Gathering 2004, Part 24

Gathering 2004, Part 24
The Vision of Gathering

Audience: Think of the powers we’ll have when this happens. Think about our evolution, the disciples’ evolution by the time the gathering comes. The first part has already happened and the second part is overshadowing. By the time Zion happens we will have had our powers for quite some time. If our powers are going to evolve into something we don’t have right now, we’ll be able to protect ourselves.

JJ: Right. After the gathering takes place upon the waters then a number of Earth changes will take place. There will be new lands raise up out of the waters. When the new lands raise up the gathered lights will be the first ones to step forward on them and claim them. They will be the only people prepared to claim the new lands that will rise up.

Audience: When you mention 2030 are you referring to the building on the ocean or the first gatherings on the land?

JJ: The plan is to begin the building on the ocean between 2025 and 2030. If the lights are not ready it will be commenced by innovative thinkers from the best of humanity.

Audience: How long will it take until we’re ready?

JJ: The exact future is nearly impossible to predict. We will physically gather when conditions are favorable. Until then gathering on the internet is the alternative.

Audience: Are we going to have to guess?

JJ: You won’t have to guess. We’ll tell you. We’ll make an announcement on the Keys about it, “the first step of the gathering has arrived.”

Audience: Are you going to tell us where to go?

JJ: Probably Boise will be the first place.

Audience: Where is this place in the sea that’s surrounded by water?

JJ: Probably somewhere off the coast of Central America. If we could acquire an island of significant size that we could buy and make a deal with the government that we could have complete ownership of it and establish it as our own country we could use it as a base and expand from there.

When we begin building this we’ll make a tremendous amount of money just from tourism. It’s not going to be a religious society. It won’t be like the Amish or the Mormons. The difference between America and the new land will be like the difference between England and America was. Some people will be pretty religious, some people will not. They’ll gather there because of the idea of greater freedom and of making something new that’s never been done before. That will attract people from all areas, religious people, new age people and irreligious people. We’re not going to discriminate between these.

The gathering is a sifting process. Jesus mentioned this. He said, “The kingdom of heaven is like a net that is thrown into the sea and gathers fish of all type.” At the end of the age, you throw away the trash fish and keep the good fish but you keep doing this over and over and over and you keep getting better fish all the time. When Zion is built upon the waters there will be people of all types gathered there. On the average they’ll be a few steps above the average person in the other nations. They’ll be some bad dudes there as well that will need to be handled. Then the time will come that we’ll leave the gathering there and leave it to whoever wants to be in charge and we’ll gather again to somewhere else. There will be several steps in the gathering until the true Zion will be built. Who knows, it’s possible it might even be built in Missouri after it’s destroyed and the final gathering takes place. You never know.

The Mormons believe Zion will be built in Missouri. Their early prophet, Brigham Young, said that Missouri would be completely wiped out and their final gathering place would be there. I don’t have any information on that for sure.

Audience: I take that as anywhere where people are pure in heart.

JJ: Right. Zion is the pure in heart. The people that will come will be people who have pure intent to serve or to better themselves. They won’t be perfect.

Susan: The good news is that my Son-in-law and I have been working with people who work with desalination so that you can take ocean water and turn it into potable water. We’re also working on magnetic motors and other sources of energy that will be perpetual type power so we don’t have to have pollution and fossil fuels.

Audience: Things that aren’t allowed in America because they are being repressed but they could be allowed in the new nation.

JJ: When the gathering takes place and we’re free from all the governments of the Earth then if we create a new power source we don’t need to worry about anyone stealing it. We can develop it ourselves and we may even develop ways to supply power to the various nations.

Audience: JJ, could you explain the pixels that Rick created for those who can’t conceive building a nation on the water?

JJ: Rick has come up with what looks like a good foundation building block. Overall, I see the individual housing units built something like Lego’s. Everyone know what Lego’s are? If you want a house or a place to live in Zion upon the waters we’ll build it here. We’ll have people hired and participating that are going to be members of the gathering. We’ll have giant construction crews building them here. They’ll be floated out to the floating city and linked up, one link up after another until we get a whole city.

Audience: So out there we would have our houses, our businesses, we build our own hospitals with our own healing techniques that we want with vibrations and colors. We can have our own schools, our own police force, our own sewer system.

JJ: Storms will be problem but fortunately we’ll be able to move around. When we see a storm on the satellite system we’ll be able to move out of its way. We’ll have a power source. It’ll be like a giant ship or they can unlink too. We’ll also eventually build cities that float in the air. That’ll be a tremendous tourist attraction. We may build them in the ocean but they’ll actually float in the air. Rick came up with some good ideas on that too. I never told him how this was going to work but he’s been thinking in the right direction.

Here is a link to some of the gatherings that are in the planning stage as of August, 2022

My son, observe the postage stamp! Its usefulness depends upon its ability to stick to one thing until it gets there. Josh Billings (1818 – 1885)

Posted July 28, 2005

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Gathering 2004, Part 23

Gathering 2004, Part 23
The Next Gathering

Assaf: So the gathering, where will it take place?

JJ: That’s a great mystery, isn’t it? I haven’t told the group in all this time but I’ve decided to tell you today. Would you like to hear? Lorraine got it through her own inspiration, didn’t you Lorraine?

Lorraine: Well, you’ve given clues.

JJ: I’ve given several clues but Lorraine is the only one who’s gotten it in this room. And that guy in prison got it. I know Susan has really been wondering about it. (Actually, she already knew)

Audience: There is a guy on the internet who is developing a new system. He’s building an island in the Gulf of Mexico and he’s creating a new nation that nobody has any claim on. It’s called the New Utopia. My guess is that you’re going to do something similar.

JJ: There are a couple people doing that. One guy wants to be king. He’s not going to gather very many because if you go there you have to call him King and he’s the sovereign there. That’s going backwards. We don’t’ want to establish a kingdom. You don’t want to call me King JJ, do you?

The first step in the gathering is the internet. But we have a long way to go yet. Eventually, we are going to need some type of breakthrough where the idea gets a lot of international attention.

When millions of people are affected then we’ll have power to gather people in various cities with one major area as a focus.

Finally, the gathering will take place on this earth in a place that’s been reserved for this purpose since the beginning of man. It even speaks of it in the scriptures. Remember the scripture I told you about, “a highway shall be cast up in the midst of the great deep.” I said that had more than one interpretation. What’s the other interpretation?

Here is another scripture: “Wherefore, prepare ye for the coming of the Bridegroom; go ye, go ye out to meet him. For behold, he shall stand upon the mount of Olivet, and upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep and upon the islands of the sea, and upon the land of Zion.” D&C 133:19-20 When Christ comes again where shall He stand?

Audience: comments inaudible

JJ: Let’s look at it again. “upon the mighty ocean, even the great deep.” How will Christ stand upon the ocean when He comes?

Audience: comments inaudible

JJ: No, what good would that do if there is nobody there? What’s Christ going to do standing out in the middle of the ocean? How is He going to stand in the ocean? He will stand on the highway that is cast up in the midst of the great deep. What is the highway that will be cast up on the midst of the great deep?

Audience: comment inaudible

JJ: No, it will rise up in the ocean but first a highway will be built. We are going to build the highway. We’re going to build a highway in the midst of the great deep then when Christ comes He will stand upon it. Let me read you this scripture. This scripture has dual meanings. Something similar is said in Isaiah but this is clearer.

“Behold, I, the Lord, in the beginning blessed the waters; but in the lasts days, by the mouth of my servant John, I cursed the waters. Wherefore, the days will come that no flesh shall be safe upon the waters. And it shall be said in days to come that none is able to go up to the LAND OF ZION UPON THE WATERS, but he that is upright in heart.” D&C 61:14-16

Many think that people will be crossing the ocean coming to the land of Zion and will have to cross the waters and that’s the land of Zion upon the waters but let’s read it another way.

“None shall be able to go up to the land of Zion upon the waters.” Interpreting this another way we could say that the land of Zion shall be upon the waters. Notice the dualistic meaning. It says only the pure in heart will be able to go to the land of Zion upon the waters.

Audience: chatter inaudible

JJ: But we’re not upon the waters. The land of Zion is wherever the pure in heart gather. In the days of Joseph Smith America was called Zion but Zion is wherever the pure in heart gather. The pure in heart are to gather in the land of Zion upon the waters. It’s an interesting statement, isn’t it? America isn’t upon the waters. There is no land upon the waters right now. We’re referring to something we’re going to build. We’re going to build the land of Zion upon the waters. The Gathering of Lights will build the land of Zion upon the waters and it will be a highway cast up in the midst of the great deep.

Imagine that we have the United States here and Europe across the waters. Imagine we have a highway that connects the two across the ocean, a highway composed of homes and businesses and cities that stretch from one place to the other. Now imagine over here we have California and we have Japan and we build another highway that reaches clear across the Pacific Ocean. Eventually those two highways will connect the whole Earth so the whole Earth will be like one land. The prophecy is the whole Earth will be one land but perhaps this is going to happen differently than what everyone thinks. Not that the oceans will be dried up but that they’’ be connected by the highways cast up in the midst of the great deep.

Audience: inaudible comment

JJ: It’s not there yet. We have to build it. It won’t be concrete. Matter of fact Rick had inspiration on this and we wish we had him here today so he could show us the building materials he designed. He’s creating some of the perfect building materials that we may need. What we’ll do is to create floating cities and connect the floating cities one to another. The ocean is the only place that we can go where we will not be under the power of some authority, where we can put together a type of system that will be totally different than the world has ever seen before.

Audience: inaudible comments

JJ: No one owns the ocean. In international waters if some island were to sprout up and you were to go put a flag on it, then you’d have your own country.

Audience: Submarines go everywhere. If the Soviet Union were to bring submarines in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean others will complain.

Audience: I think there is a 20 mile area where anything 20 miles off the coastline is intternational territory.

JJ: They can go on international waters. Anybody can. But sometimes with some of the unfriendly nations if you go too close in international waters they get upset like the Chinese did with us when they took our plane down.

Audience: Powerful countries could somehow take it but the power of God would protect it.

JJ: Right. The scripture says a person will have to be pure in heart to go up to the land of Zion upon the waters.

Audience: Doesn’t that also imply that those in the cities. . .

JJ: Right and this is what’s going to happen. We’re going to gather first of all the most intelligent people into the cities in the various gathering places. There will be one main gathering place on land with numerous smaller ones linked. Then at a time when many of the governments are collapsing and suffering financial distress with their systems taxing people more and giving people less. If they continue on this route the economy around the world is going to go downhill. Then when we get enough people together, we will go build floating cities and on these floating cities we will gather the greatest lights of the Earth including many of the greatest scientists.

There will be a lot of different ways we can make money on these things. It also says in the prophecy in the scriptures that the nations of the world will bring their gold and silver to Zion. Once a new nation is established where there is virtually no taxes and tremendous opportunity for financial investment the nations of the world will bring their gold and silver there. We’ll also have a lot of medical facilities not governed by all the restrictions that we have here. If we have a cure for cancer we can say, “Hey, we have a cure for cancer” and not worry about being sued or imprisoned.

Assaf asks how can we make sure only the pure in heart will be gathered in these cities. You don’t make sure. You put out the call. How do we know that everybody who came to America was pure in heart? Everybody wasn’t. There was an opportunity signaled and the opportunity gathered the people. It’ll be the same this time. Not everyone who goes to the floating cities will be pure in heart, but overall they’ll be head and shoulders over the average person sitting in the nations left behind.

Audience: When you think about the people who will be attracted to this kind of thing they won’t be the nay-sayers. The people low in evolution will not want to go to the next gathering. They’ll want to hold on to the old ways. So we’ll gather the best of the people because they’ll be able to think forward and not backwards.

Audience: What’s the time frame JJ?

JJ: It should be started by around 2030.

Audience: You said this has to happen before Christ will return?

JJ: Yes. Hopefully we can start it around 2025-2030.

Audience: What about Independence, MO?

JJ: Nothing is going to happen there for some time. Once the gathering takes place upon the waters then the big test will be how the nations will handle it. It says in the scripture it calls the church of God a woman, in the book of Revelations. It says the Earth helped the woman. In other words, when there are enemies to the forces of light the Earth will help them. When the intelligence that is the Earth sees that there is a gathering taking place where there will be a new step in evolution, the Earth will assist us. The Earth assisted Moses so he was able to part the Red Sea and drown the Egyptians, the Earth helped the gathering to prevent the enemies of the gathering from stopping it.

Life is a dream from which we must wake before we can dream again. Robert Jordan, The Fires of Heaven

Posted July 26, 2005

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