Christmas Message 2024

This entry is part 29 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages

Christmas Message 2024
The Sword of Truth

I rested in deep contemplation concerning the great divisions and conflicts among humanity. I considered that the scripture in prophesying of the birth of Christ identified Him as “The Prince of Peace.” Isa 9:6

Then, after His birth the angels visited the shepherds in the field and sang “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” Luke 2:14

I then reflected on what little peace Jesus had during His actual life and of all of the great wars and conflicts on earth in the two millennia since His birth.

Perhaps the scripture was just referring to the inner peace He spoke of when He said this to His disciples:

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27

The inner peace is wonderful indeed, but the question is, are we doomed by human nature to have everlasting conflict upon this planet? Upon asking this, the song of the angels came back into my mind:

“…and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

These words referenced to more than inner peace but a time upon the “earth” when people would have good will toward each other. If there is good will between people and nations then there would be no war or any major conflict. We would not only have inner peace, but peace in the outer world also. It only makes sense that as more individuals gain the inner peace spoken of that it will also manifest outwardly.

I relaxed, encouraged by the thought that the time would surely come that peace will prevail on the earth, but then was jolted by another scripture. I looked it up to find the exact wording which reads as follows:

“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.  For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.” Matt 10:34-36

This seemed to conflict with the message of the angels who sang of peace on the actual earth and good will to men. I focused and asked the question: “Will the song of the angels come true or are we doomed to live by the sword and conflict?”

I searched deep within and after a silence I registered a voice which spoke these words:

“That presence which is within you is the same as that which is within me, for we are brethren. Listen and hear the answer.

“The meaning of the scripture about me bringing the sword has been greatly misused and misunderstood and has been used many times to justify war and conflict. Let me tell you what the real meaning is that I was conveying to my disciples.

“When I spoke to them about the sword I was speaking of the power of truth. Pure truth is like a great sword that pierces to the very core those who are in error, and if they cling to that error, they suffer great pain and seek to destroy the source of the truth which pained them.

“I warned the disciples that this would happen to me who wielded the sword in that day which penetrated the authorities. They saw this sword as a call to war and sought to destroy me and burry every truth that I revealed.

“I told the disciples that after I was gone that they would use the sword of truth even as did I, and would be attacked also.

“The fact is that whenever the truth is revealed in the midst of darkness, attack and conflict will follow.

“The conflict you see among nations, parties, families and friends tells us that seeds of truth are being planted, but met with resistance.

“Here is what you need to know to sustain your hope.  When truth is clearly seen it cannot be unseen and one by one among the human family points of light surface and the darkness reduced. There will indeed come a time that light will dominate over darkness and war will cease. Then, my Spirit working within humanity will prevail. That day can come soon if people of good will do their part.

“Until then I leave my peace with you which you can experience no matter how fierce the outer conflict becomes. I am with you always in this world and the next.”

The message ended and I relaxed and enjoyed being bathed in great peace – that inward peace which will one day manifest outwardly through love, kindness and good will in the hearts of our brothers and sisters.

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1 thought on “Christmas Message 2024

  1. Appreciate you taking the time & “energy” to continue (your) tradition of providing a Christmas Message for all of us.

    I found it helpful

    Thank you for your service.

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