A Glorious Future

Jan 5, 2016

A Glorious Future

I have previously stated that the destiny of humans is to be the soul of the universe. Soul energy to the body is that which builds it and gives it shape and life. Humans will do the same for the solar system, the galaxy and eventually the universe itself. We will move moons, planets, stars and more to more desirable locations.

I found it interesting the other day that I stumbled across an article that reveals that some scientists are also thinking in this direction. Here is an interesting article about how it would be possible to move our entire solar system to a new location.


Long before we attempt to move suns we will terraform planets, moons asteroids as well as move some of then to more desirable locations.

We will also do some fantastic things on earth. Rather than destroy the planet, as many who lack vision see us headed, humanity will be salvation of planetary renewal. We will eventually transform the planet into a Garden of Eden.

Yes, we are currently making a number of mistakes, but we will learn from them, correct ourselves and move forward. We will develop new and safe methods of sustainable food production that will be able to feed the populace despite any climate changes that may occur. Eventually, we will even be able to control the climate of the planet.

We will build cities on the seas, under the seas and in the air as well as space. We will even develop the technology to go under the earth and in mountains to build giant underground facilities such as we have not yet imagined.

We will build cities on the moon, Mars and various moons of the Solar System. We will capture asteroids, hollow them out for the minerals and create a paradise inside of them. We will be able to create an earth like gravity within using centripetal force spinning them at the right speed. We will use some of them as giant space ships and head off to other star systems.

The question is, how will we accomplish such great feats of engineering under such adverse circumstances?

The answer is closer than you may think. We are on the verge of technology that will make superhuman feats of engineering possible. If we do not disrupt progress with some insane world war we will soon assume creative powers the ancients reserved for the gods.

There are several advancements that are taking us where we have not gone before.

(1) The development of computers which will culminate in artificial intelligence under the control of their creators.

(2) The artificial intelligence will eventually be able to duplicate itself.

(3) 3-D Printing. Presently, this enables us to create parts and items in minutes that would have taken days by hand in a machine shop. This is just the beginning of a new method of creation that will allow us to create great structures quickly. Using offshoots of this technology we will be able to create a house in less than a day, maybe an hour’s time.

(4) Nanotechnology. We are on the verge of mastering the engineering of the small clear down to atoms and molecules. We will learn to direct our creative efforts from the small to the massive. Many new materials having tremendous strength and durability will be developed though this technology.

(5) New energy systems. One of these will be fusion, the same source that powers the sun. When this and other systems get in place humanity will have unlimited resources to create in ways that defy the imagination.

Let us say that after we have made some of these advances that we want to build a city on Mars. All we have to do is send a sufficient number of AI’s (artificial intelligence) along with necessary resources. Using advanced 3D printing and nanotechnology they extract all the raw materials they need and build a huge domed city. They also find sources of water that will support life. In the center of the city they will build a great fusion reactor which will supply unlimited energy. Finally, after all this is accomplished humans from earth will move to Mars and occupy the city and direct additional development which will include terraforming the whole planet.

Before we do a lot on Mars we will use this technology to build cities on the sea and under the sea. This technology will eventually bring much freedom to lights who want to gather and experiment on better systems of government.

This and the next generation has a great responsibility to stabilize the planet so humanity does not shoot itself in the foot. If we do not sabotage ourselves we have a wonderful adventurous future waiting for us.

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Jan 4, 2016


The New Year is here and if you have been surfing the web at all you’ve probably come across a number of predictions for the year.

I went back to some prophecies made a year ago by noted psychics and, as always, I am amused at how inaccurate most of them are. In many cases you could take guesses from third graders at random and the success rate would be about as good as the professionals.

I am unusual in that I have around 100% success rate by predicting that certain predictions of others will not happen. Here area few I have made to the Keys group over the years.

  1. Zecharia Sitchin’s lost planet Nibiru was not going to show up in any near future as many have predicted on several occasions.
  2. Y2K Would be no big deal and there was no need to store food to prepare for it.
  3. The world was not going to end at the year 2000 and Jesus was not going to show up in a glorious Second Coming.
  4. Many were expecting the world to end or change dramatically in 2012 but I stated that 2012 would not be any more significant than 2011.
  5. I pointed out several other end of the world disaster predictions that would not come true.
  6. We are not going to get hit by a large comet or asteroid any time soon.
  7. The earth will not warm as the supposed “consensus” dictates. Indeed we have had negligible warming over the 18 years.
  8. On another forum a guy was predicting we would find an advanced civilization on Pluto. I told him that the New Horizons probe would find nothing of the sort. (That was a no-brainer)

Indeed, if you want to be an accurate predictor, just take what everyone else is saying and then predict the opposite.

In my next major post I am going the opposite direction and will tell you things that will happen rather than those that will not happen. This prediction will have great implications for the future gathering of lights.

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The Patch of Blue

Jan 4, 2016

The Patch of Blue


the important aspect of the patch of blue prophecy is not that it pointed to Boise but that in Koyle’s dream, the patch of blue grew until it encompassed the entire sky which I take to be the entire world.


Like I said, I haven’t made the statement that I am heading up the fulfillment of the prophecy, but it is a fact that I am working on being a patch of blue, northwest of the mine, and attempting to clear away all the clouds of distortion. Unfortunately, I know of no others residing northwest of the mine who have much light to shine in the darkness.

I suppose I could say that I have fulfilled the first part of the prophecy in that I have only a few here in Boise who support me. Koyle said the patch of blue would start out small, no larger than a man’s hand.

Regardless of the prophecy I do expect my teachings to eventually spread far and wide. How long that will take I do not know. The Molecular Relationship and teachings on the Gathering have planted seeds that will eventually sprout and grow. People do not yet understand the powers of group soul contact, but when it is demonstrated magic will occur. It would be nice if I could finish my mission in this life, but I may have to come back several times to complete it.

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Health Influences

Jan 3, 2016

Health Influences

I mentioned that I would give the group some health related writers and teachers that I think have merit.

I have already mentioned Andreas Moritz. He has perhaps the most complete book (with overall good advice) on the web that can be downloaded free of charge.

Then I mentioned Dr. Mercola. His overall approach is a very common sense one. When he makes a suggestion he always give a reason for it and backs it up with available data. Even though I have studied different approaches to health for over 40 years he still surprises me by coming up with something new – that I hadn’t learned yet. If you have an interest in alternative health I would recommend you subscribe to his email newsletter.

My interest in alternative health was first stimulated way back in my freshman year of college. In the library I happened to stumble across a fairly general book giving the benefits of eliminating processed foods, particularly those made with white flour and sugar. I immediately cut way back on those two things and felt quite a difference in my well being. From that point on I have kept an eye out for beneficial health teachings.

Probably the next guy who had an effect on me was the writer, Aldous Huxley. Around my junior year I was having problems with my vision and when I had my eyes checked the doctor told me I had two problems One was a stigmatism, which was pretty common, but the other was more serious. Each eye saw at a different level. When I looked at a straight line one eye saw it a couple inches higher than the other. The doctor prescribed glasses and told me that I would have to keep getting stronger ones as I aged.

Fortunately, I hated the way I looked in glasses and told myself there must be something I can do, so I went to the library and stumbled across Huxley’s book. He told his story about how he was at one time legally blind and developed exercises that improved his vision to near 20/20.

I followed his advice and within a week the stigmatism was gone. The other problem was more difficult and took a longer time but my eyes eventually returned to normal. I wound up only wearing my glasses for a week or two.

The next guy who had an influence on me was a Vermont Doctor named D.C. Jarvis, who wrote the book simply called Folk Medicine. He talked about the virtues of using apple cider vinegar and raw honey as a cure for arthritis and a number of other things. From that time onward I have always had some of both in my cupboard.

The next guy to have an impact was Professor Arnold Ehret who wrote the book The Mucusless Diet Healing System. He taught about the advantage of raw uncooked foods as well as fasting.

Unfortunately, he died in a car crash in his fifties so we never found out how long he would have lived.

Another teacher of natural foods and fasting was Paul Bragg and He died from complications of a surfing accident at age 81. His daughter continued his legacy and today you can buy Braggs apple cider vinegar and amino acids in most health food stores.

Probably the next guy to have a major impact on me was Joel Wallach. He tells us that our soil is very depleted from trace minerals and even most organic foods are lacking. He believes it is necessary to supplement with a usable form of colloidal minerals.

He is currently 75 years of age, never been to a doctor, and believes he will live to the ripe old age of 200.

Numerous others have had an influence. A number talk about the benefits of various types of water I have previously written about the water I have settled on using.

Good health is like liberty. It is an eternal struggle to maintain it, but indeed is worth the effort.

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Treating Health Issues

Jan 2, 2016

Treating Health Issues

Thanks or your inspiring post, Tyler. I’m glad you are resisting getting on pharmaceutical drugs as most of them do ore harm than good. Once the person is on them he often becomes very dependent and has great difficulty getting off of them. He often has withdrawal symptoms.

Like anything you can’t approach this with a black and white attitude for thee are a handful of drugs that may be beneficial in some circumstances.

One must always run this by his own soul. My wife and I have found in our own experience that going the natural route works best for us. If any are hooked on pharmaceutical drugs and want to get off I would suggest seeking help from a natural healer in your area who will work with you.

I would also suggest that all read as many books as possible that touch on alternative treatment of your health issues.

Tyler asks:

Most of the research I’ve done says that autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s starts in the gut but manifest elsewhere. Metaphysically, would I have issues in both places, just the gut, or just the thyroid?


It is most likely that both your solar plexus and throat centers are somewhat congested. If you are sensitive you will be able to tell which center needs the most attention Place you hands first in the back of the solar plexus near the spine and hold them there a few minutes and try and pick up the problem. Then do the same thing with your hands on the back of the throat.

If it fees like any center is in need of energy then muster up all the love energy you can and send it to the needed area. Love by itself is a great healing force. You can have your wife assist by also sending love to the needed area.


What about genetic diseases like my hemochromatosis? What do those mean metaphysically? Anything? Was this something I just signed up for before this life?

Since the main symptom of hemochromatosis is too much iron in the blood we are probably looking at some type of imbalance here, probably something carried over from a previous life. You said that you thought you chose this condition and it is quite possible you did so you could find ways to achieve greater balance as an evolving soul.

Many people have overcome diseases that are supposed to be genetic in nature.

My wife read a book recently, called The Good Gut which really impressed her. I would suggest you get a copy and read it.

If you haven’t read it yet I would also read this book on Hemochromatosis called: The Iron Disorders Institute Guide to Hemochromatosis.

Here is a part of the introduction to The Good Gut which will give you an idea of the flavor of the book.


We all know that much of our health is predetermined by our genes. We also know that we can generally improve our health if we eat right, exercise, and manage our stress. But how to do those things is a matter of great debate. Many well-meaning health programs are focused solely on weight loss or heart health, but what if there was another key to our overall health, a second, malleable genome that could influence our weight, our mood, and our long-term well-being? What if we could influence this genome by very specific (and often surprising) lifestyle choices? Well, this second genome exists. It belongs to the bacteria that inhabit our gut and is vital in countless ways to our overall well-being. The details of how this microbial community, known as the microbiota, is hardwired into health and disease are starting to come to light and they are reshaping what it means to be human.

As scientists try to unravel the causes behind the prevalence of predominantly Western afflictions such as cancer, diabetes, allergies, asthma, autism, and inflammatory bowel diseases, it is becoming clear that the microbiota plays an important role in the development of each of these conditions and in many other aspects of our health. Our bacterial inhabitants touch all aspects of our biology in some way, directly or indirectly.

The inhabitants of our gut have evolved inside us over millennia, but today they face new challenges. The modern world has changed the way we eat (highly processed, calorie-dense, industrially produced foods) and how we live (homes sanitized with antibacterial cleaners and the overuse of antibiotics), and these changes threaten the health of our intestinal microbiota.

Our digestive system is much more than a collection of cells that surround our last few meals-it also contains a dense consortium of bacteria and other microbes. Although all body surfaces, orifices, and cavities are teeming with microbes, the vast majority are located within our large intestine. Among their many attributes, these bacteria chemically snip and consume indigestible dietary fiber and convert it into compounds that our colon absorbs. Some of these compounds are vital to our health and are our last chance at salvaging nutrients from hard-to-digest dietary fiber. Nurturing our gut bacteria so that they produce the compounds that our bodies need is one of the most important choices we can make for our health.

More than we ever suspected, our gut microbiota sets the dial on our immune system. Our immune system is central to all aspects of our health. When it works well, we fight off infections efficiently and extinguish malignancies at their earliest appearance. When the immune system operates suboptimally, numerous ailments can result. If the gut bacteria are healthy, it’s likely that the immune system is running well. If the gut bacteria are not healthy, we are at increased risk of developing autoimmune disease and cancer. Microbiota-produced chemicals can impact the level of inflammation – our immune system’s response to injury or perceived threats that manifests as swelling, redness, and irritation – in our gut and throughout our body.

Inflammation can have a cascading effect on all manner of health issues.

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30 Quotes from J J Dewey

30 Quotes from J J Dewey

I’ve been posting a quote a day on Facebook for the past month. Here are the past thirty all in one place. They are representative of the thinking you will find in thousands of articles and numerous books on freeread.com. Hope you like them.

  1. There is nothing too good to be true. Nothing can be withheld by those who persevere
  2. Life is but a flicker of light between two eternities.
  3. Follow the highest you know in darkness and in light. Soon your next step will be revealed to you.
  4. When the extreme seems normal the one who has balance seems to be the extreme.
  5. The fact that we exist, or that God or anything exists, is the greatest miracle of all, and boggles the mind of the highest initiate.
  6. In the end, love is One, but in its discovery it is many.
  7. None of us want disease and pain, but disease and pain are often caused by what we want.
  8. If a teaching just seems to make no sense do not trust it until it does make sense.
  9. Evil is that which pulls us backward in evolution and good is that which pushes us forward.
  10. The true glory of accomplishment is in initiation, not imitation.
  11. Be still, reach into the silent place, and know who you are.
  12. In the higher realms 1+1=1
  13. Truth is spiritual wherever it is found. There is no such thing as spirituality without truth.
  14. True freedom is not imposing your will on others so you can have what you want. It is creating maximum freedom for all, often at the dismay of those in power.
  15. Light dispels darkness but darkness cannot dispel light. Even so truth, revealed and understood, obliterates that which is false.
  16. Words and other forms of earthly communication veil truth, even if they come from God.
  17. Once the seeker reaches that point where he is totally dedicated to following the highest he knows, then illusion must be dispelled or he will become dangerous.
  18. What good is a nail if it is never used to create something of which it is just a part? What good is the selfish one who never merges in an act of love?
  19. He who listens to the inner voice can find more truth in the National Enquirer than one who is in illusion can find in the Bible.
  20. Every possibility is manifest somewhere and every possible experience that can be lived is being played out somewhere. You as an individual are going through an experience unique to yourself, slightly different from any other life in the Universe.
  21. God needs all Its creations for Itself to be complete for the ALL is God, not the All minus one.
  22. Many of those accepted by the masses as authorities today will be equated by future generations with the flat earth believers of yesterday.
  23. What better way is there to learn than from experience? — To painfully experience the effects of our own causes forces us to stare reality in the face.
  24. The real path forward in spiritual evolution will demand all the talents, intelligence and strength the seeker has to successfully complete the journey. If you are not being challenged then you are doing something wrong.
  25. People can insult me all they want and I will just move forward as if the insult does not exist. Why give your power away to another person? Reacting to a perceived insult as if it diminishes you in any way merely empowers it and diminishes yourself, making you a victim of your own making.
  26. There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who have a sense of humor and those who do not. My true friends are in the first category and those I avoid are in the second.
  27. It may take a thousand facts to create the understanding of one principle, but one principle can reveal a thousand facts.
  28. To say that life is unfair is to say that God is unfair. When all things are considered throughout the life of the soul, all is fair.
  29. If a teacher is right about everything, and you believe and follow the teachings without confirmation from within, you have found nothing.
  30. The principle of freedom is a key that must be understood before one can make a conscious decision for the path of light.

If you like these there are plenty of additional quotes HERE

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Higher Lives and the Plan


Higher Lives and the Plan

A reader was curious about a point I made in the article about the Teacher/Student principle.

Here is the quote:

The highest of the Masters who have overcome physical death would see themselves polarized as a teacher in a relationship with any of us, yet they still recognize that we can do certain things better than they can. For example, most of us in the human kingdom understand that we are of much higher intelligence overall than any animal. No animal would have any concept about building an automobile or spacecraft as man has done; but on the other hand, a human can not build a beaver dam as well as a beaver. Beavers already have the knowledge to build them better and faster than we can. The Kingdom of God in relation to humanity corresponds to the human kingdom as higher than the animal. The attention of the Masters is set on many lofty ideas that man does not even comprehend, yet there are many things in the human world that man is more capable of performing well than is the Highest of Masters.

The question was, what are some things we can do better than the higher lives?

First, it needs to be understood that I am not saying that there are things we do that the Masters could not do if they put their attention on it just as a human could build a beaver damn if he put enough thought into it. The point is that each life only has so much focus in the worlds of form and there are many things we have to leave up to other people and other life forms.

When a life masters an ability, instead of just repeating it for eternity, he allows the intelligence gained to go below the threshold of consciousness and then places his focus on something new on a higher turn of the spiral.

The lives of atoms, cells, molecules, bacteria, and organs of the body perform all kinds of wonderful maneuvers that are below the threshold of human consciousness and are beyond our current ability to duplicate. Yet the intelligence behind them was acquired by us in some ancient past and is still a active within us. The interesting thing is that it all could be retrieved if it was necessary, but it is not. The lesser lives are using the principles and keep the body functioning allowing us to place our active consciousness on higher things.

This principle, which I call The Beaver Principle always applies to the relationship of higher and lower lives.

For instance, the plants are lower than the animals and humans but they have the built in knowledge of photosynthesis to combine soil, light and water to create energy. Neither animals or humans have this ability though humans are working on retrieving this knowledge.

So then, what can we humans do that the masters have left behind and would have difficulty with?

The main thing they have left behind is anything to do with the emotional/astral world. To the consciousness of a Master the astral world would be a big distraction and so it is seen by them as not even existing. From a higher point of view it is pure illusion created by the interplay of etheric and mental matter and does not have a true existence. They do, however focus on feelings more real that deal with spiritual love and wisdom, but ignore the lower emotions.

Now average humanity is very polarized in the lower emotions and daily the typical person rides a roller coaster of feelings up and down from highs and lows.

Since the masters do not focus on the astral world they would have much difficulty in communicating with us on an emotional levels. This job is left to disciples and students who relate to the emotional world, and can reach the emotions of average people better than could a Master.

This is just one thing. There are others and if one stretches himself and places himself in the position of a Higher Life he can imagine the things he would leave behind as he places attention on a greater level of existence.

Another question I received was concerning “the Plan” from this line from the Great Invocation.

Let Light, Love & Power restore the Plan on Earth.

The fact that it needs restored suggests that it was once here and was lost. So what was it and what happened to it?

It is interesting that DK never explains the Plan in much detail. His writings suggest that the Plan is very deep with many layers, some of which even the Masters do not fully understand. There are layers to the plan and as we are lifted up in consciousness more of the Plan is revealed to us as we are prepared to receive.

A hint as to the part of the Plan he was talking about was given in the Great Invocation itself. A few lines earlier it says:

From the centre which we call the race of men

Let the Plan of Love and Light work out.

And may it seal the door where evil dwells.

The Plan involves the use of Love and Light to seal the door where evil dwells.

This door where evil dwells was not always open and thus the evolution of life was able to move forward without major problems. But early in the history of humanity some advanced disciples misused their knowledge and took the left hand path and established a dark brotherhood which opened the door mentioned in the invocation.

To restore the plan we must shut the door. DK tells us that we partially shut the door with the defeat of Hitler, but the final sealing still needs to be accomplished.

Unfortunately, the door has been pried open some more so disciples still have a lot of work to do, using the powers of love and light. May we all so our part in sealing the door, once and for all.

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More on Purpose


April 15, 2016

More on Purpose

A reader asked if I could say a few more words about purpose. The problem is that the full meaning of esoteric Purpose, or Purpose as it exists in the mind of God, lies beyond the consciousness of humanity. If a Higher Life came and attempted to explain it to us it would be comparable a disciple of today attempting to explain the meaning of spiritual love to cavemen, or at best the rougher elements of humanity before the coming of Christ – who set the example steering us in the right direction.

This doesn’t mean that we should make no attempt to understand this or any other important principle that stretches our reach. As I said earlier my contemplation on the subject led me to obtaining a glimpse into the meaning.

In searching for understanding on different levels it is always a good idea to bring in the Law of Correspondences.

Humanity has a view on what purpose is so we can assume the next level up is that which the Masters understand. Their view does seem to be on a higher level than humanity as hinted at in the Great Invocation which says:

From the Center where the Will of God is known, Let Purpose guise the little wills of men – the Purpose which the Masters know and serve.

This indicates to us that the Masters see Purpose on a higher level than humanity else it could be merely written: the Purpose which we know and serve.

Then too the Masters are not the highest lives in the solar system. The Solar Logos and his associates are much higher and we can assume that their understanding of Purpose goes beyond the consciousness of the Masters. Even at that DK tells us that the Logos must wait until Its next incarnation before He is able to fully express and demonstrate Purpose. At present He is seeking to perfect the Love/Wisdom aspect and He’s only about half way through achieving this. All we have to do is turn on the evening news and we can clearly see that perfect love does not yet exist in this system.

As I said in as previous post Purpose as it is generally understood consists of having a goal that one desires to achieve and then working toward it. This working toward a goal gives added value or “purpose” to one’s life.

Without purpose, even as we understand it, life would have little meaning. We can assume that the idea of giving meaning to life would be an ingredient on all levels. After all, why did God go to all the trouble of creating the universe to begin with? There had to be a purpose behind it. Without purpose, even God would not have had the incentive to enter into the stupendous work of creation.

We can thus say that on all levels of being Purpose gives meaning to creative work so the various lives will do their essential constructive work.

Now let us compare Purpose to the human level and then stretch our minds and envision the next level up.

Human level: Purpose gives meaning to our endeavors.

Higher level: Similar, but the meaning has a higher level of understanding.

Human level: Set a goal that may or may nor reach completion.

Higher level: Set a goal, but successful completion is sure.

Human level: Set a goal and calculate the time to complete it.

Higher level: Set a goal and see the end result in the present without considering time.

Human level: The goal originates in the minds of men is often not practical.

Higher level: The goal of creation originates in higher realms where only truth resides and it is always workable.

Human level: Most humans see purpose only as it applies to them.

Higher level: Higher purpose moves the whole forward and not just the part. One has to have an inclusive consciousness to see this higher Purpose, but when seen and embraced great power is then made available to the disciple. When Purpose is seen or touched then the true power of faith becomes real in his life.

I’ll leave the group with this final thought. If a seeker wants to catch a glimpsed of higher purpose then he must put only that attention on self that is necessary to function well but the main attention should be on this question: What more can I do to move forward the Will and Purpose of God?

Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Matt 6:9-10

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The Power of Purpose


April 8, 2016

The Power of Purpose

A reader asked me to elaborate somewhat on purpose. We’ve talked somewhat about the will of God and how to discover it. Is it also possible to find the purpose of God? This is a question worthy of consideration.

DK only gives a few hints about the true meaning of purpose. He tells us that it is connected to the first ray influence and that the first ray is the least developed of the three major rays.

The third ray of active intelligence was the center of evolution in the previous solar system. In that system intelligence was programmed into matter and matter reached a high degree of evolution. Because of this intelligence in matter the evolution of life as we know it here on earth has become possible.

Scientists think that life evolves and adapts to situations because of a natural selection, but the reality is that billions of years of intelligent effort went into programming matter to make it possible for it to evolve and participate in greater creation.

We are presently in the second incarnation of this solar system and in this system the Solar Logos is placing his attention on the Second Ray, the Love-Wisdom aspect. This aspect is developing but the lives in this system are far from fully comprehending and implementing it. When real progress is made here on earth we will finally have peace on earth, goodwill to men, as was given by the herald of angels at the birth of Christ.

After this solar system has run its course it will disintegrate and be reborn in a new life with concentration on the development of the first aspect, generally called the Power aspect, but is broken down to three sub-aspects of Will, Power and Purpose, the highest of which is Purpose.

DK tells us that since the first aspect is in the infancy of development that our understanding is lacking. This especially applies to Purpose of which little is understood.

Reading his thoughts on this roused my curiosity and I spent considerable time contemplating the principle. If the esoteric meaning of purpose is far above the heads of the great thinkers on this planet then, obviously the esoteric Purpose is much different than it is defined in the dictionary today. When its true meaning is grasped then we’ll probably have to invent a new word to set it apart.

Purpose as it is generally understood consists of having a goal that one desires to achieve and then working toward it. This working toward a goal gives added value or “purpose” to one’s life.

Since the word “purpose” was used to describe this mystical aspect I figured that esoteric purpose would be related to it, but just have a higher meaning. I used this as a seed thought along with the other sub-aspects of will and power.

One day in the midst of contemplation my mind was lifted up and I was able to catch a glimpse of the Purpose of God. Indeed I saw that there is indeed no word in the English language for it and whatever I say here will be incomplete. The closest word that I have come across is the Greek word for faith, which is quite different than the modern English word. For further elaboration on this see Principle 89. Even this word falls far short of representing the full meaning. My understanding after the glimpse also falls short for he who could see the fullness of it would have all power in heaven and earth. None of us could be trusted with this.

My glimpse revealed to me how purpose is to eventually be used by humans on the earth. Here is what I came up with.

The intelligence of God knows the end from the beginning and that end is seen outside of the equation of time. This means that if a thing is set to manifest on the earth that this event is seen much differently in and out of time. In time it may seem far away, impossible and unreachable. Outside time the event already exists and nothing can stop its manifestation in time and space.

When we humans tap into Purpose we can see a piece of the plan that will manifest. The only thing between the reality of us and its manifestation is time. When Purpose is seen and sensed the disciple has a sure faith that the manifestation will come. When he sees this and works to shorten the time period between the present and manifestation he takes the side of Purpose. When he takes the side of Purpose he releases the power of faith as it is spoken of in the scriptures. The more firmly he places his focus on the Purpose he sees the more power will be given to him to manifest that Purpose. With a full vision and understanding of the effects of purpose great miracles become possible.

One of the reasons Jesus had such power to perform miracles was because he caught a glimpse of Purpose and fearlessly stood by what he saw. He saw that it was a part of the plan to manifest the Love of God on the earth. He was thus able to perform miracles because each one of them was a manifestation of love.

If a seeker wants to discover purpose he must discover the plan of God for humanity as a whole and then throw energy and attention behind it. Then his power to serve will be amplified. Let us hope we all can find a piece of the puzzle and be empowered to do our part in manifesting it.

 Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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Lessons from Miracles

April 6, 2016

Lessons from Miracles

A reader asked me to comment on the meaning of the healing of Jairus’ daughter by Jesus. It is really a story of two miracles. Here is the account from the New International Version:

When Jesus had again crossed over by boat to the other side of the lake, a large crowd gathered around him while he was by the lake.

Then one of the synagogue leaders, named Jairus, came, and when he saw Jesus, he fell at his feet. He pleaded earnestly with him, “My little daughter is dying. Please come and put your hands on her so that she will be healed and live.”

So Jesus went with him. A large crowd followed and pressed around him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse.

When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.”

Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.

At once Jesus realized that power had gone out from him. He turned around in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?”

“You see the people crowding against you,” his disciples answered, “and yet you can ask, ‘Who touched me?’

But Jesus kept looking around to see who had done it. Then the woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and fell at his feet and, trembling with fear, told him the whole truth.

He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering.”

While Jesus was still speaking, some people came from the house of Jairus, the synagogue leader. “Your daughter is dead,” they said. “Why bother the teacher anymore?”

Overhearing what they said, Jesus told him, “Don’t be afraid; just believe.”

He did not let anyone follow him except Peter, James and John the brother of James. When they came to the home of the synagogue leader, Jesus saw a commotion, with people crying and wailing loudly.

He went in and said to them, “Why all this commotion and wailing? The child is not dead but asleep.” But they laughed at him. After he put them all out, he took the child’s father and mother and the disciples who were with him, and went in where the child was.

He took her by the hand and said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). Immediately the girl stood up and began to walk around (she was twelve years old). At this they were completely astonished.

He gave strict orders not to let anyone know about this, and told them to give her something to eat.

Mark 5:21-43

There is a lot to be gleaned from these verses, but will just cover several important points.

The first thing of interest is how little things have changed as far as medical expenses go for orthodox treatments. Concerning the sick lady it was written:

She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse.

How many times do we hear patients today tell this same story? People get sick and, even with insurance, they spend all they have trying to survive but often to no avail.

The second thing of interest was the identity of the man who initially sought the help of Jesus. He was the leader of a synagogue. And why is this important?

Because the Jewish leaders, as a whole, scorned and mocked Jesus. This would be comparable to Bernie Sanders today going to Donald Trump asking for help.

The guy obviously loved his daughter and most likely, like the lady, had tried everything available to help his daughter and nothing worked. For both people Jesus was the last resort. Nothing else worked so let’s see if the crazy guy can actually do something.

The lesson here is that we should start thinking out of the box before we become desperate. Those who search for answers through self-imposed motivation are richly rewarded. Those who wait until they are desperate will rarely encounter a helper like Jesus who can turn things around at the last minute.

Another thing of significance is that when the woman touched his garment Jesus felt power go out of him, or through him. This tells us that there is a universal power source that can be tapped into that will stimulate healing. We must seek to be good conductors of it as was Jesus.

Another point is that Jesus did not tell Jairus to go jump in the lake merely because he belonged to a group of sworn enemies. He responded to a plea for help without casting negative judgment.

Then as he proceeded to assist Jairus another miracle happened along the way.

The lesson here is that as the seeker willingly serves with all his strength, more strength and power to serve are made available and opportunities blossom.

Finally we come to the most significant lesson. When Jesus began the journey he only allowed Jairus and three believing disciples to come with him. Then after he arrived he made everyone leave his presence except for Jairus, his wife and his three disciples.

Why was this?

Raising the dead was a miracle few could accept and if unbelievers and mockers were present, even Jesus could not have performed the miracle.

After all, we are told that he could not perform any miracle in his hometown because the people there had no faith in him.

Miracles will be few and far between if you are in the midst of a crowd hostile to them or those attempting to perform them.

If one person has a consciousness directed toward Spirit and finds another so directed then their power is amplified. If he finds many their power is magnified beyond belief.

This principle will eventually be demonstrated in the Molecular Relationship.

Copyright 2016 by J J Dewey

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