Discerning True Messages

Discerning True Messages

A reader presented a channeled message proclaiming Obama as a great avatar. I thought I would make a few comments.

I’ll say a few words about how to recognize a true revelation.

The first thing to realize is that almost all proclaimed revelations or channelings are not what they claim to be and are full of false information. Most of them come from a thoughtform created by the channel himself (or herself).

Most of the channels are good-hearted people who want to bring enlightenment, but have eyes clouded with emotional energy. They are full of glamours and ego fulfillment and thus see themselves as a special being worthy of channeling some great being who is eager to regularly give them the information they desire.

I do not usually find a lot of light in channelings who believe some great being is speaking through them. For one thing, this channel claims  to be speaking in the  voice of the archangel Michael who is further up the ladder of evolution than Jesus or the Christ and would generally only work with humanity indirectly, except on rare occasions.

Ronna Herman’s messages sound like they are delivered by direct voice. DK tells us this not a method used by the masters except on rare occasions. A true representative of the Hierarchy will use mental telepathy or the science of impression.

There are true direct voice mediums, but the contacts they make are generally from the astral world. The most famous legitimate one is Jane Roberts who channeled Seth, a being that was not a master, but an intellectual from the spirit world.

If a person is channeling through a thoughtform and deceived (or deceiving) about their source they will give us various clues. Here are several:

  * They will claim to channel a high master, archangel, Christ, or even God himself.

  * They will teach very little in their own right, but always be speaking through the authority of a high being.

On the other hand, those who receive real messages will usually write some original material in their own name. Jane Roberts, Alice A. Bailey, Helen P. Blavatsky, and others did this.

  * Specialness will be stressed. We live in a special time, a special place. We are special people. This earth is a unique and special planet — often the only one like it in the galaxy or universe.

These people do not seem to realize that there are 200 billion solar systems in this galaxy alone and there are many planets just as beautiful and special as this one.

  * The channelings give a lot of data for which there is no way to prove true or false. They rarely if ever elaborate on principles, which can be immediately verified through the soul of a sensitive seeker.

Now let us briefly look at some of Herman’s words that were supposed to come from Michael:

Archangel Michael: “The question was asked some years ago, ‘When will we have a president of the United States who will be a true leader with integrity, and who will seek the greatest good for all the people?’ Our answer was, ‘When you are ready for such a leader.’”

Archangel Michael: “Beloveds, that time has arrived. There is much symbolism regarding your new leader that may be ignored by the masses. However, those of you who are centered within your Sacred Heart, and view exterior events from a higher vantage point with an open and objective mind due to the influence of your Sacred Mind will understand the significance of what we tell you. BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA is the 44th president of the United States of America;

“44 is a master number.”

JJ: There is no such thing as a Master number, though numbers do have significance.

Wyoming was the 44th state. Does this mean that Dick Cheney is a master since he comes from there, or the people of Wyoming are smarter than the rest of us? I don’t think so.

Bush II was the 43rd President. 4+3 = 7. Some call this the number of perfection. It was also Abraham Lincoln’s number. He was the 16th president and 1+6=7.

I rest my case.

Archangel Michael: “This will be the 111th congress of the United States. This is also a master number and signifies ‘a new beginning.’“

JJ: Yes, it could represent a new beginning, but that does not mean it will be a good one.

Archangel Michael: “Barack Obama’s current ancestral lineage is what you would call one-half Caucasian or one-half white and one-half African American or one-half black, which signifies a ‘coming together,’ or a joining of two Root Races which have been in conflict for hundreds of years. This issue is even more profound, for as many of you, this great soul carries the DNA of all the Major Root Races within his DNA signature.”

JJ: But this does not make him special. There are millions of others with similar DNA mixtures.

Archangel Michael: “Without divulging his true cosmic identity, for this would infringe on his privacy, we will give you a brief glimpse of his history and what he brought forth to experience during this lifetime, so that you will understand the grand opportunity that is being offered to the citizens of the United States This is a brief overview, you might say, as if he were to ask for a cosmic reading:”

JJ: A cosmic identity? Sounds higher up than the Solar Logos. Again we are entering the specialness illusion.

Obama has a very well developed astral body which gives him great ability to communicate with the emotionally based people and gain their trust.

Archangel Michael: “BELOVED MASTER, It is time for you and the many faithful warriors of Peace/Light to know how magnificent you are and how brave you were to answer the clarion call to descend into the density of this earthly experiment. The events in your solar system and on Earth are quickly moving into the higher frequencies of Light and great change is in the offing.”

JJ: Any moving into higher frequencies of light for the earth is proceeding gradually. A handful of individuals are making progress. (Written in 2009)

Archangel Michael: “Therefore, it is important that you focus on what is right in your world and not get caught up in all the negativity and fear that is spewing out into the ethers.”

“Your (Obama’s) Soul shines brightly through your eyes, heart and deeds. You have been on the path of illumination for many lifetimes.

“You are what might be called one of the original Earth parents, for you carry within your DNA the encodings for some of the original root races placed on Earth.”

JJ: Here is more emphasis on specialness. Sounds like he was Adam. I won’t quote the rest of the message to Obama for it is fairly lengthy.

There seems to be a drought of enlightened revelations out there. Outside of a handful of teachers holding on to the real there is a plethora of people channeling mediocre material from supposedly superior beings.

It will be interesting to see what 2025, and after, brings when DK or a representative speaks again.

Here is another dialog the guy who thinks Jesus reincarnated  as a guy named John in Cambria, California.

You have me confused here as to what your belief is toward John. You say he operates  from a plane   above the mind. I would say that if he cannot come down to the mind and does not function on the plane of the mind, yet is in a physical body, then he has not bypassed the mind.

Tell me. Does John use the mind or not? If so what do you mean when you say he does not function on the plane of the mind?

Again you give me physical signs that John is a great being. That is everything electrical malfunctions when he is around. To me this verifies my suspicions that he is not the Christ. If he were the Christ it would seem that all electrical units would function better, not worse. It sounds as if he is surrounded by an undirected chaotic energy that has no purpose but to impress. This is typical of the workings of the dark brotherhood.

A correspondence to this would be if Jesus used his electrical energy to turn the water into mud instead of wine. It would have still been impressive, but would have been a destroyer aspect rather than a building. Suppose Jesus had also turned the blind man deaf instead of healing him? A case could have been made that this was a miracle, but to what end?

If we follow the law of correspondences then the true Christ who was a great healer would cause electrical machinery (including our bodies) to work better, not worse.

Again, I would stress to you that the greatest witness is internal. One must follow the spiritual fire, no matter what is happening on the outside. The outside must always be examined on the plane of the mind and reflected internally or deception is inevitable.

Perhaps an example from the Bible would be enlightening.

“But there was a certain man called Simon, which beforetime in the same city used Sorcery, and bewitched the people of Samaria giving out that himself was some great one:

“To whom they all gave heed, from the least to the greatest, saying this man is the great power of God. And to him they had regard, because that of long time he had bewitched them with sorceries.”

Then this man who had convinced the people that he was “the great power of God” saw real power through the apostles. He saw that they had power to make people feel the Holy Spirit, something he was unable to do. He then offered Peter money for this gift and was told that his heart was not right in the sight of God.

Simon converted people to the idea that he was some sort of Messiah through outward signs, but the apostles converted the people through the inward fire. Read Acts 8:9-24.

You have never spoken to me about the fire of the Spirit, but only offer me outward signs to convince me.

If you have not felt the fire of the Spirit, I would be happy to lead you to it. I say this not as an act of superiority, but in the spirit of service from one who has experience.

1984 was supposed to be a warning, not a guidebook! – Paul Tan

Feb 21, 2009

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