Is Heaven Boring?

This entry is part 40 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Forty-One

Is Heaven Boring?

This may seem like an odd question, but when you hear people from various religions describe what the heavenly realms of the afterlife will be like, it does sound boring indeed. Here are some things that are hoped for by the saved or chosen ones:

(1) Sing hymns of praise with God and Jesus

(2) Hang around with God and Jesus for eternity.

(3) Everyone will be changed into perfect beings with no flaws so there will be perfect peace with no disagreements.

(4) The Buddhists enter Nirvana a world with no desire, no personalities where only bliss is known.

All this sounds pretty boring, especially after a couple hundred years. Such a situation would be a hell for poor God and Jesus. After all, who would want billions of souls clinging to you forever wanting to be your best friend? Just take a gander at a few of those who claim to be saved and ask, “would I want a billion of these guys hanging around me day after day for eternity competing for my attention?”

Now the American Indians had a better idea.  They envisioned “Happy Hunting Grounds” a place with plentiful game always available.

But then the Muslims had one better.  The Hadith number 2,562 in the collection known as the Sunan al-Tirmidhi says, “The least (reward) for the people of Heaven is 80,000 servants and 72 wives (virgins).

Then in the Qur’an, Surah 78:31-33 we read,  “Verily, for the Muttaqun (righteous), there will be a success (paradise); gardens and grapeyards; and young full-breasted maidens of equal age; and a full cup (of wine)”

At least the Muslims claim to be looking forward to some fun in heaven – all the sex, drink and luxury that one can imagine.

But there are problems even with this idea. The 72 full breasted wives and 80,000 servants may provide a nice break from regular earth life for a short period of time, but how about eternity, or even just a mere century? After a while the average man would grow bored of all these servants and wives going out of their way just to please him and he would want some new challenge of some kind. Then too, 72 wives could be a burden to handle after a while.

And how about the women? What kind of heaven is it for them to be one of 72 wives with nothing to do but compete for the attention of their male master?

And then the 80,000 servants really have it bad.  This must be hell for them to compete with thousands of others to serve some guy who committed suicide for Allah. And even if you are one of the lucky ones with 80,000 servants wouldn’t you feel bad for them being forced to serve you forever? If they were my servants I would just dismiss them and tell then to pursue a direction that will make them happy. Why would any sane man even want 72 wives and 80,000 servants?

Most religious people have the idea that heaven is a place where they will be served but pay attention to the words of Jesus:

“But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” Matt 20:26-28

So, if you want to be like the Master the path is to serve, not to seek to be served.

So what’s the answer to the question then? Are we eventually going to get bored, maybe get too much of a good thing after 100, 1000 or 1,000,000 years? Here’s the answer.

There is much more to do in the afterlife than there is here. The greater the spiritual advancement achieved here on the earth, the greater will be freedom, the power to enjoy and accomplish in the spiritual spheres. Because there are many mansions there will be something for everyone.  Here are just a few things.

(1) Spending time with friends.  Friendship is eternally a source of enjoyment in any plane of existence including the afterlife.

(2) There will be every form of entertainment you can imagine. Just as on earth, in the next world many will receive satisfaction by entertaining others through music, plays, dance etc. Sports will be different though, for by using thought you can make a hole in one on every shot. Any competition will be taken to a higher level difficult for us earthlings to relate.

(3) There will be much to learn and much to teach. All true world history will be at our disposal and it will be fun to learn events as they really happened. There are great libraries there and depending on your degree of advancement you will be able to absorb material at a very rapid rate.

(4) There will be many opportunities for service.  One that will be most useful will be assisting those who are caught up in the fog of illusion, which has followed then to their abode. When a person wants to move up higher teachers will be needed to assist and prepare them.

(5) There is an entire universe to explore. It will be fun discovering what is really out there.

(6) You can be a spiritual scientist and work with new ways to assist life in evolving and progressing on this earth and other planets.

(7) You can fulfill your dreams that were frustrated on the Earth.  There are places there a little like the Holodeck on Star Trek where you can act out your fantasies and unfulfilled desires.

The point is that there is lots of fun stuff to do there.  Even though this is the case there is still a problem, which is this. No matter how enjoyable something is, it is only a matter of time before a certain amount of boredom sets in. And what is it that we always want sooner or later?

A new challenge.

And there is no greater challenge than being born into this mortal life and solving all the problems that come with it.

This is why there is reincarnation. No matter how good we have it between lives we always come back to desiring the challenge of going back to earth and facing all the challenges here.

Why is Monopoly such an enduring game? You can be winning one minute and lose everything the next.  This is a game posing great risk, yet we love to play it. Football is a game of great risk to the players yet we love to either play or watch it.

Mortal life is the greatest risk of all, but we come here willingly to participate in the adventure.

So… between the fun stuff available between lives and the challenges here in physical plane life the problem of boredom has been solved by Divine Intelligence.

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What Will I Look Like When I Die?

This entry is part 39 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Chapter Forty

What Will I Look Like When I Die?

This may seem like an odd question, but it is one that many wonder about. The curious often ponder on whether or not they keep their present form, or will they look like they did in the prime of life or will they have any form at all? Maybe we’ll just be balls of energy.

Earlier we covered the fact that within us is a double of our physical body and that it extends a couple millimeters from the physical skin and can be easily seen by the human eye.  When it separates from the body at death it assumes the exact shape as the body you were in at the time of death. But this body disintegrates shortly after death leaving you in a more malleable astral body composed of emotional energy.

If you are a person of a low vibration you will assume the shape with which you are most familiar and stay with it.  Those of a higher spiritual vibration have much more ability to alter their shape as well as their surroundings. They will often choose to look like they did in their prime or their favorite time of life.  They can tweak their features and remove imperfections so they will look better than they did on earth but still recognizable.

In the higher realms form is not considered that important.  Occupants there can assume a form when convenient but they are not handicapped when merely existing as a field of life energy.  When they meet a friend they do not need form to recognize each other.  They recognize each other by their vibration, which creates a much greater “knowing” than when we recognize someone on the earth by their features.

To the spiritually minded time and distance is no barrier in the next world. If you want to visit an old friend you just think of him and you will sense his presence and thoughts.  If that is not enough, either you will instantly go to where he is or he will appear instantly by your side.

Now here’s the strange thing from our point of view.  If he is busy and you want to talk, this creates no barrier. He can create a second image of himself and endow it with a part of his consciousness and send it your way.  You can then communicate with this extension of his self with greater ease and effectiveness than we communicate on earth.

Concentrating on two things at a time is very difficult here in mortal life.  This is largely because of the way our physical brain is constructed.  But in the higher realms of the spirit world we can divide ourselves and do several things at one time.  A part of your consciousness can be visiting with a friend and another part attending a class and taking things in.

This would be a great ability for us guys to have in mortal life, especially when our wives take us shopping. We could leave 2% of our consciousness with our wives as they shop and ask for our opinions and then take 98% to the golf course, or whatever recreation we enjoy.

With this ability, no wonder they call it heaven.

Many wonder about babies and children.  What form will they take? They will only assume the form of a baby or child if there is some purpose to be achieved by the use of that form.  Otherwise, when they use a form they will assume the shape of what the child would look like as an adult, or assume the form used in the last life on earth as an adult.

Within our makeup is the memory of all of our past, including the forms of all the physical bodies we have had in past lives.  The spiritually advanced souls can assume any of them if desired, but most will go with the form of the body they just left behind.


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Do Animals Survive Death?

This entry is part 38 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Do Animals Survive Death?

The short answer to this question is yes.  What is important to understand, however, is the why. Why do animals survive death?

Here’s the principle behind survival whether it be a human, animal, plant or atom.  All things that exist are eternal.  Their essence never had a beginning or an end.  Only form and consciousness change.

Take yourself, for example. Throughout your life your form has significantly changed.  You were once a baby and now are an adult and will one day be old and gray. Your consciousness has also changed.  Once you were childlike and now you think like an adult.

Someday you will die and your body will decay but you will live on. You have had many different forms in past lives and will have many more in the future, but that which is essentially you lives on.  Form changes but the essence behind the form continues.

This principle also applies to animals.

“So, do animals have souls?” is a common question.

Animals do have souls as the term is commonly understood but it is a different type than humans just as their consciousness is different than ours.

A human sees himself as a separate and individual entity and hence is self aware and self-conscious. An animal is connected with a group soul and is not self-aware.  Hence it has no desire to cloth itself or have sex behind closed doors.  All that he does is open for all to view.

Even though your pet may not be self-aware it is still a unique entity and will continue its existence.

Of the many mansions in the spirit world there are some designed for the fulfillment of animal consciousness of varying degrees. Then we have animals which are pets which are loved and adored by many.  These are in a different category for their consciousness is of a higher order than the wild animals.  Many of these will dwell with their human friends in the human mansions between lives.

And yes, animals reincarnate just as humans do.

It is a fallacy to think that humans reincarnate as animals.  Once a person becomes self-aware he does not lose this quality and become an animal or plant but is born again and again as a human until all his needed lessons are mastered.

If we are particularly attached to certain pets we will meet them again in the spirit world as well as in future lives.


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Is There Reincarnation?

This entry is part 37 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Chapter Thirty-Eight

Is There Reincarnation?

The answer to this question can be found in other questions. Let us ask a few.

Is life fair?

Most would say that it is not.  Life is not a little unfair, but a lot unfair.

Some suffer and die at a young age.  Others live long healthy lives.

Some struggle in poverty and hunger all their lives.  Others are born into wealthy families and never know want.

Some find the love of their lives.  Others die lonely and sad.

Some are born with lots of intelligence and talent.  Others lack this and are consigned to tedious work or crime throughout their lives.

Few believers want to think in this direction but sooner or later this question must be asked:  Since life is unfair, does this mean that God is unfair?

Anyone who is honest must answer this in the affirmative. Yes. If life is unfair (which it is) then indeed it does mean that God is unfair.

Yes, yes, I know, the counter idea is that God will compensate all unfairness in the next world.  The problem is that answer does not satisfy the soul.  If a person never knows what it is like to find a soul mate while in the mortal flesh then according to standard doctrine he will have missed this wonderful opportunity for all eternity.

The how about the guy who is sexually abused as a child and becomes an abuser himself? Many think he will go to hell.  But if were not abused he might have lived a good Christian life.  Was it fair that he was shoved in such a destructive direction in an unfortunate life?


So… Is God fair?

Well, if God is not fair then He is not to be trusted.  If He is not to be trusted then we have no guarantee that anything good awaits us after death.

But, I have good news.  God is indeed fair – more than you ever imagined.

Fairness is provided to us through reincarnation.

We live many different lives.  In some lives we are rich, others we are poor. In some we have good health and others, not so much. In some we find love and happiness and others we learn what it is like to be rejected and alone.

We are born again and again until we find the resurrection of life and enter the Kingdom of God.  At that time we will reflect upon our long history and see that all things good and bad have been experienced, and, indeed, life is fair and, above all, God is fair.

The following verse makes sense when we realize that Jesus lived many different lives:

“And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world itself could not contain the books that should be written.”  John 21:2

According to orthodox belief, the apostles only knew Jesus for three years and this was not enough association to even write a book.  Each of the gospels that were written about him was only the length of a short story, not enough material for one book, let alone books so numerous that they would fill the earth.

When did Jesus do all these thousands, perhaps millions of deeds so numerous that they would fill thousands of volumes???  There is no way that so many works could be done in a mere 33 years.  Such a voluminous history would have to span many lifetimes.

Many think the Bible does not teach reincarnation, but evidence of this principle is given throughout the scriptures. I’ll just cite one more example and refer readers to my other writings on the topic at

Here is a link to my treatise on The Bible and Reincarnation.  And here is another of an entire book dealing with the subject called Eternal Lives.

The scriptures give a prophesy about the coming of Elijah the prophet to do a great work on the earth:

“Behold, I will send you ELIJAH THE PROPHET before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.” Malachi 4:5-6

Here we have a clear prophecy that Elijah the prophet will come back before the Lord comes.

The disciples were curious about this scripture for if Jesus was the Messiah, they reasoned that Elijah should have shown up somewhere. They asked him:

“Why then do our teachers say that Elijah must come first? He replied, Yes Elijah will come and set everything right. But I tell you that ELIJAH HAS ALREADY COME, and they failed to recognize him, and worked their will upon him; and in the same way the Son of Man is to suffer at their hands. Then the disciples understood that HE MEANT JOHN THE BAPTIST.” Matt. 17:10-13 New English

That is pretty clear, is it not? Elijah was born again as John the Baptist and did fulfill the prophecy.

On top of the tremendous amount of evidence in the Bible there is also physical evidence.  Many thousands of people have been regressed and have retrieved information from previous lives that has been verified. On top of this many people, especially children, recall their past lives naturally.

Dr. Ian Stevenson, the former head of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia made this his life’s work.  He traveled the world studying these people and has accumulated about 3000 cases in his files.

Most of the more amazing cases occur with young children just several years old who are just learning to speak.  As a general rule they remember the past life for a couple years and lose the memory around the age of five or six.

In a typical situation the child may insist that her parents are not really her parents, but that her true parents (and perhaps spouse) are in another city or part of the country).  Dr. Stevenson caught many of these children before they had a chance to visit their home of a previous life and took them there and scientifically examined their response.  In many cases the child’s memory of a past life was proven, for the name given out was discovered to be a real person who died. The child was then taken to the home of her past life and identified dozens of memories that she could have not acquired in this life.  If there was some secret hiding place he or she would identify this.  If there were favorite possessions, these would be pointed out.

Before he died in 2007 he wrote 14 books and around 300 papers giving powerful evidence of reincarnation.

The irony is that his work may not only be the most powerful earthly evidence of reincarnation, but also for life after death.  After all, if reincarnation is true then life continues after death in the spirit world followed by a rebirth.

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Will Good People Who Do Not Believe Go To Hell?

This entry is part 36 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Chapter Thirty-Seven

Will Good People Who Do Not Believe Go To Hell?

It is an amazing thing that so many religious people believe that they have an exclusive on heaven and are sure to avoid hell whereas anyone who believes differently than themselves, even if they are good people,  will suffer for eternity. Many Christians think we have to accept their version of Jesus, Muslims demand we accept their version of Mohammed, Scientologists want their version of L. Ron Hubbard etc.

Let us focus on Jesus for the moment.  Many Christians have come to certain conclusions as to what or who Jesus is and they teach that if we do not accept this version we will go to hell. To them, just believing to the best of your ability or living a good life is not enough. Instead, you have to believe in the right version of Jesus, which is, of course, their version.

Does the Bible really tell us that we have to believe in the right version of Jesus or we will go to hell?

No.  Jesus never said anything like this at all. The scriptures do speak of the importance of believing in him but Jesus clarified what there was about him we are supposed to believe. He never went around demanding people accept any particular version of him or even that he was the Messiah.  Instead, he emphasized again and again that we believe on his words because they lead us to truth and justice.

His words were so powerful they were called “words of eternal life.” John 6:68

Jesus emphasized the power of his words of truth when he said, “the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63

Jesus did not emphasize believing in his goodness or him as a person, but wanted us to accept his actual words.  It is written:

“Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:31-32

So what were the actual words of Jesus relating to where we are likely to wind up in the next world?  Actually, he was pretty clear on the subject.  He clearly said this:

“Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand, Come, ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world: For I was an hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.

“Then shall the righteous answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, and fed thee? or thirsty, and gave thee drink? 25:38 When saw we thee a stranger, and took thee in? or naked, and clothed thee? Or when saw we thee sick, or in prison, and came unto thee? And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Matt 25:34

Here Jesus clearly tells us in his own words that the criteria for entering the kingdom of God is not a belief in a particular version of himself or a church, but we will be judged by how we treat our fellow men and women. If we assist others who are in need then it will be well with us whether we are a member of a certain church or not.  If we treat others badly then we are in for a wake-up call no matter how true we think our church or our doctrine is.

This idea is further affirmed here:

“Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

“Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone? Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?

“If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets.” Matt 7:7-12

The idea presented here is this. We as humans are very flawed, but despite our imperfections we, as parents will go out of our way to respond to the needs of our children. If they ask for bread we are not so cruel to give them a stone instead. Jesus then tells us that the goodness of God in dealing with us is much more magnanimous than we are with our own children.

If your kid has some wrong ideas about you and is in need will you be so cruel as to send him to hell?

No and neither will God.  God will treat us even better than we treat our own children.

So then if a person is a good and decent human being and has a number of wrong ideas in his head about God, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha or any other being or thing he will not go to hell but will be treated with goodness and mercy in this world and the next. As we sow, so shall we reap. (Gal 6:7) There is no reason to believe otherwise.


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Is There A Heaven And Hell?

This entry is part 35 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Thirty-Six

Is There A Heaven And Hell?

Most of the world religions believe in some kind of heaven or hell. Christians and Muslims especially affirm such a belief.

On the other hand, there are a growing number of people who are spiritually inclined who reject this notion. Many say there could not be a hell because a loving God would not send his children there.  Others trust in accounts given by those who had near death experiences who have returned stating that there is no hell even for the likes of Hitler. They ignore other near deathers who testify that they actually went to hell and experienced it for a time before returning.

Almost all believers in an afterlife accept that there is some version of heaven after death, but a lot of them have difficulty in accepting hell.

Again, we ask – what is the truth of the matter here? Is there a hell or not?

The answer is yes.  There is definitely a hell and I’ll prove it to you.  Even atheists will have to admit I am right on this one.

We know there is a hell because we have seen it and experienced it.  And I’m not talking about an unlucky few, but all of us.  We have all been through hell at one time or another right here in this mortal life, some though much more than others.

Here are examples of hellish experiences of ordinary folk we all know.

(1) Death of a loved one.

(2) A lost love or divorce.

(3) Dealing with a sick, distraught or out of control child.

(4) An unhappy marriage

(5) A tremendous loss of some kind.

(6) Great physical pain and discomfort.

(7) Jail time.

(8) Failure to achieve a dream

All these things are common happenings that most of us experience to some degree, but then there are other unfortunate people who are in a more permanent hell. Take someone who was in a serious accident and becomes a paraplegic. Which one of us who are healthy and strong would not admit that they would be in hell if they traded places with such a person?

And how about the person who is diagnosed with a terminal illness?  Not only does he now have a short time to live but it will also be physically and emotionally painful to the end.  Is that not a hell that all of us wish we could avoid?

Then there is a hell experienced by many millions on this planet who have little or no freedom.  The inhabitants of North Korea area prime example. They have to pretend to adore their dear leader and follow all he says or they will suffer prison or death. Many of them live on starvation diets, even resorting to eating tree bark to survive. Which of us would not consider ourselves living in hell if we had to trade places with some of those unfortunate souls?

Okay, then.  We have established that there is a hell, right here on earth, and many are experiencing it right now in real time. If there is a hell right here on earth then what makes some think that the next world will be only pure bliss with no negative experiences.

Much of the hell we experience on earth is due to our own illusions, bad judgment and attitude.   Does it make sense that just before death a person would be miserable with the results of his actions and then the moment after death he is suddenly happy with himself? Simple logic tells us this is not likely. If we can make ourselves happy or miserable in one sphere of activity then surely we have the power to choose that same mindset. Merely leaving one room and going to another doesn’t do a lot to eliminate the problems that come with living and moving from this world to the next is a little like changing rooms.

So, is there a lake of fire in the next world were the wicked suffer for eternity?

There is everything good and bad in the next world that you can imagine because all there is, is created by the thought, feelings and imaginations of the inhabitants. But just as pain and suffering is temporary here, so its it temporary there.  The words “everlasting” and “eternal” in the New Testament come from the Greek AIŌNIOS, which means “related to an age.”  An age is not eternal but a period of time with a beginning and an end.  All punishments in the next world are self-inflicted and when we stop the thought process that makes us miserable the supposed punishment will come to an end.

All sincere souls eventually find the heavenly realms and enjoy a period of rest and happiness among the many mansions or dwelling places that Jesus mentioned.


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Why Are Near Death Experiences So Different?

This entry is part 34 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Thirty-Five

Why Are Near Death Experiences So Different?

Many believers are somewhat perplexed at the variety of near death experiences, some seemingly contradicting others. On the other hand, this just feeds the doubts of the skeptics who believe they are caused by the mind pulling tricks on us.

Yes, there are a wide variety of accounts given, but there are also a lot of similarities.  Here are a few.

(1) Many report leaving their body and looking back and seeing their lifeless body in the hospital room. Quite a few give evidence that they were not imagining things by correctly recalling conversations of hospital staff and actions that they made.

(2) There are consistent reports of encountering relatives, friends or assistants right after leaving the body. I read one account where the guy met a relative who died just before his near death experience, but was unaware of this. When he was brought back to life and told others who he had seen, he was then told for the first time that this person was dead and that must have been the reason he was able to see him while out of the body.

(3) Those who are out of the body for a while usually encounter a tunnel with a light at the end.

(4) Those who go through the tunnel usually have some otherworldly experience. Most seem to encounter some heavenly realm and unite with friends and family. Others encounter Jesus, God or some  angelic beings. Still others experience a hellish place that causes them to change their lives on recovery.

(5) They all report the experience was vivid and was sure it was not just imagined up by their physical brain.

(6) Many have greater spiritual sensitivity when revived as well as a miraculous recovery. They have lost their fear of death and seek to make a positive difference with the rest of their lives.

(7) Many report a life review.  They tell us that within a few seconds they were able to see all aspects of their life and how they affected others and made them feel.

These similarities give evidence that these people had some real experience.  On the other hand, numerous near death experiences seem to contradict each other.  Here are some examples.

(1) Some people’ meet Jesus, some God, some other religious figures.  Others meet no religious figures but sense a godlike presence.

(2) People often have an experience in harmony with their religion. These experiences seem to contract each other as their religions do. There are a number of cases where they have an experience that run contrary to their belief systems. This especially happens to atheists, but sometimes to believers also.

(3) Some get the impression that one life is all there is and others are taught that we are reborn on earth many times.

(4) Some come away from the experience thinking there is no hell and others say they visited an actual hell and encountered demons.

So what is the truth to the matter?  Here it is in a nutshell.

In this physical reality if we want to build something, like a house, we have to make an intense effort at gathering the materials and putting them together.

In the higher worlds available after death this is not the case.  There, our personal reality is created out of a refined matter manipulated by our thoughts and feelings.  All of our thoughts and feelings while in the body contribute to what we will experience when we are out of the body.  If you have directed a lot of thought, emotion, or even fear toward a religious figure you are likely to meet a representation of that being. Normally, this will not be the actual historical personage, but a representation created for you by a higher part of yourself working with your own thoughts and feelings.

Those who have illusions before death will continue to live in illusion after death.  This is why it is so important to find the truth and not be afraid to ponder on the truth of things that do not make sense.


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What Happens After Death?

This entry is part 33 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Thirty-Four

What Happens After Death?

People have a variety of experiences right after death.  Quite a few separate in their etheric body and it is so much like the physical one they are oblivious to the fact they have passed over. These often learn they are dead when they catch a glimpse of their dead physical body.  This often comes as a shock to them.

The etheric body usually survives the physical death for a few days and then dissipates forcing the entity to move on to his spiritual home. But while it holds together he can hang around and even attend his own funeral if he desires.

The more a person’s consciousness is attached to this world the longer will his etheric body hold together causing him to hang around his associates.. The more spiritually inclined will separate from their etheric body quickly and not even attend their funeral.  This doesn’t stop them from tuning into it and being aware of what people are saying and thinking about him after his death.

After the energy of the etheric body dissipates, which can be immediately or a few days, the person then  enters that tunnel with a light at the end that we have all heard about.

This tunnel is actually the silver cord that connects a higher part of yourself to your body.  Then at death your consciousness follows this cord back to your source.  As you follow it, it seems as if you are traveling through a tunnel.

All the consciousness and intelligence which is you was not incarnated into your body in your life.  In life we are connected by a spiritual energy to a higher part of ourselves that resides in one of the planes of the spirit world.  The goal, at death is to reunite with this higher part of ourselves so we can function in the spirit world as a whole spiritual conscious being.

Unfortunately, most are not ready for that experience and have lessons to learn in connection with their past life on earth. Therefore, instead of a permanent merging with their higher self they will have a temporary one and this has been called the “life review.” During this merging they will be aware of several advanced beings guiding the process while they see their life from beginning to end.  As it passes like a holographic movie at great speed he will be aware of the effect of every action, thought and word that came from him. If he hurt people, even unknowingly, he will be aware of that. If he helped others or made them happy he will be aware of that.  After reviewing his life he will be aware of how successful his life was but most have a lot of disappointments over missed opportunities and harm that was caused.

After the review he goes to one of the many abodes that Jesus spoke of. Most people after death go to one of the places in the emotional/astral world.  These numerous dwelling places are created out of emotional/desire energy and since there is such a wide variety of desires in this world there is correspondingly a large number of worlds created from those desires.

For instance, if the person is devoutly religious he will go to a place where that religion dominates for it is created by the thoughts and desires of those who belonged to it while dwelling on earth. Here he will meet church leaders who will be in charge of the society there and he will be expected to abide by the church rules or be sent away to some dark place.

Here he will be able to see the results of his beliefs which he cherished on earth.  They will come to life for him and he’ll be able to witness how well they work in bringing happiness to him and others.

If he is a Christian his group will adore Jesus.  If he is a Buddhist they will honor Buddha and if he is a Muslim they will find their virgins if they think they are worthy and see Mohammed as the dominating entity.

The Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed or other holy figure will rarely be the real one.  It will either be an actor playing the role or a creation of group thought.  All this is designed to teach us what the result would be in the afterlife if our beliefs were true.

Entities get stuck in these astral illusions until they begin to realize that something is amiss. It will be a little like the Twilight Zone episode where the guy thought he went to heaven because he was given everything he desired.  Then when he realized his desires were not making him happy he discovered he wasn’t in heaven after all, but hell.

Most people have a belief system which is full of illusions.  This not only includes religious people but other ideologies as well.  Those who place politics above religion will go to a place governed by the political system of their dreams. Unfortunately, for them, most will discover that their ideas do not work that well and the authoritarian system they are under will eventually make them miserable and they will desire to move on to something else.

An atheist will attempt to deny his after life conscious existence for some time, depending on how hardened his views are.  Sooner or later though he has to open up his consciousness to his new world.  He will be met by other atheists who are forced to acknowledge that there is some type of other dimension they are living in, but they still see it as a creation of natural evolution and neither do they acknowledge the existence of God.

Those few who love the truth and allow it to set them free are able to bypass the worlds of illusion and reunite with their higher selves. These are able to see things as they are and to visit most any abode, person or world they desire.


Copyright 2014 by J J Dewey

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What Is There That Survives Death?

This entry is part 32 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Question Thirty-Three

What Is There That Survives Death?

Jesus taught his disciples,

“In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” John 14:2

The word “mansions” is translated from the Greek MONĒ and doesn’t mean “mansion” as is used today, but merely indicates a dwelling place. Jesus was telling his disciples that there are many different types of dwelling places after death and he would assist the disciples in preparing one for them.

Traditional religion teaches that there is merely one heaven and one hell, but such is not the case as witnessed by the words of Jesus that there are many dwelling places.

To understand life after death it is helpful to understand life before death in the here and now. We are much more than physical bodies that come to life as sophisticated machines just to be extinguished when the body wears out.

The physical body we can see and touch is merely an outer shell. Coexisting with this is a duplicate body made of more refined substance called the etheric body. It is a composed of a great electrical system that holds our body together and gives it life and shape. After it withdraws from the body its shape begins to disintegrate.

The existence of the etheric body is easy to prove because all people can see it with a little practice.  It extends a millimeter or two from the physical body and if you hold your two thumbs about a quarter inch apart against a light background and look at the empty space between them for a minute you’ll see your second body extending from your skin.

Another part of ourselves that we all know is real is our emotional selves.  There is a more refined state of matter that is created from emotional energy and within us, co-existing with our physical bodies, is a body made of emotional matter.  This is often called the astral body. This astral body can also be proven to exist because it radiates beautiful colors called the aura and with a little practice most people can be trained to see it. When a person gets his first real glimpse of the aura he is indeed convinced. Each person will radiate some dominant color depending on his mood, intellect and state of mind.

On top of this, we know the emotional world is as real as the physical because we feel emotions very strongly. Feeling an emotion, whether it be love or hate, is as real as anything we can verify with our eyes. What goes beyond orthodox thinking here is that dwelling places made of emotional matter coexist with this physical world as well as within our own bodies. Feelings these emotional energies is as real as feeling a physical object.

There is another part of ourselves that we all acknowledge to exist and that is our minds. Many make the mistake of thinking our minds are created by our brains but mind exists independent of the physical brain.  The brain is merely a very complex computer.  A computer merely operates on a program which are instructions created by a thinker or mind. A computer and the thinker using the computer are two different things.

The mind part of ourselves uses more than the brain. It uses other parts of ourselves to further the thinking process. The heart is the second organ used by the thinker as witnessed by Solomon, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

We all can feel the thinker within us using the brain, the heart and the body as a whole to further our desires, but what is not realized is that there is a higher state of matter created by mental energy.  Not only do we have coexisting within us physical, etheric, and emotional bodies, but we also have a mental body created of mental matter.

These higher states of matter account for some of the missing matter that science believes is out there but haven’t been able to find yet.  They call it dark matter, but it would be more appropriate to call it “light matter.”

The most obvious evidence of mental matter is the fact that we know for sure there is such a thing as invisible mind and thought.  By thought we can create images that we can see within our mind.  Unknown to orthodoxy is that those thoughts organize and move around real matter from the mental world.

Things from the mental world can be seen, but seeing them while in the physical body is very difficult and takes a lot of practice. Once the seeing is mastered a person can see mental matter around us which is controlled by thought.

As I said we are composed first of a physical body, then the etheric, then the emotional/astral which radiates colors. Another part of us extends about an arm’s length and is the shape of an egg enveloping the physical body. Mental energy circulates around the aura and our thoughts project on the outer film geometric forms, which represent what we are thinking. If a person could see those projected forms around another person and interpret the meaning then he could read his thoughts.

The physical/etheric, the emotional/astral and the mental compose three states of matter which create forms, but that which makes up our whole composition is much more than these. There are higher worlds of refined energy and life that are above these.  The essence, which is human, clothed itself in seven layers of energy in order to descend from God to come to this physical world. I have written much more about these seven planes in my various works but for simplicity’s sake we’ll just call the worlds above the mind, the spiritual world, a world of spiritual energy and thought.

Our more refined bodies that survive death are connected to the physical by a silver cord which is actually mentioned in the Bible.  It says

“Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.” Eccl12:6-7

The silver cord is connected to the body, usually somewhere up the spine and is severed at death when the “golden bowl,” or the etheric body, is dissipated. Then the more spiritual parts of ourselves go to one of the many mansions or dwelling places.  We’ll cover that next.



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Is There Life After Death?

This entry is part 31 of 57 in the series Mysteries

Part III

Questions From The Spiritual Seeker

Question Thirty-Two

Is There Life After Death?

The short answer is yes.  We could just leave it at that but this is an important question and deserves some comment.

If you don’t believe in life after death you are in the minority.  Polls show that somewhere between 70-80% of the U.S. population believe in some type of afterlife as well as the majorities in most nations of the earth.

What’s more, a belief in an afterlife has been growing in recent years.  Part of the reason for this is the popularization of near death experiences.  People have had near death experiences since history began but it has only been in recent decades that these experiences have been published for mass distribution.

Near death experiences used to be seen as a rare anomaly, but now they have received such publicity that people feel more comfortable talking about them.  They are not so afraid of being seen as being a crazy person as in the past. Researches figure that about a third of the people who have a significant close encounter with death have a near death experience.

Some researchers try and explain these experiences away saying that they come from a part of the brain which remains intact after the heart stops beating.

But this does not explain two things:

(1) Many describe the experience as being extremely vivid with a reality of greater intensity than life on earth. It is so vivid that many non-believers have been converted by the experience.

(2) Many have reported leaving their body and overhearing conversations and witnessing events that were verified as being true and accurate. Sometimes these events took place in the hospital and other times accurate information was retrieved from a significant distance in time or space.

The many witnesses of these experiences give powerful evidence to the fact that life not only continues when the heart stops, but one can leave his body and continue with conscious existence.

In addition to the near death experience there are numerous current studies of supernatural experiences of people who are approaching death.  Perhaps the most famous in recent times occurred with Steve Jobs.

One of Steve’s sisters, Mona Simpson, gave this account of the moment of his passing. She said, “Before embarking, he’d looked at his sister Patty, then for a long time at his children, then at his life’s partner, Laurene, and then over their shoulders past them.”

After looking at something in the background he exclaimed, “Oh wow. Oh wow. Oh wow.” Then he passed and went to that amazing place he saw.

There are many other accounts of those on deathbeds seeing relatives standing beside them, often even talking to them. Still others have died for a few moments, came back and comforted loved ones with accounts of the beautiful world they are going to and then leaving again.

Perhaps the greatest evidence of life after death will come to the person who reflects on his own existence.  Try to visualize not existing. It is pretty difficult to do. We may think it would be something like sleep, but even in sleep we live through dreams and when we are not dreaming we still have an awareness of existing and a sense of the passing of time.

Now imagine this.  If you ceased to exist at death it would then be as if neither you, your loved ones, planet earth or the universe ever existed. Life would have no meaning because as soon as you ceased to exist everything in the universe would cease to exist also.  There would be no you to verify the existence of anything. It would be as if existence never was.

This is indeed a strange thought when you consider it and runs contrary to the essence of the life that dwells in us.

What is life, but intelligent energy?  Since energy cannot be destroyed then skeptics ought to bet on the idea that the energy which is you and me will continue. Ahh, even if we are in illusion, life is so much better when we see ourselves as continuing to exist after the body that houses us wears out. Fortunately, the reality of continuing life can be sensed by something within us that does not die.


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