The Three Tests

The Three Tests

The Question:

There are three major tests to apply to a spiritual teacher before he should earn any of your trust for reliability. Can you guess what they are?

Here are some comments received:

– Has soul contact

– Teaches principles rather than facts

– Does not claim to be infallible, an absolute authority or incapable of mistakes

– Stimulates students’ soul contact/self-trust

– Teaches knowledge rather than beliefs

– Presents new rather than rehashed teachings

– Does not draw attention to himself or herself or demand a personal following

– Service is the primary motivation

– Strives to practice what he or she preaches.

– They don’t look for credit.

– Their goal is for the student to join the teacher in wisdom.

– The teacher knows that he has as much to learn from the student.

– The fruits of their teachings are displayed in their students.

These are all worthy of consideration. We will leave their value up to your own souls. In addition there are probably more we have not thought of, but let me present to you what I consider the top three.

(1) Take the things you have learned to be true with reasonable certainty (especially from soul contact) and compare them to those of the spiritual teacher. If there is a high degree of complimentary thought this is a sign that you have a good starting point and a certain amount of trust is beneficial.

If the teacher is able to shed interesting light in areas of that were mysteries this would be an indication that there is something for you to learn here.

Objection: What if my own beliefs are wrong? That would mean the teacher is wrong also.

Answer: Yes, it would but at least you have a starting point and if you start on the path and continue with a pure heart you will discover your errors and correct them. If you do not at least make a start then you will never finish.

Consider people who come to this group who feel in harmony with my teachings. In almost every case they report spiritual growth and progress in their search for the truth.

Now consider others who have felt that I am deceived. Have any of them reported any learning or growth from their experience with me? A rare occurrence indeed.

This indicates that a starting point of harmony of thought between two souls is an important ingredient for progression upon the path. Notice I say “starting point?” This is because the student and teacher who start in harmony together will eventually meet conflict that must be resolved. In that resolution comes greater soul contact and vision of higher truth.

If the conflict is not resolved and the teacher possesses the greater light the student will then carry the conflict within himself and often hold a lifelong grievance toward the teacher.

(2) Examine the teachings of the potential earned authority over a period of time and range of material. Then ask yourself these questions:

Are the teachings consistent without major contradictions?

If there are seeming contradictions is the teacher able to explain them to your satisfaction?

Has the teacher made a number of predictions that did not come true?

Comment: One or two mild predictions that are wrong does not necessarily mean that the teacher has no light to offer, but a number of outlandish predictions that are far removed from reality is a sure sign that you should take your losses and run.

Does he copy the teachings of others and claim them as his own or does he seem to be bringing in new insights through the soul?

Do the teachings stimulate my higher thought and cause me to think in new directions that register positive with my soul?

Do the teachings seem to be relatively free of ego stroking?

If you study the teachings and resolve these questions to your satisfaction then you have additional reason to trust an earned authority.

(3) You prove many teachings to be true by applying them in your own life. Overall application of the principles taught brings you closer to your own soul and you sense a stimulation that brings you greater light. You find that this proven authority actually makes you less reliant on outward authority.


Name three earned authorities in your life who have assisted you in attaining higher realization and briefly give the reason why you have reasonable trust in them.

If you find yourself in disagreement with an earned authority why is it wise to take a second look at your thoughts to make sure they are accurate?

Even though earned authorities are helpful, why is it an error to consider them infallible?

July 8, 2000

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Proving Authorities

Proving Authorities

Alice A. Bailey was indeed a scribe for most of the books under her name. She received them from Djwhal Khul, a Tibetan Master who was said to be one of the three wise men from the east in a previous incarnation. He is around 300 years old and is sometimes called the “messenger boy for the Gods” because he is fairly young as far as the age of Masters go.

Alice A. Bailey’s writings were not channeled through direct voice, but by mental telepathy with full conscious awareness on her part. In fact they would sometimes disagree with the wording of the transmissions but overall Djwhal Khul was pleased with the accuracy of the final product.

The question:

Give an example of an earned authority for:

An algebra teacher.

A Racing Car Driver.

A Comedian

How can you use an earned authority to help in your progression and discovery of truth?

We’ve had several good responses on this.

Larry makes a good comment:

“If one wishes to perform algebra accurately then one would seek guidance from an authority, either a teacher who can demonstrate competence in algebra, or a book which one believes has intelligible instructions. One then ‘plants the seed’ of accepting the authority and sees if it “bears good fruit”, i.e., leads to your competence to perform algebra. If it doesn’t then you discard the authority and seek guidance elsewhere.”

We have two extremes demonstrated in our society as far as authority goes.

One extreme relies almost 100% on authority, often unearned, and refuses to consider any knowledge outside of their authority structure. In other words, their ring-pass-not consists of the authorities in their lives.

The prime example of this is the ultra religious person who accepts their scriptures, or the spokesman for their scriptures, as infallible and would accept that the moon is made of green cheese without question if the authority told them so.

The other extreme is the person who gives no weight to any outside authority. With such a person there is no one you can quote to add any weight to your argument for the only authority that has any weight with them is the inner self. Unfortunately, it is usually the inner lower self which is wrong most of the time.

New Agers cling to this extreme. Many have read some book telling then that all is within and thus there is no authority that one can use to teach them. The interesting thing is that such individuals have not usually escaped authority as they suppose for they are often rigidly following the book or teacher who told them to look within.

The Course in Miracles seems to have this effect on many. Even though it has many inspired teachings within it, misguided souls use it as an authority to reject all authority that disagrees with their mindset and thus a book, which could be elevating, causes many to stand still in their progression.

This does not mean that the book does not have merit for even the Bible has this effect.

The disciple treading the Middle Way between the two extremes will walk neither of these paths. Instead he will use both the outside and the inside blended as one divine whole to find truth. That which proves itself as reliable on the outside is given weight and passed by the soul within with no preconceived notions. Then when the soul vibrates the right chord the searcher will realize a higher level of truth than before.

There are many authorities that are easy to verify that they are indeed an earned or proven reliable in what they do or claim. For instance, it would be quite simple to prove whether or not the algebra teacher is a true source of knowledge of algebra. It would also be quite easy to discern whether or not the Spanish teacher is a true authority on Spanish. Their very teaching will prove this one way or another.

If AJ Foyt wins races consistently then that is proof that he knows something about the subject and listening to his advice would be productive if you wish to race also.

If Jay Leno makes you laugh every evening then it is a good bet that he is a good enough authority on humor to make you laugh again tomorrow.

In other words, we have trust in earned authorities for what they will, in probability, deliver tomorrow because of what they have consistently delivered in the past.

If Jay tells a joke and the whole audience roars with laughter, but nothing seems funny to you, it would be wise to consider that maybe you missed something.


Because you know from past patterns that when the audience roars with laughter at something Jays says, that there is a reason for it.

Unfortunately, there are other areas of life where just and unjust authorities make claims that is much more difficult to discern.

Politics is a notable area here. Why? Because there is no established criteria as to what makes a good politician and often there is no established way to verify that the politician really knows what he is talking about.

For instance, he may have a plan to improve education that costs a billion dollars. His ideas sound good, but when the billion dollars is spent maybe the quality of education actually goes downhill. Now some will consider him successful just because he spent a cool billion, yet others will be looking at the end result and reject him as a just authority.

He may claim his program did not work because he really needed two billion and they should trust him a second time.

Unfortunately, there are many unthinking who continue to support the unproven as authorities just because they “sound good” or fill a personal need or mindset.

Finance and success is another area where many unproven authorities find fertile soil. Have you noticed that about two-thirds of the people out there preaching success and abundance have little of either?

Have you noticed that most of the true successful people don’t really say much about their success but just go forward and demonstrate it? Yet time and time again people hire financial advisors who have done nothing in their lives but advise and success motivators who have only succeeded at convincing others that they are successful.

Perhaps philosophy and religion are the most ephemeral as far as proving reliability because of the number of forms the various doctrines will take and the difficulty in proving the teacher right or wrong.

There are three major tests to apply to a spiritual teacher before he should earn any of your trust for reliability. Can you guess what they are?

July 7, 2000

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Know The Truth

Know The Truth

Some are curious about the Brotherhood of Lite compared to the Brotherhood of Light.

The Brotherhood of Lite operates under the authority of Zor and has a staff of humorous Masters dedicated to making Zor laugh. Every once in a while they inspire ordinary humans with strange and sometimes bad humor. Just take a look at some of the strange channelings out there and you’ll see what I mean.

Light is only realized where contrast casts a shadow. Without the shadow there is no vision. Even higher vision is created with the contrast of the greater light against the lesser light.

Let us examine the scripture under discussion:

“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

“They answered him, We be Abraham’s seed, and were never in bondage to any man: how sayest thou, Ye shall be made free?

“Jesus answered them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.” John 8:3136

Verse 31 gives us a clue to the first step in becoming free through the truth: “If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed.”

What does it mean to continue in his word?

Christ is a representative of the Son of God aspect or of the soul so the scripture could read: “If you continue following the words of the soul you are true disciples of the one God.”

Then this is followed by the famous words:

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

Once we begin to receive the impressions from the soul we must focus on those words and follow them. If we follow what we have received with the highest intelligence that we know then indeed the time will come that the words of the soul will be proven to you and “you shall know the truth” of the still small voice.

Remember that all inspired words have more than one correct interpretation and here is another one.

“If you continue following the words of the soul you will know how to know the truth and knowing how to know sets you free.”

Free from what?

The scripture gives a hint:

“Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin. And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever. If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

That which creates bondage is sin and freedom is obtained when the truth releases us from sin.

The trouble is that when we think of “sin” in this age we think of some fanatical Bible thumper pointing the finger of accusation to those attending an R rated movie. The Dark Brothers have indeed been successful at altering the meaning of key words from the scriptures so instead of aiding in freeing the minds of humanity they are seen as words only in use by half-crazed individuals.

Consider words such as Sin, Repent, Salvation, Born Again and others. Rarely do you see a truly intelligent person seriously use them.

Today the average person sees a sinner as “a person who will let his hair down” and have a good time. Thus if you are not a sinner you’re pretty much an introverted geek. If you don’t sin a little you’re just not cool.

But in the days of Jesus it was not cool to sin because the word sin had quite a different meaning from today.

The word “sin” comes from the Greek HAMARTANO which literally means “to miss the mark”. “Out of harmony” or “error” would be other ways to put it.

The most famous scripture using this word is:

“For we have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Rom 3:23

If we read this passage in the light of Greek meaning we obtain an interesting translation. “For we have all missed the mark and have come short of thinking as God does.”

Let us take this light and examine the elaboration of Jesus:

“Whosoever committeth sin is the servant of sin.”

What does this mean?

“Whosoever commits an error and does not correct the error incorporates that error in his belief system and becomes a servant of that erroneous belief.”

Jesus continues:

“And the servant abideth not in the house for ever: but the Son abideth ever.”

Here is wording in today’s language:

Employees of a business come and go, but the owner will stay in good times and bad times and reap all the benefits of the business. None can dismiss the owner for his position is secure.

Interpretation: If you do not center yourself in the words of the soul then the mind of God is not manifest within you. You therefore error and become a servant to something else that is not the mind of God within you. Your position is therefore not secure for the outward authority can dismiss you at any given moment.

Finally, Jesus says:

“If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.”

If you come unto the soul you are as the owner of the household, or business, and none can dismiss you. You can never lose your job or the opportunity to become that which you decide to become. You know the truth and you have power to decide and make that decision reality with no, limits. You are now free indeed – Free to become that which you decide to become in harmony with the Purpose of God.

We thus end the principle related to the discovery of truth which is the principle of discernment.

Let us now move to the next principle.

“Seek proven authorities and learn from them.”

We spent the first three months in this group telling you not to trust unearned authorities, yet there is such a thing as a reliable authority that can be a useful guide in stimulating soul contact and guiding us toward the truth.

What is the difference between the two authorities? Why is one to be avoided like the plague and the other, though not infallible, a very useful guide?

July 5, 2000

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Perfection Revisited

Perfection Revisited

A reader asks: “How do we become perfect before God? If God Itself is not perfect; but is instead that which is becoming, is there then no perfection before God? Ahhhh, but I say there is:

“For we know in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears.” 1 Cor 13:9

JJ: We eternally are in a state of becoming because there is no ultimate perfection. Such a concept is illusion. The Masters use the term “relative perfection” because any concept of perfection is relative to the fulfillment of some objective.

The scriptures agree with this and in relation to Jesus or Deity never uses the word perfection as it is meant in English today.

A reason that people accept Jesus as God is because they see him as being perfect. Actually, there are more scriptures that talk about the perfection of the saints than that of Jesus. There are two referring to perfection in relation to him.

In the first Jesus said: “Behold, I cast out devils, and I do cures today, and to morrow, and the third day I shall be perfected.” Luke 13:32

“Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him.” Heb 5:8-9

Before we go on and discuss perfection it is important that we understand the word as it is used in the Bible. There are three basic Greek words that are translated as “perfect” or “perfection” in the King James Version. The first and most popular is TELEIOO and the corresponding TELEIOS. This word was used in the reader’s scripture and does not really mean perfection as we think of the word today but more literally means “to finish, accomplish, or complete.”

The second word is KATARTIZO. This word means to complete or finish, but in a different sense. TELEIOO has the implication of finishing a new work or effort one has taken on whereas KATARTIZO implies a restoration to something as it was in the past. Both words imply wholeness, but the first through a new task, the second through a restoration.

The third word is AKRIBELA and derivatives thereof. This is the closest Greek word to our modern word “perfect”. It means: “to do a thing precisely and exactly correct.” Paul used this word in reference to the way the Jews taught the law: “I am verily a man which am a Jew, born in Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, yet brought up in this city at the feet of Gamaliel, and taught according to the PERFECT (exact) manner of the law of the fathers, and was zealous toward God, as YE ALL ARE this day.” Acts 22:3

When the Bible believing people of today talk about Jesus being perfect they usually use the word in the same sense that AKRIBELA was used. That is they think that Jesus obeyed all the laws “exactly” . They think of his perfection in the sense that he never made one mistake, that he never broke one commandment and exactly obeyed every injunction from the Bible. He was beyond reproach.

Actually, AKRIBELA was never used in the Bible in association with Jesus. The ones who were seeking for perfection, exactness, or AKRIBELA were the ones he continually called “hypocrites”. The Pharisees, Saducees, the Doctors of the Law, Scribes, in other words, the basic religious people of the day were continually accusing Jesus of not being AKRIBELA or perfect enough in obeying the law.

The scripture says: “THE LAW MADE NOTHING PERFECT, but the bringing in of a better hope (Christ) did; by which we draw nigh unto God.” Heb 7:19

The word for perfect here is TELEIOO and is the one used in connection with the perfection of Jesus and has nothing to do with obeying the law thus the law cannot create TELEIOO, or the perfection of Christ.

Orthodox Christians say that Jesus was perfect because he obeyed all the laws but the Bible says “The law made NOTHING perfect”?

Why do people worship Jesus and revere him as God because he exactly obeyed every law and scriptural injunction when the Bible says: “that NO MAN is justified by the law in the sight of God, it is evident: for, the just shall live by faith. And the law is NOT of faith: but, the man that doeth them shall live in them. Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree.” Gal 3:11-13

Here Paul boldly states that Jesus was not perfect (or AKRIBELA) because he broke the law by his very death. The Old Testament which Paul quoted stated that anyone who was hung on a tree (or cross) was “accursed of God”. (See Deut 21:23) Therefore Paul explains that if righteousness comes by the law then Jesus was cursed because he was crucified on a cross made from a tree.

Why do you suppose it was in the plan of God that Jesus violated the law of perfection (AKRIBELA) to the extent that he was to be “accursed of God” by his very death. After all, he permitted it to happen. Was it so we would look forward to something else besides a black and white interpretation for our salvation? If this is so, why do we put Jesus on a pedestal by saying he never broke a law? Why do we think of him as AKRIBELA (perfect) when the scriptures do not say this?

One of the main reasons that Jesus was rejected by the Jews is because he was not perfect or exacting enough for them in keeping the laws of God given through Moses. He did not have the black and white attitude of the typical pious person. He realized that there is a time and season for “every purpose under heaven” Eccl 3:1 He knew that no carnal law could be written that was correct in every circumstance and taught that on the principle of love “hang ALL THE LAW and the prophets.” Matt 22:37-40

Paul reinforced this and said: “For he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.” Rom 13:8 He also taught us not to be concerned with “the letter (of the law), but the Spirit: for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life.” Rom 3:6

In other words, if one follows the law of love, or the spirit, he may wind up breaking the letter of the law and the prophets. Almost everyone, for instance, would be forced to break the letter of the law if he or she lived under a ruthless dictatorship. If authorities came looking for one’s child to execute him what parent would not lie to some degree to save the child from unjust suffering? In this case a lie breaks the letter of the law, but fulfills the law of love. Exceptions as this can be found for every commandment as was well illustrated by Solomon when he said there was a time for every purpose under heaven.

It should be a great relief to us that Jesus was not perfect (AKRIBELA) in the keeping of the carnal law and that his perfection was in the fact that he was able to do the job expected of him by the Father. This is especially so because of a commandment men and women everywhere are given: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.” Matt 5:48

Jesus was intelligent enough to not give his disciples a commandment that they could not obey, or that he himself did not adhere to. Most people see this perfection of the Father as something entirely beyond our grasp, but Jesus was talking about something that is possible for both him and us. The word perfect here comes from TELEIOS, an adjective form of TELEIOO. We find that this scripture is right in the middle of the sermon on the mount and that it makes a lot of sense when we read it in its context with a more enlightened translation:

“Finish therefore what is expected of you, even as your Father which is in heaven accomplishes that which is expected of him.” This is a commandment we can live with and appreciate and is much more applicable than an injunction to be flawless as is the One God who holds the universe together and created all the millions of galaxies. That is like telling a worm to be like a man. That is impossible, but the worm does his job assigned to him by nature just as do the higher animals. In this way all living things are perfect as the Father is perfect if they follow the harmony of nature.

A reader says: “By the way, the more you give the “devil” credit (even for the bad stuff) the more “power” you give him.”

JJ: The principle you are talking about here is that “energy follows thought.” There is much more depth to this law than even seasoned students understand.

If we put our attention on the negative then energy will follow that thought and manifest “devils” in your life.

Does this mean that we are to suppress negativity and pretend it does not exist? No, this may produce even worse results.

The key is to keep ourselves grounded in the real world by mentally acknowledging the reality of evil, negativity, the Dark Brothers etc, yet at the same time focusing thought on the desired energy and outcome. You will thus keep the realization that there is evil out there that needs to be dealt with but at the same time not feed it any energy because your directed thought is on the positive.

It’s a little like driving a car along side a river bank. It is important that you realize the river is there so you do not drive into it and destroy yourself, but at the same time you have no fear because your mind is focused on the positive goal of staying on the road and on course. You therefore do not give any energy to the thought of driving in the river, but only on your next desirable destination.

With the correct attention on thought and energy you thus live in the world of duality, but master duality.

The Dark Brothers connection with us is a little like that of a Mafia boss. The average guy does not know who he is and the Mafia boss could care less about the average guy.

The Mafia guy does have an effect on the average guy, however, for his organization is selling drugs to kids and his abuse of the system causes the average guy to pay more taxes to keep everything under control.

On the other hand, if some average person steps forward and does something that interferes with mob business then he will have their attention and will have a fight on his hands. In this case mere positive thinking will not create any immediate solution any more than a person stepping into the ring with Mike Tyson can make Mike turn into a cream puff by sending him good vibes. When in the ring with an opponent even the man of peace must fight with all means necessary or suffer defeat by default.

July 4, 2000

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Offense, Initiation and Love

Offense, Initiation and Love

I have just returned from a family reunion my friends and guess where we had it this year?


Actually it was just a coincidence for it is the first time we had it there. One of the highlights was a ride in my nephew’s ancient sailboat held together with chewing gum and barbwire. (LOL) Even so, he claims he can out race and out maneuver any other boat on the lake.

On the way up we stopped by to see Lorraine at her new restaurant. She gave us a big hug and she and Joe seemed very upbeat about starting their new business. We had an extra Grand Opening banner so we gave it to her in appreciation of helping with the gathering.

She doesn’t have easy access to a computer now, but I’m sure we’ll hear from her soon one way or another.

John made a great comment on the sensitivity lately:

“If someone is truly centered to any degree in the Higher Nature, rather than the lower, they don’t tend to be easily offended.”

This is also supported by the statement of Jesus: “And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me.” Matt 11:6

Why did he say this?

Because he offended almost everyone. Not because he was obnoxious or belligerent, but because he spoke the simple truth that often was not in harmony with tradition or the lower nature.

A good piece of advice for anyone wishing to get in the good graces of the Masters is to learn to mentally check their offensive meter. If one is easily offended by a wrong or misplace word then he must wait a while to do the real work. One should never be offended when no offense is intended and generally even if it was intentional.

If the disciple finds the seeds of offense being planted in his emotional body he must move the energy immediately before it interferes with his effectiveness.

I hope I have set the example for you my friends for none of you have ever offended me.

Several have been talking about initiation. I have defined an initiate as one who initiates. It was accurately pointed out that this is different from that written of by Alice A. Bailey about the milestones achieved by the disciple.

This is a true statement but incomplete for all who pass the milestones of initiation as taught by the Masters are initiates who initiate. As one passes from a lower initiation to a higher his power to initiate becomes stronger with more wide ranging effects.

For instance, as one passes from the first to the second initiation the disciple will increase his power to initiate from the purely physical to the emotional and gain the power to initiate the stirring of people’s hearts and ideals.

One of the principles that I am to stress in my writings and teachings is the concept of initiation and what it means to initiate. The coming of Christ will be prepared by those who take unto themselves the power to decide and then initiate that decision into the real world.

Love Manifesting

A reader says: “My growth, expansion, power of love, is not dependent on someone else.”

The initiative to tread the path of love is yours alone, but our growth in love as well as light is dependent on others to a significant degree.

Love is a magnetic force that is nullified in a singularity but is manifest in duality. There must be more than one for an attractive force to attract anything.

Love draws the many into the One, but when the One is manifest love has served its purpose until the many come forth again.

The Course in Miracles makes some interesting statements in this regard:

“As you come closer to a brother you approach me, and as you withdraw from him I become distant to you. Salvation is a collaborative venture.”

Here we see that our salvation through love is “a collaborative venture,” or dependent on the participation of others.

It continues:

“Help them by offering them your unified mind on their behalf, as I am offering you mine on behalf of yours. Alone we can do nothing, but together our minds fuse into something whose power is far beyond the power of its separate parts. By not being separate, the Mind of God is established in ours and as ours. This Mind is invincible because it is undivided.”

This book, which is a favorite of many, tells us that “alone we can do nothing, but together our minds fuse into something whose power is far beyond the power of its separate parts.”

I think you are trying to do too much alone and invite you to join with me and others in the bonds of love so true salvation can truly become manifest.

July 2, 2000

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In The Name of Love

In The Name of Love

We have a couple people in the group who attempt to teach us about love, peace and harmony more than any others?

In almost every post they attempt to illustrate to us by every means possible how the rest of us do not understand these things and if we would merely follow their philosophy that we too would find this most great peace and love.

Now here is what I find interesting.

When these two do not post the people on the group are generally in great harmony, amicable sharing and there is lots of peace and love to go around.

Then as soon as they return to the group there is war, conflict, disharmony and not as much love as before. I often get e-mails from people who are leaving the group or very upset.

Why would this be so when peace and love is at the core of their belief system as they suppose? Why they love all people so much that they would not have even stepped forward to physically stopped Hitler even if it would have saved millions of lives. They believe they see beyond good and evil to the extent that there was no evil even in Hitler or Nero for it is only in the perception of the lesser evolved.

The question is why is this philosophy of peace and love not working for them in their relationship to this group and possibly other groups? The interesting thing here is that interaction in this group is not theory or mind games but interplay occurring in the real world. Here in the real world we have a chance to test theory and teachings to see if they really work.

And if they do not work?

Then we should examine that teaching and attempt to see where the error is and what can be done to correct it.

Perhaps we should do this, but first let me state that I am approaching this in the spirit of peace and love so I hope all understand this.

Is the conflict they bring to us caused merely because they are sincerely expressing their point of view and is it that their point is just different from the rest of us? Or perhaps group members are intolerant of a different viewpoint.

No, this cannot be it because we have different points of view presented when these two are not posting, usually with no conflict involved. Often the situation winds up with both sides acquiescing to agree to disagree and then we move on.

Now this does not happen with our contrarians. For over a year now we have covered similar ground again and again and there has been no agreement to disagree. They have been with us long enough to know the views of the majority on the group and I am sure they have a pretty good idea of many of my views. Thus when they present certain ideas they both have to know that they have war paint on and are making a definitude attack that will be met with many counter attacks.

Now they can say that they are not attacking, but just stating their views and those of us who respond can make a similar statement, but there is deceit and illusion in this approach.

Unless we face reality and have truth in our words, true peace, love and harmony can never be approached.

And what is the truth? Let us call a spade a spade here. Many of my teachings are attacked by them and I respond. It is a simple as that.

One difference between us is that when they attack they do not see themselves as attacking. They do not believe in attack therefore in their minds they cannot be attacking. When I attack or defend I do attempt to observe myself and analyze what is really happening in the interplay. I admit that I often do defend myself when attacked and sometimes counterattack. I try and see myself attacking the illusion rather than the person however.

For instance, I have no malice toward our two disrupters and recognize that they are sincere in their beliefs.

Nevertheless both subtly attack and stir conflict just as real as one who comes on strong with harsh words or shoves others in the subway.

How can this be? Here are examples: of trends of thought that enflame some.

(1) He who would kill in war for the sake of freedom or to save the lives of others “desires” to kill.

No great warrior from George Washington to Winston Churchill to a Vietnam Vet “desires” to kill but many have found themselves where the only way out was physical conflict and to insinuate this was part some dark desire in their heart shows a lack of loving understanding.

(2) Pressing the teaching that there is no evil to the extent that even Hitler was no more a bad guy than was Gandhi.

(3) Then turning around and insinuating that we are evil if we were to kill in self-defense or for the sake of freedom. This seems to put some on the group below Hitler in their minds.

(4) One would have been wrong to kill Hitler, even if it would have saved millions of lives.

(5) Insinuating that they are focused on love and we are not.

(6) Telling us that we have major problem because we do not understand oneness as they do.

(7) Telling us that everything that comes into our lives is because we want it there. This is an irritating thing to tell someone who is suffering or has suffered against his will.

(8) Making blanket statements that all we have to do is think positive and nothing bad will happen to us when many positive people on the group can testify otherwise.

(9) Accusing many of us as being “fear-based” when disagreeing with them.

(10) I would surmise that about 90% of their posts are in support of a stance opposing my presentation of class material. I think most of the group is mature enough to accept a few disagreements, but when one is in constant disharmony with the teacher you begin to wonder why he or she is here. It may appear that they enjoy disrupting things rather than making contributions that bring greater light on the subject under study.

I could go on but these are solid examples of the type of material that is brought up again and again by these proclaimers of peace and they have to realize that they are not taking the direction of peace but are going forth into battle. To inflame and go into battle while proclaiming that you are treading the path of love and peace is inflammatory in itself.

Now don’t get me wrong here. I like a little conflict, but when in conflict I like an adversary who will at least admit he is an adversary. To proclaim you are filling the arena with love and peace in the midst of some of the fiery conflicts we have had does not register as sincere with many readers.

So what solution do I recommend.

First and foremost honesty. If you want to fight then come out in the open and fight and do not hide behind the words of love, peace and oneness.

Second. This is a class where many are trying to learn. I am not perfect, but neither am I wrong all the time. Surely you can make a supportive non inflammatory post or question once in a while that sheds greater light on the subject. If you cannot then it appears that your mission here is to create conflict and not establish peace by any measure.

Third. Let us give each other the benefit of the doubt and realize that we are all in this together. Let us assume the best in one another. No one here seeks fear or wants to kill anyone – most do not even want to step on a fly. All seek for love and peace to the best of their understanding. All desire harmony and oneness with their fellow human beings.

June 29, 2000

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Love and Wisdom

Love and Wisdom

A reader comments on the quote, “Truth that is true and nothing else is true.” He asks who it is that determines what is true as many think their false beliefs are true.

This quote comes from the Course in Miracles.

Truth is not determined by anyone. It just is what it is and does not change because of anyone’s determination or judgment.

For instance it is true that I will write three X’s in the next paragraph as follows:


Now if a person “determines” that there is four X’s, will that change what I have written here at this moment in time and space?


It will be true for all eternity that at this moment in time and space I have written three X’s. What someone believes about what I have written changes nothing about this post I am making.

Now some make a valid point that a misconception or illusionary perception of a past event will cause a current belief system based on illusion that seems as real as one based on truth.

Let us suppose for instance that Ben Franklin was a bad dude and sacrificed children to satanic rituals. Up to now we have had no evidence of such deeds and our belief toward him is as if he were squeaky clean. On the other hand, our illusionary data does not change the nature of what really happened at that time and if he did malfeasant deeds they will have created subtle long lasting effects of which we are consciously unaware.

From Keith’s last post I think we are seeing eye to eye. The victor in any war will certainly color their history in their favor. True history is difficult to discern. To get a true picture one must either read two points of view or the writings of an historian who lives maybe 100 years after the event so he has little emotional investment in the presentation.

Take Bill Clinton these past eight years, for instance (written June, 2000). Two people, one a friend and one a foe, could write a biography of him today and you would think they were writing about two different people. It may take some time period before he will be able to be judged impartially.

One would have to be close to initiate status to write an accurate book about him today.

Yes, it would be a shock to learn for sure that Ben Franklin was a Satanist who sacrificed children. If this is true it would mean one of two things.

(1) He was a plant from the Dark Brothers to subtly sabotage the drive for independence. It is interesting that before the war he did all he could to reconcile the colonies to the crown.

(2) He was a worker of light at heart who temporarily yielded to temptation. I tend to go with this option (if the story is true). Workers in the light have been known to take some great slips and then recover and redeem themselves. Paul who persecuted the Christians is a prime example.

Note: At the time the discovery of bones in Franklins English residence was in the news. Here is a link to more details:

A reader says:

“No ‘thing’ can happen to you, without your conscious or unconscious thought.”

There is no such thing as unconscious thought. Thought only springs from consciousness. What people call the unconscious within us is really computer-like programs that are on line running with no more consciousness than this computer I am working on. All of our programming though was created by conscious thought at some time in the distant past.

I think we all clearly observe that many things happen to us that originate outside of our own conscious thought. I may step on some gum and not know it for some time. The event had to do with the conscious thought of whoever chewed the gum and threw it in my path rather than any thought I possess.

The reality of this is so obvious I am surprised this subject would come up.

Cause and effect manifesting thought and decision caused chaos to gravitate to organization. All organization we see before us – such as the human cell or DNA is the result of conscious thought on some level, but now operates automatically below the threshold of consciousness.

Thought and energy corresponds to the chicken and the egg and are related. Thought is organized energy.

You are not your body, you are not your feelings and you are not your mind or thoughts.

What are you?

You are that power within that can make a decision from which purpose and potential power reside and from which all things spring.

A reader maintains that we can insulate ourselves from all negativity with the right attitude of thought.

No one can close the door to all negativity. As long as we live in this reality, the door of the dualities of positive and negative is always open and only seems closed to one in illusionary thought, though an enlightened soul can successfully navigate the waters of the waves of duality. The good sailor does not pretend the waves do not exist, but makes a judgment about the conditions and acts accordingly.

There is much misunderstanding concerning the Dark Brothers. The most common one is that the aspirant will often think he is being targeted by them when he is merely undergoing the trials of ordinary living. Only when you personally become a threat to their goals will you be in danger of attack. They do affect average people but only through group influence and not individually.

It is illusion to believe that a positive attitude, having no fear, or just closing a door could shut them out. This seems to work for most new agers with this attitude because they pose no threat to them, but if a powerful Dark Brother or his group decided to attack what we would call a normal positive person with no obvious fears or negativity I will guarantee you this person would have an instant change of thought in his view of the dark forces.

Every great avatar that has ever walked the earth, including Jesus and Buddha, has had to wrestle with a direct attack from these Dark Ones in one form or another. I know of no current disciple greater than they.

If one is attacked, positive thinking and the control of fear will help but that alone is not enough for victory. Other factors include centering your attention on the true light within and strengthening your link between matter and spirit. The disciple must gather around him spiritual force of equal or greater strength than the dark brothers have in negative energy through which they attack.

Direct attacks from the Dark Brothers are only used when nothing else works for them. Overall they have found that honey works better for them than vinegar. They can manipulate unsuspecting people of goodwill through their illusionary beliefs and egos and often achieve their ends by dividing and frustrating the work of disciples.

Some are against war or killing in any situation. They think that it was wrong for the German conspirators to attempt to kill Hitler even though it would have saved millions of lives.

Many within the New Age community seem to have this type of thinking. To this let me present the writings of a Master of Wisdom (Djwhal Khul) given during the time that World War II was raging and it seemed that the forces of light were in danger of losing to Hitler.

“It is because of the delay in right understanding, and the slowness of many to appreciate the true situation, that Those Who guide the race and work on the spiritual side of life have been unable to do much up to date except spiritually strengthen the hands of the workers with the Forces of Light. The faith of many has kept the door ajar, yet even these have forgotten frequently that “faith without works is dead.” It is only when faith finds active expression upon the physical plane in right cooperation and sacrifice (even unto death) that the door can be forced wide open and divine intervention become possible. It is only when the vision and dream of peace-which beguiles so many well-meaning people-gives way to the determination to take every possible means to achieve that peace in practical ways upon the physical plane that the inner spiritual forces will be enabled to work also more actively on earth.

“Curiously enough, they are often hindered today by the idealists, who love their ideals more than they love humanity and who cling to their special interpretations of what they think Christ meant, at the same time excluding that real love which characterised His every act and which would drive them into active, selfless service to the Forces of Light. They do nothing to bring the conflict to an end because they are preoccupied with their own dreams, ideals and interpretations; when they can let these go because of love of humanity, then the new vision will come and the world will be saved; the Forces of Light will find potent expression and the forces of aggression will go down to defeat.” The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, Pages 256-257

“… The neutral powers are still selfish (though they seek by philanthropy to veil it), but they are rapidly awakening to the true issues, and when there is real synthesis of goal and of purpose and a true unification of vision upon the mental plane, of fixed and unalterable desire upon the emotional plane, and a dedication to practical effort upon the physical plane, then there will be hope that the embodiment of “the desire of all nations” will appear.

“That embodiment is one mode in which divine intervention can take place. The Prince of Peace will lead His people-through war-to peace. Those who think only in terms of peace as they understand it and desire it are apt to forget the Biblical implication that the Prince of Peace takes a definite part in the battle of Armageddon (now in full progress). After achieving victory, He will then lead His triumphant cohorts through the gates into ‘Jerusalem,’ the city of peace.” (Pages 258-259)


“There are two great handicaps to the free expression of the Will force in its true nature. One is the sensitivity of the lower nature to its impact, and its consequent prostitution to selfish ends, as in the case of the sensitive, negative German people and its use by the Axis nations for material objectives. The second is the blocking, hindering, muddled but massed opposition of the well-meaning people of the world who talk vaguely and beautifully about love but refuse to consider the techniques of the Will of God in operation. According to them, that Will is something with which they will personally have naught to do; they refuse to recognise that God works out His Will through men, just as He is ever seeking to express His Love through men; they will not believe that that Will could possibly express itself through the destruction of evil with all the material consequences of that evil. They cannot believe that a God of Love could possibly employ the first divine aspect to destroy the forms which are obstructing the free play of the divine Spirit; that Will must not infringe upon their interpretation of Love. Such people are individually of small moment and of no importance, but their massed negativity is a real detriment to the ending of this war, just as the massed negativity of the German people, and their inability to take right action when Hitler’s purposes were disclosed, made possible the great inflow of ancient and focussed evil which has brought the present catastrophe to man. Such people are like a millstone around the neck of humanity, crippling true effort, murmuring, “Let us love God and each other,” but doing nothing but murmur prayers and platitudes whilst humanity is dying.” (Pages 345-346)

Interesting thoughts from a Master in the midst of the greatest conflict the world has ever seen. We must ever remember that the heart center is composed of two cooperating energies: Love and Wisdom. In this situation it was indeed wisdom to put Hitler down in any way possible, else love could have no chance to fully manifest upon the earth.

June 27, 2000

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All Things Possible

All Things Possible

Someone asked me about a quote I posted:

“Anything is possible if you do not know what you are talking about.”

Doesn’t this fly in the face about other teachings that all things are possible?

Actually I got that quote from a book of humor, but even so it still contains much truth. To see the truth in it we must realize that evolving human beings are like pendulums swinging back and forth between the two extremes.

On one extreme we have the person whose “mind slays the real” and he doesn’t believe anything difficult is possible if he has not yet witnessed such a thing.

Then on the other hand, you have the faithful believer who thinks that anything is immediately possible just because he believes it so.

Both extremes are in illusion. The first illusion is obvious. We have all known skeptics who have been wrong.

I remember when I was a boy when many people thought we would never go to the moon. I was always predicting that we would and old timers thought I had a wild imagination.

Then someone in the church happen to ask me that question and I said yes.

Then the guy told me that I was wrong because a Mormon Apostle (Joseph Fielding Smith, who later became the prophet) said point blank that we would never go to the moon. I told him that the authority was wrong and that I believed we would go and in the not too distant future – (this was about 1959).

The guy about passed out for I do not think he had ever seen a member of the church disagree with the General Authorities of the Church. On hindsight, I guess I was lucky they didn’t kick me out way back then for not falling in line.

Then on the other extreme we have people who expect to materialize all their dreams with no other effort on their part other than thinking or meditating about it. There are a lot of people expecting to become millionaires within months because they simply believe or expect to win the lottery.

Now it is true that anything is possible, but there are always conditions that have to be met before the unmanifest becomes manifest.

For instance, it is possible for any of us to make a million, but it is virtually impossible for the average guy to manifest a million dollars in a short period by just thinking about it. For these type of people, anything is possible in their mind because they do not know what they are talking about. They have a simplistic and incomplete view of how things work and what they view as immediately possible is full of illusion and self-deceit.

The true disciple believes that all things are possible but when he bites off a difficult project he does more than just believe. He seeks to understand the time frame involved in the manifestation and then to incorporate all the steps necessary to make his dream a reality.

Perhaps I could reword the thought:

Anything you believe is possible if you are willing to find the steps to manifest that belief. Then after the correct steps are found you must be willing to take those steps, else your belief will become a fading dream.

I thought I would make a couple additional comments on a recent post. The reader asked why we should seek for spiritual healing or intervention when there is karma to be paid off. Wouldn’t that set aside the law of cause and effect?

Alice A. Bailey gives an interesting statement as follows:

Danger from the Dark Brothers.

“I think I gave you earlier practically all that I can as yet impart anent the Brothers of Darkness, as they are sometimes termed. I only want at this point to lay emphasis upon the fact that no danger need be feared by the average student from this source. It is only as discipleship is approached and a man stands out ahead of his fellows as an instrument of the White Brotherhood that he attracts the attention of those who seek to withstand. When through application to meditation, and power and activity in service, a man has developed his vehicles to a point of real achievement, then his vibrations set in motion matters of a specific kind, and he learns to work with that matter, to manipulate the fluids, and to control the builders. In so doing he encroaches on the domain of those who work with the forces of involution and thus he may bring attack upon himself. This attack may be directed against any of his three vehicles and may be of different kinds. Let me briefly point out some of the methods employed against a disciple which are the ones which alone concern the student of these letters:

“Definite attack on the physical body. All kinds of means are employed to hinder the usefulness of the disciple through disease or the crippling of his physical body. Not all accidents are the result of karma, for the disciple has usually surmounted a good deal of that type of karma and is thus comparatively free from that source of hindrance in active work.” Letters on Occult Meditation, Pages 130-131

All illness is created through cause an effect, of which Karma is an aspect, but not all illness or accidents have their root in Karma (or cause) from an error from a past life.

Sometimes the cause of an illness is as simple as eating the wrong foods and the cause of an accident can be as simple as not watching what you are doing.

On the other hand, some illnesses and accidents are arranged by the soul to teach us lessons as well as pay a debt from past karma.

In this case is a healing impossible?

Sometimes yes and sometimes no.

Not long ago I related to you about the first healing miracle I experienced in my life. But then after this happened I found that there were certain people who could not be healed by faith – that to learn a lesson of some kind they had to endure certain maladies.

When I participate in a healing I always try and sense the will of the Spirit as to whether I have permission to heal. There has been times when the no answer was so strong that I could hardly speak. Then other times the healing spirit flows with heavenly bliss.

So if the person has karma to pay will the answer always be no?

Answer: Many times the answer is yes.

Why is that and how will the karma be paid off then?

In this situation the soul sees that the debt can be paid off in loving service much faster than painful suffering. This is why it is so important for all of us to become servants. The true unselfish servant often will experience miraculous healing which will give him more power to serve and thus pay off his debt to humanity quite quickly.

June 26, 2000

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The Spoils of War

The Spoils of War

Keith gives us an interesting perspective here:

“I read your post with interest and chuckled to myself as I thought back to my early history lessons in grade school and early high school here in Canada. The history books back then were not titled the History of Canada as you would presume, but instead the History of British North America. One of the primary themes of the books was the fate of the Empire Loyalists. These were the farmers, merchants and settlers in the 13 colonies who either fought on the side of the crown or didn’t take sides at all, but wished to remain loyal to the crown after the war. They were stripped of their homes, farms and businesses and treated exactly the same as those poor souls described in the ‘Let Freedom Ring’ post. This forced migration of immigrants to the remaining British colonies in Canada resulted in the settling of thousands of acres of land in Ontario and many of the Maritime Provinces. I’m curious to ask if anything is mentioned of these people in the American History Books?”

Thanks for the alternative view here Keith. Actually I have cause to be open-minded here for I am half Canadian myself as my Mother was born and raised In Alberta. I thus have a soft spot for the people of the two countries as I have family on both sides of the border.

The fate of the Royalists is briefly mentioned in our history, but I am sure the slant is different. but it is only logical that there is abuse on both sides of a war.

On the other hand, I would submit that the situation between the two groups suffering loss was quite different.

For one thing the cause was different.

The Signers risked their lives, their fortunes and their sacred honor merely by signing a document to insure not so much their own freedom (for they realized the possibility that they would not even achieve such in their lifetime) but the risk was to establish greater freedom for all mankind. This was indeed a noble cause and they expected certain death if they did not succeed.

On the other hand, the Royalists were in support of a system that fosters tyranny and does not allow for the expansion of freedom for all. After the war they may have suffered loss for their misguided belief and unwillingness to support the government in power, but I do not believe they ran the risk of a state endorsed execution as did the Signers of the Declaration.

During the Revolutionary War people were divided fairly evenly into three different camps. Many people today seem to think the whole country rebelled toward the British, but only about one third supported the revolution. Then there was about a third who supported the Crown and did not want change. The final third did not seem to care and were non committal.

One thing we do know for sure is that after the War the new government did not punish two-thirds of the population with prison and death for not supporting the Revolution – though there may have been abuses as you noted.

From what our history records it was not the small farmer who lost land after the war, but the very rich and powerful Aristocrats who had large land grants given to them by the crown. These were seized after the war for the new government felt they were unjustly obtained and the perpetuity of such wealth in the hands of an enemy would threaten the existence of the newly acquired freedoms. Therefore some of the larger lands were seized and redistributed to the masses.

As I understand it, all but a few who posed a threat to national security were allowed to stay and live in peace but I am open to the possibility this was not universally true.

I would guess, however, that there were abuses as there always are in war, not only from the government, but from people who lost family who carried a grievance toward those who supported the crown.

It is interesting that in the beginning of this country we had a somewhat communistic redistribution of the wealth. Fortunately, we did wind up with an ownership of land – so that was an important difference.

At the end of any war you will have many among the defeated who continue to support their cause, even when their cause was not just. For instance, even after the fall of NAZI Germany there were literally millions who continued, for a time, to support the NAZI cause, and thousands would have risked their lives to re-establish the Reich.

The act of going forward with risk for a personal ideal and going to risk for the benefit of freedom for all mankind is vastly different.

It is a sad part of our history that there are more who are willing to suffer for a cause that will enslave mankind than they who are willing to sacrifice to free the human soul.

In coming ages this trend will be reversed.

There is much more we could write about freedom and probably will at a future time, but for now we are approaching the time to move on to a new topic.

There is just one more item I would like to discuss. I had previously quoted the following scripture and few commented on it. The Master stated:

“Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

(1) Is he talking about a certain truth or truth in general?

(2) How does the Truth set you free? Free to do what?

(3) What is the relationship between freedom and truth?

June 25, 2000

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The Principle of Freedom, Part 4

The Principle of Freedom, Part 4

Let Freedom Ring

Interesting synchronicity today. Just as I was about to wrap up my postings on freedom one of our Lurkers sent me this writing about the fate of those who signed the Declaration of Independence. I had been wanting a copy of this and am happy to share it.


“Have you ever wondered what happened to the 56 men who signed the Declaration of Independence? Five signers were captured by the British as traitors, and tortured before they died. Twelve had their homes ransacked and burned. Two lost their sons serving in the Revolutionary Army; another had two sons captured. Nine of the 56 fought and died from wounds or hardships of the Revolutionary War.

“They signed and they pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. What kind of men were they? Twenty-four were lawyers and jurists. Eleven were merchants, nine were farmers and large plantation owners; men of means, well educated. But they signed the Declaration of Independence knowing full well that the penalty would be death if they were captured.

“Carter Braxton of Virginia, a wealthy planter and trader, saw his ships swept from the seas by the British Navy. He sold his home and properties to pay his debts, and died in rags. Thomas McKeam was so hounded by the British that he was forced to move his family almost constantly. He served in the Congress without pay, and his family was kept in hiding. His possessions were taken from him, and poverty was his reward.

“Vandals or soldiers looted the properties of Dillery, Hall, Clymer, Walton, Gwinnett, Heyward, Ruttledge, and Middleton. At the battle of Yorktown, Thomas Nelson Jr, noted that the British General Cornwallis had taken over the Nelson home for his headquarters. He quietly urged General George Washington to open fire. The home was destroyed, and Nelson died bankrupt. Francis Lewis had his home and properties destroyed. The enemy jailed his wife, and she died within a few months.

“John Hart was driven from his wife’s bedside as she was dying. Their 13 children fled for their lives. His fields and his gristmill were laid to waste. For more than a year he lived in forests and caves, returning home to find his wife dead and his children vanished. A few weeks later he died from exhaustion and a broken heart. Norris and Livingston suffered similar fates. Such were the stories and sacrifices of the American Revolution. These were not wild-eyed, rabble-rousing ruffians. They were soft-spoken men of means and education. They had security, but they valued liberty more. Standing tall, straight, and unwavering, they pledged: “For the support of this declaration, with firm reliance on the protection of the divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other, our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”

“They gave you and me a free and independent America. The history books never told you a lot about what happened in the Revolutionary War. We didn’t fight just the British. We were British subjects at that time and we fought our own government! Some of us take these liberties so much for granted, but we shouldn’t. So, take a few minutes while enjoying your 4th of July holiday and silently thank these patriots. It’s not much to ask for the price they paid. Remember: freedom is never free! I hope you will show your support by please sending this to as many people as you can. It’s time we get the word out that patriotism is NOT a sin, and the Fourth of July has more to it than beer, picnics, and baseball games. “ Author Unknown

When one reads about such acts of courage and sacrifice for freedom you cannot but wonder if such brave souls would surface today in a similar struggle for freedom.

One of the problems in finding such courage is that the situation in much of the world is so different today than it was for those rebels of long ago.

The foundation of the United States was preceded by over a 100 years of immigrants leaving their native lands of oppression in search for greater opportunity and freedom. After getting a taste of greater freedom and then to have the threat of it all taken away by King George nullifying all their efforts was more than they could bear. Freedom lovers like Patrick Henry stood up and declared “Give me liberty or give me death!”

Then there were many others who pledged their “lives, their property and their sacred honor,” for the cause of freedom.

What I found interesting about this was the phrase: “sacred honor.” When you think about it how long has it been since we have heard anyone great or small refer to their sacred honor? We seem to live in an age where honor is not even an item under consideration, let alone have sacredness attached to it.

Yet the concept of sacred honor must be retrieved and taught by disciples of the coming age. Keeping our word, telling the truth and the honor of trust and reliability behind a name must have a place among us if true discipleship and a service to the Great Ones is to be achieved.

The problem in this age is that many have settled down in an atmosphere of restrictions that have so gradually overcome us that none have thought to protest.

The words of Isaiah are fitting here:

“For thus saith the Lord GOD, My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause. Now therefore, what have I here, saith the LORD, that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them make them to howl, saith the LORD; and my name continually every day is blasphemed…. and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or peeped.” Isa 52:4 & 10:14

This is a fitting description of one who has never known true freedom or had them gradually taken away by the subtle beast of authority.

One advantage that the Founding Fathers had is that King George made a bold move that made it obvious that the newly found freedoms would soon be taken back if something were not done.

In this age we face a similar problem in many lands except that the loss is so incremental that no alarm goes off to sound the necessary wake up call.

I read an interesting book in the 80’s about life in the Soviet Union some time before the Berlin Wall came down. It was written by a New York Times corespondent and there was one incident he related that revealed much. As the author was waiting for a commercial airliner to take off a couple officials entered the passenger section and pointed to several passengers and ordered them off the plane. They were simply told that communist officials needed their seats. One man stood up and pleaded to them that he be able to keep his seat as their was a death or illness in his family and it was essential that he stay on the plane. With no sympathy at all for the man’s situation he was arrested and taken away.

Then the clincher happened. Behind the author were several ladies who were commenting on the situation and one said to the other something like this: “Isn’t it a disgrace how these young people have no respect for authority these days?”

The author said that the other lady seemed to agree and commented that this was a prevailing attitude among many in that State.

Reading this woke me up to a realization that even though the people of my country seemed to have a low appreciation of true freedom that the acceptance of restriction and conformity was even greater in other countries. It also came to me at that moment that the people of each nation have about as much freedom as their consciousness can accept. Many people there are in totalitarian regimes who are not crying out for more freedom, but completely accept their restrictions and look on freedom as an adventure into irresponsibility.

We in the free world and now many in developing Russia have a greater appreciation of freedom, but even here a wider range of freedom is often seen as irresponsibility.

To insure the progress of freedom the principle must be taught and reinforced so that it permeates the consciousness of society. Only by creating a sense of personal responsibility and a consciousness of freedom can we insure that our world will not slip back into slavery.

Let me present the principle governing freedom that I believe is adhered to by the Brotherhood of Light.

All steps toward the liberation of the soul are proceeded by a greater sense and power of freedom in the life of the disciple. As the seeker progresses on the path adherence to freedom is always increasing and never decreasing. Any decrease in the embracement of freedom signifies retrogression in progression.

Therefore, for the worker of light, every decision, every thought and every action should support that energy that moves in the direction of greater freedom for the whole of the group as well as for the individual.

A reasonable and logical degree of risk is accepted by the disciple in the quest for expansion of freedom.

Spiritual progressions is directly proportional to a person’s understanding and acceptance of the principle of freedom, therefore let us contemplate that principle and embrace the greater livingness.

June 20, 2000

Copyright by J J Dewey

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