit with me on my throne, JUST AS I OVERCAME and am sat down with my Father on his throne.” Rev 3:21

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