Going No More Out

Going No More Out

“Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.” Rev 3:11

The Master speaks of coming quickly several times in these series of instructions. Not only does it mean he could come unexpectedly but it also tells us there is no time to waste. The seeker must not take his eye off the ingredients he has accumulated that will bring him the crown of victory. He cannot just rest and think he can keep hold of his good qualities but must hold them “fast.” He must not take his mind off his inner light, else it dims, but keep his focus.

“Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.” Rev 3:12

Again, the word “overcometh” is used. This implies the disciple must do much more than merely confess Jesus and be saved as the old-time religion teaches. He must also do more than “go with the flow” as many new agers believe. Instead, he must overcome all the obstacles in the path of liberation and become a master of each of them as he moves forward.

Those who do overcome will be made “a pillar in the temple of my God…”

The fact that the disciple will become a pillar in the temple of God gives us a clue to the symbology of the temple. Obviously, the temple here is not a regular building of stone, but a living building constructed of actual beings who have overcome the pull of materialism and lower self.

Just as our physical bodies are made of millions of living cells, and called a temple in the scriptures, even so is the temple of God constructed of beings linked together in a divine order to construct the body of God called the temple of God. God, who is greater than the sum of his parts, inhabits and flows through every life within that great temple.

He who overcomes shall be more than a mere cell but a “pillar in the temple.” A pillar holds the temple up and keeps it standing. The pillars are also on the entrance to the building. This tells us that the one who overcomes becomes a pillar of strength, one upon whom others can lean and renew their strength. He stands at the entrance point to the kingdom of God and invites others to discover the kingdom within and explore all of its creations and joys.

A stanza from the “Affirmation of the Disciple” places this principle into beautiful words:

“I am a way by which men may achieve.

“I am a source of strength, enabling them to stand.

“I am a beam of light, shining upon their way.

“And thus I stand.”

Next, we are given a curious statement that he “shall go no more out.”

This statement is full of meaning on several layers. Let us discuss two of them.

(1) Each of us has the spark of the divine within, and when we “fall” into matter and take incarnation we lose that inner contact for many lifetimes. We have to keep coming back life after life until we fully manifest that inner spark. When this is accomplished we can return to the God State and go no more out, or no longer have to be reborn into the physical world.

(2) Going out no more implies more than not having to be reborn in the physical world; it also tells us that the seeker shall never again leave the consciousness of the Spirit, whether he be in the body or out of the body.

Some disciples overcome sufficiently to become a pillar of God in the higher worlds and do not have to “go out”, or be reborn, unless they decide to.

Being reborn for these “new pillars” is dangerous, however, for they can still get caught in the clutches of the lower forces and get trapped again in the physical world. It may take them a series of lifetimes to center themselves again so they can regain their status as a pillar. This is a chance many of them take for two reasons: first is the love of humanity and a desire to serve; second is to gain the final power to go in and out of incarnation yet keep their spiritual focus and alignment with purpose. When this mastery is gained the disciple truly is never out of the temple whether he be in the physical world or out of the world.

“and I will write upon him the name of my God,” If the disciple bears the name of God, he is indeed one with God as proclaimed by Jesus when he said “I and my Father are one.” Jesus also said “Ye are gods” to the people. (John 10:34). One of the names, or titles of God, is just the word “God.” If one bears this name he fulfills the scripture which tells us that we “are gods.”

In addition, the disciple bears the name of God when he discovers the presence of God who resides within him and identifies with this inner life above the outer world.

“…and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem,” He also has written within him the name of the city of God. What is the difference between the name of God and the name of the city? It is this: when we think of God we think of the One. When we think of a city we think of the many. The name of God is a symbol of the One Great Life that pervades all. The name of the city is the realization that through us God is also many, and all of us are part of the body or temple of God.

“which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name.” First, we need to correct a mistranslation. “I will write upon him” was added by the translators in an effort to make sense of the passage. This does not appear in the Greek. It should be translated as: “which cometh down out of heaven from my God and my new name.”

In other words, the city of God comes down out of heaven not only from God, but from the new name of the one who is speaking to the churches, the Christ; the Inner God.

Heaven refers to higher consciousness, and in that higher state the seeker finds the One God as well as the many in the New Jerusalem. This scripture adds some light:

“But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect.” Heb 12:22-23

What does it mean that the New Jerusalem not only comes from God, but from the new name?

For the seeker, the old name of God was a God without. He was in Heaven “up there.” He was the voice of the priest, the prophets or the words of the physical Bible. The new name of God is within and the inner voice may tell him things that he has never heard from the Bible or any physical teacher. From the new within he learns the good, the beautiful and the true, and links with the “innumerable company” that creates the New Jerusalem.

“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” Rev 3:13

Thus ends the letter with the repetition of good advice.

The Ray of Philadelphia

At Stage Six, the seeker is governed by Ray Two, The Ray of Love/Wisdom.

The ray for this is perhaps the most obvious, for the word Philadelphia means “brotherly love.” The key of David is mentioned and David means “beloved”, for David was a man after God’s own heart.

Feb 11, 2007

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