Bernie Sanders – The New Hitler


APRIL 1, 2016 

Bernie Sanders – The New Hitler

Since the left is so eager to use the Hitler/Nazi card on the people of the right let us see how they like it if we use the same tactics, but with one caveat. We will not tell any lies or distort anything that Bernie has said.

Surely you must be joking,” says a Bernie supporter. “Bernie is just a kind old man, the furthest thing from Hitler.”

I have news for you. Many on the right think the accusations of their guys being like Hitler are ridiculous and mean spirited also. Turnabout is fair play, so let us compare Bernie to Hitler and Nazism and see how he measures up.

Here are some correspondences just as good or better than those made recently against Trump.

(1) Bernie draws large enthusiastic supportive crowds, just like Hitler did.

(2) Bernie’s supporters use intimidating methods in attempts to silence those who may oppose him or speak against him.

Just as Hitler did not need to give direct orders to silence opposition Bernie’s supports knew what to do and shut down Trump’s Chicago rally while shouting out Bernie’s name. They are trying to prevent Trumps free speech in numerous other towns even going so far as to block a major highway in Arizona. That could not only have limited free speech but was also a route to a hospital and may have endangered lives. The protesters did not care though just as the Nazis did not care about such things.

(3) Hitler’s National Socialist Party had much in common with Bernie’s national socialism. It is a fact that they both called themselves socialists.

Both of them support the power of the state stepping in and forcing business to work toward the common good.

Both advocate free education with the government making sure the youth are educated properly.

Both advocated freedom of religion UNLESS they offend the “moral and ethical sense” of those in charge.

The stated Nazi goal was:


In order to carry out this program we demand: the creation of a strong central authority in the State, the unconditional authority by the political central parliament of the whole State and all its organizations.

Bernie indeed wants a strong central government which would be necessary to carry out his reforms.

(4) Both Sanders and Hitler believed in “common sense” gun control and restrictions regulated by the national, not state or local governments.

(5) Neither Hitler and Sanders had a regular job until they were about 40. Until that time they spent much of their time promoting their political agendas. Both got in trouble with the law because of their political activities.

(6) The only real and regular jobs both men had was working for the state and being paid by taxpayers.

(7) Both Sanders and Hitler believed and promoted universal health care.

(8) Both men stressed the importance of creating a “living wage” for the masses.

(9) Both men liked carrots.

We could continue, but you get the point, right?

Bernie Sanders must be Hitler come again.

Don’t laugh. That is what I would be proclaiming if I had the same mindset as Bernie and Clinton supporters calling Trump and others Hitler.

Do I really think Bernie is like Hitler?

Overall, the answer is no, but there are some similarities. After all, all of us have some things in common with Hitler as well as every other human being on the planet.

Both Hitler and Bernie like carrots. I also like carrots, but I am not much like either of them.

These comparisons were done to make a point. You can find as much or more that Bernie has in common with Hitler than Trump, Cruz or any conservative.

In real life I would not compare Sanders or anyone else, as a whole, to Hitler unless they really started acting out the horrific things Hitler did. Such accusations are below the belt.

Instead of mindless Hitler accusations we are much better off debating the issues involved in a civil manner. Maybe if we actually do some thinking instead of just reacting on an emotional level some minds may be changed for the better.

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The Hitler-Trump Accusations

April 1, 2016

The Hitler-Trump Accusations

I do not know how many times I have heard haters lately speak of Donald Trump in comparison to Hitler and other dictators since he announced a run for the presidency. I believe that a new record level of mean spiritedness has been achieved as well as a distortion and outright fabrication of the facts.

What is the source of all this fear and attack, rampant to the extent that all effort is being made to stop Trump from even speaking or supporters to even hear his words?

It is clearly revealed in a principle which is this:

That thing which an individual most despises and fears is that which strongly exists within him or her, but is not recognized or acknowledged by such a person.

Applying this principle it becomes clear that those who most loudly attack others as being like Hitler or dictators are internally acknowledging that they themselves would be a supporter of strong authoritarian dictatorial rule. Of course, that assumes that a dictator-like leader would support their own personal dogmas.

It is amazing how many see authoritarian power as benevolent as long as the dictator agrees with them, but when the tables are turned then things are different. Whether there is abuse of power or not, if the guy doesn’t get his way the cry of Hitlerism may go forth.

The ideal here is to be objective and balanced and be against an abuse of power whether we benefit or not. Instead of asking, “What is the benefit to me?” one needs to first ask, “Is there a misuse of power that is going against the will of the people?”

Now as far as Trump goes, the guy has never held office, never raised anyone’s taxes, never raised the national debt limit, never passed any restrictive laws so comparing him to Hitler is extreme indeed. When we examine his life we see positive and negative things but nothing much out of the ordinary for your average billionaire. If he was going to be like a Hitler you would think there would be some signs of it by now as he approaches 70 years of age.

After all, the real bad guys showed their true colors at a fairly young age. These include Hitler, Mussolini, Pol Pot, Stalin, and Mao.

One of the first things to take into consideration with Hitler accusations is Godwin’s Law which is basically this:

When a person runs low on reason in an argument, the tendency is to resort to comparing opponents to Hitler or the Nazis. When this happens the perpetrator has generally stooped low enough to be considered the loser in the debate.

Now Godwin recognized that there are rare times that a legitimate comparison to Hitler may be in order, but over 90% of the Hitler or Nazi accusations have no foundation in reality. They are just thrown out there by insecure people who do not have the intelligence to debate the real issues with facts and reason.

This seems to be the case with the Trump accusations as most of them are just plain silly. They seem to be contrived to deceive and destroy rather than to reveal any truth.

Let us take a look at some of the Hitler accusations against Trump.

(1) He draws large enthusiastic crowds like Hitler did.

The reality:

Drawing a large supportive crowd is not a sign that the person is good or bad, right or wrong. It is merely an indication that the person is interesting.

Bernie Sanders also draws large enthusiastic crowds and I see no Democrats comparing him to Hitler. Obama, Reagan, JFK, FDR and others drew large crowds and I do not see anyone today comparing any of them to the great dictator.

And how about Elvis, the Beatles and the Stones? They drew more enthusiastic large crowds than any politician?

Were they like Hitler?

Like I say, this is a silly comparison.

(2) Trump is anti immigration and wants to build a wall.

This is supposed to make him like Hitler who hated Jews and exterminated 6,000,000 of them.

This is a very mean spirited deceptive comparison. First, it is a total lie that Trump is anti immigration. He is pro immigration which is legal according to laws passed by both parties. He is against those who cross our boarders illegally. These are not even immigrants, but illegals. He wants a wide door open for those who respect our laws.

Few seem to realize today that both Sanders and Clinton took positions in the past similar to Trump’s current one.

In 2003 during an interview on The John Gambling Radio Show when she was a New York senator, Clinton said, “I am, you know, adamantly against illegal immigrants. … We’ve got to do more at our borders and people have got to stop employing illegal immigrants.”

During a CNN interview with Lou Dobbs in 2007 Sanders said:

“If poverty is increasing and if wages are going down, I don’t know why we need millions of people to be coming in to this country as guest workers who will work for lower wages than American workers and will drive wages down even lower than they are right now,”

In a speech on the Senate floor in 2007 concerning his no vote on an immigration bill Sanders said the bill was about “bringing into this country over a period of years millions of low-wage temporary workers with the result that wages and benefits in this country, which are already going down, will go down even further.”

Both Sanders and Clinton sounded like Trump just a few years ago yet I do not recall anyone calling them racist, Nazis or like Hitler.

(3) Trump has a plan to register Muslims. The trouble is this is not what Trump said. To this accusation he stated: “I didn’t suggest a database-a reporter did. We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America.”

Obama’s government is already doing more than this in tracking every possible email sent throughout the world and seeking entrance to our mobile devices but I see no Trump critics calling him Hitler.

(4) Trump wants to ban Muslims from entering the United States. At least this is partially true. Trump does want a temporary ban until more security can be established. But this does not correlate to anything Hitler did with the Jews. Jews were not complaining about not being able to get into Nazi Germany. Their complaint was that they couldn’t get out. Muslims here are not complaining that they cannot leave.

(5) Trump’s delivery is similar to Hitler. This is silly. Anyone who has watched old films of Hitler speaking will see little in comparison. Obama’s guru, Jeremiah Wright, spoke much more on the emotional level like Hitler – though a similar delivery does not make him like Hitler overall.

(6) Trump discredits everybody who disagrees with him.

Most candidates of both parties do this, but it does not make them like Hitler.

(7) Trump advocates enforcing the law.

It may be hard to believe but some are actually equating Trump with Hitler for wanting to enforce existing law. If this is the case then we must have millions of potential Hitlers in this country for most people support having laws and obeying them.

They do not realize that Hitler was his own law and didn’t respect any law with which he did not agree.

This is another accusation I place in the silly category.

(8) Trump sells hate to the poor and ignorant.

Now Hitler was a true promoter of hate toward the Jews and discriminated against many others. He blamed the Jews as being a part of an international conspiracy wanting to take over the world. He saw them as sub human and denied them citizenship because of their race.

This is nothing like anything Trump advocates. Trump has expressed no hate toward any race, sex or religion and has employed many of them. Some individuals get under his skin, but they are mostly white guys.

Trumps supporters come from the rich and the poor, the educated and the no so educated.

Again, comparing Trump to Hitler because he is supposed to hate certain groups is silly.

(9) Trump is in possession of a book of Hitler’s speeches which was given to him as a gift from a friend.

One article I read made a big deal out of this thinking it was solid proof Trump is like Hitler.

Again this is silly. I have the same book and also have read Mein Kampf, but I am totally against what Hitler stood for. I also have and have read Obama’s autobiography, but that does not make me a supporter. Many people read all kinds of books about both good and bad guys that that does not make them like any of them.

That is enough to give any honest reader a general idea of the crazy thinking out there. What has been overlooked here is that two can play this game.

If the left can make crazy and illogical links between those on the right and Hitler then it should be fair game to use their own rules and equate their guys with Hitler.

We’ll look at Bernie Sanders next.


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Thoughts on Mussolini

March 15, 2016

Thoughts on Mussolini

I had read about Mussolini a number of times in various books that covered World War II, but never anything in depth. Since I was going to compare him with Trump I thought I needed a better grasp of the man so started doing some research including buying a biography that had good reviews. It was called Mussolini, The Rise and Fall of Il Duce, by Christopher Hibbert.

I thought the book was well written and it painted a different image of the guy than is the common perception.

Since he was viewed as Hitler’s partner in crime he is seen by many as being worse than Stalin and right up there with Hitler himself as a bad guy. What few realize is that if he were not seduced by Hitler and almost forced to enter the war he may have gone down in history as a beloved leader rather than one that was despised.

It is true that he took the office as prime minister by overthrowing the government by force and that is a big negative for any lover of freedom, but the masses didn’t seem to complain that much as many had hope he would improve things. They seemed to be eerily supportive of turning over their freedoms to a strong man.

Mussolini claimed to have the welfare of his people as his prime objective and to his credit he did work in this direction at first, though not without inflicting punishment to those who got in the way. He started many public works projects, put people to work and generated praise, not only from his people but throughout the world. He had some people in the United States and England thinking that a dictatorship may be a better form of government than a democracy.

It is interesting that he was given tremendous praise from both conservatives and liberals. Shortly after he had taken over the government by force the New York Times said: Mussolini’s fascism was “the most interesting governmental experiment of the day….We should all be glad that he is going at it vigorously.”

He also received praise from, FDR, the U.S. President: “There seems to be no question that [Mussolini] is really interested in what we are doing and I am much interested and deeply impressed by what he has accomplished and by his evidenced honest purpose of restoring Italy.”

FDR adviser Rexford Guy Tugwell said of Italian fascism: “It’s the cleanest, neatest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery I’ve ever seen. It makes me envious.”

New Republic editor George Soule, who avidly supported FDR, noted approvingly that the Roosevelt administration was “trying out the economics of fascism.”

Mussolini also gave praise back to Roosevelt saying: “Reminiscent of Fascism is the principle that the state no longer leaves the economy to its own devices.…Without question, the mood accompanying this sea change resembles that of Fascism.”

Becoming equated with fascism was seen as a good thing by many before World War II.

On the conservative side none other than Winston Churchill had praise for him.

In 1927 Winston Churchill visited Rome and was widely reported as having said, “If I were an Italian I would don the Fascist Black Shirt. I could not help being charmed … Anyone could see that he thought of nothing but the lasting good, as he understood it, of the Italian people, and that no lesser interest was of the slightest consequence to him.”

Lord Rothermere declared in its columns in the Daily Mail that Mussolini was “the greatest figure of our age.” An English biographer in an extremely laudatory book published in 1932 agreed that, he was “the greatest statesman of our time.”

We could continue with more quotes but this gives the idea. Mussolini received almost universal praise, much more than Hitler ever did. He was pretty much in a league of his own.

Unfortunately a man by the name of Adolf Hitler also admired the guy and incorporated some of his ideas into the Nazi state.

Hitler admired Mussolini so much that he wanted to be not only his partner in war, but his best friend. This desire was not reciprocated as Mussolini despised Hitler in the beginning. In 1934 when he first met Hitler in person he exclaimed that he did not like the look of him and that “He’s quite mad.”

Unfortunately for Mussolini Hitler had a fatal attraction toward him. He seemed more obsessed with making Mussolini his best friend than having Italy’s support in the war. Hitler did everything he could to draw Mussolini into a partnership and as Hitler’s success grew Mussolini began to feel that maybe he had something to offer after all. He even incorporated the Nazi salute and the goose step for his military.

Mussolini strongly disagreed with Hitler starting a war in 1939 but after it was begun their was no turning back and Mussolini had to pick sides. Using intimidation Hitler put enormous pressure on him to join forces. He reluctantly cooperated as he didn’t think his country was prepared for such a coming conflict.

Once in he found he had to cooperate or risk Hitler’s wrath and even though he had previously had no animosity toward the Jews he cooperated with the Nazis in discriminating against them and rounding them up.

Once he had committed Italy to the war his popularity dropped like a rock and he became one of the most hated leaders in the world. He was forced out of power by a revolt in 1943, but Hitler used force to temporarily reinstall him. Near the end of the war he was assassinated and strung up by his feet after which his people, who previously loved, him cursed at him, riddled him with bullets and rocks until his corpse was barely recognizable.

It is interesting that we may owe a great debt to Mussolini. As the war was nearing an end and Hitler realized he was going to loose he blamed Mussolini for his impending defeat. He said that Mussolini’s lackluster performance had caused such a diversion of Nazi resources and energy that had he not paid so much attention to the guy that he could have prevailed.

Sometimes the bad guys in the equation are their own worst enemy.

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Handwriting and Past Lives

March 13, 2016

Handwriting of Trump and Mussolini

In addition to comparing pictures of Trump and Mussolini on the internet to prove Trump is Mussolini reincarnated some have also compared their handwriting and noted similarities. Let us take a look and see how they match up. The point of comparison has been with the signatures so let us examine them first.

Here are three samples of Mussolini’s signature:

Mussolini Signature x3

And here are three samples from Trump:

Trump Signatures x 3

What is usually compared is Mussolini’s second signature with its strong points to the strong points in Donald’s handwriting. What is not mentioned is the other two signatures with more rounded letters seems to be more of the norm with the Duce whereas the points are more the norm with Donald.

It is true that there are some similar points in the samples though the consistency of them are different. The other similarity is how there is no space between the first and last name, but both are joined together as if they are one word. However, this is a common trait among politicians, leaders and business executives.

There are hundreds of different things to look at in handwriting and two handwritings of any two intelligent people will have a few things in common.

To get a clearer picture let us look at their regular handwriting. Keep in mind that the signature tells us how the writer wants the world to perceive him and the regular writing tells us more of what the person is like when he is not trying to impress anyone.

Here is some of Mussolini’s handwriting:

Mussolini Letter

And here is some of Trump’s


Even the untrained eye can see there is quite a bit of difference in the handwriting. I could point out dozens of them, but I do not think it is necessary.

I have examined a number of people I have suspected of being a certain person in a past life and it is rare that two writings are close enough to be taken seriously.

Now in each life our character and handwriting will be somewhat different. When one is older both his writing and personality are often significantly different than when young. My writing now at age 71 is quite a bit different than when I was twenty, for instance.

There are several things that will remain quite similar as we progress from one life to the next. Here are a few.

(1) Intelligence. Intelligence usually improves from life to life but gradually.

(2) Speed of thinking which will also show up in the speed of the writing.

(3) A sense of values

(4) Passion and emotional makeup will often be similar.

If an analyst is lucky enough to find the real handwriting of an individual’s past life he will generally find a few idiosyncrasies that stand out.

It is not impossible that Trump was Mussolini, but there is just not enough evidence to take it seriously.

A reader suggested that maybe Putin was Mussolini. I checked out the handwriting and again there is not enough evidence to take this seriously, but who knows? There is always that slim chance.

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Trump and Mussolini

March 12, 2016

Trump and Mussolini

A few weeks ago on Facebook someone posted a side-by-side picture of Trump and Mussolini with the implication that they have a similar look and character. Then it mentioned that Mussolini died April 28, 1945 and Trump was born June 14, 1946 suggesting that Trump may actually be Mussolini reincarnated.

Since I believe in reincarnation I do consider that various heroes and villains of the past could be born again so I decided to check into this possibility.

The first thing to realize in looking at pictures of the two is that we get different bodies in each life. Sometimes there is a similar look and sometimes the physical appearance of the two is not that close. The look of character in the eyes will have the most consistent similarities.

Thus, a similar look is anecdotal evidence, but not proof. More important evidence are the mannerisms or idiosyncrasies of the two.

If we went by looks alone then John Kerry would have had to have been President Andrew Jackson for the similarities are striking. His character traits are quite a bit different though, so, in my opinion, it is doubtful that Kerry was Jackson.

Here is the picture linking Trump with Mussolini.

Trump Mussolini

I found the comparison intriguing so I decided to check it out. My first concern was why show Mussolini covered up with a helmet if you want to make a fair comparison? When I checked out pictures of him I saw why, as the two men look quite a bit different when all their features are revealed. Here is a picture of Mussolini without a hat.

Mussolini Pict2

I found the comparison intriguing so I decided to check it out. My first concern was why show Mussolini covered up with a helmet if you want to make a fair comparison? When I checked out pictures of him I saw why, as the two men look quite a bit different when all their features are revealed. Here is a picture of Mussolini without a hat.

The first was a picture of the helmeted Mussolini as a fairly young man and in the second he was in his fifties. Donald is almost 70 and has aged much more gracefully. Below is a picture of Mussolini just before he died at age 61, almost a decade younger than Trump.

Mussolini Pict

A big difference is the hairline, but another not so obvious is their height. Mussolini was short, only about 5’6”, whereas Trump is 6’2”.

Another physical difference was in their dress. Trump is a stylish dresser who wears expensive clothes. Mussolini showed little concern about how he looked and was known for looking unkempt and somewhat unrefined and careless in dress.

Contrary to the Trump accusers out there one cannot draw anything conclusive from the physical appearance of the two men.

So, what are some of the other similarities floating around the web?

One of the accusations is that the two have a similar style of speaking. It is indeed true that both could keep an audience enthused, but both good and bad guys have done this in the past. What we need to do is compare their actual speaking style by examining it.

Here is a video of Mussolini giving a speech to a crowd


And here is one of Trump


Notice that Mussolini seems to be more emotional and animated in his presentation than Trump. He kind of came across as a Hitler wannabe. A consistent gesture made by Mussolini was putting his hands on his hips which I have not seen Donald do.

Also notice the sound of their voices are quite a bit different.

A case for Trump being Mussolini reincarnated is the citation that Mussolini died April 28, 1945 and Trump was born June 14, 1946. Trump being born a little over a year after Mussolini died is supposed to be evidence of them being the same entity.

That is pretty weak evidence as many millions of people were born in 1946 and billions have been born after the death of the Duce.

Bill Clinton was also born in 1946 and Hillary in 1947. Maybe one of them is the real Mussolini.

Then too Obama was born 16 years after Mussolini died so even he could be the guy. After all, if you compare the response of the crowds to the young Mussolini to the Young Obama there are strong similarities.

Yes, it is true that if a famous person is reincarnated he would be expected to come back after his death date, but since billions of people are prospects this comparison is very weak evidence.

Actually the short time of a little over a year between the death of Mussolini and the birth of Trump gives evidence of Trump being an unlikely candidate for his rebirth. When an entity makes as many mistakes as Mussolini did the soul usually has the person spend some time in the spirit world contemplating his past life and absorbing lessons in preparation for a new life in an attempt to right some wrongs.

Let us look at several other comparisons of the two men.

They were both builders.

Yes, they both initiated a lot of construction, but their approach was very different. Trump did all his building through his own initiative using the private sector.

Mussolini didn’t build anything of significance until he achieved control of the government with vast financial resources. He then started many public works projects in an attempt to put people to work and help the economy.

This approach was much more like FDR than Trump, yet no one is comparing Trump or Mussolini to Roosevelt.

They both wanted to make their country great again.

Every politician claims to want to make his country great. The word “again” is the significant one. America’s greatness is associated with recent times incorporating the principles of freedom, rugged individualism and a government that represents the people. Italy’s past greatness was associated with the totalitarian Roman Empire many centuries ago. And indeed Mussolini took over the government by force and ruled as did the emperors of the past. This was his vision of greatness whereas Trump places his idea of greatness on past independence and financial strength.

Both men wanted to rebuild and strengthen their military.

This may be true but at least half of the people who run for president speak of this as a goal.

Trump Quoted Mussolini.

In a Tweet Trump quoted Mussolini.

Here is the quote: “It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep.”

Trump’s adversaries planted a number of Hitler and Mussolini quotes on Twitter bating Trump in the hope he would use one so they could accuse him. Trump took the bait, but was unapologetic. When asked if he wanted to be associated with a fascist, Trump said: “No, I want to be associated with interesting quotes.”

Indeed, if you remove the bias that it was used by Mussolini then it is a pretty good quote. Who wouldn’t rather be associated with a lion rather than a sheep that just blindly follows? I like the quote and in no way am associated with Mussolini.

Many quotes from Napoleon are used from quotation books and he was a dictator in a similar vein to Mussolini.

People are very hesitant to quote Hitler but he did say a few things that ring true such as:

If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.

He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.

It is always more difficult to fight against faith than against knowledge.

What good fortune for governments that the people do not think.

And this one I find amusing though Hitler probably said it with serious tone:

Anyone who sees and paints a sky green and fields blue ought to be sterilized.

So, if you agree with any of these quotes does it mean that you are like Hitler? Of course not.

What is overlooked by critics are obvious differences between the two men

(1) Trump gained his fame through free enterprise and capitalism.

Mussolini wasn’t much of an entrepreneur and his claim to fame was through political stealth.

(2) Trump didn’t show much interest in participating in politics until old age whereas Mussolini was very politically involved all his life, starting at his teenage years.

(3) Mussolini sought national leadership by taking over the government by force. Trump is seeking leadership through a free election.

(4) Mussolini saw a dictatorship as the best and most effective government. Trump supports the U.S. Constitution.

(5) Trump has never drank alcohol. Mussolini liked to drink but had to curtail it because of health problems.

(6) Mussolini had health problems throughout his life and looked older than his age. Trump has had good health and looks younger than his years as he approaches 70.

(7) Those close to Mussolini testified to his mean spirited nature whereas those close to Trump generally say that he is warm hearted, kind and generous, quite a bit different image than perceived by his political enemies.

(8) Mussolini didn’t care a lot for money, getting rich, making deals etc. – the opposite of Trump.

(9) Mussolini considered himself to be “a defender of Islam,” while Trump sees Islam as a major problem.

(10) Mussolini persecuted the Jews while Trump embraces his daughter, grandkids and others who are Jewish.

Though anything is possible it is obvious the similarities are not strong enough to reach any serious conclusion about Trump being the reincarnation of Mussolini.

Since Trump is a powerful personality it is quite possible he has been someone of note in his past lives. We can only speculate on who that may be.

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Handwriting Analysis of Prominent 2016 Presidential Candidates

Jan 23, 2016

Handwriting Analysis of

Prominent 2016 Presidential Candidates


Donald Trump

Donald has the most interesting handwriting of any recent presidential candidate. He is the most intelligent candidate since JFK.



What is quite interesting is that he is not seeking attention toward self so he can get recognition and draw attention, as is the case with most candidates. Indeed he draws attention, but not because of a personal need, but because of his passion, intelligence and charismatic personality. Most any project he tackles with his creative mind will draw attention to himself whether he wants it or not. He is not the egomaniac that is conjured up in the minds of his enemies. He draws attention to himself to further his goals, not for a need for attention.

The thing that stands out in the handwriting is the great difference between his regular handwriting and his signature.

The signature shows how the person presents himself to the world and the regular handwriting reveals more of what the person is like away from the spotlight.

You’ll notice that his signature has sharp points in every stroke, almost like spikes whereas the regular writing is much softer. The signature gives the impression that if you mess with him you will suffer puncture wounds. That is what he wants you to think. He is indeed the dealmaker he claims to be. His tactic is to come across as hard as nails, but then when the real negotiations get underway he will soften up, make friends and the guy on the other end of the table will often think he came out on top when it was Donald that really got what he wanted.

He doesn’t give in easily though. If you want to change his mind you have to make a solid case. This can be done but one has to make perfect sense. Otherwise, he will go full stream ahead with his own ideas. He hates to change his mind but will if the situation warrants it.

The problem people have in dealing with him is that most will not understand what is going on in his mind. Donald rarely will put all his cards on the table. His inner circle and loved ones will see quite a different side of him than the general public or those doing business with him.

He is extremely versatile and intelligent and has great organizational ability. He is great about visualizing a thing on the physical plane and then turning it into a reality.

Notice the beginning and ending strokes on his name. They look like two buildings. He had to go out of his way to get that effect at the end because the P looks nothing like a P. If there was ever a signature of a builder then this is it.

In this one small sample we see three different modes of writing. The first is the regular writing in the note. The second shows up in the word, AMAZING. And the third mode is in his signature. This shows a versatility and adaptability that few people possess. If the situation calls for it he will change on a dime to make things work out as desired, though his inner goals and mindset will change slowly.

He is not as hardnosed as many think and is influenced by others and willing to listen and consider thoughts of others. He is willing to make what he considers to be reasonable compromises to make things work, but he is not a pushover. He always proceeds with the end in view.

So, how would he deal with world leaders like Putin and the Chinese leaders? Some are afraid he would start World War III.

Indeed he has strong passion, but he has the best self control of any of the candidates. He is very measured and puts a lot of thought into the actual actions he takes.

He says he would have a good relationship with Putin and he probably would. He would first present the image that we are not to be messed with, but then in private meetings he would break the ice and find much more common ground than would other lesser thinkers. He would make deals and both sides would come out feeling positive, but Trump would make sure our country got the best advance possible.

To fix the economy we need someone very bright who can see through the illusion and resist the selfish influences of those who would continue the status quo. Trump has the intelligence to be the man for the job.

Ted Cruz

I found numerous samples of Ted’s signature but only one sample of his regular writing. Here it is along with three sample signatures.

Cruz Samples

It is interesting how much Cruz has in common with Trump. There are four that stand out.

(1) The signature is a much different style than the regular writing.

(2) They both write in all capital disconnected letters in their regular writing.

(3) They are both driven and passionate men.

(4) They are both very intelligent.

The most similar trait is that they both write in all printed caps wit disconnected letters.

This reveals a rebel instinct in both of them. Neither is afraid to go against the grain. They do things the way they see as the right way to go. In work or play they are competitive and strive hard to win or it is not much fun. Neither wants to reveal the full hand they may be playing.

As I said the signatures of both men have quite a bit different style than their regular writing. This tells us that both men desire to project an image that may not correspond to their true self in order to achieve certain ends. Trump wants to project an image of a person you don’t want to mess with, but his bark is worse than his bite.

Cruz tries to project the image that he is more of a team player than he is and that he should be looked upon as someone others can lean on to win the good fight. He has more glamour about this than most.

It is a little surprising to learn that Cruz is partially driven by the desire for recognition and a desire to be the center of attention. He shares this characteristic with Obama, but with less intensity. Even so, he loves the limelight more than does Trump. People assume that Trump wants to be the center of attention because he keeps winding up being at that center, but his efforts are more focused on accomplishing his goals rather than drawing attention to himself. On the other hand, attaining center stage is a strong motivating factor with Cruz. Not the only one to be sure, but it is a strong factor.

Both men are very intelligent, but Cruz is more one directional, focused on a limited range of goals. This could work fine to make him an above average president for he would focus strongly on the job and try and limit distractions.

Trump’s intelligence is more versatile, diverse accompanied by great passion. Whereas Cruz would devote 100% of his energy to being president as the job requires, Trump may figure he can do the orthodox job successfully using half of his energy and intelligence and then expand his endeavors into new territory and go where no president has gone before. We would have to wait and see to see where that would be.

Even though Cruz is very independent and likes to do things his own way he is willing to compromise more than the public image of him reveals – as long as his principles are not violated.

Cruz is honest, straightforward and likes to make efficient use of his time. He likes to cut through the red tape and stick to the essentials. He would like to see rules, regulations, taxes etc honed down to what was necessary for the health of the nation.

Cruz is very driven, has a strong sense of purpose. He makes his goals challenging to himself looking into the far future with his planning. He has good self control and desires to improve himself. He places a lot of attention on the material side of things despite being a religious person. He wants this physical earth to be a heaven as well as the hereafter.

Let me add that one thing that handwriting does not reveal is the ideology and belief system that motivates a person. One must examine the words and works of the person to determine that. Some people with a lot of intelligence and talent could make bad decisions based on illusionary beliefs they have picked up. This always needs to be taken into consideration when assessing a leader through his handwriting.


Hillary Clinton’s Handwriting Analysis

I analyzed Hillary in 2008. I will include that analysis below but first make an update with some new analysis. I have more samples this time which provides some additional insights. Here is a sample:  Hillary writing

New Insights

Critics may wonder if her perceived flaws would show up in her handwriting. For instance, she obviously lied about the Benghazi attack being caused by a video as evidenced by an email to her daughter at the time that the attacks were from an “Al Queda-like group.”

Overall her honesty level is about average. With her friends and inner circle, when not under pressure, she is likely to be fairly open and honest. She has two flaws that may lead her to be deceptive. First, she has a tendency to take the line of least resistance, to make the easier of two choices, even though the more difficult would work out for he best in the long run. The immediate future is important to her.

The second flaw is her willingness to accommodate or please those important to her or having authority over her. A certain amount of this trait can be a good thing, but too much creates problems. She sometimes shows this characteristic to an excess. To illustrate note this signature:

Hillary Signature

Look at the two L’s in Hillary and the stem on the H in Rodham. Note how they bend much more than typical writing. This shows a bending of the will in an effort to please others.

My guess on the video lie was that it was done in an effort to please or help the president. It is quite possible she was ordered to report the story and didn’t want to let her boss down.

Many think it is odd that she actively helped suppress the Bill Clinton sex scandals even to the point of attacking the female victims and minimizing them. Critics figured she did it to save her own skin so she could eventually run for president herself. That may have been a factor, but the writing reveals that a most likely bigger factor was pressure put on her by Bill to cooperate and a desire to accommodate him. It was also appealing because it seemed to be the best short term solution.

Many wonder why she would have been so careless with her emails. Why would an intelligent woman put herself in such a perilous situation? Some think it is merely because she doesn’t think the rules apply to her. It goes deeper than that.

Having the server in her home was following the line of least resistance for her and a reason for carelessness in sending and receiving classified data is indicated in this sample signature:

Hillary_Signature 3

Notice how letters are blurred out. This is significant because it is different than her regular fairly clear signature in the past. Nixon’s signature went through a similar evolution as he approached Watergate. This change indicates that she is not being as careful about covering her tracks and taking care of details as in the past.

In the past samples her signature I had on hand revealed a normal desire for attention, as the signature is a similar style as the regular writing. But then I came across this signature in her book

Book Signed

Note the size. It is huge indicating a tremendous desire to be the center of attention. It is interesting that this anomaly appears in a book that tells her story. This variance indicates that in normal relations she tries to appear as one of the people but deep within she has a powerful desire to be the ultimate center of attention as president.

I’ve been looking over several samples of her general writing I did not have in the past and see that there are quite a few changes depending on her mood. Normally she is quite controlled, but she goes through mood changes from time to time.

Highlights of my 2008 Analysis

Hillary is fairly intelligent. This must be respected whether one agrees with her or not. She has a very sharp mind, very perceptive and almost psychic in tapping into her gut feelings. Overall her basic intelligence is higher than her husband’s. This doesn’t mean she will be right more than him but that her capacity to use her brain to get what she wants is higher. If she had an affair she would be much less likely to get caught than Bill would be.

She’s very good at thinking on her feet and strategizing. Critics often have said that nothing happens by accident with her but everything is planned. There is probably some truth in this as she is much more capable than average of staging events to create an outcome.

Her writing reveals that one area where she does not hold back on compromise is with her husband. Some think she stays with him for political reasons only, but this is not fully the case. She sees him as a fun-loving guy to be with and goes out of her way to accommodate him. He brings out the free spirit within her and she likes that and this causes her to cover up and forgive his sins as much as political ambition.

She has been much more aware of his infidelities that she has let on and has calculatingly formed a defense time and time again.

She has a healthy emotional intelligence and does not suppress. If she gets angry she will release it and if she is hurt she will work through it.

She loves politics because she is a true believer in her ideology. She actually has lower self-confidence and esteem than average and doesn’t have as much faith in herself as appears.

She overcomes this self-image problem with dogged determination, self-control and a calculating mind.

As far as revealing her thoughts goes she is all over the map. With some people she will be very open and candid and they will feel special because she is extremely open. With others she will hold back and reveal little. With some groups (probably Republicans) she will be very secretive as well as deceptive.

She has a lot of male energy and if I did not know who had written the sample I see I could not tell if she were male or female.

She is careful about choosing her close friends.

She has many things she wants to accomplish but has difficulty in creating the steps to accomplishment the follow through even though her desire to accomplish is great.

She is sensitive to criticism.

She likes to make up her own mind and doesn’t like people making decisions for her. Once she makes a definite decision she holds to it strongly and proceeds with determination.

The bottom line is this. If she has a practical belief system she can accomplish much good, but if she has illusionary beliefs then she can take many people with her along an undesirable path.

You can’t tell belief systems from handwriting alone, but it can help in making an educated guess. From her public record we can get a good idea of her belief system and the handwriting can give us indications of where it may lead.

Before I analyzed her handwriting I assumed she was in politics for the glamour as are most politicians. There is much less glamour than I expected and much more calculation. I would guess that she reached certain conclusions when she was young and decided that was what was needed by the world and she was going to do her darndest to act as an agent of change. People who give her too much adoration probably bore her, though she wouldn’t publicly acknowledge this.

We know she has a very socialistic leanings and supports the basic democratic ideals. Her handwriting reveals that this is not because of strong emotional empathy as she is very emotionally reserved and holds them in check in many cases. Her belief system is an intellectually calculated one and probably inspired by a number of authors and teachers in her past.

The bright spark is that she is capable of changing her mind and following a practical solution.

If elected she would try and please her supporters while implementing her ideas, but would back off when dead ends are reached.

She would probably get on well with most heads of state and leaders but if someone seems to be opposed to her she is likely to act as they do not exist.

She is an interesting combination of being aggressive yet lacking confidence so it is difficult to predict what she would do in a crisis. She may overreact to prove herself on one occasion and be overly cautious in another.


Bernie Sanders

Here is a sample of his writing plus a full signature.

Bernie Letter Bernie Signature

Bernie’s strong emotional sensitivity catches my eye first. The previous three candidates seek to control their emotions with their minds. They are all three intense and passionate, but also calculating about the steps they take. Not so much with Bernie. His direction is governed more by his emotions than any calculating mind.

He is sensitive and caring and has empathy for the pain and distress of others. When we add to this the fact that his mind dwells a lot in the abstract ideological side of life with his mind consistently expanding on ideas he likes – accompanied by a desire to share and give – it is no surprise that he is a socialist.

He is evidently drawn to this belief because he sees it as a vehicle to relieve humanity from the pain, distress and suffering they have. Because he has good emotional intelligence and appeals to emotional people with his speech he has an ability to attract many not so interested in the three other major candidates who are more mental.

His intentions are good and he wants to help people, but decisions on how to go about it are governed by his feelings and strong idealistic view of how the world should be. Unfortunately, he has not thought through how he will accomplish is vision.

And vision is a key word here as he is driven more by his ideals and vision than he is in accomplishing any personal gain. A huge part of him would rather not run for president because of personal insecurities, but he pushed himself forward because in his mind it was the right thing to do for the greater good.

With Bernie what you see is what you get. He has no interest in projecting any image in public that is any different than in private, though he is secretive and most are not aware of all his thinking. His emotional connection is part of the reason he has been as successful as he has.

There are several drawbacks to him accomplishing his goals as president.

(1) He does not think things through to their logical conclusion, but just feels that if he does the right thing (in his eyes) that things will work out.

(2) He doesn’t always finish what he starts – if too many problems get in the way he will stop and do something different leaving the job undone.

(3) He is more insecure than he lets on.

(4) He can be fooled by adversaries more than the other three candidates.

(5) He bottles up emotion and this can be dangerous. He is normally warm and friendly but if too much internal pressure mounts he is likely to make a quick retaliatory decision or outburst on impulse that he would regret.

(6) He is very secretive. There are a lot of things in his past he does not want to discuss and if he were president he would not share with us all of his plans.

(7) He is not much in to making deals or compromising.

His intelligence is a little above average, but his emotional appeal is quite a bit above average. He is quick on his feet though and never lacks for something to say.

We’ve covered the major candidates. Now I’ll go over a few points on three others who have an outside chance.



Michael Bloomberg

Here are a couple samples of his writing.

Bloomberg Final

The first question one might ask is how is it that the guy made about $40 billion?

Take a look at his Y for a huge clue. Notice how far down into the lower zone it extends. The depth of the lower zone shows the amount of attention one places on the material side of life and his focus there is pretty intense. Another clue is found in two huge hooks. The most prominent is found in the Y on the bottom signature and a second is the beginning stroke on the M in the top signature. These huge hooks show a powerful desire to acquire that which he desires (and he has strong material desires) and even more powerful impulse to keep the gains which he has achieved. This focus plus considerable influence though charm and emotional appeal – plus an aggressive drive for what he wants gives us some insight into his success. I would guess that he has also had considerable good luck, as many others with similar traits are not billionaires.

The strange thing about one with such a material focus is that his mind also stretches into the philosophical, spiritual abstract areas of life. In this way and emotionally he has a lot in common with Bernie Sanders. The two would find each other interesting when the conversation is centered on political philosophy, but Bloomberg would lose Bernie when he started talking finance or capitalism.

Bloomberg is more honest with his words than most politicians, but is careful about revealing his feelings. He doesn’t like conflict and tries to get along with fellow workers by being more cheerful than he feels at times.

He loves variety and change. That is one reason he wants to be president – it would be an interesting change for him, though he would complain about the isolation of the office if elected.

Marco Rubio

Marco Final

The thing that first catches my attention in Marco’s writing is his unusual treatment of the latter part of his name – Marco. In the first sample the first two letters are legible and the latter two are just a large smudge. In the second sample all but the M is represented by a small smudge. In the third he just writes Ma and leaves the last two letters out completely. Finally, we note that the capital letters are much larger than the lower case. Putting this all together it appears that there is a part of his life he would like to blot out from existence, but another part that he wants to draw attention to. It would seem that there is a part of himself he just wants to leave behind and concentrate on who and where he is now. There appears to be some emotional pain in his past he wants to forget.

He likes the limelight he has achieved and getting recognition for his strengths is one of the things that motivates him. A strong sense of responsibility is another motivator. He sees what he thinks is the right direction and feels responsible to do something about it.

He oscillates from time to time between being very conservative to fairly liberal. Sometimes he takes a stand and no ne can change his mind and other times he relaxes and goes with he flow.

He is charming, likeable and likes to concentrate on essentials. He tries to take a mental approach, rather than emotional to situations that require a decision.

Ben Carson

Ben Carson

You wouldn’t think that Carson has a stronger desire to be center stage than does Trump. He shares this with the other Republican candidates analyzed here.

What has garnered his success though is that is a plodder, a team player and has good determination and organizational skills. His journey through life has been a step-by-step process, ever moving onward to greener pastures and more recognition.

He is a dreamer and is anchored enough to the real world to make some of his dreams come true. He focuses a lot of attention of the spiritual, philosophical side of life.

He doesn’t like a lot of friction and is hesitant to sharply criticize. He has a secretive side and doesn’t want to reveal all his thoughts.

He has the intelligence and stability to make a competent president.

I could write much more about all the above candidates, but this should suffice to give a few useful highlights.


Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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