Youtube Playlist for access to all the classes.
Links to the individual classes:
Class 1
Introducing the Teachings of Alice A. Bailey on the Treatise on White Magic.
Class 2
Continuing the course on the introduction to the Treatise on White Magic by Alice A. Bailey.
Class 3
Continuing the course on the introduction to the Treatise on White Magic by Alice A. Bailey.
Class 4
Finishing up the discussion of Rule One.
Class 5
Moving on to Rule Two containing Keys to Eternal Life.
Class 6
Continuing the course on on the Treatise on White Magic by Alice A. Bailey. – focussing on Rule Two where the words of Eternal Life are presented.
Class 7
Continuing with Rule Two of the Treatise on White Magic by Alice A. Bailey.
Class 8
Finishing Rule two and moving on to Rule Three.
Class 9
Getting into Rule Three.
Class 10
Continuing Rule 3
Class 11
Continuing Rule 3
Class 12
Finishing Rule 3
Class 13
Beginning Rule 4
Class 14
Continuing Rule 4
Class 15
Continuing Rule 4
Class 16
Continuing Rule 4
Class 17
Finishing Rule 4 – The Science of Breath
Class 18
Beginning Rule 5 – The materialization of thoughtforms.
Class 19
Continuing Rule 5 – Contacting the Master – Becoming useful.
Class 20
Continuing Rule 5 – Contacting High Lives.
Class 21
Continuing Rule 5 – What the masters look for in a disciple.
Class 22
Continuing Rule 5 – The heart, the throat and the eye.
Class 23
Finishing Rule 5 – What is expected from a true servant.
Class 24
Beginning Rule Six – The opening of the third eye.
Class 25
Finishing Rule Six, the power of the third eye.
Class 26
Beginning Rule Seven, The Battleground of the Astral Plane
Class 27
Continuing with Rule Seven – The battleground of the astral plane. The two choices.
Class 28
Beginning Rule Eight – Types of Astral Force
Class 29
Continuing with Rule 8 – Challenges the disciple must face.
Class 30
Continuing with Rule 8 – Discussing ebb and flow in the life of the disciple.
Class 31
Finishing Rule 8 – Discussing ebb and flow in the life of the disciple.
Class 32
Beginning Rule 9 – The need for pure intent on avoiding the left hand path.
Class 33
Continuing with Rule 9
Class 34
Finishing Rule 9 – The difference between the right and left hand path.
Class 35
Beginning Rule 10. The Creation of Thoughtforms
Class 36
Continues with Rule 10 – the Rays, Energies and Centers.
Class 37
Continuing Rule 10 – Rays, Energies, Centers and the Astral Plane.
Class 38
Continuing with Rule 10, Dealing with astral forces such as fear and depression.
Class 39
Continuing with Rule 10, Sources of astral energy.
Class 40
Continuing with Rule 10, Harmlessness
Class 41
Entering the Aquarian Age
Class 42
Out with the old and in with the new.
Class 43
Continuing with Rule 10, Predictions of things to come.
Class 44
Continuing with Rule 10 – Overcoming fears.
Class 45
Continuing with Rule 10, Problems encountered after enlightenment.
Class 46
Continuing with Rule 10, Using the higher mind.
Class 47
Continuing with Rule 10, The Centers, Cosmic Realms & More.
Class 48
Continuing Rule 10 – The Thinker and Divine Ideas
Class 49
Continuing Rule 10 – Balancing the heart and the head.
Class 50
Continuing Rule 10 – Happiness, Joy and Bliss
Class 51
Continuing Rule 10 – Experience and Duality
Class 52
Continuing Rule 10 – The Foundation of the Hierarchy
Class 53
Continuing Rule 10 – The Progress of the Soul
Class 54
How to recognize true spirituality and your place on the path.
Class 55
The New Group of World Servers
Class 56
The Divine Plan and problems with disciples.
Class 57
The labors of the Spiritual Hierarchy
Class 58
Who are the New Group of World Servers?
Class 59
Group Cooperation.
Class 60
The linking up of minds.
Class 61
The Twelve Principles of Synthesis
Class 62
The Sixteen Principles of Unification
Class 63
The ingredients of the Planetary Logos and the Influence of Astrology
Class 64
Beginning Rule 11. How the thoughtform is created what does the creator do to manifest the creation?
Class 65
The Law of Attraction and the Book of Life.
Class 66
Important Principles in Manifesting Our Creations
Class 67
We discuss harmony between the kingdoms and the stages of human spiritual evolution.
Class 68
Continuing with Rule 11. Avoiding the pitfalls of the dark side
Class 69
Continuing with Rule 11. The correct use of words to insure right creation.
Class 70
Continuing with Rule 11. Importance of wording, the Sacred Word and the word of the soul.
Class 71
Continuing with Rule 11. Using thoughtforms and making them harmless
Class 72
The wise use of thoughtforms and how to protect oneself from negativity.
Class 73
Examining Rule 11, Controlling emotion and seeing the whole picture.
Class 74
Overcoming the fear and dread of death. Seeing death as a positive event.
Class 75
Finishing Rule 11, Sleep and death – how to make the most of each of them.
Class 76
Beginning Rule 12. The Magical power of interludes of the breath.
Class 77
Continuing Rule 12. Releasing life from the prisons we build in this reality.
Class 78
Continuing Rule 12 – Humanity will learn their lessons and become saviors to the animal kingdom.
Class 79
Finishing Rule 12. The spiritual prisons that hold us and how to escape them.
Class 80
Starting Rule 13. Understanding the hidden etheric planes.
Class 81
Quaternaries and quantum physics in their role of creating reality.
Class 82
Our quantum reality – the power of intensity.
Class 83
Seeing the invisible and the power of recognition to manifest reality.
Class 84
Finishing Rule 13. Learning detachment and avoiding criticism.
Class 85
The centers and the etheric body.
Class 86
Continuing with Rule 14 highlighting the removing of the veils between spirit and matter and the higher and lower self.
Class 87
Continuing with Rule 14 Understanding energies and rays. The use of hands in the distribution of power.
Class 88
Continuing with Rule 14. The use of the hands in healing and sending energy.
Class 89
Continuing with Rule 14. Principles required to “take the kingdom of heaven” and enter therein.
Class 90
The steps to becoming a master.
Class 91
Discerning the higher and lower spiritual contacts
Class 92
Opening up the energy centers and recognizing the new energies as they unfold.
Class 93
Finishing Rule 14. Safely releasing the godlike powers of the centers
Class 94
The plan to enlighten humanity
Class 95
Enlightened people (The New Group of World Servers) seeking to change the world and prepare for the New Age.
Class 96
The later stages of magical work and handling ESP.
Class 97
Negating the great illusion
Class 98
Tuning into other souls and tuning out astral illusion.
Class 99
Transitioning from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius.
Class 100
Who and what are the lives higher than the human kingdom. The Sixth Kingdom examined. Problems encountered as the Hierarchy works though imperfect humans.
Class 101
The problem of imperfection among those who seek to do the spiritual work. All lives great ad small struggle with their next step forward.
Class 102
Types of fears faced by disciples and how to master them.
Class 103
Piscean consciousness compared to the Aquarian
Class 104
Final Class on White Magic. Blending fire and water.. Doing our part to bring in the new age.
For Additional Video Teachings, Including the Molecular Relationship CLICK HERE
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