The Law of Adaptation


Oct 11, 2016

The Law of Adaptation

The Law of Adaptation is the second subsidiary law under the Law of Economy which brings us to our first question. What does this law have to do with the principle of economy?

To answer this question we first must assess exactly what The Law of Adaptation is.

DK gives us several hints.

He tells us the Law of Adaptation enables the monad to descend to the planes and make contact clear to the lowest, the physical plane.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Page 46

The Law of Adaptation uses rotary motion following the line of least resistance to condition matter and make it more pliable and usable for Spirit and Intelligence.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pages 142-143

Here DK gives us his most complete comment on this law:

“The Great Ones look to see the faculty of pliability and adaptability working out, that faculty of adaptation that is one of the fundamental laws of species which nature so wonderfully demonstrates. The transference of this law to the inner planes and its working out in the new cycle of effort must be undertaken. This law of adaptation involves the appreciation of the need, the recognition of the new force coming in with the new cycle and the consequent bringing together in wide synthesis of the need and of the force, regarding the personal self simply as a focal point for action and transmutation. It involves the transmutation of the five senses and their extension into the subtler planes so that sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell are welded into one synthetic cooperating whole, for use in the great work. On the physical plane, these tend to the unification of the personal life and to the adaptation of the physical world to the needs of the personal self. On the subtler planes they must be transmuted until they are adequate to the needs of the group of which the individual forms a fragmentary part. The ability to do this is one of the things that the Great Ones look for in those individuals whose privilege it may be to inaugurate the New Age.

“Above all, They look for an enlarged channel from the soul to the physical brain, via the mind. Such an enlarged channel indicates that a man can be used.”

A Treatise on White Magic, Page 139

In a nutshell the Law of Adaptation centers around the use of force and intelligence to change form and situations to pave the way for life to descend into matter and then to ascend.

If a human intelligence wants to descend below the depth of the sea he cannot just jump into the water and descend unharmed into the miles of the great deep. He must use the Law of Adaptation and make different preparations for the different depths he wants to explore.

This same holds true for the human spirit, or monad. As it descends down to this seventh, or lowest plane it must go through a series of adaptations so its life is not suffocated. Unlike the diver, spirit seeks to change and condition matter so it can function with greater effectiveness.

Then just as a diver must also take precautions when ascending from the deep, even so must the spirit which is in us adapt us to our environment so we can have a safe journey home.

There are two branches of this law applicable to mankind at this stage of development.

The first is as it applies to the individual and the second is as it applies to group and humankind as a whole.

Adaptation and the Individual

We as individuals use the Law of Adaptation regularly as we progress through life. The more adept one becomes with the law the more success he will have with life.

We start using it as kids to adapt to family life and rules imposed on us by parents. Each child does his best to make the situation and rules work to his advantage. For instance, a child may learn that “no” does not always mean “no” and he uses this knowledge to adapt to the advantage of his desires.

In school he learns to adapt his personality to get what he wants from students and teachers. He adapts so he can he can gain friends, popularity and get what he wants from the school experience.

Later, when he finds a life companion he finds that if he (and of course she) wants to have a successful relationship that he must apply the Law of Adataption as never before. He adapts his will, his desires, his interests to a degree in order that both people involved get enough of what they want the two can move forward as a unit.

The next big adaptation takes place when the individual embarks on his career. He finds that if he is going to be successful he must adapt to the conditions imposed by his boss, company rules, customers, co-workers and required hours of work.

A most important adaptation for the seeker is adjusting his mind, heart and actions to the impressions he receives from Spirit and higher parts of himself. Depending on where he is on his journey, these adaptations can be minor or earth changing.

Finally, as he grows older he finds he must adapt to the changing aging body that deteriorates until the time of death.

Of course, there are many other lesser adaptations that are made in life but these are some highlights.

Adaptation and the Group

Not only must the individual adapt to the group of which he is a member, but the group life must adapt to the circumstances in which it finds itself.

The local service group of which one may be a member must adapt to the will of the people in the group, the laws of the land and various changing circumstances.

A religious group must do the same, even while claiming to be unchanging. In truth nothing in the worlds of form is without change.

A political party or group must adapt to the changing values and demands of the people. The same goes for a nation or state.

Finally the people of the entire planet must adapt to the changing world.

One may ask how we can consider the Law of Adaptation to be a spiritual law behind positive evolution when some of the steps under it may be considered regressive. For instance, some people adapt by lying, cheating or even hurting other people.

The simple answer is this. All adaptation occurs because of a guiding intelligence and because intelligence learns from mistakes a dominating good always rules in the end. Therefore, as one adapts he may go one step backward and two steps forward, but overall the journey initiated through adaptation is forward.

May we therefore, as seekers of the good, the beautiful and the true, use the Law of Adaptation to go forward in the direction of Spirit.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Lucille Cedercrans


Oct 8, 2016

Lucille Cedercrans

A while back on the Blavatsky Bailey Roerich group there was an interesting discussion on the writings of Lucille Cedercrans. The debate was basically on whether she was a true representative of the masters, on par with Alice A. Bailey or HPB. There was also some discussion about the truth of her various doctrines.

Cedercrans was one of the few esoteric teachers of which I had little knowledge. I knew of her and had read a few of her quotes but didn’t know enough to comment intelligently on her writings.

However, my interest was aroused so I ordered her complete writings and have now read them all. Now I will proceed to make a few comments.

First let me say a few things for my readers who are not familiar with her. In 1948 Lucille was a tired housewife with only an eighth grade education, raising five kids, and sat back in her rocking chair to relax. Suddenly she felt a presence and sensed many strange concepts flowing through her mind. Then she registered these words:

“This is the new phase of your life, something you have created for yourself from the past. You have a choice to continue this process, learn the full meaning of life, and become a teacher of this wisdom. This would benefit many people, far beyond family and friends. It is important for humanity.”

This entity identified himself as Master Rakoczi, often referred to as Master R in esoteric books. Though he was the main entity giving out the teachings Lucille also said she received from Masters DK, KH, M, HI, Serapis Bey, and John.

She says that she had never read the Bailey books and the voice told her not to read any books by her or about theosophy until after she started her work. Throughout her life she claimed to have never read a Bailey book from cover to cover.

If this is true then it is a testimony that she did receive from a higher source than her own imagination because her writings demonstrate a very good knowledge of the Bailey writings.

Shortly after her initial experience she became a conscious channel and started a group in Boise, Idaho of all places – my home town. After laboring there for two years she moved on to various parts of the country, finally settling in Colorado.

After decades of work she was struck with rheumatoid arthritis in 1972 which crippled her causing her to live in great pain until her death in 1984. Through these last painful years she continued to work to the best of her ability.

Lucille is one of many claiming to speak for the masters. The question is whether or not her claim is credible. Unlike many, I felt she deserved a serious look. Let us try and examine her impartially.

Is She the Real Thing?

Let us examine the pros and cons of Lucille Cedercrans to see how she measures up.

  1. Was she a conscious or unconscious channeler?

In this instance she passes the test as she says she was in a conscious state when she received the writings. I cannot find any record of her receiving teachings as an unconscious medium. Lucille says she received the impressions in her conscious mind and then wrote them down in her own words. This is similar to what Alice A. Bailey did after she adjusted to the mind of DK.

His is an important point because DK tells us this:

“Methods of communication on the astral level, such as the ouija board, the planchette pencil, automatic writing, the direct voice and statements made by the temporarily obsessed medium are not utilized as a rule by chelas, though the direct voice has had its use at times. The higher mental methods are more advanced and surer—even if rarer.”

A Treatise on White Magic, Pg 177

The “temporarily obsessed medium” would be the trance medium who channels information and when awakened has no memory of what has transpired. These are usually instances where “direct voice” is used though some mediums will speak in a direct voice while maintaining consciousness.

As DK says there have been instances where direct voice has been used, but this is a lower order and generally not used by the masters.

  1. Are the teachings merely a restatement of those already given out?

Many channelers and teachers claiming higher contact give out nothing substantially new but restate teachings of others in their own words. The Masters follow the Law of Economy and tend to not repeat what has already been given out except in cases where clarification is necessary.

Cedercrans has been accused of copying Alice A. Bailey because she does use much of the same terminology as well as the direction of the teachings, but when reading her works it becomes obvious that she went beyond merely reading the works of others and then placing them in her own words. She does give out teachings I have not seen before and gives a new slant on some older teachings.

It is too bad that there is no way to prove Lucille’s claim that she had no knowledge of Bailey’s work when she started her own and never in her life read a Bailey book all the way through, for whoever was the true originator of the teachings did indeed have a significant knowledge of Bailey’s teachings.

Anyway, her writings do present some new light on a number of subjects and go beyond just being a restatement of what is already readily available.

  1. Is the Source credible?

She said her source was a presence “accompanied by warmth, peacefulness, calmness and a bright, vibrant, luminous light. Spaciousness. Joy. Ever-present Love. Freedom. Understanding.”

Such a positive expression is a good sign that her source was on the side of light, though it does not reach the level of proof.

She identified her main Source as the Master Rakoczi, though numerous other masters gave her teachings. Among them are DK, KH, M, HI, Serapis Bey, and John.

This raises a red flag as the Masters are extremely busy people and it would not be necessary for them to line up as presenters when one could do the job as was the case with Alice A. Bailey.

Whenever I see a teacher claiming to channel a half dozen or so masters I immediately doubt their authenticity, though I do check out all claims I come across just in case.

  1. The quality of the material.

The writings of DK through Alice A. Bailey are the gold standard of Ancient Wisdom and the writings of Cedercrans are not as profound. That does not disqualify the writings though as she tells us they are in her own words and her weaknesses could affect the quality. However, of more concern are the writings that are supposed to be channeled from DK himself. They do not sound like DK and sound much more astral than his writings through Bailey. Astute DK students will surely see the difference.

It would have been impressive if her DK had presented something new from the Old Commentary. All the quotes from that ancient book are very profound and it would be difficult for any writer to merely use his imagination to create script comparable to it.

On the positive side, even though they may not meet the quality of the gold standard, they do reach a quality that exceeds any trance channeled material I have read – maybe with the exception of the original Seth material through Jane Roberts. It is also a higher quality than 90% of the material out there that claims to be from the masters.

  1. What is the degree of wisdom presented?

The masters are called “Masters of Wisdom” for a reason. Their words are words of wisdom, sound reasoning and common sense. Therefore, if a writing is going to make a claim as being from the Hierarchy a high degree of wisdom should be prevalent.

So, how does Cedercrans stack up in this area?

If we give the DK writings a rating of a 10, I would give Cedercrans a 7. That is not bad though as I would give the average channeled material a 1 or 2.

  1. Do the writings expand on true principles and laws, or do they merely try and razzle-dazzle with data?

Unfortunately, many readers do not register the difference. Data presented with fancy new-agey words cannot be proven and speak to the astral body rather than the soul.

These are easy to come up with. For instance, I could write something provocative like this:

“Hidden on the far side of the moon lurks a huge mother ship from the Arcturus system. They are standing by awaiting the time of crisis to take the enlightened to the fifth dimension.”

Teachings such as this contain no wisdom, but only data that cannot be verified by the average seeker – but may speak to the emotional body of some.

On the other hand, the writings of DK expand on many principles and laws. One of my favorite is the Law of Correspondences which he often cites. Anyone who has read through his books has his mind expanded concerning the principles behind this law.

The advantage of dealing with true principles is that they are easy to register with the soul for the seeker. Reason also has to be involved which speaks to the positive power of the mind. In addition it takes a fairly enlightened mind to expand on principles in any meaningful way – something beyond the consciousness of many new age writers and channelers.

The bottom line is that the seeker is much less likely to be misled when presented with true principles, than with wild data.

So, how does Cedercrans measure up here? Though she does present quite a bit of data she is one of the few who does expand on some true principles; so this keeps her in the game, so to speak.

  1. What was the impact and result of her work?

One of the tests of the validity of a work is whether it continues to grow after the death of the initiator. For instance, Jesus only had 120 followers at his resurrection, but now there are billions.

Cedercrans’ work seemed to be quite alive and growing while she was alive but group activity and attention paid to her writings seemed to diminish after her death. There didn’t seem to be a cohesive enough plan put forward to maintain a life of its own as happened with Bailey, Blavatsky, Roerich and numerous other founders.

The writings seemed to present the idea that by now the group work she initiated would be changing the world, but alas, that never happened.

She also said this in 1956:

“Within the next 10 years, three from the Hierarchy will incarnate in physical bodies to join in the effort to manifest the Plan within the body of consciousness. They will be recognized and known by all members of humanity because of their work which shall begin from childhood.”

There is no evidence that three masters, known to all, incarnated and worked to manifest the plan as she presented it.

On the other hand she made this impressive prophecy back in the 1950s:

“That government (USSR) may come to an end much sooner than anyone expects, and this could be as a result of, or a part of, the working out of the configuration.”

Her body of work, which is much less than Alice A. Bailey, apparently turned out to be quite short of what was originally envisioned. She planned on covering material that never was written down.

Taking all this into consideration what is my conclusion? Here it is.

I believe Lucille Cedercrans produced material of a quality and knowledge that was beyond her normal ability and that she did have some help from that original “Presence” that visited her.

I think that presence was manifested through her own soul in an attempt to create a work that would benefit humankind. Her soul, or Higher Self, could indeed tune in to the minds of members of the Hierarchy and filter down some of their thinking to her. In that process, because of human error, (and a soul that is not yet perfect) the information could be very valuable, but contain some errors and distortions.

With Cedercrans, as with all writings, even the scriptures and DK, the seeker must run the teachings by his own soul to avoid deception.

I enjoyed reading her writings and benefitted from them. To give the reader an idea of the quality I am including a few quotes in a separate link. To go to them click HERE.

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Cedercrans Quotes

Cedercrans Quotes

One of the major opportunities relating with this particular festival, with this particular Wesak, has to do with the world economy. You realize that the problem of economy insofar as this group is concerned has been very great. We look at this; we face it; we see it. The appearance has been one of financial lack, financial imbalance, even restrictions as far as activities are concerned. And it is most indicative that many of the individuals (most of them) who have been attracted into this particular group life, who work within this particular Ashram, are at that state of consciousness within the body of humanity which is particularly representative of this trouble. They are idealistic in nature, not prone to get out in the world and work for money, have great aspiration and dedication to service, have many fears and most definitely, so far, the inability to establish right economic relationship within the world of affairs. This is a problem of a particular state of consciousness, you understand, and while it is a problem of a particular state of consciousness, on a discipleship level, it is one of the major tests of initiation, my brothers. This is difficult to face because for so long the group has worked with this problem. It becomes tired of it, and I do not blame any one of you. It is a tiresome problem that the group has been given, in truth, one of the most important problems you will ever have to face (in this level of discipleship in which you find yourselves). Because once you have solved this problem of economy, you will have solved all of your service problems. Make no mistake about it, once you have mastered the energy, force, and substance of your economy, you will have found the ways and means to put your ideas, your concepts, your vision of The Divine Plan into outer physical manifestation.

The Disciple and Economy, Pages 258-259

I am going to ask you to look upon the present situation, that is the present financial situation as it effects all of you, including its effect upon your group and upon other groups working under Hierarchical direction either consciously or unconsciously in their service to The Divine Plan for humanity. See this financial situation as a major opportunity insofar as this incarnation is concerned and take advantage of that opportunity by endeavoring to absorb the following information into your consciousness and to then utilize it in the coming months. First, the major problem to be solved by humanity as a whole in its initiation during this cycle is the problem of economy. You realize that in the situation in which you find yourselves, you are not alone, but that you are one with every member of humanity, regardless of the amount of wealth he may or may not possess. That humanity in total and humanity individually is presented with this problem of economy as the major problem of initiation, spiritual initiation that is.

The Disciple and Economy, Pages 272

It requires as much energy, as much force and as much substance to manifest an apparent lack as it does to manifest an apparent fulfillment, and I would have you endeavor, at least, to realize this. Do not forget that the moment you descend from mental levels into the astral, the etheric and the physical, you become caught up in a world of opposites. Fifty dollars must manifest its polar opposite, that is, it must be balanced by its polar opposite.

The Disciple and Economy, Pages 275-276

Recognize that the famine stricken people of the world are putting as much energy, force, and substance into their manifestation as are those who are living in an opposite condition. It is not going to change the condition for the famine stricken unless that happens to be your field of service and you create or formulate whatever activity is necessary to effect a change for the purpose of evolving the consciousness – not feeding the people. You will be in but not of the world, actually. You don’t attract supply, you create it. Joy is one of the primary essences of life – be detached, divinely indifferent and yet curious, and above all an actor.

The Disciple and Economy, Page 281

This disciple will lose every outer form within which he has placed his security because a part of the initiation itself, a part of the Law, demands that before the disciple can fully carry the responsibility of service to humanity, he must have placed his faith and his security within the One Life within which he lives. He must have placed his faith and security within his own higher consciousness, his Overshadowing Spiritual Soul, within the Divine Purpose which gave that soul birth, and within the economy of the One Life which serves the Divine Purpose. If he fails in this part of the initiation process, then it is obvious that he is unable to take the responsibility of initiating in the world of affairs a major service activity, a major contribution of the Divine Plan to humanity.

Applied Wisdom, Page 286

That phase of the Path within which you find yourself, that phase of initiation which you are undergoing, you feel alone because in the past you have been dependent upon relationships, even if you can take this without too much conflict and difficulty. Even your former dependence upon a Divine Source has been a false dependence upon a misinterpretation of a Divine Source. In this aloneness, you will find that Presence and relationship within which you are never alone. Only by going through this experience of aloneness can you possibly find that Presence within which you are never alone.

Applied Wisdom, Pages 288-298

These are seven principles of matter and ethers. The etheric body that we contact is the seventh principle of etheric substance. Below that is like a sounding board. It is like a reflecting surface that is called the physical plane. Think of the physical plane with no appearance – no mountains, no trees, no planets, no nothing – a plane, a frequency which is created by the frequency that is moving across it, in other words the seventh principle. The frequency of matter itself has created below itself a reflecting surface. That reflecting surface is sometimes called the periphery of manifestation. The outer-most periphery of manifestation is the physical plane of appearance. Upon this reflecting surface, or periphery of manifestation, are the appearances of those forms which are existent within the seven principles, and particularly this seventh principle of substance. Because there is a reflection, and because there is a Divine Purpose underlying that reflection, the etheric body of any particular form has extended itself and crystallized the appearance into what you identify as a solid form. So that, in a sense, the physical might be likened to a crust, an outer covering, an outer crust or shell, of the true physical-etheric form or the true substantial form.

Applied Wisdom, Page 307

There would be training not only on the new order of devas but having to do with the control of what you might call nature devas and training which is necessary for this type of activity. The Soul ideates, and thereby concepts are produced, meaning becomes cognizable. It is this meaning that is the form – the perfect form – and as it is brought into relationship with mental energy, it directs the building of the mental form. The consciousness does not take mental energy, for instance, and draw with it a geometric design – a form – but rather, consciousness impresses the meaning upon that mental deva. It is the deva’s job to build the form. Whatever meaning the consciousness impresses or moves into the mental deva, the deva takes that meaning and constructs the form which conveys it, or depicts it, so that the consciousness is not concerned with the geometric design. He only knows that mental energy moves in a straight line. The deva itself takes the meaning and gives it a mental form. His attention is to impress that deva with that meaning – to build the energy potential – to attract, with that meaning, that devic life which will take the meaning and give it form. This is the activity of the consciousness. He has to hold the meaning here and let the deva do its work. He can call the deva to attention.

Applied Wisdom, Page 459

There are certain activities in which we engage for the sake of survival and for no other reason. And yet the guiding force behind that activity may be in direct opposition to the plan we seek to serve. I’m thinking now in terms of all sorts of things. You can’t put your finger on any one activity and say this is a wrong activity and this is a right activity for disciples. That isn’t true, because it depends upon where the disciple finds himself in relationship to the One Life. You see, if his purpose and his part of the plan indicate that this activity is right activity, but he finds himself engaged in an activity that is diametrically opposed to that, then he is in a fix. His first problem and his first duty or obligation to himself is to manifest that activity that within himself (not outside, not what another disciple says is right), that he himself knows is right activity.

I don’t care what it is. A disciple may be a general—he may be in the army—and it may be part of his purpose and plan that his activity be that of sending thousands of boys to their deaths and inflicting death upon the other side. This might be part of right activity for him.

Applied Wisdom, Page 718

It is, of course, My primary hope and objective in bringing you this instruction and in asking you to cooperate with Me in this, to not only achieve the integration between yourselves necessary to the creation of the center, the nucleus, but that by the very creation of it, it will attract to itself those within the group potentially capable of rising to the frequency of its integration and come in then to add to it. I am hoping that through this I will find available to Me within a matter of years, at least, the minimum of seven which is considered necessary at Hierarchy levels to form a nucleus for this kind of effort.   Applied Wisdom, Page 727

To those disciples working with occult knowledge this attack is extremely dangerous, for there has been directed at them concepts so logical, so reasonable and so close to what might be called the Truth, as to very easily be acceptable to the reasoning process of the disciple who, in the midst of Initiation, in the midst of trial, of difficulty, will grasp them. I would have you think on this. Your only safety lies in the thorough examination of every concept you receive regardless of how you receive it – whether in your own meditation, whether through a station, whether in a book – regardless of how you receive it – examine every concept of truth, permitting nothing, because of its reasonableness, nothing because of its attraction, its logical attraction, to move you mentally from that which you know.

Applied Wisdom, Page 399

As a group, working through individual soul foci, and individual instrumentalities and personalities in the world of affairs, you have different ideas and concepts, different points of view, different experiences insofar as your background is concerned, which have brought you to these different points of view. You tend to forget, at times, when one or another individual is expressing his point of view, that it is as much a part of the group consciousness as is that of your own and is as important to the total group evaluation and understanding as is your own. And in this there is a tendency to react to either repress or suppress the views of one another when they disagree with your own. This is natural, it is a part of your growth and development. I would suggest that you look at it, and make the effort the next time you are asked to enter into discussion to hear one another out, to realize that each one’s background of experience, which produces his particular point of view, is of value to the group. It should be known and accounted for in the effort which you are making as a group.

I am not in any way projecting that you do not air or enter into verbal disagreement. In fact, I am suggesting that you do enter into verbal disagreement, keeping the emotions out of them, hearing one another out, and reevaluating then your own understanding and your own point of view according to everyone else’s point of view because within that totality you will find the causal factors of whatever group condition or circumstance may be manifesting at any give time.

When you can use the mind in this way, at the same time controlling the emotions, you will find yourselves with a much greater capacity to function as a group on mental levels. And when you can function as a group on mental levels, you will function as a group in the physical plane of appearances. Applied Wisdom, Pages 467-468

You realize that you are incarnate. I say you realize, but this is not quite correct; you do not really realize—but you grasp in part that you are incarnate within a mental body, within an astral body, within an etheric body, and within this physical carcass which you know so well, and so little I might add.

Look at this totality, both separately and in its totality. You are incarnate within a mental body. What is this mysterious mental body which you are incarnate within, that you have heard so much about, but that you can’t see, you can’t feel, you can’t touch, you can’t smell? You simply can’t perceive it except within the very limited perception of your physical brain. You see, this is your only means of perception of that instrument at the present time, and therefore, there is great confusion.

Applied Wisdom, Page 883

Achieve to that perspective which is able to see yourself lalopping and laugh. It is a sense of humor that you need as you go into this training. See yourself in all of your failings, in all of your little miseries, in all of your ridiculous positions, then laugh. You see, it is this ability to laugh and to laugh particularly at one’s self which is the healing, the cure. It is this that makes it possible for you to pick up and to go along with whatever task you are presented. If you can laugh at yourself you can keep your head up in that Wisdom, regardless of where your feet may be walking or what your astral body may be doing (how much lalopping is going on). Still, if you are able to laugh you will keep your head in the Wisdom. If your head will stay up in the Wisdom, you can reach up every now and then and take a breath of it into yourself. Then it has to rub off; it has to come down to the feet and be grounded where you walk. It meets with the earth upon which you walk.

Applied Wisdom, Page 813

Humanity today is undergoing a difficult transition of which it knows little. It is completing the first initiation and approaching the second as a race, fluctuating between the emotional aspect of its nature, and the mental. It is learning to react to life intelligently, rather than with just its emotions. As it becomes more and more polarized in the mental aspect, it comes closer to the revelation of its own Soul. Still, humanity does have the freedom of choice and should it decide to continue along its selfish path to destruction, it will undergo another period of dark ages in which the Spiritual Soul will be unrealized and the completion of the first initiation still waiting.

My brothers, unless humanity wakes up to the fact of brotherhood and completes the first initiation, that power that creates wars, hunger, hatred, fear, sickness, etc., cannot be balanced. Humanity, to live in peace, must learn to practice the Law of Love as taught by every great Savior of the race.

The Western world looks to Jesus as its Savior, and Jesus exemplified more than anything else the spiritual Being of Divine Love. Why then, is this law so difficult for humanity to know, and even more difficult for it to practice?

Applied Wisdom, Page 917

Humanity is differentiated from the three lower kingdoms in that it is aware of itself as a conscious thinking entity. A human being can think and speak in terms of “I,” and can reason to a degree. This does not necessarily mean that a human being was once a rock, or a vegetable, or an animal, for only human beings are individualized. Since a human being has individuality, one could not have been a rock, vegetable, or animal, for none of these three lower kingdoms has individuality. Yet, all five kingdoms in nature meet, and are represented, within humanity. Within ourselves, we find the mineral kingdom, the vegetable kingdom, the animal kingdom, the human kingdom, and the Soul kingdom represented. The fact that humanity is both animal and human has been recognized by science. It is yet to be recognized and accepted that it is also a young god.

Applied Wisdom, Page 919

Surprisingly enough, the greatest glamour in regard to this particular subject lies in the area (the branches of clairaudience and clairvoyance) and the idea of Masters appearing and of talking to disciples. If a Master appears and talks to you, he will do so in a physical body in company with others. He will not appear in some astral form. Neither will He ever speak to you in words in astral or mental levels. You have no way of ascertaining who the owner of such a voice or appearance might be. It is a rather simple matter for the mind itself to conjure up such a vision, for it to deliver to the consciousness such words. It is also a rather simple matter in certain cases of advanced sensitivity beyond the expansion of consciousness, for one to come into contact with an impostor on astral levels. You have no way of knowing the difference between a Master or a member of the Black Lodge if he were to appear before you or to speak with you in such a way, or some discarnate entity, or even a misdirected deva. By realizing and transmitting such realization that no Master will take this means of communication, you will aid in cleaning up this particular area of the danger.

Applied Wisdom, Page 1019

What is consciousness? You have been told that consciousness is not an energy, it is that which lies between the devic polarity of purpose and the devic polarity of intelligent activity. Yet, consciousness is an aspect of every part or relationship of the pairs of opposites. There can be no oppositional force without this intermediate field between.

Therefore, consciousness is not just that of the Christ in the ultimate, but it, consciousness, is every point of interplay within any true polarity, upon any level, upon any frequency. We call this, in part, a magnetic field. It is a magnetic field and within this magnetic field there is an interplay of energies, but the magnetic field itself is a quality. That quality is present within the intrinsic nature of each and every ray, so that the first ray of Purpose has its quality as well as its energy and its frequency. The third, the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, and the seventh rays have their quality, as well as, their energy and frequency. That quality is within the intrinsic nature of the ray itself, and might almost be said to be the consciousness aspect of that ray, for, remember, each and every thing is a triangle.

Applied Wisdom, Page 1040

What is consciousness? Do you define it as Soul? A state of being aware? As the magnetic field of awareness between spirit and matter? Let us take this approach: the magnetic field of awareness, of beingness, between spirit and matter, that positive pole, your Spiritual Aspect, your focused individuality, your identification within the One Life, we speak of as the Monad. Your negative pole of manifestation, the Matter Aspect, the reflection of the individualized identification within the One Life, is the mental ego, the “I” consciousness focused within the physical brain. Imagine—visualize a line of light extending downward from the Monadic focus of spiritual fire which is your spiritual identification, into the physical brain to anchor itself as a conscious “I”—a conscious individuality incarnate within the three planes of human endeavor. Now what is it that is conscious? Is it the Monad, or is it the mental ego? It is neither. It is that consciousness thread which we have visualized as a line of light which moves out of the Monadic center and down into the mental ego center.

One identification is of spirit, the other of form. As these two identifications act and react one upon the other, there is created between them an ever widening sphere of awareness—an ever widening sphere of that consciousness of being. As that consciousness reflects itself upon the different frequencies of spirit and matter, what we refer to as states of consciousness are created. For instance, there is that state of consciousness which is identified with and within the form, which literally powers itself into form, gives itself to form. There is that state of consciousness which is identified as Soul, which gives itself to both spirit and matter, to both Monad or the will-to-be and form, and which, as it comes into its higher identification as Christ, mediates between spirit and matter or Monad and the mental ego or mental form. There is that state of consciousness which we refer to as Monadic, as consciousness of the Christ, as Master, since it has mastered the form nature.

Applied Wisdom, Pages 1091-1092

Your nation is entering a period in her development when her peoples must be willing to share their wealth with others, to the conscious sacrifice of unnecessary luxuries, or lose her position as a spiritual leader in the world. Such sharing has been carried out in the recent past almost unconsciously, and without real loss, but the day of awakening is at hand when American destiny, among other things, is to bring freedom and equality of opportunity to human beings everywhere. The cost will be her great wealth, for with it she will buy democratic government for every man and woman upon the planet. This is the Spiritual Purpose underlying her role as the great capitalist in the world.

Applied Wisdom, Page 1103

The new system of sharing will not take into consideration a return. In other words, there will not be the giving in return for something received. The new system does not necessarily mean that money cannot be used (let Me put it that way). But as the new system comes into its own, there will be no need for money. You are not grasping the evolution of the concept. Barter is based upon the system of giving and receiving in return for that which is given. The new system will be based upon a system of sharing—of giving—not for return.

Applied Wisdom, Page 1133

The new system which does not require money, is based upon a system of sharing—a system of giving—not in return for anything.

You do not need to go so high and so subjective as to discuss Divine supply. Actually the world supply is inexhaustible. There is, within the economy of humanity, all that is needed to fulfill the requirements of humanity, both in the physical, the emotional, and the mental aspect of humanity. The new system then will be based upon the giving of those requirements where they are needed, not in exchange for anything.

Applied Wisdom, Page 1134

For instance, your known history takes you but a little way along the backward path that humanity has taken. But even that little bit of history shows you the pattern of the rise and fall of civilizations. Could you but know it, since the Atlantean period a number of civilizations reached the same degree of development which the outer form appears have reached today, and in each instance that civilization has destroyed itself. Humanity has gone through, in each case, a recapitulation of its evolutionary development from the time of primitive animal man to this present development today—not once, but a number of times since the Atlantean catastrophe.

Such knowledge, such information, were you to take it alone, could give rise to a tremendous sense of futility within the disciple, hopelessness, and in many cases could immobilize him insofar as a renewed service effort is concerned. And this, too, has occurred in past times.

Applied Wisdom, Page 1141

The Soul is group conscious. It is impossible to become aConscious Soul Incarnate as an individual. The Conscious Soul can only incarnate in a group instrumentality. We are building a vehicle for this, so that the Divine Plan can manifest for humanity the growth and development of humanity. We will attract those who are karmically ready when we are ready, not that they may not be ready, but that we aren’t ready yet.

Applied Wisdom, Page 656

The Khrushchevs or the Stalins are the focal point through which the will of those people whom they are (shall we say) governing, ruling, oppressing, is being worked out. It is impossible for a dictator to remain unless the will of the people would have it so. That will may not be seen, it may not be obvious, but he who governs is but a vehicle.

Applied Wisdom, Page 1161

Consider: where there is a form there is within that form an incarnate, and on that level an imprisoned, consciousness.

Applied Wisdom, Page 1454

At this particular time in human evolution, growth without conflict is impossible.

Applied Wisdom, Page 1492

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The Law of Vibration



Oct 4, 2016

The Law of Vibration

DK mentions many different laws and discusses their effects but rarely does he give out a simple definition so the average reader can clearly understand what he is getting at.

Hopefully, this series on the laws will fill in some gaps and aid understanding.

So… What is The Law of Vibration

Anyway? Is all the meaning behind it merely the fact that all things vibrate? That’s not much to go on here. Let us look deeper.

He tells us that it is one of the four subsidiary laws under the Law of Economy as well as as an aspect of the basic law of building.” It is also linked to the Law of Color and Motion.

All things considered there are two important principles to understand in considering this law.

The first is that it is the foundation of all manifestation as we know it.

The Law of Vibration, the basis of manifestation, starting on the first plane.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 569

The Law of Vibration.–This is the law of the first plane, and it governs all the atomic subplanes of each plane. It marks the beginning of the work of the Logos, the first setting in motion of mulaprakriti (undifferentiated matter). On each plane the vibration of the atomic subplane sets in motion the matter of that plane. It is the key measure.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 574

Thus we see that all creation as we know it, on all the planes was initiated by vibration.

And what is vibration? You could say it is the essence of form, light and sound.

And what creates these three?

The wavelength. Sound, light and matter are all created by wavelengths of different frequencies. All vibration is merely a series of wavelengths.

It is interesting that as science explores deeper and deeper into matter they can find nothing that is solid. All they can find for sure are vibrating wavelengths.

The great mystery is that which creates the wavelength which in turn creates vibration which, in another turn, creates all there is.

When we look at the wavelength we see the Trinity in manifestation. The originating power we can call purpose (First Ray), the top of the wavelength is love (Second Ray) and the bottom of the wavelength is Light (Third Ray). All this is projected by a decision from the one Great Life we call God and then differentiates into all there is. Note the illustration below.

I expand on this initiating vibration in my book, The Molecular Relationship. LINK

After creation occurs we are then surrounded by innumerable vibrations. The more refined vibrations are on the higher planes and the coarser ones on the lower. This material plane is the densest of them all. Having descended to the lowest rung, we must seek to understand the second principle involved in this law, which is threefold.

  • First we must become spiritually sensitive so that different levels of vibration can be sensed.
  • Secondly, the disciple must learn how one vibration effects another to effect positive change. On this DK says:

It will be found that the comprehension of the law of vibration, and the effect of one vibration upon another vibration holds the key to the establishing of better conditions of living, and of sound bodies on all planes.

Letters on Occult Meditation, Pg 243

The science of this aspect operates on the principle of entrainment. That is when you have two vibrations within close proximity they will synchronize and soon will be vibrating to the same frequency. It is interesting that the lower vibration will harmonize with the higher, rather than the other way around.

An example of this entrainment can be found when you strike a note consistently on a piano the same note will vibrate on a nearby guitar with no one playing it.

Leave several grandfather clocks with their pendulums swinging out of sync and after a time they will all be found to swing in harmony.

Using this principle the disciple can influence the vibration of others in a positive way. Unfortunately a great hurdle in the way are the various vibrations of group thoughtforms that cause many people to mindlessly go along with is vibration and react the same way. The disciple must learn to override this and send out a higher vibration that ill eventually cause many to vibrate to a higher note or octave.

  • Finally, we must follow that perception of vibrations to ascend from the lower vibration state to the higher. The disciple must not be satisfied staying on his current frequency even though it may be higher than his associates. He must seek to ascend by tuning into higher vibrations such as:
  1. His own soul and eventually the monad and monad groups.
  2. High entities in the spirit world.
  3. The Masters and eventually Shamballa

The seekers must continue to ascend until they find themselves back untied to the Source to enjoy the great rest of pralaya.

For additional light I have included some quotes from DK on the Law of Vibration below:

A gradual grasp of the Law of Vibration as an aspect of the basic law of building; the initiate learns consciously to build, to manipulate thought matter for the perfecting of the plans of the Logos, to work in mental essence, and to apply the law of mental levels and thereby affect the physical plane. Motion originates cosmically on cosmic mental levels, and in the microcosm the same order will be seen. There is an occult hint here that will reveal much if pondered upon. At initiation, at the moment of the application of the Rod, the initiate consciously realises the meaning of the Law of Attraction in form building, and in the synthesis of the three fires. Upon his ability to retain that realisation and himself to apply the law, will depend his power and progress

Initiation, Human and Solar, Pg 140

The Ray Path.

It is difficult to know by what other name to call this Path, as so little is known about it. In treading it, a man stays on his own ray, and works thereon in the various kingdoms on all the planes, carrying out the behests of the Lord of the World, and working under His direction. It carries a man to every part of the solar system, yet links him definitely with the synthetic ray. It is a very complex path, for it necessitates a capacity for the most intricate mathematics, and an ability to geometrise in a manner incomprehensible to our three-dimensional brains. This path is taken by the man to whom the law of vibration is of profound importance. He works first in the council chamber of the Lord of the World at Shamballa, manipulating the law of vibration on his own ray. Later he will have his habitat on the planet corresponding to his own ray, and not on the earth unless he is on the ray of the Planetary Logos holding sway upon the earth. Later again as his evolution progresses, he will pass to the sun; then having mastered all connected with vibration in this system he will pass to the cosmic system, going off his own ray (which is but a subsidiary ray of one cosmic ray), on to the corresponding cosmic ray.

Initiation, Human and Solar, Pg 188

Later, when the knowledge of occult healing is more familiar, and the laws which govern the subtle bodies are more known, physical plane science will be superseded by the preventive science of the subtler planes, that science which aims at the provision of right conditions and the building of bodies that are both self-protecting and neutral to all attack. It will be found that the comprehension of the law of vibration, and the effect of one vibration upon another vibration holds the key to the establishing of better conditions of living, and of sound bodies on all planes.

Letters on Occult Meditation, Pgs 242-243

A number of people who know somewhat the rudiments of the law of vibration, and can definitely, by the power of thought, apply certain waves of colour to effect certain cures, and bring about, through scientific comprehension, the desired results.

Letters on Occult Meditation, Pg 246

Experiments can be made along the line of vitalisation and magnetisation, which involve direct action on the etheric, and this again will be found hid in the law of vibration and of colour.

Letters on Occult Meditation, Pg 247

The Law of Vibration will gradually, therefore, be more and more understood, and be seen to govern action in all of the three departments of the Manu, the World Teacher and the Mahachohan. It will find its basic expression and its familiar terminology in those of colour and sound. Emotional disorder will be regarded as discordant sound; mental lethargy will be expressed in terms of low vibration, and physical disease will be numerically considered. All constructive work will eventually be expressed in terms of numbers, by colours, and through sound.

Letters on Occult Meditation, Pg 252


The expression “the sounding of the Word” must not be too literally interpreted; the esoteric “sounding forth” is based upon a study of the Law of Vibration, and the gradual tuning of the lower vibrations of the sheaths or vestures of consciousness so that they synchronise with the note or sound of the conscious indweller. Speaking correctly, the Word is to be sounded by the soul or the ego on its own plane, and the vibration will subsequently affect the various bodies or vehicles which house that soul.

the Light of the Soul, Pg 58

When truth to all beings is perfected, the effectiveness of his words and acts is immediately to be seen – and it leads on to the consummation dealt with in the sutra under consideration – the effectiveness of all words and acts to convey reality or truth as it is. This sutra gives the clue to the work of the magician and is the basis for the great science of mantras or of words of power which are the equipment of every adept

Through an understanding of,

  1. The law of vibration,
  2. The science of sound,

The Light of the Soul, Pg 195

When the relation of the five senses to the five elements (ether, air, fire, water and earth) is understood, and the Law of Vibration is studied and mastered, the adept can then turn to useful purposes all the powers of his nature. He not only can enter into communication with all parts of our planetary system but can also use discriminatingly and wisely all those parts of his own nature which are allied to, or correspondences of the nature of God as shown in the macrocosm.

The Light of the Soul, Pg 352

There are seven systemic laws, which govern the manifestation of our solar Logos:

  1. The Law of Vibration.
  2. The Law of Cohesion.
  3. The Law of Disintegration.
  4. The Law of Magnetic Control.
  5. The Law of Fixation.
  6. The Law of Love.
  7. The Law of Sacrifice and Death.

Each of these Laws manifests primarily on one or other of the seven planes of the solar system.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 6

The subsidiary laws under the Law of Economy are four in numberThe Law of Vibration, dealing with the key note or measure of the matter of each plane. By knowledge of this law the material of any plane in its seven divisions can be controlled.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 219

The Law of Vibration, the basis of manifestation, starting on the first plane.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 569The Law of Vibration.–This is the law of the first plane, and it governs all the atomic subplanes of each plane. It marks the beginning of the work of the Logos, the first setting in motion of mulaprakriti. On each plane the vibration of the atomic subplane sets in motion the matter of that plane. It is the key measure. We might sum up the significance of this law in the words, “light” or “fire.” It is the law of fire; it governs the transmutation of differentiated colours back to their synthesis. It controls the breaking up of the One into the seven, and then the reabsorption back into the One. It is really the basic law of evolution, which necessitates involution. It is analogous to the first movement the Logos made to express Himself through this solar system. He uttered the Sound, a threefold Sound, one sound for each of His three systems, and started a ripple on the ocean of space. The Sound grows in volume as time progresses, and when it has reached its full volume, when it is fully completed, it forms one of the notes in the major cosmic chord. Each note has six subtones, which, with the first, make the seven; the Law of Vibration, therefore, comprises eighteen lesser vibrations and three major, making the twenty-one of our three systems. Two multiplied by nine (2×9), makes the necessary eighteen, which is the key number of our love system. Twenty-seven holds hid the mystery of the third system.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 574

The Law of Vibration is the law of progress, of movement and of rotation. On the seventh or lowest plane, the vibration is slow, clogged and lethargic from the standpoint of the first, and it is in learning to vibrate or to rotate more rapidly, that we mount the path of return. It involves, therefore necessarily, the building in of finer matter into the vehicles, both deva and human. In this second system, on the five planes of human evolution, we have the five vehicles – physical, astral, mental, buddhic and atmic – which have all to be purified, rarefied, intensified and refined. In the two lowest, the physical and the astral, only matter of the five higher subplanes, of their respective planes, is to be found, for the two lowest subplanes are too low for deva or human bodies; they were dominated in the first system. The mental body is the first in which we find matter of all the subplanes. The aim of evolution for us is love dominated by intelligence, or intelligence dominated by love, for the interaction will be complete. The human race came into the chain at a point where it naturally took bodies of the fifth astral and physical subplanes, and we can see here an analogy to the coming into the fourth root-race of the more advanced Egos.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pgs 575-576

In a mysterious way this law (The Law of Sacrifice and Death) is the reverse side of the first, or the Law of Vibration.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 597

Yet all three effects are felt in spirit-matter; all proceed under the law of vibration, and this law is literally the response of deva substance to force emanating from some conscious or unconscious source.

Treatise on Cosmic Fire, Pg 644

The sound of the AUM, the sound of the OM, and the SOUND itself, are all related to vibration and its differing and varied effects. The secret of the Law of Vibration is progressively revealed as people learn to sound forth the WORD in its three aspects.

The Rays and the Initiations, pg 132

The law of vibration and the study of atomic substance are closely intertwined. When more is known about these atoms and their action, reaction and inter-action, then people will control their bodies scientifically, synchronizing the laws of vibration and of rhythm. They are the same and yet unlike. They are phases of the law of gravitation.

A Treatise on White Magic, Pgs 65-66

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Your Place on the Path


Oct 2, 2016

Your Place on the Path

Yesterday’s quote read:

“To correctly assess your place on the spiritual path is a great accomplishment. Then you can see the next step to be taken.”

To this a reader asks: “But how do I do that? Do you know your path?”

This is a question of concern for many seekers. What confuses matters more is that most of those who do proclaim their position, or that they are on their last life, are generally way off the mark and give the wrong impression of what an advanced disciple is supposed to be.

The best way to find out is to get confirmation through your own soul, but before that happens you must assess your own self to the best of your ability. Many people think they have received from their soul when they have merely received from their ego filtered through their astral body.

There are four hurdles that each seeker must pass.

The first the maya or illusion caused by the pull of matter. To overcome this the disciple must get control over his physical passions and appetites. Here are some indications of success:

  • If he decides to go on a certain diet or fast he has the power to do it.
  • If he commits to a relationship he will be faithful and will not yield to sexual temptation. He will be faithful to the sexual virtues of his belief system.
  • If he has a goal that demands a harsh physical regimen he can stick to it.
  • Basically, by the force of his will he has a measure of control over the pull of matter which draws him to the path of lest resistance. He can take the path of most resistance and not back down.

This mastery is essential to the first initiation.

The next hurdle is even more difficult and this is to gain mastery over your emotional body.

A few signs of such mastery are:

  • Generally returning good for evil.
  • The person does not respond negatively to insults.
  • He releases his emotions and does not allow them to bottle up.
  • He has neutralized guilt.
  • Slow to anger
  • Does not seek revenge.
  • Has his ego in check so glamour does not control him.

When the emotional body and ego are under control the seeker has basically arrived at the Second Initiation.

The third hurdle is the mastery of illusion which thing has little meaning to the masses because they are controlled by it and often do not see illusion which stares them in the face.

For instance, there is great illusion on both sides of the political spectrum and is one of the reasons that well meaning people on the left and the right have such a huge divide in what they see as truth.

It is ironic that we will often have first and second degree initiates on both sides opposing each other – not because of lack of virtue, but because of illusion. They both sincerely believe the other is misled. In case of a rift one of them is always in error and often both are.

The main question to ask yourself to see if you have mastered illusion is this:

Can I see and understand true principles though soul contact and have I proven to my self that such vision is totally reliable?

Many who have not mastered illusion will answer yes to that question, but if nothing else it will supply a seed thought for reflection on the path to liberation.

So what do you do if you have studied all you can and are still not sure of your place on the path?

The answer is that you certainly do not give up and do nothing. Your life experience and the whisperings from your soul will give you clues. Follow the highest you know doing some type of service that will be helpful to others. If it turns out you have made the wrong decision and should be following another direction the truth will be revealed to you as you move along. But the key is that you must move. Do not become lazy and stand still for any length of time.

For more of my writings on this subject go to these links:

Higher and Lower Feelings

The Next Step

Quotes about the Path

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The Law of Karma, Part 6


Sept 18, 2016

The Law of Karma

Or Cause and Effect – Part 6

Making Sense of Karma

Since none of us have all the answers when we all reach our individual ring-pass-not we are perplexed for a time, but then when we preserver we eventually break through and new understanding comes.

In the past I have stressed that good is that which moves us ahead in evolution and evil is that which holds us back. There is another way of looking at it as pointed out in the Aquarian Gospel.

It points out that evil is not necessarily the opposite of good, but good which is out of tune.

In other words good is playing the scale on a piano which is in tune. The sound is pleasant. But if the C note is out of tune then the sound is not pleasing. Now the C note does not have an opposite evil note, but this one note does have millions of variations which are close but out of tune, or evil.

When we are out of tune with the soul then we sound unpleasant notes and our actions are out of harmony, or what some would call evil. Even those who are out of tune are still trying to play good music, but the effort is fruitless until they attune themselves to the highest available within themselves.

Question: How does karma relate to this scripture about Cain: “And the Lord said unto him, therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him SEVENFOLD. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.” Gen 4:15

Those who seek to kill those who have the mark of Cain, which was set by God, is symbolic of those who are willing to do anything including murder to thwart higher will being accomplished on the earth. Such people incur a higher weight of karma for their deed has a more lasting effect.

The New Testament gives the correct law of karma which states: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” Gal 6:7

He shall not reap seven times what he sows, but an equivalent to what he sows.

Keep in mind also that there are numerous ways to pay off karma. The payment is always equivalent, but not always in similar kind.

If you owe a neighbor a cup of sugar he or she may be happy with a glass of wine, the loan of a newspaper or just good conversation for the payment.

Chapter 138 of the Aquarian Gospel give some interesting teachings on karma.

1 THE Lord with Peter, James and John were in Jerusalem; it was the Sabbath day.

2 And as they walked along the way they saw a man who could not see; he had been blind from birth.

3 And Peter said, Lord, if disease and imperfections all are caused by sin, who was the sinner in this case? the parents or the man himself?

4 And Jesus said, Afflictions all are partial payments on a debt, or debts, that have been made.

5 There is a law of recompense that never fails, and it is summarised in that true rule of life:

6 Whatsoever man shall do to any other man some other man will do to him.

7 In this we find the meaning of the Jewish law, expressed concisely in the words, Tooth for a tooth; life for a life.

8 He who shall injure any one in thought, or word, or deed, is judged a debtor to the law, and some one else shall, likewise, injure him in thought, or word or deed.

9 And he who shed the blood of any man will come upon the time when his blood shall be shed by man.

10 Affliction is a prison cell in which a man must stay until he pays his debts unless a master sets him free that he may have a better chance to pay his debts.

11 Affliction is a certain sign that one has debts to pay.

12 Behold this man! Once in another life he was a cruel man, and in a cruel way destroyed the eyes of one, a fellow man.

13 The parents of this man once turned their faces on a blind and helpless man, and drove him from their door.

14 Then Peter asked, Do we pay off the debts of other men when by the Word we heal them, drive the unclean spirits out, or rescue them from any form of sore distress?

15 And Jesus said, We cannot pay the debts of any man, but by the Word we may release a man from his afflictions and distress,

16 And make him free, that he may pay the debts he owes, by giving up his life in willing sacrifice for men, or other living things.

17 Behold, we may make free this man that he may better serve the race and pay his debts.

18 Then Jesus called the man and said, Would you be free? would you receive your sight?

19 The man replied, All that I have would I most freely give if I could see.

20 And Jesus took saliva and a bit of clay and make a salve, and put it on the blind man’s eyes.

21 He spoke the Word and then he said, Go to Siloam and wash, and as you wash say, Jahhevahe. This do for seven times and you shall see.

22 The man was led unto Siloam; he washed his eyes and spoke the word, and instantly his eyes were opened and he saw.

Copyright by J J Dewey

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Toward Intelligent Progress, Part 7


Sep 25, 2016

Toward Intelligent Progress, Part 7


The Left is correct that we need to show compassion toward refugees, but the right is correct to point out that the people of Islam pose a higher statistical danger than those of other beliefs and some screening is necessary for the sake of national security.

Neither the left or the right believe that all Muslims are a threat, but we cannot escape the fact that a certain percentage are dangerous and this must be taken into consideration.

King Abdullah II of Jordan certainly sounds like one of the good Muslims and addressed terrorism in his remarks to the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, Sept 20, 2016) portraying the “network of extremist terrorists” as a force seeking “global dominance” so they can “erase human civilization, and drag us back to the dark ages.”

“My friends, when the outlaws of Islam, the khawarej, murder; when they plunder; when they exploit children and reject the equality of women before God, they abuse Islam,” Abdullah declared. “When the khawarej persecute minorities, when they deny freedom of religion – they abuse Islam.”

“Islam teaches that all humanity is equal in dignity. There is no distinction among different nations or regions or races. The Qur’an forbids coercion in religion. Every citizen is guaranteed the state’s protection for their lives, families, properties, honour, privacy, and freedom of religion and thought,” said Abdullah, who further argued that true Muslims “believe in the divine origin of the Bible and the Torah,” noting how often Moses, Jesus, and Mary are mentioned in the Koran.

Many Muslims, like King Abdullah, have advanced beyond the taking of all passages in black and white terms just as many Christians have with their own scriptures. Many are starting to put emphasis on the positive messages of the Quran rather than the negative and in this type of spiritual evolution lies great hope for Islam and the world

So, what should we do about the refugee problem then? Before we answer that problem we need to ask what their situation is now?

Many have a wrong idea of the situation of most of them seeing them as wandering hopelessly through the desert not knowing where their next food or drink will come from. The truth is most of the refugees outside Syria are living in a camp of some kind with their necessities taken care of, often including schooling for the children. There are certainly a number without shelter in Syria itself, but there’s no way to count them or assist them until they are registered with a neighboring nation or the U.N.

By last count (according to Wikipedia) there are almost 5 million registered as refugees and over a million more assumed to be unregistered. Fortunately, most of them have been taken in my neighboring Islamic countries where there is no clash of belief systems. Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan have taken in most of them totaling 4,431,000 registered refugees with a total of around 5,500,000 total.

There are an additional 6.5 million displaced people within Syria itself. These are equivalent to the homeless here in the United States. Many are in some type of tent city camp and others and looking for a permanent shelter.

At least these have an advantage over our homeless. When the homeless here attempt to build a tent city the government forces them to take it down while refugees suffer no such restrictions.

Assisting nations have donated over $17 billion in assistance with the United States giving $4.7 billion. This goes to various service organizations that assist the refugees with their necessities.

Unfortunately, there is always more in need in this world than there is power to assist. Where much attention is drawn to the 6.5 million of the displaced people in Syria many are not aware that there are many displaced in other nations.

Recent records indicate there are 6 million in Columbia, Iraq (3.6 million), the Democratic Republic of the Congo (2.8 million), Sudan (2.2 million), South Sudan (1.6 million), Pakistan (1.4 million), Nigeria (1.2 million) and Somalia (1.1 million).

In Iraq where there was a great displacement of Christians, instead of anyone taking them in many were merely exterminated. Although one of the most ancient civilizations in the world, Iraq’s Christian population has fallen from around 1.5 million in 2003 to far below 200,000 now in what many scholars condemn as tantamount to genocide.

There was little worry about any of these turning into terrorists, but their cries for help were ignored.

Here in America we have around three million who are displaced or homeless in any given year and an estimated 564,000 any given night.

The bottom line is this. Syrian refugees are just one of many who need assistance and many of them are in a better situation than the homeless right here in the USA, many who wind up sleeping under a bridge or in a city park. Others in the winter fight for their lives against freezing temperatures.

Since we cannot help all people in need of assistance the question becomes, who do we help?

We are already giving over $4 billion to assist Syrians, but plans in in place to accept many refugees. The government has plans to spend least $64,000 for each refugee settled here.

How does this compare with the cost of assisting our own homeless?

Over 40% of the homeless in the United States are parents with children which would mean that there are at least two people involved in the average homeless situation. If we took that $64,000 refugee cost and applied it to two homeless people then that would give us $128,000 in assisting them with shelter. We could rent them an apartment for $800 a month and house them for 13 years for that amount, or $128,000 would purchase a modest dwelling in many cities.

In addition to this the homeless pose a very low security risk.

The bottom line is that we cannot help everyone, but we should help where we can. As it is, we have to borrow money from our grandchildren and run up the national debt to help those within our own country increasing the danger of killing the goose that lays the golden egg.

Overall assistance to refugees is most cost effective in give financial assistance to the U.N. to help settle refugees in their own lands among people of similar belief systems.

Those in need of assistance will be with us for some time to come. The best we can do at present is to sharpen our pencils and do our best to make sure our assistance dollars are spent as wisely as possible so the maximum number can be helped.

Those immigrants and refugees that are accepted should be willing to abide by the oath required of naturalized citizens which is as follows:

“I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”

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Toward Intelligent Progress, Part 6


Sep 22, 2016

Toward Intelligent Progress, Part 6

To Profile or Not

The problems of wisely dealing with immigration, illegal immigration and refugees are similar. Here are some that need to be considered.

  • The number of people we can assimilate
  • Are any of them a security threat? If so what kind of percentage are we talking about?
  • How carefully should they be screened before allowed to stay?
  • Will they assimilate with our way of life and support our constitutional government?
  • Do they have needed skills?

In the past the United States has been quite liberal in accepting refugees. We have been very accepting of refugees fleeing totalitarian systems such as the old Soviet Union, Cuba and others. One of the reasons for our acceptance is that many refugees in the past seemed happy to adopt our way of life and Democratic government, feeling it is much superior to the one they are fleeing.

Unfortunately, the refugee problem as well as immigration has become more complicated since 2001, after the 9/11 attack. Since all the 19 Hijackers were devout Muslims many people have become concerned about members of this religion entering this country. Then it hasn’t helped that most of the terror attacks worldwide and within the country since then have been perpetrated by members of the Islamic faith.

People have thus becomes divided into two camps as far as accepting Muslim immigrants and refugees.

(1) Those who think Muslim immigrants should be carefully screened to make sure they will support the American System and not pose a threat.

Quite a few throughout the world seem to be in this category as here are results from Pew research:

A median of 50% across four Western European countries, the U.S. and Russia called Muslims violent and a median of 58% called them “fanatical,”

(2) Those who think any type of profiling is Islamophobic – that it would be wrong to look any more closely at them than anyone else.

So, does the first group have a point or should Muslims be of no more concern to us than any other belief system?

Let us take a look Muslims in the United States. Here are some statistics on their thinking according to polls.

  • 51% agree that “Muslims in America should have the choice of being governed according to Shariah Law. 51% also agreed that they should have the choice of American or Shariah courts, or that they should have their own tribunals to apply Shariah. Only 39% of those polled said that Muslims in the U.S. should be subject to American courts.
  • Nearly a quarter of the Muslims in America polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”
  • Nearly one-fifth of Muslim respondents said that the use of violence in the United States is justified in order to make Shariah the law of the land in this country.
  • Pew Research revealed that 26% of younger Muslims in America believe suicide bombings are justified.

Here are just a few elements of Shariah Law that so many support:

  • Criticizing or denying any part of the Quran is punishable by death.
  • Criticizing Muhammad or denying that he is a prophet is punishable by death.
  • Criticizing or denying Allah, the god of Islam is punishable by death.
  • A Muslim who becomes a non-Muslim is punishable by death.
  • A non-Muslim who leads a Muslim away from Islam is punishable by death.
  • A non-Muslim man who marries a Muslim woman is punishable by death.
  • A man can beat his wife for insubordination.
  • A woman who has been raped cannot testify in court against her rapist(s).
  • A woman’s testimony in court, allowed in property cases, carries ½ the weight of a man’s.
  • A female heir inherits half of what a male heir inherits.
  • A woman cannot drive a car, as it leads to fitnah (upheaval).
  • A woman cannot speak alone to a man who is not her husband or relative.
  • Most think it supports the death penalty for gays

A cause of concern are conclusions published by Dr. Peter Hammond in his book, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam: The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat, published in 2005 where he examine what has happened throughout history when the number of Muslims in a country increases.

  • As long as the Muslims make up about 1%, they are generally considered a peace-loving minority who do not bother anyone.
  • At 2-3%, some start proselytizing to other minorities and disgruntled groups, especially in prison and among street gangs.
  • At 5%, Muslims have an unreasonably large influence relative to their share of the population. Many demand halal slaughtered meat, and have been pushing the food industry to produce and sell it. They have also started to work toward the government giving them autonomy under sharia law. Hammond writes that the goal of Islam is not to convert the whole world, but rather, to establish sharia law all over the world.
  • When Muslims reach 10%, historically, lawlessness increases. Some start to complain about their situation, start riots and car fires, and threaten people they feel insult Islam.
  • At 20%, violent riots erupt, jihadi militia groups are formed, people are murdered, and churches and synagogues are set ablaze.
  • When the Muslims reach 40% of the population, there are widespread massacres, constant terror attacks and militia warfare.
  • At 60%, there is the possibility of uninhibited persecution of non-Muslims, sporadic ethnic cleansing, possible genocide, implementation of sharia law and jizya (the tax for “protection” that unbelievers must pay).
  • When there are 80% Muslims in the country, they have taken control of the government apparatus and are, as in, for instance, Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iraq, committing violence in the name of Islam or political power.
  • When 100% are Muslims, the peace in the house of Islam is supposed to come — hence the claim that Islam is the “religion of peace.”

Indeed it does appear that there is a danger in letting wholesale numbers of Muslims into this country without some type of screening process. That said, then what should we do about the Syrian refugees in need of assistance? Should we just let them perish or is there a way to assist them? We’ll discuss this next.

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Toward Intelligent Progress, Part 5


Sep 20, 2016

Toward Intelligent Progress, Part 5

Immigration Control

The question here in the United States is how to solve the immigration problem.

Bill O’Reilly was one of the few to present a concrete solution which was this:.

“Require all illegal aliens in the country right now to register at the post office with Homeland Security. After registering, they would be given a tamper proof ID card, designating their status and their right to work temporarily in the USA. If the illegal aliens do not register, it’s a criminal felony. Right now sneaking across the border is a civil action. Remember that. Subjecting the person to immediate deportation or jail time. The criminal penalty goes way up.

“Any business that hires an illegal worker who doesn’t have a tamper proof ID card faces draconian fines and possible prison time for the executives.

“Each illegal alien would have his case reviewed by federal authorities. And they would decide who would receive a Z-visa to stay and who would not. That takes the blanket amnesty, something many American hate, off the table. It also allows the feds to make rational decisions about who’s helping America and who isn’t.”

This is a little better than the last immigration bill but it would create about the same degree of virtual amnesty. It would cause of lot of them to register, but that alone wouldn’t change much.

What else can we do? Most do admit it is impractical to round up over 11 million people and send them home. Should we just accept the fact that they are here and make the best of it and concentrate on sealing the borders?

The only other alternative I have heard is to just work with current laws and deport illegals as they are caught by authorities. This wouldn’t round up a large number at one time but a handful here and there until a difference is made. Then we create a liberal work program for those who come across the border legally.

Then perhaps, most important of all, is to control the border itself.


“So I think you are quite wrong in this case in saying that “it wouldn’t change much.” This would change quite a bit, and for the better in my opinion.”

Actually, what I said was “that alone wouldn’t change much.”

By “that alone” I meant his plan for granting Z visas, but as far as the whole package goes I think it would make a difference. It is probably the most effective plan out there that has gotten national attention. He said that 87 percent of those responding to an online survey approved of it.

On the other hand, I do not think it would ever get through Congress. There are too many people courting the Spanish American vote that see future voters in the illegals.

The sad thing is that this wouldn’t be a major problem now if immigration had been dealt with intelligently in the past. We have waited too long to deal with it but better late than never.

One of the problems we have with border security is there are many who advocate open (or near open) borders.

Their argument goes something like this.

“We are a nation of immigrants. Some of the early immigrants created problems and were not wanted yet we took them in. We are being hypocritical for not doing the same today.”

This argument is very flawed for two reasons:

In the early days of this country we had a sparse population with a whole country to settle. At that time it was logical to offer an open invitation to all who wanted to come. In addition, the vast majority of those who came wanted to be Americans.

Now that the nation is overpopulated by people demanding many free services from government an influx of unskilled labor is not so desirable. A certain amount is needed and these should be controlled through legal measures.

Another thing we hear is that they are doing work that others we will not do. “Who’s going to mow your lawn?” they ask.

Well, duh, a lot of people mow their own lawns and do their own gardens. We’ve had three different companies mow our lawn over the past ten years and they’ve all been white guys and they’ve all been at a reasonable cost. I wouldn’t know who to call to get an illegal to mow my lawn.

“But how about the fields and the orchards? Who is going to pick our fruit?”

The answer is that we have done this ourselves in the past and could do it again. I worked for six years picking fruit side by side with Mexicans from age 12 to 18. Back in those days about half the workers were white and half were Mexican. I got pretty good at it and was generally the fastest guy in the orchard. Usually the only time I got out-picked was by a seasoned Hispanic who had been at it for many years.

I made more money picking fruit than most of my friends with salaried jobs. We got paid by the pound and the more we picked the more we made. As a teenager, I bought all my own clothes, schoolbooks, hunting, fishing gear and other hobbies, a car, and some of my own food. If you figure inflation in I probably made around twenty dollars (USD) an hour. I was motivated though for my sister and I lived with our mom who worked for minimum wage, or picked fruit herself, and received no welfare or child support. If I didn’t make money myself then I had none.

The only reason we do not see teenagers out in the fields today is that we have gotten soft and there are so many illegals that we just let them do it and give the kids an allowance for taking out the trash.

Some cite the inscription on the Statue of Liberty as a reason for open immigration. The inscription reads:

“Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Notice the key phrase here is “yearning to breathe free.” In the early days this country was an oasis of freedom in the world and we wanted immigrants who would support democracy, even if they were poor and downtrodden. We were building a nation out of wide open spaces and the desire to have and maintain freedom was the character trait most cherished.

Today the nation is built and many immigrants are loyal to their home country and culture. We thus have to take another look at what we want in immigrants. The desire to breathe free always stands, but we need to continue to seek out immigrants with talent whether they be from Mexico, or other nations. Bill Gates tells us that the importing of talent is one of the main reasons for our current standard of living and if we do not continue to pursue it we could see a great decline. The poor and unskilled also can offer a great service but the number allowed in should be controlled to match the need for labor as well as considering national security.

There is a huge controversy brewing as to whether we should build a fence on our border with Mexico. It’s too bad circumstances have led to this possible solution but concerns over terrorists crossing the border as well as an overflow of aliens is such that it is now considered by many rank and file citizens.

Ironically few politicians support the idea. Never has there been such a divide between what the politicians think we should have and what the public thinks. The 2007 immigration bill was supported by most politicians, but not the public. It was only when politicians received a drove of angry letters from constituents that some backed off and the bill was defeated.

It was largely defeated because to the public’s ears it sounded too much like the last one that did not work. We were promised in the past that our borders would be made secure and they were not. This time the promise was not believed because there the bill had no teeth. The thinking of many is this. First secure the borders and then we can start thinking more liberally toward those who are here.

Congress approved a couple billion dollars to build a 700 mile fence and little has moved forward on the project. Citizens feel politicians are dragging their feet and have no intention on building a fence. Now Trump wanting to build a fence is accused of being mean spirited and racist.

The fact is we have a 2000 mile border with Mexico. We need to either build a fence across the entire border or none at all. Taking half measures will not protect us from either terrorists or too much illegal immigration.

Israel resisted building a fence for decades, but now that they have constructed one there has been a dramatic decrease of illegals and suicide bombers. The people near the fences are now able to live in much greater peace and security than before the fence.

The problem we have with a fence is that even if the public wants it the politicians are afraid to support building it. Why? Because both Democrats and Republicans see the Spanish Americans as the new largest minority in the country and want to cater to their votes. They seem to forget about other voters.

On the other hand, if we have another 9/11 and it is linked to smuggling WMDs across the border then there will be a lot of foot dragging politicians voted out and new ones put in.

If we do not build a fence then we need to increase border security and possibly bring in the national guard to secure the borders. Advanced technology could also be employed.

In addition to regular security measure we need to do all in our power to use our influence to change the Mexican system to a more democratic government with free enterprise and individual initiative encouraged. If the people have good employment there the illegal immigration problem will go away. We have made many loans and done numerous favors for Mexico without asking anything in return. We ought to ask for some reform.

Most illegals are hard working honest people but they have their share of the criminal element. Right now when an illegal is caught committing a crime he is usually sent to jail in a U.S. prison which often gives him a better life than he had in Mexico and costs us 30-40,000 USD a year.

What we ought to do with these guys is send them back to Mexico and pay the Mexican government to take care of them in their own prison system. That would make an illegal think twice about committing a crime here.

In addition we also have the Canadian border to worry about. It is true that we do not have a large influx of Canadians wanting to come here because they have a reasonable economy but a terrorist could make it across that border with way too much ease. Securing this border also needs serious investigation.

Securing our borders and way of life is a major problem at present and there is no easy solution. In addition, politicians do not have the will to impose anything but a feel-good solution. That could change in a heartbeat, however, by means of a WMD being smuggled across the border.

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Toward Intelligent Progress, Part 4


Sep 18, 2016

Toward Intelligent Progress, Part 4

Border Solutions

The Question:

Why is there such a problem with illegal immigration on the southern border with Mexico but not on the Northern border with Canada? How does this answer lead us to the long-term solution?

Most realize that it has nothing to do with skin color but the major difference in the two countries lies in the huge gap in their situation as far as a freedom, security and economics goes.

Canadians seem to feel as equally secure in these three areas as those living in the United States. Thus we do not have a big rush for them to come here. Instead, we have some Canadians moving here and some Americans moving there of their own free will. It is a fairly even exchange.

On the other hand, Mexico and Central America have tremendous problems with freedom, security and economics. This creates great impetus for the people to move to the United States any way they can get here.

We can’t place the major part of the blame on the common people south of us for the problem. If you or I were in the same situation we would also attempt to do whatever is necessary to provide for and protect our families. As usual, the major blame goes on the ruling classes, the powers-that-be in the government and the various power brokers in and out of the country.

The question is, what are we going to do to help Mexico become more like Canada and the U.S.A.?

Unfortunately, allowing a flood of illegals as well as lack of screening for drugs, criminals and possible terrorists would lead to us becoming more like Mexico rather than Mexico becoming like the U.S.

No matter what view one has on undocumented people and no matter how liberal one is there will always be a number coming in here that would cause a person to throw up his hands and say, : “Enough!”

Right now the number of illegals is about 11 million. For many that number crosses the line. Others have not reached their limit and invite more to come.

So what would happen if the number doubled to 22 million? With the lack of housing and increase in homelessness many of the very liberal would reach their limit and say enough.

And what if we reached out to all Central America, opened he doors and the number doubled again to 44 million?

The problems would be so great that even the most liberal people would reach their limit.

We’d be like the guy who had a fine home and opened his doors to all his friends family and homeless. Pretty soon his own living conditions were so bad that he moved out into a motel.

We must always be aware of the wise virgin principle. We must maintain enough of our resources so we can complete our own journey and maintain the strength to be of assistance to others. If we become like a poor country in Central America, our immigration problem will be solved because no one will want to come here and many will want to leave. That is certainly not the goal.

There is another issue that is of greater concern than families illegally crossing the border. This goes back to 9/11 and the fear that terrorists could cross the border and wreak more havoc. The possibility of a WMD going off in a major city is nerve racking indeed.

U.S. citizens have little concern that future terrorism could come from Mexican laborers crossing the border, but an increasing number of possible Islamic extremists could be coming across. This concern creates more fallout than normal toward illegal crossing with Mexico as well as a growing concern with the borders of Canada.

The first question to settle in this dispute is this: Does the United States have the moral authority to dictate who shall be allowed across its borders and conditions for admittance?

Before answering this, another question must be asked:

Why is it that the United States is the primary country where this question is even asked?

Why is the question not asked of Mexico, Canada and other countries? Just as the United States is richer than Mexico, Mexico is richer than its southern neighbors. Its citizens make about twice the amount as the Guatemalans on its border and over four times as much as those from Honduras. Just as the United States is concerned about an influx from the South so is Mexico. What is little known is that Mexico has stricter immigration laws than the United States.

An illegal alien entering Mexico can be fined and sentenced to up to two years in prison. When illegals are rounded up they are put in prisons that make detention in the U.S. look like paradise.

Often one will find dozens of male and female illegals together in one small room with no food, medical attention or any access to human rights privileges.

And how do they treat legal U.S. visitors who may want to stay there and work? If the U.S. citizen takes a job that could be done by a Mexican he can be sent to prison. It’s all right to retire there and spend our money, but not to make money.

That said, why then is the United States picked on, as if it were a big bully, for even considering it has the moral authority to decide who shall be allowed across its borders and conditions for admittance? It is very hypocritical for the rest of the world to point fingers of accusation at us when none of their own tolerance for illegals comes close to matching the U.S.

England, one of the more tolerant nations, has only 570,000 illegals. We have over 20 times that number.

Nations like Australia and New Zealand have the ideal situation. They are surrounded by thousands of miles of ocean which helps to minimize the problem there.

Now let is get back to our question:

“Does the United States have the moral authority to dictate who shall be allowed across its borders and conditions for admittance?”

The answer is yes, of course. If other nations have such moral authority then of course the U.S. does also. It is indeed a principle in nature that every life, whether it be a cell, an animal, human or state has the responsibility to look out for its own survival.

So when we look at the border situation it is interesting that we almost have reached the ideal situation with our northern border yet have one of the worst border situations with the southern.

The obvious solution is to help Mexico and other nations become more like Canada so the residents are happy being there. That is a huge project and one we cannot tackle in this limited treatise. But, it is one on which we need to focus, for so long as the southern nations are much poorer than the United States and have restrictive governments the people will want to leave and come here any way they can.

The first step in accomplishing this is to put some attention on making this happen and come up with a feasible plan. If we do not take concrete steps the problem will continue.

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