The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 14

Day 142

The New Jerusalem Meditation

Close your eyes and say:

“We thank you God that You reveal to us the originating point of Your universal Light and Love as the doorway to the Kingdom of God.”

Pause and see a point of light just above you and see the point expanding into a circle and the circle expanding until it encompasses you and you sense that you have just passed through some type of doorway that leaves the physical world behind and reveals the New Jerusalem suspended before you. In the giant circle of light in which you find yourself you see a beautiful pyramid within a translucent golden square. You sense the pyramid is a living entity that is responsive to your thought and it pulsates with rainbows of colors as it reflects your highest feelings.

There are three entrances on each side. Each entrance is guarded by two angels – one male and one female. There is one entrance that attracts your attention and you gravitate toward it. The entrance may seem simple or you may see elaborate arches depending on your thought patterns. You stand before the angels and they pass their hands over your body and you know that they know the intent of your heart and you know whether or not your heart has pure intent to assist your fellow brothers and sisters on the earth. Now you hear one of the angels speak one of these two sentences:

“You may pass.”


“You are not yet ready. Go back and find within your heart that dedication to self that must be transmuted into dedication to the whole. Come back with a pure intent to serve and you may pass.”

If you do receive the second reply do some reflection and find the intent that needs transmuted, commit yourself to pure service and try again.

After you receive permission, you go through the doorway and as you pass you feel an elevation in the vibration of your spirit within yourself and feel a sense of increasing love and joy.

You find yourself walking through a mist of light and as you walk the cloudiness disperses and you meet a very beautiful human being. You instantly know that this person is either the Christ or has such oneness with Christ that it makes no difference.

“What are you seeking?” the person asks.

“I seek a mansion in the house of God?” you say.

“And what is the key word for this coming age?”

“Service,” you reply.

The beautiful being smiles and replies:

To truly serve you must prepare yourself. Come, enter into a room prepared for you and contemplate the three things you must do.

First, look upon mankind as a single living wholeness and ask yourself how much you really love them and how much you are prepared to give?

Secondly, the tools you need to enhance your power to serve.

Thirdly send out a call from your heart to others who will work with you in the vineyard of the Lord. Establish a spiritual link with them that cannot be broken and feel their presence becoming nearer.

When they are very near you will be ready for the next step.

You enter alone into an empty room with glowing white walls that you know now to be your space and your room that seems to be about twelve feet square but you can expand or contract it with your conscious thought.

You think about the three injunctions and as you do you see the earth before you and sense the collective call of humanity appealing for help and relief in myriad areas of life and then you sense a few among them appealing for greater light and knowledge. These few touch your soul for you know that when these are satisfied that many others will come after until the earth is full of the knowledge of the Lord.

As you look upon humanity and become one with the wholeness thereof you ask the first question?

“How much do you really love them and how much you are prepared to give?”

Contemplate this for a moment and ask yourself: “Am I one with the Purpose of God in this regard?”

If you are satisfied with your answer move on to the second project. You must next give yourself all the tools you need to give yourself all the power you need to be a profitable servant. You might want to sit down, so visualize a chair and a chair will be there. If you want to lie down see a bed. If you want to do some work or reading you might want to see a desk, books or a computer connected to the internet.

Here you are not governed by time as on the earth and you can ask a question on your computer to someone who is a week or a month in the future.

It is not for me to suggest all the tools you need. This is your project. Create everything you need in this room for your office of service and comfort. You are only limited by your imagination. You can add to or take away from as your need requires.

This is the first step. There is much more to come.

Affirmation: “I seek to serve with pure intent.”


Day 143

The New Jerusalem Meditation

Your Room

At this point it is important that you see yourself in your designated room so continue this visualization even if you did not feel worthy to pass by the angels. You can recommit and apply for entrance later. Even so, the room represents a place that exists in the consciousness of all seekers so nothing can prevent you from dwelling in it to the highest extent of which you are capable.

You see yourself in your room and are gathering around you all the things you need to make you comfortable and that will enhance your power to serve.

As you contemplate you become aware of other souls not far from you in rooms of their own. You sense that these are individuals that you have been close to either on earth or in a soul group in a higher sphere. You feel that you have had an ancient and intimate relationship with them on some level and the more you concentrate the greater the love you feel radiating from them. Sensing the sharing of their life and love feels like coming home.

For this next day concentrate on just feeling and sensing the presence of others in their rooms. Do not try and enter other rooms or see them yet, but just feel the vibration of others who have made this journey with you and join in purpose and love with them. This is the true beginning point of our journey together.

Then as we strengthen our power of imagination the power of visualization will follow and the experience we will have together will become as real as physical reality.

The Levels of Meditation

Since some have had rewarding experiences with the meditation yet others are a little frustrated at their progress I thought I would write a little on meditation itself. First of all let me express the desired end result of this meditation. Many have expressed a desire to be closer to their soul brothers and sisters and how wonderful it would be if we could all be physically together, even if for a short period.

If we as a group are successful at this meditation we will be brought together. It may be awkward at first for most of us, but if we persist we will find realistic meetings of group members commonplace on the higher planes. This meditation can remove the barriers of distance that we have on the physical plane.

There are four basic planes that we normal humans can use as a medium for meditation.

The first is the physical. In this world we use the power of meditation through the power of paying Attention. This can be done through paying attention to a physical teacher, speaker or book, to gazing into a crystal ball or flame. As we meditate on the physical plane the mind and heart may be stimulated to bring forth images or ideas that will assist us. If nothing else meditation on the physical level will help focus us on the real that exists here so we do not turn into impractical dreamers.

The second is the emotional or astral and attention is a factor but in addition to this visualization comes into play. Overall females are better than males at visualizing because this is accomplished through female energy. You’ll notice that females are reporting greater success at following guided meditations because it works in the direction of their natural energy. Now many men are also good at it, but overall the female has the advantage here.

The third plane of meditation is the world of the mind and this is accomplished through imagination. Mind and imagination are polarized in the male energy so us guys have the advantage here. It’s easy for us to imagine things, but it takes effort for us to visualize.

So what is the difference between visualization and imagination? one may ask.

Let us say the object we want to bring into focus is an apple. To manifest it in the physical world we put attention on our physical desire for the apple and go and retrieve it from the refrigerator.

To make it manifest in the astral we tune in to our emotional; body and feel or sense the apple before us. If we are so in tune the apple will appear almost as real as one on the physical plane and may even stay suspended before the meditator for a period of time.

To manifest the apple on the plane of the mind the mental faculty of imagination is used. Forms filtered through the imagination may not produce such real or lingering images as does the astral, but the images become as real as necessary to communicate the essence of the meditation on this plane to the physical brain.

Thus, the imagination may flash an image of an apple to the brain that may linger less than a second whereas the power of visualization may cause the apple to linger on for minutes. Then on the physical plane it lasts even longer – until it decays or is eaten.

The apple is made of real substance on all of these planes, but as we go up the planes substance becomes more rarefied and time is compressed. This is why we have more time to see the visualization and much less to examine the thing that flashed into the imagination.

It takes contemplation to absorb all that the imagination brings down. This is why those who do not contemplate that which is imagined are often led astray by imagination.

Even though there are several levels of formless realities we shall lump them into one category here for practical purposes. This fourth level is begins in the realm of ideas. An idea comes in even a shorter instant of time than a thing imagined. An idea has no form, but as it passes down through the mind it takes form by stimulating the imagination. Next it will clothe itself with desire and its form will be seen through visualization. Finally, if the intensity is strong enough it will manifest in physical reality.

He who meditates in the formless worlds sees nothing and knows nothing while in the meditation. Instead he throws “seed thoughts” into this formless void and goes there through meditation and waits for the seeds to sprout and send their fruit in the form of inspired ideas that filter through ideas to the imagination down through visualized desire and finally into physical reality.

The first formless world requires that we be female or receptive in polarization to tap into it and thus the female has an advantage again. Nevertheless, through the power of attention all the levels of meditation are available to both physical sexes.

Now it is possible that several may be concerned that they are not highly evolved and may feel discouraged if they are unable to have an experience right away. Please please, do not feel this way. Some have a wonderful experience and I know this inspires many, for what one can do all can do through the power of Decision and Attention. Nevertheless, we all make decisions and place attention in different areas of life so none of us are the best at everything. In addition, some may be very talented with ideas and imagination, but not so talented with visualization just as some are good at music, but not business.

Who is the most evolved – the musician or the businessman. Who can say? It’s a silly question.

If you are not a great visualizer then find out where your power is. Someone suggested making a tape for physical assistance. This is an excellent idea. You can also bypass visualization temporarily and use the imagination at first, but later clothe the imagination with desire to bring it into focus through visualization.

Finally, you can also use the formless worlds by casting a “seed thought” into this reality. This seed thought would be centered around what you want to accomplish in meditation. If done successfully, the essence from this higher world will send you ideas and inspiration that will enable you to fulfill your desire.

Affirmation: “My true feelings are taking me home.”


Day 144

The New Jerusalem Meditation

Your Partner

Remember to work on building your room even if you had difficulty in seeing all the steps in getting there. You can fill in the steps later, but it is important that all of us see ourselves in our own private holy space and manifest everything in there that we desire for our comfort and for service.

In the last lesson we sensed the presence of others in the group in adjoining rooms. These members may be a little in the future, perhaps they have not arrived in their space yet, but they are present and available nonetheless in the world of the soul.

Now you begin to sense that there is one person in particular of the opposite sex or polarity that will be a working partner for you. This may or may not be a mate or romantic partner from your earth existence. Whether romance is involved or not the person will definitely be someone who compliments you in energy and is willing to blend with you in the Purpose of service.

See yourself going to one of the glowing walls and placing your hands on them. As you do, you feel a warm vibration and sense that your partner is doing the same thing on the other side and is also feeling your vibration. You do not see your partner at this present time, but you find it immensely interesting to bask in his or her vibration and as you do you try and visualize who this person may be and when you will meet. You find that by just touching the wall and feeling the vibration you sense more about this person than you ever did for another on the physical plane.

Affirmation: “I have found someone who understands and loves me.”


Day 145

The New Jerusalem Meditation

Removing Walls

You have been touching the wall of your room and your counterpart is on the other side. Now see that the wall is disappearing and your partner is standing before you. You may or may not see who this is, but you will sense his or her vibration. You proceed toward this person and give them a hug and as you do the vibration of love is greatly increased. Close your eyes and bask in this joyous feeling for a moment. As you do it almost seems like you are so close that you are in one body together.

Now you draw back and the wall comes up again, but the feeling of union remains. You know you can remove the wall any time you want now, but for the present the wall is a means of focusing your attention on the next step.

While you are waiting contemplate on the idea that you seem to be alone, but that you are not alone.

Consider the phrase “Isolated Unity.”

Now you are in your room relaxing enjoying the lingering presence of your partner and you sense a vibration from the other side of the wall in the opposite direction. This vibration gets your attention because it seems to be of a very high order. You go over to the wall and put your hands on it and you sense that a being of great perfection is on the other side.

You sense great love, intelligence and feeling and part of you very much desires an encounter with this person and part of you is a little nervous because the vibration is so high – possibly beyond that of a Master. Nevertheless you sense that communing with this entity is something you are supposed to do and you give a mental command for the wall to come down.

The wall seems to evaporate slowly and the image of this person also materializes slowly. You are glad because the glory of this being is so great it takes a minute for your eyes and your senses to adjust. At first the countenance of this person is a brilliant white, but as you adjust he/she seems to look like a normal human being, but with great beauty and perfection. You look at this person and he/she seems familiar, but you can’t seem to put your finger on it until you look in the eyes. As you look in the eyes you realize that you do know this personage and you know him/her very well.

This person is you!

But not you from the present. Instead it is you from the far future, a you who has reached relative perfection and has made a journey back into the far past to give you guidance.

He/she knows and remembers you well and is acutely aware of every problem you presently have and will have in this life. He/she knows this is an important life for you and wants to give you some advice and answer any questions you have.

Your next assignment is to listen to the advice your future self has for you and then you can ask any questions you desire.

Try and ask three questions. If you have three questions this person from the future may consider it worthwhile to visit you again.

Affirmation: “I am beginning to know myself.”



Day 146

The New Jerusalem Meditation

Comments on Time Travel

Let me say just a couple of things about time travel. To travel in time you have to move beyond the physical. This is fortunate; otherwise it would open the possibility for a Nazi to go back and help Hitler win the war.

We cannot change the literal past, but we can change the effects of the past so a certain negative event in the past is changed so it is no longer negative to us.

Calling forth your future self does not change the past because your calling him forth is a part of his history, as well as anything he tells you.

Also keep this in mind. Your far future self has complete oneness with God and lives beyond the normal rules of time and space. This being has abilities beyond that which we can imagine.

Normally he has to be invoked but he can make an appearance in any past time when the entity is open to instruction, but this is the exception.

Fortunately, the dark forces are very limited in using time travel and the Brotherhood of Light basically practice non interference so time is quite a stable quantity.

Our past lives of lower evolution never call out to the future self and only have a dim sense of it at best. A person has to reach a degree of soul contact before there can be communication between the past and the future. When this happens the Will of God is followed and no change in that Will takes place.

There has to be a reasonable and open belief in the possibility of this future self for this meditation to work, but those who accept it and give it a try may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

No, your future self will not give you winning lottery numbers. He doesn’t even know what they are nor does he want to know. He will only come to help you work with your own strengths and achieving power to obtain money through the normal use of law is something we all have to learn one time or another.

Today’s Assignment:

Behind the third wall is a special room that allows you to contact friends and relatives who have died as well as other interesting acquaintances from your distant past who are not incarnated at the present time.

Use your will to cause the third wall to come down and enter this room and sit and contemplate your friends, associates and ancestors who have gone on before you. You may be surprised at who will show up to converse with you.

Affirmation: “I have an abundance of loving friends.”


Day 147

The New Jerusalem Meditation

Behind the Fourth Wall

We have now looked through three of the walls. What do you suppose is on the other side of the fourth wall?

With visualization (a female power) you can see what is already created out of more refined matter, or images that are presented to your consciousness by a higher part of yourself or some inner teacher.

With imagination (a male power) you create and manipulate more refined matter and mold it according to your desires or the instructions of your Higher Self.

Once a thing is properly created through imagination then it exists independently in higher vibration and can be seen by those with higher vision. Then too, he who successfully creates with imagination gains greater power to visualize when that which is created has a life of it’s own.

If you cannot visualize all the steps in getting to the New Jerusalem do not let that stop you from concentrating on creating your room. You can backtrack later and get down the rest of the visualization.

It is fine that you put a window in your room and it doesn’t matter where it is. Decorate your room however you like it. When you want to contact your partner you can keep the window there or make it disappear and replace it with a regular wall if you want.

The important thing is that you start creating in your room and that you work with the energy that comes easy for you whether it be visualization or imagination. We will need both these male and female powers to create the intended baby here.

We need imagination to create the form and visualization to hold the form together.

Go ahead and put in details by using your imagination. This is the start of a creative process that can construct images that the female power to visualize can see and experience. From the starting point of your room you will assist in the creation of a mansion in the Father’s House.

Jesus said: “In my Father’s house there are many mansions: if it were not so I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2

Not only can the Master prepare a place for us but we can participate in preparing one for ourselves and others. If we are to become Sons and Daughters of God we must also learn to prepare “a place.”

Each time you visualize or imagine the meditation you do not have to take the journey from the beginning. Once you get the essence of your room down you can see yourself instantly transported there as you begin the meditation.

Do some more work on the three walls covered so far and trust me for the moment on the future self. It may sound fantastic, but let me assure you that you have one and certain types of contact are possible.

After making a review of the three walls concentrate on the fourth wall. On the other side are twenty-three others doing this same meditation. There are eleven of your sex and twelve of the opposite.

As you begin to sense the presence of these people the wall fades away and you walk toward them and seek to join them in an unbroken circle.

The circle alternates with male/female partners. You sense that one of these twenty-three is your partner. This could be the same partner you met earlier or another one. You walk around the circle until you recognize your partner who smiles at you in recognition. You move toward your partner and join hands completing the circle with twelve parts. The moment you see all hands are joined you feel a surge of spiritual energy circulate through all members. It feels like a spiritual fire is engulfing the entire group merging them into one consciousness.

The assignment today is to spend a few minutes sensing what a merging of minds and hearts of twenty-four people with soul contact would be like. Feel the fire, the peace, the merging and the love.

Affirmation: “Through the soul 1+1=1”


Day 148

The New Jerusalem Meditation

The Song of the 144,000

Now as a group you say the first stanza of the Song of the 144,000

“We thank you Father

that you have revealed to us

your protective universal light;

That within this light

is complete protection

from all destructive forces;

That the Holy Spirit of Your Presence

permeates us in this light,

and wherever we will the light to descend.”

When you say the sentence “…and wherever we will the light to descend,” the group then wills light to descend in the middle of the circle. As you exercise your will to manifest light you sense the combined will of the group joining into a will of great power and you see a visible expanding circle of light manifesting in the center.

As you witness this light expanding the group says the second stanza.

“We thank you Father

that you fill us with your

protective fires of Love;

That within this love

is complete protection

from all destructive

thoughts and feelings;

That the consciousness of Christ

is lifted up in us in this love,

and wherever we will

the love to be enflamed.”

As the words “…and wherever we will the Love to be enflamed,” are said you see within the growing light the image of Christ beginning to manifest with greater and greater clarity. You sense within Him a power of Light and Love that we can only wish for upon the physical plane.

Next the group says:

“We thank you Father that you are in us and we are in you.”

Suddenly, you are no longer in the circle, but you are in the middle. Your consciousness is within the form of Christ itself and you realize that oneness with God is much more than a figure of speech. You sense an ecstasy looking through the eyes of Christ and feeling the fire of Love in His heart that you never before dreamed possible.

As the group centers in the midway point and adjusts to the energy they say:

“that through us Your Will is sent forth on wings of Power:

That Your Purpose is accomplished on earth as it is in heaven.”

Now that you are in this heightened state contemplate on what this verse of the song means.

If you send forth the Will of God then you must be one with God and His Will is passing through you. Can you sense what the Will and Power of God feels like as you are One with Christ? Can you sense the Purpose of God – that it is more than a goal of some kind, but as aspect that must be revealed through your oneness?

Can you sense that you are close to the Purpose of God when you send forth the Will of God on the wings of His Power?

Affirmation: “I realize my oneness with God.”


Day 149

The New Jerusalem Meditation

Union with the Master

(Continued from Day 148)

As you feel and see yourself in the body of Christ sense the presence of the other members of the group in the body with you communing with Him and say the final stanza:

“That through us Your Light and Love and Power is manifest to all the Sons and Daughters of mankind.”

As you say the word Light you see a ring of white light materializing where the group was standing in a circle before you entered the center. Then as you say love you see a multitude of colors added. Finally when you say power you find yourself back in your original position, but sensing a greater endowment of these three aspects.

Now you look toward the center again and instead of an image of Christ you see a person who you have personally had a relationship with in this life. This is the person who has caused you more grief and irritation than any other. This is the person you would go farther out of your way to avoid than any other. As you reflect there is one person that comes to your mind and he or she now appears clearly in the center in the place of Christ.

This person now speaks: “My form has changed, but the Christ is still here. Whatsoever you feel and do unto the least of these my brethren, you do unto me.”

This person you see before you is your savior. If you can see past the illusion of harm he has done you and forgive him so you can see the Christ and then this person saves you from your sins. Without him/her you could never experience the pure love of God which is salvation.”

Finish the meditation by looking at this irritating person and feel the irritation and other negative feelings transform into joyful love as you see his face change to the face of Christ. When you have successfully done this so only the Christ is seen in the center you see a look in His eyes that says come to Me and suddenly it appears that only you and the Master are present and you run to Him and he takes you in his loving arms and holds you for as long as you desire.

Note: You may have to run through this several times for a successful completion, but it will be worth the effort.

Affirmation: “I see the path that leads to the Love of God.”


Day 150

New Jerusalem Meditation

The Tree of Life

The Christ disappears, but you still feel His presence and nearness. Now you find yourself back in the circle of twenty-four and sense the presence of your partner. You look at your partner and realize that he/she also senses the presence of Christ. Now you give your partner a hug and are amazed to feel a similar vibration to that which you experienced when you were in the arms of the Master.

After hugging your partner the entire group senses the first assignment. We must first create an extension of the tree of life which bears twelve kinds of fruit. You and your partner will create one tree and the rest will create eleven others making the twelve.

The circle breaks up and before the group is a lovely garden given to us to beautify and enhance. We are attracted to a gentle hill and on the edges of the hill we will create the twelve different trees so they form a circle. You and your partner pick your spot where your tree will be.

As you approach this spot you notice that the very ground you stand on seems to be alive and vibrant and you both kneel down in reverence at the holiness of the moment. You both place your hands on the earth and feel an enormous giving energy flowing into you. You lift your hands up and place them on your partner’s and feel a tingling. Then you pull apart and between you a tree starts to grow. You sense two types of energy coming from the earth through you and your partner flowing into the tree until it grows into a full grown beautiful fruit tree with flowering buds in abundance.

The next step is to see the flowering buds developing into fruit, but your fruit will be one of the twelve different kinds filling twelve different purposes representing the twelve different signs of the Zodiac.

You will pick one of the twelve that will be your fruit. The fruit corresponding to your sun sign would be a good choice, but you are free to choose another, as your sun sign has about 25% of zodiacal influence on your personality; thus the other eleven signs still influence about 75%.

The fruit you will visualize can look like any fruit on the earth or even some exotic other worldly fruit.

Assignment: Use your imagination to see this beautiful garden and the tree you have produced. Walk around this garden and see the other trees and the beauty of the other plants. Feel the essence of the various plants as living things.

Affirmation: “I nourish the tree of life and it nourishes me.”



Day 151

The New Jerusalem Meditation

The Twelve Fruits

There are the twelve attributes of the twelve different fruits and their corresponding Zodiacal sign. Here are the first six.

Aries: The eating of this fruit will cause the dissolution of all fear and a feeling of confidence and courage will arise throughout your being. It will make you feel like you can tackle any problem and solve it. After eating of this you can fearlessly face any person, situation or problem. Your power of decision and attention is enhanced and you look forward to each new day and what it has to offer.

Taurus: Pleasure and pleasantness comes to mind when you eat this fruit. Pleasure is only carnal when there is a betrayal of self or others, but we must remember that pleasure is one of the gifts of God.

When eating this fruit you not only feel a thrill of joyful feeling go through your physical body, but you also feel extremely pleasurable emotions, very peaceful mentally and higher spiritual feelings.

This fruit is especially wonderful to eat when you are weighted down with the cares of the world, have pain or stress. The pleasure you will feel on all levels will elevate your spirits and make you forget any troubles you have.

Gemini: This sign represents the duality we have in our higher and lower self. General humanity lives over 90% in the lower self, but as one becomes a spiritual seeker he senses the higher self and seeks to be centered there. All have difficulty staying in that consciousness, but this third fruit will be a great help for you. When you partake of it you will instantly feel your vibration increase and a great lifting up of your consciousness into a oneness with the Christ within as well as an innumerable number of beings without who have the Christ consciousness and as a result you feel great joy and happiness.

Cancer: The key phrase here is “protection from all destructive forces” and the key word is “security.”

As we go through the turmoil of daily living we all experience a time that we desire to withdraw into some secret place and just have a peaceful secure rest where we are completely impervious to the cares and threats of the world.

When you eat of this fruit your consciousness enters into this safe and sure place where you will rest for a period of time and come forth greatly refreshed and ready to take on the world again from a position of strength.

Leo: The eating of this fruit brings the joy of self-fulfillment. Think of a time when you reached a goal or fulfilled a dream. Think of how good that made you feel and then multiply that feeling by one hundred or more. The joy you feel with this fruit is the joy of fulfilling your dreams in the past, present and future. Your higher self sees all time in one glance and can give you a combined joy coupled with a vision of your unlimited ability to Become and have joy through that Becoming.

When you eat of this fruit you realize that true self fulfillment is the opposite of selfishness as the world understands it because in the higher reality there is only one Self and consciousness in that self brings pure ecstasy

Virgo: This fruit brings to your consciousness the joy of the Mother and Father in giving birth and then nurturing your child or creation until the Christ descends to bless your child as well as you. You hear the voice of God saying “this is my child with whom I am well pleased.”

Eating of this fruit fills your mind full of wonderful ideas and dreams from which you can choose to manifest as you would give birth to a holy child.

Eating of this fruit can also bring a greater connection between you and your children or family. You will see their souls and their path and come to a greater realization as to how to help them. In addition to your physical children there are many who depend on you as a child does its parent. This fruit can also connect you with these people on the same level as your children if you desire and will give you vision to share and assist.

Assignment: Contemplate consuming fruit that is most needed by you at this time and imagine eating it and feeling the results.

Affirmation: “I will eat from the tree of life.”


Day 152

The New Jerusalem Meditation

The Twelve Fruits, Part 2

Libra: We have all been at a crossroads where we were not sure what the next step is and just making a decision seemed like the most difficult thing in the world. There have been times for us all where we have felt a little like the two guys in the parable of Decision that were afraid to move ahead.

When this time comes the fruit of Libra is the stimulation that is needed. When partaking of this delicacy your power to see the decision that must be made will be amplified as well as your power of Decision itself. Also your discernment and power of judgment will be enhanced. Eating of this fruit will take you away from either extreme on the left or right and you will see the peaceful middle way where the choice is simple and your next step on the path is obvious.

As you take the benefits of this fruit down to regular life you will find that your power to assist and mediate for others is enhanced and that people will come to you seeking advice. This also enhances your romantic energy.

Scorpio: There comes a time in the life of each of us that we must prepare for battle, not always a battle in the physical battlefield, but life has many battlefields for us that require an additional reservoir of strength to prevail.

As we begin to sense the higher energies of the life of the soul, there are many times in life that negative forces tend to pull us backward and we must battle for the will to keep our minds centered in light and our hearts centered in love.

Eating he fruit of Scorpio greatly increases the positive side of our astral body as well as the higher will and gives us power to tackle and defeat those warring situations that face the spiritual warrior on a regular basis.

This fruit also increases the vitality of the physical body as well as enhancing the sex drive.

The overall effect after eating it is an increase in power, health and energy so you have the feeling that you have sufficient power to accomplish any task.

Sagittarius: We have all reached various goals in our life that tempt us to rest upon our laurels and relax so we do not push ourselves into more progression so we take additional steps in our Becoming. When we understand the principle of Becoming we, of course, take our Sabbaths of rest, but when recharged the true spiritual pilgrim moves ahead.

The fruit of Sagittarius opens our vision so we see further down the path than we have before. New vistas lie before us previously unrealized and we see beyond the I AM to I AM BECOMING.

Eating this fruit gives you the power to see and reach your goal and then to see another as an endless stairway lays before you. It increases your optimism and increases your sense of the dominating good that pervades all evolution. If you have any sense of impending doom this will lift your spirits.

Capricorn: As we progress toward the goal, spiritual or material, there are many obstacles that get in the way and often discourage the strongest of hearts. The reason there are more failures in life than successes is not talent, but that most people who fail give in to discouragement, whereas the successful ones do not. If we just have a little more determination, will and persistence then failure would be turned into success.

The energy and vitality for such persistence comes from the fruit of Capricorn. Eating of this brings a renewal of sense of purpose and will and increases our faith that we will prevail and bring our decisions into reality. It increases our self-discipline and gives us power to focus Attention so the goal is reached.

This fruit also reveals to you as to whether your goals are in alignment with the higher Will of God. To take full advantages of its energies you must drop those not in alignment and go with those that are harmonious.

Aquarius: They key word behind this quality is “service” and is also the keynote of the coming age. The symbol of Aquarius is the man who bears the pitcher of water and from it pours forth as living water to feed those who are thirsty for the waters and words of life.

He who eats of this fruit must have a desire for selfless service, for it increases the power to serve. Many seekers want to do more but feel they are doing all they can. This fruit will remove the obstacles so you will see the power to serve is within you no matter what your currant circumstances.

This fruit is very juicy and the water within it feeds and nourishes the soul. It brings your vision in alignment with the vision of God making service an all consuming passion. Your faith in yourself as a servant increases as you consume the living waters of the fruit and you see a vision of the fruit your works will bring forth among mankind because of your faith.

Pisces: He who partakes of this fruit will partake of the power of the faith of Christ who told us that if we have the faith of a mustard seed we can move mountains.

Do you want to increase your faith and the faith of others? Do you want to see miracles happen in your life? Do others have faith in you and you do not want to let them down? Then this fruit will help you and increase your faith. Not only will it increase your faith but if you contemplate after consuming it you will sense and understand the principle of faith and such understanding will increase your power to serve.

Through faith you can walk with ease across the disturbing waters of life as you breath the fresh and exhilarating air in the real but unseen worlds.

Salvation and sacrifice are two other key words of this sign. Eating this fruit will give you power to save through stimulating the faith of others. You sacrifice consciousness in the lower self but gain a hundred fold as you shift consciousness by faith to the higher self.

Assignment: Contemplate how these and the previous six fruits will feed your soul and then select the one that would be most beneficial for you at this time and visualize yourself consuming it and feel the effects permeating your body and soul.

Affirmation: “I can taste the twelve fruits of the Tree of Life.”


Day 153

The New Jerusalem Meditation

Sharing the Fruit

Your job will be to tend and nurture one of these twelve trees which are in reality twelve aspects of the one Tree of Life. On the other hand, you are not limited to partaking of only one fruit. You will share your fruit with others and others will share theirs with you so you will periodically eat of all the twelve fruits.

The next step is to pick the fruit you want to nurture. Do not worry if you are not sure which fruit to pick. You can change your mind later if desired.

You and your partner now stand back and look at your tree. The buds on it are turning to fruit which seems to mature in about a minute as you put your attention on it.

You pick one that almost seems to be calling out to you and hold it in your hands. As you look at it, the shape, characteristics and qualities become clear to you. The desire to eat of it becomes strong as you sense that some spiritual qualities will be transmitted to you.

You pause a moment and then you and your partner eat. Even though you expected the taste to be good you find a new meaning to the word taste as you savor the experience. The fruit is simply delightsome. Eating it is such a wonderful experience that you would think you would be addicted and want to stay all day and eat, but just one piece of the fruit seems to satisfy completely and after you eat and are satisfied you sense the qualities of your particular fruit being transmitted to you and your partner.

After you are satisfied you look around and see twelve trees in a circle bearing twelve different fruits and you notice that the other eleven couples have also eaten of their fruit and you sense their joy because of it.

Now you realize that each of the twelve fruits will have a different taste and effect and that you are free to exchange fruit with others. You and your partner both pick a piece of fruit from your tree and seek another to make a trade. You find another couple and make an exchange and sit down and eat together fully aware of the zodiacal sign represented. As you eat this new fruit you find it equally delicious, but different and wonderful. You can eat a third fruit if you wish, but I would not recommend more than three per visit and often just one will suffice.

Now, all couples look toward the center at one moment as a cloud of light forms on the top of the gentle hill. As you adjust to the light you see the image of a Master who represents the voice if God. Before your eyes, he divides in two and now you see a male and female Master drawing forth the energies just as you did and a most beautiful tree begins to grow. It only takes a moment or two and the tree grows to maturity and then buds forth fruit that grows into something with a rounded shape like large grapefruits, but a smooth surface like and apple and brilliantly white and glowing.

Assignment: Within yourself you know that this fruit is the most desirable of all fruits and you contemplate the purpose, taste and effect of it as you are made aware that you will soon taste of it.

Affirmation: “The delights in the house of God are without limit.”


Day 154

The New Jerusalem Meditation

Using the Meditation

Resume where we left off by seeing yourself under your tree watching the dual Masters under the central tree. All the group walk toward the center and gather around the central tree.

One of the Masters speaks: “All who reside on the physical earth lack perfect balance and need healed in some way. Come. Each of you take one leaf from this Tree of Life and eat.”

You proceed toward the tree with wonderment as do the others and pick a single leaf from the tree and eat. First you take a nibble and from this you feel something like a warm electrical charge going through your being. Now you eat the whole thing and you feel almost reborn as if you are standing in the center of the Sun receiving life energy and blissfully loving every instant until you are completely recharged. You sense when you have received just the right amount of energy and you look toward the Masters again.

One speaks: “Now you have abundance of energy which is released to the group so perfect balance and healing is obtained. Come forward to the center one at a time.”

A disciple goes to the center and assumes the lotus position and all of us, including the Masters, touch her with our right hands.

Again the Master speaks:

“Let the life of God flow forth in abundance.”

All of us feel energy going through (not from) us balancing her energies. Now the student gets up and it is obvious that she not only feels healed, but ready to take on anything.

Now we repeat this same process with the rest of the group. After all the group has gone through this healing, including yourself, see the group doing a similar healing with anyone else you desire to help. This may be a friend or relative who is not aware of this meditation. See this person materializing in the center and then all the group touching him or her and sensing the healing energy being transmitted.

This can create miracles for those who are ready. Your friend should feel a difference.

Affirmation: “As I am healed I heal others.”


Day 155

The New Jerusalem Meditation

A Most Excellent Fruit

You look at the Master’s tree in the center on the gentle hill and you wonder about it. The fruit you have eaten so far is wonderful yet you sense there is more, that this tree in the center is somehow a special tree. You are curious about how the fruit of the tree in the center could be more potent that what you have experienced thus far.

The two Masters unite again as one beautiful entity and speaks the answer you desire as if he/she were reading your mind.

“My friends. The twelve trees you have manifested with the twelve different fruits represents the twelve highest qualities and tastes that you can manifest and take back to physical consciousness. These fruits represent the highest in the worlds of form, or the physical, the emotional and the plane of the mind.

“This fruit in the center represents the synthesis of your twelve fruits, but the whole is greater than the sum of the parts and through the synthesis of twelve a new ingredient is created that penetrates higher than the mind to the kingdom of God. Partaking of this fruit brings you to the pure Love of God.

“Here you can freely partake of this fruit which fills you with the love of God and links within you heaven and earth. After you eat and return you will develop dual consciousness. At first you will not be able to take back to earth a complete consciousness of the Love of God, but as you put attention on remembering, the Love will grow within you on earth as it is in heaven.

“Come forward and eat.”

A brave soul steps forward and the Master picks a piece of fruit and hands it to him (or her). He sits down in front of the Master and eats. As he eats he looks very pleased and angelic. His body is turning a translucent glowing white with traces of gold and violet emanations.

Others come forward and sit down and eat until you sense it is your turn. You step forward and the Master picks your fruit and hands it to you. Just the feel of it in your hands seems to fill you with light. Then you begin to eat and as you do you realize that this fruit has the most exquisite taste of any fruit there is and you realize the truth of the Song which speaks of the “consciousness of Christ lifted up in you in this Love…” There is indeed a “lifting up” feeling and you realize that the pure love of God is more pure and intense than anything you have felt before. It is so intense that you sense that you will return with the memory that you experienced an intense love but will be unable while in regular consciousness to recall the full intensity.

As you finish the fruit you come to as full realization that this one fruit is a full synthesis of all twelve fruits and you consider the possibility that you will partake of it each time you come.

Then the Master speaks again.

“You will eat of the fruit of this tree only when it is granted to you by me or one appointed by me. Because you are still of the earth it is wisdom to divide your attention on the various twelve aspects as needed. So unless this most desirable fruit is given to you, you are to eat of one or more of the twelve fruits of which you are most in need.”

This thought seems to satisfy your soul for you feel the effect of this fruit will stay with you for some time to come.

You eat the rest of your fruit and after all of you are finished the Master sets the group around him in a circle in preparation for further instruction.

Assignment: Prepare your mind and heart for further instruction.

Affirmation: “There is no limit to the joys of heaven.”


Day 156

The New Jerusalem Meditation

Not of the World

You see yourself in the group gathered in a circle around the Master. You listen as he speaks:

“It has been said that disciple should be in the world but not of the world. This is very difficult for the seeker during mortality as the human mind is inclined to place attention on one thing at a time. This problem is illustrated in the injunction that one cannot serve God and Mammon, or Spirit and material desires.

“However, the disciple must be in the world enough to take care of basic needs for himself and loved ones. This causes even the dedicated seekers to often set aside spiritual consciousness for a material one. Many disciples find themselves shifting back and forth between the two types of consciousness. After a time is spent in the material consciousness the person often finds it difficult to switch back to the high point of his previous spiritual consciousness. Then by the time he gets there the call of physical needs seems to dominate again

“Many disciples become frustrated with this shifting of consciousness because of material needs. Some wish that they could live as a monk so they would not be distracted, others wish they could win the lottery so they could have enough for their material needs so they wouldn’t have to worry about money.

“Most disciples will not have either option available and will need to maintain some focus in the world.

“There are three things you can do to stay in the Spirit and not be of the world.

“An essential first step is to dedicate your life to seeking higher spiritual consciousness and to do all in your power to stay in that high state

“The second thing that you who are with me can do is to remember your state of mind when you ate this fruit. An experience can be recalled and relived and can be just as real as the actual happening. It helps to have a trigger to take you back to the correct moment. Here is what you can do to bring you back to this consciousness where you ate the fruit. As you begin your day and eat your first bite of food, pause before you consume it and imagine that the food is of the same substance as the living fruit you have just eaten. Then as you take the bite imagine that you are eating the spiritual fruit and see yourself feeling the spiritual life circulating throughout your body, mind and soul. If you are successful your mind can make that which you imagine real to you.

“If you do this for seven days you will feel an increase in spiritual consciousness. Then after 40 days another heightened advance will occur.”

(To be continued)

Affirmation: “My body is in this world, but my heart belongs to another.”


Day 157

Becoming the Observer

The Master continues:

“The third thing you can do to not be of the world is to practice being the observer instead of the participator. You are an observer, for instance, when you watch a movie or a play. The hero may be in a very disturbing situation, or may even be tortured. When this occurs you may feel some empathy, but you do not participate in his pain.

“Even so, your life is somewhat like a play, but not exactly. In your life you can choose to either be the observer or the one who fully participates. This is a valuable ability that many do not understand or appreciate. This power you possess gives you the ability to be the observer during difficult or painful times yet to fully participate during positive times.

“To understand just imagine that you were watching a movie and during a painful period you were just a regular observer being entertained and not feeling the distress. Then when the hero wins the girl over in the end it would be as if you jump into his body (or the girl’s) and experience the full feeling of how wonderful the experience would be.

“You can use this ability to be in the world, but not of the world. When you find yourself having to do necessary jobs to make money and take care of material needs you should then practice going into the observer mode. When you are then in this mode you can be in the world but not of the world, just as the watcher of a movie is involved with the film but realizes he is not in it and is not controlled by it.

“You step back and see yourself doing the necessary physical work, but the one who steps back is the observer who is not controlled by the pull of the material world. The observer stays in the spirit, so there is no divisive conflict of spirit and matter.

“Then when you are in a situation where you can place attention on spiritual matters you can cease being the observer and switch to the mode of being the full participant. In the participant mode you can enjoy all the fruits of the Spirit and allow yourself to feel the experience in its fullness.”

Assignment: Begin the endeavor to make it a habit to see yourself as the observer when you have to be involved in work that pulls your mind away from Spirit and then as a full participant when the material world does not demand your attention. It will take some time and effort to perfect this process, but the time to begin is now.

Affirmation: “I have power to decide to be or not to be.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Christmas Message 2017

This entry is part 22 of 29 in the series Christmas Messages

The Son of Man, who is the Son of God sat in counsel with the Great Ones. One stood and spoke. “This is the time of year they have chosen to remember your birth and some of your message. As before, lower thoughts and feelings pose obstacles to seeing the living Christ in you and themselves. This year anger seems to be the keynote for distraction. Go sample the minds and hearts of the people and let us see their potential.

The Son thus looked upon the world and indeed felt the anger of many which was also accompanied by frustrated desires. He tuned into that anger and one representative soul came to view. The Son penetrated his consciousness and asked, “Why are you so ill at ease, my friend.”

The person thinking he was hearing the voice of God, or perhaps his imagination replied, “I had high hopes for my political dreams but my candidate lost the election. I detest everything about the winner and disagree with everything he has been doing. I am angry at the winner, angry at those who voted for him and angry at those who did not vote.”

The voice replied, “My son, you will never be happy if outward circumstances control your state of mind. When I was on the earth both the political and religious leaders were far from my ideal, but I did not let them disturb my peace. Those with whom you disagree have sincere beliefs as do you. See them as your brothers and love them or your anger will create a hell for you right here on the earth.”

The man considered the way of peace, but did not commit.

Next the Son looked upon the devastation from hurricanes, floods and fire and saw many were angry for the loss of their possessions. He visited the consciousness of one who lost his home to fire. “Peace be unto you,” he said.

“Peace! How can I have peace when I have lost everything,” the man replied.

“But you have not lost everything. You still have all those things that you will take with you when you leave this life. These are the important things. Think upon what they are.”

The man thought about his wife, his children, his friends and the love he had for them. He also thought about the freedom he had to begin a new and make a fresh start. Then the Son spoke again, “Focus on your love of others, for you will take the quality of love and freedom with you, but not your possessions.”

The man shifted his focus from temporary possessions to the permanent and replaced his anger with hope.

Next he looked upon the many females who had been harassed or abused by men. He saw that much suppression from the past had bottled up emotion that was now being released. He tuned in to an angry lady venting herself on social media. “You could have peace instead of this,” he said.

“I do not want peace, but revenge,” was the reply.

“It is good to expose wrongdoing and to stand up for what is right but this can be done without being consumed by anger. Behold the consciousness of a man who abused you.”

In that instant the lady’s mind became one with her abuser and saw everything through his eyes and felt his feelings. He was indeed living a miserable existence. When she returned to herself the voice asked, “What do you feel now?”

“I feel pity for that poor soul.”

“All those who do harm are mislead souls that reap what they have sown. Do not participate in their error; release your anger and live in joy from this moment forward.”

It was difficult but the woman shifted her attention to the way of peace.

The Son returned and reported to the Ancient Ones, “Indeed there is much anger in the world, but it is an anger that has been suppressed and is now being released. The people must learn to release it harmlessly while keeping the spirit of love and peace in their hearts. Come stand with me and let us direct our thoughts to those in need of peace. These are the words that were spoken:

“Oh, ye sons and daughters of God, remember who you are. Let your anger flow back to its source and let love and hope and faith weigh supreme in your hearts. Let goodwill spread from one to another as the flame of passing candles. Let love prevail.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 13

Day 126

The Beast and Religion

In the past the beast has found extremely fertile ground in working through religious authority. Often religious leaders carried more weight with the people than their political rulers. Many have been willing to obey them even at the cost of their lives and fortune.

We live in a time of change for we are at the cusp of the ages. Religious authority is losing its hold on the people and political authority is gaining strength. Even so, religious authority is still very strong, especially for those who are dedicated to their faith.

Many who are not particularly religious have difficulty in understanding the hold that a belief system can have on its members. Once the belief is accepted that an outer authority speaks for God then going against such an authority is equated with being against God and could lead to hell or the destruction of the soul.

Such outer authorities then have tremendous power to demand money, service and allegiance from followers.

One who has been in an organization where he was more captivated by the outer authority and breaks free is able to perceive and see the beast with great clarity. If the seeker is able to escape the mark in the right hand (control of actions) and the forehead (control of thought) then he will have a sense of freedom not experienced by many.

As we said earlier the agents of the beast are those who take the place of God in the minds of the people. Instead of reflecting within and accessing God through the inner Spirit, people tend to look to an outer authority who can tell them what the thoughts and will of God is. Of course what really happens is the outer authority tells them what are his own thoughts and will.

An interesting description of the workings of the beast is given by Paul. This scripture is used by fundamentalists to teach about the coming of an antichrist at the end of times. Instead it describes the here and now:

“That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.” II Thess 2:2-4

Here is an alternative interpretation revealing the true principle:

Before the seeker can access the soul, the Christ within, he must understand the true nature of the beast which is a “man of sin” who represents the will of God to you. He sits in the temple of God (the physical body) and shows himself to be the voice of God as if he is your God.

The seeker must have this revelation of this “man of sin” and put him in his place before he can experience the coming of Christ through his own soul.

This agent of the beast is revealed in some religions by a powerful leader at the top whose instructions are not to be questioned. Other less authoritarian churches are governed by a council or body of representatives.

One thing they all have in common is the possession of scriptures that are not to be questioned. There are thousands of religions that have sprung from the Bible alone. Few people get their interpretation of the scriptures from just reading them, but they joined a church and were told by authorities what they mean. Thus even the most noble words can be used as agents of the beast.

Assignment: Contemplate how the Bible and other holy books can represent the beast to the many.

Affirmation: “I reject the illusion without and experience the coming of Christ within.”


Day 127

Hijacking the Good

When people think of the beast they usually associate it with the antichrist which will bring to mind people like Hitler, Nero or some powerful dictator. Not many have ever thought to associate the scriptures themselves or even Jesus with the beast. Now Jesus, for instance, was certainly not a direct agent of the beast but his name has been hijacked and his teachings distorted so that he has become a tool very useful for the beast and his agents.

A seeker may wonder how is it that something as benevolent as the scriptures or a holy man or even Christ himself can become an agent of the beast?

First of all, let’s look at the scriptures, specifically the Bible. When you talk to a religious fundamentalist they will act like all you have to do is just read the Bible, believe what it says and understanding it is that simple. If you listen of them, you’d think that two people reading the Bible are going to get the same interpretation because the Bible just says what the Bible says.

Well it’s not that simple. There are literally thousands of religions that’s based on the Bible and no two of them have exactly the same interpretation of all the words therein. Very few people in any religion get their interpretation of basic doctrine from reading the Bible itself. The doctrine that is in their heads was put there by some leader or teacher within their religion. Within a religion you don’t have thousands of people reading the Bible with all of them getting different interpretations. They’ll all get the same interpretation because someone is telling them what to believe.

That someone who is telling them what to believe is an agent of the beast because these people are not thinking for themselves or contacting the inner spirit but are leaning on an outer voice that is a substitute for God. And in many cases the way this person becomes a substitute for God is by proclaiming to believers that the scriptures are the literal word of God and that word of God means what he says it means. When a person uses authority to tell people what is in the mind of God by interpretation like this he becomes a substitute for God or an agent of the beast.

Not only is a preacher a substitute for God, but the scriptures themselves are. Because the scriptures can be interpreted many different ways, the door opens for them to be an agent of the beast because they are an outer source. An outer source is only reliable when it’s verified by your inner source. If one therefore reads the scriptures without verification from within his interpretation will most likely be wrong in many places. Thus, the Scriptures can be an authority that leads someone into error.

The same problem occurs with Jesus and his words. Almost everyone has praise for the words of Jesus, for even the hardened atheist thinks the basic teachings of loving your neighbor is a good thing. Yet even his teachings and words have been misconstrued and used to persecute and make war. This is because people were looking for God outside of themselves instead of one that speaks to the spirit within. When the seeker makes soul contact then he can read the scriptures and the words of Jesus, be edified and set upon the right path. If he’s leaning up on the beast, which is an outer unearned authority, then he will be led into the error every time, even if he memorizes the Bible word for word.

The fact that the beast uses benevolent things like the scriptures, Jesus, holy men famous authors, philosophers and other edifying things this gives him tremendous power to surround his agents with an aura of righteousness and benevolence. This is why it is written that the beast will be worshiped by the whole world, because he takes the things that are worshiped and adored and uses them as tools of control.

The assignment today it is to examine the sacred cows in your own life and ask yourself, “are these things precious to me because of what an outer authority has placed in my mind or something I have discovered on my own and verified from within?”

Affirmation: “Nothing is sacred until it is verified by my innermost spirit.”


Part 128

The Principle of Freedom

Politics, government and state authority presents a very fertile ground for the beast to dominate. And the domination is very subtle. It says in the Scriptures that even the elect will be deceived. Well, as far as politics go many very good people cannot see the deception involved in the promotion of various political agendas. If you look on both sides of almost every issue you will see that there are good people, and often we find that the good people on one side just cannot stand the good people on the other side merely because they support something contrary to their own notions.

What the seeker needs to look at as far as politics goes is where the will of the beast is being carried out and where it is being resisted. In other words, what is the dividing line?

The dividing line is very simple but for an odd reason it is difficult for many people to see. The dividing line is the principle of freedom and the principle of freedom is basically this. The principle of freedom is being followed when maximum freedom for the whole is advocated. We say maximum freedom because total freedom is impossible.

For instance, no one wants to give the burglar total freedom to invade his house and take whatever he wants. By restricting the burglar and other lawbreakers from certain actions that are harmful we take away some of their freedom but give much more freedom to the average individual. Because we do not allow the burglar to enter your house this gives you more freedom and thus follows the principle of freedom because the overall freedom, or the freedom of the whole, is increased.

It is interesting that every political decision takes away freedom from some and gives freedom to others. The people who get more freedom and benefits think that is just great even though they may be a minority. Because every political decision brings somebody more freedom every politician and every ruler always thinks they are fighting for freedom.

The South believed that they were fighting for freedom even though they were fighting to maintain slavery. They felt that slavery was essential to their freedom because slavery allowed the slave owners to live a better life and have more individual freedom for themselves. It didn’t seem to occurred to them that an entire race of people had to suffer a loss of freedom so that they could have a little benefit.

When Abraham Lincoln heard people from the South comment on how they were fighting for freedom he made the comment that they certainly had a different idea what freedom was than he did.

Hitler thought he was fighting for freedom. He often invoked freedom as a calling card. And almost every other dictator has done the same thing and the strange thing is that their followers believed they were fighting for freedom. Because so many people are deceived about what brings maximum freedom and what does not it makes it easy for the beast to control people in the name of freedom while leading them down the path of slavery, if not for themselves, for others.

Concerning these different political issues there are two sides and one side will always bring more freedom for the whole than the other side. When you look at the two political camps you’ll find that both sides will proclaim that they are fighting for freedom in almost every case. And in a way they are, but one side is fighting for a larger portion of freedom than the other side. One side will be fighting for the freedom of the many and the other side will be fighting for the freedom of the few.

The beast always supports the side that fights for the freedom for the few because this enables him to bring restrictions and a loss of freedom directed at the majority. He thus follows a step-by-step process to take away freedom from the people.

The assignment today is to pick three political issues and ask yourself which side supports the principle of freedom? Or you can ask it this way, which position takes away the least amount of freedom because almost every bill Congress passes takes away some freedom from somebody.

Affirmation: “I support the greatest possible freedom for the many rather than just the few.”


Day 129

Extremism and the Beast

Remember that the goal of the beast, above all else, is control and it is willing to use any tool at his disposal to maintain it. One thing you can say about the beast is that he is not partial to any policy or belief system as long as his control is increased and the freedom of the whole is diminished.

He is willing to use either the believer or non believer in religion and spirituality. He is willing to use conservatives or liberals; the educated and the ignorant – no one is beyond being used as a tool except those who lean on the real authority that is within.

The question arises as to how it is that the beast would use people on both sides of various fences. The answer is this: Between the two extremes there is always a point of truth. This truth is often difficult to see as there seems to be many judgment calls involved. People swing back and forth like pendulums and when they swing a distance away from the point of truth the door is open for the beast to step in and increase his power of dominion.

Let us take religion, for example. If the religion is too strict then punishments, threats of hell and other measures will be used to keep people in line which gives the beast power to rule through his pawns with unearned authority.

If a people go the other extreme and incorporate atheism as a substitute for religion the same problem may occur and you could have someone like a Stalin being an agent of the beast controlling the people “for their own good.”

If we look at the political issues of the day we can see that extreme positions can open the door for the beast of unearned authority to enter and exert control.

For instance, a prominent issue as I write this is immigration. What are the two extremes?

One extreme is to be against all immigration and the other extreme is to allow for all immigrants to come, even if done illegally. The first extreme leads to overly strict controls and the second leads to a destabilized society – two useful tools in the hands of the beast.

Another issue is law and order. If there are too many laws with overly strict enforcement then powerful intrusive authority is needed. The other extreme is for people to pick and choose which laws they will follow which again leads to chaos and anarchy.

Taxes are always a popular issue. On one extreme some will want to reduce taxes to the extent that the government cannot pay its bills which could lead to such a high deficit that the nation could go bankrupt. On the other extreme, taxes will be so high that people become disgruntled and do everything possible to avoid paying them. This brings in excessive power from the beast.

What the seeker needs to do to find the point of truth is to see where the parties are on the various issues. Are they leaning to one extreme or the other? If the nation is leaning toward an extreme then one must look closely to see where the power of the beast is seeking to increase control. The true seekers of soul contact must get a sense of where the point of truth lies and do all in their power to guide the people toward that which lies somewhere between the two extremes.

Assignment: Examine yourself and ask if you are leaning to an extreme with any of the issues of the day. Does your Higher Self verify that you are not being controlled by the beast? Do you always support the Principle of Freedom?

Affirmation: “I sway not back and forth with group will, but make my stand at the center of spiritual power.”


Day 130

The Two Types of Truth

The soul sees from a higher level than we do and is much more aware of what is true and what is false. When our attention focuses on that which is true the consciousness moves closer to the soul which sends out a harmonious vibration when truth is spoken. When the seeker moves away from truth he also moves away from the Higher Self and the high spiritual vibration is replaced with vibrations of the emotional/desire nature. If the seeker grows to love falsehood and distortion more than truth the result will be spiritual amnesia and he will forget about the feelings of the soul and begin to mistake the lower nature for the Higher Self.

Many truths are easy to see in theory, but difficult when it comes down to real time application. This is why we have spent some time in recent lessons covering some controversial issues. The seeker seeking reliable soul contact must listen to the inner voice over the outer to discern the truth of the issues of the day. He will not arrive at the truth by merely going along with those who tell us what to think.

Many are puzzled that good people on both sides of the issues arrive at such different political and spiritual conclusions.

One of the main reasons for this is that there are two different kinds of truth.

First, there are true facts that can be proven mathematically or by observation or demonstration of some kind.

For instance, if someone says it is a sunny day all one has to do is go outside and verify that the person is telling the truth.

If someone is selling you ten pounds of potatoes and you doubt him then you can weigh them yourself and determine the truth of the matter.

Many facts like these can be verified so on these type of truths there is no argument about their validity.

We’ll call this first type of truth, true facts. All people, even the beast and his agents, generally accept these.

The second type of truth involves direction and judgment and cannot be proven in black and white terms. Let us take the sport of bowling for example. If you knock down all ten pins with one throw you have a strike. That is the first type of truth and no one will dispute this.

On the other hand, how to best hold and throw the ball to attain that strike is another matter. There is no universal agreement on this. Each bowler must use his best judgment as he seeks to perfect his game.

It is a fact that many people are in need of assistance and almost all agree that we should help in some way. That is the first type of truth. However, there is a huge disagreement on how much we should help individually and as a society. This requires a judgment call.

There is a point between the two extremes where the most efficient course of action lies, but few can see it accurately because so many facts of the first order are at play.

This is where the soul comes into play. It sees on a higher level than the lower self and can guide the seeker toward a judgment that will take him toward the highest point of truth.

Most everyone supports some type of immigration, but how much and under what conditions are judgments that enter in.

Most everyone supports some type of taxation to fund the government, but disagree on the amount and conditions, which require a judgment.

Part of the problem with this second type of truth is that it is difficult to see because it is often the case that many of the facts are missing. For instance, the weatherman has some facts that will help him predict tomorrows weather, but not all. He puts together the facts he has and makes a judgment call. He is rarely exactly correct but he gives us a general idea of what to expect.

The beast uses this second type of truth to his full advantage and supplements it with the first type of truth.

Assignment: Contemplate on how the beast uses this second type of truth to control the masses.

Affirmation: “I gather the facts and seek to judge through the eyes of the soul.”


Day 131

The Tactics of the Beast

The greatest desire of the beast is to gain authority and control over the souls of men. He attempts this in such a way that he expects appreciation, thankfulness and even worship. Unfortunately, most of humanity give him these things of their own free will, not realizing that they are selling themselves into slavery as predicted by Isaiah:

“For thus saith the LORD, Ye have sold yourselves for nought; and ye shall be redeemed without money. For thus saith the Lord GOD, My people went down aforetime into Egypt to sojourn there; and the Assyrian oppressed them without cause. Now therefore, what have I here, saith the LORD, that my people is taken away for nought? they that rule over them make them to howl, saith the LORD; and my name continually every day is blasphemed.” Isaiah 52:3-4

Today many have given away freedoms to the beast and his agents make us howl and complain, but still they have the public support.

The goal of the beast is to create a one-world government where all are under his authority and no one will have power to challenge or question his agents. Big Brother from the book 1984 is not far from that which is desired.

What is not realized is that society is evolving toward a one world government and nothing can turn this around. Also unrealized is that we have a choice as to what that government will be. Will it be a tyranny tightly controlled by the beast or a federation of independent, yet cooperating free nations? The choice is ours, but we will only make the right choice if the people start to see how the beast operates and not buy into it.

The beast uses very subtle tactics to obtain support for increasing his control and authority. His prime tactic is to use the second type of truth that requires a judgment to discern. He doesn’t want you to use your own judgment, but to rely on the judgment of his agents.

There are four prime approaches he will use to control the masses.

(1) Selective facts. He will back up his judgments with facts that are convenient and discard those that are not. Many facts are always missing from his sales pitch.

(2) Distortion. He will distort the truth and project more freedom, prosperity, harmony, health, happiness etc. when the opposite will be the result. He will take the argument of the other side and twist it so it looks sinister and demonize anyone who opposes him.

(3) Outright lies. When he can get away with it he will create lies, which, if accepted, will destroy those who oppose him.

(4) Blame. He will blame all the problems caused by his agents on those who oppose him and are trying to free themselves from the mark of the beast.

The presentations of the beast are so clever and appealing to lower emotion that much of the world look upon his agents as their saviors and benefactors while voluntarily going into slavery. Even after receiving a clear instruction as to the nature of the beast many will still not recognize his tactics and instead embrace him. Indeed, they will fulfill these additional words of Isaiah.

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20

Assignment: Only those with soul contact can discern all the areas of life where the beast seeks control. Call forth your soul and ask it if you are free from the mark of the beast. Do you place any authority above that of your own soul? If so, how can you free yourself.

Affirmation: “I will know the truth which shall make me free.”


Day 132

The Name of God

Perhaps the best known writing from the Book of Revelation is chapter 13 which deals with the beast. It does indeed contain some important information, but often overlooked is the first verse in the next chapter which gives an essential key to overcoming the beast.

“And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Sion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads.” Rev 14:1

The 144,000 is a symbolic number signifying the disciple who has balanced his energies and placed them under the guidance of the Higher Christ Self. They stood on mount Sion, signifying a consciousness that rises above that of the beast and his minions that came from the sea of people.

Most important of all we are told that the 144,000 have “his Father’s name written in their foreheads.”

It is interesting that those who follow the beast and have his mark as well as his name. (Rev 13:17) On the other hand, those who have escaped the beast have God’s name in their foreheads.

The name of the beast is the name of any man who takes the place of God who speaks within. He tells followers what to think, believe and do as if his voice is the same as the voice of God.

The name of God in the forehead of the redeemed is Christ which represents the soul or the Higher Self. Your Higher Self links you to God and all other souls who have risen above the power and authority of the beast.

The ajna center, often called the third eye, is in the center of the forehead and is seen by many as the place where lies the inner throne upon which sits the presence of God. This center which lies just above and between the eyebrows is a meeting place for heaven and earth. Your consciousness can meet the consciousness of your Higher Self and obtain a vision which will allow you to see the workings of the beast. Such a seer can see through the fog of deception and see the point of truth where judgment is involved.

Assignment: Sit back in your chair and close your eyes. Focus your attention on the area of your third eye and say this three times, with a pause between each statement: “I summon my Higher Self, which is linked to Christ which is linked to God.”

As you say this visualize a point of light in your forehead. As you finish saying the invocation for the third time see the point of light growing in size. As you see it grow also feel its warmth. See it grow in strength and size until your whole body is engulfed with the invigorating light. Spend the next few minutes basking in this light and being one with your Christ self.

Affirmation: “I reject the names of men without and embrace the name of God within.”


Day 133

Indirect Contact

It is possible to reach your soul indirectly through the dream state. To understand this the seeker must understand what happens during dreaming. Unless you are a lucid dreamer you will notice that while dreaming that you are not aware of your every day life but are caught up in a fantasy world as if it is real.

Why is it that you are unaware of your whole self?

The answer is that the mind part of yourself is gone and only the desire/emotional part of yourself remains in the body during sleep.

This is why your dreams are so disjointed, illogical and beyond your control.

During sleep your mind consciousness returns to your soul and dwells in the higher realms. Only your feeling nature stays behind. Because it is unable to think logically it creates a world during sleep that is difficult to make sense of upon awakening.

Your emotional nature does not have contact with your Higher Self during sleep. It doesn’t even have contact with your mind consciousness, which is a step below soul consciousness.

Fortunately, though the soul can send you a message through the dream state. When this happens upon awakening you will have a sense that your dream was not an ordinary dream, but contains some type of message that requires your attention. In other words, a dream carrying a message from the soul seems like more than a dream.

Your soul sends messages to you in your dreams for two reasons.

(1) It has attempted to get your attention during waking consciousness but you didn’t pay attention. Sending a message to you in the dream state is sometimes a last resort.

(2) The seeker invokes the Higher Self and requests that information be sent through the dream state.

If the soul deems it is something you should know it can project images and feelings into your dreams in the hope that the message will be received. Using the dream state to deliver a message from the soul is somewhat comparable to a general delivering an oral message by a foot soldier to a sergeant in the field. He hopes the message gets correctly communicated, but there is always a possibility of misunderstanding.

Even though the communication through the dream state is not perfect it is worth a try. You never know what the soul may have for you that was missed by your waking consciousness.

Assignment: As you are drifting off to sleep whisper this to yourself: “My soul, I call upon you to speak to me in my sleep. What would you have me know?”

If you have given your soul a name, as discussed in a previous lesson, you can use that in addressing it.

Keep repeating this phrase until you drift off to sleep. Repeat this for at least three days and something should come through.

Affirmation: “I sleep in the peace of the Spirit.”


Day 134

Soul Extensions

You can go additional steps in inviting your soul into your dream state. You can invite it to take a form and speak to you face to face in your dreams. The most popular form for the soul to take in the Western world is that of Jesus, but Muslims would be more comfortable seeing Mohammed and Buddhists , Buddha etc. Your soul does not have to take the form of a religious person though. It can take the image of a possible soul mate, a beloved friend, a teacher, a parent or any person you highly respect. Then too, you can request that the soul appear to you in your dream having the name and identity that you have given to it in a previous lesson.,

The one thing all these possible images have in common is they will be people that you love. Love is always the common thread.

Let us say that you pick Jesus as the vehicle for the appearance for your soul. To make this happen you need to invoke either Jesus or your soul and ask to make the event occur. You can even pray to God to make it happen. Remember, the soul, which is the Christ consciousness, is the mediator between God and man. Any prayer that you make always goes to your soul or Higher Self first.

If you want Jesus to appear to you in your dreams and communicate with you there are several approaches you can take.

(1) Prayer. The prayer could go along these lines: “Oh God, I humbly ask that you send Jesus to counsel me in my dreams.”

(2) Direct invocation to your soul. Visualize your Higher Self as directed in previous lessons, focus your attention on communicating with it and say, “I ask of you, my soul who shares consciousness with Christ, to send Jesus to me to visit with me in the dream state.

(3) A direct invocation to Jesus. Many would feel more confortable just directly calling upon Jesus rather than their own souls. Either way, your petition will go to your Higher Self first. This is how God can hear millions of prayers all at one time. Millions of souls linked to God respond as intermediaries. If you decide to go directly to Jesus you could say something like this: “Oh, Jesus, Holy Son of God, I ask that you appear to me in my dreams and converse with me.”:

Now suppose you follow through and encounter Jesus in your dreams. Would he be the real thing? He would be most likely not be the entity who walked the streets of Jerusalem, but your soul can tune into any consciousness that has ever lived and duplicate it and cause it to appear to you. When this happens, with Jesus, for instance, the personality will be a true duplicate or extension of the Master.

Your soul can even send you an extension of someone who is awake while you are sleeping and the personality will be true to form.

On the other hand, if the personalities in your dreams are created by your emotional self they may be quite distorted. A true representation accompanied by feelings of love is a sign that your soul is sending you a message.

Assignment: Continue with yesterday’s assignment and add to it one of the three communication methods mentioned today.

Affirmation: “I call upon my soul which is linked to all other souls.”


Day 135

Living Daydreams

Daydreams are similar to regular dreams in that most anything can manifest in them. The main difference though is that, unlike nighttime dreams, the mind element and consciousness is still in the body. This gives the daydreamer much more control. He can change the daydream at will or shut it down at any time.

Little children are masters at daydreaming and become involved in them in a way that escapes the consciousness of many adults.

I clearly remember when I was a kid. I spent quite a bit of time alone so I often had to use my imagination to entertain myself. I would pretend that I was a cowboy, like Gene Autry, and save a damsel in distress from the bad guys. I daydreamed about being on a deserted island like Tom Hanks in Cast Away and many other things. One day as I was reflecting on the enjoyment I had through my daydreams it dawned on me that adults seem to have lost most of this ability. Yes, they may imagine something for a very short period, but they do not immerse themselves in them as a kid does.

I was looking forward to growing up except for this one thing. I did not want to loose the benefits of daydreaming and just letting my imagination go. I promised myself at that moment that when I grew up I would not forget what daydreaming is like for a kid.

I have tried to keep that promise to myself and still love to play with little children using the imagination. It amazes me how quickly they can pick up on things that I introduce to them from my imagination.

We adults need to recapture some of this ability we have lost and use it to our advantage. Imagination always precedes reality so if we imagine well then life will follow a similar pattern.

When the imagination is used more refined matter from the mental and astral planes are drawn to you and create forms in these spheres. This is why it is easy to see something that you have imagined a number of times. Your imagination builds the form and when it is fully created out of emotional and mental matter it becomes easy to call the images forth at will.

Let us s ay that you spend a lot of time imagining Jesus. After a period of time you will have created a real form of him and it will be animated with basic loving intelligence. Now when your Higher Self looks down upon your activities it will see the Jesus that you created with your imagination. It will then realize that it can use this image for good by endowing it with a portion of its consciousness to give you some guidance.

Most people who claimed to have seen Jesus have not seen the real thing, but a thoughtform created by their own power of imagination. If it is animated by one’s own consciousness then Jesus will relate standard platitudes that will contain nothing new. On the other hand, if the soul decides to animate it then the seeker could receive words of wisdom that go beyond his own native intelligence.

This explains why many little children see imaginary friends. Some of these are actual images seen by them and activated by their own souls to give them some early guidance.

Your assignment today is to create a Jesus from your own imagination and watch it develop in intelligence with the hope that your soul will animate it and give you a revelation.

Start out by seeing yourself as a peasant sitting in the crowd that watched Jesus give the sermon on the mount. You might want to first read Matthew chapters 5-7 so you have the basic sermon in your consciousness.

See yourself as being in the crowd and clearly seeing Jesus speaking those great words. When he speaks something like, “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” take a look at the expression on his face as he speaks as well as the expressions on the faces of those who heard the words.

Today imagine listening to the whole sermon from beginning to end and watching how Jesus delivered it. Notice how he moves his hands, how he stands, his facial expressions and more. Does he stand in one spot for the whole address or does he move around. Soak in the whole atmosphere and experience. Tomorrow there will be more.

Affirmation: “I imagine and I create, for I am in the image of God.”


Day 136

Walking with the Master

So, did you follow through and imagine yourself in the audience watching Jesus give the Sermon on the Mount?

At this point do not worry about accuracy but just let your imagination go, especially in your depiction of Jesus. Energy follows thought and when enough energy is given to your Jesus image your soul will get involved and animate your Jesus beyond your expectations.

Let your imagination go now and see Jesus ending his presentation. The people are impressed and several want to be healed. A leper comes forward pleading for a healing and Jesus complies. He is healed and several others come forward. As Jesus attempts to heal what he can Peter becomes alarmed as the crowd is pressing forward and people could get injured, including Jesus. Peter and the apostles escort Jesus away from the crowd, but you manage to follow them.

When they are away from the crowd you approach Peter and ask him if he would let you associate with the inner circle for a while. He asks you why they should consider this.

You respond by saying that you can write and you would like to record some of the important events that are transpiring in the life of Jesus.

Peter is impressed with the idea and after conferring with the other apostles he agrees to take you in. Meanwhile you look ahead and s ee Jesus walking alone seemingly deep in thought.

You ask Peter where they are going next and he says they are going to his house in Capernaum. He invites you to follow him as he and the other move toward Jesus. Peter taps Jesus on the shoulder and says, “We have a writer who has joined us. He thinks that what we are doing will be important to record.”

Jesus turns and looks at you and grabs your right hand with two of his and says, “Peter is more correct than he realizes. What is your name?”

You tell him your name.

Jesus drops your hand and says, “Come, walk with me as we journey to Peter’s house. Since you want to write about me you must have some questions. Tell me what they are.”

Assignment: Come up with a minimum of three questions that you will ask Jesus in your imaginary walk. When you ask a question take in his expressions, mannerisms and the way he speaks and seems to think. Be sure that you see and hear him answering your questions. The answers may be beyond something you just could have made up.

Affirmation: “I ask because the answer awaits me.”


Day 137

Questions to you

Jesus patiently listens to your questions and thoughtfully answers them. Then he pauses a moment, looks at you and says, “Now I have a couple questions for you.”

Assignment: This is short and sweet, but important. Again, using your imagination see Jesus asking you three or more questions as you walk with him. See yourself giving answers as if you were there with him.

Affirmation: “I receive and I give back.”


Day 138

Conversations with Jesus

Did you have a good two-way conversation with Jesus? If you let your imagination go there is no reason to not fulfill these assignments – and, don’t worry if the Jesus of your imagination is not as all knowing or pious as many have been lead to believe. Just run with what your imagination gives to you. Then, after a certain amount of time, Jesus will take on a life of his own and give responses beyond that which you thought you could imagine.

Continue to see yourself walking with Jesus. You have asked him questions and in return he asked you some. You two are walking silently alone just ahead of the apostles. They seem to sense that Jesus wants to spend some time with you.

You walk a while next to Jesus and he is very quiet, but you can tell that he is deep in thought. You become curious and ask him, What are you thinking about?”

He responds, “I’m thinking about how little my disciples understand my mission and the events that are coming. If you stay around you will witness some great things that you can write about.”

“Tell me about your mission,” you ask.

I have been told by the Father within me that I am to play the role of the Messiah, but it will not be the warrior messiah that most of the Jews expect. Just imagine if God told you that you were to be the Messiah. How would you react?”

You respond, “I’d probably be like Jonah and run away from the job. I’d be scared to death at the responsibility.”

Jesus let out a soft laugh and replied, “Your understanding already exceeds the disciples. Yes, since I have become aware of my mission I have developed some sympathy for Jonah running away from his mission. If the truth be told, I would be happy with a wife and kids and leading a normal life, but I have been called to a mission that bears a high weight of responsibility. I am very concerned about being up for the job and having the strength to handle everything that is coming my way.”

“I think you are the man for the job,” you say. “And besides, God is with you so this will insure you have the strength when needed.”

“That’s what I keep telling myself,” said Jesus. “Thank you for your faith. There’s Peter’s house just ahead.”

You marvel at how different the living conditions were in this age. Peter was upper middle class in his day and had an above average home. The roof was nothing fancy as it was made of dirt and straw and the rooms inside were fairly small. The only area large enough for the disciples to gather was the courtyard, an open air area in the center of the house.

Later that evening you are sitting in a circle gathered around a fire. You get the feeling that these fireside chats with Jesus were quite common for the disciples. You look around at the group and see that all the Twelve Disciples are there, some with their wives. There are also several female disciples not married to any apostle. You are sitting next to John and he tells you that he really enjoys these fireside chats. Jesus will usually start them off by teaching something and a question and answer period follows. John then says that he has a couple questions about the sermon earlier today.

Next Jesus begins to teach the group. Again use your imagination and see yourself there hearing his words. Later see yourself there during the question and answer period. Listen in to some of the questions asked and the answers received. If you have a question see yourself asking it.

Assignment: Continue participating in this fireside chat as long as is comfortable. Take note of all your surroundings, the people and the conversation.

Affirmation: “Today, I will walk and talk with the Master.”


Day 139

Stand and Be Healed

The discussion ends and Peter and his wife retire. A few of the disciples leave for their homes but most stay in the courtyard and start falling asleep on some straw. Jesus also seems to be sleepy and turns to you and says: “I’ve been invited to dinner at the home of a Pharisee tomorrow. Would you like to come with me?”

“Sure,” you say.

Jesus smiled and said, “If you are going to write about me then you might as well get a view of me in different settings.”

The next day Jesus called his disciples together and said, “We have work to do. Let us stroll through Capernaum and see what happens.”

You follow as Jesus leads the disciples through the town

The first person who caught the attention of Jesus was a beggar with a useless leg. It was a great struggle for him to get around on crutches.

The beggar says, “Are you Jesus – the one who is said to have healing powers?”

“That is probably me,” he replied.

“I know it’s asking a lot, but is it possible to restore my leg.”

“All things are possible with God,” Jesus replied.

“What do I need to do?” he asked.

“Stand up,” said Jesus.

“That’s kind of hard for me,” he said, grabbing his crutches, attempting to stand and balance himself with his good leg.

“No, I want you to stand without your crutches on your two legs.”

“Believe me I would love to but I cannot.”

“Do you believe that God parted the Red Sea for Moses?” he asked.


Which then would be more difficult for God; to heal your leg or part the Red Sea?”

“Well, parting the Red Sea has to be the greatest miracle of all time,” the beggar said.

“So, healing your leg should be an easy miracle then?” Jesus asked.

“By comparison, perhaps, but why would God pay any attention to me?”

“Because you are his child. He has been paying attention to you. Now you just need to pay some attention back in return.”

“How do I do that?”

Jesus put his hand on his forehead and said, “Listen.”

“Nothing wrong with my hearing,” he said. “I’m listening.”

“Listen from the inside, not the outside,” said Jesus with firmness.

“Okay,” he said, “but all I hear is…. Wait a minute; I hear something inside my head.”

“What does the voice say?”

“It says to drop my crutches and stand on both legs.”

“Will you obey?”

“I would like to, but am afraid I will fall.”

“Moses heard a similar voice telling him to command the Red Sea to part. The great command caused him to fear, but he still obeyed. Now you must do the same. Drop your crutches and walk or return to where you were for the rest of your life.”

He looked Jesus in the eyes, which seemed to increase his faith and said “All right Lord, I am in your hands. I’m dropping my crutches.”

He dropped them and almost fell but strength returned to his bad leg and his balance was caught. Then he said with glee, “My bad leg feels stronger than the good one and it is no longer deformed.

“Try walking back and forth,” said Jesus.

The man struggled a bit a first but soon got used to walking again.”

“Now I want a favor from you,” said Jesus.


“Go visit people you know in the area, reveal your healing to them and bring me all those with infirmities who have faith to be healed.”

“Happy to do it,” said the man and within minutes he was gone.

Jesus turned to you and said, “We are going to be plenty busy until super.”

You agree with him and look on the horizon expecting people to show up momentarily.

Assignment: Imagine people soon showing up wanting to be healed and Jesus attending to them. Witness how people approach him and his response. Watch the different approaches he uses for the different people and maladies. Take note of whether all were healed. Also take note of what the disciples did with their time,

Affirmation: “I too will obey the inner voice.”


Day 140

A Dinner Conversation

If you have been doing the assignments your imagination should by now have created an image of Jesus and his personality that seems somewhat real. Now when you imagine him you have a foundation of mental energy on which to build.

We’ll do one more imaginative experience with Jesus to solidify his image in your mind.

You and Jesus are now walking together approaching the Pharisee’s house. You feel exhilarated and privileged at the same time for being able to spend time with this holy man. You have a question for Jesus:

“Are you sure it will be all right with this guy if I tag along? I can see why he is interested in having you for dinner but he may consider me an intrusion.”

“Don’t worry about it,” said Jesus. “If I read him correctly your presence will not be a problem.”

You find it interesting that Jesus often does not speak in absolutes like the image of the all-knowing messiah painted by fundamentalists. Sometimes he does use the word “if” and speaks like a regular guy who doesn’t know everything that is going to happen. While noting this you also realize that he speaks of some things very specifically as if his sense of knowing far exceeds normal human intelligence.

It turns out that Jesus was right about the Pharisee, whose name was Silas. He did not mind you coming along. He seemed to assume you were an assistant or aid to Jesus.

Silas’ wife served you food and beverage, but stayed out of the way so her husband could focus on his unusual guest. As you settle down for dinner Silas looks at Jesus and says, “You know you’re creating quite a stir among the people, especially among religious authorities, including my people.”

“What have you heard?” asked Jesus.

Some say you are a magician with a bag of tricks and others think you may do a few miracles, but it is because you are in league with the devil.”

“And what do you think?”

“I saw you perform several miracles. You restored hearing to one and sight to another. I’ve never seen a magician do such things and never considered the devil as one who does such good works.” Silas looks at you and asks, “What do you think of this fellow?”

You emphasize to Silas that you think Jesus is the real deal.

“Where does this power you have come from?” asks Silas.

You study Jesus’ face and sense that the full answer has a depth that Silas would not understand so Jesus simplifies.

“The short answer is that God is with me and tells me when a person can be healed. When he says it is okay all I have to do is speak the word. Without his spirit in me I wouldn’t be accomplishing much.”

“Are you the promised Messiah?”

“Time will tell.”

“I haven’t heard of you making any claims, but I would like to know what you think. Are you the Messiah?”

“You haven’t heard of me making claims because I have not made them. My words and my works are my only claims.”

“Your works are so great that they almost scream the word ‘Messiah’ to the people. I don’t think you realize the danger that puts you in because the religious authorities are threatened by you.”

“I do realize,” said Jesus.

“So are you going to tone it down a bit or maybe work the less populated areas so you do not draw so much attention?”

“The Father who is in me tells me to do the opposite of common wisdom. I am to ramp things up, go to where the people are and let the chips fall where they may.”

“You are a braver man than I,” said Silas. “Unlike many of my brethren I wish you no harm and pray that God protects you.”

Assignment: “Finish off the conversation using your imagination. See yourself getting involved and making some comments. See Silas asking more questions and Jesus answering them.

Affirmation: “I will fear no evil.”


Day 141

Continuing the Project

As stated earlier the goal of these imaginative excursions with Jesus is to create am image of him made with real matter, but more refined than the physical. The higher mind is the great connecting link between physical existence and the higher realms. The soul cannot come down and speak to you in the physical realm, but if you reach out to it in your mind and heart, communication then becomes possible.

What we are attempting here is an interesting endeavor. We are going beyond mere daydreaming or ordinary imagination. Instead we are attempting to capture enough of your attention so the Jesus of your imagination becomes clothed with actual mental substance. As the seeker clothes him he will be easier to see and imagine each time it is attempted. When the image begins to come to your mind with no effort on your part, this will be a sign that you have a true creation on the mental plane.

When your mental creation is complete you will then have a vehicle that your soul can use to communicate with you. It takes an expenditure of energy on its part so the Higher Self will not participate for entertainment only or to satisfy curiosity. He will make the effort if there is some purpose to be achieved and if you are willing to follow divine will.

Jesus is a good image to create for several reasons.

(1) He was the first on record to correctly demonstrate the Christ consciousness on earth as it is embraced by souls in heaven.

(2) Your soul, which embraces the consciousness of Christ, can more easily access an image of Christ than others because of what it represents.

(3) Many seekers already have a partial image of Christ in their present consciousness. This gives them something on which to build.

Your assignment today is to continue to imagine yourself traveling and conversing with Jesus until he comes real enough to attract the attention of your soul. When this happens you will receive advice and wisdom that will go beyond that which you could imagine on your own.

How long will this take?

It depends on how much attention and energy you put into the project. Your soul could manifest itself through Jesus today, or maybe it could take a few months of effort.

If you want to pursue this endeavor I would recommend you read the gospels of Matthew and John to give you seed thoughts to stimulate your imagination. The Aquarian Gospel also supplies some great material.

Good luck with this aspect of soul contact.

Affirmation: “My thoughts link heaven and earth.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Good and Evil in Motion

Good and Evil in Motion

I recently posted this thought and received a number of comments questioning its validity:

“After the path of good is discovered and followed to its end, another path opens to a yet greater good. Once taken, the good of the past becomes the current evil.”

Some have trouble with this idea because they think that good is always a good and evil is always evil, but they forget that Shakespeare had a point when he said “there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so.”

Solomon spoke along these lines when he spoke of there being a time and a place for everything.

“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted; A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up.” (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

It is interesting that he said there was even a time to kill, even though one of the Ten Commandments says thou shall not kill. Normally it’s considered good to create and build things up but he says there’s also a time to break things down.

In other words, that which is evil in one situation can be good and another situation. Good and evil is also dependent on our consciousness. In the consciousness of the Mormon it’s not good to drink a cup of tea for it goes against the word of the prophet but in the consciousness of the typical English person who ignores the prophet it is very good.

The basic thought behind the quote is this. As society evolves, consciousness evolves and values change, generally for the better. For instance in Old Testament times it was seen to be a good thing to put gays to death, but most of the civilized world has evolved to the point where they see this was a wrongheaded idea.

Until a few centuries ago slavery was seen as good and necessary, but today it is seen as evil. Even Jesus did not speak against it and here is what Paul said:

Paul even gave this advice:

“Servants, (From the Greek DOULOS meaning slave) be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ.” Eph 6:5

Slavery was common in Old Testament times, even among the Hebrews:

“However, you may purchase male or female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you. You may also purchase the children of such resident foreigners, including those who have been born in your land. You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this, but the people of Israel, your relatives, must never be treated this way.” Leviticus 25:44-46 NLT

That which is seen as good at one time is not always good at another time as we evolve into greater light.

We can also see this principle at work in the general evolution of civilization. We started out in ancient times with tribal living and that was seen as good because it provided a way for people to gather together and survive. Then we transitioned into kingdoms ruled by strong central authority such as a king. It was then seen as evil to remain in tribes and not be subject to the central authority. Then after democracies begin to develop a strong central authority was seen as tyranny or evil rather than good. That which was seen as good changed to honoring the will of the people.

One might say, well let’s take love, for example, it’s always good to love right? But people do not realize how love was understood before Jesus. Love was seen by the masses as a selfish thing. You love your children, your spouse, your friends but you don’t love your enemies. Jesus presented a new concept of love that brought people to higher level. Loving your neighbor as yourself even if your neighbor was of a different race or nation or people expanding their thinking. In Old Testament times people generally just loved those things that were beneficial to self. Love was associated with that which fulfilled selfish desire. So reverting to the old idea of love before the time of Christ would be a negative thing and the good was to accept new ideas about it that would take us to a higher level.

Inspired teachers of the past were limited in what they could present to the people. Moses could not present the higher law to the people because they were not ready, plain and simple. So the highest good back then were black-and-white commandments that allowed little room for judgment. Then after the time of Christ when we realized that “the letter of the law killeth and the Spirit bringeth life” it dawned on the consciousness of many that reverting to the letter the law over the Spirit was the new evil and the new good was to receive the Holy Spirit and follow its guidance.

A question someone might ask here is whether there are certain things that are good that would always be good. As far as law goes there are always exceptions. We are told to not steal yet if your kid was starving to death and you had to steal a loaf of bread from a rich man to save his life it would be the greater good to take that loaf of bread.

The one thing that is always good is to find the next step you have to take as you progress through life and verify it through the Holy Spirit within you and then take it. That is one thing you can depend on being good always. It was good or thousand years good, and it’s still a good idea today.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 12

Day 115

The Intelligent Designer

The beast of unjust authority does all it can to insure that only one side is represented and presented – his side. When the choice is between light and dark he will be against the light and support the dark. In addition, he will be against freedom and support suppression, against truth and support distortion, against God and for atheism.

The irony is that the beast will claim to be a champion of light, truth and freedom. and many fall for this illusion while he subtly subverts them all.

As far as belief goes the beast controls both ends of the spectrum. He convinces those who believe in God that his agents speak for God and can tell followers what God wants them to do and believe. Those who do not believe still seek authority and he delivers it through other belief systems such as one where the state replaces God.

In modern times society has been moving away from many illogical religious beliefs and the beast has been adapting. After all, his ultimate goal is to have his representatives be the final authority in all things and in this any real contact with God or the soul is to be shunned as fantasy.

The beast has been quite successful in securing his authoritative system in our educational enterprise. His first line of attack is to suppress any teaching or belief in God, especially as the Creator. This is done in the name of fairness, in that it would be unfair to present one religious belief over another. It is also done in the name of science. Representatives of the beast tell us that any belief in God is not logical or scientific.

Therefore when students learn about theories of creation they only hear one side – whatever is accepted by the authorities of the state.

The beast is playing off the accepted and just idea that it would not be productive to mix religious indoctrination with education. Parents do not want their kids being preached to at school. But a basic belief in a creator is a common thread running through all religions and is much more prevalent than atheism. Around 90% of Americans believe in an Intelligent Designer yet any talk of such an intelligence is forbidden to be discussed in our public schools and universities. If any teacher brings up the subject of intelligent design he is likely to lose is job.

The beast has been very successful in eliminating any debate or consideration of intelligent design in our schools and presenting a very distorted image of what is sought for. What is sought for by fair minded believers is, not to present religion, but to present the science and logic of both sides of the equation.

For instance, the human cell is more complex than the most advanced computer and is as full of industry as a large city. There are many pieces that fit together like a light bulb in a socket.

Scientific theory tells us that something much more complex than a light bulb could just come together by natural means given a long enough time. But to make the bulb functional you have to have a socket to screw it into. They say this could also be naturally assembled over a long period of time.

But here is the really tricky thing. How could two complex pieces independently evolve that would perfectly fit together so the light bulb could precisionly screw into the socket. When you think about it this simple fit couldn’t just materialize in a billion or a trillion years without an intelligent hand at work. Even when the two pieces do fit the bulb will not work unless supplied with electricity. Many units in the cell have pieces fitting together which are supplied with electrical current.

The presentation of the scientific evidence for intelligence at work in creation is just as legitimate as standard scientific theory.

It is strange that intelligence in creation is so difficult for educators to accept when we see ironclad proof of it every day of our lives.

And where is the proof? Look in the mirror. Humans are intelligent and they create lots of things. If we are intelligence in matter that creates then why not consider that there is an intelligence in the universe itself that creates?

We would have a much more enlightened educational system if both sides of controversial ideas are presented and discussed.

Assignment: Ask yourself this question: “Does my Higher Self support giving credit to Divine Intelligence for the life I see around me?”

Affirmation: “I choose to see the hand of God.”


Day 116

Resist Dumbing Down

The beast was unable to stop the tide flowing toward universal education so he decided to lead the parade rather than continue fighting it. To continue his base of power he needs a high degree of ignorance. Since the public insists on education his solution is for his agents to be seen as champions of education while deflecting students away from learning useful information that will lead to true independent thinking.

The beast has two lines of attack to insure maximum ignorance.

The first is to dumb down courses so important facts and true principles are filtered out. The goal is for the kids to be “ever learning but never coming to a knowledge of the truth.”

Those who watched the Jay Leno interviews of the past and Jessie Watters and others in the present see that a high degree of ignorance has been achieved.

History in particular is under attack because we must learn from the past to avoid making the same mistakes over endlessly. The power of the beast depends on us repeating the same mistakes over and over so history is a subject that is under constant attack and revision.

I’ve watched TV personalities interviewing college students and asking them simple questions about which they were clueless. Many did not know who we fought during World War II, who fought in the Civil War or which century they were in. They did not know who we fought in the Revolutionary War or the time period involved. Others did not know who the vice president was.

Some think those interviews must be fake, but research has revealed they are not. Common Core did a poll a while back that revealed that around 40% of our students are just as deficient in history and political knowledge as the humorous interviews illustrated. For instance, 57% of the students didn’t have a clue as to the time period the Civil War was fought and 25% thought that Columbus discovered America after 1750. Even more disturbing is that 44% did not know the purpose of the Bill of Rights.

Schools are switching way from the crucial events in history to politically correct ones. Some are advocating the ignoring of history before there Civil War. Our colleges are offering questionable courses that divert the kids from real learning such as:

  • “What If Harry Potter Is Real?”
  • “Lady Gaga and the Sociology of Fame”
  • “Philosophy And Star Trek”
  • “How To Watch Television”

In addition to diverting students away from real learning the students are spending much less time in study than in the past. They spend about 50% less time in individual study than they did a few decades ago.

The beast has been particularly interested in dumbing down the United States since it is the major power in the world that can stop the various tyrannies from spreading.

American students rank 17th in reading, 26th in math and 21st in science worldwide.

That is a sad state of affairs for the nation that put a man on the moon way back in 1969.

Perhaps a sign that more dumbing down is on the horizon is a new book coming out spearheaded by Professor Rochelle Gutierrez at the University of Illinois with collaboration of 40 educators promoting the idea that math is racist and a product of white privilege. “Mathematics itself operates as Whiteness,” she says. She tells us that we need to move away from recognizing excellence in math toward more subtle types of reasoning. It is strange she is critical of white students who are good at math when many Asian and Indian students excel even more.

She doesn’t seem to realize that none of our electronic devices we love so much would be available if we did not have many people of numerous races doing the math necessary for their creation.

Fortunately, there are several bright spots in education for those who desire to bypass the authority of the beast and excel in learning. While it is true that the internet and social media is a big distraction for many a few students are using it for research and learning. If one wants to learn he can find just about anything.

Extra systematic learning is there to be had for free or a reasonable cost.

A great free source is the Khan Academy. Students who need greater understanding of their materials or just want to branch out and learn can choose from hundreds of classes. Currently they have over 40 million students world wide and haven’t dumbed down their math at all. Salman Khan, the founder, is a non white of Indian heritage.

Assignment: I mentioned that there were two avenues of attack by the beast directed at education. The dumbing down of teaching is one. What do you suppose the other is?

Affirmation: “I learn that which I decide – not that which is decided for me.”


Day 117

A One-Sided Situation

Another line of attack used by the beast to maintain authority is the suppression of points of views that do not support his plan.

We have already mentioned that he suppresses any type of education that even mentions a creator in a positive light. The beast is also very one sided in his allowance of political views.

Now keep in mind that his main goal is to exert controlling authority over the souls of humanity and in the past has used both believers and non believers as well as both sides of the political spectrum to further his agenda to restrict freedom for all but his appointed authorities. Therefore, at any point in time we must examine where the suppression lies to see where his plan of attack is taking us.

When we look at statistics the direction is quite obvious.

When looking at the dominance of the left and right or Republicans and Democrats we see that Democrats dominate in education from the beginning of a students education. Among Preschool teachers 75% are Democrats and 26% Republicans. This dominance increases at the elementary level to 85% for Democrats and 15% Republicans. Then in High School there are 87% Democrats and only 13% Republicans.

If these numbers seem lopsided take a look at the dominance in our universities. The Econ Journal Watch in Sept 2016 published a study that looked at at faculty voter registration at 40 leading universities. It discovered that the ratio of Democrats to Republicans is 11.5 to 1. The balance gets real crazy when we get to history professors where the ratio is 33.5 to 1. This is a disturbing trend when we discover that in 1968 the ratio was 2.7 to 1. The number of Democrats in domination has multiplied over a dozen times since then. A change like this would appear to be something engineered rather than a natural evolution.

This extreme dominance gives the left power to shape history in the minds of the students any way desired, and from studies of students’ knowledge of history it seems that they are not learning the same facts concerning real events as did their parents. What has happened has been a turning aside from regular historical studies to explore history related to politically correct trends at the sacrifice of a dispassionate study of major figures and events.

If these ratios were reversed we would still have problems for whenever you get such an imbalance bias and distortion creeps in.

This has shown up in our universities by the suppression of conservatives.

Some Republican students fear for their safety and good grades and find that they have to restrain themselves from talking politics as well as pretend to their teachers that they agree with them.

Conservative speakers are often not approved and if they do get an opportunity to speak they must be accompanied by massive security and are often shouted down.

For instance, in February 2017 the Berkeley College Republicans invited Milo Yiannopoulos to speak but the event was abruptly canceled when masked left-wing anarchists rioted outside the event to shut it down. Then in April threats of violence shut down an Ann Coulter speech

Berkeley received quite a bit of criticism for this since, in the past it was seen as a bastion of free speech.

Then in September 2017 a Jewish conservative, Ben Shapiro was invited to speak by the college Republicans. You wouldn’t think he would have been much of a problem for the school as he is mild mannered, has a good reputation and as no scandals attached. He even worked against he election of Trump which should have scored him some points there. Even so intolerance showed itself and threats of violence surfaced. It turned out that the school had to spend about $600,000 on security for the event and still 9 students were arrested, three of them with weapons.

This shutting down of conservative speakers has been the most newsworthy problem created by one-sided dominance in education, but there are others. Reflect on what they may be and we will continue.

Affirmation: “I must look at both sides of an argument to see the whole truth.”


Day 118

The Controlling Agenda

One of the most effective tactics of the beast is to shut down free speech and debate. He picks a point of view, promotes it through his appointed authorities and tries to destroy anyone who challenges it. It matters not to him whether his doctrine is true or false. What matters is that it is not questioned. As a result a hodgepodge of material that is a mixture of truth and fiction is put in circulation.

The important thing is that the authorities in charge make this mixture appeal to the emotions of the masses so they can feel good supporting it while ridiculing those who may question.

From elementary through high school numerous one-sided views are promoted until the students arrive at college. It is here that the most powerful authorities rule who are not checked by parents and local school boards. Here is where there beast has the chance to place the final nail in the coffin of independent thinking.

This is disturbing for our universities of higher learning were once considered bastions of independent thought and debate. Now if anyone steps out of line they are accused of “micro aggression.” Students are now demanding “safe places” where they will be free from hearing any opinions not sanctioned by the beast.

We recently discussed a topic under the control of the beast which concerns the spiritual side of life and God. No consideration of God or Spirit is considered being open to serious discussion by the beast and his agents. If they are discussed at all it is with ridicule.

One example that illustrates the disrespect of the agents of the beast toward the spiritual happened at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton. In an Intercultural Communications course Professor Deandre Poole ordered his students to write the word “Jesus” in bold letters on a sheet of paper, then place it on the floor, stand up and stomp on it.

Amazingly, only one student had the fortitude to defy the authority of the beast. Ryan Rotela, a Christian, questioned the action, and for refusing to cooperate and questioning the correctness of such an action, he was thrown out of the class.

The professor said he was merely following instructions in the textbook and had done it before so the question arises as to how many times this happened before one student voiced an objection.

Because of the publicity the professor received harsh criticism and the exercise was discontinued but every day many subtle attacks are made toward any spiritual belief in our halls of learning and students dare not contradict them, not only for fear of a bad grade, but fear of scorn from fellow classmates.

The beast is extremely adamant that only one side of the global warming debate be presented in the halls of learning. Any teacher who presents information to the contrary is risking his job and career.

The idea presented is that manmade climate change is an established fact so it is crazy to even consider another point of view. It would be like presenting evidence that the earth is flat, they say.

This is a false comparison as well as calling skeptics climate change deniers. This is silly for no one denies that climate changes. In addition many scientists doubt that man made climate changes poses the threat presented by orthodoxy. In the first 10 months of 2017 there have been 400 scientific papers presented that challenge orthodox theory. Here is a quote from the meteorologist Anthony Watts:

“During the first 10 months of 2017, 400 scientific papers have been published that cast doubt on the position that anthropogenic CO2 emissions function as the climate’s fundamental control knob…or that otherwise question the efficacy of climate models or the related “consensus” positions commonly endorsed by policymakers and mainstream media.

“These 400 new papers support the position that there are significant limitations and uncertainties inherent in our understanding of climate and climate changes. Climate science is not settled.

“Modern temperatures, sea levels, and extreme weather events are neither unusual nor unprecedented. Many regions of the Earth are cooler now than they have been for most of the last 10,000 years.”


As it turns out those who take the orthodox approach work under the strong authority of the beast and if they come up with any contrary opinion they will be subject to ridicule and losing their jobs.

Almost all the scientists who are in the skeptical category are outside the authoritarian system giving them freedom to voice a contrary opinion.

So why does the beast come down so hard on the side of panic over global warming?

The answer lies in control. Authoritative control is always the goal and if he can convince the world that the threat is so dire that all the nations must be taxed to combat it then he has established a foothold for world control that would be difficult to dislodge.

I have studied both sides of the climate debate and there is valuable information to be had from looking at both presentations. Our schools should not be afraid to allow students to hear both sides of the debate. It would be helpful if all they did was allow a guest speaker to come in now and then and present a different point of view.

The mind expands when it is exposed to two sides of a debate and contracts when exposed to just one.

Continue reflecting on how the authoritative system hinders real education.

Affirmation: “I will find the truth that lies between the extremes.”


Day 119

The Importance of History

Not only does the teaching within our schools have a problem with presenting two sides of controversial issues, but they have a major problem with presenting the whole picture. This occurs somewhat in science, but is most pervasive in history.

I thought that the teaching of history was pretty bad when I was a student in the Sixties. They covered the subject reasonably well, but the textbooks were extremely boring and to pass tests we had to memorize dates, names and events that were often forgotten a short time later.

I didn’t realize that history could be fascinating until I read something on my own initiative. I bought a copy of “The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich” by William Shirer. After a few pages into it I was riveted and by the time I had finished I realized that history can be very interesting after all if the writer concentrates on the story and why things happened the way they did instead if merely presenting dry details.

After reading the book I thought that it would be extremely valuable if every student would read it so we could learn from the past and prevent a threat liked Hitler from surfacing again.

As it is, in the world today many erroneously compare every leader they do not like to Hitler with little idea of who the real Hitler was.

I thought that there was a problem with the presentation of history in my day, but it is nothing like the one today. The presentation was dry, but at least we gained a few details about Western Civilization, the Revolutionary and Civil Wars and famous figures such as George Washington, Franklin and Lincoln.

Today many students do not have a clue who we gained independence from, what was the cause, or time period. My generation watched those interviews by Jay Leno displaying current ignorance and we wonder what they are learning in school.

Seeing this ignorance makes one think of the famous words of George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

If students who become the leaders of tomorrow do not know the historical causes of World War II and other disastrous situations, then the danger of repeating them is high. The unfortunate thing is a World War III involving nuclear weapons could spell the end of civilization as we know it. This makes the learning of accurate history much more important now than ever before.

There are two problems that create gaps in the teaching of history.

First attention has been diverted to politically correct history with emphasis on minority studies. This would be fine if they learned the major flow of events first, but this diversion fills much of there teaching time leaving very little to examine the important historical events in detail. Consequently, very little attention is focused on our great figures such as Washington and Lincoln. Some educators are even suggesting we leave out much of history that we find disagreeable.

True history consists of the good and bad and should be presented truthfully with all its warts so students can make a correct assessment of it.

The second problem is bias. Many educators desire certain people and events be minimized or completely left out so history will read the way they desire it to have been.

The soul sees only those things that are true so the seeker seeking guidance from his Higher Self indeed needs to feed his mind with true facts so an accurate picture can be formed.

Fortunately, there are a lot of good historical books out there that can fill in the gaps for those who missed out in school, but only a handful are willing to make the effort to obtain an accurate picture of the past.

The assignment today is to assess your own knowledge and views of history. How much of it does your soul confirm is accurate?

Affirmation: “The past is a key to controlling the future.”


Day 120

Judging the Past

Soul contact will not give you all the true details of history but it will give you a sense of what is true and false and help you see the picture that is painted by it.

The language of the soul is the language of principles, rather than data, and inner guidance can help the seeker see the cycles and evolution of society as it moves through them.

One of the things about history that needs to be corrected by the souls of men is the erroneous idea of judging the people of the past by the values of the present.

In this age people are very focused on racial justice and civil rights. Many look back into the past and judge historical figures by their current values. This is a grave mistake as they are missing an important ingredient that affects the human mind.

That ingredient is sometimes called “groupthink.” This is a similarity of thinking that controls a group, a nation and sometimes the whole world. People are thus controlled by thoughtforms energized by the thinking and belief of the masses. The beast to control most of the people in the world uses these thoughtforms.

The errors in the past were caused by this groupthink controlling the beliefs and attitudes of the people. Today’s society looks back and judges the leaders there negatively, not realizing they are also controlled, and more enlightened people of the future will look back on us and judge us as primitive thinkers in many ways.

The accusers do not realize how strong these thoughtforms are and how difficult it is to break free of them.

For instance, one may witness a friend caught up in a cult and cannot understand why they cannot see the truth and break free. They do not realize the power of the illusionary thoughtform unless they have broken free of one themselves.

What is little realized is that same power that holds a person imprisoned in a cult holds many average people in their own destructive and distorted illusions, yet they know it not.

Some of the most potent accusations from the present is toward men honored by their achievements, but were slaveholders. Numerous Founding Fathers come under attack. Famous founders who owned slaves were Washington, Jefferson, Franklin and Madison.

Some that didn’t own them were John and Samuel Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Paine and Roger Sherman.

It is interesting that all the non slave holders were from the North where slavery was not so needed and most of the slaveholders were from the South.

Those who were slaveholders found themselves involved by inheritance or necessity to need slaves to make a living. Even so, famous founders who were slaveholders evolved to see that the holding others against their will was a great evil. This is one reason that the Constitution laid the foundation for the eventual freeing of the slaves.

Here is what the famous founding slaveholders said on the subject.

“Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be free.”

— Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, 1821

“[The Convention] thought it wrong to admit in the Constitution the idea that there could be property in men.”

— James Madison, Records of the Convention, August 25, 1787

The magnitude of this evil among us is so deeply felt, and so universally acknowledged, that no merit could be greater than that of devising a satisfactory remedy for it.

James Madison

“There is not a man living who wishes more sincerely than I do, to see a plan adopted for the abolition of it.”

— George Washington

Washington sought to free his slaves in his lifetime but did so in his death by granting them freedom in his will.

“Slavery is …an atrocious debasement of human nature.”

Benjamin Franklin

Franklin who owned slaves in his younger yeas saw the error in it and became an abolitionist in later years.

Today many condemn the Founders without realizing the great awakening they had when compared to previous generations.

Since the beginning of recorded civilization slavery has been the norm and all people high and low accepted it as a necessity. It prevailed among all nations and no significant body of men promoted the idea that slavery should be abolished. Even Jesus did not speak against it. The word “servant” in the New Testament can also be translated as slave and none of the early Christians or the Jews seemed to have a problem with the idea.

Paul even gave this advice:

“Servants, (From the Greek DOULOS meaning slave) be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling, in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ.” Eph 6:5

It was the Founding Fathers who broke new ground in human freedom and to do so they had to go against the groupthink of thousands of years of history where not only blacks were enslaved but all races took their turn.

We cannot judge the righteousness of the people of the past by comparing them to present norms, but must realize the powerful influence of the standards of their time and judge them accordingly.

Assignment: Consider other ways that people of the past are unfairly judged.

Affirmation: “I will see through the other person’s eyes before I judge.”


Day 121

Seeing the Past as It Was

A truth from history that needs to be understood is that the righteousness of an individual or a people must be judged by the standards of virtue that were accepted at the time. Until recent times slavery was the norm and few judged anyone as being evil for having them. Having slaves was usually viewed as a sign of success. Someone who mistreated slaves may have been subject to criticism but owners were generally given a pass.

In the more developed parts of the ancient world, such as Rome and Athens, slavery was seen as a necessity, for the people felt that without the practice civilization and quality of life for citizens could not flourish.

When the scriptures and wise teachers speak against an evil the people will often make an attempt to practice it, but there was nothing in the scriptures that advocated the freeing of the slaves. This quest for freedom had to foment in the hearts of the people and become manifest through humanity’s own initiative.

Instead of condemning the Founding Fathers we should acknowledge their initiatives in planting the seeds of human freedom for all.

On the other hand, there have been evils in the past committed where the people should have known better. For instance, the church and state killed, tortured and imprisoned those who merely questioned religious authorities. Persecuting people for their beliefs ran contrary to everything their founder, Jesus, taught. The leaders used threatening punishment to maintain their hold on authority for the beast and this type of action should be condemned in any time period as it goes against the teachings of the prophets and wise teachers of the past.

We have made a lot of progress through humanity’s mere awakening and going beyond the good that is advocated in the Bible and other scriptures.

The right for the people to vote for their leaders was a huge step forward. Then, later, to include all races and the female sex was another advance.

Then we have the restraint of religious authorities from having direct power over the people though government due to a separation of church and state. This is a step forward.

Another step is to give all races, genders and beliefs equal; treatment under the law.

Of course, no system is perfect, but civilization has made many advances. When we look in the past we must judge the people by the beliefs they had then rather than our own vision of right and wrong.

The average person sixty years ago would be judged to be extremely racist by most people today. For instance, most did not accept interracial marriage. One reason was their religious beliefs but another I heard expressed more often when I was young was that the culture and thinking of the different races was so different that it would make the marriage difficult. Just like today there were some who didn’t like people who were different than themselves, but most held their views because of groupothink – just as we in this generation hold many of our views because that’s what we are supposed to think.

The beast of unearned authority has used this groupthink or thoughtforms to control the people throughout the ages. Then when we make an advance and start feeling righteous because we are more right thinking than our ancestors the beast taps in to a new thoughtform that controls us and groupthink that takes us away from soul contact remains. The beast is far from being destroyed through our advances. Instead, he has just moved his power base.

It is very important that the correct learning and understanding of history be taught to our students. Students, of course, need to learn the facts of history, but more than that they need to put themselves in the shoes of the people of the past. When we do this we can learn while resisting the temptation to see ourselves as superior, for we have our own breakthroughs to make. If we understand how progress was made in the past then this will give us more power to make progress in the present and free ourselves from the authority of the beast and his agents.

Next we will examine the relationship of the beast to science. You would think that science would be pretty black and white not giving in to unjust authority controlling what is taught and practiced, but think again. Contemplate how unjust, unearned authority manifests there.

Affirmation: “I will replace feelings of superiority with humility.”


Additional comment in response to reader:

The point of the article was not to defend slavery as this has always been an instrument for the beast and still is today from a higher angle. The point is that for thousands of years slavery was accepted by just about all civilizations and usually the slaves themselves, unless they were brutally treated. There were a handful of of rebels when the treatment was harsh, but it took some enlightenment to see the manipulation of the beast in olden times just as it does today. The point is that we cannot judge the people of yesterday by the standards of today. Today we realize that many of the standards yesterday were misplaced just as future generations will realize the same thing about us. We must realize that the vast majority of people accept the standards of the day whether they be right or wrong.


Day 122

The Way Things Are

This quote from Jesus reveals an interesting truth about human nature.

“Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous, And say, If we had been in the days of our fathers, we would not have been partakers with them in the blood of the prophets.

“Wherefore ye be witnesses unto yourselves, that ye are the children of them which killed the prophets. Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers.” Matt 23:29-32

Jesus must have been privy to some of the discussions of the authorities of his day. Apparently, they voiced strong disapproval of those who persecuted and killed the prophets of the past and saw themselves as more enlightened and of superior caliber to past leaders. They felt strongly that had they lived in the past the would have accepted and honored Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah , Isaiah and other holy men.

Little did they realize that the greatest of all was in their midst and that they had murder in their own hearts toward him. Generations yet unborn would view them with much more disdain than the persecutors of the prophets before them.

People of today make the same mistake and think to themselves such things as, “If I had been one of the Founding Fathers I would not have had slaves. If I had lived in the South after the Civil War I would have honored civil rights and fought against the Ku Klux Klan. If I had lived in Germany during Hitler I wouldn’t have been a Nazi.”

One must be careful about judging himself so generously. Just like the authorities were mistaken about themselves and how they would have reacted in the past so are many today.

There is a very powerful force that the beast uses to control the souls of men. Previously, we linked it to groupthink or thoughtforms, but there is another phrase that clearly defines the current that sweeps the minds of the people toward a negative direction, but erroneously viewed as a positive one. Here it is:

“The way things are.”

The way things are is determined by the authorities of the world and are often full of error. It matters not if the way things are may be total wrong or harmful, if a person is a part of a group, state or nation where a way of life dominates and is accepted he will have much difficulty in going against the flow.

Suppose you were born and raised in a nation that put gays to death. Do you think you would resist with righteous indignation? All should think twice on this for often those who are positive they would be fair would be the strongest voices for enforcing the way things are with his own people.

Until recent times it was just accepted that might makes right. Most thought that if God were on your side that your people would prevail over any other tribe or nation and then to the victor goes the spoils.

Skeptics read the Bible and are appalled at how destructive Israel was in the wars it fought. But they were just following the way things were at the time. In those times the strongest prevailed and they either destroyed or enslaved their enemies. Even though ancient Israel did not live up to our standards of war they were above the standards of the day. They did not torture their enemies, unlike most tribes of the day. Neither did they sacrifice their children to the gods and they had laws that made them a stable society where other Hebrews and allies were treated fairly well.

Ancient Israel did not live up to our standards, but they were above the prevailing standards of the day.

And this is how a people or an individual must be judged. Do they just go along with the way things are and yield to the power of the beast or do they question and seek for greater truth and higher ground?

In this day and age most of the people of the world are controlled by the way things are. The way things are may be different for each nation or group, but the control is still there.

In the United States political correct attitudes are determining the way things are especially in our colleges and universities. Few are willing to buck the system and speak about controversies in old fashion clear language. Free speech is greatly suppressed. Many conform for fear of being ostracized by fellow students and may get expelled from their school. It is quite possible that a hundred years from now that such restrictions will be seen as outrageous.

Slavery existed for thousands of years with few speaking against it because that was the way things were at the time.

Violence and torture was common for the same reason.

Women were not allowed to vote because that was just the way it was. The blacks were enslaved and then denied civil rights because that was the accepted norm.

Seekers today must judge the people of the past by the currents that govern them and realize there are new currents today. There are numerous things today that “just are” and are wrong and few are going against the flow or presenting any challenges.

Let us not the mistake of condemning the people of the past for being caught in the authoritative flow of the beast when we may be doing the same thing today.

Assignment: Contemplate the way things are in your group and nation and ask your soul to show you how things really are.

Affirmation: “I will question the reality that others force upon me.”



Day 123

The Importance of Seeing the Beast

Some readers may wonder why I am putting so much attention on the beast. The reason is simple. Remember that the beast represents an outside controlling authority that most people pay more attention to than their own inner authority. If the inner authority yields to an outer authority then the inner voice of the soul will be ignored . If it is ignored then it will not be heard. If it is not heard then there is no soul contact.

If we only discuss the obstacles to soul contact in the abstract then many will agree but will not see how to solve the problems in real life. To solve this problem I must present some of the difficulties in real life where the beast hinders contact so the seeker can discover solutions.

One problem is that when some see where the true authority of the beast is that they will decide that they are on the side of the beast and desire to embrace him. They will feel that he is not a beast at all, but a source of authority they should trust.

Then there are a few others who will sense a light turning on within them when they realize what the beast really is, the extent of his power and the difficulty in freeing oneself from it in so many areas of life. Remember freeing oneself from the beast in one area does not mean you are free in all areas. Maybe the seeker will reject the beast in healthcare, but accept him in his own religion. The seeker must put the beast in his place in all areas of life.

Concerning science, one would think that the beast would not have much power there for do they not deal with mathematics, physics and facts? After all, scientists accomplish feats such as sending the New Horizons probe billions of miles through space on a 9.5 year trip and can predict the exact hour that it will arrive at Pluto.

Yes, where there are known facts and distances science can do a great job and produce exacting results.

The problem is that because science is accurate in dealing with known facts many assume that they are also accurate when dealing with the unknown when they present their theories and speculation. The beast takes full advantage of this assumption on the part of the public and uses its authority to control people’s thinking on the unknown and seeks to punish those who question his established authority.

I already mentioned two areas where this happens. The first is the attack on anyone who questions the beast’s view of creation by suggesting that a higher intelligence may have had a hand.

The second is the attack on anyone who questions the standard theory on global warming.

Real science makes progress through questioning, not by automatically going along with orthodox views, yet the beast in science, just as in health care and politics, does not like its authority questioned and will seek to destroy skeptics.

A quintessential example of this is the story of Immanuel Velikovsky. Velikovsky developed some very unorthodox theories about the history of the solar system and the part electromagnetic forces plays in the movement of the planets. He studied legends and ancient writings from all over the planet and found numerous accounts that seemed to agree as far as catastrophic events on earth and in the skies. From them he developed a theory that around 1500 BC Venus was ejected as a satellite of Jupiter and passed by the earth in the time of Moses creating much of the destruction reported in the Bible and other literature from numerous ancient civilizations. He also presented a theory that Mars had changed its orbit.

He wrote a book, Worlds in Collision, attempting to prove this which was published by Macmillan and was a best seller being number one for eleven weeks.

The scientific community was inflamed by the book and not only ferociously attacked Velikovsky and his writings, but forced Macmillan to stop publishing it. Numerous scientists and universities told the publisher that if they did not cease publication that they would ruin their publishing business. This Macmillan became the first publisher to cease publishing and distributing a top selling book while still in demand of the public.

Fortunately, another publisher bought the rights and publication continued, but the attacks did not cease. Velikovsky has been a prime source of attack by the scientific world ever since. Even today, if a scientist dares to mention his name without adding condemnation, he is in danger of being fiercely attacked.

What is important here is not whether Velikovsky’s theories were right or wrong, but that the scientific community was so controlled by the beast that they would not allow their authority to be challenged and resorted to the equivalent of book burning by trying to prevent the public from even seeing his writings.

True science is happy to let all ideas compete and allow the best to win when more evidence comes in.

Continue to reflect on the different areas of life where the beast exerts his authority.

Affirmation: “I will not conform just because others are.”


Day 124

The Beast Attacks

Earlier we talked about Ignaz Semmelweis who came up with the discovery that washing hands could rid doctors’ hands of microscopic life, now called germs, and would prevent infection. Because this idea was a challenge to authority, supported by the beast at that time, Semmelweis was persecuted and eventually placed in a mental hospital where he died.

A similar fate befell Wilhelm Reich, the inventor of the orgone accumulator. Reich believed that there was a universal living energy in circulation that could be amplified with a device. He called this energy “orgone,” which fits the description of prana, the life energy that we get from the cosmos according to eastern teachings.

Once people sat in his orgone accumulator they felt like they had been recharged. He started offering it to people who were depressed or had various diseases and found out that they were greatly helped. Then he offered his services to cancer patients and reports came out about people being cured. The scientific and medial establishment felt their authority was on the line and came after him with all the power the beast had to offer.

Reich was condemned by all the major media which gave the authorities justification to go after him. Eventually, the medical community encouraged the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to seek and obtain a court injunction to stop him from researching, writing, and speaking about orgone.

He didn’t conform to the letter so they invaded his facility and removed all his books and research papers and burned them. All together they burned six tons of his papers and books. Then they put him in prison where he died in 1957.

What a blot on the authorities in science, medicine and government – all coordinating to destroy this man and his work. Burning someone’s books and research goes against everything a free society stands for. Who knows what benefits we could have had if we still had his research papers today.

If the authorities in science and medicine were true and proven authorities then they would not fear any book or research done by any of their colleagues. An earned authority will allow all ideas to circulate and allow the public to go with the ones that are proven to be correct.

Maintaining authority over the treatment of cancer seems to be an important objective of the beast. Numerous innovators have been jailed or persecuted just because they have made statements to the effect that cancer can be cured, or helped, with their treatments. I met one such individual sometime ago who told me he developed an actual cure that was a combination of about 80 different herbs. He made the mistake of spreading the good news and sharing his discovery with numerous people and wound up in jail. After he got out of jail he was really careful about making any claims or going public. He did share his formula with a number of doctors under the table who used it and he told me that many people were cured of cancer by using the formula.

I read of many other accounts of doctors who have developed cures or medicines that greatly help people with cancer who end up being persecuted or prosecuted by the authorities. Part of the problem that really seems to bother the authorities is that many of the potential cures are very reasonable in cost whereas the orthodox cures are extremely expensive and make the medical establishment a handsome profit.

Here are four more doctors who been persecuted for their an unorthodox treatment of cancer taken from Dr. Mercola’s website:

Gaston Naessens – Dr. Naessens created a cancer treatment based on the theory that cancer is caused by a friendly microorganism called somatids “little bodies”) — which are present in all cells — that becomes unfriendly.

His formula, 714X, provides nitrogen to the cancer cells, thus causing this microorganism to cease excreting their toxic compounds, and mobilize your immune system to kill the cancer cells. He was subsequently put on trial for his cancer discoveries.

Stanislaw Burzynski– Dr. Burzynski, founder of the Houston-based Burzynski Institute, treats cancer patients with substances called antineoplastons. He was indicted by a grand jury in 1995 for his use of antineoplastons– his second trial that year. He was acquitted.

Ryke Geerd Hamer – Dr. Hamer’s “German New Medicine” (GNM), operates under the premise that every disease, including cancer, originates from an unexpected shock experience, and that all disease can be cured by resolving these underlying emotional traumas.

Dr. Hamer has spent time in prison for refusing to disavow his medical findings and stop treating his patients with his unorthodox techniques, and is currently living in exile, seeking asylum from persecution.

Science as it relates to medicine seems to be an area of much concern for the agents of the beast. Not only are large sums of money involved, but there is also a lot of authority exercised over the people, which thing the beast desires more than anything else.

Authorities in science, just as in other fields, do not like challenges anywhere to established authority. We will explore this further in the next lesson.

Affirmation: “I will question authority.”


Day 125

Closed Science

Authorities in science especially seek to control the debate concerning evolution, climate change and certain aspects of healthcare. They are very threatened if anyone not on their approved list obtains any type of voice that will challenge them in any way. Instead of debating and letting the facts speak for themselves they prefer to just silence their opposition.

The areas that involve big money, religion or public attention arouse the tightest control, but other areas of science are also subject to strong authority.

Einstein who, at one time, was the one challenging the accepted Newtonian system has now become the standard which is not to be challenged. His Theory of Relativity is considered almost sacred by all but a few scientists. Those who do have challenging ideas are quickly dismissed.

One of the interesting aspects of Einstein’s theory is how time is relative to speed. That is a faster you go the slower time goes. Scientists often gives the example of twin brothers where one twin stays on the earth and the other takes off in the spaceship to the nearest store system. In the journey the ship approaches the speed of light and by the time the twin returns the one twin that traveled may have only aged a couple years or as the other twin might have aged 10 or 20 years depending on how fast the twin traveled. They figure that the twin that traveled in the spaceship increased his speed relative to the earth and therefore time slowed down for him so he didn’t age as fast.

A twist on this at I’ve never seen answered is to reverse the relativity and see it from the viewpoint of the earth moving away from the twin’s spaceship. If you look at it in that light the twin who stayed on the earth should have aged at a slower rate.

Another sacred idea in science is the speed of light. The speed of light is about 186,000 milers per second in a vacuum and never varies no matter what. You could be on a spaceship traveling hundred thousand miles per second and shine a flashlight and relative you light will still go 186,000 miles per second. They say the speed of light always stays the same and we can never go beyond that limit.

We can’t really blame scientist for believing this because all measurements and mathematics seemed to verify it. Nevertheless a handful scientists believe the speed of light can be exceeded. For instance, the red shift of faraway galaxies indicate a speed faster than light.

What could solve all these ministries would be actual contact with an alien race. That brings us to another sensitive area of science. Most scientists are open to the fact that there is life out there somewhere in the universe since it’s so vast, but they’re closed to the idea that we may have been visited by extra terrestrials.

If we are ever are visited the first question I would want to ask is if they traveled faster than the speed of light to get here and if the idea of relativity about time slowing down actually played out for them in their travels.

Another area of science they don’t want to be challenged is the idea of the Big Bang. They say the Big Bang occurred about 13.8 billion years ago and before the Big Bang there was nothing except an infinitesimal point from which all things originated. This originating point was smaller than an atom, some say it was smaller than a quark. Some force completely unknown to science caused the point to just explode and create everything there is. When you think of it in some ways that’s much harder to believe then the ideas that some divine intelligence created the universe.

Some scientists challenge this theory providing evidence that some of the galaxies would have taken longer than 13 billion years to evolve. Some scientists think the universe is eternal and never had a beginning and others present evidence that the universe is not billions of years old but perhaps trillions. But scientists are not very open to alternative ideas especially if they involve any idea of God or higher intelligence.

Those who have challenged a lot of scientific theory have not got much traction and therefore the beast hasn’t come after them on these type of theories like they do on health, evolution and climate change. But if someone produced a best-selling book challenging Einstein’s theory or the Big Bang or something like that you would see the authority of the beast surface quite quickly.

Assignment: Religion and spiritual beliefs have been a favorite tool of the beast through the ages. Even sacred things such as the scriptures, the prophets and Jesus himself have been very useful tools. Contemplate on how this could be the case.

Affirmation: “That which appears to be is not always the truth.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

NEXT – Part 13

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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 11

Day 103

Identifying the Beast

One cannot obtain full soul contact if he has the mark of the beast, as mentioned in the Book of Revelations.

Identifying exactly what or who the beast is as been a subject of hot debate for many centuries. The key to understanding inspired words is to realize that they often have several levels of interpretation and those who say theirs is the one and only one are usually not correct.

What the seeker wants to look for with a valid interpretation is whether it accurately corresponds to the text. Often, an interpretation seems to fit with a line or two and then be out of sync with the rest.

I’m going to give you an interpretation that is in harmony with the text. Even if there were no such thing as the Book of Revelation the meaning behind this interpretation would be extremely useful to seekers.

I will give some of the basics here. For an in depth interpretation see my book, The Unveiling.

The Apostle John saw a beast with terrible power and authority rise up out of the sea

Of him it was written:

“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.

And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.” Rev 13:7-8

The first key is to understand the meaning of the sea. We are told in Revelations itself that it stands for “peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.” Rev 17:15

So, this beast will rise up out of all the peoples of the world and make war with the saints, in other words, those who have soul contact. All those who are not enrolled in the book of life though obtaining soul contact shall actually worship the beast.

This scripture about the beast is very widely known and many are expecting it to be fulfilled by some powerful world leader worse than Hitler who will rule the whole world for a time. Yes, there is always a danger of another Hitler showing up, but students are missing something big here. The beast, or antichrist is not something that is coming in the future, but is already here and has dominated on the earth for thousands of years. This is made clear by John himself:

“And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.” I John 4:3

The antichrist, or the beast was already in the world 2000 years ago and is still here with us.

This brings us to an interesting point worthy of contemplation. What is this beast that has been with us all along that is worshipped y the whole world and attacks those with soul contact, who can see the truth behind the illusions of the world? Obviously, it is not one man since it has been among us for many centuries.

Think about what this could be for this is something the seeker must understand if he is to obtain consistent soul contact. We will continue this discussion in the next lesson.

Affirmation: “I will free myself from the power of the beast.”


Day 104

Great Power and Authority

John gives a hint to the mystery of the beast when he tells us that “the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.” Rev 13:2

The beast has great authority, power and position. The key word here is authority. A certain amount of authority in this world is a good thing and insures stability in society, but there are two types of authority. The first is called earned authority and the second unearned. An earned authority is one who can be trusted because he has proven ability. The unearned authority is one who exercises power over others, but has no proof that he earned his position or that his words can be trusted. Notice the scripture says that the beast was given power and authority. He was appointed, instead of earning his place.

The worst misuse by unearned authorities is when they take the place of the greatest authority of all – God. This beast will be so successful at falsely representing the authority of God that he will be worshipped by all the world except the few with soul contact.

Normally worship applies to God and when people worship they think they re worshipping God, but the prophecy tells us that this will not be the case. Instead of worshipping God all but a few will worship the beast who is a substitute for God.

How could such a thing be happening now one may wonder?

Consider this. Where do people get their modes of worship and beliefs? Do they really get them from God, or someone else?

Let us take a typical believer. Where does he get his beliefs and code of conduct?

He may say he gets them from the Bible.

But there are hundreds of different churches with different interpretations. How did he conclude what the Bible really means?

He was told the meaning, not by God, but by authorities in his church. The church leaders telling him which interpretation of the scriptures is correct represents authority from without whereas the true God along with divine authority resides within us all

Leaning on a voice without to be told what to think and how to act is worshiping the beast. The beast is represented by the many unearned authorities in the world who are human substitutes for God. The beast is the god without whereas the true voice comes from the God who speaks from within through soul contact.

Even the various scriptures of the world are instruments used by the beast for a book has its existence in the outward world whereas God resides within. If a person reads any book and takes it literally as the voice of God he is worshipping the beast.

Does this mean the scriptures are evil? No, of course not. But the true seeker will not make the same mistake that has led to hundreds of false interpretations. He will not go by the black and white letter, but run the words by the inner Spirit so the true God can verify true principles behind the words.

Unfortunately, many think they do this, but if you check out their beliefs you will generally find they agree with his church authorities. This tells us that they most probably received their beliefs from substitutes for God without, not the God who speaks from within.

Earlier we discussed the problem of guilt. Guilt is caused by going against the will of an outer authority who is a substitute for God. The true God within is a God of love and does not plague you with guilt, but will offer loving correction instead.

We have discussed the beast working through religion, but the scripture tells us that all he world will worship him. That would include those who are not religious. Your assignment today is to contemplate where one can find the unearned authority of the beast outside of religious authorities.

Affirmation: I will test the outer voices to see if they are in harmony with the inner voice that speaks through my soul.”


Day 105

The Extensive Authority of the Beast

In the last lesson we identified the beast as being those with unearned authority who are false substitutes for the voice of God. The beast represents the outer voices that attempt to control us with powerful authority whereas the true God speaks to us within the innermost core of our being.

When understanding this it becomes obvious that this false authority permeates the churches of all religions, some more than others.

It is interesting that the scripture tells us that all except those who are in the book of life will worship there beast. That would include those who are not religious, even the atheists. But do the non-religious worship anything?

The word “worship” concerning the beast here comes from the Greek PROSKUNEO. Literally translated into today’s language it means “to kiss ass”. In more sensitive language it would mean to “fawn over someone” that you see as your boss or master. Do you know anyone who “worships” in today’s world, that is, worships someone other than God? I think all will agree that we live in a world where almost everyone is sucking up to someone else. This worshipping the Beast today is probably even more prevalent than it was in ancient Rome.

The statement “Who is able to make war with him” is like the statement “you can’t fight City Hall”. There is a similarity, but there are many City Halls.

Two of the “City Halls” in the United States are the Democrat and Republican parties themselves. Often times we elect someone who seems to be very sincere about doing a good job and voting his conscience. Then, after the guy spends a little time in Washington he seems to change and his vote becomes very predictable, usually along party lines. Why? Because fighting his party leadership is like fighting City Hall. The party leader says, “This is an important issue for the party, so if you’re a team player you’ll vote with us.” The Congressman soon learns that if he doesn’t play ball, many problems will develop and leadership opportunities just dry up. In addition, he will be shunned by other faithful party members and will not be invited to parties or special meetings. Then there are other City Halls related to politics such as pressure groups, polls, the press.

The fact that the Beast is fawned over tells us that this is not necessarily a Nero type of character that forces people to acknowledge him but is something that almost all give their minds and hearts to voluntarily. In other words, people love the Beast, respect him, kiss up to him and are happy to replace the inner voice with the voice without.

Why would most worship the beast? We humans are lazy and tend to take the path of least resistance. Outer answers are easy to find and they are in black and white. Once accepted no more thinking is required.

The Inner Spirit works with our free will and it takes effort and contemplation to connect with it and come up with an answer. And the answer is never the final answer but is always something to help the seeker on the path of true knowledge that will take him to his next step. Another problem is an answer from the inner Spirit is seen as threatening to the Beast and his agents so the person who is guided by the inner rather than the outer God will often meet with great opposition.

We have shown that the beast is in politics and religion. In the next few lessons we will reveal his presence in other areas.

The next category will be medicine. Contemplate on how outer voices control medicine with an almost godlike authority and who they are that escapes the beast in this area of life.

Affirmation: “The voice of God within delivers me from the beast.”


Day 106

The Omnipresent Beast

Most believers in the Revelation of John are waiting for a world dictator to arrive who will be worse than Hitler. They do not realize that this would not fulfill the prophecy which tells us that all but a few will worship him. The Greek word for worship implies a voluntary act of reverence, support and fawning over someone or something. Many people under any ruthless dictator of history are not worshipful toward him. The inner circle who benefits from the power are always supportive, but among the masses many merely pretend to be supportive, but in their hearts loath the guy.

The real beast is supported worshipfully by all except those who have a measure of soul contact. The real beast has more universal worship than any dictator past, present or future.

This is because the real beast is not a man, but an authoritative force than manifests through humanity as a whole and forces compliance that all but a few accept.

The beast has many tentacles that reach into every aspect of life. If he cannot control an individual through religion he will seek to do it through politics. If that doesn’t work he will try healthcare. If that fails he may try business, science, the educational system or maybe a benevolent organization to which one belongs. The beast has its control devices attached to the average individual through several different interests.

Another category besides religion and politics where the beast uses unearned and unjust controlling authority is healthcare.

I received my first taste of the beast in this category when I was 13 years old. In 1958 at the beginning of the space age I was one of those kids that made his own rockets. One exploded prematurely and put me in the hospital for a total of three months with six surgeries altogether. My first stay in the hospital lasted for a month and I soon found out that at bedtime they gave every single patient a sleeping pill whether they needed one or not. During my stay I made friends with numerous other patients and found that all of them took the pills. I took them too. After all, it was doctors orders, they are the experts, and they know what is best for us, right?

Even though we all took the pills a part of our minds realized that the policy was not logical as a common joke among us was, “They woke me up to give me a sleeping pill.”

After a month’s stay I was released and I soon discovered that I had difficulty sleeping without the nightly pills. Fortunately, after a couple weeks of not taking them my sleep patterns returned to normal. I then realized that those pills did me more harm than good and decided to never take them again. During my other stays in the hospital I never took them and had no problem with sleep.

This was an early awakening for me to the error of blindly following unjust authority.

When my kids were young we had a family doctor who seemed like an intelligent sincere fellow and dabbled a little in natural medicine but was no fanatic by any means, but overall he was pretty much establishment. Even so, other doctors sensed he was not completely one of them.

One day he criticized another doctor’s diagnosis. This other doctor happened to have a lot of authority in the hospital and trumped up a charge against our doctor and had him barred from the hospital. Since this was the only hospital in town, this was a great inconvenience for him and he was barely able to make a living. Nevertheless, we continued to go to him because he was the best doctor in town.

Our doctor received a taste of the authority of the beast, but many have endured much more.

The assignment today is to think about areas of medicine and healthcare where the beast exercises unjust authority and how he makes war against those who oppose him.

Affirmation: “I see through attempts of unjust control.”


Day 107

Prescriptions from the Beast

The last assignment is to find places in the area of health where the beast asserts unjust authority.

The beast exerts tremendous authority in this department of life, especially with prescription drugs.

When you look at the statistics it becomes obvious that the doctors and authorities pushing these drugs are doing so with unearned, unproven authority.

For instance, 16% of hospital admissions are related to adverse reactions to medicines.

Prescription drugs are the 4th leading cause of death, ahead of pulmonary disease, diabetes and auto accidents.

Almost 1.3 million people went to U.S. emergency rooms due to adverse drug effects in 2014, and about 124,000 died from those events.

There are ten times more deaths per year due to adverse drug reactions to properly prescribed drugs than illegal ones.

A study, published in the journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, shows that seven out of 10 Americans take at least one prescription drug.

More than half of Americans take two prescription mediations, and 20 percent of Americans are on at least five prescription medications. Over a third of people 55 and older take five or more prescription drugs; 9 percent were taking more than 10.

You would think that people would be alarmed at the dangers of prescription drugs and their use would be going down, but the number of prescriptions filled for American adults and children rose 85 percent between 1997 and 2016.

On top of prescription drugs, non prescription ones also have to be added into the equation for most people take several of these fairly regularly.

So why does society keep increasing their intake of drugs when the data seem to indicate they do more harm than good? There are several reasons:

(1) Follow the money. Big Pharma currently takes in about $450 billion a year in the United States. The big profits only give them incentives to push more pills on us through advertising and the medical system.

(2) Medial doctors are not educated in alternatives to drugs so they work with what they have been taught.

(3) Prescribing a drug is the line of least resistance. Rather than dong some research on an alternatives it is easier to just write a prescription. Besides it often makes the patient feel that something is being done to help him. Orthodox medical doctors have close to zero education in nutrition or alternative medicine or, many of which are much more helpful than prescription drugs.

So, what happens when the average person has a visit with a doctor and is given a prescription?

Unfortunately, he usually accepts it without question. To follow authority without question is to receive the mark of the beast in the forehead. The doctor has the mark of the beast in the right hand as this mark signifies labor for unearned authority or working for such authority without questioning.

Those who have the mark of the beast are like simple animals in consciousness who do what they are told without question – this is a herd type of mentality.

The scripture says that the beast will attack those who do not worship him. The assignment today is to think about how unjust authorities representing the beast attack those who do not submit to it but present alternative health solutions.

Contemplate being one with your soul and look at the situation through the eyes of the Higher Self. Does it support blind acceptance of prescription drugs and does it nudge you into researching alternatives?

Affirmation: “I see and refuse to be led by the blind.”


Day 108

Great Authority

So what happens to those who promote alternatives to prescription drugs?

The beast through the drug industry attacks in every way possible. If anyone uses the word “cure” in relation to anything alternative they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible and many have been jailed for merely doing their best to help others with alternatives.

Often when a patient does a little research into natural remedies and runs them by the doctor he will be met with a disapproving shaking of the head. He will be told that foods we eat have little effect on health as long as we eat the basics. He will rarely allow you to substitute a natural cure for one that involves pharmaceuticals, chemo, radiation or surgery. Some will tolerate you experimenting with a few natural things as long as you make following his instructions the first priority. He will then take credit for any healing that occurs.

That said, it is important that the seeker remember that few things can be consistently interpreted in strictly black and white terms. Once in a while a pharmaceutical drug may be temporality helpful, but I would say that in over 90% of the time the patient would be better off just eliminating them or replacing them with some natural treatment.

The reason they permeate society as they do is they are supported by the unearned authority of the beast.

This great authority of the beast does all in its power to restrict natural cures and hurt those who advocate them. They are restricted by law from outright putting heretics to death, as in the old days, but they still create many problems. Here are a few things that those with the mark of the beast do.

(1) Ridicule. This is the most ubiquitous line of attack and it is very effective. If they can make others feel ashamed to be associated with a particular belief or practice then opposition is immediately neutralized.

(2) Group Think. The authority of the beast does an excellent job of convincing the masses that their way is just the way it is done and if you do not follow then there is something wrong with you.

(3) Fear. You are told that rejecting orthodox treatment is very dangerous. Your life may even be at stake if you do not listen to them.

(4) Superiority. The doctors are much more educated than you in healthcare and not listening to them is not smart. It puts you in the tin foil hat category.

They do not realize how lopsided their education is. Whereas they are educated in orthodox medicine most have very limited knowledge of alternatives and have no earned authority to make judgments on it.

They are like the guy who is an expert on rice and knows everything about every variety, but knows nothing about other foods that are needed to supply good nutrition for the whole body.

(5) Regulation. They try and regulate everything possible to hinder alternative practitioners. Legislation has been promoted that would require herbs and vitamins to only be available though medical doctors by prescription.

(6) Threats. Alternative practitioners have many threats hanging over their heads. If they ever use the word “cure” they could face serious jail time. If a patient dies under their care they can be sued or prosecuted in some cases.

The beast thus seeks to normalize the abnormal and dangerous intake of prescription drugs. It not only increases his authority but numbs the minds of many so they are easier to control.

Healthcare is just one area of life the beast seeks control and drugs are just one division of health. Contemplate other areas in health where authorities push their will upon the public.

Affirmation: “I will question without fear of what others think.”


Day 109

The Vaccination Epidemic

Extremely fertile soil for the authoritarian beast lies in its control and manipulation of vaccinations, which occurs on a worldwide basis.

100 years ago kids received vaccinations for one disease – smallpox. That was a very dreaded and deadly disease so this precaution made a lot of sense. Later came the polio vaccination and any risk from this seemed to outweigh the danger poised by that disease.

Today we have gone way overboard and vaccinate our kids for 14 different diseases, some of them quite minor such as measles, mumps and chicken pox. Most of my friends and I caught all of these when I was a kid in the 1950s and they proved to be a mild inconvenience with the bonus of getting off school for a few days.

They will often administer five vaccines to small children, even babies, at a time. President Trump made the comment that the vaccine schedule was “meant for a horse, not for a child.”

And concern over vaccinations crosses party lines. Chief of citizens voicing concerns over vaccines is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Kennedy is concerned about the link between vaccines and autism and believes there has been insufficient research on the problem.

He says that, “We need to do double-blind placebo testing. Because particularly when it comes to injecting aluminum or mercury into babies, the consequences may be latent. In other words, they may not manifest or diagnosed to age 3 or 4. So the current protocols, which require testing for vaccines of sometimes as little as 48 hours, are not going to disclose the kind of dangers that the public and the regulators ought to know about.”

He also says that the authorities are deceptive about the use of mercury in the vaccines. They have not been taken out of all and flue shots contain “mega doses of it.”

The biggest concern over vaccinations is its possible link to autism, a terrible affliction that is plaguing our children.

Autism is a modern disease, first diagnosed in 1943. From then until he 1980’s cases were fairly rare. Then, after Congress gave drug companies immunity from lawsuits and the expansion of vaccines took off so did cases if autism jumping up over 13 times what it was before 1980. Today, one out of 150 eight year olds has autism.

This dramatic increase did not happen without some cause behind it and many concerned parents fear it is related to vaccines.

Even though polls show that the majority of parents have concerns over vaccines and autism over 90% of them go ahead and have it done to their kids anyway. The pressures from the authoritarian system on parents is becoming increasingly potent. Public schools require vaccinations and exemptions are becoming increasingly difficult to get. The pressure to conform is enormous.

Rebecca Bredow of Michigan found this out in October 2017, for she was jailed for refusing to vaccinate her nine year old son.. This may be just the beginning of additional force as the beast increases in authority in this area. You would never know that a large portion of the public are becoming concerned about the dangers of vaccination if you listen to the Medea. Anyone who questions the authorities in this matter is portrayed as unreasonable a best to anti science and insane at worst.

The authorities under the power of the beast are not as concerned about benefits or dangers of vaccines as thye are their base of power and mandatory vaccines is a potent step in securing that base. Cheerleaders for the beast would rather have authority over others than any other asset.

The largest problem is not so much who is right or wrong, but the loss of freedom of choice.

Assignment: Contemplate other areas concerning health where the beast has great authority.

Affirmation: “I will do my own research and discover the truth,”


Day 110

A Cure Worse than the Disease

The authority of the beast reveals itself quite strongly in the treatment of cancer. When the doctor tells a patient he has cancer it is often seen as a death sentence. The person is usually scared to death and willingly puts his life totally in the hands of the medical authorities.

Those who wish to escape the mark of the beast will not blindly trust these authorities but will do some research of their own.

Doctors that automatically recommend chemo or radiation are often seen as the ultimate authorities to rely on for cancer treatments but consider this.

Back in 2004, an Australian study on the effectiveness of chemo showed the 5 year survival rate was 5%. On top of this, chemo and radiation stimulate the growth of additional cancers. Perhaps the worst thing about chemo and radiation is the decline of the quality of life. The quality of life of a person receiving orthodox treatments is often far inferior to that of one receiving no treatment.

Let us say that you had a projected two years to live. Would you be willing to live two years of consistent torture to gain a couple extra weeks or would you rather go without treatment and live the two yeas in functional condition with less pain and discomfort?

Fortunately an increasing number of cancer victims are researching out of the mainstream and discovering cures that work better than chemo and radiation and do not lower the quality of life.

Suzanne Somers felt ill and was told that cancer riddled most of her body. Instead of accepting orthodox treatment she did some research and discovered she had been breathing in black mold from a house she was renting. After moving out she concentrated on natural cures and completely regained her health. Today, at 71 she still looks great.

Parker Jensen had a terrific run-in with the beast of authority. In 2003 when he was 12 yesars old he was diagnosed with cancer and told he needed chemotherapy. Both he and his parents did not think this was the best course and resisted.

The medical authorities filed against them in juvenile court and a judge ordered the state to take custody of the boy.

Fortunately, the warrant could not served, for the family fled the state to Idaho. Their troubles did not end as the father spent some time in jail for his resistance to the beast. The parents concluded that the doctors gave the wrong diagnoses, concentrated on natural cures and Parker has been healthy ever since. He is now a happily married man of 26.

The stories of those who have rejected the beast and cured their own cancer with alternative treatments are legion. And perhaps the best part is the alternative cures do not cause them to suffer so intensely as do some of the orthodox treatments.

For those who do not have cancer the best course of action is a healthy lifestyle. Drink pure water and eat foods free of chemicals and pesticides.

Cancer is aggravated by suppressed emotions so do not suppress and do not hold grievances. Be honest and open with your emotional communications.

There are many alternative approaches and some work better than others.

A seeker who does get cancer should not rule out all orthodox treatments, but definitely should look at the value of alternatives. If one does lean toward following the doctors orders he should ask this question.

“Would you recommend this treatment to your own child?”

It is interesting that many physicians do not use their own treatments on their own family members.

Seekers can find many alternatives by merely Goggling, “cancer alternative treatments.”

The assignment today is to continue to think of other places in the area of healthcare where the strong authority of the beast surfaces.

Affirmation: “I trust, but verify.”


Day 111

The Semmelweis reflex

Authorities in the health industry have been wrong many times in the past as well as the present. History tells us that when a better way is found that threatens the established authority of the beast that the authorities affected will ridicule and attack the innovator.

This automatic, often mindless attack, characterized by reflex-like rejection of new knowledge because it contradicts entrenched norms, beliefs, or paradigms has a name. It is called the Semmelweis reflex.

Where this name originated is an interesting story.

Ignaz Semmelweis was a Hungarian physician working in Vienna hospitals in 1847 when he became very concerned about the high mortality rate of women giving childbirth in one of the hospitals. He researched what was different with this hospital from others and discovered that many doctors delivering babies had, hours before, been working with corpses doing autopsies. He concluded that they were carrying something invisible on their hands that was infecting the mothers.

This happened before Louis Pasteur confirmed the germ theory so the idea that we may transfer invisible little lives with our hands seemed strange at the time. Even so, Semmelweis’ research indicated that something deadly was being transferred and came up with a simple solution. He instituted a policy in the hospital that physicians should wash their hands before delivering babies.

Amazingly, the mortality rate went down a whopping 90%.

Problem solved, right?

Wrong, his problem was just beginning. After two years of tremendous success his job was terminated and became frustrated with the meager work he could find. Medical authorities ridiculed him for believing that washing hands was necessary because of seeming invisible that was causing infections.

He accused the authorities as being accomplices to murder if they refused to accept washing hands before medical procedures.

He left Vienna and moved to Budapest. The only job he could find was as an unpaid volunteer in an obstetric ward. Again he implemented hand washing and the mortality rate dropped to near zero.

He felt that he had made a simple discovery that could save many lives and tried to convince the medical authorities to to adopt it.

All his efforts did was inflame the beast of authority and they ridiculed him and attacked back. Finally at the age of 47 authorities forced him into a mental asylum where he was beaten by the guards and died of an infection within two weeks.

The beast killed the messenger, but it could not kill the message. Within twenty years after his death the evidence of the benefits of washing hands became so overpowering, especially with the discovery of germs, that even the representatives of the beast had to yield and give in to the truth.

Does this mean that the authority of the beast was defeated? No. Far from it. As society progresses the beast will lose authority in certain departments of life, but when he does he just established a new base of authority in another.

We have already discussed two of the current bases. The first is an increasing authority over vaccinations, pushing so many that obvious dangers are looming. The second is orthodox radiation and chemo treatments for cancer while rejecting with a Semmelweis reflex many promising alternatives.

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Heart disease is number one. The assignment today is to contemplate where the beast uses his authority in this area of health and where those who resist the beast are making their efforts.

Affirmation: “I decide, not by reflex, but by reason.”



Day 112

A Good Heart

Since heart disease is the number one cause of death people are very concerned if anything seems out of order. Whenever one goes to a doctor he always checks his heart and will often run tests to check for levels of cholesterol.

Concern about heart health causes many to make frequent trips to the doctor which often results in discovery of other problems with the patient winding up taking three or more prescription drugs, thus yielding more power to unproven authority.

And talk about unproven authority. Since 1953 the medical system has been promoting the idea that cholesterol is bad for your heart and one needs statin drugs to control it. This myth originated from a flawed study in 1953 Dr. Ancel Keys where he kept the data that supported the dangers of high cholesterol and discarded that which did not.

Statistics show that that more than 50 percent of those admitted to hospitals with heart disease have normal cholesterol while many with healthy hearts actually have high cholesterol.

Cholesterol is an essential ingredient for good physical health. As you know, oil and water do not mix, but they must work together in our bodies, so the liver manufactures cholesterol to assist in this process that provides lubrication for the body.

In addition, cholesterol enables the production of hormones, vitamin D, aids in digestion and combats cellular damage, which increases as we age. It is essential to the immune system and brain functioning and helps to relieve stress.

The amount of cholesterol you need will vary with your diet and lifestyle. Some people actually need a fairly high level of it.

Determining an approach for good heart health is a fairly complex problem, but if it can just be reduced to a simple test measuring cholesterol the doctor’s job becomes much more simple. Then, later, when more problems occur expensive surgery or a transplant may be required.

Doctors mainly concentrate on drugs and surgery for heart health and will offer some encouragement to exercise. They warn patients to stay away from saturated fats. In this case, they are mistaken as saturated fats from natural sources are good for your heart. Some sources include, olive and coconut oil, nuts, wild fish, grass-fed meats, seeds, avocados, and eggs, preferably free range.

For years we were warned that eggs were bad for our heart, but opinion is changing on this. A pioneer in promoting eating eggs is Dr, Joel Wallach. He personally eats over a dozen eggs a day, is 77 years old, never goes to a doctor or takes drugs and is in perfect health.

A simple healthy diet and moderate exercise can do much to insure a healthy heart. The number one food to avoid is processed sugar and artificial sweeteners. Avoid standard sodas with vigilance. For sweeteners raw honey is your best bet. Next in line would be maple syrup or molasses.

Avoid processed foods and oils with trans fats. For cooking use either butter, avocado or grape seed oil. For consumption use extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil. The more raw fruits and vegetables you eat the better.

The final advice for good heart health is for the seeker to maintain a “good heart.” One is said to have a good heart if he is friendly, helpful, loving and kind. There is a correlation between having a good heart from a spiritual angle and a good physical heart.

The assignment today is to reflect on the health of your own heart, not only the physical aspect, but the spiritual. Are you following the will of your soul in maintaining a good spiritual heart and outlook on life and relationships? What more need you do?

Affirmation: “My heart radiates with vitality and goodwill.”


Day 113

Let the Patient Heal Himself

The beast above all other things seeks power over the souls of men. Some may add that it seeks money, but when this seems to be the case we will find that the motivation behind the money is power and authority more than the material goods that money will buy.

Some individuals exercising great authority over the souls of men live fairly frugal lives giving the impression they are spiritual. This will sometimes hide the fact that their true motive is in alignment with the beast which seeks authority.

Because money will often enhance power and authority the representatives of the beast usually seek to obtain as much of it as possible, even those claiming to guide followers on the spiritual path.

A great example of misplaced authority in the health field is related to us by Dr. Joel Wallach. He has successfully promoted natural cures through nutrition for many years and has been attacked numerous times by medical authorities. He discovered that most children suffering from muscular dystrophy could be cured with extra selenium and supplements of trace minerals. He told Jerry Lewis about this, who at the time was very successfully heading up the yearly muscular dystrophy marathon.

Jerry was very excited about the possibility and suggested to the medical authorities involved that they look into Wallach’s claims.

Instead of investigating they dismissed Wallach as a quack and when Jerry continued to want to investigate they fired him and threatened to sue him for all he was worth if he said anything that would damage the reputation of the organization.

Therefore, it became a mystery why the organization’s greatest money maker for over 40 years was suddenly dropped until Wallach gave the details. They liked the money he raised, but keeping their power was even more important. They would lose both if all parents had to do was spend a few dollars on a food supplement.

Another disease that medical authorities do not want any simple inexpensive plan to replace them in is Alzheimer’s.

Dr. Dale Bredesen thinks he has done just this. He has created what he calls the Bredesen Protocol which is a combination of nutrition, fasting, exercise and lifestyle changes. If caught in the early stages he says he can reverse Alzheimer’s in nine out of ten patients.

Others claim that just taking daily supplements of virgin coconut oil can reverse the disease.

And why isn’t the authoritative medical establishment rushing to verify these simple inexpensive treatments?

The simple answer is this. If the patient can gain a little knowledge and then treat himself he will no longer need the medical authorities. He will no longer have to worship at their feet and give them large amounts of money.

Medical doctors have their place. If someone has an accident and needs patched up, or needs a corrective surgical procedure then a well trained doctor can be a life saver. Unfortunately their greatest authority is exerted on patients suffering from disease and in treating most of these they have not shown us to have a justified authority.

We could go through many different aeas of health and show how average people who researched health for themselves have freed themselves from the need for medical authorities escept on rare occasions.

The tendency to over medicate has proven dangerous, for drugs only temporarily relieve symptoms, including depression. The one things that every mass shooter I have researched had in common is that they all took mind altering prescription drugs. The recent Las Vegas shooter was no exception. He took a powerful psychotropic drug called diazepam. Is the increase in mass shootings linked to mind alerting drugs? That seems to be the only common denominator for the increase.

Next we will examine where the beast establishes his authority in the educational system. The seeker can contemplate how this may be playing out.

Affirmation: “I will question all outer authority.”


Day 114

The Expanding Beast

The seeker may not suspect that the beast of authority is present in our public schools as well as our institutions of higher learning.

Isn’t educating out kids a good thing with few drawbacks?

Yes, education is good. The beast would prefer total ignorance for the less light and more ignorance there is the greater will be his authority Humanity has moved into mass education contrary to the will of the beast but once humanity takes a step forward the beast of authority assesses the new situation and then determines how he can make the best of it by re-establishing authority through new avenues.

Sometimes a little progress actually offers him greater opportunity for control than the mass ignorance of the past.

For instance, the Nazis put a lot of attention on educating the youth, but instead of creating enlightenment the beast stepped in with his authority to control their minds to force allegiance to a destructive belief system.

So, is the beast having any success exercising his authority in the educational system today?

More than one may think.

The first thing the beast does to maintain his base of power is to control the money. Over 90% of elementary and secondary students attend public schools. It matters not if your child participates in the system you still have to pay taxes to support it. If you send your child to a private school you still have to pay taxes to support the public schools plus the extra money for the private one.

The money spent for each child in the public system is about three times that of a private school.

The latest statistics I have available puts the average cost per year for a student in the public system to be $10,700. Some states are much higher. For instance the cost per student is almost $20,000 in New York.

The average cost for private school attendance in the United States is $3,267 per year.

You would think that with such a potential savings that the stewards of our tax dollars would be demanding some type of voucher system that would allow parents to send more children to private schools. A handful of parents, educators and politicians are advocating for this, but they are in the minority and ridiculed by the powers-that-be.

Are private schools resisted because they are inferior?

Not really. Many politicians who are outwardly strong advocates for public education send their own kids to private schools. Their actions verify what their true thoughts are.

Even though the cost of private schools is lower average people cannot afford them, but many of those who have higher incomes spend the extra money because of their high quality.

The results speak for themselves. 88 percent of senior-year students in private high schools applied to colleges, compared to only 58 percent of seniors in public high schools.

It seems to defy logic that there would be so much resistance to a more economical and efficient system but when you realize the ever present goals of the beast it makes sense. The public schools are a source of great sums of money that flows through the hands of a very authoritarian bureaucracy. Such an authoritative system can control what is fed into the minds of students much better than a private and independent school.

Our kids are not brainwashed like the Nazis yet, but the powers of the beast are pushing us in that direction.

Assignment: Contemplate how the authority of the beast is seeking to exert itself in our education system and control our teachers and children.

Affirmation: “I will look through the eyes of my soul and see the hidden workings of the beast.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

For the next lesson (Part 12) Go HERE

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Gathering 2017

This entry is part 19 of 31 in the series Audios

The Molecular Relationship

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10

Part 11

Part 12

Part 13

Part 14

Part 15

Part 16

Part 17

Part 18

Part 19

Part 20

Part 21

Part 22

Part 23

Part 24

Part 25

Part 26

Part 27

Part 28

Part 29

Assaf Sings for Us

Part 30

Past Life Regression

Part 31

Part 32

Part 33

Part 34

Regression of Jenny to Atlantis and to a future life.

Part 35

Part 36

Group Meditation

Part 37

Part 38

Curtis Harwell had everyone dancing in the first part of his presentation. That got everyone’s blood in circulation. Then he divided us into Triads and had us communicate and get to know each other. The following is what was recorded afterwards.

Part 39

Part 40

Part 41

Michael Brook finishes up the gathering speaking on creation originating from the spiritual planes.

Part 42

Part 43

Part 44


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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 10

Day 91

A Higher Touch

So, did you come up with some questions for your Higher Self? Did you receive some answers? Do you feel you are becoming more sensitive to higher contact? The answers will vary depending on the individual. The important thing at this point is to keep moving forward.

To move forward it is important to continue with the exercises already given as well as continue seeking new ways to break through.

In this material world we have five senses through which we perceive information. As you know, these are vision, hearing, feeling, taste and smell. Less known is that we have a higher correspondent to these in the spiritual world. The Higher Self understands our physical senses, but has a higher octave of them that It uses within its own sphere and is willing to share with you.

The higher correspondent to vision is understanding and spiritual sight, higher to hearing is discerning the still small voice or impressions from the soul. Above feeling is the ability to sense the presence of spiritual beings and forces. Corresponding to taste is the power to discern truth from error and the higher sense to smell is the power of intuition giving the seeker power of revelation and the bringing down to brain consciousness true spiritual principles.

Today we are going to concentrate on your sense of feeling. We often take our feeling sense for granted, as its presence is universal throughout the body from head to toe. Our feelings and touch allow us to verify the existence and texture of the things we see and hear. They tell us when to eat and drink, when something is wrong with the body that needs attention and many other things. Most associate our feelings with things touched in the physical world, but the higher sense of feeling is capable of ascending much higher. There are signs of this even with using the normal sense of feeling.

If someone else is available have him or her run his hand over various parts of your body while having your eyes closed. Have this person not touch you but stay just an inch or so away from actual physical contact. Can you sense the person’s presence? Most likely you can.

If no one is available do it to yourself, starting at the crown of your head and moving your hands down over various parts of your body, not touching yourself, but keeping your hands an inch or two away from the skin.

You will notice that you can feel the presence of your hands even though they do not make contact. You will notice that some parts of your body are more sensitive to feeling than others.

Now, let us expand this sense of feeling to include your higher spiritual sense and feel the presence of your own soul. Its presence is never far from you, but only obscured though the illusive veils that physical existence places between us and the spiritual realm.

For this exercise do not concentrate on seeing or hearing anything, but merely feeling the presence of your Higher Self.

Sit back in your chair, close your eyes and call out the name you have given to your Higher Self. Call out the name, sit back and for a minute or so concentrate on feeling the presence. Realize that this presence will have a high vibration, and is surrounded by a spiritual fire that reaches out and surrounds you.

Repeat this two additional times while sensing the presence and the comforting yet spiritual fire connected with it. After you call out the name for the third time focus on not only feeling the presence, but being one with it. Feel yourself merging so you become one mind and one entity. If you do this successfully it will feel very familiar, as if you have returned to your true home.

Continue this extension of your feeling for your soul for 15 minutes or so. Repeat this exercise whenever you feel so impressed.

Affirmation: “My soul and I are one.”


Day 92

The Voice of the Soul

So, how did you do at tuning into the spiritual sense of feeling and sensing your Higher Self? Students will receive a wide range of response on this, but all who sincerely tried this will have perceived that there are spiritual beings and forces that can be sensed if one focuses long enough to tune into them.

Today we will concentrate on the spiritual sense of hearing.

Hearing is an important sense in our physical realm. It allows us to communicate with each other face to face. We not only hear the words that are spoken, but we hear the tone of voice or the way the speech is given out. Sometimes the emphasis placed on words reveal more than the words themselves.

All of our electronics necessitates hearing for full use. We use hearing regularly with our televisions and mobile devices.

A walk amidst nature is greatly enhanced by hearing. It is pleasant to listen to the birds, the animals, crickets, the rustling of wind, a gentle rain or to be reminded of natures power in a display of thunder and lightening.

Indeed, physical hearing enhances our life experience.

If this is the case then imagine what spiritual hearing will do, for the power of the higher always exceeds that of the lower.

As stated earlier, higher spiritual hearing involves the still small voice and impression. That which we call the still small voice is itself transmitted by impression, as the seeker does not hear words in the normal sense, but instead they form in his mind in complete physical silence. We call it a voice when the impression comes clearly enough to be translatable into words.

Sometimes spiritual hearing will be so clear that exact words will form in the mind. Other times the seeker will clearly sense the impression, but will need to put it in his own words. At still other times the impression will be vague and the seeker will not be sure if his imagination is playing tricks on him or if he is really receiving something. In this case he needs to focus on paying attention.

The assignment today is to concentrate on hearing what your own soul, or Higher Self has to say to you.

First sit back and call out the name you have given to your Higher Self and repeat yesterday’s lesson of feeling the presence. Sensing the presence should come quicker this time.

Feel the presence and attempt to become one with it After you feel that you have tuned in with your feeling sense as much as possible ask it this question:

“What area of my being needs your love and healing power?”

Keep in mind that the answer could refer to your physical, emotional, mental or spiritual self.

The first time you ask this you will most likely get some type of impression, but will not be sure if it comes from your soul or your imagination. Clear your mind and ask again and then again and follow up with additional questions of your own making. As the answer by impression becomes stronger you will become more confident.

Do not be concerned if you are not confident in your answer at first. You are entering new territory and it takes time to master any skill including this one. The more you practice the greater will be your accuracy.

Affirmation: “I call out and receive an answer.”


Day 93

The Eyes of Understanding

The last lesson was on spiritual hearing and the assignment was to listen and hear an answer from your Higher Self on this question:

“What area of my being needs your love and healing power?”

Did you receive a clear answer on this? Probably not at first, but also remember that your first impression, however faint or even illogical, is not to be dismissed. The first impression is not always right, but it often contains clues to the real answer.

When you ask a question you must be aware of the various answers that could be given. For instance the question includes the word “healing.” Did this cause you to focus on physical healing? The seeker should realize that healing extends far beyond the physical. In fact, most physical maladies are merely a manifestation of non physical problems sending a message through the physical body.

The emotional self creates many problems though harboring a grievance or perpetuating some state of denial.

The mind can cause problems by nourishing a deceptive illusion that sends distorted energy down through the emotions and then to manifest as physical problems.

So where do you need to focus the healing powers of the soul? Should they be just on that pain in the neck, or maybe it is your reaction to the situation or the person who is a symbolic pain in the neck.

For every problem where illness or discomfort manifests there is a possible healing. Sometimes we cannot find it on our own and need a little help from a higher spiritual intelligence.

The next spiritual sense to examine is that of sight. We have already taken sight a couple steps beyond normal seeing. We have covered seeing the etheric body and the aura. We have also covered the art of seeing the Higher Self through the use of the imagination. Not many are sensitive enough to actually see the spiritual world, but many can sense the Higher Self that resides in it.

The seeker can create a vehicle for the Higher Self through the use of his imagination, but then he can take his vision to a still higher level. An important aspect of spiritual vision is understanding. Understanding comes through spiritual light that interplays between the two worlds with the result of bringing light to the mortal mind.

What most people call understanding often involves very little real understanding, but merely the learning or memorization of how something works. Understanding goes beyond the facts to seeing how the facts relate and support true principles.

Indeed Solomon spoke the truth when he advised, “with all thy getting get understanding.” Proverbs 4:7

Spiritual vision includes the art of seeing through the eyes of understanding and attempting this is the next step in connecting with your Higher Self for this higher part of yourself sees with much more understanding than you in a physical body. Your Higher Self is your personal savior, your Christ, because Its mind is linked with the entity who was Christ as well as “to an innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,” Heb 12:22-23

Your assignment today is to go through all the steps of contact we have discussed so far. Call out the name of the Higher Self, imagine Its presence, then feel Its presence followed by sensing impressions it has for you. Today we will go one extra step and see through the eyes of the Higher Self

Sense the presence of your Higher Self a few feet in front of you. Now feel the presence come close to you,. Stand up as if you are face to face with it. Now feel it step forward and enter your body. Next sense you and your Higher Self as being one and that you can see through It’s eyes of understanding. Using this enhanced vision examine your life from the time you were born to the present. See your life as your Higher Self sees it. Spend whatever time is confortable examining your life and see what insights come. When you are through see your Higher Self step out of your body but a lighted link joins you so Its presence is closer now than before.

Affirmation: “I see through eyes of understanding.”


Day 94


So, were you able to merge with your Higher Self and look upon your life through Its eyes. Or maybe I should ask if you were able to imagine merging with it and seeing through Its eyes. Let us hope you at least made the effort.

Remember energy follows thought and the more thought you use to imagine these things the more energy is drawn to them. When enough energy is available you will have created an actual vehicle in which your Higher Self can manifest. Of course, there are degrees of manifestation and the higher the intensity of thought the greater will be your power to be one with your Higher Self and share in Its understanding.

Did you attempt to look upon your life through the eyes of your Higher Self? If you did this successfully it would have been like a life review – not as complete as you will receive after death, but a foreshadowing of it. A life review done here in the midst of life is quite valuable as you still have time to use the knowledge and make corrections.

Socrates said that “an unexamined life is not worth living.” Therefore, let us attempt to examine ourselves frequently and learn from the lessons life has for us.

The next sense to consider is that of taste. Its higher correspondence is that of discernment. The wise use discernment to see the difference between truth and error, good and evil and other dualities. He correctly sees the dualities and the zero point between and discerns which side of the duality takes us toward the dominating good and why this is the case.

Many used their material filters and see the dualities upside down from their true condition.

Isaiah spoke of this when he complained that peopled called “evil good, and good evil; they put darkness for light, and light for darkness; and put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isa 5:20 The scriptures further say: “There is none that doeth good, no not one.” (Psalms 14:3)

The ancient sages thus complained that people get things backwards to the extent that they cannot tell what is good and what is evil. They are so incompetent at this that none were said to even know how to do that which is the true good.

It is unlikely the prophets were speaking of some of the basics such as lying or stealing which most acknowledge to be evil, but were looking at the big picture. When one puts all the pieces together are we seeing the true good or the true evil?

For instance, Hitler spoke of many virtues that most would call good, but the whole picture he put together was not so good, yet accepted by most of the German people at the time.

We have the same problem today, Leaders on both sides of issues speak of virtues that most consider good, yet if the whole agenda is discerned we may find that this person could lead us to destruction.

True discernment doesn’t just look at individual parts or ingredients of a plan or goal, but closely examines the whole thing to determine its worth.

Without the help of the soul the seeker will make errors in discernment and sometimes will examine that which is good and call it evil and look at evil and call it good. Not everything that sounds good on the surface is good and many things that are called evil belong to the higher path.

The biggest problem we have today with bad discernment are the powerful political divisions we see developing throughout the world. Both sides are pointing fingers, calling each other evil and those looking for the true good are rare.

There is good to be discerned on the liberal side and the conservative and true union is to be found when all the good is discerned and synthesized into a working while.

Your assignment today is to call upon your soul and look through Its mind at the main political side you least support and find three things that are good within the belief system.

Affirmation: “I will look anew and find that which is good.”


Day 95

Accessing the Invisible

Your assignment was to examine the political side you least support and find three good things in it. The two main political divisions are the conservative and the liberal. If you normally side with the liberals you should have looked for good within the conservatives and if you normally side with the conservatives you needed to look for good within the liberal view.

How did it go? Were you able to find three good things or did you conclude that at this juncture the other party is so far off that there is nothing good to be found in them?

Those who arrived at this conclusion need to take another look, not through the eyes of the personality, but through the soul.

We must realize that no party is 100% liberal or conservative but the major parties in the various countries always lean one way or the other.

That said, I will name three positive things from each side. See if they are in harmony with what you came up with. Keep in mind you may have named some good ones not on my list.

Good things about conservatives.

(1) Things that have been proven as positive for society need to be conserved. For instance, respect for just law and order helps keep a society intact and healthy.

(2) Conservatives tend to reject bad ideas for liberal change causing the change that does occur to be more effective.

(3) They place needed emphasis on being fiscally responsible, something needed when we are $20 trillion in debt.

Good things about liberals.

(1) There are many things that need changed for the better and liberals are always putting forth their ideas for change. They keep us from resting on the status quo.

(2) Liberals, as a whole, are more creative than conservatives and provide us with stimulating entertainment.

(3) Sometimes (not always) rules need to be broken and liberals are more willing to take a chance and do this when needed.

For most it is much easier to point fingers and condemn the other side, but many of the flaws the two sides see in each other are found in both of them. Unfortunately, many ideologues are so polarized that they can find little if any good in those with opposing political views. This should not be the attitude of the seeker of truth for in the higher realms of Spirit good is seen in all who have any desire to do what is right.

Politics is where discernment is most needed in the world today, but there are many other areas where the seeker can practice this ability.

Now let us move on to the fifth sense, that of smell. The higher correspondence of this is the intuition.

Smell is an amazing sense when you think of it. When you smell a flower from about foot away can you imagine the small number of particles that enter through your nose to create the smell? Or someone could be cooking bacon 100 feet away and yet enough tiny molecules enter your nose arouse your hunger.

Then when we consider that a dog’s sense of smell is, on the average, 40 times that of a human one can only stand in awe at this marvelous sense.

Just as the sense of smell can seemingly pick up information out of thin air from nothing visible the intuition can reach into the invisible realm of Spirit and retrieve information and principles.

Just as it was difficult for humanity to figure out how the sense of smell works many humans do not understand intuition. Many confuse it with a gut feeling or with clever reasoning ability of the mind. Intuition, as your Higher Self understands it, is much more than this. If the seeker taps into the intuition he accesses a spiritual Internet where all true principles can be understood.

We’ll talk more about the intuition in the next lesson but for your assignment sit back, closed our eyes and focus your attention in your forehead, the seat of the your intuitive powers. In the center of your forehead see a growing ball of light and then in the midst of that light see a friend or family member who has political views different than your own. See him as a brother or sister struggling to find his way in life just as you are. See him as having a Higher Self just as you do. See that your Higher Self loves this person’s Higher Self and sense the love connecting you with him.

Affirmation: “I will access the intuitive powers of the Spirit.”


Day 96

Accessing Intuition

Just as the sense of smell brings to the attention of brain consciousness scents by invisible and almost miraculous means, the intuition accesses a higher plane, perceives the invisible and brings it to our awareness.

The power of the intuition must be accessed through the medium of the Higher Self. The highest we can access on our own is the higher part of our minds. The higher part of the mind can access the soul and the soul can access the higher planes. The goal of the seeker is thus to become one with the soul which will give him continual access to the intuitive plane.

The intuition gives the seeker access to the plane wherein ideas originate. These ideas are founded on true principles which are clearly seen through the eyes of the soul accessing intuition.

Ideas exist on two levels here on the earth plane. Most of what we call ideas are merely formed by the mind making various associations of thought. Thought one plus thought two equals thought three, often seen as an idea.

An idea brought down by the intuition is more of a revelation than a deduction. In bringing down an idea through the intuition the seeker may use some associated thoughts but the revelation will be more than 1+1=2 type of thinking. The idea will come in a flash and will be beyond the power of the mind alone to produce.

The intuition may also verify ideas and principles already taught here on the material plane. It doesn’t create a fiery confirmation as sometimes happens in spiritual experiences. Instead it just turns on an inner light giving the seeker a knowing and understanding about the principle or idea involved.

I have often written that the language of the soul is the language of principles. A principle can reveal a thousand facts, but it may take a thousand facts to relate the fullness of a principle to the average mind.

When the seeker accesses the power of the intuition through the soul he can sometimes grasp a picture of truth in an instant that may take a book to explain if he were to write it.

There is no single exercise that can be given that will cause the seeker to make a breakthrough in accessing intuition. What he must do is to seek additional soul contact and as he progresses toward a fullness the intuition will naturally develop.

For the assignment today I will give an affirmation on which to contemplate. Within the depth of these words are potential intuitive flashes that can reveal true principles. No great revelation may come today, but if the seeker continues all knowledge of truth will be his. It will come in its own time.

Affirmation: “God is the one and the many. The many who become one see God.”


Day 97

The Master Mind

Hopefully you placed some attention on the intuition as brought up in the last lesson. There is no easy way to teach it. Getting hold of it with the mind is like trying to grab a dust particle floating in a beam of light shining through a window. The harder you try the faster it moves away from you.

The seeker can take heart though that when he successfully treads the path and follows the step by step approach to soul contact that the intuition will be naturally enhanced. When he is finally one with the Higher Self he can access the same intuitive knowledge that It does.

The Higher Self has many powers that are not normally accessed by regular humanity, but can be. It has great creative powers and used these powers to assist in creating your body and then projecting a fragment of its consciousness into it. That fragment is you. Some time after your death you will reunite with your Higher Self and it will be like awakening from a dream. Then later on you will dream again.

The Higher Self is capable of placing several fragments of itself on earth at one time. Normally, it just has one fragment on the earth, but there could be two of you if it fulfilled some purposed. This has been verified by the late Michael Newton, who through regressive techniques took thousands of people back to their life between lives and received very consistent accounts.

The fact that your Higher Self can project more than one fragment of itself on the earth plane at one time is valuable information to have. Seekers utilized this knowledge when they named their Higher Self and then imagined its presence. Just as your body is a vehicle for a fragment so are thoughtforms created by your mind. If you place enough energy into visualizing your Higher Self then a body of mental matter will be created as a vehicle for It to use. Because thought matter is more refined than physical matter It can communicate through it with less distortion.

One of the ways the soul can manifest a greater portion of itself to us is through the use of the Master Mind. The Master Mind idea was made popular by Napoleon Hill. He discovered there was great power in its application but didn’t seem to be aware of why this was so, but did realize that some divine power was at work.

Hill defined the Master Mind as a “coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people, for the attainment of a definite purpose.”

He discovered that two or more people working in harmony toward a goal seemed to draw to themselves, not only more power than they have as individuals, but that the whole was equal to more than the sum of the parts.

He found that individuals in a united group had an almost supernatural ability to access each others talents, mind power and more. The larger the number that was united the more potent the group became.

The reason the Master Mind works is because souls in the spiritual world can see eye to eye much more effectively than do people on the earth plane. When two or more unite with a positive purpose they are following the path of the soul and bring down additional soul energy that can be felt and accessed by two or more people here.

The union of souls through a Master Mind is one of the most effective ways to increase soul presence that can be accessed and used by the seeker.

Your assignment today is to first pick a goal that you would like to see accomplished. Next reflect on all the people you know and pick two or three that would most likely support you in reaching this goal. It is advantageous to have them within the range of physical contact, but not essential.

Next imagine that they are standing in front of you, willing to assist you. After this tell them either vocally or with your thoughts what your goal is and ask for their support,  advice and help in achieving it.

Now look at them and imagine what response they give to you. If you succeed in doing this with soul energy the advice you sense will be in harmony with your soul.

Spend as much time as is confortable imagining interplay with your Master Mind group.

Affirmation: “I join with other souls and enter into greater life.”


Day 98

Extending the Master Mind

How’d the last lesson go? Did you visualize your friends in your Master Mind group? Were you able to see any of them in the flesh? There’s nothing like s haring thoughts in person.

Actually all people use the power of the Master Mind to a degree through their relationships with their innermost circle of friends, which would include the spouse. Normally when a person gets an idea, or considers a new goal the first thing he will do is visit one or two close associates and share thoughts with them so see what they think. Usually they will have some advice and input. Once received the guy will often alter some of his planning making his ideas more practical.

Just discussing with friends brings down more soul energy, but the interplay seems so natural that the principle involved is overlooked and only a small portion of the possible potency is achieved.

Once the seeker realizes how group cooperation can manifest additional soul energy and intelligence he can create a Master Mind and take his thinking to new levels.

Napoleon Hill wrote about how many successful people created a Master Mind composed of people in their enterprise. By holding meetings with them they were able to draw down intelligence that surpassed any of them individually.

Then he tells he interesting story of how he took this to a higher level in his own life. He decided to create a Master Mind group of famous people, even some who were dead, by using his own imagination. There were nine people in his group which were, “Emerson, Paine, Edison, Darwin, Lincoln, Burbank, Napoleon, Ford, and Carnegie.”

He imagined their presence as a council and used them for advice as well as incorporating their positive qualities into his life.

As time passed they became so real that he became concerned and decided to discontinue the idea. Then something quite unusual happened.

He was awakened in the middle of the night by none other than a visage of Abraham Lincoln standing beside his bed. He heard him say these words:

“The world will soon need your services. It is about to undergo a period of chaos which will cause men and women to lose faith, and become panic stricken. Go ahead with your work and complete your philosophy. That is your mission in life. If you neglect it, for any cause whatsoever, you will be reduced to a primal state, and be compelled to retrace the cycles through which you have passed during thousands of years.”

This startled him and he immediately resumed his Master Mind group and continued to develop his philosophy. In fact he expanded his group to include more than fifty famous people more, among them were Christ, St. Paul, Galileo, Copernicus, Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Homer, Voltaire, Bruno, Spinoza, Drummond, Kant, Schopenhauer, Newton, Confucius, Elbert Hubbard, Brann, Ingersol, Wilson, and William James.

In the end, I am sure that Lincoln was proud of Mr. Hill for he wrote many books that inspired millions, including myself.

Napoleon Hill realized that the Master Mind group had supernatural powers that somehow originated through Divine Intelligence, but was not clear on how it worked. He just knew that it achieved results.

Understanding how it works will give the seeker more power to use the principles involved.

The Master Mind works through the individual focusing on the higher mind and linking with his Higher Self. The Higher Self then has power to send a fragment of consciousness into any thoughtform you create.

What is interesting is that your soul can access the consciousness of any other soul, living or dead. This was why Hill’s Lincoln was so real. His Higher Self accessed the consciousness of the real Lincoln which allowed him to interplay with an image that manifested the personality and intelligence of the real Lincoln as he existed in the 1860’s.

Today’s assignment is optional. While you should have a Master Mind group of at least several close friends and associates, an imaginary group of famous people from the past is optional. If you do decide to create such a group it will require considerable effort and time, but the benefits could be quite amazing.

Whether you make the effort or not at least think of three famous people that you admire. Bring one or more of these into your consciousness now and then and consider what advice they would have for you or what they would do in your situation.

Continue working with your Master Mind of living associates, both in person when possible, and by using your imagination.

Affirmation: “I am never alone for all souls are linked as one great life.”


Day 99

The Sixth Sense

We have covered the correspondences to the five acknowledged senses, but there is a sixth one, and it is not ESP.

What is called ESP is not connected to the physical senses but belong to the astral body or higher correspondence to them in the soul that we have recently covered to some degree.

A sixth sense related to the physical body is a sense of balance. This is a very important one for without it you could not even stand upright or walk. We witness many people who have highly developed this sense such a surfers, tight rope walkers, and mountain climbers. All who excel at sports have a well developed sense of balance and all of us use this to some degree.

So, what would be the higher correspondence to balance? How would this manifest through the Higher Self?

This sixth sense manifests in a wonderful way in the kingdom of the soul. The Higher Self puts reality in is proper perspective so it maintains a balance of spiritual energies giving it a powerful sense of peace. The “peace that passes all understanding” is the sixth sense of the soul.

The correspondence is interesting. When a person feels out of balance or out of sorts he also does not feel at peace. When we extend our sense of balance to giving the right amount if attention to the essentials of life and balancing them with the inward sense of right and wrong we then can be at some degree of peace with ourselves. If the person neglects his family, friends and spiritual values for material success he will be out of balance and not have that peace that every life desires.

The peace of the soul is on a higher level than regular peace as seen by average humanity. Even most of them who live a fairly balanced life will discover that they are lacking the flow of spiritual energies to counterbalance the excess of material ones that we have on the earth plane.

It is impossible to achieve the peace of the soul on our own. To do this the seeker must seek contact and then share in this balancing of all the energies that are accessed.

One sign that a person has achieved soul contact will be that he will have experienced a transcendent peace that goes beyond anything related to the material world.

The assignment today is to first assess your present state of peace. Sit back, close your eyes, spend a while just sensing your state of mind and then ask: “Is there anything that prevents me from having perfect peace?”

As you contemplate you may realize that there are several things that are in the way such as some residual guilt, a grievance, worry or just being too caught up in daily problems.

This course has covered guilt and grievances. If they are still a problem then review those lessons dealing with them. Other distractions will be drowned out if the seeker can access the peace of the soul. Use the following affirmation and quietly mediate on it, expecting results.

“I invite the higher presence of my soul to come into my heart and mind and share the peace that passes all understanding.”


Day 100

The Seventh Sense

So you thought that there were just five senses here on the material plane, but were presented with a sixth which was balance. When you thought about it, it did indeed seem to qualify for a sense. You probably did not expect another sense to be presented, but should not be surprised, as all creation manifests in sevens.

The seventh sense is timing and is related to the brain which is linked to the mind and heart.

A sense of timing manifests in many different places of our lives. This good sense often separates the nerds from the popular ones in school. The nerd may have developed the part of his brain that allows him to get good grades, but may lack the sense of timing had by the popular kid just getting by with Cs.

Timing isn’t the same as what is commonly called emotional intelligence, but is enhanced by it. The guy with good timing gets the girl because he initiates a series of events that work in his favor. The guy with bad timing approaches at the wrong time, says the wrong thing and reacts in a way that makes others cringe.

We see that the sense of vision is different for each individual. Some require glasses and others do not. Of those who require glasses many different prescriptions are needed. A sense of timing is like that. Some have a good sense for it and others need timing glasses to make up for a deficiency in that sense.

Let us say you are at a party and you observe a group of six having a conversation about football. Four of them are really into the game and their conversation seems to fit in. The fifth guy doesn’t follow the game much, but has a good sense of timing so he just nods his head and asks a few questions at the appropriate time.

The sixth guy also doesn’t follow the game but has a bad sense of timing. Out of the blue he wants to talk about computers. Now this may have been entirely appropriate with another group in another time, but in this case the rest look at him as an odd and unwanted character while the expression on their faces says, “Where did this guy come from?”

The sense of timing manifests in many aeas of our lives. When you were a kid you learned to time just the right moment to ask a favor of your parents, or maybe just the right moment to cry or throw a fit to get what you want. During the teenage years most concentrate on good timing in relationships and seeking popularity.

Later when seeking employment you use a sense of timing to select your career, and in your work you use good timing to get ahead and fit in.

Timing is related to cycles. There are cycles where the door of opportunity is open and others where it is closed. The one with a good sense of timing has a natural grasp of numerous cycles in life and instinctively knows when the opportunity is there and when it is not.

The question that now arises is what is the higher correspondence of this sense and how does it manifest through the soul? The assignment today is to contemplate this question along with this affirmation: “I see the cycles of opportunity through the eyes of my soul.”


Day 101

A Divine Power

The last assignment asked the question of how the seventh sense of timing manifests through the soul. This is manifest through the power of judgment.

Now judgment has gotten a bad rap because of this scripture:

“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” Matt 7:1-5

Here Jesus is NOT telling us that we cannot judge, but is instead warning us of the law of karma if we judge harshly or incorrectly, for he says: “with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Therefore, if you judge someone with minor faults to have major faults, this harsh judgment will come back to haunt you.

In this scripture He gives the key for righteous judgment: “first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.” In other words, concentrate on eliminating your own faults first, and then you will be able to make a correct judgment as to how to help your brother (or sister).

Here is another scripture illustrating even more clearly that Jesus was talking about the law of karma:

“Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven: Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.” Luke 6:36-38

Here He is simply saying that if we judge rashly, condemning our brother and not forgiving him, we will reap what we have sown and find condemnation coming back to us. Jesus gives us a guide in using the power of judgment correctly:

“I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.” John 5:30

As we seek to become one with God and follow His will, then the beam clogging our vision will be removed and our judgment will also be just. Here is an interesting scripture where Jesus actually tells us to judge:

“Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” John 7:24

Judge with clarity wisdom and love, and when you do this and later judged, as you have judged, all will be well with you, but if you do not judge righteously, then the law of karma will bring painful judgments to your door.

Finally Jesus tells his twelve apostles that they shall be judges:

“And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.” Matt 19:28

When you think of it, it is silly to say we should not judge. As soon as you wake in the morning you make a judgment as to whether to get up or sleep a while longer. When you get in the shower you make a judgment as to when you are clean enough to get out. When you eat breakfast you make a judgment as to what you will have and how much.

When you drive to work and are a little late you make a judgment as to whether you are going to speed or not. Finally you get to work and meet the new guy who was just hired. He wants to be your best friend and now you make a judgment on whether or not you want this type of personality in your life. Then your boss wants you to dig up some dirt on the boss above him. You judge your boss to be wrong and refuse.

We could go on and on here, but hopefully we get the point. Judgments are not wrong. Only wrong judgments are wrong. Every quality and ability has a positive and negative side to it. When the Bible and A Course in Miracles talks about judgment in a negative light, they are talking about negative, limiting judgments.

Example: The child received some bad grades in school and tells the parent he is going to do better next time. The parent responds: “You’ve failed miserably in the past, so you’re going to fail again.” This is a cruel and limiting judgment.

A positive judgment would be something like this: “I have seen you make progress in the past when you make an effort and I do believe you have it in you to dramatically improve your grades.” Here the parent made a judgment on the positive possibilities of the child, and in this case judgment is a good thing.

Like all other qualities judgment manifests in a duality. Limiting judgments are negative and should be avoided. Positive and constructive judgments can be very good and uplifting. The seeker needs to avoid judgments that limit, condemn, belittle and emphasize the flaws of others.

Good judgment is spoken of as a divine quality throughout the scriptures. Many times we are told that Christ and God are righteous judges and this power will be given to those who overcome. It is written:

“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them.” Rev 20:4

The assignment today is to contemplate how judgment is used in this world and then how it may be used by the Higher Self in the world of Spirit. How does the soul use this seventh sense and how can we benefit from its judgments?

Affirmation: “I see the way and, make a judgment and take my next step.”


Day 102

The Eyes of the Soul

The assignment was to contemplate the difference in the use of judgment between the higher and lower self, or perhaps we should say the material and the spiritual world.

In this world a large part of the focus of judgment is on the negative aspect and this focus is so strong and prevalent that many on the spiritual path have seen judgments as some thing altogether bad and have just flat out condemned it. But as we pointed out in the last lesson there is a positive side to judgment. Judgment and decision go and in hand. Who would ever say that we should cease making decisions? No one. Ye before any wise decision is made the power of judgment must be called into play.

The positive aspect of judgment is so powerful that it is is often associated with the wisdom of God and divine power.

Unfortunately, the negative aspect is the opposite and associated with destructive thinking.

In this world we see too much of the negative aspect with humans first judging and then being overly critical of their fellow men and women. Also, the inflated ego judges through a veil of illusion and sees his importance as being elevated above others. The ego may not admit it but but sees itself as superior to others and judges others to be inferior in every possible way.

In the world of souls the Higher Self does not use negative judgment at all, but only uses the positive aspect. It does not think in terms of interior of superior, even though some souls are further along the path than others. It sees all life as being linked together and being interdependent.

Your soul knows your complete history and planned your course in life and the major lessons you were to learn before you were born. It made these plans while linked to Divine Intelligence and made many judgments about how your life could proceed so you could obtain maximum benefit from each fork in the road.

Your soul never approaches you from the aspect of condemning judgment but always seeks to help and even sees your mistakes as learning experiences. Every judgment hat It attempts to send to you is one that will help you to advance into the light and fill your heart with joy.

The important thing for the seeker to do is to tune in to the world of Spirit, access the mind of his Higher Self and make judgments from Its level of vision.

Thus your assignment today is to sit back, imagine the presence of your Higher Self manifesting and seeing though Its eyes as to the what lies in the path ahead for you. Also look through Its eyes at your friends and associates and see them using only positive judgment. See the Christ in even the most difficult people.

Affirmation: “My judgments are one with my soul and only the path of joy do I tread.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 9

Day 81

Shutting the door

Let us start again by repeating the seed thought:

“From the centre which we call the race of men

“Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.

“And may it seal the door where evil dwells.”

The focus now is on bringing greater light to the last line which asks to “seal the door where evil dwells.”

Djwhal Khul who wrote this explained that the evil of concern here is not the standard group of evils seen by most, such as greed, pride, robbery, plunder etc. Certain abuses will be with us in some degree for some time to come. What concerned him was an evil that would affect us all by taking away our basic freedom of thought and action. This was a door opened by Hitler and his associates. If they had won the war the world would be much different and enlightened teachings would not be allowed to be circulated.

The door to this evil of suppression had to be shut and the Allied victory in World War II almost did it. Since then a number of forces in the world have pushed it partially open such as the Totalitarian threat from the old Soviet union, The present threat from North Korea and extreme Muslim factions who want to impose their will upon the world. The rising generation will have their hands full in shutting that door so freedom in the world can continue to grow and flourish into a new age of light and truth.

Even though the evil that concerned Djwhal Khul was a particularly dangerous and sinister one, like any inspired writing the interpretation can be applied on several levels. We as individuals can open a door to both good and evil into our lives. Which door we open depends on what type of food for thought we allow to enter into our mind and thinking.

If the focus is to the extreme toward material possessions then the tendency may be toward deception, unfair practices and even robbery to get what is wanted.

If the focus is on the spiritual side, such as love, wisdom and compassion then the tendency will be toward service for fellow humans.

No matter what door of evil we may have to deal with the stanza gives the key to closing the door which is “the Plan of Love and Light.”

We may not know all the ingredients of the Plan, but we do have some grasp of what love and light is. Almost all the harm that one human does to another is from a lack of love. If he could feel the pain he is inflicting on another then he just wouldn’t do it. Loving our brother as ourselves causes us to feel what it is like to be in his shoes and thus treat him civilly.

When a person harms another he does his best to remain in the dark. The thief or murderer, for instance hides his identity. If the person with harmful intentions always had all his actions exposed to the light then he would rarely do them.

Thus we see that love and light shut the door to evil so it cannot fully manifest. If all the people of goodwill did their part then neither a greater or lesser door to evil could remain open.

Now, let us move to the last line of the Great Invocation:

“Let Light and Love and power restore the Plan on Earth.”

Just think of the Plan as “peace on earth, goodwill to men” – and of course women.

Ask yourself how you can do your part and contribute to light and love? And where does power enter in and what is its source?

Affirmation: “I am linked to a source of light and love and power.”


Day 82

Light and Love and Power

The seed thought:

“Let Light and Love and power restore the Plan on Earth.”

Students often overlook the word “restore” in this line. If the Plan is to be restored this means that it was once here and moving forward. On the other hand, the fact that the Plan was once here does not mean that the Plan was ever consummated.

In other words, the Plan and the results or finishing of the Plan are two different things.

The Plan is like a blueprint for a house, but it is not the house. In this case if you have the plan you have the blueprint and know what to do to go forward with the creation process.

This line therefore tells us that humanity once had the correct Plan and was moving forward with it, but apparently something happened to obscure or frustrate it, maybe something that is symbolized by the fall and being cast out of the Garden of Eden.

So the work of disciples for some time has not been to implement the Plan, but to uncover it. Then when the Plan is revealed and understood real and efficient progress can be made.

Interesting thought is it not?

And consider, all this came from contemplating the one word, “restore.”

When interpreting any text the seeker must not overlook any word. Often an authority will quote a sacred text and explain it and miss a key phrase or word – as if it does not exist. Those words that are ignored by the many often come full of meaning to those who have eyes to see.

So, we want the Plan restored so we can have a lighted way and no longer be groping in the dark. What then will restore the Plan?

The answer given is Light and Love and Power. And previously we discovered that these three energies must work through humanity itself in order to make this happen.

We see that a Plan exists, but is obscured and the first step in making it visible to humanity is Light. We can’t just sit around waiting for God to send us light, but light must come from us. Each of us must do our part.

We all have some desire for more light and understanding. It is our duty to seek and expand that light until each of us is an expanding point of light. Then as the light within does expand it is our duty to share that light with others. When the light that is in humanity is great enough we will have the united vision to be able to see the Plan when it does manifest.

The second ingredient is love. If we fear the Plan of God then we will not want to see it, but if we love words of truth and have faith that we will love that which out Heavenly Parent has in store for us then both light and love will move us forward toward – seeing and understanding the Plan.

Since “God is Love” we can assume that the Plan will be interwoven with love and that loving our brother and humanity itself will do much to manifest the Plan.

The final ingredient is “Power.” What part does this play? Many there are who seek greater light and love to serve, but lack the power. The cares of the world take so much if their attention that the light and love in them almost becomes dormant.

The seeker, as well as humanity itself, must acquire enough power to free up the light and love which is essential to reveal our next step as well as attract us toward it.

Sources of power are many and none should be discounted. They include power from the soul within, power from helping hands and power from money that can free the hands of a working disciple.

That finishes the use of The Great Invocation as a source of seed thoughts. We have just skimmed the surface of what could be revealed. Each seeker should memorize this and say it regularly and as he does he should contemplate the words for additional light. You never know what your soul will reveal to you.

For today’s assignment we’ll add one more seed thought. It is a simple one but full of meaning:

“I am the Path.”

Think on this and see what comes to you.

Affirmation: “I embrace the Plan of Light and Love.”


Day 83

Understanding the Path

The seed thought for the day was a short one, but sometimes a few words lead to much knowledge and understanding.

“I am the Path.”

Were you able to figure out some questions to ask about this? Were you able to expand on meaning?

Perhaps the most obvious question to come up in the minds of seekers is, “What do you mean that I am the path? Isn’t the path something separate from myself that I follow?”

If this was your first question then perhaps you need to ask another question:

“What is the Path?”

Notice that the word “Path” is capitalized as are words related to Deity? Why do you suppose this is?

The answer is that the Path is a link between us and God and when clearly seen we discover that the distance between the two is illusion. In reality then there is no Path as the term is commonly understood. The Path home in a sense is not needed because the real part of ourselves has never left and we are already there.

Looking for the path is a little like being asleep and looking for a path to find your waking self. Since the dream was created by you then you would find that your very thoughts are the Path. You just follow your thoughts to the end of the dream and then you awake. The path then can be whatever you make it for when you are finished with the illusion you will merely wake.

To discover what a separation from our true home would be like we projected a fragment of ourselves into the worlds of form which are created on the principle of illusion.

Jesus said that He and God were one and told us that we should see ourselves this way also. If, therefore, the Path to God is made by God, it is also made by you. As long as we are in the world let us create wonderful path – one that leads to love, peace, joy ad happiness. That is what is at the end of the dream, and when this becomes a part of our own creation you will wake up to a higher reality.

Don’t worry if you did not get the same insights on this thought as I did for there are many to be gleamed and it is quite possible you may come up with something different, yet helpful for yourself.

We’ll do one more seed thought and then move on to other material.

“My soul, or Higher Self, is light which is reflected on to my mind. I can see it if I look.”



Day 84

The Revealing Light

Here is today’s seed thought:

“My soul, or Higher Self, is light which is reflected on to my mind. I can see it if I look.”

There are a lot of questions that you could have asked yourself around this thought. I hope you found a few and contemplated on the answers.

A key word on which to place attention here is “light.” It would be advantageous to reflect on this before going further.

When the average person thinks of light he thinks of the world around him and how it is illuminated. The most obvious light is that of the Sun which lights up the world and allows us to see the beauties of this planet we call Earth.

Until recently any significant light by night was inadequately created by a burning fire such as a candle or torch. Now in the modern era the earth is lit up at night through electrical lighting. Nighttime pictures from space reveal a tremendous amount of light on the dark side of the planet. If we had similar pictures from a couple centuries ago the night side of the planet would have been totally dark, as it was for thousands of years before electric lighting.

Light is basically that which reveals, and to reveal, contrast is needed. Before the Sun’s light reaches us it travels through 93 million miles of space in which nothing is revealed because there is no contrast until the Sun’s rays strike contrasting forms here. It is interesting to consider that an astronaut in space can look in space that is being bathed with the Sun’s rays yet he sees no light at all, but only blackness and stars.

Light does not reveal until there is something with contrast that can be revealed.

Science has discovered that the frequencies of light that are in the visible spectrum are just a small portion of what is out there.

Vibrating with a lower frequency are infrared light, microwaves, radio waves and others. At a higher frequency we have ultraviolet, X-rays and gamma rays.

The range of light belonging to the physical plane is marvelous indeed, but there are still higher types of light on higher planes.

In the higher plane wherein resides the soul is a kingdom permeated by a light of a different nature. In addition to revealing all that regular sunlight does, it stimulates understanding. Understanding increases as the light of the soul shines on the mind and is captured by the consciousness of the individual involved.

Understanding is not usually associated with light, but when reflected upon the seeker will discover that the link is very strong. When the mind receives the higher light of the soul and the consciousness pays attention understanding is greatly enhanced.

Remember light is that which reveals. When sunlight shines on an apple we may see its form. When the inner sun of the soul shines on the mind the seeker may see or understand an idea and how to apply it.

The principle of revealing is the same for the two lights; it is just that they reveal different things.

Your Higher Self is linked to still Higher Lives which are linked to God and can channel to you all the light and understanding that you are willing and able to handle.

The mind is the key to receiving the higher light and the heart is the key to fully understanding and applying what is revealed.

All these instruments are of little value if we do not look. The last words of the seed thought needs to be applied:

“I can see it (higher light) if I look.”

Your assignment today is to focus on looking within for the higher light. Review all the seed thoughts given so far at your disposal and see what additional light and understanding will come.

Tomorrow we will direct the course toward contacting your Higher Self. We will leave the seed thoughts for now but will return as needed.

Affirmation: “I AM the light by which I see.”


Day 85

Life Responds to Names

When we think of communion with the soul or Higher Self we normally think of receiving impressions, the still small voice or inspiration from an inner source higher than ourselves. All these methods are good and the seeker should expand upon them as much as possible. Often unrealized is that the Higher Self, at least from our point of view, is basically unlimited. There are no boundaries as to how it can communicate with us if we are willing. The only restriction is that the communication must be a two-way endeavor.

The seeker cannot just sit back and let the Higher Self do all the work. Neither will your Higher Self leave everything up to you. In the end you are one, the reflector and the reflection. All communion is cooperative.

A difference, however, between you and your Higher Self is that this higher part of yourself is much more aware of you than you are of it. Before it can respond to you, you must evoke it and call upon it.

Many do this to a degree naturally through prayer. In prayer the person calls upon God, but your Higher Self is linked to God and if potent enough will receive your prayer.

Similarly meditation can evoke response from your Higher Self.

One of the most important pieces of knowledge for the seeker to have is that there is a higher part of himself that is the intermediary between him and God and that it is happy to make contact. As mentioned earlier, there are many distractions and illusions that take away our attention from the true spirit within and place them on the gods without, but when the seeker finally looks in the right place he can indeed seek and find.

An important key to greater knowledge of your Higher Self is that it has a name and just like you respond to your name this entity responds to its name.

The assignment today is to find the name of your Higher Self and call upon it.

“And how am I supposed to do that?” asks he seeker.

The simplest way is to just ask what its name is. Those who ask who are sensitive may get an answer right away. Some will think they have the right name but really have an incorrect one. Others will just not feel sure if they are getting anything or not, How, then, can seeking the name be useful to a group if many do not retrieve the correct name?

His answer is this. The Higher Self will be pleased if you do discover and use the correct name, but is still happy to respond to you even if you get it wrong. The most important thing is to tune in to its essence and call upon it by a name that feels good to you.

Here is the process to apply. First consider that your Higher Self may have the same, or a similar name, to our own. Sometimes parents will tune in to the Higher Self of the child and use a similar name.

As you mediate, pray or contemplate think of this possibility first. If you do not get a positive response on this then ask: “My friend, myself, my link to God, who art thou and by what name do you wish to be called?”

Then sit in silence for a few moments and listen. After discerning the name to the best of your ability pick the one that feels most correct, even though you may not be sure that you are right. Pick a name and start using it, calling your Higher Self by name as if it were right next to you. As you proceed and another name comes to mind that seems better switch and use that. The important thing right now is to pick a name that feels good and begin using it. Keep the name to yourself and do not tell anyone, unless you feel impressed from within to do so.

We will explore using the name in the next lesson.

Affirmation: “I call upon a name from God.”


Day 86

Settling on the Name

Some will be concerned about naming the Higher Self when they are not sure they are correct, but the important thing at this point is to pick a positive sounding name. We are taking a step, and the step involves moving forward, which is more important than being assured you are 100% correct.

So wouldn’t your Higher Self be offended and unresponsive if you called It by the wrong name?

The answer is no. To understand let me ask you this question. Have you ever had a nickname, or known someone who did? As long as the name sounded positive then using the name was no problem was it? If one has a good nickname he will respond to it just as he would his real name.

Sometimes a person will like his nickname more than his real name. “Babe” Ruth is a good example. His real name was George, but he has no problem embracing his handle.

Ronald Reagan seemed to enjoy his two nicknames of the “Gripper” and “Dutch.”

Theodore Roosevelt didn’t like the nickname “Teddy” but did like a lesser-known one of “Colonel,” so those who wanted to get on his good side used that.

During president Franklin Roosevelt’s era the initials of his name, producing the nickname FDR, became more popular than his real name.

Many pop stars embrace nicknames such as Bruce Springsteen has no problem being called, “The Boss.”

Since the higher part of yourself is less subject to taking offense than you then giving it a name will be no problem as long as the intention is positive.

So, if you have not received a name and do not want to use your own what should you call the Higher Self? There are a lot of possibilities. You could call it Jesus or Christ, or Jesus Christ since it shares in the Christ consciousness. In fact many revelations where seekers feel they encounter Jesus are merely encounters with the Higher Self. If you are into Eastern religions you could pick Buddha, Zoroaster, Krishna or some other hallowed name.

On the other hand, you could pick a common name such as Tom or Bill, or Mary or Susan if the female side is preferred.

You can even use something descriptive that is not normally a name such as, “Holy One,” “Beloved,” or “Holy Spirit.”

Any name will work as long as you see the name in a positive light.

The important thing is to pick a name and start using it with the realization that this represents a higher part of yourself, which is linked to Christ, which is linked to God. This is your personal Christ who is willing to assist you in creating miracles in your life.

So, if you have not yet picked a name do so now and remember you can change your mind later if a better one comes along, or if the true name is revealed to you. Do not change the name without good reason, as the thought you will be placing on it is cumulative and an important reservoir of energy.

Your assignment today is that once you have settled on a name to repeat it approximately one hundred times over the next day. Each time you say it visualize a master soul hearing it and responding. You can repeat it in a whisper or out loud while you are walking, driving, sitting at your desk, watching TV etc. Making this many repetitions should be easy. Visualizing getting the attention of our Higher Self will be the biggest challenge. At the end of the day, after you have finished the repetitions, say the name one more time with the greatest expectation possible. Sit back, relax and listen for this answer: “What do you wish of me?”

Affirmation: “A great soul is waiting for my call.”


Day 87


Did you say the name 100 times during the last day? Unless you are one of the few, probably not. If not, you have by no means failed, but merely not completed the assignment. Continue to say the name over and over until it feels like you have done it 100 times. Do not keep any actual record of the count as that would merely distract.

During this coming day attempt to be more diligent and remind yourself about the name and be sure to sense and anticipate an inward response.

If you have finished the assignment as specified continue contemplating the name, but without the repetition. Just think on the name and attempt to feel the presence.

Your assignment today is an extension of yesterday’s. We want to take this step before proceeding.

Affirmation: “I have sought and will seek again until I find.”


Day 88

Energy Follows Thought

How are you doing on the name? Have you gotten to around a hundred yet? Does the name you are using feel right or does another name that came to your mind feel better? If so, go with the one that settles best with your own inner feelings.

When you settle on a name you’ll know when you have said it enough times. If you haven’t repeated the call enough yet, go ahead and continue during the next few days. In the meantime go ahead and move forward to this new lesson.

Settling on a name for your Higher Self and calling on It with an expectation of response is a solid and bold step to take. It shows that you have faith that there is some type of higher intelligence connected to you that is capable of response.

As you continue working on this link we will take the course to its next level.

So far you have been attempting to use your higher feelings to sense the presence of your Higher Self. This you should be doing whenever you think of it or call out Its name.

Next we must add vision to the equation. The problem the seeker faces is that just as he may not have known for sure the name of his Higher Self he may have no idea what it looks like.

Just as you did not know for sure what name to use, you probably do not know what to envision when selecting an image. That doesn’t matter and this is where the power of your imagination comes into play. There is an eternal principle which tells us that “energy follows thought.” If you therefore imagine with enough intensity a form that represents your Higher Self the energy you place in that form can draw your actual Higher Self to it. The key is to make the image a positive representation, just as you tried to pick a good sounding name.

For the image you can choose a benevolent elderly man with a beard – as many imagine God to be, an image that looks like Jesus, some ancient sage, a benevolent and beautiful female or even an historical figure you admire such as Abraham Lincoln. You can even pick an image of yourself – after all, we are taking about a higher part of you. A final way to make the choice is to meditate on what the image should be and see what comes to your mind. If an image comes and it feels right then go ahead and use it, even if it is a ball of light.

Reflect and come up with a picture in your mind that represents your Higher Self. Now sit back in your chair and imagine that it is standing several feet in front of you. Imagine that you can see It with your eyes open or shut.

Now call It by name and imagine that He or She recognizes the name, smiles and is willing to respond.

Call out the name several more times and imagine that it makes a connection with you that allows you to sense Its thoughts and feel Its love.

This is as far as we will go today. See your Higher Self, call to It and feel It giving you a response. Repeat this as often as you have time.

Affirmation: “I look and thus I see. I am open and I receive.”


Day 89

Today I ask questions.

So, did you make a connection with your Higher Self? Were you able to visualize It? Did you sense Its love and acceptance of you?

If the visualization was not clear do not be concerned. Some people are better visualizers than others. We all develop various skills where we place attention. The important thing is that you sense the higher presence. If you have difficulty visualizing a human form perhaps seeing a burning bush as did Moses would be easier.

There is much more power in thought than is realized. Your presence here in a physical body was made possible by thought. The thought from your own soul in cooperation with other lives helped prepare your body that you currently use.

By visualizing, or even sensing the presence of your Higher Self you are following the same basic process as have all creators before you. The only difference is you are at beginning in the learning of this process while others in the unseen world are master craftsmen.

If you will imagine a presence not far in front of you who is willing and able to communicate with you, then you are applying the beginning steps in the creative process and can actually create a vehicle of manifestation for your Higher Self.

Each time you see or sense your Higher Self near to you, you are sending a charge of energy by the very power of your thought. Each charge is a building block that can create a usable vehicle that can be of service to your Higher Self. You will most likely not put all the blocks together in one or two lessons. You must realize that this is just the beginning. You will want to practice this process for the rest of your life. If you are diligent you will be rewarded with the presence of your best friend, a higher and more perfected version of yourself.

Your assignment today is to visualize and sense the presence of your Higher Self and ask it a couple question as follows:

(1) Have I lived up to your expectations in this life?

(2) In what areas do I need to improve?

(3) What am I supposed to do with the rest of my life?

Ask these questions with a sincere heart knowing that the Higher Self is here to help you and does not condemn you, but accepts where you are in the struggle of life. Expect an answer. The stronger the expectation the more likely it is that you will receive.

Affirmation: “I create as did the creators before me.”


Day 90

Listening for Answers

How did you do with the questions that you asked of your Higher Self? Did you receive any answers?

A handful will receive answers that seem clear to them. Most will not be sure, but if it seems you received no response do not discount your endeavor so quickly. You may have received more than you realize. After all, communication with the realm of the Spirit is much different than person to person on the earth.

The first question was: “Have I lived up to your (the Higher Self’s) expectations in this life?”

Now you can’t tell me that nothing came. When you asked the question some type of impression came to you. The chances are you thought that it was all from you and not your Higher Self. You must remember that you and your Higher Self are one. The only difference is that you are a fragment in an illusionary dream state and the Higher Self is an awake version of you. Therefore, that impression that came to you when you asked the question may not be that far off.

Because we are usually our own strongest critic you may have at first felt that you are not living up to all that was expected of you. Then, when you thought about it, some of the things you have done right probably crossed your mind. It is indeed true that all of us have had successes and failures. It is good to reflect on life in connection with the highest of spiritual intelligence you can access. Upon reflection you are likely to receive helpful impressions from your Higher Self that will improve your life.

The second question reads: “In what areas do I need to improve?”

To this all kinds of things may have run through your mind and you probably thought they all came from you and you alone. On the other hand, one of those things stood out more than others. This was most likely an impression from your Higher Self.

You might want to ask this question again and observe all that comes and take note of the one where you receive the strongest impression and think on it further.

Now for the third question: “What am I supposed to do with the rest of my life?”

A few are satisfied with an answer to this question, but many are not. Many are not sure if they are headed the right direction and would appreciate some guidance on this. Many have prayed to God about this and still are not sure. Similarly, many who will ask his of their Higher Self for the first time will feel that they have not gotten a clear answer.

Perhaps those who feel they did not get an answer missed the obvious one that came in the form of a question: “What do you want to do?”

Find something you enjoy doing, preferably something that will benefit others and do it. As you go through this process you will sense when you are headed the right direction. All of us have an internal compass and if we pay attention to it our life will head in the right direction.

Follow the highest you know and the time will come that you will receive a recognizable confirmation from your Higher Self. It will most likely come in an impression or strong feeling that you are headed the right direction.

Working with your Higher Self and seeking communion with It will be a life long endeavor. These lessons pointing you in this direction are merely the beginning and far from the end. Visualize, or imagine the presence of your Higher Self regularly and take note of your increased sensitivity as it comes.

Your assignment today is to again visualize or imagine the presence of your Higher Self and formulate a couple questions on your own. Keep experimenting with imagining the presence and communicating with it. You will find that energy follows thought and turns the imagined into the real.

Affirmation: “I create that which I imagine.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

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The Seeker’s Guide to Soul Contact, Part 8

Day 71

The great illusion

It is said that the cost of freedom is eternal vigilance. This is also true for the seeker seeking to maintain contact and communion with his highest spiritual center.

Also of note is that freedom can be taken away in increments that are hardly noticeable until one awakens to an alarming loss; even so, for the seeker who does achieve a measure of soul contact. Loss of focus and tricks played on him by his lower emotional and mental selves can take him away inch by inch until he may not realize how great the distance is that he has traveled away from his soul.

Even though soul contact is more real than the material reality the initial contact is very gentle and ephemeral – a little like a voice at a far distance that you are trying to discern through lots of interfering noises.

Those noises are caused by distortions from the emotional self and illusions and scattered thoughts from the lower mental self.

We have spent significant time on discussing how the emotional self blocks soul contact. More subtle though are the blockages created by the mind.

The problem with the emotions is easy to understand. One may have a grievance or another negative emotion that takes his attention away from the inner peace of the soul. In a negative state the person just doesn’t feel like stilling the emotions and seeking higher contact.

On the other hand, illusions from the mind can creep in when the emotional body is in relative peace. In that fairly tranquil state the mind can trick the seeker into thinking he has contact when such is not the case.

When the seeker begins his quest he usually seeks some type of higher contact. In this course we use the term “soul contact”, but people seek this by different names. Seeking an answer from God is the most common description of the quest. Others say they are seeking the Holy Spirit, Jesus, the Higher Self, higher mind, nirvana and so on.

It matters not what language you use, the process is the same. Your request must make it through the static of the lower emotions and mind. Even when the emotions are stilled the mind can create quite a barrier. Here is the most common illusion that creates a problem.

When the seeker begins his quest the highest he will normally reach will be the higher parts of his lower emotional self. The feelings here are very powerful and can bring tears to the eyes, but they are still a part of your lower self. The seeker may be a step away from higher contact, but still connected to the lower self which can lead to much error.

This is where the mind comes in creating an illusion. The mind calculates that the person is just as spiritual as the next guy and decides that the higher feelings he has received are pretty much the ultimate from God, the Spirit, Higher Self or whatever he seeks. Since he has not achieved solid enough soul contact his mind is tricked into believing that he has found the ultimate. A few years ago there was a popular bumper sticker signifying this illusion stating, “I found it!”

If the seeker is tricked into thinking higher emotional contact is the end goal then he will relax and it may be a long time before he becomes motivated to see through the illusion and take the next step.

It is essential that the seeker learn to differentiate between the higher part of the lower self and the actual Higher Self. He cannot do this until he makes contact and he cannot make contact unless he is open to the possibility that he has not found the ultimate presence.

None of the students reading this will have found the ultimate so all seekers need to proceed with the idea that there is something higher. Soul contact is the first major step, but there are others.

The assignment today is to reflect on this lesson and what may be your personal barriers to discerning the difference between the higher emotional self and the true Higher Self. Contemplate on what your next step is in making higher contact.

Affirmation: “I have struggled to make it this far. Now is not the time to rest, but forward I move through all barriers.”


Day 72

Creation by illusion

One of the reasons that this physical reality is so full of illusion, division and strife is that all physical reality is created on the principle of illusion.

This idea is in harmony with known science. As we look deeper and deeper into the microcosm we find smaller and smaller particles, but then as we get further into them we find lots of empty space and more particles until we get to the atom. Then we find that the atoms are over 99.99% empty space. All we find are sub atomic particles with wave properties. As we go deeper all that is discovered are wavelengths. The whole physical universe is composed of wavelengths and science has no idea what creates them

The original wavelength is created by the Purpose or Thought of God set in motion. All creation manifests through the illusion of the guitar string principle.

Take a look at a single guitar string. It is one isolated string. But then pluck it and look again. What do you see? You see three strings – one on top, one on the bottom and one in the middle with a blurr in between.

Even so, the one God set thought in motion and created the illusion of the Trinity, the three. The wavelength of science manifests this three. There is the top of the wavelength, the bottom and the middle representing the originating force.

It is fascinating to consider that the whole visible universe is observable because of the simple guitar string principle.

Since this physical reality is created on the principle of illusion we should not be surprised that illusion is all around us and distracts us from seeing the formless reality behind all form.

The wavelengths and vibration of music in this reality are like the sirens of Ulysses. They draw us through illusion and drown out the beautiful music of the spheres, causing us to take erroneous paths that lead to disaster again and again until we fine tune our inner ear and find the true voice that leads to everlasting deliverance.

When the seeker realizes that all things visible in the material world are founded upon illusion then he will take to heart the idea that illusion is everywhere. Piece by piece must the seeker find and unravel the illusions about him.

There are illusions in politics, illusions in religion, illusions in science, and even math. There are lots of illusions about what is good for you, or your highest good; illusions about health and medicine, illusions concerning finance, about love and romance, about education, about reasoning and what is truth. There are more illusions than we can name here.

Because of our great political division most are more than eager to find illusion or error on the other side of the aisle, but believe me, neither the liberals or conservatives have a monopoly on this problem.

Your assignment today is to look at the political party you usually support with your vote and ask yourself where is there illusion within it. What is the cause and what is the solution? Be careful that your answer is not based on illusion. For instance, avoid answers such as, “My party needs to teach those other SOBs a lesson and they are not doing it.”

Find some real illusion wherein a flaw resides. It may be difficult if you have invested too much energy in demonizing the other side.

Affirmation: “I can see illusion in friends as well as foes.”


Day 73

Seed Thoughts

The lower mind cannot dispel illusion by itself and needs some help from the higher. The higher mind is always there willing to assist us when we do our part to make contact. Very few make the needed contact until they finally decide to tread the path which will take them home.

One exercise that all can do which will strengthen the link between the lower and higher self is in the use of seed thoughts.

A seed thought is a phrase, potent with meaning, upon which the student contemplates with the goal of receiving greater light or inspiration.

Sometimes a thought represented by just a few words, when contemplated, can provide enough inspiration for an entire book.

After all, we are told that, “in the beginning was the word.” Could God have used one mere word as a seed thought that expanded into all there is? Interesting seed thought right there.

One thing that helped me to realize the value of seed thoughts was that in my youth I memorized quite a few scriptures. Later on when I had boring jobs or was just doing a lot of driving with nothing to do, those scriptures I had previously memorized just seemed to float around in my head now and then. When this happened and I reflected upon them, often more understanding would come and I would see them in a light that hadn’t been there before. I began to realize the truth of the ancient Jewish idea that all inspired words had at least three meanings. They called this the body, soul and spirit of the scriptures. Still others believe that inspired words have seven meanings.

Throughout my life I have found those memorized scriptures to be excellent seed thoughts. Sometimes 20 or 30 yeas after they had been memorized additional light would come when reflecting on them.

One thing I discovered is that not all scripture, words or seed thoughts are the same. Some have more potency, meaning and harmony with the soul than others. Even some single words can provide powerful thoughts to contemplate. Examples of such words are, love, God, vibration, relationship, Spirit etc.

A phrase is good though for it can contain potent words and have an overall potency in its entirety.

For your assignment today I will give you a seed thought which has provided me with great light over the years. Let this thought run though your mind over the next day and see what additional thoughts come. When you realize additional light or understanding ask yourself if perhaps it came from your higher mind rather than your lower. If you pay attention you will sense the difference between something that comes from the lower mind or the higher.

Here is the seed thought for the day:

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

Memorize this scripture and let it come up often in your thoughts during the next 24 hours.

You must do more than just let it come to your memory, however. Ask yourself questions about it, such as: What is truth? How will I know it? Why and how would it set me free?”

You must ask yourself questions as you think about the seed thought as sometimes the questions reach the soul which knows the answer.

For today’s affirmation use the seed thought.

Copyright by J J Dewey


Day 74

Seed thoughts and questions

So, how did you do with the seed thought which was:

“You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.”

Did you ask yourself the questions suggested which were:

“What is truth? How will I know it? Why and how would it set me free?”

Did you stop there, or did you ask more questions?

This is a key point for you. You must be the source of your own questions. A question given by another is only half a question. One created by yourself is a much stronger one and has more power to reach the soul.

There are many more questions you could ask yourself connected to this seed thought such as:

What is Jesus referring to when he speaks of freedom?

Free to do what?

How is truth related to freedom?

How am I not free now?

Is “the truth” a specific truth or truth in general?

Don’t feel bad if you did not think to ask additional questions. Most others did not either. However, let this be a notice to you of the importance of asking your own questions. Asking questions is a major key to opening the door to soul contact.

Asking questions is a key ingredient, but not the only one. The seeker must expect to get an answer. In an attitude of expectation he must throw the energies of his heart and mind on reflecting on the answer to the question. He must believe that he can find the answer.

The next seed thought is the first stanza of the Great Invocation:

“From the point of Light within the Mind of God

“Let light stream forth into the minds of men.

“Let Light descend on Earth.”

First, read it over and ponder on its meaning, Then, after a period of reflection, come up with three questions about it. I will not give you any hints this time. See what you can do and then ponder on the answers.

Affirmation: “I find answers because I question.”


Day 75

I am a point of light

So… did you come up with the three questions? That is good if you did. Did you come up with more than three? That is even better. The reason that deserves praise is not because of skill in coming up with questions, but because you showed initiative and did more than is asked by an outward source.

Remember in the last lesson that some made extra progress by showing the initiative to come up with their own questions, going beyond that which was suggested? Even so, a few here may have gone beyond the suggestion to cone up with three questions and come up with four, or maybe five or more.

Again, if you went beyond that which was asked you have made an important step, a step common to those who maintain consistent soul contact.

In saying this, I should stress that, for teaching sake, the process with these seed thoughts is sped up, as many seed thoughts may foment in the mind and heart for years, and then in a flash additional knowledge will come. That doesn’t mean you cannot receive light on them in a day, an hour or even an instant. You can. Reflection now will bring to you what you are ready to receive in the present. Continued reflection will expand your consciousness making you ready to receive more.

Now, let us take a look at today’s seed thought. It begins:

“From the point of Light within the Mind of God…”

The most obvious question would be around the somewhat odd wording, “point of light.”

After all, isn’t the light and love of God represented by much more than a point?

The point of light idea has numerous layers of meaning but the most important one as far as the seeker is concerned is that he is a point of light within the mind of God. His real mind is part of the mind of God and his presence here on earth represents a single point among the billions of human lives.

Even though we are all linked to the mind of God, few have manifested an actual point of light, but those who take this invocation to heart link heaven and earth so a point of spiritual light is manifest within their own minds. Then, from this point of light within, which is shared by the soul, the prayer is that your own soul contact will increase to he extent that you will fulfill the words of Jesus and become a light to the world.

“Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matt 5:14-16

Asking the point of light to stream forth is another way of saying, “let your light (the light of God through the soul) so shine before men…”

The words “stream forth” represent another unusual phrase and merits some questioning. This thought is also expanded in the words of Jesus:

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.” Matt 6:22

You then, being a point of light, expand the presence of that light by making your eye, or focus, concentrated on the light of the soul within. When your focus is on the true light within, rather than the false light without your whole being will then be “full of light,” and such a light set on a hill (or openly presented) will not be hid under a bushel, but will “stream forth into the minds of men.”

The next stanza also makes a great seed thought. It reads:

“From the point of Love within the Heart of God

Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.

“May Christ return to Earth.”

I’m not going to make suggestions this time. Just apply what you have already learned, plant the thought in your mind and contemplate.

Affirmation: “I need not go to a far country for divine guidance, for the guidance of the soul is with me now.”


Day 76

Quality Questions

The current seed thought:

“From the point of Love within the Heart of God

“Let love stream forth into the hearts of men.

“May Christ return to Earth.”

It is most likely that you asked your own questions this time. That is good and what is expected of you at this juncture. Now that you realize the need for questions the next step is to work on the quality. Most any question is better than none at all, but some questions lead to more results than others.

In addition, the seeker needs to ask the right sequence of questions. One can ask five unrelated questions and obtain a little knowledge, but if he asks five linked questions then the knowledge gained may be much more profound.

Let us ask a series of questions and see where it leads us.

(1) What is the point of love?

Answer: It is individuals like you and me, just as was the point of light.

(2) What is the heart of God?

Answer: In relation to this earth it is all the points of love that are manifesting through individuals and some groups.

(3) How will it “stream forth into the hearts of men”?

Answer: Love is contagious, but in a good way. When many points demonstrate love then it is as if a stream is created which cannot be ignored. The stream will carry many others along with it.

(4) Are physical acts of love and compassion the only way to add to the stream?

Answer: No. In your silent moments of prayer and meditation you can send forth feelings and thoughts of love to a waiting humanity. Every loving act, feeling and thought adds to the stream.

(5) The seed thought ends with, “May Christ return to earth.” Is this speaking of the entity who was Christ or a Christ like spirit among humanity?

Answer: Both. The love that was demonstrated by Christ must be demonstrated by many of us before He returns.

(6) How many?

Answer: A critical mass, enough people so the trend is toward peace, unity and love rather than war, division and hate.

(7) How is this phrase related to the others?

Answer: Christ will first return to earth in us, manifesting as points, then gathered into streams. When the love of Christ begins to dominate in the hearts of men then Christ will be here. Did he not say, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

We gather in His name when we, as points of love, join in love and unity.

A most important step in the return of Christ is our own return home to the love of the soul which is ever there waiting with outstretched arms.

This gives you some food for thought, but do not stop here. Continue to reflect and ask questions, and remember, more than one interpretation can apply.

Next we have the third stanza which supplies a good seed thought. It reads:

“From the centre where the Will of God is known

“Let purpose guide the little wills of men

“The purpose which the Masters know and serve.”

The assignment today is the same as yesterday with the added note to attempt to improve the quality of your questions and see if you can link them so one answer sheds light on another.

Affirmation: “I ask a question and another forms.”


Day 77

The Will of God

So, how did you do with yesterday’s affirmation? Are the questions coming a little easier? How about the answers? It is important that you listen after having asked yourself a question. Sometimes in silence a flash of insight will come. This is evidence that you are receiving from your soul. Focus and continue and results will come.

We will now look at some questions and answers that may have entered your mind. Perhaps you had your own, just as valid, and that is fine. Examples are given to assist those who are ready to learn.

The first line of the stanza reads:

“From the centre where the Will of God is known.”

The obvious question to ask here is, where is this center where the will of God is known?

Most esoteric students would say that the center is Shamballa wherein resides Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days. He is the highest representative of the Will of God on the earth. He and His associates represent the head center of the planet. The Christ and his associates represent the heart center.

Many contemplate this far and stop but there is more. The creations of God are vast indeed and there are many centers where at least a portion of the will of God is known.

There is the Logos of our planet which has an awareness far exceeding our own, then you have seven very advanced beings called in the Bible, the Seven Spirits before the throne. Above them you have the Solar Logos and then a logos over seven solar systems. If we could ascend high enough we could arrive at the One Great Life which we call God. I’m sure He has plans that would boggle the minds of many of the great ones.

Fortunately, there is a connecting thread that links the highest Life with the lowly self aware units we call humanity. Each self conscious unit has within it a center where the Will of God is known and from that center even a single human can sense his part in fulfilling Divine Will.

The center in the human body related to the will is the crown chakra at the top of the head and from thence are elements of higher will distributed through your entire being. There are many things going on in your being of which you are not aware.

We, however, desire to become aware of higher will so we can be conscious contributors and avoid being unconscious obstructionists. Your soul has a sense of the part you are to play in the current life in manifesting the Will of God. If you can therefore focus and listen you will get impressions about what you are supposed to do. If you follow a true impression when it comes then you will be given more. The more you respond the more you will be given and the stronger will be your sense that receives.

Notice that the wording refers to the Will of God that is “known.” The will of God cannot manifest unless it is known. For the disciple to do his part he must know a portion of that Will. We assume that the Christ and the Ancient of Days clearly perceive much of that will, but we have a responsibility also. We must find and know of that portion which belongs to us. This brings us to the next question. Ask yourself this:

How much of the will of God do I know?

This question will be your seed thought for today.

Do not say that you do not know any part of the Will of God because you do and you will discover this in the next lesson. So do not claim ignorance and not seek the answer, because you do know parts of Higher Will.

Affirmation: “I know more than I think.”


Day 78

Understanding Divine Will

Your last seed thought was to ask yourself this question:

“How much of the will of God do I know?”

I told you that you have a knowledge of portions of the Will of God and should be able to name them. Some did not believe this, thinking that obtaining the Will of God is beyond their grasp.

But discovering many elements of divine will is not beyond your reach for you are an extension of Divinity yourself. Many have merely forgotten who they are.

That said, I will list a number of things that are in harmony with Divine Will of which I am sure you will agree.

(1) Love your neighbor as yourself.

This was said by Jesus who was indeed close to God and most people, even non Christians and atheists agree with the basic idea. Do you not think this precept is in harmony with the Will of God? Our spiritual senses say yes.

(2) Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

Do you not suppose that God’s Will is to follow this principle?

(3) Apply the principle of forgiveness to the best of your ability.

Again our spiritual senses agree with this.

(4) Have faith that a dominating good will prevail.

Does it not make sense that the will of God is guiding all things toward a good end?

(5) The Ten Commandments.

These are said to be written by the finger of God, but most of them are accepted by the masses. Of course, it would seem that the Will of God is against stealing, lying, murder and other basic evils.

So, you see – you do know quite a few things that are in alignment with the Will of God.

It is God’s will that we have our free agency. We are given this, even though it creates a lot of problems, many of them even blamed on God.

As extensions of God we have within us all the creative powers of God. Because we have our agency we can use those powers to create any kind of world we want, good or bad. We collectively have created this world using the godly powers given us. It is not the Father’s Will that we cause each other pain and grief in this world, but it is a top priority that we have free will so we can learn from our mistakes. Therefore, we have manifested an imperfect world where many negative things happen that would not transpire if we had no freedom.

The wise parent allows his child to go out and play, knowing he will get some bumps and bruises, but will learn from them. The parent would never directly hurt the child, yet because the child must have freedom to learn one must expect some discomfort in the process.

From one way of looking at it then, your will, no matter what it is, is the Will of God, because the use of your will is the use of the powers of godliness that God has granted for us to employ.

It is His will that we learn from our bad decisions and eventually bring all of our decisions in harmony with the originating unity which is God.

Everything that happens, good and bad, is allowed by divine will so a greater good will be the end result of creation. On the other hand, when harmony with Divine Will is spoken of by teachers they are speaking of steps that take us toward the dominating good, not away from it.

For instance, you may be presented with the choice to marry either person A or person B. Person A is the much better choice, the one you selected before you were born. But Divine Will gives you the freedom to make a mistake and marry person B. If you marry person B you are going along with Divine Will as far as using your freedom, but your actual choice is not in harmony with it. Thus, when we speak of being in harmony with the Will of God we speak of decisions which are in alignment.

The seeker must value his free will, but he must also value the quality of his decisions and seek those decisions which assist all forces toward a positive end.

Many people who are not aware of what soul contact is have sensed guidance from within in making major decisions in life. Decision points are great guideposts directing us toward true inner contact.

Okay, we have expanded that seed thought on will. Even so, there is much more that could be said, but let us move on.

Let us repeat again the third stanza of The Great Invocation:

“From the centre where the Will of God is known

“Let purpose guide the little wills of men

“The purpose which the Masters know and serve.”

We have covered the first line; let us move on to the second and third. Notice that “Will” is emphasized in the first line and “purpose” thereafter. Contemplate these questions;

(1) What is the difference between will and purpose?

(2) Why are we told that we have “little wills”?

(3) What is the purpose that the Masters know and serve?

Affirmation: “My will and God’s will are one.”


Day 79

Finding Purpose

Let us repeat the current seed thought:

“From the centre where the Will of God is known

“Let purpose guide the little wills of men

“The purpose which the Masters know and serve.”

The first question was: What is the difference between will and purpose?

So, did you come up with something? Did you feel satisfied with it? The important thing was that you registered the question, thought about it and tried to answer it. That is more important than being right.

We are given a hint to the answer in the seed thought itself, which tells us that purpose guides the will. In other words, purpose originates the plan and will carries it out.

Will and purpose are somewhat interdependent. The first line speaks about the Will of God, but not the Purpose. This tells us that we do not know the whole plan of God (purpose) but it is important that we realize the portion of the plan (Will) that applies to us. When the seeker senses higher Will he develops a natural desire to manifest it.

The second question reads: Why are we told that we have “little wills”?

The answer is twofold. First, we regular humans only correctly perceive a small portion of the plan of God. Therefore, no matter how determined we are we can only manifest a little of it with our little wills.

Secondly, the power of will, even in advanced humanity is in the embryo stage and of small moment in comparison to the greater lives which perceive much more of the purpose of God. Purpose (or the true plan of God) must guide our little wills so they can have an effect.

The third question reads: “What is the purpose that the Masters know and serve?”

Humanity is the fourth kingdom in nature and Christ and His associates (the Masters) are the fifth. Just as humans perceive more than the animals (the third kingdom), the Masters perceive and understand much more than regular humans. But just as advanced animals seem almost human, advanced humans are almost like the Masters.

Those who seek higher knowledge will at times tap into the minds of higher lives and catch a glimpse at the purpose which the Masters know and serve. When that purpose is perceived to any degree the will is stimulated and becomes more potent.

The purpose and plan of God is different than purpose as seen by humans. Human purpose can be frustrated whereas Divine Purpose cannot. Once the seeker perceives Divine Purpose he knows that it will manifest and nothing can stop it. The only thing determined by humans is the amount of time the manifestation will take.

The last line of this stanza then is calling us mortals to stretch our minds and see greater purpose through the eyes of Christ. This scripture provides good inspiration:

“Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God.” Phil 2:5-6

Let us not see it as robbery to attain to the mind of Christ who sees the Purpose of God.

The next seed thought will be the fourth stanza of the Great Invocation which reads:

“From the centre which we call the race of men

“Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.

“And may it seal the door where evil dwells.”

Read, contemplate, absorb and ask questions.

Affirmation: “I see some purpose and am seeking more.”


Day 80

The Plan

So how did you do on the last seed thought? Did you come up with questions and answers?

Let us take a look at it again:

“From the centre which we call the race of men

“Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.

“And may it seal the door where evil dwells.”

This thought needs to be seen as more of a linked whole than looked at line by line. For instance, the first line is quite simple for it merely refers to the human race. But then it is asking that from the human race that the plan of light and love should work out and then to the third line that this plan will seal the door where evil dwells.

By the time you got to the second line you might have asked questions such as, “What is the Plan?” “What connection does the human race have in relation to the plan?” “How is it associated with Love and Light?” Is there a reason Love is listed first?” “How will it work out?”

The full plan is beyond the comprehension of humanity. All we can perceive is a small portion of it that affects us at this point in time. Humanity itself senses a portion of the plan, the most important part is to develop and express goodwill and love toward others of humanity as well as lower life forms. This we must also do on an individual basis, but to fulfill his part of the plan the individual must sense the impulse from his soul as to the direction his life is to take. More people get some type of soul impulse on this than is realized and if followed they are doing their tiny part in the great whole.

This stanza calls for humanity to do its part in manifesting the Plan. Many think that God, Jesus or the Masters should come help us, but if we received too much help the whole purpose of incarnating on earth would be frustrated. Humanity must work out its own problems and do its part of the plan by using its own intelligence and initiative.

So How is the Plan associated with Love and Light, and is there a reason Love is listed first?

We mentioned that the Plan itself is related to love and goodwill, but light is also thrown in. Light and love make a complete whole. You cannot have one without the other. Light reveals and love accepts and embraces that which is revealed. Love brings together and light reveals reasons to maintain unity. Love is mentioned first because it is the dominating motivation of life in this great cycle.

Finally, how will the Plan work out?

Much could be written on this but in a nutshell all the aspects of love and light which include wisdom, understanding knowledge and compassion will push back the darkness that hides the real and allow humanity to see the next steps that need to be taken to fulfill the prayer of Jesus wherein he said:

Thy Kingdom come

Thy Will be done

On earth as it is in heaven.

The current seed thought ends with “And may it seal the door where evil dwells.”

This can have several levels of meaning but Djwhal Khul who gave it out near the end of World War II said the door was connected to the evil released by Hitler and associates. That door was not completely closed by winning the war but is still cracked open and needs to be sealed shut.

Contemplate then on this great line in connection with the rest of the stanza and see what light and understanding come.

Affirmation: “I will do my part and show goodwill, love and understanding.”

Copyright by J J Dewey

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