Keys Posts 2012, Part 21

This entry is part 34 of 40 in the series 2012A

Oct 28, 2012

Crazy Study

The media seems bent on proving that we live in a racist society. An AP poll is supposed to prove that 51% of us are prejudiced against blacks. This is crazy talk in my opinion and I can’t find anything in their poll to back things up.

You can read this infuriating article here:

The poll that is supposed to verify the article is here.

The poll seems to have sampled more Democrats than Republicans as Obama received higher marks than did Romney. One kind of funny result is that only 49% of those polled believe Obama was born in the USA.

Another part of the poll I found interesting and encouraging was that 53% favored “Small federal government providing few services.” Only 39% favored “Big federal government providing many services.”

It appears that many do not vote the way they believe or are just deceived by political rhetoric.


Oct 30, 2012

Interesting Study

I knew there was reason I enjoyed some wine with my evening meal.

Check this out.


Oct 30, 2012

Re: JJ, said the storms are often hype up. Sandy, Storm is bad!!!!

Tom writes: JJ, you say that storms are hyped up by the media because of that I paid no attention to the storm Sandy and was not even worried about it…now it have killed 28 people and it would have killed more had they not evacuated most people. My friend Paula lives in NY where the storm hit. Should I be worried about her safety if storms like this one are hyped up by the media? It has killed already!!!

JJ Just because the media over hypes many storms and disasters does not mean that there will not be bad ones from time to time. One just has to look at the real facts that come forth and make a judgment.

Actually from the media hype I had heard it would seem there should be thousands of deaths so 28 is much less than the danger I saw presented.


Nov 3, 2012

The Weather

Only three days left until this most important election. This election will determine whether we take a road to survival and possible recovery or continue on the path of restricted freedom and an economic black hole.

I had a gut feeling that some type of event would happen that would move the people back toward Obama. I thought it might be some type of October surprise masterminded by Obama. It’s not through lack of trying that one didn’t materialize. Gloria Allred sued to release a Romney testimony in a child custody case. They hoped to unearth something damning but this didn’t receive much traction.

Obama’s problem was that Romney is a fairly squeaky clean candidate. This was not the case when Obama was running against a very popular candidate, Jack Ryan, in 2004 for the Senate. Ryan’s sealed divorce records were leaked to the press and unseemly sexual activities were revealed forcing him to drop out of the race.

In 2008 the polls showed that McCain was leading Obama heading to victory. Then at a pivotal moment we had the financial collapse, which was largely blamed on Republicans. McCain’s poll numbers dropped like a stone and Obama coasted to an easy victory.

This time, as we headed into the last lap of the election, again Obama’s opponent was leading in the polls by five or more points. Then we had hurricane Sandy which gave the fawning press the opportunity to portray Obama as looking presidential in handing the crisis. He meets with Romney supporter, Chris Christie, who heaps all kinds of praise upon him. The press runs with this quoting Christie over and over. Within a few days the race has tighten up to a dead heat.

Now the destiny of the country will be determined by which side gets the greatest voter turn out.

One may wonder why God or the benevolent Powers-That-Be would have allowed a storm to happen with such timing to give an advantage to Obama if his election will hurt the country. My observations tell me this. Good or bad weather does not seem to coincide with good or evil happenings or even divine purpose. I do believe that weather is influenced by the emotional mood of the people. The tremendous emotional conflicts at play in this country did much to call forth an excess of water which is a symbol of emotion.

Think back to D-Day – the invasion at Normandy. The weather was extremely uncooperative and came close to destroying the allied effort. You’d think that God would have made things easier since Hitler was the greatest arch villain of all time.

On the other hand, Hitler was also frustrated with weather when he invaded Russia. His troops faced a record breaking cold and many froze to death.

It appears that the weather is not an instrument in the hands of the light or dark side where it is manipulated according to will. Instead, it appears that it is a force that both sides merely have to deal with when it manifests its destructive head.

The bottom line is that the hurricane and floods tightened the race up but I still think Romney has a good chance to take the prize. If he wins expect to see some very angry Obamaites who are willing to cause damage to the country and advocate violence.

Nov 5, 2012

Re: The Weather

Larry W. Writes: This may sound silly, but I ask this as a serious question. The end of book four inspired me to actually try out some stuff, such as teleportation and/or levitation. Will someone watch over me to make sure I don’t get it? If I do get it, will someone show up and issue restrictions?

JJ Why would you even think someone is going to restrict you? Any restrictions we have are caused by two things.

(1) Ignorance and lack of knowledge and ability. (2) That which we impose upon ourselves by our free will.

These restrictions apply to all living things from the amoeba to humans to the masters.

You are free to learn anything you want. No one is going to stop you unless you become a major threat to the planet.

No one comes to the Masters and says, “Hey, don’t help the humans out. We forbid it.” They can do what they want but have come to the conclusion that the more we do for ourselves the more we will learn and the knowledge will be used with greater safety.

If you are teaching your kid how to play basketball you do not do the playing and shooting for him but realize he will only learn by getting in the game and playing himself. This does not mean you are forbidden from playing but reflects a decision you have made about guiding your kid.

Meanwhile, your kid also is not restricted. He can apply himself according to his will to increase his skill.

Obviously in the case of Sandy and other storms the Hierarchy is not interfering but letting things play out. I do not believe they see the re-election of Obama as a good thing but they did not interfere and guide the storm out of the way. As it is, the storm gives Obama a chance to look presidential and has gained him a few crucial points.

Notice that the devastation of the storm occurred in states that voted heavily for Obama for emotional reasons. The great destruction is a symbol of what his misdirected policies can deliver. The partial destruction of the country is a symbol of a greater one to come if he is elected again.

Yet the funny thing is that many are voting for him because they think he will save us from the destruction of global warming.


Nov 5, 2012

Re: The Weather

Larry W Below are a few examples from your writings that speak toward such restrictions. There are many more but I found these examples.

JJ To understand this, think of power being in the form of money. Once you have it you can use it anyway you think best.

Let us suppose that you created a business and now have $10 million in the bank. You can do anything you want with the money and several things run through your mind. If you had no responsibilities you figure you would just by an island in the South Seas and relax in the sun with a iPod in hand for the rest of your life.

You sigh and think of your responsibilities. Your business employs over 200 people and no one can operate it the way you do. Many of your employees are good friends and you know that if you sold it or turned it over to someone else that things would go downhill. For the good of the whole you do not buy the island but stay and oversee the company.

Because it is well known you have money you get a many requests for handouts. Sometimes you get a request that deserving and touches your heart and you send a check but most times you do not. You have a lazy alcoholic brother who is always asking for money but you rarely help him because you see that as enabling his weakness.

Some of your requests are for healing services. You have a relative who is always ill that wants money to go see a controversial doctor in Mexico. You look into him and decide he is a charlatan so you say no to her. She is upset and accuses you of wanting her to die.

You now look at what you want to buy for yourself. A part of you wants to buy a new Lamborghini, but you decide that would be too extravagant and buy a new Pruis instead and donate the difference to charity.

The point is this. Just because you have power doesn’t mean you just follow the line of least resistance in its use but have to make judgments, step by step.

Now some powers you mention are not in the actual hands of the individual, such as prophets and holy men who at times heal, bring famines etc. These powers come from a Higher Source and the Source much be checked with before the power can be used.

But once you have a power that is in your hands, such as money, you are then limited by circumstances and your free will a to how it is to be used. You can use the money any way you want but your wants are determined by many things.


Nov 6, 2012

The Election

Rob: Remember, JJ also said Romney had a good chance of winning because he had karma on his side.

JJ I guess it looks like there was not enough good karma left over from the sacrifices of the early church to help him out.

All things being equal I thought Romney could pull off a win unless there was some powerful October Surprise. As it turns out there was a powerful one but it was not Obama’s doing but nature’s and the Republican, Chris Christie.

Before Hurricane Sandy Romney was looking good with a 6 point lead according to Rasmussen, who was the most accurate pollster in the 2008 election.

Then when the hurricane hit, Romney and the election, and Libya were wiped off the news and all we saw was the devastation and Obama showing up with great concern looking presidential and the fawning media highlighting him at every opportunity while ignoring Romney. Within three days Romney lost 5-6 points, which amounted to losing the election.

This was why I brought up the subject of the weather and how we are sometimes subject to it, powerless to do anything to change it. Obviously the workers of light with power didn’t move the hurricane east as usually happens but let lower lives suffer from the results of their own emotions and intent as well as random activity.

Of the six points lost Chris Christie probably cost Romney two of them. Obama called Bloomberg and Christie wanting to pay them both a visit, realizing the power of a photo op. He knew the damage to Bush when he just flew over New Orleans after Katrina. Bloomberg, who supported Obama, refused because the presidential entourage would just hinder the salvage work and this was why Bush didn’t take the photo op because his presence would have hindered rescue efforts.

Obama getting in the way did not bother Christie who welcomed him with open arms and provided Obama, not only with the needed photo op, but gave the false image of a president who was crossing party lines to work with the keynote speaker of the Republican convention. I think Christie will go down in infamy in the Republican party as one who changed history for the worse.

Obviously, the Powers-That-Be figure that the last four years have not taught us the needed lessons that we need to digest and that we need to slide further down into the pit before we can truly wake up.

I plan on working on that awakening effort in the coming years and hope to see some success. If the lights are not successful in turning things around then we will slide into a collapse followed by some kind of rebuilding. If rebuilding should come we will again see a monumental struggle between the forces of freedom and enslavement.

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Keys Posts 2012, Part 20

This entry is part 33 of 40 in the series 2012A


Two Types of Soul Contact

Duke asks some tips on recognizing true soul contact.  He wants to avoid following a wrong impression.  If it is not true soul contact then perhaps it could lead to undesirable results. On the other hand, if it is true and he doesn’t respond then he may miss an opportunity.

There are two types of impressions that come through soul contact.

(1) An impression that gives additional knowledge or principles.

(2) An impression that gives direction and leads to a decision followed by an action.

When the seeker begins receiving the first he senses the still small voice and it is so subtle that he is not sure if the knowledge came though his own mental activity or a higher source.  In fact, many receive knowledge from the soul and do not realize the source, but believe it just came through their own thinking process.

BUT… as he accepts the knowledge and tests it and moves forward with it he eventually receives greater knowledge that he realizes is beyond the capacity of his normal brain power. As time progresses, he learns to differentiate knowledge that comes through the soul and that which does not. He also learns to run things by the soul to verify whether the knowledge is true or not.

The second soul impression concerns an action that should be taken and this is not as subtle as the first. When this truly comes from the soul it comes with enough power to get your attention.

Even so, the seeker may be confused the first couple times this happens to him because it is a new experience and he is not sure if his imagination is playing tricks on him or if it is really from a higher source. However, after he follows the direction a couple times and finds the results were beneficial he gains the ability to identify that which comes from the soul and trust it.

Here is a rough idea of how the process works.

The seeker feels an energy from the innermost core of his being that he instinctively knows is a benevolent source. It reveals to him a choice that he should make or a direction he should follow. Ironically, this is rarely in answer to a recent question he has or a prayer he has made. It usually just comes as a strong impression out of the blue.

The impression may involve something that can be resolved in hours, but at other times it may be days, years or even a lifetime.

The impression may also be negative in that it is something he must not do. Even though this comes as a warning feeling it is still clear that it comes from God or a benevolent source, or the part of you that is linked to God.

The first few times this direction comes the seeker may not immediately decide to follow. He will most likely think it over for a while or just try and ignore it. If the decision is important in the scheme of things he will not be able to ignore it as the impression will usually come back stronger.  He will normally get the impression three times so he will be left without doubt as to what he is supposed to decide. After the path is made clear to the seeker he will then be left on his own to decide yes or no.

If he makes the right decision and follows the impression from the soul he will feel a sense of relief and have an inner confirmation and comfort that the path chosen is correct.

Quite often, the first couple times this happens the seeker will reject the impression. Since this is a normal part of the adjustment the Higher Self is fairly forgiving and will give the seeker several chances. If he continues to reject the guidance then the soul will withdraw and the time of opportunity will be lost for a season – often for a lifetime or more.

Once the seeker understands the impressions from the soul and has proven them accurate to himself then it is important that he follow the impressions he receives. If he does not, especially if the choice is important, then he may not be given a second chance.  If the soul seems to withdraw and he wants the contact back then he will have to retrace his steps and fulfill the original choice he was given. If this is impossible then he must be open to following a new impression if it should come.  A second opportunity may or may not come in this life.


Oct 14, 2012

Duke’s Vision

He writes

Some time shortly after “letting go”, I seem to be aware of a presence. So I ask a question, something like, “Do you have any messages for me?” POW! I get a quarter-second-long flash. In that flash, I vividly see a very large, very old book. It is called The Book of Innocence. I still can see it in my mind now.

Wow – very cool! I really saw something! I’m really digging this. The Book of Innocence. Hmmm. It probably tells you what you have to do to be innocent. Yeah, I bet that’s it. All the things you’re supposed to do, or not do. Yeah. Hmmm. I wonder… I wonder what it really says. Maybe I could ask? I asked before and got an answer, maybe I can ask again. So I form the question in my mind, and no sooner had I done so when POW!, another quarter-second-long flash.

In the flash, I see the contents of the book. Rather than telling you how to be innocent, it is a documentation of everyone’s innocence. It takes all factors into account and proves and documents and establishes that everyone is actually innocent. This is a totally new concept to me, and it thrills me. For the next several days I’m high, I smile at everyone. I see everyone differently. The idea becomes one of my core beliefs. I move ahead and have what in retrospect was the most rapidly evolutionary period of my life. Now I didn’t go totally stupid – for instance, I didn’t stop packing a pistol for protection (lived in an interesting locale, shall we say), but did see the “bad guys” as mistaken rather than evil. The experience changed the way I see a lot of things; for instance, I went from being a Rush Limbaugh Republican to something very different.

Well now back to the present day. The effects have faded somewhat with time. Obviously that experience conflicts with much of what JJ teaches, and my mind tells me that JJ is pretty reliable and sensible, so he and his teachings generally win out in my mind, though I still resist some things.


I posted your whole interesting account so it will go in the archives.

I think you received a true revelation that pushed you in a direction of thinking that you needed and it does not conflict with my teachings at all, but agrees with them.  Notice the book says we are innocent, not that there are not two paths.  If there were not two paths (the Left and the Right) then there would be no power of decision and without the power of decision you and I would not be.

The fact is that everyone is innocent within the framework of their own minds for we make our decisions based on our self interest.  The difference between the left hand path and the right is that the self interest of the right sees it as encompassing a greater circle than the left.  They see that helping others eventually helps themselves. Those on the left do not understand this and thus make some very harmful decisions.

Here are some previous thoughts I expressed on Hitler that explains this:

Hitler actually wanted to do what was right but he had an illusionary way of going about it. He thought the Jews were from Satan. He was a vegetarian, he was in charge of what he ate and he really didn’t have that much ego. Everybody thinks he was an egomaniac but he wasn’t that egotistical. He let other people share the glory with him. But he was caught in a trap. He had some very powerful wrong beliefs in his foundation system.

Audience: That just goes to show you the danger.

JJ: Right. Illusion is the most dangerous of all because if you’ve conquered maya and if you’ve conquered glamour and you’re in illusion then you think you are a true servant of God and what you say is right. You can’t find any flaw in what you’re doing. Hitler swallowed some teachings that said the Jews were spawned by Satan from the days of Adam and Eve. He really believed that and he thought they caused most of the problems in the world so the obvious solution was to just get rid of them all.

He taught his guys this saying, “I even have friends who are Jews and you can have sympathy for them and feel for them as a human being but you have to transcend that and let it go because these guys have to be extinguished in order to bring in the new age.”

So he had this illusion and it was so powerful that it led him to do very destructive things. Illusions can be a very powerful negative influence. Jesus said to His apostles, “They will kill you and when they kill you they will think they are doing God’s will.” That’s because of the illusion they were in. Hitler thought the Jews were evil and the early persecutors of the Christians thought the same way. Just about every other religion had its persecutors who thought they were doing God’s will by killing somebody with a different belief system.

Here is another excerpt:

If you’ve ever read the book by Dale Carnegie, How to Win Friends and Influence People, it starts with an interesting story about a guy who was on the most wanted list — “Two-gun Willy” or something like that. The police were chasing him and they had him cornered and he was perhaps the most wanted guy in all America and the most hated guy in the country. The papers portrayed him as the most evil character you could imagine. When they had him cornered and he just had a short period of time before he was captured he started writing a letter just in case he was gunned down. He wanted the world to know something. He wrote in this letter that he thought he was a good person, he never wanted to hurt anybody and he only wanted to do good all his life. The way he wrote it he portrayed himself like he couldn’t see anything wrong with himself. Yet he was the most hated man in America at the time.

Dale Carnegie pointed out that though it may sound odd to us to hear this letter from this killer, this most wanted man that everyone hated, but he said everybody feels that way about themselves. Everybody feels that they’re a good person. Sometimes we put ourselves down but inside we think we’re really pretty good. Most people feel that. He says everybody, no matter how bad they are, no matter what they’ve done, they think they’ve done the best with their life that they could’ve done. Therefore, he said, you must be very careful how you criticize or how you look upon the other person because they think they’re okay. He said if you want to win friends and influence people we must play upon that idea. Play upon the idea that they are a good person. Look upon them as a good person then they will start responding as they are a better person.

Innocence is really defined by the person’s point of view. Because a person operates in his best interest does not mean that he doesn’t make mistakes or is not guilty by some type of standard.

For instance, let us say that you were late to a meeting and thought it was in your best interest to run a stop sign and you cause an accident that results in the death of an innocent person. On hindsight you kick yourself and wish more than anything you had it to do all over again. On top of this everyone seems to find you guilty for breaking the law.  All this does not negate the fact that at the time it just seemed like running the stop sign was the right thing to do.

Dan writes:

Mine, as best I can put it in words, was more that the whole universe is not only innocent but utterly and completely benevolent in all its machinations.


This harmonizes with the teaching of the Dominating Good. Because good dominates in this universe when all is said and done even that which appeared to be evil was a necessity.

Oct 15, 2012

Re: The Book of Innocence

lwk: I don’t agree with JJ on this. I think there are people who are convinced mentally that one thing is in their best interest but do something quite different for various reasons.

Sometimes those reasons are things like addiction, self-hatred, or taking the easiest path (studying to pass a college course you know is in your best long term interest, but you just really want to watch American Idol on TV, or something).

JJ Let us take drug addiction. Yes, that is definitely not in the addict’s best interest but in his altered state all he can see is that the relief he will get from the drug is in his best immediate interest. He is wrong, of course, but that’s what he thinks when he takes the drug.


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Keys Posts 2012, Part 19

This entry is part 32 of 40 in the series 2012A

July 12, 2012

JJ’s handwriting interpretation to the test

Soryn wants me to grade the intelligence of the samples he gave me. One of the problems with this is that intelligence is manifest and interpreted in different ways. Here are some ingredients. (1) Quality of the memory (2) Quickness of the mind. (3) Creative ability (4) Degree of self learning (5) Strong projection of personality energy is often seen as intelligence. (6) Determination and assertiveness.

People often misinterpret the intelligence of others. For instance, Thomas Edison’s writing reveals that he didn’t have native intelligence a lot above average but was extremely visionary and determined. He was indeed 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.

Others think that those with whom they disagree are not intelligent because they do not agree with them or see through the same lens. But there are those on both sides of the political fence who are blessed with a lot of native intelligence and mental ability.

True intelligence eventually leads to soul contact and then the two move toward oneness.

Sample #1 (From “Handwriting Samples” in the File section. I’ll have to make these brief. Very free thinker and intelligent in the ways he wants to focus. Has good intuition in areas of focus

#2 In some ways above average – good at arguments, quick thinker. He has emotional conflicts that interfere with clear thinking.

#3 Average intelligence if this is a teenager below average if an adult. Interaction with friends very important.

#4 Very intelligent quick and creative thinker. Capable of high intellectual achievement.

#5 Very intelligent, especially high emotional intelligence. Extremely quick mind. Can accomplish whatever he wants.

#6 Another intelligent individual. Good self learner and good at arguing his point.

#7 This person has a quick mind, is perceptive and creative but has emotional conflicts that inhibit full powers of reasoning.

#8 Passionate and emotional thinker but has a quick creative mind. Probably promotes a strong philosophy.

#9 This guy wants to be perceived as intelligent and important and is above average but it is his charm and smooth talking that projects intelligence more than his native ability, which is a little above average. He seizes opportunity when it presents itself. Stubbornly independent.

#10 This guy has a lot of intelligent traits similar to Sarah Palin – quick mind perceptive and versatile but doesn’t try to project the feeling of importance and ego as #9. Strong emotional intelligence

#11 Sarah Palin – First time I have seen this much of her handwriting. Strong emotional intelligence, good executive intelligence, good self-learner, quick thinker, traditional values, strong presence. She underestimates herself and likes to play it safe – probably accounts for why she didn’t run this time.


Soryn’s Response:

Re: JJ’s handwriting interpretation to the test

Wow, I have to say I’m impressed!

Good comments on the nature of intelligence also.

Here are the authors:

1. Cristian Tudor Popescu, a well known journalist and writer in Romania. He uses strong logic, literary skills and human morality to prove his points. I would rate him as highly intelligent. He is definetely “a free thinker” and has very good intuition. One of my favorites. Here is a picture of him:

2.Michael Jackson;

3.Paris Hilton;

4.Emil Cioran, romanian philosopher, possibly the greatest nihilist thinker of all time. “Capable of high intellectual achievement.” – spot on.


6.Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, leader of the romanian nationalist movement between the 2 world wars that allied with Hitler. I would rate his intelligence as average, but he had a very strong personality;

7.Gabriel Liiceanu, romanian philosopher. I would rate him as intelligent. He has high emotional intelligence and strong moral values. “has emotional conflicts that inhibit full powers of reasoning.” – spot on.;

8.Hilbert, genius mathematician;

9.Barack Obama;

10.G.W. Bush;

On some of the authors it even crossed my mind that you knew their handwriting, like in the case of Obama, it was that good! Overall, your interpretation was excellent. Now I can take more seriously your handwriting argument.


Always honored to gain some earned authority. This was similar to a test that the local newspaper put me to and the favorable article was read by my wife and lead to my meeting her.

I was hoping the sample that turned out to be Paris Hilton was not your daughter.

July 8, 2012 Larry W That brings me to another thought. JJ has not spent much time working to form any actual group. He concentrates on producing his teachings in book form. The group stuff we’ve done so far were all created by enthusiastic readers. The Gatherings started and continue that way. The local groups all happened that way. In fact, Artie definitely fills a need the way she keeps these aspects organized. I get the impression that JJ sees his mission as preparing his books at this point. Organizing his students beyond just blogging at KOK just does not seem to be on his radar right now.

JJ Actually, I do have quite a bit of experience with group work. That’s the main reason I haven’t organize one yet. I know how difficult it is and what I am up against.

From 1978-1988 I organized three different groups that self destructed through inner conflict and unwillingness to contact the soul. From that experience I decided that the next time I organized a group I would do it from a point of power and in such a way that the possibility of a successful foundation was high.

My next attempt at group work will be in the political arena and I expect to commence this later this year. I also plan on a metaphysical group later on but don’t have a timetable yet. My teachings need to get a little more traction.


July 8, 2012

Edison’s Intelligence

Tom I think you are wrong about Edison, he was way above average in intelligence. He average 95 percent on quizzes and stuff…read the below:

1. Thomas Edison had an encyclopedic memory and expected job applicants to have a similar knowledge. The test he administered to every job seeker had 150 questions; each test was tailored for a specific job. Some of the things college graduates were expected to know:

JJ Much of what society considers as intelligence is really just a reflection of good memory based on the fortune of the person being born with a good quality computer brain.

Edison was indeed intelligent but not because he had a good memory but that he used what he had to the best ways possible. Without his iron will and determination he would have been just another dreamer.

Which person do you think would produce the greatest literary work? Shakespeare on an old 1986 computer or an ego based politician on a new Macbook air?

A Shakespeare does not need the highest quality equipment to produce a great work.

The IQ tests are not a test of real intelligence either but are a reflection of the quality of the computer mind in many cases. Many people in the genius category have produced no work of significance.

I have never done that great on tests of any kind and usually score about average yet some here consider me fairly intelligent. That’s because I make the best of my computer brain.

The greatest sign of intelligence is to ask the right question and then seek the answer. This is what few people do.


July 11, 2012

New and Old Wine

LWK Writes: I have to wonder whether or not winning that battle for freedom in America is actually a goal of the Brotherhood of Light (BOL)? The theme of “The Gathering of Lights” (TGOL) is the future gathering together of the lights of the world in one place to demonstrate the great value of individual freedom and The Molecular Relationship (TMR). Gathered together these lights will not “hide their light under a basket” but will be visible to all in the world as an example (as the United States once was).

To a large extent America seems to have already have served its purpose. It has given an example, both of its excellence, and of its faults; and of how those – appropriately – on the Left (hand) have sought to defame and destroy its virtues.

Jesus seems to give good advice on this: “Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” Matthew 9:17 (NIV)

America is an “old wineskin” and pouring in the “new wine” might not be such a good idea. This new Gathering (TGOL) must happen somewhere else. On the other hand, the outright destruction of America as a force in the world might make TGOL even more difficult.

JJ You make a good point but we must examine what is really the new wine and the old.

The old wine consists of free market capitalism and Constitutional government. We have gone away from these two things and in returning to them in many ways we are going back to the old wine.

This happened several times with the Roman Empire. It was built on good principles as a Republic and they drifted away from the founding principles. Then they would have a string of good emperors who did not rule as tyrants and went back somewhat toward the founding principles. When this happened the Roman citizens were much happier and prosperous.

Even so, our country can be taken back to our old wine of freedom and Constitutional government and create for our citizens a better way of life for a time.

The New wine is the Molecular Relationship and cooperative government and this will be resisted by those who are attached to the old wine as well as those who have spoiled the good old wine. To create a vessel for the new wine we need a gathering, which is more difficult to accomplish in this age than any other. In past ages a group of people could merely stake out a piece of land and rule themselves however they saw fit. This is not possible today as every piece of land and island is controlled by some state that has power to tax and declare law. Now the U.N. is even seeking to control every inch of the oceans.

This makes a gathering difficult but not impossible as a way will be opened up. In the mean time it is a good idea to return to the quality old wine as much as possible.


July 13, 2012

Karma and the Brain

JJ Quote: “Much of what society considers as intelligence is really just a reflection of good memory based on the fortune of the person being born with a good quality computer brain.”

Tom Ok, how come some people are fortunate enough to be born with a good computer brain?

JJ Karma and needed lessons to be absorbed.

Tom: Thanks, JJ, can you give an example of how karma or life lessons may help one have a very good computer mind?

JJ If you have good karma and in your next life there is no need for some significant lesson requiring limitations then you can select a well equipped body. If you desire to have a body with an exceptional brain then it will be available.

On the other hand, one may suffer limitations through karma. For instance, the entity may have developed feelings of superiority and ridiculed people who he thought were not that intelligent. In this case he may need to take a body with a brain that doesn’t function so well so he will learn to not feel so superior for merely having better equipment than the other guy.

Then too the person may have misused his intelligence and took advantage of others so he chose a lower level brain making him the one who is taken advantage of to learn a lesson.

Group karma could also cause limitations. Let us say a great mind like Tesla reincarnates but our group karma doesn’t qualify us to receive all that he could give us. In this case he may have to assume a brain that doesn’t allow him to develop the potential he had mentally in the last life.


July 19, 2012

Somebody Else Made That Happen

By Larry Kennon              Quoting from a recent Obama speech:

“If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

Obama was trying to say that business entrepreneurs “didn’t build” their businesses and success, but in reality they were the product of others. Others created the environment and some “unbelievable American system” somehow magically created their success.

What is probably more interesting about Obama’s remarks is not any insight into that “unbelievable American System” which is fundamentally a mystery and obviously a source of resentment to Barack Obama, but rather the profound insight those remarks give about the life of Barack Obama. Obama can’t truly speak about that “unbelievable American system” because he actually doesn’t believe in it, and in his Socialist worldview he can’t come close to understanding it.

But he is right in his worldview as it pertains to himself. “Somebody else made that happen” is the story of his life. He attended the elite and private Punahou School in Hawai from 1971 to 1979. He attended the private Occidental College in Los Angeles and transferred to Columbia University where he graduated in 1983.

Everyone knows that he graduated from Harvard. What they don’t focus on is that he could not have had even remotely competitive grades to enter Harvard. Obama won’t release his transcript from Columbia but that doesn’t matter. Those who graduated from Columbia with any degree of honors is a public record and Obama’s name nowhere to be found in those public records.

No white or asian student could even remotely qualify for Harvard Law School with grades so low as to not qualify for honors in their baccalaureate degree. No, “somebody else made that happen.” In public remarks Obama has admitted that he benefited greatly from Affirmative Action.

While at Harvard Law School Obama was chosen as the Editor for the Harvard Law Review. This position at Harvard used to always belong to a brilliant law student who often wrote articles for the Review and graduated to become a law clerk to a Supreme Court justice. No articles in the Harvard Law Review bear his name and he went on to become a “community organizer.”

Why was Obama chosen as the Editor of the Harvard Law Review? “Somebody else made that happen.” Harvard needed an acceptable black for reasons of diversity. “Somebody else made it happen” seems to be a recurring theme in the career of Barack Obama.

After Harvard Obama moves to Chicago where many “somebodies” “made it happen” for him, including the left wing bomber Bill Ayers who appears to have largely written “Dreams From My Father” for Obama. In politics somebody assassinated the characters and records of Obama’s early opponents. “Somebody else made that happen.”

Finally we have the 2008 campaign and Obama wins. George Soros and others largely funded that. David Axelrod came up with “Hope and Change” and all the ideas that Obama spouted from the teleprompter. “Somebody else made that happen,” again.

In the White House now Obama appears to have been more interested in rounds of golf, dinner parties with Hollywood celebrities, and his basketball picks. Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid labored to construct “Obamacare” in the meantime. “Somebody else made that happen” too.

Actually the only real skill that Obama has ever consistently demonstrated is an ability to speak impressively to a teleprompter. Everything else in his life seems to be the product of someone else helping him, or giving him a hand up, or perhaps, using him for political purposes.

When Obama said those words “Somebody else made that happen” he was speaking his life story and he was speaking with great sincerity, off the teleprompter. He thought he was demeaning others but in fact he was confessing his own story. “Somebody else made that happen.”


July 31, 2012


I got this email from a friend.

President Obama ordered the cabinet to cut $100,000,000.00 ($100 million) from the $3,500,000,000,000.00 ($3.5 trillion) federal budget.

I’m so impressed by this sacrifice that I have decided to do the same thing with my personal budget. I spend about $2,000 a month on groceries, household expenses, medicine, utilities, etc., but it’s time to get out the budget cutting axe, go through my expenses, and cut back. I’m going to cut my spending at exactly the same ratio (1/35,000) of my total budget. After doing the math, it looks like instead of spending $2,000 a month, I’m going to have to cut that number by six cents. Yes, I’m going to have to get by with $1999.94, but that’s what sacrifice is all about.

I’ll just have to do without some things, that are, frankly, luxuries – six cents worth. Did this President actually think no one would do the math? Please send this to everyone on your list so people understand how idiotic a $100 million cut is in a $3.5 trillion budget – ludicrous!!

“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation…One is by sword…The other is by debt. John Adams 1826


Aug 6, 2012

The Mars Rover

History was made by the landing on Mars of a Rover with power to really explore for life. This landing was a technological miracle.

Check out this video;


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Keys Posts 2012, Part 18

This entry is part 31 of 40 in the series 2012A

July 1, 2012

Taxes & Slavery

Duke: So, by your calculation, (Reference) sixty-something percent of the income I generate ends up going for taxes?

In other words, sixty-something percent of my labor ends up helping out our military, the elderly, the unemployed, victims of natural disasters, education, those in poverty, road & highways, many worthy causes in third-world countries, some of our threatened allies overseas, police & fire services, research, pollution reduction, the space program, and so on… is that right?

Sixty-something percent! Wow, I had no idea that my labor was making such a large positive contribution. No, I don’t necessarily agree with everything my taxes go for, but the net result is overwhelmingly positive instead of negative.

Thanks for letting me know!

JJ Yeah, it wouldn’t be so bad making the sacrifice if the whole 60+% went to worthy causes and was not wasted, but the government is so inefficient that about half the money is completely wasted and another half is not worthy making about 25% of our taxes going to something worthwhile. That’s why a 15% total tax bill (instead of 60%) is a lot more reasonable and could produce an even greater benefit than we have today.

Here’s an example of inefficiency: Obama’s Economists:

The Stimulus Has Cost $278,000 per Job

Here are examples of frivolous waste that has tremendous costs in addition to inefficiency:

The really bad part is we borrow money, in addition to high taxes, to do these things placing a great burden on our children and grandchildren.


July 1, 2012

Duke: Yes there is waste and inefficiency, but I do not accept your claim that only 25% of our taxes end up going to something worthwhile. Do you have a solid basis for that number, or is it based your broad assumption that half is wasted and the other half spend on something not worthwhile.

JJ It was an intelligent guess but I’ll be backing this up with some specific figures as this series I am writing continues.

Duke: Nor do I accept your equating the paying of taxes with slavery. I think you took one aspect of slavery and treated it as the whole of the matter, using wording that can also be applied to the paying of taxes by someone who begrudges them, and so you have extrapolated that paying taxes therefore equals slavery. Here is a somewhat more complete definition of slavery…

JJ Here is what I actually said in my post: “It is true that the overburdened taxpayer does not have all the restrictions of a plantation slave but a significant portion of his labor is forced upon him to pay taxes he doesn’t accept.”

I concluded that the core aspect of slavery is to be forced to labor against one’s will, but “the overburdened taxpayer does not have all the restrictions of a plantation slave.” This year the average person has to labor from Jan 1 to April 17 just to pay the taxes that are not hidden. That is a big chunk of freedom lost. I’d much rather spend that time having fun.

Duke: Housework probably has just (if not more) as much in common with slavery, but it is also not the same thing.

JJ You’ve gotta to be kidding. I can chose to do no housework if I want and no one will come after me but if I do not pay my taxes I can be fined and sent to jail. No comparison to either plantation slavery or taxpayer slavery.

Duke: Most people begrudge paying taxes because it’s easy to see the effect of money coming out of their pocket, and harder to see the benefits of a strong military, a good road system, programs that assist the disadvantage, education, research, reduced pollution, etc.

JJ I have no problem paying taxes for things that cannot be taken are of by free enterprise but whenever a group spends money that is not theirs with no accountability there is always tremendous waste and frivolousness in the name of doing good. I’m not going to just sit back and tell myself I am happy when over half my tax dollars are wasted.

Duke: And I was serious when I said that it was encouraging to learn that sixty-something percent of what I generate goes through the system as taxes at some point – it means my contribution actually amounts to something.

JJ Then by this reasoning if you increased your taxes to 80% you’d feel even better.


July 1, 2012

Duke: You can also choose to avoid having an income tax bill by simply nor working or working less, and no one will come after you and fine you or send you to jail unless you have outstanding debts, or incur debts that you do not pay.

JJ I disagree. You cannot just choose to have a non taxable income. There have been several years that I have had a very low income, but because I was self employed I still had to pay a self employment tax and if I didn’t do so then they would have come after me. Believe me in those lean years this tax money was very hard to come by and there was no option to not work.


July 1, 2012

Duke: Well you could theoretically have chosen to work for someone else, or even to be unemployed, if you really didn’t want to pay any income tax. But this is very much a side issue; the more important issues are a) whether or not taxation amounts to slavery, and b) whether most (about 75% by your reckoning) of the money we pay in taxes is wasted one way or another.

JJ I don’t maintain that paying taxes is slavery, for most are willing to pay a fair tax. I am saying that excessive taxation where we have to pay more than are willing, or go to jail, is a form of slavery. A slave has to work against his will for recompense that is much less than the fruit of his labor.

“For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money.

“For thus saith the Lord GOD, My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause. Now therefore, what have I here, saith the LORD, that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them make them to howl, saith the LORD; and my name continually every day is blasphemed.” Isa 52:3-4


July 2, 2012

 The Illusions that Grow Government              

This and your previous post on slavery/taxpayers was really good Rob. Did you write the slavery-taxpayers points yourself? If so, good job.

I hope you don’t mind me asking this of you but I think the group would find this of interest.

You are openly gay yet you do not fit the gay stereotype that is projected by the media. If you believe the media all gays are big liberals who want big government to give them more and more free stuff and services. I assume that you have a lot of gay friends. Do many of them think like you or do most of them fit the stereotype? Are any of them offended by the stereotype?

We have several gays on the list and they are all reasonable people – not really fitting the media stereotype. I have a nephew who is gay who reminds me a lot of you and is miles from the media stereotype. Anyway I think the group would find your comments on this subject interesting.

July 2, 2012

The main point to consider is that I did not equate over taxation as being exactly the same thing as plantation slave labor but that it has the prime component of slavery which is forced labor without recompense. What I am saying fits in with the following definition you quoted:

“…all work or service which is exacted from any person under the menace of any penalty and for which the said person has not offered himself voluntarily.”

This is the problem with many arguments is that one side will say; “Your definition does not exactly fit the parameters of my one definition so I will not accept it.” Most words have several layers of definitions and we have to look at the context of the argument to see if the person is using it accurately.

We had this same problem with the word “legal” a while back.


July 3, 2012

LWK In principle slavery should be simply defined as the condition of being forced to work for the benefit of others without your consent. “Force” is not necessarily some slave master with a whip, but government penalties and sanctions that make one accept one’s slavery as best available alternative.

JJ Good point Larry. Few would argue against the idea that the people in North Korea are slaves. The people are not bought and sold, they are not whipped to force them to work and they do not have many ingredients of plantation slavery. Yet they are definitely in a state of slavery for they are forced to toil against their will. All societies that have existed have possessed some ingredients that enslave people, some much more than others. To say that any nation is free of slavery ingredients because they do not have all the parts encapsulated in plantation slavery is way too black and white that misses the slavery principle by leaps and bounds.


July 5, 2012

Total freedom includes the freedom to harm. This freedom must be restricted to a degree but not completely. People are free to lie, betray friends, hurt feelings, attempt suicide, commit adultery which are harmful. It’s a judgment call which freedoms to do harmful actions need to be restricted. Some like rape and burglary definitely need to be restricted.


Jul 5, 2012


Ruth: JJ, I also have a question for you as Teacher of this group, so that I can understand the psychological technique behind this.

When you compliment certain people (men usually), on their posts, do you compliment them for a reason? E.g. is there a particular motive behind your compliment, because I notice that you do not compliment everyone who may have made great posts in the past?

JJ I wind up complimenting more men than women mainly because men post a lot more than females do here. For instance, out of the last 65 posts only 10 were by females.

Of course I compliment people for a reason – I have a reason for everything I do, don’t you? A lot of people make good posts and if I complimented all of them the compliments would be fairly meaningless. I make a compliment when someone says something that I think is fairly original or particularly helpful to the discussion. The last two compliments I gave were on lists that originated with the writers own thinking. When I read Rob’s list I wondered if he wrote it himself or copied it somewhere. I thought it was good enough to have merited publication somewhere.

I complimented Dan on his original list of restrictions of freedom by government. It struck ne as something I may use myself.

I compliment not just on quality but on things I find particularly interesting and helpful. That may be different with me that for you or others. Others give compliments also which is good because everyone needs some encouragement now and then. I am certainly not the only judge of quality here. Ruth BTW I am not fishing for compliments either, because these days I do not care whether I am complimented or not on my posts.

JJ I think you do care as you have brought this subject up a number of times.

Ruth Isn’t a compliment really, in effect, catering to the other person’s lower self or ego, or trying to make the other person feel good about what they did?

JJ Why would you think this? Even God wants recognition for his work and wouldn’t let Moses enter the promised land because he did not give it to Him.

Flattery caters to the ego but this is based on illusion. A recognition of a work well done is very helpful and encouraging and even God likes a pat on the back.

By the way, you do a great job coming up with helpful quotes from a number of sources.



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Gathering Audio 2011

This entry is part 4 of 31 in the series Audios

Your Dreams & Healing

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18, Larry’s Song

Reflexology, Herbs Laughter

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Part 23

Part 24

Part 25

Artie Dewey

The Healing and Emotion Codes

Part 26

(Recording malfunction caused us to miss a few minutes after Part 26)

Part 27

Part 28

Part 29

Part 30

Part 31

Part 32

Susan Carter on Healing

Part 33

Part 34

Part 35

Part 36

Sharón, The Lightkeepers and Predictions

Part 37

Part 38

Part 39

Part 40

Part 41

Part 42

Part 43

Part 44

Part 45

Part 46

Part 47

JJ on the Causes of Pain

Part 48

Part 49

Balancing male and female energy

Part 50

Part 51


Part 52


The Ten Needs

Part 53

Part 54

Part 55

Part 56

Part 57

Part 58


Part 59

Part 60

Part 61

Part 62

Past Life Regressions

Part 63

Part 64

Part 65

Part 66

This ends the 2011 Gathering. It ended rather abruptly because Natalie had a rather personal experience that was not included. We also did some regressions to the time before creation that was quite interesting.  There are always interesting things that happen at the gatherings that are not recorded.  Hope to see you at the next one.


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Principles 26 & 27

This entry is part 23 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle 26:  The Forest Gump Principle

Most of us have seen the Movie Forest Gump, staring Tom Hanks. The interesting thing about Forest was that even though he was retarded he succeeded in everything he set his mind to do. He was much more successful than many who we consider to be near genius level.

This idea is not fiction for I have seen this at play in real life many times. I have worked for some time as a salesman calling on business in 20 different states. I have called upon many thousands of business owners and before I understood the Forest Gump Principle I was mystified over the fact that many successful business people didn’t seem very bright. On the other hand, many who did seem intelligent were not very successful.

Now many who were successful were intelligent, but this did not seem to be the reason for their success. I’m sure it helped, but intelligence did not explain the success of the many successful Forest Gumps that I met in my work.

The answer to the riddle is revealed in studying Forest himself. You’ll notice in the movie that when he set his mind to do something he directed all his energy and thought in one direction. Like a magnifying glass he focused what he had into one small endeavor that caused it to succeed.

Many more intelligent people let their intelligence get in the way. How is this? Because they get so many ideas that their focus is diverted in many directions. This means that the simple Forest Gump idea gets more energy than any single idea of the intelligent dreamer.

If you are a dreamer, such as I, then learn the Forest Gump principle and cease destroying your dreams through the shotgun approach. Pick one thing and apply yourself like Forest Gump.

Principle 27:  As A Man Thinketh In His Heart, So Is He.

This quotation, “As a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” from the Bible represents a true principle that encapsulates five previous  principles.

  1. Judgment and/or Discernment:  One must make a judgment as to the type of person he wants to be.
  2. The Two Paths:  He must be willing to take the path least traveled by.
  3. Energy Follows Thought:  He must put a lot of thought into who he is becoming.
  4. The Satellite Principle:  After he builds character the correct choices become easy.
  5. The Forest Gump Principle:  Don’t try to be all things to all people. One must recognize his limitations and do what he can, one step at a time to progress.


The question the seeker must ask to fully understand this principle is, what is the difference between thinking in your brain and in your heart?  Do we really think in our hearts or is this merely symbolic wording?

The answer is it is not just a symbolic meaning but there is a difference between brain thought and thinking from the heart. A thought from the brain comes from just one part of your being, but if it is from the heart the whole thinking and feeling makeup is involved.

Let me give an example. A student sits in a boring history class and learns about tyrannies of the past. He thinks enough about the data with his mind to be able to get through the class and pass his tests. The human suffering, the slavery and lack of freedom mean little to him as he does not think about them with understanding from the heart.

Let’s take another person, a Russian named Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn. He grew up with a desire to be able to write and speak anything he pleased but the Soviet system put an end to that and threw him in prison merely for the contents of a letter he wrote to a friend. For many years he suffered abuses in his freedom through the Soviet tyranny including an attempt on his life by the KGB by poisoning that left him deathly ill for a time. When he wrote the book “The Gulag Archipelago” he expressed more than theoretical data from his thinking mind but wrote with his whole soul in the hope that readers would understand that a loss of freedom could happen to any society that does not value free expression with all their hearts.

People who are successful are those who not only set a goal as a good idea, but one that can be embraced by the whole being and pursued with passion because understanding is involved.

Understanding is the key word here.  When one thinks with the heart he understands the implications of that which is contemplated.

“If the human mind was simple enough to understand, we’d be too simple to understand it.”

— Emerson Pugh


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Copyright  By J J Dewey

The Satellite Principle

This entry is part 22 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle 25:  The Satellite Principle

While true that it takes a lot of thought, energy and attention to get a business or some other creative project off the ground, it is also true that an enterprise can eventually become self sustaining. I call this The Satellite Principle.

To put a satellite in orbit requires a tremendous amount of thrust, but then once a certain speed is reached no additional energy is required. The satellite will then speed along almost endlessly without slowing down or speeding up. If it were to speed up an additional amount of energy would be required.

Any enterprise works this way. It takes a great amount of energy, work and thought to get it off the ground, but once launched it takes on a life of its own and sustains itself as if in orbit. If growth is desired then more thought and energy need to be applied.

To launch a satellite in orbit takes a tremendous amount of initial thrust from rocket fuel.  What then are the corresponding energies needed to achieve a self-sustaining goal?  Before answering that we should first note that there are two types of goals.

The first are goals that are an end unto themselves.  For instance, you may want a new car.  You save up money and buy it and then the goal is reached.  No satellite principle is involved.

The second are goals that incorporate the satellite principle and involve something that continues to benefit the receiver or others once it is reached. A successful business is in this category. Once a business is successfully launched, if done right, will have the power to continue, even if the owner should hire a manager and retire.

A successful retirement is self-sustaining.  The individual had to work hard for many years and direct energy toward the goal and when reached the successful person will have an income as long as he lives.

Another may create a club, a school, am association, a movement and spend many years in building it until it reaches the point where it can continue even if the initiator does.

DK talks about dreamers who “are of no use to God and man.”  These are often intelligent people with great potential, but they have not understood or mastered this principle.  Such people come up with lots of ideas, work a while on one or two of them, and then move on to the next dream.  They never get anything launched because dreaming is much more fun than putting forth the grunt work necessary to fulfill the dream.

Edison understood this principle.  He said that his success was 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration. Many dreamers are the opposite – 99% inspiration and 1% perspiration. These people often expect others to do the hard work where they just sit back and dream and give out instructions. The truly great successes of the world have not been afraid to get their hands dirty and dig in and just do what is necessary to get the work started.

Perhaps the best book I have read giving the principles to create that sustaining thrust necessary for success is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.  It was written many years ago, but is still unsurpassed though many have borrowed its concepts and presented them as their own. Many of the ideas presented in The Secret are similar to those taught by Napoleon hill.

You can access the full text of his book HERE.

Here are the names of the chapters:

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Chapter 2 – Desire

Chapter 3 – Faith

Chapter 4 – Auto-Suggestion

Chapter 5 – Specialized Knowledge

Chapter 6 – Imagination

Chapter 7 – Organized Planning

Chapter 8 – Decision

Chapter 9 – Persistence

Chapter 10 – Power Of The Master Mind

Chapter 11 – The Mystery Of Sex Transmutation

Chapter 12 – The Subconscious Mind

Chapter 13 – The Brain

Chapter 14 – The Sixth Sense

Chapter 15 – How To Outwit The Six Ghosts Of Fear

“What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.” Napoleon Hill

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Energy Follows Thought

This entry is part 21 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle 24:  Energy Follows Thought

Many people think that a thought has no power unless it is followed by action. I have discovered through my own life experience that thought by itself does indeed have power.

For most of my life I have been in business for myself yet have had a desire to write and do creative work. Time and time again when I have gotten a business on its feet I have diverted attention away from it and toward my other dreams.

Every time I have diverted my thought energy away from my business, even if the amount of work I do stays steady, it suffers loss.

This happened time and time again until I learned my lesson. I learned that if I were to have a successful business that I must keep thought and attention on it as well as action.

It has indeed been proven that thought works through a discharge of a small amount of electrical current. We must not be deceived about the power of thought because the current to send it is so low. Remember this. The pressing of a button can set off an atomic bomb. The original electrical impulse is very small, but the end result is cataclysmic. Even so it is with our thoughts. They can produce an end result that can create great good if positive, or great harm if negative.


Here are some thoughts expressed on this principle from a previous lecture I gave:

Energy follows thought is a principle and once you understand that then you can get all kinds of information from it, you can get all kinds of knowledge and apply it hundreds of different ways. Now a piece data is different, a piece of data can be easily registered with the physical brain.

Now lets take something concerning “energy follows thought.” If you pay attention to your schoolwork you will get good grades. That is actually a description of energy following thought but if you memorize that statement it will not take you anywhere and you can’t really use it outside of that one thing, but if you understand the principle “energy follows thought” you do not need to have anybody explain it to you. You pay attention to your schoolwork and get good grades because energy follows your thought, you are directing toward it.

I really learned this energy follows thought principle when I was in real estate. What really brought it home was I had several things telling me what I needed to do but I was too thick headed to get it registered. Every time I started to get ahead in real estate I would take some time off to do some writing and my real estate business or whatever business I was in would fall apart and then I would have to go back and put attention into it all over again. But what really brought it home to me was when I decided I could make a lot of money if I sold mobile home parks because my broker was selling them and he was making a killing. So I worked really hard at it for about 4 or 5 months and then one month I sold three mobile home parks and that was going to make me enough money to live on for a couple of years and I thought this is terrific!

So I decided to stop right there and start working on a book and it is a book that I never finished by the way and it is called “The Shift” it is the story about the shift of the earth’s axis, I got it about a third done and the sales of all three mobile home parks fell through. I not only lost everything but I lost all my clients and I had to immediately go back into business to survive and it was like I was starting from nothing. Everything had just disintegrated – all my customers were all gone and it was amazing how fast this had happened, I was putting no energy into real estate and consequently everything collapsed and I was just like a fresh agent just starting out and it is a good thing my wife had a job or we probably would have starved.

JJ: Now what I realized at that point was why the highest lives that exist on this planet including “The Ancient of Days” are called watchers. The Ancient of Days is called a watcher and why is He called a watcher? Does He spend His time coming down here and doing everything for us? No, but He is watching, He is watching and putting His attention on His goals, what He wants us to do as the human race. Energy follows His thought which is so very much more concentrated than our thought, His thought causes waves of energy to act like magnetic points that draws the material to those points, to cause that to happen which He wants to happen.

Now if I were to have put attention on those three mobile home parks and not quit and not started writing a book but put attention on them until the sales were actually closed and I had the money in my hand then all three probably would have went through with no problems or at least two of them. I never dreamed that all three could have fallen through but it did really bring home the lesson that “energy follows thought,” and when that lesson came to me about how this principle works I have never let that happen again in my life.

When I really want something I put my attention on it and I do not take my attention off until I get what I want. This is a really important lesson. Many of the seekers of the world and the disciples and the people that are really trying to stretch themselves and discover truth and are interested in philosophy and metaphysics are often very unsuccessful at everything and the reason why is because “energy follows thought.” In other words, they are concentrating on their dreams but not on making their dreams a reality.

To make dreams a reality takes nuts and bolts attention on the physical plane.

“You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.”

– Ayn Rand (1905-1982)

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Copyright  By J J Dewey


The Two Paths

This entry is part 20 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle 23:  The Two Paths

  • The Path of Least Resistance.
  • The Path of High Resistance

Whenever a person faces a decision, one choice will be easier than the other. The easier choice will be the path (or line) of least resistance. The majority will choose this path very consistently. If this is the only path chosen then disintegration of creation results.

Fortunately there are a few who are willing to go against the grain and make hard decisions and choose the building path of high resistance.

Just as it is easier to destroy than to build, the path of least resistance is always the easier choice.

Does this mean that the line of least resistance should always be avoided? No. The principle of Judgment must always come into play. Sometimes the easy choice is the correct one and other times the difficult one is. The man of courage will not shy away from the path of high resistance when necessary. Without those with courage to choose this path civilization would never move forward.

A quote by Robert Frost encapsulates the importance of the path of high resistance:

“Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I — I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference.”

If you are polarized in matter then the line of least resistance is to follow the pull of the material world. But if you are polarized in the Spirit the path of least resistance is to follow Spirit.

So what is this path of high resistance that we talk about?

This is the path that one must take who is polarized in matter but wishes to rise up in consciousness to spirit.

Let us give an example that many can relate to.

Suppose you have been a big meat eater all your life. Now suppose someone places a juicy t-bone steak in front of you on one hand and a great looking all vegetarian salad on the other and told you that you must pick one to eat. If you are very hungry which do you pick?

By far the line of least resistance is to pick the steak as it is much more satisfying.

Now let us say that you come to the conclusion that a vegetarian diet would improve your health and you decide to go on it. Shortly thereafter you are faced with the same choice again. The choice to go with the line of least resistance last time was a no-brainer, but this time you have made a choice to move up to a more refined diet. Even so the pull of the smell of the great steak is strong and to choose the salad you must travel the path of high resistance.

Now if you are a determined soul and continue on your new diet for several years what happens? You lose your attraction to meat and you arrive at the time that a good salad seems to be better than a steak. Now it is the line of least resistance to choose the salad rather than the steak.

On the other hand, you could backslide and start eating meat again. If you do this it will not be long before your line of least resistance will be back where it was before and you will again have a strong pull toward the meat-eating diet.

Now compare the two diets to spirit and matter. Matter indeed has a strong pull on us but eventually each of us learns all we can from this lower world and we desire to move in consciousness toward Spirit. When we first decide to take a stab at it we find that staying centered there is indeed the path of high resistance. If we stay focused the time will eventually come that spirit will be more attractive to us than is matter. But if we lose our focus we can always backslide and again be captured by the pull of matter.

We thus see that the line of least resistance sets in when the course we are on has more energies moving in the desired direction than against it. But the spiral always moves upward and it takes more effort to take the step upward than downward. To move on the upward way takes more will than to relax and fall backward. But when the will of God is joined to our wills the force of downward gravity is negated and nothing can stop the pilgrim from progressing along the upwards path, which is for him now the line of least resistance in his inner world, even though it may be the line of high resistance to the outer.

To convert the line of high resistance to the line of least resistance we must adapt. If we do not adapt to the new circumstances that face us at each turn of the spiral we become crystallized and sluggish and upward movement becomes exceedingly difficult until the Law of Adaptation is followed.

Now consider this. We progress by the Law of Adaptation as though moving along the line of an upward spiral with no end in sight. Each time we have moved within the eternal round of an apparent circle we find that it was not a perfect circle but that the end is slightly different than the beginning.

Now visualize that a certain number of souls progress through several turns of the spiral, but wind up stopping the spiral motion and get caught in a circular motion that does not spiral upward. Instead, the entity goes round and round with no end in sight with each of his ends in the same location as the last beginning.

Contemplate this symbolism. Who are those among us who resist the spiral and get caught in the circle?

“God exists because we exist, and without each other, there would be nothing.”




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Copyright  By J J Dewey

Judgment and/or Discernment

This entry is part 19 of 98 in the series Principles

Principle 22:  Judgment and/or Discernment

Most religions want to keep things very simple. Identify the good guys and bad guys. Once concretely identified then we can slip back into laziness and cease using any power of discernment. The path becomes very simple. What the good guys say to do, we just do no matter what. Then, on the other hand, we automatically reject all that is taught by the bad guys.

If we judge good and evil merely because some authority proclaims it so, we will be lead astray time and time again. It is only when the seeker releases himself from blind trust and uses the key of judgment that he can choose correctly.

Black and white reasoning and decision-making always leads to detours on the path of spiritual evolution.

Here are some examples:

In the Bible, Satan, the ultimate bad guy, tempts Adam and Eve telling them that if they eat of the fruit they “shall be as gods.” Black and white reasoning says that since Satan said this, it must be wrong, evil and misleading. Even though a short time later God said the man is to “become one of us,” and then Jesus said “ye are gods,” fear causes them to put more weight on the negative than the positive, for if they are wrong they could burn in hell for eternity.

This labeling a person, place or thing as good or evil through association rather than using reason and heart to discern good and evil is perhaps the greatest cause of misery on this planet.

Muslim extremists seek to destroy Christians and Jews because they see them as being rejected by their god and associated with Satan. Christian extremists of the past burned heretics and witches at the stake, not because they were doing evil works, but because, in their minds, they were associated with the devil.

Many scientists and innovators were persecuted by the church, not because their works were evil, but because they were going against the established decrees of God.

Many today reject anything taught by the Masons because they believe Lucifer is behind it.

The same goes for Alice A. Bailey, H. P. Blavatsky, the Mormon prophet Joseph Smith, and others.

Militant environmentalists believe that using the resources of the earth is evil and condemn anyone who cuts down a tree.

The disciple must override this knee jerk rejection because of association, look at any teaching for what it is and judge it as it measures up to true principles filtered through the soul.

If one hears a teaching and it is declared that the devil himself originated it, this will mean nothing to the true seeker. He will disregard whether it is said to come from God, man or Satan and measure it against his heart, his reasoning and the Spirit of God within. Then he will accept or reject not based on the outer, but the inner.

The bottom line is this. Every teacher, every book, every movement, every system, every constitution and every organization has truth and error within it. A black-and-white rejection or acceptance will cause the seeker to find some truth, but he will also digest the error as if it is truth. This will confuse his mind for lifetimes to come.

The seeker must assume the vantage point of the observer, examine the various teachings on their own, and make a judgment.

A person using such judgment will not be concerned over stories he cannot prove one way or another such as:

  1. Teachings that the serpent was really a good guy and Jehovah was really the devil.
  2. Judas was really a hero.
  3. Since George Washington was a Mason he was working for Lucifer.
  4. Colgate has a Satanic symbol on its toothpaste, therefore the Corporation is evil.
  5. Everything Bush does is evil because he was a member of Skull and Bones.

It is amazing how many fall into this trap of guilt by association. The funny thing is that most who are in this trap see themselves as open minded and reasonable.

The disciple must escape from this trap and have the courage to make decisions and accept or reject based on objective reason, even if he must stand alone.

All of us must stand alone a number of times before obtaining liberation. It is only after the disciple does indeed make an independent judgment that he begins to realize how alone he is and how few will stand with him during rough waters.

“To find yourself, think for yourself.”
— Socrates (469 BC – 399 BC), “The Apology”

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Copyright  By J J Dewey