
June 21, 1999

The Qualities of the Disciple Continued


Subject under discussion: The qualities of the disciple.

Here is what we have so far:

(1) Soul contact

(2) Holding the mind steady in the light

(3) Detachment when necessary.

(4) The ability to either send or receive

(5) Reflection – contemplation

(6) Talent.

(7) The power to initiate

(8) The ability to create and sense a point of tension.

(9) Willingness to sacrifice

(10) Discernment

We have covered sacrifice quite thoroughly. The only thing I might add at present is that when true sacrifice is understood it will be known by the disciple that sacrifice as understood by the masses is an illusion. Many see sacrifice as loss, but from the viewpoint of the disciple there is no such thing as loss when serving the greater good, even if you lose all you have in the material sense.

True sacrifice is a trade off. You are trading a lower good for a higher good, a lower enjoyment for one more exquisite and a temporary possession for one with more permanence.

Now we come to the tenth quality – discernment.

One of the main problems created through a lack of discernment is deception from false teachers, like Brother Philo in the Immortal.

One of the traps that happen to a well meaning seeker is that he will often be approached by one who is lesser evolved than himself and told that he must be humble and follow. Now to follow is a virtue if you are following someone who has something real to teach, but there are many mediocre minds with large egos who will do everything in their power to get greater minds to follow them. Often times through lack of discernment these greater minds, clouded with guilt and false humility, will follow the lesser causing an evolutionary delay and learning a hard lesson.

A good example of this was Malcome X. He was a much greater soul than his “beloved teacher” and if he would have realized this sooner he could have accomplished much more and developed a more beneficial philosophy for his brethren.

The greater problem is usually the reverse, however. A student with a qualified teacher will often think he has passed up his mentor in evolution and seeks to reverse roles that should stay in place.

Discerning the proper place upon the path and acting accordingly is invaluable part of discernment and a characteristic of true humility.

Another extremely important point is that without discernment there can be no reliable higher contacts. In this reality we are limited in the direction in which we can focus our attention. Attention, in its power, is like a magnifying glass concentrating the rays of the sun. The concentration of light is very powerful, but limited in the amount of space that can be ignited.

Unknown to many seekers there are many voices out there calling for your inner attention and those who draw our attention on the line of least resistance are never entities of the higher planes.

The higher lives speak the language of silence and silence does not clamor for attention; instead attention must find the silence. The disciple must discern and learn to ignore the lower noisy voices of glamour and, through the power of will, force his attention on the secret place of stillness and in that place enjoy the communion of the saints and the Brotherhood of Light. Only through the discernment and the ignoring of the lesser voices can this be obtained.

Soul contact and communion through the Oneness principle is essential for the working disciple, else he may wind up receiving illusionary teachings and leading others down a path from which retracing steps will be essential.

As we proceed here I can see that we will be naming more qualities than originally intended, but even with this longer list we will leave some items out that could be named.

(11) Perseverance – the ability to always bounce back and continue toward a goal even if things seem hopeless or bleak. It is partly obvious as to why this is needed by the disciple. Can you elaborate on either the obvious or the not-so-obvious?

(12) Inclusiveness. Discernment can lead to separations which are necessary, but how does the disciple use inclusiveness in harmony with discernment to avoid the negative aspect of discrimination? How inclusive should the disciple be?

To Persevere

He who has soul contact will have a sense that something is off (a disturbance in the force) when he is going the wrong direction but when going the right direction there will be a sense of fullness or completeness and a knowing that you are doing the right thing.

The growth of this list and group is a good example. When we hit 100 members we just seemed to hang there and some of us wondered if any more growth was going to happen. Then eventually we took off again. Now we have hit 175 and the hanging thing is happening again with a vengeance and we have even lost a few old timers. On a personality level Rick, me and others wonder if anything is happening out there.

But on a soul level here is what I know.

First: We are going the right direction

Two: The energy we put into the group is going to constructive purpose.

Three: A point of tension is mounting.

Four: Those who are suppose to be here are staying which is making the group more positive and is laying a correct foundation for things to come.

Therefore, it is just a matter of time before the next point of tension is reached and we grow again into something of even higher quality than we have had in the past.

I loved Rick’s visionary words:

“Two thousand years from now we may still be remembered for what we wrote here on this list. They will have a collective name for us and think of us as this name. The individuals in the group will not be as well known as the collective.”

I do not know if Rick realizes how prophetic he is here. I sense some soul contact here.

Indeed this is not just another group. This is a pioneering endeavor that is duplicated no where else that I know of. It is true that there are others teaching classes on the web, but as far as I know this is a first for the introduction of new teachings and principles through the intuitive principle which are virtually unrevealed to the world at large. We are also about to introduce the greatest revelation so far which is the Molecular Relationship. Everything I have written so far is to prepare your minds and hearts for this great principle.

When 144,000 membership is reached the group will possess a livingness that has hitherto been unrealized and will be a living duplicating organism that nothing can destroy. When that time comes you may rest assured that growth will continue for a thousand years and Rick’s statement will prove to be true. There will be many in the future age who will wish they could have been back here with us to help initiate a work with so great a cause and purpose.

We’ll talk more about inclusiveness soon, but in the meantime here is number thirteen in the qualities:

(13) Harmlessness

Questions: What does it mean to be harmless? Does it mean you will turn into a total wimp? What is the key to following the harmless path?

To Include or Not To Include

The Question:

Discernment can lead to separations which are necessary, but how does the disciple use inclusiveness in harmony with discernment to avoid the negative aspect of discrimination? How inclusive should the disciple be?

Those who have used discernment through illusionary eyes develop wrong discrimination and become harmfully exclusionary. This has been such a problem in the past that the word “discrimination” has become a terrible word in the eyes of most people.

While it is still a virtue to have a “discriminating palate” or to be a discriminating buyer one has to be very careful in the use of the word or he will be frowned upon as a politically incorrect bigot.

What has caused this problem in communication is that the politicians have popularized the wrong word. When one is accused of discrimination what is the accuser really saying? Is he saying that because you can see shades of meaning and color that you are evil?

Not really.

Instead he is saying: “You are judging what this person is inside because he looks different than you on the outside. You are therefore judging apples as they are related to oranges and you have no way of knowing if you are correct.”

What word correctly describes the above?

The problem is that no single word does. The shortest available would be something like “bad judgement,” but that is not simple enough. Therefore “discrimination” was pulled out of the hat and applied and such application has tainted the positive use of the word ever since.

The meaning of all words have a positive aspect. Exclusiveness normally has a bad meaning these days but this can also have a positive application:

For instance one might exclude a destructive belief system, a child molester or the taking of harmful drugs.

This positive exclusion harmonizes with the quality of discernment.

Nevertheless, all wise acts of discernment and exclusion must be balanced with an inclusive attitude that is essential in the attitude of the working disciple.

We will give some examples of negative exclusiveness balanced with the ideal inclusiveness:

Exclusive: The most obvious on the negative side is the excluding of some because of judgments based on the color of skin.

Inclusive: Include all races as if they were at an equal starting point and if judgment is necessary judge on performance and ability.

Exclusive: Excluding a person from the possibly that he may be as enlightened as you because he has a different belief system

Inclusive: The person may be farther along the path than you think. Some authoritarian thoughtforms are so powerful that it takes a much higher degree of soul contact to break away from them than it does for the New Ager to proclaim that: “All is love and oneness.” If you find common ground with a seemingly backward Bible thumper you may realize he seems pretty bright after all.

Exclusive: Seeing the other person as the bottom of the barrel because of differing political beliefs. For instance, both sides of the abortion issue see each other as pond scum that must be excluded at all costs.

Inclusive: Again, the disciple realizes that even a very intelligent person can be captivated by wrong thoughtforms and illusions and if we excluded all those in such a state there would be few if any to befriend.

A great example of political inclusiveness is the show on Fox called Hannity and Colmes. Hannity is on the far right and Colmes on the left. Many of their guests have a very exclusive attitude yet both Hannity and Colmes are very gracious and inclusive with some fairly obnoxious guests. They are also good friends with each other and often go to lunch together. They appear to be inclusive of each other and respect each other even though each believes the other to be very mislead.

Exclusive: Many people are exclusive because of the income, social standing, or the appearance of others.

Inclusive: Behind many people are many virtues that are not visible on the surface. We must start from point zero with all of them and include them within the realm of all possibilities.

An inclusive attitude was one reason that Jesus had such ability to heal. When He looked at a poor ragged cripple He did not allow himself to see a person excluded from the gifts of God. Instead He saw one who was equal to himself, deserving of all the fruits of the Spirit. When that vision in the mind of Jesus was glimpsed by the cripple, for an instant he became a Son of God himself and was healed.

If we expect the Brotherhood of Light to include us as co-workers we must learn to be inclusive with others who may be as far below us in evolution as we are to the Masters.

One of the best examples I can think of in inclusiveness (as well as discernment) is this discussion group.

When a person joins this list we do not have a clue of anything about him or her except for what he actually says. We do not know his race, background, financial status, political thought, dress code etc. Sometimes we do not even know the sex.

When a person joins this list he starts at point zero and is entirely judged by what comes forth from the inner self. When you think of it there has never been a time in history for such inclusive opportunities as the Internet offers.

I will give my comments on harmlessness next but in the meantime contemplate the next quality:

(14) Sensitivity.

Now we are not talking about the politically sensitive geek here that is ashamed of the Washington Redskins, but we are talking about one who is sensitive to many things that others are not.

Among them are:

(1) Ability to tune into the feelings and sometimes thoughts of others.

(2) Ability to sense higher contacts

(3) Ability to sense the direction of the Path.

If you can “sense” other areas of positive sensitivity name them and elaborate.

Why is sensitivity such an important quality for the disciple to possess?

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Discipleship Revealed

June 12, 1999

Discipleship Revealed

It is interesting that Jesus told his disciples that they loved Him because He loved them first. In other words, He did not pick a bunch that was brimming with love, but His own sharing caused the love within all but one to respond, even to the giving of their lives for their friend.

The qualities of a good and decent person with a loving heart are many and are reasonably easy to recognize, but the qualities looked for in a working disciple are not so obvious. The Christ, and the Masters with whom He works, look for a number of qualities that do not even occur to the idealistic devotee.

The general qualities of goodness is a mere first step to prepare the aspirant for the path of real learning and service on the Path.

Such preparatory qualities are

A Loving nature










Harmonious etc.

These and other qualities, as most people understand them, are a part of a large first step of preparation. On the other hand, the Masters do see some of these “simple” qualities on a deeper level than we do and they see that accepted disciples use them in a way that exceeds the beginner.

For example, an aspirant may have the faith to undertake a great feat of learning

But the disciple may have the faith to apply the things learned, which is a greater accomplishment.

The aspirant may be a big believer in love

The disciple manifests and stimulates love.

The aspirant believes and teaches helpfulness

The disciple is busy actively helping

So what is looked for in a working disciple – that is a person that a Master can assist and work through with a degree of success?

We have stated the first main quality which is:

Soul contact.

What is the second?

The phrase that best describes this second quality was used regularly by Alice A. Bailey as the ability to “keep the mind held steady in the light.”

The mind is the key that opens the door between the human kingdom and the kingdom of God. This is knowledge that needs to be registered by the seekers of the world who think that “all you need is love.”

Love is indeed a key, but it is the key to the correct use and influence of the mind. Thus love unlocks the correct use of mind and mind held steady in the light unlocks the door to the Kingdom of God and accepted discipleship.

We have all played with a magnifying glass. You can take the harmless rays of the sun and focus them through the glass on a piece of paper, and if you hold the glass steady at the right distance so focus is sustained then it will soon create fire.

The mind and the light of the Spirit are like this. The “universal Light” of the Spirit is always there like the sun at noonday and the mind is like a magnifying glass that captures this seemingly normal light and focuses it through purity and steadiness of intent until the spiritual fire is manifest.

The beginner seems to focus at random and creates a little fire from time to time. But slowly over a long period of trial and error the seeker learns to hold the mind steady so the light stays in focus at all times. Finally at this time the spiritual fire burns consistently, and this is what the higher lives look for. When they see your spiritual fire always there, always burning, always neutralizing negativity, illusion and high resistance of the lower worlds, then they realize that a new co-worker is in the making.

Holding your mind steady in the light creates a fire that burns a hole in the veil of the temple and thus “the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom” (Matt 27:51) thus allowing the disciple to enter into the Holy of Holies or the Kingdom of God.

By contrast the Dark Brothers enter the world of lower mind not through the door of love but through desire and glamour. Because they are then caught in illusion they use their magnifying glass of mind to focus the dark into a black hole of the mind that is so powerful in its gravity that no light can manifest.

This is part of the meaning of the comment of Jesus:

“But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” Matt 6:23

Alice A. Bailey has written quite a bit about this principle. Here are some quotes

“I would suggest that you concentrate upon “holding the mind steady in the light.” This will involve renewed work in alignment, and in the conscious refocusing of the mind towards reality. It is the activity of the inner, conscious man which ceaselessly turns its attention to the soul, seeking identification with that soul. The alignment usually carried forward is that of the personality with the soul.

Can I hold my mind “steady in the light” and see life truly and free from any blinding attachments?

“Can I hold my mind steady in the light which streams from the Observer? Can I hold it as the searchlight of the soul?”

“Receptiveness to spiritual impression. This entails the awakening of an intelligent use of the intuition, plus the capacity to hold the mind steady in the light whilst the brain is quiescently ready to record that “descending knowledge.”

“Through concentration and meditation he has achieved a large measure of mind control and learned how “to hold the mind steady in the light.” The consciousness then slips out of the lower self (out of the realm of awareness of the brain and the mind) and the mystic passes into the contemplative state, wherein he functions as the soul, and realizes himself as a Knower. The nature of the soul is knowledge and light, and its realm of existence is the kingdom of God. All the time that this identification with the soul continues, the mind is held steady and refuses all response to contacts emanating from other states of awareness, such as those coming from the emotional and physical worlds. Absorbed in union with God, transported into the “Third Heaven” (like St. Paul) and contemplating the beatific vision of Reality, he knows nothing, sees nothing, hears nothing except the phenomena which are appropriate to the world in which he is living. But in that world, he hears, and sees, and knows; he becomes aware of Truth, unveiled and freed from the glamour which the veil of matter casts upon it; he listens to the Wisdom which is stored up in his own unfathomable soul, and is that Wisdom itself, for subject and object no longer exist for him: he is both and knows it. He enters into the Mind of God – that universal storehouse of knowledge whose door stands ever open to those individual minds which can be sufficiently quieted and controlled to permit of their visioning the door and passing through it. And still, throughout all this transcendental process, the mind has been held steady in the Light.

“Thus we have the mind focussed and used to its utmost capacity, and then the cessation of its work. Next comes the use of the will to hold the mind steady in the light, and then – the Vision, Enlightenment, Illumination!

“Only as the disciple learns to hold his mind “steady in the light,” and as the rays of pure light stream forth from the soul, can the glamour be discovered, discerned, recognised for what it essentially is and thus be made to disappear, as the mists of earth dissolve in the rays of the rising sun. Therefore I would counsel you to pay more adequate attention to your meditation, cultivating ever the ability to reflect and to assume the attitude of reflection-held steady throughout the day.”

The third quality in order of importance has not been mentioned yet.

Let me repeat the hint:

“The closest someone came to the second characteristic is open mindedness. One also has to have a good handle on maya and glamour – without this characteristic the disciple will be reluctant to backtrack when he has made a mistake or take a wrong turn.”

We are looking for a key word here. What is it?


June 13, 1999


Jay gave a hint to the third trait and answered it also.

The hint was: : “The ability to let go of outdated beliefs and thought patterns.”

Jay’s answer:

“Perhaps Non Attachment, the ability not to cling to thought patterns, to release old ways of thinking and behaving. Not to Attach to the ways of the ego.”

Close enough. The word was actually “detachment,” but non attachment means the same thing.

Detachment, like any other characteristic has a positive and negative side. It would be wrong to be so detached from your spouse and children that you could not feel love for them, for example.

On the other hand, if the disciple is so attached to his family that he is not willing to risk a little resistance to accomplish a work then he may not be a usable vessel.

Let us look at detachment in the positive aspect and tell us exactly what this quality is and why this it is so important in the eyes of the Masters.

A working disciple must be versatile through detachment for several reasons.

First he may receive a message that will completely change his direction and personal plans at any given moment. If he is attached to those plans and directions then he may reject or alter important higher instructions necessary to the work.

Secondly, he may make some personal mistakes that need to be corrected in order to complete the mission. If he is attached to being right or to his way of doing things then the mission may fail.

Thirdly, the disciple may receive knowledge that may contradict things he has believed all his life. If he is attached to his old beliefs then he may not be usable as a student or teacher.

Attachment is a very misunderstood concept and is often mistaken for virtue. For instance, an attachment of one person toward another is often called love, and this is the only version of love that many people understand. But it is not love, it is attachment, a desire to hold on to a thing or person. True love always involves a desire to serve and to help or enhance, not just a desire to hold on because of a desire to possess.

There will be many times that the working disciple will have to use the power of detachment. He must realize that he is not his body, not his feelings and not even his mind and stand back and watch these feelings and thoughts brood and move, yet make his decisions in the light of the soul without attachments to thoughts and feelings of his lower bodies.

Here are the three qualities we have named so far.

(1) Soul contact

(2) Holding the mind steady in the light

(3) Detachment when necessary.

Now let me name three more important qualities and the group can bring forth their wisdom and explain why the Masters need these qualities in a working disciple.

(4) The ability to either send or receive, to be either a teacher or a student as the situation demands. How are many people in illusion about this quality?

(5) The habit of reflecting daily, hourly, weekly on the results of the work and teachings and ways to make improvements.

(6) The possession of talents and abilities that will give him or her power to get the attention of the people and influence them in a positive direction.

Contemplating these additional three qualities should give some good food for thought.

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Three Qualities of a Disciple

June 9, 1999

Three Qualities of a Disciple

I asked the group to name what they believe to be three qualities or characteristics that are looked for by the higher lives in an accepted disciple.

Rick brings up an interesting point. We are all motivated by benefits to self in one way or another. One of the main differences between the light and dark brotherhoods is that the Dark Brothers are deceived as to what is in the best interest of self in the long run. They believe that by ignoring the whole and concentrating on self only that the self will have maximum benefit. On the other hand, the Brotherhood of Light believe that the greatest long term benefit to self comes from losing sight of self for the good of the whole.

Contrary to popular belief even Jesus was motivated by self as illustrated in the scriptures:

“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith: who for the joy that was set before him, endured the cross…” Hebrews 12:2

Thus even the Master was motivated by joy, a great benefit to self.

I am enjoying your lists of qualities and characteristics of possible disciples. You have named some, but have missed several of the most important.

Hint: How about talent and ability? What do you suppose is looked for there?

The closest someone came to the second characteristic is open mindedness. One also has to have a good handle on maya and glamour as John pointed out. Without this characteristic the disciple will be reluctant to backtrack when he has made a mistake or take a wrong turn.

Then there is a third one I do not believe was mentioned. It is a trait that belongs to one who is amplifying his power of decision and is able to work without a lot of supervision.

Take a stab at these discovering these three and I will elaborate more fully soon.

June 11, 1999

Xavier mentioned a quality that is definitely in the top ten which is purity of intent.

Now most people believe their intent is pure, but in reality many have blind spots preventing them from seeing their wrong motive.

How can we acquire pure intent and how will we know when we have arrived there?

I’ve always liked the quote of Tennyson: “My strength is as the strength of ten because my heart is pure.”

Do you think there is some truth to the words of this poet?

I would have to say that all your answers about the qualities of a disciple are in the right direction, but there is one that really stands out in my mind:

Alex: “I discovered three new mysteries of the universe and found Madona’s naked body hidden in the arrangement all at the same time.”

I must admit that Brian went a step further:

“If you stare at Alex’s message long enough, you can see a perfect rendering of a disciple. Funny thing is, the disciple is dancing in a field of marshmallows, and is wearing pink fuzzy bunny slippers.”

Getting back to reality here, I have tabulated your answers and arranged them below. Even if you have read all the posts, I think it would be worthwhile to read these again.

Glenys complained that she could only answer three, but I didn’t say you couldn’t name more than three which some of you rebels went ahead and did.

Here are her answers:

(1) A strong commitment to serving humanity at the expense of fulfilling one’s own desires/needs ie a group rather than individual consciousness.

(2) A single-minded dedication to the Path of Light and the implementation of the Plan for mankind

(3) A certain level of Soul Contact and Christ Consciousness so that one can be considered to be reliable, intelligent and sensitive to the promptings of the Soul.

These are from Samu:

(1) The unwavering desire to always strive for the highest good perceived for all, willingness to face the possible ‘outer difference’ it may bring with it.

(2) Always trying to see the biggest picture perceivable, making the decision for oneself to grow in order for the whole to become more advanced.

(3) Fearlessness

Here are some other answers:

  • Steadfast and loyal, faithful no matter what to the Brotherhood of Light.
  • Willing, humble and wise enough to put Spirit in the driver’s seat of one’s life (rather than ego, the physical senses, the intellect, the emotions etc.)
  • The ability, desire and motivation to seek out answers where there seem to be none. Not resting until your soul tells you that you have found the truth.
  • Willingness to Accept the Truth when it is presented.
  • Willingness to Serve.
  • Ability to follow through – completion.
  • Willingness to extend beyond their ‘Comfort Zone’
  • Surrendering to the will of the Divine.
  • The ability to let go of outdated beliefs and thought patterns.
  • Faithful…..At least on a personal level, a disciple would never swerve from what he believes to be true, even when the “cock crows 3 times”
  • Free circulation of emotions and feelings
  • Freedom of thought and action
  • Happy friendly social life
  • Doing something that brings light and evolution to the whole.
  • An accepted disciple needs to be full of it!
  • By it, I mean….Love, Joy and Peace! Full of Love! Full of Joy! Full of Peace!
  • The ability to remain humble when faced with either success or disappointment.
  • Being both a student and a teacher.
  • A true desire to help others with selflessness.
  • A BURNING DESIRE to serve
  • Also, patience, kindliness, charity, sincerity, courage, tolerance, discrimination, love and all the noble traits are enhanced through soul contact.
  • Overcoming Maya and glamor.
  • GOOD KARMA or a reasonably balanced account is very important, because you can’t help to increase the system if you tend to need more help than you give.

That last one was especially good by Rick. Few would have thought of it.

Other responses brought up these qualities:


Being a living example.




Consistency of reasoning


Creative Expression


Debate Skills














Lack of Judgment


Love and be loved


Non Conformity



People Skills

Pure Intent



Right action

Right speech

Right thought

Self discipline


Soul Contact

Teaching ability


Unconditional love


So have we left any out? If you think we have go ahead and post them and I’ll give my two cents worth in an upcoming post.

Question: What is THE first thing the Masters look for in a working disciple?

Why is the answer not Love?


June 12, 1999

The Response on Love

The first primary quality that is absolutely necessary in the working disciple is soul contact, and several of you have successfully named this.

The reason that love is not first on the list is that when one obtains this contact through the soul then we can be assured that the quality of love exists and is manifest in the person as more than an idealistic theory, but as a working principle.

We would say that love is the seed and soul contact is the plant. The plant is visible evidence that the seed was real and alive.

Unfortunately, there are many who teach love out the yin yang, (see Philo in the book) but the seed is dead and never sprouts up and grows into the plant of soul contact. True love is a living , moving, growing entity.

Almost everyone you talk to believes they love truly and understand the feelings of love. Indeed there is a universal sense of its direction. But the obstacles to its fullness becoming manifest are legion indeed.

There are many who describe love in numerous ways and definitions, but is there some criteria by which we can tell for sure that the power of love is really growing and manifesting in any one individual?

There is, and when I give it to you your soul will verify the truth of this principle which is this:

“He who truly loves will be loved in return.”

In other words, love gathers love to itself.

Have you ever known a person who uses love about every other word, yet is loveless in his own life and it seems as if everyone can’t wait to escape his presence?

On the other hand, have you known others who use the word sparingly, but you find yourself magnetically attracted to him (or her) because you “love” being with or near him?

The person in first example has a lack of love and talks about it more to fill the vacuum than to manifest it.

The second example is manifesting living love and has no vacuum to fill and does not have to present a sales pitch on the virtues of love.

Now the Dark Brothers can appear through illusion to be this second example, but it will be the power of glamour and not love as the attractive (but temporary) force.

Nevertheless, the fact that love sent forth is finding a response in others is physical evidence that love is truly present with the sender.

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Book Of Quotes

Inspirational, Spiritual and Metaphysical Quotes From The Writings Of JJ Dewey

1  The main characteristic of a disciple is that he or she asks questions.

2  When the disciple is ready, the Master will appear and offer him the fruit of the Spirit, and the two will eat together with joy.

3  As the disciple continues to serve more is given until he either intuitively or consciously understands the answer to every question that he has.

4  Even the Christ is a disciple of the Ancient of Days, and the Ancient one is a disciple of the Solar Logos. No matter how high you get you never coast along on your own. You will always need stimulation by teachers on some level more experienced than yourself.

5  Only the disciples who have made irrevocable decisions toward the light can be of service at this crucial point of tension between the two ages.

6  All seven chakras are open and functioning as a unit in the disciple treading the path of Christ.

7  The disciple always seeks to serve his fellow men even if they are irritating.

8  The true servant of Christ will project an image that will also be the opposite of the piousness most expect of a minister. One of the things that will astonish many will be his cooperation with science and technology.

9  Unrecorded in the Bible is the fact that there were also twelve female disciples who assisted in the work with Jesus.

10  The disciple will go through many periods of light and darkness over a period of numerous lives, but the final one will be different from the rest. The isolation and loneliness will be very profound.

11  The true disciple does not publicly reveal his status.

12  Masters of Wisdom will either appear among us or incarnate and the Christ will overshadow disciples in preparation for His work with humanity.

13  The Book of Revelations is a story about a disciple treading the path of Christ.

14  Gaining the ability to see through the illusion that is automatically accepted by the many is one of the most important lessons the disciple can learn.

15  The disciple realizes that even a very intelligent person can be captivated by wrong thoughtforms and illusions and if we excluded all those in such a state there would be few if any to be gathered into anything.

16  Just as gold must pass through the refiner’s fire before it reaches its highest purity and value, even so must the disciple pass through every obstacle that can be thrown in his way on the path of service.

17  The disciple contains and controls the passions within with golden thought and pure intent.

18  The revelation of true principles or eternal words brings instant correction to the disciple.

19  When the disciple dedicates himself to the inner voice he will follow the direction of the Christ consciousness wherever it leads.

20  When the disciple hears the inner voice correctly, even though it is very quiet, a focus upon the message drowns out all other distractions so only the message is heard.

21  The ark of God in this age is the purified hearts of working disciples.

22  When the disciple is married to or unites with his Christ consciousness he can speak no deceit while in that state.

23  One of the most difficult lessons for the disciple to learn is to accept his own limitation, especially as it relates to the free will and abilities of others.

24  The disciple learns to enjoy the good and neutralize the bad.

25  The sign that the disciple has taken his first great step is when he shows a willingness to act on a true message from within in defiance to all the clamoring messages from without.

26  The disciple is on the path of light (the good path so to speak) if his focused thought is on the true advancement of himself or his group.

27  A disciple therefore, must be aware that he or she not only has outward authorities of position and glamour to deal with but also invisible power brokers behind the scenes who may be impossible to identify without revelation.

28  Keep checking with your souls, and when the link called in the east the antahkarana is created, then the seeker graduates from a sheep to a disciple to a shepherd.

29  Each potential disciple will have some final temptation to support the unreasonable restriction of others in the name of promoting his personal desire to see that which is good triumph.

30  As the disciple progresses towards the Spirit, he will be able to hold the presence for longer periods and eventually neutralize the opposing forces that come against him. Then he will have long periods where he is one with the Presence.

31  If the situation changes and the thoughtform fails to live up to expectations, then the disciple must be prepared to abandon or change it and move on.

32  There will be many times that the working disciple will have to use the power of detachment. The disciple must realize that they are not their body, not their feelings and not even their mind and stand back and watch these feelings and thoughts brood and move, yet make their decisions in the light of the soul without attachments to thoughts and feelings of their lower bodies.

33  The disciples of the world must merely present what is true in a common sense manner and many troubles experienced by past disciples will not surface.

34  The disciples of the world must work with extreme patience and realize that in rushing reform one may cause a work to be destroyed and delayed a hundred years, whereas a decade of patience and perseverance may actually yield the quickest results.

35  The sure mark of a true disciple is that every move he or she makes has some purpose that benefits something other than lower self.

36  The beginner cannot appreciate the vision, the thoughts, the goals, and the problems of a disciple or Master until he either advances a great deal in his evolution, or joins in with the whole through the Oneness Principle.

37  Unless one is dealing directly with the Dark Brothers, which is rare, 99.99 percent of perceived psychic attacks owe their cause to a flaw opened from within oneself and if we live a reasonable stable life, then there is little to worry about in this area.

38  A disciple may have an advanced physical body in the esoteric sense, yet not be particularly good-looking.

39  The concept of sacred honor must be retrieved and taught by disciples of the coming age.

40  Even disciples who are relatively successful usually make their share of mistakes.

41  The disciple is only corrected if he honestly seeks further instruction and correction.

42  Even if a disciple is working directly for the Brotherhood of Light and receives revelations periodically, when the disciple makes a mistake he is usually not corrected.

43  The disciple, or aspiring disciple, will not believe in haste what he has been told. He will check it out and question it no matter how unpopular he is for doing so.

44  As we progress from the average student to the disciple we find the questions will be more challenging to the status quo, more independently thought out and less likely to follow the line of least resistance.

45  When I speak of an aspiring disciple asking questions, I do not mean just any question, but that he acquires a questioning mind which questions mainstream thought.

46  The aspiring disciple not only asks more questions, but asks a different kind of question than does the average person.

47  Disciple[s] and aspiring disciples are found in all fields of human endeavor.

48  We know that Christ was physically marred through the crucifixion, but his servants are often marred in some way to keep them humble.

49  Soul contact and communion through the Oneness Principle is essential for the working disciple, else he may wind up receiving illusionary teachings and leading others down a path from which retracing steps will be essential.

50  When the disciple learns to differentiate between the voice of the false ego and the spirit, he can know for sure his mission is true and useful.

51  When the disciple gives up on his mission and yields to the line of least resistance things seem to go so smoothly that it may seem to him that this is the path God wants him to walk.

52  When the disciple breaks through and becomes one with the Christ consciousness he taps into the Oneness Principle, the minds of the holy ones of the past and the knowledge of all principles becomes available to him.

53  The beginner on the path will look at the top step and imagine the great view he will have and want to jump up there in one leap, but will accomplish nothing.

54  The disciple must do much more than merely confess Jesus and be saved as the old time religion teaches. He must also do more than “go with the flow” as many new agers believe. Instead, he must overcome all the obstacles in the path of liberation and become a master of each of them as he moves forward.

55  The disciple learns to maintain his focus he keeps the attitude of the observer. He then identifies with soul and spirit, but observes all the rest that brings pain and discomfort as well as joy and happiness.

56  It is extremely important that the disciple of truth recognize the dividing line between good and evil for the future of the world depends on this recognition.

57  A disciple is one who has taken several of the initiations and committed himself to the work of the soul.

58  A probationary disciple is one who is seeking after the Path. The fact that you’re reading this shows that you’re either a probationary disciple or a disciple.

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