The Coming in Glory, Part 2

The Coming in Glory, Part 2

Another scripture that seems to deal with a glorious coming is from Matthew 24.

To illustrate this and expand on the sign of atomic energy let us go to a prediction of Jesus. In Matthew chapter 24 He was speaking of signs that would occur before He would come again.

Here is an important one the Christian world is yet waiting for:

“For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the eagles be gathered together.

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, Matt and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

“Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer [is] nigh: So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, [even] at the doors.

“Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” Matt 24:27-34

Here we learn about The Sign of the Son of Man in “heaven,” that will be given before the end of the age.

What do you suppose this is and why?

What generation shall not pass away till all the things mentioned are fulfilled?

Now let’s get back to the scripture. The reason we are going over to Matthew chapter twenty-four is because it sheds additional light on the “fire from heaven.”

This chapter tells us about an anti Christ character that was prophesied by Daniel. A man of fierce countenance who would try and destroy the holy people (the Jews – who were holy to Daniel (Daniel Chapter eight).

Who was the man of fierce countenance who tried to destroy the Jews? Hitler, of course. And is it not true that if the days of Hitler were not shortened the elected Jews would have been completely destroyed just as it says in Matthew 24?

Now let us read verse 29-30:

“IMMEDIATELY after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” Matt 24:29-30

The key to understanding this scripture is that the word heaven comes from the Greek OURANOS, the exact same word from which uranium is derived. It is also interesting that the name of the planet Uranus which rules the coming Age of Aquarius comes from the same word.

Now substitute again the word uranium for “heaven” and read the verses again. Do we now understand why this sign would make all the people of the earth “mourn?” Remember Jesus was using language of 2000 years ago to describe this future event. Nevertheless, it is amazing how accurate he was. You might want to dust off that Bible and read all of chapter 24 of Matthew. Tell us what you see now…

If it seems difficult to substitute uranium for heaven remember that this is not a black and white thing. One must use the intuition to see where the play on words were an intention of the Spirit. For instance, we wouldn’t normally pray to Our Father in Uranium (heaven) even though God is in all things including uranium.

It is not coincidence, however that the word “heaven” and “uranium” are so closely linked. Another interesting word from the same Greek origin is the planet “Uranus.” Now the interesting thing about Uranus is that it rules Aquarius and that is the new age we are passing into?

So let us look at these three phrases using heaven, uranium and Uranus, all derived from the Greek, OURANOS:

Sign of the Son of Man in Heaven

Sign of the Son of Man in Uranium

Sign of the Son of Man in Uranus.

All of these are full of meaning.

Let’s clarify an important point. The sign of the Son of Man is not the actual Second Coming but a great sign that will appear as a sign that the coming of Christ is at hand.

Let me first quote a previous article illustrating the correspondence between uranium and the resurrection of Christ:

“The Christ represented the positive nucleus of the atom. His crucifixion and burial represented the fall of spiritual matter into a state where illusion and death becomes a real concern. In this state the central sun (Son) of the atom has it’s great light hidden by a veil of negative energy that becomes a tomb hiding a great reality.

Atoms evolve similar to humans in that as they progress they add seven chakras or electron layers. When the seventh becomes active the atom becomes radioactive and may even glow in the dark, as does radium. The radioactive human will also shine like the sun during certain initiations as Jesus did on the Mount of transfiguration.

Finally, when the atom and the human complete their evolution the dark tomb of matter can no longer hold them and that which seemed to be dead splits the tomb of death in two and the pure spiritual energy escapes. In the case of the atom a certain percentage is translated into pure energy or spirit and in the case of the Christ the inner life stands revealed as pure spirit and is no longer limited by physical restrictions.”

Thus we see that the splitting of uranium is a sign of the resurrection of the Son of man. It also tells us how the second beast (the U.S.) “made fire to come down out of heaven in the sight of men,” for when we substitute heaven for uranium (atomic bomb) this begins to make sense.

In this chapter (Matt 24) Jesus talks about the abominable person who causes desolation. He is quoting here from the book of Daniel and Daniel talked about this antichrist who would attempt to destroy the Holy people. To Daniel the holy people were his people, the Jews.

There is only one time in history that an antichrist attempted to completely destroy the Jews and that was in Hitler’s Germany. Now someone asked about the other tribulations and persecutions mentioned in the Book of Revelation. John’s book here concentrates more on the Christian persecutions, but in Matthew 24 Jesus is talking about the Jewish people as evidenced by the reference to Daniel.

Keeping this in mind let’s look a little deeper:

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened (or “obscure”), and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken.” Matt 24:29

Men have been perplexed by this scripture for two thousand years and every time there has been an eclipse, or the moon is obscured, or we have a meteor shower, there are those who arise and tell us that Jesus is coming.

The key to the meaning of the verse is in the Greek word for “heaven” which is OURANOS. The element Uranium was named after this as we have said. For proof one merely has to check any good dictionary and it will trace uranium to OURANOS.

What happens when the powers of Uranium are shaken???

The atomic Bomb. This makes much more sense than the thought that the very powers of God in heaven will be shaken.

Now we can read in the verse in a totally different light;

“Immediately after the tribulation of those days (the defeat of Hitler who was destroying the Jews) shall the sun be darkened (the blast is so bright it obscures the sun), and the moon shall not give her light (a victim cannot even see the moon), and the stars shall fall from heaven (stars shall fly from uranium – it will be very sensational and bright), and the powers of heaven (uranium) shall be shaken” (how the atomic blast works).

It is interesting how almost “immediately” after the extermination of the Jews ended this great sign was given just as predicted.

Now we can understand the mystery of the next verse: “And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven (the atomic bomb was the sign that the coming of Christ is sure and fairly soon): and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.” Matt 24:30

Many read this verse and think that it means that people will see Jesus coming and mourn because of their sins, but notice it says “all” the tribes (Greek: races) shall mourn. Surely someone must be happy to see Jesus appear.

The sign is not Jesus at all for his appearance will bring happiness and peace to many, but the prophecy was fulfilled to the letter when the atomic blast went off in Hiroshima. All the races of the entire earth “mourned” and began to fear that the fate of Hiroshima may eventually be their own.

A more accurate description of the atomic bomb cannot be given than: “clouds of’ heaven with power and great glory.”


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The Coming in Glory, Part 1

The Coming in Glory, Part 1

I was asked to elaborate on the coming of Christ.

The first point I would like to make is that when the Jews were awaiting the first coming of the Messiah they made the same mistake that the religious world makes today. They were expecting him to show up in great glory, probably in the clouds of heaven, and destroy all their enemies and establish the kingdom of God through the use of great fear and force. This Messiah would be so powerful that all would quake in their boots and none would dream of going against him.

Does not this view of a Messiah sound a lot like John’s description of the Beast:

Rev 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. 13:3 And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. 13:4 And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast:

Rev and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?

Rev 13:7 And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

Rev 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

Rev 13:9 If any man have an ear, let him hear.

Rev 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

This description of the Beast fits very well with the religious world’s current belief of how Jesus will impact the world when he comes in glory.

Here is what the believers expect in Jesus that fits John’s description of the antichrist.

(1) He will have great power and authority

(2) He will be so powerful that none can make war with him

(3) People will worship him

(4) Power will be given him over all nations

(5) He will do great wonders and make fire to come down – a possible description of a fiery appearance in glory

This antichrist messiah was the illusion that the Jews looked for 2000 years ago and now the world awaits again for the appearance of one with great power and authority to destroy the wicked and save the righteous. Of course, the righteous are always those who believe the same way as true believers.

Instead of a booming destructive Messiah what was given to the Jews?

The answer: A kind gentle man who taught: “For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” Luke 9:56

If he came the first time to not destroy, but to save, do you think his mission statement will be that much different this time? I don’t think so.

Let me repeat a prophecy concerning his first coming from a source you accept:

“And I beheld that he went forth ministering unto the PEOPLE IN POWER AND GREAT GLORY.” I Nephi 11:28

Now some early seekers could have read that and envisioned Jesus going forth upon the land in a blazing chariot dazzling everyone with the brightness of his presence.

But instead, how was this prophecy fulfilled?

Jesus went forth as one of the people and the only ones who saw the “great glory” were those who “had eyes to see.”

The Jewish leaders saw no great glory at all, but a great disturbance.

Also consider this. How many do you suppose there were who were expecting the Messiah to come as he did?

I would guess it would have been a very small handful. If John the Baptist had not prepared the minds of his little group perhaps the number would have been close to zero.

That said let’s review the scriptures concerning the clouds of heaven

Here is a popular one:

“For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.” I Thess 4:15-17

The religious world is waiting for this scripture to come to pass, but many will be astounded to learn that it has already been fulfilled.

Notice the wording – Paul says: “WE WHICH ARE ALIVE AND REMAIN unto the coming of the Lord…” Then WE WHICH ARE ALIVE AND REMAIN shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

Paul was not speaking of a coming which would happen thousands of years hence, but of one which would come in his lifetime. Jesus told the church “I come quickly…” Surely 2000 years is not quickly.

These early Saints expected Jesus to come and save them from the great persecutions which were forthcoming and because the time was short, and the message of Christ had to be spread abroad before he appeared, the early leaders thought it best that the saints should not marry, but totally dedicate themselves to spreading the word. The injunction to not marry was a temporary one due to the circumstances of the time.

This teaching of the early leaders was not without foundation for Jesus told his disciples: “Verily I say unto you, There be some (more than one) standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his Kingdom.” Matt 16:28

These early saints believed that the 144,000 would be a group of Christians who would be taken by the Lord.

Actually, there is some historical evidence that such a saving event did happen and it was recorded by none other than the respected historian, Josephus. He recorded a second coming of Christ on May 30, 73 AD:

“Besides these, a few days after the feast, on the one and twentieth day of the month -Artemisius, a certain marvelous and incredible phenomenon appeared. I suppose what I am going to tell would seem a fable, were it not related by those who saw it, and were not the sad events that followed it deserving of such signs. Before sunset chariots were seen in the air, and troops of soldiers in their armour running about among the clouds. Moreover, at the feast which is called Pentecost, as the priests were going by night into the inner temple, as was their custom, to perform their sacred ministrations, they said that first they felt a quaking, and heard a great noise, and after that they heard a sound as of a multitude saying, Let us remove hence.” The Jewish War, Book 6, page 106, Chapter 5, section 3.

This sounds like an early UFO sighting, but we also have a “multitude” that was removed. Was this Christ appearing with his hierarchy, or Kingdom, as he promised? After all, the saints were told: “Ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, and the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels. To the general assembly and the church of the firstborn which are written in heaven…” Heb 12:22-23

Did members of the church on the earth join with the “church of the firstborn” in heaven? Or is it possible that they were merely transported to a different area for safety? Or did they join Christ and his hierarchy for a period of time?

Whatever the case we can see that a fairly literal interpretation was applied to Rev 14:4 in that age.


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Evaluating the Teacher


Evaluating the Teacher

Reader: “I’m guessing my not hearing from you is because you are, as always, busy and my feelings of distance from you these days is illusionary.”

JJ: My time is even more limited than ever. Artie thinks my health is suffering because I have been staying up past 5 AM every night working for this group in addition to 80 or so hours a week handling our business of making a living. She has threatened me with her wrath if I do not get to bed earlier. I realize she is right but still feel a strong responsibility to the group and have been trying to do more in less time. I did not mean to put off answering you and was going to make a post tonight (and still will) about your concerns.

You are ever in my thoughts (and Artie’s too). I have always had a lot of faith in you. I am not distant from you in the Spirit. I would hope you are not distant from me.

Reader: “I have to tell you that I think my returning to the group was probably a mistake. I don’t feel as if I’m doing any good work there and the only reason I returned was your comment when I left about your ‘friends deserting you’ (a little manipulative, don’t you think).”

JJ: I do not think it was a mistake at all. Even though I have not given you perhaps the attention you deserve I have really appreciated your posts and they have helped with the stability of the group in a crucial time.

The actual comment I made about my friends was: “The sun will shine again shortly if my friends stand with me.”

When I said this, manipulation was about as far from my mind as anything can be. I do however, value friendship very highly. The way I see it is when you are in the trenches of life you want to be there with your friends. I am willing to go to the trenches to support my true friends and find they are willing to go there for me. The friends I have in life have a trust in each other around true values which, hopefully, is not illusion. My true friends are those who will stand with me in the defense and promotion of that which is registered by the soul as being true.

You have a strong perception of truth and often you have stood with me in the defense of it and your stand has been much appreciated, not only by me but the Spirit of God within me. I wish for this type of friendship to always continue. There will be no conscious manipulation on my part.

If you in your heart cannot stand by me I have no desire to manipulate you into doing so, but if your soul speaks to you the same truth as I do then any manipulation will come from your innermost being, something beyond my control.

Reader: “I appreciate that there’s things about the way you handle the group that I don’t understand but I have to say that I think some of the recent criticism has had some validity and I don’t know why you just don’t come out and admit you’re not perfect.”

JJ: I do not understand where this is coming from. I have admitted quite a number of times already that I am not perfect and have never claimed to be. I’ll say it again right now: “I’m not perfect.”

The topic of my perfection or imperfection has not even been a part of any discussion and it would have been out of place for me to even bring it up.

Another reader talks about how impressed she was with a certain channeled entity (compared to me) that she witnessed and says:

“So what becomes the criteria for evaluating the teacher JJ, apart from the definition of good and evil? What would I be looking for to determine my choice to be a student? And could I also ask what you are looking for in your students, those that you would select?”

JJ: Well for one thing, not all people are on the same wavelength. I’m not saying that as a criticism, but just as a statement of my observation. Since you are comparing me as a teacher with that of your channeled entity I thought I would make a comparison of my own.

When I saw your medium at work I experienced the opposite effect. Her voice changed, her countenance was completely altered, she became very masculine, pranced back and forth on the stage speaking with a booming voice as a demonstration of authority and totally turned me off. I was even more turned off when I learned that it cost $3000 or more to ask a personal question.

I have also read some of the channeled material and found no new principles in there plus many statements that were very questionable.

Obviously (from my point of view) the medium is channeling an astral entity. Typical of these astral ones is great boasting and large financial charges.

On the other hand, all can receive my teachings for free and I give personal responses to all, in as much as I have time, for free.

What is the criteria for evaluating a teacher?

I have answered this many times, but if you missed it I will answer again.

Take the things the teacher says and run it by your own soul. If your soul gives you a positive response proceed. If you get a negative one then run. If you received a negative one on me then perhaps you need to follow your soul here and leave this group, of which I am an integral part, which seems to be bothering you so much.

What do I look for in students I select?

I am not selecting students. I teach all who select the group and come here to learn.

Two of my favorite people have been going back and forth about the usefulness of this group, what to do about it etc. I’m speaking of the recent exchange between Reader1 and Reader2.

I finally have a moment to make a few comments.

First, Reader1 has started a second group with a different rules than this one. He feels that there are those who are tired of the conflict and it would be beneficial to have a more peaceful arena to go to for some that are offended by conflict.

I commend Reader1 on doing this for two reasons. First he is demonstrating the power of initiation. He has initiated this entirely on his own with no encouragement from me or anyone else. He is now getting 4700 hits a week – no small accomplishment – a true sign he is on the path of the initiate.

Secondly, what he has initiated does fill a definite need and purpose. A group such as this one is not for everyone, nor is Reader1’s group for everyone – in fact my teachings are not for everyone. Diversity to fill the needs of all those seeking truth at their own level is always needed. Even astral entities, who I have no interest in, have stimulated thought in many people.

Now some think that Reader1 is doing a good thing in starting his group and some do not. That is fine. We are all entitled to our opinions, but let us not get in his way. Unless he is misrepresenting me or my teachings in some way, or doing some definite concrete harm I say let him initiate to his heart’s content.

The power of initiation brings the power of joy in service and this I will always encourage as long as the path of harmlessness is followed.

Perhaps though the greatest controversy Reader1 has stirred up is through his criticism of this group. He has stated things such as this group has so much conflict on it that he does not want to refer anyone to it. There have been reports that he has encouraged some to leave this group and come to his group and this is viewed by some as a negative thing to do.

I personally do not care which group someone joins. I do not care if someone leaves this group and joins Reader1 or leaves his group and comes here. The important thing is that if they have a desire to learn that they have he opportunity to learn.

I would advise Reader1 to tread gently in his criticism of this group as it does not seem to be making him any new friends. On the other hand, there have been many others who have either left the group or are uncomfortable with it because of the conflict so I can understand why he may be critical.

Criticism is a funny thing. One may have the best of intentions in giving it out, but others may take it with great offense, much more than is intended. I have certainly found this to be the case myself. Sometimes I give what I think is a civil response to a challenge and later discover I have greatly offended someone.

I don’t think Reader1 comes in this group with the idea of stepping on toes, but it is an easy thing for a first ray soul to do.

Remember some time ago that a conflict raged between Reader1 and several others? I asked him to tone it down a bit for the sake of peace and since then the nature of his posts have been much more mellow and less confrontational. No one has commented on this, but I have certainly noticed it. I don’t think people realize how difficult it is to make a change in direction like that. But even though he has mellowed out in his postings to the group he may not be perfect yet, not am I for that matter, but if I know Reader1 he will work on accommodating the feelings of the majority here.

Some have talked about making this a moderated group. The thing is that Reader1 has filled this void and already created a moderated group. My opinion is rather than having two groups that are very similar is to keep this one the way it is and those who desire a moderated group can go with him.

It is true that we have some pretty strong conflicts surface now and then, but they always pass and new people either adjust to the flow or leave.

I keep thinking I have just about covered all major objections, that maybe the day will come that I can just name an archive post to handle any challenge from a new member, but new questions seem to always arise. I suppose there will always be some challenging questions for me to handle. I will attempt to be kinder and gentler in handling them.


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Original Material

Original Material

A reader accused me of regurgitating old material from others and presenting nothing new.

I have no idea where he received this “take.” As it has no foundation in my current reality.

It wasn’t long ago that I was accused of pirating many teachings from Alice A. Bailey and I challenged her to show me specific examples of anything I claimed to originate through me that really was plagiarized in any degree. So far no one has accepted this challenge.

So I issue it again. I will list several teachings here that are original to the my writings (as of January 2000) and I challenge anyone out there to show where they are accurately represented in any other writings on the planet.

Before I make a partial list (and I say partial because I do not have time to reread the archives) let me make this statement.

Any Spiritual teacher on the earth cannot teach without building on a foundation of past teachers. Even so with Jesus. About 90% of what he said was a quote from somewhere. Even his famous teaching about loving God and loving your neighbor were quotes from the Old Testament. Then too, much of the sermon on the Mount was said earlier by the Buddha.

If you therefore judge Jesus with the same harshness with which you judge me then you would have to reject the Master himself.

That said I will herewith present a number of teachings that have been presented through me (with glory to God) that to the best of my knowledge is found in no book. That does not mean that they are not in any book for I have not read every book in the world, but I suspect that most of these teachings are presented nowhere else.

(1) Let us start with Project Peace and Goodwill. This is the first concrete plan for world peace that goes beyond sending good vibes and outlines a plan for disarmament that does not include unilateral disarmament first from the good guys. Instead it outlines a plan for the major nations to lay down their arms all at the same time. I do not think you will find this idea anywhere else and certainly not in the writings of Joseph Smith or Alice A. Bailey.

(2) The Molecular Relationship reveals the principles behind the next great evolutionary step for mankind. The idea of a human molecule and what will make it work as presented in my writings is taught no where else on the planet that I know about.

(3) Several concepts in the Molecular Business are not taught anywhere that I know about. The principle of choosing leadership from the bottom up rather than the top down is practiced in no business that I know about. Neither does any current business have a uniformity of wages. Some religious orders have a forced equality, but this idea could work entirely through free will.

(4) Molecular Politics changes the power of the representative to a manager and gives the power of the vote to the people while working within the presently designed Constitution and governing system. This idea is presented no where else that I know about.

There are several new concepts presented in the book, The Immortal. The first is the first key itself, which is only the first of thirty-six keys to be revealed.

(5) The first key is not Decision. Decision is the first key word. The first key is that power within you which gives you power to make a decision. This is the essence of what you are and has been revealed no where else that I know of.

(6) The illusion of I AM contrasted with I AM BECOMING is taught no where else I know of. To say this is no different than Joseph smith’s statement about eternal progression is a stretch. If Joseph’s teachings are so similar to mine on this then why do none of the 8 million Mormons or their offshoots get it? They all teach of God as the Great IAM, just like everyone else.

(7) The fact that the sub universe (quarks and below) to this one is built on the number six and the Universe beyond this one will be built on the number eight. I don’t think you’ll find that anywhere else.

(8) The idea that the whole universe is created from an interplay of male-female energy. (Note: this idea has gained some traction since the turn of the millennium)

(10) The intuitive Principle as taught in the book has been used with variations in the past, but the manner of questioning and revealing answers is a different twist from anything I have heard about.

(11) The fact that the lives higher than human are less progressed within their sphere than the human and the lives in the microcosmic world are much higher than human within their sphere.

(12) In the archives are also many original teachings. The teachings there about the beast, the mark of the beast, the number of the beast and the interpretation of Revelation 13 as a whole is unlike anything else published that I know of. Nothing there is derived from Joseph Smith or Alice A. Bailey.

(13) The idea that there is no such thing as perfection, but only relative perfection, even with God.

(14) The interpretation that the Sign of the Son of man is the atomic bomb along with an explanation why.

(15) The explanation of how one has the Father’s name in his forehead verses the mark of the Beast in the forehead.

(16) The Oneness Principle explained and demonstrated through the group.

(17) My explanation of what a principle is vs data and the revelation of many principles.

(18) The key words and principles of the passing age and the coming age.

(19) The idea that an initiate is “one who initiates.”

(20) The idea of quantum consciousness

(21) The concept that the Masters walk through walls by stilling their vibration rather than speeding it up.

(22) The two paths – Least resistance and most resistance.

(23) Correlating our physical blind spot to our physical one.

(24) Sex in relation to knowing God.

(25) The fact that negative feelings have a positive use.

(26) The fact that humanoids are the soul life and creative force of the universe which corresponds in the macrocosm to the soul in man.

(27) The idea that man will eventually move stars systems and change the shape of the whole universe.

(28) Explanation of Black Holes.

(29) The concept that one plus one equals one.

(30) The real meaning behind the name of Jesus Christ.

(31) Explaining the principle of the gathering as the principle behind all evolution of all life.

(32) Numerous original parables.

(33) The New Jerusalem meditation creating a portal allowing many students to journey to the heavenly realm.

To the best of my knowledge none of these teachings (and many others I have presented) are not found in any book. It is possible that you may find several someplace, but I did not get them by reading or studying someone else’s material.

To those of you who think I am just sitting here at my computer and copying material out of some nebulous book I hereby issue a challenge.

You be the teacher and teach us just one principle or parable equal to the least of those mentioned above that is not already thoroughly covered in the teachings of the world.

If you cannot do this, then how can you maintain that your criticism of me is just?

Many of the teachings I have presented has been received through he oneness principle or revelation of some kind and this is the reason that they register so strongly with the souls of many who are searching with sincere hearts.

I was asked if I believe that which I teach.

The answer, as most of you know without asking, is definitely yes. I either believe, know or understand from experience all that I teach save certain parts of the Book, The Immortal, that are fictionalized to make an interesting story. But then the book itself states this to be the case.

I was asked about my use of the term, “new age” as many are put off by it.

I used it with the idea that the coming age will be a new age and the passing age was an old age. Actually most of the people in the New Age movement do not like being called “New Agers”. Many of them are into hanging on to old age ideas.

Someone asked about my use of hypnosis when I was young to discover past lives. Doesn’t it take away free will?

The answer is no. Hypnosis does not take away free will any more than going to sleep at night takes it away. Unless you have brainwashed the person as well as hypnotized him you cannot make a person do anything under hypnosis that he is not willing to do out of hypnosis. A person’s character traits can be amplified, but one will not go against his principles.

Even so, hypnosis does have it’s dangers and I cringe when I watch stage hypnotists misusing the art for a cheap laugh. Many of them seem oblivious to the potential negative result of some of their suggestions.

I have found that people can go back into past lives without using hypnosis so I rarely use it any more.

Hypnosis, if used wisely can be a tool for good and is in no way a tool of the devil unless a devil is using it.

I will say this, however. There are degrees to be achieved in the obtaining of “better resurrections.” The first major achievement is that made by Abraham and also Moses where they had the power to rejuvenate their bodies so they could stay young for as long as it would take to complete their mission. Then at the end of a stated mission they can then choose “life or death” (D&C 76:59)

I was accused of making too strong of an appeal to past authorities to which I say:

In about the first 100 posts in my archives I have stressed real and unreal authority. The first is the mark of the beast which is unearned authority – something proclaimed, not because one knows, but because a thing is proclaimed by authority. The current LDS General Authorities are in this position. Members can completely discount the scriptures, teachings of Joseph, Brigham and others, not because they think about it or reflect off their souls but because it is merely proclaimed as true.

Then there are earned authorities, such as the Spanish teacher who has proven that his teachings on Spanish have credibility.

To some extent, Brigham is an earned authority among Mormon thinkers. He was taught many things in private by Joseph Smith and many of his fringe teachings agree with the scriptures and are verified by the soul. He was far from a perfect man, but he was very intelligent and there are very few, past or present, from Mormon influence that have a greater perception into the mysteries.

Now the problem with quoting Brigham Young to modern Mormons is that the usual reaction will be” “what does the current president/prophet say about this?”

In asking “Art thou greater than Brigham?” I was writing for the purpose of jolting the average Mormon to shift his attention away from “What does the current prophet think about this?” to what he himself thinks? And if he disagrees with my quote from Brigham he should be able to give cause as to why he thinks he knows more than Brigham. The standard answer is – “because the prophet says so.” I wanted to force an answer from his own soul.

In no way, not by any stretch of the imagination, was I insinuating that it would be sacrilege to think you may know something that Brigham does not. But on the other hand, if you do disagree with Brigham you should be able to give a reason why other than the Brethren say so.

This Mormon reader continued to take issue with me asking him if he thought he was greater than Brigham (Young).

I was having an argument with my friend Wayne a while back and he was telling me how Einstein was all wrong. So I asked him – “Do you think you are greater than Einstein?”

Einstein has a great track record where many of his theories are proven again and again. This gives great weight to his other teachings that are not yet proven.

If my friend Wayne thinks he can out think Einstein, even though it is entirely possible, I am not going to believe him just because he says so. I challenged him to show me cause as to why his theory and his thinking process was greater than Einstein’s.

Even so, if someone claims to have higher or more accurate thought than Brigham let them show me cause.

If one claims to have greater works than Jesus, yet shows no works, I will say show me these greater works that I may have cause to believe.

Thus, the whole point of my writing was to dispel unjust authority rather than support it.


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Effective Communication

Effective Communication

Let us continue our discussion on the Principles of discovery.

Effective Communication is an important one that falls into three categories.

(A) Communication through perception of the outside world.

(B) Person to person communication.

(C) Communication through the soul.

In the article I called “Distortions from the Past” we covered how our perceptions and memory can distort our communication into illusion.

Now, let us go to the second category – Person-to-Person communication.

If a teacher has a truth to reveal, but finds that he is unable to communicate it in such a way that his vision is perceived correctly then the truth stays with the teacher and nothing is given out. Perhaps the student through misunderstanding will decide the teacher is out to lunch and shuts off any reception that he previously had – all this because of lack of effective person-to-person communication.

Listen to any two friends have an argument. Often they are both making good points, but just don’t understand what the other is trying to say. If they could only understand perhaps they would realize that they do not disagree after all.

It is interesting that many of the arguments that have happened in this group have occurred because of lack of understanding of another’s point of view. I’d say that over half the time I spend in handling confrontations is merely spent in clarifying something that I have already said, but is misunderstood by someone out there. This seems to have intensified lately. The past couple weeks I believe I have had more of my teachings and thoughts misunderstood than any time since the group began. Thus this person-to-person communication subject is quite timely.

One of the key ingredients to effective person-to-person communication is that those attempting to so communicate use the same definition of words. This was the reason that I defined the word “channel” a while back so the group could use the word with unity of definition.

Let us pick a popular word and demonstrate how even our fairly enlightened group will have different definitions of it.

That word is LOVE.

The assignment for today: Give your definition of Love in 100 words or less.


I was expecting some interesting responses here, but I was surprised by the quantity and diversity of thought expressed by the group – all of it good and valuable for contemplation.

Now the interesting thing about love is this. When another person performs a true unselfish act of love in our direction a feeling of love is registered in our breasts. This feeling is the same for all of us.

Even though we all feel the same energy when love is registered no two of us seem to be able to explain what we felt in the same way.

Some say it is a state of mind. Others say it is a verb. Still others an emotional feeling, a creative force, the foundation of creation and even what God is.

So we have a feeling that we all register and sense in a similar way yet we all define and express it differently. It is quite possible to take two people who have felt the same energy of love yet argue about what it is because their words they chose to communicate the word veil the actual truth of the experience that both have felt in the same way.

This is the problem of communicating from personality to personality. Two personalities can take exactly the same experience yet present it in such different ways that the two will soon be swearing that the other guy has no idea what love is.

Two personalities may have a similar view of God, yet because they call Him/She/It by different names they may see the other as an enemy of such a God.

The problem with the personality is that even if two people experience or believe in essentially the same thing our filters cause us to see the other as one who is much different from ourselves.

The solution is soul to soul communication rather than personality to personality.

When there is soul to soul communication concerning love (or any other subject) why is there perfect communication even though the two may have different ways of explaining it?

How do we achieve this soul to soul communication. What are the obstacles in the path? Great thoughts to ponder that will be discussed later.

I was asked to elaborate on the overshadowing of Melchizedek and Jesus.

Melchizedek overshadowed the disciple Jesus, but the Ancient of Days overshadowed Melchizedek when he was here in the flesh. Melchizedek himself had a physical father and a mother, but he who overshadowing him did not.

Question: You talked about Lucifer, but that is not a name. It is a title which also belongs to the “good guys”. Does the bad Lucifer have a name, so we can differentiate him from the others in future discussions?

JJ: Yes, Lucifer was a borrowed Roman word and is not the real name of any entity. I am not told what his name was when he came to this earth as a Kumara, but he is currently called by many names by the peoples of the earth, just as God is. DK tells us that it was not just one that fell, but two of the great ones. Let’s just call any fallen Lucifer an Adversary, for he is the adversary of free will.

The last fall happened between 18-23 million years ago, but there have been several stages in the fall.

Question: The Ancient of Days came here with a “few”. How many is a few, less than a dozen? Do we have names for any of the others of this group?

JJ: He came here with a group of six great Kumaras making a molecule of seven governing ones. Altogether, according to DK, there were 104 great ones who came from Venus to the earth with the Ancient of Days 23 million years ago. There are only three of the original ones left with the logos while others have been replaced.

Question: Were these few also giants (9′ tall) or were only the bad guys big?

JJ: The Kumaras existed in the etheric physical. The giants were advanced entities who took dense physical bodies.


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The United Nations

The United Nations

The United Nations is far from perfect. If it were closer to perfection there would be no need to begin Project Peace and Goodwill for the UN would have that covered. But it is not a perfect world.

On the other hand, to see the UN as the great Satan controlled by the devil himself will give a person a warped vision of everything that comes from that body.

Some think that the UN has done nothing but evil, but let us suppose that there had been no UN at all since 1945. Many things could have turned out differently. It gave the United States and Russia the means to sound out their differences at the conference table rather than doing it through nuclear war.

The little release of tension that expression through diplomacy has made available may have just let off enough pressure to avoid major conflict several times..

Think of it. The major powers of the earth have not gone to war with each other since 1945! That in itself is a miracle, and the UN, despite its faults, can lay claim to some of the credit.

There are two main criticisms of the UN.

First is that it threatens to become the head of a worldwide dictatorship.

And second, that it never seems to have power to accomplish much.

There are always those who would like to turn any organization they are affiliated with into a tyranny. Some members of our own Congress would attempt to do so if they could become President. We should be ever vigilant of all governments, including the UN, but so far it is not close to having power to take over the world.

The second great criticism is actually caused because of the real small amount of power that body has. Often are the times that it cannot accomplish some of its positive goals because of lack of funds let alone take over the world.

Here are some facts on the UN I’ll pass on from their web site.

The United Nations is today, more than ever, engaged in service to all the world’s nations and peoples, but its ability to function is hampered by financial problems. Unless Member States pay their debts to the Organization — over $2.6 billion is owed as of 31 May 1999 — the UN will remain in a precarious financial situation. It is clear that this situation stems in part from widespread public misunderstandings about what the UN really is — and does.

Consider These Facts:

*    The budget for the UN’s core functions — the Secretariat operations in New York, Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna and five Regional Commissions — is $1.25 billion a year. This is about 4 per cent of New York City’s annual budget — and nearly a billion dollars less than the yearly cost of Tokyo’s Fire Department. It is $3.7 billion less than the annual budget of New York’s State University system.

*    The USA’s share of the UN’s regular budget for 1999 is $298 million — the equivalent of $1.11 per American. Tiny San Marino, by comparison, pays $4.26 per citizen to the UN.

*    The UN has no army. Governments voluntarily supply troops and other personnel to halt conflicts that threaten peace and security. The United States and other Member States on the Security Council — not the Secretary-General — decide when and where to deploy peacekeeping troops.

*    The New York Headquarters of the UN requires the services of 4,500 people. The Swedish capital of Stockholm, by contrast, has 60,000 municipal employees.

*    Some 52,100 people work in the UN system, which includes the Secretariat and 29 other organizations such as UNICEF. Three times as many people work for McDonald’s, while Disney World and Disneyland employ 50,000.

*    Eighty per cent of the work of the UN system is devoted to helping developing countries build the capacity to help themselves. This includes promoting and protecting democracy and human rights; saving children from starvation and disease; providing relief assistance to refugees and disaster victims; countering global crime, drugs and disease; and assisting countries devastated by war and the long-term threat of land-mines.

*    The United Nations and its agencies, funds and programmes — mainly UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, WFP and WHO — have $4.8 billion a year to spend on economic and social development, to assist countries in such areas as health care, sanitation, agriculture and food distribution. This is the equivalent of 81 cents per human being. In 1997, the world’s governments spent about $804 billion in military expenditures — the equivalent of $135 per human being.

*    The total cost of all UN peacekeeping operations in 1998 was some $907 million — the equivalent of less than .5 per cent of the US military budget, and less than 0.2 per cent of global military spending.

*    The United States’ assessed share of UN peacekeeping expenses — nearly 31 per cent of the yearly total — has dropped by over two thirds, from about $1 billion in 1995 to $284 million in 1997. This equals less than one-quarter of 1 per cent of the annual US military budget.

*    Member States share the risks of maintaining peace and security. Since 1948, over 1,580 UN peace-keepers from some 85 countries have died in the line of duty. Less than 3 per cent were Americans.

*    Under the supervision of an American, Joseph E. Connor, the Under-Secretary-General for Management, the UN Secretariat has a zero-growth budget of $2.5 billion for 1998-99 — $1.25 billion a year. This is down $100 million from 1994-95, the result of efficiency gains and the elimination of nearly 1,000 jobs.

*    UN Secretariat staff has been cut by 25 per cent to about 8,700 from a high of more than 12,000 in 1984-85, and streamlining continues. Tough new standards have been set for staff performance. UN staff members have about one-third of their salaries deducted in lieu of taxes.

*    A “quiet revolution” to make the UN leaner and more effective was launched by the Secretary-General in July 1997, as the second phase of his reform efforts. Initiatives include consolidating several Secretariat bodies, streamlining management and shifting resources from administration to development work.

*    An Office of Internal Oversight, established in 1994, is pursuing its mandate of promoting more effective and efficient management, and eliminating waste, fraud and mismanagement. It includes a special UN investigative unit and a hotline.

*   The total expenditure of the entire UN system — including all the UNfunds, programmes, and specialized agencies — came to some $10.6 billion in 1997. This is roughly half of the annual revenue of a major corporation like Dow Chemical, which took in more than $20 billion that year.

*    The top seven contributors to the UN are the USA (25%); Japan (17.98%); Germany (9.63%); France (6.49%); Italy (5.39%); the United Kingdom (5.07%); and Russia (2.87%). Collectively, they account for more than 72% of the regular UN budget.

*    The United States — whose citizens hold more UN Secretariat jobs than any other Member State, as well as the top posts at UNICEF, the World Bank, the World Food Programme, the International Court of Justice and the Universal Postal Union — owes more in unpaid assessments, both past and current, than any other Member State: $1.6 billion.

*    Of the $318 million in procurements approved by the UN Secretariat in New York in 1998, American companies got 31 per cent of the business, or $98.8 million. Of the $2.9 billion in goods and services purchased by the entire UN system in 1997, US companies received $404 million, or 14 per cent, of the business, nearly three times as much as any other country.

*    The UN, its agencies and the diplomatic and consular corps contribute $3.2 billion a year to the economy of the New York City area alone, according to Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani. That has generated 30,600 jobs, yielding $1.2 billion in annual earnings.

For information, contact the UN Public Inquiries Unit: tel. (212) 963-4475; media inquiries: (212) 963-7160


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The Y2K Alarm

The Y2K Alarm

A reader writes:

“Take Y2K for example. Right now it looks like nothing substantial will materialize on this (though we are hardly out of the woods on it). You might say therefore that all the hype was a waste of time. The truth is that all the hype is what got us sufficiently prepared that this is so far turning out to be a non-event.”

JJ: I think we are in complete harmony here. I think it is entirely appropriate that the world was made aware of the problem. Any problem must be recognized before it can be solved and if Y2K did create chaos then it would have opened a window for the dark brothers. On a personal level there was little I could do about it except prepare if necessary and my inner self told me that personal preparations were unnecessary. On a worldwide level, tremendous effort had to be made by those who were involved.

It is entirely possible that those who sounded the alarm such as yourself roused those in power to focus more needed attention on the problem. I might add that the $600,000,000,000 invested in the solution didn’t hurt either.

The reader then expressed concern that I must not have been concerned about the nuclear threat of the Soviets as well as other threats of the past.

When I spoke of worries that never happened I didn’t mean to imply that the nuclear threat in past decades or the many others through the years such as the Cuban Missile Crisis from Russia was not something that needed to be dealt with at the time. But if we could have seen the future back then we could have all avoided a lot of worry over it. My point was that we often spend a lot of unnecessary energy worrying over something we can do nothing about and in the end nothing happens anyway. This was also the point Jesus was making in telling us to take no thought for tomorrow.

As far as the tension of war or weapons of mass destruction anyone who has any power or influence in the matter should do all they can to neutralize the situation.

I believe that Project Peace and Goodwill, which presents an actual solution will give the average person an opportunity to help by promoting it.

On the other hand, there are many unfounded scary predictions that are always out there that are centered in illusion and I’m sure you will admit that if we buy in them all and let them worry us they are likely to make kooks out of there best of us.

The popular one now (in the year 2000) is that about half of the world is going to sink underwater in the next couple years. Actually, it was already supposed to be happening but they keep moving up the date.

The reader   continues:

“Now is hardly the time to get of our guards and stop worrying about what might happen and prepare for it.”

JJ: I have always stressed being vigilant, but one of my points is to pierce the cloud of illusion and become vigilant toward real threats where such vigilance can make a difference. A real threat not centered in illusion are the weapons of mass destruction and the hatred that is out there because of religious and cultural differences. This is the time to do all in our power to bring the nations together in a peaceful way working through their free will.

My point about the ceasing of needless worry is this: Seek first the Kingdom of God and come into the Oneness Principle. One should only be concerned about what the soul tells you to be concerned with. Now with me as an individual the soul did not tell me to be concerned over Y2K. It does tell me to be concerned over the threat of the extinction of civilization and to do all in my power to prevent it.

Many fundamentalists have the idea that Jesus is going to show up and exterminate the wicked and somehow force everyone to live in peace. The scriptures are true, but the second coming will not take place as they expect. The picture of bringing peace by killing everyone who doesn’t accept you is of the adversary indeed.

We must take individual responsibility for our destiny as beings in the image of God, but my whole point was to seek within for guidance through the Spirit so each of us will know our own part. Then if we play that part successfully we will be told what to do for the highest good of the whole, and if we follow it there will be no need to worry, even if the worst should happen on a personal level.

By the way your quote

“The price of freedom is eternal vigilance.” Is one of my favorites.

Another reader responds:

“Perhaps I misunderstood then. I definitely had the impression that you felt there was no need to prepare because you didn’t.”

JJ: I thought I made this clear. I believed it was important to solve the problem with Y2K and believe that we were correct in doing what was necessary.

I received no communication from my inner self to store food, get auxiliary power etc so I did not? Why should I prepare for something where I feel no need to do so?


“And you seemed to infer those who did were foolish or not in touch and that God would warn us if we needed too.”

JJ: I was inferring that those who fall for every alarm sounded are foolish. I have been partially sucked in to such things in the past when I did not trust my inner self and hope to never trust in the “arm of flesh again,” in this respect.

As far as Y2K goes the arguments for disaster were so strong in many cases I can’t blame anyone for storing some food and taking precautions. On the other hand, I have a nephew who fled to Mexico with his family about a month ago for safety from the collapse of the United States that was coming because of Y2K. The whole family including myself tried to talk him out of it, but to no avail. This I think was very foolish and I told him so.

A reader expressed concern that Y2K was still a danger, even though Jan 1, 2000 has come and gone.

From what I read it was supposed to strike at the beginning of the fiscal year of the country and various organizations. But then nothing happened. Next I heard that January First was a sure date for things to happen. Still nothing significant happened. Now I learn for the first time that I am supposed to worry for another six months. I don’t think so. I’m sure bugs will surface, but human ingenuity will fix them.

There are a lot of things in the immediate future that need our attention. I invite you to join with me in doing something about taking away weapons of mass destruction from the nations which weapons will eventually filter down to some religious nuts who are willing to destroy the world for their God. The weapons challenge that we face in the world makes Y2K look like a walk through the park on a sunny day.

Mormon readers might consider this LDS scripture:

“And again I say unto you, sue for peace, not only to the people that have smitten you, but also to all people; And lift up an ensign of peace, and make a proclamation of peace unto the ends of the earth.” D&C 105:38-39

Someone needs to ask them where their proclamation of peace unto the ends of the earth” is.

It is an excellent idea and someone needs to do it. Why not us?


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Project Peace and Goodwill

Project Peace and Goodwill

The dialog concerning Project Peace and Goodwill refers to the document posted HERE

I had some comments and questions on my treatise, “Project Peace and Goodwill”

A reader says: “We already have an organization that purports to trying to do this its called the UN as you know and it has failed miserably and threatens to become a world dictatorship if we continue to give it more power at the expense of sovereignty.”

JJ: Where do you get this idea? Where in the UN is an actual plan for peace such as Project Peace and Goodwill? It does not exist?

The UN has not been all failure. If you look at it as some agent of the devil you may see it that way, but looking at it objectively with no agenda it has it has both good and bad points.

You seem to get the erroneous idea that the plan uses unreasonable force and takes away free will. The truth is nothing happens with the plan until 18 of the most armed nations agree to give up their weapons of mass destruction through their own free will. No physical force is involved here. Then after the plan is implemented the only force to be used is for self-defense after an aggressive move has been made by another nation.

You seem to be even against this. Does this mean that you think we should have just sent Hitler lots of love and used no force to subdue him? Or when Japan attacked us that we should have not defended ourselves? This is similar to the principle in the declaration you say you are against.

Seeking to change the hearts of man is fine, but if that is all we do then the doomsayers wishes will come true and the world as we know it will be erased through weapons of mass destruction.

The religions of the world have been trying to change men’s hearts for thousands of years and yet we now face the greatest threat of war in our history because of the weapons that are in the hands of the few. A definite plan is needed and if anyone has a better one than Project Peace and Goodwill please step forward and give your thoughts.

The reader responds:

“The main problems I have with the peace declaration are that it sets up a new world bureaucracy and puts a world army/peace keeping force under its control. History has taught us that however good the intentions are it will end up subverted for the gain of those in the controlling bodies ranks.”

JJ: There is no way to avoid an organizational structure for any body that administers the rule of law and some rule of law will be necessary for some time to come.


“Also having to have an army to ensure peace has never worked but temporarily at best, violence begets violence and ensuring peace for fear of reprisal constitutes peace at threat of force or fear of reprisal. And force is in opposition to the kingdom of heaven.”

JJ: Keeping a relatively strong military for the United States, for instance, has prevented any other nation from attacking us for 55 years. If we had maintained no military force I assure you this country would have been taken over someone out there.

Thus having an army for this nation has at least preserved the peace as well as freedom within our borders.

Force when it is for self-defense is not in opposition to the kingdom of heaven. There is a time and place for all things said Solomon.

It sounds (from other comments) like you prefer an order something like the Amish have today with emphasis on farming and carpentry.

This was tried in early Mormonism and other religions many times and has never worked.

I would much rather live in a society where my neighbor calls a professional contractor to fix his roof rather than expecting me to help him do it.

If I want to help a neighbor through my own free will, fine, but I don’t want to live in a society where I am expected to burst out helping on a daily basis whether I feel like it or not. Even more important, I do not want to depend on the unreliable spontaneity of others for my needs.

Currently I do not know any of my neighbors personally or even know their names even though I have lived in the same house for 12 years. I say high to them over the fence now and then but Artie and I are happy to keep our good friends a little distance from us. That’s one of the reasons they stay good friends and are always happy to see us and we them.

The basic idea of equality however, is a principle I agree with and have written about how it can be achieved through business. The series is called the Molecular Business and can be found HERE:


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The New Millennium

The New Millennium
(Written Jan 1, 2000)

Welcome to the new millennium. I have been being lazy (at my wife’s demand) the past couple days and catching up on my sleep. We saw the New Year in together last night watching TV around the world. As we watched the celebrations in the different parts of this little planet from the great New Zealand home of the beautiful spirit Glenys to Hollywood the overall goodness of the human spirit touched me. This is certainly not the time for God to rain down destruction on us as some have supposed.

Sterling is to be commended on being a better prophet than Jonah. Jonah was angry when his warning did not come to pass and Nineveh was saved. Sterling rejoices that Y2K seems to not be a problem. He is to be commended for this.

What did I do to prepare for Y2K?


We have about two days supply of food, are 100% dependent on electricity and have no gold and silver stored in the basement. This has been my situation most of my life.

But, says one. Should we not be like Joseph who was sold into Egypt and prepare for the worst?

The answer would be yes, if we were to receive a revelation that disaster was awaiting us. But in absence of this the words of Jesus are a good advice:

Matt 6:25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

Matt 6:26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

Matt 6:27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

Matt 6:28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

Matt 6:29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Matt 6:30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

Matt 6:31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

Matt 6:32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Matt 6:34 Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

Now there is lots of room for misinterpretation in this scripture. One could throw his hands up and quit his job and expect God to take care of him. Jesus was talking about an attitude of mind here rather than the throwing out of all responsibilities.

They key to the scripture is this. That if you truly seek first the kingdom of heaven that the spirit of God will be with you and you will not worry about the future. If some type of disaster is impending, as faced Joseph of old, you will be forewarned and thus a way of preparation will be made.

If normal times are ahead you should feel an inner peace about the near future and you can thus live and enjoy the tranquility of the times.

Several months ago on Art Bell I heard a Y2K expert tell us how there was a government cover-up on Y2K and that we would need 5 years or more to really fix the problem. He made it sound like the lights would go off completely at 2000 and chaos would be the result.

He sounded like a very credible person and his reasoning seemed sound and it almost made me doubt that which I felt within, so I checked again and here is the impression I got from my soul: “Have faith in the highest that is within the human spirit, for It is God in man, and when man trusts the highest he knows all solutions are possible.”

Thus, man following the highest he knows has solved a problem within a time frame that many thought to be an impossibility.

It’s a little like the goal that Kennedy set of going to the moon before 1970. Many thought this was an impossibility because we just did not yet have the technology.

Then we had the disaster where two astronauts were burned to death and the doomsayers thought for sure the goal would not be met.

Nevertheless, we persevered and got to the moon six months ahead of schedule.

When mankind as a whole or large group works toward one goal with the highest they know they call forth the powers of God and assistance comes beyond our normal ability.

Because we have had no major goal or consensus set for us for space exploration we have made no major gain in space that compares with going to the moon.

Will delayed Y2K problems occur and should we worry about them? It is possible, but shortly after they do occur they will be fixed because the united mind of mankind is set on it.

I will end this post with a quote from a previous writing posted in April of 1999:

“The interesting thing about today is that the world is full of religious Jonahs who are eagerly awaiting the prophecies of destruction to occur. These people can’t wait for God to come in his fierce wrath and burn the wicked as stubble. The wicked, of course, are those who do not conform to their own interpretation of scripture.

“These people can’t wait for a beastly dictator, worse than Hitler, to show up and plant some computer chip or bar code in people’s heads or right hands. They rejoice when they see famine, war and pestilence as a sign that the end is at hand. The actually look forward to the sea and the rivers becoming as blood, the light of the sun becoming darkened, a great plague of locusts, the death of all life in the sea and a great comet called Wormwood falling on the earth. In addition to the Biblical prophesies there are others who are looking forward to saying “I told you so” about Y2K, earth changes, economic collapse or some banking conspiracy.

“Not all, but many of the devoutly religious care more about these prophesies coming literally to pass on the physical plane than they do about the lives and souls of the people who would undergo immense suffering under these conditions. They need to remember the words of Jesus to James and John as they eagerly expected Jesus to destroy his enemies: “For the Son of man is not come to destroy men’s lives, but to save them.” Luke 9:56

“After the new millennium is come in and a decade or so has passed some will become disappointed and even angry that all the prophesies have not come literally to pass, that the world is actually going to hold together as we go into the next thousand years. They will fail to realize that all the prophesies have come true on higher levels and many of them have fulfilled their purpose and need not manifest literally on the physical plane just as Nineveh was not literally destroyed.

“When Christ does return he will not slay the wicked in a physical sense with the breath of His lips, but His words will slay the wicked thoughts of men and put such thoughts in their proper place which is the bottomless pit of illusion.”


Several have questioned my posting about my seemingly cavalier attitude toward preparedness.

A reader quoted this scripture as evidence that we are supposed to be prepared:

“Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come.

“But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to

be broken up.

“Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.

“Who then is a faithful and wise servant, whom his lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them meat in due season?

“Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing.” Matt 24:42-46

This scripture has to do with the second coming of Christ and can be interpreted on several levels.

First you must live you life with spiritual preparedness so when the time comes that you have an opportunity to be visited by the Master (which shall come at an entirely unexpected hour) that you will be ready.

Secondly, we must be prepared in every way spiritually so we can recognize him when he comes again “as a thief in the night.”

The fact is I am all for preparedness, but I join with the Master Jesus in not putting undue attention on preparations for the unnecessary for he says:

“Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.” Matt 6:34

The key phrase here is: “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”

What does this mean?

It means we have enough evils to worry about in the present day without being bogged down with tomorrow’s worries that usually never even come to pass.

Here are some great worries that never came to pass in my lifetime.

A nuclear war with Russia. I had a bomb shelter as my bedroom in the early sixties because of the worry over nuclear war.

Many in my church at that time believed the end of the world was coming before 1970.

Between about 1965-1980 conspiracy theories were being spread like crazy and the hidden enemy was so strong that there was no fighting him. About all this antichrist power had to do was to pick the date and the world was his. Every year a new date was picked for the takeover and nothing happened. Finally things got intense. They replaced Jimmy Carter with an actor, so they said. You could tell he wasn’t the real Jimmy Carter because he parted his hair on the wrong side. Many members of his cabinet were also said to be replaced. Things were all ready for the great takeover.

Time passed and nothing came of this worry.

I believe it was the late sixties that several Psychics predicted that California would sink into the sea and the new coastline would be in Idaho. A date was even set and many people became very nervous. A top song was even created around the idea.

The date came and went and nothing happened. All those people that moved from California to Idaho and other “safe” areas wasted their time.

One of my brother-In-Laws had a revelation that there would be a nuclear war in 1972 and moved from Los Angeles to southern Utah in order to escape the destruction, but he has since passed away and the destruction never came.

In 1979 under Jimmy Carter the Prime rate hit 20% and it seemed as if we would never see good times again. Many felt we were headed toward a depression that would make the great depression look good, but things turned around with Reagan’s optimistic policies created an unprecedented financial prosperity.

A few years ago everyone was worried about the Japanese dominating the world financially. The US and other countries sent representatives there to learn what they were doing. Then a few years later it is the United States that is dominating and now other countries worry about us and are trying to learn and copy what we do.

In recent times many have been predicting the end of the world for 1996, 97, 98, 99 and finally 2000. Now 2000 has come and there is no end some will say this is not the true millennium and shoot for 2001 as the real end, but these people again will suffer disappointment.

The most recent scare of course, has been Y2K. Intelligent arguments were made on both sides of the scare and each person had to decide for himself if the concern was great enough to make a lot of preparations.

These are just a handful of scares that I have lived through in my lifetime that have not materialized. In fact every world catastrophe that has happened in my life were things that no one predicted. After the event, of course, magazines like the National Enquirer displayed psychics who claimed credit for such predictions, but they were always published after the date of the happening.

So why are so many deceived by false prophesies of doom time after time?

One of the main reasons is that because of a misunderstanding of the scriptures and a tendency of the natural man to expect the worst there is a negative thoughtform that hovers over the human race. This thoughtform is composed of the negative energy of millions of people’s thoughts and fears over thousands of years and to tap into the Oneness Principle and discover true preparations that must be made for the future, this dark cloud of illusion must be penetrated.

The arrival of the year 2000 with no negative incident created an optimism that disperses part of the cloud. Many have great relief that Y2K did not happen and will look with more skepticism at the next prediction of doom.

It would be sad if the next major prediction was a true one for it would be like the boy who cried wolf.


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The Historical Jesus

The Historical Jesus

I received a request to comment on the historical Jesus for many today contend that he did not exist but was made up by the Roman Empire because they needed a messiah figure to unite the nation.

First I might add that a similarity of stories from different cultures add to the validity that something like that did happen, but perhaps not the way we have been presented.

Secondly many things happen in cycles and there have been several great floods in our history.

Concerning Jesus some have said that he was just made up by Constantine around 325 AD after he decided he needed a major religion with which to rule the world.

Now let us look at the logic of this possibility. Let us suppose that the president of the United States wanted to establish a new religion around a phantom character who is supposed to be the most loving and intelligent person who ever walked the earth.

First of all he would have to manufacture four books, similar to Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, that would witness to this phantom figure. These accounts would have to be credible enough to be accepted as true by the common populace.

But the greatest feat that the governmennt would face would be in finding words attributed to this Messiah that would be considered by almost all people who read them to be the greatest words ever spoken.

Imagine the difficulty in even creating a new “sermon on the mount?”

In 2000 years no one has been able to give such a profound short speech. Perhaps the closest would be the Gettysburg address by Lincoln but most scholars will admit that this comes in a distance second to the words of Jesus.

Now it may be true that the Buddha and others said something similar in the past. It is difficult to write anything entirely new, but one must admit that the way the sermon was put together was much more profound than any teacher of the past.

He also gave profound parables with multiple meanings and almost every word attributed to him had such a profound meaning that none has been able to duplicate.

For Instance:

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.”

“The first shall be last and the last first.”

“Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.”

“I and my Father are One.”

“Ye Are Gods”

“Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”

What other figure in history real or imagined has said such profound words over and over again?

None that I know of.

So, if the president wanted to create a false messiah he would have to make his staff put together something like the New Testament with 27 books testifying to the divinity of the man. Then after he puts it together it would have to be so believable that the general population would accept it.

Now if such a falsehood were to present itself there would be a large percentage that would not swallow it hook line and sinker. Many of these would leave writings exposing the fraud.

Even considering that the ancient emperors had much greater power than our president this feat would still be close to impossible. An Emperor would have to pick a fairly well established religious belief to create a new Messiah around it.

It is interesting that no one questions the historical validity of Mohammed, Buddha or even the obscure Zoriaster, but with Jesus they will claim that he and his teachings were made up on a lark. When you bring the possibility of duplicating this feat up to the modern era the impossibility of it becomes obvious.

The very fact that the man and his teachings have withstood the test of time is perhaps the greatest testimony to his reality.

The fact that we have 27 books in the New Testament testifying of him plus hundreds of ancient works that never made it into the Bible is a very strong witness that is completely obviated by those who wish to prove Jesus to be an imaginary character.

Few historians doubt that Jesus existed, but many believe that what has been recorded about him may not be entirely accurate.

The Book of Mormon was presented as a second witness for Christ. Many have read this and have received additional confirmation about him.

A powerful modern witness is the writings given through Alice A. Bailey. This is one of the latest revelations of the Brotherhood and when one reads her works a sensitive person cannot help but get soul confirmation. Her writings testify to the validity of the Biblical Christ.

A book that brought me closer to him was The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ by Levi. You can download this free from the web.

Someone questioned my statement that Hitler was a vegetarian. I had never read anything to the contrary so I decided to do a little research. I found that the vegetarians who are somewhat purist in belief are very offended at the thought that Hitler could have been a vegetarian and are digging up everything they can to prove that he was not one of them.

Here are the facts as far as I can ascertain them. From 1931 on Hitler was mainly on a vegetarian diet, but was not 100% strict with it. He did deviate now and then and eat a little meat just like many “vegetarians” that I know. He was a vegetarian at least 99% of the time.

It is an interesting contrast that while Hitler was this squeaky clean abstainer from meat, alcohol and tobacco his counterpart in the free world, Winston Churchill, was just the opposite. Churchill ate lots of meat, smoked and could drink most people under the table.

If one goes by outward appearances only many of the true lights of the planet will be overlooked.

The contention is that Jesus was a character created by Constantine around the time of the Council of Nicaea in 325. There is much evidence that he had many believers long before then. Here are a couple references to that:

AS A RESULT OF our investigations so far, it should be clear that historians do not need to rely on only one source (say, the Gospel of Mark) for knowing whether or not the historical Jesus existed. He is attested clearly by Paul, independently of the Gospels, and in many other sources as well: in the speeches in Acts, which contain material that predate Paul’s letters, and later in Hebrews, i and 2 Peter, Jude, Revelation, Papias, Ignatius, and I Clement. These are ten witnesses that can be added to our seven independent Gospels (either entirely or partially independent), giving us a great variety of sources that broadly corroborate many of the reports about Jesus without evidence of collaboration. And this is not counting all of the oral traditions that were in circulation even before these surviving written accounts. Moreover, the information about Jesus known to Paul appears to go back to the early 30s of the Common Era, as arguably does some of the material in the book of Acts. The information about Jesus in these sources corroborates as well aspects of the Gospel traditions, some of which can also be dated back to the 30s, to Aramaic-speaking Palestine. Together all of these sources combine to make a powerful argument that Jesus was not simply invented but that he existed as a historical person in Palestine.      Did Jesus Exist?, by Bart Ehrman, Page 140-141

Tacitus mentioned Jesus in his treatment of the years 30-31. There is, however, a short retrospective reference to Jesus when Tacitus treats the great fire of Rome under Nero and Nero’s subsequent use of the Christians of Rome as scapegoats (Annals 15.44). Nero, says Tacitus, fastened on the Christians because popular opinion suspected that he was responsible for the fire:

“Therefore, to squelch the rumor, Nero created scapegoats and subjected to the most refined tortures those whom the common people called “Christians,” [a group] hated for their abominable crimes. Their name comes from Christ,’ who, during the reign of Tiberius, had been executed by the procurator Pontius Pilate.’ Suppressed for the moment, the deadly superstition broke out again, not only in Judea, the land which originated this evil, but also in the city of Rome, where all sorts of horrendous and shameful practices from every part of the world converge and are fervently cultivated.”      A Marginal Jew, Vol 1, John P Meier, Pgs 89-90

DK through Alice A. Bailey also affirms the historical Jesus.

There He worked through the three beloved disciples, through the twelve apostles, through the chosen seventy, and the interested five hundred…. Now He works through His Masters and Their groups, and thereby greatly intensifies His efforts. *** I would have you forget distance, remoteness and vagueness and realise that I am talking of exact and literal happenings on our planet. I am dealing with recognitions and occurrences and with factual events which are the conscious possession of many. The Christ of history and the Christ in the human heart are planetary facts. Externalization of the Hierarchy, Page 604

The New Testament story is true and correct; it is only the man-made interpretations which have misled humanity. Reappearance of the Christ, Page 100


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