Telepathy and Attention

Texas  Gathering, Part Eight
Telepathy and Attention

One of the things that developing my ability with emotional empathy really helped with was in my relationship with the opposite sex. I was kind of a nerd back in high school and had a hard time getting a date. But then when I came home from my mission and I had more sensitivity, when I approached a female about going on a date I could tell what she was feeling. If I could feel that she was feeling positive about me I could pursue her more aggressively. If it felt like there wasn’t a chance in hell I didn’t even try. I found that to be a benefit when I got home.

Audience: …When I ended whatever situation I was in I walked away from it quickly. They thought I was from outer space or something asking why would you walk away, why would you do this? That inner feeling was so tight and so gripping it was like, “Do it now or you will not live.” It’s been two or three times in my life. One time I know I probably would have been dead but the other two I question now. The feeling was so strong it was, “Leave, now.” One I thought was a serial killer. That’s what came to me. “He’s a serial killer and I must leave right now. Even though there were two of us together this man was a serial killer. Something said leave so I did. My friend thought I was crazy but that’s okay because I’m here. So there is a survival mode too that really grips you and makes you listen. I don’t know if anyone else might have experienced that, maybe in war times.

JJ: Thanks. I remember one time a group of about a half a dozen of us were going someplace in a van together. One of the group said, “I have a terrible feeling something bad is going to happen.” We asked what it was. “Maybe we’re going to have a wreck or something.” So I told the driver, “why don’t you just stop and we’ll sit here for a minute. If we were going to have a wreck that will change it and we won’t run into whoever we were going to run into.” Everybody thought that was a good idea so we stopped a minute then continued. We didn’t have a wreck and the guy felt better afterwards. Now whether anything would’ve happened, who knows but nothing did happen so everybody was happy.

Audience: My mother-in-law had an experience somewhat similar to hers where they were truck drivers and they were traveling around in the south on their truck. One day as they were approaching this huge bridge she said, “We are not crossing that bridge.” And, you know, of course her husband’s going, “We’re going to miss our deadline. We need to cross that bridge.” She goes, “I’m not crossing that bridge. You’re not crossing that bridge.” And they took the long way around. And later that morning when they would have been on that bridge, that bridge collapsed. And they were very thankful that they listened to her. But she always was doing stuff like that.

JJ: Yeah, you hear that with plane crashes. Often times when a plane crashes there might be one person that had a feeling not to go, or came late, or something.

When I became emotionally telepathic I became really concerned and empathetic about people I was working with. It was then the sensitivity just began to increase. Now, a person can begin by working on people that are close to him–a spouse, brothers and sisters, family, people you’re working with. Try to develop the attitude of helpfulness, of empathy, trying to understand how they’re feeling, how they’re thinking. Go beyond the body language. And you may find, for instance, at work, you’re sitting at your desk, and you may pick up a feeling about somebody a couple of desks down. Maybe they’re having trouble, and you may find yourself picking it up. But you have to pay attention to it. One of the reasons this developed for me, at this time, was because I was paying a lot of attention. Just like my old dog. He developed close to extra-sensory perception. Unfortunately, he didn’t develop his extra-sensory perception good enough because he eventually got run over. Too bad he couldn’t tell the car was coming. But as we pay attention to these feelings, to the emotional vibrations about us, we can eventually tune into them.

Now, sometimes I pick up a disturbing vibration and it comes from a number of sources. And this is one of the troubles with the astral world; things are a little bit jumbled up there. A lot of psychics pick up from the astral world. The reason psychics aren’t one hundred percent accurate is because they will not be able to hone in with one hundred percent accuracy on different points in the astral world, and a lot of the information will come to them at random. It’s a little bit like picking a website at random on your computer and going to it–there’s going to be some information but it may not be the information that you wanted. And so this often happens to psychics. They will often times pick up information that’s not the information that they really wanted to pick up, but it is information nevertheless. So oftentimes psychics will bring true information that’s not really related, one hundred percent, to the case at hand. Pieces of it may be accurate and other pieces of it may not be. This is why it almost takes a master to decipher true information from the astral zone.

The Akashic records, as many of us hear about–which is the Book of Life where everything is recorded–is often accessed fairly randomly. We may access one part, and then another part over here, and then another part in another sector. And then the person who has extra-sensory perception tries to put them all together. Some pieces of it are accurate and other pieces are not.

I’ve done a number of experiments. I’ve had psychic readings done to me by a number times. Some of them have been pretty accurate and some of them have not been accurate at all. So, it varies here. I can think of one that was very accurate but that would be a long story. Yeah, Rick?

[Rick] When my daughter, Rachel, was developing sensitivity over the last few years, she said, “Daddy, I get these impressions of things that are going to happen. But as soon as I tell people what’s going to happen it always turns out to be exactly the opposite.” I’d say, “Well, that’s part of developing the sensitivity. You have to understand that at often times, like, it is a mirror world when things are coming through. And you have to understand to turn it around in your head.”

JJ: Yes. And so it is important to remember the astral world is a mirror-image reflection. If you can learn to read backwards in a mirror – you can actually get some pretty accurate information. But when we look at words in a mirror image we have to turn things around backwards to see correctly. As a matter of fact, a lot of impressions people get will be the opposite of what will happen. And often times we will notice in our impressions that if we look in the opposite direction there’s maybe some truth there. And this is because of that mirror-image that we pick up.

The greatest use of the astral world is to pick up feelings. If we pick up a negative feeling from the astral world we know–for instance if it pertains to a family member–we can know with assurance that person is having a negative feeling, and we need to do something to try to alleviate that negativity.

Okay, what’s the next step up beyond this? Beyond picking up the feelings through the emotional nature?

Audience: (Inaudible response).

Okay. Let me ask you this. What’s perhaps the most important telepathy we can have? It involves our relationship with, what? Right, it involves soul-contact. Contact with our own souls. Before you have contact with your own soul most people will be fairly emotionally sensitive first. They’ll pick up feelings from other people; people they’re close to. And we do this with varying degrees. Sometimes it may be fairly spectacular, and other times it maybe just really small things. That’s an important first step is to become empathetic toward other people and understand their feelings–sensitive enough so that you can go beyond the normal perception to be able to tell when they’re up or when they’re down, when they need help, and when they don’t need help.

Now, a lot of people suppress, emotionally. They’re difficult people to work with because you may feel that something’s wrong with them and when you ask them they’ll say, “Well, I’m just fine.” Because many people suppress their negative emotions and even pretend, in their own minds, the negativity does not exist. They are difficult to work with because they won’t even acknowledge that they need an emotional uplift.

So, this is important. And the second step, an important step, is to establish soul-contact. And this emotional communication is a form of soul-contact. When I talk about the soul I’m talking about the door–the doorway that we all have that is between us and the higher realms. I call this soul energy. The soul lies between spirit and matter. The interplay of spirit and matter is soul and it produces soul energy. And soul-contact is opening the door so we enter into that vibration between spirit and matter, and this is the key that unlocks all the higher worlds. So, when I speak of soul-contact I’m being all-embracive here referring to the one key to the infinite worlds.

Delivered May 25, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

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The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 10

The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 10
Our Cosmic Logos

When we take into consideration all the veils and thoughtforms that may be hiding the true points of various centers, the student may wonder if it is possible to identify actual solar systems that may be centers in our local Cosmic Logos. So far our sun is the only one positively named and we know that it is the heart center. As noted earlier, evidence presented by DK indicates that Sirius is the throat center. So the obvious question is whether there are any other clues we may have missed? In answer to this I would say that there are three.

Clue One: Just as the Great Bear and the Pleiades are centers containing groups of stars in close proximity, like a family, even so, it would be reasonable to assume that the seven solar systems of our local Cosmic Logos are also in fairly close proximity. If this is a true conclusion, then weight is added to Sirius being a local center, for it is one of the closest major stars to us being just 8.6 light years away.

Clue Two: DK gives a hint as to size. Concerning the seven solar systems of which we are a part he says

“…our solar system is revolving around a cosmic centre along with six other constellations of even greater magnitude in the majority of cases than ours, only one being approximately of the same magnitude as our solar system.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1084

This tells us that five of the solar systems from our group are of a “greater magnitude” while one is similar to ours.

Sirius, which is evidently in our group, is definitely one of the five with greater magnitude, for it radiates with 25 times the energy as given off by our sun and has twice the mass.

So, which star could be the one that is similar to our sun?

The obvious answer would be Alpha Centauri A.

The Alpha Centauri system is the closest one to us making it a good candidate for the local group right there. It is a triple star system and its main star is very similar to our sun. It is just about 10% heavier and hotter than our sun, but about 50% brighter.

Its companion star, Alpha Centauri B, is a little smaller and cooler than the sun.

The third star is a red dwarf only about 12% the size of our sun.

So, where would Alpha Centauri and other systems fit in as far as the seven solar systems go?

Clue Three: DK gives us another important hint. He speaks of:

“A cosmic wheel, or a group of seven constellations. These are grouped according to:
(a) Their magnitude,
(b) Their vibration,
(c) Their colour,
(d) Their influence upon each other.” TCF, Page 1085

The magnitude and color are registered by astronomers. The vibration is esoteric and not understood by them. As far as (d) goes scientists recognize only gravitational influence, whereas esoterists recognize their influence as living beings and emanators of the seven rays.

Let us then focus on magnitude and color, something accurately tabulated by scientists.

Using the Law of Correspondences, we can assume there would be similarities between the centers in human and higher lives. Such correspondences are rarely exact, but do give indications.

We are told that the Sun is the heart center of our Cosmic Logos, so let us look at the colors associated with the human heart center. In describing its color DK says it is “glowing golden.”

And what color is our sun? It is about as close to a gold color as any star out there.

We suspect that Sirius is the throat center. So what color does DK associate with this? He says it is “silvery blue, the blue predominating.” Silvery blue is a very accurate description of the color given off by Sirius, a much hotter sun than ours. In addition, we are told that the “Blue” Lodge makes it home there.

The main two stars in the Alpha Centauri system are yellow and light rose in color. This corresponds to one of the two major petals in the ajna center.

The other petal is blue and purple. There are no purple stars, but each star has an exoteric color we can see in the physical and esoteric one, not obvious to the observer. For instance DK quotes from the Secret Doctrine stating, “The true colour of the sun is blue.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 671.

Then he expands saying, “The Logos of our system is concentrating on the love or blue aspect. This—as the synthesis—manifests as indigo.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 127

So the stars indeed shine with visible colors depending on temperature and composition, from red to orange, to yellow, to white and then blue for the hottest of them.

All the colors of the centers are found in the visible stars except for the purple in part of the ajna center and some green in the solar plexus. So these colors could be represented esoterically.

In searching for the other four solar systems which could be centers in our Cosmic Logos, we have three clues. First DK tells us the rest in question are all larger than our sun. Second, would be their colors, as differentiated in centers, and third, they would be in fairly close proximity.

A good candidate for the head center would be Vega. At 25 light years distance it is still considered a close neighbor. It is larger than Sirius and almost twice as bright. It gives out 40 times more radiation than our sun. It is very hot and glows bright white, perhaps corresponding to the white petals in the crown.

A good candidate for the base of the spine is Pollux, as it is our closest orange star of significant size, corresponding to the orange petals in this center. It is about nine times the size and twice the mass of our sun. It gives off 33 times as much light as our sun.

Acturus, a giant red star, 37 light years away, is a good candidate for the sacral center. It is ancient, over seven billion years old, and near the end of its life at 25 times the size of the sun, giving out over 100 times as much energy.

The best local fit for the solar plexus is the Zeta Herculis double star system in the constellation of Hercules, 35 light years away. Together they give off a rosy orange-red light that corresponds to the color of the solar plexus as given by DK.

Thus, we have a potential Cosmic Logos conforming to the Law of Correspondences and DK’s statement that five of the solar systems would be of a larger magnitude than ours and one would be similar. This tells us one more thing often overlooked. DK’s writings indicate that a star would most likely have to be as big as our sun or larger to be considered for a center in a greater logos, as he mentions nothing smaller. That raises this question. Where do the smaller stars fit in? 70% of the galaxy is composed of red dwarfs and many of them are only about 2% the magnitude of the sun. Then there are white dwarfs and many other smaller suns. Overall ,90% of the stars out there are smaller than our sun, yet basically overlooked by esoterists.

Again, we look to the Law of Correspondences. In the human body there are seven major centers but many lesser ones. In addition, DK says there are three other significant ones and “twenty-one lesser centres and forty-nine smaller centres known to the esotericists.” Esoteric Healing, Page 72

In addition to these, there are many smaller centers corresponding to acupuncture points.

So if we correspond The One About Whom Naught May Be Said to the centers of the human body, we can expect this great life to, not only embody the seven centers or solar systems, but many lesser systems and red dwarfs. Each of these smaller suns would be a minor center in some higher logos.

It is an amazing thing to contemplate life as it manifests from the tiny atom up to the Cosmic Logos and beyond. It stretches the imagination to think on these things, leaving the seeker to exclaim, “The mystery of godliness, how great it is.”

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The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 9

The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 9
Constellations and Thoughtforms

As it turns out, DK has only definitely named one center in the body of our immediate Cosmic Logos of Seven Solar Systems, and that is our solar system which is the heart center.

He is not clear as to whether Sirius is part of our system or another, whether it is centered on the heart or the throat.

Here is my best guess. Sirius is the throat center and our solar logos is the heart of our immediate Cosmic Logos. Then there are seven groups of seven other centers who form the body of a greater logos. Our Cosmic Logos is the heart center in this greater being. This would explain why Sirius is spoken of as being connected with love-wisdom. It sends to us because the brotherhood there is more evolved than here, and they are better able to pick up the will of the greater logos in relation to love and share that with us.

It would seem that five stars and constellations DK loosely linked to centers are not likely to be a part of our local Cosmic Logos. For one thing, we are not in the same league as Betelgeuse, Polaris, Alcyone and Antares as their systems are much larger. In addition, they are all over 400 light years distant, and from any of these systems our sun could not even be seen with the naked eye. In addition, there are over a million other suns within 400 million light years. The constellations he mentions may be centers somewhere and send us energies, but they are not likely to be a part of our immediate Cosmic Logos.

His manner of dealing with the influences of these systems can be explained in this statement concerning the “great illusion” around the Zodiac. He says the “potency of the thoughtforms which have been built up in connection with the twelve signs. These thoughtforms were originally constructed or anchored upon the mental plane by the Hierarchy in Atlantean days and they have steadily gained in power ever since. They serve as focal points for certain forces and enable the individual, for instance, to be in touch with great reservoirs of energy which then definitely condition him.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 69

DK speaks of “blinds” in relation to a couple of potential centers, and no wonder if much of the energy picked up from the various stars and constellations is filtered through thoughtforms created right here on earth by the Hierarchy.

This doesn’t mean the energies are not real, but that the Hierarchy has devised a scientific way to pick up the energies of the seven rays from numerous cosmic sources.

Let us take the constellation of Draco, for instance, which DK relates to the base of the spine. It consists of about 20 stars that are visible to the naked eye on a clear dark night. The thoughtform around this series of stars is related to a dragon or a snake-type image and subtleties of what such an image may represent. Thus, when the student focuses on these stars and accesses the thoughtform, he links more into the energies drawn into the thoughtform than the actual constellation itself.

To us on earth, when we look at a constellation like Draco it appears that all the stars in it are linked up as if they are one big family, but what is often unrealized is that if the observer shifted his location 90 degrees in reference to them, most of them would not appear to be linked up at all.

When we look at a constellation in the night sky it may seem that the stars are together and a similar distance from us, but such is not the case. Here are some distances from significant stars of Draco: Eltanin is 154.3 light-years away, Aldibain is 92.1, Rastaban is 380, Altais is 97, Aldhibah is 330, Edasich is 101, Batentaban Borealis is only 26 and Kappa Draconis is 490 light years away.

These stars range from 26 light years away to 490, a huge distance that would cause them to not be seen as part of the same group from another part of the galaxy. It is merely an illusion caused by our reference point that makes them appear in a group formation.

On the other hand, the Great Bear is another story and a case could be made that it does indeed consist of a family of stars. Five of the seven main stars were all created about the same time – 300 million years ago – and reside within a few light years of each other, and are all around 80 light years from us.

Two of the stars, a pointer, Dubhe, and Alkaid on the end of the handle do not seem to belong. They are some distance away from the main group, a different age and not moving in sync with them. There are eight additional stars associated with the Great Bear, and two of these could be the actual centers for which Dubhe, and Alkaid veil.

Astronomers say that Sirius is in the same moving group as the cluster at the Great Bear, but they attribute that to an accident of nature since it had a different creation date. Even so, this could signify an esoteric connection.

Because of the close group association of 13 stars and close proximity, the energies of the Great Bear could indeed have a powerful effect on us with or without a thoughtform to assist.

The Pleiades is perhaps the most closely knit star family mentioned by DK, though overall they average about five times the distance from us as the Great Bear – approximately 400 light years away compared to 80 for the Great Bear. All the main stars in the group are young at less than 150 million years of age. The Seven Sisters have the names of Maia, Electra, Alcyone, Taygete, Asterope, Celaeno and Merope. Atlas and Pleione are two other significant stars that represent their divine parents. In addition to these nine, there are five others that are visible to the naked eye, making 14 in all. But with modern telescopes astronomers tell us that the Pleiades contain an additional 1000 stars that belong to this group, so whatever life of which the center, it is a significant one.

Keep in mind that at this distance from us a star comparable to our sun would be invisible to the naked eye. We only see the Seven Sisters because they are larger and much more radiant than our sun. Take the star Celaeno, for example. It is a sister that is barely visible on a clear dark night, but it shines 344 times brighter than our sun. That is about 14 times more radiant than Sirius. Then the brighter sister Alcyone is 1000 times brighter than our sun. These Sisters just seem dim because they are so far away. Thus, when we speak of the Pleiades, we are talking about a massive center of 1000 stars, which belong to the same family, with most being larger than our sun . As a group they are bound to exert a strong influence on a large portion of our local universe and, with or without a thoughtform, their energies would affect us here.

Ursa Minor, the Little Dipper is another story. They do not move nor were created as a family, but are kind of a random association of stars of various types and distances that create the illusion of a family in a constellation. In reality they were al created at different times and are in seven different locations. They only seem to be grouped because of how they are viewed from our cosmic location, similar to Draco. Notice the differences in distance and age of the seven stars of the Little Dipper:

Polaris: Distance 433 light years away; Age 70 million years
Kochab: Distance 131 light years away; Age 2.95 billion years old
Pherkad: Distance 487 light years away; Age 100 million years old
Anwar al Farkadain: Distance 97 light years away; Age 1.7 million years old
Akhfa al Farkadain: Distance 368 light years away; Age unknown, but fairly young.
Urodelus; Distance 300 light years away: Age 2.95 billion years old
Yildun: Distance 172 light years away; Age 254 million years old

These stars have little in common with each other, and if viewed from another place in the galaxy would not seem to be together at all as a constellation. Therefore, any accumulative energy from Ursa Minor (The Little Dipper) has to be supplied by a thoughtform acting as a transmitter.

In addition to various stars and constellations representing centers, we find there is also a higher correspondence to the lower quaternary.

“Our solar system, with the Pleiades and one of the stars of the Great Bear, form a cosmic triangle, or an aggregation of three centres in the Body of HIM OF WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID. The seven stars in the constellation of the Great Bear are the correspondences to the seven head centres in the body of that Being, greater than our Logos. Again, two other systems, when allied with the solar system and the Pleiades, make a lower quaternary which are eventually synthesised into the seven head centres in much the same way as in the human being after the fourth initiation.

  1. The base of the spine.
  2. The solar plexus.
  3. The heart.
  4. The throat.

The sevenfold head centre in its turn finds ultimate expression in the gorgeous twofold centre above the top of the head and surrounding it. Equally so, beyond the above named constellations is still another cosmic centre. The name of this centre is one of the secrets of the final initiation, the seventh. These are the only correspondences that may as yet be imparted. What lies beyond the solar ring-pass-not may be of intellectual interest, but, for the purposes of microcosmic evolution it is a matter of no vast import.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 182-183

Students may be perplexed about the throat and heart being in any lower quaternary, but DK is speaking of such in relation to the advanced disciple.

From our standpoint on this planet, the heart would be our solar system and the throat would be the Pleiades. Then he associates Betelgeuse with the solar plexus and Draco with the base of the spine, giving a hint as to the full quaternary he has in mind. Keep in mind that there are most likely thoughtforms and veils involved, though the energies are real. The actual solar systems in our local Cosmic Logos as centers for the throat, the solar plexus and the base are merely represented by greater constellations and thoughtforms behind them.

Above these great lives is a greater one still, and the name (implying understanding) is only available to a seventh degree initiate. Since DK is a fifth degree, this would imply that he has limited knowledge here of such a great being. I think this explains some of his ambiguous teachings of the Cosmic Logoi.

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Emotional Telepathy

Texas  Gathering, Part Seven
Emotional Telepathy

We’ll continue with our subject which is telepathy. Before we continue, has anybody had any experiences with telepathy?

Marylin: This occurred years ago when I first learned about telepathy. I wanted to experiment and find out if it was for real. I contacted my sister who lived in Georgia and I lived in Iowa. We thought we would both lie down and I would send to her then she would call me and let me know if she had gotten the message from me. So I did this one night. I lay down on my living room floor and I came out of my body. And I traveled to her kitchen. She wasn’t lying there so I went into her living room and she was there and again I thought she was going to wait to be contacted. She lay down on the couch and all of a sudden she went, “OH” and her husband asked what was wrong. Also in her kitchen I had seen an orange vase, a very unusual vase. When she said, “OH” and jumped I was back home. I called her on the phone right away and I asked her, “Did you know that I was there?” Well it turned out that she wasn’t lying down specifically for that purpose but those things happened. I don’t know if that’s telepathy or if it’s something else but that’s what happened.

JJ: It was definitely an extra-sensory communication. When we think of telepathy we normally think we’ll send a message to Joe and he’s going to read my mind. Sometimes that happens but not too many people are able to do it. Marylin had an exceptional circumstance where she was able to leave her body. Oftentimes, for an exact communication to take place, that type of thing happens. But the ability to have extra-sensory communication is an evolving thing. What does it start with? We have to start somewhere when we want to do anything. If you want to build a house you have to learn to hammer and nail first. So, what do we have to learn first?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Okay that’s the first step but what do we actually have to learn first?

Audience: That it’s possible?

JJ: Okay, that it is possible. Then what next?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: When you’ve had a close relationship with somebody have you often kind of picked up what they’re thinking? Sometimes it isn’t really extra-sensory, is it? Sometimes you just know the person so well you know what he must be thinking, right? In a way, this is kind of the first step; to tune into another person so you kind of get an idea of how their thought process is going. This is really what we might call the very first step in extra-sensory communication; to develop our senses and abilities to the max first. How do you know or how can you tell what a person is thinking? What signs or what do you learn about a person to develop that ability with them?

Body language is important. Somebody sitting with their arms folded, does that tell you something? It means they’re closing off communication. They’re not really listening to you much. There are books on body language that tells you what these different symbols mean. If you sit cross-legged it means something, if you put your hand like this it means something. Everything means something in body language. I’m not going to go through what they all mean. Suffice it to say, that if you get to know others well you see we all have our peculiar body language. Somebody may be asleep and obviously they’re communicating that this isn’t the most exciting thing in the world to them. Nobody is asleep but that’s what it would mean. So there are many subtle ways to communicate besides just coming out and saying something to another person. We all have our subtle little things. So we communicate by body language and we can maybe tell what the other person may be thinking. What other signs do people give us?

Audience response: Inaudible.

JJ: How about the way their voice sounds? Does the voice variety reveal a lot? I remember as a kid with my dog I used to say, “bad dog, bad dog” (in a happy voice) and he thought he did something good. Then I’d say good dog in a meaner voice and he’d shy away. Obviously the dog wasn’t hearing what I was saying, he was feeling what I was saying. A pet will feel what you say though they may not hear what you say. So they can really pick up modulations in your voice.

I used to think my dog had mental telepathy because every time I used to think about eating he’d come rushing in the kitchen panting. I’d think, “How did he know that I was thinking about eating? I haven’t even done anything yet.” So I started paying attention knowing there must be some sort of sign I was giving him. Then I noticed that whenever I opened a drawer or a cupboard anywhere in the kitchen, (he could be upstairs a long way away) and just a light little creak would sound he’d come running down the stairs and be right there. I thought the dog had mental telepathy but he didn’t. He was just paying attention to all the signs. As soon as he heard a door open, a refrigerator door especially-he knew the difference between a refrigerator door and a cupboard door and a silverware drawer-he knew all those things. But I swear for awhile I thought he really had mental telepathy but he was just paying attention to the physical signs to the point that I thought he had mental telepathy. I finally figured out what he was using.

So we can do that to people to a degree. How about the way they stand? Somebody slumped over or somebody with a little sparkle to their step. All these things tell us what’s going on inside of them.

But, what if they are not even around in the physical at all? Can we still receive communication from them?

Audience: Many times that has happened to me. Like I’m thinking about somebody who hasn’t called me for a long time and a few minutes later that person calls, even from over the seas.

JJ: This is one of the most frequent means of mental communication. Oftentimes people will be thinking of someone and the phone will ring. Has anybody had that happen? Or the phone rings and you know who it is or sometimes when the phone rings we think that’s Sheila’s ring or Joe’s ring or something like that. Have you ever said that? That sounds like Jim calling or that sounds like my husband calling. I’m usually right when I do that. Sometimes when I’m really confident I answer the phone by saying Joe’s Bar & Grill. The couple of times I’ve missed have been a little embarrassing but I’m usually right.

So, what’s the first area of communication we pick up as we learn to develop extra-sensory communication? Is it the mind or is it the feelings?

Audience: it’s a little bit of both. You begin with the experience situations but then when the phone rings there is no experience in that.

JJ: Feeling is the most powerful and easier to pick up than the mind. Not too many people have the ability to pick up the mind because if you could you would pick up the actual thoughts. Before we pick up the mind we pick up the feelings because the astral vibration is a lower vibration than the vibration of the mind. It’s like the physical is easier to hear than the astral sound and the astral sound is easier to hear than the mental sound.

In the astral sound you don’t usually pick up actual words but you pick up the feelings of the person. In picking up the feelings of a person, the strongest, easiest feelings to pick up are really disturbing feelings. Have you ever had a member of your family depressed or something and you pick it up? You almost feel depressed yourself? Has anyone had this occur? This is one of the strongest astral vibrations to pick up. I said there is a lot of illusion in the astral and because of illusion it doesn’t mean everything in the astral is wrong. Just like everything in the physical, which is even lower, is not wrong either. There is nothing either right or wrong with its essence. What’s right is to take these various worlds and to recognize them for what they are and to use what they have to offer us. There is a definite use for the physical world and a definite use for the astral world and a definite use for the world of the mind.

Picking up the feelings of other people is one of the first steps in extra-sensory communication. What can we do to prepare for this and to strengthen this ability? What do you suppose is one of the prime ingredients?

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Okay that’s a good point. We need to be in touch with our own feelings first.

Audience: Inaudible.

JJ: Yes, that’s a good point, being sensitive to others and having empathy for other people. Do you notice people who are basically selfish in nature never seem to be able to pick up what you’re feeling? But people who are giving and loving and have empathy, when you hurt, they kind of hurt too. These are people who will pick up and have emotional telepathy. They will be able to pick up your feelings. This is a disturbing area to go through because the easiest feelings to pick up are the negative feelings. When you become sensitive in this way and begin picking them up you will almost wish you didn’t have this ability because you’ll find yourself in a state of being disturbed a large percentage of the time because you’ll be picking up negativity from things around you. The key at this point is to neutralize the negativity. This has been taught by many teachers of the past that what we need to do is to become detached; detached yet involved at the same time. Detached yet involved realizing that there is negativity out there and maybe realizing that sometimes there is something you can do about it and sometimes there isn’t.

I first had these experiences, emotional telepathy, happen to me when I was on a mission for the Mormon Church. I was about 8-10 months through it. We worked a lot with various individuals at that time and I noticed myself getting communications of their feelings, from the people we worked with. I had some very interesting experiences. One of the things we used to do as LDS missionaries was to commit people to not smoke. Well, we committed this one lady to not smoke and shortly thereafter I had this taste of cigarettes in my mouth. I told my companion, “Boy, I’ve got a taste of cigarettes in my mouth really strong. I think this lady we’ve been teaching is smoking right this very moment. I can just feel it.”

My partner was a kind of funny kid. I’d done this with him several times and he figured I was pretty accurate. He said, “It’s 3 o’clock. Okay.” We went to see her that evening. He had more confidence in this than I did. He says to her, “Did you smoke a cigarette today at 3 o’clock?” She replied, “How did you know?” He said, “We have our ways of knowing.”

I’ll tell you another unusual experience. We were teaching these two females. They were both named Sylvia, of all things. They were alright by themselves but when they got together they started doing weird things. My companion and I were going to bed one evening and I had a really bad feeling about this couple. We were just going to bed but I felt I should go see them because I felt they were up to something really strange. My companion was lying in bed and I would have had to wake him up. He was pretty believing but this would be stretching it so I thought. I decided to wait and check on them in the morning.

So, we went to see these two Sylvia’s in the morning and one of these says to me, “Well Elder Dewey, did you get a funny feeling last night?” I said, “As a matter of fact I did. What are you guys up to?” She says, “We did the craziest stuff. I don’t know what got into us. We were just dancing around and something got a hold of us and we decided to burn the Book of Mormon. So we tore the Book of Mormon apart and we burned it.”

In the Mormon Church that’s worse than burning a Bible. After this happened she started having this being appear to her; a dark presence. Later her mother had these two beings appear to her and try to suffocate her and her mother swore that I was one of them and my companion was the other. We were sleeping at the time and in our beds. So the weirdest stuff started happening after they burned that Book of Mormon. So I said to myself, “I guess this will teach me a lesson. Next time I get a feeling like this, no matter what it is, I’m going to pay attention and go with it.”

So I was put to the test. Next time it happened it was three in the morning. This was in England, where we were working at the time. It was three o’clock in the morning and I woke up with the taste of aspirin in my mouth. It was very powerful. I felt like somebody was going to try to commit suicide by taking an overdose of aspirin or pills of some type. My mouth felt like it was caked in aspirin. I looked at my watch and it was 3 in the morning. I said I would go almost anytime but there weren’t any buses out or anything at 3 in the morning where we were. So I thought maybe the feeling would go away so I tried to go back to sleep but it got stronger. It wouldn’t go away. I thought, “My companion is going to think I’m crazy.” After it didn’t go away I finally decided to wake him up. To my surprise he accepted it and said, “Well, if you have a feeling like that maybe we should go check it out.”

I felt like it was one of the Sylvia’s, the older Sylvia that was married. That was my first impression so we went over to her house. We rode there on our bicycles if I remember right. We got there a little after 4 in the morning. We knocked on the door. It took me a lot of guts to knock on the door at 4 in the morning. Her husband was a non-member and didn’t want her joining the church anyway. So, we knocked and she came down and opened the door and invited us in. She looked a little nervous. We asked her, “Were you thinking about committing suicide by taking aspirin this morning?” It was the only way I could think of to ask. She said, “No.” I asked if everything was fine and she said yes. I said, “Are you sure everything is fine?” She said, “Yes, yes, everything is just great.”

Her husband was shouting down, “Sylvia, what’s going on down there?” She told him everything was fine. I asked again, “Are you sure everything is fine?” She responded, “Elder Dewey, you’re wrong this time. You may have been right on several things before but this time you’re wrong.” “Hmmm. Really. Okay, it must be somebody else. Maybe I got you confused in the ethers.” So we left and wondered who else it could be if it’s not her. We went to some members’ houses and banged on their doors asking if everything was alright. We had several neighbors awake. Several around the vicinity got together around 4 in the morning and had a cup of hot chocolate. Everybody thought it was so funny that I was waking people up at 4 in the morning to see if they were alright. All the people I woke up gave me a hard time the rest of the time I was in the area. Everybody we woke up swore they were alright.

I thought of somebody else. There was another lady I knew who was having trouble with her husband. He was somewhat abusive towards her. I thought maybe it was her but she lived on the other side of town. So we took off to the other side of town and knocked on their door. She came down and her husband chewed us out for waking them. He had come to the door. We were a little nervous about him because he might do us some damage. He grumbled at us and told us to get the heck out of there. So we were taking off but as we were leaving he said, “Come on back.” The reason he called us back was because his wife had told him the elders don’t ever get up before 6 in the morning and they never get out before 9. Here it is a little after 5 so he figured there must be some real important reason we were there so he called us back. So we talked to them and it wasn’t them either. They swore everything was fine.

That was weird. We went back and did our normal work for the day. The feeling kept growing stronger and stronger until finally I decided it had to be the original Sylvia. That was my first impression and it felt had to be her. So about 5 in the evening, after the day was over, we went back and knocked on her door one more time. I asked her again, “Are you sure you’re okay? Are you sure it wasn’t you that was thinking of committing suicide?” She said, “No, you’re wrong this time. Everything is just fine.” She kept telling us everything was fine. So I closed my eyes to contemplate and find out if I was deceived or not. I had an inner assurance that it was her. So when I felt that inner assurance I said to her, “Sylvia, the spirit of the Lord tells me that you were thinking about committing suicide and that you have to tell me about it. It’s something you have to tell me.”

When I told her that she started to cry and said, “You’re right. I committed adultery last night and came home so ashamed of myself that I wanted to kill myself. The only way I could think of to kill myself was to take aspirin. That’s the only thing we had so I was going to take a bunch of aspirin then you knocked on the door. I thought, ‘he knows!’ I tried to pretend that everything was alright.”

That was a case where I really had to trust my feelings and I doubted them about a dozen times during the day thinking it must be something else. But it turned out to be the first impression. It didn’t come to me like a voice saying it was Sylvia, go see her. It all came through the feeling nature. There have been times I’ve gotten communication by regular telepathy but most of the time it comes through the feeling nature. The feeling nature can reveal a lot of things about what’s going on. This type of telepathy can be very handy in a close relationship.

Delivered May 25, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

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The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 8

The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 8
The Greater Cosmic Logos

The other hints given us concern not merely individual stars, but constellations of stars.

And what does this tell us?

Whereas seven solar systems compose a first level Cosmic Logos (or The One About Whom Naught May Be Said), it would take seven constellations to create a second level Logos.

DK does give out several hints about the placement of several constellations. For instance, he says this about three of them:

“The seven stars of the Great Bear or Ursa Major are involved in an intricate relation with Ursa Minor and the Pleiades. With this we shall not deal. This major triplicity of constellations has a peculiar relation to that Great Being to Whom I have at times referred as the One About Whom Naught Can Be Said. All that can be hinted at is that these three galaxies of stars are the three aspects of that Indescribable, Absolute Monad, the Ineffable Cause of the seven solar systems – of which ours is one.” Esoteric Astrology, Pages 607-608

Here he clearly says that these three constellations “are the three aspects” of a great Cosmic Logos. The three aspects are, of course, Rays One, Two and Three, which govern the head, the heart and the throat.

If his notation is in order, the Great Bear would represent Ray One, the head center; Ursa Minor, Ray Two; the heart and the Pleiades, Ray Three, the throat.

He does give some evidence this is correct. Concerning the Great Bear he says, “The seven stars in the constellation of the Great Bear are the correspondences to the seven head centres in the body of that Being, greater than our Logos.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 182

Concerning the Great Bear he said, “Its sevenfold unified energies pass through Shamballa.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 416

He thus relates the Great Bear to the head center, even to linking it in relationship with the head center of our planet which is Shamballa.

Then he gives evidence that the Pleiades are linked to the third ray and throat center.

“The energies coming from the Pleiades, an aggregation of seven energies, are connected with the active intelligent aspect of logoic expression, and influence the form side of all manifestation. They focus primarily through Humanity.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 416

The “the active intelligent aspect” is Ray Three, which is linked to the throat center. In addition, as already was pointed out, DK also associates one of its stars, Alcyone, with Ray Three.

This leaves Ursa Minor to represent the final aspect which would be Ray Two – the heart. But how do we harmonize this with the link noted previously of Polaris (in Ursa Minor) to the head, as well as this statement?

“We have also brought into relation to our solar system another constellation, called the Little Bear (Ursa Minor) which is a reflection of or a corollary to the major energies of its greater prototype, Ursa Major, the Great Bear. These facts contain a great mystery connected with the inter-relation of Ursa Major, Ursa Minor and the Pleiades; they constitute one of the greatest and more important of the triplicities to be found in the heavens as far as we have astronomically ascertained the nature of our immediate universe.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 202

So here we are told that Ursa Minor is “a reflection of or a corollary to the major energies of its greater prototype, Ursa Major, the Great Bear.”

So apparently Ursa Major and Minor are closely linked as if they were in the same and not different centers. How then can they be linked to two different aspects as previously mentioned by DK?

DK says this:

“It has been said that in the head of every man are seven centres of force, which are linked to the other centres in the body, and through which the force of the Ego is spread and circulated, thus working out the plan.” Initiation Human and Solar, Page 30

This would mean that one of these seven centers would be a reflection of the heart center:

“The twelve petalled lotus in the head (which is the higher correspondence of the heart centre,” Light of the Soul, Page 293

This twelve petalled lotus is a major part of the crown center and is called the “heart center in the head.”

Concerning these DK says that in the crown “There are twelve major petals of white and gold, and 960 secondary petals are arranged around the central twelve.” Letters on Occult Meditation, Page 78

Concerning these twelve he says, “the Buddha represents the twelve-petalled lotus in the head, of which the Christ represents the counterpart, the twelve-petalled lotus of the heart centre.” Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 87

Now if we synthesize this information, we can conclude that the remaining prime aspect, Ray Two, is held by Ursa Minor and is linked as a Cosmic Buddha as a heart center in the head, closely aligned with the Great Bear, whose prime focus is Ray One; but obviously, all the rays are at play to some degree.

Several times, DK equates an additional constellation with a center stating, “the constellation of the Dragon has the same relation to the ONE greater than our Logos as the centre at the base of the spine has to a human being.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1204

The constellation of the dragon is Draco, and is here linked with the base of the spine. This center has been associated with Rays One, Four and Seven. Since the Great Bear seems associated with Ray One, I would guess that Ray Seven would be linked to Draco as the dragon, and magic seem to be a good fit for this ray.

There is one more reference to a great center in a Cosmic Logos:

“The zodiacal wheel is itself essentially a cosmic centre; it is a twelve-petalled lotus, but it is a twelve-petalled lotus within the thousand-petalled lotus of an unknown cosmic Entity, the One referred to in my earlier books as the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID.” Rays and Initiations, Page 339

The twelve-petalled lotus in the crown would be the heart center in the head. One would suppose that each petal is associated with one of the twelve constellations of the zodiac.

This is quite a different identification than anything else noted by DK, as the twelve constellations contain many more stars than all the other references made to other possible centers. Yet these twelve great constellations just form a part of one center. How can this be?

If our immediate cosmic logos has a mere seven solar systems in its body, then this center occupied by the zodiac has to be a part of a much greater logos. It appears that DK applies what little he can say about the Cosmic Logos, or The One About Whom Naught May Be Said, to all lives greater than our solar logos as if they are all part of the great mystery. He gives a hint to his thinking in this statement;

These cosmic wheels, according to the esoteric books, are divided into forty-nine groups, each comprising millions of septenary constellations.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1085

So he is telling us that there are millions of Cosmic Logoi, and when he speaks of a solar system, constellation, or even twelve constellations responding as a center, he could be referring to one of many possible Cosmic Logoi.

Another problem adding to the difficulty is that DK’s knowledge of Cosmic beings seems limited, for he calls it an “unknown Cosmic Entity.” Then he says this:

“…until it is known which cosmic Logos recognises our solar Logos as a centre in His body, and which six other systems are affiliated with ours, it will not be possible to touch upon the systemic stage of manasic development.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 402

It would seem here that it is unknown, even to him, “which cosmic Logos recognises our solar Logos as a centre in His body, and which six other systems are affiliated with ours.” It should be no mystery then why he labels all lives greater than our solar logos as The One About Whom Naught May Be Said. There is much missing knowledge about such beings. He has given us some interesting hints, but even he has been limited in what he can access and reveal.

For Part 1, Click HERE , For Part 2, Click HERE, For Part 3, Click HERE, Part 4, Click HERE, Part 5, Click HERE, Part 6, Click HERE, Part 7, Click HERE, Part 9, Click HERE, Part 10, Click HERE

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Telepathy and the Astral World

Texas  Gathering, Part Six
Telepathy and the Astral World

The next topic we’re going to talk about is telepathy. It’s a subject a lot of people are interested in. It’s also a subject that’s very misunderstood. Many claim to have supernatural abilities but in reality very few do. There’s a guy who has a million dollar reward out for anyone who can prove he’s got any type of psychic ability at all. So far no one has collected the reward which is fascinating because I think all of us in this room understand and have had supernatural experiences of one type or another. We all realize there is such a thing as extra-sensory perception and it is a reality.

So, the question is why hasn’t anyone collected this million dollar reward from this guy? One gal just about collected it. She claimed to be able to see colors with her eyes blindfolded. They blindfolded her and she seemed to be identifying colors without regular vision. Then they found a way where the colors were coming in through a little crack or something. They sealed that off and she couldn’t see colors anymore. So she didn’t collect the million dollars. She almost fooled the guy for awhile. He thought he was going to have to give out the million bucks. So it’s an interesting fact that a lot of the psychism out there is not real psychism. A lot of the claim to extra-sensory perception is not really extra-sensory perception. Yet, I know in my personal life I have had it happen to me quite a number of times and I know it exists. I also think there’s something about performance on demand. If someone were to come to me and say, “Ok, I’m going to sit you down and I want you to do some extra-sensory perception” I would probably not be able to collect the million dollar reward.

The question is how does it really work and what are the principles behind something like telepathy? How can you have real telepathy, real extra-sensory communication? Before I talk about that I’ll talk about why regular extra-sensory perception seems to be somewhat unreliable. A lot of this has to do with the astral world. We have the seven worlds in our reality right now. One is the physical/etheric – the physical world is the world we see about us right now. It’s called the dense physical. The dense physical is actually two worlds. We have the dense physical, which is what we see. Then we have the etheric double which, is in esoteric teachings, the real physical world. It’s called the true physical because the etheric matter actually works on creative principles whereas the dense physical has no power of creation itself. All physical creation and extension comes from the etheric double of this world. You have a etheric double of your physical body. When you die that etheric double survives for a short period of time then it dissipates. It’s what holds your physical body together and gives it shape. It’s composed of energy that circulates all over your body and has the shape of your body.

You can actually see it. In past seminars I’ve shown people how. I’ll show you again right now. It’s pretty easy. Put your two thumbs together and hold them against a white background. After you put your thumbs together then pull them apart slowly and look at the space right in between your thumbs as you pull them apart. Pull them apart about a quarter inch and look at the space right in between your thumbs and you’ll see a film about a millimeter away from you body. That film about a millimeter away from your body is your etheric body. It takes the same shape of your body but is slightly bigger. Can everybody see that film? We’ll do one more thing to show the etheric. I will stand right here. Everybody look at me. Look right at the center of my forehead. Stare at me for about one minute. I’ll stand perfectly still. Pretend like you’re meditating on your navel but concentrate on my forehead for about one minute. Keep your attention focused very strongly. Now I’m going to move away but pretend that I’m still there. Don’t move your fixation away at all. When I move keep your attention focused on that same spot still.

Audience: look at that! Wow

JJ: Keep your attention focused. How many could see the etheric light that I left behind? Is there anybody who didn’t see it? You’re at a bad angle. Continue to look at it. Is the light even or do you see some variation in the light? Any particular colors you see? You saw some yellow in there. Any other colors? Blue? Okay. A little of that is the after-image of the regular physical light but beyond that is also the after-image of the etheric light. One time, when I used to be in the Mormon Church many years ago, I was teaching a seminary class and I asked if they wanted to see their spirit. The kids expressed interest so I showed them. They went home and told their parents and I was released from teaching a short period of time after that.

So this is the first world, the physical/etheric. The second world is the astral world and that is called the desire world. It’s composed of a finer, more refined matter and this matter is controlled by our desire nature. The next world up is called the world of the mind. In Mormon language it’s called the celestial world and it’s controlled by thought. It’s the highest of the worlds of form, where form is important. But that’s not the highest. There are four formless worlds after that where ideas are formulated, computed and then prepared to manifest in the lower worlds of form.

The thing about the astral world is that it is really created by illusion. The astral world in created by an interplay between the world of mind and the physical form world. The interplay of these two worlds creates the world of desire. In the world of desire everything is upside down and there is tremendous illusion there. Nothing in it has a permanent reality because it’s a temporary creation composed of the interplay of the third world and the first world so to speak. This interplay creates a mirror image of reality. This is why when we live our life based on desire only without the understanding from the mind or the higher worlds of the spirit we get everything upside down.

If you want to see how upside down is, watch two people argue politics or religion. You’ll find some very heated arguments developing and oftentimes you’ll see both of them are wrong or one of them will be in tremendous illusion and the other guy might make a little bit of sense. But maybe the one guy just doesn’t make any sense at all and you wonder how he can believe his words that when they are so illogical. The guy is making absolutely no sense at all yet he really believes this. When you come across somebody this way it’s because he’s fixed very strongly on the astral world. His consciousness is astral and when his consciousness is astral he believes what he wants to believe.

Abraham Lincoln said that people believe pretty much what they want to believe. That’s true but by believing what we want to believe does not take us into the truth. It takes us into an artificial world of our own creation where we see what we want to see. Almost 90% of the population of the world iscentered on astral conscious or lower. Because of this, the vast majority of the world sees a lot of things in an upside down manner. The only parts they see that are truth are concepts implanted from a teacher who taught them something that was a correct principle and because they have memorized this teaching they get several things correct that are right side up.

When the astral grounded person thinks for himself he will often turn everything upside down because it’s like looking in a mirror. When you look in a mirror everything is reflected. It looks real. When you look at your face in the mirror you think that’s you but what we don’t realize when we’re looking in a mirror is that everything is reflected backwards. It doesn’t really look that way to us because that’s how we always see ourselves. We hardly ever see ourselves where we’re not reflected in a mirror. So every time we look in a mirror we say, “That’s how I look.” But it’s not how you look. You’re looking at yourself reversed every time you look in a mirror. We very seldom, actually never see ourselves as we really are, unless we look at a photograph, In a mirror we see ourselves reversed.

But that is just part of the problem with the astral world for things are not only reversed, but distorted, kind of corresponding to the silly mirrors at some carnivals.

This is the way the astral world is and this is why so many different teachings surface that seem to be somewhat true but there are a couple of things kind of screwy about them. One teaching seems true and then another teaching seems pretty good, but this one doesn’t agree with that one. They claimed to have gotten it from the same source but do not agree. That’s because it comes from the astral world and many teachings from the astral world sound pretty good. It’s like looking in a mirror. It looks good but it’s not quite the real thing. Then another teaching will look good but it’s not quite the real thing either.

How do we get to the real thing? How do we get beyond the astral world? Probably at least 95% of the teachings out there that come from extra-sensory sources are from the astral world and are from an order that is reversed from the true reality. They have certain things in them that can lead us to truth but we have to filter through. We have to wade through them and find the truth. The astral world serves a purpose. It’s a good learning world for us because we have to learn to focus and find the truth. In order to do that we have to go through this maze and find out what is not true. Oftentimes to find the truth, you have to find out what is not true. Like in the Immortal book, you have to find out what you are not before you can figure out what you are. We went through a lot of things in there that we are not. When you eliminate everything you’re not the only thing that’s left is what you are.

That’s one of the purposes of the astral world. We come down into these spheres and we find out everything that’s not true. First of all we think it’s true then after some trial and error we think it wasn’t true at all and move on to the next thing. Then we go through much more trial and error and find more things that are not true. This we discover time after time, life after life. When we find out everything that is not true, then finally we reach a point where we say, “Okay, I’m willing to go beyond my desires.” It is called the desire world and to find the truth we have to relinquish ourselves from our desires, from our attachments to desires because what leads us to formulate philosophies that are not true are our desires. We want a certain thing to be true therefore we formulate everything around what we desire to be true. If we see a teaching that fits in with our desire we tend to incorporate that one because it’s what we want. We discard teachings also because it’s not what we want.

Remember last night I told you that Jesus put the 5000 He fed to the test? He gave them something that they didn’t desire to hear to see how many had progressed beyond desire. “Except a man eat my flesh and drink my blood he has no part with me.” They thought that’s not what we want. He went beyond what they desired and after he spoke there was only twelve left that stood before Him that saw beyond desire world and asked the question, “What is real? We know this man has something. He might have some truth here even though there not the words that I desired to hear.” The true teacher doesn’t just teach what the audience desires to hear. Many politicians, when they get up and speak, they look the audience over and wonder what does this audience want me to say. What do they want to hear? These farmers, do they want to hear about price supports and the doctors here want to hear about Medicare and things like this. So they figure what they want to hear. Not, what is truth. Not what is good for the whole. People don’t always want to hear that.

To bypass the astral world we have to go beyond desire. This was one of the main teachings of the Buddha; to go beyond desire to go to the higher worlds. You had to, not so much destroy desire, but to become detached from desire. So if that which is true is not what you want you can still accept it because that which is true is often not what we want – at least not at first.

And often times if you desire communication from the higher worlds, from the masters, or from the higher lives, that which they have to say to you will often not be what you will want to hear. And oftentimes almost everyone you talk to who claims to be in some communication with the spirit world, it seems like they always get what they want to hear. And, so that’s a good sign that they’re just in communication with the astral world and getting many upside down teachings that are not really the truth but based on the desire energy.

The desire energy creates various thought-forms. For instance, there is a Jesus roaming about the earth, a number of Jesus’ actually-roaming about the earth in desire energy bodies. But they are not the real Jesus. This astral Jesus is roaming around the earth, and he’s like a computer-Jesus based on desire. Instead of a computer like we have in our home, or whatever, it’s a body with computer programs in it. The computer programs that are in it are peoples’ thoughts of what they think and want Jesus to say if he were to show up.

And all the scriptures in the Bible are in this computer program. But the thing about it is there’s nothing new in there. It’s what humanity already knows about him is in this computer program. This causes many people to see astral visions. I’ve talked to a lot of people who have had Christ appear at their bed or something like this, and when this astral Jesus shows up, what do you suppose he says to these people?

Audience: “Exactly what they want to hear.

JJ: Right. He says what they want to hear. He’ll say what they’re comfortable with. He’ll say things like, “I have come to reveal love to you. You are to love your neighbor,” and he’ll say words that we’re already familiar with.

Now what would be different if the real Christ were to show up? What would be the difference between the real Christ showing up and the astral Christ?

Audience: “The teachings.”

JJ: The teachings?

Audience: “New teachings.”

JJ: New teachings. He would say something that has never been said before, because the masters and the higher lives don’t like to waste energy. They’ve got a lot to do in the other kingdoms beyond the human–like we talked about yesterday–and in dealing with humanity they’re governed by the laws of time to a degree. And so, they do not have a lot of time to mess around just repeating themselves all the time.

So if Christ were to come and talk to us right now, if he were to talk about love, he would put a different twist on it, a different way of presenting it, or maybe talk about an entirely new principle. If an astral Christ were to come he would probably give the Sermon on the Mount, or something like that over, because that’s in his program. Or he may put a couple combinations together of what has already been said or recorded by him. Or he may pick up thoughts of people in this group and give some advice: “You are supposed to love your neighbor.” Or, “You are supposed to sell everything you have and give it to the poor.” Well, probably not that one because we don’t really want to do that, do we?

So the astral Christ isn’t likely to tell us to do that unless that’s what we want to do. But if the real master were to come here, he may say something like, “I’ve got a job for you to do that is going to be very difficult. And it’s not something that you will enjoy doing that much but it’s something that needs done. We need this job done. And it’s going to be tough.” Maybe something like that. But it’s not going to be just repeating what has already been done and said before.

Every new and true revelation given to mankind contains new principles that have never been expounded fully before. Some old principles always are repeated to some degree in giving the new principles, but the intent of any new presentation is always to reveal newness.

One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible is from the book of Revelations and also Isaiah, God says, “Behold, I do all things new.” But what do the religions believe about God? They believe he does the same old things over and over and over. That’s what they all believe about God. And when we get to heaven we’re just going to be doing the same thing over and over and over, whatever that is when we get there-we’re not sure-but we’re going to be doing it over and over because it will be perfect. We won’t have to do anything new because when we’re in a state of perfection, as the world sees perfection, no newness will be necessary. Because if we do anything new it means the old way of doing things wasn’t perfect. So there’ll be no new goals. No new worlds to conquer, because we will be in perfection.

Remember that Twilight Zone years ago where this guy died? He knew he was a pretty bad guy, but he was surprised he was met by this being that would give him everything he wanted. He thought to himself, “Boy I’m surprised I got to heaven because I was kind of a bad dude. the angel gave him all the women he wanted, and he could gamble, and he did all the stuff he wanted. And he was just having a great time for about a week. And then after a period of time he got really frustrated. He didn’t want anymore women. He didn’t want to gamble anymore. He was getting really bored. And he says, “Here I thought I was in heaven. This isn’t heaven. This is like hell.” The being says, “Well, nobody told you, ‘You were in heaven.’“ He says, “This is hell.” So I thought that was a cute Twilight Zone. Anyone remember seeing that one?

Audience: “Yeah.”

JJ: So, we live in a world that is upside down so that we can learn to see, with power, that which is right-side up. And to have true telepathy we have to progress out of the desire world into the true reality. What’s the first step to progress toward true spiritual communication?

Audience: “Letting go of the outcome; “Recognizing soul-contact”; “A sincere desire in your heart or in your mind.”

JJ: Okay, he’s got it right; sincere desire in your mind or in your heart. Now, that sounds almost contradictory because we’re talking about the desire world as very deceptive. But we still have to start with desire. Desire is always the starting point. But we have to have desire based on true intent. Not so much a desire to have our desires fulfilled–this is where the illusion is created–but the desire to move ahead no matter what happens, no matter what is received, but a desire for the truth. A desire for the truth leads us away from illusion whereas a desire to have our needs fulfilled takes us to illusion. But the ironical thing is, in the end, the truth does fulfill all of our needs. But because we don’t have faith in reality, we tend to select the truth according to our needs and when we do that it turns everything upside down for us. So we have to proceed on the basis that as truth is discovered, and the layers of illusion are removed, it may not be what we initially want. But when everything is said and done, it will be what we want; just not what we wanted initially.

Like, let’s say, you desired certain things in a mate. And then you meet a certain person who isn’t like half of the things you had in your mind. But maybe this person turns out a lot better than what you’d conjured up to begin with. For instance, when I was a young man looking for a mate I didn’t really envision a person like my current wife. But now the differences are a lot better for me now than what I had conjured up earlier. So what will really fulfill you is not often what we thought would fulfill us.

This is the interesting thing. The lower worlds, the lower energies, cannot fulfill themselves. The higher energies can fulfill the lower, but the lower does not know how to fulfill itself. Therefore, if we go by our desires, what we feel will make us happy – will not make us happy, because the lower does not know how to fulfill itself. The emotional world does not know how to bring itself happiness.

The next world up is the world of the mind. The mind knows how to make the emotions happy and fulfilled. So the mind can work with the emotional self and bring it fulfillment. But on the other hand, the mind doesn’t know how to make itself happy. It has to depend on the world higher than that, which is the world of the intuition. It’s called the Buddhic plane, and it’s where the intuition comes from. It’s the higher feelings. So, the higher feelings where inspiration and intuition come from come down to the mind and lead the mind to fulfillment.

The mind by itself is called “the slayer of the real” because the mind reaches so far, and then it comes to a dead end where nothing seems to make sense. For instance, a scientist, investigating psychic powers- like this guy offering a million dollars; he goes so far and he reaches a dead end. He can’t go any further. He can’t prove there are psychic powers to himself. But eventually he’ll come to the point where a higher part of himself will give him flashes of inspiration. And he’ll say, “Ah-ha! Now everything makes sense. Now I can see that there are really, psychic powers, but I just could not find them earlier.” And so, the higher knows how to fulfill the lower, but the lower does not know how to fulfill itself.

So, the key to developing true extra sensory perception, and the ability to-let’s call it higher communion-to do this; first of all a person has to have a pure desire and pure intent. What’s the next thing?

Inaudible comments from the audience

JJ: Yeah. That’s one of the ingredients. But the second major step is to listen. First of all your desire to move ahead, to higher communion, and then you have to listen and pay attention to what’s out there. And pay attention with a dispassion. In other words, to accept what is given to us. Now if we’re connected to the desire world and we’re astral consciousness, we aren’t listening to just what comes. We’re listening for what we want to hear. And this is always dangerous because when we’re listening to what we want to hear we send out energy that brings in the artificial thought-form that tells us what we want.

Let’s say, I want to hear from Jesus. I want a vision of Jesus, or whatever. Ok. And if you want Jesus to come tell you what you want to hear, then you’re going to send out an energy that will go on the spiritual internet and contact the astral Jesus and bring him to you. And he will then speak to you according to your desires.

So, when you listen, don’t listen for what you want to hear, listen to what’s there just like we do in this room. You’re listening to what I’m actually saying, not what you want me to say. However, even in physical reality, have you ever noticed when three people hear another person speak – especially an authority figure – even though he’ll speak fairly clearly, there is little agreement on meaning? When you ask all three what the guy said, one will say, “Well, he agreed with me pretty much,” and the other guy will say, “No, he agreed with me,” and the other guy will say, “No, he agreed with me.” They will all hear what they want to hear from the guy, especially if he’s an authority figure.

Three or four people read the same scripture. They’ll say, “Well, this scripture agrees with me.” Another guy will say, “No, this scripture agrees with me.” And the other guy will say, “No, this scripture says something else. It agrees with me.” Well, the scripture just says one thing. But, because the people are looking for what they want rather than what’s there, they all see the interpretation differently.

If we pray, or if we meditate, or if we seek, and we seek only what we desire, we will be drawn to illusion. We may pull to us revelations, but they could be revelations from the desire world. If they are, they’re merely telling us what we want to hear. And when we hear these things, a lot of it may be truth. We may have the astral world come tell us to “love our brother,” love our neighbor as ourselves,” and these statements are true. But they are statements that have been around, that are recorded in the desire world, and we get the recording played back to us. But, we aren’t taking the next step in revelation. We aren’t taken to the new revelation.

We’ve got a number of Mormons here. I’ve studied a number of the offshoots of the Mormon Church. There’s a lot of them getting revelations. There are a number of them seeing Joseph Smith, obviously, an astral Joseph Smith. There are a number of them seeing visions. There’s a prophecy in the Mormon church of one mighty and strong coming to set the Mormon Church in order. And there are about a hundred of these mighty and strong guys coming to the church proclaiming that they’re the one to come and set the church in order. Have you heard about these guys?

Almost every leader of an offshoot from the Mormon Church gets a revelation that he’s the one mighty and strong. And why is this? Because he thinks, “Boy, I’d like to be the one mighty and strong,” and because he wants to be, and he prays about it, he gets a revelation that he is the one because it’s from the astral world. It gives him what he wants to hear. And he’s really sure he’s the one

In the Christian world there are a lot of false messiahs. There are a lot of people out there who would like to be the second coming of Christ-like, say David Koresh or people like that. They get a revelation from the astral world, according to their desire, “Yeah, I guess I’m him. I want to be him, so I must be him.”

So, it’s interesting the illusion out there we have to work through to get to the true reality. But there is true higher communion, and it is real, and there is a way to reach it. We will expand on this thought in the next session.

Delivered May 25, 2002 at the Gathering in Wimberly Texas.

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The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 7

The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 7
The Centers and the Cosmic Logos

DK indicates that he and the Masters do not have a full knowledge of the Cosmic Logos, which is one obvious reason that they have tagged him as “The One About Whom Naught May Be Said.” Even so, some things are given out, and what we have is interesting to contemplate.

Concerning the seven centers in Its cosmic body, DK stops short of giving us a clear and itemized list. The one center he clearly identifies is the position of our sun. He says this:

“There are, for instance, in our solar system, seven sacred planets which correspond to the seven individual force centres in man, the seven solar systems, of which our solar system is one, and in their turn the seven energy centres of the One to Whom I have referred in my other books as the One About Whom Naught Can Be Said.” Esoteric Astrology, Pages 11-12

Then he elaborates a little further:

“Our solar system is one of many, and not the greatest. It constitutes a fragment of a greater whole. This greater whole, formed of seven parts (or seven solar systems), is itself immersed in the waters of space, is born of desire and, therefore, a child of necessity. It draws its life from its surroundings. Streaming into our solar system from all sides are force currents, emanating from what A Treatise on Cosmic Fire calls the “One about Whom naught may be said”. These currents embody His will and desire, express His love or attractive capacity, and manifest as that great thought-form we call our system.” A Treatise on White Magic, Page 274

Here DK tells us of a Cosmic Logos (The One About Whom Naught May Be Said) who embodies seven solar systems “of which our solar system is one.” Thus our system would be one of the centers in this great being. If one assumes that because our Solar Logos is on Ray Two, which would represent the heart center, he would seem to be correct, as DK says this:

“…our sun is the embodiment of the heart, or love aspect, of the Logos (Who is Himself the heart of ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID)” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 156

“The centre in the cosmic body of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NOUGHT MAY BE SAID of which our solar Logos is the embodied force is the heart centre.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 511

It would seem then that our sun holds a firm position as the heart center in the cosmic logos, but some of DK’s statements about Sirius obscure this idea. For instance, he says:

“In like manner our Logos loses not His identity, even though He forms part of the Consciousness of the Logos of Sirius. In His turn, the Sirian Logos forms one of the seven Grand Heavenly Men, who are the centres in the body of ONE OF WHOM NOUGHT MAY BE SAID.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 572

Since we are told that Sirius is one of the seven centers and shares a consciousness with our solar logos, some assume that perhaps they share the heart center. He even tells us that Sirius is “the emanating Source of our planetary Logos, Sanat Kumara, and in the two great planetary centres, Shamballa and the Hierarchy. I refer to that stupendous Source of our entire planetary life, the sun Sirius, and to the Lodge of Divine Beings Who work from this heavenly Centre.” Rays and Initiations, Page 687

It is interesting that he calls Sirius the “Source of our entire planetary life.”

This seems kind of odd since our physical solar system is much older than Sirius. Sirius is only about 240 million years old, while our sun is much more ancient at about 4.6 billion years or about 19 times older.

So, according to science, the physical Sirius was being born about the same time the first dinosaurs appeared on the earth.

The answer to this conundrum may lie in the esoteric fact that the physical is just one of seven globes, as well as the fact that suns and planets reincarnate. Sirius could have seeded the earth in a previous incarnation or from one of its etheric bodies.

Presently its life forms are much different than here on earth, for there are, “three major groups of Lives on Sirius, for there are there no kingdoms of nature, such as we possess.” Rays and Initiations, Page 418

There are a number of statements made by DK that cause some students to see Sirius as a heart center. For instance:

“The energies coming from the sun, Sirius, are related to the love-wisdom aspect…You have been told that the great White Lodge on Sirius finds its reflection and a mode of spiritual service and outlet in the great White Lodge of our planet, the Hierarchy.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 416

A heart center is on Ray Two, or the ray of Love-Wisdom, and the Hierarchy here on earth represents the heart center. This offers evidence that Sirius could be a heart center.

Another evidence cited is that Sirius “carries with it the principle of buddhi, of cosmic love” and transmits it to our Hierarchy here on the earth.” Rays and Initiations, Page 415

From DK’s statements we can definitely gather that the earth and Sirius are linked in a close relationship, and that Sirius is a transmitter of cosmic love. This does not mean though that it is a heart center. Just as the earth is on Ray Three and has a Hierarchy which is a heart center focused on Love-Wisdom, Sirius also would have a Hierarchy of similar purpose, even though it may be on a different ray and represent a different center.

DK gives indications that it may be polarized on another center not linked to Ray Two. Here he strongly links Sirius to the Seventh Ray, which governs Masonry:

“Masonry, as originally instituted far back in the very night of time and long ante-dating the Jewish dispensation, was organised under direct Sirian influence and modelled as far as possible on certain Sirian institutions.” Rays and Initiations, Page 418

“The first four initiations of the solar system correspond to the four “initiations of the Threshold,” prior to the first cosmic initiation. The fifth initiation corresponds to the first cosmic initiation, that of ‘entered apprentice’ in Masonry; and makes a Master an ‘entered apprentice’ of the Lodge on Sirius. The sixth initiation is analogous to the second degree in Masonry, whilst the seventh initiation makes the Adept a Master Mason of the Brotherhood on Sirius.” Initiation Human and Solar, Pages 17-18

Which center would Sirius represent then if it is on the Seventh Ray and not the second? We know that there are three centers where the Seventh Ray has strong influence. They are the base of the spine, the sacral and the throat. The question is which one of these represent the highest probability? Perhaps the answer lies in this quote:

“this great Being (A Cosmic Logos) includes within His focussed awareness the fields of expression of the Great Bear, the Pleiades and Sirius. They are to Him what the heart, the head and the throat centres are to the developed initiate.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 504

If the sequence is correct, DK is here linking Sirius to the throat center of a greater being. This makes sense as DK tells us that the throat center of disciples is mainly governed by the Seventh Ray (See Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Page 137) Consider that Sirius is more advanced than many other star systems, just as a disciple is more advanced than rank and file humanity.

Another point is that just because our system and Sirius have a close relationship and are both centers in a greater being does not mean they are centers in the same Cosmic Logos. There are many Cosmic Logoi and they could be in two different ones.

Here he seems to indicate that our Cosmic Logos of seven solar systems may be different from the Logos of which Sirius is directly linked.

“As regards the influence of the seven solar systems, I should suggest (more I cannot do) that they are linked up astrologically with the constellations, the Great Bear, the Pleiades, and Sirius.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 29

It appears that our Cosmic Logos of seven systems is linked up to the Great Bear, the Pleiades, and Sirius, but they are not a part of our seven systems.

They are further differentiated here:

“The following is a tabulation showing some of the astrological relationships in connection with

  1. The constellation of the Great Bear.
  2. The Pleiades or the Seven Sisters.
  3. Sirius.
  4. The seven solar systems.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 33

Notice that DK lists our Cosmic Logos of seven solar systems in a different category from Sirius, indicating that it is separate from our local Cosmic Logos.

So, what kind of picture can we draw from all this? Basically this.

We are a part of a Cosmic Logos of seven main solar systems of which our Sun is the heart center. Sirius could be a part of another logos, though it is possible the wording is misleading. Sirius is very close to us and it would seem logical that it would belong to our group. Even if it were in our group it could still have numerous links to other constellations.

There are also greater systems of Cosmic Logoi which consist of seven constellations and evidently others higher consisting of much more. It is quite possible that our Sun and Sirius both belong to the same greater system which represents a great heart center. If we represent a heart center in a greater heart center, then this would explain why DK told us that our solar system in connection to Love-Wisdom is of significant interest to other great lives.

There are several other solar systems that some think may be centers in our immediate Cosmic Logos. One prospect is the giant red star Betelgeuse.

This is a very large red giant measuring over 700 times the diameter of our sun. If it were to replace our sun, it would engulf not only the earth and Mars but many of the asteroids. However, it has a low density and only weighs about 19 times that of our sun. Many suspect it will not be long before it goes supernova.

Concerning the path that advanced disciples take on the path of the Planetary Logoi, DK says this.

“As they work with the psyche or the soul of manifestation and are primarily concerned with the subjective side of life they are connected with that centre in the Body of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID which is the source of conscious sensation. Therefore, they are vitalised from the solar plexus of that great Existence Whose all-embracing vitality holds our Logos, along with other solar Logoi, within the sphere of His consciousness.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1253

So what is the solar plexus of this Cosmic Logos? A few paragraphs later he says this:

“Students may be surprised to know that the source of the peculiar cosmic energy which is found streaming towards our system along this cosmic Path is that of the sun Betelgeuse. This name is, however, a blind.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1255

A blind is a statement that hides the real truth when it may do more harm than good to give it out. So it would seem that Betelgeuse veils a source which is the solar plexus of our Cosmic Logos.

This leaves us with uncertainty as to which system is the solar plexus of our Cosmic Logos. Realistically Betelgeuse is not likely to be in our local group as it is about 600 light years distant, and within that distance from us are almost two million other solar systems. The only reason Betelgeuse stands out is that it puts out 126,000 times the energy as our sun.

Another star that is suspected of being a center is Antares, a binary star. The main star is another red giant, almost as far away as Betelgeuse. The only reason we can see it is because it is 10,000 times as bright as the Sun. If you were in the vicinity of Antares you couldn’t even see our Sun with the naked eye.

Concerning this, Alice A. Bailey loosely associates it with sex indicating the sacral center.

“Taurus, which is the opposite of Scorpio, is the sign of desire expressed predominantly on the physical plane as sex. At the heart of Scorpio we find Antares, one of the four royal stars, a red star. Red is the color of desire and this is the reddest star in the heavens; it symbolizes that red of desire that underlies every manifestation of divine life.” Labours of Hercules, Page 153

Antares is a giant double star with significant influence, but we have no solid evidence that it is a part of our local group.

Another prospect is Polaris. This is another young giant compared to our sun, only about 70 million years old, but significantly smaller than Betelgeuse and Antares. This is a triple star system with the main sun being around fifty times the diameter, 5.4 times the mass and a whopping 2900 times brighter. The two other suns are a both a little larger than our sun.

It is also a significant distance – about 433 light years, and again, our sun would not be visible to the naked eye from there.

DK seems to link this to Ray One a well as associate it with the Great bear which is liked to the head center.

“…consider the two Pointers and the Pole Star. They are mysteriously connected with the three aspects of incarnated man – Spirit, soul and body. More than this it is not permitted to me to convey to you. I may, however, give you another hint. These three stars are embodiments of the three aspects of divine will. It is the three aspects of all expressions of divinity in manifestation which underlie the Science of Triangles.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 197

“You have therefore: Polaris – The Star of Direction – governing Shamballa.’ Esoteric Astrology, Page 198

You therefore have Polaris linked to the pointers of the Great Bear as well as Shamballa, both of which are linked to head centers by DK.

Finally, DK makes the study of this star more complex by adding this:

“It should nevertheless be pointed out that this star serves only as a blind for a constellation which lies behind,—a constellation which exists only in etheric matter.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1262

I think we see here that DK is often referring more to energies transmitted by various centers more than the actual physical representations. Looking at it from this angle will aid with understanding.

Polaris and the etheric center behind it are associated with a head center, but most likely is not associated with our local group. On the other hand, in the body of a greater Cosmic Logos there is a definite link between this system and ours.

Another star mentioned by DK that is considered either a center, or part of one is Alcyone. This is a five-star system, one of the seven sisters in the Pleiades cluster in the constellation of Taurus.

The main star (Alcyone) is much hotter than our sun, glowing blue-white giving out over 2000 times more light than our system while being about ten times the size and six times the mass. It is another young star, less than 150 million years old and because of its makeup and intense heat will burn itself out long before our sun dies.

DK seems to associate Alcyone with Ray Three: He calls it the “’star of the Individual’ and sometimes the ‘star of intelligence.’ It was potently active during the previous solar system wherein the Third Person of the Trinity was peculiarly omnipotent and active, just as today the cosmic Christ, the Second Person of the Trinity, is peculiarly active in this solar system. The energies coming from Alcyone impregnated the substance of the universe with the quality of mind.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 200

That is a good description of Ray Three, which is associated with the throat center.

As far as individual star systems go, DK only identifies our sun as a specific center in our cosmic logos of seven systems. Concerning others, he only talks about the energies at play which could represent a single star system or an entire group, as is obvious with Polaris which is linked to the Great Bear. 

For Part 1, Click HERE , For Part 2, Click HERE, For Part 3, Click HERE, Part 4, Click HERE, Part 5, Click HERE, Part 6, Click HERE, Part 8, Click HERE, Part 9, Click HERE, Part 10, Click HERE

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The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 6

The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 6
The One About Whom Naught May Be Said

Finally we come to an examination of a most mysterious being of immense proportions which DK calls: “the Logos of our Solar Logos.” (Initiation Human and Solar, Page 162) Even Its name has mystery behind it as if it came from a Harry Potter story. One character there had the title of, “He Who Must Not Be Named.” DK tells us that the being who is higher than our Solar Logos is called “The One About Whom Naught May Be Said.”

The reason for this title is that this entity is so far in advance of the Masters, Shamballa or even the Solar Logos that understanding Its consciousness by us would be like a snail trying to understand human thinking. DK words it this way: “It is well to note that this Existence is termed “the One about Whom naught may be said”, not because of secrecy or mystery, but because all formulation of ideas about His life and purpose are impossible until one has completed the term of evolution in our solar system. Note, I say, our solar system, not just our planetary existence. Speculation about the Existence who, through His life, informs seven solar systems is wasted energy.” A Treatise on White Magic, Page 274

It is interesting though that even though It’s name implies that naught can be said, DK still manages to say a few things about Him. Really, we would expect nothing less from such a master teacher.

Here is what most Bailey students know for sure. The One About Whom Naught May Be Said, or The Cosmic Logos for short, is a life that occupies a body that is composed of at least seven solar systems. Just as the life of our Solar Logos occupies a body that consists of the Sun and the planets, this great life has incarnated into a much vaster expanse.

We know for sure there are seven centers in Its body just as there are seven centers in the entities within the body from the Solar Logos on down to the atom.

Concerning this cosmic logos, DK says that “one complete vital body forms the manifestation of this mighty cosmic Being. Vortices of force on the cosmic etheric plane form the etheric framework of seven solar systems in the same way that the bodies of the seven Heavenly Men are the etheric centres for a solar Logos, and as the seven centres in man (existing in etheric matter), are the animating electrical impulse of his life.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 351-352

What is not clear to students is, what is it exactly that makes up those seven centers?

DK’s writings give us numerous interesting hints on this Being to contemplate, but they are far from presenting a complete picture and some of the terms used are obscure. He seems to use the words “constellation” and “solar system” interchangeably when they have quite different meanings. This is strange because he correctly defined the terms as follows:

“A solar system consists of a sun as the central focal point, with its series of attendant planets, which are held in magnetic rapport in their orbits around that sun.

“A constellation consists of two or more solar systems or series of suns with their attendant planets.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Pages 152-153

He usually follows this definition in writing about our solar system in relation to the Cosmic Logos. For instance a number of times he speaks of “seven solar systems (of which ours is but one)” Initiation Human and Solar, Page 160

Then he turns around and words it this way: “the seven constellations which form the body of manifestation of the One About Whom Naught May Be Said. Our solar system is one of these seven constellations. Esoteric Psychology.” Vol 1, Page 332

He does this same thing with Sirius, sometimes calling it a star and other times a constellation. (See Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 904)

Our solar system just consists of one sun and is not a constellation by any standard definition. Sirius does have a small white dwarf companion star, but no astronomer calls it a constellation for it is a part of the constellation Canis Major which has 11 major stars which includes Sirius.

.Some writers of the Ancient Wisdom sometimes used the word “constellation” in relation to a single orb. Here is an interesting explanation by a noted Theosophist as to why this may be the case:

“…when our own ancient esoteric philosophers spoke of the planets, spoke of Venus, or of Mars, for instance, as a “constellation,” they knew perfectly well what they were saying, and they did not speak in ignorance. Why did they speak of a planet as a constellation, which in ordinary astronomical terminology or parlance means a collection or a gathering of stars? Because every one of the visible planets we see is but one of seven, six of them invisible to our physical eyes, the seven forming a planetary chain. And, furthermore, these planetary chains are composed of seven distinct and separate globular bodies, forming, to the eye of the seer, a true constellation; and furthermore still, each one of these seven globes has fourteen different lokas (or rather seven lokas and seven talas) or “worlds” attached to it, making thus, counting all the seven globes, 49 worlds or planes or lokas and 49 talas.” Fundamentals of the Esoteric Philosophy, G. de Purucker, Chapter 34

If de Purucker is correct, then the ancients would not see one planet or sun, but a chain or a constellation of them, even though there may be only one in physical manifestation. Since DK has studied many of these manuscripts, he may just be in the habit referring to any solar body as a group or constellation.

Another possibility is that this was a simple mistake made by Alice A. Bailey in the course of transcribing DK’s thoughts. He had great praise for her, except in one area. He said that she did not have a good grasp or knowledge of science, and this caused some limitation in expressing himself in scientific terms.

Now there are certain people who have difficulty with scientific concepts and do not differentiate between a solar system, a constellation, a galaxy or the universe. I’ve read a number of New Age authors who get these mixed up. So it is possible that Mrs. Bailey is to blame here.

A third possibility is that DK used these incongruent terms on purpose to hint at a deeper meaning.

Such a hint may be seen in the way he describes the Cosmic Logos. Sometimes he describes it as seven solar systems as follows:

“the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID, Who ensouls the seven solar systems.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 409

“The Life which expresses Itself through seven solar systems. The One About Whom Naught May Be Said.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 155

‘through His life, informs seven solar systems” A Treatise on White Magic, Page 274

Then other times he defines It as seven constellations:

“…the seven constellations which form the body of manifestation of the One About Whom Naught May Be Said.” Esoteric Psychology.” Vol 1, Page 332

“Each of these Paths eventually leads to one or other of the six constellations which (with ours) form the seven centres in the body of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1242

This seems to be confusing to many students who ask, “Is the Cosmic Logos composed of seven individual solar systems or seven constellations?”

The interesting answer is that both are correct. I submit to you that the title “The One About Whom Naught May Be Said” refers to just not one great being of high consciousness, but all great galactic beings that are beyond the comprehension of even the Masters. Thus, a being who inhabits seven solar systems as well as a greater one over seven constellations are both in this category. Even a life who inhabits over 200 billion stars in the Milky Way Galaxy would be A One About Whom Naught May Be Said.

On this note DK clearly acknowledges that there is more than one Cosmic Logos and even tells us that it is not known for sure to which Logos our solar system belongs:

“…until it is known which cosmic Logos recognises our solar Logos as a centre in His body, and which six other systems are affiliated with ours, it will not be possible to touch upon the systemic stage of manasic development.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 402

So we are told here that there are a number of Cosmic Logoi to which we could belong and we do not know all the details.

He makes it clear that there is more than one Cosmic Logos:

He writes of “those stupendous Existences Who hold a position in the cosmic Hierarchy similar to that of the “ONE ABOUT WHOM NAUGHT MAY BE SAID.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 1117-1118

The phrase, “those stupendous Existences” verifies there is more than one.

The Solar logos must “attain to the consciousness of the centre in the body of the ONE ABOUT WHOM NOUGHT MAY BE SAID. This centre is formed by the sphere of influence of a cosmic Logos. In the body of a cosmic Logos, a solar Logos is a centre.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 292

Notice he uses the article “a” rather than “the,” indicating one of many.

“Therefore, we can do no more than accept the fact of the inconceivable magnitude of that EXISTENCE which is manifesting through seven solar systems, and the extension of this concept of Being to embrace the entire vault of the Heavens.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 412-413

Here we see the idea of lives embracing a body such as our Cosmic Logos can be extended “to embrace the entire vault of the Heavens.”

He tells us that there are Cosmic Logoi greater than the one to which we belong:

Concerning the mystery of fire he speaks of:

“The mystery of the seven constellations.
The mystery of the ONE ABOVE THE LOGOS” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 269

“…beyond the above named constellations (in the body of the Cosmic Logos) is still another cosmic centre. The name of this centre is one of the secrets of the final initiation, the seventh.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 183

Here he clinches the idea of many Cosmic Beings referring to a cosmic Logos as a “cosmic wheel.”

‘A cosmic wheel, or a group of seven constellations … These cosmic wheels, according to the esoteric books, are divided into forty-nine groups, each comprising millions of septenary constellations.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1085

Interesting to note is this is in harmony with the Bible which says:

“If thou see the oppressions of the poor, and violent judgements, and justice perverted, in the province, wonder not at this matter: for he that is high hath another higher, and there are others still higher than these.” Eccl 5:8 Douay Version

DK has to be referring to the center of the galaxy, the black hole, when he speaks of: “that central spot in the heavens around which our solar system revolves, and which is termed ‘the central spiritual sun.’” Initiation Human and Solar, Pg 130

Astronomers have concluded that the only place in the galaxy in which our solar system revolves is the center of the galaxy wherein lies a black hole. Just as the earth wobbles a bit on its axis, the solar system wobbles up and down and a little closer and then farther from the center of the galaxy as it makes an orbit that takes about 230 million years.

DK seems to indicate that there are revolutions around other centers, but this has to be in some other association or relationship other than the linear dense physical, as astronomers tell us that the Sun only revolves around the center of the galaxy.

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The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 5

The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 5
The Solar Hierarchy

DK says this, “we must recognise that as mankind completes one unification after another, the ‘Heavenly Men’ on intuitional levels and on spiritual levels are completed, and in their turn go to the formation of the centres in the great ‘Heavenly Men’ of the solar system. These seven Heavenly Men, in Whose bodies each human Monad and each deva finds his place, form the seven centres in the body of the Logos. He, in His turn, forms the Heart centre (for God is Love) of a still greater Entity.” Initiation Human and Solar, Page 99

Above this planetary system is the sun and its planets. The great life who presides over the entire system is called the Solar Logos, who is much more advanced in spiritual evolution than is our planetary logos. Presiding over each of the planets is a planetary logos, some more advanced than Sanat Kumara, but all disciples of the Solar Logos.

The seven great centers of the solar system are the seven sacred planets, of which the earth is not yet one. Each of these is presided over by an advanced being, a planetary logos with his own centers of endeavor. These seven Logoi are mentioned in the Bible as “the seven Spirits which are before his throne.” Rev 1:4

These seven are the presiding entities over Vulcan (a hidden planet), Mercury, Venus, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune.

Their dominating rays are as follows: Vulcan – Ray 1, Mercury – Ray 4, Venus – Ray 5, Saturn – Ray 3, Jupiter – Ray 2, Uranus – Ray 7 and Neptune – Ray 6.

The non sacred planets are: Earth – Ray 3, Mars – Ray 6 and Pluto (now classified as a dwarf planet) – Ray 1

The planetary centers will vary in their astrological influence on individuals. The planets linked to various human centers will change as the individual evolves. Here is his tabulation given by DK linking the centers, rays and planets.


  1. Head Centre – first ray – Pluto
  2. Ajna Centre – fifth ray – Venus
  3. Throat Centre – third ray – Earth
  4. Heart Centre – second ray – Sun
  5. Solar Plexus Centre – sixth ray – Mars
  6. Sacral Centre – seventh ray – Uranus
  7. Base of Spine – first ray – Pluto


  1. Head Centre – first ray – Vulcan
  2. Ajna Centre – fifth ray – Venus
  3. Throat Centre – third ray – Saturn
  4. Heart Centre – second ray – Jupiter
  5. Solar plexus Centre – sixth ray – Neptune
  6. Sacral Centre – seventh ray – Uranus
  7. Base of Spine – first ray – Pluto

(Esoteric Astrology, Page 517)

The centers listed above tell us of links to humans at two different stages but may not reflect the planet’s position in the body of the Solar Logos, though they do provide some hints.

Then, from a higher perspective of the Logos, he gives different associations, though not a complete list.

For instance, he links Mercury of the Fourth Ray (which was left out of the above tabulation) to the ajna center. (Esoteric Healing, Page 151) Here he describes the mission of this center: “Mercury, the Messenger of the Gods (that is, of the Hierarchy of souls), carries always the message of love and sets up an unbreakable inter-relation between the two great planetary centres, that of the Hierarchy and that of Humanity.” Destiny of the Nations, Page 139

He tells us of another link when Mercury forms a triangle with the Earth and Mars. In this situation it and Mars are linked to the center at the base of the spine. (Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 181)

Representing the crown center is most likely a major first ray source, Vulcan, a hidden planet, though Pluto of lesser influence is on this same ray. Concerning Vulcan he writes: “There is consequently only one planet, Vulcan, which is distinctly and purely first ray energy.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 280

Some Theosophists maintain that Vulcan was visible in ancient times but because of its increased vibration has become largely invisible today, though some have reported sighting when transiting the sun. They maintain that Vulcan is only visible on those rare occasions where it transits, or moves over the direct area occupied by the sun.

Then at times DK associates it directly with the sun, or perhaps a part of the sun. He says:

“The light of Vulcan and the light of the Sun are one light … Vulcan is a substitute for the Sun; it is spoken of sometimes as being veiled by the Sun and at others it stands for the Sun itself. It stands between the man and the Sun … Esoterically – the heart of the Sun.” Esoteric Astrology, Pages 132 & 393

The throat center as taught by DK is consistently dominated by Saturn with the earth playing a supporting role as both planets are on Ray Three – the main ray used by the throat. He plainly says this:

“Saturn corresponds to the throat centre, or to the creative activity of the third aspect.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 182

In his explanation of centers he, not surprisingly, associates the Sun and Jupiter (both on Ray Two) with the heart center for humans. But then, apparently from the view of the Logos, he says this:

“Venus corresponds to the heart centre in the body logoic, and has an inter-relationship therefore with all the other centres in the solar system wherein the heart aspect is the one of greater prominence.” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 182

This was a surprise since Venus is on Ray Five and associated with the ajna center in relation to humanity. In addition, the odd rays of 1-3-5-7 are usually seen as in opposition to rays 2-4-6, similar to male contrasted to female. But he says that the Logos of Venus is on the Sixth Ray (Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 595) so this adds to the strength of the 2-4-6 line.

In addition, he says this:

“Venus stands for the emergence of the love principle through the directing power of the mind.” Esoteric Astrology, Pages 126-127

He also speaks of a related triangle of “the Sun (second ray), Jupiter (second ray) and Venus (fifth ray).” Esoteric Astrology, Page 301

DK tells us that Venus is far ahead of us in spiritual evolution and is in its fifth round while we are in the fourth. This would mean that its inhabitants live in an etheric sphere invisible to us. Since the Sun itself is on Ray Two, representing heart energy, then it makes sense that an advanced planet such as Venus would harmonize with its Source.

The only other sacred planet that we can be fairly sure of its location is Neptune. Not only does he associate it with the Solar Plexus in the list of esoteric planets recently noted, but also does this in Esoteric Healing, Page 151. In addition, Neptune is on Ray six and this is a prime ray influence of that center. A secondary influence for this center would be Mars, also on Ray Six, similar to how Earth is a secondary influence with Saturn for the throat center.

This leaves us with Uranus and Jupiter and the base and sacral center. This makes it difficult to decide, as both of these centers work with Ray Seven to which Uranus belongs. Ray Seven, though, is closely linked to the magic of physical creation, so I think we have to go with the sacral center which creates physical form.

This leaves the Base of the Spine, the foundation center for Jupiter. Jupiter is strongly linked to the Sun and Solar Logos, the source of life making a good fit to place Jupiter as being this center.

That said, we can make the following list for the centers in the solar logoic body:

Vulcan – Crown
Mercury – Ajna
Venus – Heart
Jupiter – Base of Spine
Saturn/Earth – Throat
Uranus – Sacral
Neptune/Mars – Solar Plexus

Lower Quaternary and the Spiritual Triad

Another interesting correspondence to consider is that of the lower quaternary and spiritual triad. These not only exist in relation to human beings but also in the Logoic body.

DK tells us that the lower quaternary in the human is:

“The fourfold lower self, or man, in the three worlds. There are various divisions of this, but perhaps for our purpose the best is to enumerate the four as follows:

  1. Lower mind.
  2. Emotional or kamic body.
  3. Prana, or the Life Principle.
  4. The etheric body, or the highest division of the twofold physical body.” Initiation Human and Solar, Page 224

On the other hand, the spiritual triad is the higher part of ourselves existing on the higher planes of atma-buddhi-manas, with the manas being the higher apart of the mental plane.

The goal of the disciple is to build a bridge, called the antahkarana, which links the higher with the lower.

So we have seven sacred planets corresponding to the 4+3. Which planets, then, are linked to the lower quaternary and spiritual triad?

DK clearly tells us this about the lower quaternary:

“The Lord of Venus holds place in the logoic quaternary, as does the Lord of Earth.

“[Note* The four schemes which form the logoic Quaternary ] will merge into their synthesising scheme, that of Saturn, while Venus and Mercury will merge into Uranus and Neptune.]” Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 300

Since the earth is not a sacred planet, it most likely would represent the lower quaternary in connection with Saturn, which is also on Ray Three and a sacred planet. We are also told in the above quote that the Earth Scheme will eventually merge with Saturn. Since Venus is a sacred planet, it could comprise the whole of its position.

He names one more planet involved in the quaternary which is Mercury. This harmonizes with this statement where he links Earth, Venus and Mercury to three of the legs of the quaternary:

(1) The Earth – planetary vital body.
(2) Venus – planetary astral vehicle, or Kama-manas.
(3) Mercury – planetary mind.” Esoteric Astrology, Page 362

Typical of him as a teacher he leaves out a crucial part, perhaps expecting students to solve it themselves. The missing link is the planet that represents prana, or the life principle.

My best guess is this would be represented by Neptune linked to Mars. They are both on the sixth ray, which is closely linked to the lower quaternary.

DK does not name the planets representing the Spiritual Triad, but if we are correct so far, the sacred planets not in the Lower Quaternary would be in the Spiritual Triad. These planets are Vulcan (linked with Pluto), Jupiter and Uranus.

It is interesting that the most advanced Logoi can be in the Lower Quaternary instead of the Spiritual Triad, as Venus, representing the astral part of the Quaternary, has a very advanced Logos.

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The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 4

The Body of the Cosmic Logos, Part 4
The Centers of the Centers

In addition to there being seven centers in the planet itself, each of those have seven centers. For instance, we have discussed the seven centers of the fourth kingdom, humanity, which are represented as seven cities with two yet to materialize as we reach a higher stage of evolution.

Let us see what we can discover about the centers of these kingdoms.

Concerning the mineral, DK says very little but does give a hint:

“The mineral kingdom is responsive to that type of energy which is the lowest aspect of fire, of those internal furnaces which exert an influence upon the elements in the mineral world, and which resolve these atomic lives into a gradual series of ever-higher types of mineral energy. For instance, the type of energy which plays upon iron ore, or which produces tin, is emanated from a different centre in the body of the Entity informing the mineral kingdom to that which converts the elements into those wondrous jewels, the diamond, the sapphire, the emerald or the ruby. Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 1071

So here we are told that there is a great entity who informs the mineral kingdom of this planet, and apparently the heavy metals like tin and iron form a center as well as one that informs the jewels, which would probably include crystals. He doesn’t say which center these belong to, so let us put forth our best estimate.

The base of the spine is the foundation of life, so that may be the center of the planet. The sacral center creates living forms, so that would be outer part of the planet including the top soil or the top layer of the planet from which living things grow. The solar plexus would be the oceans, for water is a symbol of emotion. The heart would include all elements that are not metallic or gaseous. The throat would be the metals – the source of many creative forms by humans. The ajna center equates to precious jewels and crystals, and finally, the crown center would be the atmosphere and all other gasses. The atmosphere is above the physical earth as is the crown center above the physical body.

Note that we are including the atmosphere and oceans in with the mineral kingdom as being inorganic. They would therefore belong to the first kingdom, the mineral, rather than the vegetable or another kingdom.

DK indicates that the various centers are not set in stone, but may vary according to consciousness and perspective.

For instance, we could arrange this kingdom into the seven groups of elements in the periodic table, each having a different number of electron shells.

Concerning the divisions of the kingdoms DK says this:

“It will be clear that each of the kingdoms—elemental, mineral, vegetable, and animal as well as the human—is divided into seven primary types or rays.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 164

He doesn’t list these divisions for the vegetable and animal, but does make this statement on a part of the vegetable kingdom:

Ray II is the beneficent influence, expressing itself through the cereals and flowers.

Ray IV is the life quality, expressing itself through the grasses and the smaller forms of vegetable life,— those which provide the “green carpet whereon the angels dance”. Psychology, Vol 1, Page 239

The student can only guess at other divisions. Trees would be a definite one of the seven major divisions.

Again, with the animal kingdom, he does not list the centers or divisions, but does give us some information:

“…for instance, the rapport being established between humanity and the domesticated animals. These animals are to their own kingdom what the New Group of World Servers is to humanity.” Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, Page 68

Earlier we learned that the New Group of World Servers represented an aspect of the ajna center of the planet, so we have an indication here that domestic animals as a whole represent that center within their own kingdom.

In addition, he does give some specific rays in connection to animals:

“Elephants are upon the first ray; dogs are expressions of the second ray; the cat is a third ray life manifestation, and the horse is sixth ray.” Esoteric Psychology, Vol 1, Page 260

This would indicate the elephants are linked to the head center of the animal kingdom (First Ray), dogs; the heart (Second Ray), Cats – the throat (Third Ray), and horses – the solar plexus (Sixth Ray). A number of interesting divisions can be made when all life associated with this kingdom are considered, such as the fish, insects and other animals not mentioned.

We have covered the seven human centers, noting five current cities and two centers to later appear, but in addition, the number seven repeats numerous times with us. For instance, the Ancient Wisdom teaches that during our evolution here there will be a total of seven root races. We are in the fifth now with two more to come. In addition, there are the seven continents which are: Asia, Africa, Europe, North America, South America, Australia and Antarctica. Then we have the seven seas, which are the Arctic Ocean, the North Atlantic Ocean, the South Atlantic Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the North Pacific Ocean, the South Pacific Ocean and the Southern (or Antarctic) Ocean.

Then, among humanity itself, there are seven divisions according to ray type. Each person is dominated by one ray above the others.

Those on Ray One gravitate to politics and positions of power and leadership.

Ray Two people have a strong desire to share and serve and are often in some type of teaching position.

Ray Three people are practical, good thinkers and are often found in business, manufacturing, sports and in creating organizations.

Those seeking creativity, harmony and unity are often on the fourth ray.

Scientists and logical concrete thinkers are influenced by the fifth ray.

The sixth ray has dominated for the past two thousand years during the age of Pisces which is now passing. Idealists, devotees and religious people are found on this ray.

The seventh ray is called the Ray of Ceremonial Law, Magic or Order. Those who are attracted to law and order, efficient business practices and ceremony, such as the Masons, are under this ray.

There is no single physical location for those on the different rays, as the divisions have more to do with energy than location.

The fifth kingdom representing Ray Two and the heart center of the planet is usually referred to as the Spiritual Hierarchy. These are those who have passed beyond the regular human stage in consciousness and have mastered human problems and are often called Masters of Wisdom. Djwhal Khul relates to us how these great lives are organized according to the seven rays. He thus gives out the positions of the Christ and Twelve Masters.

Under Christ, also on Ray Two, is a European Master, Koot Hoomi, and Djwhal Khul, the master who communicated with Alice A. Bailey.

The master heading up Ray One is called Vaivasvata Manu. Under him on this ray is the Master Jupiter and Morya.

The title for the head of Ray Three is called the Mahachohan or the Lord of Civilization. This is currently headed by the Master Rakoczi, formerly known as Saint Germain.

Under him is a Venetian Master, also on Ray Three.

On Ray Four is The Master Serapis and Ray Five is Hilarion, also known earlier as Paul of Tarsus. Ray Six is Jesus, who was the one who received the Christ at baptism. Ray Seven was presided over by Rakoczi but he moved up in position to head Ray Three, the Lord of Civilization. His replacement has not been identified.

The lower part of the ajna center of the planet are the New Group of World Servers in their seven divisions according to ray type previously mentioned.

The seventh center is Shamballa presided over by the Planetary Logos, the Ancient of Days – Sanat Kumara. The seven centers concerning this are represented by the seven Kumaras at the head. H.P. Blavatsky gave out the names as follows:

“The Exoteric four are: Sanat-Kumara, Sananda, Sanaka, and Sanatana; and the esoteric three are: Sana, Kapila, and Sanat-sujata.” Secret Doctrine Vol 1, Page 457

DK further clarifies:

“It has been said that in the head of every man are seven centres of force, which are linked to the other centres in the body, and through which the force of the Ego is spread and circulated, thus working out the plan. Sanat Kumara, with the six other Kumaras, hold a similar position. These central seven are as the seven head centres to the body corporate. They are the directing agents and the transmitters of the energy, force, purpose, and will of the Planetary Logos on His own plane.” Initiation Human and Solar, Page 30

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