Intuition and Domination

Intuition and Domination

A reader comments that my posts present a much different view of the intuition than she formally believed it to be. She says: “Lordy, I have no idea. I’m starting to wonder if my entire life has been based off of decisions made by some primordial past…”

Your honestly here is refreshing and amusing (in a good way). If the discussion here can awaken us to a realization of what we do not know and that which is yet unrealized then we have the beginning of new knowledge and an additional step on the Path. Sometimes our notions have to be destroyed before greater truth can enter in.

As I said, the trouble with DK and other teachers using the word “intuition” in teaching esoteric writings is that many a reader will go by the common meaning of the term. According to the common meaning, just about all have used intuition at one time or another. But in the context that DK uses it only a handful have a grasp of it and a very small handful are polarized in the intuition.

As I said, the first step in entering the intuitive consciousness is in exploring the world of ideas. This corresponds somewhat to DK’s comments on illumination. The more illuminated is the mind by the soul the greater the power to bring down inspired ideas.

Does the average seeker touch intuitive consciousness at all or is it just beyond his grasp?

There is much about the intuitive consciousness that is beyond the current reach of the average seeker. Even though this is so, it is good for all of us to have the carrot of the next few steps dangling before us to contemplate. This stimulates us and helps us progress faster.

Even though much is beyond the current experience of aspirants many have also gotten their big toes wet with their intuition.

This happens first with the world of ideas.

Are all ideas then from intuitive consciousness?

No. Some of what is called ideas are from deductive reasoning. Some people merely put two and two together and call it an idea. Instead this would technically be a deduction.

A true intuitive idea is one that comes, almost in a flash of light, that is sensed by the individual as being something beyond the ability of the reasoning mind to automatically produce from available facts.

So how have those in this group used the intuition?

Actually, the most common way to begin the development of intuitive consciousness is through writing, just as we are doing here.

How many times have you read of some inspired idea or concept put into writing by a member of the group and it just seemed to speak to you? You might think something posted just seemed extra inspired today. There is a good chance that the writer tapped into the intuition.

Poetry and song writing is another creative avenue that stimulates intuition. Actually, any creative endeavor that allows the seeker to manifest the “new” and the good and the beautiful is great training ground for the development of true intuition.

There is, however, some distance to go before one becomes polarized in intuitive consciousness. In order to do this one must understand the language of the soul which is based upon principles and not words. The intuitive will always look for the principle behind all things. DK expressed this as “the divine germ seen as latent in all forms.”

“We have survived by hiding from them…by running from them. But they are the gatekeepers. They are guarding all the doors, they are holding all the keys, and that means that sooner or later, someone is going to have to fight them.” Morpheus – The Matrix

The question: Because many decisions do not require intuitive thought. Some decisions may benefit from the intuition and others may not.

Since decision is the key to polarization but not all decisions can be based on intuition, then how does the intuition govern decision-making in the life of the intuitive?

To explain the answer perhaps it would be best to introduce a new principle that we shall call the “Principle of Domination.”

It could be expressed this way as far as consciousness goes. “That consciousness wherein lies the major focus of attention (polarization) will dominate decision-making. If the lower dominates the higher, then creation comes to an end and dissolution comes into play. The dominating force seeks to control all. When the higher dominates the lower (which is its destiny to do), creation begins anew and force is only used when all that is lower fails.”

The key phrase here is “force is only used when all that is lower fails.”

When the mental dominates it will allow the emotions to have their way until common sense dictates that the entity is making an error. When this occurs the mind will assume control and dominate by force of will.

But for the emotionally polarized the situation is different. As soon as the emotions detect the emergence of higher mind and logic, they will do all in their power to dominate in every situation and dominate every decision whether it makes sense or not.

If the intuition dominates the mind as well as the emotions then the intuitive self will allow mind to make any decision it wants that is in harmony with that which is perceived intuitively. In turn, the mind will allow emotion to have its way as long as logic is not violated. Again, emotion will acquiesce to instinct as long as it feels right.

The only time the intuitive self assumes control is when the lower bodies begin to pull self in a direction contrary to that which the intuition sees. If all is going well it would seem that the intuition is not in control, for the mind and feelings seem to be making most of the decisions. It is only when a wrong direction is felt or thought that they learn who is really in charge.

Thus we see that all the parts of ourselves still influence the decision-making process for decision is always acquiesced to the level where the decision is most appropriate.

Example: Bob meets Carol. He finds her beautiful and instinct says yes. Pursue her.

Emotion says: “Let’s get to know her a while to see if I approve.”

Bob takes Carol on a couple dates and emotion begins to fall in love and heartily approves of instinct.

Mind then enters in and says: “She may be good looking and we are attracted to her, but does the relationship make sense?” Mind then studies Carol and the potential relationship and sees a number of problems. A number of their core values and interests are different. Mind then pulls the plug.

Instinct and emotion are very upset.

But the intuitional self is assessing the situation and it perceives that despite the differences that Carol would be an asset to Bob in accomplishing his life’s mission. Intuition then overrides the mind and makes the decision to pursue the relationship.

Of course this scenario can only take place when consciousness is dominated by intuition. Over 90% of humanity is dominated by emotion so this decision-making process normally does not even reach the stage of mind.

The second part of the question was: Can you give an example of a time that intuition helped you make a decision?

A reader gave a good example of an intuitional conclusion.

She basically tells us that those in the West seem to have greater spiritual values than those in the Eastern States because those in the West are descended from the pioneers who came west in search for a better life. Of course there are good people everywhere, but she deserves credit for touching on the intuition because she touches on a principle.

What is that?

It is the Gathering Principle.

Periodically in earth’s history the lights are gathered through a desire to seek a better life. When this occurs the benefits will last for several generations.


Give one or more characteristics that apply to the intuitional self, but do not apply to the emotional or mental selves.

Trinity: You told me to never get on the freeway. You said it was suicide.

Morpheous: Then let us hope that I was wrong. Matrix Reloaded

June 3, 2003

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Intuition Examined

Intuition Examined

Assignment: Contemplate the difference between the mental and intuitional person and tell us what they are.

The group gave some great comments on this. Now I’ll add a few thoughts.

First, we need to realize that the word “intuition,” as used by DK, is somewhat different than the common meaning.

To understand what the intuition is, it helps to understand what it is not.

Intuition is not a gut feeling. Intuition is not necessarily a psychic impression. Intuition is not channeling. Intuition is not the Holy Spirit but may involve the Spirit. Intuition is not a feeling that something is right, but may bring this feeling. Intuition is not illogical, but may seem illogical to some. Intuition is not a received communication containing directions or data. Intuition does not originate from the solar plexus or lower emotions.

What then is the intuition?

Intuition is a higher octave of the emotional self.

Intuition opens the window of the soul and communicates with the world above the mind or higher – the formless worlds. It receives in the language of the soul. And what is that? It is the language of principles. Perhaps DK describes it best when he uses the words “flashing forth” as descriptive of the intuition at work.

The intuitive will put all known facts together and contemplate. His consciousness will penetrate higher worlds through the soul and a principle will come into his mind. When this happens a “flashing forth” is realized and the light of the revealed principle is shined upon all that was previously obscure.

A reader is indeed correct when he indicates that one can use the intuition before he is polarized at that level. We must remember what it means to be polarized at a certain level. If one is polarized in the mind then all decisions will be approved and governed by mind. The same goes for the emotions. Polarization indicates a consistent consciousness and working from a certain level.

One can see how the emotionally polarized person makes consistent decisions based on feeling and the mental by using the mind but it is more difficult to understand the intuitive.


Because many decisions do not require intuitive thought. Some decisions may benefit from the intuition and others may not.

Question: Since decision is the key to polarization but not all decisions can be based on intuition, then how does the intuition govern decision-making in the life of the intuitive?

Can you give an example of a time that intuition helped you make a decision?

“But I can only show you the door. You’re the one that has to walk through it.” Morpheus – The Matrix

Question: Intuition is not a gut feeling. Please define gut feeling. Is this animal instinct or psychism or what??

Gut feelings come from several sources. The first is the instinctual nature. Instinct came into play in the first part of our evolution as human beings as a carry-over from the animal kingdom. Instinct is very closely associated with survival and is used by primitive humans, as well as animals, to escape danger, to find food and water and establish customs for tribal unity.

As each of us progressed from instinctual polarization to the emotional, instinctive powers became dormant, or went below the threshold of consciousness. This does not mean we have lost this ability, but it does mean that we put it on the shelf so we have greater power of attention to concentrate on our next level of progression. Instead of being lost, it does mean that it lies latent within each one of us and may be recovered by the soul to aid us in various situations.

Each of us may, in times of tension within our lives, experience this instinct that is often called a “gut feeling.” It is not infallible by any means, as this ability is associated with an ancient time and circumstance for most of us, but it is accurate enough that we should pay attention to it and compare it with any higher feelings and reasoning we have.

Many who receive an instinct or gut feeling misname it intuition, but, esoterically, instinct and intuition are very different from each other.

Question: What then is the intuition? Intuition is a higher octave of the emotional self. ” What does this mean?

We have three vehicles of expression in the words of form. They are the physical/etheric, the astral/emotional and the mental/thought. Then there are four higher beyond form.

I often compare each of these worlds to a musical octave. In music when you move up an octave you play the same note again, but it is not the same. It has a similar resonance, but a higher vibration. Each of the worlds has seven sublevels corresponding to the seven major musical notes or the seven colors of the rainbows – or the seven creative rays.

As we progress through the three worlds we move up an octave from the instinct of the etheric/physical to psychic ability of the emotional to the logic of the mind, and finally to the intuition of the buddhic plane.

Just as Middle C does not become useless when you move up the scale, even so do all the abilities have their purpose and use.

Question: Please define and elucidate on language of the soul.

Here are some quotes from my previous writings.

I believe that someone mentioned that the language of the Soul deals with principles. This is a good way to see it.

Think on this: It takes a thousand facts to reveal one principle, but one principle can reveal thousands of facts. If we see this as being true then we can understand that when the soul speaks to us that there will be times when a whole book can be communicated almost instantly.

Before effective soul contact can be reached the seeker must have a clear understanding of the difference between facts and principles and seek the understanding of Principles.

From the beginning of this list my main goal has been to lead some of you into the true world of the soul so many can learn to verify information through the soul by using correct principles. A great leap forward in this process is to not be deceived by a multitude of facts and data, but to learn that the Spirit within can and does verify principles and principles behind various packages of knowledge.

Let us use an example of a principle taught in the Immortal book. “I AM BECOMING that which I DECIDE to BECOME.

When many of you contrasted this principle with the idea of a static, never-changing condition for all eternity, the idea of eternal progression just struck a chord within your soul. The reason this principle felt so good is because principles are dealing with the language of the soul, and from and through the soul we can receive a true communication. The good part is that as we progress from confirmation to confirmation our sensitivity to this communication becomes more and more reliable until the seeker can bring down principles from on high for himself and others.

But as far as regular knowledge that is available in the world through books and teachers are concerned, the best way to acquire it is from without. A good teacher is invaluable and so is a good book written by a teacher.

All souls are one and when we all speak the language of the soul together we will see as one body. But even those who do their best to retain soul contact can question and disagree because of incomplete communications.

If my soul verifies a truth and yours does too then wee see eye to eye with no decree from outside of ourselves. This is the way it should be. When we arrive at this answer a light will be thrown on the souls of many and they will see the truth of the principle. Remember the language of the soul is principles. To the soul a principle is like a word is to us.

Question: Are you suggesting only principles are intuited, or did you simply not list all other types of info.

It may be misleading to say only principles are intuited. It would be more accurate to say that all intuition involves the use of principles in some way. Since principles are the language of the soul then this language must be involved in some way if the higher communications is to be brought down to the physical brain.

The beginning of intuition is in the in the use of ideas. Every idea does not present a principle in its fullness, but every good idea touches upon a principle and makes use of it.

Edison, for example, received the idea of the light bulb through intuition. The idea itself was not a single principle, but its creation involved the use of a number of principles. His mind this went beyond the words of form to bring down the practical idea of a new form.

“Sooner or later you’re going to realize, just as I did, there’s a difference between knowing the path…and walking it.” Morpheus – the Matrix

May 30, 2003

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Mad as Hell

Mad as Hell

Reader Comment: What if the other person says something that is such an emotional blow that I become stunned and can’t even stay centered in the mind to think of any way to respond let alone a harmless way?

It’s easy to go back in the archives and pick out every statement someone else made and say, “Here. After you wrote these I felt hurt, angry, etc.” But people don’t have photographic memories. What do I do when a single statement has so many attacks wrapped up in it that afterwards I can’t recall it exactly to tell the person how they made me feel?

JJ: I know what you mean. I am normally a patient man and people can insult me all they want and I remain unruffled, but, even so, I recall several times when my buttons were really pushed. The several that really got to me would not seem to be as bad to an observer as other insults of the past but there was something about them that reached deep into my psyche and rose up an anger in me that could have been destructive if I did not call on extra reserves of self control to hold it at bay.

On these occasions the insult may seem so bad or outrageous you may indeed not know how to respond until you think on it a moment. This is the time that you do not want to go with your feelings alone. This is the time for the mind to assume control even though there is nothing you would love more than to let the guy have that which he richly deserves.

For the mind to assume control over highly charged situation will require an act of the will and the pilgrim may falter a number of times before the victory is won. But so long as he perseveres (endure to the end) the conquest is sure.

Question: What if the other person simply doesn’t care about how I feel and continues attacking?

This will sometimes happen and this is good practice for the fledgling disciple. In fact, without such people coming into our lives now and then our progress would be very slow – so in a round-about way we should be thankful for them.

If you have communicated your grievances with harmlessness and he ignores your feelings and continues attacking then you must tune him out.

All people come into our lives because their consciousness shares a certain note with our own consciousness. If you apply the principle of attrition and do not play the shared note with the irritating person then he will fade out of your life and not show up again.

In other words, if you ignore him long enough he will lose interest.

Question: What about a scenario where there’s a mental conversation that occasionally takes a dip into the astral. Sarcasm and other statements that attack and hurt feelings occur. If I stopped during every attack statement to tell the person how it made me feel the discussion completely halts or gets sidetracked. If we shouldn’t suppress then how does one handle their emotions in this scenario and still keep the discourse moving forward?

JJ: Most descents into the astral do not produce a grievance in the above average person. It is only necessary to share hurt feelings when there is a grievance. Two fairly mental people often descend into the astral during a heated argument, but not pick up a grievance over it.

If you pick up a grievance repeatedly from a certain individual and have to work it out repeatedly then the best thing to do is to tune that person out of your life.

If such a person is part of a committed relationship then one needs to check with his soul for guidance and help.

Neo: I know what you’re trying to do.

Morpheus: I’m trying to free your mind, Neo. But I can only show you the door. You’re the one who has to walk through it. The Matrix

The Midway Force

Question: Was it really the right thing to do (as mentioned in in your book) that Elvis was motivated by divine guidance to pursue a singing career to shift the direction of music? Just look at some of the corrupt music that followed him.

JJ: The fact that Elvis represented the midway point does not mean that he was a saint or that all who followed him or are influenced by him represent any kind of perfection.

Jesus represented a midway point of a much greater cycle. Shall we say that he was a bad guy or was a failure because of wars, crusades and cults that were said to be inspired by his name?


Each of us are responsible for our own actions and each of us can be influenced positively or negatively by either a saint or a sinner.

For instance, because of certain bad examples set for me as a kid I made a determination to not be like the bad example. Then certain good examples inspired me to be good also.

If you look at the music, politics, attitudes, art, entertainment, books, education etc before Elvis you will note that it was governed by a conservative cycle. Then if you examine the same categories after Elvis you will note an increasing liberal cycle.

Here is the interesting point. Now a lesser liberal cycle has come to an end we can look back on the music before Elvis and then after Elvis – and what do we see? When we look at both time periods how then would we judge Elvis? The person living in the present would see Elvis not as an extreme liberal as did the older people in the Fifties, but neither would he see him as ultra conservative. When both cycles are taken into consideration Elvis is indeed seen as being in the Middle. But when the Middle was happening Elvis was seen as a radical liberal bent on destroying conservative values.

The fact that Elvis appearing on the Ed Sullivan Show represented the midway point merely means that he was in the right time and place to add that little extra force necessary to shift the balance of the energies from right to left.

You might be interested in knowing the midway point of the last cycle that forced the shift from liberalism to conservatism.

This point was the stock market crash in 1929.

Recently we have just experienced another crossing of the midway point from liberalism to conservatism.

This occurred on Sept 11, 2001.

Now keep in mind that during both cycles you have pockets of the side not dominating attempting to resurface. Neither the left or the right is ever inactive. Then there are larger cycles. The overall larger cycle is dominated by the liberal side.

The force that moves the pendulum can be considered either good or bad, but force by itself is neither of these. Force of itself is neutral, but the overall moving of the pendulum is governed by the principle of dominating good.

This means that when the pendulum has finished its motion the end result will be seen as a step forward in evolution.

Morpheus: What is The Matrix? Control. The Matrix is a computer generated dream world built to keep us under control in order to change a human being into this.

Neo: No. I don’t believe it. It’s not possible! Morpheus: I didn’t say it would be easy, Neo. I just said it would be the truth. The Matrix

Why Return?

Question: Why would Jesus need to return?

JJ: Why would you come back?

The answer is the same.

Just as you have lessons to learn and service to render even so do the great lives have their own goals.

There are nine initiations to be taken. Seven of them are taken on this earth. The Christ must return to complete his seventh initiation. After this, followed by a period of service, he will then go on to Sirius where he will complete his eighth and ninth initiations. Then in the far future he will return to the earth as what DK calls the “Cosmic Christ.” We probably do not have much of an idea as to what this means at this point.

Christ as an individual entity may incarnate periodically, and then at other times, he will work through disciples in a divine overshadowing or divine possession.

On the other hand, the Christ principle is in each of us and can manifest at any time, anywhere the people are ready.

May 29, 2003

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Communicating Grievance

Communicating Grievance

Question: How do we deal with those who either refuse to communicate about emotional hurt or do not take any responsibility for the problem?

The solution is very simple. Your success in dealing with your emotion does not depend on the other person.

It does not matter if he goes into denial.

It does not matter if the other person is not honest or makes no effort to communicate.

It does not matter if he is defensive.

It does not matter if he does not meet you half way.

What does matter?

The answer is always the same. What matters is what you do.

And all you have to do is to tell the person in spoken or written word how his actions effected your feelings.

If he denies that he is at fault, well he may be right in his own eyes. Often our feelings are hurt because of our own internal programming and not because of another person out of line.

And what if the other person is definitely out of line and still denies responsibility?

The question then becomes this.

Do you want to feel better and assume control of your life or do you just want a pound of flesh?

If the answer is the former then all you need do (no matter what the other guy does) is to merely communicate in harmless non attack words how he made you feel.

Once you have done this you must assume control with your mind and let the emotion go. When you do this the negative energy is now the other person’s responsibility and if he does not honestly respond then the negativity will descend upon him and he will suffer for it.

If you then really want to get revenge upon your enemies, just communicate your feelings and then forgive. If you do this and he does not respond according to his soul he will soon partake of the negativity of which you were suffering.

It is the natural desire of the astral nature to want the other guy to admit he was wrong and do penitence, but in the real world this rarely happens and is not the answer to emotional control. Instead, merely send out your true feelings in harmlessness, using soft words, and let the emotion go using harmless words.

This works every time the individual is not attached to revenge.

Comment on the Parable

“I wondered whether you posted that story as a hint?

If I was Jesus, I would come back to Earth working through someone first, (working from the bottom rung of the ladder, upwards).

“Jesus would probably inconspicuously build up a following of people who were open to all thoughts and all philosophies, (through one man or woman), a bit like what DK did with Alice Bailey. Then in about 25 years when everything was going according to His plan, he would step out from the shadows and announce to the world that He was already here, but not until he had enough Disciples or followers working within His light. It would not be something out of the blue, but more like a long drawn out process of planning.”

JJ: The purpose of the parable was to get readers to think outside the box.

Your assumption is actually quite close to the teachings of DK. He tells us that Christ will work through a number of disciples before he appears. He also indicates that either the overshadowing principle or his appearance in his own body could constitute his Second Coming dependent on the need and opportunity.

Esoteric students need to remember that he came last time through the body of a disciple (Jesus) and not in a body of his own. Exactly how he will come this time is not fully revealed, so we must be open to all possibilities.

Comic Relief

Here is some great comic relief from Keith. His comments are as good as the strange facts.

(1) DID YOU KNOW…If you yelled for 8 years, 7 months and 6 days you would have produced enough sound energy to heat one cup of coffee. (Hardly seems worth it.)

(2) If you farted consistently for 6 years and 9 months, enough gas is produced to create the energy of an atomic bomb. (Now that’s more like it!)

(3) The human heart creates enough pressure when it pumps out to the body to squirt blood 30 feet.

(4) (Oh My God!) A pig’s orgasm lasts 30 minutes. In my next life, I want to be a pig.)

(5) A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death. (Creepy…I’m still not over the pig.)

(6) Banging your head against a wall uses 150 calories an hour. (Do not try this at home…… maybe at work.)

(7) The male praying mantis cannot copulate while its head is attached to its body. The female initiates sex by ripping! the male’s head off. (“Honey, I’m home. What the….?!”)

(8) The flea can jump 350 times its body length. It’s like a human jumping the length of a football field. (30 minutes… lucky pig… can you imagine??)

(9) The catfish has over 27,000 taste buds. (What could be so tasty on the bottom of a pond?)

(10) Some lions mate over 50 times a day. (I still want to be a pig in my next life…quality over quantity)

(11) Butterflies taste with their feet. (Something I always wanted to know.)

(12) The strongest muscle in the body is the tongue. (Hmmmmmm……..)

(13) Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people. (If you’re ambidextrous, do you split the difference?)

(14) Elephants are the only animals that cannot jump. (OK, so that would be a good thing….)

(15) A cat’s urine glows under a black light. (I wonder who was paid to figure that out?)!

(16) An ostrich’s eye is bigger than its brain. (I know some people like that.)

(17) Starfish have no brains. (I know some people like that too.)

(18) Polar bears are left-handed. (If they switch, they’ll live a lot longer.)

(19) Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure. (What about that pig??)

Now that you’ve smiled at least once, it’s your turn to spread the stupidity and send this to someone you want to bring a smile to.

May 28, 2003

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Controlling Grievance

Controlling Grievance

A reader wants to know why we do not allow posts that have grievances toward other members. After all, I did teach that we should find outlets for negative emotions? He points out that restricting them will not make them go away.

He is right. Restricting grievances does not make them go away. As you know I have taught several times about the wisdom of releasing the emotions and not suppressing them. Suppression causes all kind of problems, but so does release if it not done harmlessly.

Allows me to recap some of my previous teachings on the matter.

The key to emotional fulfillment is to avoid suppression. Suppression is a form of avoiding communication. This is especially dangerous when the negative emotions are suppressed for this can lead to disease. Just like steam pressure in a tea kettle can cause it to blow its lid, if it has no release valve, so can suppressed emotion cause a person to explode unpredictably. An unpredictable moody person is usually one who suppressed emotion.

Whether a person suppresses or not, he has a need to express himself emotionally whether it be romantic love, hate, anger, happiness or any other feeling. The emotions should be controlled and rightly directed, but not suppressed. No one likes to live with a walking time bomb and this is what one becomes if he does not intelligently release his feelings, now and then, to let off the dangerous pressure.

One must find a release for emotional feeling as it arises or it can build up a negative energy pressure to a dangerous level. For instance, if one feels anger he should not pretend that it is not there. This is dishonest communication and negative whereas control of anger and honestly communicating it harmlessly is positive.

What then should we do with anger, or other negative feelings, when we have them if we are not to suppress ? Should we attack the person we feel angry at? No. This would be uncontrolled emotion. Instead we must direct the expression of our feeling through the control of the mind.

When we are angry our emotional self sends a strong instinct, not to think, but to immediately carry out a destructive action. However, the mind must override emotional authority and declare: “I will not release my authority to decide a course of action. I will stay in command.” After maintaining the reigns of control the mind can then say: “My emotional self feels all this anger toward Mary that needs released. What is the most harmless way to let it off?” The mind then decides to communicate instead of attack. John says to Mary: “Mary, what you just said makes me feel very angry. I feel like slapping you. I, but, of course, I will not do it, but you really upset me and hurt my feelings.”

Most people have feelings within them, positive and negative, locked tightly within and fear letting them out in the open. They are afraid of becoming vulnerable, believing that they may be hurt as they have been in the past. Nevertheless, each person still has an inward longing to share and release these feelings and they wish with all their heart they could trust someone enough to intimately communicate with them.

If you are reading these lines and feel a need to share suppressed emotions, but cannot because you feel that you cannot trust others to not hurt you then the solution is to let the mind assume control and tell yourself: “If I suffer pain because I trust another with my feelings it will not be as bad as the emptiness I now feel because I hide them. Therefore, I will share my innermost feelings, even at the risk of pain. Some pain mixed with pleasure is much better than non-existence.”

Life is always less painful to one who communicates than to one who does not. In one way of looking at it we could say: “All emotional pain is an indication of a failure to communicate.”

If one finds himself responsible for helping another person release pent up feelings he will become endeared in that person’s psyche for a lifetime. The overflowing stream of peace and joy that follows such a release is sometimes overwhelming.

When one enters a situation where he can communicate and control his negative feelings, then he is faced with the need of using his positive feelings to create a fullness of joy. This is the circumstance we should all find ourselves in if we follow our inner urges to communicate.

He or she then works toward a fullness in communicating love-desire energies, affection, sexual and romantic feelings, appreciation, generosity, givingness, and freedom.End Quote

Now the problem we have periodically with the group is multifold.

(1) Some desire to work feelings out through involving the whole group with emotional problems that should be able to be worked out with several individuals.

Here is what I mean concerning this area. Bob says something that offends Rod, but is not aware that he hurt his feelings. This happens several times until Rod gets so steamed up inside that something must give.

What is the right and wrong thing to do here?

The wrong thing: Rod makes a post to the group calling Bob an out-of-control emotional hypocrite that wouldn’t know the soul from a bad case of gas.

What then happens? Bob not only responds attacking back but many in the group are also outraged and respond.

What is the result? For the next two weeks nothing is done except an exchange of hurt feelings and when the dust has settled nothing is resolved and several leave or threaten to leave the group.

What then is the right thing to do?

Instead of going with his emotional instinct, Rod, first of all, wants to make sure he understands Bob correctly so he sends him a personal communication and says something like: “When you made your post it sounded like you were implying I was stupid. If so, this would really hurt my feelings so I thought I would check to see if this is what you really meant.”

Most likely Bob with write back saying that is not what he meant and that would be the end of it. Most hurt feelings are caused by misunderstandings and cleared up when there is proper communication.

But what should Rod do if he finds out Bob really does think he is stupid?

What he should not do is attack back.

What he also should not do is suppress or deny his hurt feelings.

What he again should not do is make an attack.

What he should do to release his feelings is to tell Bob how he feels without using attack words. He might say something like this:

“I’m sorry you feel this way about me or any other fellow workers Bob. I must let you know that your statements and rough language does hurt my feelings and I hope you’ll take them into consideration in the future.

Rod thus communicates his hurt feelings to Bob. This releases the pressure of the pent up emotions and places the responsibility of correction on Bob. Now Rod has made his communication there is nothing more he needs to do. It is possible that Bob may take him the wrong way and attack back. If this happens Rod will be tempted to add to the vicious circle, but he must resist and not attack back. He should merely give the same answer again and again until Bob’s attack mode dissipates.

His answer should go something like: “My feelings were hurt and I needed to share this with you. If it bothers you that my feelings are somewhat fragile at times I apologize, but my feelings are my feelings and there is not much I can do about the except express them as harmlessly as possible. This is what I did with you and your understanding in this matter is appreciated.”

Overall this group is quite stable and members treat each other with consideration, but there are times when members seem to want to vent on the list. There are always exceptions, but normally this is not the place to do it, and thus the moderation process comes into play. Even so this does not stop the emotionally offended ones from making the needed communications privately, not involving the group.

Copyright by J J Dewey

May 27, 2003

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The First Second Coming

The First Second Coming

A Parable

The Most High called for his Beloved Son and said, “Behold the earth and the people therein. What are the believers teaching of you in this age?”

The Son looked upon the Father and said, “They teach as they have taught for 2000 years. There are bits and pieces of truth colored with distortions, traditions and the doctrines of men.”

“Is nothing different then?”

“There is one thing that is different,” said the Son. “At this time emphasis is placed on the end of the world as never before. Many are expecting great destruction followed by my appearance in glory.”

“And how do they expect your appearance in glory to transpire?”

“Many are expecting me to appear with great brightness in the sky with many angels and proceed to destroy the wicked and then reign with the believers.”

“Is this what you desire, my Son?”

“I desire to assist the true seekers, but My words of my Coming have been distorted and misinterpreted.”

“Yet many believe in this traditional magical appearance?”

“Yes, my Lord.”

The Father reflected for a moment and added, “And if you should appear and walk among them will they know and understand you?”

The son looked downward as if in sorrow and replied, “No. I do not think so.”

“Then we must give them what they desire that they may learn. Prepare yourself and the angels for a Second Coming as the believers anticipate.”

“Are you sure, my Lord?”

“I am sure. Trust me.”

The Son thus prepared all things and as the day approached the Father asked, “Are all things in order?”

“As much as possible,” said the Son. “The biggest problem is that many believers condemn other religions with doctrinal differences. Instead of coming to one sect I will appear to as many as possible.”


The next day seemed like a normal day for planet earth. There were earthquakes in divers places and wars and rumors of wars through the earth. But then something extraordinary happened. A great light appeared in the sky that was visible throughout the four corners of the earth. No one could explain why people on both sides of the globe could all see it but it was visible to every man, woman and child at one time.

The light grew brighter until it was more intense than the sun. The believers who looked upward saw the Son and his angels and rejoiced that the great day had finally arrived. The non believer who looked up caught on fire and burned as stubble in the field. There were a handful of non believers, however, who slept through the whole occurrence and never saw the light to be consumed by it. These survived with the believers.

The next three days were a time of bliss for the believers. They gathered together in their groups, held hands, sang songs and waited in anticipation to see what would happen next.

On the third day each inhabitant of the earth heard a voice in their head announcing that Jesus would appear on television at a certain time. At the designated moment all television sets were on and the people beheld a great news conference being held in New York City. The people beheld a Jesus who looked just like the pictures in Sunday school. He had a white robe, a beard and wore sandals. He thus stood before dozens of anxious reporters.

“I will take questions now,” he said.

A reporter in the front row stood up and said, “I hear that some Mormons and Jehovah Witnesses were spared. Is this true?”

“Yes, it is,” said Jesus.

“But they do not believe in the real Jesus and were supposed to be destroyed with the wicked?”

“I am the real Jesus,” he said, “and many of them did believe in me and thus were saved.”

The reporter sat down looking very disgruntled.

“Next question,” said Jesus as he pointed to another reporter.

“I am of the LDS, or Mormon faith,” he said raising to his feet. “I thought things were going to be the other way around from the belief of this first fellow. Were you not supposed to come to the faithful in our church and not to the other wayward Christians who do not understand you?”

“As I said, I come to all who believe in me regardless of their church membership.”

A third reporter stood up and shouted, “How about the Catholics Surely you have to realize that church is the great whore of the earth and must be destroyed.”

“Many Catholics believe on me and are saved,” he stated.

Finally a Catholic reporter stood up and said, “Surely those of the mindset of this last reporter must be punished and destroyed for rebelling against the Mother Church and the Pope?”

“I have already destroyed most of the non believers. This is enough.”

The Catholic reporter sat down looking very unsatisfied.

The next reporter stood and stated, “Are you saying that you spared some non believers? Shouldn’t we seek them out and destroy them so they cannot spread their poison again?”

“This was my decision to leave them and it stands.”

A murmur then spread through the crowd.

Another reporter stood and said, “I am of the Islamic faith. My sacred book, the Koran, teaches that you are a Messenger of God and I have always believed in you. The problem is that these Christian believers do not accept Mohammed. Why did you not destroy them so we can have a true kingdom of peace?”

“Let me say this again. I have come to all who believe in me.”

Again this reporter looked unsatisfied.

Another reporter bolted to his feet shouting, “Are you telling me that you spared some Muslims? What kind of savior are you anyway?”

“The savior of all who accept me,” he said.

Another stood and shouted, “I know the real Jesus and the real Jesus knows me. You cannot be the real Jesus for you have allowed the wicked to mingle with those who have the true salvation. It is written that the devil can appear as an angel of light. Now let me ask my fellow believers this question. When we first looked up in the sky and saw this man, what did we see?”

One in the audience then spoke up and shouted to the top of his lungs, “We saw an angel of light!”

“That right,” said the reporter. “We saw an angel of light. And who does the Bible say is the angel of light?”

Hundreds of people shouted out the word…


“That’s right said the man. We know the real Jesus and obviously this is not him. Instead this is the prophesied antichrist who was to come first.”

A man in the audience then started shouting over and over, “Antichrist, antichrist, antichrist, antichrist…”

Hundreds of others joined in with him until the building vibrated to the chant.

Finally the reporter motioned for the crowd to be silent. Then he spoke, “If this man be Jesus, which I am sure he is not, then we will not be able to hurt him. But if he be the antichrist, which I am sure he is, then we finally have an opportunity to give him some of his own medicine.”

“And what is that?” asked another?”

The man then shouted, “Satan had our Lord crucified and now it is time to crucify Satan. We must crucify this imposter here and now. When he is dead then the real Lord will come.”

This time the crowd started shouting another word…

“Crucify, crucify, crucify, crucify…” they shouted over and over.

“Enough,” shouted the reporter and instructed several men to grab Jesus and hold him tight. “There is construction taking place on the next floor. Several of you go there and bring back some beams, large nails and hammers.”

This they did and then swiftly constructed a cross and laid Jesus upon it. He did not resist. Several men nailed his hands and feet to the cross and raised it up.

The reporter acting as spokesman for the group then said, “See, this is only a man of flesh and blood. He will soon die and then the real Jesus will come.”

This scene was not only visible to the people in the building but to all the people of the world. All but a few of the believers thought that the antichrist had been discovered and was being punished. The odd thing though was that the few non believers who were left who watched their televisions watched in horror as they saw an apparently innocent man being crucified by a frenzied crowd. Overall the zeal of those who approved of the crucifixion was so overpowering that the voice of protest could not be heard.”

Then, as the whole world was glued to their television sets, a man from the crowd came forward, looked at Jesus and said, “If you are the Son of God, come down from the cross.”

Jesus looked at him and said, “This time I will.”

Immediately the cross disappeared into thin air and Jesus stood again at the microphone before an audience that was as quiet as an ancient tomb.

He spoke, “It is true that you believe in a messiah and a savior whom you call the son of God. But this son in whom you believe is an image of your own creation which would crucify the real Christ. I must go now. You will not see me again until you listen to the true voice of God that speaks within.”

He then disappeared out of their midst.

And all the believers of the earth were ashamed of themselves and many vowed to recognized the Christ should he come to them one more time.

Jesus returned to the father and the Most High spoke, “Tell me, my Son, are the believers ready to hear all the great and wonderful teachings that will guide the people of earth to a great and lasting peace and prosperity?”

“No my Lord. They are not even ready to embrace a fellow believer.” Then Jesus told him the whole story.

“Sad indeed,” said the Father, shaking his head. “Sad indeed. I told you to trust me and now I will reward your faith. I am returning the world back to the way it was before you made your appearance with one subtle difference.”

“What is that?”

“Deep within the recesses of the minds of the people of earth will be a distant memory of what happened and how each handled the circumstance. This memory will gnaw at their hearts until they learn to accept the real son of God.”

“Great is your wisdom my Lord,” said Jesus. “If time is back to where it was then no Second Coming has happened. Tell me. Should I still plan on the event?”

“Yes, my Son. Plan on the event, but this time do it in your own way and in your own time.”

“Do I still have to destroy all the unbelievers? After all, those who survived saw the truth of the situation better than the believers?”

“The Father smiled and said, “My son, whom I know so well, will not come to destroy, but to save humankind. Use your wisdom that I have planted within you, make your appearance as suits you well and teach all that can be accepted. Teach all faiths. Teach those who do not believe and those who do believe. Indeed, teach all who accept light and truth, and in time light, knowledge and love will fill the earth.”

The Son looked upon the Father and replied, “Thank you for the lesson of the preparatory Second Coming. Now I know what I must do and how I must proceed. The prophesies will be fulfilled, but much differently than the world expects.”

“They always are,” smiled the Most High. “They always are.”


“I know you’re out there. I can feel you now. I know that you’re afraid. You’re afraid of us. You’re afraid of change. I don’t know the future. I didn’t come here to tell you how this is going to end. I came here to tell you how it’s going to begin.” Neo – The Matrix

Copyright by J J Dewey

May 24, 2003

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The Meaning of Mustard Seed

The Meaning of Mustard Seed

The one additional point I was going to make about polarization is that the emotionally polarized person is very subject to believing lies. If he likes the person or he is friend or family he will often believe a lie without question.

The mental person will use discernment and become suspicious when the untruthful one does not make sense.

A reader also gave us a great quote from DK identifying the emotionally polarized as:

(1) an untrained mind and feeble intellect, (2) set apart or different from ones fellow men (3) the possession of a creed (ideals), because no matter how good they bar some out, and (4) pride and ambition.

The next step up in identifying polarities is in the understanding of the mental vs intuitional.

Just as the mentally polarized is higher in spiritual evolution than the emotional even so is the intuitional person higher than the mental.

There is an important point to keep in mind. That is the mind is the gateway to all higher polarization and when dealing with the emotional person (or lower) the intuitional person temporarily will descend to lower polarizations. The emotional cannot understand the mental person let alone the intuitional one.

A reader asks us to think of the meaning behind the mustard seed verses. One interesting new twist on it that he seems to be indicating is that there is enough energy in the matter of a mustard seed to move a mountain. If we change even the matter of a small seed into pure energy this can indeed be transmuted unto tremendous energy. It only takes a couple grams of converted matter to make an atomic bomb.

Interesting interpretation. As I have stated many times each inspired writing has a number of interpretations. Let me give a new one.

“He replied, “Because you have so little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

“He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.” Luke 17:6

What is the similarity between a tree and a mountain?

They are both symbols of the kingdom of God.

What is the meaning of the sea? This stands for the peoples of the earth (Rev 17:15)

What is a seed?

It contains the hidden knowledge of life which is revealed when nourished. This is the life of the soul, the bridge of spirit (life) and matter (death).

This said, let us interpret.

If you believe what you receive from your soul (the mustard seed) you shall see the kingdom of God (the mountain or the tree) and you shall take the kingdom from it’s high place and cast it among the multitudes causing the kingdom to permeate the whole.

Reader comment: So, please tell me if I am wrong, but I think you are giving us one big clue when you said “contemplate”. You are trying to get us to stretch our muscles and reach above the plane where are normally polarized, even if only for a minute or two, and tell the rest of us how their viewpoint has changed vs their normally polarized viewpoint.

JJ: Basically you are right. It is important that we stretch ourselves. DK, for instance, is proof that one can intelligently contemplate that which he has not achieved.

As some of you know he is a fifth degree initiate. Even so he has given us quite a bit of information on initiations six through nine which he has not yet taken. The Christ himself is working on his seventh. The last two are not even taken on this earth. I am sure DK had to stretch himself to intelligently write about that which he had not yet achieved.

Only about 10% of the population have achieved reasonable mental ability, but I would guess that less than 1% have achieved full mental polarization.

In turn about 1% have achieved some functioning on the intuitional level, but less than one out of a thousand are polarized in that plane.

Most of the group here are aspiring to the plane of intuition wherein lies permanent soul contact and it can only do us good to contemplate our next step.

Soul contact has been compared to the Holy Spirit, but there is a subtle difference. The Holy Spirit is a great cosmic entity which surrounds and permeates all form. This entity has its representative on many levels and manifests through them. Just as there is one who represents the office of Christ, even so there is one on the earth representing the life of the Holy Spirit. DK calls him the Mahachohan. The soul more accurately corresponds to the Christ, or the middle principle – the mediator between God and man. Through the soul one may then contact the Holy Spirit, or its representative, or its emanations. The soul is the door to all higher contact.

And through the soul one may tune into the world of the intuition. The world of the intuition is not the same as the fire of the spirit. It is more aptly described as “the light which gives light, yet burneth not with sentient fire.”

Here is an exercise for you.

An emotional, mental and intuitional person are contemplating the reality of God. What is the difference in their approach to discovery?

Copyright by J J Dewey

May 21, 2003

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The Molecule, Sacred Word & More

The Molecule, Sacred Word & More

Question: Were the female partners in the Molecule of Jesus the wives or just partners of the apostles?

JJ: Note that in my writings I use the word “partner” instead of wives. In some cases the counter balance was a wife, but in others it was another female disciple.

The fact of the twelve counterbalancing females was not taught as a technical principle by Jesus in that day because of the prejudice of the disciples but the Master incorporated females into the group so each of the twelve disciples had a balancing female to open the channels of energy.

In this day the principle of the male/female energy will be taught in much more fullness as the importance of the female role is much more accepted in this generation.

NOTE: A successful regression, which often gives accurate information, retrieved information from a person who was an Essene in the time of Jesus. Here is the text:

“It’s important to understand that the discipleship system that Jeshua set up was designed to mirror the greater symbolism of the Universe. The balance of Father-Mother God was mirrored in a balance of male and female disciples. So there were six circles of twelve, making 72 male disciples, and six circles of twelve, making 72 female disciples a total of 144 disciples in all. The names of the first circle of twelve male disciples have come down to you and are well attested. However much less is known about the first circle of female disciples, and we can now talk about that.” From The Power of the Magdalene by Stuart Wilson and Joanna Prentis

Question: When Christ comes again will we recognize him through soul contact?

JJ: You will know if you find out all you can on your own and run the information by your mind. When your mind has done all it can do, and if you are open to the answer, the mind will run it by the soul and you can know for sure.

Question: Why must one ask him questions when the soul can give you the true answer?

JJ: Your soul does not give you knowledge in the common way of learning. It gives confirmation and reveals principles. No matter how much someone knows and understands there is always someone else with greater understanding.

Christ will come to give us understanding more than knowledge.

You’ve talked a bout the Word of Power. Is saying this all that needs done to heal?

JJ: It has tremendous power if the Word of Power revealed by your soul. It is different for each situation and person and the healer must pick it up through revelation. Then too, it will only be revealed if the soul sees the person is ready for healing and there is a strong belief present.

This is just one of the aspects of the sacred word.

Question: Is the sacred name of GOD “I AM BECOMING THAT WHICH I DECIDE TO BECOME” Is this the scared name of GOD? That is his name if one spoke it would that heal the sick?

JJ: This is the principle behind the name of God but not the actual name in the manifested universe. This principle can be used for healing to him who understands.

Question: In chapter 138 on the Aquarian Gospel it says Jesus told a blind man to say the word and then wash his face. The man was to say the word jahhevahe. He was healed by saying the WORD. So what do jahhevahe mean? Is this another name for GOD?

JJ: This is a variation of Jehovah. This was a word of power to the people in that time and place. If Jesus had been among the Hindus he would have used a different word.

Question: Is it ok for a healer to try to heal the sick even if the sickness may be caused by karma and illness and debts due to stuff the ill person did in the past?

JJ: The healer should use the best healing techniques he knows. If the soul sees the person is ready to be healed then the healer can give great assistance. If not, then not much will happen until the lesson has been learned. The sensitive healer will pick up through the soul whether or not the person can be healed.

Question: What do you think about Reiki?

JJ: It is a good and gentle healing technique. It usually does not accomplish the miraculous but does send good healing energy that assists in recovery.

Comment: Also when I had my chakras re-aligned by a friend of mine last year, at the end of the alignment, when I had my eyes closed, there appeared in my mind a picture of Jesus’s face, (although His face was all white but I could tell He still had a beard and moustache). Next to Him was another figure all in white, like a robe, with really long hair, but I couldn’t see the face, and I’m not sure who this was, has anyone else seen this in their mind?

JJ: If this was a projection of your soul then the other figure could have been you. If you saw a projection of the real Christ then the other figure could have been the Avatar of Synthesis. DK talks about this entity.

Question: Have you ever analyzed Lincoln’s handwriting before and after what may be the event of the walk-in?

I have never seen a sample of his early handwriting and can’t find anything on the web. It is said his handwriting was very beautiful when he was young. The samples I have seen from when he was president would not fit that description so this indicates a change. Advanced souls often (not always) have hard to read handwriting.

One must keep in mind that a walk-in would take over all the memories of the previous entity as well as the personality, learning habits and rays of the vehicles. This would cause the personality and the handwriting of the two to be very similar. Even so there should be subtle changes in intelligence and it would be interesting to examine. If anyone comes across an early same of Lincoln’s writing please let me know.

Question: What is the reason that advanced souls often have messy or hard to read handwriting.

Handwriting becomes “messy” for two reasons.

(1) The person is incapable of following the way he was taught to write. (2) The person does not like the way he was taught to write and breaks the rules for his own purposes.

Number one is often below average intelligence and number two is usually above average. Thus the messy writers are the best and the worst among us.

Of course there are exceptions to all things. Some with beautiful handwriting are very advanced, but others are not so advanced. An analyst can tell for sure when he looks at all the details in the writing.

Copyright by J J Dewey

May 19, 2003

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The Coming Messiah

The Coming Messiah

A new member seems to want some response from me about his claim that he is the Second Coming of Christ.

I try to make it a point in my life to look at any claim with an open mind no matter how outrageous it sounds.

The trouble is that our in-house messiah is not alone in making this claim. There are hundreds of them out there. Some of them even have web pages.

One who is getting some attention is Richard G. Patton from Canada. He wrote a Book called The Autobiography of Jesus of Nazareth. After hearing praises that this was a really credible and interesting book I bought it and found this Jesus quite a boring unconvincing guy. I couldn’t quite understand why many were enthused about him.

If you want to read it the name of the book is: “The Autobiography of Jesus of Nazareth and the Missing Years.”

Then a while back I read an ad in our local paper about a guy from Southern Idaho who claimed to be God (the God) and was going to give a seminar in Boise. This roused my curiosity and I attended the meeting with my friend Wayne. His followers testified to all kinds of miracles, but what took the wind out of the guy’s sails was his own presentation. Again this guy was extremely boring and I was surprised that he was surrounded with enthused disciples.

I didn’t feel the Spirit in either of these people.

We have now had the interesting experience of one of our members, who seems to be presenting the claim that he is the Second Coming of Christ.

Around this subject I asked this question: “If the real Christ were reincarnated and realized who he was then how do you think he would proceed with his mission?”

We have had some interesting responses. Of course, we must consider the fact that we could always be wrong, but the answers received seemed pretty down to earth and logical.

A reader started the ball rolling with an unorthodox but believable presentation. She uses the process of elimination to concur he would probably reside in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, US or Canada.

She sees him as being involved in enlighten business and being quite personable.

She makes the interesting statement that he is probably divorced. This is an interesting thought for many do not associate marriage with him let alone divorce.

Then she says: “I see his associates pressing him to be more public, to write a book, or run for office or something more public. I think his life will look very normal, but very good, yet he will be a catalyst for great changes and ideas. I doubt if the world is ready for him to announce himself.”

Another thinks “he would find a manner of integrating himself in order to influence thought.” She thinks this may include current music or video games.”

A third response says, “Exactly how it has been going, wouldn’t you say? “His” mission or our mission? Now is the time of responsibility. Now is the time to claim what some would prefer to give away!”

Another writes: “What makes you think the second coming will be any different than the first? He will come into His own and His own will know Him not.”

Question: His own at the last coming was the Jewish nation, according to the Bible. Do you expect him to come to the Jews again?

I liked this answer so well I can’t find anything to edit out: “I have thought about this many times. I think he would either get his start on a radio program or a church eventually write a book. More and more people would be talking about it and eventually he would achieve a massive following challenging the fundamentalists, politicians and business leaders. Making a lot of enemies because the “business as usual” philosophy will not be good enough anymore. He would offer us an alternative that rings true to us and we will wonder “Why didn’t I think of that before?” on many, many issues. Christ would be the voice that expresses what the majority feel and think but can’t express in words.

“Maybe a college professor or host of a Internet chat room any forum that would give him/her a platform for expression and a chance for people to question and comment on his/her teachings. I think that is very important if Christ becomes public that his work would be teaching and a big part of the learning process is the ability to ask questions.”

Still another tells us that his emphasis would be different thus time: “If He did it (miracles) now, millions would follow Him and be converted, that’s why He will not come again like He did before.

“I believe His second coming is turning on the light in each of us that He is indeed in each of us. In other words, baptizing us with fire and the Holy Ghost then leading us thru the mist of darkness to the tree of life, which is of course Christ in us.”

The interesting thing no one expects him to prove himself by doing miracles. Neither does anyone in this group expect him to come in a blaze of glory burning the wicked with the breath of his nostrils type of thing. The anticipation here seems to be that he will lead us to greater light, love and abundance.

It is interesting that the Bible tells us that he was tempted by Satan to prove himself with miracles. First prove to himself that he was the Son of God by changing the stones into bread and secondly to prove to others he is Christ by casting himself off a high tower and landing unharmed.”

He refused both of these temptations. But if these were temptations that were to be refused doesn’t it seem contradictory that he did many miracles that seemed to prove he was the Christ?

Not necessarily. Read his words carefully. After each miracle he never made claim to the miracle by any power that he had. Instead he said, “YOUR FAITH has made you whole.” Then he said “of myself I can do nothing.”

The only part he seemed to acknowledge was that his words would have an effect if they were understood and often it was that his words stimulated the faith of others which in turn created miracles.

It is also interesting that Jesus also said (when a miracle was demanded of him) “a wicked and adulterous generation seeketh a sign.” This must be a pretty good group for no one is demanding that Christ perform a miracle for us as a sign.

Signs, of course can be very deceptive. Many gurus claiming to be a messiah merely perform magic tricks and some who perform real magic could still be on the dark side.

The one miracle that is a real sign of a teacher of righteousness is the miracle of the change of the heart and mind of he who discovers the inner Christ through the window of the soul.

Our would be messiah seems agitated with us because no one in the group seems to accept him on faith, but what is faith?

The word “Faith” in the Bible is translated from the Greek PISTIS and literally means: “a mental conviction one has proven true by argument or reason”. Thus if one has faith he will go to heaven he should be able to justify it by logical argumentation. One will notice that Paul, a big believer in faith, spent much of his time in logical argumentation.

The book of Hebrews gives an expanded definition: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Heb 11:1

We can again find that the Greek will give us a much clearer translation here. “Substance” comes from HUPOSTASIS and in modern translations it is usually rendered “assurance” or “confidence”. but in reality one English word cannot do it justice. It more literally means “That state of mind which supports an idea through a sustained effort.” “Evidence” comes from ELEGECHOS which means “to prove a matter true or false”. The word indicates that faith establishes the true reality. Thus a clearer translation of the preceding verse would be: “Now faith is having that state of mind which sustains that which is hoped for and reveals the truth of those things we do not see.” This definition corresponds much better with the root meaning of the Greek PISTIS which is translated faith.

If we have faith we can sustain an idea until it is proven true or false. It is never a blind unreasoning belief.

As I said in my last post there are hundreds of would-be messiahs claiming to be the Second Coming. If we were to have the blasphemous, or false faith, we would accept the first one to come along without asking questions. Instead, we must have true faith and find the evidence behind the things not seen.

Since anything is possible – including that Christ could join this group, then we ought to exercise true faith and instead of dismissing contenders out of hand we should let them judge themselves before us by their own words. We certainly cannot make any judgment without information.

So here are a few questions for our claimed messiah.

(1) Is your real birth name the one registered with the group? If not, what is it? Are you reluctant to give out true details about yourself? (2) How old are you and what do you do for a living? (3) Are you married? If so, what does your wife think of your claims? If you are not married what do your friends think of you and the miracles that you say happen around you regularly? (4) What brought you to the Keys group? (5) If the group as a whole accepted your claim to be the Christ what then? What would you expect of us? (6) On the other side of the coin, what do you have to offer us that is not readily available elsewhere? (7) Tell us three important things you wish to accomplish with your Second Coming? (8) What is your opinion of the writings of Alice A. Bailey? Are you capable of writing with this depth of thought? (9) Do you have any new principles to reveal? (10) Do you think that physical matter can travel faster than the speed of light? If so briefly explain.

Quote from the messiah in question: “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn’t go away.”

JJ: Interesting statement, originally created by science fiction writer Philip K. Dick. However, this means that my ex wife is the most real thing in the universe.


Copyright by J J Dewey

May 17, 2003

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The Racial Avatar

The Racial Avatar

Even though the majority now see Lincoln as our greatest president there is still a significant minority who see him as being more evil than good. A reader who feels that he was an enemy to freedom posted a number of quotes to make her point.

It would take a book to give a good overview of Lincoln, but he was indeed a polarizing figure within his lifetime and continues to be to some degree in the present.

The quotes cited are from Thomas Dilorenzo and give a distorted view of Lincoln’s thinking. From what I have read from this guy he seemed to have formulated the mindset in advance that Lincoln was a bad guy and set out to find quotes and data to back it up. The mental approach is to find the facts and then form a conclusion.

If we were to use this approach on Jefferson we could make him appear to be much worse than Lincoln. Unlike Lincoln who was always against the institution of slavery Jefferson owned slaves and never freed them. And unlike Lincoln, who practiced what he preached, when he became President, Jefferson became very authoritarian as president and also assumed near dictatorial powers in many instances.

Does this make Jefferson a bad guy?

By no means. We cannot pull out a small section of his life and judge him nor can we judge him by the standards of our time. All men of history must be judged by the standards of the time in which they live. Even the most enlightened advocates of racial equality in past era would look racist today if we quoted their politically incorrect statements.

Below are three quotes from DK about Lincoln:

“Racial Avatars. These Appearances are evoked by the genius and destiny of a race. The typical man (in quality and consciousness, not necessarily physically) foreshadows the nature of some race. Such a man was Abraham Lincoln, coming forth from the very soul of a people, and introducing and transmitting racial quality-a quality to be worked out later as the race unfolds. Coming forth correspondingly from the realm of cosmic evil, and responsible for the focus of materialism upon the planet today was Bismarck. Both men came forth within the same one hundred years, thus demonstrating the balance in nature and the constant interplay of the pairs of opposites. They are both types of the most powerful Avatars which humanity itself has as yet produced. They emerge along the lines of government, of the first ray and in the department of the Manu, and are very sensitive to Shamballa force. Such Avatars frequently emerge at the founding of a nation. This is true of both Bismarck and Lincoln.” The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 297-98

“The power which the New Group of World Servers will eventually yield, will be drawn from two sources:-first, from that inner centre or subjective world government, whose members are responsible for the spread of those ideals and ideas which have led humanity onwards from age to age. This inner centre has always existed and the great leaders of the race, in every field, have been connected with it. The great idealists and world workers, (such as the Christ and His great brother, the Buddha, and those lesser workers, such as Plato, Spinoza, Abraham Lincoln, or Florence Nightingale) have all been associated with this centre.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 2, Pages 663-664

“The will aspect of divinity made its first definite and direct contact with the human mind. The impact was direct and not deflected-as had hitherto been the case-to the Hierarchy and from thence to humanity. According to the type of man or group who responded or reacted to this contact, so were the results; they were very good or exceedingly bad. Great and good men appeared and enunciated the truths needed for the New Age, and of these Lincoln, Roosevelt, Browning, Briand and a host of lesser men could be cited. Evil and pernicious men also emerged, such as Hitler and the group he gathered around him, bringing much evil upon the Earth.” Esoteric Healing, Page 667

Notice that Lincoln was called a “Racial Avatar.” This is much more than calling him a disciple or mere initiate. An avatar on behalf of the hierarchy is one who changes the course of history for the better.

Question: What are the ways that Lincoln altered the course of history for the better?

The first and obvious one is slavery. There are two groups that want to deny Lincoln any credit on this issue.

The first is the politically correct crowd who are rewriting text books which teach the rising generation. Some of them only have a paragraph on Lincoln and give credit to the freeing of the slaves to anyone but him. If he is quoted they use a quote out of context that make it sound like his only goal was to save the union.

The second is a residual anti-Lincoln group which has never completely disappeared. These are joined by a few strong constitutionalists who adhere to states rights with little or no deviation. These also quote his few statements about saving the union as a prime goal and ignore his many arguments for freeing the slaves and making them equal with the whites.

Both if these groups judge Lincoln’s words with the politically correct standards of the present. As I said we could do this with any white person of more than a century ago and make him sound racist.

What is the truth?

Yes it is true that his prime goal was to save the union because he believed that if the union were not saved then we would wind up with a country that would not be free or worth living in for blacks or whites. Therefore, this was first in his mind.

In my last post on Lincoln I gave numerous quotes proving that he was consistently an advocate of, not only freeing the slaves, but freedom itself. He even placed the goal of freeing the slaves in the Republican platform of 1864.

So how about the argument that slavery would have naturally gone away if the civil war was not fought? After all, other nations freed their slaves without war. What is left out of this idealism is that the majority of the states of the U.S. also freed their slaves without war. So why was the North and other nations able to do this? It is simple. The percentage of black slaves in the Northern states,. Britain, France and other nations was low compared to the Southern States. At the time of the Civil War there was a slave population of 3,500,000 out of a total of 9,000,000 people in the South. This was a total of about 39% of the population who were slaves. Unlike other nations who were considering the freeing of slaves the South sought to expand upon it and wanted slavery extended to western territories, Cuba and Central America. The South was so dependent upon their slaves that without a war it could have existed another hundred years. Without the civil war I believe the civil rights era of the 1960’s would have been over slavery rather than the rights of the black man.

The second way Lincoln altered history for the better was in the preservation of the Union and holding intact the Country of the United States.

Now many think it would have been better to have allowed all states their right to secede, and in normal times this may have been the right thing to do. But the reason the South wanted to secede was so they could practice slavery undisturbed (among other things). If therefore slavery was so perpetuated and secession was used for such a fowl purpose this would set a precedent for a further break up of the union for all kinds of lower purposes.

Consider the past and what happened to Rome when it started to break up. They lost all vestiges of good government and, even though Rome was not perfect, what followed was a period of the darkest hue with a loss of knowledge, education and technology unprecedented in history.

Could the break up of the union had been followed by a loss of the Constitution and all truths that were held self evident? After all, the Confederacy was much more authoritarian than supporters would have you think. Lincoln thought so and this was one reason he fought with all be had to preserve the union. Lincoln was an astute student of history and did not want to see it repeated in his country.

I personally believe her received a revelation from the Hierarchy on the importance of preserving the union.

There is a time and place for all things. The time of Lincoln was the time to increase central control. Now is the time to work toward the opposite.

The third way that Lincoln changed history was in the example he set by the force of his own character. He was known as “honest Abe.” Now answer me this. How many politicians in our era would the public who know him place the word honest before his name?

When he ascended to the presidency the whole world felt that a buffoon had taken office, but by the time he was killed all but a few wept in sorrow feeling that they had lost one of the great souls of all time.

DK expressed it well when he said Lincoln came forth “from the very soul of a people.”

Everyone who opposes slavery and loves freedom should read a quality biography of Lincoln.

Perhaps the best and most thorough is the six volume set by Carl Sandburg who dedicated his life to his work and interviewed many people who actually knew him. I have read the whole set and after digesting it I am saddened to see him unjustly criticized by those who did not understand his motives, which I believe to be as pure as any politician that ever lived.

The scripture says “By their fruits ye shall know them.”

What are the fruits of Lincoln?

The freedom of the slaves, the preservation of the union and an example of character and achievement that few can match.

One more important point to consider.

What if the United States were fragmented at the start of World War II? Is it possible that we could not have united to fight Hitler? That perhaps the South would have been happy to see Pearl Harbor bombed? You never know.

On a different line of thought I was asked when the Walk-in occurred in Lincoln’s life.

I believe it was in 1854 when he re-entered politics opposing the Kansas-Nebraska Act. This was his first major effort to stop the spread of slavery. From this point on people began to pay serious attention to him. Four years later he blossomed in the Lincoln-Douglas debates.

A reader states that he heard that Lincoln’s wife, Mary Todd, was mentally ill and that Lincoln had to have great presence of mind to accomplish what he did while dealing with is domestic problems.

It is interesting that many historians call Lincoln our greatest president whereas, on the other hand, they call his wife, Mary Todd Lincoln, the worst first Lady. She even wanted to be called Mrs. President.

Actually she performed a great service. The first entity who was in the Lincoln body was miserable in his marriage to her and arranged to travel out of town as much as possible in his work just to get away from her. He made many friends who later supported his entry into politics. With his failed efforts in his career and a depressing marriage he took the deal from the disciple who became Lincoln as President. The walk-in Lincoln felt that handling an unstable woman was worth it because of the importance of the job to be performed.

She did even test his patience. Just to give you an example… One time they were at a dinner with many dignitaries and he said or did something to upset her and she threw a plate in his face and started screaming at him. He handled it with as much patience as humanly possible, but it had to be embarrassing for him.

Quote from Lincoln: “If I were to try to read, much less answer, all the attacks made on me, this shop might as well be closed for any other business. I do the very best I know how – the very best I can; and I mean to keep doing so until the end. If the end brings me out all right, what’s said against me won’t amount to anything. If the end brings me out wrong, ten angels swearing I was right would make no difference.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

May 15, 2003

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