McCall Gathering 2007, Part 35

This entry is part 35 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007


JJ: The next labor Hercules is given the assignment to capture the Cretan bull. We are moving into the sign of Taurus now.

Audience: So please explain the message of Aries.

JJ: The message of Aries is, we have to control our unruly thoughts and this can only be done with soul contact. Without soul contact we can go to church and learn all kinds of lessons of how we can control our thoughts but they will still not be under control. It can only be done through the work of the soul because only through the work of the soul can we see what is harmless and what is not harmless. In other words harmlessness is the true message of Aries. And only through the soul can we see the true harmless way.

If we have a cut and dry idea about what is harmless and what is not then we will almost always be wrong. For instance, let’s talk about going to war. Everybody says that going to war can’t be the path of harmlessness, but say during World War II the path of harmlessness was to go to war against Hitler and without defeating him there would have been much greater harm than if we did not defeat him. So we were forced to go to war against Hitler.

Sometimes the most harmless path still creates quite a bit of friction and only through the soul can you tell for sure. Sometimes you have two decisions, one is the harmless path and another leads to great harm but it seems to the personality that the cut and dry method is the best. If we used black and white method in World War II like a love your neighbor type thing and if everybody said well lets just love Hitler and lets not fight him – this was not the harmless path. It takes a certain amount of soul contact to always be able to tell the harmless path.

It is difficult for people to see this until the soul is connected. If we turn it over to the personality and the souls thinks it is so simple, the personality should be able to understand harmlessness and right thought but sooner or later it gets to see and it gets trampled over.

It is difficult for people to see this until the soul is connected. If we turn decisions over to the personality that are simple to the soul then the person get run over by the wild horses of illusion. Just like in World War II if we had just tried love and peace with Hitler we would have been trampled over by the wild horses of Hitler and subdued.

Harmlessness is the key to liberation, and harmlessness is very elusive because sometimes you have a choice between one thing that seems to produce great harm and another choice seems to produce harm also but maybe not as great. Sometimes you have the choice between the lesser of two evils. And if you keep making the right choice eventually you enter the path of harmlessness where your karma is paid off to the point where you can live a fairly unobstructed life.

What is interesting with harmlessness is that perhaps the most harmless person in our history was Jesus yet He was not looked upon as harmless. People hated Him. They wanted to kill Him and he offended so many people that He made this statement to His disciples, “Blessed is he who is not offended in me.”

Now a lot of people that have not studied His life carefully look on Him like some type of flower child where people were singing praises of him and so on, but He created so much of a stir that He mad that statement, “Blessed is He that is not offended in me.” Almost every teacher that teaches the next step up has the same problem because the next step up is always uncomfortable and we always want to go the line of least resistance.

If you were a good musician in your last life, you will be born in this life with a desire to be a musician all over again because that is what you are good at. You may want to be a musician but maybe your soul says, well you have already learned everything to know about music in your last life so now you have to learn something new. This life you have to learn to work with your hands and be a carpenter. Well I do not like that you say but circumstances keep forcing you in that direction and so something will happen.

If you look at your life when you were younger at what you wanted to do you will usually find that you did not wind up doing that thing. I know that is what happened with me. I wanted to build rockets to go to Mars and I have not built any such rockets. I wound up doing something entirely different.

So we often wind up doing something entirely different because we’ve mastered certain lessons and that next lesson is uncomfortable and that is why the Avatars of the race, the great teachers, the great innovators have always had a difficult problem because they are taking people up to the next step and that next step is always uncomfortable. It is uncomfortable for the individual, it is uncomfortable for the group and it is uncomfortable for the world. That is why somebody like Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves, wound up with someone killing him because he took a step that had to be taken and in hind site it was a wonderful step but if you were there it was a very uncomfortable step.

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McCall Gathering, 2007, Part 26

This entry is part 26 of 54 in the series McCall Gathering 2007


JJ: What is light and what does light do?

Audience: Reveals

JJ: Reveals, okay, light reveals truth and what is. Light reveals things as they really are and dark conceals. If you look at politicians, a politician that is influenced by the light will tell things as they really are, “Look I am really going to increase your taxes.” When is the last time we heard that? Never?

The politician who sides with the dark will say, no I am not going to increase your taxes and then within a month after getting elected, he supports increasing our taxes. What the politician did was conceal what he was really going to do from us and perhaps even from himself. He may have believed his own words.

“To thine own self be true and as the light falls the day thou can not be false to any man.” This is one of the greatest statements ever made. We have to be true to our self and I think many of these politicians actually believe what they are saying and then when they get in office and after about a month they join the good ole boys club and they are told that if they want to get along then you have to play ball and vote as they are told to vote and vote with the group. Forget about this individual stuff it does not work in Washington.

So the majority of the politicians are unable to reveal in the light and tell you what they will do. If you find somebody that does we will keep him or her, unless they have a screw that is too loose on what makes sense. Keep them for their honesty if at all possible.

So the light reveals what is and the Brotherhood of Light stresses the principle of honesty. This is one of the principles of liberation – to be honest. Now I have known people who believe this to the wrong extreme. I have known this person that if she sees someone that is fat she will say you are fat, I said why did you word it that way? Well she would say I was just being honest. I replied, you are honest but you are also cruel. You have to blend the virtues together not isolate them and take them to the extreme. So how could she have been totally honest about the gal being fat? For one she just could not have said anything. You know if your wife comes to and says honey, are my thighs too heavy? You are going to sleep on the couch no matter what you say!

Audience: Laughter!

JJ: The thing is to be honest and you could say, honey, you look better to me than the day we were married. You can say it and if you really believe that then you are honest and you are not saying anything negative. You probably are still going to sleep on the couch though because then she will say, you are avoiding the question – why are you avoiding the question? Answer me.

Women are so very mysterious to us guys. They are one of the last mysteries for us guys to unfold, the mind of the female.

So anyway the key is, “as honest as possible because you are in the light” you will notice that when you read the New Testament in the words of Jesus, He was starkly honest and he was usually polite and kind except when someone richly deserved to be told off. Then He was not beyond letting them have it. You remember in the temple where He made the whip and chased everybody out and turned over the tables because they were turning the house of God into a house of merchandise, which infuriated Him.

Audience: So could you think about it in terms of that you want to be honest and you are also practice harmlessness?

JJ: That is a good point because with the wrong wording of your honesty you can actually create harm for somebody. I remember Curtis wrote this paper and he was really enthused about it, I had done a lot of writing and I took a look at it and I pointed out some positive things and I was honest and it made him feel pretty good about and then Wayne comes in and Curtis says what you think Wayne? Wayne takes a look and says, man, this needs a lot of correction, give me your red pen.

He said his English is awful and he spent about a half hour on one paragraph until the paper was dripping with red ink. Curtis says, give me that back I do not want anymore feedback from you! And you could tell poor Curtis’ jaw just dropped as Wayne was making these corrections. When I commented I was nice as I could be and fed his ego a little bit but old Wayne, he just was not thinking of Curtis’s ego at all.  You could just feel ole Curtis sink as Wayne was going through this paper with that red pen. It was kind of funny from my angle but Curtis did not think it was funny! Wayne was having a good time destroying Curtis’s ego.

This illustrates that you have to be careful, Wayne and I were both honest but Wayne was just not thinking of Curtis’s feelings at all. Wayne is a really nice guy, don’t get me wrong, but when it comes to correcting English, I am real hesitant to give him anything to look at. Now I just say, Wayne read this quickly and tell me what you think, don’t worry about correcting it. If he starts to correct it then he never gets through more than about three pages because he finds so many things to correct.

Wayne and I were both honest to Curtis but we chose different words to portray that honesty. I realized that was his first major attempt to write anything and being a writer myself I understand how important it is to have support and constructive criticism. I remember when I first started writing I was very fragile and positive feedback was much more important then than it is now. Now if I write something and someone has a negative opinion towards it then I just take it with a grain of salt.

So I figured Curtis would be more fragile at this early stage of his endeavor also and Wayne proved me right. So one of the keys to white magic is total honesty, honesty with graciousness, kindness and sometimes you may want to leave something out and leaving something out is not being dishonest. Leaving something out can support deception but if dome with judgment one can be totally honest with what is revealed.

Even in the Book of Proverbs it says, “It is the glory of God to conceal things.” In other words God, the Masters and the Higher Lives conceal a lot of things from us because as DK tells us, He says many times that I could tell you certain things but it could prove dangerous so I am not going to tell you right now. He says it will be revealed to those who are ready. Why does he not tell us? There are certain mantras the he says and words of power that He could give us but if they were used incorrectly they could cause insanity or death so I am not going to tell you how certain things work here because if a person is not ready then they could be misused.

So concealing a thing is not dishonest, especially if you admit you are concealing something. Now if a person is asked if he is concealing something and he says no, then that is dishonest. So to conceal a thing is not dishonest and is even supported by the Bible itself, but to state something that is just black and white not true is being dishonest. If I have a dollar in my hand and I tell you it is five dollars then that is an absolute black and white untruth. That is definitely something that we must avoid.

Something else that is not dishonest is telling a joke and I have told quite a number of jokes in my life and the basis of the jokes is always something that is not true but often times the principle of the joke is true. They say that only the truth is funny so jokes often illustrate some point of truth but a joke always has things that are untrue to really stretch the reality to make it funny and of course most people would not consider a joke to be dishonest because once a person gets the joke and then they realize what it is and it was just a joke.

What is funny though is when you tell a joke and people do not get it and they think you are being serious. I went into Kinko’s one time and I took out brand new twenty dollar bill  I had just got it from the bank and it was really fresh looking and crisp. It looked like it had just been printed, I had a couple dollars worth of copies and I handed it to the gal and said, it looks pretty good doesn’t it, I printed it up on one of your machines!

Audience: Laughter

JJ: She looks at it wondering if I had really done this and I saw she was worried I was a lawbreaker and said, I was just joking. She was just so nervous and she kept looking at it and she really believed I printed it up and she just did not get the joke.

Audience: On the same lines we often take cash when we are doing one of the shows, so will take five dollars at a time in cash for people who admission charge of five dollars, so at the bank she asked me how I got all this money and I said drugs, and as it turns out you have to report that. Good thing it all turned out well because I am sitting here.

Audience: Laughter

JJ: That is interesting. So light and dark the names of the two brotherhoods and reveals a lot about how they are different. The dark brothers conceal or deceive about everything and they portray themselves differently than they are. If one is a politician, for instance, he will present himself as the benevolent caretaker of humanity type thing that is going to do all kinds of good things for everybody. There may be blatant lies and deceptions and he or she may know they are deceptions but he says them anyway because the truth does not matter to them.

Now very few politicians are actually members of the dark brothers but the dark brothers do use certain people, especially if they have positions of power – they are much more likely to be used by the brotherhood than somebody like the average John Doe who has no position of power.

For instance, those who come to me and say, yea my ex-wife was in with the dark brotherhood. Well did your ex-wife have any power or influence? No she was a housewife. Well then what use would the dark brothers have for her unless she was committed to the dark path, and if she was committed to the dark path she would be doing more than just being a housewife.

So that is one thing to look for, the agents of the dark brotherhood will be people with influence and power. No one is put to use more in this particular age than the politicians. They also make use of heads of religions, heads of state, education groups, finance and banking. These people that are in positions of power are in a big struggle between the two brotherhoods. Very few of them are actually members of the dark brotherhood for to be a member of the dark brotherhood, you have to actually make a certain degree of progress, you have to reach the point to where you are approaching the third initiation. You have to reach the point to where you have mastery over the physical and emotional to a fairly high degree before you can see the choice.

Now you can be used before this point, but you have to reach a fairly high degree before you can actually make the choice because you cannot join either one of the two brotherhoods consciously until you have the two paths open up before you and see clearly what the two paths are and you make a conscious definite choice. So unless the person you know has made the definite choice, he or she is not a dark brother. However, as DK also says all of humanity are under control of the antichrist forces and almost all of humanity are used to a degree by the dark brothers because they have people in positions of power and they influence and the average person to a high degree. The average person is much more influenced by emotion and selfishness than they are with group consciousness and altruism and group service. Not too many people are into the higher virtues and average humanity, almost everybody, is influenced by individual selfishness.

If a politician gets up and the first thing he or she says is, “Here is what I am going to do for you.” And whatever that may be whether it is lots of benefits and entitlements, or rebates or tax cuts or to pay you for education and you get a piece of the government nest egg and so on. You can be sure that you must be very wary of that kind of talk about what they are going to do for you. Now the worker in the light, of course, serves us but He is not going to serve just by having the government give stuff to us. He is going to help to increase our state of freedom. The worker on the side of light increases freedom and the worker on the dark side will say that they are going to give stuff to you and they are going to put benefits on every plate of some kind, but the price will be a decrease in freedom.

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Dark Brothers and Dark Matter

This entry is part 29 of 34 in the series 2010B

A reader asks:  “if being a Satan or ‘the tempter’ is a step in the evolution of someone’s eternal path. Not that one is called to be a tempter but if it naturally happens in the course of one’s progression…Is there a Satan role during our eternal paths?

This is an interesting question.  In other words, are all of us destined to be a devil before we become one with God?

The answer is yes and no.  As we make the long journey to the feet of God we all go through periods of great selfishness and do some pretty devilish things and cause a lot of hurt along the way.  We also become tempters and lead many astray with us. Does this mean that we all eventually spend an eon as a dark brother at some time or another?

No.  Most of us learn our lesson as karma forces us to see the results of our bad behavior.  Only a handful proceed onward on the dark path despite all the warnings and attempts by the soul to turn the entity around.

The teaching seems to be presented by all the prophets, scriptures and masters that when we reach a certain degree of progression that we will be “saved” or dwell in the light forever onward.  But then we read of how Lucifer, a son of he Morning, rebels against God and was thrown out of heaven and apparently became Satan.

Now this being was of a celestial nature and a son of God as we hope to become, yet he fell.  Does this mean that after all our efforts of finally achieving liberation that we could still blow it and become a Satan?  That doesn’t seem to quite jive with the promises of eternal life as most understand them.

This is an area tat has never been cleared up by any teacher that I know of.  Here are several points that should help.

After liberation we do not lose our free agency.  We still have power to choose and the choice always leads to higher and lower paths.  The difference between humanity and those in the kingdom of God is the Higher Lives have learned certain lessons and know better than to revert to known errors.  For instance, the hiker who gets exposed to poison ivy will avoid it in the future.

Those who have gained entrance to the Council Chambers of the Most High have learned certain lessons and there are many errors that they will not repeat.  Even so, on a higher level of thinking where new concepts are being considered there will not always be agreement.  Therefore, even a liberated soul, such as a Son of the Morning can disagree and present his own ideas that may not be in harmony with his master.

When a liberated soul falls out of alignment with his brothers he does not descend to the lowest realms of darkness but continues to move forward the plan as he understands it.  The Dark Brotherhood evolved from beings on this earth and not from the Council Chambers of the Most High.  A fallen archangel may use the forces of darkness but in his mind he is still moving the work of God forward.

Good and evil as it plays out with liberated beings is a much different thing than good and evil as humanity sees it as it pertains to them.

We never arrive at a point where we will be totally free from mistakes for all eternity.  We learn by making mistakes and this principle even applies to Christ, the Planetary Logos and on up.

Here’s another question from QuasarAZx
I am an amateur astronomer and was wondering if the JJ could explain what dark matter is which is a theory about missing matter in galaxies. Dark matter is thought to make up the missing matter.

Nathan showed some good thinking in indicating that dark matter and regular matter represent male and female polarities.

Scientists believe that there is dark matter because there are gravitational pulls in the universe that cannot be explained by the gravity of regular matter.  Even though they cannot find this elusive matter they believe that 80% of the matter in the universe is this dark, or unseen matter.

Does such matter really exist?  Yes, but it is not dark, but very light compared to our own.  There is much matter in the universe that science has not discovered and this is clearly taught by the Ancient Wisdom.  First we have the matter of the etheric plane.  Next up we have astral matter and then mental matter.  Above this we have undifferentiated matter.  All this matter and life from unseen worlds has an effect on life, form and matter in this plane.

Science will find dark matter when they discover that there are co-existing dimensions that interplay with us and effect us.